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The Toyota Arizona Proving Grounds (TAPG), Toyota’s proprietary U.S. vehicle development and testing facility, will become available to the broader industry as a vehicle testing resource as it officially launches the Arizona Mobility Test Center (AMTC) at TAPG.

Toyota has tapped Intertek Transportation Technologies to operate the facility and provide tenant management and related services under a new multi-year agreement, while Toyota maintains ownership and continues its testing activities at TAPG. “TAPG has world-class resources for making ever-better vehicles, and by opening it up to the whole industry for long-term engagements, we believe it can make an even greater impact on advancing mobility for all,” said Randy Stephens, group vice president of product performance engineering at Toyota Motor North America Research and Development. “This is also an opportunity to create new value with a capital-intensive asset, opening a revenue stream that can be used for continuous improvements on the facility that will further benefit Toyota and tenants.”


Intertek provides the transportation industry with services that cover all aspects of the needs at AMTC, including staffing, scheduling, maintenance, security and overseeing all testing operations at the site. It will also market AMTC to attract tenants and manage the leasing business. “It’s an honor to partner with Toyota to oversee the daily operations of AMTC,” said Gavin Campbell, president of Intertek Transportation Technologies. “The automotive industry is going through a revolutionary change right now, and we look forward to assisting all OEMs and tier suppliers who are at the forefront of this automotive development by using our expertise in site management and test operations to help get their products to market with precision, pace and passion.” programming. Toyota is also donating to St. Mary’s Food Bank in Phoenix for addressing food insecurities.

“This is also an opportunity to create new value with a capital-intensive asset, opening a revenue stream that can be used for continuous improvements on the facility that will further benefit Toyota and tenants.” — Randy Stephens

Part of AMTC will include an area of land for tenants to construct their own office and garage spaces as part of their facility usage. Toyota is also constructing its own new amenities, including expanded off road test facilities and a noise passby evaluation course, to provide new and world class facilities at AMTC.

Toyota is also maintaining its long-term commitment to support the surrounding community including support of Nadaburg Unified School District No. 81 in Wittman. Toyota will make another donation to help develop STEM education

The Arizona Mobility Test Center at TAPG is located in the Sonoran Desert near Wittman, AZ, a town about 60 miles northwest of Phoenix. The facility covers approximately 11,650 acres and has 77 miles of testing surfaces with 25 miles of paved roads, 52 miles of dirt tracks and a high-speed oval. TAPG was established in 1993 and has been home to testing nearly 50 Toyota and Lexus brand vehicles for the North American market during that time.

Source: Toyota

Continued from Cover

‘Who Pays’ Survey

terly “Who Pays” surveys in conjunction with CRASH Network. “It can involve more teardown, more research of OEM procedures, vehicle scans and more.”

According to the 2021 survey, 74% of shops itemize charges—as opposed to charging a flat fee—for total loss processing. In addition to the administrative time, these charges may include moving a non-drivable vehicle, covering the vehicle to protect it from weather, etc. In 2015, 38% of shops believed the top eight largest insurers in the “Who Pays” surveys “never” paid an administrative fee for total losses. Today, only 17% still think so. The latest quarterly “Who Pays for What?” survey is now open through the month of January. It focuses on “not-included” refinish labor operations. Shops can take the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YDTT8NN

Survey participants receive a free report with complete survey findings along with analysis and resources to help shops better understand and use the information presented.

Anderson said the survey, which will take about 15 minutes, can be completed by anyone in a shop familiar with the shop’s billing practices and the payment practices of at least some of the largest national insurers. Each shop’s individual responses are held in the strictest confidence; only aggregated data is released.

The results of previous surveys are also available online at https:// www.crashnetwork.com/collisionadvice

Source: CRASH Network

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It’s Time to Protect Your Right to Repair America’s Vehicles

Car ownership has long been a symbol of independence and personal freedom in American society. Thanks to the work of the independent auto care industry, which employs 4.7 million people and includes independent manufacturers, distributors, repair shops, and parts stores, car owners can feel confident making repairs and investing in the longevity of their car. However, due to embargoed technology solutions and anti-competitive behaviors within the marketplace, local auto repair shops and some dealerships are feeling the pressure of high costs and unnecessary burdens as a result of car repair restrictions. affordable automobile collision repair parts,” says Justin Rzepka, Executive Director of the CAR Coalition. “It’s time for Congress to get serious about solutions, including the SMART Act, to ensure businesses can offer the auto repairs their customers want.”

Reform is critical to restoring competition in the marketplace. Six automakers were among the top 20 U.S. design patent recipients in 2020. These automakers have drastically increased the number of design patents they’ve applied for and been granted over the past 20 years – roughly 250% in at least one case!

The good news is that an overwhelming majority (78%) of vehicle-owning voters support federal right to repair legislation that protects against design patent abuse in the automotive industry, such as the SMART Act. And only 25% of voters believe that design patents should be used for common car items, like side mirrors and bumpers.

Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are increasingly using a range of tactics, like patent thickets, controlling telematics data, position statements, repair procedures, and trademarks, to force repair shops and dealerships to use OEM parts and to steer more business to their preferred repair networks. These practices not only severely limit consumer choice, but cause economic ripple effects for businesses nationwide.

Repair restrictions on cars and other items have been skyrocketing in recent years due to OEMs increasingly misusing design patents to crowd out competitors in the marketplace. On top of that, OEMs are tightening their grip on vehicle data. These restrictions make it harder for businesses to offer alternative parts during the car repair process.

Whilesomestates,likeMassachusettsandIllinois,havemadepromising strides in the growing automotive right to repair movement recently, there’s still work to be done.

One national solution is the bipartisan Save Money on Auto Repair Transportation (SMART) Act (H.R. 3664), which would allow for greater choice of quality, safe, and affordable aftermarket car parts – putting business owners and consumers alike back in control. The SMART Act would:

• Reduce from 15 years to 2.5 years the time that car manufacturers can enforce design patents on collision repair parts, such as fenders, quarter panels and doors, against alternative parts manufacturers; and • Maintain business owners and consumers’ right to choose from a multitude of brands, prices, and products when purchasing parts and making repairs.

Importantly, the SMART Act maintains appropriate intellectual property rights for automakers by upholding the existing patent period in which automakers can enforce design patents against other automakers. The SMART Act is currently sitting before the House Committee on the Judiciary, as local businesses cope with stress due to the pandemic and while inflation continues to drive up vehicle maintenance costs.Alternative parts are 26-50% less expensive than OEM parts, while also helping to decrease the cost of OEM parts by 8% through competition. These are reasons why the SMART Act will not only increase choice, but will also translate to lower prices for car repair parts.

InadditiontotheCARCoalition,whichincludesAmericanProperty Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA), Automotive Body Parts Association (ABPA),AutoZone, and LKQ, the SMARTAct is supported by the Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety Coalition, National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC), Auto CareAssociation, RetireSafe,AARP, and more.

Last year was one of the biggest years for right to repair, thanks to hard work from businesses, advocacy groups, consumers, and government officials alike. In 2022, it’s time to build on the momentum to protect your right to repair America’s vehicles. Learn more about the SMART Act and get involved today: www.carrepairchoice.org/ take-action.

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