Auto Eclectic Magazine Issue 06

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A Collection of Automotive Passion

: G M A 3 6 C s e d e Merc e n i h c a M g n i n o o H y a d i l o H p h 1 8 4 A

Ken Gym Bloc k’s kha na G rid

KW’s Matte Green 335 Commuter

Story: Patrick Stevenson Photos: Casey Wallace


am sure if you are reading this you have seen one of Ken Block’s Gymkhana videos on Youtube and as such you understand the sport consists of flinging a car around objects while lying down more smoke then a Vegas craps table on a Saturday night. So what is the Gymkhana Grid? An amazing event dreamed up by Ken to push the sport to the limit with head to head competition featuring the best drivers from the sports of drifting, rally, and the X Games. This first event took place at Irwindale Speedway and was a combination of a drift event, car show, and X Games. The competition was split into rear wheel drive and all wheel drive classes in order to make it fair. The event is ran on parallel-mirrored courses with both drivers racing against the clock and each driver running both courses for a combined time.


Gymkhana as a sport originated from obstacle courses ridden on horseback in which riders raced around against each other to show of their skill as riders. How the sport turned to the automotive world is unclear, but the sport has a very strong following in Japan. The sport runs on local, regional, and national levels and is supported by the Japan Auto Federation, a division of the FIA. So how did this horse sport end up with 660 hp all wheel drive Ford Fiestas sliding around, well it is all thanks to Tanner Foust. You see upon returning from Japan, Foust taught Ken Block about the sport and Block started practicing it in his rally prepped Subaru. Block posted one of his practices on Youtube, 10s of Millions of views. Later Block started his own invitational to pit driver against each other to crown the king of car control.


The action is unlike any other form of motorsport with the exception of rally. Drivers must slide the car around obstacles while maintaining as much speed as possible as they are racing against the clock. Most of the drivers in the rear wheel drive class are professional drifters including the winner of the class Dai Yoshihara who are used to extreme angles and lots of smoke. So the drifters had a steep learning curve in order to remain fast. The all wheel drive class consisted of mostly rally cars and drivers including the two finalists Ken Block and Tanner Foust. The final was a battle of the Fiestas and energy drinks. Considering Foust introduced Block to the sport it was like Luke Skywalker battling Obi-wan Kenobi. We spoke with Block earlier in the day and he stated he felt Foust had a tire advantage running a different compound in the similarly prepared Ford Fiestas. In the end Foust was able to take the crown from Block and be the first ever Gymkhana Grid AWD Champion.


AWD Class:

1st Place - Daifiro Yoshihara 2nd Place - John Russakoff 3rd Place - Kevin Abbrings

1st Place: Tanner Foust 2nd Place: Ken Block 3rd Place: Stephan Verdier

Combat Commuter: Ready for Battle

Speed,handl i ng,st yl e,comf or t ,and cl asst hese

ar eal lt heel ement st hatweher eatAEl ookf ori nadai l ydr i ver .Few car sont hemar kethaveal l oft heseel ement swhi l est i l l r emai ni ngaf f or dabl e,butont heshor tl i stonet hatdoesi st heBMW 335.Thi swas t he car ,Mar ket i ng Managerf orKW aut omot i ve Geor ge Ci or das choset oputi nhi sdr i veway.I nst ockf or m weknow i ti sanf ant ast i c car ,butwhenyouwor kf ort hewor l dst opaf t er mar ketsuspensi on company,not hi ngcanr emai nst ockf orl ong.

Ci or dasdi t chedt heBMW f act or ysuspensi oni nf avorofKW’ sCl ubspor tCoi l over .Thi snotonl ygi vest hecaranamazi ngst ancebutal so t r ansf or mst he335i nt oasur gi calt oolf orsl i ci ngapar tcanyons.The new f oundcor ner i ngabi l i t ymeantbr akes,t i r e,andwheel swoul dbe nextont hel i stofupgr ades.Let sst ar twi t ht hest oppi ngpower .Rot or a Br akebi gbr akeupgr adeadded6pi st oncal i per swi t h2pi ecer ot or s upf r ontand4pi st oncal i per swi t h2pi ecer ot or satt her earbr i ngt hi s t wi nt ur boBavar i anspor tsedant oahal ti nahur r y.

Thebestbr akesi nt hewor l dar enot hi ngwi t houtagoodsetof t i r es.Ci or dashasmount edasetofFal kenFK452f orahi gh per f or mancebutcomf or t abl er i dewi t hani ncr easedf oot pr i nt . Now ont ot hosepr et t ynew shoes,AdvanRaci ngRSdi n gl ossbl ackof f eraonepi ece,deepdi sh,t enspokedesi gn.Ci or daschose t o si ze up f r om t he f act or y18s�t o 19s�and addi ngwi dt h8. 5i nchesi nt hef r ont9. 5i nchesoutback.

Now wi t hi ncr easedhandl i ngCi or dasdeci dedt ospr i nkl eonal i t t l e mor epowerwi t houtgoi ngover boar d.A Mei st er schaf tGTr aci ngexhausthel pst hosel i t t l et ur bosbr eat hemor ef r eel yandaddsani ce t ouchofst yl eatt her ear . NextwasanECU f l ash,boost i ngpower 71hpand85f t / l bs.Wi t hper f or mancet akencar eofCi or dast ookt ot he ext er i orst yl i ngwi t haf ul lvehi cl ewr apf r om Wr apt i voi nmat t egr een. Tocompl i mentt headdedper f or manceaVor st ei nerVRScar bonf i ber t r unkwasf i t t ed.Att hef r ontanAPRcar bonf r ontspl i t t erwasmount ed anddr ycar bonaccessor i esl i kemi r r or s,st eer i ngwheelt r i m,hand br akeandf r ontgr i l lf r om Aut oTeckni ccompl et edt hepackage.Ci or dast ookhi sBMW 335iandt r ansf or medi tf r om anaver ager unoft he mi l lspor t ssedani nt oauni quedai l ydr i verwi t hM3per f or mancet hat st andsoutf r om t hecr owdi naseaofhybr i dsandcommut er s.AE

St or y&Phot os:Dani elScampor l i no


The NSX is a refined car in every sense of the word. Chassis technology, engine tuning, and even in beauty, the NSX is beyond glamour, elegance and good taste that was only seen in Ferrari designs. As we all know, Ayrton Senna placed his divine hand in the development of this car, making suggestions even from within the brand. "People mistake it for a Ferrari, and are blown away that it's just an Acura".

In 1992 Acura introduced the NSX. This mid-engine, two-seater was designed to become an exotic sports car, but with the reputation for quality and reliability of Acura cars. The NSX was the first car with an aluminum frame, which improved their performance and behavior to reduce their weight by 40%.

" It all started with a dream. A dream of power and speed. Of speed and elegance. It also started with the dream of creating something that the world had never seen. Our engineers and designers sought answers to an old question: how to make a car move at high speed while maintaining the comfort and safety of the driver. They started with a blank sheet. They ended up with something revolutionary: V 6

DOHC engine of 3000 cc that develops 274 horsepower, with the exclusive VTEC variable valve timing control, an electronic traction control that prevents skidding, and a fascinating body, unique in the world built all aluminum. The NSX is a dream come true " .

N S X . . . F o r e v e r aS u p e r c a r

With these words, Honda, former World Champion Formula 1 Constructors in 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990 and 1991, and also the largest manufacturer of engines in the world, presented in Spain the same year of the death of its founder, Sochiro Honda, a resounding tribute to the figure of its creator, its new NSX. The story of this particular NSX began at the end of 2006 for its owner, Cody Nicot. His dad, Steven, had wanted to purchase one as soon as they became available in 1991, but could not afford one due to its steep supercar price. By 2006, the prices had gone down marginally to the mid twenties, and the search for his dream car had sparked once again.

After test driving a few stock NSX's, he found himself a bit disappointed with the power, and started considering that maybe a Porsche would better suit his needs. It was then, when his son Cody found this modified 1995 susu percharged NSX, which would be the perfect fit for what his dad had been wanting for so many years. After acquiring the car on the same week, he quickly began to fall in love with it, and in no time he considered it one of his own children. The car was already suited with a Comptech supercharger, which provided more than enough power

Hest ar t edwi t hupgr adi ngt heswaybar s , f r ontandr ear ,andf i t t i ngbi ggerbr ake r ot or swi t hcal i peradapt er s ,hi ghper f or mancebr ak epads ,ands t eel br ai dedl i nes . Fort heext er i or ,s i des k i r t sandr ears pat s wer eadded,al ongwi t ht hei c oni cNSXR wi ng.I tspor t ssomever yr ar eFor gel i ne Compt echRS' s( 17x8f r ont ,18x 10r ear ) , wr appedi n215f r ont ,and275r earr ubber . " Whenev erIdr i vet hi scar ,Igetpeopl e aski ngmeabouti tal lt het i me.I t ' sdef i ni t el yaheadt ur ner ,andIal waysget t humbsup"

St ev enwasi nvol v edi namot or cy cl eac ci dent ,l eav i nghi m par al y zedf r om t hec hes t down.Hehadc us t om handc ont r ol si ns t al l edandk eptdai l ydr i v i ngt heNSXunt i l hi spas s i ng.Codynowt ak escar eoft he c ar ,i tst ay swar m andc oz yi nt hegar age, andi sdr i v enmai nl yonweek ends .Hi s dadgav ehi mt hec arbec auseCodywas t hegear headoft hef ami l y ,andk newt hat hewoul ddef i ni t el ymak et hec aroneofa k i ndl i k eSt ev enwoul dhav ewant ed.Thi s NSXi snotanor di nar yone,i ti spar tofhi s f at her ' ss oul .

" Thec ari sdef i ni t el yaf uncart odr i v e, andi tdef i ni t el ykeepsmecl os et omy dad" Codyhasmanypl ansf ort heNSX, hehasal r eadyf i t t edBuddyCl ub coi l ov er sf orr i dehei ghtanddampeni ng adj us t ment s .Fut ur epl ansi ncl ude:Li p ki t ,newwheel s ,upgr adedpul l ey,i nj ect or s,AEM engi nemanagementand cl oserr at i ogear i ng.Thec arwi l l unquest i onabl ys t ayi nhi spos s es s i onf or al ongt i me,andevent ual l ywi l lbe moddedt ohi sl i ki ng.

" TheNSXi sanamaz i ngc ar ,i ti soneofa k i ndanddef i ni t el ynotc heapt omodi f y ,but wor t hi tatt heend" . R. I . P.St ev enLoui sNi c ot Mods: Compt echSuper char ger Compt echHeader s Compt echEx haus tw/ c atdel et e Upgr adedCl ut chandLi ght wei ghtFl y wheel Car bonFi berI nt ak eDuc t For gel i neCompt ec hRS17x8Fr ont18x 10Rear Buddy Cl ubCoi l Ov er s

Wu Are Bust

Team Wu’s Road Ra


ally Fleet


Driving around in a Lamborghini Murcielago is not People including cops will hear and see you comin ian built V12 screams a violent melody that can lite off young women. So imagine for a minute that you Lambo at extra legal speeds across the country, in high-end exotics and your car is wrapped in digital think you may be a target for law enforcement?

t exactly a covert affair. ng a mile away. The Italerally blow the skirts u are driving said n a race, against other l urban camo. Do you

Well this is why you must be prepared like the Wu brothers of Team Wu. Radar detectors are not enough; remember you are piloting a big shouting V12 Italian missile. Team Wu has gone to the extreme outfitting their Lambo with a 13 gallon aux fuel tank, fire suppressant system, capristo exhaust, hre wheels, laser jammer, cb radio, digital and analog police scanners, focal speakers, and a xtant amp. This of course is not their first purpose built road rally car.

The Wu brothers, Bill and Allen have been competing in major road rallies like Bullrun and Gumball since 2005. In fact they stared in the Bullrun reality show on the Speed Channel in the modified Lamborghini and won the whole show. While team Wu is serious about winning they are also serious about having fun while doing it. On the show they were constantly pranking other teams and using clever tactics to keep teams on their toes.This included removing or turning route signs to confuse other drivers and going out of their way to get competitive advantages like challenge immunity.

I am sure some people may think the Bullrun reality show was all an act for the entertainment of the audience, but those who have rallied with Team Wu know the personalities on the show were the real Wu brothers. These two are always out to make the most of each rally.

For 2010 they have gone beyond by purchasing a 2007 Police package Dodge Charger with the 5.7 L Hemi V8 and converting it to the ultimate road rally car. The car started as stripped out former police vehicle from Texas and in 3 weeks Team Wu transformed the car into the meanest looking cop car you have ever seen.

A car Robo Cop would ditch his Tauras to drive. With the police theme and a former cop car the brothers went crazy reinstalling the special police center console complete with CB radio and radio scanners. Sponsors like Vortech pitched in to boost the Hemi for the added speed needed to run down the exotics driven by fellow rally competitors. Other extreme preparation included a thermal imaging camera, you know like, military helicopter pilots use to destroy targets in the black of night. Two visor-mounted displays give the boys the heads up. Team Wu has fitted this for high speed lights out driving used to evade capture. In addition to this Brooking Industries set up Team Wu with the full LED light bar and strobe set up to complete the police package. For the extended stages a 20-gallon aux fuel tank has been fitted.

Believe it or not the Lamborghini and Charger are not Team Wu’s only rally machines. The current rally prepared fleet includes a LS1 V8 swapped E30 M3. You read that correctly the prized S14 engine in the original M3 was ditched in favor of American muscle. The motor is a built and blueprinted to LS6 specs which means over 400hp on tap. Also an aux fuel tank has been added to extend the range on the German hybrid.

The other beast is known as the Predator H2 which features a 6.6 lly duramax conversion with 600 horse power 1400 ftlbs torque, edge with juice programmer, triple locking torque converter, wilwood big brake kit with slotted and drilled rotors, hellwig rear stabilizer bar, over sized, tranny pan, aux tranny coolers with fans, aux oil coolers with fan, body kit, custom flat black paint, piaa lights, custom hid head lights, air ride suspension 4 inch rbp exhaust,rbp wheels, suede headliner, custom billet dash kit, Rockford fosgate sound system, laser jammer, cb radio analog and digital police scanners, 2 x 22 gal aux fuel cells, with a 1200 miles range. You read that right a Hummer with a 1200-mile range. Take that hybrid owners!

For More photos and details on TEA

AM WU check out

Team Wu has big rally plans for 2011 with a whole new car and theme in the works. So if you plan on running Bullrun, Gumball, Targa Trophy, Gold Rush, or any other road rally keep you eyes on Team Wu because they may be up to some trickery and fun!

Mercedes C63 AMG

A Holiday Ho


ooning Machine

Dear Santa, PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! May we have a MerMer cedes C63 AMG for Christmas? We promise to use it like the German muscle car it is by doing burnouts and drifting it every chance we get. We promise to punch the throttle through every tunnel and overpass to allow others to hear the wail of the hand built V8 ripping through the gears. Also we will not put the 481hp to waste plugging along in the slow lane. You do not have to squeeze it down the chimney either we have left a spot open in the garage and as far as wrapping goes, a bow will do just fine. Cheers, AE Staff

I am sure by reading the letter above you can see we here at AE are fans of the 2011 Mercedes C63 AMG, but what makes it so special? Well let’s start off with the options list. Our Mars Red tester was equipped with the $6,050 P31 AMG development package, impressive name huh? This bumps the power from best in class 451hp to a tire shredding 481hp. And don’t think Mercedes just played with the engine management and called it done. The boys at AMG fitted the 6.2 Liter V8 with lightweight forged pistons, lightweight connecting rods, and a revised crankshaft in addition to tuning the ECU. The result is a motor that revs more freely and delivers a much better punch when you need it. Also as part of the package AMG has revised the braking system and the results when pushed are an amazing fade free stopping power every time. My favorite touch is the suede and leather wrapped sport steering wheel. Also checked on the option list is the absolutely necessary limited slip differential. A component that turns this family sedan into a drift machine that Formula Drift Champion Vaugh Gittin Jr. could drive onto the podium.

The C63 is not a new model for 2011, the original was released in 2008 and it was described as “an axe murderer with headlights” by Jeremy Clarkson when it was reviewed by Top Gear. The P31 package car we tested is a true cream puff to drive at the limit. It communicates very well where the limit is with a little understeer then if provoked it will transition into a controlled slide.

This progression is never harsh or snappy allowing you to remain calm and collected as you power slide your children’s carpool all the way to school the drop off zone. The sound of this car is menacing like the great Viking God Thor chewing on a dozen armored knights. After scaring the children with it’s growl you will be tempted to leave the crossing guard in a

billowing cloud of smoke because doing burnouts in the C63 is as easy as getting sent to the principal’s office for nailing your teacher with a water balloon…….in January………….in Alaska. So it can power slide, do burnouts, and has a huge V8 under the hood if this is all the information you had you would be forgiven for thinking the C63 is a muscle car and that is

and that is because it is one. A big shouty simple muscle car that even features a traditional automatic gearbox instead of the dual clutch style boxes like in the BMW M3. This transmission is one of the reasons the C63 is so great to drive around town. The shifts are buttery smooth and allow you glide along through traffic in comfort. Now on to the steering

“The sound of this car is menacing, like the great Viki

ing God, Thor chewing on a dozen armored knights.�

knew this which is why the car has been made so easy to control. On the upside narrower tires do tend to be cheaper and this is a good thing considering how fun it is to light them up.

Amazing seats literally hug you. 2011 C63 AMG P31 Package Engine 6.2 Liter V8

Horsepower 481 hp

Torque 443 ft/lb

Price as Tested $77,000




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“it can power slide, do burnouts

and has a huge V8 under the hood




Inside the belly of this beast is a first class cabin lined is some of the supplest leather that has ever touched your behind. This is thanks to the optional $3,090 AMG leather package. The seats in the C63 are epic. The bolsters literally hug you because they are adjustable and in our tester they were heated for that added warm winter embrace. The rest of the interior is typical Mercedes, first class and solid. The doors open and close like a bank vault giving you the feeling you could literally drive it through a bank. At $77,000 our tester is not cheap unless compared to some of the offerings from Maranello, but what it offers is a tire smoking, power sliding, sport seat hugging, 174 mph, super sedan that is as capable in the canyons as on the morning commute. So Santa, come on, pretty please‌‌..AE

The New Escourt Passport iQ Driving a vehicle is the most common form of transportation. Along with that, there are speed limits on every part of asphalt that your tires touch. And as responsible drivers we should abide by the speed limits…kind of. If you are one to enjoy your time in your sports car, you know exactly where and when to drop a gear and get on it. Whether it is that one awesome on ramp that you rip on when no one is around, the launch when the light turns green, or when you are just banging through the gears. It is difficult to keep the speedometer under the speed limit. And that is where our tax dollars bite us in the a**. Police officers and highway patrol are sneaky and like to tag you with the radar or laser gun and issue you a nice $400+ ticket. And the more you modify your car, the more you like to put your heavy foot down. Thankfully, there are people out there who invented the “radar detector”.

Radar detectors are devices that pick up the signals that the radar/laser guns put out when they are in use. When signals these signals are picked up, they are displayed on the radar detector along with a “strength” meter to display how close the signal is to you. Which in turn gives a heads up to start slowing down. Escort is one of the biggest innovators in the radar detector market. They have developed the best products in this market. The bar has just been raised once again by Escort with their all new “Passport iQ” The Passport iQ is the ultimate radar detector and the only of its kind. Not only does it detect Laser, Ka, K, and X bands. But also serves as a full- functioning GPS unit. The Passport iQ’s GPS unit also has some features that you will not find anywhere else. The patented “Defender” database offers visual and audible alerts for speed traps, speed cameras, and red light cameras all over the US.

The nice people at Escort were so nice to give us a unit to try, and needless to say, I was very impressed with the unit. The Passport iQ has a large 5” screen and a very simple user interface to navigate through the menus with. The unit is no bigger than other GPS units you may have seen to give you an idea of the size. The unit is then mounted on the windshield with a very sturdy suction cup mount to keep it put. The first thing that I tried was the navigation feature. The 3d navigation display gives a very precise location of where you are and shows street names and highways very clearly to read. The points of

interest feature is very helpful and does a very good job at sorting the POI nearest to you. When routes are selected, the GPS unit is very quick to process routes and to re-route you when you take a detour. All in all, a very good navigation system that worked flawlessly. Now onto the radar detector feature. This feature is a life and money saver at the same time. When the device picks up a radar signal, lights flash on the screen and an audible alert sounds describing which band it picked up. With my experiexperi ence, signals were detected as far as a mile away! Knowing that there is someone waiting to

“With my experience, signals were detected as far as a mile away!”

to catch you, gives you a nice window of time to slow down. The biggest worry with radar detectors is how well they pick up the “laser” signal. Laser seems to be used more and more nowadays. And picks up your exact speed from very long distances. The iQ did a great job at detecting them N from afar and let you know ATIO G I V NA with even louder audible tones and a more aggres- RADA R DE sive light pattern coming TEC TOR from the unit. The thing that P I liked the most, was how A much time in advance it warned you, before you S would pass the officer on the S road. The “Defender” feature P worked amazingly by alertalert ing you that there is a red O light camera, speed camera, R or speed trap up ahead.

All in all, the Passport iQ is a complete game changer in the radar detector world. It is an excellent GPS unit that will get you where you need to go precisely And an even better radar detector that detects signals up to a mile away. This unit is a great alternative for people who want a GPS and radar detector in one. And lastly the unit is a great disguise for T those who live in states where radar detectors This eliminates the orange i are against the law. The light burst of speed to make Q Passport iQ is offered at it through. Sometime we a very reasonable price don’t get too lucky and turns OR T C of $649.95. My philosoout our picture is taken and ETE D R phy is that you spend the nice ticket ends up in the LASE money you would spend mail a few weeks later. The SPEE D on one ticket on this IQ also has a very nice DETE TRAP CTOR device, and never have option of alerting you when to get a ticket again. you are driving faster than the speed limit. TRAFFIC MAPS


I had been looking forward to driving the 2011 C63 'P31 development package' for a while but after driving a CLK 63 Black Series for the Targa Trophy and on track, I was not expecting too much; all I can say is, “WOW”. First thing, love the red calipers. Now I jump in and get settled in full leather racing seats, which keep you in place like super glue. After doing a few laps, with four people in the car, the brakes started to feel like butter that sat out all dinner but they never lost an ounce of bite. Now on to the POWAR! Who cares about brakes in a drift car, which this thing is: with an almost 500hp big block and not wide or sticky enough rear tires. Drifting is so easy in this car, once you get it sideways, because it does take a mildly different approach to getting the a$$ to hang out right. You have to come in hot and early, try to over drive the corner, stay patient and then jump into the throttle. Enough about how to waste a decent set of tires...this car is a blast to drive lap after lap. It even has a racing past, the old 190E with the Cosworth built 2.3 16v. It was Mer cedes answer to the BMW M3 as is the C63 and with this 2011 Mercedes-Benz has finally been able to inch back closer to BMW with a car that has some track soul. The only concern, which has been the same since the 190E is the transmissions that AMG has decided to install in its cars, this one like its big brother E63 twin disc, has come a long, long way. While we are on the subject of the driveline, AMG has really been able to do some thing incredible with this car, it has a massive amount of front grip under acceleration. Unlike its predecessor the 08’ C63, which tries to rip your head off on track, the 'P31 development package' C63 really has been transformed into a four door CLK Black. Even the steer ing has transferred over much of the tight pinpoint feeling from the Black Series department. I must say that I am truly overjoyed and overly impressed with this car, being an MB guy I usually will right away write off any on track prowess of these cars

but this one has really started a new chapter.

When you first see this particular Lamborghini Murcialgo, you start to wonder if maybe Batman does exist...then you hear it start up, take off and the hair on the back of your neck stand up because you know something that looks that good and sounds that incredible has to be a blast to drive...and it is! Every pre-straight away corner is a blast because you just can not wait to hear this thing at high RPM wide open throttle. When you finally go to up shift at over 8000 RPM you hear the intake suck in the next gulp of air to be turned into 650+ hp. Since the engine is less than 2ft from your head, I think you can actually hear the oxygen molecules screaming as they get smashed through the throttle bodies. The result is a smile that lasts corner to corner, you almost get exited to have to slow down because you know that you'll have to get back in the throttle ASAP. Oh, did I mention that you will have to down shift while slowing down, the noise the V10 makes while rev-matching is utterly fantastic and did I mention its happens just feet from your head.

Speaking of having the engine two feet from your head, until you drive the Murci for a good few laps then get out and look at it from the side, you realize that your practically sitting over the front wheels which is that exact feeling that you get while on the track. The steering has an almost feather light feeling but when combined with the sledgehammer in the back it becomes a bit unnerving. When the rear end steps out one must think its reminiscent of the kick from a Raging Bull, it comes as a bit of a surprise, stronger than imagined and usually can put you into a world of hurt. Once you get used to it though it becomes mildly enjoyable...because the notion of taking a $250k+ car off track is something reserved for the owner himself. Under braking this beast is amazingly stable, as long as you are straight braking, trail braking is not recommended, although very entertaining. Overall the Murci is a blast on track but not designed for direct track use...its more supposed for 175mph+ cruiscruis ing on the Autostrade or up along the northern rim of the Italian Alp's. Look for full feature next month!




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Hello enthusiasts, my name is Chris Frick and I am the new feature editor for Auto Eclectic Magazine. Before we get into this track test, let me give you my background in the auto industry. I started wrenching on cars at the age of 17, specifically working on Infiniti G35’s and Nissan 350Z’s. Building motors, adding forced induction, and track preparation were the duties assigned to me. During the wrenching, I was introduced to a NASA HPDE track day. Since that first time I was on the track, I was instantly hooked. Moving forward, I started wrenching on track cars including cars competing in the NASA, Superlap Battle, and Redline Time Attack series. Working with various race teams then led me to the HGM race team. To this day, I am the race team crew chief and assist in running the business in San Diego modifying all types of performance cars. Having been in the industry for quite a long time, I am excited to be a part of this magazine to give my opinions on products and performance cars, and offer coverage in the racing world.

When you think Ferrari, you think of a loud, high-revving, neck snapping accelerating super car that draws more attention than any other car on the road. Then, you are introduced to Ferrari’s flagship fourseater grand touring car‌ The 612 Scaglietti. This model was launched as the predecessor of the 456M to compete against the Mercedes-Benz CL 63 AMG, and Bentley Continental GT. At first glance, this relatively large stallion seems like it would be a boat to drive around. Coming in at 4,135lbs, the 612 comes in as the chunkiest steed in the Ferrari stable. But as soon as the gas pedal is put to the floor, this boat turns into a missile. The massive 5.8-liter V12 motor that was thrown in this car puts down 540hp and 434tq to the rear 19� forged wheels.This car gets up and goes in a very unusual formal Ferrari fashion, but goes 0-60 in a whopping 4.2 seconds.

And keeps pushing your head into the seat up to its governed 199mph speed limit smooth enough to keep you from spilling your venti mocha. This specific model was equipped with the high performance option called the HGTS package. This recommended option includes a quicker shifting F1 like gear box, colored brake calipers accompanied by carbon-ceramic disc brakes, a sport exhaust, different wheels, and chrome accents on the rear diffuser. The exterior styling that this Grand tourer has to offer is a much more subtle, mundane look that isn’t expected. It is not as wide, low, short, and sporty likes it’s brothers and sisters. Which caters to the older individuals that don’t want all the attributes or attention received from the supercars we all know, but can still keep up with them when they want to.

Throwing on the helmet and jumping into this beautiful car was to say the very least, exciting. If you are a track junkie, the first thing you think of when you see a car is (How it would perform on the track?). And to be honest with you I didn’t know what to think with this fourseater steed in front of me. Sure it had a big motor, but will it turn? Can the brakes stop this thing? Those were the questions rolling through my head while sitting in the comfortable sporty seat, with gorgeous leather all around me.

Slowly entering the track, and warming up the tires for the first lap the 612 felt like another luxury touring car; until I turned onto the front straight after the warm up lap. Shifting from second to third and mashing the gas this car came to life. With the beautiful signature Italian choir singing to you, it just makes you get the goose bumps as it echoes off the pit wall into your face. That’s when you know this car means business.

At the end of every straightaway is a turn. And this was the moment of truth to see if this missile could turn and stop as well as it mashed through the gears. Downshifting from 4th to 3rd and pushing on the enormous carbon ceramic brakes, the 612 slowed me down faster than it accelerated and smoother than a Mercedes Benz S class. This set me up perfectly to enter the double apexed corner, and the Scagletti stuck like glue and carried speed until the V12 shot me into the next straight with the biggest surprised smile on my face. The 612 is unbelievably nimble for its size. While tearing up the track, the car felt half it’s size for the way it can hustle around the track. With so much power, one would think that this car would be destined as a tire smoker. But this graceful steed was extremely stable and predictable. When it came to the time to get feisty, Ferraris CST (Control for Stability and Traction) aid kept you from letting that big rear stepping out on you. With very little body roll and virtually no brake fade, you would be crazy to think you could get me off the track. After multiple laps slamming through gears with the perfectly placed paddle shifters, and the Ferrari V12 singing to me, it was time to go back to the pits. After stepping out of the 612, I took one look at the car and couldn’t be more surprised and satisfied. AE

On Sunday the fifth of December, two of the best things came together, a car show and a fantastic cause. Over 5,00 cars and more than 10,000 people attended this year, the whole reason was to raise as many toys possible. For the last seven years, Motor4Toys has been hosting this event. In 2004, over 2,350 toys were raised to give to less fortunate children Over the years the event gained some notoriety and in 2009 over 25,000 toys were gathered. Motor4Toys is one of the single largest contributors to Toys for Tots. This year the goal was to raise over 30,000 toys. This event was amazing. There were so many car people in one place to do great things with their time. There was a live DJ that kept you thumping to the beat along with an awesome silent auction.


GTR VS Carbon

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