Elon Musk Makes Move to Texas Official by Maria Merano, Teslarati
E lo n M usk has o cially moved to Te as, reported the all treet ournal. us con rmed his relocation to the one tar tate during an interview with M at t M urray , s editor in chie . “ or mysel , yes, have moved to Te as,” us told urray. The eccentric billionaire e plained his move did have to do with pace s ongoing wor with tarship and the construction o Giga actory Te as, Tesla s new massive car plant. etween the two pro ects, us admitted the he spends a lot o
time in Te as. oving to the one tar tate seemed to ma e sense to us . us hinted his move to Te as did have a little to do with ali ornia. e e plained that the state had become a little complacent and maybe even a bit entitled. ali ornia s ilicon alley has become somewhat o an epicenter or tech companies over the years. s such, it hasn t had to ght or companies, li e Tesla. ther states seem to put in a lot o e ort. or instance, the competition or Tesla s ne t Giga actory between Te as and lahoma was amusing See Move to Texas, Page 12
Collision Repair Industry Associations Make 2021 New Year’s Resolutions by Chasidy Rae Sisk
n ew ear s ve, people typically en oy reflecting on the ending year, but has been a little chaotic, to say the least.
hile no one seems particularly sad to say goodbye to , there s still e citement and hope or the incoming year, e pressed by ma ing
ew ear s resolutions. ollision repair industry associations are optimistic about the upcoming year and graciously agreed to share their ew ear s resolutions with utobody ews.
ecause has contained so many unprecedented events and situations, many associations resolutions See New Year’s Resolutions, Page 16
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Service King Partners with Collin College to Provide Resources for Collision Technology Program ervice ing ollision® has teamed up with the ollin ollege Technical ampus to provide ongoing support or the school s ollision Technology rogram. s the leading operator o auto body repairs, ervice ing has a uni ue partnership with the ollision epair ducation oundation , a nonpro t that ocuses on pre employment and preparing the ne t generation o auto body technicians. ervice ing s collaboration with enables the company to engage and support technical colleges nationwide through advisory
board seat positions and the donation o scholarships and unding opportunities. s a result, ervice ing began wor ing with ollin ollege s ollision Technology rogram, located in llen, Te as. n , ervice ing began helping the school plan the layout o its uture acility, its needed e uipment and overall program buildout. ow that ollin ollege s program o cially commenced a ter the acility s grand opening, ervice ing plans to oin orces with the school to identi y See Service King Partners, Page 27
Distracted Driving Skyrocketing During the Pandemic by Kea Wilson, StreetsBlog USA
A new study of COV ID-era car crashes nds that a shoc ing o all drivers were using their cell phones within seconds o impact—and transaportation sa ety leaders are doing almost nothing to stop it, despite a preponderance o proven strategies that can compel us to put down our devices when we re behind the wheel. n an analysis o , collisions that too place on . . roads in , mobility analysis rm endrive ound our country s record setting crash rates in the loc down months usually involved dangerous distracted driving behaviors li e te ting behind the wheel, which is illegal in states. larmingly, . o drivers the company studied were using their cell phones in the ve seconds immediately prior to impact—and the problem got increasingly worse as the year wore on, and more and more cars returned to the road and rates o other dangerous behaviors,
li e speeding, dropped. endrive s technology wor s in the bac ground o a wide range o cell phone apps, rom e ta i so tware to navigation services countless mericans use every day, so the dangerous phenomenon cuts across both commercial and civilian driving. Those early days o , o course, were an e ceptional time or . . transportation. ut e perts reiterated that distracted driving long predates the pandemic, and the recent upheaval in travel patterns only underscores a long standing problem. “ istracted driving is a needless crisis, and now as we navigate increased health ris s in our day to day, we need to prioriti e sa ety on the road,” said J o nat h an M at us, endrive and co ounder. “ e hope that sharing this data demonstrates the urgency here, and sheds light on a ey to eeping our communities sa er.” course, we now e actly how to stop drivers rom scrollSee Distracted Driving, Page 17
12/15/2020 4:56:56 PM
NOROO Automotive Refinishes Paint
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NOROO Automotive Refinish Product Lineup Putty, Plastic Primer, Primer Surfacer, Basecoat/Topcoat, Clearcoat, Reducer, Subsidiary.
Address 3314 Garden Brook Dr. Farmers Branch, TX 75234 USA Telephone 1-305-450-1879 I E-Mail jessie.kim@jkmg-int.com
2 JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS / autobodynews.com
Southwest_Issue_0121.indd 2
12/14/2020 4:59:41 PM
Another Injured Veteran Receives Retrofitted
10 Cities with the Most Expensive Driver
AutoNation Donates $20,000 to Phoenix Children’s Hospital ..........................................7 AZ Gov. Won’t ‘Throw Hundreds of Thousands
Commutes ....................................................36
Gun Using Revolutionary Technology .............39 Publisher & Editor: Jeremy Hayhurst General Manager: Barbara Davies Contributing Writers: John Yoswick, Janet Chaney, Toby Chess, Ed Attanasio, Chasidy Sisk, David Luehr, Stacey Phillips, Victoria Antonelli, Gary Ledoux Advertising Sales: Joe Momber, Griffin Reinhard, Norman Morano (800) 699-8251 Office Manager: Louise Tedesco Digital Marketing Manager: Bryan Malinski Art Director: Rodolfo Garcia Graphic Designer: Vicki Sitarz Online and Web Content Editor: Abby Andrews Accounting Manager: Heather Priddy Permissions Editor: Randi Scholtes Office Assistant: Dianne Pray
Serving Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico, Arkansas, Colorado, Arizona, Utah and adjacent metro areas. Autobody News is a monthly publication for the autobody industry. Permission to reproduce in any form the material published in Autobody News must be obtained in writing from the publisher. ©2021 Adamantine Media LLC.
Audi South Austin ........................................... 19
Hyundai Wholesale Parts Dealers .................... 35
Audi Wholesale Parts Dealers .......................... 37
Kia Motors Wholesale Parts Dealers ................ 29
Big Mike Naughton Ford.................................. 15
Killer Tools & Equipment Corp. .......................... 7
Bill Luke Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge-Ram ................. 6
Mazda Wholesale Parts Dealers ...................... 39
BMW of South Austin ...................................... 19
Mitsubishi Wholesale Parts ............................. 34
BMW Wholesale Parts Dealers ........................ 31
MOPAR Wholesale Parts Dealers ..................... 25
Bob Utter Kia .................................................. 27
NOROO Paint & Coatings ................................... 2
Car-Part.com .................................................. 17
North Freeway Hyundai ................................... 18
Certified Automotive Parts Association ............ 10
Part of the Club ............................................... 15
Chevyland....................................................... 16
Peak Kia ......................................................... 15
Christopher’s Dodge World .............................. 15
Santa Fe Kia ..................................................... 6
Classic BMW................................................... 11
SATA Dan-Am Company .................................... 5
Kia’s Kurcz Named to Leadership List ...............32
Classifieds ...................................................... 38
Schmelz Countryside ...................................... 15
Motus: Vehicle Depreciation to Slow as
Emich Chevrolet.............................................. 15
Scoggin-Dickey Parts Center..........................8-9
Equalizer Industries, Inc .................................. 14
Shop-Pro Equipment ....................................... 40
Fisher Acura.................................................... 15
Spanesi Americas ........................................... 13
Predictions Amidst COVID-19 Disruption,
Fisher Honda .................................................. 15
Stevinson Toyota West .................................... 15
Structural Change, Part 1, See Entire Article
Flatirons Subaru ............................................. 15
Subaru Wholesale Parts Dealers...................... 26
at AutobodyNews.com ....................................4
Ford Wholesale Parts Dealers .......................... 33
Toyota of Laredo ............................................. 22
Fowler Honda ................................................... 6
Toyota Wholesale Parts Dealers....................... 30
Freeman Mazda .............................................. 12
Volkswagen Wholesale Parts Dealers .............. 39
GM Wholesale Parts Dealers ........................... 23
Young Chevrolet .............................................. 27
Shutdown .....................................................11
Biden Says He Won’t Immediately Remove
Elon Musk Makes Move to Texas Official .............1 Lucid Hits Major Factory Milestone, Production Begins Spring 2021 ........................................6 Service King Donates Car to Phoenix Resident Through NABC Recycled Rides Program ..........7 Service King Partners with Collin College to Provide Resources for Collision Technology Program .......................................1 TSTC Auto Collision Program in Waco, TX, Provides Women with Skills for the Workforce .....................................................12
U.S. Tariffs on China ......................................32 Caliber Announces Internal Promotions .............11 Collision Repair Industry Associations Make 2021 New Year’s Resolutions ..........................1 Distracted Driving Skyrocketing During the Pandemic .......................................................1 Experts: Classic Car Owners Should Beware Second Lockdown ........................................32
Anderson - It’s Time to Address the Other ‘Pandemic’ in Our Industry ............................24 Attanasio - Metal and Creativity Collide at CRASH Jewelry .........................................31 Collision Repair Teacher Sets Students Up for Career Success .......................................34 Ledoux - The ‘80s—Foreign Cars and Other Changes .......................................................22 Phillips - Cracking the Code to Recruiting and Hiring Collision Repair Technicians ................28
Every Automaker...........................................38 Ford, I-CAR Announce EV Training .....................23 Former UAW VP Gets 30 Months for Taking $250,000 in Bribes and Kickbacks ................35
$137 Million .................................................36 Investment Banker Tells MSOs the Industry Will be ‘Alive and Well’ Seven Years from Now .....32
Much as 3% in 2021.....................................30 Private’s Equity’s Influence on Consolidation
Tesla Touchscreen Failures: 7,777 Warranty
Yoswick - Driving Has Largely Rebounded,
Claims ..........................................................10
but Traffic Congestion, Resulting Claims
U.S. EV Market Set for Huge Growth by 2025 ....14
Have Not.......................................................26
Autobody News P.O. Box 1516 Carlsbad, CA 92018 (800) 699-8251 (760) 603-3229 Fax www.autobodynews.com editor@autobodynews.com
Ford Has a Controversial Message for
Hyundai, Kia Fires Cost Automakers Another COLUMNISTS
3M Introduces Lightweight Performance Spray
AirPro Diagnostics Partners with adasThink ........6
Operations as COVID-19 Cases Rise..............10
2021 ASA X50 Automotive Conference & Expo ..10
of Arizonans Out of Work,’ Refuses Mass
Colorado’s EOC Returns to Highest Level of
Vehicle Through DrivenToDrive ......................14
Advertise in our Classified Section for $50 per column inch!
Honda-Acura Wholesale Parts Dealers .......20-21 autobodynews.com / JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS 3
Southwest_Issue_0121.indd 3
12/15/2020 4:57:20 PM
Private’s Equity’s Influence on Consolidation Predictions Amidst COVID-19 Disruption, Structural Change, Part 1, See Entire Article at AutobodyNews.com by Vincent Romans, as told to Stacey Phillips
During the MSO Symposium in N ovember, V incent R o mans, managing partner of The Romans Group, presented a macro-level view of the evolving U .S. collision repair industry. Following the virtual show, Romans shared further insight from The Romans Group industry research with A u tobod y N ew s contributor St acey Ph illip s, following trends on consol-
uncertainty. These include COV ID 19’s uncertain impact; a slow, hobbling, uneven healing economy; social unrest in the U .S.; presidential election results; and tensions between the U .S., China and Russia. The recent disruption caused by the pandemic will accelerate change in ways that ma e it di cult to pre dict what the e ects will be through out the broader auto physical damage ecosystem.
that seem to be at the top of the more influential and impact ul near term confluence o prevailing industry con ditions during and post-pandemic: • Drastic decrease in miles driven, accidents and claims processed compared to the same period in 2019 • A reduction in the collision repair addressable market, Total Available Market ( TAM) , in 2020, yet to be determined • Increased vehicle repair complexity due to growing penetration of embedded ADAS technology and calibration requirements • Continued acceptance and adoption o certi cation programs • Technician shortage mitigated in the short-term due to furloughed and terminated technicians, but sourcing, recruitment and retention continues.
Fig. 1
idation, private equity ( PE) and the auto physical damage landscape. In the following article, Romans discusses the impact of COV ID-19 on the collision repair industry and e amines how continues to influ ence structural change with consolidation. 2020 will forever be seen and remembered as a generational foundation year o signi cant disruption and structural change for the world with far-reaching economic, social and political implications. At the Romans Group, we have discussed and pro led the ongoing disruption taking place during the last ve decades as part o our study of the longitudinal evolution within the collision repair industry, and its auto physical damage ecosystem’s multi-segment structural transformation. We entered 2020 with one of the best business and economic environments ever by all comparative standards. We were then unexpectedly hit by a confluence o e ternal events impacting near and longer term visibility overshadowed by continued
There are many industry constructs laying the foundation for change, opportunity and uncertainty as we transition to 2021. However, we expect to emerge from 2020 with stronger nascent and legacy-leading businesses that were well-capitaliz ed with strong balance sheets pre-COV ID, as well as emerging disrupters who were at the right place and time with new norm solutions that became opportunities for success and competitive advantages. We have seen many repair organiz ations able to not only maintain their operational and nancial well being, but also to be pro table during the pandemic. A combination of the Federal Reserve’s periodic economic intervention, the collision repair industry’s designation as an essential business, available PPP loans and early reductions in labor force actions initiated by repairers all helped contribute to many repairer’s positively navigating the pandemic. Since February, we have seen a number of market dynamic changes
Technicians and collision repair owners are now even more selective regarding hiring and retaining the best • Evolution of business segmentation strategies with the largest consolidators marketing to insurers their unique “one national shop model/ platform.” This is further segmented with collision repair locations providing speci c capabilities including glass installation, express-, same- or next-day service, non-drive/ total loss processing and disposition, OEM certi cation, advanced material and or mechanical repair, and diagnostic services including pre- and post-repair scanning and calibration
rti cial intelligence, machine learning and computer vision geared to the development and adoption of collision repair estimating eventually impacting shorter claims processing and estimate accuracy Accelerated digital transformation including acceptance of virtual claims photo processing and nan
cial payments • Private equity’s continued interest and activity in actively seeking out investments throughout the auto physical damage ecosystem and collision repair consolidation Impact of Private Equity on Industry Consolidation It’s no secret the collision repair industry has experienced and will continue to reflect signi cant consoli dation, both in terms of the number of repair locations acquired and the transfer of ownership. The number of repair organiz ations has decreased considerably since 2000, while consolidator and larger multi-shop operators ( MSOs) have created multi-location, multi-regional and national MSOs that now represent 4 2% of the collision repair industry’s TAM. With ever-increasing PE funds and record levels of “dry powder”— unallocated capital on hand— it is anticipated that transactions within the collision repair industry and broader auto physical damage landscape will continue at a constant pace. PE organiz ations continue to be attracted to collision repair for several reasons: the healthy and growing industry TAM, strong positive cash flow, the view that collision repair is somewhat recession resistant as reflected in the recession downturn economic cycle and the government’s current designation that collision repair is an essential business. Most repairers remain open even though business was slashed by 50% to 60% in the early COV ID-19 days, when repairers took actions to cut costs, accepted PPP money from the government, furloughed personnel and, in some cases, shuttered their doors for some of the early days of the health crisis. Overall, U .S. PE deal-making activity registered another healthy showing in 2019, though fell shy of the record setting pace o . ( S ee F ig . 1 )
Read complete story online at autobodynews.com
4 JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS / autobodynews.com
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12/15/2020 4:57:59 PM
SATAŽ trueSun™ The Daylight Solution The selection of the correct color shade for refinishing a vehicle requires a source of light that preferably reproduces the entire color range of visible light (daylight) as accurately as possible. The SATA trueSun LED lamp which was especially designed for this purpose allows a professional color shade evaluation and identification within the paint shop. Any rework caused by an incorrect color identification and the respective rectification cost involved does not leave any room for compromise when selecting the daylight lamp. Even avoiding a single rework covers the purchase cost of this high quality product. Available from your local SATA distributor.
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Southwest_Issue_0121.indd 5
11/24/20 2:40 PM
12/14/2020 4:59:42 PM
Lucid Hits Major Factory Milestone, Production Begins Spring 2021 by Joey Klender, Teslarati
ucid otors has o cially an nounced the completion o its rst phase o construction at its dvanced anu acturing lant acil ity in asa Grande, , and plans to begin the rst production phase in spring . s the commissioning o pro duction e uipment and processes underway, ucid loo s to begin man u acturing its ream dition o the ir within the coming months, bring ing another all electric automa er to the highly competitive merican car mar et. The acility was de signed with a uture ready ocus that allows or additional phases o e pansion at the site, which could come in handy i ucid manages to sell a lot o vehicles. ucid also stated this is not the only phase o construction, and this mar s the completion o the rst phase only. The ne t phase is set to begin in early and will ma e way or the production o ucid s in troductory in , which has been given the name ro ect Gravity.
AirPro Diagnostics Partners with adasThink ir ro iagnostics announced ec. a strategic partnership to deliver adasThin technology on re uired calibrations to its customers at no additional cost. ir ro iagnostics is proud to be the rst to mar et to o er the adasThin technology inte grated into its cloud based di agnostic plat orm, to elevate the ease o access or shops to identi y vehicles re uiring cal ibrations or repairers across the . . and anada. adasThin provides tech nology that allows an estimate to be analy ed against correlat ing procedures, and assess as to which eatures a vehicle has, which services and calibrations are re uired to be per ormed, and access to the in ormation to per orm a complete and sa e repair. ir ro iagnostics pro vides remote scanning, diagnos tics, programming and calibration services to shops across orth merica. S ou rc e: A irP ro D iag nostic s
ucid and T Pet er R aw linso n detailed his company s development o the massive land slot in ri ona in a press release rom the automa er. “ e bro e ground on the acre ucid site in asa Grande, , on ec. , , and slightly less than a year later we have
completed the rst purpose built actory in orth merica. The e ort and agility demonstrated by this team is truly astounding, as we re already commissioning e uipment compatible with the ucid manu acturing system to start production o the ne t gen eration , ucid ir, in ust a ew months,” awlinson stated. To ensure the production is accu rate and e ective and o cially bring the plant into commission, ucid has already built a ull beta prototype test
fleet, which comprises several ir models. ucid s manu acturing system uses advanced processes, including an aircra t inspired riveted and bond ed monoco ue body structure, which replaces spot welds, a commonly used tactic in automotive manu acturing. The strategy behind using rivets and monoco ue body structures was to in crease the ir s structural e ciency, a main ocus o its introductory sedan. hen the production lines be gin operation ne t spring, ucid says it will be capable o building , units annually, which will supply glob al mar ets beginning in orth meri ca. The ream dition will be rst, with the Grand Touring and Touring models ollowing shortly therea ter. The company s base model, recently labeled the ucid ir ure, will be gin production in early . ucid chose ri ona or its rst production plant or several reasons. ot only were in rastructure, talent, location and pre e isting automotive supply chain signi cant advantages, but the land was suitable or a large acility that would invite e pansions
as the company intends to grow over the coming years. The company purposely chose this site, intending to build onto the plant within the ne t ew years, and its state o the art, water based paint shop can be included as it meets the needs of all future phases of the factory, ucid said. our phases o construction are planned through , ta ing the current s uare ootage o , to . million when it is completed. “ n building this actory, we adhered to several important man u acturing philosophies, including the tenets o uture eady and n Time, together which have allowed us to e ectively manage our invest ment and build a brand new actory rom the ground up,” ice resident o anu acturing Pet er Ho ch h o ld ing said. “ s we add new plat orms and vehicles to our lineup, the plan ning that went into this acility en sures that we will always be able to eep up with growing customer de mand or advanced electric vehicles.” We thank Teslarati for reprint permission.
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6 JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS / autobodynews.com 08625_COL20_8th_ABN.indd 1
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1/28/20 1:26 PM
12/14/2020 4:59:43 PM
AutoNation Donates $20,000 to Phoenix Children’s Hospital uto ation, nc., merica s larg est automotive retailer, presented a , chec ec. to hoe ni hildren s ospital at uto ation Toyota Tempe.
unds were raised through uto ation s cash register chari ty program and the support o the community and associates at u to ation stores in ri ona. ith a donation program in place at all point o purchase terminals, customers ma e dona tions to the charity by adding an amount to their credit card, o which goes directly to the char ity. “ uto ation is so proud to support the critical wor o the
hoeni hildren s ospital,” said N eil U nd erw o o d , general manager o uto ation Toyota Tempe. “ e were honored to be the pace car sponsor o the virtu al and help the hospital raise more than , ”
“ m very proud o the lead ership role that uto ation plays in the local community,” said u to ation s ri ona ar et res ident M at t B ro w n. “ ustomers and associates have been gener ous in donating and uniting or a common cause to drive out can cer.” uto ation has a long trac record o supporting communi ties, most notably through its ission, which has raised al most million to support cancer research and treatment. ource
uto ation
Service King Donates Car to Phoenix Resident Through NABC Recycled Rides Program Through the ational uto ody ouncil s ecycled ides pro gram, ervice ing ollision re cently repaired and donated a ia io to D o rind a G o o d eno ug h , a local hoeni resident. ecycled ides is a uni ue community action initiative through which members o the and others in the auto body repair indus try unite with local nonpro t orga
ni ations to provide deserving indi viduals and amilies with the gi t o a ully restored vehicle. ervice ing has consistently donated vehicles through the ecy cled ides program or more than years. or this donation, G provided the car that ervice ing repaired. Goodenough, a single woman raising her grandson, was nominated
by amily romise, a nonpro t orga ni ation that uses community based responses to help low income ami lies and amilies e periencing home lessness reach sustainable indepen dence. ith transportation to and rom wor , doctor appointments and errands, Goodenough now has the means to conveniently accomplish necessary daily tas s. “ e are very proud to have had the opportunity to repair and donate this vehicle to orinda,” said ervice ing irector o p erations or ast alley Sean St . Cy r. “The ecycled ides pro gram is a special way or us to be involved in the communities we serve while remaining aligned with our mission o delivering sa e, su perior collision repairs. y provid ing orinda transportation, we are helping her become more indepen dent, and we are really e cited to see how it a ects her daily li e.” This is the seventh vehicle ervice ing has donated this year, with additional donations planned or the remainder o . ource ervice ing
autobodynews.com / JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS 7
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12/14/2020 4:59:43 PM
Call Us First For All Your Parts Scoggin-Dickey Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram 2483 W. Highway 114 Levelland, TX 79336
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8 JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS / autobodynews.com
Southwest_Issue_0121.indd 8
12/14/2020 4:59:45 PM
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800-888-4251 autobodynews.com / JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS 9
Southwest_Issue_0121.indd 9
12/14/2020 4:59:46 PM
Service King Partners with Collin College to Provide Resources for Collision Technology Program ervice ing ollision® has teamed up with the ollin ollege Techni cal ampus in llen, T , to provide ongoing support or the school s col lision technology program. s the leading operator o auto body repairs, ervice ing has a uni ue partnership with the olli sion epair ducation oundation , a nonpro t that ocuses on pre employment and preparing the ne t generation o auto body techni cians. ervice ing s collaboration with enables the company to engage and support technical col leges nationwide through advisory board seat positions and the dona tion o scholarships and unding op portunities. s a result, ervice ing began wor ing with ollin ollege s col lision technology program. n , ervice ing began helping the school plan the layout o its uture acility, its needed e uipment and overall program buildout. ow that ollin ollege s pro gram o cially commenced a ter the acility s grand opening, ervice ing
plans to oin orces with the school to identi y top talent or its apprentice ship program, and has also committed to donate auto parts, which will assist with classroom learning. “Through our continued part nership with , we are proud to support technical colleges li e ollin ollege across the country,” said ean uurman, chie human re sources o cer or ervice ing. “ t has been an honor to support ollin ollege, through the introduction rom , in the development o curriculum, the launch o its collision technology program and, o course, the debut o its state o the art acili ty. “ n e orts to e pand our sup port, we ve o ered to assist with parts and vehicle donations, which the school in ormed us they would best bene t rom. e are thrilled to provide those resources or them.” ach month, ervice ing will determine the parts that can be do nated to ollin ollege based on availability at a ew local, designat ed shops. The school will collect the donation, which will be used to pro
Colorado’s EOC Returns to Highest Level of Operations as COVID-19 Cases Rise by Derek Draplin, The Center Square
olorado s mergency perations enter has returned to level one operations, the center s high est level, G o v . J ared Po lis said ov. . The shi t comes ahead o the holidays at a time when cases and hospitali ations have continued to rapidly increase. Colorado currently has a positivity rate over , and , people are hospitali ed with the virus, the governor said. “These are our dar est days as a nation. They are our dar est days as a state. t s going to ta e all o us wor ing together to get through the wee s and months ahead with the promise o a vac cine, with the promise o better and better therapies over time,” olis said, noting that treatment o the virus has gotten better since arch. “ ight now, about one in oloradans are contagious with statewide,” he said. olis said the was previ
ously at level one operations rom arch to the end o ay. The level one designation will allow the to “better coordinate the state s response to the pandemic.” olis also announced an e ecutive order to prepare hospitals or surge capacity by allowing hospitals to use unused spaces and reduce elective procedures, among other actions. nder the order, hospitals will have to submit a surge capac ity plan to the state by ov. , the governor added. We thank the Center S q u are for reprint permission.
2021 ASA X50 Automotive Conference & Expo
vide hands on e perience or their students in the classroom. “ elping students sharpen their s ills to prepare the uture genera tion o auto body repair technicians is very rewarding or our team,” uurman said. “ e are dedicated to investing in the industry and loo orward to supporting the develop ment and e pansion o additional programs throughout the coun try through our partnership with .” “ ur involvement with ervice ing provides students with the op portunity to see something special in the collision repair industry,” said ecutive irector Clark Plucinksi. “ ervice ing turns see ing into believing by engaging stu dents in ways ar beyond what is standard. They continue to nd ways to give bac to the industry and now more than ever, we are grate ul or their partnership during this chal lenging time.” To learn more about ervice ing, visit service ing.com. ource
The utomotive ervice ssocia tion, a national training leader or the automotive service and colli sion repair industries with its net wor o a liates across the . ., will host its rst multi day virtual con erence and e po, pril ay , . “ niting ur oice, niting our ndustry” will create a diverse training lineup o courses and instructors that will provide members and at tendees with a high tech learning e perience and virtual e po that promises to be a uni ue e peri ence or shop owners, technicians, service writers and managers in the automotive repair and colli sion sectors.The virtual training will ta e place pril and ay . ontent will remain online and accessible on demand to regis trants or days ollowing the event. n addition, students can revisit technical and management sessions or ma imum value and learning impact. egistration or attendees will open eb. , . S ou rc e: A S A
ervice ing
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10 JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS / autobodynews.com
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12/14/2020 4:59:50 PM
AZ Gov. Won’t ‘Throw Hundreds of Thousands of Arizonans Out of Work,’ Refuses Mass Shutdown by Cole Lauterbach, The Center Square
espite calls rom medical pro essionals and state emocrats, ri ona G o v . D o ug D ucey is so ar re using to issue another statewide stay at home order due to rising in ection rates.
Gov. Doug Ducey addresses reporters on Nov. 18. Credit: From the Arizona Department of Health Services’ YouTube page
ucey spo e to reporters ec. to announce new support or restaurants and other businesses to announce his latest e ecutive order ensuring the coming vaccination would not cost anything or low income residents.
ays be ore, both the iodesign nstitute and the niversity o ri ona el and nid uc erman ollege o ublic ealth released modeling showing the holidays could bring a signi cant spread o without additional mitigation. hen as ed why he s not heeding their call, ucey made clear it was inappropriate to shut down the economy again. “ hear the very loud calls rom ol s yelling loc down, ” he said. “ ust don t thin it s the right policy. thin that we have put aggressive mitigation out there. e now that we can slow the spread, but when you say the word loc down, you re tal ing about shutting down entire industries, closing classrooms, ban rupting small businesses. ou re tal ing about putting hundreds o thousands o people out o wor . “ hen we had the rst stay home, stay healthy, stay connected order, that was in alignment with the entire nation that had days to slow the spread,” ucey continued.
“ t the time, we had enhanced unemployment. e had small business loans. e had loans. e had protection so that people wouldn t lose their place to live. o, don t thin the right answer is to throw hundreds o thousands o ri onans out o wor be ore the holidays to slow the spread because don t thin it would slow the spread.” ccording to an ongoing tally by allet ub, ri ona s economic recovery since the beginning o the pandemic is the th best in the nation. n ec. , the ri ona epartment o ealth ervices announced , new cases o , attributing new deaths to the virus. The state s total percent positive rate is . , and its t is . , meaning the virus is spreading. We thank The Center S q u are for reprint permission.
Caliber Announces Internal Promotions aliber is pleased to announce M ark Sand ers, current president and , will succeed longtime St ev e G rimsh aw , e ective an. , at which time Grimshaw will move to ull time e ecutive chairman. anders has spent his entire career in the automotive industry, and oined aliber ollision in as it e panded its operations into Te as. s president and , anders led the growth strategy which e panded aliber ollision s ootprint throughout the . ., while also positioning aliber or the uture through the strategic ac uisition o other lines o business. e also led the consolidation and alignment o all brands— aliber ollision, aliber uto are and aliber uto Glass—under the aliber umbrella, priming aliber or its ne t phase o growth. uring Grimshaw s tenure, the organi ation grew rom to more than , locations. aliber s revenue also increased rom million to billion. S ou rc e: Caliber
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12/14/2020 4:59:50 PM
TSTC Auto Collision Program in Waco, TX, Provides Women with Skills for the Workforce management technology re nishing specializ ation and auto collision and management technology— repair specializ ation. Rios’ advice for women interested in pursuing the auto collision and repair industry is simple. “Go for it, and ignore what everyone says,” she said.
For Texas State Technical College student Haley R io s of B ryan, TX , auto collision and repair work is a family tradition. Her grandfather used to own a paint and body shop where several relatives worked. She would go to the shop as a child and watch repair work being done. “It was nice,” Rios said. “I liked it.” Rios took automotive classes in high school and learned about brake repair, oil changes, shocks, struts and other vehicle components. When it came time to select a college after high school, Rios chose TSTC’s Waco campus, which her father also attended. Rios said she has enj oyed learning about di erent painting techniques and how vehicles are put together. “The time spent out here ( at TSTC) is actually working,” she said. “I am a hands-on learner.” Rios will start work at Caliber Collision in B ryan after graduating in December from TSTC. She is a candidate for associate of applied science degrees in auto collision and
Continued from Cover
Move to Texas and gave the EV automaker some good opportunities. When Murray asked the billionaire to bring clarity to the rumors about his move to Texas, Musk stressed some hard truths about his companies, Tesla and SpaceX , in California. Musk prefaced his answer with: “First of all Tesla and SpaceX obviously have mass operation in California. In fact, it’s worth noting that Tesla is the last car company still manufacturing cars in California. SpaceX is the last aerospace company still doing signi cant aerospace manufacturing in California.”
J annif er St immel, an instructor in TSTC’s auto collision and management technology program, said women should pursue the eld because it is ul lling and rewarding. “Women are very successful in this industry because many women are detail oriented,” she said. “That is a huge asset in our eld because in our industry, details play a huge role. Auto collision requires such specifics, whether it be nding the smallest scratch, choosing the correct tint for paint matching, nding hidden dam-
Musk emphasiz ed there used to be doz ens of car plants in the Golden State. He also told Murray that California used to be at the center of aerospace manufacturing. N ow, Tesla and SpaceX are the last two companies of their kind in the state. Currently, Musk doesn’t seem to have any intentions of moving Tesla and SpaceX ’s manufacturing completely out of California. However, it may still be on the table. U ltimately, it will depend on California’s reaction to Elon Musk’s move. Will it continue to be complacent and entitled, if that is the case? Or will other tech leaders follow Musk’s exit?
age, identi ying flaws in welds you name it and it applies to some aspect of this industry.” Stimmel did not have Rios in classes, but did teach E mma E sp ino z a, who is scheduled to graduate from the program in December. “She ( Emma) was the top performer in her class, along with another female student that was there at the time,” Stimmel said. Espinoz a grew up in Leander and now lives in Liberty Hill. She is a candidate for graduation at TSTC for an associate of applied science degree in auto collision and management technology re nishing specializ ation. Espinoz a took automotive tech classes for three years but wanted to do something using her creative side. “I had no clue about what I wanted to do,” she said. She was invited to tour TSTC by her boyfriend, B urke Anderson, who is in TSTC’s automotive technology— Toyota T-Ten specializ ation program. Once she visited the auto collision and management technology program, she knew what she wanted to do.
“It’s been pretty fun,” Espinoz a said. “ stayed uiet at rst, but you get used to being around guys.” Espinoz a said she has enj oyed learning about airbrushing and working with vehicle panels. After graduation, Espinoz a wants to work in custom repair in the Austin area. J obs for automotive body and related repairers are proj ected to be at 159,000 in 2029, according to the U .S. B ureau of Labor Statistics. or ers will be needed to ll positions as people retire or transition into other occupations, according to the agency. In Texas, there were 11,000 automotive body and related repairers earning an annual mean wage of $4 5,720 in May 2019, according to the labor statistics agency. Registration continues for the spring semester. For more information on Texas State Technical College, go tstc.edu. Source: Texas State Technical College
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autobodynews.com / JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS 13 9/16/20 2:11 PM
12/14/2020 4:59:53 PM
Another Injured Veteran Receives Retrofitted Vehicle Through DrivenToDrive by uto emar eting ta The rivenTo rive program helps in ured veterans, li e retired . . ir orce r K arah B eh rend , regain their independence and get bac behind the wheel o a retro tted vehicle. “ o one can see my disability when m behind the wheel o a car,” ehrend said in a news release. True ar, uto ation and isabled merican eterans, or , recently awarded a retro tted hevrolet olorado to ehrend, who oined the ir orce in as a signals intelligence analyst. n con unction with eteran s ay on ov. , the presentation to ehrend too place in a surprise virtual ceremony. True ar ilitary s brand ambassador, J esse I w uj i, presented the vehicle. ehrend spent appro imately si and a hal years in the military be ore medically retiring. iagnosed with efle ympathetic ystrophy omple egional ain yndrome , she was le t in a wheelchair. “ riving gives me a sense o reedom and the con dence that m not limited by my disability,” ehrend said. “ hether it s running errands or letting my adrenaline flow with o road racing, eel li e have my independence bac when m driving,” she continued. “ m proud o serving my country and so appreciative to be True ar s rivenTo rive recipient. cannot wait to drive my brand new hevy olorado.”
. . rmy anger and rivenTo rive ambassador Co ry R emsb urg influenced True ar s connection to the disabled veterans community. This mar s the ourth year and th vehicle donation through Truear s rivenTo rive, a program built in partnership with and uto ation. ith a virtual ceremony on eteran s ay, The rivenTo rive program too place remotely this year.
down many barriers at such a young age, showing us that with resiliency and optimism, anything is possible,” said True ar resident and M ike D arro w . “ he continues to show strength by overcoming obstacles in her daily li e,” he continued. “ t ma es us proud to support veterans li e arah, who have made great sacri ces or our country, through our rivenTo rive program. e are honored
“Driving gives me a sense of freedom and the confidence that I’m not limited by my disability,” — Karah Behrend This year, wu i participated as a special guest in the rivenTo rive program, surprising ehrend at her home in hoeni with the hevrolet olorado. ehrend, , is an adaptive athlete who participates in bas etball and rugby arrior Games. he is also passionate about o road racing and competes as an amateur rally racer, recently placing second in the ebelle ally, a women s o road navigation rally raid. ehrend plans to use the hevrolet olorado to train other disabled individuals how to drive o road with hand controls, in case they nd themselves in a vulnerable situation or stuc o road. he also hopes to create her own hand controls or manual transmission vehicles to help adaptive drivers drive stic shi t cars. “ etired ir orce enior irman arah ehrend has bro en
to wor again with our great partners, uto ation and , to empower our veterans to get behind the wheel.” “ uto ation is proud to partner with True ar on the rivenTo rive program again this year and we are honored to award retired ir orce enior irman arah ehrend with a brand new vehicle or all o the
sacri ces she made or our country,” said M arc Canno n, e ecutive vice president and chie customer e perience o cer at uto ation. “ e are proud to recogni e and support military members on eterans ay through rivenTo rive.” “True ar understands the impact merica s veterans have had on eeping our nation sa e, and is honored to continue partnering with True ar on rivenTo rive,” said ational d utant and M arc B urg ess. “The act that arah, a member, has pledged to use her new vehicle to help her ellow veterans per ectly illustrates her selflessness and commitment to her brothers and sisters in arms.” n addition to r ehrend, other attendees o the rivenTo rive virtual vehicle reveal event on eteran s ay included emsburg, arrow, annon, urgess, wu i and rivenTo rive recipient Cent ra “ Ce- Ce” M az y ck. We thank A u to R emarketing for reprint permission.
U.S. EV Market Set for Huge Growth by 2025 rost ullivan s recent analysis, “Transitory Trends in the lectric ehicle cosystem in the nited tates, ,” nds the electric vehicle mar et in the . . is e pected to flourish, with government incentives driving ownership. The study also e amines various trends in sales since , actors contributing to growth, the current charging in rastructure, the road ahead and much more. The mar et in the . .
is estimated to register a nearly ve old growth, reaching almost million unit sales by , rom . million unit sales in . or urther in ormation on this analysis, visit http rost.ly ua S ou rc e: F rost &
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14 JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS / autobodynews.com
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12/14/2020 5:00:04 PM
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autobodynews.com / JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS 15
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12/14/2020 5:00:06 PM
Continued from Cover
New Year’s Resolutions for the new year are centered around anticipating and addressing members imminent needs. B o b A mend o la, president o the , is “loo ing orward to ma ing more headway on the challenges we ace within our industry.” “ brought a tremendous amount o change to the mar etplace,” ecutive irector A aro n Sch ulenb urg observed, detailing that changes impacted how members interact with customers, vendors and carriers, as well as how they connect within the industry. “ oo ing to , the association is tremendously ocused on what those interactions loo li e,” chulenburg said. “ ince arch, the has ormed coalitions with a variety o trade groups to improve support or the small businesses we represent, including two that are see ing orgiveness re orm and supporting e orts to streamline orgiveness. “The new year, and new administration, will bring new opportunities or the association to serve as a voice o the industry, see ing solutions that improve business conditions or those in our trade.” “ ach and every year, the alliance resolves to advance its mission to improve the state s automotive service industry and the success o its members,” said ecutive irector J ud ell A nd erso n. “n , anticipate that wor will revolve around helping members rebound rom what has been a challenging . e stand ready to be o service, based on the needs o our members.” For J erry M cN ee, president o , the most important thing he hopes to see in is unity. “There is strength in numbers, and to create change, it s crucial that we have the ability to share in ormation, such as success or losses where we can all learn something to help improve our industry,” c ee said. “ rom the claims process to vehicle technology, all our businesses have changed due to , and we can no longer sit bac and operate our businesses the same old way— owners and employees need to get
involved. Things will not themselves.” n area o the industry needing particular attention continues to be attracting new talent to the industry. “ e plan to continue to be creative and innovative when it comes to attracting students to local collision school programs, providing the support needed by instructors and students while in schools, and continuing to help connect students with local and national employers,” said B rand o n E ckenro d e, director o development or . nderson also emphasi ed the importance o remaining ocused on the ne t generation o collision repairers. “ espite the pandemic, the availability o a uture wor orce remains a high priority or the industry, so e pect that the wor o innesota areers in uto epair ervice will continue,” she siad. “ ur ouTube advertising campaign has been e tremely success ul, as has been our wor to support local high school auto programs.” “ or , T s goal and desire are to wor closer with all the schools in regon that o er automotive programs or our students,” said T ecutive irector Cat h i W eb b . “ T members o. complaint is the lac o new employees, and believe that the automotive programs need T s help to eep their programs going and encourage our youth to consider our trades as a career option. “M arg aret R ag an in our o ce has done an e cellent ob in staying in touch with teachers and connecting T industries with the school s needs. T hopes to e pand on that course in .” resident Susan R o ko sz has a similar goal “ ur ew ear s resolution is to continue wor ing towards greater diversity in the automotive industry,” she said. “Greater diversity bene ts both the talent entering the industry and the companies hiring that talent.” roviding continuing education and networ ing opportunities or association members is also vital to industry leaders. “ hare successes with other body shops across the state ” urged T resident B url R ich ard s. “ e want to let other industry shops
now that there is power in nowledge and education, and that we need to wor together in order to ma e a positive change or our industry.” “ ur resolution will be to loo at virtual con erences and training in a new way,” noted D iana D eL eo n, e ecutive director o . “ eing able to o er shop owners and their employees top uality training and networ ing in this new environment is our goal, along with showing the bene ts o saving on costs by eliminating travel and time away, which can allow more people to attend. “The virtual plat orm also allows training classes to be recorded, then viewed at a later date or those not able to oin live classes or those who would li e to ta e another loo . ur virtual event coming this spring will be one not to miss.” is eager to “bring our leadership and members bac together in ace to ace settings to continue the networ ing and e change o inormation and nowledge among the industry s nest representatives,” said resident and R o d ney Pierini. “ e are hope ul that we ll be able to sa ely bring members togeth-
er or s nnual eeting and eadership on erence on ay and deliver the education, networ ing and camaraderie that everyone is so hungry or right now,” said nderson. ering ongoing training is also important to orthwest. “ orthwest would li e to bring the automotive industry together, and we eel we have a good start with the rst ro essional utomotive irtual ducation Training on an. , ,” said Jeff Lovell, president and e ecutive director. “ e have partnered with other automotive trade associations rom all over the . . to orm this partnership. orthwest is loo ing orward to serving our members with education, adding value to them and their business in .” demonstrated its dedication to continuing education by converting the association s epairer riven ducation and other programs to a virtual environment. “ hile virtual delivery clearly has its advantages, it is no replacement or the ace to ace interaction See New Year’s Resolutions, Page 18
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16 JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS / autobodynews.com
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12/14/2020 5:00:09 PM
ge 18
Continued from Cover
Distracted Driving ing Twitter when they re piloting multi ton illing machines. e ust don t do it. ederal sa ety agencies could re uire all cars or cell phones be out tted with technology that renders most unctions unusable when the vehicle is in motion—and accept the inconvenience o stopping a passenger rom sending a te t as a small price to pay or saving thousands o lives every year. e could also ta e the not at all radical step o banning all cell phone use behind the wheel nationwide—something every single uropean country has done—while enhancing automated en orcement o the laws we ve already got and increasing nes and license penalties, as ermuda, the hillipines, atar, and many others have already done, too. nd in the long term, we could stop allowing automa ers to manu acture cars that e plicitly encourage cell phone use by inte-
grating bluetooth into on board control centers, especially i they have touch screens—something or which top sa ety e perts have advocated since the technology became widespread. nd no, “hands ree” cell phone tech isn t much sa er. ut in a country that all but reuires a private vehicle and a cell phone or participation in society, en orcement and technology based solutions may never completely uash our distracted driving problem—and increased nes, especially, ris creating unacceptable ine uities or communities o color that already dangerously over policed. oreover, some e perts thin we wouldn t need to rely on nes at all i we ust redesigned our roads to encourage drivers to pay more attention to their surroundings. “ you thin o an interstate, everything about it is designed to minimi e the need or drivers to thin ,” said B ill Sch ult h eiss, vice president and director or sustainable sa ety at Toole esign. “ t all starts there people thin they can loo at their phones because everything around them is pretty predict-
able, and designed or them to go ast. “ nd transportation engineers , as a pro ession, have ta en a lot o those highway design principles to city streets. s people get more and more com ortable being distracted, it s going to be harder and harder to it.” ndeed, endrive s own data may suggest that cities that too uic action to calm roads during the pandemic saw their e orts pay o behind the wheel. the top ve cities with the highest rates o cell phone use, only ustin, T , had a signi cant low treets program, while hicago, an ntonio and allas hosted e tremely modest street closure events in a hand ul o neighborhoods. oston, etroit and eattle, by contrast, all won plaudits or their car limiting initiatives, and landed on the list o the top ve cities whose drivers reached or their phones the least. ut even larger scale temporary street closures can only do so much—and e perts say we need
oundational change, both or now and for the future beyond the coronavirus. “There s still a pandemic, and there will continue to be one or at least another or si months beore everyone is vaccinated,” said chultheiss. “ ut in the road sa ety world, what we re still seeing is a ton o conversation about automated vehicles, which is a much longer range solution. “There needs to be a seriousness about developing that technology, but we also have to be realistic about when it will be ready. people, right now, are distracted o the time they crash their cars, that s not going to get any lower anytime soon. e ust need systemic change to our roadways.” We thank S treetsB log U S A for reprint permission.
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autobodynews.com / JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS 17
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12/14/2020 5:00:10 PM
Continued from Page 16
New Year’s Resolutions and onsite engagement that occurs during an event,” chulenburg said. “ e are determined to wor with our partners to nd ways to sa ely develop and promote in person opportunities or learning and in ormation e change.” “n , plans to bring to our members,” said hair Ch ery l B o sw ell. “ etwor ing is important, and we reali e our industry is craving these opportunities, considering the changes in the world. tay tuned or e citing educational and networ ing opportunities ” ecutive irector R ay F ish er agreed training is vital. “The one word that will dominate as a resolution would be adaptable, ” isher said. “ e ve all seen the rapid changes the collision industry had to ma e uic ly in rst uarter when the pandemic hit, and how it a ected the mar etplace or collision repairers, both short and long term. “ already had numerous digital resources in place so we e panded our re uencies and delivered in ormation uic ly and o ten we will continue to do that in with our utomotive on erence po on pril and ay , .” J o sh K ent , who serves as e ecutive director or both and T , hopes to see both associations continue to provide more training to shops in their coverage areas, while also increasing membership. “ atching the changes that ta e place as shops learn more about proper repairs that s rewarding in itsel ” ent said. Growth also continues to be an important goal or associations as the calendar flips to . ecutive irector L ucky Pap ag eo rg hopes to see “steadily grow our association s membership numbers. n doing so, we will strengthen the voice o every shop, large or small, and provide the
in ormation and educational tools to assist them in being success ul in the uture.” “The s y is the limit in ” said J ames R o d is, vice chair o . “ e hope to grow the association and get some legislation passed, as well as help provide members with easy access to education and continue to push or sa e and proper repairs.” “The other part o adaptable or is responding to the rapid changes happening with the manuacturers and the in ormation we are receiving in ashington, . ., as the administration changes,” isher said. “ e now that the new administration is intent on stimulating sales and delivering alternative ueled vehicles. e have a representative that is involved in many coalition partnerships to ensure we are at the oreront, ta e part in the discussions, and that we help the industry with those changes through these relationships.” ssociations also plan to continue progressing the initiatives previously underta en. “ s ew ear s esolution or is to continue developing and promoting data integration standards that will be relevant in the uture,” ecutive irector Paul B arry said. “Through our volunteer committees, members and the industry wor together to ensure the organi ation remains a neutral orum where uni orm electronic standards and guidelines are created that allow all segments o the collision industry to be more e cient.” “ part rom maintaining our active response, the association will ocus on growing public and industry recognition o its trademar ed ecycled riginal uipment as a way to accurately identi y the parts that our members sell,” said Sand y B lalo ck, e ecutive director o .“ parts are originally rom the manu acturer, and is wor ing on several public awareness and branding campaigns—including a reality T show, Totaled Treasures — to showcase the truly positive impact that this industry has around the
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world.” e erencing members anecdotes about increased di culties with insurance carriers, chulenburg noted, “ ow, more than ever, it is critical to have the venue and the voice to address the very real challenges ta ing place on the collision repair center floor. “ s an association, brings an opportunity to help draw those challenges out, shine light onto some o the dar er areas o the process that impact the consumer and nd mechanisms to help improve understanding amongst all parties regarding what is necessary to properly repair these increasingly advanced vehicles that nd their way into our acilities,” chulenburg said. “ may hold many things in store or us and our industry, but the challenges only help to ocus the resolve we have in our mission o ,” chulenburg continued. “There has never been a time where education, in ormation and a voice o advocacy have been more necessary, and we remain stead ast in our intent to deliver on that or our members and non members ali e.”
“ presents an opportunity to demonstrate the true educated pro essionals that we are and ta e control o being the e perts accordingly,” isher noted. “ ur pro ect to identi y the proper service procedures or pre post scanning o vehicles and vehicle calibration or systems has been a great start, and is grate ul to our ollision perations ommittee volunteers and past board member D arrell A mb erso n or their devotion to the endeavor. “ ur responsibility is to return vehicles to their pre loss conditions with the integrity o all sa ety systems as they were designed originally the lives o amilies across the . . rely on us to do that ” espite the challenges that held or all o us, it s reassuring to now these industry leaders are leading the charge to ensure sees growth, progress and success or collision repairers across the country. m hope ul will allow us all to see each other face to face again, and welcome eedbac and suggestions so we can bring you the best in ormation available in . appy ew ear, everyone
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Please contact these dealers for your Honda or Acura Genuine parts needs. HONDA COLORADO
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Walker Acura
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713-596-2337 713-596-2338
Dept. Hours: M-F 7:30-7; Sat 7:30-4 jlambert@sterlingmccallacura.com
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with Victoria Antonelli
In Reverse with Gary Ledoux
Gary Ledoux is an industry veteran with 48 years’ experience in the automotive and OEM collision parts industry. His column appears exclusively in Autobody News. He can be reached at YesterWreck@yahoo.com
The ‘80s—Foreign Cars and Other Changes s the s dawned, the collision The empirical approach o advancing repair industry began to see some into the collision repair business pro ound changes, and some shops moving rom technician to shop mantried their darndest to eep things ager to owner, or passing the business Garybeen. Ledouxrom ather to son or daughter was the same as theywith had always changing to the emerging concept o Say No to Foreign investing and ranchising. ome ideas die hard, li e saying trade maga ine, in the all o “no” to wor ing on “ oreign” cars. , announced the launch o the y the early s, “ oreign” cars utobody etwor , the latest had been pouring into the . . or concept in ranchising body shops. more than years, yet some shops The article noted there had been still did not wantwith to worStacey on themPhillips many attempts in the past to ranchise despite the act that some “ oreign” shops, but this was the rst to attempt nameplates were now made in the the concept on a nationwide scale. . . utobody etwor was a concept developed and administered by hie utomotive ystems, ma ers o hie iner e uipwith Ed Attanasio ment. The article noted there would be no “company owned” shops, nor would the ranchise agreement call or the homogeniation o shops. ll shops would continThey complained about thin- ue to be locally owned and run, but Bruce Roistacher ner sheet metal,with di culty matching would have to meet certain criteria to paint, parts that were hard to get and uali y or the networ , not the least volatile parts prices. o which would be the ability to reowever, so called “ oreign” pair unibody vehicles, something the cars were becoming a larger part o industry still struggled with. the repair landscape, and the global long with e uipment re uireautomotive landscape was growing ments which oddly did not re uire more homogeni ed. oreover, dohie products each shop would with Gary Ledoux mestic cars were becoming more li e be responsible or having properly “ oreign” cars inasmuch as the thic - trained technicians and managers. ness o sheet metal, di culty matching colors and the act that, li e “ oreign” cars, most domestics were using unibody construction. ccording to ard s utomotive eports, import car sales were o total . . cars sales in . y , that umped to more with Stacey Phillips than . ome shops tried to ignore the oreign mar et, but they The utobody etwor rancould not do it orever and survive. chising group opened its rst our shops, all in ebras a, in the all o Investing and Franchising . ll were established shops that The s saw the traditional body had been in business or between ve shop business model begin to change. and years.
OE Shop Certification
OE Shop Certification
Shop Management
t is un nown what caused the demise o this initiative however, the utobody etwor trademar was cancelled eb. , . n , the T ranchise was ounded by L irel Ho lt and proved to be much more success ul. olt had been a shop owner and an e pert in collision management or the company. e shared his nowledge with thousands o shop owners and managers as director o the much heralded wor shops. There, he developed a belie that a networ o uality collision repair acilities across orth merica would be a bene t or consumers and welcomed by the insurance industry. olt used his nowledge and contacts and dedicated his e orts to building the T ranchise system. e was the rst to apply customer satis action, nancial measure-
Auto Body Attorney
ments and ongoing improvements and consistency on a large scale. ome shops tried to ignore the ranchising concept, hoping it would ust go away. t didn t. Waste is a Terrible Thing to Mind The early s also put the industry on the cusp o later and regulations. trade maga ine article dealing with body shop to ic waste noted it was only a matter o time be ore a number o local or ederal agencies reali ed that body shops generate a lot o nasty waste and have no good way to get rid o it, many doing so illegally. hanges were proposed in that would re uire most body shops and auto repair places to register with the and to properly store and dispose o ha ardous waste. y , those proposals had
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become a reality. usinesses generating a minimum o lbs. o ha ardous waste per month would come under regulation. This meant most body shops would need to trac their waste rom the time it le t their shop through certi ed carriers to its nal resting place. The mergency lanning and ommunity ight To now ct o , also nown as Title o the uper und mendments and eauthori ation ct, brought a harsh re-
ality to the doorsteps o every body shop in merica. t re uired those employers dealing with ha ardous materials to provide aterial a ety ata heets or every ha ardous chemical used in the business by employees. The shop would
also have to ma e this in ormation available to local authorities and rst responders, such as re departments, so they would be aware of what they are dealing with in the event o a re, chemical spill or other emergency. This meant collision shop owners would be responsible or training employees about their rights under the legislation, the nature o the ha ardous chemicals in the wor place and the in ormation contained in sheets labeling in ormation about potentially ha ardous chemicals and record eeping. n the summer o , outhern ali ornia shops owners found they were targeted or some special environmental rules. hops in southern ali ornia that ell under the auspices o the outh oast ir uality anagement istrict basically the os ngeles area were aced with a dire issue concerning compliance with the s recent interpretation o the lean ir ct. t said i larger shops, spraying
more than lbs. o volatile organic compounds s , wanted to e pand their business, they would need to buy very e pensive e uipment to capture the s, rather than e pel them into the environment, use low paints, or both. maller shops would be able to get away with low coatings. This caused permits to build new paint booths to ta e our to si months. The industry was reali ing it could no longer ignore its state and ederal lawma ers, because lawma ers were no longer ignoring collision shop owners. t was all the more reason to belong to a local or state auto body association. n eptember , the ali ornia utobody ssociation met or its annual e po and convention at the isneyland otel in naheim, . mong the various spea ers was red imonelli, legislative advocate or the tate o ali ornia. is message was, “ hether you li e it or not, you have a partner the government.� e encouraged shop owners to get involved with government to help drive legislative decisions that would a ect their uture business.
Ford, I-CAR Announce EV Training is launching a new series o e panded training surrounding hybrid electric vehicles and battery electric vehicles with ord otor ompany. These courses are speci cally designed to provide the industry with an overview o electri ed vehicles and sa ety considerations, as well as speci c in ormation on current and future planned Ford and incoln vehicles, including the new ustang ach . ight new and training courses will now be reuired as part o the s ongoing e ort to provide ord erti ed ollision etwor shops the tools, training, and inormation needed or uality and sa e repairs. ll o these courses are available to the industry to urther accelerate the training readiness or an electri ed uture. or a ull list o s training port olio, including other ord courses, visit https www.i car.com s browse S ou rc e: I -CA R
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with Stacey Phillips
From the Desk of Mike Anderson with Mike Anderson
Mike Anderson is the president and owner of Collision Advice, a consulting company for the auto body/collision repair industry. For nearly 25 years, he was the owner of Wagonwork Collision Center, an OEM-certified, full-service auto body repair facility in Alexandria, VA.
It’s Time to Address the Other ‘Pandemic’ in Our Industry s it possible to yell at people through an article li e this Those o you who have partic ipated in training or seminars or groups that did years ago no doubt remember how would sometimes ump down someone s throat. There were times you d see me “chew em up and spit em out.” ve tried over the years to be come a inder, gentler i e. ut m getting bac to a point where m gen uinely angry. ctually, m not sure i “angry” is a strong enough word. e have a pandemic in our in dustry, ladies and gentlemen, and m not tal ing about . e have a pandemic o people who don t understand or uite honestly don t care what it ta es to repair a vehicle properly. nd this pandemic is going to end up illing people i we don t get it together . ou may thin m being overly dramatic. ut can show you data that proves what m tal ing about. very year, my company conducts estimating training or hundreds and in some years, thousands o people. ome o this training is done on be hal o automa ers, some is or asso ciations, and some is or our individ ual clients. you have attended one o the virtual ollision dvice estimate training sessions since be gan, you are aware that a wee prior to the class, we send out wor or you to complete ahead o the training. e send you photos o a collision dam aged vehicle that needs a uarter panel replaced, and the assignment is to prepare an estimate or that ve hicle. veryone uses the same rates or labor and materials. ow understand the limita tions o photo estimating. ut what m loo ing or here is each person s level o understanding o nowing what procedures need to be researched, and their ability to do so, and each person s understanding o what s included and not included in the estimating systems. e then build a table showing how many total labor hours were
included by each anonymi ed esti mator, bro en down by body, paint, rame and mechanical, and how many total line items were on each estimate. e prepare an estimate using each o the three estimating systems, so no matter which one the people in the class use, we can do an ap ples to apples comparison. you don t thin there s a pan demic o people not nowing how to properly a car, send me an email and will send you one o these ta bles so you can see what a dramatic di erence there is among those who now and those who don t. ne person will have hours o body labor. nother will have . e wrote a , estimate when other estimators, be ore the training, were turning in estimates totaling , or , . hat the hec hen we re all loo ing at the same vehicle. hat s the di erence e nd their estimates are incomplete be cause They didn t ta e the assignment seriously. • They are uneducated or untrained. They do not now how to prop erly research that speci c automa er s procedures as to what it ta es to per orm a proper and sa e repair. They didn t have or spend the time necessary. now this isn t easy. y team and wrote uarter panel replacement estimates or our di erent auto ma ers vehicles. or one o those automa ers, it re uired researching and reviewing pages o documentation. or another, it was pages. The headlight replace ment alone on one vehicle was pages. oes this ta e time es. ome in my classes will tell me what we ve written “is not realistic.” eally re you idding me Those who now me now that have To urette syndrome, and a comment li e that absolutely sets my tics and twitches in motion
ow ve been getting a ton o calls recently rom shops saying this insurer won t pay or or , or they re getting ic ed o this pro gram or that program. get that. m not saying the insurance companies ma e it easy to do the right thing. They don t. ome are better than oth ers. m not saying insurance compa nies will pay or all lines o the estimate wrote. ut at the end o the day, we are our own worst enemy because we are so uneducated about what it ta es to properly that vehicle. e don t ta e the time to research the repair procedures. nd that ma es it hard or the shop that is trying to do the right thing. magine i all those shops in one o my classes were all in the same town. ou ve got this person, who is trying to get paid . legiti mate labor hours, and the guy down the street is only charging or . nd ran ly don t care i you leave o some paint procedure on your estimate, or charge three ewer labor hours or a dent. That isn t go ing to ill anybody. ut see shops not nowing they need to conduct seat belt in spections, or they need to measure steering columns, or they need to set up and per orm destructive test welds. r they are leaving o needed calibrations and initiali ations all because they didn t research what was needed. on t tell me those sa ety items are le t o because some in surance company won t pay you. That s a bunch o crap. s my riend D ean Hanco ck says, “That dog don t hunt ” uite honestly, it doesn t mat ter what the insurance carrier will or will not pay. hat matters is now ing what it ta es to repair the vehicle sa ely and properly. hen a vehicle owner brings a vehicle to your a cility, they are saying, “ trust you to loo out or me and my amily.” hat are you doing with their trust re you doing right by the consum er
et me put it this way m proud to have served in the . . military, and see those helping preserve the reedoms we have as heroes. see re ghters and police o cers and Ts saving lives as heroes as well. ut here s what m also going to tell you The shop owner, tech nician and estimator who ma e the e ort to research repair pro cedures, who ma e sure they now what is needed as part o a sa e and proper repair, and who ma e sure it happens they re heroes too. They are saving lives. e ll never now how many lives were saved when a pedestrian or a id on a bi e is suddenly direct ly behind or ahead one o the vehi cles they repaired, and the vehicle systems wor ed properly to stop that vehicle in time. or those doing all those things, salute you. ut ran ly, ar too many in this industry don t all into that category. That ma es me angry. see people who are trying to do the right thing really struggling and being penali ed because o those o you who aren t. y hope and prayer is those dedicated to doing the right thing will hang on, and the rest o you will start to do your part to end this pandemic in our industry o peo ple who are uneducated, who are un trained, or who ran ly ust don t care. ust as be ore became a “ ind er, gentler i e,” this isn t intended to be mean spirited or disrespect ul. ust want to tal straight to an in dustry that means more to me than anything. m declaring war on this pan demic. hich side are you on t starts with ta ing personal responsibility.
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with Erica Schroeder
Industry Insight with John Yoswick
—John Yoswick is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon who has been writing about the automotive industry since 1988. He is the editor of the weekly CRASH Network (for a free 4-week trial subscription, visit www.CrashNetwork.com). Contact him by email at jyoswick@SpiritOne.com.
Driving Has Largely Rebounded, but Traffic Congestion, Resulting Claims Have Not
Shop Showcase
Susanna G o t sch says drivers are have o students in classrooms bac out on the roads, but changes in some or all school days, nearly two driving patterns are still more adverse- in ve students nationally still with Ed Attanasio ly impacting the number o claims and attend schools o ering only a virtual shop repair orders. option. Gotsch, data analyst or These changes cut morning and n ormation ervices and the lead a ternoon commute tra c signi o spea er at the virtual ym- cantly, Gotsch said, noting those are posium held in ovember, said ve- the times o day in which ederal data hicle miles traveled withhas Edrebounded Attanasio indicates about one third o all accinationally to within o “normal,” dents occur. but that tra c congestion and the The rebound in vehicle travel claims that result has not. is happening with less congestion in part because o travel during non pea time online shopping deliveries occur across a broad swath of with Ed Attanasio the day, or e ample and in part because o longer trips by those avoiding air travel. The end result, Gotsch said, is claims remained with Ed Attanasio down about , year to date, in early ovember. ut there is a broad range o mar et variation in that statistic. Gotsch s data shows the hoeni mar et, or e amwith Stacey Phillips ple, was down ust , year to date, as o ovember tlanta, harlotte and the iverside an ernardino area in ali ornia all had claims counts down less with Stacey Phillips than . CCC Information Services reports claims being down At the other end of the nationally almost 22% year-to-date this fall, but individual spectrum, hardest hit among states’ results range from a 31% decline in North Dakota large mar ets are ashingto an 8% uptick in Louisiana ton, . ., an rancisco, he cited a number o statiseattle and oston, where claims with Stacey Phillips tics a ecting congestion. study o are down between and . , o ce buildings showed, or The good news or shops is their e ample, that occupancy rates that volume o repair orders is not that ar were near in many metro areas below normal, Gotsch said. are now below . n the middle wee o arch, “ hile many businesses are still shops in states with minor restricoperational, they continue to Phillips eep tions saw repair order volume dip by with Stacey their employees wor ing remotely,” . compared to the same wee in Gotsch said, noting automa ers and , ollowed by a wee with a high tech rms are among the com- decline rom the preceding year. The panies already announcing they will stats were even worse or shops in eep their employees wor ing rom states with ma or related rehome at least through ne t une. strictions, where repair order volume imilarly, although states was down by and in those
Social Media for Shops
SEMA Show Goes On
total cost o repairs was , , up same wee s in arch. , ust shy o , compared to y late ctober, however, repair order volume had rebounded to being the same period a year earlier, and up more than or down about compared the same month period to the same period last year. ending in . “ ith overall volumes That s based in part on continuing to be down slighta more than rise in ly, we do e pect that in , non drivable vehicles a ter claims counts and repair orhigher speed crashes made der counts will be much better than they were in ,” Susanna Gotsch of possible by less vehicle tra Gotsch said. “ ut we do e - CCC Information Ser- c, she said, along with inpect overall volume will be vices said congestion creases in the cost o parts less in than it was in during morning and and higher costs in the “misafternoon commute cellaneous sublet” category, .” times hasn’t Gotsch shared a vari- rebounded from the “which is where a lot o the ees associated with scanety o other statistics during plummet in March her presentation during the as much as driving ning and calibrations are apduring other parts of pearing.” ymposium. the day has line item or scanning ost o repairs, she o appraisals said, has been up year over year in was included on every month this year through ep- in the rst uarter o this year, she in the tember. or the months ending the said, compared to ust . . The average third uarter o this year, the average same period in
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The following dealerships are eager to serve your needs. Call your local Subaru collision parts specialist today!
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with Victoria Antonelli
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fee for scans across appraisals that include them is $126, she said. Looking at DRP claims only, shops in the second quarter of this year averaged 3.5 labor hours per day on drivable vehicles and 2.9 hours on non-drivable vehicles; that was up from 3.3 labor hours on drivable vehicles and 2.8 hours for non-drivable for the same period in 2019, but down slightly from 3.6 labor hours for drivable and 3 hours for non-drivable in 2018. Fewer repairs in shops in the second quarter also led to improved cycle time, Gotsch said; from “vehicle in” to “vehicle out,” cycle time fell to an average of 9.1 days, down nearly a half-day from the previous quarter, and down from 9.7 days in the second quarter of 2019. For the 12 months ending with the third quarter of this year, 60.5% of claims had supplements, up from 55.8% a year earlier and up from 52.9% for the 12-month period ending in 2018, and those supplements accounted for 18.7% of the total cost of repairs, up from 18.1% and 16.9% in the two prior years. The percentage of vehicles de-
clared total losses has continued to increase, despite a rise in used vehicle pricing this year. “We’re now at a point where roughly 22% of all non-comprehensive appraisals are being flagged as total loss, which is a substantial increase considering that even 15 years ago, only about 10% of all vehicles were flagged as total loss,” Gotsch said. That is likely to rise even higher next year, she said, given the expected 15% decline in new vehicle sales this year. “The vehicle fleet will continue to shift older for the next several years,” Gotsch said. “Many fewer vehicles were purchased [this year] by fleets, which ultimately supplies the used vehicle market, and that will help keep used vehicle prices elevated, but as repair costs continue to rise and may outpace that, that will continue to push up the total loss frequency.”
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Parts for Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Oldsmobile, Pontiac • 60,000 part numbers • Same day shipping until 5:30 EST • 13 parts pros eager to serve you • Next-day air until 4:30 EST • 15 radio-dispatched trucks • 4.2 million inventory • 97,000 square-foot warehouse
Continued from Cover
Service King Partners top talent for its Apprenticeship Program and has also committed to donate auto parts, which will assist with classroom learning. “Through our continued partnership with CREF, we are proud to support technical colleges like Collin College across the country,” said Sean Huurman, Chief Human Resources Officer for Service King. “It has been an honor to support Collin College, through the introduction from CREF, in the development of curriculum, the launch of its Collision Technology Program and of course, the debut of its state-of-the-art facility. In efforts to expand our support, we’ve offered to assist with parts and vehicle donations, which the school informed us they would best benefit from. We are thrilled to provide those resources for them.” Each month, Service King will determine the parts that can be donated to Collin College based on
availability at a few local, designated shops. The school will collect the donation, which will be used to provide hands-on experience for their students in the classroom. “Helping students sharpen their skills to prepare the future generation of auto body repair technicians is very rewarding for our team,” Huurman said. “We are dedicated to investing in the industry and look forward to supporting the development and expansion of additional programs throughout the country through our partnership with CREF.” “Our involvement with Service King provides students with the opportunity to see something special in the collision repair industry,” said CREF Executive Director Clark Plucinksi. “Service King turns seeing into believing by engaging students in ways far beyond what is standard. They continue to find ways to give back to the industry and now more than ever, we are grateful for their partnership during this challenging time.”
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with Stacey Phillips
Techs of the Future with Stacey Phillips
Stacey Phillips is an award-winning freelance writer and editor for the automotive industry. She has 20 years of experience writing for a variety of publications, and is co-author of “The Secrets of America’s Greatest Body Shops.” She can be reached at sphillips.autobodynews@gmail.com.
Cracking the Code to Recruiting and Hiring Collision Repair Technicians ollision repair owners and managers across the country say hiring technicians and high turnover rates have become critical issues in their businesses. mployee engagement may be the ey to solving these problems, according to D ust in Peug eo t , owner o the atri Trade nstitute, and K ev in W o lf e, owner o eaders ay. eugeot and ol e recently discussed how to “ rac the ode” to technician recruiting, and o ered innovative solutions or shops to ma imi e the e ciency and retention o current employees. Their
ma e money,” added eugeot. “ we can ocus more on retaining and growing our employees, they will do the recruiting or us, and then we can do what we are really good at ma ing money in the collision industry.” eugeot said nearly o people who complete a collision repair training program de ect rom the industry in months. “ e have a retention problem in our industry, not a recruiting problem,” he said. “ e have to nd ways to ma e this industry more palatable and e citing or them and not ust get rustrated when they act e actly the way we assume they would during the interview process.” ol e said upgrading organi ations and moving into a st century economy are crucial or survival, especially now during the pandemic. “ ou can t sit bac anyDustin Peugeot, left, owner of the Matrix Trade Institute, and Kevin Wolfe, right, owner of LeadersWay more and pretend that you can continue to go on this presentation was held as part o the way,” he said. “ ou can t achieve ociety o ollision epair pecial- great results with the wrong people ” ists epairer riven ews eugeot and ol e o ered severies during . en steps to crac ing the code to talent ol e cited a Gallup poll con- and developing the potential o the ducted in une that addressed the people who show up to wor every engagement and well being o the day. wor orce. ccording to the poll, nearly o . . wor ers said . ight ourcing they were either actively disengaged or not engaged at all at their obs. The rst step is sourcing people. l“ n almost years, we ve done though internet ob sites, such as nalmost nothing to better the wor deed.com, and vocational technical conditions or the people who are schools are good options, ol e also showing up every single day,” said advises thin ing more broadly. ol e. “ et, organi ations continue “ e have to start loo ing evto move away or shy away rom lead- erywhere,” he said. “Talent doesn t ership, coaching, training and wor ust e ist in somebody s bac yard ing at all levels to develop people.” with a young person who li es to be hen ol e visits collision re- under the hood.” pair shops, owners o ten complain eugeot said employees care about employee retention. n re- about wor ing at a business where sponse, he tells them, “ ou already they can grow and there is a clear cahave the talent your ob is to devel- reer path to ollow. op it.” “ e should constantly be re“ ur time is valuable hiring cruiting those rom all angles o li e and ring ta e away our ability to who want to wor hard and ma e
money and eel great about a s ill,” he said. etwor ing with the local hamber o ommerce, a otary club or T meetings can also be help ul when loo ing or employees. ltimately, the goal is to become a talent magnet. “ ecoming a talent magnet means being a leader who is developing people every day not ust when they have time,” said ol e. . ight election n important part o crac ing the code is how owners and managers approach the interview process. Typically, when bringing in new people to an organi ation, interviewers will as basic uestions such as ou wor ed or ollision o you have tools re you certi ed ill you wor or our company hen can you start nstead, ol e advocates ocusing on three critical steps. irst, he recommends screening potential candidates. “ don t want to bring in someone or an hour i now right away that m not going to continue with them,” he said. econd is conducting what he re erred to as a top grading interview, going through the person s resume and re erences. eugeot said this demonstrates to potential employees that you care and are going to loo into their bac ground. “ you let them now you are disciplined enough to ma e a couple o calls and read more than the rst seven lines, it lets the candidate now you are ta ing this as serious as they are,” he said. uring this stage, ol e and eugeot advocate conducting an assessment o a person s technical, personal and cognitive s ills. the candidate seems li e a good t or the organi ation, the nal step o the process is conducting a ocus interview. This involves bringing the person in to wor with the team and determining how ev-
eryone gets along. . ight osition rior to hiring someone or a certain position, ol e suggests determining what that ob will entail, the duties the person will have and the results needed to be success ul. “ t o ten surprises me how many organi ations lac clear e pectations,” he said. ol e o ten as s organi ations i they are playing chec ers or chess. “ verage leaders play chec ers they thin everyone can move the same way,” he said. “ e orce people into roles that aren t good or them and then blame them because they don t per orm. Great leaders play chess.” nce those e pectations are set and the business owner has determined the candidate will be a good t, eugeot advises selecting the person based on t and com ort “ o they de ne success the way we want them to and are they going to be com ortable doing it because we want them to ” . ight evelopment nce an employee is hired, development becomes paramount, both personally and pro essionally. The o. reason that will eep a person in an organi ation, according to ol e, is a shop s investment in development. “ t s not ust enough to develop the pro essional talents o people, but also invest in the personal side as well and help them become better humans,” said ol e. n terms o personal development, ol e said to ocus on s ills that will enable individuals to learn to communicate more e ectively to the people they will be wor ing with. “ istorically, great teams are those who care for each other and help one another,” he said. hen it comes to pro essional development, eugeot recommends building their pride through education. “ ithout pride in what you are
28 JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS / autobodynews.com
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Contact These Dealers For Your Kia Genuine Parts Needs ARKANSAS
Crain Kia
Ferguson Advantage Imports
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TEXAS Ancira Kia
San Antonio 210-509-2197 (210) 509-2198 Fax M-F 8am-6pm Sat 8am-3pm tstewart@ancira.com www.ancirasa.com
Archer Kia
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Bob Utter Kia
Sherman 903-892-5967 (903) 891-7304 Fax M-F 7:30am - 6pm Sat 7:30am - 1pm Mike.martin@bobutterford.com www.bobutterford.com
Central Kia
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Kelly Grimsley Kia
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doing, development, growth and e ciency don t occur,” he said. hen employees demonstrate pride in their wor , eugeot said to then ocus on pro ciency, teaching them how to “do it right every time,” while ensuring they understand what they are doing. ltimately, their con dence will grow through hands on learning and they will become more e cient. . ight upport s a business owner or manager, ol e said it s essential to guide employees. “ rac ing the code is all about becoming a better guide,” he said. This doesn t mean doing the wor or them, but demonstrating how to do it correctly and supporting their development. eugeot said this ta es discipline and commitment. n day one, he recommends providing employees with the tools and resources they need to do their ob e ectively. lthough it re uires time and money, he said it builds prociency and con dence. n additional way to show support is having constant communica-
tion with employees. “ eople need to now what s going on,” said ol e. “ ne o the biggest de cits in an organi ation is not communicating with employees or thin ing they can t handle the inormation.” eugeot suggests appointing someone in the organi ation, other
“It often surprises me how many organizations lack clear expectations,” — Kevin Wolfe than the owner, who can deliver consistent positive and negative in ormation to employees. . ight ccountability ol e said accountability is o ten a misunderstood concept, and many business owners believe that caring or employees and ta ing actions that help them get better is the so t side o business. “ uilding a culture around leadership and putting people rst implies that we shouldn t hold people accountable,” said ol e. “ t s ust the opposite. we re not holding people
Motus: Vehicle Depreciation to Slow as Much as 3% in 2021 by Auto Remarketing Staff
you thin vehicle prices are high , ust wait til ne t year. ccording to the ehicle epreciation Trends eport released by otus last month, is li ely to see depreciation rates slow between and throughout the year, assuming current trend lines remain in play. s you might e pect, the current and orecasted high vehicle prices are being driven largely by pandemic related impacts. hen automa ers shut down production this spring, otus e plained, that led to a new vehicle shortage. ut demand remained strong. nd subse uently, used vehicle supply too a hit, as well. “The pandemic has decimated vehicle inventories, and consumer demand has remained surprisingly steady. t s no surprise we re seeing premium prices on both new and used automobiles,” K en R o b inso n, mar et research manager at otus, said in a news release. “ ew vehicle prices and rein
accountable, they are never going to eel better about themselves.” eugeot agreed. “The easiest thing to do as a manager is to wal by a problem and commit that you will deal with it ne t time because you are busy now,” he said. “ eing a good leader is nowing that it s your ob to ta e time and
stop and have what can be perceived as a hard conversation.” ather than being a negative meeting, eugeot said it can be a positive coaching session, where leaders share clear e pectations, o er consistent eedbac and remember there is “no negotiating on results.” . ight nvironment ven i business leaders ollow all the steps involved in hiring and developing employees, ol e said the environment must be right, or they won t stay in the organi ation. “ eople stay in healthy cultures and organi ations that treat them as
people, invest in their development and consistently challenge them to get better,” he said. “ eople aren t going to wor or you and do their best or you because they love you. t doesn t matter how nice you are,” said eugeot. “ you give them an environment where they can ta e pride and love themselves or what they do, then you ll start to reali e e ponential growth and opportunity.” or more in ormation, contact ustin eugeot at dustin matri tradeinstitute.com or visit www. matri tradeinstitute.com, or evin ol e at evinw leadersway.com or visit www.leadersway.com. To watch this presentation and other epairer riven ducation sessions through ugust , enrollment in ormation can be ound online at https rde.scrs.com.
4x Monthly E-Newsletter.
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sidual values both influence depreciation and both have been impacted by the pandemic. supply and demand trends in motion remain consistent, we predict that depreciation will decrease by to over the course o .”
These Dealers are Genuine Wholesale Parts Specialists.
n the ull report, otus said “ ew vehicle prices and residual values both influence depreciation. oth have been influenced by the pandemic. ssuming consumer demand remains steady, we e pect the tight supply o new vehicles to mostly o set the increased used vehicle inventory entering the mar et.” We thank A u to R emarketing for reprint permission.
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30 JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS / autobodynews.com
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New Product Showcase with Ed Attanasio
Day Job/Night Job
Ed Attanasio is an automotive journalist based in San Francisco, California. He can be reached at era39@aol.com.
with Ed Attanasio
Metal and Creativity Collide at CRASH Jewelry hen your average metal technician chimp e ma es sustainable e loo s at a damaged bumper, hood, welry rom the metal o lu ury auto door or uarter panel, their rst in mobiles or men and women. withit.Gary Wickert stinct is to try and er husband, an, is the co ut, when Ch rist i Sch imp ke, owner of B ev erly Coac hCraft, a ounder o ewelry in wes year old shop speciali ing in re tern os ngeles, , sees any o pairing late model ercedes en , , udi, entley, orsche, these automotive parts, her perspec olls oyce, aserati and other high end vehicles. t s a per ect source or with Stacey Phillips parts rom high end cars, a ter anything rom ender benders all the way to com plete totals. n , chimp e de cided to set up her studio at with Stacey Phillips oach ra t and that s when the magic began. Christi Schimpke created CRASH Jewelry in 2013, building “ hile was in my stu it into a successful business that has produced 3,000 pieces in seven years dio, ma ing more traditio nal ewelry rom silver and tive is dramatically di erent, ueled gold, noticed these beauti ul cars that were coming into the shop every by her creativity and an artistic eye.
The Legal View
Product and Process Industry Training
day,” she said. “The paint reminded me o enamel, so began wondering i could create something with tho se enders and doors and give them a second li e.”
we have developed methods to ma nually manipulate steel and alumi num, without a ecting the car s ori ginal paint.” ince its inception, the sales at ewelry have in creased by , and to day its inventory has grown rom to plus items. The company has been ea tured in numerous publica tions, radio and television programs. “ guest on the th season o ay eno s Gara ge was wearing one o my Schimpke uses her jewelry to raise money for her pet cu s, and models on the charities, such as animal rescue, free legal aid, education runway during . . s a and hospice organizations shion ee wore some o chimp e s husband, a ormer my ewelry as well,” chimp e said. technician, has helped with her busi The clientele at ewel ness every step o the way, she said. ry spans a diverse demographic, in “ e began as a technician, so he cluding car enthusiasts, ashionistas, nows a lot about the metals and the artisanal cra ters and those who sim paint how they can be manipulated. ply en oy a good story about somet have any uestions, have an in hing handmade, chimp e said. house consultant right here to provi “ e ta e pride in our collection, de answers and he has been such a and o ten embellish our creations plus.” with uality gemstones and cabo hen chimp e came up with chons,” she said. “ n this age o mass the initial concept or e production, handmade cra tsmanship welry, she new it was doable, but seems to be a thing o the past, which wasn t sure how to proceed. is what ma es ewelry so “ made a ew mista es at the special.” beginning, but as developed tech ni ues or ta ing metal o cars and creating polished ewelry rom it, got better and better,” she said. “ ver the past ew years, ve re ned my process to the point where many people can t initially believe that those earrings or that cu actu ally started as part o a vehicle.” hen chimp e started recei ving accolades and great reviews or her rst ew pieces, rom parts o a errari hallenge tradale, she CRASH Jewelry is best known for its cuffs, was obviously thrilled. like this one made from a hood from an Aston “ love the act that people are Martin DBS Superleggera continually surprised when they rea li e that a cu or a nec lace is made racelets a a cu s are rom a hood, door or uarter panel chimp e s best sellers, ma ing up o a car,” she said. “ hen they nd almost o her total sales. They out that it s rom a vehicle, they are range in price rom to , , shoc ed and want to learn more ab but average between and . out the process. y e perimenting, See CRASH Jewelry, Page 39
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autobodynews.com / JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS 31
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Investment Banker Tells MSOs the Industry Will be ‘Alive and Well’ Seven Years from Now
Kia’s Kurcz Named to Leadership List
hen investment ban er R ex G reen spo e seven years ago at the ymposium, he accurately predicted that at least one collision repair chain would have , locations within ve years.
J ulie K urcz , e ecutive director o product uality or ia otors merica, has been named to the utomotive ews eading omen in the orth merican uto ndustry or . The list, compiled every ve years since by a team o utomotive ews editors and reporters, is comprised o talented and influential women o various disciplines who ma e a signi cant impact on the automotive industry. urc is being recogni ed or the second time. urc s ascination or the automobile spar ed at a very early age, when she would spend time wor ing with her engineer ather in the garage. ter college, she shi ted smoothly into the auto industry as a manu acturing engineer, and in , she oined ia with the hopes to help trans orm the brand into an industry leader in uality and cra tsmanship. ore than up to the tas , urc has been a ey contributor to ia s meteoric rise and its world class model line here in the . . S ou rc e: K ia
During the online MSO Symposium, investment banker Rex Green said he foresees the largest collision repair companies continue to grow, but the ability of smaller MSOs to also grow has surprised him
o Green, who has been involved in ac uisitions involving many o the largest collision repair chains in orth merica, was as ed at this year s symposium, held virtually in ovember, what he pro ects he might be spea ing about at the event seven years rom now, in .
“The collision industry will be alive and well in seven years. t will be thriving,” said Green, now global co head or the utomotive termaret Group at e eries, . “ thin the large chains will have a meaningully larger share o the mar et.” e said the growth o large auto auctions, in ormation provider n ormation ervices and large alternative parts suppliers li e orp. are evidence that “insurance companies are not troubled by large providers.” e said the increasing need to invest in the ability to per orm vehicle diagnostics and calibrations is ust the latest e ample o where higher cashflow and economies o scale gives larger collision repair organi ations advantages. That said, he admitted he would not have predicted seven years ago the growth he s seen in smaller s as well. “ ne o the things that s most surprised me is the ability o two , three or our store chains to get to or or or stores,” Green said. “The beauty o this economy
and this society is that it constantly surprises me with its entrepreneurialism and creativity.” nother surprise to him t the ymposium, he said, there was little discussion o the automa ers role within the collision repair industry. “ omewhere in the last seven years, the s have come piling into this industry, and they want their piece o the pro t pie bac ,” Green said. “There is also a desire on their part to have their cars ed properly. There is, or them, a big branding importance to that.” ighly impacting the industry by , Green pro ected, will be the ability o the vehicle to transmit telematics data indicating when a crash has occurred, giving automa ers and insurers this in ormation with the driver needing to provide “ rst notice o loss” to their insurer. “That rst notice o loss is never going to be a phone call anymore, and it s not going to be rst, it s going to be instantaneous,” he said, which may well change the dynamics between insurers, automa ers and shops.
Biden Says He Won’t Immediately Remove U.S. Tariffs on China
Experts: Classic Car Owners Should Beware Second Lockdown
resident D o nald T rump ’ s tari s imposed on hina under the phase one trade deal will remain in place at the start o the new administration, resident elect J o e B id en said in an interview with the ew or Times published early ec. .
ith di erent governments threatening or even beginning a second wave o loc downs, ostensibly to “stop the spread” o the novel coronavirus, e perts are warning classic car owners o the ris s. e all now rsthand that loc downs are devastating to economies, particularly small businesses. They ve also caused a spi e in mental health problems, substance abuse, suicides and domestic violence. wave o divorce lings a ter might threaten a myriad o social and economic problems. ut these loc downs also carry a ris or your classic car. ut o ritain, classic car e pert E ric Co llins recently spread the message that loc downs might cause a classic car to deteriorate. s the cars sit or long periods o time, di erent parts can wear out, sei e up, etc. you already new that, then congratulations, because apparently not everyone is aware o the ris s. n some areas, going or a leisurely drive in your classic car is considered criminal. That means your
President-elect Joe Biden during an event in Wilmington, DE. Credit: Alex Wong, Getty Images
“ m not going to ma e any immediate moves, and the same applies to the tari s,” iden said. e plans to conduct a ull review o the current . . policy on hina and spea with ey allies in sia and urope to “develop a coherent strategy,” he said. “The best hina strategy, thin , is one which gets every one
of our—or at least what used to be our—allies on the same page. t s going to be a ma or priority or me in the opening wee s o my presidency to try to get us bac on the same page with our allies.” iden told T columnist T h o mas F ried man he didn t thin the . . yet had the “leverage” in dealing with hina. Getting bipartisan consensus in merica on “government led investments in merican research and development, in rastructure and education” would achieve this. “ want to ma e sure we re going to ght li e hell by investing in merica rst,” he said. iden said he stood by comments he made in a ept. op ed in which he wrote “i ran returns to strict compliance with the nuclear deal, the nited tates would re oin the agreement as a starting point or ollow on negotiations,” ac nowledging to riedman “ t s going to be hard.” We thank A x ios for reprint permission.
by Steven Symes, Motorious
beloved ride has to ust sit in the garage or you could ace a big ne and maybe even ail time. ot driving your classic at all can lead to all inds o problems, ust li e with those barn nds we cover regularly. ust how many problems your car gives you once you ta e it out o storage depends on many actors. bviously, moisture is a bad thing or a car, so putting a dehumidi er in your garage is a wise move. ven better is a temperature controlled garage, but not everyone can swing that. ou might consider pulling your classic out to do “essential” activities li e going to the grocery store. es, there s a ris with leaving it in a par ing lot, especially with car the ts rampant these days, but you also run a ris by never using it. ltimately, you have the loc downs to than or being put in this precarious position. owever, i you live where a second loc down isn t being instituted, you re luc y indeed. We thank M otoriou s for reprint permission.
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Earnhardt FordCERTIFIED Mike PARTS Naughton Ford CHANDLER
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Collision Repair Teacher Sets Students Up for Career Success by Ed Attanasio
ollision repair instructor L o nnie Hig ey at orain ounty oint ocational chool in berlin, , has a program ocused on career employment and hands on engagement while ma ing things un. y achieving all three goals since ta ing the ob seven years ago, igey is proud o the act this two year high school program with sophomores shadowing is flourishing even during uncertain times. ter many years as a painter, estimator and manager in the collision repair industry at the dealership level, igey decided to pursue a second career as the new collision instructor at orain ounty .
Every year, the collision repair classes participate in the State of Ohio’s Paint-A-Plow Program, to give its students a chance to hone their skills while helping the community
“ started with students, with boys and one girl in my rst class,” he said. “Then the tate o hio as ed us i we would li e to participate in the aint low, which is a community outreach program in which students are invited to paint an hio epartment o Transportation snow plow blade with original artwor to represent their individual school.” The snow plows were j ust the beginning, igey said. “ too a chance and had them drop o our plows or us to paint,” he said. “ uic ly reali ed that prepping these plows would teach the students all the basics in body wor , which also opened up a new world in the program.” ter success with the aint low e perience, igey began loo ing around to ta e on all inds o interesting pro ects. “ e ve painted s, horse cart wagons, even mi ers or local ba eries,” he said. “ e painted a hevy
orvette or the sheri s department and a ew or a local orvette club. e also completely restored a van or the orain ounty alvation rmy and another one or the local uvenile court system. “ believe in having students do service wor in my classes because giving bac is so important and it contributes to the growth o the program.” Throughout the years, the collision repair program at orain ounty has grown considerably, with more and more young women signing on or igey s classes. “This year s unior class has girls and boys, which gives us a total o plus sophomores, uniors and seniors,” igey said. “ any o the girls go on to either independent body shops, li e R ub y T anner at leveland ower and pit er hrysler odge am, Sav annah M o o re at latline ollision, and even J ulie T ay lo r and Hannah D eich ler at iddell ports in lyria, , reconditioning helmets or sports teams.” y leveraging more than years in the business, igey is adept at creating great opportunities or his students. “ iddell has been a ma or employer o our students, and now we have several graduates wor ing there ull time, as well as two seniors and seven uniors, si o which are girls,” he said. “ t seems that this program
un has always been an integral part o igey s classes. “ e have a grill and we ma e panca es,” he said. “ believe in having un and enabling my ids to be creative in their thin ing about collision repair and then apply it to almost anything cars, truc s, boats, snow plows and gol carts. ve learned over the years that i students can have some un, the program will grow by leaps and bounds.” uniors and seniors at orain ounty are also enrolled in s pro essional development program to complete courses in painting and re nishing and non structural technician. pon completion, they have a ro evel ne certi cation. igey s students can also study ollision cademy and sa ety courses, or learn athways stimating i they desire. n addition, uniors and seniors also have the opportunity to compete in ills , igey said. “ e have made it to the state competition many times,” he said. “This is always a un time and a
great trip, giving this opportunity to see how many students are there competing in all di erent industries and trades.”
Many of Higey’s students work at Riddell Sports in Elyria, OH, painting and reconditioning helmets for sports teams
Teaching his students is his o. priority, but helping to place them in good obs is a close second, igey said. “ tell my students parents that am not a teacher, m a ob trainer. they can get their id out o their basement and into one o my classes, they have a air chance to nd See Career Success, Page 36
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One of Higey’s students, Ruby Tanner, has created a brand for herself as a model and an industry spokesperson
is getting bigger and bigger every year, because our students can see a uture where they have many avenues or success. “ t s great to see when my students and graduates can apply the talents they have learned here. ne o my graduates told me that she was ma ing more money than her ather by wor ing at iddell.”
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34 JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS / autobodynews.com
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ge 36
Former UAW VP Gets 30 Months for Taking $250,000 in Bribes and Kickbacks J o sep h A sh t o n, ormer vice president o the s General otors epartment, was sentenced ov. to months in ederal prison or conspiring with other ocials to engage in honest services raud by ta ing , in bribes and ic bac s rom a vendor and or conspiring to launder the proceeds o the scheme, announced . . ttorney M at t h ew Sch neid er. oining in the announcement were I rene L ind o w , special agent in charge o the hicago region or the . . epartment o abor ce o nspector General D av id G . N anz , acting special agent in charge o the etroit, , o ce o the Sarah K ull, special agent in charge o the etroit, , o ce o the riminal nvestigations and T h o mas M urray , district director, . . epartment o abor ce o abor anagement tandards. n ecember , shton, , o cean iew, , pleaded guilty to conspiring with two other high level o cials—M ich ael G rimes and Jeffrey Pietrzyk—to ta e hun-
dreds o thousands o dollars in bribes and ic bac s rom vendors doing business with the oint G enter or uman esources . Grimes and ietry have also pleaded guilty. Grimes was sentenced to months in prison and ietr y is awaiting sentencing. The is supposed to be a center or training wor ers employed by G . shton was the co director o the . shton, ietr y and Grimes also served on the e ecutive board or the , and they were responsible or approving contracts with the vendors. shton admitted that over the course o the conspiracy, he and the other two o cials demanded and accepted bribes and ic bac s rom a vendor based in hiladelphia, , in e change or securing or maintaining a contract to provide custom watches to the . shton and his co conspirators demanded ic bac s on the . million contract or the to buy , watches or all
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members employed by G . shton demanded more than , in ic bac s on the watch contract to be distributed between through . ome o the ic bac s were distributed in the orm o chec s payable to shton, which were deposited into his personal ban account. The ma ority o the ic bac s were distributed as cash. n , the G received the , watches rom the vendor. owever, the watches were never distributed to members. nstead, the watches were le t sitting in a storage room at the or more than ve years. esides conspiring with other o cials and vendors to the , shton also admitted he conspired to launder the proceeds o the ic bac scheme by using various methods to conceal and disguise the bribes and ic bac s through a lengthy and complicated series o nancial transactions. shton is one o de endants convicted in connection with the ongoing criminal investigation into illegal payo s to o cials by e ecutives and corruption within the itsel . The ollowing individuals have already pleaded guilty to their participation in the scheme and have been sentenced ormer ice resident or mployee elations A lp h o ns I aco b elli months in prison ormer inancial nalyst J ero me D urd en months in prison ormer irector o s mployee elations epartment M ich ael B ro w n months in prison ormer senior o cials V ird ell K ing days in prison , K eit h M ickens months in prison and N ancy A . J o h nso n months in prison M o nica M o rg an, the widow o ice resident General olie eld months in prison ormer ice resident N o rw o o d J ew ell months in prison and ormer senior ocial M ich ael G rimes months. n addition, the ollowing o cials have pleaded guilty and are awaiting sentencing ormer resident G ary J o nes, ormer senior o cial Jeffrey “Paych eck” Piet rz y k, ormer
egion irector and board member V ance Pearso n, ormer idwest resident E d w ard “ N ick” R o b inso n and ormer resident D ennis W illiams. chneider commended the outstanding wor o the riminal nvestigations, the . . epartment o abor ce o abor anagement tandards and ce o nspector General, and the in conducting a comprehensive criminal investigation into labor corruption activities involving a vital sector o the local and national economy. “ oseph shton illegally used his power and influence to bene t himsel , and he caused long lasting damage to the hardwor ing members o the ,” chneider said. “ shton wasted almost million that could have been used to train members, and his crimes led to the closing o the G training center and the loss o many training center obs. “ shton s greed caused irreparable damage to the trust members have in their leaders who are supposed to represent their best interests.” “ oseph shton abused his position with the nternational nited uto or ers nion by demanding and accepting over , in ic bac s rom a vendor,” said indow. “ nstead o bargaining in the best interests o the members, he chose to personally enrich himsel . e will continue to wor with our law en orcement partners to protect the nancial integrity o labor organi ations.” “The men and women o the deserve real, honest leadership. t is clear r. shton s priority was not to advocate or union members but to line his own poc ets,” said an . “The will continue to wor with our law en orcement partners to investigate corruption and ensure the nancial integrity o our country s labor unions.” “ t is imperative that leadership continues to be held accountable or their sel sh acts o greed,” said ull. “Today s sentence is another step orward in our e orts to rid the o corrupt leaders who abuse their positions to line See Bribes and Kickbacks, Page 38
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10 Cities with the Most Expensive Driver Commutes by Heather A. Turner, PropertyCasualty360
ommuters have been on a much needed reprieve these past couple o months as many businesses remain on a wor rom home schedule to curb the spread o . ut with the possibility o vaccines circulating in the near uture, wor ers may want to prepare or the return o the daily commute sometime in . The average merican wor er spends minutes a day on their daily drive to wor , according to the . . ensus. hen actoring in uel and toll costs and vehicle wear and tear, drivers could spend hundreds to thousands of dollars a year j ust on their commute. ippia recently evaluated . . cities with populations over , to determine the cities where people are spending the most money ust getting to wor . or its analysis, the career search website multiplied the median hourly wage by the average commute time to determine the lost nancial opportunity cost in each city. ippia also calculated the estimated
wear and tear uel costs by assuming an average o mile or every two minutes spent driving two ways and the standard mileage rate o cents per mile rom the .
A v erag e co mmut e leng t h : 6 9 D aily co mmut e co st : $ 1 9 . 6 9 7 . N ew ark, N J Ho urly w ag e: $ 1 4 A v erag e co mmut e leng t h : 6 7 D aily co mmut e co st : $ 1 9 . 2 1 6 . Po mo na, CA Ho urly w ag e: $ 1 2 A v erag e co mmut e leng t h : 6 3 D aily co mmut e co st : $ 1 8 . 0 1
Credit: Jamesb01/Wikimedia
1 0 . San B ernad ino , CA Ho urly w ag e: $ 1 3 A v erag e co mmut e leng t h ( minut es) : 6 0 D aily co mmut e co st : $ 1 7 . 1 0 9 . Sant a Clarit a, CA Ho urly w ag e: $ 2 0 A v erag e co mmut e leng t h : 7 7 D aily co mmut e co st : $ 2 1 . 8 9 8 . Ph ilad elp h ia Ho urly w ag e: $ 1 6
5 . St o ckt o n, CA Ho urly w ag e: $ 1 5 A v erag e co mmut e leng t h : 6 9 D aily co mmut e co st : $ 1 9 . 7 8 4 . Hialeah , F L Ho urly w ag e: $ 1 2 A v erag e co mmut e leng t h : 6 4 D aily co mmut e co st : $ 1 8 . 2 4 3 . M o reno V alley , CA Ho urly w ag e: $ 1 4 A v erag e co mmut e leng t h : 7 2 D aily co mmut e co st : $ 2 0 . 4 1 2 . N ew Y o rk Cit y Ho urly w ag e: $ 2 0 A v erag e co mmut e leng t h : 8 4
D aily co mmut e co st : $ 2 3 . 9 4 1 . Palmd ale, CA Ho urly w ag e: $ 1 5 A v erag e co mmut e leng t h : 8 6 D aily co mmut e co st : $ 2 4 . 9 5 ccording to the car insurance comparison website The ebra, commuter car insurance policies cost an average o more per year than pleasure use auto coverage. The average policy costs between , and , annually. “ you re a low mileage driver, a commuter policy might not be your most cost e cient option,” writes A v a L y nch or The ebra. “ hile relatively new to the world o auto insurance, usage based insurance policies can be a great solution i you drive in re uently. ac ed by telematics, usage based insurance policies use how you drive and how much you drive to calculate your insurance policy. n theory, the less you drive, the more you can save.” We thank P roperty Casu alty 3 6 0 for reprint permission.
Continued from Page 34
Hyundai, Kia Fires Cost Automakers Another $137 Million yundai and ia will pay at least million to the ational ighway Tra c a ety dministration T related to recalls o . million vehicles e uipped with Theta engines.
the consent order are not satis ed. The two year ia consent order includes an up ront payment o million along with an obligation to spend million on “speci ed sa ety per ormance measures.” ia may also pay million i it violates conditions o the consent order.
The Theta engines can cause res due to metallic debris remaining rom when the engines were manuactured. The debris can enter the engine oil, damage the connecting rods and other engine components and cause engine ailures and res. ased on the three year yundai consent order, the automa er will ma e an up ront payment o million and eventually pay an additional million on sa ety improvements. yundai may also be re uired to pay another million i conditions o
The enter or uto a ety petitioned T in to investigate yundai and ia engine res ollowing hundreds o complaints about the vehicles. a ety regulators granted the petition and launched an investigation which still remains open. ccording to the enter, these popular models are the problem 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 4 Hy und ai Sant a F e 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4 Hy und ai Sant a F e Sp o rt 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 4 Hy und ai So nat a 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 4 Hy und ai So nat a Hy b rid 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 4 K ia O p t ima
by David A. Wood, CarComplaints.com
2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 4 K ia O p t ima Hy b rid 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 4 K ia So rent o “Today s announcement validates the concerns o millions o consumers about a persistent sa ety ha ard and should remind manu acturers there are costs beyond recalls for ailing to report dangerous de ects, as re uired by law,” said J aso n L ev ine, e ecutive director o the enter or uto a ety. The consent orders claim yundai and ia waited too long to issue recalls o more than . million vehicles as re complaints continued to pile up. T also says yundai and ia didn t report accurate in ormation regarding the Theta recalls. n addition to the monetary agreements, ia will create a new sa ety o ce in the . ., and yundai will build a acility in the . . dedicated to sa ety investigations. yundai and ia also agreed to create new programs to detect possible sa ety problems and each automa er will hire an independent third party auditor who reports directly to the government. We thank CarComplaints.c om for reprint permission.
Career Success a s ill that they can use the rest o their lives.” you want to stay in his classes, you play by igey s rules. “ don t have a lot o rules, so it shouldn t be that di cult. y goal is to ta e my students out o a id s world and into the adult world. e are a school o choice, so these people should be able to motivate themselves, but am willing to help.” hen it comes to retirement, the concept couldn t be urther rom his mind, igey said. “ s long as can eep up with these teenagers, see my see teaching into my s. The technology is changing rapidly, but most o the processes are still the same in many ways,” he said. “ we can set these young people up or success ul lives and careers, that is something want to do as long as can.”
36 JANUARY 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS / autobodynews.com
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Continued from Page 35
Ford Has a Controversial Message for Every Automaker
Bribes and Kickbacks
by Jay Traugott, CARBUZZ
their own poc ets and tarnish the reputation o o cials.” “ oseph shton is another in a long line o o cials that ailed in his duciary duties and be trayed the trust o the mem bership by using his union position to obtain bribes and ic bac s rom vendors in e cess o , so that he could enrich himsel and oth ers within the ,” said urray. “Today s sentence leaves no ues tion as to the agency s commitment to see ustice when anyone puts personal nancial gain ahead o the best interests o their ellow union members.” The case is being prosecuted by ssistant . . ttorneys F rances Carlso n and E at o n B ro w n. Source: U.S. Attorney’s Office Eastern D istric t of M ic hig an
The state o ali ornia made a bold political and environmental decision in eptember. n e ecutive order was signed by Gov. G av in N ew so m on the hood o a ord ustang ach declaring the state s plan to ban sales o new passenger ve hicles with internal combustion engines beyond . This gives automa ers barely years to electri y their entire lineup i they wish to continue doing business in merica s most populated state. ord couldn t be happier with this decision and wants rival auto ma ers to bac it as well. euters reports the earborn, based company is now urging automa ers to support ali or nia s new ero emissions stan dards as part o an industry wide bid to reach a consensus on the matter be ore resident elect oe iden ta es o ce an. , . ord s crosstown rival, Gen eral otors, announced it no longer supports the Trump ad
ministration s continued e orts to prevent ali ornia rom deciding its own emissions laws. riginal ly, G oined with Toyota and in support o Trump.
eanwhile, , on da and ol swagen agreed with ord s position regarding the Golden tate. everal ma or auto ma ers were set to have a virtual meeting to discuss their ne t steps and ord s message is loud and clear. ord mericas resident K umar G alh o rt a recently wrote the ollowing “The iden dmin istration will not let the Trump standards stand, and either by way o litigation and or a regulatory reboot, the new team will move in
a di erent, more stringent direc tion.” n other words, it d be point less to resist ali ornia s new rules because the incoming ad ministration is e pected to support them. ight as well start preparing or the inevitable. ali or nia ir esources oard hair M ary N ich o ls also believes the state s emis sions rules could serve as the basis or new ederal standards. t is in the automa ers short and long term interest to orm a consensus on this matter because the switch to electri ca tion ta es time, money and se rious planning. The sooner they start the better. n addition to G s about ace, M ary B arra revealed a plan to launch at least s globally over the ne t ve years with an investment o billion. ver two thirds o those new s will be or the . . We thank CA R B U Z Z for reprint permission.
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3M Introduces Lightweight Performance Spray Gun Using Revolutionary Technology plication olutions. “ ered in si di erent si es, rom . to . , each ter years in development and atomi ing head is optimi ed or eedbac rom customers worldwide, consistent atomi ation and superior introduced the er ormance trans er e ciency, which adds up to aster cycle times or repair shops.” pray Gun. ecause paint never passes “ sing revolutionary technolo er or gy, the er ormance pray Gun through the body o the was developed by engineers to mance pray Gun and only through deliver top o the line per ormance,” the disposable cup and no le, the said J o nnie B lo emers, global product cleanup and changeover processes mar eter, er ormance pray are streamlined. “That means there is no Gun. “ ollision repairers more paint gun ing up in will e perience aster clean ternal components, no more up, changeovers and cycle brea ing down your spray time with this lightweight gun or soa ing in solvent, product.” and no more cross contam onstructed rom an ination putting your ob at impact resistant composite ris ,” said aislet. material, the er or ith the uic change re mance pray Gun was de Jonnie Bloemers placeable atomi ing heads, signed to o er a ull range o aislet said cleanup is a snap. high per ormance automotive coat “ very time you swap out the ings, including paints, stains, prim ers, basecoats, topcoats, clearcoats, replaceable no le or a resh one, you can e pect li e new spray per epo ies and adhesives using replace ormance,” he added. able atomi ing heads. “ n today s collision repair “The secret lives inside our advanced interchangeable no le shops, it s important or painters to technology,” said B rad y Haislet , have dependable tools so they can spend less time worrying about their application engineer, aint p by Stacey Phillips
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spray gun and ocus on per ecting their art to deliver consistent, uali ty results,” said loemers. “The gun
with. There s nothing that it won t do.” “ t s hard to get a system that all really wor s well together and eel li e the spray gun really nails it,” said D ust in Z eiska, head painter at L aM ettry ’ s Collision. “ t ust really does everything great.” “The is a great gun it sprays unbelievable,” said R uss Cramb uilt , a painter at uer le yundai. “ thin it s the wave o the uture no doubt about that.”
was designed to be low maintenance and easy to use so painters have con sistent per ormance.” N at e J o h nso n, a painter at F airw ay Collision, said he was s ep tical at rst about how well the plas tic gun would hold up wor ing in a high production shop. e ound that he li ed the pattern on the spray gun. “The metallic control by ar is superior to some o the other guns on the mar et,” said ohnson. “ t wor s or every car that have sprayed
or more in ormation, visit https www. m.com en colli sion repair us eatured products per ormance spray gun .
Continued from Page 31
CRASH Jewelry “Three years ago, the business became viable and started ma ing a pro t,” she said. “ ve created ap pro imately , pieces overall since day one. get a ton o return customers and many people buy items rom us or corporate gi ts or will purchase gi t cards, so that peo ple can pic the ewelry they pre er.” ewelry is commit ted to being all in when it comes to being a green business by repurpo sing discarded metal. “ e also donate a portion o every sale to multiple charities, and love to participate in undraising events such as animal rescue, ree legal aid, education and hospice throughout the year,” she said. “ an artist can use their art to help non pro t organi ations and causes be lieve in, that s so satis ying.” very once in a while, chimp e s day gets a little brighter when she nds out about some prime am borghini, errari or unusual parts, or e ample.
SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANEL: Autobody News “The most uni ue and special items that ve ever made have to be rom a amborghini Gallardo uperleggera,” she said. “That one stands out, including the ve cu s did or an ustralian race driver with parts rom a orsche. e crashed it, so got a ton o metal rom that one vehicle.” n , chimp e ound out about Susan Purkh iser, a stuntwo man who lost her beloved in the oolsey ire that hit os ngeles and entura counties. “ er riends sent me a piece o re damaged metal rom the vehicle, and made a cu with it,” chimp e said. “ he was moved when she received it, and, o course, we were delighted as well.” s the media continues to em brace ewelry and more and more high pro le celebrities buy her pieces, chimp e sees a great uture or her company. “ love doing this, and as long as lu ury car owners will get into ac cidents, will never run out o parts to turn into ewelry.” rowse ewelry s web site at www.crash ewelry.com.
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