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a law of contracts “gives you the ability to ensure a vehicle doesn’t get abandoned or pulled from you without your fees being paid.”

She warned, “When it comes to total losses, having a ‘repair contract’ may not protect you from having vehicles removed and you not getting paid, or it may not protect your customer from having settlements diminished because of that.”


After becoming familiar with civil and contract laws, Felder emphasized knowing state and municipal regulations is imperative since certain jurisdictions clearly identify who is qualified to be a storage or towing company, and those laws may also “govern what you can charge and lay out actions that are required on your end. If you have a regulation and don’t comply, you may not be able to collect what you’re charging.”

Discussing how to establish services and pricing for total losses, Felder said, “If you’re in a contractual agreement that says you can’t charge for any services on a total loss, you’re stuck at this point, but if you don’t have that agreement, what do you charge?

“Your duty is to be able to describe the reasonableness of your decisions. Whatever you charge, you’d best be able to explain each line to every 10th or every penny you have on the estimate because that’s going to be compared to ‘reasonable’ in other places.”

Felder discussed common reasons related to the total loss process, which collision shops may charge, including fees related to intake, notification, securing the vehicle, administration, collision access time, cataloging and storing removed parts, environmental protection, photo documentation, repair planning, vehicle mobility, vehicle disposition, OEM access, DMV/lien/legal expenses and storage.

Next, Felder recommended shops create and store pre-written form letters, which can easily be updated with the client and vehicle-specific information. She provided a list of pre-written letters to keep on hand, such as confirmation of pickup disposition, summary of charges for pickup, status update total loss, notice of total loss, summary of inspection with fees, authorization for inspection with fees, notice of visual total loss and request for invoices.

Examining examples of these forms, Felder identified which important aspects to include, repeatedly stressing the value of explaining the standards and regulations the shop must follow as well as the identification of the shop’s ethics in cost containment.

“Proper documentation will get you paid down to the penny!” Felder said.

During “Phone Skills for Collision Repair,” Felder pointed out, “The phone is probably one of the most important tools we have in the body shop. We’re on it all day and interact with customers more over the phone than face-to-face, but we’re really bad at the phone―and our skills are degrading!”

Diving into the evolution of connection, Felder explained there are three layers of connection in the human brain. The neocortex is the rational brain, the limbic brain is the emotional aspect and the reptilian brain is guided purely by instinct and survival.

“We want the people we’re dealing with to be on the upper level, but first, we need to work through the first two layers. Understanding where someone is at mentally will help you communicate, connect and get them to do the things you want them to do.”

Because the brain reacts to sound, the voice is a powerful tool that can be used to influence the customer when used correctly. Felder provided several tips for using the phone. Don’t use a script, use your name and theirs, ask questions, mirror their tempo, be kind and polite and speak inclusively by using “we” instead of “you.”

To improve communication sessions, designate a talking space where the customer is the primary focus, designate a person who talks on the phone and keep a log system.

“Cell phones are one of the worst things that ever happened to customer connection,” Felder warned. “We forget that our brain chemistry desires that connection. Don’t forget about the power of your voice or feel that you’re too overwhelmed. The more connected we are, the happier we are.”

For more information on ASA, visit asashop.org.

Spec Ad Order

Sales Rep: Norman Morano

Advertiser: Ken Vangorder Volkswagen of Kingston 1249 Ulster Ave Kingston NY 12401 Phone: 845-336-5300x4 Fax: 845-336-7436

Today’s Date: 2/15/2021

Ad type: quarter page w/ VW DLP listing

Instructions to Graphic Designer:

1)Use all the information in his 8th page spec ad.

2)Use the Liberty VW Qtr page ad template

3)Include the network logos: Parts Trader, OE Connection, OPS Trax and Collision Link

4)Use the same bullet points in the Liberty VW ad. Please don’t use the bullet point in the existing 8th page spec ad.

Registration Open for 2021 AWDA Conference

by Camille Sheehan, Auto Care Association The Aftermarket Warehouse Distributors Association (AWDA), a community of the Auto Care Association, on June 15 announced registration is open for its 74thAnnual AWDA Conference.

The event will be held Oct. 31–Nov. 3 at The Venetian Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, NV.

The AWDA Conference is an annual business event that brings together the premier companies of the industry for high-level, private, one-on-one business meetings.

The AWDA conference, sponsored this year byDorman Products, will signify the dynamic in-person return of the industry at the start of Automotive Aftermarket Industry Week (AAIW).

For 2021, the AWDA conference will be implementing these new approaches:

Shifting to Align with AAPEX: The AWDA Conference will shift from its typical days and now offer one-on-one meetings all day Nov. 1, followed by the afternoons of Nov. 2 and Nov. 3. Access to One-on-One Meeting Suites: The designated one-onone meeting suites in the Venetian Guest Tower will now be accessible by all guestroom elevator banks to allow for more efficient access.

“AWDA is extremely excited at the opportunity to host our long standing, premier event in person,” said Larry Northup, executive director, AWDA. “While we were still able to successfully stay connected this past year, that does not rival the experience and the importance of face-to-face engagements. The industry is ready to reunite and forge on.”

All companies must register by Aug. 20 to participate in the AWDA One-on-One meetings. For further details, eligibility, hotel and registration information, visit autocare.org/awdaconference. Source: Auto Care Association www.autobodynews.com


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