Automotive Refinisher March-April 2016

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T H E   V O I C E   O F   T H E   I N D U S T R Y March - April 2016

Edition 184

GENEVA motorshow





REPAIR SOLUTIONS N-D 2015 3_Layout 1 2016/01/29 8:45 AM Page 1

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CONTENTS M-A 2016_Layout 1 2016/03/22 12:39 PM Page 1

Contents March - April








Body Shop Global Report

28 30

NEW DEVILBISS GTI Improved Flexibility


OFS SMART REPAIR Nitrotherm Boost



Passion for Speed




It’s About Efficiency

FUTURE TECH Power of Data

6 9 14 20 24 28 34 50 56 66 80

Cover: Toyota C-HR Contents: All-New Toyota Hilux



PYRMO_Layout 1 2015/10/28 11:14 AM Page 1

Top Brands in Body Shop Repair

Dealer enquiries welcome

PYRMO SOUTH AFRICA +27 (0) 11 244 4978

Pyrmo SA sole importer

AR M-A CLAIRE 2016_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2016/03/17 11:39 AM Page 18


by Claire Macfie




ot sure how you’re feeling but this is already a “whoosh” of a year for me. Why do I say that? Everytime I turn around, “whoosh”, it’s Friday again! Just where the time is flying to, no one knows but it feels like an ongoing treadmill and we’re only in the first quarter of 2016. The exchange rate is a complete mind blow and has only begun to be felt in the local market with the ripple effect of nasty price hikes being felt across the board in business, car prices and even on your grocery bill already. We’ve had a national drought of a manic scale and insanity seems to be reigning at our university campuses. Yet despite all of this adversity, in true South African spirit, people have rallied together literally dispersing truck loads of water and animal food in an organised and heartfelt manner. Students have carrried on studying at home and on-line and people still seem to be going out for slap-up steak dinners and enjoying the long weekend breaks, so we just seem to soldier on regardless as always. What more can we do than that? Perhaps add a good bottle of wine to the mix? You’ve just got to love us South Africans! 2016 is not only a local election and Olympic year, but there is also plenty on the horizon concerning collision repair and other petrol head interests. A first ever cross industry conference will be held at Emperors Palace in Johannesburg on 22 April. It will be held by Orbis Worldwide and it will speak to the motor body repairers, the insurance industry and the OEMs. We are in the market together after all, so it makes sense to be speaking to those who make, fix and cover vehicles as a whole. Who should attend? Role-players in the motor and insurance industries and those who put the customer first. Anyone looking to gain knowledge about current affairs, motor news and economic implications on the trade as a whole should be in attendance. (See page 9.) The IBIS Global Summit takes place 23-25 May in Barcelona, Spain this year and will enjoy presentations from Google, Caliber, ICAR and Autoglass. One of the highlights from the 2015 Global Summit was a session on consolidation, a topic which is still high on the global industry’s agenda. (See page 72.) The recently upgraded Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit will host the new SA Festival of Motoring from 31 August - 4 September. This




Te le p hon e: +2 7 ( 0) 1 1 94 9 4 09 1




Monique Swanep oel will rep resent SA at the R-M Internatio nal Best Painter Co ntest later this year.

is the old Johannesburg International Motorshow and promises to be a revised concept of a motor show enjoying all the latest vehicles on show as well as a more family day out experience. (See page 69.) Automechanika Frankfurt takes place from 13-17 September and is a definite highlight for collision repairers. They will hold free workshops on the subjects of bodywork repairs and painting and expand the range of courses offered. These were very popular at the 2014 expo and workshops will be held in German and English and last three hours. Participants will also receive a certificate. For more information or to register for training go to The International R-M Refinish Competence Centre in Clermont de l'Oise, close to Paris in France, will see the R-M International Best Painter Contest takes place from 26 - 30 of September. Monique Swanepoel (23) from Pretoria will be representing South Africa at this competition and we are super excited to see how proud she will make us at this event. (See page 42). As ever, the team at Automotive Refinisher Magazine will be on hand to cover these stories and bring them to you for exciting reading and entertainment. What a year it is already and what an amazing year it promises to be. Hold on tight though and book your space at the event that’s tailormade just for you.






Fa c sim il e: +2 7 ( 0) 11 25 2 6 84 4 Ema i l: a utor e f@ ia fr ic a . com We b s ite : www. a ut or ef . co. z a


P ub li she r : Ia n G roa t Ed it or: C la i re M ac fi e Ac c ount s: V a l Gr oa t De si g n: Ja y Gr oa t As sis ta nt : Na ta s chj a F e rr e ir a C T C orr e sp ond e nt : D a v e Fa l l Te ch nic a l Ed it or : A nd r ew M a rs h



The views expressed in articles in Automotive Refinisher are those of the authors and shall not be construed to represent those of the Editor or the Publisher. Accordingly, Automotive Refinisher accepts no responsibility for claims and statements made by advertisers and independent columnists. Further, the appearance of advertisements herein does not necessarily indicate the approval by Automotive Refinisher for the product and/or service advertised. Material may not be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the Publisher. Automotive Refinisher is dedicated to servicing the business interests of the collision repair industry.


AR MARCH - APRIL 2016 NAT_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2016/03/22 12:43 PM Page 15


Kevin and Ro nnie L urie (left and mid dle) have put the full weight of L uxor Paints dis tributor s b ehind the mar k eting push for the new Puris br and. Michael Pear s on ( right) fro m Puris headed up the natio nal launch of the system into the local mar ket of collisio n r epair.




he all new puris range of compounds, polishes and wax detailing reconditioning quality professional range has recently seen a national training push from Luxor paints. they had a national roadshow demonstrating exactly how the range of system finishing puris polishes can be effectively used to speed up shop output production. “the comprehensive range produced by B&B Blending company in the united States has some state-of-the-art repair technologies,” said Micheal pearson, who conducted the national dealer training in South africa in the Cape, KZN and Gauteng. “We are upbeat about the distribution interest the new puris range has developed.” With the pure Cut a1 paste compound, a5 and pure polish a10 plus the paste Wax a32 Luxor paints are now able to offer both a liquid and paste solution for either a high end or low end type of repair. Kevin Lurie, director of Luxor paints, says that despite the range being fully imported, puris retains a competitive value pricing structure against other polishing systems. About B&B Blending B&B Blending LLC proudly manufactures a full line of quality vehicle reconditioning, car wash products, janitorial and industrial cleaning products in the uSa. they are located in denver, Colorado. their unique organisation is a union of individuals with over 50 years of combined experience in all phases of the automotive refinishing industry. Having owned and operated body shops, detail product distribution outlets and chemical manufacturing facilities, they are well able to assist their distributors with products, services, training and a wealth of knowledge acquired by actual hands-on involvement in every phase of their industry. due to the contrast changes in materials and paints in the automobile manufacturing arena, they use the latest advancements 6

that chemistry has to offer. this commitment empowers their distributors with products that not only solve today’s needs, but also those of the future. they understand that a communication network is of the utmost importance to their organisation. B&B Blending is committed to a close co-operative relationship with their customers. Input from distributors and consumers of their products are considered a very valuable tool to achieving supremacy in the industry. Contact Luxor paints on +27 (0)11 397 6622 or visit for more information on the puris range.

Micheal Pear son demo nstr ates the liquid Pur e Cut A1 and paste compound s to show d istributo r s which path to take on sp eed and quality with the pur e science r ange of Puris pr oducts.











PURIS POLISH AD M-A 2016_Layout 1 2016/03/16 10:42 AM Page 1

DE BEER WATERBASE 900 M-A 2016_Layout 1 2016/03/16 10:13 AM Page 1

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t is Repair Solutions greatest pleasure to present, a first of its kind, a Motor and Insurance Industry Convention where you will be introduced to industry leaders in their fields educating you on new technologies introduced in the market, alternative methodologies introduced by motor body repairers, consumer trends, networks between these industries, overview of the collision repair industry, and the sustainability of the insurance sector today. they encourage all motor industry enthusiasts, role-players in the motor and insurance industry, believers of the customer first approach, and professionals who seek to gain insight on current affairs, motor news, economic implications on trade in the industry and new developments throughout to be prepared to be educated, motivated and transformed. an event of this calibre is majorly dependent on the value of speakers presenting, and this year they are proud to bring forth such commendable and experienced specialists in their respective fields who have agreed to impart their knowledge on us. Internationally acclaimed david Lingham, director of Orbis Worldwide, is also well established as a conference facilitator and organiser around the world. during the last 14 years other skills have been developed which has enabled individuals and companies to benefit from in-depth Industry knowledge as well as an incisive mind to get to key points and challenges quickly. the focus is Impact on the business through people. david’s insight into industry matters earned him the right to be a guest speaker at many prestigious international symposiums. His wealth of knowledge in industry and the running of employer organisations will serve him well in his presentation. part of his portfolio entailed dealing with staff and staffing matters in related industries. Orbis Worldwide operates worldwide with assignments as far east as australia and as far West as the uS and Canada. they now bring such experience and expertise to South africa for your benefit. We trust you will take away from this conference a broadened knowledge base and greater insight in improved methodologies, usage of technological advances and ensuring sustainability in motor dealerships, economic stability, growth of the short term insurance industry in South africa, business ethics in motor body repairers, claims processes, and finally the willingness and readiness to adjust and adapt to change in the industry. A utomotive Refinisher Magazine, are sponsoring their technical guru andrew Marsh as a speaker and he will present a full overview of market developments. He has worked hands-on in the manufacturing side of the business and he works closely too with the insurance sector. an extremely intelligent and entertaining man, it bodes for very interesting listening. Bringing a fo cused glo bal confer ence for all k ey p layers in the repair trade is what David Ling ham from Or bis Wo rldwide intend s to do in April this year.






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HENKEL DPS J-A 2016_Layout 1 2016/01/29 9:51 AM Page 2

HENKEL SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD Tel: +27 11 617 2400 c Email: c Website:

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SATA Dry Jet 2 offers various options for drying waterborne coatings. You can choose from a hand-held blower or a stand that holds two or four guns.




o waterborne paint, it is vital to apply as much air as possible within a short period of time onto the work piece. To achieve this objective, the new SATA Dry Jet 2 relies on the Venturi principle, as with its predecessor. In addition to the compressed air feeding the system, a multiple of ambient air is drawn in and serves to directly accelerate the drying process. The new design of the flat fan nozzle immediately catches your attention. Thanks to it’s special shape, the SATA Dry Jet 2 further increases the drying efficiency, 12

helping reduce the flash-off time and enhance the quality of the drying process at the same time, thus increasing speed and profitability. Due to the integrated air regulation, the painter can precisely adjust the air supply to adapt the air flow volume to ideally suit the requirements of the painted object. An integrated 125µ sieve serves to filter contamination from the aspirated air. This disposable sieve is simply inserted prior to operating the blower gun and can be easily replaced with a new one, depending on usage and degree of contamination.

Thus, the need for time-consuming cleaning of a filter element is eliminated. For drying larger surfaces SATA recommend the SATA dry jet 2 stand which allows the mounting of up to four SATA dry jet 2 guns, while smaller surfaces can be quickly flashed off using hand-held blower guns without causing fatigue, due to their low weight. For more information on the SATA dry jet 2 and the SATA range, contact Bulldog Abrasives on +27 (0)11 786 5991 or on


SATA AD M-A 2016_Layout 1 2016/03/16 10:50 AM Page 1

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he Hilux legacy is legendary. Since its introduction in 1969, the model has etched an enviable reputation for itself across the globe, where its durability, strength and outright quality, has entrenched itself in the hearts of its owners. Nowhere is this truer than in South Africa, where the venerable Hilux nameplate is regarded, not merely as a mode of transport, but as a trusted member of the family. “This is echoed in the sales charts where the Hilux proudly flies the flag of SA’s top selling vehicle, and serves as both a business partner and leisure transport for the family. “The new Hilux builds upon the rock solid reputation of its predecessors, and delivers a ‘bakkie’ that is tougher than ever before, while at the same time providing customers with the comfort, refinement and features of a passenger car”, says Glenn Crompton, vice president of marketing. Advanced Design Perhaps the most striking feature of the new Hilux is the exterior design. The design team concentrated on creating a vehicle that


would project a tough stance, whilst also exuding a sense of innovation and refinement, in order to evoke a more emotive connection between driver and ‘bakkie’. At the front, the grille with strong horizontal bars extends towards the wraparound headlights. Protruding, integrated fender flares add to the rugged appearance. The cab roof has been carefully shaped to improve both its styling and practicality. It now features an aerodynamic ‘pagoda’-style V-shape which helps channel air over the roof and off the sides of the vehicle, rather than into the deck area, preventing turbulence and drag. Redefining the Interior The interior design of the Hilux sets new standards for a light commercial vehicle. The same design ethos of tough and advanced was used to create an interior that combines ruggedness and practicality with innovation and design. Flowing metallic trim which runs across the dashboard creates a sense of style and refinement. Taking centre stage in the interior is the

new high-tech touch screen audio system, which seems to ‘float’ from the centre of the dash. Featuring a flat-panel design, flick operation and capacitive touch technology, the advanced audio system is a marvel. When the unit is powered off, another party trick is revealed, as all illumination is suspended creating a tablet-type look and feel. Improved Packaging The new Hilux benefits from increased interior space and greater seat comfort, as well as a host of practical storage compartments essential to a vehicle equally at home in both business and leisure environments. A cool feature (pardon the pun) is the Cool Box fitted to high-grade models. Taking the form of a second glove box, it cleverly uses the air-conditioner system to cool or heat items placed inside. Heading Off-road For buyers venturing off-road, the new Hilux is naturally available in part-time fourwheel-drive derivatives, building on the acclaim of its forefathers. A highlight of the


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new system is the electronic rotary 4WD switch housed within the dashboard, which replaces the previously employed ‘second gear lever’, offering greater ease-of-use as well as contributing to a ‘cleaner’ interior design. Using the 4WD change-over switch, the driver can select between 2WD, 4WD and 4WD with low range, up to speeds of 50 km/h. Ensuring an even distribution of torque are new high-capacity Limited Slip Differentials (LSD) housed in the front and rear axles. The enhanced LSD units use a newly developed solenoid based actuator. Absorbing the Elements A new rugged suspension package has been developed, which addresses the need for both outstanding ride comfort and durability. The Hilux utilises a doublewishbone front suspension design and leafspring type suspension with twin shock absorbers in the rear. The length of the leaf spring has been increased by 100mm to 1400mm, suppressing road surface vibration and the attachment point of the rear suspension


moved to the front of the spring. Moving the attachment point 100mm forwards and lowering it by 25mm contributes to enhanced steering stability. A Grade for All Fitting with the advanced new design, the new Hilux offers a comprehensive spec level with some features being a world-first for the segment. A strong focus has been placed on safety specification, and as such the new Hilux features a host of safety features including a driver airbag, ABS, Brake Assist and an anti-theft system as standard across all grades. Transmitting the Power Forming the link between the advanced new engines and the driven wheels, are allnew slick 5- and 6-speed transmissions. Workhorse models are equipped with a rugged 5-speed manual transmission with higher grade models receiving an option of either a 6-speed manual or 6-speed automatic transmission. Power to Pull The advanced new powertrains permit the new Hilux to tow a formidable load.

Towing capacity has been increased across the range (bar the entry level petrol model), with the 2.8 GD-6 4x4 models boasting a monumental 3.5 tonnes of tractive capability. Service Intervals & Plans All models are accompanied by a 5 year or 90 000 kilometre service plan (whichever occurs first) with service intervals set at 10 000 kilometres. Pricing Pricing of the new Hilux remains very competitive, with some models actually being priced lower than the versions they replace, despite a significant upgrade in specification. A strong focus has been placed on maximising the value proposition of the new range and offering customers excellent value. Toyota Hilux pricing vehicle launch:


Single cab: From R228 900 to R 435 900 Xtra cab: From R333 900 to R470 900 Double cab: From R 377 900 to R593 900 15

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BASF COATINGS SERVICES PARTNERS WITH NF APPRENTICES From left to right, Mar ius Nel, r eg ional technical manager BASF Coatings Services, Edd ie Da Silva, managing directo r and co -owner Auto Bod y Specialists, NF Ap prentices wor king at Auto Bod y Specialists, Busi Maile, pro gramme d irector NF Ap prentices and Caleb Makhela, pro gramme co -ord inator NF Ap prentices.


ASF Coatings Services recently further cemented its partnership with NF Apprentices when the premium paint supply company sponsored PPE for the NF spray-painting apprentices, as well as committed to training the apprentices at BASF’s hi-tech Refinish Competence Centre in Midrand. BASF will also be sponsoring its premium paint, Glasurit, and all PRP toward the NF Apprentice’s project, ‘Operation Lungisa’, which involves the refurbishment of a salvaged Honda motor car. The training, which will complement the MerSETA modules, will be made available to

all the spray-painting apprentices on different levels. Over and above the practical exercises they will be exposed to, the apprentices will be trained on the theoretical aspects of the trade. In addition to this training, a separate one day seminar will be developed for panelbeater apprentices. “The purpose for the extended training for panel-beaters (apprentices) is to create an understanding for them with regards to what takes place in the paint shop with the aim of creating a synergy between the two professions which is often lacking in most body shops,” explains Marius Nel, regional

technical manager of BASF Coatings Services. The apprenticeship programme, developed by Busi Maile, programme director of NF Apprentices, has received recognition from the Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA). According to Maile, the department has tasked NF with the placement of apprentices across body shops in Gauteng. “we will continue liaising with the body shops and monitoring the GCRA apprentices’ progress, as we do with all the candidates we recruit directly from the communities,” said Maile.

what’S hOt?



ASF Coatings Services continues to deliver excellent customer service to the market through its recent changes in the sales department. As of February 2016 Vicus Herbst has been appointed the national key account manager for BASF Coatings Services. “In order to continue maintaining the status of our BASF premium paint brands in the industry and in addition to aligning with our global strategy in BASF, it was necessary to re-establish the position of a national key account manager,” commented Paul Mandersloot, managing director for BASF Coatings Services. “Amongst his tasks, Herbst will focus on strengthening relationships with OEMs and market influencers for our premium paint brands,” he adds. In addition to managing the regional sales responsibilities for Parow, Durban and Port Elizabeth branches, Carel Nell will take over the responsibility of the Gauteng sales area whilst Mandersloot will take over the regional sales responsibility for Bloemfontein. Herbst will continue overseeing the Nelspruit branch, now headed by Trevor Vogl. 16

Carel Nell, regio nal s ales manag er.

Vicus Herbs t, natio nal key accounts manag er .


GLASURIT AD M-A 2016 A4_Layout 1 2016/03/16 11:03 AM Page 1

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by Steve Kessell




he current downturn in the economy and devaluation of our currency as recently experienced has resulted in undue pressure on repair costs and more recently on paint and abrasive costs. The reality being that paint material supply cost has increased by up to 18% effective 1 March from some suppliers and last month we were advised of abrasive increases of around 12%. The overall effect is thus that painted panels and related painted parts estimates require at least a 15,5% increase as compensation for cost increases in the short term. Repairers making use of Abuntex/Audatex for estimate preparation can be assured that increases were implemented effective from the update of 18 February 2016. This does not apply on manual quotes and possibly other estimating platforms and we urge consideration be applied to these line items to ensure losses are not realised. Concern does exist in that the market share make up of various brands may be outdated and not have been correctly applied in determining the weighted average usage currently used as a base for calculating the percentage increase and perhaps an industry survey in required to create an accurate base from where to work from for proper application in our industry . This does, however, not negate repairers from monitoring material cost in the paintshop to prevent losses arising as a result of allowances provided on authorisation being insufficient to allow profitability to prevail. Most insurers have rates applied via SLA for extended periods of up to a year in advance and could not have been aware of these influences and thus repairers need to contact procurement departments for application of change. On 1 April 2016, the Mazda recommended repairer approval via Association membership will come in to being. Many of our major structural graded members will be exempt from

qualification if they hold an existing OEM manufacturer approval and will be included in the initial rollout. CRA on behalf of our members will be responsible for ethics, monitoring and managing any dispute resolution or mediation related to the collision repair. Coupled to this non-structural repairers (NSR) see this as a window of opportunity to gear up for procurement in the warranty repair market not previously possible. Further hereto is cost reduction to the repairer on maintaining his approval status, a huge win for sustainability. The current registered claims reported statistics show a split of around 30% as non-drivable to 70% of driveables, thus these facts allows for a larger scope to increase their share of the in warranty damaged market vehicles for NSR graded repairers. This said, insurers are reporting that a constant decline in vehicles insured continued in 2015. Along with this worrying figure, the reported accident rate fell by some 7% last year to compound our work flow worries at body shop level. We advise of an Insurance Industry Conference to be presented by Orbis Worldwide in April which will provide a global perspective on the interrelationship of the automotive manufacturers, insurer and collision repair industries today. We encourage all motor industry enthusiasts, role-players in the motor and insurance industries, believers of the customer first approach, and professionals who are seeking to gain insight into current affairs, motor news, and the economic implications on trade in the industry to attend. An experienced panel of speakers will educate you on the latest vehicle technologies being introduced to the market, and alternative methodologies being applied by motor body repairers. For details on sponsorship packages that are available on signage and branding, as well as reservations, please call Julia Schoombee on 010 020 1482.




aguar Land Rover Ltd said it is recalling nearly 36 500 Range Rover Evoque sport utility vehicles (SUVs) after local media reported the British luxury carmaker used faulty gearboxes. Jaguar Land Rover earlier apologised for gearbox issues via its microblog after being criticised by state television on Sunday along with peers Volkswagen AG and Nissan Motor. The automaker is already under the spotlight of Chinese regulators investigating possible anti-competitive behaviour in the world’s largest auto market, where the firm has said slowing growth is likely to halve its sales expansion rate this year. Jaguar Land Rover said in a statement it is recalling 36 451 Evoques from model years 2014 and 2015 due to software-related complaints including ‘poor gear shift quality, increased transmission noise and the inability to select drive when the vehicle is restarted under certain conditions.” Jaguar Land Rover said it will upgrade gearbox software free of charge, and extend the warranty period of affected gearboxes to seven years after the date of purchase from three years, or 240 000 km rather than 100 000 km, whichever comes first. China’s General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) requested the recall in a statement on its website. The automaker, owned by India’s Tata Motor Ltd must take immediate measures to recall and repair defective vehicles and extend their warranty period, the AQSIQ said.












MAZDA AD J-F 2015_Layout 1 2016/01/28 9:46 AM Page 1

w, . o n y k life’ d s a lre car’ a rs your e v dri end A D - Ext Z A s t M part a wh zda n ly o e Ma e R uin n ’Ge Your Mazda Dealer is your true PARTNER when it comes to buying genuine Mazda parts. Mazda Dealers offer the widest range, a factory-backed warranty and unbeatable support that can’t be duplicated. It’s a true partnership. BASF Coatings Services (Pty) Ltd, 39 Venturi Crescent, Mazda Southern Africa Gauteng, (PTY) Ltd Hennops Park, Extension 56, Centurion, 0517 4 Travertine Avenue, N1 Business Park, Midrand, Tel: +27 (0)12 681 9200, Fax: +27 (0)12 6810157 9231 Visit us online at or call (012) 760 7702

AR MARCH - APRIL 2016 NAT_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2016/03/17 12:17 PM Page 16




anelTalk magazine from New Zealand provided the following information regarding the state of New Zealand’s market overview in collision repair. A series of questions was posed and this is their response. What are the main challenges/trends/relationships currently facing the New Zealand repair market? The challenges for the collision repair market in New Zealand are many, but in essence the biggest are as follows: Firstly, the continuing domination of the insurance industry, with insurers reducing their approved repairer networks and taking an ever greater control of work direction.There are now only five main insurers in the motor vehicle market with the largest two having around 80% of the market. In late 2014 one insurance company, 50% owned by Suncorp Australia, opened its own large collision repair facility based on the Smart repair facilities in Australia. Secondly, there is an acute shortage of suitably qualified staff as people are exiting the industry. Labour rates, while showing some improvement, are still low and this is leading to a decline in the number of tradespeople, and, even more importantly is disincentive to getting young people into the trade. A big issue here is the fact that there is no mechanism to ensure that labour rates are regularly reviewed. Finally, much more pressure is coming from increased policing of health and safety compliance. The industry is still severely hampered by the fact that a large number of repairers still do not understand the complexities of running a true business. There has been little or no change to the shape of our market in general – apart from the declining value of our car parc due to the average age of the vehicle fleet increasing – which is leading to an ever-increasing number of total losses. Also, insurers are now finally demanding repair specs on structural repairs, but there is some confusion as to the correct repair specs at times, as manufacturers are often recommending MIG plug welding, where many believe that Inverter spot should be the spec. There is currently very little growth in Smart repair shops, but it is rumoured that a number of people are actively investigating this concept. Insurers are trying to influence their customers more to use their preferred repairer networks, and as there is very little public awareness of how our industry operates, the insurer is often successful in influencing an insured’s decision. The public also have very little understanding of the complexities of the modern vehicle and the importance of repairing them correctly, although it is fair to say that New Zealand insurers certainly do not promote substandard repairs. A number of vehicle manufacturers have entered into agreements with the New Zealand’s largest collision repairers’ association, the Collision Repair Association (CRA) naming the CRA Structural Repair Centres as their preferred repairers. The manufacturers are now far more involved both through I-Car and the CRA, which is a tremendous benefit to the quality repairers. What trends are evident in relation to body shops? What are the reasons and how does it impact on the market? Body shop numbers don’t seem to be declining as they were expected to, although there has recently been a number of closures as a result of the largest insurer’s repairer network review. There are still a large number of poorly run facilities that continue to undercut the pricing in the market. This has the effect of lowering the pricing over the entire market. Multi-site operators (MSOs) are slowly starting to increase, although the numbers are low, the largest being six facilities and a number of people own two or three. At this stage these are single 20

owner entities with no corporate involvement whatsoever. In what ways are vehicle manufacturers increasing their involvement/influence in the collision repair sector? There have been some really positive developments in this area over recent years. Most manufacturer’s representatives in New Zealand have embraced I-Car as the means to getting their repair specifications out to the market. I-CAR NZ has developed a number of model specific courses that are then presented around the country. Any CRA member that holds structural repair status can, upon completing a manufacturers model specific course, become part of that manufacturers repairer network. On the negative side, some still insist on holding onto their repair data. Some are setting up their own repair networks and, while at the upper end of the luxury market this is understandable, some such as VW, with their extremely popular VW Golf and Polo, withhold information to the detriment of their vehicle owners. What are the trends in insurer influences on the repair sector? What impact are these having on relationships? Due to more insurance companies forming their own repair networks, and especially the largest one reducing the size of its network, even after buying two of the other major insurance companies in the last three years, the collision repair industry seems to be splitting between the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’. Repair schedules seems to be the norm, and some insurers and independent assessors ‘piggyback’ on other’s schedules while applying their own labour rates. These schedules are driving prices back if not used or understood correctly and, for some repairers, they seem to be a bible instead of a guide. There is some tension between repairers in the marketplace due to these issues.

FACTS & FIGURES ABOUT NEW ZEALAND Population GDP Number of people with drivers licence Total Vehicle Parc

4 577 200 $240 billion 2 775 000 3 million

Total New Road Vehicle Sales for Past Three Years 2012 100 795 2013 113 297 2014 127 352 Number of Body Shops Number of Smart Repairers Number of Motor Insurers

900 62 12

Top Three Motor Insurers by Number of Vehicles Insured 1. IAG 2. AAI 3. Vero Average cost of Repair $2 050 Average Labour Rate $95 Average Motor Insurance Premium $750 Average Motor Insurance Excess $250 - $500 Annual Cost of Motor Insurance Fraud No data Number of Write-Offs 145 000 Accident Repair Market Value $700 000 000











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Are Smar t repair processes recognised within your domestic repair market? Are there mobile repair facilities/organisations in operation? What trends are evident? Only on a very small scale at this time, although more repairers are investigating rapid repair lanes, etc. There are no mobile repairers with the exception of the paintless dent removal (PDR) operators and the mobile touch-up operators that mainly work with the vehicle dealerships. What ‘standards’ are currently in operation within the sector? How is it monitored? There are no formal standards in the New Zealand market although repair facility registration is currently being investigated by a cross party group, and so something may come from that. The CRA members are subject to an annual audit inspection and they also have the CRA Quality Assured programme, which is based on ISO 9000, which requires a rigorous annual independent audit. How well are repairers coping with new vehicle technologies? Is repair data/methodology available and how is it sourced? Repair data is available and is getting easier to access, although some are still holding onto it. While the standard of repair is generally very high in New Zealand, there still exists a sector of repairers who are still completing repairs that are not to the manufacturers specifications and there are far too many shops outside the ‘educated’ that don’t even try to follow them. Information is mostly sourced from the manufacturer although other avenues such as I-CAR and Thatchamnet are regularly employed. What is the influence of computerised estimating/management systems within your market? Computerised estimating and management systems have been here forever. The main issue is that a large number of repairers only use the basic information and fail to grasp the importance of the

accurate information that these systems provide. This lack of understanding of operating costs holds the entire industry back, which is really frustrating as most have ready access to the information. The release of a completely new software is available. What does the current skills/employee market for the sector look like? The collision repair industry in New Zealand is facing extreme skill shortages at both the technician and management level. The industry is not seen anywhere as a desirable career due to the low remuneration structure. There is a lot of competition for good, young people to bring into the industry and those that do come in often present challenges to keep them engaged long enough to get them skilled. There is also a huge building boom due to rapid growth of Auckland, the country’s largest city, and the Christchurch earthquake rebuild. This means that someone in the building industry will earn around 40% more than someone in the collision repair industry. What are the likely trends/developments that will impact the sector over the next three to five years? There is likely to be growth in insurer owned repair facilities in the major cities. Repairers will continue to face challenges with vehicles becoming more complex to repair, meaning continuing and, probably, increasing training and equipment investment to keep up with the changes in build technology. The country’s main insurance companies are Australian owned so there is a chance that the local insurers may follow Australia in moving to real time real money (which seem to be the trend for the largest insurer), or average repair cost.

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PG distributors and body shops to identify the correct colour for vehicle repair and refinish. This innovative application was successfully introduced to North America in March 2012 and has been introduced globally this year. Collision industry professionals using PPG, and the MAXMEYER® brand of products now have free 24/7 access to the most current automotive colour information. Paint It include smooth functionality and a fast search feature that generates colour identification results through OEM manufacturer, usage (wheel, trim, etc.) and model-year cues. Colour palettes have been expanded and can be referenced on a geographic or country-specific basis. Additionally, Paint It is tablet-friendly and can be used wherever there is an Internet connection. “When we launched Paint It in North America, we were happy with how well it was received” said Mary Kimbro, PPG global colour director. “PPG customers immediately saw its benefits: a free Web application that makes the process of vehicle colour identification easier and more streamlined. Paint It is now available to automotive industry professionals globally. It’s all part of PPG’s commitment to our customers to boost their productivity without compromising quality.” No special software or subscription is required. Paint It displays digital images of

vehicle manufacturer colours with corresponding model information allowing technicians to quickly identify specific colours. Images and data are linked together for simple and easy search results. Once a colour is identified, distributors, body shops owners and paint technicians looking for a vehicle’s colour information can retrieve formulas through the password-protected COLORMOBILE® formula retrieval tool. Body shop professionals around the world will now have access to PPG’s comprehensive range of colour information. PPG brand customers can access Paint It through; and MaxMeyer brand customers should visit PPG: Bringing Innovation To The Surface.™ Delivering high-quality, innovative and

sustainable solutions that customers trust to protect and beautify their products and surroundings. Through leadership in innovation, sustainability and colour, PPG provides added value to customers in construction, consumer products, industrial and transportation markets and aftermarkets to enhance more surfaces in more ways than does any other company. Founded in 1883, PPG has global headquarters in Pittsburgh and operates in more than 70 countries around the world. Reported net sales in 2015 were $15.3 billion. PPG shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol: PPG). For more information, visit and follow @PPGIndustries on Twitter. To learn more about Paint It and other PPG colour tools, call +27 (0)11 454 8105 or visit




nnovative global paint manufacturer PPG has extended its colour leadership and commitment to the automotive refinish industry by opening a state-of-the-art, automated colourmatching laboratory at their Italian manufacture plant in Milan. This computer-controlled, high-tech facility marks a significant advancement in the science and art of automotive refinish colour matching and meets the major challenge the automotive refinish business faces: the growing number of OEM colour offerings and variations and the need for bodyshops to match those colours. “Every year new car models with new colours are introduced to meet future design trends. The vast expansion of these OEM colours has fuelled a demand for faster and more accurate colour matching, while the proliferation of exotic pigments, special effects and custom paint finishes has made the repair process more challenging than ever,” explains Adriano Perego, global colour quality manager and project manager for the Milan automated colour laboratory. PPG is committed to deliver the highest quality colour match to the refinish customer and is proud of its long history of incorporating colour excellence into our paint matching technology. 22

“Throughout the world, PPG is recognised for the premium quality of its products and superior colour accuracy. With this technologically advanced colour laboratory, we will confirm our colour leadership and more than ever make it seamless for our customers to find the right colour, each time”, added Jérôme Zamblera, PPG Refinish EMEA general manager. “This new laboratory is equipped to produce accurate colour formulations through improved processes and procedures. Using electronic and scientific methods made possible through state-ofthe-art equipment and proprietary computer software programmes, allows PPG to provide precise colour formulas with operational efficiency,” said Perego. “It is expected to double the productivity and the laboratory's capability will also allow PPG to expand its data collection practices, better analyse automotive pigments and explore applicable colour formulation opportunities as they occur”. With the opening of this second automated refinish colour matching laboratory, PPG has reinforced its standing as the industry's technological innovator and reached again another breakthrough in the repair process.


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For more information call +27 (0)11 454 8105 or visit

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eVilbiss are very pleased to announce the introduction of the new GTi Pro and GTi Pro Lite spray gun platform for

2016. Listening to the customer is at the core of what they do and it became evident that end users distinguish their spray guns for different applications and materials by colour. They have therefore introduced two new colours to the GTi Pro Lite range with a vibrant blue and the ultra tough, black “Quick Clean” coating. Along with the standard Pro Lite Gold they have harmonised the colours with the full size GTi Pro to create a new i-System Pro spray gun family. The Base and Clear laser marking has been removed making it simpler for the end user to allocate a spray gun to a specific application or material other than Base and Clear, such as direct gloss, wet on wet etc. For example, the new black “Quick Clean” anodised spray gun could be used for base coats, gold for clear and the blue for those tricky metallic silvers or wet on wet. The choice is yours. And to go that extra mile for their end users, each spray gun kit comes with an additional fluid tip creating added value and more flexibility to the end user. This reinforces their “Intelligent Atomisation” strategy, reduces part numbers and confusion with the number of kits that are available. All guns are fitted with a 1.3mm fluid tip and kits are available with either a spare 1.2mm or 1.4mm tip. As well as harmonising the colours DeVilbiss have also taken the world class atomisation from the GTi Pro Lite and incorporated it into the GTi Pro giving it the latest atomisation technology from them. There are now only four air cap options across the range, the T110, TE10, TE20 and HV30. Again, helping to reduce complexity and inventory. The SN-69-K sprayhead from the Pro Lite has also moved across to the full size GTi Pro platform which improves the spray pattern stability and provides identical spray performance to the Pro Lite. Aluminum components have also been fitted to the GTi Pro range making it even more comfortable and lighter in the hand, reducing the weight from 600gms to 500gms. Air inlets on both spray guns are now 24

There is a spare fluid tip in every spray gun kit and four options of air caps sizes across the new range from DeVilbiss.

aligned (SN-9-K) and therefore sharing the same inlet pressures for atomisation performance. The air inlet pressure on the GTi Pro for the HV30 air cap will become 1.75 bar.

For more information on this range contact Tunzi Automotive on +27 (0)31 205 2246 or your nearest BASF Coatings distributor.


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ith Abranet, Mirka has succeeded in something where many others have previously failed – to develop a completely even sanding net. Its thousands of holes provide phenomenal dust extraction. The maximum distance from each sanding particle to the closest dust extraction hole is just 0.5 mm. This clever structure provides many advantages. Using Abranet, dust is removed from the space between the abrasive and the sanded surface, which means that the abrasive grains are cutting the surface more efficiently. As the dust is being sucked away continuously, sanding is virtually dust-free. Keeping the abrasive and the sanding surface constantly dust-free extends the lifespan of the abrasive. Since the abrasive maintains its aggressive properties over the entire surface, sanding becomes more even and efficient, improving the quality of work. Since you can always see what is being sanded, you gain excellent control over the 28

work to avoid over-sanding, for example. Abranet solves many dull problems, such as the formation of so-called “dust pills” and clogging. Because dust no longer collects in lumps on the sanding discs to the same extent as before, there is no danger of sanded dust building up and creating grooves on the sanding surface, or filling up the disc and thus reducing its sanding capacity. Innovative Net Technology Mirka’s long-term investment in innovation is paying off. Mirka was the first abrasive company in the world to develop a dust-free sanding system. This has been well worth the effort. Abranet has won many product innovation awards and been a best-seller across the globe. One of the many advantages of Abranet is that the product, based on "net" technology, usually has a longer lifespan than traditional abrasives. Users of Abranet sanding solutions know that this translates into clever savings,

in other words, better profitability and competitiveness. This is why the use of Abranet has spread across various industries. At the same time, Mirka is working hard to innovate more and expand its range with new products and solutions in order for you to take full advantage of the most advanced sanding system. This innovative concept is unlike any other. Its patented construction consists of a dense network of polyamide fabric threads onto which the abrasive grit is bonded. Open-weave net structure means that no dust particle is more than 0.5 mm away from a dust extraction hole. The result is phenomenal dust extraction across the entire abrasive surface and virtually dustfree sanding. For more information on this amazing product, please contact the Bulldog Abrasives sales team on +27 (0)11 786 5991 or


MIRKA AD M-A 2016_Layout 1 2016/03/16 10:47 AM Page 1

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Bug atti Chiron

O pel GT concept

Maserati Levante

Ferrari GTC4 Lus so




by Andrew Marsh

his relatively small show is the season opener for the global automotive industry – primarily for designers, but also for the top management of all types of automotive business as well as the all-important investors. The reasons are simple – the show is held in a country which has no meaningful vehicle manufacturing, and yet is on the door step of not only Germany but also Italy and France too. The Italian link is important because although the show has run for 86 years, it was the place to unveil high end – and not so high end – cars. The global automotive industry has plenty to think about – margins are still not strong (they pop the champagne at 8%), the Volkswagen emissions scandal has undermined customer confidence right 28

across the whole industry, and the push to demonise the private car is relentless. So this could be a time – especially after the graceful collapse of the emissions test system – to come out fighting…. However the overall theme of this year’s show was flat. The Deep Dive This indicates a much deeper issue. Just as South Africa and other selected countries around the world know, the next big global downswing is underway. Whilst in Europe and North America things seem to be on the up, the reality is too many new vehicles chasing too few customers with the resultant creative lease deals which move metal but barely cover costs. Remember the USA subprime market? Remember this was not only about mortgages? It’s alive and booming in the USA, fuelled by the artificially depressed fuel prices, leading to record sales of very large pick-ups and SUVs. Europe meanwhile is off loading new cars in the same way it did back in 2007. The result? Most manufacturers are either cutting back on new model investment (Volkswagen Group for example to prepare for an estimated €70 billion emissions system fix programme over the next few years), extending the life of existing products or ensuring recently released models realise their full potential. The last point is significant.

The overall cost of developing a small cheap vehicle is similar to building a large luxury vehicle – all that happens is the tooling is amortised in different ways, allowing piece costs to be variated in the same way and so end up in the right retail price. Ultimately a vehicle sales success is in the hands of the buying public. There’s that horrible moment after revealing a new product when one wonders if sales will be strong – and if not, what then? The automotive industry’s current business model is to mortgage the whole company – all assets – to design / develop / tool / build a new product, put it on sale and use the cash flow to pay off the mortgage whilst raising cash for the next new product. If one product does not perform to plan it will damage most companies very badly. Hence the fondness for modularity, where some of the investment and piece cost can be hedged against multiple applications. And Now to the Show Geneva attracts a gaggle of vehicles aimed at the very wealthy, and is one of the few times they are seen in public. Apart from the appearance of Spyker once again, the biggest news for super cars was the Bugatti Chiron and the Aston Martin DB11. Whilst one will cost €2.4 million before national taxes / import duties, the other will cost a mere €204,000 including taxes and a 5 year service


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s to ry by Andrew Marsh

Asto n Martin DB11 plan (German market). The Chiron. It has a carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) ‘tub’ (just like Veyron), CFRP skin panels (just like Veyron), it has four wheel drive (like Veyron), it is midengined (like Veyron), and the 8 litre W16 engine has four turbo chargers (like Veyron). What’s new? The W16 engine has sequential turbocharging - two units supply the engine up to 3800 rev/min and then all hell breaks loose above that speed. The engine was totally re-engineered with CFRP used for the intake system and timing drive cover. Power output is 1500 bhp, with 1600 Nm of torque delivered between 2000 and 6000 rpm. The suspension uses adaptive damping, specially developed tyres and brakes which are from motorsport. Highlights include an airbag that bursts through CFRP (a world first) and the world’s longest LED strip on the interior ‘C’ pillar between the front seats. The Chiron weighs 1944 kg (Veyron – 1888kg), and the Vmax is 420 km/h (13 km/h more than Veyron). Complaint Alert We know Volkswagen Group lost money on each of the 450 Veyron’s built – estimates are around €4 million per car. Chiron is limited to 500 units and ‘will make a profit’. So we see more excess and not much innovation for a vehicle which follows a truly ground breaking car. If you will, half a car. It is


aimed at the Xbox Forza generation and does nothing to move the high performance agenda along. Wouldn’t it have been more interesting to take the Porsche 919 Le Mans racer and turn that into the next Bugatti? So to Aston Martin. The complaint list is long, but the result is as positive as possible. on paper we see £200 million was raised which resulted in off-setting losses and developing DB11, and that programme is at least 4 years late. Instead of the pretty but tired forms laid down by Henrik Fisker more than a decade ago, we see new form – exciting form – which tops the made-forfilm-only DB10. All those years of endlessly adjusting the DB9 / DBS are gone. The engine is a biturbo V12 sourced from Daimler via AMG, with the engine build plate proudly proclaiming it was hand built in England and inspected by ‘Prototype operations’ which may have been based in Austria. Which is where AMG is based. The body dispenses with extruded aluminium and builder’s foam replacing it with pressed sheet aluminium together with cast aluminium nodes, just like the Mercedes-AMG SLS or the Mercedes-AMG GT. Fear not. DB11 is not an AMG. Aston Martin has comprehensively engineered the body to deliver the successor to the VH platform they have used since 2002. Better than that the look – DB11 has a spine tingling

mix of beauty and aggression, in all aspects. For a company that simply does not have a lot of cash it makes sense to obtain powertrains from those who can fund them - in this case, 5% shareholder Daimler AG. In the best tradition of British sports cars, DB11 is all about balance – the right amount of power (600 bhp), the right weight (1770 kg – a tad high) and outright speed. Vmax is 322 km/h. The question – one Chiron or a dozen DB11’s? Against all the odds, quite simply DB11 was the star of the entire show. How so very British. What is “All New” The high point was the Vauxhall opel stand. Here we could see a very pretty concept called ‘GT’ which harked back to the rare 1968 opel GT, and the European Car of the Year winner – Astra K. The ‘all-new’ product? Mokka. New bumpers. New headlights. Revised powertrains (which is entirely normal). No other changes. All-new indeed. This trend of billing product as ‘all-new’ is getting a little silly. It is clearly a case of extending the model life in lieu of a replacement product. overall the show did not have many new vehicles, but here is a round-up of the highlights: Ferrari – ‘all-new’ strikes again with a


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Lambor ghini Centenar io facelift for the FF, to become the GTC4 Lusso. Utterly boring. Traditionally Pininfarina would have had a Ferrari on their stand but instead had an ancient Ferrari based concept and an oddity – all thanks to being taken over recently by Mahindra & Mahindra. Maserati – in the midst of plummeting sales comes their first SUV based not on the Jeep Grand Cherokee WK2 but the platform used by Quattroporte and Ghibli. If the interest in the vehicles on display translates to sales, Maserati will sell every single Levante very quickly. Like Bentayga – which was hidden away behind a wall on the Bentley stand – the exterior seems to want to appeal to everyone all the time. The result is a bit messy, but the adoring public didn’t seem to mind. Audi – Q2 was the big news. Based on the MQB kit, and sharing the hard points with Volkswagen Tiguan 2nd generation, this is all part of filling in the gaps. The concept shown in Frankfurt will become Q6 or Q8,

and there will be a Q1 too. As we shall see this mirrors the VWG ambition to create five mid sized to small SUVs starting from the replacement Tiguan. Skoda – VisionS is the Skoda version of the Volkswagen Taigun, which is the stretched / 7 seat version of Tiguan. Whilst the vehicle on display was a very expensive solid plastic model, expect the Yeti to be replaced with a MQB based Tiguan sister and the super Yeti to be a re-clothed Taigun. Volkswagen – Apart from Beats editions of Polo and up!, Volkswagen unveiled the baby SUV as a solid plastic model – the TCross Breeze concept. It was unveiled as a cabriolet, following the lead from Nissan (Murano CrossCabriolet) and Land Rover (Range Rover Evoque Convertible). Seat – A new car!!! The Ateca is not a range of commercial vehicles from Mercedes-Benz but the first SUV from Seat. It is based on the MQB kit, and shares the hard points with the 2nd generation Tiguan.

VW T-Cro ss Breeze co ncept 30

The major changes are the bumpers, front wings, headlights, bonnet, CD pillar, tailgate and the interior. oh, and lots of Seat badges. Ateca boy! The show was light on genuinely new products, there were comparatively few hybrids, not much chat about connectivity apart from major suppliers like TomTom and Harmon. The product line-up was evidently slipped or sweated. This is the automotive industry coping with some markets in decline and others growing against a backdrop of imminent global economic collapse. In addition the automotive industry has been deeply wounded by the information that flowed from the Volkswagen affair, to the point that it’s credibility has been damaged. We can take this display of automotive highlights as a place holder – but this is not a strategy nor will the buying public tolerate this for much longer.

Hyund ai Ioniq Plug-In


SIB J-F AD 2016_Layout 1 2016/01/26 11:59 AM Page 1

CELETTE_Layout 1 2015/09/08 2:41 PM Page 1

iRT Hyperion infrared Systems

RUPES HE-901 Dust Extraction System




NAJA 3D Measuring System





BETAG Plastic Fusion Pro Station

BETAG T-Hotbox PDR Paintless Dent Removal System




Car & Truck Spraybooths




CELETTE_Layout 1 2015/09/08 2:41 PM Page 2

BETAG PDR Paintless Dent Removal Trolley Set






BETAG HotBox Compact induction Heater

BETAG Flatliner Modern Body Repair System











Rotary House, 31 Heidelberg Rd, Johannesburg, 2094 Phone: (011) 334 1875 Fax: (011) 334 0965

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n the heart of Bloemfontein’s industrial area there is a jewel of a body shop that is OFS Smart Repair. No expense has been spared to keep pace with new repair technology systems. The directors, Jeani Meyer and Gysie Pienaar, recently moved to implement Eurosider’s latest Nitrotherm Spray System technology on three production spray booths. They also purchased a unit specifically to gain savings on their preparation costs. Pienaar says that in the few months of them using the nitrogenrich air spray which replaces normal compressed air in the application of paint, their monthly paint bills have seen a dramatic reduction of approximately 25%, as well as savings on labour. Nitrotherm Spray requires no flash-off time allowance in application. Production has also increased significantly by about two complete units extra a day. That’s an extra six cars per day. In their case the specially designed Aer-o-cure paint shop can comfortably manage an output of some 300 units per month. “That is what it was designed to do,” says Pienaar. OFS Smart Repair have a major share of the Free State and Northern Cape repair market and boast a huge list of official approvals. They have a footprint stretching from Kimberley up to Bethlehem. The Nitrogen Advantage In replacing the traditional fluid carrier of filtered compressed air with a clean, dry and ionised nitrogen-enriched supply, the system eliminates problems associated with moisture and static electricity. The nitrogen is also free from impurities such as dust, oil, oilfumes and other chemical contaminants present in the feed air. This means that the paint does not react in any way to the carrier as it passes through the spray gun or during application. Nitrogen travels faster than compressed air enabling a lower pressure spray, which leads to reduced working pressure and less overspray, increased transfer efficiency and less spray booth maintenance, extending the life of booth filters and creating a cleaner work environment. Quality, Speed and Cost Savings Paint can be applied with a more defined and precise spraying cone, giving a higher definition of image and enabling improved colour matching in solvent and waterborne paints. Heating the nitrogen reduces the viscosity and makes paint application easier, which has proved to be decisive in accelerating flash-off and evaporation times, regardless of the ambient temperature. With Nitrotherm Spray each coat adheres to the surface being sprayed rapidly and without altering the properties of the paint. More material can be laid in one coat with reduced waiting time between coats. Sags, runs, drips and orange peel associated with traditional application are reduced. It has taken a short time for OFS Smart Repair to get up to full speed with the new spraying system, but supplier Kanye Vimba have been on hand to overcome the introduction of the innovative spray technology from Italy. Looking at other significant process savings, OFS Smart Repair say that their calculations show that the reduction in over spray will further reduce filter changes by some 60% in maintenance costs. That is a huge saving in running costs. “I can comfortably predict that OFS Smart Repair will be able to amortise our purchase costs with these savings in around three months of running the business. Undoubtedly our purchase of the 34

Gys ie Pienaar (left) manag ing d irector of OFS Smart Repair and L lewelyn Mulder, Directo r o f K anye Vimba. OFS Smart Rep air is achieving major monthly refinish p aint s avings with the lastest Eurosid er Nitro therm Sp ray System technolog y.

latest Nitrotherm installation has improved our final finish and delivered a vastly improved working environment as well as supplying a very much needed contribution to our overall bottom line profit at OFS Smart Repair,” concluded Gysie. For more information about the Nitrotherm Spray System please contact Kanye Vimba on +27 (0)11 396 1161 or Eguchi Iwao South Africa Pty Ltd +27 (0)31 913 0600.

OFS Smart Rep air have seen further saving s with the dedicated primer unit with vastly reduced o versp ray with Nithrotherm


NITROTHERM AD J-A 2015_Layout 1 2016/01/26 9:58 AM Page 1

Fast molecules: 4 Less working pressure 4 Increased transfer efficiency 4 Better working conditions 4 Less spraybooth maintenance 4 Extends life of booth filters

Heated Nitrogen: 4 Lowers product viscosity 4 Reduces use of solvents 4Reduce VOC 4Improves application speed 4Improves coverage 4Less aggressive application

Adjustable polarity: 4 Increases adhesion to different substrates

A spray-painting revolution. Saves costs and time. Gives a very high quality finish. Guarantees a consistent performance. Creates a cleaner working environment. Minimal installation requirements. Rapid return on investment.

Kanye Vimba Trading tel: +27 11 396 1161 cell: +27 82 552 8126 Email: or visit our website: www

4 Nitrogen can be charged with positive or negative ions

4 Regulated by up to 15kv 4 Drastic reduction of impurities on the finished surface

4 Easier application to metallic substrates

AR MARCH - APRIL 2016 NAT_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2016/03/17 12:16 PM Page 1

NEWS FROM THE ZOO - by Roger Houghton


A b right yellow Po r s che 911 blasts up the hill at the to tally r efurb ished Kyalami Gr and Prix cir cuit d uring the r ecent inter national media launch o f Por s che’s latest iter ation of the 53-year old 911 series.


he international media launch of the latest all-wheel drive, turbocharged Porsche 911 sports cars was the first event to breathe life into the totally revamped Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit in Midrand. However, we will still have to wait a few months for the first motor race meeting to take place at this venue which is still being upgraded to world class in all its aspects. The completion date for the refurbishments is now the end of May this year. I was among the fortunate few to have been able to drive on the previous Kyalami track in a Porsche Panamera in May last year, the day before, the bulldozers moved in. I was then in a group of South African journalists who participated in the launch of the new Porsche 911’s at the end of January. Add in the fact that I attended the very first race meeting at the original Kyalami circuit in October 1961 and the first race at the revised track in 1991, so the meaning of Kyalami, being “My Home” in Zulu, is certainly pertinent in my case. The Porsche media event saw about 300 motoring journalists from all corners of the globe converge on Kyalami to sample the latest iteration of these iconic sports cars which have managed to retain the same basic body shape for more than 50 years. It was fitting that the first official event at the totally revamped facility should be a Porsche event, as the saviour of this famous circuit is Toby Venter, the CEO of Porsche SA, although Kyalami is a private venture and not part of Porsche SA. Venter has stressed that the facility must be seen as a “NoName Brand” venue so it can attract support from all sectors of business – particularly other vehicle brands – and that he is a venue owner and not a motor racing promoter. Venter requires his marvellous facility to be a paying proposition as his investment runs into hundreds of millions of Rand and he needs a return. The renovation of the Midrand site and all its facilities, which was built originally 55 years ago, is believed to be the most extensive at any major race circuit in the world. Construction started in May last year and the current completion date has been set for the end of May this year as the scope of work has grown 36

immensely. Over the 10 days of the Porsche launch the circuit played host to motoring journalists from all over the world and will do wonders for promoting the New Kyalami, particularly as all who were able to drive on this world class circuit were full of praise for the layout and the high quality surface. Going around the circuit in the Porsches was an exhilarating sensation, especially when the 580 horsepower of the Turbo S pushed you back firmly into your form-fitting seat as you rocketed down the 900-metre main straight. It is amazing how the Porsche engineers, designers and stylists continue to refresh the 911 range successfully, particularly when manufacturers such as McLaren, Jaguar and Lamborghini are putting the 911 firmly in their target zone with much newer models. What is becoming a bigger and bigger challenge for the Porsche team is to package increasingly complex and larger hardware in the same basic silhouette. The Porsche 911’s that were launched in South Africa were the top of the range models, all with four-wheel drive and turbocharged six-cylinder boxer engines. Staying on the subject of local race tracks it was wonderful to witness the amazing public support for the 15th running of the annual Passion for Speed international classic car race meeting at the Zwartkops Raceway at the end of January. Circuit owner Peter du Toit was delighted at the turnout of spectators, which he says was the biggest ever for this annual motoring feast. They had the opportunity to watch about 300 cars and motorcycles in action over three days and were also fortunate to enjoy three sunny days for this event for the first time in several years. Du Toit was particularly chuffed that the racing was so exciting and closely fought that many spectators were standing up in their seats and cheering on the protagonists, headed by Supervan Sarel van der Merwe in the popular red Ford Galaxie. “This enthusiasm is seldom seen at regular race meetings in SA and shows the attraction of the racing cars and motorcycles from the Golden Era,” he commented.











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dopting innovative technology that makes use of ‘the internet of things’ will be the ultimate game-changer, creating new competitive advantages, new sources of revenue and innovative business models that will drive growth. GT Motive, the international vehicle accident, service, maintenance and claims platform, is making its mark in Southern Africa. Good progress is being made in the traditional vehicle accident market, and related industries, by connecting the dots between data and value. Vehicle inspections, end-of-lease and finance institutions are now collaborating, creating efficiencies and real value. GT Motives flexible architecture enables clients access to various parts databases on the fly, giving them choices and speed, optimising the claims cycle. The core business, Insurers and Motor Body Repairers, are serviced by a range of original solutions. GT Motive can supply the user with more than one part price, having negotiated special deals on various OEM prices by sharp dealers. These parts can be substituted on-the-fly, making cumbersome and lengthy parts sourcing obsolete. The entire assessing function can now be outsourced to GT Motive. With its international professional business partners, GT

Motive is able to offer MBR’s the outsourcing of their estimators. A professional, trained and fully managed estimator can be placed at the MBR, or set-up to rotate amongst several shops, to do the estimating to the highest standard. GT Motive also offers estimating services when the MBR has personnel issues, or a backlog of estimates to be done, saving substantial costs and removing one more headache from the owners life. GT Motive can simplify and improve the exchange of information using cloud computing collaborative platforms that connect all players in the process, generating efficiency, quality and savings. To get in touch with GT Motive call these numbers: +27 (0)79 921 1187 or +27 (0)82 381 2083. For more information send an email to Ingo at or visit the website at

IBIS AD M-A 2016_Layout 1 2016/03/16 10:38 AM Page 1

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R-M SOuTH AFRICA BEST PAINTER CONTEST A BIG SuCCESS Moniq ue Swanep oel (bo ttom ro w fourth fr om the left) from Pretor ia walk ed away with the co veted title of R-M So uth Africa Bes t Painter 2016. She is s een her with her e fellow contes tants and the BASF Coating s and RSB Autogro up teams.


-M, BASF’s premium paint brand for the automotive refinish industry, held their second National Best Painter Contest at the state-of-the-art Refinish Competence Centre in Johannesburg earlier this year. Applications were received from across South Africa, from which six contestants from KwaZuluNatal, Western Cape and Gauteng were selected to compete in the national finals. The candidates were welcomed to the final round of this contest by Paul Mandersloot, managing director of BASF Coatings Services, who shared words of encouragement and noted their achievement of making it to the top six. Warren Tollman, CEO of RSB Autogroup, distributor of R-M Paint in South Africa, applauded the contestants for entering the competition and taking an interest in their trade. “You must be proud of your profession and use what you will learn during this competition as a springboard to becoming an even better spray painter,” noted Tollman. Innovative thinking with advanced technologies and sustainable solutions, using the R-M’s ONYX HD waterborne paint line was the main theme of the contest. This reflected the global R-M brand philosophy which is to always remain close to the automotive industry in the pursuit of innovation for a successful and sustainable future. The competitors were assessed on various technical tasks to prove their skills in the use of ONYX HD waterborne technology and to employ the best available R-M technology. The five tasks included colour retrieval, colour adjustment, blending, efficient application as well as troubleshooting. The aim of these tasks was to ensure the contestants maximise productivity as well as ensuring the lowest possible environmental impact was maintained. Today’s spray painters need not only possess practical skills but also business acumen. The contests were also assessed on their usage of consumables to monitor wastage. They were also examined in the manner they handled the products with regards to health and safety. The experienced judging panel was led by Marius Nel, regional technical manager of BASF Coatings Services, with assistance from Wayne Brandon, R-M national trainer and Jonathan Tiedemann, RSB national trainer, who monitored every stage of the competition over the two-day event. 42

The awards ceremony was held on the evening of the last day of the competition. Nel remarked on the exceptional skills of the candidates whose tallied marks were exceptionally close. Monique Swanepoel (23) from Pretoria walked away with the coveted title of R-M South Africa Best Painter 2016 with Terry Knowles from Durban and Juan-Pierre Meintjies from Johannesburg taking second and third place respectively. Swanepoel started experimenting with spray painting at the age of 16. Being the only female contestant in the competition did not worry her as she is used to working in a male-dominated industry. After being announced as the winner, an ecstatic Swanepoel said: “I’m so excited and cannot believe I won. I thought the nerves were going to get the better of me.” Swanepoel, who enjoys air-brushing in her spare time, will also be the first female to represent South Africa in the International Best Painter Contest Final which will be held at the International R-M Refinish Competence Centre in Clermont de l'Oise close to Paris in France between the 26th and 30th of September 2016. The R-M International Best Painter Contest is the automotive refinish brand’s own unique competition that promotes the best talents with a promising career in the automotive industry. In addition to using R-M’s innovative paint technology, the R-M Best Painter Contest has the support of R-M’s local premium business partners Bulldog Abrasives and Scangrip as well as international partners which include 3M, EMM, DeVILBISS, SATA, RUPES, Festool, Sia Abrasives, Mettler-Toledo and Horn & Bauer. R-M Automotive Refinish Paints: an important part of BASF’s Coatings Division Under the R-M brand, BASF markets a comprehensive range of automotive refinishing paint systems, focusing on eco-efficient waterborne basecoats and high-solids paints. By using these systems all legal solvent-reduction requirements can be complied with anywhere in the world, and with regard to appearance and resistance, the products meet the same quality standards as solventborne paints. In this area, the company offers a wide variety of services to support its customers. R-M Automotive Refinish Paints is approved by most of the leading car manufacturers for aftermarket repair and chosen by the world's most prestigious car companies for its colour expertise.


R-M SPRAY COMPETITION J-F 2016 A4_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2016/03/16 10:49 AM Page 1

R-M is running its 12th International Best Painter Contest

Tel: Tel: 011 011 872 872 1217 1217

RSB RSB AutoGroup, AutoGroup, Joshua Joshua Doore Doore Building, Building, 44 Andries Andries Street Street South, South, Wynberg, Wynberg, JHB JHB

STANDOX DPS AD M-A 2016_Layout 1 2016/03/16 10:52 AM Page 1

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Telephone: +27(0)79 206-7881 / Fax: +27(0)11 452-8372 Tyrone: +27(0)82 856-1200 Aki: +27(0)84 889-7014 / Email: Website:

AR MARCH - APRIL 2016 NAT_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2016/03/22 12:56 PM Page 10

PRoDUCt news what’s hot?



ikaPower-4720 is a two-component, high strength panel adhesive. It is versatile, boasting excellent adhesion to a variety of substrates, without the need for a primer. ensuring faster application, this robust, secure adhesion uses minimal surface preparation. The specific design of sikaPower-4720 is aimed at metal and composite bonding. sikaPower-4720 is suitable for panel bonding with exposure to high dynamic stress areas such as door skins, rear body panels, roof skins or quarter panels. This adhesive has a long open time and fast curing properties; it offers excellent corrosion protection and is solvent free. It conforms to OeM (Original equipment Manufacturer) standards, and therefore recovers vehicle’s original condition in regards to quality, safety and driving comfort. For more information on sika products and systems, visit or call them on +27 (0)31 792 6500.

Sik aPower- 4720 bo asts excellent adhesio n to a v ariety of sub str ates eliminating the need fo r p rimer use.












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ostalgia gone mad was the order of the day as spectacular racing unfolded at the Pretoria track as the annual historic speed festival unfolded. In blissful summer sunshine the two-day event provided a unique opportunity for aging petrol heads and keen supporters to watch the 13th running of these races. There were close dices in the day’s highlight events on a 12-race packed race day programme. Peter du Toit, the man who stages the event, has two really quick sons who were at it hammer and nail all day long. In the Pre-Legends 1966 Saloon car event, and scooping first place by just 500th of a second Jonathan Du Toit led from start to finish but behind him, war was waged. Sarel van der Merwe, Hennie Groenewald, Pauolo Cavalieri and Mark du Toit banged and bashed around Zwartkops side by side. Sarel was in fine form to win ahead of Denzil Bhana in the Ford Anglia and Michael Campagne in a Ford Galaxie in the Pre 1966 Legends of the 9-Hour Production car clash. In Race 2 Pauolo Cavalieri got the hole shot only to reap a penalty for a jump start, so once again it was a battle royal between Groenewald, van der Merwe and Clive Densham (Alfa Guilia) that kept the record crowd on their feet and cheering on the rapidly passing show. With over 8 000 spectators on the grandstand and the grass banks, the event was in full cry as other events, like the Castrol Tourist Trophy held over a time frame of some 45 minutes. This saw the racing duel of the Du Toit brothers Mark and Jonathan in their

Hennie Gro ene wald puts plenty of fur y into his Plymo uth fr om 1957 at Zwar tko ps. 50

Lola Walls Ice Cream TZ) Spyder finish on top of the rostrum followed by the McClaren of Donald Duncan (McClaren MB) and Steve Hearts’ immaculate Ford GT40. In the packed racing days there were the normal unwanted race incidents as door banging played out and also a fair amount of track side oil as machinery cried enough. The T70 of Roman de Beer (Lola T70) scooped up the win with a meteoric victory in the first leg of the Sports Prototype Race, while Scribante took the second leg. The 12-lap Champion of Champions Legends race went to Lee Thompson in the rapid Chev Camaro, leading home Thomas Falkiner in a Ford Mustang. The Scheckter name of honour was held high by Jaki Scheckter who took honours in the very quick G&H Transport Extreme Supercar races in his Ferrari 430 GT3. The races were packed with serious talent from yesteryear as Chad ten Doeschate (GSM Dart) won the Pre 1966 Little Giants sports saloon series where Robbie Smith took the first spot and Gregor Peterson (Chev Camaro) from Sweden had a furious session along with Claes Paullson (Chev Corvette) with third place going to the VW Scirocco of Hennie van Rooyen. So all in all no spectators went home disappointed as the centrepiece of vintage racing played out between track parades and magnificent short circuit tussles – some iconic drivers armed with a superb collection of racer’s from a forgotten era all played their part proving they were race goers with plenty to do.











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Ther e is always a b evy of beauty o n patro l.

Reco rd cro wds out to see it all.

Intense r acing clashes wer e the or der of the d ay in p ro to typ e r acing.

The Du Toit r acing clan. fro m left to rig ht; Jonathan, Mar k and father Peter who staged it all.











Geoff Mor timer co mp eted in the histo ric saloons event.


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THE DAY OF  CHAMPIONS Story by Ian Groat Pics by Dave Abrahams & Jay Groat

Alan Duffus o n the 1975 two stro ke Yamaha TZ750 with 100k W.


t first glance the Day of Champions looks like just another two-wheel race card for motorcycles, but tucked into the vibrant retro competition are a number of former world champions and many Isle of Man TT winners who made up Mick Grant’s Classic Tourists Winners team from the UK. Mick was riding the very same Suzuki RG500 from Team Classic Suzuki that he won GP races on some 30 years earlier and multiple champion Ian Simpson who won last year’s races. It was backed up by a host of visiting flyers from Scotland including Bill Simpson, Alan Duffus and Gordon Gregor while visiting gearbox maker from New Zealand, Bruce Verson, took to the track on an immaculate MacIntosh Manx Norton in a high speed demonstration with the Historic Motorcycle Club. He finished way ahead of the rest in their high speed demonstration of bikes from the 1960’s and 70’s. All this took place as the sun blazed down illuminating the scenery and spectator stands with an an infectious glee as they watched world champions such as six-time world champion Jim Redman hurtle by on an AJS 7R racing single from 1959 in the Isle of Man TT Legends. Also new to this year’s event were the Smokey Ring-a-Ding two strokes who performed briskly between the oil and cement dust that plagued the two-wheel racers at the Zwartkops Pretoria Raceway this year. The oil laid down came from a record race day on Saturday’s previous race card where approximately 8000 spectators poured into the circuit to see the greatest vintage racing show in Africa ever. This year’s motorcycle match race series the “Honour Challenge” also drew some big names from the past in South African bike racing from over three decades such as Rod Gray, Peter Labuschagne, Gavin Ramsey, Graeme van Breda and Noel Harroff all out on GSX Super quick Suzuki race machines to avenge last year’s loss in this challenge to the visiting team of Mick Grant, Ian Simpson and endurance champion Peter Linden. When the flag fell however, it was a big two-race win for Harroff ’s big Suzuki. Noel is no lightweight now but he simply muscled his way past Graeme van Breda to win comfortably in both legs. Ian Simpson romped home third for the day. This left the SA Team of the sponsored series by IVID of Scotland vs South Africa who were clear by some seven points ahead before the second leg race at Killarney in Cape Town.


T his ho wling MV Ag usta Daytona came with UK Ace, Alan Walker to k ick up a din.

Noel Har r off blitzed the competitio n at Zwar tkop s with two well deser ved wins in the SA TT Classic.











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raeme van Breda won both races for pre-1989 Isle of Man TT machines in the Killarney leg of the international historic racing series at Killarney on Saturday - but that doesn’t mean he had it all his own way. The reigning ZX-10R Masters Cup champion was chased all the way by Scottish rider Ian Simpson on a Suzuki XR69 endurance racer and former SA champion Gavin Ramsay, on a Suzuki GSX-R1100. Noel Haarhoff, who’d won both races at Zwartkops the previous weekend and qualified third at Killarney, couldn’t make the start line at Killarney due to problems with his Suzuki GSX-R750. That left 2000 World Endurance champion Peter Linden on the Phase One GSX1200, former Grand Prix rider Peter Labuschagne (Suzuki GSXR750) and Gray on a Suzuki Katana to fight it out for fourth. After an epic three-way battle they finished in that order, within less than 1.6 seconds. Linden and Gray were also the first riders home in the Pre-1983 class, while Alan Duffus brought his Yamaha TZ750 - the only pre-1975 machine in the field, home 18th overall despite gear selection problems. Duffus’ iconic Yamaha then stalled on the grid before the start of Race 2; usually an easy push-start, this time it proved recalcitrant so, rather than punish the transmission any more, he pushed the bike off the grid and retired. That didn’t affect the leaders, however, as Van Breda, Simpson and Ramsay took off at a pace that would have won them national titles when these machines were new. Van Breda moved away in the closing laps to win by 2.355 seconds, but third was in dispute right down to the wire, with Simpson getting the nod at the line by just 0.042s. Haarhoff sliced through the 30-strong field from the back of the grid to finish fourth, less than two seconds behind the battle for third,

gus ta th UK o kic k a din.

while Linden put in another superb ride on the GSX1200 to finish sixth behind Labuschagne, and first in the Pre-1983 category. The Historic Motorcycle Group parade laps run earlier for racing motorcycles too rare and valuable to race saw some iconic motorcycles lapping surprisingly briskly; it was explained later that racing motorcycles of a certain age (particularly two-strokes) become ill-tempered if ridden too slowly. Among the stars of the show were Alan Walker’s immaculate 1975 MV Agusta 750 and John McKerchar’s Suzuki RG500 of the same vintage, a 500cc, disc-valve, square four two-stroke good for about 75kW at 11 200rpm – and a decibel level that would give today’s Noise Police a heart attack! Four decades ago these were among the fastest motorcycles in the world, and watching them today evokes enormous admiration for the brave men who rode these unpredictable beasts. No less evocative were a clutch of “Elsies” – Yamaha RD350LC streetbikes that dominated the production racing scene in the late 1970s, including John Craig on his recently restored 1980 model, one of the first at Killarney and the actual machine on which he raced at the time. With 36kW (in standard trim) on less than 150kg and a power band like a light-switch it could run rings around clumsy four-cylinder bikes twice its size and it remains a cult bike to this day. The youngest bike on parade, however, was also the biggest disappointment, as owner Alan Walker opted not to make any lap record attempts on the irreplaceable Ducati Desmosedici. But even trundling round at half-power, the big V-four made all the right noises, leaving the crowds in no doubt of what new-millenium Grand Prix machinery is all about, just as the Duffus Yamaha and McKerchar’s Suzuki had done for the two-stroke era.

For mer champ ion Keith Zeeman r ode this immaculatae 1959 Team Incomplete AJS 7R.

Gr aeme van Br eda ro de well to take second p lace. He went o n to win the series.

the ops ved sic.

Jim Redman & Ian Gr oat in their Legends of the TT Event ride.











For mer SA champ ions Rodney Gr ay and Gavin Ramsay d icing it o ut for thir d in the fir s t TT Series Race. 55

AR MARCH - APRIL 2016 NAT_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2016/03/17 12:17 PM Page 6

REPAIR UPDATE The Festo ol r ange o f tools is imp ressi ve.




he new rotary polisher Shinex RAP 150 has variable speed settings for quick or slow operation. The lightweight machine with ergonomic design has an accelerator switch for adjusting the speed accordingly and a robust, durable two-speed gear unit. A cooling element cools the air and prevents the machine from becoming too hot during long periods of operation. The user no longer has to stop to allow the machine to cool down before further use. The Shinex generates maximum power both at demanding lower speeds of 400 rpm and higher speeds of up to 2 100 rpm. An accelerator switch and six speed settings allow vehicle body sprayers to adjust the speed to the best setting. These features are particularly useful in the lower speed range: the machine starts at a slow speed so that the polish does not fly off. The switch can be locked for continuous operation. The recently developed twospeed gear unit provides the Shinex with sufficient power and durability for intensive, demanding polishing tasks. An integral cooling element continuously dissipates the heat generated by the machine to keep the motor cool. The powerful cooling effect not only preserves the bearings, but also cools the area around the handle: the user can really

feel the difference when using the Shinex continuously for long periods. A dust filter and a temperature-dependent overload protection protect the motor and extend the service life. The ergonomic handle, low weight and high-quality soft-grip material make the machine pleasant to use and safe to guide. Festool has reduced the height of the Shinex to maximise the transfer of force between the machine and the working surface. The small gap between the machine and the pad allows for a more sensitive polishing

action, makes awkward spots more accessible and the low, balanced centre of gravity guarantees outstanding polished results. The spindle stop and durable, low-wear PUR material ensure extremely practical machine handling on a daily basis. The Shinex was presented with an award at the iF Design Awards 2009 and is available from specialist retailers. For more information and distribution sales call Vermont Sales on +27 (0)11 314 7711 or visit their site

The Shinex is easy to guide in any p osition b ecause the g ap between the machine and the pad is minimal comp ar ed to tr aditional two-sp eed polis her s. T he machine r emains balanced and stable on the surface and allows the user to wor k with feeling even in the most awkwar d spo ts.












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DID YOU HEAR? by Roger McCleery


ith a second win for the revered Swedish manufacturer, the Volvo XC90 took top honours at the 2016 WesBank / SAGMJ Car Of The Year announcement at a gala dinner hosted by WesBank, the competition’s headline sponsor. Facing prodigiously tough competition in this year’s 12-vehicle strong line-up – vehicles that all represent the best of the best from a cross-section of segments and price points – the Volvo XC90 made for a worthy contestant, ultimately taking South Africa’s most prestigious motoring prize. Infiniti broke their global sales record in January. In Europe they increased their sales by 75% to register a 17th consecutive month of growth. China, Western Europe, Mexico, Latin America, the Middle East, South Korea, Australia and Asia all do well with Infiniti. With 11,000 Hyundai H-1s sold since 2009, the 9-seater bus has dominated local markets for a long time. It’s available with a choice of two engines in petrol or diesel and lots of performance. Now enjoying its first make-over it has lots of fresh features to make these popular vehicles for bussing passengers, as a panel van or multi-cab to suit all tastes. Hyundai/Kia are now the 5th biggest motor manufacturer in the world. Here in South Africa Kia has appointed 74 dealers in total. KIA must be the most awarded brand in history. They get awards for their quality and specification of top features from America, Europe, Korea, Japan, Australia and South Africa. It just goes on and on. No wonder. Their chief designer is Peter Schreyer who also heads up the design team at Hyundai as well. That is one of the reasons why their cars are so good. New models are due to hit our shores shortly. It never stops., probably the biggest website around when you want to read anything about cars, had their first award ceremony for various categories of cars. The Brand of the Year went to Toyota, which is not surprising. The Compact Car went to Ford Focus, Business: C250 AMG Merc, Family Car: Citroën C4 Picasso, First Class Car: Mercedes-Benz S-Class, Design of the Year: BMW 1.3, Game-Changer: BMW 1.3, Premium SUV: Volvo XC90, Leisure Car: Land Rover Discovery. Premium Hatch: Volkswagen Golf GTi DSG, Budget Car: Renault Sandero and Fun Car: Audi TT S-tronic. Those awards came after much research by the talented team at Your publisher of this magazine, Ian Groat, brought out his fleet of very valuable historic motorcycles all built by himself to the Passion for Speed Festival at Zwartkops at the end of January. As always one of his precious AJS singles was ridden by six-times World Motorcycle Champion, Jim Redman – now in his 84th year and still sending it like a pro. Not many countries can boast this combination. Famous D-J or Durban/Johannesburg motorcycle rally for classic 60

T he team at Vo lvo wer e r ewar ded for all their hard wor k and innovation as they p laced top of the lead er boar d as South Africa’s Car Of The Year.

motorcycles built before 1936 was held in March. It started in Hillcrest in KZN and travelled through to the Classic Motorcycle Club grounds in Germiston next to the Lake. It attracted entries from all over the world and Africa. It is amazing what is still around from those early years that can still be ridden in competition. There were see some famous names riding the machines. Ralph Pitchford had a troublefree ride from Durban to Johannesburg on his 1926 Triumph as he won the DJ Rally for the first tme. Its tag-line is “A race car for the Road”. That it is. It has a two litre V-tec turbo engine with 228 kW and 400Nm’s of torque. Dramatic styling, great aerodynamics, a unique suspension and great drive assistance with outstanding safety gives you a car that you will certainly enjoy driving. Honda sales in 2015 internationally were 4.73 million cars, 17.52 million motorcycles and just under 6 million power products. That is a total of 28.2 million engines which gives Honda the title of “biggest builder of engines in the world.” 30 million cars have been produced by Honda in the States since 1982 so you can almost call it an American company. The luxury manufacturers in the premium segment of our market have been at it launching some mouth-watering cars. The BMW 7 series have just packed their new model with every conceivable luxury and hi-tech item. Their sixth generation now available has everything you could want for yourself or for your chauffeur. It’s their flag-ship and it is sheer driving pleasure. There is even remote-controlled parking plus other driver-assistance aids. If you want to feel that you are travelling in first class luxury in a Boeing 777 or Jumbo in total silence, this is your car. The price-tag is around R1m. Putting premiums cars into the smaller end of the motor market in South Africa is Mercedes with their new A-Class range which also has an AMG 4-cylinder 2.0 engined model on offer. The A-Class is aimed at drivers from 25 years upwards which will certainly put its owners a cut above the others. There are two diesel and three petrol engine variants available and as they say, it is as comfortable as never before and as dynamic as always. There is also a motorsport edition available to appeal to racing fans Choose how you want to drive either in comfort, sport-eco or individual which you can do at the touch of a button and just go out and enjoy a car produced by the makers of the first motor car in the world – Mercedes-Benz. Ford is back at Le Mans in 2016. Fifty years ago they had an historic victory when they finished 1-2-3 ahead of Ferrari. Their wins happened in ’66, ‘67,’68 and 1969. Guess what? These are the numbers they are going to run in this year’s event. The Ford GT is up against the Porsche, Audi, Toyota and Nissan. All it needs now is a red car sports prototype to arrive from Maranello and they will have a show without equal in motorsport.











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Listen to Roger McCleery every Tuesday on Radio Today (1485 AM) at17h30 for everything about SA motoring.

The 2015 running of the Jaguar Simola Hill Climb was awarded with a Best Tourism Activity by Sanlam. Fully deserved and there are sure to be more awards coming their way. Uber taxis are going to start trials with a new service aimed at passengers under the age of 3 years old who have to be driven around in a car seat with seat belts. This certainly doesn’t happen in your day-to-day taxi service and Uber will be the first. Castrol Classic R oil products, the type you put into your historic classic car or motorcycle which served the industry so well for so long, is back on the market. Castrol R tops the list, all the gear oils, top notch brake fluids, lead replacement additives and gear oils to suit every make and model on the market. They come in the familiar green tin and also have one of the famous pouring jugs on offer. No synthetic product for this Castrol Classic offering. Get hold of to lubricate your precious car or motorcycle with the right product. It was launched at the Passion for Speed Festival at Zwartkops. South African designed and built vehicles accounted for 60% of the first 40 finishers in the four-wheeler category in the Dakar Rally run around South America. Among the 24 South African built cars to make it to the finish were 17 Toyota Hiluxes, 2 Ford Rangers, 2 Century Racing CR5’s, 2 Renault Dusters and a RedLined Motorsport Nissan Navara, This plus Brian Baragwanath getting onto the podium with his quad shows what a South African champion can do. The largest Renault importer in the world is South Africa. They only get outsold by branches owned by the factory. Last year Renault here sold in excess of 20 000 units. The 2016 Lexus GX gets a bolder design and a 2.0 turbo to make it a cut above the normal mid-size luxury sedans. The Honda Civic Type R was voted one of the five World Performance Car of the Year finalists for 2016. TATA cars and light commercials have added to their model range with a high spec double cab called the Evolve. Competitively priced it is available only in white. Initially there will be a 4x2 model with a 4x4 available on special order. Retail price is a sharp R265 000. Kelvin van der Linde is the SA Motor Sportsman of the Year, again. Van der Linde, who last year, at 17, became the youngest ever Bridgestone/SAGMJ Motor Sportsman of the Year, has again been honoured this year, for his exceptional performance in the international GT Masters Series. The Colin Watling Award for special achievement in motorsport by somebody other than a competitor, went to Porsche SA boss Toby Venter, who put R205 million of his money where other peoples' mouths were, to buy the historic Kyalami circuit and save it for South African motorsport. South Africa Bike Festival, powered by Discovery Channel, are thrilled to announce the first ever Custom Bike Show - “The South African Championship” as one of many features at the all new Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit on Friday 27 May to Sunday 29 May 2016. Alongside Live Music, The VIP Pit-Roof Village, Kid’s Action, Scooters & Commuters and Adventure areas at this year’s festival, the Custom Bike Show feature will be led by our favourite TV presenters from The Bike Show, Mat Durrans and Harry Fisher over the festival weekend, alongside prize sponsors, Mars Helmets. Those who want to be part of the action can book their tickets today at / or by calling the iTickets hotline 086 1000 291, and more information can be found on the social media channels; // // #southafricabikefestival











The compact Korek HD floor frame features a double layer ground frame for robust performance and easy set-up. The flexible tower assemblies are highly mobile. It offers extended cab tower pulls with traction pulls of 20 tons per basic tower. The towers are simple to fix as they operate on rollers and are fixed to the HD Korek frame by four wedges with three main stands on offer. This is coupled to 30 ton composition hydraulic sets. The options for a perfect chassis cab and frame straightening job are endless as well as painless. As far as speed of output and profitability are concerned, the HD Korek offers major profitability at a reasonable entry level cost. It is ideal for both CV repairers and large fleet operators as an investment in Truck repair.

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he business landscape has changed beyond all recognition in the last decade, with the rise of social media influencing corporate behaviour and consumer expectation. If you are not on LinkedIn you are missing a trick, because your competitors probably are. Social media is still regarded by some sections of industry as a slightly fluffy option with dubious benefits difficult to measure. If not used correctly, that can certainly be true. However, it is also fair to say that the world of business isn’t changing, it has changed, and social media is now regarded by most as an invaluable platform for reaching potential customers, employees and business partners. Facebook and twitter are both still widely used in the corporate world, but they’ve both been eclipsed by what is now the world’s largest professional network on the internet - LinkedIn. What began in 2003 with just 10 members has mushroomed into a virtual world that now includes nearly 400 million people, with two more joining each second. It is far more than a networking site for job hunters and recruiters, it is the business world’s platform of choice for brand building, business news and customer relations. The figures speak for themselves. More than a third of all professionals in the world now have a LinkedIn profile. Perhaps more persuasively more than three million businesses have profiles too. Of those, 65% say they have acquired new customers through the site, that’s not surprising when you consider that 45% of LinkedIn members are decision-makers in upper management. LinkedIn regularly outscores Twitter and facebook when it comes to announcing new launches with eight out of 10 businesses opting for LinkedIn, and when it comes to enhancing corporate visibility there really is no comparison. LinkedIn accounts for more than half of traffic driven to business websites and blogs via social media. However, to make the most of this resource, there are a few golden rules. Research has found that posting at least 20 times a month is vital to remaining engaged with other members, a third of whom are active on LinkedIn everyday while posts with pictures are 14 times more likely to be seen and 98% more likely to generate comments. When to post is also crucial, Mondays and Friday are quiet days, but activity spikes from 7am - 8am and 5pm - 6pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Still not convinced? Here are five compelling reasons why LinkedIn can help your business. 1. Networking Finding business partners is simple. The platform is designed to connect people and companies with similar interests, and viewing profiles enables you to make amore informed choice.

2. Awareness A good, well-managed profile can act as a flagship for your brand and regular, relevant posts will steadily build brand trust. It can also be a powerful and economic marketing tool, Richard Branson has nearly nine million followers on LinkedIn, that’s a lot of people to reach free of charge. Apart from enhancing awareness for you own brand, it’s also a simple way to track competitors and markets. 3. Greater awareness and trust in your brand will inevitably result in more leads generated. It is also an opportunity to network directly with consumers in an independent, flexible way that’s easy for them to access, for the first time the number of people visiting the LinkedIn site through mobile devices has passed 50% in 2015. 4. Research has found that 80% of members want to connect with businesses. Many are looking for new job opportunities. Ensure your profile has a live list of vacancies within your company, and it’s likely top talent will approach you. 5. Giving customers a voice and letting them know you’re listening is a fundamental part of brand building. With surveys, messaging, discussion groups and comments, LinkedIn offers an invaluable method of communicating directly with your customer base and responding to individual queries.

In Numbers l More than a third of all professionals in the world are members l More than three million businesses have profiles l 65% of these have gained customers through LinkedIn l The average CEO has 930 connections l 80% of businesses want to increase their LinkedIn usage




he introduction of two world-first safety technologies, the Volvo XC90 has seen off competition from Audi, Range Rover, Tesla, Ariel, Toyota and Volkswagen to win the prestigious Car of the Year title at the Stuff Gadget Awards 2015. Volvo collected the award for its XC90 T8 twin-engine petrol-electric hybrid, which breaks new ground in safety with automatic emergency braking at intersections and run-off road protection designed to reduce the likelihood of spinal injuries. Nick Connor, managing director of Volvo Car UK, said, “To have the XC90 T8 twin engine’s technology honoured by such an influential gadgetry title is a tremendous result.”












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So uth African Yatu d istributor Suleman Jo osab (left) is seen with o ne of the shar eho lder s of Yatu Feng Zhao jun and Feizel Manjoo of Auto & Gener al, KZN.


he Chinese paint maker Yatu recently opened up their world class training facility based in the Sanlin industrial area of Guangdong, China. The massive investment into China’s first waterborne refinish paint plant is clearly visible to any visitor. The international distribution and key technical attendees were most impressed by Yatu’s focus on their Train-the-Trainer initiative. Ralph Shen of international marketing and sales welcomed visitors to the company state-of-the-art facility which features a dedicated area packed with two full spray booths, preparation decks and dust free sanding systems. Here specialised teams are able to show exactly how Yatu’s developed refinish system can improve production flow and repair output consistency. The training area is just one specialised part of the new 22-acre Yatu production facility and it is packed full of the latest SATA and DeVilbiss spraying equipment, along with Festool dust extraction units. Mirka Abrasives are their choice, along with 3M, on fast flow preparation of primers, with one spray painting foam set up to work with a solvent borne 2K refinish pack and the other demonstrations on completing a local repair. The technicians set about completing two standard touch-up repairs carried out with panel edge-to-edge colour matching. Colour

No expense has been spared in the overhead dust free waterborne preparation areas with Festool automotive systems in place for training.











matching takes place right off the Easicoat colour matching machine and an excellent colour match on the finished vehicles is delivered. Yatu’s training plan is based on three key pillars: Service, Support and Colour Accuracy. The company’s international advance will see seven major African market expansion moves in 2016 in refinish activity. They have over 60 000 colour formulas already developed and close to 3 000 colour chips now available in sprayed out colour books. The colour tools are smack up-to-date for any end user or spray painter to gain excellent results for everyday use. There is also a fan deck booklet for easy recognition on offer. From the new facility, Yatu will up their OEM paint production in China where they are a top tier supplier. When it comes to factory approvals Yatu have plenty, including JMC, Ford and Geely Changan, Trumpchi and Haima. They are recommended by Honda, Mazda, VW and Citroën. Managing director Raymond Chow was very optimistic about the company’s growth in recent years. He went on to say that export markets globally are growing exponentially as Yatu marches onto a bigger world stage to gain market share and more end users. With excellent value and a great finish they are set to make serious inroads in the coatings business worldwide.

Ultra fast Yatu primers and a fast clear coat package are able to deliver super quick smart repair touch-up times with either the E3 or the E5 systems. 67

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Contact Suleman

Tel +27 (0)31 902 7666 www.automoti

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he Johannesburg International Motor Show (JIMS) has been reimagined as the SA Festival of Motoring and will take place from August 31 to September 4 at the recently upgraded Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit. The event promises to be a spectacular draw card for motoring enthusiasts as well as families looking for a rewarding, engaging, entertaining days out.The Festival will remain sub-Saharan Africa’s premier auto show – representing local manufacturers and importers, but will also feature halls and attractions that encompass the best of food, fashion, children’s entertainment, educational opportunities and celebrity moments. The event has shifted venues to the newly upgraded and spectacularly refurbished Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit and International Convention Centre, near Midrand. For aficionados, the show will provide a unique opportunity to experience the heritage of South Africa’s iconic racing venue. It also increases the thrill of touching, feeling and steering potential vehicle purchases, since visitors may now be able to take test cars for a spin on the track. Demos and displays will remain part of the mix, while the always-popular 4x4 course will be expanded for off-road enthusiasts. Families, potential car buyers and lovers of a good day out will also find Kyalami an

attractive proposition. With room to move, and several halls to explore, there promises to be plenty to keep all visitors happy. According to a statement released by the organisers, the SA Festival of Motoring has been designed to build on the success of the Johannesburg International Motor Show. Postponed in 2015 due to calendar clashes with the Rugby World Cup and Sandton’s Eco-Mobility Event, the reconstituted event has evolved to attract a broader audience while retaining motoring as the anchor. “This approach is very much in keeping with international examples incorporating a mix of live music, sculpture and luxury brands,” says a spokesman. The Festival started its journey in 1996 as Auto Africa, joining the ranks of international motor shows shuch as Paris, Geneva, Frankfurt and Tokyo when it gained a ranking from the International Organisation of Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA) in 2004. The only other OICA accredited show in Africa is in Cairo. In 2008 JIMS shifted ownership, with the rights held by the South African motor industry through the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa (NAAMSA), And, while the event remains a NAAMSA centrepiece, its focus is now very much on the general consumer experience. The Truck & Bus Show will no longer form part of the event.

“The SA Festival of Motoring will be an experiential showcase for the local automotive industry which is one of the country’s largest employers, adding over 7% to the GDP. It will not only seek to demonstrate this contribution but will also reflect the industry’s positive sentiment and commitment to the future of South Africa,” says Nico Vermeulen, eecutive director of NAAMSA. “The festival provides an excellent platform for the local motor industry to promote itself as one of the major success stories of a democratic South Africa.” As always, new models will be unveiled with sneak previews of upcoming introductions to the South African market while race fans have the opportunity of a front row seat to watch motorsport and supercar demonstrations. Marque clubs will welcome their VIPs to select tents. Scheduled daily parades of vintage and veteran cars will add to the sense of expectation, variety and fun. An innovative tech lab will present future trends while suppliers of automotive components and accessories for the original equipment and replacement markets, as well as service providers to the automotive industry, will also be represented. Live music concerts will add to the overall sense of occasion too.




n additional 2.23 million vehicles have been added by Honda to the Takata airbag recall, according to a report by USA Today. The automaker announced that certain Honda and Acura vehicles from the 2005-2016 model years are being recalled in order to replace the Takata-manufactured PSDI-5 driver-side front airbag inflators. The number of Honda and Acura vehicles now involved in the recall has reached 8.51 million vehicles. Those affected by the recall will be notified by letter within 60 days. Due to the high number of required repairs, replacement parts will not be available until the summer. Once the parts are available, a second notification will be sent to owners, according to the report.

Tel: 011 425 4062 Franz: 082 463 6284 Email: 1 Madeley Street, Rynfield, Benoni AUTOMOTIVE R










Supercure Spraybooth Rail System

Procure Mobile Infra-Red

Hotbox Colour Matching Dryer With Timer 69

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.E.S. – Your Equipment Supplier has been trading for just over a year now, and since its establishment has accomplished huge milestones which any company would be proud of. The staff complement has increased by over two-thirds in the space of the year; they have completed over 15 installations in major panel shops, as well as truck and trailer manufacturers, nationally and in Sub-Saharan Africa; they have added Stucchi Exhausts; Hazet Tools and Vigor Equipment to their portfolio of famous brands and have secured distribution rights for these products; and these accomplishments are just a few in their success story! A company is not “great” unless the people who are part of the organisation do not enjoy being a part of it. The Y.E.S. team are passionate about what they do, and it shows in their work ethic and commitment to the company. The management team has over 80 years of combined experience in the industry and is well renowned and respected for providing panel shops with advice and designs that are innovative and help to maximise output whilst focusing on reducing costs. They have recruited technical support staff that are highly experienced and dedicated. Together the management team and staff have already 70

revolutionised the supply of equipment and service to the industry. Head of operations for Y.E.S., Mace Moodley, has overwhelming experience in all facets of the business. His opinion on the growth of Y.E.S. is, “It has been unbelievable! When they say that you need to learn how to crawl first, Y.E.S. has hit the floor sprinting!” Y.E.S. also specialises in Aluminium Bolt-On-Bays. There are close to 200 VW approved shops around South Africa, and Y.E.S. has managed to sell Aluminium BoltOn-Bays to many of these shops. Y.E.S. shopped around to ensure that its customers received compliant equipment at the lowest possible cost. Y.E.S. – Your Equipment Supplier source products of the highest calibre, as can be evident by the latest additions to their product profile. A brief description of each of these have been included below: l HAZET tools are developed internally by highly qualified engineers with the help of modern CAD-computers and "high-end-software". These tools are highly recommended by Volkswagen South Africa, and are of the best quality. l With their company slogan “Tools to Fire Your Emotion,” Vigor Equipment are at the top of their game! VIGOR has well over 1 500 exciting items for industry, trade and automotive use on offer. All items are high-quality products, tested in

Germany in accordance with the currently applicable high technical quality standards. l STUCCHI Exhausting Systems manufacture mobile dust extraction units, which are like no other in the industry, designed to permanently solve the problem of the dispersion of dust generated by sanding and polishing. The self-cleaning filter system, unique in its range of reference, is derived from the centralised industrial systems and allows the filters to keep clean at all times which therefore eliminates any maintenance. The use of a tool automatically starts the suction turbine that automatically turns off when you stop working, thus reducing electricity consumption. Add these products to our existing range of Chief Automotive products, Elektron Welding Equipment, Chassis Liner Lifting Equipment, Firat Spray booths and Aydin Compressors and there you have it, a one-stop shop for all of the equipment that you need in a panel shop! Contact the Y.E.S. team for an equipment supplier that will provide you products of the highest quality that are value for money, and more importantly, for a supplier that will provide you with the service and after sales support that you need! Call +27 (0)10 590 9444 or email them on “Y.E.S.” is the answer to all of your equipment needs.


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he line-up for the IBIS Global Summit 2016, on 23-25 May at the Hilton Diagonal Mar in Barcelona, is almost complete with more toplevel presentations joining Google, Caliber, I-CAR and Autoglass. One of the highlights from the 2015 Global Summit was a session on consolidation, a topic which is still high on the global industry’s agenda. To continue this natural momentum, we have secured the services of Bradley Mewes, self-confessed business geek and corporate finance expert to update us on the latest direction of consolidation in collision repair. As the Global Summit 2016 is taking place in Barcelona, IBIS is taking advantage of local expertise to explore wider issues. MAPFRE is confirmed to present on ‘A Spanish insurer in the global market’ looking at new and emerging regions, while Ignacio

Suarez, manager of CESVIMAP, will be looking at regulation and claims handling in the Spanish market, as well as latest repair techniques. Completing the roster is John Fearn, motor claims product & strategy director, at Broadspire by Crawford & Company, who is covering ‘Connected claims’ – who is connected to whom? How do third party administrators add value? And what new business models are there for the insurer/repairer relationship? These sessions join the already announced Richard Offermann and Tanja Hufschmidt from Google Automotive, David Smith from Caliber, John Van Alstyne from ICAR and Neil Atherton from Autoglass. The IBIS Global Summit 2016 looks to surpass the success of previous years and leave delegates with more knowledge and business acumen to take back to their local

regions. The world class conference is only possible with the support of the forwardthinking IBIS partners: 3M, AkzoNobel, Audatex, Belron, EMM, Enterprise Rent-ACar and Fix Auto World. IBIS Global Summit tickets are available for just £1 795 and include full access to the welcome reception on 23 May; access to the full day’s conference, including lunch and breaks, on 24 May; the international dinner on the evening of 24 May; as well as the final half day’s conference and delegates’ lunch on 25 May. The price also includes two nights’ accommodation (23 and 24 May) at the conference venue – the Hilton Diagonal Mar. To confirm your place, email Nicola Keady, call 00 44 (0)1296 642826 or visit our website:




016 will be the fourth year since the social initiative NF Apprentices started recruiting and placing apprentices in repair centres throughout Gauteng. The foundation can proudly attest to having risen above the odds to make a real difference in the lives of young people. Finding the perfect fit between apprentices and the workplace remains an ongoing challenge. The apprentices who are committed and are capable far outnumber the chance takers and have helped the foundation grow to what it is today. Caleb Makhela, NF Apprentice’s programme co-ordinator says that the process has been personally enriching for him, “I am inspired when I see a young person take ownership for his/her life by working hard towards building a future for themselves instead of blaming the circumstances around them for their misfortunes.” Solly Mapokane, 22, a panel beater apprentice from Alexandra Township at Riverside Autobody said “I was introduced to this programme during a difficult time in my life where I had no idea about what I was going to do. I was then given a ticket to a better life and to earn an artisan qualification by joining the NF Apprentices family who listen to our concerns as apprentices and who care about the future of young South Africans who come from disadvantaged backgrounds.” NF Apprentice’s vision has always been about creating a bridge between unemployed youth from poor backgrounds and the motor industry. The foundation recruits, screens, indentures apprentices with businesses and monitor’s each apprentice progress. Through a partnership with the Gauteng City Region Academy, a division of the Department of Education, NF Apprentices will be recruiting 30 more apprentices onto their programme. “This is a huge endorsement for us” says Busi Maile, NF Apprentices programme director. “We are being recognised for the value we are adding to the industry and especially amongst unemployed youth. Thus far, the foundation has already qualified a Spray Painter and Panel Beater and will be qualifying 10 more apprentices this year.” she concluded. Project Lungisa – The Apprentices Give Back “We wanted to do something daring to showcase our abilities and also give back to NF Apprentices, and so Project Lungisa was born,” said Thabiso Mohale, a level 4 panel beater apprentice at 72

NF App rentices have been g iven a b oos t with a Dep ar tment of Educatio n endo rsement. Dent Doctor. “The car we are working on is a 2006 Honda Jazz, the engine is intact but the body is badly damaged. The expectations we have set for ourselves are high and we will have to prove ourselves, but we are ready for the challenge!” Honda recently came on board with a parts sponsorship for Project Lungisa. Head of Training at Honda, Rajen Mahabeer said: “We are privileged to be involved in Project Lungisa where we can support such local organisations in developing the skills of our youth. As the world's largest engine manufacturer, Honda has always committed to skills development and skills projects that focus on scarce skills in the technical areas.” The apprentices would also like to thank Hollard Insurance for making the project possible by donating the Honda Jazz they will be refurbishing. BASF has also committed to sponsor all the paint and paint material. The apprentices plan to auction the car at a fundraising gala dinner to be held this year by NF Apprentices. The money raised through this effort will be put back into the foundation to grow their cause and create access to skills for deserving youngsters. Visit to find out how you can get involved.


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Contact: +27 (0)11 463 2169 Block B, Ground Floor, St. Andrews Office Complex Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Johannesburg

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Tel: +27 11 834 1252 Fax: +27 11 834 1259 Email:

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urning out winners two years in a row on the Discovery Insure Awards process is not a fluke and it’s exactly what the family owned and operated Car World Panelbeating business has done. Based in Wynberg the key directors and brothers, Dion, Sean and Brendan Scanlen all operate with a handson philosophy to maintain absolute control over finished repair quality. The business now employs around 42 personnel. “It is a very competitive business we’re in,” says Dion, “but with close to 30 years in operation we are doing what we always have by delivering a post accident vehicle that our clients like everytime. Car World Panelbeating have a major focus on professional final quality of work.” About Car World Panelbeating Car World Panelbeating was launched on August 3, 1987 by Basil Clive Scanlen. An expert in the panelbeating field, Basil served an apprenticeship and qualified at Atkinson Motors in Cape Town. After 37 years of repairing car bodywork, Basil decided to expand and independently and together with his wife, Maureen Scanlen, began the successful venture being Car World Panelbeating. Maureen is the grease that makes the Car World Panelbeating machine run, she is the central hub of Car World Panelbeating. She spearheads customer service with her warmth and friendliness, and adds a touch of femininity to the somewhat male dominated environment. Dion, Sean and Brendan have over six decades of experience in the motor industry between them, and the dedicated and highly competent team oversee estimation and the smooth running of a busy workshop. Dion, Sean and Brendan are always determined to supply customers with the personal assistance they deserve. Within the vast and fast-paced city of Johannesburg, cars are a vital part of everyday life, therefore Car World Panelbeating also provide an on-site quality controller who endeavours to provide the reassurance that every repair and overhaul is everything expected and more. Their workshop manager and quality controller are invaluable assets to the family. Managing such a busy workshop, with over 150 cars coming through the workshop doors in any given month.


After 29 years of running a successful bo dy sho p, it’s g reat to r eceive recog nitio n fo r a jo b well do ne.

Car Wo rld Panelbeating is a Scanlen family business who run a tight ship .

Winning the Dis co very Insure Awards fo r to p natio nal and regional Panelbeaters two years in a row, puts Car Wolrd Panelb eating o n top.

It’s always a team effo rt that ensures great quality is achieved at Car Wor ld Panelb eating. 75

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INduStRY newS WHat’S HOt?




ohn van niekerk operates two very successful paint distribution companies in the west Rand in Krugersdorp and Roodepoort areas. Their service to the paint experience has seen exponential growth in the market that they service on a daily basis. Holts South Africa have entered into a large sponsorship for the charity PinkDrive Breast Cancer with their popular tyre repair puncture repair systems. The units come in three sizes and with a contribution of some R5 per unit, it is hoped with major national aftermarket companies to deliver up to R1.5 million towards the needy charity. “The tyreweld tyre inflator,” says Chris May, business development director International for Holts, “will relieve any stranded motorist across South Africa with an excellent temporary tyre puncture repair that won’t damage the tyre in any way.” The PinkDrive sponsorship is also backed-up with Rapid TV motorway signage and it’s hoped that the initiative will be capable of purchasing extra mobile health clinics and care units along with increased education clinics to increase breast cancer awareness. “we’re proud to play our part in this donation process from the Holts group,” says Van niekerk. Johan wouda from Holts South Africa says that the Tyreweld promotion has been exceptionally successful so far with South African dealers and body shops. You can get more details on PinkDrive promotions from Holts on +27 (0)11 613 6111.

John v an Nieker k (left) s een with Emirio fr om the Kr uger sd or p br anch with Johan Woud a fr om Ho lts South Africa.





+27 (0)11 613 6111


oyota has suspended all Japanese car production for one week after an explosion at a steel factory lead to a shortage of parts. The car maker halted domestic production for the week beginning 8 February. Production restarted on 15 February, while international production will not be affected. The decision by the company to suspend production has come due to a parts shortage, which followed an explosion at Aichi Steel Corporation’s Chita plant in January. Specialist steel produced by the affected factory is used by Toyota for engine, transmission and chassis components. Aichi Steel, which is 33% owned by Toyota, confirmed the explosion at the Chita plant damaged the facility’s furnace and ceiling. It aims to restart the site’s steel production by the end of March.











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Tel: (011) 952 1552 email:

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merican auto dealers and consumers are suing par ts makers, saying they paid more for their vehicles because of pricefixing by the suppliers. The civil suits follow numerous criminal cases filed by the federal government over price-fixing. Those resulted in corporate fines and prison time for managers at the accused suppliers. The civil suits could be exponentially more costly to the suppliers in question. In a procedural move any of the plaintiffs, consolidated their separate cases into two suits, one each for dealerships and consumers, with their legal focus centered on Japan’s largest automotive supplier, Denso Corp. It spells more bad news for many of the 23 defendants. If the cases go to trial and a jury agrees with the plaintiffs, the suppliers could face penalties up to triple the actual damages. What’s more, because numerous suppliers are being wrapped into the same suits as alleged co-conspirators, they would


be liable not only for the damages caused by their own price fixing but also for the damages of the other suppliers, lawyers said. That could dramatically ratchet up their payouts. Denso was targeted as the ringleader of a wider conspiracy because of its size and reach. It does business with dozens of other suppliers and auto manufacturers, plaintiff lawyers said. “Denso is the centre of the conspiratorial conduct,” said Steven Williams, an attorney at the Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy law firm outside San Francisco who represents consumer plaintiffs. “Denso was sufficiently big and powerful than even those companies that might say, “We prefer not to do this” could be forced to because Denso could then take retribution on the company that refused to cooperate,” Williams said. Denso spokesperson Yu Matsuda said the company could not comment on pending legal matters. The two suits, each seeking class-action status, were filed in US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan in Detroit under Judge Marianne Battani. One suit was filed on behalf of auto dealer plaintiffs, the other on behalf of consumers. They mirror each other in their accusations, more than 40 dealerships are named as plaintiffs in that lawsuit. Defendants also include Denso and other parts makers that have allegedly done

business with Denso, many of which have already been fingered in the Department of Justice’s ongoing criminal crackdown. But the list also includes some suppliers that have not yet been publicly charged by the Justice Department. Battani is to decide whether the cases can be consolidated. If that happens, it would reduce the number of class-action suits against automotive parts suppliers to around 15 cases from the more than 30 already being pursued, Williams said. Several civil cases are expected to proceed independently against other suppliers in such fields as bearing, seat belts, airbags and antivibration rubber parts, he said. The scope of the Denso conspiracy only came into focus after the Justice Department and antitrust authorities in other countries escalated their crackdown on price fixing among mainly Japanese suppliers. The dealer and consumer class actions that seek to be consolidated allege a horizontal conspiracy, in which Denso, the world’s fourth largest supplier, acted as a clearing house for bid rigging and market allocation among the others. The parts span everything from instrument panel clusters and alternators to radiators and fuel injection systems. The plaintiffs have not yet determined how much they will seek in restitution.

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cangrip is continually moving, and in just a few years, they have achieved enormous success with their range of durable and functional lighting solutions for the professional market. They are always two steps ahead when it comes to developing new and innovative LED work lights. The technology of LEDs and batteries is constantly evolving, and due to Scangrip’s distinctive strength they have the ability to take advantage of these multiple technological opportunities. They are highly committed to the ongoing product development process, and they regularly present a wide range of new and exciting work lights. Scangrip’s success is indisputably connected to their distributors’ ability to incorporate the continual flow of new products into their market. This is possible because of their market approach and business know-how. A large part of Scangrip’s work lights are supplied as OEM products to market-leading companies including some of the world’s leading brands. Bulldog Abrasives is the sole-distributor for Scangrip products in SubSaharan Africa. Contact their sales team for more information on the exciting Scangrip range of products on +27 (0)11 786 5991.












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FUTURE TECH - by Andrew Marsh


The forward facing dual RADAR and camera module can not only range detect but also classify objects. Above is the time frame for the system to act. © Volvo Car Corp


he Volvo scalable product architecture (‘SPA’) and Volvo engine architecture (‘VEA’) are the building blocks of the new company under the ownership of Geely. At first sight this is yet another modular platform approach which sees a high level component sharing not only between the new XC90, the impending S90 and yet to be released V90 – but also right across the range. This extends to the electronic system, the software and much more. The real news is how we got to the point of mass market product component sharing, and the dramatic effect it has and will continue to have on the collision repair business. In The Beginning… Engine bay and cabin floor were made in much the same way as now, but everything above floor level was defined by small diameter tubes which were then clothed in mostly non-structural skin panels. The ‘superleggera’ or super light-weight techniques used by the Italian body builders in the 1950s, it does hint at one of the most powerful data sources inside the automotive industry – one that the after-market and the specifically the collision repair sector do not have full access to…. yet. Vehicles today, more than ever before, are engineered virtually – under the label of computer aided design (CAD). That means whereas in the 1960s a vehicle might have a pile of drawings which then had to be translated into tools (more drawings) and then into finished parts, the process is now seamless. Every single nut, bolt, screw, clip and more is defined in 3D with computer generated wire frame models, to which are associated the part number, the supplier, 80

quality reports, process reports, environmental impact reports and much, much more. This type of modelling was born in the aerospace and off shore oil industry but was widely adopted by the automotive industry from the early 1970s onwards initially for packaging all the services required to make a vehicle functional (ie, brakes, suspension, steering, fuel system, seats, restraints and electrical systems). From the early inception of wire frame models limits soon appeared – large teams of designers working on multiple areas of a vehicle all at once tended to be able to put components through each other (usually accidental, sometimes as a ‘political’ act) and so a better technique was required. The wire frame is skinned with a series of shells which then are merged to form a ‘single’ surface. Just as with wire frame, by making and inner and outer surface we can start to define the bulk of the part and associate material properties with it too. This technique was widely adopted from the aerospace industry by the late 1980s. So far we have: l Shapes defined by wire models. l Shapes defined by surfaced models. l Association of those shapes with part numbers, and material properties. Now that the whole vehicle can be built up into a complete 3D model, we can really play! From Static To Dynamic Modelling The process is called computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and again was developed by the aerospace industry. The modelling allows rapid changes of shape to be tested virtually, and the real power from OEMs was in regard to not only aerodynamic drag but also wind noise around the doors/door

mirrors. The big work from the automotive industry was developing CFD to cope with low speed turbulent airflow and significant ground effect, whereas the aerospace industry was more concerned with speeds greater than 300 miles per hour (sub sonic laminar flow without ground effect). The power? Altering the shapes in CAD can then be tested virtually in a fraction of the time and cost compared with physical testing. Each alteration is fully captured, so once frozen can be fed directly into making real parts. As a by-the-way, 3D printing was used to make prototype engine parts way back in the mid-1990s. It was in use during the late 1980s, but because of the lack of empirical data, it required immense computing power – The Ford of Europe Ka B146 engine bay first run took 12 hours to process, and the second iteration took eight hours. Move forward 24 years. Thanks to building calculated data banks verified in wind tunnels and making the CFD programming less intensive such calculations can now be performed on a powerful PC on a matter of minutes instead of a super computer in a matter of seconds. As the understanding of turbulent sub system fluid flow increased, so the reach of CFD extended into heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC). This eliminated significant cost of building expensive prototypes – even with 3D printing – along with astounding expensive real world climatic testing. With the advent of CAD, impact simulation modelled by computer was possible. As with the many improvements in the power of computing systems combined with an ever increasing library of verified sub data sets, so the system has migrated from


AR M-A CLAIRE 2016_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2016/03/17 11:39 AM Page 12 super computer to powerful PC. The models used to be run in parallel with physical testing, but from around 2005 onwards the finite element analysis (FEA) approach is the primary technique used. What’s In This For Us? So we have from the internal world of the vehicle manufacturer: l Every component fully modelled. l Every component and sub system capable of being subjected to impact. In the after-market we have, as published by the vehicle manufacturer: l Parts lists/catalogue l Methods – because repair can be subtly different from the manufacturing process. In the same way we see CAD surfaced data used to create images for the repair instruction. Like the parts list it is a screen grab, but unlike the parts list it only deals with the repair process. However there is no parts information inside the methods system….. So Why Not Have….. l A ‘light’ version of the full vehicle CAD model? l One that can be crushed, bent and mangled just as we see the real wreck in front of us…. l The model then produces in real time all the parts – right down to the last screw….. l Which has collision repair subroutines where allowable sections are highlighted? Possible? Yes, and for at least a decade. Probable? Yes, but not until now. But There’s More… Let’s re-visit the wonderful world of Volvo. It has a new all-in system for parts, warranty, methods and diagnostics called VIDA 2915. Here are the steps required to access the data: 1. Subscribe to website No 1 – the data purchase site. 2. Purchase access to the Volvo Performance Academy – this requires mandatory on-line training to be completed as part of the process to access VIDA 2015. 3. Subscribe to web site No 2 – the Volvo Performance Academy. 4. Complete the training – this has three courses and takes around two hours. 5. Download the VIDA 2015 software to the designated computer. The web address is specific, but several people can operate VIDA 2015 from a single computer by setting up more user licences. 6. Subscribe to web site No 3 – the client manager. 7. This is where Volvo can approve the intended computer, via a remote system check. In addition this is the place to set up the user account and to add other users. 8. Subscribe to web site No 4 - the VIDA Admin tool.


1959 Maserati Tipo 61 used an extreme form of ‘superleggera’ to produce a frame so intensively defined by small diameter tubes it was nick-named ‘the birdcage’. © Makato Ouchi

9. This is required to associate the purchased VIDA 2015 data access to the right account. 10.Log into web site No5 – VIDA 2015! Take aquavit, cured salmon and herring whilst enjoying the first access. Every time one activated the VIDA 2015 Volvo access the computer to approve its use. For diagnostics this is important since VIDA 2015 will not allow any communication with the vehicle until the approval is given. l Complex? Yes. It’s a full blown dealer tool available to all – provided they are approved. l The future? In a way yes, but the next generation of VIDA will surely have better integration rather than a total of five web sites. The Shock The system puts methods firmly into place as the job list and torque charts to remove or fit parts. Everything else requires diagnostics. And wow, check out the electric/electronic systems on XC90! Let’s look at one example. The vehicle is equipped with autonomous braking as standard, which requires forward facing sensors to detect obstacles and to classify what those obstacles might be. In common with many other systems Volvo used a camera to classify objects from around 1200 possibilities (adults, children, cattle, trucks, cyclists, mad Englishmen(!)), a short range measurement system (LiDAR, fitted behind the windscreen) and a longer range measurement system (RADAR). Logic said that RADAR had to be very nearly exposed

at the very front of the vehicle with no more than plastic in front of it (which is invisible to RADAR) in order to work. Delphi and Volvo introduced something else for XC90. The camera remains (now with extra refined detection for cyclists and mad Englishmen), the LiDAR was deleted and in it’s place, behind the windscreen, was a dual range RADAR unit integrated with the camera. RADAR working from behind angled, laminated glass. This module works with the FlexRay data bus for suspension control, and two further data buses. In this way the system can recognise road signs, prepare the SRS in the event of imminent collision/roll over, keep the vehicle inside the designated lanes and more. The Point We have looked at how the automotive industry has migrated manual design processes into computer assisted systems, and how the idea of taking drawings to make parts has not really taken place for decades. The collision repair market has not been kept in the loop, being fed a very basic manual system extracted from this vast wealth of data. The issue is: as vehicles acquire more and more systems, and those systems not only communicate with each other but also other vehicles and ‘the cloud’, so the support of glorified electronic books to support these products is being stretched as never before. Just as electronic modelling was a revolution of the automotive industry more than 40 years ago, we need a similar revolution to access data in a better way for the future.

The art of CFD based o n fully mo delled CAD data – here we can see the flow o f air thro ugh the front end of a Mercedes-Benz, showing the virtual mo del o verlaid with the actual perfo rmance. © Daimler AG


MAROUNS AD M-A 2016_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2016/03/16 11:21 AM Page 1

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AR MARCH - APRIL 2016 NAT_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2016/03/17 12:17 PM Page 21


A ne w management r estr uctur e at the Maro un’s G ro up will enable the comp any to keep pace with all things ne w in the futur e of collision r epair.




he Maroun’s Group being South Africa’s largest automotive paint distributor has revamped their management team. company general manager Rob Simpson said “Keeping pace with new training, service and technical sales, it has become a vital part of our company’s successful track record across the country with the Standox, Spies Hecker and Kansai Plascon Automotive Coatings brands,”

Enjoying continued success they are moving ahead with a number of key personnel appointments within the group to stay ahead of the competition that they now face within the automotive refinishing industry. The Marouns Group, with 10 branches throughout South Africa, has to be in position to deliver excellent and timeous service.

Rob Simpso n (centr e), company g ener al manager o f the Maro un’s Gro up is up-b eat abo ut his new management team.












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o Starch Press has announced that it will be publishing “The Car Hacker’s Handbook” in early 2016, the first book of its kind to take an in-depth look at the computerbased systems in modern cars that make them vulnerable to attack and exploitation. Modern vehicles can be attacked in countless ways – attackers can remotely stop moving cars, open locked doors and even take control of the steering. Connected cars are becoming increasingly intelligent, but their security is too often an afterthought. The Car Hacker’s Handbook will address how to: l Write Metasploit payloads to attack the infotainment system and take control of a vehicle’s engine, steering, brakes, temperature control and door locks. l Reverse engineer the CAN bus, the network that communicates critical information like braking, RPM and door locking. l Hack the ECU (engine control unit) to access or modify it.

l Feed exploits to a vehicle through vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems. l Override factory settings to improve engine performance. The Car Hacker’s Handbook is a technical guide for anyone interested in cybersecurity or modifying vehicles, and a wake-up call for car manufacturers. “I’m excited to release this book because the topic affects all of us,” said No Starch Press Founder Bill Pollock. “Modern cars are basically unprotected networks that weigh thousands of pounds and travel at 120 km/h. And the attack surface is astounding.” Added author Craig Smith: “Car hacking allows you to assess the security risks of the vehicle you and your family ride in every day. The information in my book can be used to understand the undocumented inner workings of modern vehicles and communicate your findings with car manufacturers, which will make us all more secure.”




ith ratios, a total production of 2,400 Nm (1,770 lbft) of torque is sent through the dual-clutch eTwinster system. GKN Automotive has entered its eTwinster technology into the real world, as automakers test the torque vectoring electric drive system. The plug-in hybrid module is being showcased at the company's Wintertest proving ground in Sweden as an all-wheel drive driveline option. The eTwinster is meant to offer automakers a combined solution for hybrid and plug-in all-wheel drive platforms. It's a combination of the eAxle technologies GKN provides for companies such as Volvo, Porsche and BMW, and the twin-clutch torque vectoring features the company created for vehicles from Ford and Range Rover. GKN built a prototype vehicle for testing based on a premium


SUV. The prototype utilises a 240 Nm (177 lb-ft) electric motor and gasoline engine. With ratios, a total production of 2,400 Nm (1,770 lb-ft) of torque is sent through the dual-clutch eTwinster system. Vehicle dynamics experts from several leading automakers are currently test driving the prototype vehicle. The high amounts of torque mean that the prototype receives more propulsion power from the electric motor than it does the combustion engine. The company says that the eTwinster will be ready for production vehicles within the next three years and predicts that by 2025, about half of all vehicles produced will have some sort of electrification (hybrid, plug-in). To that latter end, GKN is developing a range of electric-drive systems meant to augment or boost the power produced by the electric motors in hybrid and plug-in vehicles.











AIRBAG REPAIR AD J-A 2015_Layout 1 2016/01/26 10:29 AM Page 1

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L i f e

i s

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AR M-A CLAIRE 2016_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2016/03/22 12:21 PM Page 3

NEW PRODUCTS DEVILBISS NEW GTI PRO & GTI PRO LITE DeVilbiss are very pleased to announce the introduction of the new GTi Pro and GTi Pro Lite spray gun platform for 2016. Listening to the customer is at the core of what they do and it became evident that end users distinguish their spray guns for different applications and materials by colour. They have therefore introduced two new colours to the GTi Pro Lite range with a vibrant blue and the ultra tough, black “Quick Clean” coating. Along with the standard Pro Lite gold they have harmonised the colours with the full size GTi Pro to create a new i-System Pro spray gun family. Each spray gun kit comes with an additional fluid tip creating added value and more flexibility. You can get more information by calling Tunzi Automotive or your local BASF Coatings distributor.

AYDIN TRAFO QUALITY HIGH PRESSURE WASHERS Aydin Trafo has lived up to adopting a total quality concept at both management and production level. Aydin Trafo high pressure washers are equipped with high quality “interpump” pumps with three cylinders and a ceramic piston. Required safety and maximum performance are provided by the regulator with a by-pass system. Due to the by-pass regulator, detergent flow doesn’t occur within the pump. This provides a long life span for the pumps. Power loss and vibration are minimised by direct coupled motor connection. This quality product is available from Y.E.S. – Your Equipment Supplier. Contact their sales team on +27 (0)11 590 9444 or on

AER-O-CURE GYSPRESS 8T The Gyspress 8T is an automatic air powered riveter specially designed to perform common riveting tasks in modern body shops including selfpiercing rivets and standard flow form rivets. The user can manually adjust the actuator speed as well as rivet pressure according to the metal used in order to avoid panel distortion. Every car manufacturer has its own requirements for riveting. With the Gyspress 8T, these different dies will enable rivet positioning and rivet extraction during repair of any vehicle in the BMW, VW, Mercedes-Benz or Jaguar/Land Rover Groups. For any enquiries, please contact them on +27 (0)11 444 6454 or



AR M-A CLAIRE 2016_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2016/03/22 1:28 PM Page 4

RODCRAFT SPOT REPAIR KIT Rodcraft Spot Repair Kit (Part number RC7682K) smart repairs on limited small areas saving time, and consumables, and making work easier. This practical kit is suited for work on paint and car bodies. Features: l Lightweight and handy tool with composite housing l Speed regulator with thumb knob for one hand operation l Air exhaust down motor housing For more information on the Rodcraft range of products contact the Bulldog Abrasives sales team on +27 (0)11 786 5991 or on

HOLTS SOUTH AFRICA SUPPORT PINKDRIVE SA Holts are delighted to confirm that they would like to give the PinkDrive Breast Cancer Charity up R1 500 000 during 2016. How are they going to do this? For every Pink Tyreweld 300ml/400ml/500ml they sell, they will donate R5 per unit to PinkDrive SA, to enable them to continue the fantastic work they carry out here in South Africa. Tyreweld is a temporary get-you-home puncture repair option. It seals the puncture and re-inflates your tyre at the roadside in seconds. A clever and handy companion in any car. Contact Holts on +27 (0)11 613 6111 or email them at You can get more information on who PinkDrive are and what they do at:

MIRKA GOLD DISCS NOW AVAILABLE IN GRITS P40, P60, P600 & P800 Due to popular demand, Bulldog Abrasives now stock Mirka 150mm Gold discs in coarser grits P40 and P60; and finer grits P600 and P800. These discs are available in both plain and 6+1 holes. This durable allround sanding disc is very well suited for high speed sanding in a multitude of applications. Gold discs feature semi-open and special stearate coatings designed to prevent clogging which helps achieve an optimal sanding result. For more information contact the Bulldog sales team on +27 (0)11 786 5991 or on



AR M-A CLAIRE 2016_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2016/03/22 1:01 PM Page 1

NEW PRODUCTS PAINTLESS DENT REMOVAL TRAINING FULL FINANCE AVAILABLE Verassi Automotive are proud to offer customised paintless dent repair (pdr) or pdr training solutions to both business and individuals, in digital and hands on formats. They have partnered with the best training institutes, and can offer solutions to fit all budgets. Pdr is a high profit making business with a massive market to take advantage of. Verassi Automotive also offer finance on all tools and training. You only need to visit their website to submit your enquiry and a team member will give you a call. Visit or call us them on +27 (0)21 300 1874/ +27 (0)82 853 8845 for more information.

SNAP-ON 18V CORDLESS GREASE GUN The two-speed, hi-torque 18 Volt DC motor delivers outstanding flow and pressure. It has dual motor protection that includes a self-resetting thermocouple. It has a 36 inch high-pressure hose with spring guard and coupler and a machined and hardened Piston with plated steel barrel and premium grease follower. It is ergonomically designed to reduce fatigue and increase productivity with an 18 V high amperage lithium ion battery that provides outstanding running time. It also works well in cold environments. You can find out more about this product by contacting their Snap-on dealers or account manager, or by contacting customer service on 0861 762 766, emailing: or visit

ELECTRON MULTIMIG 400 PULS A CAR BODY PROFESSIONAL’S DREAM The Multimig 400 Puls is an all-round versatile welder which allows for MIG brazing, traditional MIG-MAG welding as well as MIG-MAG pulse welding. It is easy to programme and only requires four entry fields namely: material, welding wire diameter, gas and material thickness. The rest is done automatically. The digital process control allows for splatter-free ignition and careful arc length control which produces faultless welding results whilst the optimum pulse shape produces the best adaption of pulse shape to material yield with optimum welding seams. The TwinPulse procedure can be used for the welding of aluminium. There are 100 programmable presets which allow for the storing of car manufacturers specifications that are retrievable by pressing the button at the torch. The display includes wire speed, power and the programmable presets. The Multimig 400 Puls is available from Y.E.S – Your Equipment Supplier +27 (0)10 590 9444 or on


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AR M-A CLAIRE 2016_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2016/03/22 12:34 PM Page 2


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AR MARCH - APRIL 2016 NAT_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2016/03/17 12:17 PM Page 9



ll good things come to an end and even some bad ones too. I have been scribbling out stories since the early 70’s and got into the publishing business by meeting the ‘King of the Crazies’: Simon Fourie from Bike SA. Over a period of a decade or so he showed me how to get it all wrong with misplaced captions and photos printed back to front. It was a wild ride becoming a Bike SA motorcycle correspondent, where, to be honest, my stories written on the back of a cigarette packet varied wildly, but always with an abiding enthusiasm. Through that phase and my other lifetime hobby of photography, it pulled me along admirably. One of the biggest changes of aging is where old age sneaks up and mugs you from the rear when you’re not looking. For now its over 30 years since, quite by accident, I became a publicist when a friend of mine asked me to put together some technical process features on car refinishing. Well, after about six of those efforts, and armed with a huge ego we produced Automotive & Fleet Refinisher, as it was known then in 1985 with a covert invisible me hiding behind my parter at that time. There were only two major paint makers on the market then, not like today. After three editions the front man disappeared taking fifty grand out of the bank account with him and vanished to Europe. “Welcome to publishing”, said my lifelong friend Gavin Stapleton and only printing accomplice I have ever had as this penniless chapter of my life emerged. He calmly sat on a pile of paper and on hearing the news gave me my one and only lesson in journalism. “I think you are full of nonsense so just keep going and we’ll get out of this mess!” he said. We had in better times already travelled to Bike GP races, Le Mans and Formula One events, taking what I like to think were world class pictures to cover motor racing for local magazines. In a South Africa that was changing relentlessly, no dedicated body shop magazine existed. Having spent so much time down in the trenches supplying knowlege to the trade of car repair, for once I could call on all those dead end jobs to contribute to my new life. In those distant heydays as a scribbler only one thing held me back – and its fully regrettable really – in that I can’t write too well. In real terms it’s a standard three with poor punctuation that’s dragged the trade all along for 30 years. Thankfully, there are always many clever people around who can proof read and punctuate with enough good will to make sense of what I scrawl out in long hand. I guess that way it will always be for me. Simon Fourie once said that I was the most successful writer of the “unsuccessful writers” he had ever met. 90

by Ian Groat

By being ridiculously obsessed in technology and coupling this to travelling the globe and believing in the collective good of what we are all bound up in, has resulted in this magazine’s huge success.Today it’s just a small family business run by my two talented children, Claire and Jay who have redesigned it and tweaked the look of it all beyond my kitchen table dreams from all those years ago. So at 70 years of age there is no new me about to leap out of the cupboard. Valerie, my wife that has backed me for close to 50 years, is still working hard at it every day on the debt collection side of the business and Nataschja hums along in the background keeping it all up to speed. Unlike my contemporaries I’m not out there playing golf or worrying about my offshore investments. For me and my life’s highway it’s just another working day as I’m still supple enough to put on my own socks while living in a world where it’s best at my age not to have too many mirrors in your sightline. So what is it all about Ian? Well my second life in South Africa has quite simply been amazing for travelling and the like: from Russia to China, to the USA in the quest for updated technology on process change, that has been very time consuming, yet delivered a huge vision on just how varied life and it’s everyday reality can be for the human race. I could go on but space is limited and my time is nearly up. I never had a plan to publish and no great ambition for my kids to either but I can honestly say that nothing that they will ever achieve will ever make me prouder of them other than the day they were born. Unlike my other life where I chose to emigrate and leave my family far behind we all see each other each and every working day of the week in a tight knit business such as this. That in my opinion is a real bonus that we all share. So for those of you who have stuck with my bi-monthly meanderings and past features and even possibly enjoyed them, fear not, for it too looks like I’m doomed to carry on for a bit longer between mending race bikes down in the shed, for some time yet. Quite how many trips are left in this old dog to see the TT racers or international shows is clearly uncertain. With some luck I will see many more Christmases and based on the assumption that ageing is just a physical process, it’s also a maturing one. It’s not just a feeling, it’s an experience where you are as old as you can remember and Lord knows I have plenty of those – a lifetime in fact – of great memories in making a difference.











COLLISION REPAIR ASSOCIATION 2_Layout 1 2015/05/15 11:49 AM Page 1

Enjoy the recognition you deserve.

We thank you for providing us with the opportunity to introduce our dynamic service offerings and present to you a vision for simplicity, success and sustainability. The CRA has evolved as an organisation with passion, understanding and the will to provide results to our esteemed members from the basis of being a voice to the auto body collision industry. We employ consultants and are associated with people suitably qualified in all aspects of collision repair and related business management skills with high integrity and willing to offer their support to ensuring the success of your facilities. Our objectives are issues the proactive body shop owner does not really have the time to concentrate on to ensure the optimisation of their business. The constant changes in the law, support in compliance with statutory requirements, relationship mentoring with government and insurers on selection criteria with regards to financial allowances on mark-up and labour rates as well as aiding consumer choice on service expectation. Further hereto our aim is to provide technical support and training on advancements in collision repair techniques and new equipment investment advice. To date the CRA has achieved significant change with benefits and are on the road to create market awareness which in the short term will emulate consumer appreciation not previously evident in our local market. Our mission will ensure via procedural compliance that our forum will enforce a code of conduct that covers consumer protection, work force motivation and job security and ultimately peace of mind to business owners on secure, and beneficial return on investment. We have also concluded annual inflationary labour rate increases with a major insurer

including labour rate allowances above the rate which individual repairers would normally be able to achieve independently and thus extended as a financial benefit to approved members. This will be protracted via further meetings to almost all the other major insurers in the short term. As with any Association annual membership fees are payable to cover administration costs and our membership is based on grading status. Further hereto our membership is extended to equipment and service related suppliers whom have a similar vision of business ethic. These include at present paint suppliers, a BEEE accreditation agency, an authorised health and safety compliance consultant, quoting and business management software suppliers and high end workshop equipment suppliers. This will also result in better service, support and preferential rates on association. We provide an on-line E Procure business data profile of members to support recognition for independent role players in every area of activity in the collision repair industry. The platform will provide assistance to work providers and consumers with accident damaged vehicles to make educated decisions in allowing the most professional repairer the opportunity of refurbishment within acceptable time frames and in line with warranty reinstatement protocols. In conclusion we trust you can see the benefit of belonging to our Association and look forward to the synergy we can create by our providing valued service and more importantly ensuring your enthusiasm and input is shared with other members at organised events of our approved panel. JOIN THE CRA AND GET THE RECOGNITION YOU DESERVE!

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