Autobody News August 2011 Western Edition

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Western Edition California Nevada Arizona



Allstate Announces ‘Process Changes’ Designed to Improve Network Cycle Time

Back on July 11, Allstate Insurance Company announced to its DRP participants that shops will be required to honor completion dates or assume all

Tracy Tramm, Allstate Claim Service Manager, announcing process changes via video

related costs, expedite estimate and upload completion times, and extend

their hours of operation, when necessary, for the convenience of Allstate customers. Now Allstate’s customer service initiative for 2011 has been expanded. The new program requirements were introduced to shops in a series of cycle time web conferences held recently. Those unable to view the web conferences are encouraged by the company to contact their local performance managers. Allstate is making “several key process changes” within its Good Hands Repair Network that the company says are designed to positively See Allstate Process, Page 30

Shop Owners Share Frustrations Renegotiating Contracts with Information Providers by John Yoswick

The experiences of a number of shop owners around the country serve as a reminder to make sure you always understand the terms of any contract you are signing. Failure to read the fine print—or negotiate clauses for additional rights to end even something as seemingly innocuous as a software contract—have cost some shops tens of thousands of dollars. A shop owner in California, for example, has been disappointed in the response he has received from one of the Big Three information providers

to his requests over the past 18 months to renegotiate his software contract. The shop owner, who asked that his name and the provider’s not be used, said he purchased a complete package—hardware and software—from the provider, but realized shortly after he did so that he did not intend to the use the shop management module of the package. “We’re not a large enough shop to benefit from the time I’d have into using it,” the shop owner said. While he wants to continue using the company’s estimating system, as See Contract Frustration, Page 14


California Appeals Court Rules Consumers Can Sue Insurers For Steering in ‘Hughes’ In a potentially far-reaching decision, the California Court of Appeal has overruled a previous trial court decision, to say that an Insured is entitled to bring a claim against an insurer under California’s unfair competition law for violating the state’s anti-steering statute. This ruling appears to allow for insurance companies to be sued for violations of the state’s antisteering law, Insurance Code section 758.5. In this specific case, the insured was awarded his legal costs in bringing the case against Progressive. The California Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, published its decision on June 15 which reversed

a dismissal in favor of an insurer of a claim filed under California’s Unfair Competition Law (UCL). The UCL claim was premised solely on the insurer’s alleged violation of Insurance Code, section 758.5, which prohibits an insurer from steering (requiring or even suggesting its insured use certain automobile repair shops). In the trial court action, California resident Chris Hughes, while insured by Progressive Direct Insurance Company, was involved in an accident on August 15, 2005. Hughes advised Progressive Direct of the accident and informed it he wanted

REGIONAL STORIES in this issue...

See CA Steering, Page 18

CA Cities Top Eight of 10 Cities With Most Car Thefts . . . . . . . . .p. 4

BMW May Recycle Ontario, CA, Workforce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 6

CA Hybrid Drivers Sent Back to Traffic Lanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 6

Former San Diego Car Dealer Found Dead In FL Home . . . . . . . .p. 9

Encinitas, CA, Auto Shop Recognized as Eco-Friendly . . . . . . . .p. 9

Santa Clara CAA Golf Tournament Postponed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 11

NATIONAL Articles in this issue...

Reorganized Lehigh Valley Collision Repair Association Now

Serves Eastern Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 16

Chevy Cars Get Highest Brand Share in 20 Years, GM Says . . . .p. 17

Detroit 3 Meet with UAW on Feds New CAFE Standard . . . . . . . .p. 21

The Devil in the Details—Measuring Metrics Properly . . . . . . . . .p. 34

Dealership-based Body Shops Down by 24% Since Recession Began .p. 36

Comprehensive Review of Distracted Driving Research Released .p. 39

COLUMNS in this issue...

Insurance Insider — Don’t Become an Insurer’s Puppet . . . . . . . .p. 24

Williams — How is a Dealership Selling Wholesale Parts Distinctive? .p. 26

Weaver — How to Keep Your Cool With HVAC Diagnostics . . . .p. 29

Sisk — Reedman-Toll in PA, Dealership’s Parts Bottom Line . . .p. 40

Sisk — E.J Henry and Sons in DE, Specialists and Generalists .p. 44 Chess — Are Your Repair Methods Ten Years Out of Date? . . . .p. 48

Evans — Lesson Learned: Re-Painting a 57 Thunderbird . . . . . .p. 51

I-CAR — Thin-Film Technology Comes to Collision Repair . . . . .p. 53

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