Automan 183

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January 2017 // Issue no 183


New wheels 6-9 Ferrari Oman Organise a Ferrari

esperienza and we drive the new gtC4LussO

Face 2 Face 10-13 we interview waLter LeChner,

the Owner OF LeChner raCing, FOunder and manager OF the pOrsChe gt3 Cup ChaLLenge middLe east

OmaN aNd regiONal News 14-17 LaunCh OF Chery arrizO 3 and 5,

new tOyOta COrOLLa,, LaunCh OF Case COnstruCtiOn equipment in Oman, pajerO desert adventures, Omani triO win redbuLL Car park driFt

BraNdwatch 18-23 majOr direCtiOnaL shiFt in

CoverDrive – Ford Edge RoadTest – Rolls-Royce Wraith

vOLkswagen’s Future business pLan, maserati prOduCt prOFiLe Changing, us autOmakers want tO stOp the epa’s FueL eCOnOmy ruLes Change, new us Law aLLOws LOw vOLume exOtiC Car prOduCtiOn, Luxury sub brand Fad in China, dieseL Car saLes take a hit in us, Ferrari may disCOntinue F1 CLienti prOgramme, FCa tO repriOritise big suv, vOLkswagen preparing an aLL-in-One CC and phaetOn

glOBal News 24-27 mini CeLebrates three miLLiOn

Cars prOduCed, mCLaren nOtChes up 10,000, hOnda hits 100 miLLiOn, atLas prOduCtiOn begins, mOu signed by autOmakers FOr Charging in eurOpe, merCedes battery prOduCtiOn,

cOver stOry 28-35 sharper and

mOre inCisive – that’s the new FOrd edge. we test drive the CrOssOver in Oman

rOad tests 36-43 we drive the rOLLs-rOyCe wraith

Automan Car of the Year 2016

in Oman 44-51 we drive the pOrsChe 718 bOxster s in Oman 52-57 we drive the mini CLubman COOper s in Oman

special Feature 58-65 autOman Car OF the year 2016 shOrtList annOunCed

previews 66-67 Ferrari j50 68-71 merCedes-benz amg e63 4-matiC 72-73 mazda Cx-5 74-77 nissan miCra mOtOrspOrts 78-79 FOrmuLa One chicaNe 80 a whOLe new year’s wOrth OF Fun

editor-in-chief Mohammad Al taie

AL roYA PreSS & PUBLiShinG PO Box: 343, Postal Code 118 Al Harthy Complex, Sultanate of Oman

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some news that came in at the close of the holiday season, seems to bring with it portents of a sea-change in how large us companies will invest with donald trump at the helm. Ford motor Company has announced that its planned us$ 1.5-billion investment in a new plant in Mexico is off the table, with the consequent investment of US$ 700 million in beefing up manufacturing facilities in michigan. the switch in policy seems directly linked to the new president elect expressing his displeasure at manufacturing jobs being moved out of the country. but the question remains as to how much of the company’s decision was linked to the statement politically, trying to assuage the new presidential elect’s complaint and how much is linked to an actual economic angle. the underlying issue is of course related to the far lower cost of skilled labour in mexico juxtaposed with the union regulated paychecks of the detroit auto worker. Ford claims that the main reason is linked with a fall in demand for small cars – a claim that rings rather hollow. admittedly the past couple of years has seen a swing back in demand for larger cars and suvs in the united states on the back of low fuel prices at the pump and some intelligent packaging on the part of manufacturers, who have introduced smaller engines supplemented with either turbocharging or inline electric motor assists to fill performance gaps. MAnAGinG editor raj Warrior contriBUtinG editorS chandan Basu Mallik Anne Kurian deSiGn conSULtAnt Antony Karlo PhotoGrAPhY elvis John ferrao for Advertising & Marketing enquiries: diStriBUtion United ArAB eMirAteS dar Al hikma LLc Tel: +971-4-2665394 | Fax: +971-4-2669827 Printer Al Anan Printing Press LLc Tel: +968 24446163 | Fax: +968 24446287 | © 2017 All editorial content of Automan in the magazine and its website is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the management of Automan. Automan accepts unsolicited exclusive editorial material, but reserves the right to publish any such material. Once published, the copyright for any such material will vest with Automan.

but what happens when oil prices rise over the next couple of years and consumers swing back to needing small cars? will Ford then have the capacity in place to deliver? while we would assume they have thought it out, our guess is that somehow it represents the thin edge of the wedge, an admission that corporate america believes that the crowning of donald trump will see naFta falling by the wayside, with its consequent penalties in terms of higher duties and taxes for imported cars (in this case from mexico). it will be interesting to see how other corporations follow suit – manufacturers from volkswagen, general motors to nissan and toyota are waiting for the gavel to fall. in the meantime, local us manufacturing is actually on an upswing from the burgeoning local demand as well as lower tariff barriers to exporting to many countries around the world. Oman is no stranger to the us-made vehicle, enjoying a free trade arrangement that effectively avoids duties. this year you are going to see many more stories resulting from donald trump and his new view of where us sits in the global economy. Fortunately for us that also translates into lots of automotive stories.

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NewMetal Getting another Ferrari Experience Author: Raj Warrior | Photography: Elvis John Ferrao

Ferrari Oman organised their ‘Ferrari Esperienza’ event in December. We took the opportunity to get some more kilometres in the new GTC4Lusso


JAN 2017


errari Oman had organised a drive event where they invited potential buyers and journalists over a couple of days to drive from the Al Bustan hotel on the open roads stretching out to Qantab and beyond. This time around the three cars they had available were the new GTC4Lusso along with the 488 Spider and the California T. As we had driven the two later cars at a previous event, we decided to stick to the GTC4Lusso for this story. From our previous drive of the GTC4Lusso, some salient facts are worth sharing again. The car is obviously the follower of the FF in that the hatchback look hides a rather longish profile and the sportscar platform. While major changes have been brought about to the front and rear presentations, the profile took a bit of explaining – the visible change is around the functional front fender air intakes and a pronounced rising trimline from the base of the front wheel arch to the top of the rear. Having said that, we like the way the hood has been sculpted with a clear sweep back to the A-pillars, while the grille does manage to look a bit happier with its eyes and grin offering.

The rear deck pushes the hatchback feel even more with the D-pillars spreading out to the rear flanks, a wide set rear track and strong horizontal styling that enhances the width of the car. The interiors of the GTC4Lusso haven’t just been cleaned up; they reflect the best of current day trends in style and electronics. Excuse us while we gush about the seats. We drove a car that had almost pure white interior trim and the way the leather is o set by hints of dark material in the intricacy of building up a layered backrest looks stupendous. If we could give an award for the bestdesigned seat, the Ferrari GTC4Lusso driver seat would win hands down. The rest of the cabin is just as interesting – it is split into twin cockpits that encompass the front and rear seats. We managed to get in the rear without too much e ort and there is just about enough legroom and headroom to justify the full four-seat claim of the car. In fact, the brand has tried to connect the FF and now the GTC4Lusso with a multiplicity of connections to four; four seats, four-wheels driven and now four-wheel steering, which we will touch on in vehicle dynamics.

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The line-up of models include the California T, 488 Spider and new GTC4Lusso Below: Ferrari Works driver before setting off in the GTC4Lusso


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The dashboard has undergone a major revamp. The already exquisite Ferrari interior is taken to a whole new level with the four prominent air-conditioning grilles serving to segment the dashboard into zones, with the very busy driver’s zone to the left now getting a bit of visual o set with the new touch screen panel that serves as part of the dashboard for the passenger. The centre console is dominated by the large 10.25� highresolution monitor powered by a new Jacinto J6 CPU with physical controls just below the display. Engine The engine is a variant of the F12 berlinetta’s V12 unit, tuned to a slightly lower peak output but compensating with some really healthy midrange torque figures. Here too, Ferrari engineers are keen to point out how they have engineered equal length paths for the inlet and exhaust piping, although unlike on the turbocharged V8-engine California and 488 variants, here the pipes are welded rather than cast to keep the weight low. The engine has a higher compression ratio than before, boosting power output to 690hp with a max torque of 697NM. The engine revs freely into the higher

bands hitting the stops at 8,250rpm. While the engine could run a little hotter, the team has improved the size of the oil radiators. Similar to the FF, the layout of the engine is front-mid, with the power transfer unit for the front wheels taking power o the front of the crankshaft, while power to the rear wheels is sent back to the transaxle with electronic differential. The engine also switches to a 6-cylinder mode as and when required, while offering a broader range of fuel diversity through an ability to handle 91 octane to 98 octane ratings. Using ion sensors the engine shifts its ring pattern to compensate.

rear axle on demand.

Vehicle Dynamics The major change affecting vehicle dynamics is the introduction of rear wheel steering, although the steering effect is in the single digits. What this does is tighten the turn circle at low speeds and allow the car to slide across lanes as we use the steering at higher speeds. Other than that the company insists that the weight distribution and power delivery has been targeted to keep the handling of the car neutral, with just a slight tendency to understeer. The weight distribution is 47:53 front-rear and the transmission can shift 100% of the available power to the

Verdict Is the GTC4Lusso an all-new vehicle? Nominally, we must believe so, not so much for what the architecture changes offer as for the internal changes. The technology is certainly cutting edge as demonstrated by the new IP, consoles and interfaces. The car is also more powerful, driveable and definitely better handling. Would you rush out and replace your FF with this? Only if you had bought the very first FFs. You are more likely to be the new kid on the block sitting on top of your new internet startup and yes, the GTC4Lusso may just be your everyday car.

Driving impressions We were given the obligatory briefing by the two Ferrari works drivers who were shepherding the course and then taken out for a demonstration run. Obviously, the experience comes through in the fluid nonchalance with which the driver shifted his way up and into highly illegal speeds. But then there is nothing about the FF that asks you to slow down. When our turn came, we let it rip too. It has the absolute confidence inspiring solidity of not even feeling like it was anywhere near the 200 mark, let alone way above it.

JAN 2017


Face2Face Taking one-make mainstream M

otorsport fans have been treated to a thrilling opening two rounds of the region’s most competitive and most professional racing series, the Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge Middle East. The new season got underway on 18th November at Bahrain International Circuit as part of the well-known World Endurance Championship. Regarded as the purest form of racing with all drivers competing in identical fifth generation Porsche 911 GT3 Cups, the unique one-make series consists of 12 races between November 2016 and April 2017. With the eighth season of the championship continuing with the aim of providing a platform to establish more homegrown Arab racing talent, the Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge Middle East also plays host to some of the leading up-and-coming drivers from Europe and around the world. Walter Lechner, the owner of Lechner Racing, founder and manager of the Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge Middle East explains how the series has helped popularise motor racing in the region.

The Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge Middle East is in its eighth season, what are your expectations for this year? To have so much driving talent is an incredible opportunity to grow the sport and speaks volumes for the prestigious reputation this series has earned over many years. It’s developed into the perfect platform to accelerate driving skills and gain valuable race experience hence the influx of newcomers, all of which are very welcome. The championship is now a proud beacon for the motorsport in the Middle East and I’ve no doubt that the exciting combination of new and experienced racers will see our most competitive championship yet. The race for the title is certainly wide open after the first two rounds for so many drivers to grasp. I believe this season the championship has really come of age with more drivers from more countries than ever before. We’re accelerating towards a bright new 10

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future especially with an exciting trio of teenagers new to the grid. All making their debuts, all very talented and all from the region. To be in this position of growth doesn’t come overnight. It comes from years of hard work and commitment to developing motor racing in the region but this could be a special time with the Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge Middle East leading the way. This has been one of the most popular series in the Middle East. What do you attribute this appeal to? The series is of a high professional standard but at the same time it’s open to anyone in the region. It’s for all backgrounds and levels of racing experience and we are able to train up drivers and work with them to ensure that required licenses are achieved. They just need to have the passion, the commitment and a desire to learn. Where the drivers will find the real

We talk with Walter Lechner, founder and organiser of the Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge Middle East

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test is when they are competing, testing and qualifying. Then they need to work closely with their engineering teams to look at performance data and understand feedback. It is through this means we help drivers develop, one lap at a time. The series is now very well established. So it is regarded as a proven pathway to international motor racing but also the ultimate opportunity for passionate racers to experience professional motorsport. Since we introduced the series in 2009, we’ve been giving regional drivers the opportunity to develop their skills and balance life with a GT racing career and we will continue to do so into Season 8 and beyond. Why do one-make series make for good racing? A simple explanation is that one-make series gives all drivers equal conditions to race. It is the fairest form of racing and generally allows for the greatest amount of driver development, as all drivers face the same challenge and can work to get to know the car over the season. It creates close bonds between drivers and their engineers. Together they must focus on getting the right set up. Plus everyone has access to the same data, parts and will face the same conditions as all others on the grid. Porsche provide the incredible 911 GT3 Cup, which is based on the 911 series production model – a pure-bred sports car with exceptional levels of power and performance. It means the drivers are racing in one of the most iconic and successful race cars in the world. It guarantees exactly the experience drivers want to feel on the track and fans want to watch. What are the strengths of this series? What makes it so appealing? Ten years ago we wanted to create a professional racing series here in the Middle East. It took a lot of time and effort to establish but that is what we have managed to establish. Importantly it’s been growing. We adhere to all FIA regulations within the series to deliver global standards for racing conditions. To add to that, the cars that the guys are driving are elite racing cars and we provide highly trained engineers. Some series have come and gone with time but the Middle East does not have any other motorsport championships which can claim to match the standards delivered by the Porsche GT3 Cup


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Challenge Middle East and we are very proud of that fact. We’ve grown with time and got stronger. The series was always designed to provide a platform for young Arab racing talent from the region to really progress in motorsport by driving on their own local tracks. In the past anyone from the Middle East with a passion for motorsport had to travel to Europe to get experience and develop. There was and remains a lack of racing in the region so giving these guys a professional set up in which they can grow and develop has really helped the series to become successful. There is now a structure and an easier pathway. We have teenagers who are students on from a Sunday to a Thursday and racing drivers on a Friday and Saturday. That was unheard of before the Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge Middle East was established. Al Nabooda Racing have been one of the most successful teams in recent years, but they will not be taking part this year. Does that open up the championship? Yes it does. Al Nabooda have played a big part in the championship over the last few years and have always done very well as a team. So it is a big loss for us. Hopefully when they see the competition on the grid and the talent on display they will return in the future. Looking ahead to Season 8 it means new drivers have a good chance of making their mark early in the series and seizing the chance to be on the podium. Nearly half of the grid are newcomers, which makes for an exciting and unpredictable season.

Personally I love to see new young drivers emerge especially from the Middle East as it’s exactly the legacy we wanted to create. Hopefully their talents will flourish and sponsors will back these drivers and help them reach their potential. We have a new young Omani driver, Al Faisal Al Zubair at 18-years old, Bahrain’s 17-year old Isa A. Al Khalifa and 16-year old Isa S. Al Khalifa which shows the direction the championship is going. Hopefully young racing drivers in the UAE will be inspired to follow their dreams and join the series in coming years. What is the new GCC rookie championship? It is an all-new title within the Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge Middle East. From the very start our vision was always established with the desire to create a new future for motorsport in the region. Drivers from the region, racing in the region in one of the best sports cars in the world. We wanted to build a platform to fuel passions and for dreams to come true. Therefore with a completely new grid in Season 8 filled with such promising young local drivers we wanted to celebrate and encourage those making their debuts. Everyone involved in the championship believes this is vital to helping the sport grow even further. To have all the young drivers compete head to head for this brand new title will help these drivers learn how to win, how to manage a race and how to manage their emotions. For us it’s an important addition which is bound to spark even more excitement throughout the grid.

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JAN 2017

Chery Oman launched the new Arrizo 3 and Arrizo 5 sedans in front of assembled guests and journalists in the gardens of the Crowne Plaza. The event was kicked off by a welcome address by Mr Anil Dua, managing director of the OTE group, followed by addresses from the Chery representative as well as product briefings from dealer management. Chery is amongst the biggest selling Chinese car brands, and for the past several years the company has ranked among the top 10 of all China based car companies, often ranking as the biggest selling brand behind Volkswagen, General Motors, Toyota and Hyundai. Chery has maintained its lead in vehicle exports among Chinese automakers for the past seven years and the company expects its overseas sales to surpass 200,000 units in 2012. During the first 10 months of last year, the company had exported more than 164,000 vehicles to more than 80 countries. It had also established 17 manufacturing bases in 15 countries on five continents by the end of 2012. The Arrizo 3 is powered by a 1.5-litre 4-cylinder engine that generates 107hp and 140Nm of torque and is available in both manual and automatic transmission arrangements. It features a new design built on a significantly strengthened body structure and incorporates features like high intensity discharge projector headlamps, a double barrel instrument cluster, 24, storage spaces in the cabin, a 502 litre trunk with remote opening as well as an electric antiglare mirror inside. The Arrizo 5 is both larger and an all-new design built on a safety cage that the company believes will make it a 5-star C-NCAP rated car. The Arrizo 5 uses a latest generation 1.5-litre engine with variable valve timing that offers 114hp and 141Nm of torque. This comes with either manual or CVT transmission. The car offers some of the cleanest interiors yet on a Chery, with features like a large colour display, modern instrumentation, rearview camera with dynamic path markings, tyre pressure indication and a chassis that has been tuned and set up by German company Bentler. The car also features multiple airbags, ABS with ESP and hill hold assist and integration with mobile phones. Luggage volume is 430 litres and the car gets an engine start/stop button. Both the Arrizo 3 and 5 are available in showrooms since the launch in December.

Toyota Oman launched the 2017 Toyota Corolla at their stall at the Oman Motor show in December. The Corolla launch event was graced by Honourable Chief Guest Sayyid Tareq bin Shabib al Said along with Sayyid Khalid bin Hamad bin Hamoud al Busaidi, Chairman, SABCO Group and Eng Ahmed bin Hassan al Dheeb, Under Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, in the presence of Saud Mohamed Bahwan. Making a strong design statement with its unique visual signature, the Corolla Multi Drive 7S signifies Toyota’s brand evolution. The Corolla’s design theme combines clean lines and balanced proportions to give it an immediate visual impact. There are many distinctive upshots of the 2017 restyle. According to the Saud Bahwan Automotive spokesperson, “The new 2017 Corolla has been restyled to turn heads, arrest attention. These include a refreshingly redesigned grille that set off its stylish profile. The new front bumper, the redesigned headlamps, daytime running lights & fog lamps further accentuates the effect. A truly well-heeled look is imparted by the New Alloy Wheels as it passes by. Finally, like perfume wafting in the air, the new rear combination

Oman & Region News

2017 Toyota Corolla Chery launches new launched in Oman Arrizo 3 and 5 in Oman

lamps & rear spoiler leave a lasting impression. The 2017 Corolla is now available with two new exciting colours — Beige Metallic & Phantom Brown Metallic” The new Corolla is available both in 2.0-litre and 1.6-litre engine configurations, both mated to the all-new Multi Drive 7S CVT transmission. The transmission offers drivers the ability to manually tap through 7 positions emulating manual control over the gearbox. The smaller of the two engines produces 121hp and 154Nm of torque, while the larger 2.0-litre offers a better sprint capability with 143hp and 187Nm of torque. The 2017 Corolla comes with an array of safety, comfort and convenience specifications — including ABS with EBD and Brake Assist, Cruise Control, Vehicle Stability Control System and the Tyre Pressure Monitoring System. The Corolla also features other class-leading features such as LED Projector Headlamps with Integrated-type Daylight Running Lights, Smart Entry System with Push Button Start, new Sport Drive mode, Auto Headlamp Levelling, Chrome Garnished Retractable Outer Mirrors with Turn Signals and Moonroof. The new Corolla is available for viewing and test drives at any Toyota showroom. JAN 2017


CASE COnSTRuCTiOn EquipmEnT TO hElp build OmAn CASE Construction equipment was unveiled amidst media guests, international and local partners and select customers. The ceremony was held at the Hotel InterContinental Muscat, and was presided over by Mr. Franco Invernizzi, Director (Sales & Marketing) Africa and Middle East, Sheikh Ahmed Bahwan and Mr. Divyendu Kumar, Managing Director of Bahwan International Group Holding. “Together we expect to see strong growth and the

development of the CASE brand in this important market. IECC and CASE will become the preferred construction equipment partners for companies working in a range of industry sectors throughout the Sultanate of Oman,” said Mr Invernizzi. “IECC is committed to being an important player in Oman’s infrastructure through the supply of world-class high-end technology and best in class after sales support. We are confident that with the launch

of the CASE brand, IECC’s product portfolio has become more formidable. With higher levels of technology, the CASE range of equipment will be positioned not only to appeal to the existing customers in the region, but will also attract a new range of buyers looking for quality and enhanced performance.”, said Sheikh Ahmed Suhail Bahwan, Chairman of Bahwan International Group. Mr. Divyendu Kumar, Managing Director, Bahwan International Group Holding

added, “IECC is privileged to represent CASE Construction Equipment in Oman, reaffirming the trust and value of the relationship that we have had with CNH Industrial Group over the last 10 years. We have built strong relationships with construction companies, contractors and rental organisations, by providing high quality equipment backed by excellent after sales support.”

mitsubishi Completes brace Of Team pajero desert Adventures General Automotive Company , the distributor for Mitsubishi in Oman, has successfully completed the first two of a total four planned trips of its annual desert excursion, the ‘Team Pajero Desert Adventure’. Taking place in the second week of November and the third week of December respectively, each of the two day trips saw just over 278 people in 60 Mitsubishi Pajeros and 294 people in 61 Mitsubishi Pajeros respectively drive 16

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into desert for a weekend of fun and adventure. Organised by GAC specifically for Pajero owners and enthusiasts, each of these trips gives Pajero owners a taste of a true desert adventure in the vehicle best suited to handle the challenge – the Mitsubishi Pajero. To find out more about the Team Pajero Desert Adventure or to register, please call 24 500 500 or visit Mitsubishi’s Athaibah showroom.

Oman & Region News

OmAni TRiO dOminATE REd bull CAR pARK dRiFT

This year’s second place winner, Ali Al Balushi has managed to draw a major sponsorship contract with top-end car detailer Reflexions 44. Khalid Said Al Wahaibi, Managing Director of Relexions 44 says Ali is Oman’s pride. “He embodies the spirit that the company stands for – he mirrors our global ambitions. Not only will we promote him for Oman’s sake but he will also be an asset for our growth. Our wish is that he will come out in flying colours on the international arena. He will be our brand ambassador.” The sponsorship covers a period of a year and will see Reflexions 44 producing a custom artwork for Ali’s car. In a storm of smoking tyres and roaring engines, the Red Bull Car Park Drift Final 2016 concluded on Friday December 9 with Omani Haitham Al Hadidi crowned as the ‘King of Drift’. Sold-out crowds lined the drifting track created at Port Sultan Qaboos to be part of the biggest motorsports event ever hosted in Oman. Under the patronage of H.H Sayyid Taimur bin Assad Al-Said, the Red Bull Car Park Drift Final was held in association with the Oman Automobile Association. The participants represented the best of the best drifting talent from Qatar, Kuwait, Mauritius, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia,

UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Oman. They earned their place at the Final having topped their respective national qualifiers. At only 18 years of age, first time competitor Haitham Al Hadidi (390 points) took home first place after a stellar performance. Previously Hadidi said his dream was to put his country on the map for drifting and motorsports. Immediately after taking first place he said: “I feel so happy, I really wasn’t expecting to win. It’s fantastic that this year it was an all-Omani podium. All the competitors had great performances, everyone put on a great show. I only got my driver’s licence three months ago so I am

ecstatic about this win. If you love your hobby, you will do anything for it. It was a bittersweet result for long-time national champion Ali ‘Lalou’ Al Balushi (386 points)who took home second place for the second consecutive Red Bull Car Park Drift Final. “I am happy that I came second and that I have maintained my performance for three years in a row at the Red Bull Car Park Drift. I am happy that today was a celebration of Omani talent on the podium, I didn’t expect it at all.” However Tarek Al Shaihani, who took third place (313 points), said: “I predicted that this year all the Omani drivers would reach podium.” JAN 2017


major directional shift in Volkswagen’s future business plan Factoring in the post Diesel-gate scam after effects in the US, it seems Volkswagen’s future business plans have been re-worked in detail from groundup. This is according to Herbert Diess, Volkswagen’s brand chief who presented his 10-year plan for the company a few weeks ago. As part of the newly minted business strategy, by 2025, Volkswagen wants to focus mainly on expanding the SUV portfolio and become a leader in Electric

Vehicles [EVs]. “We have slept through a few trends, especially when it comes to the SUV boom,” Diess said at the press conference which took place in Volkswagen’s “Markenhochhaus,” the totally rebuilt brick tower at the Wolfsburg factory in Germany. Interestingly, the executive circumvented the costly and image damaging diesel issue and blamed the lack of range in SUVs as the key stumbling block from it becoming world’s largest automaker last

year. It wants to sell at least a million EVs each on its own. Meanwhile, other Volkswagen Group brands are expected to chip in and introduce their respective versions of electric cars based on a joint modular electric kit called MEB. The EV volume is expected to be about 30 per cent of Volkswagen Group’s total volume under this arrangement. On the SUV front, the Volkswagen brand alone will offer 19 SUVs by 2020.

maserati product profile changing In 2016, it was clear that Maserati was changing its business focus by shifting to four-door sedans and crossovers. The obvious question was what would happen to the existing GTs in the line-up which after the end of their respective product life-cycles? Yes, we are referring specifically to the GranTurismo and GranCabrio models. Reports are suggesting that production at the Viale Ciro Menotti HQ in Modena in northern Italy of these two models is due to end in 2017. Although, no immediate plans about replacement products have been talked about in recent times 18

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and hence there’s keen to see some speculation about their future. However, Maserati product planners are keen to retain sports cars in the portfolio and are believed to be considering various options. There are indications that a standalone coupe and convertible were on the drawing board which would be a healthier option to a single CC-styled car with folding hardtop option and the time-frame for a concept could be 18-24 months now. Meanwhile, Maserati engineers are actively researching hybrids, plugin hybrids and 48-volt systems with possible future applications.

uS automakers want to stop the EpA’s fuel economy rules change Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi, Porsche, Toyota, VW, and Volvo in the US. The EPA was going to consider public comments through April 2017 and with a Trump Administration looming, the EPA moved quickly after the election to propose finalizing

new uS law allows low volume exotic car production

Thanks in part to the Low Volume Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Act that was passed as part of a $305bn highway funding bill in the US, now low volume or boutique carmakers can manufacture cars economically. One such brand that plans a comeback is Cord. Famous American car manufacturing brand Auburn owned Cord which was considered the future of the automobile in its heydays till early 30s. In 1932 Cord shut down and an attempt was made to revive the brand again in 1936. Sadly in 1937, it was closed permanently. But nearly 80 years later, and it could be on the verge of a comeback, thanks to

Houston area oil industry consultant Craig Corbell who purchased the rights back in 2014. The new law was passed in 2015 allows names like Cord, DeLorean or AC to produce replicas of original vehicles but with modern complaint engines and efficient drivetrains. When produced, DeLorean and AC will use modern GM V8 crate engines when they arrive next year in the markets. The same could be good for Cord. Corbell hasn’t yet released any details on the proposed revival just yet. The company is currently said to be in partnership discussions with manufacturers, and could have a vehicle ready as early as next year.

future fuel economy rules last week and moved the deadline to the end of December 2016. Ford CEO Mark Fields said he wanted to lobby Trump to lower the standards, and now the Auto Alliance has indicated that it will join the fight against cleaner car norms. Since it is unlikely that President Trump will be able to roll back these changes after taking charge, this means that that the EPA can finalise the rules before President Obama leaves office.


US-based Environment Protection Agency has suddenly fast tracked a controversial move to propose auto regulations eight months early and this has upset the alliance of automakers. The alliance represents 12 automakers: BMW, Fiat Chrysler, Ford, GM, Jaguar Land Rover,

luxury sub brand fad in China grows with new Great Wall Wey The idea of creating sub brands is catching up fast with Chinese car brands. In 2016, two major car companies announced their aspirations in the growing luxury car markets. Geely was first to announce Lynk & Co as its new entity for both domestic and overseas markets to be followed by rival Great Wall. Great Wall launched its luxury SUV brand called Wey and duly registered the name in Australia. The latter’s announcement came at the year-end Guangzhou motor show in southern China. In terms of positioning,

Wey will sit above Great Wall’s Haval SUV subbrand. To promote Wey, Great Wall has hired former Audi executive Jens Steingraeber who will act as Wey CEO and Great Wall vice-president. Former BMW SUV designer Pierre Leclercq, who has led the design team on the Haval line-up since 2014, will also be responsible for Wey design. It may be recalled that at Guangzhou, Wey showcased a pair of concept SUVs – the W01 and W02 on a stand parked between the likes of Jaguar, Land Rover, Acura, Lincoln and BMW. JAN 2017


diesel car sales take a hit in uS

Current Porsche Cayenne Diesel Several carmakers selling diesels in the US have decided either to restrict sales or pull out the models entirely as its popularity wanes. Leading the way are the German brands in particular that were once quite active in the diesel segment. The latest is that along with several Volkswagen and Audi models, Porsche has also issued a

stop-sale order for its Cayenne Diesel last year after its use of illegal software to cheat on emissions tests was exposed. Porsche will likely have to develop a fix for customer cars, or buy them back. Once a fix is developed that will allow the SUVs to comply with emissions standards, Porsche may have to sell the

Rolls-Royce Cullinan SuV previewed OK, it was the first teaser image of a camouflaged Rolls-Royce and a very special one too. The British luxury brands first-ever SUV - the Cullinan working prototype testing on public roads. The images were good enough for one to get an idea of eventually what the profile could end up like. There’s an upright front face with a rectangular theme being adopted for all elements. Design inspiration from the company’s flagship Phantom is quite evident. When it eventually hits the markets in 20

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production form, the Cullinan is expected to be powered by the Phantom’s 6.75-litre, V12 engine. As of now there is no word about specifications, however, media reports from UK suggest the possibility of a new plug-in hybrid powertrain for the Cullinan to help it meet emissions legislation and fuel economy parameters. Rolls-Royce is also developing a new all-wheel drive system and suspension for the SUV which will also be the first model to be built on an all-new aluminium architecture.

refurbished cars as used vehicles. The US courts still haven’t approved a settlement for the Cayenne Diesel and Audi and VW models that use the offending 3.0-litre V6 engine. Unsold dealer stocks could be recalled and re-exported from US to country of origin.

FCA to reprioritise big SuV development programme? A lot of carmakers these days are looking at SUVs as the mainstay for sales, but there are some existing players who are playing safe. This can be reflected in the fact that despite announcements and concept presentations, the final production is taking rather too long or the projects have been put on hold. Take for instance Fiat Chrysler Automobiles’ Jeep brand. After a few teasers of its proposed large Grand Wagoneer SUV, it seems that Jeep are rethinking about it as there has been no further information as to what is happening. Reports are suggesting that it’s not just the Grand Wagoneer that has been delayed, but also the nextgeneration Ram heavy duty trucks. The reason for this unofficially cited is the tooling costs for these vehicles as FCA has a $7bn debt to clear first.

Ferrari may discontinue F1 Clienti programme


A car from the Clienti programme

As part of its diversified business, since 2003, Ferrari provides aficionados an opportunity to buy old Formula One race cars under its F1 Clienti program. The niche programme facilitates sales of F1 cars to a select group of customers, and provides technical support to people who bought Ferrari F1 cars before the program was established. But all that could change soon as Ferrari newer cars are just too complex and is contemplating a move to stop selling its old F1 cars to private buyers. At a preview of the new Ferrari World theme park

in Barcelona, Ferrari F1 test driver Marc Gené told reporters. The F138 used during the 2013 season will be the last F1 car offered for sale, he said. “They are just too difficult to maintain,” Gené said of F1 cars from the 2014, 2015, and 2016 seasons. For the 2014 season, F1 implemented rules requiring all teams to use full hybrid powertrains, with 1.6-litre turbocharged V6 engines assisted by electric motors. “Just to fly them over, the battery needs some extra safety requirements for the plane,” Gené said. The 2013 F138 used a much simpler

form of electric assist, working with a 2.4-litre V8.

Automan’s take Under the current F1 Clienti program, Ferrari routinely flies retired F1 cars around the world for owners to drive. The automaker organizes its own events, and owners can also have cars delivered to a track of their choice. Ferrari sends a team of technicians with each car, and offers track tutoring from drivers like Gené.

Volkswagen preparing an all-in-one CC and phaeton

Volkswagen’s CC drew its name from the acronym for Comfort Coupe and the Passat-based model was identified from its “stylized sweeping roofline. Meanwhile, the Phaeton was conceived with the idea of having a large top-of-the-line luxo barge. Commercially, the CC was never a sales topper but it helped roping in new buyers attracted to its design. Despite the sedan’s physical

limitations like small rear seat, low headroom and compromised luggage space it did OK. The Phaeton despite its superb packaging failed to click with the masses. Now, VW plans to merge the strengths of the two models and build a new car. An idea called Arteon has been floated in the form of sketches on social media and depending on feedback one

can expect a concept at the Geneva Motor Show in March. The Arteon was designed from the ground up to deliver the design of the CC in a large format with frameless windows, a larger boot and a highly expressive horizontally accentuated looks. The car when produced will ride on a mildly evolved version of the MLB architecture used by the European Passat and other vehicles. JAN 2017


2017 Wards Engine Awards announced

The annual Wards 10 Best Engines list that acknowledges progress made in diverse set of powertrains that appeal to a wide range of tastes and budgets has been announced for 2017. The evaluation for each nominated powertrain [40 this year] is based on horsepower, torque, comparative specs, noise attenuation, observed fuel economy and the application of new technology. The guiding principles: Does the engine or electric propulsion system truly sell the car or raise the bar for its competitive set? Several interesting trends have been noted and it seems hybrids are making strong inroads in the industry with classleading performances and applications. Three electrified drivetrains appeared for the second time in as many years, while all seven remaining winner were turbocharged set-ups. The key message from the industry is the bias towards downsized powertrains with forced induction and direct fuel injection. What’s more, for the first time in the testing programme which is running for 23 years, no V8 engines earned a spot on the list, but many of the high-output turbocharged 6-cylinder engines in the competition, even some that didn’t make

the cut, generate enough horsepower and torque to fill the void. Since 1995, the competition has recognized outstanding engines and electrified propulsion systems, as well as the technology and engineering behind them. 10 Best Engines of 2017: • 3.0-litre Turbocharged DOHC I-6 [BMW M240i] • 1.5-litre DOHC 4-cyl./Dual Motor EREV [Chevrolet Volt] • 3.6-litre DOHC V-6/Dual Motor PHEV [Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid] • 2.3-litre Turbocharged DOHC 4-cyl. [Ford Focus RS] • 2.0-litre DOHC 4-cyl./Dual Motor HEV [Honda Accord Hybrid]

infiniti brand experience centre in China operational


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1.4-litre Turbocharged DOHC 4-cyl. [Hyundai Elantra Eco] 3.0-litre Turbocharged DOHC V-6 [Infiniti Q50] 2.5-litre Turbocharged DOHC 4-cyl. [Mazda CX-9] 2.0-litre Turbocharged DOHC 4-cyl. [Mercedes-Benz C300] 2.0-litre Turbo/Supercharged DOHC 4-cyl. [Volvo V60 Polestar]

Automan’s take Innovative automakers are acknowledging the fact that downsizing, turbocharging and electrification as key strategies for delivering no-compromise powertrains that also are fuel-efficient.

China is a focus market for Infiniti and the fast emerging luxury brand is focusing on innovative retail strategies. The brand has opened its first official Brand Experience Centre at Sanlitun, Chaoyang district in Beijing. The set-up is the first of its kind in China, showcasing the brand’s design aesthetics and innovative technologies all within a premium lifestyle space. The venue is designed to serves as a platform for customers to enjoy an interactive experience of the brand as well as exploring product, technology and service innovations. Dane Fisher, general manager of Global Business Transformation & Brand at Infiniti said: “This is our first Infiniti Brand Experience Centre globally and we are very excited that Chinese customers can get to experience it first. As a fully interactive experience, visitors can get up close with our brand understand our “Empower the Drive” brand statement.”


A lot, if you are Jaguar Land Rover [JLR] and someone uses it in an unauthorised way and it becomes an issue of conflict of interest. JLR has taken the intellectual property rights route to file a case against Canada-based Bombardier Recreational Products [BRP] within European Union. As a result, BRP will now have to discontinue the usage of the “Defender” badge on its products. The ban not only affects BRP, but also chemical giant Ineos, which has plans to roll out an off-road vehicle using the same nameplate. JLR will also have to keep tabs in the 150+ markets where Jaguar and Land Rover products are sold for similar violations.

Automan’s take The “Defender” name is not the only one used by BRP. Can-Am ATVs have used other commercial names like “Outlander” and “Renegade.” It remains to be seen

whether Mitsubishi or Jeep who own the naming rights will take any legal action against BRP.


For an automotive brand newly created EMCC by Daihatsu and Toyota may sound weird at first, but it’s actually an internal arrangement where talent synergies of both brands are expected to help create products for emerging markets and hence the acronym which stands for Emerging Market Compact Car Company. Unlike a standalone sub brand, new cars created by the collaborative effort will continue to be badged and sold as Toyotas and Daihatsus. It may be recalled that Daihatsu became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Toyota in August 2016 in a deal said to be worth around $3bn. In charge of the new company will be two executives – one from each respective brand. Daihatsu president Masanori Mitsui will be appointed chairman, while Toyota Managing Officer Shinya Kotera will be the internal company’s president.


What’s in a name?

people in the news

leonardo diCaprio

Oscar-winning Hollywood actor and environment activist Leonardo DiCaprio will represent Chinese automaker BYD’s electric cars. As part of the commitment, DiCaprio will help promote the company’s new-energy vehicles in China throughout 2017, pushing a similar agenda to the one he had last year when he formed his own team for the Beijing edition of the FIA Formula E championship. “All over the world people are realizing that cars that run on fossil fuels are inefficient and a major threat to the planet. I am very pleased to be joining an effort to increase the number of clean vehicles on the road in China and beyond,” said DiCaprio. BYD currently offers three pure electric models, the e5, e6, and Qin EV300, as well as a number of hybrids.

Atif Rafiq Volvo Cars has appointed Atif Rafiq as its senior vice president IT & chief digital officer. Rafiq will oversee the company’s continued digital transformation, helping to evolve how consumers interact with Volvo cars across the buying, driving, entertainment and service experience. He will oversee the consumer facing applications, digital touchpoints and enterprise systems supporting the company’s products, processes and services.

Alexander Selipanov Hyundai’s newly created premium luxury sub brand Genesis is attracting a wealth of senior talent from the West. The latest is Bugatti designer Alexander Selipanov who has migrated to the South Korean Hyundai-owned brand. Selipanov will take on the role as Chief Designer at the Global Genesis Advanced Studio in Germany and will report directly to Luc Donckerwolke,

Head of Genesis Design and assist in development of future product, like the planned luxury EV and even a potential sports car. Selipanov’s impressive repertoire includes concepts like the Porsche 911, Ferrari 612 GTO and the Chiron. He also served as a member of the exterior design team at Lamborghini in 2010 in development of the Huracan. JAN 2017


milestones this month mini celebrates three million cars produced UK-based Plant Oxford celebrated the three millionth MINI roll out since production began in 2001. The John Cooper Works Clubman - the first model to combine the latest John Cooper Works performance enhancements and a new ALL4 all-wheel drive system. Since 2000 £1.75 billion has been invested by BMW Group at the three plants and at Oxford this has included a state-of-theart paintshop, a high-technology body building facility, a new final assembly area, a new logistics centre, Quality and Engineering Centre and the MINIcademy.

mclaren notches up 10,000 British automaker McLaren has built its 10,000th car, little more than five years after the first rolled out of the Woking, England factory. A 570S finished in Ceramic Gray – from the McLaren Special Operations ‘Defined’ colour chart was stamped with the coveted 10,000 VIN number will not be sold but retained for the company’s heritage fleet. Meanwhile, the company has announced extended warranty packages for up to 12 years from the date of manufacture which can be purchased in increments of 12 to 24 months and is applicable for models like Sports Series and Super Series cars [570S, MP4-12C, 650S] and its variants. The scheme doesn’t cover the P1 as of now.

maserati: car number 100,000 leaves plant at Grugliasco


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honda hits 100 million resisted pressures to enter into joint ventures with other manufacturers. President and chief executive of Honda, Takahiro Hachigo, said: ‘The passion of our company founder who wanted to help people in their daily lives and pursue the joy of driving has been inherited by Honda associates as the original starting point of Honda automobile manufacturing.


Honda has announced the production of its 100 millionth car. The feat took 53 years to achieve and is commendable when you consider that that the company started life as a motorcycle manufacturer, but branched out into four-wheeled production in 1963 and compact sports car. Despite ups and downs, Honda remains a fiercely separate entity and has

Atlas production begins

The German brand’s US$900mn factory in Tennessee is ready for production of the 2018 Atlas, the brand’s largest 3-row SUV that will built on a stretched MQB-platform. US domestic markets will not be offered diesels. Instead two petrol units will be offered: entrylevel models will be powered by a 238hp turbocharged 2.0-litre TSI and top end gets 280hp naturally-aspirated

3.6-litre V6 churning 280 hp [208 kW]. Both engines are mated to eight-speed auto transmission. VW’s all-wheeldrive 4Motion will be offered on six-cylinder engines only as optional. Interestingly, as VW is to have more SUVs, the American division of the brand is putting the finishing touches on a smaller seven-seat SUV based on the LWB Tiguan which will be assembled in Puebla, Mexico.

The plant’s 100,000th car is a white Quattroporte GranSport MY17 destined for China, the Maserati’s limousine’s biggest market. Alfredo Altavilla, FCA Chief Operating Officer for the EMEA Region, thanked all the men and women at the Avv. Giovanni Agnelli Plant who made the achievement of this major milestone possible. The Avv. Giovanni Agnelli Plant (AGAP) where the Ghibli sports sedan and the

Quattroporte limousine are built, celebrations were held to mark the production of the 100,000th car. It was a white Quattroporte Model Year 2017, equipped with the 350 horsepower 3.0 litre V6 Twin-Turbo engine built by Ferrari. This special Quattroporte is destined for China, a strategic market for Maserati and of primary importance for the Brand’s limousine

Apple Carplay hits 200 model mark Gaining momentum in the automotive community as OEM is Apple’s in-car infotainment system. At last count, over 200 vehicles now support Apple’s in-car infotainment system. Meanwhile, Apple has

updated its CarPlaycompatible vehicle list with 50 new entries. This year new or upgraded models from Audi, Honda, Kia, Maserati, Mitsubishi, Suzuki and Volkswagen models will feature updated versions.

Aston martin starts on new factory Phase I of Aston Martin’s new manufacturing facility at St Athan in Wales received the green light when Aston Martin President and CEO Andy Palmer met Welsh First Minister, Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM to finalise the sale of the St Athan site to the British luxury carmaker. Aston Martin President and CEO Andy Palmer commented: “The exchanging of this

contract, giving us first access to the St Athan facility, is a milestone in our 103-year history. Work now starts in earnest to turn our plans into reality. ‘Phase II’ will commence in April 2017 when Aston Martin will gain access to the three Ministry of Defence ‘Super Hangars’ that will house the new manufacturing facility. JAN 2017


mou signed by automakers for charging in Europe Fast charging, however, is one of the key requirements of more widespread battery electric vehicle usage and automakers in this field recognise the fact that a comprehensive support infrastructure is required. BMW Group, Daimler AG, Ford Motor Company and Volkswagen Group with Audi and Porsche signed a memorandum of understanding last month with the business objective to create a charging network in Europe for electric or hybrid

cars. The plan entails fast track development of quick charging stations with power levels up to 350Kw. An initial target of about 400 sites in Europe is planned and work begins this year and by 2020, consumers should have access to thousands of highpowered charging points. The goal is to enable longdistance travel through opennetwork charging stations along highways and major thoroughfares, which has not been feasible for most battery

electric vehicle drivers to date. The experience is expected to evolve to be as convenient as refueling at conventional gas stations. On the technology side, the network will be based on Combined Charging System

standard technology for AC and DC charging. Vehicles engineered to accept the full power of the charge stations can recharge brandindependently in a fraction of the time of today’s battery electric vehicles.

Samsung batteries for lucid motors

Samsung is moving forward with its vehicle plans as the California-based electric vehicle start-up Lucid Motors has announced it is to partner with Samsung SDI. Samsung will supply Lucid with lithium ion battery cells. First details of Lucid Motors’ upcoming executive sedan were released last month with production scheduled to begin in 26

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late 2018. In late November last year, Lucid announced their new, $700 million manufacturing plant will be built in Casa Grande, Arizona. Lucid plans to initially produce 10,000 vehicles. The two companies, Samsung and Lucid, are said to have collaborated to produce “next-generation cylindrical cells that are able to exceed current

performance benchmarks in areas such as energy density, power, calendar life and safety.” Lucid says one of the most important qualities of the new battery cells is its “breakthrough” tolerance of repeated fast charging. Earlier, there have been reports of fast charging having a negative effect on EV battery life.

mercedes battery production Most recently, the company announced in October that its all-electric EQ SUV will begin sales in 2020.

Toyota could sell hybrid technology to others

Usually hi-tech dependent industries are secretive about sharing technology secrets, but automakers like Toyota are no strangers when it comes to licensing hybrid technology. Toyota has recently announced that it will sell readymade hybrid powertrains to other automakers. Toshiyuki Mizushima, president of Toyota’s powertrain company said: “ Toyota suppliers produce a lot of technology which can only be used by Toyota. We want to change that to a system where we develop technology with our suppliers at an earlier stage and that technology could be made available to non-Toyota customers also.” This could be a win-win situation for

Auto industry heavy weights on Trump’s advisory panel


Daimler AG board member Hubertus Troska has hinted that Mercedes-Benz may produce batteries for its plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles in China. Actually, Mercedes-Benz wants to capitalize further on the Chinese government-funded incentives encouraging plug-in vehicle usage as the country tries to address serious pollution related problems, especially in its larger cities. In China, Beijing Benz Automotive Company is Daimler’s joint-venture with Beijing Automotive Group. Mercedes-Benz is looking to start selling more than 10 new electric vehicles by 2025.

people in focus

not just for Toyota, which stands to recoup research and development costs, but for the group suppliers like Denso and Aisin too. “Until now, we couldn’t sell the same inverter used in Toyota’s previous hybrid system to other customers because it wouldn’t fit the motor, or the voltage was different,” Denso’s Executive Director of Engineering Research and Development Yoshifumi Kato said. “We can avoid this issue if suppliers can sell the entire system. If we take a component developed with Toyota and sell a million to Toyota and another million to other customers, it would double our return on our development costs.”

Career politicians or seasoned business professionals? It seems the latter group wins for now as US-president elect Donald Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum which is a constituted advisory panel that will regularly meet with Trump to offer advice on issues such as job creation, technological trends and the economy is to have CEOs of three major firms linked to

the auto industry. As of now, the core panel include General Motors CEO Mary Barra, Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Uber CEO Travis Kalanick. The panel is led by Stephen Schwarzman, the CEO of private equity investment giant Blackstone. The panel’s first business meeting will be held at the White House in February. In a statement, Trump said the picks were all “at the top of their fields.”

Saudi prince for allowing women drivers

Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women are not allowed to drive cars. Influential Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal wants to change this hardliner diktat which has also been challenged by women’s rights protesters. “Stop the debate: Time for women to drive,” the prince tweeted last month. The prince is said to be very much aware about women’s rights, but holds no official

office, but runs several business relationships for the ruling family. “Preventing a woman from driving a car is today an issue of rights similar to the one that forbade her from receiving an education or having an independent identity,” Alwaleed said. “They are all unjust acts by a traditional society, far more restrictive than what is lawfully allowed by the precepts of religion.”

JAN 2017



Sharper and more incisive

That’s the new Ford Edge Author: Raj Warrior | Photography: Elvis John Ferrao

As the D-segment SUV market hots up, we have seen established players bring significantly revised offerings like Ford does with the new Edge. It still addresses a very specific type of buyer although now they are in with all the cards stacked in their favour


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ast year was the centenary of the Arab revolt against the sinking Ottoman empire, marked by the epic march on the port town of Aqaba in current day Jordan, led by the legendary figure of Lawrence of Arabia. What does a British adventurer and his doings have to do with Ford’s new Edge – you may well ask? Nothing at all, except that Ford Middle East had partnered with Jordan’s tourism ministry to create a series of ‘reenactments’ of the march. The inverted commas are because Ford’s version had the participants driving down the Wadi Rum and onwards to Aqaba in modern day SUVs and Pickups, quite unlike the horse bound hordes of Arabian tribesmen fighting for their place in the Sun. The company had managed to bring in two units of their new Edge to make up the convoy and we had a rather limited time with the car in the sands and on the road. As usual in these parts, the time lag between an early preview and getting the production models landed meant that we were driving the actual test car at the year-end. But this time, the wait was really worth it because not only was the Edge available over a rather extended period of time, we were lucky to get our hands on the Sport variant (which comes powered with the 2.7-litre V6 Ecoboost engine). What’s changed in the Edge? The main change has been the upgradation of the underlying platform from the CD3 to the CD4, with the CD4 now underpinning many of Ford’s front-wheel biased D and CD bridge models. Another crossover we have already tested that is based on this platform is the Lincoln MKX. The upmarket brand of course leverages its newfound luxury edge with one of the best sound systems we have heard in the recent past, the Revel system. When we took the Sport for the test drive, the one of the messages we got was that the Edge Sport was essentially the MKX without the Revel audio onboard. But then we had found some issues with the MKX, including some unwanted acoustics from the turbocharged engine’s whine. At the time we did have a bit of a discussion regarding that. It seemed like the NVH padding of the body was tuned for the lower frequencies, allowing some highpitched noise through. That automatically made it imperative for us to first check out the effect on the Edge and we are glad to say that the first positive we noted was in the lack of the whine. However, we are allowing things to get out of order if we don’t first describe the car to you. The Edge has had a rather unique positioning in its generation one persona. Although a little late to the 30

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game, it was Ford’s answer to the switch in demand that consumers were showing – moving from the typical large American SUV to vehicles that were more lifestyle oriented. In essence, the differentiation between the Explorer and the Edge was marginal. The Edge was decidedly more compact and could afford to lose some length and a bit of the Explorer’s utilitarian nature, gaining better looks and a far more inviting interior. But then over the past generation the Explorer has also evolved, carrying its faux Range Rover styling a lot better than you would expect and of course also being affected by the company’s switch to smaller, more powerful engines. The compactness of the new Edge shows in the dimensions – with a length of 4,779mm on a wheelbase of 2,849mm, the Edge has a very wheel in the corner stance despite being front-wheel drive biased. The front fascia sits very comfortably in the family look; new generation headlights flank the large blackened out grille, with the high intensity discharge elements setting it off from the mundane. There has been no move to overuse LED technology here; the light signature is where it comes into play as well as in the taillights. The rest of the frontal styling shows an evolutionary move ahead for the Edge – you get greater depth to the fascia, the flanks are better defined and the clamshell hood is appropriately formed to prevent a feeling of flatness. The profile is also interesting – the glasshouse seems to extend from A-pillar to D without a break due to the use of blackened ebony like frames. The frames of the front door also integrate the current generation of Ford’s lockout prevention keypad – it uses modern design to stay unobtrusive and gets called up only when needed. The rest of the profile is dominated by the sharp accent lines through the door handles and towards the bottom of the door panels. If you leave the door open you also get backlit doorsills. The interiors look quite familiar for a modern day Ford SUV. The centre console is designed to make the tunnel feel massive, lending a twin cockpit feel by default. There is a move towards highlighting every element. The instrument panel binnacle is rimmed with a chrome highlight that adds depth to the single central dial. The dial is itself flanked by two digital display panels, which show multiple streams of information, with driver, and vehicle related stuff on the left and entertainment and sundry on the right. This logical arrangement works quite well, with the mode toggle allowing you to flip through the data streams with just a

Aggressiveness is built into the Ford Edge Sport by design, from the sculpted hood, large wheels and the extra skirting. But it is the torque of the 2.7-litre Ecoboost engine that really sets the tone. This is one platform in which you won’t miss the V8

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thumb operating on the steering wheel. The whole arrangement is very driver focussed – which leads us to wonder why the tachometer is almost non-existent? The centre console is dominated by the new large 8” high definition display that integrates Sync with MyFord touch. The media hub works quite well, integrating input streams from DVD, USBs, phone connection and even an SD card with output being directed to a 12-speaker Sony speaker system. Audio quality is good, with a degree of sound levelling that filters out the rumbles from passing traffic. Seat design and configuration is among the best in class. Here at the top end of the offering, the all leather seats get seat ventilation and cooling and seem to be better contoured than the fabric seats. The biggest change brought about by the move to the CD4 architecture has been in the much stiffer shell that brings with it some acoustic benefits like lack of creaks. A certain degree of advantage also comes with the slightly lower weight of the shell, with more high strength steel usage on the structure. But the major change in the equation has got to be associated with the move to using the 2.7-litre V6 Ecoboost engine as the top of the line offering. In an environment where most manufacturers had already moved to 4-cylinders with turbo to define the entry point instead of their traditional V6 offerings, it is heartening to see that Ford in the Middle East have chosen the better path. Here the traditional V6 is the base offering. The 3.5-litre Ti-VCT engine is a mainstay of their line-up here and offers a very healthy power equation – the power peaks at 280HP and the torque at 340Nm. The engine itself is very quick to spool up at you can push it all the way to redline and the power doesn’t feel like it hits a taper off point. So what role then does the Ecoboost engine have to play? In the normal Ford lineup, the place taken by the V8 engine is one of ultimate seamless power and torque on tap. The V6 offers the best for 90 percent of buyers. The V8 engine is used to set the buyer apart. The Explorer has benefitted from this equation through the years as much as any other car in the line-up, even the Mustang. But the V8 is no longer seen as a politically correct choice and that’s where the Ecoboost V6 has to step in and make amends. The new generation engine uses iron graphite metallurgy instead of purely aluminium, lending to its inertial dampening. However there is still significant use of aluminium in the headers. The literature claims a rating of 335HP and torque output of 542NM, which 32

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Ford Edge Sport ON SALE Currently in showrooms ENGINES SE and SEL (Not Sport) 3.5L V6 Ti-VCT MPFI DOHC, 24-valve Power 280 hp @ 6500rpm Torque 340Nm @ 4000rpm Sport 2.7L V6 Ecoboost DI DOHC 24-valve Power 335 hp @ 5500rpm Torque 542Nm @ 3000rpm TRANSMISSION Six-speed SelectShift® automatic LAYOUT 5-door, 5-passenger, frontwheel biased, intelligent Allwheel drive system SUSPENSION Front: MacPherson strut and L-shaped lower control arm with isolated subframe and stabilizer bar Rear: Integral-link independent, with coil springs and antiroll bar DIMENSIONS Wheelbase: 2,849mm Length: 4,779mm Width: 2,179mm Height: 1,742mm

While the Ford Edge Sport still remains a crossover more than an SUV, it has a very capable AWD system and enough torque to handle most firm terrain. You wouldn’t want to try it on sand, especially not in these low profile tyres and rims.

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The new platform brings with it a tighter body and far better NVH levels. Despite the leather and shine of the cabin interior and the extra displays on the headrest, it may be that buyers will love the automated parking assist more. The engine is a definite plus point, downsized compared to the existing MPFI V6, yet with the healthy torque of a V8. Ford’s Ecoboost technology is really going places. Creature comforts include Ford’s foot waving tailgate opening and closing as well as one of the largest panoramic roofs in the segment. Sync is upgraded to recognise natural speech (almost without error) and offers a seamless phone experience. 34

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are what you get on the top end of the Lincoln MKX as well. If so, this represents an upgrade from last year’s engine on the Edge as it debuted in the US. The 60-degree offset on the V makes the engine very compact and you can see the effect in the bay – you can mistake the small footprint for that of an inline four. Whether you opt for the entry V6 or the more powerful V6 turbo, you get a 6-speed automatic gearbox and AWD arrangement on the transmission. The AWD is front biased but is capable of transmitting almost all power to the rear axle through an electronically operated clutch. Other major changes to the architecture include a new rear suspension layout. The front continues to be Ford’s tried and tested MacPherson strut arrangement while the rear is an integral link arrangement with coil springs, freeing up space to offer a roomier load bay arrangement. Driving impressions You can feel the change is driving response at all points in the journey. The single biggest change is the turbocharger that keeps torque delivery boosted from just above idling to around 4,500 rpm. What this does is allow the gears to operate just a little later, since torque is already very healthy. So when you floor the accelerator and the car takes off, you feel as if the torque of a V8 is available. The electric power steering is better tuned this time around, slightly more direct

in feel and very centered. It helps that you can operate the paddle-shift controls in regular drive mode as it allows you tap your way through erratic traffic without needing to shift to sport. If Ford ever bothers adding on ride height control, this undercarriage will feel like it is on a luxury car. It is supple, forgiving and just the right mixture between European firmness and a lazy American waftability. This time around the Edge seems like it is likely to break over the barrier into being a very desirable city car. For instance, the Edge offers the ability to pen and shut the tail with a swing of the foot under the rear bumper, although sometimes it looks dumb when you actually don’t have anything in your arms. Then it has a whole new generation of driver assist features like lane keep and lane departure warning – although we were informed that the new generation automated cruise control with auto braking and tailing features had not come. And then you also get Auto Park, both for parallel and perpendicular parking. We actually enjoyed the level of assist on offer, not quite handing over complete control since you have to operate the brake pedal. The car also allows you to use its auto park feature to get out of a parking slot, complete with cross traffic assist. As for off-road driving, if you think that the low profile 21” wheels will take it, the SUV can take you to some odd spots. Admittedly, we don’t trust shiny crossover

type vehicles, with skirts and low profile tyres on sand so we stayed away. But we did get the car to pick its way through some rocky terrain and the ground clearance of 203mm is quite enough, though you do need to watch out for the overhangs. However the Edge is much better mannered on the tarmac and can do some real quick figures on the straight in takeoffs as well as handles the slalom very well. There is a certain degree of pre-emptive priming with the presence of Curve control. Verdict This is one SUV about which even a critic would find very little to fault. It is definitely packaged with a whole lot of technology, offers every little creature comfort you require, like a huge panoramic sunroof, headrest displays with individual DVD players and wireless headsets for the rear occupants, adjustable ambient lighting, voice controls, park assist and front and rear cameras (that too with adjustable field of view) and 10-way power seats for the front occupants. Then you should add in the positioning of the V6 Ecoboost as an ersatz V8. The fact that this pushes the price of the Edge Sport into a band where the Edge hasn’t sold till now just means that Ford are trying – to push for the little extra that can be extracted by a car that sets itself apart from the humdrum. They’re treading in Lincoln territory in this case. JAN 2017



Raising the spirit world Author: Raj Warrior | Photography: Elvis John Ferrao

Location: Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah Resort & Spa Courtesy: Shangri-La communications team


JAN 2017

We’ve tested the Rolls-Royce Wraith in its Black Badge iteration a few months back, but then how could we possibly turn down the offer to drive the Wraith on home turf?

JAN 2017



he Spirit of Ecstasy is a lady who demands attention. Sitting on her lofty perch on the prow of the long hood of a Wraith, she looks like the mistress of all she surveys. You could be barrelling down a highway in the overtaking lane or just cruising quietly on the cornice and people tend to acknowledge her presence. Traffic moves aside, almost as if acknowledging a sort of servility. We’ve been part of a couple of rather exclusive drives last year, beginning with the Dawn experience in the hills around Cape Town, South Africa and on to the Black Badge event at Las Vegas. You couldn’t have found a greater split in ideological underpinnings over the two events. While the models are all spawned from the same underlying platform, the Dawn’s opulence and Joie de vivre are miles away from the brooding understated power of the Black Badge Wraith. The common thread in all of this is the F01 platform – not meant to cater to the really long wheelbase requirements of the Phantom segment, but perfectly home having given us the Ghost, Wraith and Dawn or if you must – sedan, coupé and cabriolet. Of all of these, it is the Wraith that somehow lends itself to the ever so slight 38

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inclination towards being a power and performance offering. It helps that the body form is that of a coupé although it is quite unlike any other two door out there. For starters, these doors open on rear pillar hinges, typical suicide doors with the RR brolly holder built into the A-pillar framework. The Wraith and Dawn are not meant for owners who want to be driven around. The brolly is for your own use or perhaps when you need to shield your significant other from the harsh Muscat sun as you hop out at the Opera House. In terms of physical features, RollsRoyce got the equation right in 2013 when they followed the Ghost with the Wraith. It has many of the classic RR ratios, although it eschews the raised prow and drop-away tail of the Phantom. Here the guideline is almost horizontal, with just a trace of convexity about it, making the car’s midpoint around the door the highest point of the shoulder line. But it still manages the dramatic fall-away tail by use of the fastback profile. The quickest of the Rolls Royces is also the most elegant. From the prow which looks like a battering ram flanked by headlights that bring their own degree of brilliance to LED design, the Wraith uses its two tone colour approach to highlight the

Of all of these, it is the Wraith that somehow lends itself to the ever so slight inclination towards being a power and performance offering. It helps that the body form is that of a coupĂŠ although it is quite unlike any other two door out there.

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massive hood, with enough metal available to offset the spirit of ecstasy back and yet centered on the grille top. The car really enjoys a different visual theme as a result of the two-tone colours. This is because the bulkier lower portion gets the darker of the shades, while the undulating greenhouse is painted in the lighter one; this has the effect of enhancing the base. It’s actually only in the special editions that the car loses this skewed theme – the black badge postulates a darkened theme (though not 40

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necessarily) with set offs in ebony finished metal instead of brushed aluminium or chrome. Despite being a coupé, the car is not small by any measure. The Wraith has a length of 5,269mm on a wheelbase of 3,112mm. The car is also 1,947mm wide. So it is big and bulky enough and you forget that it has a kerb weight of over two tons only when the engine opens up. Until then, this is no sports car, it is every bit as elegant and a leviathan like the Phantom. The height of the car is just a tad over the

1.5-metre limit, but the interior allows for a decent level of headroom – not top hat levels but definitely turban levels. It’s hard to describe an interior that may end up being customised right out of the box. The regular Wraith doesn’t get the elaborate multilevel metal fibre work dashboard of the Black Badge series. What it does get is the choice of various types of wood finishes, largely glossy, but you can also opt for a matte wood finish or even just ebony piano finish. What this offers is just the beginning of the trims – our test

car had a very white and black interior theme, with elegant white leather seats set off against the piano finish interiors. The common touches across all Wraith models will be around the instrumentation. The steering wheel describes a series of concentric circles; the three dials of the speedometer, power meter and combined fuel and battery meter define the IP. The interior really stands out both for visual and tactile sensations – from the airconditioner controls with the central knob, to the tactile keys of the centre console

and plush feedback of the cubbyhole shutters. It’s only when you try to get into the rear seats that you miss the second set of doors. And that is something that the company could look at – is there a space for something like a half door to ease the entry? Admittedly the rear seats are more in the way of occasional occupancy, so it really is a matter of the degree of say the occupant has – kids and poorer friends will generally have to accept the quick tuck and fold as you get through the seatbelt

assembly and on to the rear seat. The engine, when it debuted in 2013, was already the most powerful iteration of the Rolls-Royce V12 engine. It was rated at 624bhp and offered 800Nm of torque. There is simply no way of describing how the company has managed to couple this massive powerhouse with the eightspeed transmission. Like BMW loves to communicate about its top of the line transmission, this one too takes signals from satellite to anticipate road conditions and shift patterns, although we have JAN 2017


The Wraith manages to give the impression of a world class boxer in a tuxedo, power and performance are always delivered through a veil of elegant smoothness. But you can still hit 100 km/h in under 5 seconds.

Location: Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah Resort & Spa Courtesy: Shangri-La communications team


JAN 2017

learnt that the more immediate input is from driver behaviour. Driving Impressions Rolls-Royce take a great deal of effort to make the drive silken smooth. Even when you have 800Nm on tap, the gearbox shifts so as to make the acceleration ‘more than adequate’ just like the company insists about the power on tap. The idea is really to not try to push new boundaries – a mistake when you are piloting 2 ½ tons of metal on open roads. The car sprints away seamlessly at every stage, you really have to keep an eye on the speedo just to keep the car within limits. There is a complete detachment from the road except at key points like the wheel and seat. After all, throttle and brake are electronically controlled too although you do get more than enough feedback. Gearshift is almost completely automatic

although you do have the option to select a Lo mode that effectively keeps the car is harder acceleration mode or indeed you could select a choice of ride heights that really do not need to fiddled with – the system sets them quite well thank you. The Black Badge version of the Ghost is now at this performance level, while the Wraith has been boosted further. But you never really miss anything even with only 800Nm on tap. Pull the gearshift lever down into drive and you only then have to use the pedals. The suspension is a double wishbone arrangement at the front with a multilink at the rear. The chassis has been lowered so that the CG is 50mm lower than on the Ghost and combined with the slightly shorter wheelbase and lighter weight, the Wraith is definitely sportier off the mark than the four-door version. Noise levels are very muted although you don’t really get to a level where the

legendary dashboard clock is louder than the engine. For the dashboard clock does not tick audibly anymore. And the engine is just a little bit more noticeable as you try to push hard. Verdict There’s quite simply nothing to match the purchase of any Rolls-Royce car. The company has managed to keep that so exclusive despite growing volumes. The idea being communicated is that the purchase of a Roller is equated with rewarding oneself with a manor or a yacht. The money that you spend is almost not part of the equation anymore. So any potential buyer, especially in the region, tends to buy the car on cash, with a customised interior and perhaps with a touch of exclusivity thrown in by the numerous special editions making their way out of Goodwood. JAN 2017



This one is just right! Author: Raj Warrior | Photography: Elvis John Ferrao

A love of compact sports cars powers our editor’s dreams as he tests the Porsche 718 Boxster S in Oman. Could we say that the test was biased?


JAN 2017

JAN 2017



Porsche Boxster S ON SALE Currently in showrooms


s a car journalist, one of the most frequently asked questions I get is “which is your favourite car?” On a good day that is a very tough question to answer – unlike almost everyone else, I can’t judge cars just because they are powerful, pricey, stylish or have the come hither quality that draws crowds. I have to drive a car to connect with it – it comes from a deep sense of cynicism married with a complete belief that modern day

manufacturing techniques are producing very reliable, very efficient and very similar cars. Well, that and the fact that unlike my questioner I am not trying to pick a favourite from among three cars. What I would much rather prefer doing is to pick a garage of three or five cars. In that manner, you get a good sampling of the best cars on offer and can spread your bets across categories – let’s say we decide on a top notch SUV, an elegant luxobarge,

ENGINES Boxster 2.0-litre Turbocharged flat four-cylinder engine with300 hp @ 6,500 rpm and 380 Nm@1,950 – 4,500 rpm withSingle turbocharger, 20.3 psi (1.4 bar) max. boost Boxster S 2.5-litre Turbocharged flat four-cylinder engine with350 hp @ 6,500 rpm and 419 Nm@1,950 – 4,500 rpm withSingle turbocharger with VTG, 14.5 psi (1.0 bar) max. boost TRANSMISSION 7-speed dual-clutch PDK LAYOUT 2-door, 2-passenger, Mid-engine, rear-wheel drive SUSPENSION Lightweight springstrut suspension (MacPherson type) at front, Lightweight MacPherson suspension at rear DIMENSIONS Wheelbase: 2,475mm Length: 4,379mm Width: 1,994mm Height: 1,280mm


JAN 2017

This generation of Boxster pushes its uniqueness as a smaller, yet equally potent sportscar of the ilk of the 911, using technology to fill in any perceived gaps

a performance sedan, a supercar and a sportscar. Yes, my five-car garage shares this mix, although I’m not about to tell you what each model is – that is something to banter about over drinks. But then you may ask why have a sportscar and a supercar in the garage? Why wouldn’t a supercar cover both slots? In that answer lies this entire tale. It’s not as if I don’t like the power and sheer over-the-top nature of a modern

supercar. I like it when manufacturers decide to produce a car where they throw in a huge engine that churns out bucket loads of power and torque, which then means that the car has to be tuned and refined and sadly nowadays laden with electronic limiters and stuff. It’s about declaring to the world that you are the best at your craft – buy the car at your own risk. The sportscar is however an

evolutionary creature. It evokes a love of open spaces, a free spirit and a sense of adventure. More than anything, the sportscar is a nod at minimalism – you lose unnecessary doors, roof, seats and perhaps even luggage volume as you move to the essential. Engines are not measured by power and torque as much as by peppiness and punch. The manual gearbox is there by choice, not because the manufacturer ran out of automatics

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Despite the tanning effect of the winter sun, you will leave the soft-top folded away just to enjoy the sound of the exhaust opening up, the wind whistling through your hair and the countryside blurring away into an indistinct madness.


JAN 2017

to dole out. The sportscar is a breed that best connects to the passionate and the young at heart. It also fits in perfectly for those of us going through life’s eternal mid-life crises. Let’s move over to the hero of this tale – the Porsche 718 Boxster S. It is that sportscar; it doesn’t try to grow up too fast and doesn’t need to – not when you have big brother 911 sitting comfortably above it. It is also a Porsche, so peppiness and punch are de facto on board. But it is more than that. I drove the 718 Boxster at the beginning of 2016 on track in Abu Dhabi and for a few kilometres around the roads of the city during the twin launch of the car with the 911 Carrera. But then, a short media drive is usually never enough to really fall in love with a vehicle although you desire it. This generation of the car has undergone the necessary level of facelift to make it look new and interesting. From the inclusion of the new 4-point LED light signature, to the move towards a more horizontal and wider visual treatment, the essential elements are highlighted while the car looks a lot cleaner. The tail has

been the biggest beneficiary of the cleanup to the 718 badging, integrating the horizontal line of the pop-up spoiler with the wider badging as well as similar fourpoint LED treatment around the taillights. The 718 Boxster has in effect taken the best elements of a classic 911, blended it in with the most modern of technology and distilled it into a condensed, desirable form. The mid-rear engine layout also brings some design benefits – the fascia is a lot cleaner without lots of grille area, while the profile benefits from the intakes. And the soft-top tops off the character of the sportscar – although now the car also offers a windbreak between the seats when the roof is down. The interiors have also undergone changes. They look more modern, some dimensional rejigging has occurred and the styling of the dashboard reflects the sort of language the exteriors are communicating. The steering wheel reflects the styling of the 918 Spyder’s wheel. And the large 7” colour display of the PCM unit hogs the visual space of the centre console.

However, all the essential elements remain unchanged. Key slot is Le Mans style to the left of the wheel, the IP is hogged by the large central tachometer and the central tunnel gets the roof activation switch. Paddle shifters are positioned just right, steering wheel instrumentation is backlit and reflects the needs of modern drivers and the quick select knob for drive modes is now located as a little tail off the hub. The huge change that has been brought about in the 718-ising of the Boxster is the switch to turbocharged four-cylinder engines for the vanilla variety and the S. Porsche have had significant history with the genre although it has been a few years since they last used it. In the meantime, the technology has improved as has the reliability. The two versions come with respectively a 2.0-litre regular turbocharged 4-cylinder boxer engine that generates 300hp and 380Nm of torque and the larger 2.5-litre unit that is equipped with the VTG (variable turbine geometry) turbocharger whose technology is sourced from the 911 Turbo and offers power output of 350hp

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The move over to the flat four has gone down well with the new, sleeker styling. With the Boxster S 2.5-litre unit getting VTG from the 911 stable, boost is instantaneous and you can’t find a flat spot. Porsche has very elegantly incorporated the four-point light signature on the front and rear lights, with the rear lights actually being a more prominent reminder. The Boxster cabin exemplifies the efficient use of space, with cubbyholes created just for your mobile phone as well. The tuckaway soft-roof has been further evolved to add in insulation and sound-proofing. 50

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and 420Nm of torque. Thus, moving away from the older six-cylinder unit does not seem to have made for a bad case either in the regular Boxster or the Boxster S. Of course the provision of the turbocharging in both versions has made for a huge increase in the torque available in both variants, 100Nm for the smaller engine and 60Nm for the larger. What this does is offer a better takeoff boost and that makes a tangible difference in both versions as the car itself has become marginally lighter, while a whole lot of technological changes in the suspension and control systems then add on to the superb performance. Additionally, Porsche claims that the system pre-conditions the turbocharger by closing the waste gate, opening the throttle angle and reducing the timing angle. The degree varies depending on the selected drive mode. The Dynamic boost function additionally plays a role in improving performance by keeping the throttle valve open when the driver temporarily lifts off from the gas pedal, although fuel injection is stopped. This leads to quicker response once the foot comes back on. The Porsche 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox is a fine piece of engineering. On

the Boxster S, it fits like a glove, so well that we weren’t pining away for a manual transmission. Driving impressions The Porsche 718 Boxster S just demands to be driven. Roof up, roof down, the car is all about getting out on the tarmac and staying there. Of course there are limits to what the cops will allow on the open roads but even there the fun can be found in the sprints between the cameras or out on the twists and turns of the old Hamriya to Yiti road. Steering response is extremely direct and the suspension loads up beautifully around the curves. You will keep the car in Sport all day if you could although the fuel saving automatic engine cut-off works even in Sport mode. Talk about peppiness and punch and you have both. The advantage of a smaller sportscar is that it brings less weight to the equation. With a kerb weight that is lower than 1400kgs, the Boxster S is best suited to that, without having to resort to exotic metallurgies. The wheelbase is generous at 2,475mm and your drive stance is low and centralized. As you take the turns on the Yiti road, you realize the sheer joy of driving a

sportscar that has it all together. Sprint off up a road, tap down a couple of notches as you approach the sharp bend, brake hard just before you commit to the corner and back on the throttle as you drive past a wall of rock barely a metre away on the right of the car. The road is absolutely unforgiving of errors and weeds out drivers who swerve across lanes. That’s when you stay blessed in the Boxster. Verdict What can I say? I’m biased to the genre itself. So most sportscars have an advantage and if I have to find one of the breed lacking, it would really have to disappoint in many ways. As for the Boxster – the only negative for many buyers would be that it isn’t the 911. That’s very unfair, as it never was meant to be. It isn’t meant to be a poor man’s 911 either. While Porsche have kept a reasonable price tag on the 718 lineup, you really can spec your Boxster back up into the rarer atmosphere of its costlier big brother. And frankly, the regular Boxster is just about the most affordable kick per Rial you could get out there. Talk about a sense of minimalism.

JAN 2017



MINI’s role in the BMW scheme of things is to bring the youthful abandon and pursuit of lifestyle over the mundane. In that regard, MINI’s new Clubman does that for the brand itself – why buy a regular hatch or even the Countryman when you can have the barn doors of the Clubman?


JAN 2017

Quirky, yet such a lot of Fun Author y: Raj Warrior | Photography: Jorge Ferrari


his is one story that has sat on our hard drive for sometime. The Clubman has been in the region for a few months and we actually drove it as part of a twin test event along with the BMW M2 in the middle of 2016. It’s tough for any car to be pitched against the M2. Especially when the look you sport is more British hippy than Teutonic performance. Thankfully, we weren’t trying to compare the two – just getting an even amount of drive time between them. The new Clubman brings a very fresh interpretation of the now familiar shape. You wouldn’t mistake this car for any of the old MINI woodies that it considers its ideological forebears. And the design has evolved to set it well ahead of the previous Clubman. The first bit of, well, rationalisation is such an integral part of the redesign that you wouldn’t miss it. The Clubman now has four regular doors – not the suicide door arrangement of the R55 platform. Of course the wheelbase has increased by more than 100mm to the current 2,670mm and this also brings about a generous rearrangement of the seating dimensions, giving the second row a huge boost in usability.

The styling uses very technical elements to define the car – the use of the LED rim to the headlights, LED taillights that stretch wider than before, a larger and more elaborate treatment of the grille and sundry air intakes and a much cleaner treatment of the rear barn doors with the wiper assemblies shifted upwards. If you open the doors, you get the secondary series of tail warning lights on the pillars – just in case you are stopped on a dark highway at night. The car has lost just a little of the rampant difference it had with the other longer extension of the MINI hatchback – the Countryman. But that isn’t to say that it has lost appeal. The new generation of MINI interiors is very visible in the Cooper S version that we were driving. From the large media hub with its round display, to the stacked roundels of the instrument panel the car has a unique display for its driver. The ambient LED pipe lighting is now a feature that many manufacturers have begun to integrate in their offerings, here it seems appropriately very expected. It helps that the system integrates seamlessly with the iPhone, even offering light effects to match with your choice of music. The rearrangement of the seats has not JAN 2017


The appeal of the Clubman has only been improved by stretching the wheelbase and providing a full door for the second row. Modern styling and sleeker lines keep the car interesting enough, while the barn door rear is actually useful in tight spots


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added bulk to each spot, instead the seats look further sculpted, with the leather on offer in the Cooper S being complemented with the feel of the steering wheel. We’ve been informed that this is the first time a MINI has got memory power seats and it’s about time, we say. But is the Clubman really just a station wagon with a sculpted exterior? Admittedly there has been a move towards improving interior volume and usability. The visibility out of the rearview mirror is still challenged by the large central join between the rear doors. But the usable cargo colume is upped to 360 litres and gets increased to 1260 litres with the rear seats down – although they don’t really fold flat. But we have been assured that you can fit a bicycle in there without dismantling. The Cooper S gets the four-cylinder turbocharged unit that has characterised many of the MINI models to date. While the One version does begin with the threepot the larger volume and boost on the

four-cylinder is more than welcome for the Cooper S. In this tune level the 2.0-litre four-pot generates 192hp at 5,000rpm with a healthy torque offering of 280Nm that rises to 300Nm when overboost is engaged. The next plus is that the car comes with the new 8-speed automatic gearbox. It’s very useful to move upwards in this matter although 6th through 8th are essentially overdrive ratios. The resultant better fuel economy allows you to buy a car that still allows for performance driving when you really want Driving Impressions Even with the larger footprint and extra hardware, the Clubman’s kerb weight is below 1400kgs. This is a light and surprisingly tight body, mated to a very peppy engine, and MINI’s acclaimed go-kart like feel. The front suspension consists of a Single-joint McPherson spring strut axle with aluminium swivel bearing and anti-dive control, while the rear gets

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MINI Clubman Cooper S ON SALE Currently in showrooms ENGINES Cooper S 2.0-litre Turbocharged inline four-cylinder engine with 192 hp @ 5,000 rpm and 280 Nm @1,250 rpm with overboost to 300Nm turbocharging, direct injection, fully variable valve control and variable camshaft control on the intake and exhaust side TRANSMISSION 8-speed steptronic, with option of 8-speed steptronic sports transmission with launch control LAYOUT 5-door, 5-passenger, front-engine, front-wheel drive SUSPENSION Single-joint McPherson spring strut axle with aluminium swivel bearing and anti-dive control at front, Multilink axle with weightoptimised trailing arms at rear DIMENSIONS Wheelbase: 2,670mm Length: 4,253mm Width: 1,800mm Height: 1,441mm 56

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The 2.0-litre version of MINi’s turbocharged four-cylinder generates 192HP and a very healthy mid-range torque that complements the 8-speed automatic gearbox despite its three overdrive slots. Cabin interiors have been improved dramatically, with memory seat positions, proper entry to the second row and the new generation roundel based IP and central display with mood lighting. The rear barn door gates are powered and open with a wave of the feet, which is becoming quite common now.

a lightened multilink arrangement with trailing arms. We drove the Clubman over regular tarmac roads and then over quite a bit of bit that had sand spread unevenly over it from the frequent crosswinds that the outer stretches of highway get in Dubai. There’s enough give to prevent the body from tilting but the rebound is firm and feels almost active when you are also steering through a turn on that. The car is available with dynamic damper control Power to weight is quite good with 192hp for 1400kgs. But it is that decent torque from the turbochargers that really seem to be programmed to respond instantly to pedal pressure. You can of course select drive mode from the dashboard and keep the car on Sport. But you also get a Green mode, which is supposed to prioritise fuel saving, should you discover bleeding heart Earth saver in yourself.

However the car is not really about flat out performance. In the Cooper S you get a peppy runabout that allows you state lifestyle choice without having to compromise. You can take your friends around town, carry shopping and have a car for your growing family without looking like you have given up and joined the rat race. Verdict You buy a MINI because you think you are different. In some ways you are buying the Clubman because you don’t want different to mean accepting too many compromises. Classy yet iconic interiors, a decent powerhouse and transmission, very good suspension and an excellent overall package should be draw enough for you. And the readiness to pay a premium for standing out from all the families with their station wagons. JAN 2017


Automan COTY

2016 Shortlist out Once again, we announce the shortlist of Cars, SUVs and this year motorcycles that could possibly be given Automan COTY in their specific category for 2016


e began the year 2016 on a mixed note. A corporate reorganisation saw us miss the January issue, but we still persevered and published our list of the best cars and SUVs for 2015 in the February issue. This year has turned out to be one of the most exciting for us, while it has been full of challenges both for the magazine as well as the car industry in Oman and the region with which we have a symbiotic relationship. As we always promise, our selection of the Automan Car of the Year comes from cars that we actually drive in that year and which will be available in Oman. It is a tried and tested formula, filtering out the sort of fancy wishlist and corporate favours that typify other programs in the region. We don’t ask for payment to test any of these models and we publish our views in the magazine. It is only our scoring that is kept till February every year to reflect the best in each category. Additionally, we know our job. Unlike a new entrant in the field of selecting Car of the Year in Oman, we never compare Apples and Oranges – the process being unfair to both the fruits. We were also surprised that the past year gave us the opportunity to drive every category of car, offering a real choice. In fact it is only our motorcycle category that sees a single contender, largely due to the motorcycle market shrivelling up and dying due to the restrictions on their sale. While we are publishing the shortlist here like we do every year, we will select the winners by month end and present the results in the next issue. In the meantime, may we remind you that the process of testing and tracking the Car of the Year for 2017 has begun and all we require is to have an opportunity to test and analyse the car, SUV or motorcycle. So don’t hesitate, don’t look at your budget and give our editor a call to make the test drive happen. It is far better to plan ahead rather than depend on the crowded period post Ramadan and the summer to try to get your car driven. Of course we understand if it is a late entrant as many cars in Oman tend to be. In the meanwhile, presto and all the best to the very worthy models that have made the shortlist this year.


JAN 2017

Toyota prius

dodge neon

hyundai Elantra

KiA Cadenza

honda Civic

Volkswagen passat

nissan Altima

Chevrolet malibu JAN 2017


Automan COTY

bmW 740 li

Genesis G90

mercedes-benz S400 l

Volvo S90

Rolls-Royce dawn

Rolls-Royce Wraith bb


JAN 2017

Audi R8

porsche 718 boxster S

lamborghini 580-2

porsche 911 Carrera

bmW m2

Ferrari 488 Spider JAN 2017


Automan COTY

Ferrari GTC4lusso

infiniti q50 Red Sport

Audi RS3

infiniti q30

KiA Sportage

Volkswagen Tiguan


JAN 2017

Ford Edge

GmC Acadia

Renault Koleos

Audi q5

Cadillac XT5

honda pilot JAN 2017


Automan COTY

lincoln navigator

nissan patrol 4.0

mercedes-benz AmG GlE

lexus RX350

Volvo XC90

Jaguar F-pace


JAN 2017

maserati levante S

bentley bentayga

Triumph Thunderbird JAN 2017



Ferrari creates one-off special for Japan As with Ferrari’s celebration customs, the brand’s aficionados in Japan have been treated to a special bespoke model called J50 which celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Italian brand in that country Author: Chandan basu mallik


talian super car maker Ferrari has a unique way of celebrating in specific markets. It usually creates special or limited edition bespoke models as commemorative editions. And to mark the 50th anniversary of the Italian marque’s presence in Japan, Ferrari’s Special Projects division was commissioned to build a limited to 10 units only J50. The J50 is strictly a two-seater, midrear-engined roadster based on the 488. Ferrari revealed the J50 at the National Art Center in Tokyo at a special celebration. In the spirit of Ferrari’s fuori serie [special production] tradition, Ferrari’s Special Projects department and the Ferrari Styling Centre team in Maranello were involved in the project. Apart from a visual and performance treat, the idea also marks a return to the targa body style evocative of several well-known Ferraris of the 1970s and 1980s. The styling of this special edition is arguably is jaw-dropping and so impressive that many observers believe that the design influences of J50 might be also used in future models. The design approach was motivated by the desire to create a very low-slung roadster, encapsulating intrinsic Ferrari values of nimbleness and agility. To achieve this objective, designers played on the body lines and have created a special visual effect by converging interplay between two main guiding lines: the slanted top edge of the side window, continuous with the windscreen, and the raked black 66

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swage line which dramatically rises from the low-set nose until it vanishes in the air intake aft of the doors. While the “helmet visor” effect, which originates from the window graphic is reminiscent of Ferrari’s open competition barchettas going as far back as the 1950s. The black dividing line is a novel interpretation of a recurring Ferrari styling cue seen on iconic models such as the GTO, F40 and F50. Circling around the front of the car below knee height, it is a key element which alters the perception of the beltline, setting it at a much lower height than usual, transforming the J50 into a barchetta. The bonnet section is lower at the centre with raised wheelarch crests giving the emphasized muscularity typical of Ferrari mid-engined sports cars. Two carbon-fibre air channels in the front bonnet create an even more diminutive and sharper looking front mass underlined by the full LED headlamps that feature a specific and very dynamic profile. It’s not just styling. The J50 benefits from detailed aerodynamic development with a number of significant functional solutions. Firstly, the radiators have been positioned closer together, and the front bumper has been completely redesigned. The windscreen header rail has been lowered allowing more airflow over the aero foil and thus over the rear spoiler. The sophisticated tail section is dominated by the artful interplay of graphic design themes and three-dimensional

elements. The engine is framed by a transparent polycarbonate cover which is intricately shaped to provide a visual extension of the two separate roll hoops protecting the heads of driver and passenger. A transverse aero foil projects as a bridge between the hoops, effectively revisiting one of the most distinctive features of Ferrari sports prototypes of the 1960s. The rear is decidedly aggressive in nature, with the quad taillight design widening the car visually under a high-downforce wing profile. The rear diffuser features an extractor shape inspired by jet engine afterburners. Unique designer 20in alloy rims were crafted specifically for this limited-edition model. Inside the cabin, specific trim adorns the sports seats, echoing the design of the rear bonnet contour to provide a unmistakable signature feature. The carbon-fibre hard targa top is divided into two pieces which stow conveniently behind the seats. The J50 presented at the launch in Tokyo is finished in a special shade of three-layer red with a red-over-black interior trimmed in fine leather and Alcantara. Although, powertrain hardware is based on the 488 Spider, the J50 is powered by a specific output version of the 3.9-litre V8 that won the overall International Engine of the Year Award this year.

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hat does one expect an in-house tuner to do when handed over a stock production model? The choices offered these days are bewildering and can range from modest appearance to high end performance packages and all things in-between. And when AMG is entrusted a job, one can expected an already loaded model to accept its fate as a donor and be grafted with a raft of innovative technologies. In the case of the new generation E-Class which has been recently introduced for the 2017 model year comes with a redesigned exterior and revamped interior. In fact, in terms of design, it is getting closed to the larger S-Class. The incoming E-Class also benefits from upgraded engine line-up and several new technology solutions including many segment-first features and semiautonomous drive. Meanwhile, AMG has created two derivatives -- 4MATIC+ and E63 S 4MATIC+. Both variants were showcased at the 2016 Los Angeles Auto Show. As expected, the E63 AMG has been repackaged with performance in mind and hence both chassis and engine departments have been revisited by engineers. As with the current trend of downsizing displacement without compromising on performance and in line with the practice at AMG, the E63 has abandoned the larger 5.5-litre V8 in favour of the new forced fed 4.0-litre V8 unit. The latter offers more power than its predecessor and is 68

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E-Class with performance credentials Author: Chandan basu mallik

Mercedes-AMG continues to redefine the benchmark of performance sedans and it doesn’t matter if the donor is a humble executive profiled E-Class. Enter the most potent middle order sedan with a host of interesting technology apps from the sub brand in recent times – the 2017 E63 AMG JAN 2017


fuel efficient, thanks to a cylinder deactivation system fitted as standard. In this garb, the engine produces 612hp and most of the 850Nm torque is available over a broad engine speed range of 2,500rpm- 4500rpm band helping the car accelerate from 0-100 km/h in 3.4secs. This potent engine is mated to a 9-speed automatic transmission which has been specially calibrated and managed to offer short shift times, fast multiple downshifts and the doubleclutching function. A wet start-off clutch replaces the torque converter usually found in traditional automatics. Another technology related feature is the completely new AMG Performance 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive system which allows various drive configurations. Torque distribution which until now was rearbiased, is fully variable for the first time. From the cosmetic perspective, AMG designers have given specific touches for its standalone personality. For the first time on an AMG sedan, the bonnet is inset between the wings and bumper like on a coupé and the radiator grille design is also new. It features twin-louvres in silver chrome and vertical black struts. The louvres in the outer cooling-air intakes with a wing profile directing air to the wheel arch coolers, which AMG says has been inspired by motorsport technology applications. The badging for this car is also unique. Complementing the car’s aggressive looks are the widened by 17mm track, muscular wheel arches that accommodate larger asymmetric wheels. The cabin takes a lot of inspiration from the S63 in several ways. Notable similarities can be noted in the instrument panel, dashboard kit with its signature four air-conditioning vents located on the central console. In fact, most of the cockpit has been carried over mostly unchanged from the stock E-Class, but certain detailing features have been added like the a flat-bottom, sports steering wheel in black leather, Touch Control and electroplated shift paddles, as well as a bezel with the AMG logo. Nappa leather and Dinamica microfibre come as standard, with colour palette alternatives as optional. For track day drivers, a new AMG Track Pace app has been introduced. It is designed to supplement the Racetimer app and enables drivers to analyze and improve their track driving style as well as share their performance with other AMG drivers via Facebook, YouTube and other platforms. The app is for Apple iPhones only though, and is connected to the on-board race app via WiFi or Bluetooth. The car’s infotainment system transmits all vehicle data including speed, gear, steering angle, time, position and temperature to the app in real time online. The app can also be connected to GoPro cameras so that the driver can make an interactive video of his racing experience with all the related data. The driver gets selectable three stage adaptive damping Comfort, Sport and Sport Plus. Likewise, when the driver selects the “Comfort” transmission drive programme, it puts the seamless cylinder deactivation system into effect and is available in the wide engine speed range from 1,000 to 3,250rpm. Additionally, drivers of this sedan can enjoy the Drift Mode feature which can be engaged by selecting the Race drive setting. It deactivates the ESP and puts the transmission in Manual mode which in turn transforms the E63 into a purely rear-wheel-drive car. Braking power comes as a courtesy from AMG’s high-performance fade-resistant even under high loads braking system. The E63 4MATIC+ gets vented and perforated compound brake discs in size 360 x 36 mm at the front with six-piston fixed calipers and in size 360 x 24 mm with single-piston floating brake calipers on the rear axle. The E63 S 4MATIC+ is fitted with even larger compound brake discs on the front axle in size 390 x 36 mm. For the more powerful variant, the AMG Carbon Ceramic braking system is available as an option with brake discs in size 402 x 39 mm on the front axle and 360 x 32 mm on the rear axle.


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Kodo goes a step further Inspired heavily by KODO - Soul of Motion designs, Hiroshima-based Mazda has successfully inculcated emotional appeal and powerful vitality in its cars since 2012. The new Gen II CX-5 SUV for 2017 takes the experience to a new level while grafting an array of technologies Author: Chandan basu mallik


n 2012, the Gen I CX-5 was presented as a global crossover CUV by Mazda using the first application of KODO design language. As a model it was positioned above the CX-3 and under the CX-9 in the line-up, with the exception of China where Mazda offers the CX-4. For its 2017 debut, the CX-5 has been extensively revisited inside out. As expected, the major tenets of Mazda’s KODO design language established in 2012 continue to be the backbone of its styling and detailing DNA in this respect. For the incoming model, Mazda was not hesitating in looking at the next level of evolution in design which could be blended with new technology applications. By new technology applications, Mazda usually refers to 72

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efficiencies in various departments. As a result, the development team started with a simple yet honed form free of non-essential elements, as is common in traditional Japanese crafts, choosing “refined toughness” as the design keyword. The new arrival was first presented at the November 2016 Los Angeles Motor Show. From the exterior, the design is all new while retaining the predecessor’s handsome profile. Several sibling design cues have been borrowed and applied For instance, the front of the SUV is nearly identical to that of the CX-9 which means it replaces the round face in favour of a more angular theme. The cluster headlamps are slimmer and the grille abandons the horizontal bars for a mesh

pattern for that aggressive appearance which is also helped by its lowered centre of gravity and 10mm wider front and rear tracks. For better view from inside, Mazda engineers repositioned the A-pillars by 35mm rearwards and optimised the relative positions of the front axle and A-pillars. Rear visibility has been improved with a slightly lowered waistline than the current model and the adoption of a single pane of glass for the rear window. Sheetmetal also sees 15.5per cent increase in torsional rigidity over the current model for improved NVH performance. The cockpit area is designed to help drivers getting an ideal driving position. All controls and switches are ergonomically placed. The floor console

has been raised and the shift knob positioned 60mm [automatic] or 40mm [manual] higher than on the current model. The seats receive extra bolstering and natural wood has been used in the trims. On the practical side, the Gen II CX-5 is the first Mazda to adopt a twostep reclining mechanism on the rear seats. Cargo capacity remains unchanged. Information and infotainment go hand in hand and there’s 4.6in multiinformation gauge on the right-hand side of the instrument cluster and the car’s connectivity set-up works in conjunction with smartphones and other mobile

devices to access internet or other communications functions. Several hardware areas in the car have been revisited to improve handling. Electric power steering system mounts have been modified and the front MacPherson strut and rear multi-link suspension system have been upgraded for better ride qualities. The braking system with front ventilated and rear solid discs now gets auto-hold function. The engine line-up includes Mazda’s SKYACTIV-D 2.2-litre clean diesel as well as the SKYACTIV-G 2.0-litre and 2.5-litre direct-injection petrol engines depending

on markets. They are paired to six-speed SKYACTIV-Drive automatic or SKYACTIVMT manual transmissions. Intelligent AWD system is also offered. And among the technology applications for better handling is torque vectoring and i-ACTIVSENSE systems including the latest edition of Mazda Radar Cruise Control [MRCC], which can follow a preceding vehicle from a standing stop, and Traffic Sign Recognition [TSR], which reads speed limit and other road signs, displaying the message on the Active Driving Display [heads up display] to windscreen. JAN 2017


PreView More drama in the Micra

The B-segment is witnessing intense competition and aggressiveness from rival carmakers, especially in Europe. Nissan has a formidable presence in that market and wants the all-new Gen V 2017 Micra to recapture its past glory and more Author: Chandan basu mallik


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t may be small and but has had significant presence for the brand in Europe for over three decades as a basic city car runner. The B-segment Micra hatchback when first introduced in 1982 brought in a whiff of fresh air to markets with its then packaging in an otherwise lacklustre segment. The model carried on for Nissan for several generations and Gen IV that was introduced in 2010 is at the end of its lifecycle. And the story just doesn’t here. Now, it’s a fact in any business there are times when all doesn’t go according to plans as due to market uncertainties that drastically affect trends leaving little or no time to incorporate major changes or revisions. Whatever the reason to comprehend, there is someone answerable for success or failure. From a career perspective, with the Gen IV Micra, one could say it could have seen better days if it was a strong contender in a field wide open with intense competition. Learning its lessons, now Nissan wants to reclaim past glory of the model with the incoming Gen V and at the same time promote it as an upmarket and aspirational car for the masses. Work began on the Micra’s rejuvenation began with a clean slate and the most promising idea came with the swoopy Sway Concept that was highlighted at the Geneva motor show in 2016. Given the fact that cars in the B-segment are growing in size, dimensionally, the

incoming Gen V is lower, wider and longer than the outgoing model. However, its exterior design remains very much faithful to the Sway concept. The model is based on the Renault-Nissan Alliance’s CMF-B small car platform, which will also underpin the next Juke Crossover. The new arrival doesn’t share anything in its design with the outgoing city car and is more on the lines of a modern product with its swoopy lines, angular and contoured sheetmetal. In its profile, it features a familiar by now corporate V-shaped grille, sleeker cluster headlamps and air intake vents in the front valance. Improvements in noise insulation and aerodynamics come as a result of a 0.29Cd drag coefficient figure. Much attention has been paid to driver comfort and perfect driving position via greater seat adjustments. The steering wheel is fully adjustable and offers optimal positioning of the pedals and shift lever. The car’s extended width and wheelbase means cabin space is among the best in class. The gliding-wing shaped dashboard gives the cabin a light, sleek and spacious impression. An exclusive feature of model is the all-new six-speaker Bose® Personal® sound system, developed through close collaboration with Nissan. A 7in touchscreen will permit access to the audio system, satellite navigation, mobile phone, downloadable apps and Siri voice control via Apple CarPlay. JAN 2017


Besides design and comfort-led convenience features, Nissan also has packaged the car with an array of technology-led solutions; some of them courtesy of successful applications in say Qashqai or Juke crossovers. This tech-led package comes under the ‘Nissan Intelligent Driving’ ethos and includes driverfriendly features like lane departure warning, intelligent aroundview monitor, traffic sign recognition, high beam assist and a blind spot warning system are also included. On the handling front, the car has been engineered to become more involving with systems such as Active Ride Control and Active TraceControl which are claimed to help improve ride comfort and reduce understeer respectively. Meanwhile, a new brushless electric power steering system has been engineered for the new arrival. A choice of engines will be offered depending on markets. Smallest engine will be a 0.9-litre three-cylinder turbo-petrol engine, 1.6-litre four-cylinder petrol and a 1.5-litre turbo-diesel mated to CVT transmission. The new Nissan Micra will be built in Europe at the Renault plant in Flins, France, as part of the Renault Nissan Alliance and other locations around the world. Middle East production cars will come from India. 76

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After Rosberg who? Mercedes in frantic hunt for replacement for Hamilton’s new codriver for 2017 and beyond ‘I came, I saw and I conquered’ must have the thoughts going through Nico Rosberg’s mind after securing the hard fought 78

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2016 world championship title. However, what happened next in the week was totally unexpected, more specifically

five days later when Rosberg announced his intention to quit F1 at the FIA world champions’ gala in Vienna. In a thrilling and action-filled finale Rosberg clinched his first title in the season’s last race at Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, beating Mercedes teammate Lewis Hamilton. “I have achieved this childhood dream now, so I’m not willing to do more commitment. I don’t want to do it again. I have decided to follow my heart,” said Rosberg. Not only the 31-yearold Rosberg shocked the motorsport world by announcing his decision to retire from F1 on December 2, the Mercedes driver’s decision caught the team management off-guard and in the process activated a frantic search for a suitable teammate to Lewis Hamilton for the 2017/18 season. Rosberg was under contract till 2018 with Mercedes and the idea to retire came about after the Suzuka race. “In Suzuka, it became my title to lose - and that is when the pressure really started also, and when I started to think about this: ‘If I do achieve my childhood dream, then it would be great to end there.’ This year was the best I can be, definitely. In the preparation and anything, I put everything into it. For me personally [the decision] is not that difficult, it feels right,” Rosberg said. Team principal Toto Wolff has admitted that trying to lure a top driver away from a rival team was not his favoured course of action to replace Rosberg at Mercedes. Wolff has three options. The first is to think about having a number one and a number two, a bit like Ferrari at the time of [Michael] Schumacher and [Felipe] Massa. They can take a driver who can guarantee points in the constructors’ championship. The second school of thought is to make use of junior drivers in the pool like Ocon or Wehrlein. And the third path is to go on the

market for a top driver. As of now the most promising option is Williams driver Valtteri Bottas. Bottas career is managed by a team that includes Mercedes F1 boss Toto Wolff. Hence it was thought to be high on the list of candidates from the very beginning. Bottas could be allowed to join Mercedes provided his current team’s 2017 campaign isn’t compromised as a result. Williams has signed 18-year-old rookie Lance Stroll as one of its drivers for the 2017 season, and departing technical boss Pat Symonds had said earlier this month that it was “crucial” to retain Bottas. At the time of writing it was rumoured that recently retired Felipe Massa has been persuaded to come out of retirement and accept an offer from Williams. Although the contract hasn’t been finalised Massa has now agreed to stay at Williams for at least another year in order to help the team in a season where big regulations changes are set to reward experience. Massa has accepted the offer from Williams and cut short his retirement for now. The path for Valtteri Bottas to be recruited by Mercedes is thus cleared. In another recent development, Toto Wolff has hinted of plans to put MotoGP legend Valentino Rossi and WRC star Sebastien Ogier behind the wheel of F1 cars next year. In October, 2016, Mercedes tested driving skills with former MotoGP champion Jorge Lorenzo. Automan’s take Most drivers have contracts till end of 2018 which makes enlisting difficult. An interim approach would be to get recently retired drivers to return to the grid may help resolve the issue. However, the overall results may get affected in the 2017 race season. That’s a risk the team principal will have to take and it remains to be seen how things work out for the players.

Filling the Rosberg void Five possible drivers who could replace the world champion at Mercedes SEBASTIAN VETTEL

In a thoroughly disappointing year at Ferrari, 29-year-old Sebastian has one more season to run on his current deal. The switch to Mercedes will be an appealing one to Vettel, and for the German constructor, too. Question is: if considered, could he get a release?


Thirty five-year-old Spaniard Alonso’s contract expires at the end of the 2018 and won the last of his two championships a decade ago. A move to Mercedes would also see Alonso team up with Hamilton for the first time since their turbulent campaign together at McLaren in 2007.


The 19-year-old Dutchman has been performing consistently and is widely seen as the heir to Hamilton’s F1 throne. The Red Bull driver is highly rated by Mercedes management. It seems incredibly unlikely that team boss Christian Horner would even consider Verstappen jumping ship to their biggest rivals.


Could Mercedes offer the 22-yearold member of the Mercedes junior programme? He is a capable driver who has filled in for both Rosberg and Hamilton in testing. A bridging oneyear deal with the team until Vettel or Alonso become available in 2018 could be on the cards.


The 20-year-old French racing driver made his Formula One debut driving for Manor Racing in the 2016 Belgian Grand Prix, replacing Rio Haryanto. Ocon has already signed a deal to race at Force India as part of his multi-year contract.

A WhOlE nEW yEAR’S WORTh OF Fun 2017 has dawned with a whole lot of expectation from people around the world. Most people would universally recognise 2016 as being the quintessential ‘annus horribilis’. War, strife, natural calamity, mass drownings, bombings, earthquakes, celebrity deaths, economic hiccups, China contracting, Brexit and Donald Trump have all peaked during the year that passed. So unless you have had the joy of having a marriage, birth in the family, winning the lottery, holding on to your job or migrating legally to a greener pasture, your view of the year 2016 would be rather dim. But then that means 2017 just has to be a normal, rather humdrum year for it to beat its ante ego in the popularity stakes. However, the world doesn’t do humdrum anymore. Everything is preceded by an ‘ultra’, ‘all-new’, ‘super’, ‘fantabulous’ or a similar moniker that implies a feeling of being superior to anything that’s ever existed before. It’s either that or the suffix portion that usually describes the version number. In an electronic age, we are now so familar with numbers that keep incrementing to signify the next major improvement. We are already at the iPhone 7 and Samsung Note 7 (oops,

let’s just keep that limited to the S7 then, shall we?) or indeed Windows 10 or iOS 10. But we also have the new exaggerative force of the word Plus, as in iPhone 7 Plus and all the other me too badging. While it’s almost big enough to be an iPad Minus, we still prefer the plus and pay twice as much over anything else. Of course we shouldn’t let the automotive world and it’s way of shaking off older models, their resplendent model years and as much of their detritus and baggage as possible pass us by. No other consumer facing industry is as handy with opportunistic badging as the one we so love – perhaps with the exclusion of the FMCG market. You can get the same product sold in multiple countries with different names, or multiple products sold in the same country under the same name. The permutations are so varied that I’m sure that these companies hire entire divisions just to track them. However if we just stay with the cars for a moment, you will notice how careful companies are to sell out older models before they are replaced by the shiny new metal of an ‘all-new’ successor. Of course it doesn’t help that the consumer is also smart enough to realise an opportunity when he sees the ‘special deal’ badging on the car in the corner. It just takes some zen and a tad more of maturity to realise that anything is really new, really desirable and worth any amount of lip-licking only till it is sold to you. After that it’s already a used car. But that really doesn’t mean that i am advocating a sense of anti-consumerism. After all, today’s capitaiist economic model thrives on a healthy level of desire driven consumerism. We all want newer, better, shinier or more powerful everything. It’s only the spiritually evolved, emotionally neutered or the really curmudgeonly among us that can resist the appeal of moving on to the next great thing. As much as i would like to think that i inhabit a safe middle ground, I know it isn’t true. I no longer desire the next best thing, if what I have is good enough. Not like 2016. That was bad on many fronts for me too, but it definitely had some good days stuck in there. I would like 2017 to be evolutionary and not revolutionary in the terms of automotive design. It should remind me of all the good days of the past year, like rediscovering who my true friends and family were, it should allow me to spend more time in building the relationships I found in the turmoil of reinventing my professional life, it should definitely bring with it lots more of driving days (after all any day spent driving a great car is a day well spent) and it should afford a whole lot more opportunities of the kind that 2016 showed the potential for – methinks I have thought too badly of 2016 after all! Perhaps the year just didn’t try hard enough. Anyway, i would rather feel like I had an active role in shaping how the new year flows around me. So the first act is to believe – Joan of Arc is often quoted as having said “One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.” Let 2017 be your own personal paean to the strength of your belief and conviction. Things will go your way. And if they don’t just add 2017 to the dust heap along with the year that got away.

Raj Warrior is managing editor of Automan and has been in the thick of the Automotive journalism field from the past 19 years. Want to comment or have your say? Email at Identify yourself or your message will be trashed and your id blocked 80

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