Australian Times weekly newspaper | 28 May 2013

Page 1

28 May - 3 June 2013 Issue: 465

CLARE STEWART For the love of film



An Indian feast at Cinnamon Club

CIRCA COMES TO TOWN Circus, with a twist

food & wine P6

entertainment P8



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Scandal fear led to sex abuse cover-up n Cardinal Pell apologises to inquiry for Catholic cover-up of child sex abuse.

By Genevieve Gannon with AAP AUSTRALIA’S most senior Catholic, Cardinal George Pell, has admitted the fear of scandal led to cover-up in the church. He said former Melbourne archbishop Sir Frank Little was involved in a coverup and a former Ballarat archbishop destroyed documents. He denied he personally covered up offending. “No. Never,” he told a Victorian parliamentary inquiry into child abuse on Monday. He agreed under questioning that the fear of scandal led to a cover-up. “The primary motivation would have been to respect the reputation of the church. “There was a fear of scandal.” Cardinal Pell, who is the Archbishop of Sydney and a former archbishop of Melbourne, has apologised for the abuse committed by clergy. “I’m fully apologetic and absolutely sorry,” he told the Victorian parliamentary inquiry into child sex abuse. “That is the basis for everything which I’ll say now.” Cardinal Pell said the church had dealt with child sex abuse “imperfectly” and had not understood the damage being done to victims. “I would agree that we’ve been slow to address the anguish of the victims and dealt with it very imperfectly,” he told the inquiry. “I think a big factor in this was not simply to defend the name of the church. “Many in the church did not understand just what damage was being




done to the victims. We understand that better now.” Cardinal Pell said the sodomy of children was always regarded as totally reprehensible. “If we’d been gossips, which we weren’t ... we would have realised earlier just how widespread this business was,” Cardinal Pell said. He admitted lives had been ruined as a result of the cover-ups. He agreed the systemic cover-up had allowed paedophile priests to prey on children. “I would have to say there is significant truth in that,” Cardinal Pell said. He did not believe there had been a culture of abuse. “I think the bigger fault was that nobody would talk about it, nobody would mention it. “I was certainly unaware of it. “I don’t think many, if any, persons in the leadership of the Catholic Church knew what a horrendous widespread mess we were sitting on.” Cardinal Pell agreed that placing paedophiles above the law and moving them to other parishes resulted in more heinous crimes being committed. “There’s no doubt about it that lives have been blighted. “There’s no about it that these crimes have contributed to too many suicides.” Cardinal Pell said the church is ready to pay victims whatever the law commands. Australian compensation - a maximum of $75,000 - was low compared to

GOODWIL HUNTING Wil Anderson surfaces in Soho | Interview P10

...continued on p3






Car summit called as Ford gives up PRIME MINISTER Julia Gillard has agreed to a summit on the future of car making, as she resists pressure from unions and Labor MPs to raise tariffs after Ford’s decision to stop manufacturing in Australia. Ford says about 1200 workers will lose their jobs at its two plants in Victoria by October 2016. The company’s profits have been squeezed by the high Australian dollar, making exports more expensive and imports cheaper. Ms Gillard and Treasurer Wayne Swan on Friday held talks with union and industry leaders in Sydney - as part of the regular national panel for economic reform meeting - at which they discussed Ford’s decision. The prime minister told the meeting she had agreed to the ACTU’s request for a “strategic discussion on the future of Australia’s automotive industry”. The summit is expected to involve members of the prime minister’s task force on manufacturing as well as other stakeholders. The panel meeting also heard calls for better policies to encourage Australian businesses to be more internationally competitive. Australia imposes a five per cent tariff on imported cars, but a number of Labor backbenchers and unions

...continued on p3

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2 | News

28 May - 3 June 2013

Perth biologist awarded Linnean Medal By Matt Dawson

Publisher: Bryce Lowry Editor: Alex Ivett Production/Design: Jackie Lampard News Editor: Paul Bleakley Business Editor: Sepi Roshan Contributors: Tim Martin, Georgia Dawes, Phillip Browne, Michelle McCue, Erin Somerville, George Katralis, Jacqui Moroney, Will Fitzgibbon, Chris Arkadieff, Bronwyn

Spencer, Daniel Shillito, Mat Lyons, Sandra Tahmasby, Tyson Yates, Amber Rose, Jennifer Perkin, Charlie Inglefield, AJ ClimpsonStewart, Thomas Jones, Alistair Davis, Will Denton, Jennifer Lawton, Chloe Westley, Bonnie Gardiner Directors: P Atherton, J Durrant N Durrant, R Phillips and A Laird

Additional content: Who are we? Australian Times is written and compiled by young Australian journalists living in the UK. Contributing on a volunteer basis, they are uniquely placed to reflect the interests, opinions and attitudes of our community. If you would like to join us, contact Address: Unit 7C, Commodore House Battersea Reach, London SW18 1TW Tel: 0845 456 4910 Email:


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PROFESSOR Kingsley Dixon’s contribution to research on native plants and the regeneration of ecosystems was recognised in a ceremony on Friday night in London when he was awarded the Linnean Medal. The Linnean Society of London, the world’s oldest and most prestigious biological society, presented Professor Dixon with the medal at its Anniversary meeting. The organisation’s Patron is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and it counts Sir David Attenborough among its current Fellows. Professor Dixon, who is currently working in Saudi Arabia on a major desert regeneration project, is the Director (Science) at the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority (BGPA), in Western Australia. He is also a visiting Professor at the University of Western Australia’s School of Plant Biology. At BGPA he oversees a team of 44 scientific staff, including 14 PhD students from UWA, Curtin, Murdoch and Edith Cowan Universities. His leading work, which included scientific teams from UWA and Murdoch University, resulted in the discovery of a chemical in smoke which causes the germination of many native plants. This research has greatly changed the way mining restoration and land conservation is undertaken. Professor Dixon’s work has also led to a greater understanding of why diseases migrate from agricultural crops to native plants. Professor Dixon is working with the science team and others from Kings Park on a two year project for the Saudi Arabian Government,

Your Say On: Kevin Rudd: why I now support same sex marriage


It's interesting that K Rudd has done a back flip all of a sudden, when the Queen has signed the UN Charter for Human Rights for the Commonwealth on 13 March 2013 that has been recognised by all of the Commonwealth. In that 16 clause Charter lies recognition of gay rights. New Zealand has passed that bill. Julia is too stupid and arrogant to even think of passing it into legislation. She is in breach of that Charter.










On: “Ranga” added to new edition of Australian Oxford Dictionary Didn’t any of you read the comic “FOOTROT FLATS”? “RANGA” is not all you think it is. The word has existed in the Au/NZ region of the world for over 47 years and it wasn’t always a slur. At one point it was a compliment.


Positive use of the term? I doubt it. It is still used to offend and who

? What’s your view

near Riyadh the capital city, which involves planting more than 48,000 seedlings to test approaches to desert restoration. The project’s aim is to halt the deterioration of the ecosystem, enhance biodiversity and to enable local fauna to flourish as well as improve air quality in the capital. “I feel that often Western Australian scientists undersell our expertise in the conservation and restoration sciences particularly the regeneration of arid ecosystems. The Saudis have recognised what we have been able to achieve in places like the Great Sandy Desert. The impressive size and scale of the Saudi restoration project will undoubtedly lead to improved methods for arid restoration in Australia,” Prof Dixon said. Western Australia’s Chief Scientist, Lyn Beazley says that it is only the second time an Australian has won the prestigious Linnean Medal. “Professor Dixon is a true world leader in his discipline, plant biology and ecology. “Working in key regions of the world that have greatest biodiversity and/or face the most significant threats, including the southwest of Western Australia, Professor Dixon has conducted research with world-wide impact,” Prof Beazley said. Professor Beazley believes that Dixon’s influential publications on climate change and seed viability and his ability to influence policy making across local, national and international arenas led to him winning the medal. For Professor Dixon, last night’s award comes after 30 years of doing what he loves and having

the chance to work alongside and mentor a number of outstanding young scientists. “From a young age I was fascinated about everything to do with plants and I knew I wanted to become a biologist. I have been lucky enough to earn a living following my passion, “Dixon said. Asked what he hopes will come from this recognition, Professor Dixon’s answer is simple: “I believe that Western Australia has an extraordinary landscape and a fantastic array of native species – and every scientist has the opportunity to build a great career working in our state. “I hope that more young people who share my passion for biology will choose to develop their careers here, safe in the knowledge that our work can have a global impact,” Dixon said. Professor Dixon recalls how his career at Kings Park started out as a one man operation in a tin shed. Upon learning about the post, Dixon’s PhD Professor at the time remarked “so you’re going to become a gardener?” A leading voice in his field across academia, government and the environmental community — and now Linnean Medal winner, Professor Dixon has turned out to be much more than just a local gardener. “In summary, Professor Dixon is a star whose contribution is now receiving the recognition it richly deserves,” Prof Beazley said.

wouldn’t be offended if they were compared to a primate and labelled as sub-human. It’s like calling a brunette a gorilla, although, I doubt that will ever happen.

Fabulous thoughts Sepi. When people can become non-conformists their own lives, the new script writing begins.


This makes bizarre reading from a POMmie point of view :) Joanna

On: Hazel Hawke dies age 83 after battle with dementia

She was a wonderful First Lady to Australia. Dignified, humble, and prudent. An example all women (and men) of all backgrounds would be wise to aspire to. Rest in peace, you are honoured by many. Danny

On: Whose script are you living?

I think this is an interesting article however, unfortunately with working 9-5, one needs ‘scripts’. Inevitably a daily routine is how we manage to get things done. I think removing the ‘script’ would work if you didn’t have to do the daily grind i.e were so well off you didn’t need to work – then you really could become who and all you could be…

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On: Keeping your head above ground

You’re right, London becomes a series of interconnected “islands” when using the tube. I used to use “” to work out my walking routes and was constantly surprised at how close everything was. Gary

On: North London Tough Mudder: The muddiest mudder of all Great to read this a few weeks before several of the AFL London Reading Kangaroos take part in the 8th June event – I will take note of the advice!


Tough Mudder – a Big Day Out for the insane. But congratulations on being in it AND finishing. Well done, Aussie Times Team! Maggie


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News | 3

voters living in the UK. “London is the largest polling station in the Australian federal election, and will be crucial in a close vote,” says ALP President Paul Smith. ALP Abroad is holding an election planning meeting on 30 May and encourages potential campaigners to come along and join in. Paul says a focus of the campaign will be to spread awareness of the need for Australians in the UK to enrol as overseas voters. “Some Australians may be still enrolled back home, but others may not be and will only find this out when it’s too late,” says Paul.

Gillard to convene summit on car industry

By Paul Osborne, AAP Senior Political Writer

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say it should be at least 10 per cent while the dollar remains high. Ms Gillard ruled out such a move on Friday, saying it would not assist manufacturers in the long term. “I don’t believe that imposing tariffs and getting in the way of us being able to be an exporting nation by potentially sparking trade reprisals is the right strategy for Australia,” she told reporters on the NSW Central Coast. Labor Senator Doug Cameron, a former manufacturing union boss, said it was time for some “economic nationalism”. “There comes a time where you’ve got to put the national interest before your economic ideology,” Senator Cameron said. Labor MP Darren Cheeseman, who holds a Victorian marginal seat affected by the shutdown, said as well as imposing “emergency tariffs”, the government should encourage Ford to chip in $15 million to a fund set up to help workers and local businesses adjust. Ms Gillard challenged Ford to contribute “generously” to the fund. The prime minister announced $50

million on Thursday to support affected workers and businesses in the Geelong and northern Melbourne areas and other parts of the automotive supply chain. Ford president and chief executive Bob Graziano said he was working with the Victorian and federal governments on how best to contribute to the adjustment package. Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said the car industry needed an export plan. “If you’re going to economically make cars in Australia you’ve got to export the bulk of them,” he said. Ford has in the past decade been offered government help to export its Territory SUV, but declined to do so. Holden boss Mike Devereux said high input costs and low tariffs were making it tough for manufacturers. Ms Gillard said she understood workers were “anxious” about the future of the Australian economy. “Even with Ford’s decision yesterday, we can be reassured the Australian economy is resilient and it has strong fundamentals,” she said. The government plans to spend $1.5 billion on car industry assistance from 2016 to 2020.

For further details contact Paul Smith, President ALP Abroad, at smithpaul67@



...continued from p1

“To ensure their vote counts, we’ll be encouraging Australians to enrol as overseas votes.” The ALP Abroad election planning meeting will be held from 7pm-9pm on Thursday 30 May upstairs at The Blue Posts, 28 Rupert Street W1D 6DJ.


the US but compared quite favourably with the vast majority of the world. “We will pay whatever the law recommends is appropriate compensation. “Many of the victims aren’t particularly interested in money. The more important thing is due process, justice and help with getting on with their lives. “The church will continue to fulfil

its obligations as they’re defined in Australian society and will continue to try to help victims.” Cardinal Pell insisted a reduction in the number of offences suggested that the Catholic environment was very safe. “I pray, and I think it’s reasonable to say and I hope, that the worst is behind us,” he said. “We have implemented a massive cultural change. “The crime is totally regrettable. The damage is enormous.”

AUSTRALIANS in London and the UK will play a key role as overseas electors in Australia’s federal election when they cast their votes on 14 September. In 2010 Australia House in London was recorded as the biggest polling booth in the entire election, with approximately 18,000-20,000 Australians turning up to cast their vote. Similar numbers are expected for this year’s 2013 federal election, in addition to those UK Australians who will vote by post. In recognition of this significant role, ALP Abroad is set to launch an election campaign to target overseas


...continued from p1

ALP Abroad to host election planning meeting


Sex abuse damage is enormous, admits Pell


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4 | Exclusive Interview

28 May - 3 June 2013

the Expat factor

Extraordinary Aussies in the UK important to remember that our points of reference are not all the same, take a breath and slow down and make sure everyone is coming with me on the idea or the journey, not just be impatient to get to the result. But maybe I always knew that about myself.

I moved to the UK in October 2011 because of the job as Head of Exhibition at the BFI. I had already decided to make the Sydney Film Festival (in 2011) my last when I found the advert for this role. I was very excited because it was a rare opportunity – a position where you are responsible for delivering both the major international festivals and a year-round moving image programme. I’d done the Sydney Film Festival and also been Head of Film Programmes at ACMI in Melbourne – the two parts of the job – but I hadn’t done them simultaneously. I had always thought if you were able to do both, you would have many more exciting programming opportunities.

Some changes I made to the BFI London Film Festival last year were to expand the footprint of the Festival in London and to introduce a playful and accessible approach to the programme. Last year, we changed the model of the festival and took it out to more cinemas in other boroughs – places like Hackney and Bethnal Green – and expanded our use of venues that we were already using – in Brixton, for example, whilst maintaining the festival core in Leicester Square and BFI Southbank. We also changed the programming approach, moving away from categorising films on the basis of their geography. Instead we introduced programme sections that had titles like Love, Thrill, Laugh, Dare, Journey, Cult and Debate that were much more defined by the kind of experience the audience might be looking for. Choosing from over 200 films can be a very daunting prospect, and these programme sections are designed to help people navigate the huge wealth of films on offer. I am very proud that the attendance increased by 13% with this new approach.

London has exceeded my expectations because I must admit I had a deathly fear of the idea of grey. Prior to my move here, I would usually come to London for the three days between the Rotterdam Film Festival in January and the Berlin Film Festival in February. I was usually here for three very horrible grey days running around trying to have as many meetings as I could with sales agents, talent agents and producers. I didn’t see the city in its best light. It was such beautiful summer weather when I came for my job interview here that it took me by surprise. The day I was offered the job it was a 30-degrees and I was wearing open-toed sandals and a summer frock. And I thought this is going to be fine; I can make the transition – no problem! London hasn’t exactly continued to deliver on that weather promise but it is a very culturally rich and iconic city. On a daily basis, it is still a thrill to do the walk in to work though Soho and across the Thames into Southbank. There is something very exhilarating about the feeling of being in the thick of such a rich metropolis. I’ve worked internationally for many years and so I’ve always said that I have a second life on the film festival circuit. There is actually a group of friends and colleagues that has developed over the years that I see at different

Clare Stewart

Film Festival Director and BFI Head of Exhibition cities all around the world at different festivals. I feel that has made the move to London a lot easier than it would have been otherwise. In the UK, I am frequently described as “direct”, or my favourite was “bubbly and no bullshit”. Working in Australia, people are very forward about what

Sunshine in Scotland


Part one | Our resident expat shares the best places to soak up that Vitamin D. Edinburgh Expat > Tyson Yates

Now I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but much of what I say in this column could be mistaken for the incessant ranting of a grumpy old man. An unfair comparison I think, I’m not old. Admittedly however I do have a lot to say about the Scottish weather, particularly the weather

here in Edinburgh. It has been rainier, windier and colder than I ever imagined and yet when I flick through my catalogue of memories those that standout most all seem to share one common feature- the sun. You know what they say: when it rains, it pours, and there has been more than enough of that this season. However, what needs to be said about the sun here in Edinburgh is that when it does eventually shine, it brings the city to life.

they think. In the UK, there is a lot more consideration of effect, which can lead to more politics. I find it really intriguing and enjoyable but it is also quite challenging. Being in the UK, I’ve learnt that often my ideas get ahead of me and I can start communicate in a kind of cultural shorthand. So it’s very So if you do happen to find yourself in the Scottish capital on one of these rare cloudless days, here is a two part column which outlines a few things you could do to take full advantage. First things first: go out and buy yourself lottery ticket because you’ve just beat the odds. Let’s start with something Aussies do best: a BBQ in the park. Ok, so it won’t be exactly the same as home. You don’t have to fear that a rogue hot coal could lead to a national disaster for one thing. Dust off the cricket bat, stop off at Tesco for some snags and make your way to the Meadows. If you don’t know how to find the Meadows in Edinburgh, don’t look for a career in orienteering. Then open a map. See that giant crater of empty space in the centre of a dense urban jungle? Head towards it. Welcome to the Meadows.

It was a real honour to be invited on to the Sundance jury for US Drama (earlier this year). It was a very dynamic and strong opinionated jury with Tom Rothman, co-chairman of Fox Filmed Entertainment for 18 years; actor-director Ed Burns; the fantastic cinematographer Rodrigo Prieto who shot Brokeback Mountain; and Wesley Morris, a terrific film writer from the US who won the Pulitzer prize for film writing last year. I love the opportunity jury work gives you to go into depth of discussion. It is a considerable responsibility because the prizes you are giving out have the capacity to really assist people with their career development. So it is something that I take very seriously (though its also very pleasurable of course!). One of my favourite secret pleasures is sneaking in to watch a film at Here you will meet half the population of Edinburgh as they bask in the sunshine. From here you are just a few clicks away from that other slice of giant open space, Arthur’s Seat. The top of this extinct volcano of historical and cultural significance is where you go for the official postcard panorama of Edinburgh. It’s like the London Eye, except free. Remember, you haven’t made it to the Highlands just yet - this is not a mountain, it is a hill - so the climb isn’t strenuous and should make for a great half day activity. Other picturesque inclines include Blackford Hill and Calton Hill and all are worth visiting to see Edinburgh’s grey stone architecture pop against a backdrop of blue sky. Once you’ve climbed a volcano (you

Clare Stewart - Biography

Clare Stewart grew up in the small country town of Korumburra in Victoria where a cinema visit was a half-hour drive away and a rare childhood treat. This has not hindered her successful 19-year career in the film industry. She was Head of Film Programmes at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) in Melbourne and then Sydney Film Festival Director for five years. She is now Head of Exhibition at the British Film Institute (BFI) and Director of the BFI London Film Festival and the BFI London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. She has been described as “bubbly and no bullshit” by British associates and was praised for her “wonderful disregard for the rule book” by BFI Chief Executive Amanda Nevill.

BFI Southbank. I work every Sunday since it is the only time I can work uninterrupted. I have started a Sunday night supper club with a similarly workaholic friend to ensure we leave our respective offices at a reasonable hour and it is something I very much look forward to. On Saturday, I swim, I walk in Regent’s Park and I have coffee at Kaffeine on Great Titchfield Street. I would usually try to get in a gallery or some dancing with friends on Saturday night as well. I’ve only been back once to Australia since I arrived (in the UK) and it was really confronting. Australia suddenly seemed like a very expensive place to live, which it had never seemed to me before. It also seemed a very comfortable place to live. The riches of our foodie culture, our cultural life, our sporting outdoors – all of those things add up to a really extraordinary lifestyle. It’s much clearer to see that and to put that in to perspective when you’re away from it and return. The recession is much more present here in politics and in daily life. What’s next is my second London Film Festival (October 9-20) and the year-round programming at Southbank. We have got some really exciting stuff coming up in June including retrospectives of Lars von Trier, one of the enfant terribles of cinema, and also Werner Herzog. Both those programmes are going to be really terrific and I’m excited about that. Interview by Michelle McCue know, that ole chestnut) you might want to dip your feet in the ocean. That’s right, Edinburgh has a beach - though we use the term loosely. Still, from the city centre head to Portobello where you will see people splashing away in the water, playing Frisbee and sunbathing like it’s the most normal thing in the world. But be warned. The beach is where you will meet the other half of the city’s population so queuing for the bus back to town might take a while. Finally, finish the day with a bit of alfresco dining; when the sun makes an appearance so do chairs on the sidewalk outside a number of cafés and pubs. Of course, sunshine is in high demand so if you are hoping for a seat you may be forced to order a meal along with your mid-afternoon pints. In any case, do it. Who knows when you’ll next get the chance?

UK Life | 5

Tube Watching n

Instead of letting herself get irritated by the morning commute, our nomad takes the opportunity to indulge in a new hobby. Honeymooning Nomad > Jacqui Moroney

One of my favourite travel pastimes is people watching. I used to think that the best place for people watching was from a café in the centre or square of a city. This was before I became a daily commuter on the London Tube. The morning rush northbound on the Northern Line is certainly an experience you only need to go through once before you realise you don’t want to do it again. The pushing, elbowing and shoving to get on the bloody thing is enough to put anyone off. If you are lucky

enough to actually squeeze onto the already overflowing Tube, and duck your head for fear of being decapitated by the closing doors, you then find yourself crammed under someone’s armpit, between someone’s soft man boobs and a lumpy backpack with someone else’s hair in your mouth. That’s ok, since you don’t talk on the Tube anyway and there is no need to hold on – you are not going anywhere fast. Then there is the awkward elbowing and shuffling at each stop for people getting on and off. You know you are not doing it right if you are not touching someone else. On the very rare occasion (like when you go to work an hour early) you get lucky and there is enough space for you to stand peacefully and read your

free morning paper, or Kindle, with one hand while clutching the germ ridden poles with your free hand. Don’t get me wrong, while it is not particularly enjoyable, it is all part of the “living in London experience”. The only thing you can do is take advantage of it. Hence “tube watching”. “Tube watching” can be a relaxing and enjoyable way to pass the time if you have no free hands to read your morning paper. It can be informative, inspiring and a healthy alternative to Facebook stalking or other addictive social media that seem to be hindering the world’s ability to be social without electronics. On the Tube you can find a variety of people from all walks of life. Each Tube line and each Tube stop offer a smorgasbord of entertainment and questions yet to be answered. Why is that man wearing glasses with no lenses? Are you allowed to bring a dog that big on the Tube? Will that woman finish her Sudoku before she gets to her stop? Is that a girl or a guy dressed up a giant hotdog? Will the young guy ask for the number of the girl he has been making eyes at since Bank? Where are the couple in the ball gown and white bow tie going? Can I go with them? Where can I get a satchel like the one that woman has? Is that guy with the guitar in a band and what type of music does he play? There are people from different parts of the world, people from different socio-economic backgrounds, people wearing expensive suits, people reading the latest romance novels and homeless people wearing newspapers. The most difficult part about being a people watcher, especially on the Tube, is not to be caught daydreaming like a moron. So the next time you find yourself crammed on the Northern Line during rush hour, look out for me. I will be the blonde with a hint of a smile, moronically gawking at the masses as they migrate through London.

Solving the little problems

> Bianca Soldani

Umbrella or Hoodie? It’s the age old question that’s been haunting Londoners since the Sloppy Joe sprouted a hood. So, which you do reach for when you see storm clouds brewing? English weather is notoriously bad, the gloomy skies, endless winter and incessant rain is certainly a far cry from the beautiful sun kissed shores of our homeland. But we knew what we were in for before we signed on, so let’s not linger on how miserable it is. What surprised me most when I first arrived is that the infamous English rain is actually really pissy. Equipped with wellies and a heavy duty raincoat I’d been prepared for utter downpours, but that’s just not the case. What you get instead is that dull sprinkling, so thin you can hardly see it, but persistent enough to soak you through if you dare stay out for any measurable period of time. So then we come to the recurring problem: how to stay dry? Unfortunately taking to the streets every day in your bright yellow

poncho and knee-high galoshes is too embarrassing an option to consider, so we fall back on the good old fashioned brolly - friend of the Englishmen for centuries. But umbrellas are a cumbersome day-to-day addition to your handbag, not to mention an extra thing to remember to keep on your person. Those umbrella buckets at the entrance of shops and restaurants are nothing short of death traps. They may as well be labelled “umbrella donations” for the amount left there on overcast days. Umbrellas also make it incredibly difficult to navigate your way through a high street full of raised brollies that batter you from every angle as you politely try to make your way through the crowd. Even though we do traditionally imagine the portrait of an English gentleman wielding a 48-inch, neatly gathered navy brolly, it doesn’t accurately depict the reality on the streets. The average Joe doesn’t bother with a weighty umbrella, their way is to just get wet. As soon as the heavens open, they pull a hood over their heads and soldier on. Unless it’s truly bucketing, the locals leave their brollies at home.


We all have our favourite sources of news. We select a specific morning programme or an evening bulletin largely because we like the person that is delivering the news. My family is a Nine News family, for example. They can’t get enough of the Stefanovic brothers, and shed a tear when Peter Harvey passed away. Since being in London, however, I have discovered a new source of news that I trust: Page 3. I know what you are thinking. You are thinking “typical boy, validating the right-wing media’s latent misogyny based on the allure of a girl with no clothes on in the newspaper.” You would not be entirely wrong if that was your assumption, the fact that there is a topless woman in the newspaper every day is a very appealing novelty. That is not all there is to it though. Page 3 is a cultural phenomenon that reveals prudishness in Australians living in the UK that we never knew that we had. We feel quite comfortable wearing bikinis in the street, or going shirtless to the local shops. But pay a young woman to go topless in the newspaper? For Australians, it seems to cross some kind of arbitrary line in

the sand that dictates what we think is ‘decent’. Consider this, though: Page 3 girls are not porn stars or strippers. In the UK, the Page 3 girl has acquired a pseudocelebrity status that often transcends their time in The Sun or The Daily Star. The Page 3 girl is a regular fixture on programmes like Celebrity Big Brother, and regularly provides support to the British Armed Forces in a similar way to the pin-up girls of the 1940s did during World War II. As I said earlier, they also are a delightfully refreshing source of news and information. The aptly titled ‘News in Briefs’ gives great insight into the mind behind the facade, so to speak. Take this one from Kym, 20, from Newcastle for example: “Kym is delighted scientists have never given up hope of finding the sunken city of Atlantis. She said ‘As French author and Nobel Prize winner Andre Gide once said, “One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.” Well said, Kym. And all while striking a pose in a pool wearing only your knickers. Beat that, Stefanovic.

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6 | Food & Wine

28 May - 3 June 2013

Asparagus appreciation chris’s


> CHRIS ARKadieff

Asparagus would have to be one of the most sought after ingredients in a professional kitchen. With the arrival of the first box of freshly picked asparagus, any chef with an appreciation of the seasons can tell spring is just around the corner. The asparagus season is very short – a month or two at its best. However, this tasty morsel is unbeatable for freshness and flavour, so make the most of it while you can. Simply steam or grill over hot coals, and you won’t be disappointed.

Or, if you’re lucky enough to stumble across an abundance of it at a local market, asparagus is easy to turn into a warm or chilled healthy soup. Seek out asparagus with firm stems, and clean and undamaged tips to guarantee quality and freshness. All you need to do to prepare is give it a quick wash, or for larger pieces – bend the spear until it snaps and throw the woody end away. Small tender asparagus can be chopped and added to stir fry dishes or pastas without cooking, giving your dish the distinct flavour of fresh asparagus. This week we will match a bunch of stemmed asparagus with a traditional garnish of a soft boiled hens egg with shavings of Parmesan cheese.

Steamed asparagus What you need

• 1 bunch of asparagus • 1 soft boiled hens egg • 1 handful of finely shaved Parmesan cheese • Good quality extra virgin olive oil • Salt flakes • 4 sprigs of freshly chopped parsley • Fresh black pepper

What to do

• Place a pot of water large enough to hold and cover the asparagus onto the boil. • Season the water with salt. • Prepare the asparagus by giving them a good wash in cold water. If the stems are thick, hold the base in your fingers and bend the stalk until the asparagus

snaps. Throw away the woody base. • Place the asparagus into the boiling water and cook for 4 minutes. • Remove and place the asparagus onto a large plate. • Drizzle a generous amount of extra virgin olive oil over the asparagus to dress. • Season with salt and pepper. • Sprinkle the fresh parsley over the asparagus and toss gently with your hands. • Place the egg in the centre of the asparagus. • Scatter the Parmesan around the dish. • Before serving at the table take a small sharp knife and slice the egg in two to allow the yolk to complete the dressing of the dish. Enjoy.

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A true labour of love n

The quirky ‘Royal Labour of Love Menu’ at The Cinnamon Club is everything PAUL BLEAKLEY was expecting – a fusion of flavours packaged in a unique set menu that pays homage to the Royal baby.

The British love affair with the Royal family has been particularly noticeable in recent years, with high-profile events like Prince William’s marriage to Kate Middleton and the Diamond Jubilee proving the renewed appeal of the monarchy. With a royal baby now on the way, Westminster restaurant The Cinnamon Club has launched its brand new Royal Labour of Love Menu: a five-course feast designed to curb cravings, keep expectant mothers healthy and possibly even kick-start labour. The Royal Labour of Love Menu, which is due to be launched in July, has been designed by Executive Chef Vivek Singh and Head Chef Rakesh Nair as a sumptuous display of modern Indian cuisine with each course matched with a stage of pregnancy, from an appetiser course called ‘Expecting’ to a dessert which has been labelled ‘Special Delivery’. Far from a clever gimmick, The Cinnamon Club’s Royal Labour of Love Menu is a highlight for food lovers and a triumph for a restaurant that has been called London’s best for Indian cuisine.

The Location

The Cinnamon Club is nestled in a quiet street only a short walk from the sights of Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament. This is not Brick Lane: there are no flickering neon signs drawing you in to this culinary gem. As soon as the staff usher you onto the restaurant floor, it is clear that this is a particularly special experience. Located in Grade-II listed Old Westminster Library, The Cinnamon Club has taken something old and transformed it into a fresh and unique dining experience while still retaining the nostalgia of the original building.

The Service

It is difficult to fault the service at The Cinnamon Club. The staff on the floor work as a team in a way that is rarely seen at even the most high quality restaurants, each performing their tasks quickly and efficiently. Our chief waiter was not shy in making recommendations for side dishes to supplement our meal, and showed a clear knowledge of every item of food that came to the table. The sommelier chose the perfect wine to counteract the strong flavours of the food, bringing a bottle of Torte Solaria Primitivo to the table moments after we indicated that we were in the market for a drop of red.

The Food

Expecting The menu kicks off with an appetiser course called ‘Expecting’, which consists of chargrilled black bream fillet

with hot mango pickle and aubergine chutney. This course reflects the best fusion between British and Indian cuisine, with a fillet of fish cooked to perfection. Unlike some restaurants, the bream held its consistency on the plate while literally melting in the mouth. The aubergine chutney was a surprising stand-out, with a smooth and fluffy texture that off-sets the spice of the hot mango pickle. 9 Months The second course – a starter which has been called ‘9 Months’ – is tandoori black leg chicken breast with fenugreek crust and smoked paprika raita. It was at this point that we knew that we were in for more than we had bargained for: if something of this quality was a starter, the best was yet to come. The triumph of this starter was the perfection with which the chicken breast was cooked, cooked with consistency throughout. The traditional tandoori flavours were well-supported by a mango sauce described by my dining partner as “to die for” and “reminiscent of the first mango of the summer”. And Breathe The ‘rest course’ – a green apple and mint sorbet called ‘And Breathe’ – kept up the theme of unexpectedly fresh flavour. The first bite of the sorbet confirmed the chef’s profound ability to bring out strong tastes. Eating that sorbet reminded me quite a bit of the original Willy Wonka film, at the part in which the characters eat candy that tastes exactly like the food that it is supposed to. The sorbet tasted exactly like a green apple, although the expected mint flavours were minimal and overpowered by other strong tastes. Overdue The main course – ‘Overdue’ – was more of what I have come to expect of Indian cuisine: a Rajasthani fiery Herdwick lamb curry with chickpea bread, which was brought out with a side of The Cinnamon Club’s specialty

black lentils. The lamb in this curry was some of the best that I have ever tasted, soft to cut and mouth-watering to eat. The lamb retained its flavours despite the overwhelming spice of the curry sauce, which increased in intensity with each bite. The curry dish was perhaps slightly too spicy for a set menu, however I truly savoured every last morsel. Special Delivery The final course is a dessert which the restaurant has called ‘Special Delivery’: mango srikhand with roast figs and gum arabic crumble. I was not quite sure what to expect from srikhand, and at first found the flavours to be a notably muted denouement after the intensity of the main course. The mango srikhand was reminiscent of ‘dessert chutney’, transformed into smoothly textured yoghurt. As the strong flavours of the lamb curry faded, however, the true tastes of the mango srikhand were revealed and, by the time I had finished, I had come to enjoy this final offering.


Absolutely recommended. Despite the price-tag of £45, the Royal Labour of Love Menu is a feast that it is difficult to forget. If there was to be one criticism, I would say that enjoying this set menu at The Cinnamon Club has set my dining expectations higher than could possibly be exceeded. The Cinnamon Club The Old Westminster Library 30-32 Great Smith Street London SW1P 3BU T: 020 7222 2555




8 | Entertainment By Thomas Jones Yaron Lifschitz admits he is “as physical as a turnip.” Given he is the CEO and Artistic Director of Circa, the world renowned Brisbane based contemporary circus company, an admission such as this may come as a surprise. But what this turnip lacks in physical strength, he makes up for in creative vision, not to mention a gifted knack for all things metaphorical. “I had a group of performers, who got really obsessed by skills in a new show we were making. And just before we opened I said you realise everything you do can be done much better by a well-trained monkey. But actually, your humanity and the fact that you are human beings – a pretty weak shabby species – doing this, you guys are incredible.” Since 2006, Circa have toured 24 countries, across five continents with their modern and unique take on classic circus performance. “Contemporary circus is a young art form with really hardened arteries. It’s like a geriatric mentality in a 20 year old’s body,” Lifschitz tells Australian Times. “There’s this artistic conservatism that’s really endemic in circus and what we do is really break that. “We use mainly acrobatics, tumbling, and a range of aerial routines, but it’s very stripped back, it doesn’t strive after effects.” More than showcasing the talent and strength of the performers, Circa’s shows are also about exploring what Lifschitz describes as “the hidden poetics of circus”. “There is something in this incredible, wonderful, blissful present art form that also moves you, but it’s not very obvious. “Every show therefore has this

28 May - 3 June 2013

Undaunted Circus, circa now n The Irish in Australia Circa, the highly acclaimed Australian contemporary circus company are touring the UK with two very distinct shows: Beyond and How Like An Angel.

commitment to finding this raw, pure emotion that is genuine and has an authenticity to it, but also is quite a new departure. All the works that we are bringing to the UK this year have that as their hallmark.” Beyond is one of two Circa shows touring the UK in May and June. Based on Lifschitz’s description, Beyond has it all. “It’s a really funny, joyous, exciting show, but it’s also a profound, moving, interesting, weird thing. “In my mind it’s kind of cabaret meets dance theatre reimagined as circus.” The London Wonderground at the Southbank Centre, where the show is being staged, has described Beyond as ‘Alice in Wonderland’ meets ‘1001 nights’. With hints of Donnie Darko and David Lynch, this show contains acts involving Rubik’s cubes, dominatrix bunnies and a human dressed in a bear suit on a Chinese pole, all performed to soundtrack of old show tunes. “It’s six characters each taken through a little journey of their own. It’s all about our relationship between our inner and our outer lives, our inner animals and our outer humans. It’s very subtle, it’s not a story, there’s no preachy moral.

Except to say that we all have animal drives, desires and forces within us, and we can’t become fully human and grown up until we unleash and acknowledge those,” Lifschitz explains. The second offering is How Like an Angel, a contemporary spiritual piece performed in cathedrals. This Circa show wowed British audiences a year ago, and it has returned to the UK for a season of performances at the Brighton Festival, the Norfolk and Norwich Festival, the Salisbury Festival and a week of performances at the historic St Bartholomew-the-Great church in London. Lifschitz attributes how amazing How Like An Angel is to three things. “The first is that they allowed a bunch of rat bag carnies from Down Under into these cathedrals. “The second thing is we work with I Fagiolini – nine world class singers who last year won the Gramophone Award. They’re as good as anyone in the business and they’re also awesome people. They explore (and) they challenge themselves in a way that’s good for us. “The third thing is the synergy of the art, the architecture and the circus bodies, there is something fantastic about that.” Conceptually, these two shows couldn’t be more different. But what they both offer, are experiences from the living heart of circus. Audiences; prepare to be moved. For tour dates and tickets visit circa. For the Southbank Wonderground shows see

Circa CEO Yaron Lifschitz

Undaunted is a collection of true stories about Irish men and women who travelled to Australia in search of a better life and battled against the odds in a remote and harsh world. From 1788 when the first convict ships landed to the mid-20th century, these true stories about settlers, convicts and their descendants highlight the best and worst of human behaviour in the kinds of dilemma that faced newcomers.

It was windy at the Archerfield Aerodrome in Brisbane on Friday February 19, 1937 when the mailplane bound for Sydney took off on its usual route. It had no radio, and ahead of it on the McPherson Ranges there was a storm brewing. By now, 34-year-old Bernard O’Reilly, his wife Viola and four-year-old daughter, Rhelma, were feeling the full force of it. Their house was shaking. “At dawn I went out to find the air full of flying leaves, and with every gust, [there was] a crash from the jungle,” wrote Bernard in his book Green Mountains. “Progress down the paddocks was slow; it meant crouching behind a stump until a lull came, and then sprinting for the next cover … [Although] buildings were clearly visible in Brisbane, seventy miles [112 kilometres] north … four miles of our telephone line lay on the ground … huge trees, crashed and split … lay along the track.” It was the next morning when Bernard first heard the news that a plane was missing, from his cousin’s house at ten o’clock. He heard it over the radio, the report saying that the airliner had “last been seen south of Coff’s Harbour”, over 240 kilometres south of them on the coast of New South Wales. Witnesses there even claimed that they had heard a plane coming down. A week-long intensive aerial search looked everywhere for the plane the O’Reilly’s were accustomed to seeing go over their houses twice a day. And then it was called off. Mrs Proud, the mother of one of the passengers, thirty-year-old mining engineer, John Proud, offered a reward of 500 pounds for the search to continue. But neither the air force nor civil air authorities took up her offer. It was over. “Anxiously we stood by the radio during news sessions hoping for word,” wrote Bernard. Now he heard newsreaders saying “that the liner was missing over the wild Hawkesbury country near Sydney … [and] had actually been recorded in the log of a steamer off Barrenjoey Heads … There could be but one answer to the riddle – the ocean”, said Bernard. Even the people who lived at the head of Widgee Creek and who had seen the plane go into a cloud bank, perhaps a bare four

Rescuer, Bernard O'Reilly, greeted by his wife.

minutes before it crashed, were forced to believe the overwhelming weight of evidence supplied by press and radio. Still today people ask: Since the search was called off, the plane supposedly having gone down “nearly four hundred miles [640 kilometres] away”, what was it that made Bernard go? On Friday February 26, a week after the plane had gone missing, Bernard visited his brother Herb down the mountain at his small farm at Kerry, 15 kilometres away. It was a hot day, and Bernard remembered “going round with him, helping to water the stock and cutting feed for the cows and pigs … While we worked, Herb and I talked quite a lot about the Stinson. He had seen it the previous Friday, flying into the wind towards the cloudbanked McPhersons, holding its ordinary course towards Lismore.” They’d got the newspapers out again over lunch. Out of all the “theories and countertheories” they held, as far as Bernard was concerned, “one definite fact” emerged. Although the official belief was that the plane must have avoided bad weather over the mountains by flying south over the coast, wrote Bernard, “hundreds of people in my district had seen it disappear into the ranges [… and] people had waited in vain for its arrival in Lismore.” Logic told Bernard that the Stinson was up in his own mountains, and he couldn’t get home quickly enough, Rhelma’s blue cattle pup, Kettelorg, barking at him later when he arrived back in the dark. The next morning Bernard got out a map, drew a straight line from Brisbane to Lismore, his pencil crossing four high mountain ranges in between. He knew full well, and later wrote, that “including the area over the New South Wales border, there are roughly eighty thousand acres [over 32,000 hectares] of unbroken, trackless jungle on the McPherson Ranges”. Despite the apparent impossibility this presented, the line Bernard had drawn on his map was good enough for him. His brief preparations began. He attached a wire handle to a big jam tin so that it could be used as a billy can and cup; loaded a small bag with two loaves of bread, a pound of butter, six onions, tea and sugar; saddled his old horse, ‘The Great Unknown’; and said goodbye to his family, before heading up into the forest alone. Bernard used his local knowledge of the mountains as he went. When the riding track petered out, at Mount Bethongabel “on the border of New South Wales about four thousand feet [1,240 metres] above sea level”, he sent the horse back and continued on foot. “From here it was my plan to follow the backbone of the McPhersons west to the first of the four high lateral spurs, where I reasoned that the …liner may have crashed,” wrote Bernard. An extract from one of the stories (The Missing Plane) in John Wright’s new book Undaunted: The Irish in Australia, published by The History Press Ireland, RRP £16.99, available from all good bookshops and online at www.

Entertainment | 9

Travels With My Aunt; A trip worth taking

REVIEW | Travels With My Aunt is a theatrical trifecta; clever writing, brilliant directing and acting that will blow you a world away.


By Thomas Jones After seeing Travels With My Aunt, the prospect of travelling with my own Aunt – a woman who once mistakenly posted me a can of tinned ham (I had asked for Tim Tams) – is more appealing than first thought. Henry Pulling, the lead character, and his Aunt Augusta are worlds apart in every way, and yet the adventure this unlikely pair share makes the idea of travelling with someone who sees the world in the exact same way as you seem kind of dull by comparison. Based on the book by Graham Greene, Travels with my Aunt was adapted for the stage by Giles Havergal, a man who clearly puts the audiences experience at the forefront of his writing. There is something Modern Family about the way the characters commentate to the audience what is happening within, and between scenes. The audience can just sit there and enjoy. Every character is a pleasure to meet and the story moves quickly, with short scenes, and no delayed transitions – a credit to the work of director Christopher Luscombe. This show is clever, tight and highly entertaining. Iain Mitchell, David Bamber, Gregory Gudgeon and Australian born Jonathan Hyde show us how it’s really done; a master class in acting. This show demands so much of its cast – there are 25 characters performed by four actors (you do the

math). To complicate matters further Henry is shared between all four simultaneously, not consecutively. In theory this should cause confusion, but it never feels that way. These pros have complete control, and are fully committed to each and every role. The way the actors transition between characters is seamless. What makes it all the more remarkable is that it’s not achieved through a costume change, but with nothing more than extraordinary acting skills. Surprisingly, it is very easy for the audience to believe that a middleaged man dressed in business attire is a 14-year-old girl called Yolanda, or on another occasion the wife of a German general. Mitchell, for instance, changes instantly from Henry, a retired bank manager to Wordsworth, Aunt Augusta’s African lover, right in front of the audiences’ eyes. Similarly, when Bamber’s eyes suddenly become vacant and his hand starts to make a peace sign it means Tooley, a young American hippie, is back on stage. And Hyde as Aunt Augusta is an absolute delight, pure perfection.

‘Must see’ is a phase too often attributed to theatre productions, but Travels With My Aunt is simply a show you must. It is a trip of a goodtime. Travels with My Aunt is at the Menier Chocolate Factory until Saturday 29 June (020 7378 1713 /www.








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@Wil_Anderson @Wil_Anderson I suspect Kevin Rudd thinks if Australia has marriage equality he will finally be able to marry his mirror... @Wil_Anderson Just did a gig for Optus, if it had been Vodafone I would have dropped out at last moment but still billed them for it... @Wil_Anderson Clive Palmer says "Glenn Lazarus will be our sports minister when I'm prime minister" Cool, can I have an imaginary job too? #PUP @Wil_Anderson Beyonce and Jay-Z are having another baby. Or as they refer to it: Second in line to the throne... @Wil_Anderson Hang on the US Powerball jackpot has gone from $600m to $700m. Ok, I'll get a ticket now that it's worth winning...

@Wil_Anderson Now that Michelle Obama has got rid of her bangs I keep confusing her with Zooey Deschanel... @Wil_Anderson Aussie dollars dives like "falling knife". Wayne Swan says: "That's not a knife"... @Wil_Anderson Personally I think Clive Palmer would have got more Aussies to vote for him if he'd called his party Palmer-giana... #WWPD @Wil_Anderson Melbourne fans aren't hoping for a win anymore, they are just hoping ski season starts early this year... #afldeessuns @Wil_Anderson In every one of the gigs I played in Alaska you could still smoke inside. I assume the plane I am about to get on is a Delorean... @Wil_Anderson Pope blames capitalism for misery. Also cancels Vatican appearance on MTV's Cribs...

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10 | Entertainment

28 May - 3 June 2013

With GoodWil n

On the eve of kicking off a two week run at London’s Soho Theatre, Wil Anderson takes a breather to speak with BONNIE GARDINER about his life, his legs and his comedy.

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Jane Campion honoured at Cannes Film Festival By Lesley Slade NEW ZEALAND-BORN, Australian-based filmmaker Jane Campion has been acknowledged by her peers receiving the prestigious Carrosse d’Or in Cannes last week. The prize was presented during the Directors’ Fortnight, which runs alongside the Cannes Film Festival, and is a tribute by directors chosen from the international filmmaking community for innovation and courage. The 59-year-old director is now in the same company as previous Carrosse d’Or recipients like Clint Eastwood and David Cronenberg. Campion is no stranger to the festival or critical acclaim, becoming the first woman to win the esteemed Palm d’Or in 1993 for The Piano, which later went on to achieve success at the Oscars. At the festival press conference she spoke about her experience in the typically male-dominated industry, but said she feels the gender question is more about sensitivity, compassion and working hard. “If you’re a female director I wouldn’t wait,” Campion said. “I think the best advice I can give you is just put all your energy into doing an amazing piece of work, because women can obviously make as good a films as guys. “Kathryn Bigelow has shown quite clearly that even taking topics like action movies and war films that she can make the best films in the world.” Not only was Campion presented with the prize at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, she also headed up the Cinefondation and Short Film Jury. It was almost like a trip back in time for Campion, who won the short film award for Peel back in 1986. President of the festival and Cinefondation Gilles Jacob said,

“I am delighted that the love story between Lady Jane and the festival continues today”. “Jane is a child of Cannes. I know this as it was I who selected her first three short films for the festival, because I liked her style and consistency.” The story of complex women and their search for identity has been a strong focus for Campion throughout her career, as seen in Holy Smoke (Kate Winslet), Portrait of a Lady (Nicole Kidman), In the Cut (Meg Ryan) and Bright Star (Abbie Cornish). Audiences at Cannes were also given a taste of her latest work Top of the Lake, a six-hour crime/thriller miniseries filmed in New Zealand and starring David Wenham, Holly Hunter and Elisabeth Moss. The series was a joint production between Britain’s BBC2, UKTV in Australia and New Zealand as well as the Sundance Channel in the US. Top of the Lake will screen on BBC2 later this year.

Popular Australian comedian Wil Anderson has touched down on UK shores, bringing his show GoodWil to the equally popular Soho Theatre for a two week run. It is a match made in heaven, although Wil admits his arrival is not without a healthy dose of fear. “Touring the UK in an Ashes year can always be a tricky prospect,” Wil tells Australian Times. “Last time the Ashes were on, and I was in town, I got booed at one gig before I even got onto stage.” The show kicked off as part of the 2013 Melbourne International Comedy Festival, where Wil performed in the majestic Princess Theatre. It is a venue which he believes to be one of Australia’s best. “I remember being 15 years’ old sitting in the Princess seeing Hugh Jackman in Beauty and the Beast with Mum. I mean – I was there with my Mum, she wasn’t in Beauty and the Beast with Hugh Jackman,” Wil explains. “Ten years ago I recall how thrilled I was walking on that stage for the MICF Opening Gala and thinking how amazing it was I got to tell my dick jokes in a room so beautiful.” But it’s not all glamorous settings for the comedian, who says his most difficult or unusual gigs often make for the most enjoyable shows. “I like the challenge of getting it to work wherever you go. For example, I did a gig in a log cabin in the middle of Alaska to 65 people, and enjoyed it as much, if not more than, any other show I have done this year,” he says. “There is something about stepping onstage in front of a room filled with people who have never heard of you before and making them laugh - that is thrilling.”

This will be Wil's third visit to London since being diagnosed with osteoarthritis in 2011. Following years of terrible back pain, Wil joked in previous shows that his first reaction to the diagnosis was 'I can never go on The Amazing Race’. “On the upside it has given me a lot of new material,” he says. “On the downside, in a few years I won’t be able to walk anymore. I will be the stand-up comedian that can’t actually stand up.” In the same vain as Stephen Fry and bipolar disorder, or Sarah Silverman’s battle with clinical depression, it seems the people who bring laughter to the world often struggle away from the spotlight. But despite his condition, Wil feels he is one of the lucky ones. “My life is like most peoples’ lives. Sometimes good things happen, sometimes shit things happen. It’s just in my line of work the shit things tend to make the best material.” He seems to be embracing this material for the better, having already played such coveted roles as TV show host and political commentator for ABC programmes The Glass House and The Gruen Transfer, radio presenter, as well as weekly newspaper columnist for The Australian, all while trotting the boards with his stand-up routines. But with such diversity, Wil says he has no preferred job title. “I think in general labels are unhelpful and limiting. “All I really would like is for people to think I am funny, and then give me money to be funny so I don’t have to get a real job.” The best part of being a comedian, compared to other roles, says Wil, is that people are happy to see you. “They applaud when you walk onto

the stage. That doesn’t tend to happen if you’re an accountant, right? “Plus it’s indoor work, with no heavy lifting, and I can drink at work, which they don’t let you do if you are a pilot.” Fame and fortune are probably an added bonus, but Wil believes these are not measures of success. If they are, they won’t make you happy. As a rich and famous person who specialises in making people happy, Wil should know. “If you’re getting into comedy for fame and fortune then you are doing it for the wrong reasons,” he says. “My Dad said that the secret to being happy is finding something you would do for free, and then conning someone into paying you to do it. I think that’s still pretty sound advice.” Like many comedians who make it big, Wil has seen his fair share of scrutiny. The main backlash came however after a social media spat during the 2010 Logie awards. To his 30,000 followers Wil tweeted a running commentary comparing John Mayer’s career to herpes, joking that avid anti-drugs advocate Molly Meldrum was under the influence of pills, and describing actress Sigrid Thornton as like Gollum from Lord of the Rings. Twitter was subsequently banned from the 2011 Logies, and Meldrum accused Wil of having an ego “through the roof”. Wil is not shying away from the experience. “There is a whole piece in GoodWil dedicated to the Logies and the fall-out that ensued,” says Wil. “As a general rule I tend to think that people have the right to be offended, but they don’t have the right to not be offended.” Yet he acknowledges freedom of speech does come with responsibilities. “My approach is generally to just say what I think, what I truly believe, and get it right. Then if someone is offended by that, then that is their issue and not mine.” It’s an approach that might best be summed up with the final line he ever uttered on The Glass House: “In the words of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, f*ck ‘em if they can’t take a joke!” In the end, comedy for Wil Anderson is about finding your own unique qualities, which has proven challenging with so many great Aussie comedians to contest with. He says identifying your own voice is the most important aspect of great comedy, and it’s a ongoing process. “I have been doing comedy for 18 years, and I only feel like I truly started to discover my comedic voice in the last four shows I have done,” Wil says. “That said, a lot of people still confuse me with Adam Hills. “Bloody racists.” Wil Anderson is performing GoodWil at Soho Theatre from 27 May – 8 June. Previews £10, Tue – Thu £15, Fri – Sat £20. See www.sohotheatre. com for details.

Travel | 11

Image by Image by Charlie Inglefield

Image by Image by Charlie Inglefie


Image by


harlie Inglef

Image by C

SPRING has finally arrived in Geneva and the woollies and ski gear have been put away for the next six months. As a resident of Geneva, we have the locational advantage of having the south of France on our doorstep, and a summer weekend away which continually beckons. Soon, St. Tropez will be awash with rich sixth-formers wanting to get a peek at Beyoncé basking on the back of her husband’s yacht and maybe an outside chance of a £10 Guinness with Bono and his entourage. However, my trips will be to see my in-laws close to Nimes, who live in a traditional working class farmers’ village, Brouzet Les Ales. I say nearly Provence because they are in Gard nestled between the Languedoc and Provence regions, thankfully well away from middle England tourists who inhabit this part of the world in the hope of seeing a truffle or two and their dream cottage in the Luberon.

Lazing in Languedoc


CHARLIE INGLEFIED avoids the crowds in the South of France by uncovering the secret delights of Uzès, nestled in the sparse valleys of the Gard region.

Once one has survived the Russian roulette of the autoroute which leads from Geneva towards Lyon and then Marseille, being very careful not to get between an angry Frenchman and his dinner, the drive becomes very picturesque. There are many attractive medieval hamlets and villages which make up this part of France housing the likes of St Siffret, St Quentin-la-Poterie, Avignon and Uzès. The latter is rarely mentioned on a tourist guide map and thankfully so - given the hidden delights that emerge for the unsuspecting visitor. Continued on p12...

12 | Travel

28 May - 3 June 2013

Image by Charlie Inglefield

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Uzès is cosily nestled into the sparse valleys of the Gard region and dates back to Roman times. As early as the 5th century, Uzès provided water for the city of Nimes via what is the spectacular Pont Du Gard, a remarkable feat of engineering and still very much intact today. As you approach from the northern part of the town, the imposing Cathedral looms up as a towering beacon to the valley below. Uzès is a maze of cobbled walkways and enticing alleyways where getting lost is the intention. Many a lazy hour can be spent wandering the streets, peering into antique shops or stopping for a glass of rouge. If you are feeling peckish there are plenty of delicious restaurants to choose from whilst people watching around the old town square. Most routes will lead through to the Duche, one of the first castles to be built in France and a historic landmark in these parts.

Making it to market A real highlight is to catch market day either on Wednesday or a Saturday. It is all hustle and bustle in the old town square, where you can either purchase a trout slaughtered before your very eyes or sample the local honey and tapenade.

Do you harbour dreams of being the next Bill Bryson? Submit your original travel articles for publication on the Australian Times website. The editor will then select the best story each month to be published in the Travel section of the Australian Times newspaper with the writer winning the £250 voucher to any Topdeck tour of their choice! Embrace your own writing style and make those dreams of being a published travel writer a reality.

How to submit Email your feature to with the subject ‘Great Travel Writer’. It should be: •  600-1200 words length •  An original first hand account •  Accompanied by 3 high resolution photos taken on the trip *Solicited features and third party links will not be accepted. For full T&Cs go to

Image by Charlie Inglefield

Image by Charlie Inglefield

The Uzèzians come out to discuss the latest football results over a glass of pastis and the ritual slicing and dicing of a poissonerie selling swordfish and butchers loudly proclaiming their chickens. There is a rich, rustic feel to Uzès perhaps best emphasised by the architecture in the town. Everywhere there are ageing but nostalgic buildings with shutters coloured in musket brown to dark green, there is continual excited chatter amongst the locals and sumptuous smells coming from within the restaurants and houses.

Travel | 13

The art of truffle hunting One recommendation is to visit ‘La Maison De La Truffe’, home to a wonderful truffle dog (they don’t come cheap, these canine experts can be bought for £10,000) and a charismatic owner who lives and breathes the infamous truffle. The art of truffle hunting is taken very seriously in France; a truffle sauce can add the pièce de résistance to many dishes in the finest eateries in France and Europe for that matter. A truffle tainted accompaniment can add a couple of hundred euros to your plate if you are not careful. Specially trained dogs are required to dig up these ugly roots but the pride of one’s truffle outlay has led to century-long village rivalries and I daresay wars due to jealous farmers wanting to get one over their counterparts. There are even festivals dedicated to the truffle throughout France every summer. This is serious business, proven by the eagerness of the otherwise adorable dog who started to eat my shoe - perhaps he mistook them for a truffle. Keen to see what all the fuss was about, we were allowed a hallowed taste of some truffle oil on a slice of baguette and as uncouth as my pallet

maybe I just couldn’t taste the magic. That is why the French will always rule the roost over we English when it comes to the kitchen.

Combing the Cathedral No visit to Uzès can be complete without going to the Cathedral. Perhaps I am being slightly biased because I had the fortune of getting married there. You will more than likely come across a snappy old woman or two at the entrance, they are a hazard, as I was to find out during my wedding service a few years earlier. They continually stalked the outside of the pews to where our congregation was seated, looking for collection money and making sure that our friends behaved themselves. I know we are English but really. Uzès is ideal for a weekend stop on the way to more established parts of Provence or a passage through the Gard region taking in the likes of Avignon and Nimes. The food is delicious, the wine is addictive and the shopping a pleasant surprise. You can get by without paying a fortune for the privilege of seeing this part of France. Crucially you feel that the centre of Uzès has not changed in a hundred years and in this day and age of travel that is very comforting.

Image by Poppy


*Trips for 18yo and over

Image by Charlie Inglefield

14 | Professional Life

28 May - 3 June 2013

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Aussie costs a big challenge: Shell By Stephen Johnson THE head of global energy giant Shell says rising costs are a challenge for doing business in Australia. Royal Dutch Shell wants to develop a floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) project in Western Australia, after last month withdrawing support for an onshore plant at James Price Point, north of Broome. West Australian MPs on both sides of politics fear the proposed offshore Prelude project will hit royalties, as it falls mainly outside state waters. But Royal Dutch Shell chief executive Peter Voser says cost pressures are a challenge for companies operating in Australia. “As you know, rising costs have become a significant challenge for companies doing business here,” he told the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association conference in Brisbane on Monday. He said Australia’s gas producers were operating in a highly competitive international market. “In addition, this country is facing rising competition from other gas producers in North America, Asia and East Africa,” he said. Mr Voser said the federal government needed to prioritise boosting the number of graduates with the skills to “take on big energy

Shell CEO Peter Voser at the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Conference in Brisbane on Monday. (AAP Image/APPEA, Ray Cash) projects”, and lower taxes to drive innovation and investment. “This is particularly true in Australia, where our industry is dealing with a shortage of employees with specialised technical skills.” He said Shell was proposing the world’s largest floating facility 200 kilometres off the Kimberley coast, which would create 350 direct jobs over 25 years. “This massive display of


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Sport | 15

EMAP claim Try Tag Corporate Challenge By Phill Browne TRY TAG RUGBY staged their annual Corporate Challenge event at London’s iconic Regent’s Park on Friday. With last year’s champions Tullett Prebon unable to enter a side to defend the trophy, the 2013 title was well and truly up for grabs. Merchant Taylor’s, one of the great nine schools of England and where rugby runs deep, started strong and looked like a team who would give the tournament a real shake up. Stephenson Harwood LLP and EMAP also looked good in the early stages, winning their first two matches in convincing fashion.

The latter two teams ended up making the final with media company EMAP, led by London Australia representative Tom Parsons, claiming the crown. The Plate division was won by Merchant Taylors who defeated the Foreign Office in the final with Pcubed Programme defeating Works MC for the Bowl division trophy. Try Tag Rugby’s summer competitions commence from 24 June at 15 venues across London and Reading. Due to the successful Fulham League which sold out in its first season, Try Tag Rugby are introducing a second evening (Tuesdays) at Fulham.

EMAP & Stephenson Harwood LLP, the 2013 Corporate Challenge finalists at Regen'ts Park. (By Chantel Leach)


If you would like to register for a Try Tag Rugby summer competition, go to or email info@ for more details.

Deans: Wallabies messiah or pariah? ...continued from p16

for his ‘toxic’ spray of the Wallaby environment. If the Lions think that they are going to waltz through this series though, they will be on dangerous ground. The Waratahs, Reds and Brumbies are all in contention for the Super 15 Finals and even the

Rebels and the Force are claiming important wins against strong opposition. The Australian players are on form, match fit and raring to go. By the time this series is over, Deans will either be lauded as a messiah or paraded as a pariah. By Charlie Ingelfield

Australian Wallabies coach Robbie Deans. (AAP Image/Paul Miller)

State of Origin bolter Ferguson has Daley to thank BLAKE FERGUSON is lucky to have Laurie Daley in his corner, and the NSW Origin debutant knows it. When Ferguson went missing from an emerging Blues camp in January, Daley was far from impressed. But the new Blues coach sat down with the troubled star and gave him another chance in the Indigenous All Stars team he also coaches. And in March, when the Canberra centre went within an inch of having his NRL contract torn up after drinking Breezers on a roof with Josh

Dugan, Daley gave Ferguson the spray he needed to hear. “Yeah, he just told me to pull my head in I guess,” says Ferguson of the blunt conversation that helped propel him from bad boy to Blues bolter. Daley was as hard on Ferguson as anyone, but stood by him during the bad times, knowing that off the field the 23-year-old Raider was a nice guy with the potential on the park to be NSW’s answer to Greg Inglis. In his own words, Ferguson “worked his butt off” to get his life

back on track. And when that effort translated into standout performances against Melbourne and Newcastle, Daley was convinced he’d witnessed the transformation of wasted talent to potential State of Origin matchwinner. Next Wednesday, Ferguson lines up on the wing and will attempt to use his size and skill to perform a “GI” on Queensland. By Ben Horn in Sydney

Ashes sledging survival guide By Matt Parton The Ashes will be contested between Australia and England this summer in a series of pitched battles at the iconic cricket venues of this cold and foggy isle. In years gone by this tour has been a cause of celebration for the Australian lady or gent living in the UK, with most matches being won by our zinccreamed heroes. These victories have allowed us to take liberties in taunting our English hosts about the limp wrists of their batsmen, snail pace of their bowlers and general deficiencies of their team and, by extension, their country. Tragically those days when Waugh and Warne and Border would sink the hapless Poms quicker than Boonie would sink a VB tinnie are behind us. Now, we still have faith in pup and the gang but if the pundits are to be believed, our Aussie boys are in for a very long summer (if only we could say the same!). And the worst part is even if you don’t care one skerrick about cricket, your English friends will make sure the proverbial knife is buried deep. So while our boys in the baggy green are sure to defy the sceptics (a-hem), just in case, we’ve put together this threestep sledging survival guide; a series of devious strategies to help you duck under any banter bouncers pinged your way:

The Blank

Although it is inevitable that some razorwitted colleague is going to make a well directed jibe about our failings on the field it is possible to take the sting out of the tail by minimising the observable effect on you. To carry out ‘The Blank’ simply follow this one step process: whenever anyone mentions anything relating to The Ashes, act as if you have no idea what they are talking about. This strategy works best if you actually have no idea what they are talking about. Instead gape at them, pull a confused face, apologise for the loss of their relative or make some pseudo-intellectual comment linking their interest in sport with being a Neanderthal. Unfortunately, if you have been foolhardy enough to mention even a passing interest in the game to date, ‘The Blank’ is unlikely to help you come July.

The Yesteryear

Although this requires some research (thank you Wikipedia) ‘The Yesteryear’ can have a powerful effect on the cricket aficionado from an opposing team/ country. Whenever a member of the English folk (you can usually tell by their teeth) mentions our failing with the willow, just post the YouTube clip of Shane

Warne bowling out Mike Gatting in 1993 to their Facebook. If they suggest you are living in the past, tell them Warnie is still bowling over English ladies. The more you repeat this step the more successful it will be.

Blame the Umpire

This is a classic deflection technique in which every failing of our team is somehow the fault of the umpires myopia, nationality, or susceptibility to bribes. The best thing about this strategy is that the blame can actually be attributed to any 3rd party, including but not limited to: the weather, the wildlife, the fans (they aren’t drunk enough!), English beer/men/women/politics/media or anything else that could have even the most tangential relationship to the game. There are two simple rules to follow: It is never our fault that we lost It is never a result of England’s ability that they won Following the ‘Blame the Umpire’ strategy will ensure that any satisfaction your English friends may get out of the performance of their team is minimised by us not allowing them the feeling that the earned it. Repeat. So there you have it. Despite the fact our hosts and colleagues will do their best to make our lives as difficult as possible during The Ashes, by following these three simple steps you can dispatch their sledging over the fence and fire back some missiles of your own.


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Round 9 By Will Denton

‘Sir, it’s happened again’. This simple statement could sum up just about every game played over the last weekend. Gonna have to start with the ugly stuff. The AFL themed the week ‘Indigenous Round’. Adam Goodes the champion multiple All Australian, Brownlow, Premiership footballer who just so happens to be Indigenous - was a few minutes away from a famous victory after single-handedly tearing the Pies a new one. Then he hears something in his ear from over the fence. He points his finger at a young girl and the rest will forever be in footy folklore. She was only 13. She didn’t know what she was saying. It might have been one syllable, but obviously it cut deeper than anyone would’ve imagined, especially her. It took the shine off a brilliant Swans upset performance, and if anything took the focus off a very ordinary Collingwood outfit. Richmond were also very ordinary in the marquee match, ‘Dreamtime at the G’, and found themselves in 9th

RUBDOWN position briefly (lol) after getting blown away by the Bombers, who are back on track after another taxing off field week. Again, the Tigers will be texting ‘cheers lads’ to the Kangaroos for taking the focus off their rubbish match and losing yet another unlosable game. Seriously, even the Richmond coaching staff are probing into how they keep doing this. Adelaide was the beneficiary this time, kicking 5 goals in 30 seconds to get on top by a single point. The Dees were on track to lose by about 4500 at half time against the Dockers, but they showed a bit of ticker and only managed to lose by 90. Good effort. GWS did manage to get into the dreaded triple digit deficit, going down to the Eagles. Sheed’s Naitanui voodoo doll didn’t do much either as he put on another clinic in spellbindingness. Port’s true colours have been shown and lowered, this time by the purring Cats machine. Carlton scraped home against a plucky Lions outfit, but they will probably be without Browny for a bit, after he tried to remove his opponent’s skull, with the spine still in tact. Like Predator. Finally, the Dogs! They are a real footy team. Great win over the Saints and if all goes well it could be 2 in a row…woof woof!



Sir, it’s happened again




The NRL has announced blood passports will be introduced to guard against doping

By Ben Horne in Sydney THE NRL has announced a number of new steps to outlaw drug cheats from the game, including the immediate introduction of a biological passport program. With the Australian Sports AntiDoping Authority (ASADA) currently investigating possible doping violations across the code, the NRL has moved to ensure it is on the front foot in the future. The Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) program won’t cover every NRL player but will cover a cross section and will be guided by ASADA. NRL chief executive Dave Smith said the game’s overall testing of players

would increase by 30 per cent. Other new testing measures include improvements to testing for Human Growth Hormone (hGH) pioneered at the London Olympics and increased testing for peptides. Samples will be sent to London for hGH examination and Cologne in Germany for the latest in peptide testing. Smith said he hoped testing would increase in future seasons. “The ABP test is in effect as of now. We’ve signed the contract earlier in the week so the new regime is in place. It’s actually happened,” Smith said at an announcement at Rugby League Central. “What I’ve described is the things we

will do for the rest of the year. “Tests start now. “ASADA will do all the things they need to do to carry out the testing. “Where we start is not where we’re going to finish. We will always be able to shift the program.” ASADA issued a statement commending the NRL for embracing an expanded anti-doping program. ASADA chief executive Aurora Andruska said that the NRL’s antidoping program was as comprehensive as any in world sport and was tailored to meet both emerging threats in doping, while providing an ongoing deterrent against substances and methods prohibited by the World Anti-Doping

Agency. “Rugby league already has a comprehensive anti-doping testing program, but the latest program now takes their commitment to a new level in protecting the sport from the threat of doping,” Andruska said. Smith added there was no update on ASADA’s current investigation centring on the Cronulla Sharks, however he was assured things were progressing as quickly as possible. In regards to allegations of assault levelled against South Sydney backrower Ben Te’o, Smith said he was receiving daily updates and that the NRL’s independent investigation was moving swiftly.

Bolter for the Blues State of Origin debutant Blake Ferguson has Laurie Daley to thank for getting his life back on track | P15

Deans’ worry list gets longer ahead of Lions arrival So, just under a week to go before the Lions kick off their hugely anticipated tour of Australia. Injuries and controversial nonselections cloud the Wallabies hopes, and we haven’t even got to the first match yet. Both Robbie Deans and Warren Gatland will be breathing a huge sigh of relief as another round of tough Super 15 and European Finals games were completed with more bruises than breaks. But injuries have mounted over the last few of weeks; most worryingly so for Australia. On the growing hobbling list for the Aussies is winger Digby Ioane, out with a knee injury and struggling for the first Test. George Smith is also doubtful with a knee injury meaning that the highly promising Michael Hooper will be a shoe-in for the first Test. He’s got big shoes to fill given that both Smith and Pocock are on the sidelines. Add in the chest concerns of James O’Connor and the hammering he took from the Auckland Blues a few weeks back, plus the forearm niggle for Tatafu Polota-Nau, and Deans will be praying that no-one else succumbs. Indeed, Deans is already walking a tight rope by excluding Quade Cooper from the squad announced last week. Problems with Cooper’s defense were mentioned but one wonders whether he has truly forgiven the controversial Queenslander ...continued on p15

Ashes sledging survival guide The boys in the baggy green are sure to defy the sceptics and win 5-nil of course. Just in case all doesn't quite go to plan though, learn this three-step series of devious strategies to help you duck under any banter bouncers pinged your way this summer. ORIGIN RAIDER: Canberra’s Blake Ferguson is set to have a big impact for the Blues in State of Origin debut. (AAP Image/Action Photographics, Renee McKay)

See page p15

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