Dog Ownership 101 - A Magazine For Dog Owners

Page 18


TIPS FOR ANY OWNER by Kelly V. Livingston


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Do you own a dog that needs a great deal of training? Whether you are training a puppy or an older dog, there are things you should know before you start.

hether you are the owner of a puppy or the owner of an older dog that is not well-trained, you and your dog can both benefit from dog training. However, dog training will not work unless you are consistent and firm. The following are 8 dog training tips that can make the process easier.

the back end and say “Sit!”. The basics of training are very easy to understand; however, getting a dog to pay attention and do it happily are two very different things. There is more that an owner needs to know. There is more than just group classes that need to be taken, otherwise an owner is going to be teaching forever.

THE ART OF DOG TRAINING A person that has never owned a dog, or trained one for that matter, could easily come up with a successful plan to train the pet without any prompting. Simply hold up the front end, push down

TRAINING ISN’T A QUICK THING Training is a continual process. Teaching and practicing go on and on, in situations that can get more challenging. When you don’t want the dog to do something, you admonish or ignore


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