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Packages During Pilot Program
agement,” said Rozint. “Lemonade presented an excellent opportunity to apply our industry-leading solutions with a partner that is poised for rapid growth.”
Through the collaboration, Rozint said Mitchell can assist the insurer with settling claims seamlessly while delivering an exceptional customer experience.
“The integration of Mitchell’s solutions with Lemonade’s existing technology stack will support an automated, digital claims process— from first notice of loss (FNOL) to settlement,” he said.
Lemonade is also leveraging Mitchell’s auto casualty injury claims processing solutions to automate both first-party auto and third-party liability claims.
“Automating these functions is intended to align with the insurer’s goal for Lemonade Car: to use technology to handle emergencies and settle claims seamlessly, providing the best possible experience for customers,” according to a press release.
“Lemonade is advancing the auto insurance market with sophisticated technology and Mitchell, being an auto casualty technology leader, is happy to support those goals with our specialized casualty technology and service solutions,” said Norman Tyrrell, vice president of product management, Mitchell Casualty Solutions Group. “Lemonade will be leveraging Mitchell’s DecisionPoint Medical Bill Processing software as well as a number of our Technology Enabled Solutions.”
Several years ago, Mitchell decided to rebuild its core platform around key concepts that included an open, cloud-based architecture, and support for proper and safe repairs.
“With each new customer, we believe that the market is validating this direction,” said Rozint.
For more information about Lemonade Car, visit www.lemonade.com/ car.
For property casualty and collision repair updates and perspectives, follow Mitchell on Twitter @MitchellClaims and @MitchellRepair.
by Maria Merano, Teslarati
Rivian reported delivering more than 430,000 Amazon packages with its Electric Delivery Van (EDV) during the vehicles’ pilot deployments, which rolled out in July. In July, AmazonannouncedRivianEDVswould be deployed in locations across the U.S., including Baltimore, Chicago, Dallas,KansasCity,Nashville,Phoenix, San Diego, Seattle and St. Louis. Rivian and Amazon worked closely togetherto designthe EDVvehicle.
“A close development partnership with Amazon and its delivery drivers enabled us to optimize the EDV features and design for last mile delivery,” Rivian said in its Q2 Shareholders Letter. “This process included delivering more than 430,000 packages through multiple pilot deployments that began in early 2021—these pilots enabled a rapid refinement ofa rangeof features.” RivianexplainedeachEDVfeature, providing a reason behind each design decision. For instance, the EV automaker equipped the electric delivery van with rear roll-up doors so it would be easier to load bulky warehouse items. Rivian’s Amazon Delivery Van also has a tall roof, so drivers can easily walk through it. Plus, Amazon EDV vehicles work with Rivian’s fleet management system, called FleetOS. The EV automaker also highlighted how closely Rivian engineers worked with Amazon employees to optimize EDV features. “To ensure optimal temperature, Rivian engineers spent time in the vans during delivery routes, which helped the development of an HVAC system optimized for driver comfort and efficiency,” noted Rivian. One Amazon delivery driver already provided his first impression of Rivian’s EDV via his YouTube channel, Friday Adventure Club. He wasimpressedwiththeEDVandlisted its advantages over ICE delivery vehicles. Amazon deployed Rivian EDV 700s in July. Rivian has two other variants for its electric delivery van: the EDV 500 and the EDV 900. The EV automaker announced it started production validation for the EDV 500 in Q2 2022.
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