Success Story Mike Porro VP & General Manager Sam Swope Honda World
Sam Swope Honda World
Kentucky’s No. 1 Honda Store Has the Best Year Ever Using an iPad-Driven Sales Process
Sam Swope Honda World, located in Louisville, Kentucky, is successful by any definition. They are the No. 1 Honda store in Kentucky in sales, selling 65% of all new cars in their marketplace — regularly outselling Toyota and Ford. This year, they made six million dollars of net profit. One of the reasons they are so successful is that they don’t rest on the methods that worked yesterday to sell to today’s consumers. Sam Swope Honda World uses an iPad based selling system, powered by IntellaCar, to connect with the modern consumer. The results have been incredible. “Individual productivity is way up,” said the dealership’s VP/GM, Mike Porro. “We are having our most profitable year ever and we are doing it with a sales team that is 35 percent smaller.” Why is such a system making so big of an impact on a dealership that was already successful? To answer that, you have to look at the changing consumer.
Today’s EducaTEd coNsumEr
It’s a given that the Internet changed the face of car sales. With so much information available to the consumer, the salesperson/customer dynamic has changed greatly. As much as the Internet transformed the sales landscape, however, the advent of smartphones might be a bigger factor, and change is coming more and more quickly. In May 2011, 35% of the U.S. population owned a smartphone. Just two years later, that number had jumped up to 56%. Studies have shown that 50% of mobile Web users now use mobile as either their primary or exclusive means of going online.
smarTpHoNEs aNd car salEs
What does that data mean when it comes to automobile sales? It means that salespeople now are facing far more knowledgeable customers. Since they usually focus on a specific vehicle, frequently customers know more than your salespeople. Also, when your customer is left
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