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it replaces,” Verlen said. “One of the main issues back then was the quality of digital cameras in cellphones, but you look at them now and they are amazing. The enhanced camera capabilities lead to greater clarity, and we’ve applied technology to guide users in taking the right pictures, so picture accuracy has improved, adding a whole new level of credibility, which is so important, especially for shops that are using it for the fi rst time.” CCC off ers the industry’s only end-to-end digital auto insurance experience, from telematics data used by insurers for policy quotes and premium discounts, to incident management, where telematics can be used to alert an insurance carrier after a crash event, to photo- and AI-powered applications for repair, total loss and casualty claims management. Using mobile, AI and IoT together with its industry platform, CCC connects the broader auto insurance ecosystem supporting more than $100 billion in transactions each year. In June, CCC announced the availability of CCC ® Quick View, a photo-guided vehicle inspection solution. Quick View enables auto underwriters to effi ciently and aff ordably complete vehicle inspections virtually by off ering policyholders a mobile app to easily capture vehicle photos.
When CCC’s patented Damage Detection Heatmaps ® are applied, shops and insurer can easily assess a vehicle’s condition, including pre-existing damage
Once photos are received, CCC’s proven AI-enabled photo analytics and Damage Detection Heatmaps ® are applied, allowing insurers to assess vehicle condition, including the identifi cation of pre-existing damage. Quick View also makes it easy for insurers to assess the presence of custom equipment. Policyholders can capture and share photos at their con

Audi Part Professionals are experts on collision parts, replacement components and mechanical items. venience typically in fi ve minutes. Early use of Quick View by a large, national insurer shows marked improvements in cost, speed and the identifi cation of pre-existing damage. Specifi cally, Quick View reduced costs by 75% over manual inspections, led to 60% of inspections being completed in less than 24 hours and identifi ed pre-existing damage on more than 15% of assessed vehicles. “Insurers are looking to balance the need to understand risk with the ability to effi ciently and consistently conduct vehicle inspections,” said Naved Siddique, CCC’s group vice president, insurance services group. “Quick View off ers policyholders a guided experience to make photo capture easy, while AI and heatmaps help insurers with their virtual vehicle assessments. “Quick View has additional inherent value as vehicle photos can be integrated with CCC’s claims solutions, making them readily available for review by insurers should a physical damage claim arise in the future,” Siddique said. “We’re excited to apply our mobile, AI and heatmap capabilities to the inspection process, supporting the broader needs of our insurance customers.” CCC Quick View empowers drivers to carry out photo collection digitally and at their convenience. Insurance carriers can use digital photos to be more productive and eff ective in determining the condition of a new policyholder’s vehicle. CCC Quick View off ers features such as guided photo capture, which enables consumers to receive a Quick View invite, prompting and guiding them through photo collection and submission and geo-coding that verifi es where photos were taken, helping identify garage location. It also enables users to take photos that can be integrated with CCC’s claims solutions, making them easily available for comparison if a physical damage claim is initiated under the applicable policy in the future, allowing carriers to potentially mitigate prior damage claims.
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SCRS Open Board Meeting Highlights Include Presentations About Pressing Industry Topics
The collision repair industry recentfocus,” he said. “We all feel fortuly had the opportunity to attend the nate that SCRS has a role of support Society of Collision Repair S pecialfor its members and we have taken a ists (SCRS) open board meeting, held lot of great pride in doing that.” virtually in July . During his executive director’s
“The open meeting was for report, Schulenburg shared some of anyone wishing to learn more about the COVID-19 resources the organithe current state of the association’s zation provides on the SCRS website activities and pressing industry top(https://scrs.com/covid19-resources), ics,” said Aaron Schulenburg, exwhich includes information about ecutive director. workplace preparation and health,
Open to association members and financial aid and relief. and non-members, the meeting inHe also mentioned the organicluded updates and presenzation’s involvement with tations from SCRS staff and other entities and industries committees outlining curto help drive the industry rent initiatives. The agenda forward. These include noalso featured guest presentable groups such as the tations and comments from American Society of Assoindustry colleagues. ciation Executives, the U.S. The following is a summary of some of the highJohn Eck, GM collision manager Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of lights from the meeting, which includIndependent Business, as well as newed a presentation about GM’s ADAS ly-formed coalitions like the Ameridocument, information about data ca’s Recovery Fund Coalition. privacy and the SCRS award-winning “We are working to identify ways Blueprint Optimization Tool (BOT). to help the small businesses we rep
At the start of the meeting, resent and the information we could Schulenburg announced SCRS would bring to the marketplace,” he said. be holding a live electronic vote of During the open board meeting, board members for the first time. John Eck, collision manager at GM, Following the meeting, the winners and Chris Blackmore, GM program were announced. They included the manager, shared information about incumbent, Amber Alley of BarsotGM’s Advanced Driver Assistance ti’s Body and Fender; Tony Adams Systems (ADAS) support document of Weaver’s Auto Center; and post-collision inspecand John Mosley of Clinton tion. Body Shop. All three will sit The four-part ADAS docon SCRS’s board of direcument outlines the answers tors for the next three years. to questions that arose as a
“We had five outstandresult of GM’s attendance ing candidates,” said Brett at the VeriFacts Automotive Bailey , SCRS chairman Brett Bailey, SCRS summit in February. The of the board. “The wealth chairman sections include system deof knowledge that each of scription, component locathem has is off the charts. Whoever tion, calibration and slow calibration. wins the election in those three spots “Several in the industry pressed will do a great job.” us to help identify ADAS terminolo
Since the start of the pandemic, gy, abbreviations and component loSchulenburg said the situation has cations as well as how to calibrate,” impacted every one of its member said Eck. businesses. As a result, the organizaThis technical document, Doction has strived to offer guidance and ument ID #5577683, is available assistance to members. with GM Service Information (SI)
“It certainly has been something and also as a free PDF document on that has taken a significant amount of GM’s website: https://www.genuine gmparts.com/pdf/techinfo/gm-driver “You want to make sure that the -assistance-systems-aid.pdf. right security wording and legal doc
Blackmore then talked about GM’s umentation is in place in all those collision inspection process. agreements to not only pro
“We recognized that the tect your collision center, but requirements process we laid all the vendors you work with, out for a collision are exthe customer and the data protremely labor-intensive and vider,” he said. vehicle invasive,” he said. He advised shops to look “We’ve been working on at what he referred to as sereviewing that process and document since January.” Chris Blackmore, GM program manager curity detection and response capabilities.
This involves talking to oth“Y ou want to work with partners er OEMs and working closely with who are proactively looking to ensure GM’s internal engineering team. that there is nothing egregious taking
He outlined GM’s draft concept place, data is always being protected, in regard to post-collision inspection, and providers have a security officer which includes the steps for visual inin place or are audited by a third-parspections and affirming diagnostics. ty organization to make sure data seIf approved, a final document will curity is the No. 1 priority,” he said. be available to the industry He then offered recomwith details and photos. mendations on what to look
Schulenburg said SCRS for in a security partner: fields numerous concerns from members in regard to ▪ Third-party certification data privacy. ▪ Annual investment in en
“Data protection is a hanced security very important issue right Brandon Lauer, vice ▪ Storage solutions that abide now,” he said. “We believe president of business by GDP laws that electronic commerce development and ▪ Team members dedicated needs to take place, but we client experience for ClaimsCorp. to security should be able to count on the ▪ Full transparency of data companies that we are working with usage that it takes place responsibly.” ▪ Deletion practices
He then introduced Brandon ▪ Auto Claims Economy industry Lauer, vice president of business deknowledge velopment and client experience at ▪ Strong data transfer and protection ClaimsCorp., who talked about the processes proactive steps businesses can take ▪ Data usage agreements in regard to data privacy.
Lauer offered tips on how shops At the close of the meeting, Schulencan protect their businesses. First, burg shared information about the he stressed the importance of award-winning SCRS Bluealways asking for consent and print Optimization Tool authorization from custom(BOT), powered by NuGen ers. Next, he said companies IT, an OEC company. should evaluate their solution “We worked with Nupartners. This includes askGen IT due to their treing where the data is stored, mendous development rewho has access to it and Pete Tagliapietra, sources and shared vision how it is transferred. business development in what we could accom
Lauer recommendleader at NuGen IT, an OEC Company plish with the BOT,” said ed leveraging data storage Schulenburg. providers for multiple solutions and The BOT was the recipient of a carefully reviewing all agreements 2020 SEMA New Product award and that require data sharing. See Meeting Highlights, Page 45