ASL Newsletter Volume 5, September 2017 issue

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Behi nd

cl os eddoor s . .

Fe a t u r e dSt o r y T heBr i efGar den Pr obabl yt hemos tunder r at edphenomena,T heBr i efGar deni scer t ai nl yoneoft hemos ti mpr es s i vees t at egar dens whi chcl os el yf ol l owed t heEur opeant r adi t i onsofgar denmaki ng.Bevi sBawa t hel es s er knownel derbr ot heroft he i nf amousGeof f r eyBawaconcept ual i z edanddes i gnedt heBr i efGar denwhi chnot hi ngl es st hanar ubberes t at ecl os e t oAl ut hgama.T heBr i efgar dendoeshaveanai roft r opi cal ar i s t ocr acy! I ti snobi gs ecr ett hathi sbr ot herGeof f r eyf ound i ns pi r at i oni n“Br i ef ”whenher et ur ned t ot henCeyl oni n1948asa r at herr el uct antl awyer .T hebi r t hofL unugangaandGeof f r ey’ sj our neyi nt oar chi t ect ur ei sanot herchapt er ,anot her s t or y. T he r oad t o Br i eft akesyou t hr ough t he i nt er i or sofAl ut hgama,nor t h ofBent ot at hr ough a pr edomi nant l yMus l i m communi t y.I tmaynotbes ur pr i s i ngwhenpot ent i alf i r s tvi s i t or st obr i efl os et hei rwayst hr oughmi s l eadi ngr oadsand t r ai l ss ever alt i mesbef or el ocat i ngt hi smagni f i centpi eceofl ands cape.Vi s i t or sar es t upef i edatt heent r ancet o“T he Br i ef ”whi chi t si mpos i ngr ococogat epos t swi t hi t spai nf ul l ydet ai l edf i gur esandi t si r ongat esi nvi t i ngyout hr ought he cur vi ngavenueofwaxpal medt r ees .T hemai nbungal ow i schar mi ng,l adenwi t hbooks ,pai nt i ngsandwor ksofar tcol l ect i onofper s onal bel ongi ngsofBevi s .T hebungal ow opensoutt ot hever dantgar dens ,whi chhavebeencar ef ul l y des i gnedbyBevi sovert heyear s .Hi svi s i t i ngf r i endsi ncl udi ngDonal dF r i end,chi l dhoodf r i endAr t hurVanL angenber g

Nu mb e r1 1-h o me o f al e g e n d S i t uat edatt hepr emi err es i dent i al nei ghbor hoodi nCol ombo,Number11i s a mas t er – pi ecedes i gned byt hegr eatS r iL ankanar chi t ect ,l at eGeof f r ey Manni ngBawawho’ spr obabl yt hebes tcont empor ar yar chi t ectt hei s l and haseverpr oduced.He i sbehi nd many cont empor ar y des i gnsar ound Col omboaswel l asal ar gecol l ect i onofvi l l asandhot el ss pr eadacr os st he i s l and.Hi swor kal s oi ncl udei coni cs t r uct ur ess uchast hePar l i amentoft he Democr at i cS oci al i s tRepubl i cofS r i L anka. Number11t akesas peci al pl ace,ast hi swashi sr es i dencei nCol ombo.One ofhi skeyf eat ur eswasus eofl i ght&s paceandt hi spr oper t yi saex ampl eof t hes eel ement s . Mai nt ai nedandmanagedbyt heGeof f r eyBawat r us t ,t hehous ei snow opent ot hepubl i cbypr i orappoi nt ment .T he s chedul ed t our sar ea gr eatwayt ounder s t and hi sdes i gnconceptand wal kt hr oughhi scol l ect i onofant i quesand wor kofar t .Vi s i t or swi l l al s ohaveacces st ohi sl i vi ngs pacesi ncl udi nghi sdi ni ngr oom,l i vi ngr oom andbedr oom. S chedul edt our sar ecar r i edout3t i mesadayf r om Mondays–S at ur days( 1000H,1400H& 1530H)wi t honet ourever y S undayat1000H. Vi s i t or sal s ohavet heopt i onofenj oyi nganover ni ghts t ay( r es t r i ct edt oot hervi s i t or s )att het wobedr oom s ui t e,whi ch hasacommonbat hr oom andal i vi ngr oom t hathast obepr ebookedonavai l abi l i t y. I fyouar eaf anofcont empor ar yar chi t ect ur e,avi s i tt oNumber11canbeat r ul yi ns pi r i ngex per i ence!

Ou rr e c o mme n d e dr e t r e a t s Mawel l a Vi l l asi nt heS out hCoas toft hei s l andar ebecomi ngpopul arbyt heday,andf i ndi ngt he per f ectvi l l at hathasabs ol ut ei nt i macyands ecl us i onhasbecomea t as kbutMawel l aby T ar uVi l l asmi ghtj us tf i tt he cr i t er i a.T he vi l l ai snes t l ed ami ds ta l us ht r opi calgar dent hat l eadss t r ai ghtt ot heI ndi anOcean.T hepr oper t ycons i s t soft wos epar at evi l l ast hatcanbe booked s epar at el yorasa whol e and i ti sl ocat ed ona pr i s t i ne s t r et chofbeachi nt he f i s hi ngvi l l ageofMahawel l anearT angal l e. T heMai nHous econs i s t soff ourdoubl ebedr oomsex qui s i t el yf ur ni s hedwi t hf ourpos t erbeds .T hePool Hous econt ai ns t wos t yl i s hdoubl ebedr oomsandt hes wi mmi ngpool i ss har edbybot hvi l l as .As t r ol l ont hebeachast hewavesr ol l i n and outdur i ng a gl or i ouss uns etwi l lbe t he per f ects et t i ng f ora r omant i c eveni ng.I fyouar el ooki ng f ora vi l l at o cel ebr at espr i vacyandnur t ur esl ux ur yi nequal meas ur e,youcanf i ndt hi suni queex per i enceatMawel l aVi l l abyT ar u.

S r iS har aviBeachVi l l asar emadeupf ourl ux ur i ousvi l l ast hats i ti nf r ontofas er enebeach s et t i ngi nt heS out her nCoas tofMi r i s s awhi chi sappr ox i mat el y40mi nut esawayf r om t he hi s t or i ct ownofGal l e.T hi shol i dayr et r eathasa cont empor ar ydes i gnwi t hbr i ghtcol or s , pol i s hed cementf l oor sand s t unni ng s ea vi ew f r om i t sl ar ge wi ndows .T he s unki s s ed beachesand t he vi l l asar es epar at ed bya 45met ers wi mmi ng pooland a beach hut pr ovi di ngr ef r es hi ngdr i nks .T her ear e14r oomsi nt ot al ,t woS t andar dRoomsand12r ooms / s ui t esencl os ed i nt he f ourvi l l as .S r iS har aviBeachVi l l asi sani deall ocat i ont o enj oyt he coas t al l i f es t yl eandt hes ecl udedbeachesandt hi smakesi tt heper f ectr el ax i ngandl ai dbackhol i day.

Ahel pi nghandt of l ood/l ands l i deaf f ect edvi ct i msofSr iL anka I nt he wake oft he t or r ent i alr ai ns ,whi ch i sa r es ul toft he S out h Wes t er n mons oon condi t i ons ,S r i L ankayetagai nex per i enceds ever ef l oodsandl ands l i desi ns ever al par t s oft hei s l and.Wi t hhundr edsofcas ual t i es ,t hous andswer emi s pl acedi nt heaf t er mat hof t hef l oods . Aut hent i ci t i es ,t oget herwi t hAT JF oundat i onUS Awer equi ckt o act ,har nes s i ngt her es our cef ul nes soft hei rr egi onalex per t i s e, t os end qui ckai dt ot hos ei nneed.Rel i efef f or t swer ecar r i ed outi nar eass uchasEhel i yagodaandi t ss ur r ounds .

Wh a t sNe ' w. . Execut i veL oungeatt heAi r por tDepar t ur eT er mi nal : T heAi r por tAvi at i onuni thasi nt r oducedal oungef aci l i t yatt hedepar t ur et er mi nal oft heai r por t .T hel oungei sl ocat ed bet weendepar t ur egat es6and7.I tcanbeacces s edwi t hanomi nal paymentofUS $25perper s onandyouwi l l be s er ved wi t hunl i mi t ed s of tbever agesand a l i ghts nackbef or eyourdepar t ur ef l i ght .Youwi l lal s ogeta not i f i cat i on whenyourgat ei sopen.Newsi st hatt hepr oces sneedst obei r onedoutmor ebutwewi l l keepyouupdat edass oon asi t ’ sr eady. Wi l dCoas tL odge: T heRes pl endentCeyl onpi oneer sar eati tagai nandt hi st i mei nt hegr eatout door sofY al a.T hel at es taddi t i ont ot hei r col l ect i onofhi ghendl ux ur ypr oper t i esi scal l edWi l dCoas tL odgeandi sduet oopeni t sdoor si n16t hofOct ober2017. Wat cht hi ss pacef ormor ei nf o. New s pacesal er t ! J et wi ng br i ngst i di ngsofa new pr oper t yi nt hes ur f i ng hots pot ,Ar ugambayand a s econd pr oper t yi nJ af f na.S t ay t uned!

Ou rf a v o u r i t e St r e e t f o o dh o t s p o t L ooki ngf ort ypi cal I ndi ans t r eetf oodex per i ence?T henChaatKadei st hebes tbetwhi chhasopenedupatW. A.S i l va Mw i nmi ds toft hemai nr oadhus t l e.T het i nys hopi nt hemi ddl eofat eaandat yr es hopgi vesyout heopt i onei t hert o eati ns i de,oror dert hef oodandhavei ns i det hecomf or tofyourvehi cl e.T heyhaveal s opl acedaf ew s t ool sout s i de ( i ncas eyou’ r ecl aus t r ophobi c) .Qui cki ns er vi ceandevers ohel pf ul wheni tcomest oor der i ng,wehavenot hi ngbut ni cet hi ngst os ay. Des pi t ebei ngcal l ed“ChaatKade” ,t her e’ spl ent yofot hernoneveget ar i anopt i onsont hemenut ochoos ef r om. AF ew f avor i t es : S t ar t i ngwi t h“Pani Pur i ”-t hemos tf unandaper s onal f avor i t e!T hear tofeat i ngapani pur i i seat i ngi ti nonemout hf ul ( you’ dknow i fyou’ r eaBol l ywoodf an) . T hePur i hasat hi n,cr i s pyl ayerwi t habi tofs pi cedmas hedpot at oes .T hePani wass er vedi nat i nyt umbl erandi swat er yands weetwi t hahi ntoft amar i ndwhi cht obepour edi ns i det her oundPur i . T hi si sal l cr i s py,s pi cyands weetatt hes amet i me. “Dahi Pur i ”i spr et t ymucht hes ame,butt oppedwi t hS ev( anI ndi ans nackcons i s t i ngofl ong,t hi ns t r andsofgr am f l our , deepf r i edands pi ced)andabi tofcur dont op.S ooneryoueati tt hebet t erast hi scangets oggyqui t equi ckl y.Each oft hes epor t i onshas5pi ecesatRs180–200perpor t i on. Par ot aswi t ha choi ce ofcur r y–Chef ’ ss peci al( t hi ckand cr eamy)/Ker al a Chi ckencur r y( s pi cy! )/ Beefchukka / Kheema/Dr ychi cken. Anot hermus tt r y:Cr umbf r i edChi ckenL ol l i eswhi chcanbeor der edi n3or5pi eces( del i s h! )

Bes twayt o concl ude yourbi nge eat i ng –Mas l a Chai .T hi s gi ngeri nf us edchai l ooksdar kandhasj us tt her i ghtamountof s ugarands pi ces( t hi si ss er veds moki nghot ,youmi ghtwantt o l eti tcool downabi t ) . T hepl acei snot hi ngf ancy,butt hi si sagr eatex per i enceand i sver yeas yont hepockett oo!T r yi t ,i fyoul ovei t ,andf eel f r ee t ogetamar kerandwr i t eont hei rwal l s ! No,t heywon’ tmi nd: )

gr ai nr i ceand1/ 3cupofdes i cat edcoconutunt i lbr ownandf r agr ant .Gr i ndt oapowder i namor t arorbl ender .Addt her i ceandcoconutpowdert ot hecur r yandcookf oraf ew mor emi nut es .S er vewi t hr i ce.

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