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functions that work well in the business and increase throughput. For shop owners looking to fi nd the next generation of the workforce, Peugeot encourages them to set up their businesses in such a way that they are considered the best landing spot for a recruit, regardless of their education. “We have to look within before we can start complaining about Millennials or work ethic or people wanting to get into the trade,” he said. Currently, Matrix off ers 20-week programs in collision repair and refi nish, automotive maintenance and service advisor training, all of which focus on a hands-on effi ciency-based curriculum. Students typically intern after the fi rst two or three weeks. Peugeot said students are seen as productive members of the business the fi rst day of an internship. Similar to the program at Ranken College, participants receive a tool set and are shown how to organize it. Rather than relying on outdated textbooks, the programs focus on modern technology, such as interac
“We’re the new kid on the block but fortunately, we have done more things right than wrong and built some nice momentum,” — Dustin Peugeot
tive, game-style learning simulation. They have found this enables individuals to perform, feel valued and grow within their internships. The majority of the time, Peugeot said the internships turn into full-time employment. Peugeot said it’s critical to help the industry become a better place to onboard employees and develop employees who work hard, show up on time and want to work. “We can’t blame the students of this generation,” he said. “We have to look within and fi nd out how we can become better employers, recruiters and growers of talent.” customer safety. That’s not okay. We need information that’s accurate, and we need collision repair professionals following that information to ensure we’re putting our customers back in vehicles that are safe.” General Motors in July also said its published requirements for inspections, which it currently says must be completed “after any collision,” will be reviewed to see if they can be scaled back for vehicles needing only minor repairs. “We recognize that the requirements and processes we had laid out… are extremely labor intensive and vehicle invasive,” GM’s John Eck said. A survey of 17 automakers showed GM and Subaru are the only two that require extensive inspections following any collision, regardless of severity. Eck emphasized that prior to its new procedures being fi nalized, GM’s current post-collision inspection requirements remain in place. “Until then, nothing has changed,” Eck said. 2020 SEMA Global Media award. Schulenburg said the windows-based application is an automated version of the Guide to Complete Repair Planning, providing collision repair facilities with an intelligent, easy-to-use estimate analysis tool. “It immediately identifi es labor operations, line items and customizable charges that could be overlooked on an estimate,” he explained. “Based on the feedback and insight we’ve received, we’ve identifi ed a very successful utilization of the tool in identifying the opportunities being missed and the fi nancial impact for the end user,” said Pete Tagliapietra, business development leader of NuGen IT. Live demos of the BOT are being held every Wednesday at 2:30 EST. An access code is available on the SCRS website: https://scrs.com/bot/. Visit https://scrs.com/events/ to learn more about the next SCRS open meeting and visit the website for membership information.
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Patrick BMW Schaumburg 847-605-4055 847-619-4511 Fax M-Sat 8am-5pm Indiana Basney BMW South Bend 800-274-8504 574-273-5075 Fax M-F 7:30am-6pm parts@basneyimports.com www.basneybmw.com
Kentucky BMW of Louisville Louisville 502-499-4552 502-499-4476 Fax M-Sat 8am-5pm bmwparts@louisvillebmw.com Ohio BMW of Cincinnati North Cincinnati 513-782-1130 M-F 8am-6pm partsbmw@jakesweeney.com
Michigan Sharpe BMW Grand Rapids 888-708-1359 616-452-1101 Fax M-F 7am-6pm Sat 8am-1pm tmosier@thesharpecollection.com www.sharpebmw.com Missouri Autohaus BMW St. Louis 888-811-6199 314-880-8428 Fax M-F 7am-6pm brian.fi scher@bmwautohaus.com