Automotive Refinisher May-June 2015

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T H E V O I C E O F T H E I N D U S T R Y May - June 2015

Edition 179





IN THIS ISSUE >> >> >> >>


Enjoy the recognition you deserve.

We thank you for providing us with the opportunity to introduce our dynamic service offerings and present to you a vision for simplicity, success and sustainability. The CRA has evolved as an organisation with passion, understanding and the will to provide results to our esteemed members from the basis of being a voice to the auto body collision industry. We employ consultants and are associated with people suitably qualified in all aspects of collision repair and related business management skills with high integrity and willing to offer their support to ensuring the success of your facilities. Our objectives are issues the proactive body shop owner does not really have the time to concentrate on to ensure the optimisation of their business. The constant changes in the law, support in compliance with statutory requirements, relationship mentoring with government and insurers on selection criteria with regards to financial allowances on mark-up and labour rates as well as aiding consumer choice on service expectation. Further hereto our aim is to provide technical support and training on advancements in collision repair techniques and new equipment investment advice. To date the CRA has achieved significant change with benefits and are on the road to create market awareness which in the short term will emulate consumer appreciation not previously evident in our local market. Our mission will ensure via procedural compliance that our forum will enforce a code of conduct that covers consumer protection, work force motivation and job security and ultimately peace of mind to business owners on secure, and beneficial return on investment. We have also concluded annual inflationary labour rate increases with a major insurer

including labour rate allowances above the rate which individual repairers would normally be able to achieve independently and thus extended as a financial benefit to approved members. This will be protracted via further meetings to almost all the other major insurers in the short term. As with any Association annual membership fees are payable to cover administration costs and our membership is based on grading status. Further hereto our membership is extended to equipment and service related suppliers whom have a similar vision of business ethic. These include at present paint suppliers, a BEEE accreditation agency, an authorised health and safety compliance consultant, quoting and business management software suppliers and high end workshop equipment suppliers. This will also result in better service, support and preferential rates on association. We provide an on-line E Procure business data profile of members to support recognition for independent role players in every area of activity in the collision repair industry. The platform will provide assistance to work providers and consumers with accident damaged vehicles to make educated decisions in allowing the most professional repairer the opportunity of refurbishment within acceptable time frames and in line with warranty reinstatement protocols. In conclusion we trust you can see the benefit of belonging to our Association and look forward to the synergy we can create by our providing valued service and more importantly ensuring your enthusiasm and input is shared with other members at organised events of our approved panel. JOIN THE CRA AND GET THE RECOGNITION YOU DESERVE!

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Contents M a y


J u n e

2 0 1 5


Q-BRANDS Q BRANDS Expansion Expansion



TRADE INTERVIEW Rob Rob Simpson Simpson

VERMONT SALES Customer Customer Open Day Day

MAROUNS COLAD Film 4 Booth System 4 Booth System


Korean Refinish Line Line KoreanRefinish


ALL NEW BMW 77 Series Series Body Body

CURRENT AFFAIRS Andrew Andrew Hooker Hooker

RING OF FIRE Andrew Andrew Marsh Marsh




Citroën Citroen Cactus Cactus


10 6 20 25 30 38 50 52 60 68 75 78

Front Cover: VW Sport Coupé Concept GTE Contents: Audi TT Clubsport Turbo Concept






t’s quite astounding that our local government predictions of the national growth rate and inflation rate still keep rumbling out day after day as we the general public see the Rand value in exchange rates fall on a daily basis. In this myopic view where clearly no rocket scientists are visible, who can do higher mathematics when your currency loses close to 30% in a few months in rolling depreciation should summon loud ringing alarm bells as the current state of yawning gaps in what we import and export balance of payments continously widens. To live in this country, where we still also hold a world record on both sustained unemployment figures with just one of out of every four people registered to pay income tax, the fundamental wrongs put us as full club members in what forex currency dealers call the fragile five along with Turkey, Indonesia, Brazil, and India where the most vulnerable international currencies are easily manipulated everyday. That being the case it’s no small wonder that the Rand fell recently by 11% in just one week. The global trends on forex trading in a situation sees over 35 trillion Pounds Sterling leave London early in the morning each day to make the fix at 12h00 and the final fix at 16h00 later the same day - that’s three years of total gross domestic product in our local financial terms. Manipulators are out for one thing only, a profit, and driving the market with over 100 derivative positions going up or down they can have a chaotic effect on any nations’ monetary dealings. The fact that five major banks are paying huge fines for rigging forex market exchange rates means this 350 trillion Dollar market per day is in distress. There are fines levied at 474,3 million Pounds Sterling against Barclays, NBSC, Royal Bank of Scotland, UBS and JP Morgan, who are all part of a banksters scam on currency rigging; and while they are paying these record fines to regulators, we get the privilege of enjoying record hyper inflation. Perhaps the man left most turning in his grave from all the financial institutionalistic fraud would be the father of moneytrism and astute economist, Maynard Keynes, who re-wrote the book on how to have a stable economy with stable prices and allocated the gold standard to be implemented at a rate of 35 Dollars to 1 oz of gold. That was decided upon way back in 1944. This deal eliminated speculators entirely on currency cross trading. The following stabilised period lasted until the 15th August 1971, some 44 years




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ago when President Nixon abandoned the gold standard as a temporary measure. On that day the USA took over the role of the world’s reserve currency and the manipulation game was on for all and sundry to participate in. In a global situation of economic activity wherein material production is kept low in many world countries the trend to continue to distance ourselves from the 5 000 years of using gold as a global currency back up continues unabated. Take a look at the American scenario where each person has a collective debt of over 56 000 Dollars and a total debt that equals 10 years of total domestic product and see a nation in free fall and going nowhere. Real worker wage levels peaked way back in 1973 are those people coming like some white knight to save all? I don’t think so. So they are bankrupt and printing the entire national turnover of South Africa every three months in new Dollar bills. This must be to even an amateur economist unnerving, and the trend of quantitative easing where the failed banks and their debts were purchased by unsuspecting national citizens, also stinks to high heaven. The chatroom where bankers in London talked daily to each other about large or small purchasers coming in and leaving currency positions put a handful of executives out of work when they were caught, but no one to date is in jail. The point of all this libor bank rate fiddling and forex rigging is that the world seems to be lacking in ethics in a big way. Banks pursue profits at all costs, this is a general cause of our Rand’s rapid decline for the market doesn’t seem to value actualities but relies on a thing called sentiment to drive it forward with inuendo. So all these inspired guesses and foreseen trends give the speculator the right to devalue the Rand by over 30% in just a few short months. If it sounds like an unsustainable approach to global management of currencies, it is. A great deal of the global debt clock is reaching run-out time. While the nations suffering hyper-inflation are beset with their own set of wage demands and civil unrest to contend with, the question is: how long can it all go on for before the banker and shareholder brigade see their corporate rear ends. Well the jury is still out on that one, but one thing will be very clear within six months in South Africa, and that is if you think things are expensive now, wait a few months and see what your lifestyle will cost you then.







Fa c s im i le : +2 7 (0 ) 11 2 52 68 4 4 Em a i l: au to r ef @ ia f ric a . c om W e b s ite : w w w . a u t o re f . c o . z a Pu b l i sh e r: I a n G roa t


E d ito r: C l a i r e M a c f ie Acc o un ts : V al G ro a t D e si gn : Ja y Gro a t C T c o rr e sp o nd e nt : Da v e Fa l l T ec h n ic al E d it or : An d re w M a r s h 4


The views expressed in articles in Automotive Refinisher are those of the authors and shall not be construed to represent those of the Editor or the Publisher. Accordingly, Automotive Refinisher accepts no responsibility for claims and statements made by advertisers and independent columnists. Further, the appearance of advertisements herein does not necessarily indicate the approval by Automotive Refinisher for the product and/or service advertised. Material may not be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Publisher. Automotive Refinisher is dedicated to servicing the business interests of the collision repair industry.



KIA PARTS PROGRAMME he new parts programme, which is backed by the Kia Parts marketing department and 76 Kia dealers countrywide, involves Kia SA meeting written quotation from the supplier of so-called “pirate”, “alternative” or “grey market” service or replacement parts as well as used replacement parts, such as door assemblies, for example. They then provide the customer with the genuine article at the same price. The offer even applies to collision repairers that are not Kia-accredited. The company encourages owners of Kia vehicles to make use of the dealer network for servicing or repairs as well as having any repairs undertaken by one of the 410 Kia-accredited panel shops in southern Africa to maintain the original integrity of the vehicle. “Even body panels that look the same as the genuine parts are often dimensionally different and usually made of the wrong gauge and type of steel. There is a widely held perception that ‘alternative’ parts are less expensive than the genuine article, but believe it or not, sometimes these non-genuine parts are more expensive than those available at Kia dealers. “We are looking at the long term in terms of customer retention and ensuring the value of pre-owned Kia cars and commercials by doing our best to ensure only genuine parts are fitted when they are serviced or repaired,” commented the Kia SA panel development manager, Piet Oosthuizen. The Kia SA dealer network is backed up by a central parts distribution centre in Germiston which stocks more than 20 000 line items and has stock valued at more than R45 million. The parts operation is operated by Kia staff and not outsourced as is the situation with many other local manufacturers and distributors. “The parts operation has a current first pick rate of approximately 94% and there is an overnight delivery service to most dealers with those in Gauteng able to have their parts collected more than once a day if required. This is backed by our desire at Kia SA to provide aftersales back-up that helps us retain our existing customers and to build on our reputation for outstanding customer service which will help attract new people into the Kia family,” said Oosthuizen. Kia South Africa is moving to price match suppliers of nonstandard parts and services with replacement parts at special rates for service components and to help non-warranty vehicles stay on the road for longer with their brands.



DIGITAL Great news! All issues of Automotive Refinisher magazine are available for easy download on all iPads and Android tablets. Check out past editions on our website or go to Get all your latest news on new products and equipment for your repair shop, as well as training info.

Kia now offer a new parts price matching service for brand owners.

Kia genuine parts high rise warehouse holds its spares for models way back to the year 2000 models says Piet Oosthuizen.




Named as a Technology Conference, many future car manufacturing developments were discussed that will impact on collision repair.


THE FUTURE OF COLLISION REPAIR BROUGHT TO LIGHT AT CRA CONFERENCE he special conference hosted by the CRA put together a full line-up of specialist speakers to entertain a packed set of attendees at Automechanika SA this year. The conference was sponsored by BASF Glasurit, RSB Autogroup, Wheel Collision and Unitrans Automotive. Attendance included delegates from Santam, Hollard and Mutual and Federal insurers as invited associate partners. Keynote speaker and repair futurist Andrew Marsh, from Auto Industry Consulting in Europe, explained a nightmare of new developments going forward for the average body shop to contend with. With the advent of integrated technologies that are currently moving to electronic cloud based systems, as well as technology moving ahead, every one and a half years, motor makers are forging ahead as repairers are being, in most cases, left behind in catch-up mode. These new developments like telematic technology cascading down in price as they move to more affordable motor vehicles on sale. With everything happening in vehicle control at around one tenth of a second, Bluetooth and lane departure and other data information in many cases belongs to the vehicle manufacturer and no current legislation is in place for others to see this data. So, only motor manufacturer agents in some cases will be in the loop on availability of information. Autonomous braking and other radar systems are to be legislated 6


inside the EEC soon and real time driverless vehicles are advancing with great haste. Marsh also went into detail about various platform manufacturers in his second talk. He showed how many car makers are sharing information, ideas and platforms after the plethora of merges over the past few years. Good news is that various models and even different body styles are being made on the same platform, so if you have a good knowledge of one platform model, you stand to know a great deal about many other variants too - with a few tweaks of course. Peter Todd, President Insurance Institute of SA, gave valuable insight into the business

model that insurers want to develop saying that despite the Motor Book being one of the largest sectors of general insurance cover, it showed a 66% loss ratio and in some cases up to 90% was being racked up by some insurers. So profitability remains poor for most insurers. Supply chain management has become a vital part of their forward thinking to leverage their buying power. This also enables them to move to try and control the customer experience at street levels as well as to try and increase customer satisfaction and retention which for some insurers currently holds poor levels of client retention within the insurance model right

Peter Todd explained Motor Book insurance trends.

Cees Klaasen, from the Netherlands, showed his cooperative at work.


Busi Maile from NF Apprentices is driving her education programme for skills forward.

Collision repair futurist, Andrew Marsh explained motor maker’s drive to own the repair data.

Steve Kessel welcomed all delegates to the conference.

now. In some cases pushing down labour and towing rates has become counter productive, but the desire to remove friction between the client, body shop and insurer in the claims process has become a real focus point for progressive Motor Book insurance handling companies. Cees Klaasen from Triple Better Systems in Holland, says that his specialist group are currently handling thousands of claims for 90 body shops in a co-operative annually in the Netherlands. Their unique in-shared platform has seen accidents split between 60% of drivable hits and 40% undrivable. Their shared profit approach, incentivised and optimised the process of repair for all

parties involved and importantly supplied a solution that insurers and customers liked. Overall there were no individual winners. Ian Groat, Publisher of the South African trade magazine Automotive Refinisher, discussed 1 500 types of metals used in manufacturing vehicles with 500 of them not having been invented until five years ago. “There are five torsional strengths ranging from 200 - 1 500kPa while many modern cars have 1 400 metres of laser welding and cannot be repaired with conventional welding equipment.” Another topic which was covered at the conference was the vital human resource development programme of apprentice

training as a solution to the skills shortage in the body repair industry. The speaker on the topic of “The Apprenticeship Programme and Partner Feedback” was Busi Maile, cofounder and programme director of NF Apprentices. She gave positive feedback as to how the apprentices and the programme have been doing since she spoke at a previous CRA conference. Steve Kessel, national director of the CRA South Africa, said: “The audience was made up of a good cross section of the repair industry who appreciated the objective and factual, real world situation of vehicle repair in the 21st century.”





2 his year’s Automechanika SA trade show played host to over 700 international delegates and a record of visitors from the rest of Africa. With a vast array of leading European speakers like Hartmut Rohl speaking on the Right to Repair, the technology theme came from 20 countries right from Bonzi’s Tavern to India, to show the latest product developments in aftermarket repair and training technologies. Innovative products were at the forefront of the Expo, Wynter Murdoch was upbeat about the number of new items on display where six judges voted the new Car-O-Liner Vision 2 Software as a state-of-the-art collision repair process which reduced set up and cycle times and aided accurate efficient and safe alignment with work in the repair process. Celette SA also won an award for their all-new training for spray painting, the virtual based paint system out of 24 entries in the 10



competition. The innovative spraying system can fasttrack spray painting technologies without using any paint as it collates the actual spraying action in a virtual format and then quickly shows a spray painter where he went wrong with his test panel. “It’s a wonderful first, and will become a great training tool for schools and major players in the industry.” said Richard Gajic. They also featured new small area repair technology products as well as the Celette bench repair system. New refinishing systems came thick and fast with Kanye Vimba showing the return of Sherwin Williams refinish along with their very successful GenRock mixing system. Also new from them was the novel Nitrotherm spray system. Another newcomer Maritone car paint was on view with a full line-up of paint and systems. Glasurit launched their Van concept to showcase their brand at the WorldSkills competition. “The mobile facility has got it all,” says Vicus




1. Automechanika SA show girls welcoming exhibitors to the opening party. 2. The virtual spray painting system was a great hit at the Celette SA stand. 3. Celette SA also featured a T-Hotbox for small area repair paintless dent removal. 4. Aer-O-Cure’s hard work and team effort saw them win an innovation award for their Car-O-Liner Vision 2 Software package and best stand at the show awards. 5. Anest Iwata, with an international presence, showed their new line of airbrushes and a comprehensive spray gun range. 6. Malcolm Schnaid, group procurement manager for Hollard is seen here accepting the runner-up trophy in the SAMBRA Insurer of the Year 2014 awards. 7. KanyeVimba were on hand to show off their various products and systems on offer of Sherwin-Williams, GenRock and Nitrotherm to name a few. 8.The Automotive Refinisher magazine team enjoyed taking time to meet their readers and touch base with clients too. 9. The Hurricane Equipment stand boasted many new hand tools and repair systems. 10. 3M showed off the latest Perfect-It line and other new products.


9 Herbst, the regional sales manager. Aer-O-Cure were displaying their latest fully approved waterborne spraybooths and Car-O-Liner products proved of big interest at the expo. Hurricane Equipment hosted a stand packed with novel repair systems and a superb new tool box. Anest Iwata featured a number of new push and pull air brush spray guns along with their full range of top end sprayguns. The new Leaderquip Hunter Road testing kit saw a car driven on to their equipment and checked for tyre pressure, wear and wheel alignment in under three minutes. It’s a remarkable piece of kit. The Roberlo and 4CR team of Val and Geoff from Q-Brands showed many right-the-first-time process improvements to keep building the brands that they import. 3M had a number of new product launches planned this year but the Purple brand and the sun gun amongst other products were on


show at their stand. The show had the normal huge contingent of Chinese products available but this year they had an even larger force to be reckoned with. Exhibitors from Brazil, Turkey, Taiwan, to name a few were in attendance this year. Traders from north of the South African border also came to see developments that are currently in production and moving to assist process times in body shop repairs. Exports to Africa Under the Spotlight The opportunities and challenges for South African automotive companies wanting to export products into Africa came under the spotlight at a conference staged by the National Association of Automotive Component and Allied Manufacturers (NAACAM). Well known economist Mike Schussler gave an interesting overview of the automotive industry’s potential in Africa. He 11









cautioned that although the continent has a huge population the majority of people are under 18 years of age and therefore most of them were not yet economically active, so the true market size was not as big as some people estimate. However, he added that education levels in Africa were rising rapidly which bodes well for business growth in the future. Schussler said that SA’s economy was now ranked only third in Africa behind Nigeria and Egypt and it could fall out of the global top 40 if there is no significant GDP growth in the near future. He went on to say that it was vital that the SA automotive industry was productive and cost efficient to ensure its prices were competitive in Africa. He added that it was important there was a 12

decrease in industrial action in SA as this impacted negatively on productivity and hence global competitiveness. Alec Erwin, a former SA Minister of Trade and Industry, was invited to make a presentation on the Nigerian motor industry and opportunities for SA exporters as he is a consultant to the Nigerian government on its programme to rebuild its motor manufacturing industry. However, inclement weather prevented him flying to Johannesburg from Togo in time for the conference so one of his colleagues, Caroline Richardson, made the presentation. She explained that the Nigerian Automotive Industry Development Plan was part of that country’s overall industrialisation strategy and enjoyed high level government support.





1. The welcome party for exhibitors, dignitaries and key influencers was a resounding success. Michael Johannes said that he was pleased with the progress of Automechanika SA in his opening address. 2. Valerie and Jeff Rumney showed the Spanish auto car refinish package Roberlo, plus the Q-brand range 3. Questok director James Yang, received an innovation award for the company’s sanding system. 4. Leaderquip featured the Hunter Quick Check System for super fast drive-on-driveoff diagnostics. 5. South African director of Automechanika, Ute Schubart (left) and Michael Johannes, Automechanika global brand manager, were very happy with the success of the show. 6. New to South Africa is the Maxytone car paint system. it comes with a complete line of colour formulas. 7. Rupes Big Foot sanders are a great tool for the surface finishing polishing process. 8. The diverse offerings of the Henkel brand were showed off to the many visitors to the show.


Current vehicle production capacity at existing plants in Nigeria was only 100 000 units a year but plans are underway to increase this in the near future. Richardson said that the big challenge was the fact that currently about 400 000 used vehicles a year were imported into Nigeria, but there was impending legislation to limit this number and to support the sale of affordable new vehicles, with a potential market of one million new vehicles a year. The presentation went on to outline the collaboration that Erwin was encouraging between the South African and Nigerian automotive sectors, particularly in terms of component supply. A formal proposal is to be tabled at the end of the month. The presentation warned that other countries were also getting


involved with assistance programmes, led by Brazil and Turkey, so South African companies need to act fast. Automechanika at Leisure One thing that Automechanika are very good at with their shows is the policy of welcoming both exhibitors, dignitaries and key influencers to their opening party. As the NASREC Expo Centre resounded to a marimba band where the fun and games of enjoying it all began. Along with great company and good food the revelling continued late into the night along with Dr Victor and the Rasta Rebels. 13


by Chris Oakham


UK MOTOR INSURERS FACE SHORTFALL he latest UK Car Body Repair Market report, by independent research company Trend Tracker, warns that insurance company profits will be dented by a repair capacity deficit. The number of car body repair workshops (body shops) has declined by 32% over the last decade and Trend Tracker predict a further 9% decline, to just 3 020 by 2020. This, combined with an expected 2% increase in the number of repairs, will create an 11% shortfall in repair capacity by 2020. With insurance companies financing around 70% of all accident repairs, body shop owners have long bemoaned the lack of profit in insurance-funded repairs. This, coupled with a fall in the number of accident repairs since the 2006 peak, has led to many body shop closures. Based on an average insurance accident repair cost of R24 840, a large insurers-approved body shop, operating on modern factory flow-line repair principles, will typically earn just R244 net profit on a job taking 15.7 hours to complete (source: ABP Club). This equates to a profit of just 86p per hour per repair. Robert Macnab, lead analyst at Trend Tracker, commented, “As recently as 2004 there was a repair capacity excess of nearly 50%. Insurers were spoilt for choice in terms of who to give work to and could dictate terms. The increasing repair capacity deficit will put quality body shops in a much stronger position to secure a better deal for insurers. “We will see more repairers renegotiating or simply rejecting the least profitable insurance contracts, particularly where there is an open-ended obligation for them to provide courtesy cars at their own expense. The hourly labour rate is also likely to rise, further denting insurers’ profits. “Passing on these extra costs to motorists might not be an option for insurers. The UK motor insurance market is highly competitive and attempts by insurers to raise premiums have often come unstuck, particularly due to the influence of price comparison websites, which encourage low prices.” Since peaking in 2006, the annual volume of car body repairs has fallen by 28% and the number of car body repair workshops has declined by 24%. The rise in oil and petrol pump prices during that


time discouraged consumers and businesses from using their cars, resulting in fewer accidents. This trend was compounded by the onset of recession in 2008. Trend Tracker, which has been analysing the market since 1994, notes that the UK car accident repair market has historically been very unstable and resistant to macro-economic trends. The recent upheaval is unprecedented. Now the market seems set for a period of sustained, albeit modest growth, as lower fuel costs encourage greater car use, resulting in an increase in the number of accidents and the number of car body repairs. With the number of repairs forecast to rise from 4.2 million in 2014 to 4.3 million in 2020 and the average repair cost to rise from R20 700 to R20 860, the overall market size will increase by 5% to R89 billion by 2020 (based on 2014 prices excluding VAT). If you ignore investment returns, motor insurers as a whole are expected to have been loss-making in 2014, with a combined ratio of 109% squared. This is partly due to excessive competition and persistently high personal injury claims, although accident damage claims account for two-thirds of all motor insurance claims. For motor insurance companies, including the listed firms Admiral Group plc, Direct Line Insurance Group plc and Esure Group plc, shrinking repair capacity combined with an increase in repair demand will result in rising accident repair costs and constrained profitability. However, for companies in the accident claims and accident repair market, including the listed firms Innovation Group plc, NAHL Group plc, Quindell plc, Redde plc (formerly Helphire) and Nationwide Accident Repair Services plc, growth in the number of motor accident and repair claims will provide a welcome boost to their businesses. Nationwide Accident Repair Services in particular, with its large chain of car body repair shops, would benefit from the expected increase in repair demand. Visit for more information.


TOYOTA WANTS ITS BATTERIES BACK he hybrid batteries used in Toyota and Lexus models can last longer than the vehicles themselves, so often they are only recovered when the cars reach the end of their useful life, or if they have been involved in an accident. Toyota already has a battery collection rate of more than 90% but is now widening its strategy and targeting a 100% result. In Europe, Toyota has years of experience operating an internal collection system through its retail network. Toyota and Lexus dealers receive a new hybrid battery in exchange for an old one, leading to an average 91% collection rate. Toyota Motor Europe has set itself the challenge to significantly increase this figure to 100% through its own network and, additionally, any authorised end-of-life vehicle treatment operators. To support this, the company has announced an extension of its current battery recycling agreements until March 31, 2018. Since July 2011 the France-based Sociëté Nouvelle d’Affinage de Mélaux (SNAM) has been taking back and recycling nickel-metal hydride (NiMh) batteries as used in Prius, Auris-Hybrid, Yaris-hybrid and all Lexus hybrid models. 14


Since August 2012, Umicore NV based in Belgium has handled lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, which are used in Prius+ and Prius Plugin models. Steve Hope, Toyota Motor Europe general manager environment affairs, said: “When our customers buy a hybrid, they already know that they are in for outstanding fuel efficiency, a stressfree driving experience and a reliable car. This is yet another reason for a hybrid purchase, as we can ensure their car excels in its environmental performance throughout its life cycle.” Used hybrid batteries are still mainly destined for recycling, but TIME has started to research options for the remanufacture of NiMh batteries, potentially giving them a second life as a vehicle or a stationary energy source. Stationary batteries can potentially store surplus renewable energy, for example as an emergency back-up, or cheaper, or help manage fuel costs by storing cheaper, off-peak electricity. Since 2000, around 850 000 Toyota and Lexus full hybrid vehicles have been sold in Europe. Protection of natural resources is a cornerstone in Toyota’s environmental approach, making sustainable recycling high voltage batteries a priority.


The AWX Performance Plus® Waterborne Refinish System uses a proprietary waterborne resin system designed to deliver speed and high performance. The AWX Performance Plus® Waterborne Refinish System achieves VOC emissions compliance in all 3.5 VOC regulated areas. With minimal capital investment, the AWX Performance Plus® Waterborne Refinish System will out-perform your expectations with excellent colour match, hiding and application properties. Paint - it’s what you do. It’s all we do. Cell: +27 82 552 8126; Tel: +27 11 396 1161 Plumbago Business Park, Unit B1, Spier Road, Glen Marais, Kempton Park, 1619




MIRKA’S RESPONSIBILITY TO PRESERVE THE ENVIRONMENT nvironmental responsibility is a natural part of Mirka’s process. They make sure that they take the environment into consideration in all of their activities by following the environmental management system ISO 14001. Right in the beginning of Mirka’s product planning stage, the environmental issues and the recycling policy are already taken into careful consideration. They even emphasise the environmental responsibility to their subcontractors in order for them to pay close attention to the impact of the environment in all stages of the planning and production process. Another aspect of Mirka’s environmental policy states that the equipment and the abrasives manufactured at Mirka must be longlasting. Their aim in their production development is to make their products even more durable, which will furthermore mean a reduction in the amount of waste. They also strive to make their product packages easily recyclable. A future aim of Mirka’s is to develop new materials that 18


are even more environmentally friendly than the current ones. Mirka constantly try to improve their customers work environment as well as develop the ergonomic features of their products. The dust-free abrasive, Abranet®, developed and patented by Mirka, has made a large improvement towards work safety and reduced environmental impact. Abranet® remarkably improves the traditionally demanding working conditions in factories and paint-shops by reducing the amount of hazardous dust in the air when sanding. Workers avoid being exposed to the dust, the requirements for air-conditioning are smaller and therefore the energy costs can be reduced. For the employees at Mirka, it has always been clear not to waste financial or material resources – of their own or those of their customers. They find it equally clear to preserve the planet’s resources. Sustainability is a natural extension of this approach. It means taking the economy, the earth, and the people into consideration when

they make business decisions – now and for future generations. Eco-efficiency and continuous development are Mirka’s principles when choosing both raw materials as well as planning the structure of their products. Mirka even recycle all wastage during production that they use as fuel to preserve the environment. In most cases, an environmentally friendly production process will also be economic, precise, effective and safe. These are the processes Mirka strive to develop and work with at all times.



Geoff and Valerie Rumney have a successful trade sales record on their Q-Brand line up. Now it’s a big push to establish the Roberlo top European brand that’s steaming ahead.


Q-BRANDS EXPAND THE ROBERLO LINE FOR SA SHOPS -Brands has been in the wholesale refinish business for close to five years and last year Valerie and Geoff Rumney added the European brand of Roberlo to their already successful product line up. Roberlo is a family run company that specialises in the development and manufacture of paint and repair solutions for both automotive refinish and industrial business. Both Geoff and Val have had an extensive industry education in the business of dealing with body shops and distribution companies and are driving along the Q-Brand success as importers and distributors. They have around 20-plus years of working with premier paints and abrasive companies. Geoff also completed a long stint of looking after the technical side of the German SATA spray gun in the local market. With Val and Geoff at the helm, Q-Brands is able to concentrate on their top selling Roberlo and German 4CR brands. 4CR has a comprehensive range of consumable products. In addition, Q-Brands has their own in-house range of Zandmesh abrasives, masking tape, masking plastic and double sided polishing mops. Having had such a broad commercial career in the business has helped both of them for they have a good understanding of what the market wants and the great possibilities that a value driven price, plus good quality, like the Roberlo range can deliver.



Roberlo are fully endorsed across Europe by major insurance companies who offer a warranty package on the brand quality of the product. “Right since we took on the new Spanish refinish line we have been flat out trying to keep pace with incoming orders,” said Geoff. “We only concluded the deal last August and demand remains at very high levels, so having the right stock available at all times has been a high priority for us this year.” Roberlo was founded in 1968 in Givona and started as an importer of key lines and marketing refinish products in Spain. By 1971 the company started to manufacture its own paints and products after strengthening its sales networks. By 1986 Roberlo had developed its own in-house research and development department. By using a philosophy of constant adaptation and acquiring the latest environmental trends and requirements, this has led to Roberlo now operating in over 100 international markets. It is becoming a top European manufacturer of chemical products like lightweight body fillers, primers, colour concepts and industrial coatings. For more information on the brands products visit Roberlo at or contact the sole importer for Southern Africa, Q-Brands on +27 (0)11 440 2714 or visit



A leading European Manufacturer of Automotive Repair products Roberlo is a family run company and one of the leading European manufacturers that specialise in the development and manufacture of paints, repair solutions and fixing products for the automotive sector. Operating in over 100 countries, the spectacular growth the company has experienced is only possible due to the high quality and the trust customers have in its products. Roberlo is also approved by various insurance companies in Europe.

You know the product works, and it’s here to stay.

Please call for your nearest distribution outlet. Tel: +27 (0)11 440 2714 Mobile: +27 (0)82 923 4373

Email: Website:


by Jeff Osborne


COMPETITION IS HEALTHY uring my 13 years as CEO of the RMI, I learned many lessons about the fundamentals and complexities of running an employer organisation. Despite the intricacy and diversity of an employer organisation, it is basically no different to any service orientated business. In the same way that a business must continually provide services that meet and exceed their customer needs, an employer organisation must remain closely aligned with the members ever evolving needs and expectations. The risk that faces a business, particularly where they have a dominant market position, is the possibility of becoming complacent and taking customers/members for granted. This risk is of course mitigated when the leaders of the structure are energetic, visionary and competent. However, one dynamic that is sure to keep them on their toes, is the advent of hungry and determined competitors. There was a time when I believed that a single strong national organisation, was preferable to fragmentation and division in representing and addressing the industries needs, however, with hindsight, I reflect on the formation of a Fuel Retailers association outside the RMI in 1999, which was in direct competition to the RMI's constituent fuel association. As both fuel retail associations competed for the same membership/market, the members benefited from an unprecedented vigorous activity within both structures, and a determination to outperform the other. Years later we saw the formation an independent collision repair body association, it is apparent that this has also provided levels of member benefit that previously did not exist. I foresee a likelihood of more of this type of trend, particularly as possible conflict of interest progresses within the industry and



between sectors. For example as the right to repair debacle rages between the Franchise dealers and the after market independent workshops. In addition, the marked disparities between sectors during negotiations with organised labour, continue to hamper and prolong the process, perhaps making sectoral representation preferable. A one size, does not fit all. There is clearly an intention to collapse the centralised motor industry bargaining council MIBCO. Should this occur, then the most fundamental reason for a single employer organisation would no longer exist. I don't believe that the emergence of multiple trade associations as independent employer organisations, should be viewed negatively or opposed. But should be seen as inevitable evolution, which mirrors the trend in many other countries, for example NADA in the USA is independent and very effective and strong.



ob Simpson has held some very high profile positions in the years he’s been associated with the collision repair trade. He boasts a long and successful career in refinish and for the last few years has been in the role of a global representative. His career path has changed recently on his return to South Africa as the GM for the Maroun’s Group. Automotive Refinisher magazine caught up on his exploits and had a chance to chat about the future with him. As the man now in to oversee Maroun’s, what’s your current view of the market? The SA market is extremely competitive and in my years away from SA, more competitors in the supply chain have entered this market. It is highly service orientated and you need to gear up accordingly. Body shops have a tremendous choice and price is as important as quality. Co-operatives and large groups of body shops are forming and this is creating a very competitive environment. Give us a brief overview of Maroun’s activities.


Marouns are probably the only distribution company fully capable of genuine turnkey operations and ensuring a complete “one stop” shopping experience for the body shops. We are continuously sourcing new technologies to ensure our customers remain abreast with the worlds best. We have branches throughout South Africa, with fully skilled staff covering every aspect of our business. You recently returned from an overseas post. How do you see South Africa in terms of professionalism in body repair? Having recently returned from the US, as well as operating in Australia and New Zealand, I can confidently say that with the “OEM Approval” system currently in place in SA, this has assisted in the upgrading of body shops to a “world class” level not commonly seen in the other countries who do not have to subscribe to the approval system. Marouns are sole importers for some key repair technologies on improving production flow increases. Are you concentrating on these changing technologies?



Yes, we have dedicated teams of experts who have received training overseas and are fully confident of passing on these skills to the body shops. As the largest national distributor of the Kansai Plascon range of refinish like Standox and Spies Hecker, what does this mean in the short and long term for Marouns? Marouns has invested in skilled technicians who have the ability to train body shops in the latest techniques required by both these world class paint brands. Both brands are part of the Axalta Group and remain at the forefront of technology in both solvent and water for the complex refinish industry. This bodes well for Marouns as we equip ourselves to pass on this skill set to body shops, plus we have the ability to work closely on medium and long term developments in technology and how that fits into the South African refinish Industry. In your opinion, what makes Maroun’s different from other groups in the market place? In a nutshell: “People”. We have the ability to offer a world class service and supply the complete needs of a modern day body shop”. What do you see as the greatest opportunities for Maroun’s going forward? We are fortunate enough to be part of the Kansai Plascon group and this enables us to operate across the full spectrum of body shops. This is a huge opportunity, as most distributors focus on either top end- or low end body shops. We have the ability to take our products and services to the whole market and through our supply agreements, offer some of the world’s best products to all body shops at every level. What’s the biggest challenge shaping up in the next 18 months within the accident repair industry, in your opinion. One of the industry’s biggest challenges is getting all the role players to understand and accept the dynamics of their roles within the repair cycle. Repairs are complex and costly. Profits in the body shop are on the decline and environmental awareness/compliance places an even greater strain on profitability. I believe if we all understand these complexities, the industry can only prosper. 25




PATCHING - A GROWING TREND t’s interesting how “Patching” is emerging as a growing trend within car body structural engineering. It’s nothing new, but it offers useful solutions for engineering in relation to better crash performance without the weight increases and complication of additional reinforcements of high grade materials, whilst adding challenges for the joining process. Patching is the process of reinforcing a panel with another material in specific areas. By reinforcing just a specific area, rather than a complete panel, only the main panel needs joining. Take the B-post for example, typically this is made up of the B-post outer, the reinforcement, and the inner. Joining these three into the roof and, into the sill, can be complicated enough. And, with the likes of Honda choosing new processes to join a stack of four panels including ultra-high strength steel, incorporating another panel to support the B-post structure would add more complication. So, adding a “patch” behind a specific section of the inner, or the reinforcement, can make a stronger panel with predictable deformation in an impact.


Applied How, and where, these patches are applied varies between models. The current Mercedes-Benz C Class (W205) has a small patch in the footwell, linking and reinforcing the bulkhead, A-post and floor, to better enable the car to achieve the required performance in the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) small overlap crash test. This crash test is a huge challenge for many vehicle manufacturers, although Mercedes has mastered it with a strategy of deflection, and this simple addition. Subaru applies a patch into the upper A-post of the new WRX. This involves the new process of spot welding the patch to the reinforcement panel, before they are pressed into shape. Volvo too has implemented patches in the new XC90, creating ‘soft zones’ behind the rigid boron steels to enable controlled deformation of the structure in an impact. Trend In many ways this is the trend driver. With the requirements to lose vehicle weight to meet emissions targets, the percentage of advanced materials is increasing, with the Audi TT having just 5.5% mild steel content, and the C Class just 12%. With higher content of stronger, less ductile materials, ‘engineering in’ controlled deformation to absorb impact forces is getting harder, so these


softer materials can enable these relatively brittle materials to deform, rather than fracture. With this, repairers need to start looking for non-expanding pads within the sill and B-posts. These are not foam that hasn’t expanded, but specific materials to prevent the panel fracturing and failing. In no circumstances should they be replaced with foams. We know that the development of composite patches is ongoing. Rather than seeing a carbon fibre panel, we may soon see a steel or aluminium panel reinforced by a composite section, bonded in key areas. This could be carbon fibre reinforced, glass fibre reinforced, or even supported by a woven fibre hollow core. However, all of these will present a new set of challenges for us in repair. Issue The issue for the repair industry is the patching process, be that composite or with conventional materials, which may well lead to reductions in the scope for sectioning a panel. In many cases only a complete panel replacement may be possible and, if intrusive requiring adjoining panels to be removed to access the joint, it could result in more total losses. Another challenge for repairability, and one of many we face. The repair technology centre at Thatcham is constantly looking for solutions to these emerging and established trends, so that insurers, and repairers, can repair cars.


Festool from Germany is a recent company product line that Roland Hunt (left) and his team have added to their comprehensive range. He is seen here with Marcel demonstrating the dust free sander.


VERMONT SALES CUSTOMER DAY A BIG SUCCESS n a two-day customer expo, Vermont Sales attracted over 600 of their key clients and distributors to the company headquarters in Midrand, Gauteng. The open day is put on to show the various additional new lines that Vermont Sales have recently introduced across the board with their 60 specialist imported brand lines. The company has a very large customer base dealing with large retail businesses right down to the wood working hobbyists and motor body repair distribution. Roland Hunt, who founded the Vermont Sales organisation with just five popular lines, says that the company growth continues to show solid development especially on the customer consumer side like air tools, couplers, polishes, stapler guns and Olfa cutting knives.



“These are just a few of our top quality imported lines and we’re finding that over time our customers keep coming back to quality products that hold up in the work place and deliver a good end result. With its own brand of Tork Craft on the abrasive side and, Aircraft for spray guns, we have a spread of value priced and top quality international brands to meet our customers needs.” What really separates the Vermont Sales way of doing business is that most of their staff have come up through the ranks and developed knowledge on their products the hard way. This extended family type of outlook has also been transferred to both their clients and customer base as well as an enthusiastic supplier base who were out in full force for both days of the expo. Vermont Sales also pulled out all the entertainment stops with lavish food on

offer in a money-being-no-object festive occasion. Ryan Hunt says, “The automotive supply side of the group has this year been bolstered with the addition of the German Festo brand which carries full approval from the BMW, Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz brands. “It’s our intention to power the Sandero automatic production supplies and tool range. This, along with other brands sold into the automotive market include Festool, GAV, Olfa and Magic Stapler.” So the successful family concern shows no lack of business across the board. They apply a principle of solid backup and good stock availability on the brands that they represent in South Africa. The successful mix of business and pleasure was enjoyed by all who attended this year’s Vermont Sales open day.


“With almost 60 different product lines on offer, good stock availability along with excellent back-up is the key to Vermont Sale’s success,” said Mindi Hunt.

Aircraft sprayguns offer a full range of quality air brush products in the line-up.

Frank from ACCUD in Europe says it’s amazing how many customers come back for quality tools as it’s not about price but durability.

Jason from Vermont Sales shows the amazing NES repair system that is ideal for truck and heavy duty nut and bolt repairs.

“The new German Felo line of quality hand tools carry a 15-year warranty,” explained Ryan Hunt (left).

Held over two full days, the garden party at Vermont Sales was enjoyable for all of their clients as they had their best support ever.



DRIVEN NISSAN QASHQAI he new Nissan Qashqai has sold an average of 300 units per month in South Africa since its launch in July 2014 and is now available in an expanded range comprising seven derivatives. Joining the original five versions, a new 1.2litre turbocharged petrol model is available with Nissan’s advanced Xtronic gearbox. Based on the principle of a constantly variable transmission, the Xtronic gearbox has been engineered to deliver a smoother, more natural driving experience. The Qashqai range is topped by the new 1.6-litre turbocharged petrol derivative.


Qashqai 1.2T Acenta Xtronic: The Nissan Qashqai 1.2T Acenta Xtronic features the familiar 85kW, 165 Nm turbocharged 1.2-litre petrol engine found in other models, but now offers a truly luxurious drive, thanks to Nissan’s Xtronic transmission. Its addition means the Qashqai range now offers two derivatives with an automatic gearbox. The powerful engine continues to offer a pleasant drive with exceptional fuel efficiency – 6.2-litres per 100km on the combined cycle – with the added bonus of a super-smooth transmission. An Eco Mode is available for even better fuel economy.


QASHQAI 1.6T Acenta: Topping the range is the new Qashqai 1.6T Acenta, which features a 120kW/240Nm 1.6litre turbocharged petrol engine mated to a six-speed manual gearbox. With generous torque, which is available from as low as 2 000rpm, the new turbo petrol derivative is easy and effortless to drive – with fuel economy of 6.2-litres per 100km to boot. The engine combines sharp performance and low emissions (144g/km), and has been specifically-tuned for Qashqai using advanced turbo technology. Idle stop/start also features to save on fuel even further. At Acenta trim level, both of these derivatives boast a raft of standard equipment, including alloy wheels (17-inch on the 1.2T and 19-inch on the 1.6T), LED daytime running lights, privacy glass, automatic wipers and an auto-dimming rear-view mirror. The 1.6T Acenta also benefits from LED headlights with auto levelling, silver roof rails, chromeaccented front fog lights and an intelligent key with keyless entry and push-button start. Available as an option on both derivatives, the techno pack includes Nissan’s Around View Monitor, heated door mirrors, NissanConnect for smartphone integration and Nissan’s navigation system with a 7-inch

touch screen display. Heated leather seats are also available as an option on the 1.6T. After starting the crossover revolution, Nissan’s C-segment crossover story is going from strength to strength, with over two million Qashqai models produced since the original debuted in 2007. In South Africa, the new Qashqai 1.6 dCi Acenta Xtronic was named as a 2015 WesBank/SAGMJ Car of the Year finalist – an immensely coveted accolade. The new-generation Qashqai was also named as a 2015 World Car of the Year finalist, underlining its standing and reputation on the international stage. In the United Kingdom, Qashqai was named Car of the Year by What Car? Magazine, and scooped up Best Crossover and overall Car of the Year titles in the diesel categories. In Australia, Qashqai also won the Small SUV category, while online tech review site named Qashqai as the Best Family Car. As with the rest of the Qashqai range, the two new Nissan models come with Nissan’s new class-leading six-year/150 000km warranty and a five-year/90 000km service plan which includes roadside assistance as standard.



GLASURIT LAUNCH NEW VAN AT AUTOMECHANIKA SA lasurit, BASF Coatings Services’, premium paint brand, was showcased in a unique way at this year’s Automechanika Johannesburg Trade Fair held at the Johannesburg Expo centre. Glasurit used the platform of the expo to launch its mobile Glasurit Van which is equipped with the latest paint technology and is designed to resemble a mixing room of a state of the art panel shop.


Glasurit Van The idea behind the van; which was a major draw card with the visitors, was borne from the need to illustrate various product offerings from Glasurit to the automotive refinish industry, allowing for demonstrations to be conducted at a potential customer’s panel shop. Efficiencies such as the way the product mixes in comparison to other products can now be proven at the customer’s premises costeffectively. Glasurit regional sles manager, Vicus Herbst, explains: “This is an extremely exciting and innovative development for the Glasurit team. Previously we have found it challenging to demonstrate how efficient our product actually is, and now we can prove its full value through this mobile facility. We can now park the van at the panel shop and use one of the customer’s spray booths in order to demonstrate the product’s capabilities. A technician will mix all the paint jobs from our van as well as paint all the cars assigned


for the trial run by the customer.” Herbst also notes that this is a more convenient way of setting up the mixing banks for trials as it is less time consuming in contrast to setting up a mixing bank inside the panel shop. “The concept would then allow us to demonstrate to the customer how we can increase productivity by comparing past history data on the number of cars that would have been painted over the same period of time that the Glasurit van would have been set up for the trial period, as well as provide comparisons on consumption of paint and labour costs,” elaborates Herbst. The van is equipped with paint management tools such as computer software that models how to manage a paint shop, including a stock management system. It has equipment such as spectrometers – a hi-tech paint gadget which has the ability to do colour retrieval from the panel of a car and, once connected to the computer, calculates the formula to mix the exact paint colour. The primary benefit of this mobile van is the convenience to the customer, while Glasurit also saves costs in having a mobile unit as opposed to setting up a mixing bank in the shop. The customer also benefits by being exposed to the Glasurit product ranges, while being assured of no production loss by having the van parked at the panel shop. “For us running a trial with the Glasurit van at the panel shop gives us an opportunity to give a preview to the

customer with the aim of installing a permanent mixing bank at the end of the trial period,” comments Herbst. Geraldine Mupudzi, marketing and communications specialist also noted that for many years, the industry had known BASF Coatings Services by the parent company’s name, BASF, the world’s leading chemical company. “With this new Glasurit van, branded only with its trademark colours, it certainly gives the brand a lot more exposure,” states Mupudzi. Automechanika SA Glasurit partnered with RMI and WorldSkills, amongst other sponsors, by supplying paints and coatings to the finalists of the vehicle spray painting category in the 2015 WorldSkills South Africa Competition. Rabelani Malema from South African Airways Technical in Gauteng was crowned the winner and will go on to represent South Africa in Sao Paulo, Brazil later this year. Technical students who attended the show and the industry at large were able to identify Glasurit as one of the major role players in the market. They were also able to look inside the van with the Glasurit technicians giving them a quick description on what happens inside a mixing room. Mupudzi concludes: “For those that do not know what our system is about, this is a great channel for us to create brand awareness and provide product testing at fairs and expos such as Automechanika, so potential customers can get first-hand experience with our products. It’s about taking the product to the customer, wherever they are.”


The Glasurit van is equipped with the latest paint technology and is designed to look and feel like one of the latest mixing rooms in a repair shop.

The van includes all the bells and whistles and can perform live demonstrations at panel shops, training centres and exhibitions too.

It’s always a group effort on the journey to participate at WorldSkills and having Glasurit as part of the journey was a smart choice.

Glasurit was the refinish coating sponsor for the WorldSkills competition finals that were held at Automechanika SA.

Regional sales manager, Vicus Herbst is very excited to introduce such an innovative tool to his Glasurit team.

The RMI and WorldSkills partnered with Glasurit who supplied paints and coatings to this year’s finalists.




KYALAMI GRAND PRIX CIRCUIT GETS A NEW LIFE hen the hammer fell at the auction of Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit on the 24th July 2014 motorsport fans, both locally and internationally breathed a sigh of relief. The reason for their optimism for the future was simply, that a man with a passion for motorsport had rescued the historic venue from the brink of imminent demise. Toby Venter a well-known and respected motor business entrepreneur, visionary and successful race driver was the man behind the successful final bid. The current circuit has, over time, grown to be respected as a track with interesting changes of elevation and some challenging corners. What was clearly lacking in the current layout was a longer straight ending in a tight corner. It was clear that the tar surface of Kyalami that had been in place since the early 1990s, needed to be replaced. Expert teams set about working on plans for the best solutions to this challenge drawing on international expertise achieve the best possible solutions. Safety also had to be considered and to this end FIA Safety Delegate Charlie Whiting paid a visit to Kyalami recently. After a thorough track inspection and valuable advice the circuit and safety changes were given the blessing of the FIA. The final plans began to take shape. The final plans include the following: 1. A complete resurface of the circuit to international specifications 2. The lengthening of the existing main straight with the current turn 1 reduced in angle allowing the circuit to run into the Eastern corner of the property ensuring a straight of close to 900 metres. 3. A new turn 2, a tight left hander with a tight apex, leading to a series of bends joining back into the current circuit at the existing turn 4. 4. Changes to the circuit at the current turn 12 (the Bowl). 5. The upgrade of circuit safety with the objective of once again obtaining a FIA Grade 2 licence.


The Return of Iconic Original Circuit Corner Names The revised circuit will once again revive these great turn names. After the start line the circuit drops into a new turn 1, once again a full speed corner. Appropriately Turn 1 will be named The Kink. The circuit will then continue to drop and then climb (over the new circuit subway and past the high speed tower) into the new turn 2. Turn 2 will be named Crowthorne with its new spectator area (from which nearly half the circuit will be visible) providing a great view of the new section of the circuit. After leaving Crowthorne the circuit will drop down with a series of 2 right and left handed curves named Jukskei Sweep. The circuit then joins the current layout with new turn 5 now named Barbeque. In very close proximity to its original namesake. The back straight, running past the refurbished secondary pit complex, forms part of the original circuit layout. As a result turn names will return with Sunset followed by Clubhouse, the Esses and Leeukop. The circuit then drops steeply downhill into a fast left hand sweep. This very fast section will be called Mineshaft (a name that it unofficially gained in the past due to its steep nature). The new turn 13 will follow after an extended straight rising up onto a platform, its wide entry providing a great overtaking opportunity. This new corner (which should prove popular for race fans) will be called The Crocodiles. The corner rejoins the circuit with a slight left hand sweep into the second to last corner which will retain its current configuration. This very fast corner, which requires great bravery to negotiate at speed, will be called Cheetah. Turn 15 will be retained in its current form but will now be called Ingwe (the Zulu word for Leopard) another African cat with cunning and stealth. The lap finishes with an uphill section to the start-finish line. New Circuit Underpass The property redevelopment highlighted the importance of easy


access into the central area (the heart) of the property. Plans were drawn up to create an underpass which, when finished, will allow access to the centre of the circuit directly from the existing main entry point. This double lane underpass will allow transporter-height entry into the circuit centre with a new service road accessing the main pit building. The underpass will also include a pedestrian walkway. The underpass will be built under the new extended straight between The Kink and the new Clubhouse corner. Off Circuit Changes – Old Pit Complex and Parking Areas The old pit complex (main pits of version 2 of the circuit) will be restored to its original condition and serve as a secondary pit complex. The pit entry will also be brought in line with FIA specifications. This facility will act as a support pit area to accommodate local categories racing at international events. Day to day circuit operations such as driving schools and race vehicle testing could also run from this facility. This will free up the main pit and conferencing facility allowing other non track related events to take place without interruption. The parking area above the main pit complex and the parking area alongside the karting facility will also be resurfaced. These parking areas are vital for not only race days but also to provide parking facilities for the conferencing and expo facilities in the main building. Many of the small buildings behind the old pit complex will be removed. This will also allow even more parking spaces. Spectator Areas and Service Road Upgrades and Changes It has been the stated intention of Toby Venter to refurbish existing spectator areas. Further, and more importantly, to allow race fans the opportunity to spectate from previously prohibited as well as and new exciting areas on the circuit. The area at Crowthorne will offer one of the most exciting views available in motorsport. The main straight will be clearly visible as race cars drop down from the start line, through The Kink, over the underpass and then steeply into the new corner. Jukskei Sweep and Barbeque will also be visible as well as the top section of the circuit toward Leeukop and down The Mineshaft. New spectator areas will be created on the outside of Jukskei Sweep and Barbeque as well as the area between Sunset and Clubhouse. With the removal of 2 of the Bomas in center circuit, views of the upper section of the track will now also be possible from this area. Many of the Bomas on the outside of the circuit between Clubhouse and The Esses will be demolished opening up these previously “private” areas to race fans. The few remaining Bomas in this area will be refurbished into public ablution areas. The public areas at Leeukop corner will also be upgraded. The new Crocodiles corner will offer great spectator appeal. A new PA system is also planned for all of the general public spectator areas. Construction Timelines The handover of the site to tender winning contractors, took place on the 24th April 2015. Off track earthworks have commenced with the circuit officially closing at 13h00 on the 12th May. It is expected that the circuit will be re-opened between end August and end September 2015. The Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit will once again take up its place as the premier motoring and motorsport facility in Africa as well as a leading venue, and new player, in the conferencing and eventing arena. The great visionaries of the original circuit will certainly be proud. 37




fter inflation, the UK car body repair market’s value is estimated to be 34% lower than in 2004. The number of car body repairs was 24% down last year from 10 years earlier. The factors driving continued shrinkage of the body repair sector are detailed in Trend Tracker’s latest report of car body repairs, The Future of the Car Body Repair Market in the UK, 20152020. After inflation, as measured by the Retail Prices Index, the UK car body repair market is estimated by the specialist automotive research firm Trend Tracker to have fallen in value by 34% between 2004 and 2014. In its latest report on the sector, The Future of the Car Body Repair Market in the UK, 2015-2020, Trend Tracker notes that volume demand for repairs peaked at 5.81 million in 2006, but has since fallen steadily to an estimated 4.20 million repairs in 2014, a decline of 28%. Overall repair volume was 24% lower in 2014 than in 2004. Trend Tracker says the decline in the market for car body repairs cannot all be laid at the door of the 2008/2009 recession and its aftermath. The insurance claims rate fell from 2000 to 2011, although it is estimated to have turned upwards recently. The fall in the claims rate is partly explained by motorists driving less, average mileage having fallen by 15% since 2000. Another contributory factor is the fitment of ABS brakes to all new cars sold since 2007. The recession also took its toll. Plummeting new car sales aged the car parc, and accelerated the decline in the number of cars under fours years old, which are the most likely to be repaired after an accident. Used car sales fell by 13% in the period 2004-2012, and that drove down demand for refurbishment. Meanwhile, average repair costs in current prices rose from R9.3 billion in 2004 to R100 billion in 2014 (excluding VAT), but in real terms, after inflation as measured by the Retail Prices Index, they are estimated to have fallen by 13% in the past decade. Trend Tracker

attributes the fall in real-terms average repair costs to a decline in the number of relatively large and expensive insurance-funded repairs to private cars, and repairs to fleet and company cars. It expects average repair costs to increase gradually, so that with a 2% increase in repair volumes, 2014/2020, the value of the UK car body repair market will rise 5% from 2014 to 2020 in real terms. Recent re-growth in the new car market is already rebuilding the car parc up to four years old. A more buoyant used car market will also boost dealer demand for refurbishment of used cars, although SMART repairers are making substantial inroads into the refurbishment market at the expense of traditional body shops. The number of primary body shops operating in the UK car body repair market is forecast to decline by 9% between 2014 and 2020. That will be a much slower rate of decline than the 19% seen between 2007 and 2013. With improving prospects for car body repairs but a continuing decline in body shop numbers, Trend Tracker expects an 11% overall deficit in car body repair capacity by 2020. In contract with the near 50% excess capacity in the sector 16 years earlier in 2004. However, any shortfalls will be seasonal and local, and insufficient to encourage regrowth in the number of repairers. Trend Tracker director and lead body repair sector analyst Chris Oakham says: “The outlook for body shops is highly dependent on a continuing recovery of the UK economy, reviving demand for new and used cars, and giving motorists back more spare cash for elective repairs. “But,” he adds, “the increase in safety features such as Lane Departure Warning, Adaptive Cruise Control and Emergency Brake Assist in new cars is likely to reduce the frequency of accidents in normal conditions as ABS has done in the past, while the congestion now endemic in urban traffic will reduce the severity of the average collision, along with the average value of collision repairs.”




urther to the Takata airbag recall earlier in 2014, Honda will as a precautionary measure, recall a small number of potentially affected 2004 Jazz and 2012-2014 Brio vehicles, in order to replace the driver’s SRS airbag module. In certain vehicles, the driver’s SRS airbag may deploy with excessive pressure during an accident that could result in the rupture of the airbag inflator canister. Should this happen, the possibility exists that small fragments might enter the passenger compartment potentially causing injury. Honda Motor Southern Africa has had no reported injuries or incidents related to this recall. A small number of Hondas in South Africa are potentially affected with 481 Jazz 2004 model year and 536 Brio 2012 to 2014 model year. As a precautionary measure, owners of affected vehicles will be contacted by Honda Motor Southern Africa requesting them to make an appointment with their Honda dealer for replacement of the airbag module. Recall repairs began within the second week of December 2014. 40

Customers can also access the Honda website at or email or contact +27 (0)31 000 0473 to verify if their vehicle is affected.



The Colad Film 4 Booth plastic coating is both transparent and easy to install. It is designed to last for up to 12 months as it has four peel off layers of material that are self adhesive in design.


COLAD FILM 4 BOOTH SYSTEM f you are looking for an answer to keeping your spraybooth in pristine condition at all times, you can now take an option on hygiene with Colad’s latest Film 4 Booth wall protection system that lasts 12 months. It’s easy to apply as it comes with a special application kit foil dispenser for an expert installation every time and is combined with a special edge tape that is also transparent. This enables excellent adhesion in hard to reach areas of the booth. Regular spraybooth maintenance can be kept in check for around a year with the Film 4 Booth layer clear plastic. The selfadhesive material is designed to last for around three months per layer or 250 spraybooth cycles on average. It is then a simple


The Film 4 Booth application keeps the clear plastic in place during installation in the spraybooth.


matter of peeling off a layer of plastic to reveal the next protective layer of foil. The foil also adheres to both window and lighting areas of a spraybooth. The edge tape has a highly adhesive backing that can also assist on clear surfaces to see no reduction in lighting in a spraybooth. The Maroun’s Group is the sole importers of the Film 4 Booth system and have the components to make the system a viable alternative to a wet spraybooth coating package. It’s easy to apply and has been researched and developed by Colad products in the Netherlands. For more information call the Maroun’s Group on +27 (0)11 216 0600 or visit

Combined with transparent edge tape, the self adhesive plastic bonds extremely well to wall areas.

The applicator from Colad holds the full width of the Film 4 Booth material for ease of application.


Marouns Johannesburg: (011) 216 0600 Marouns Bloemfontein: Marouns Midrand: (011) 312 2767 Cape Paint & Panel: Marouns Benoni: (011) 420 2700 Intercity Springs: Marouns Vereeniging: (016) 455 4423 Intercity Pretoria: Marouns Durban: (031) 208 3221 w w w . m a r o u n s g r o u p . c o . z a

(051) 430 0960 (021) 510 8250 (011) 815 4433 (012) 327 6133

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Telephone: +27(0)11 452-0875 / +27(0)79 206-7881 / Fax: +27(0)11 452-8372 Tyrone: +27(0)82 856-1200 Aki: +27(0)84 889-7014 / Email: Website:




Stanley Anderson (left) and Wade Griffin looking at the localised H100 bakkie at the Benoni Plant.


he Commercial Vehicles Division of Hyundai Automotive South Africa has begun production of the popular H100 Bakkie from its assembly plant in Benoni on the East Rand – little more than six months after the factory was opened in September 2014 for the initial production of the HD truck range. H100 Bakkies assembled from components imported from South Korea are now produced daily for the commercial market in South Africa – creating value for Hyundai Automotive SA’s customers and increasing jobs for local factory workers. “The establishment of the H100 production line forms part of a capital investment of about R110 million in the Commercial Vehicles Division of Hyundai in South Africa. There are financial rewards for us, but one of the important benefits of this extension of our SKD production is job creation and the testimony that it bears of Hyundai’s commitment to the local automotive market,” says Wade Griffin, director for commercial vehicles at Hyundai Automotive SA. One of the reasons why the 1.3 ton H100 – or the ‘Bakkie’, as it is known in South Africa – was considered for local assembly is because it is one of the most successful vehicles in the local model range of Hyundai Automotive South Africa. The H100 has operated


worldwide under some of the toughest working conditions, and has elevated the Hyundai workhorse to a position amongst the toughest light commercial vehicles available today – and rightfully so. “Close to 60 000 of the H100 Bakkies have been sold since Hyundai Automotive SA started operating in the year 2000, and it has become a workhorse for many smaller as well as large, established businesses and organisations in South Africa. It is also the perfect all-round vehicle for a small family business, with a proven track record of reliability.” Griffin says no one should have any qualms about the quality and durability of locally produced Bakkies: A full-time quality control engineer does duty at the assembly plant, and Hyundai Motor Company has sent a team of five engineers to South Africa in February to oversee quality control procedures and to train and upskill the local workforce at the factory. Assembly of the second batch of 60 H100 units has already started on the production line in the Apex, Benoni, factory with the aim of rolling out 360 Bakkies per month when full production is reached about September this year. Components of the H100, such as the engine, cabin, seats, tyres and different suspension elements of the ladder-frame chassis of the Bakkie, arrive in South Africa in containers – packed economically and reducing the freight costs associated with the importation of a fully built-up unit. “This second phase of SKD assembly at the Apex plant has increased the number of employees on the site to a total of 51, with further potential growth of the factory’s workforce. If one considers the indirect effect at an average ratio of 7 to 1 that the employment of a single worker has on those that he or she supports, then the establishment of the assembly has already touched the lives of about 370 people,” says Griffin. As is the case with the HD trucks being produced in the assembly plant since last year, several applications and permutations are possible due to customised fitment of different load boxes and canopies on the H100’s sturdy frame. One of the popular solutions is the Hyundai H100 canopies, manufactured by Beekman, an Imperial subsidiary, that are designed to keep cargo protected from the elements as they are weather, fade and water resistant. The high-quality canopy also features a lockable rear door that keeps your cargo safe from theft and intruders. The canopy comes in three separate styles – the half door, full door or nose cone/space saver – there is one for your business, no matter what the requirements. 43

DID YOU HEAR? by Roger McCleery

xperts in the motor industry or close to it all predict that 2015 is going to be pretty much the same as 2014. The market will be flat with possibly a small increase of passenger car sales up to 450 000. This is all dependent of course on Eskom strikes, increase in fuel prices and anything else the Government can do to milk the motor industry and run the economy into the ground. The motor industry is certainly keeping its side of the bargain by putting a lot of money into marketing, sales, service and training people to keep the country rolling along. Imperial Holdings believes that the surest way to ensure safer roads during peak seasons is through visible policing. As a result through their Europcar Car Company they have provided the N3 and N1/N4 with support vehicles to help with monitoring. Basically, says Niki Cronje, Group Marketing at Imperial when a driver sees a patrol vehicle, he or she automatically adjusts their driving behaviour to slow down or obey the rules. Where they have done this in the past, fatalities have dropped by more than 50% on those particular routes. The all-new Opel Mokka, Opel’s first ever sub-compact SUV for South Africa debuted in March. It has already sold 250 000 units in Europe and is the third of the “new Germans” from Opel to be launched here in three months. First came the Adam that has been a hit, then the new Corsa, which is another German model with performance, quality and great economy. Now the new Mokka with its 1.4 litre turbo-charged Ecotec petrol engine does duty on all four models. The motor offers 104kW of power and 200Nm of torque that makes for a fairly brisk unit, when needed. Pricing starts at R288 500 up to R335 000 for the range-topping Cosmo Automatic. Close on their tail comes Ford with their new Ford Focus with a new sleek design and the new bold face of Ford plus a redesigned interior. Two engine options are offered. A one litre Ecoboost and a 1.5 litre Ecoboost, both award-winning engines for the last couple of years. The one litre engine pushes out 92kW can you believe, and the 1.5 – 132kW. Both have loads of torque for pulling up just about any hill in top gear. Ford Focus has sold just short of 13 million units since introduction in 2009, making it the biggest selling nameplate, as far as motor vehicles go in the world. Launches have come fast and furious this year. More mighty machines from BMW arrived in the shape of the 2-series Coupe and a new X5 and X6 SUV. With an “M” attached to the model number, they all come with performance, serious performance. The big X5 and X6 do 0–100km/h in just four seconds with the two litre and three litre 220, 228 and 235 equally brisk in their class. They sport either eight-speed auto or six-speed manual transmissions. The “M” division of BMW locally has done well selling 45 000 units last year in foreign markets, with the majority going to the US, Middle East, Germany and China. South Africa sold 590 to show we appreciate performance and everything that goes with it. The big SUV Sport has a 4.4 litre V8 engine. As I say, they are mighty machines on road or track if you prefer. The X5 and X6 sells for R1.643m to R1.676m. The 2 Series from R486 500 to R663 000 for the automatic 235M. Renault has also been doing great things in the marketplace. Their three volume sellers, the Sandero, the Clio and the Duster took their collective market share in 2014 up 45%. They have also just released a new Renault Megane RS that is dynamite. Boasting outstanding roadholding, acceleration, brakes, handling and aerodynamics, and with a big street cred, make it anong the best pocket rockets found in the marketplace right now. Car of the Year in Europe in 2014, the Peugeot 318 has hit our shores. It is as good as they say with great looks, great finish, punchy engines, and lots of economy and ease of driving. This French company has made a huge come-back in Europe and China and is now clawing its way back here with a great offering of models, while servicing and parts have now improved 100% to back up their claims. Worth a look. Mazda 3 was crowned the Best Hatchback of the Year by the Wheels Car of the Year Awards 2015 in Dubai. It is an important market for Mazda as Wheels Car of the Year is Australia’s most prized Car of the Year. Mazda 3 has now got 130 International awards to its credit, making it one of the most popular vehicles on



Boltstop Racing is all about developing our future superbike racers in SA. By investing in our youth at an early age through Boltstop Racing. They groom them to become international riders, but strive to transfer knowledge, positive values and life skills to their riders in order for them to become well balanced adults as they mature. The team is sponsored by Henkel-Teroson products.

the road today. The Mazda 2 is following in its footsteps with another winner launched on the Garden Route. On a technical note, some Mazda 6 vehicles have been recalled to check on the passenger side airbag. There have been no recorded instances of an airbag deploying on its own but the airbag on some other makes of cars fitted with the same airbags have had three reported instances of a defect. So all Mazda owners in South Africa be sure to get to your nearest dealer to check it out. No panic. Bridgestone offers you tyre pressure monitoring tips. If you change over from a normal tyre to a run-flat for the obvious advantages that it provides, you must fit a tyre pressure monitoring system. If your run-flat tyre does get a puncture, you won’t be aware of it as very often run-flat tyres don’t indicate any change in handling. You have been warned. LiquiMoly has appointed the current GM for the brand in South Africa, Melisha Labuschagne as the new Director of South African operations. She has been with them now for eight years and has made LiquiMoly a very recognisable brand in the country. Celebrating motoring excellence with a hat-trick of wins, Porsche scooped the title of the 2015 WesBank South African Guild of Motoring Journalists Car of the Year when the Macan S Diesel took top spot. There were 11 strong finalists in the line-up who could have all won this title, the points were that close. Besides the 2015 WesBank title, Macan has also collected several International awards including SUV Winner at the Canadian Car of the Year, Auto Express Best Compact SUV and Car and Drivers Editor’s Choice in Compact Luxury and Compact Performance SUV categories. Hailed by motoring journalists across the globe as one of the best SUV’s ever built. The Macan S Diesel is a compact muscular car that received the highest average score from the 28 SA Guild of Motoring Journalists jury members who were tasked with selecting this year’s winner. The local COTY competition is sponsored by WesBank, Hollard Insurance and Motul Oil Supply who all added their support. Vehicle sales for 2014 were announced with the Toyota Hilux selling 37 562. Not many countries can boast a bakkie as its top seller but this is bakkie country. Ford Ranger was second with 28 734 with the Polo Hatch Vivo 26 695 and the Polo Hatch 25 737. Then came the Toyota Etios (18 661), Nissan NP200 (17 412), Chev Utility (15 933), Isuzu KB Bakkie (15 494) and Toyota Quantum (14 369). 10th was the Mercedes C-Class (13 998) – newly launched onto the market. The Formula 1 Grand Prix scene came alive at the second round of the 2015 championship. After the boring, disastrous, Australian Grand Prix that opened the season, which had 15 starters and only 11 finishers it was at least racing at last in Malaysia. Vettel giving Ferrari its debut win in the new car with the hi-tech turbo engine going down well with the crowd. Let’s hope this is the start of a big comeback by Ferrari under its new manager. Kimi Raikkonen finishing fourth from the back of the field revealed, as Rosberg said, “The game is definitely on.” The result, if you didn’t


Listen to Ro ger McC leery every Tuesday o n Radio To day (1485 A M) at17h30 fo r everything abo ut SA mo to ring.

know it, was Vettel (Ferrari), Hamilton (Mercedes), Rosberg (Mercedes), Raikkonen (Ferrari). Round 1 of the Donaldson Cross Country championship run in Harrismith on a very tough, muddy course was won by Leeroy Poulter and Rob Howie of Dakar fame, 11 minutes ahead of the Ford Ranger of Lance Woolridge and Ward Huxtable. Reigning South African Champions, Anthony Taylor and Denis Murphy, also in a Castrol Toyota Hilux like the winners, qualified first. Leading on the first lap they found locked gates, had no driver-to-co-driver communication and then got stuck in a mud-hole and finally broke a driveshaft. Two Northwest youngsters, Jason Venter and Vince van Allemann in a 4x4 Megaworld Toyota Hilux came home in fourth spot after moving ahead of former South African champions, Chris Visser and Jaco Badenhorst in the second of the works Rangers, who of all things had a malfunctioning windscreen washer. Venter and Van Allemann got a free Dakar entry for 2016 for their efforts. The special vehicle class was won by another former South African champion Evan Hutchinson and Danie Stassen of rally fame, who hails from Mpumalanga. They were in a Motorite Bat. New plans for the Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit were revealed by Toby Venter recently when Steve Koterba hosted the iconic legends of South African motorsport from 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s at his Chequered Flag Museum in Benoni. This collection boasts cars and motorcycles, posters and models and photographs that I am sure will never be equalled. Among the guests were Basil van Rooyen who came from, Australia, Michael Briggs, Sarel van der Merwe, Jam Hettema, Arnold Chatz, Basil Green and motorcyclist Keith Zeeman and Fast Freddie van Niekerk, plus from Moto-X fraternity the Larney brothers and Wayne Smith. About 200 people attended a most enjoyable function that went on until the early hours of the next day. The racing Academy is all about developing our future superbike racers of S.A. By investing in our youth at an early age through Boltstop Racing. They not only groom them to become international riders, but strive to transfer knowledge, positive values and life skills to our riders in order for them to become well balanced adults as they mature. There is international coach Joey Litjens to host a training camp for the children, once a year. This is organised via Neil Harran from SAMRA. Neil coaches the little ones in the NSF 100, where they then progress to the 150's and 250's. Short Circuit trains the kids to think quick as there is not a lot of room for overtaking on circuit, and the short circuit provides great training ground for them. There are currently about 20 or so riders on short circuit, ranging from the NSF 100's with Neil Harran along to the 150's and 250's. Boltstop Racing, consists of four children racing in Northern regions and Moto SA Short Circuit. We have a few sponsors which aid in our racing: Boltstop, FEW, King Tony, Hi-Tech Tooling & Engineering Supplies, various sponsors from Bantam, including Loctite and WD40 along with Elf Oil. Their children range from 10 years old to 17 years of age. Savannah Woodward, Deegan Claassens and C.J. Hackart all ride Honda 150's, and Riccardo Pultrone a Kawasaki 250.


The compact Korek HD floor frame features a double layer ground frame for robust performance and easy set-up. The flexible tower assemblies are highly mobile. It offers extended cab tower pulls with traction pulls of 20 tons per basic tower. The towers are simple to fix as they operate on rollers and are fixed to the HD Korek frame by four wedges with three main stands on offer. This is coupled to 30 ton composition hydraulic sets. The options for a perfect chassis cab and frame straightening job are endless as well as painless. As far as speed of output and profitability are concerned, the HD Korek offers major profitability at a reasonable entry level cost. It is ideal for both CV repairers and large fleet operators as an investment in Truck repair.

47 43



oyota and Nissan both announced that they would recall a total of 6.5 million vehicles around the world in the latest chapter of an exploding airbag crisis that’s linked to several deaths. Toyota said its recall of five million vehicles affected 35 models globally, produced between 2003 and 2007, while Nissan said it was calling back 1.56 million vehicles also due to faulty airbags made by embattled supplier Takata. Toyota and Nissan said there were no reports of deaths or injuries linked to this latest recall, while a Nissan spokesman said that the explosion risk was among a range of problems seen in the defective airbags. Toyota said it had been conducting various ongoing investigations into Takata-produced airbag inflators and certain types were found to have a potential for moisture intrusion over time, possibly leading to abnormal deployment in a crash. Takata has said the defect surfaces mainly in humid, hotter regions and has resisted US authorities’ call for a national recall of cars with its airbags.

Over 200 000 Toyotas are affected in South Africa, including the RunX and Corolla from the last decade along with four other models.

SA Cars Affected As for the local implications of this latest recall, Toyota South Africa said it would replace the airbag inflators in Corolla RunX and Yaris models produced between 2002 and 2007 and in Rav4, Hilux and Fortuners made between July 2003 and December 2005. Toyota says that 224 006 South African vehicles are affected and that the recall will get underway as soon as all the required

Ongoing Saga This latest recall comes after some 20 million vehicles from various carmakers, including GM and Honda, were recalled over the risk that their Takata airbags could improperly inflate and rupture, potentially firing deadly shrapnel at occupants. At least five deaths have been linked to the defect, with one in the US initially investigated as a murder due to the woman’s grizzly injuries.


components are available at local dealerships. At this point, affected owners would be notified, according to the TSA’s official statement. The procedure is expected to take between one and two hours and, of course, owners won’t pay a cent. If you think your car might be affected, write down the VIN number and log onto Toyota’s website or contact the call centre on 0800 139 111. Nissan South Africa has confirmed that certain previous generation Almeras could be affected and that it is currently working with its dealers to promptly address the issue. Nissan also stated that owners would be notified in June and that the campaign would come at no cost to owners.


CNN HIGHLIGHT POOR INSURANCE BEHAVIOUR IN THE US he Anderson Cooper Show on CNN revealed what really happens to consumers when they have an accident, file a claim and then get steered to their insurance companies’ preferred repair facilities. The episode aired as part of the coverage that included the litigation currently going on in federal court in Orlando, Fla., where collision repair facilities from multiple states are suing insurers for antitrust violations, steering, price fixing and more. According to John Mosley, owner of Clinton Body Shop in Clinton, Mississippi and one of the litigants in the federal suit, CNN filmed for three days yet the report may not last 10 minutes. “I know CNN has been under pressure from some of the largest insurers to not run this story,” said Mosley. “I hope they don’t water it down and let the facts be reported. I know their producer, Scott Bronstein, is seeking a fair and accurate report. We will see soon enough.” Mosley says CNN’s crew examined two poorly repaired vehicles and interviewed several people including Louisiana and Mississippi’s attorneys-general and lead attorney John Eaves Jr. “They got the background on what has brought about the litigation, including the Louisiana AG’s suit,” said Mosley. “They interviewed the owner of the vehicle at our shop and myself as well.



They saw and got a good understanding of what’s happening as a result of the direct repair programmes and the effect these programmes are having on consumer safety. This problem is an industry-wide problem, and shops are as much to blame as the insurance industry. This would all stop if shops refused to participate in any programme or repair that doesn’t benefit the consumer. “What I hope happens is consumers are made aware that they need to ask questions, get references and educate themselves before handing over their keys to a repair shop. I also hope the insurance industry realises the system is broken and there has to be a concerted effort to re-evaluate the way claims are handled and repairs are made. The focus has to be on training for all involved in both industries. The old system of using cheap parts and controlling costs by shortcutting labour procedures needs to be put aside. The litigation could stop, and the consumer would be well served through better training and fair dealing by all.” “CNN looks very closely at the number of hits and comments on their website after they air a story like this, and this one is going to be looked at very closely with all the pressure the insurance industry has tried just to squelch it from airing,” said Tony Passwater, president of the Indiana Auto Body Association.


For more information call +27 (0)11 953 2576 or visit


KAROCLE REFINISH FROM KOREA AVAILABLE IN SA uto Korea is a dealer for Samhwa Paints and sister company of Korean Motor Spares which is the biggest supplier of Korean vehicle parts in Southern Africa. Auto Korea are introducing Samhwa automotive refinish paint “Karocle”, which is a top class vehicle coating product in Korea. Samhwa Paints has been producing world class paints and refinishing products since 1946. The company has about 900 employees that produce high-tech functional paints and continuously strives to achieve excellent products by operating state-of-the-art manufacturing plants equipped with the latest laboratory and manufacturing facilities in the Si-hwa and Tan-cheon Industrial Complex in Korea. Its production capacity of paint is 93 483KL, resin is 27 812 tons per year. With those many years of experience, accumulated technology and added facilities Samhwa has developed a wide range of eco-friendly products from DIY paints to architectural paints, heavy-duty coatings, marine paints and special Industrial coatings, plastic coatings, powder coatings and first-class automotive paints.


With the establishment of a factory in China since 2000, global networks have been growing, and they now have additional factories in Vietnam and Malaysia. With such infrastructure; they archived 500 million U.S. Dollar sales in 2014. Karocle is the brand name of the automotive refinishing paint produced by Samhwa Paints and distributed throughout Southern Africa by Auto Korea, located in Edenvale, Gauteng, South Africa. Karocle has been successfully exported to various overseas countries in Asia, Africa and America, providing world-class services and competitive pricing to all its

customers for the past 15 years. Auto Korea officially launched the Karocle products in December 2014. Karocle has been trial tested and found to be of excellent quality when compared with some of the major approved paint suppliers worldwide. Samhwa Paints, along with Auto Korea, is opening up new borders in the subSaharan African countries. The main objective is to obtain an increased market share and to build trust through product quality brand of products. Offering first class customer service will set Auto Korea on the right path to a successful future.

The Tan-cheon factory in Korea is just one of the Samhwa Paints producing facilities producing Karocle automotive refinish paints for global distribution.






eight-minimising measures courtesy of the BMW EfficientLightweight strategy enable the new BMW 7 Series models to tip the scales up to 130 kilograms lighter than their previous-generation counterparts, despite significant additions to the roster of comfort and safety equipment on board. Acentral element here is the Carbon Core body structure of the luxury sedan. The use of carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) for structural elements of the passenger cell based on hybrid construction with ultra-high-strength steels – such as the B-pillars – increases both the overall strength and the torsional and bending stiffness of the passenger cell. To this end, the configuration of sheet metal elements can be adjusted as required, allowing for a significant reduction in the


CFRP strengthening panels riveted to structural areas for a stronger pillar. 52

weight of the body. The foundations for the Carbon Core body were laid by the transfer of technology from the development of the BMW i models. The next generation of the BMW 7 Series therefore benefits from the BMW Group’s experience and expertise – unequalled by any other carmaker – when it comes to the appropriate use of CFRP in mass-produced vehicles. At the same time it leads the way in exploring new applications for the high-tech material. The new BMW 7 Series is the first car to use industrially manufactured CFRP in its body construction not as a visible material in the outer skin, but in combination with steel, aluminium and plastic. It is also the first car in which the CFRP has been fully integrated into the production process, largely based on a globally unique paint application process. Its Carbon Core is thus also an indicator of how significantly the CFRP technology developed for BMW i models can contribute to the minimisation of a car’s weight as well as its material strength and stiffness. Furthermore, the intelligent material mix encapsulated by the BMW EfficientLightweight strategy includes the carefully calculated use of aluminium and ultra-high-strength steels in the body and chassis. This is complemented by the introduction of innovative, weight-minimising bonding technologies and at-source heat- and soundproofing for the engine, which allow reductions in the overall quantity and therefore the weight of the insulation materials required. As well as the development of ultra-lightweight concepts and an intelligent material mix, the BMW EfficientLightweight approach also drives a systematic process of detail optimisation for all components with the aim of achieving the best possible result for each class of car.


Reinforced Carbon Core. CFRP technology mixed with ultra high strength steel and aluminium systems will possibly build new generation BMWs.

For the new BMW 7 Series this has meant combining the model’s impressive driving dynamics with outstanding comfort. To this end, the engineers have explored innovative new directions in areas such as weight distribution, unsprung masses and acoustic concepts. Unsprung masses have been reduced by as much as 15 per cent over the predecessor models through a focus on lightweight design for the suspension, brakes and wheels. The implementation of an at-source insulation concept and the use of superabsorbers have led to excellent interior acoustics coupled with a reduction in weight. The resulting integrated lightweight design concept also enables the car’s centre of gravity to be lowered still further and weight to be distributed between the two axles at a near-perfect 50:50 ratio. In this way, BMW EfficientLightweight technology does even more to ensure that the next generation of the BMW 7 Series can build on its lead in the area of driving dynamics while also offering outstanding ride and acoustic comfort.

Structure illustrating where CFRP (Carbon Fibre Re-inforced Plastic) and carbon core technology is being used to lighten the new BMW 7 series. Carbon roof struts reduce unsprung mass by almost 15%.




METALUX IN DEMAND t’s a big ask to pioneer a global refinish system – especially one that emanates from KwaZulu Natal but Chemspec have achieved just that. Exports are now achieving high levels of the dependable high quality system across the globe. “The flagship range,”says Jannes Kloppers, head of refinish sales in South Africa, is designed or formulated to perform perfectly every time in the body shop environment. For more than 20 years Chemspec and Metalux have been making body shops more efficient and more profitable, and paint shops more trouble-free than any other car refinish brand. Our recipe has been simple, a complete repair solution, leading colouristics, field support and training, great rewards programmes and a factory-backed, written lifetime warranty programme makes upgrading to Metalux one of the best business decisions one can make. Metalux has the complete repair solution for the body shop. Whether for spot repairs or major repairs, working on plastics or OEM panels, the most efficient, cost-and-



time saving process for each shop is worked out from our extensive, flexible range of primers, clear coats, hardeners and solvents. Truly the perfect and invisible repair for every job, every time. “Our leading colour offering includes not only the acclaimed Professional Colour Selector with more than 12 000 actual painted colour shops, but also the world class Easimix Professional colour retrieval and paint shop management software with over 140 000 colour formulae, not to mention the management functionality aimed at giving the fastest turnaround time and best efficiency through the paint shop. “A team of trade-tested, qualified field support technicians call on all our body shops regularly to ensure they get maximum value out of the Metalux system, and that people and processes are delivering the best efficiency and profitability possible. On-site training and report-back on people and processes give our customers the support they need to make sure their shops are running on all cylinders.

“The innovative Total Mix Rewards (TMR) programme enables our customers to improve profitability even more, and puts cash right back into their pockets on a monthly basis. “Added to all of this is our 4 Lifetime Warranty programme for complete peace of mind and our extensive training programme covering modules from start to finish, tinting, spot repairs and blending and plastic repairs.” For more information on how to upgrade to Metalux, contact our national sales manager Mark Johnson on 082 788 0526.


NEWS FROM THE ZOO - by Roger Houghton


akkies or pick-up trucks, provided basic transport for moving goods in my younger days, but how the situation has changed down the years. I started my career in the SA motor industry in 1968 at the then-new Chrysler SA factory in Silverton, Pretoria (now the home of Ford SA) and one of the staples on the production line – besides the top-selling Valiant sedan – was the Dodge D-Series pick-up, with most of them going to government departments or farmers. However, a mini-revolution was underway in Rosslyn and Durban, with two relatively new arrivals – Datsun and Toyota – launching one-ton bakkies that were far smaller in all respects than the ¾-ton US-sourced Dodges, Fords, Chevrolets and GMCs. Soon the American juggernauts were dinosaurs and disappeared from the local scene, although there were still the large, sedan-based Ford Ranchero, Valiant Rustler and Chev El Camino for those who wanted to brag that “mine is bigger than yours” to the owners of the increasingly popular bakkies from Japan. Over the years these bigger bakkies have been phased out and now the bakkie brigade has a plethora of Japanese, German and Chinese models from which to choose. Over the years the size and equipment levels of these bakkies have grown and improved and top models are like luxury cars in terms of quality levels. But until now none of the premium brands have deigned to put their name on a pick-up truck in the local market. However, this is due to change in the next few years with the announcement that Mercedes-Benz plans to launch its first one-ton pick-up by 2020, targeting sales in SA, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America and Europe. Now that they have made this radical announcement can bakkies bearing the Audi and BMW nameplates be far behind as these three fight for supremacy in the premium market? (Audi has the advantage that it can easily develop an up-market version of the VW Amarok and stick the four-ring badge on it. The Audi development team is probably busying itself with this project as I write!) Now the international rumour mill has it that the Mercedes-Benz (MB) bakkie will not be a “true” MB product, but a reworked Nissan Navara. The reason is that Daimler has a partnership with the Renault-Nissan alliance which includes cooperation on engines, joint development of the Smart For-Two and Renault Twingo minicars and for Nissan to supply Daimler’s Japanese Fuso Truck and Bus unit with its NV350 panelvan and people-mover. This could possibly mean that the MB bakkie, which still has to be given a model designation, could be built in Rosslyn alongside the new Nissan Navara, which is slated for local production in the second



half of 2017 with a significant percentage of the production aiming at export markets. Now that SUVs are so popular the addition of a premiumbadged pick-up truck will open a new front in the battle for supremacy between the three German premium brands, where MB is currently lying third. Audi is challenging BMW for leadership but MB has ambitions of gaining top spot itself so we can expect a further proliferation of model offerings as they continue trying to fill niche markets that are becoming increasingly difficult to identify. I am most certainly not a bakkie-lover, but there are bakkies for personal transport to be found within my family – and so do thousands of other South Africans, while in the US the popularity of those huge bakkies makes them the best-selling vehicle model ranges in the world! Sticking the three-pointed star on the nose of a bakkie will increase its status, particularly in SA, but I am happy to drive around in my SUV and certainly will not be tempted to drive around with a usually empty loadbox behind my passenger compartment. Now to another topic. This is the Wesbank/SA Guild of Motoring Journalists’ Car of the Year competition where I was a judge for the first time and which once again proved somewhat controversial with Porsche taking the laurels for the third year in a row. Although this was the first year that I had been a judge in the competition, I have been involved in some way or another in virtually all the vehicle evaluation events since the first COTY in 1986, and I also selected the Macan as the deserving winner in terms of overall motoring excellence. It is by far the most relevant Porsche to have won this coveted award. I believe the Boxster and Cayman S are outstanding cars, but niche models with little relevance to the man-in-the-street motorist, while the Macan is outselling its direct opposition and had the lowest percentage in terms of the price of a basket of replacement parts and the price of the car at 16%. The Porsche Macan S Diesel faced stiff competition in the 11strong finalist line-up that represented the best-of-the-best from a cross-section of segments and price points, making it one of the most hotly contested events in the competition’s 30-year history where each model is compared with rivals in its segment and not with the other finalists. For the record I selected the Toyota Corolla, which offers exceptional value-for-money, as runner-up with the C-Class in third place; each of the top three was only separated by one point.





or the first time in South Africa, Leaderquip Auto Services displayed the complete 6 Point Quick Check System of Hunter Engineering Company, U.S.A. The Quick Check System can identify repair opportunities in 2:58 minutes. The 6 Point check focuses on: Stopping Check l Wheels are tested individually l Tests brake force at each wheel and overall vehicle deceleration Hunter’s brake performance tester provides a real-life evaluation of a vehicle’s stopping capability in seconds! No need to lift the vehicle or remove the wheels. The brake tester measures the timing, force and balance of the brake system in 0:08 seconds. This is much faster than a visual inspection and it accurately measures the vehicle as it would perform in a real-life situation on the road. It will also contribute extensively to road safety, as approximately 12% of vehicles tested will show braking failure at one or more wheels. Emissions Check l Retrieves emission codes l Wirelessly transfers important vehicle information to console Hunter’s CodeLink for Quick Check connects directly to a vehicle OBD-II port to retrieve important information concerning emission control components and vehicle identification number (VIN) in approximately 10 seconds. It automatically retrieves the VIN, detects check engine light status, retrieves diagnostic trouble codes, checks emission monitor status and allows for entry of mileage and tyre pressure specs into the system. It is compatible with most OBD-II vehicles (1996 or newer), with wireless communication with the console. A general diagnostic system review is provided for customers. It is interesting to note that approximately 10% of all vehicles drive around with a check engine light on.

Tel: 011 425 4062 Franz: 082 463 6284 Email: 1 Madeley Street, Rynfield, Benoni 58

Battery health l Tests batteries to OEM specs l Sends results to console wirelessly in 10 seconds Over 10% of vehicles have a batteryrelated issue. Hunter’s battery health test measures a battery’s ability to carry electric current in about 20 seconds! A low-current test signal is used to prevent possible damage to sensitive electronic components. Tyre Pressure l Automatically adjusts air pressure to user-entered OEM spec l Records before and after pressures Hunter’s Integrated Tyre Inflation system will automatically inflate all four tyres simultaneously. Time is saved by eliminating repeated manual pressure checks. Corrected tyre pressures are recorded on the customer’s printout. Tyre Health l Quick and easy tyre wear check l Conditions transmitted to console automatically In about 30 seconds, Hunter’s patented tread depth gauge provides a quick and easy assessment of tyre conditions. Tread depth results are automatically sent to the console and graphically shown on the customer printout. The tread depth printout shows pass / fail results for the percentage of the tread depth remaining and the general condition of the tyres. Over 20% of vehicles have one or more tyres in need of

Supercure Spraybooth Rail System

replacement. Wheel Alignment l Fast verification of alignment needs l Boost traffic to most profitable undercar service Hunter’s patented alignment check system is the quickest way to measure alignment angles that affect tyre life. The test takes less than a minute to produce total toe and camber measurements for both axles. With this facility, every vehicle that enters the shop can be checked, without tying up the wheel alignment bay. Alignment sales will increase dramatically, as approximately 60% of all vehicles on the road are out of alignment. At the end of the 6 Point Quick Check, a comprehensive easy-to-understand printout with colour-coded graphics is generated to use when discussing the diagnosis with the customer. A separate print-out with more technical details is generated for the technician’s use. The Quick Check System with its 6 Point Check facility generates multiple opportunities for an enterprising business entrepreneur to dramatically increase sales of service and wheel alignments, as well as tyres, batteries and brake components. The Quick Check System also offers dozens of installation possibilities, with configurations for every individual shop. For more information contact Leaderquip on 086 000 2010 Toll Free or visit

Procure Mobile Infra-Red

Hotbox Colour Matching Dryer With Timer AUTOMOTIVE R E F I N I S H E R


APC STORAGE SOLUTIONS PC Storage Solutions recently completed a turnkey storage solution installation for a new 7500m2 national parts distribution centre to be used by a large Japanese motor vehicle manufacturer in Midrand, Gauteng. The tailored solution had to replicate the company’s strict global logistics standards and procedures for the storing and distribution of its automobile replacement parts, and be completed within just 26 days. “While the new warehouse had to comply with stringent design and safety parameters in terms of how each product type is stowed, we were still able to suggest and implement certain customised stowage procedures to tailor the solution to the unique requirements of the South African operation,” explains Fred Albrecht, managing director, APC Storage Solutions SA. The inventory, which consists of the complete range of automobile parts and accessories for distribution to all local dealerships and service centres, is shipped regularly from Japan in special containers that are then divided into large parts and airbags, each being catered for with item-specific storage solution. The 4200m2 large parts area was fitted with 11 rows of customised conventional pallet racking all barring one of which is back-to-back, with wooden decking on each level designed to carry maximum loads of 600kg. The racks have a maximum length of 39 metres and consist of five levels giving a total height of nine metres. Specialised dividers were manufactured and installed to support


the various part dimensions and a unique in-rack sprinkler system in line with ASOP safety standards was installed to protect the stock in the unlikely event of a fire. The small parts area of 750 m2 is a two-tier mezzanine system for maximum utility of available floor space. Connected via a gangway system, this section was fitted with Simplos shelving and also houses the high value stock in a dedicated area that is fenced off and access controlled. 25 000 specialised, variously-sized cardboard storage boxes and barcodes were designed, manufactured and installed for both the large and small parts areas for a more effective inventory management, with the entire warehouse run by a state-of-the-art warehouse management system that identifies the correct logistics for each product item. APC Storage Solutions SA also custom-designed a separate conventional pallet racking and shelving system to store the highly pressure-sensitive airbags, which in the event of accidental detonation, can shoot up to 160 metres to pose a significant safety hazard. “When we received the purchase order at the end of February 2014 with an instruction to be complete by May 1, the warehouse wasn’t even erected yet,” Albrecht explains. “Once construction commenced, our ability to act quickly and flexibly, as a singlesource solutions provider, set us apart from our competitors.”




olling out a new development for Collision Repair Co-Operative (CRC) members recently was the announcement of a preferred supplier for the car refinish Sikkens. They are expanding their position in supply chain management at the CRC with a new strategic partnership. Sikkens, who have been present in the local market for some two decades recently opened up with a new local distribution company called Allied Paint Solutions. Company director Fabio Vitale is upbeat about the new venture saying that globally Sikkens have a number of very successful network arrangements. The new operation with specialised logistic infrastructure is already in place and will drive the new network with the CRC going forwards. Joseph Guiro, regional sales manager and Heinz Piskey, the regional vehicle refinish director were on hand at the announcement made at the CRC head office in SandtonFourways. The Sikkens operation will be based in Linbro Park and you can call Allied Paint Solutions on 082 336 6577 or +27 (0)12 940 0381 for further information on the Sikkens Akzo-Nobel initiative.



FUTURE TECH CURRENT AFFAIRS - by Andrew Hooker, Thatcham

ybrid powertrains and battery electric vehicles are becoming a more common sight on the roads. Battery electric vehicle sales vary from country to country, the Tesla Model S has been the highest selling car in Norway, but whilst 120 000 electric car sales make headlines in the US, that figure is hardly industry-changing in a market where more than 16 million cars are sold annually. However, repairers cannot afford to ignore the electrification of powertrains as they could be faced with a battery electric vehicle at any time, and hybrid powertrains are also quietly on the increase. Engineering a vehicle for a hybrid powertrain, and developing the battery and electric motor themselves, used to be a significant challenge, but as the demands for reduced emissions in so many parts of the world have forced vehicle manufacturers to improve vehicle efficiency, long-term strategies have emerged. Manufacturers have been able to re-map the ignition on a large number of conventional engines, with emissions reducing and fuel efficiency improving as a result. But for many, this isn’t enough to improve efficiency to the required levels. Many vehicle manufacturer strategies are including hybrid powertrain options from the outset. The VW and Audi MQB platform set and the BMW platform set that underpins the 1 series to the 4 series have been developed for easier integration of electrified powertrains. In the case of the MQB we have already seen petrol models, hybrid models, battery electric models, diesel models, compressed natural gas models, whilst hydrogen fuel models are currently being tested. Both of these platform sets have floor sections engineered to accommodate a battery pack safely, and chassis rails engineered with consistent mounts and dimensions to accept a wide range of engines or electric motors. Nor are they alone, as each new platform set emerging from different vehicle manufacturers seems to include a preplanning for greater flexibility. The Toyota Prius, perhaps the best-known hybrid, features a 60kW electric motor powered by a NiMH battery pack to support the 1.8 litre petrol engine. The Honda CR-Z is similar, as are various other vehicles. The Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV (Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle) is a bit different. This features a 2.0 MIVEC engine driving the front wheels, supported by a 60kW electric motor powered by a 12kW lithium-ion battery that, as the name implies, can be additionally charged by plugging in when not in use. But it also features another 60kW electric motor driving the rear axle, so becomes effectively an electric 4WD. This latter configuration is similar to the Volvo V60 Plug-In Hybrid that features a 2.4 turbodiesel driving the front wheels, and a 70hp electric motor driving the rear wheels as required. This combined drive, with both axles being driven by the ICE, or by an electric motor, or by both, gives many advantages. This type of vehicle can ‘save’ electrical energy and drive a conventional petrol or diesel until entering a low-emission zone in a city centre, for example. Conversely, should the user only drive short journeys locally, they can drive on electric power only, re-charging between journeys to avoid the need to use any petrol/diesel. And, of course, the two can combine for 4WD with both axles being driven. This last drive option can be more efficient and effective as the vehicle traction control and stability programmes can continuously adjust the output of the electric motors to provide the power as required, without compromising stability. The repairer needs to be very aware that more and more model ranges are being engineered with hybrid powertrains and we must assume with a smashed vehicle that there may be higher voltage components that may well require ‘making safe’ prior to a repair, and may require reinstatement after the repair. The battery pack temperature is critical (keep this in mind in the paint booth), and the pack requires isolation prior to welding, failure to do so or using a ‘bridging device’ can go horribly wrong and get very expensive very quickly. Removal and refitting of a gearbox with an electric motor can also present a risk of the vehicle moving as the motor (which is obviously magnetic) aligns itself when a current is connected. What does the future hold? It is likely that we shall see many more front-wheel drive models receiving electric motors to drive the rear



axle, or vice versa. This makes packaging all the components much simpler, and the 4WD capabilities will be popular with the marketing department as it’s likely to be popular with customers and therefore a benefit that can sell cars. Engines will continue to reduce in size, though gain in output proportionately, and battery energydensity (how much energy is stored by their size) will improve significantly over the next 10 years. Electrified powertrains are here to stay, in one form or another. If your workshop and mechanics cannot yet handle high-energy powertrains, it may be very worthwhile you considering what training is available, and equipping yourself with appropriate tools and equipment. Incorrect handling could be expensive but, more importantly it could kill.



SATA FILTER TIMER - SAFETY AT THE PUSH OF A BUTTON rofessional paint application requires 100% technically clean compressed air. To ensure this, many paint shops today applying waterborne paints and supplying the breathing protection equipment of their painters with clean air are already employing the SATA filter 484 system. In addition to a cyclone separator with sintered filter and a fine filter stage, this three-stage filter regulator unit is also equipped with an activated charcoal filter to efficiently remove ultra-fine particles and oil vapours. In order to maintain the efficiency of the filter regulator however, the unit must be regularly maintained, thus avoiding coating flaws and other quality issues – and eventually expensive rework. The regular replacement of saturated filter cartridges is of course equally essential when working with air-supplied breathing protection, in order to preserve the health of the painters. To remind users to exchange exhausted filter elements regularly, from now on all SATA filter regulator units will be supplied with a set of SATA filter timers. Using the SATA filter timer is extremely easy: When a new filter regulator unit is installed, each filter timer must be activated by pressing the button to “start� the servicing interval of the respective filter stage. Over time, the display window will gradually turn to red, indicating the passing of time and servicing as a guide to the measure of filter saturation. Whenever a window has completely changed to red, the concerned filter cartridge needs to be replaced. In line with the two different recommended replacement intervals of approximately three or six months respectively, there will be two filter timer versions available. Additionally, the exchange filter cartridges will be also supplied with SATA filter timers that have to be inserted in the self-adhesive holders on the filter canisters and activated once maintenance is completed. This ensures that recommended changes will be indicated ahead of time prior to the filter cartridges having reached saturation levels. The maintenance and service instructions of SATA filter regulator units must be observed.





he Motor Company has reviewed the current state of its work on autonomous vehicles and driver assist systems. The company also detailed a “Smart Mobility” plan and announced 25 mobility experiments around the world designed to test new ideas and address growing or increasing transportation challenges. According to the company, insights gained will shape Ford’s future investments. Among the experiments is one on data-driven insurance that will take place in London. “Ford highlighted the current driver assist systems it has available in its vehicles to provide “semi-autonomous” vehicles that use software and sensors to steer into both parallel and perpendicular parking spaces, adjust speed based on traffic flow or apply the brakes in an emergency,” said Raj Nair, Ford chief technical officer and group vice president, global product development. “There will be a Ford autonomous vehicle in the future, and we take putting one on the road very seriously. “Ford’s semi-autonomous vehicle features available today include lane-keeping assist, adaptive cruise control, Pre-collision Assist with Pedestrian Detection and active park assist, with Traffic Jam Assist coming. According to the company, a fully autonomous Ford Fusion Hybrid research vehicle is undergoing road testing. The vehicle uses the same semi-autonomous Ford vehicles today, while adding four LDAR sensors to generate a real-time 3D map of the surrounding environment. The vehicle can sense objects around it using the LDAR sensors, and uses advanced algorithms to help it learn to predict where vehicles and pedestrians might move. “Our priority is not in making marketing claims or being in a race for the first autonomous car on the road,” said Ford President and CEO Mark Fields. “Our priority is in making the first Ford autonomous vehicle accessible to the masses and truly enhancing customers’ lives.” “Henry Ford taught us long ago that a good business makes excellent products and earns a healthy return,” Fields added. “A great business does all that while creating a better world. That is what continues to drive us each day.” The first steps for Ford Smart Mobility are 25 experiments, eight


in North America, nine in Europe and Africa, seven in Asia and one is South America. Each experiment is designed to anticipate what customers will want and need in tomorrow’s transportation econosystem. “We see a world where vehicles talk to one another, drivers and vehicles communicate with the city infrastructure to relieve congestion, and people routinely share vehicles or multiple forms of transportation for their daily commute,” Fields said. “The experiments we’re undertaking today will lead to an all-new model of transportation and mobility within the next 10 years and beyond.” The 25 experiments address four global megatrends, explosive population growth, an expanding middle class, air quality and public health concerns, and changing customer attitudes and priorities, challenging today’s transportation model and limiting personal mobility, especially in urban areas. 14 of the 25 experiments are Ford-led research projects and 11 are part of the company’s innovate Mobility Challenge Series. The experiments include: Bid Data Drive: Dearborn Michigan Fleet insights: United States Data Driven Insurance: London Remote Repositioning: Atlanta City Driving On-Demand: London Dynamic Social Shuttle: New York, London Car Swap : Dearborn: Michigan Ford Carsharing: Germany Share-Car: Bangalore, India Rapid Recharge & Share: Dearborn, Michigan Data-Driven Healthcare: The Gambia, West Africa Parking Spotter: Atlanta Info Cycle: Palo Alto, California Painless Parking: London The Data-Driven insurance experiment will study a driver’s behaviour over time in order to build a more personalised mobility profile. The goal is to create a driving behaviour passport that can be used to calculate more exact insurance rates and allow drivers to take the information with them, from car to car or from insurance carrier to insurance carrier.


VOLVO CONNECTS CYCLE HELMET WITH DRIVERS uring the recent Consumer Electronics Show (CES) held in Las Vegas, Volvo Cars, protective gravity sports gear manufacturer POC and Ericsson, presented innovative safety technology connecting drivers and cyclists for the first time ever. The technology consists of a connected car and helmet prototype that will establish two-way communication offering proximity alerts to Volvo drivers and cyclists and thereby help to avoid accidents. Using a smartphone app, the cyclist’s position can be shared through the Volvo Cloud to the car, and vice versa. If an imminent



collision is calculated both road users will be warned. The Volvo driver will be alerted to the cyclist nearby through a heads-up display alert, whilst the cyclist will be warned via a helmet-mounted alert light. Jaguar Land Rover has also announced it is developing its Bike Sense technology which uses colours, sounds and touch inside the car to alert drivers to potential hazards and prevent accidents involving bicycles and motorcycles. Rather than using a generic warning icon or sound, Bike Sense uses lights and sounds that the driver will instinctively associate with the potential danger. 63


Contact: +27 (0)11 463 2169 Block B, Ground Floor, St. Andrews Office Complex Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Johannesburg


AUSTRALIA AN INDUSTRY STRUGGLING e received this letter from Western Australia on how their trade is suffering from poor profitability. Many of their problems are those of our own making and it’s no surprise to see Australia’s government investigating the area of insurance dominance against repairers.


Dear Sir Business in Western Australia (WA) can only be described as difficult. Once again we thought that there would be smash repair businesses that would not re-open after the Christmas break, however as in past years most appear to be hanging on, perhaps in the hope that things will change. Unfortunately the only thing that has changed is that the insurance companies are applying more and more pressure to reduce their cost of claims. This includes adjusting estimates to an unsustainable level and directing the use of parallel, nongenuine and secondhand parts. Many in the WA industry are very quiet for all the usual reasons, including safer vehicles resulting in fewer accidents with minor damage and a reduced number of claims. Added to that is the impact of work being re-directed to businesses that have arrangements with insurance companies and you have an industry in crisis. Viability is at rock bottom, even businesses that have plenty of work report that they are struggling to make a profit, particularly those businesses that are working to an agreed average cost of repairs. They fear that they cannot invest in their businesses, including training, updating equipment and building upgrades because of the lack of return. The Suncorp companies are now becoming major players in the WA industry and their pursuit of even lower repair costs

is forcing down costs, and the other insurance companies responded by simply pushing their repair prices even lower. Of course the obvious response to this pressure is that repairers may be tempted to take short cuts. This should be a major concern to all industry participants and consumers are the big losers, but may not be aware of it, at least in the short term. The consolidators also play a major role in driving prices down with their very aggressive quoting techniques. Because they take a large percentage of the available work the rest of the market is squabbling over the remnants that in turn lowers prices. Although originally seen as a positive move, the insurance companies’ insistence on using the manufacturer’s methods of repair is costing more to repair vehicles which means more vehicles are being written off. In some cases the industry view is the extent of repair is not necessary. The future is uncertain for many and in

recent times we have seen long established repairers closing their businesses and selling their properties that are worth far more than the business. They could make a wise decision and thus invest the windfall for their retirement. Small repairers can downsize by cutting their workforce but with a very low volume even those businesses will be unsustainable. Big operators need a huge amount of energy to cover their operating costs and it may be these that are worst affected by the current climate. For the moment they are taking a positive approach and many are working on becoming more efficient in order to add to their bottom line. Unfortunately this report is all gloom and doom, but the wheel will eventually turn. Hopefully the day will come when we see a more equitable relationship between body repairers and insurance companies. Noelle Simmons General manager Car Craft Accident Repairs


WAX JHB: 011 908 5446 CT Tonie: 083 458 0699 KZN Andre: 082 850 5056

The trusted name in body shop products just got better AUTOMOTIVE R E F I N I S H E R



AN UPHILL STRUGGLE he body shop industry suffers from an anonymity complex, that is, unless, you have a direct connection with it, your knowledge of what a body shop is or does probably ranges from the ‘the soap shop’ to non-existent. The general marketing activities of the body shop sector have, historically, been minimal. Attracting work providers in order to secure volume has typically been the aim. However, that has and is changing. Independent businesses, single site, multi-site and group operations, and networks all have good reason to make themselves known, for the right reasons, both to the trade and consumer sector alike. And it is the consumer market that seemingly offers the greatest opportunity, yet is arguably the toughest nut to crack. So what’s out there for the body shop that wants to increase sales through marketing? Retail work is a potentially lucrative, though still evolving market. Cost for the consumer is a huge obstacle in what can sometimes be seen as a vanity purchase. There are times in the customer car’s lifecycle, when real work may be more viable, such as presale, but the majority of the time the value of having minor damage repaired needs to outweigh the actual cost. The customer base for retail is your local community and as such, the best form of marketing activity is becoming part of that community. This can be achieved through your staff, local events, local media and, increasingly, online, all offer the opportunity to gain valuable exposure. There are three things that any marketing campaign should consider and get right for the best possible return on investment (ROI). The most important part of your campaign is the message. If you want ‘paid repair’ to be your big retail seller, that’s the message, set prices and make them clear through all of your activities. This includes your website, email signatures, adverts, stands, leaflets, absolutely everywhere. The next step, and almost as important, is professional design.



Apart from word of mouth and radio advertising, all forms of marketing will require some visual design work. Having a poorly designed advert on Microsoft Paint or Word is worse than having no advert at all. Good design is recognised as an important asset. Images and designs can be more important than the word on your marketing materials, so it’s well worth investing in eye-catching creative work which could be the difference between a customer noticing your business or not. Equally poor or inconsistent design can have the effect of turning a customer away from your business.” Designers create a visual concept for your brand and business that you can then use for a variety of mediums such as websites, print adverts or signage. Knowing how to resize an image for an appropriate location is a much simpler learning curve than mastering a complex design tool and doesn’t require the same raw creative talent. The final part of a good campaign is managing the responses, whether that is feedback, data or an influx of customers. Pre-planning should determine what actions will be taken on the different types of response you could receive – and by whom. For example, if you’ve sent an email with a click-through button and collected data on who clicks, what will you do with that data? Who will process it? Who will contact them? When? The best campaigns in the world can fail at this final hurdle if nothing is done with the information you were aiming to receive. That’s the basics of a campaign. Obviously the content varies widely person-to-person, company-to-company, but as a concept it will rarely vary beyond those three requirements.

ZENITH EQUIPMENT INTRODUCES THE SA STAR SPRAYBOOTH With improved 50mm steel wall thickness and stateof-the-art colour matching fluorescent lighting and new safety features in the stainless steel burner and heat exchangers. The SA Star Spraybooth also incorporates both front and side doors for easy entry at a very competitive price. The spraybooth meets and exceeds health and safety standards.

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FUTURE TECH - by Andrew Marsh

THE RING OF FIRE luminium alloy has been used in various vehicles for many, many decades. Most of the sheet aluminium was sourced from grades manufactured primarily for the aerospace industry, and typically were the less demanding/easier to work grades developed during the 1920s. However, for those not familiar with panels pressed from sheet aluminium alloy the collision repair business reaction is the same the world over… Run! There have been some excellent tales built up around this humble material, some propagated by insurer financed research centres, who really have overstated the risks. Let’s delve into this a bit more…


British Industry There are famous stories of the machine shop in Longbridge where aluminium alloy gearbox cases were machined bursting into flames – not rarely, but routinely. In the British way, the machines were not upgraded significantly nor were the machines moved from the centre of the plant to aid access if a fire did break out. Almost like a time warp, anyone seeing this in the early 1960s could re-visit in the 1980s and see exactly the same problem. Westland Agusta in deepest Somerset machine very high-grade aluminium and magnesium alloy gearbox casings on site. The frequency of the swarf bin going up in smoke was less regular, but the machines were placed close to the wall of the building and if the fire occurred, arms and flaps allowed the burning bin to be ejected out of the building very quickly. How British is that? So, aluminium alloy can catch fire – but as these examples illustrate there is a huge gulf between the type of debris a collision repair shop will generate and the ribbons of waste material covered in cutting fluid typically found in a machine shop. Mind the Explosion There is a condition where fine particles of dust can build up in pipe work – or even around the building – which if suddenly disturbed and ignited produce a very rapid burn. Materials that can ‘explode’ this way include flour, rubber granules, plastic dust…. and aluminium alloy dust. The US military conducted research into how such spontaneous combustions could occur, the size of the particles and how they could be ignited. The key findings for aluminium alloy boil down to this. If the dust particle size is greater than 500μm, then the dust accumulation will not be prone to spontaneous combustion. However, once the dust particle size is below 420μm then the mechanism for spontaneous combustion is: lThe accumulated particles must become suddenly airborne (ie, the ducting is knocked or the building shakes). lThe airborne dust must be concentrated into a kernel (ie, so the airflow in the system is moving quite slowly). lAn external source of energy (heat or static electricity discharge). lEnough oxygen to sustain combustion and….. bang! Aluminium dust particles bigger than 500μm will combust if mixed with smaller particles. Indeed this combustion process will take place even if the aluminium dust is mixed with steel particles. The minimum requirements to prevent this mechanism are: lThe residual dust on the inside of the ducting should not exceed 0.0405 g/litre. lThe extraction duct air speed should be at least 22.9 m/s. lThe ducting should be earthed to eliminate build-up of static electricity charge. Some ducting hoses have a conductor built into the side wall, so that the extraction system can measure the potential build-up of static charge. lThe entire duct length should be as short as possible, with the minimum number of bends – each bend slows down the extraction air speed and the resulting airflow turbulence can lead to dust pocket build-up. lThe extraction system should only be used for aluminium panel work – not mixed. lSimilarly, an extraction system for steel grinds should not be used for aluminium panel work. 68

lThe collection bin for the dust should be located on the outside of the building. lThe extraction system air exhaust should be outside the building. lIf a fire should occur, then it should be treated with a dry powder extinguisher. In addition dry fine sand with particles smaller than 200μm should be used to smother the fire, if possible. Really? So far we have looked into the very real risk posed by bulk handling of aluminium panels…. I worked at a company called Aston Martin Lagonda where we built cars with steel body structures skinned in sheet aluminium alloy panels. The factory building the steel structure and the aluminium skin panel area were side by side. The building was hyper ventilated (holes in the roof – we had buckets for when it rained. How British is that?) And there were dedicated dust extraction systems for the aluminium skin panel manufacturing. This area built 200 complete cars per year – I know, tiny. Did Aston Martin Lagonda have a spontaneous combustion? Not in more than the six years I was there. We need to look into the type of vehicles coming through the collision repair shop. A very small number will be made almost exclusively from aluminium alloys, but most will have mostly steel structures with bonnets/door skins/tailgate/boot lids occasionally made from aluminium alloy. If we now think about those specific bolt-on assemblies, how much repair work will occur compared to fitting a new bolt-on assembly? Then we need to consider housekeeping. Tools used to form or flat aluminium panels should be 100% dedicated to this task. Mixing the materials the tools are exposed to will cause issues around paint quality. Similarly good efficient clearance of debris is important, as is separating the ferrous and non-ferrous debris. One extreme is to create a room in which only aluminium panel repair is completed but as we shall see this approach has been rapidly overtaken by reality…. quite simply most aluminium alloys do not have the ultimate strength of higher strength steel alloys which means there are fewer and fewer exclusively aluminium alloy body structures in production. Change, Change, Change Modern mass production vehicle bodies used to be mostly made from pressed steel alloys, with the number of different grades rising from around two to at least six over the past 15 years. Now we see a different trend, in which not only are bolt on assemblies made from aluminium alloy but also structural areas too. We have seen migration of this ‘hybrid’ construction spread rapidly down from the luxury segment into the upper end of the mass market segments…. just take a look at the Mercedes-Benz C-class W205: This hybrid construction alone saved 70kg weight from the bare body shell compared to the W204, and yet the W205 is larger! In addition, this architecture was introduced on the W222 S class, and is going to spread much further. In addition, mass market cars which have body shells presently made from steel alloys, are prepared

Thanks to intelligent and innovative lightweight construction, the aluminium hybrid body is around 70 kg lighter than the conventional product that uses steel components only.

AUTOMOTIVE R E F I N I S H E R ready for the switch over to selective aluminium alloy panel fitment – typically in floor and roof panels. Volkswagen Group gave this heads up in 2012 at the time of the Golf VII introduction. In the mist of the MQB assembly modular kit, the unified internal combustion engine architecture, the prep for all combinations of powertrain – was the little diagram showing the steel alloy floor panels substituted with aluminium alloys panels. This has not seen the light of day, yet.… Modern Aluminium Alloy Sheet There was a conundrum. Aerospace can afford to access super strong aluminium alloy billets and machine skin panels from those billets, often over a period of several weeks per component. This is expensive and slow – and one error or defect will finish the part. That is why the aerospace industry is migrating parts previously made from 6000 series or higher aluminium alloys to fibre-reinforced plastics. The automotive industry needs to form The wild card. Fibre reinforced plastics (including carbon fibre) will appear in selected panels in multiple press tool strikes, with each load carrying positions on body shells in the near future. The second generation Audi strike taking no longer than around 90 seconds. R8 has an aluminium alloy intensive body structure, and yet it has a CFRP rear bulkhead. The types of sheet aluminium alloys that will tolerate that can work harden during the process, but essentially and hence the possible build-up of static electricity. The second remain softer than steel alloys of a similar thickness (so are much element is a spark trap, to prevent the heavier steel alloy grinds from stronger). The art of engineering in aluminium alloy is to take going into the storage container and then a 5m long ‘settling section’ advantage of the lower density, and use slightly thicker sections to of duct. achieve the desired strength whilst still delivering a nett weight saving. Hold on…. this is a mobile device. So if all of these wonderful The dream was to use stronger grades of aluminium (5000 and TuV approved features don’t work, one has a rather spontaneous 6000 series) with two outer skins of softer aluminium alloy. Originally situation right next to the area of work! Oh dear. this was achieved by laying ingots one on top of the other and then The same motor maker has decided to upgrade the required rolling to achieve the desired overall material thickness along with the aluminium dust extraction system on both machines that can desired sandwich construction. The process was highly skilled and accommodate not only low levels of steel grinds but also CFRP too. prone to duff results – until Novelis developed a co-cast ingot But wait. CFRP is bonded into place, the damaged panel remains can process (dubbed ‘fusion’) that then lead to better results. How is the easily be removed by sweeping/vacuum cleaner, and the finished aluminium alloy core strength increased? By adding magnesium, panel does not need any refinishing prep. So, where’s the pesky which ordinarily sits in empty spaces within the aluminium alloy super critical dust? Oh dear, No 2. material structure. The key to the Novelis process was to be able to increase the magnesium content with better integration. The End Game This material is now widely used by many vehicle manufacturers We can see a migration from steel intensive or aluminium for many external aluminium alloy panels, where better dent intensive body shells to an increasingly optimised combination of resistance along with the desired weight saving has been achieved. materials. The right material for the right job with manufacturing One by-product is explained by JLR. It recommends that pressed processes capable of assembling any combination of materials, and in replacement aluminium alloy panels have no refinishing at all, so that any order. Still there is no single solution for any given engineering the e-coat and the aluminium material is not compromised. challenge, nor is there even a common approach to solutions from What? The magnesium alloy does not integrate with the any single vehicle manufacturer. aluminium alloy because of the way the materials oxidise at different We can see sense is prevailing as collision repair refinishing supply rates. During the refinishing process, if the e-coat is removed and the companies try to simplify what could become a hopelessly over outer sandwich veneer is worn through, the core structure is then complex combination of products and systems, which has finally lead exposed to the atmosphere. Magnesium held in the core structure to the end of the ‘aluminium bay’. It is more important to understand will then oxidise more readily than the surrounding aluminium, and the following than to go out and buy lots of super kit: that may then lead to longer term paint issues. Nice. lKeeping aluminium tools segregated from the rest of the JLR is the only vehicle manufacturer to admit this issue with the workshop equipment. latest generation of sandwich aluminium alloy panels, which is lTaking care to extract aluminium alloy dust during the remarkable since this material has been deployed since 2010. JLR is refinishing process. not the only vehicle manufacturer to use this material. lMaking sure that prep of steel and aluminium parts is completed where ever possible with separate air extraction systems. Some After-Market Suppliers lOne does not need an ‘aluminium bay’. We have looked at the conditions required to cause a Alternatively one could go and buy lots of kit and wait patiently spontaneous combustion of aluminium alloy dust. Some dust for the return on investment. Which may not happen. extraction specialists have attempted to come up with a device that can tolerate occasional accidental grinding of steel alloy. One Auto Industry Consulting is an independent provider of technical information to the global collision repair industry. Products example is made by ProWoTech GmbH, as recommended by a include EziMethods, our online collision repair methods system and large motor maker. A uto Industry Insider, our collision repair industry technical This device is approved by TuV, has several medals, magnificent information website. For more information please visit the websites: plumbing and can make the tea/coffee. The first 5m long section of and or contact the hose is an ‘Ohm’ rubber hose which has an earth line buried in it to detect the onset of resistance change (hence the ‘Ohm’ name)




BEST FINISH ON FRESH CLEAR COAT AND DARK COLOURS; REMOVING SWIRL MARKS WITH PRESTA ne of the most common questions the technicians at Presta are asked by automotive painters is how to get rid of swirl marks. The following are my recommendations for successfully eliminating swirl marks, even on dark coloured paint.


If you follow these steps you will get the best possible finish from your fresh clear coat. YES, even on dark colours! The five most important things in preventing swirl marks when buffing are: l Tip 1: Always buff clean. Clean your pad often. Use a spur if you are using a wool pad or a brush if you are using a foam pad. • Keep the pad surface as clean as possible. Avoid any foreign contaminants. • When you’re done sanding make sure to clean off the sanding dust that has been left behind. A good way to do this is with a microfibre towel and Presta’s Spray ‘N Shine. This prevents paint defects caused by dirt scratching the painted surface as you buff. l Tip 2: Always buff flat. Buffing on the edge will usually create a swirl mark. At times, you may find a troublesome spot that you need to buff on the edge. Try not to come up on too much of an angle and then run over that area again with the pad flat. l Tip 3: Always buff wet.. If your pad runs dry you are more than likely creating swirl marks with the friction of the pad. Presta products are water based so just a quick mist of water or Presta’s Spray ‘N Shine will lubricate the pad and extend the use of the Presta buffing product. l Tip 4: Always buff in a cross cut pattern. Make vertical passes covering each pass 50% and then do the same for horizontal passes making each pass cover 50% of the last and this will help eliminate swirl marks as it ensures the product has a chance to work on the entire surface area. l Tip 5: Always follow manufacturer’s recommendations. Follow manufacturer’s recommendations on RPMs as well as moving the buffer across the area at the right speed (not too fast, not too slow) so that the product can work. One Final Tip: If you have a troublesome finish and still see some slight swirl imperfection in your paint- Presta suggests applying polish again but this time with a wax applicator pad in straight lines from front to back and then remove it with a microfibre towel. Presta’s Spray ‘N Shine removes fingerprints and dirt and leaves an attractive shine on any nonporous, painted surface with this easy-to-use appearance enhancer. It also works great as a lubricant with overspray clay or during buffing when the compound, polish or pad gets too dry. Available from Bulldog Abrasives – contact them on +27 (0)11 786 5991 or

Tip 2: Buff flat

Tip 3: Buff wet

Tip 4: Buff in a cross cut pattern

Tip 5: Always follow manufacturer’s recommendations


Tip 1: Buff clean



NEW R&D LAB FOR DEBEER REFINISH EQUATES TO EVEN MORE INNOVATION alspar Automotive, manufacturer of brands including DeBeer Refinish, Octoral and Valspar Industrial Mix, has opened a new research & development (R&D) laboratory in Lelystad, The Netherlands. Alongside a doubling of capacity, three extra test rooms have been created. The laboratory was opened by Dr Cynthia Arnold, chief technical officer (CTO) of Valspar. The new R&D lab fits seamlessly within Valspar Automotive’s global growth ambitions. The new R&D lab consists of a large chemical laboratory and various test rooms. All rooms are equipped with the latest climate control systems so that all tests can take place under standardised conditions. In order to be able to assure colour accuracy, the R&D laboratory has been fitted with daylight systems.


Innovations In the laboratory, R&D specialists develop new solutions, which are then intensively tested in the test rooms. Special test equipment measures the levels of weather-proofing, adhesion, gloss retention and mechanical load of coatings. Valspar is planning numerous innovations for the coming years. Thanks to the expansion and professionalisation of the R&D laboratory, these can be developed at an accelerated rate. About Valspar Automotive Valspar Automotive in Lelystad (NL) is a subsidiary of the stock market-listed Valspar Corporation (USA), one of the world’s largest manufacturers of coatings. Alongside the DeBeer Refinish and Octoral mixing colour systems, Valspar Automotive also produces and distributes a paste binder system for light industrial applications: Valspar Industrial Mix. Valspar products guarantee quality, colour technology and a high delivery reliability.

From left to right: Dr Cynthia Arnold, chief technical officer (CTO); Simon Flink, R&D manager EMEA; and Peter Maassen van den Brink, technical director, global, were all seen at the festive opening in Lelystad, the Netherlands.


DEBEER REFINISH GREY HS SURFACER FOR MORE PRODUCTIVITY he colour of the De Beer Refinish 8-145 HS Surfacer Grey will be adjusted to Mid Grey (GS907). This will allow the painter to use this product instead of an undercoat in most cases, immediately, without first having to mix towards grey. This will save time and effort. All other product properties and the article number will remain the same. Benefits of DeBeer Refinish 8-145 HS Surfacer Grey: l Suitable for sanding and non-sanding l Better basecoat or topcoat coverage l In most cases no need for an undercoat l Perfectly geared to the De Beer Refinish mixing colour systems.


Benefits of Grey Shades GS907 Mid Grey is the most commonly used grey shade. After this surfacer, the painter can immediately apply the basecoat or topcoat, saving one step in the application process. The use of grey shades will improve the coverage of the basecoat or topcoat. The painter will need to apply fewer colour coats to obtain the perfect colour match, boosting speed, productivity and profitability. For more information about De Beer Refinish products email them on or call them on +27 (0)78 782 9618. 72


Tel: (011) 952 1552 email:




odcraft is launching the new Rodcraft DMS series, a brand new range of torque wrenches for general mechanics, tyre changing and maintenance applications With a 54 teeth fixed pear ratchet head, the Rodcraft DMS series is designed for high and long-lasting accuracy, at 4% according to the EN ISO 6789:2003 standard and up to 25 000 cycles. Available from a quarter inch to 1 inch, the Rodcraft DMS torque wrenches series is ideal for general mechanics and MRO applications. Users will appreciate the ergonomic of torque adjustment with manual locking in front of the handle and the fine scale graduation (1 Nm or 1 ft. lbs) of the Rodcraft torque wrenches range. Many additional user-friendly features are included such as: l Lightweight yet robust aluminium handle resistant to common chemicals in workshops. l Sensitive and sound signals when reaching the torque. l Reliability of the mechanism up to 25 000 cycles l A protective blow moulded case in which it’s supplied l All wrenches are numbered For easy tool tracking and better safety, each Rodcraft torque wrench is numbered and provided with its ISO 6789 calibration certificate. Contact them on +27 (0)11 786 5991 or on for more information.




DMS400 74



DRIVEN CITROËN C4 CACTUS he Citroën C4 Cactus was first seen as a concept in 2007 in Frankfurt, launched officially last year in Geneva and is now available in South Africa. Citroën as a brand are looking to be unique and different in driving and owning one of their vehicles. They are trying to harness the feel good factor and the Citroën C4 Cactus certainly ticks these boxes. The design of the Cactus is simply brilliant inside and out. It’s the furthest thing from dull in appearance as well as in driver experience. What makes it so different? From the outside the first thing you will notice are the Airbumps. These are made of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) and hold small air-filled pockets that absorb small impacts. Goodbye shopping trolley dings. They are fitted in black as standard, but can be optionally ordered in different colours, including grey, dune (a dusky pink) and chocolate, so you can truly personalise your car to your taste and make it a much more personal experience. Another first are the magic wash wiper blades. These dispense water through the windscreen wipers onto the windscreen



by Claire Macfie making sure for a spotless finish and no water wastage either. This new sleek SUV crossover has all the right curves with some chunky add-ons that make for great conversation starters. Inside the vehicle the interesting design hasn’t been spared and neither have driver comfort and ergonomics. At the entry level, the 1,2-litre PureTech unit has a maximum power output rating of 60kW, and a 118Nm torque peak, while achieving a combined cycle fuel consumption figure of just 4,6 litres/100km. The CO2 exhaust emissions come to just 107g/km. This engine is only available on the entry-level C4 Cactus Feel model. The more powerful 1,2-litre PureTech Turbo e-THP engine features turbocharging to boost output to 81kW and 205Nm of torque. The result is swifter performance, but not at the cost of fuel efficiency: consumption remains impressive at just 4,7 litres/100km for the combined cycle, linked to an identical CO2 emissions rating of 107g/km. The 1.2 PureTech Turbo e-THP unit can be specified in conjunction with both the Feel and the Shine equipment levels, while a

five-speed manual gearbox driving the front wheels is standard across the range. The whole car has seen a 200kg drop in weight, partially due to this new lighter engine, as well as modifications in the body make up of various high strength steels. It is made on the same platform as the DS3, some more money saving for the PSA group. Another innovation is the airbag in the roof of the passenger side, which has been moved to give more legroom and storage space in the cubby hole. The door handles inside are a statement too as well as the central 7-inch touch screen control panel that allows easy access to all of the car’s functions. It takes a little getting used to, but the good news is, is that we figured it out without the help of a teenager or getting a degree in technology! Love it or hate it, the new Citroën C4 Cactus – which will replace the C4 in South Africa – is certainly innovative and loads of fun to look at and drive. If you give them notification on their website, they will arrange a test drive for you – and they will bring the car to you. All part of the “We come to you” campaign – another “out the box” initiative from PSA.




he MERCEDES AMG PETRONAS Formula One Team – winner of the 2014 FIA Formula One World Constructors’ Championship – has renewed its agreement with Spies Hecker for another two years. The global refinish brand will continue to provide the team with its highly innovative paint solutions and paint mixing equipment as well as full product training and on-site technical support. The team launched the 2015 race car, the Mercedes-Benz F1 W06 Hybrid, on February 1, 2015. The unveiling of the car revealed the new livery, which uses the brilliant aluminium-effect silver created especially for the team by Spies Hecker at the start of their relationship. “This year will mark the third anniversary of supplying the awardwinning MERCEDES AMG PETRONAS Formula One Team with our products,” says Anthony Cashel, marketing manager for Axalta Coating Systems in the UK and Ireland. “This relationship underscores how much it appreciates Spies Hecker’s innovative paint technology, including products like Permahyd Hi-TEC, which continues to meet the demanding needs of the racing arena.” Andrew Moody, head of paint and graphics at MERCEDES AMG PETRONAS Formula One Team, says, “Spies Hecker has delivered everything we need, from experienced technicians to first-class colour matching, with the Permahyd Hi-TEC system, so it made complete sense to continue our partnership. Speed and efficiency are of the utmost importance in Formula One, and to Spies Hecker, and thanks to fast re-sprays, the cars are back on track as quickly as possible.” Cashel concludes, “we wish The MERCEDES AMG PETRONAS Formula One Team every luck for the 2015 season and look forward to supporting them every step of the way.” In addition to the race cars, the entire fleet of Mercedes-Benz Actros trucks, used to transport the team to the Grand Prix venues, the team’s garage equipment and hospitality systems, have all been coated with Spies Hecker paint.



Permahyd Hi-TEC, recently launched in the South African refinishing market, simplifies vehicle refinishing and boosts workshop efficiency. The outstanding properties of the new system boasts easy application, excellent colour reproducibility and simple blending-in abilities. At the heart of the Hi-TEC waterborne paint system is an innovative hybrid technology that combines the positive characteristics of different resin technologies. Thanks to the high pigmentation of our mixing colours, a very high opacity is achieved. The base coat system is distinguished by its simple mixing and application. When used with Permahyd Hardener 3080, the system is also perfect for interior and multi-stage paintwork. This means the system is perfectly geared to cater for the growing diversity of colours and effects on the automotive production line, and is what Hi-TEC stands for. Not only is it very easy to mix colours “ready for use” from the system but our tests also prove that Hi-TEC offers incredible coverage and drying times when compared to other opposition products. Another benefit is the ability to sand and repair the basecoat minutes after application. Any refinisher using the Permahyd Hi-TEC 480 system will without a doubt improve workshop processes and refinishing paint applications. About Spies Hecker Spies Hecker develops optimum and practical paint system solutions that can make bodyshop work easier and more efficient. With more than 130 years of success behind it, Spies Hecker’s highquality product systems, customised service and targeted training demonstrate its partnership with the refinish industry. Based in Cologne, Germany, it is one of the world’s leading vehicle refinish brands, and is available in over 76 countries worldwide. Spies Hecker – simply closer!




ürgen Book has a major position at the BASF Group and currently spends much of his time developing new projects. One of these was to oversee the development of his own Buick Riviera car. It underwent the full treatment of custom painting with the R-M water based Carizzma system and sports an amazing snake skin universal green exotic paint job. The car has a mix of both transparent candy shades of green and gold in styling elements to the overall theme of the vehicle mixed into the excellent paint work. Green Carizzma effect powder with copper gold fleck and ice crystals all covered in waterborne candy green give an overall depth to replicate a unique 3D effect of real life snake skin. The entire car, with its pinstriping and real gold inlays, delivers the largest bling effect possible. The seats, steering wheel, rubber bumper stripes and the boot all appear to have Boa Constrictor skin covering them. A no expense approach to the final custom look also included the use of some 5 000 Swarovski crystals in the front grille and chopped off front bumper, lowered suspension and snakehead door knobs. Over seven specialists were used for the interior, engine parts assembly, bodywork and the front grille. These companies assisted Book in achieving the most unbelievable looking Buick Riviera ever. It is a showstopper wherever it goes. The project took a full seven years to finish and has now been seen from Essen in Germany to the Sema Show in Las Vegas and took King of the Street Award at Essen. The end result for both Book and the Carizzma R-M custom team, is an absolutely unique premium show car on the global stage.


Jurgen Book with personal friend Chip Foose 78


Tel: 011 872 1217

RSB AutoGroup, Joshua Doore Building, 4 Andries Street South, Wynberg, JHB


CHIEF’S F.A.S.T. ANCHORING SYSTEM GET THE JOB DONE WITH LIGHTNING SPEED Chief’s F.A.S.T. Anchoring System isolates the vehicle frame from its suspension, making repair diagnosis simple. It helps you cope with big tasks such as trucks, SUVs and full-frame cars quickly and easily, reducing the time it takes to pull and measure your jobs. The system is technicianfriendly - easy to set up and simple to understand. Once a vehicle is anchored with F.A.S.T., technicians only have to level it to go to work. The fast set up time results in increased productivity. Chief’s F.A.S.T. Anchoring System mounts to Chief’s patented Universal Anchoring Stands or to Universal Measuring System Pinchweld Stands. Chief’s F.A.S.T. Anchoring system is available from Y.E.S. – Your Equipment Supplier! Contact Tommy du Plessis on 073 163 0882, Darrel van der Kolff on 083 926 7101 or Alex van Haute on 079 536 4574 for more information on this product as well as the rest of the products that they have on offer.

ANEST IWATA AIRBRUSH RANGE COMING SOON The Anest Iwata airbrush range has been chosen by some of the top and renowned artists in the world as it is in line with the quality they are expecting from this brand. Anest Iwata products are designed and manufactured to the highest standards without compromise and each air brush series has a distinct advantage for different types of applications. Call them on +27 (0)11 463 2169 to find out more about their airbrush ranges.

KOVAX TRI-PRO Kovax, the undisputed number one abrasive brand in Asia and fastest growing in Europe, has expanded their premium, yet super cost effective abrasives range with a new addition called TRI-PRO. Taking Europe by storm, the range includes 152 mm discs with 15 holes and is specifically targeting the more cost conscious markets and body shops, while still ensuring premium quality and performance. Thus the acronym TRI-PRO, which stands for “PROfessional and PROfit in perfect PROportion”. TRI-PRO is suitable for the entire sanding process up to the application of base coat. Kovax is distributed by Keizin Automotive (Pty) Ltd. Seeing is believing - call them today for a no obligation demonstration on how Kovax can save your refinish business time while simultaneously giving you the edge on abrasive costs. See more at or call on 0861 CARGUY [227489]. 80


KAROCLE NEW AUTO PAINT IN SA Karocle is the brand name of the automotive refinishing paint produced by Samhwa Paints and distributed throughout Southern Africa by Auto Korea, located in Edenvale, Gauteng, South Africa. They have a full range of basics like this high quality clearcoat and fast hardener. They also come with a full lifetime warranty. Contact Mike at Auto Korea on +27 (0)11 452 3785.

BULLDOG’S NEW CLAY GLOVE FOR EXCELLENT SURFACE CLEANING Introducing an excellent surface cleaning product from your leader in quality automotive products. The pro-quality, clay style, polymer surface cleaner helps remove contaminants without the use of chemicals and lasts far longer than traditional clay bars. After decontamination, use the soft absorbent microfibre on the reverse side of the glove for easy rinsing. l Dimensions: 220 x 150mm l Material: Clay Polymer with Blue Microfibre reverse l Bulldog Part number: CMFIN For more information contact the Bulldog sales team on +27 (0) 11 786-5991 or alternatively email them on

THE MAROUN’S GROUP NITRILE GLOVES & EASY 2 CHECK The new strong flexible black Nitrile Gloves have a textured finish for better grip and come in M, L, or XL sizes. They are especially suitable for working with solvents and paints lined with powder silicone and have longer sleeves to help prevent skin irritation for extra safety protection. Easy 2 Check is the quickest and easiest check during sanding and paint preparation. The new and unique product is used to check the sanding process on any flaws and to compare whether the colour of your spray sample for final top coats is okay. For more information on these products, and so much more, visit to find your local distributor.



NEW PRODUCTS AYKOM AIR SCREW COMPRESSORS MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE FROM Y.E.S. Aykom oil injected air screw compressors are equipped with a screw unit instead of pistons. Air is compressed by two rotating rotors between two lobes towards the outlet. Oil injected screw units which consist of a rotor with asymmetric helical profile, bearings and housing are manufactured by state of the art technology to provide maximum performance. Y.E.S. – Your Equipment Supplier is the sole distributor of Aydin Compressors in Sub-Saharan Africa. Contact Tommy du Plessis on 073 163 0882, Darrel van der Kolff on 083 926 7101 or Alex van Haute on 079 536 4574 for more information on this product as well as the rest of the products that they have on offer.

Q-BRANDS INTRODUCE ROBERLO Roberlo is a family run company that specialises in the development and manufacture of paint and repair solutions for both automotive refinish and industrial business. They operate in over 100 international markets and are becoming a top European manufacturer of chemical products such as lightweight body fillers, primers, colour concepts and industrial coatings. For more information on the brands products visit Roberlo at or contact the sole importer for Southern Africa, Q-Brands on +27 (0)11 440 2714 or visit

MIX AND MATCH CUMI KLEENTM WIPES Lint-free surface cleaning wipes - ideal for final prep before painting. Made from the latest high-technology fibres, the Cumi KleenTM surface cleaning wipes are a great way to ensure a clean paint/primer surface prior to overcoating. Ideal for all pre-paining solvent wipe operation, Cumi KleenTM wipes are pre-cut to avoid wastage. Call Mix and Match on +27 (0)31 465 4511/1078 or visit for more on this new product.



Kapci Coatings; Tel: +27 (0)11 834 1252


The finalists in all categories were put through their paces to make sure that they could all perform well under pressure, just as it is expected to do at the WorldSkills competition.

Andries Bekker (centre) was on hand to give instruction on the marking procedure and other areas too.

he finalists in this years WorldSkills competition 2015 came under the full spotlight at this year’s Automechanika SA in Johannesburg. It was the final shootout for the global competition which will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil later this


year. First there were regional events and then semi-finals which took place over three days at the 2014 SA Automotive Week when two finalists were selected for each discipline. These finalists then competed against each other for three days at Automechanika, Johannesburg before the various category winners were announced. “This format ensures that the winners will have proved they are able to handle pressure over several days, which is very important if one wants to do well in Sao Paulo,” explained the person ultimately responsible for SA’s participation in the three automotive disciplines at WorldSkills, Marwaan Davids, the RMI’s national taining director who is also responsible for Organisational Development and Transformation. The finalists from each trade did battle at Automechanika Johannesburg. They were; car painting: Ntebaleng Seema and Rabelani Malema, auto body repair: Bongani Nkosi and Thabiso Mohale and automotive technology (motor mechanics): Willie Nel and Jason dos Santo Maraou. Committee and mentors were involved with each of the categories to ensure the finalists were not only well-prepared for the final, but also for the WorldSkills Competition itself. 84

Stuart Parmenter (left), key expert in the spray painting competition is seen with Ntabaleng Seema, a finalist in the spray painting division and Alex Lenaerts, from Aer-O-Cure, who were key sponsors with their equipment.

Supporters of this year’s SA round of WorldSkills were, RMI and the Automotive Industry Development Centre (AIDC), which were both platinum sponsors, BASF and Gondolier, which were gold sponsors and Aer-O-Cure and Sabona, which were silver sponsors and Imperial, 3M, Leaderquip, Nissan and Volvo, which were bronze sponsors. Held over three full days the spraypainting competition saw experts overseeing panel preparation, body spraying and design where the contestants had to produce a replica of the full Brazilian flag with base coat clear plus polish for their final finished work this year. It was the turn of SAA technical candidate Rabelani Malema to become the overall winner, who was ecstatic about the trip to the WorldSkills competition to represent South Africa. Body shop contestant Bongani Nkosi, an apprentice at Auto Body Specialists, and Thabiso Mohale, an apprentice at Dent Doctor Randburg, also had to weld and straighten a full car body. They are both part of the NF Apprentices programme. Nissan had generously donated panels for the competition and Car-O-Liner and Celette were sponsors for the car benches that the prospective winners worked on. Aerocure further assisted with updated training on Mig Brazing and other new joining techniques. The final result went to Thabiso Mohale who was awarded the overall winner’s certificate. ABS Auto Body were the expert judges on this hard fought category in the competition.




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fter years of just muddling along, the Boss had been struggling to contain his energy to become one of the town’s very best body repair centres. The truth was that the current workshop was basically just a dump to visit for any reluctant crashee. He had devised a big spending programme to overcome the lacklustre appearance of the hideous dark blue walls and formica desks in a process of transformation into a much more user-friendly functional operation. The almost young and trendy new look was awaiting one final touch - the painting of the workshop floor. This was a job given to his faithful buck-toothed shop foreman, Amos and his mate Chicks. After a period of fastidious cleaning and the selection of the pale biscuit beige epoxy paint, they all looked set to get the work done one Saturday morning. The Boss, who by now had become fairly anal retentive about the shop’s new look, personally mixed the paint properly and sent them to both corners of the shop for painting to begin. His view from the eagle’s nest was all encompassing so he could keep an eye out for progress as the morning drew on. His view on staff was a bit on the harsh side. He spent most of the week normally shouting at all and sundry in the work force. This was the way things were done at



Bumperstop Panelbeaters. It wasn’t long before his head was stuck into the fishing magazine that had landed on his desk - Carp Weekly. This was another hobby gone mad, with the office walls lined full of some luckless marlin and tuna fish caught with his pristine wahoo fishing boat off the north coast of Kwazulu Natal. While the pair of workers twisted like Trojans with the doors all closed, Neels was a million miles away looking at a fish face with a hook in it. The toxicity of the floor paint plus thinners gives off a very strong aromatic smell and for a while the rollers and trays of the application team was at a high rate of production. It was only the last leg of trestles and overhead painting that seemed to grind to a slower pace. So slow in fact that the Boss saw that the pair had barely moved on the final strip of paint work on the floor for over 20 minutes. His curiosity got the better of him and he went downstairs to investigate his two trusted souls. They were to be seen going through the motions suspended on an old ladder and two tins on a trestle working away, but not dipping their rollers in the tray. Their common sense had reached vanishing point. The paint fumes had made them totally goofed up in some sort of distant trance. The core problem of the non-productivity

by Ian Groat

was that they were now incapable of doing the workshop floor any further in such a smiley state. Quick as a flash Neels broke open the front doors and dragged them both limp and looking like wet dishcloths onto the front lawn after their strange hallucinogenic departure on reality. It took a couple of hours and loads of hot drinks plus a good serving of slap chips to restore them back to normality, during which they yapped on about the most insane stuff. The Boss eventually barked that the paint would go hard unless they carried on working and that the job would be finished in no time if they managed to dip the paint roller in the tray and finish the job. Then they could knock off and watch the local soccer derby of the day. With that the final blast off to finish the job was underway. Apart from his spotted dog leaving a few paw prints at the open door, the job was a good one and the reluctant labour contingent got paid out in cash for a job half remembered and well done. As for Neels, he learnt to supply a facemask after that burst of bringing back sanity to the trusted team with cups of tea on the front lawn. It’s also best to leave the front door open when painting with a two-pack floor coating to avoid unintentional worker trips to the edge of insanity.


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