The Benefits of Meditation
Meditation provides a lot of benefits for you mind, body, and spirit. Meditation has two vital benefits. It prevents stress from getting inside your system and releases the accumulated stress within. These two occurs at the same time, and the person will feel happy and refreshed. Research has suggested that meditation can decrease blood pressure as well as insulin resistance. If you care for someone, then you should consider giving them gifts for living well.
Promotes Immunity ď ś Relaxation through meditation has been proven to improve immunity of cancer patients. ď ś There was a study made by the Ohio State University that suggested progressive muscular relaxation can decrease the risk of recurrence of breast cancer. ď ś Meditation can also promote natural killer cells among senior citizens and provide them with higher resistance to viruses and tumors.
Bolsters Fertility • According to a study, women are more likely to conceive when they are relaxed instead of being stressed. • Another study suggested that stress reduces male fertility. • If you know a couple who are having difficulty in conceiving, maybe using aroma diffuser gifts can help them become more relaxed and free of stress. 09/02/14
Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome • People who are experiencing irritable bowel syndrome should start meditating at least twice a day. • Through meditation, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating can be improved. • Researchers from the State University of New York saw the effectiveness of meditation and recommended the practice as a treatment for the condition. • A person’s wellbeing can be improved greatly through daily practice of meditation.
Reduces Blood Pressure • Meditation coupled with relaxation lowers blood pressure by making the body less prone to stress. • It works just like a medication that’s designed to lower one’s blood pressure. • There have been several studies that showed patients who were trained on relaxation techniques had much lower blood pressure.
Fights Inflammation • Inflammation is dangerous to a person’s wellbeing. It can increase the risk of heart disease, asthma, arthritis, and skin conditions. • One of the leading causes of inflammation is stress. • Meditation can help prevent and treat symptoms of inflammation by switching off the stress response. • Recipients may benefit from our aromatherapy gifts to help them practice meditation. 09/02/14
Induces Calmness of Mind and Body Relaxation can improve the calmness of the person. When a person meditates, a thought is witnessed; while a person who does not meditate, a thought controls them. When a displeasing thought occurs, a person who meditates will just let it be. In an ordinary mind, this thought can result in rage that can build up over time. Meditation allows a person to start living in the moment and not in the past. Disappointment and anger are just emotions that can quickly disappear.
Leads to Personal Transformation Meditation can also help you find your inner self. It can bring about personal transformation. These questions should be understood, and you will live your life through answering them and this will lead to true happiness. Busy people should consider a couple of minutes of meditation daily to enrich their lives and promote good health. Meditation is good stress reliever after a hard and busy day. You should also share the wonderful benefits of meditation with your family, friends and loved ones. 09/02/14
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