Lucky Zine Volume 1

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lucky zine Vol.1

This is when my friends and I played with the school scanner. I recently bought all of these bomb ass necklaces at goodwill. I told my friends I had really been wanting to start making art for my own zine and that I wanted to put all my goodwill necklaces and a bunch of other objects on the scanner. Emily and Lacey handed me little objects like Emilys’ bottle caps and horse earring or lacey’s bear, which was really cute, thank you guys. We made a collection of these little objects in the bottom of a Zine Club tote bag.

can describe it was that they went straight to the bottom of your stomach when you eat them. They also tasted kind of like tortillas or straight flour. We had a lot of fun putting objects and our faces alllll over the scanner. There were also some fucking terrifying images we created that I will not be sharing at this moment.

When we were leaving the dorm to go to the scanner we ran into Matthew!! We went to the dining hall and the food was actually really plain that day. Lacey (without a meal plan bc she doesnt live on campus) was waiting on a bench outside and I packed her some pretty bad food but I packed it with love. We also made fun of the cookies that the only way I

this is me playing with the halftone filter too much

a found collection of designs from real life:

of in

myself. I had a little bit of the Saturday scaries, or being partially hungover and anxious, so I wanted to have a day out. Baby's day out. The movie Babys Day Out 1994 is crazy. It is a fever dream and forever burned in my memory from when I watched it on a DVD player around idk age six? Anyways, I knew wanted to look around record stores and antique stores. I walked into Friends of Sound Records, San Antonio. Well, first I struggled with parking, got boxed in the driveway of the place, and had to reverse embarrassingly all the way out. I parked on the side road in front of a church and wondered if these church people would tow me if they saw me walk right into the record store. I figured the church people would do that AND right in that moment, I saw someone leaving an open parking space in the driveway. So, I reversed out of yet another parking spot, waited and got in. OK now we're in the record store.

There’s one worker there and he breaks the silence of me walking in by putting on a stellar electronic beat. I would say like Aphex Twin, but I knew it wasn’t Aphex Twin, it was more vintage sounding. I didn’t come into the record store with the intention of getting design inspiration, like I said I was trying to have a day out, but I noticed that holy shit these vintage records are beautiful and I need to take pictures of all the ones I like because the layouts, the fonts, the negative space, etc. were popping out to my eyeballs. The last time I was in a record store was before I became really interested in design, so it was like I was seeing things I used to look at before, but from a totally different perspective. I thought that that was really cool. I also thought about the people in the shop seeing me holding up one record at a time and taking pictures of all the records like they don’t even know I’m thinking about fonts right now. Like yeah I might look this up on spotify later but Im thinking about fonts right now... and they don’t even know. I would totally recommend doing this it was really fun and felt like I

was creating an arsenal of design ideas to look back on later. I also take pictures at bookstores or even color combinations. Like I said earlier, graphic designers or other artists be inspired by the stupidest shit. I go driving from San Antonio to Houston and I almost get in a car crash trying to take a picture of a stupid fucking billboard because I like the font. Anyways I spent the rest of my day looking in another record store, spending way too much time at Alamo Antique Mall, which I would really really recommend, and then later I get scared walking by myself towards the river walk because it is about to be dark and finally, I have soup and a sushi roll.

Also, street parking is free after six on weekends. Get your street parking spot at around 4 (after then you might not be able to get one) only pay for two hours of parking and get a good spot and then after six it’s free.

i bought this...

all roads lead to rum.

i like how the squiggle of negative space goes across and the text in it. vintage ads are cool i sent some to my friend whos an advertising major.

who wants to have an adult tea pary with me?

heres a journal entry to ll the space

sketchbook tourrrr
little mini zine ^ little doodles

little mini comic

how to defeat a mythologic enemy

1 pray to your gods that one of them help you. as a hero one of them is bound to hate you though. hope that one is on your side.

2 be stellarly strong or intelligent to be a match to this beast.

3 make some friends along the way to help you win your battles. dont get too attached. if you’re on a long voyage home you might loose a few friends. same if your in the trojan war. If you find yourself in that situation dont get too attached to your bestie or the prophecy might come true. live long or die young for glory the choice is up to you.

4 i dont know get a magic shield or club or something.


you wouldnt know what its like

here is some finds

haul. glassware is my new obsession.

stories from when I was in the hospital

Here is a somewhat summary of my crazy experiences in and out of hospitals and dance with insanity that I now find extremely funny. I made several jokes out of it in my therapy sessions and I look forward to making more jokes in the future.

So it basically all started when I went on a walk I couldn’t come back from. I followed a cat, this cat was named love kitty. I followed Love down the street in the middle of the night actually delusionally happy. I had been fighting with my mom and worshiping sausage links in the backyard, very weird shit. I also had some delusions about being watched by my family all the time, delusions about guardian angels, and staying up all night having some sort of religious or spiritual experience or manic episode. I often laid in the backyard on a blanket under the trees and stuff like that. My mom and uncle drove me to the hospital, I had a moment where I thought I was reborn, It was like I woke up as a child again with my mom yelling at me in the passenger seat. I realized she talked to me like her father talked to her and I have the image of her yelling at me in the passenger seat I was leaning back so in my eyes it literally looked like I was in a child’s body. I also thought about generational trauma a lot and how the cycle of life just continues and continues, I thought about that and generations of families and how people are connected blab la blab la. Here’s journal entries from around that time:

“generational trauma” explained
smoking w the cat
happy cats

The first time I was in the hospital when we got in the lobby, I had some sort of breakdown after the whole reborn thing. I was crying tears of joy about the beauty of life and how people are all angels I remember when I was cry-smiling to the nurses I said, “Does everyone know?” pure, pure joy. And they were like “Know what?” I don’t know why that happened in my brain, but it was pretty cool. Nurses literally are angels too. I think if angels were real they would make their life mission working in a hospital lobby. Hospitals do seem like spiritual places I remember in one of the hospitals I used to close my eyes and listen to all the doctors and nurses’ conversations, there were actually a lot of really young ones and I remember liking listening to their

conversations a lot. I liked how it wasn’t small talk at all, they got right into funny banter in passing through my door, the beeping sounds and pleasant whir of machines was also very comforting to me I remember my mom said nurses were like: “she likes it here!” it was like being in a “spiritual waiting room” was what I called it in my head. I also believed in reincarnation at this point or something like that, and kept talking about it. Also gave a world famous “why hurt people hurt people” speech. I had a weird trip or dream, literally on some sort of drugs, about my room being on the edge of the “Muslim section of the hospital”, in the dream the hospital was literally divided into religious sections. And my parents were convinced to let me do inpatient at our

house and the house was remodeled to have a hospital room but also, I would be living in a not convent but like a convent with a lot of young Muslim people on the upper level of the house, the house was literally renovated and divided for the circumstances. But anyways my dad got mad about this and tried to break down the dividing door. There was also a weird part about a biological experiment where my parents collected my eggs to procreate me again if something were to go wrong/ in case I died, It was really weird. The hospital curtain also was made into a rig/ tube where biomaterial like eggs and sperm was kept. My dad set it up in advance and it was an extremely illegal breaking bad type of stunt. I also saw spiders on the walls and the hospital room

grew in size and the curtains glowed from the drugs I was on. I was put into I think a deluxe room after my mom and I caused a lot of trouble in the hospital so they knew I might be there for a while. But anyways the FIRST time I was in the hospital I think that there was nothing wrong with me physically I didn’t even get pricked with an IV I think I just explained to several nurses that I was not in fact crazy or had an eating disorder and just that I believed in generational trauma and religion or something? I was really extremely scared of being sent to a horrible psych ward in the hospital and being on drugs that I didn’t want to take and I’m thankful to the nurses and doctors who listened to whatever I was saying and let me go home instead of sending me some-

somewhere. I think the Christian nurses really liked me or something one of them was like “Congrats you’re an adult now!” and then I signed a paper that would let me go home. I didn’t know that my mom would be giving me medicine after that which I’m kind of mad about, I never fully gave consent to be put on medicine but whatever. Um but back to following the cat, that was after the first time I was sent to a hospital. My mom was probably at her wits end she said if I ran away again I would probably be sent somewhere, but I was crazy and followed a cat so. After I followed the cat I went up to a stranger’s house in the neighborhood and asked to borrow her phone to call my friend Shannon’s mom because I really wanted to

to escape my house that badly. It was the middle of the night and I alerted the wife’s husband, he was stressed out, she thought I was a scammer for sure, but then the cops and an ambulance literally came outside the house I was ducking by the windows in their hallway with car lights going by when that happened and then I was taken away in an ambulance saying oh fuck oh fuck the whole time. Being worried about legal trouble and getting sent away for real this time, I kept asking about my rights as someone over the age of 18.

I then was a menace in the hospital.

Earlier in the year in college I found this sign in the laundry room in a relationship infographic that said “Doesn’t manipulate” in a paper heart and I thought that that was so funny that I had to steal it and gift it to this girl. But upon further investigation into the hospital videos, I do in fact manipulate. And I did. I am sorry family and friends…

I practiced speeches in my dad’s baseball cap backwards in a man voice, called myself my own weird uncle and refused to eat a burger or take meds or drink salt water. The nurse was actually on my side and probably knew my family does too much sometimes. Then I don’t remember how but I think I spent another night in the hospital had that weird trip and listened to the doctor’s conversations a lot, raced for a covid test for some reason

I dont remember the circumstances but one of the male nurses got laughed at by the other nurses for offering to give me a covid test which was really fucking funny. Got yelled at by some guy for my mom’s loud phone calls in the hallway,” You don’t know what kind of mess you are creating” blab la. I basically wanted 1) to be

my own damn dad as weird as that sounds and 2) to restart my life on the streets. I don’t remember a whole lot my mom can help fill in but then I was at a behavioral hospital which I treated like summer camp. People were cool they smoked Luckie’s cigarettes I like to think for me. Then I came home and was normal for a bit then later had a lot of delusions about getting shot in my sleep for like weeks, delusions about people in real life being actors or advertisements talking to me or tv shows being ai generated or referencing my life or all my friends making fun of me. I’m on meds now and I am back and better than ever. I’m slowly gaining my freedom back cacaw the sound of freedom. . .I’m allowed to drive now and we’re moving to the heights

Interview with childhood friends Adriana Garris and Shannon Shields

OK, pause it, pause, and get some background music going. Elevator music. Oh my gosh, damn, we missed so many good clips. Actually, it’s alright, we’ll survive. You’re gonna need to find the perfect one. Sure, exactly. You don’t think that one would work, though. That one would be okay. I wouldn’t be convinced, though. Damn, I could find a better one. I feel like I’d actively not want to name my child April after saying that. He’s in sun shell shock. What was that? This is what we’re listening to. OK, ideal interview background music. Alright, okay, I don’t know.

The interview begins:

Ava: OK for starters tell the story of how we met and your first impressions.

Shannon: I can see the flashbacks starting. This is what I was feeling when I met Ava. Okay, it was like the first day of school, right? And you broke your leg or something. Was it over the summer you broke it?

Ava: I think I broke it in the middle of the year for some reason.

Shannon: Yeah, no, I just remember talking to you because you had broken your leg and you had, like... I don’t know if you would cut those bangs yet, but I remember the bangs. After that we just like talked every day and then we went to your grandma’s house that summer.

Adriana: wait I always remember because we always talk about it yeah chips yes when we had to sit at the overflow table and you had hot Cheetos and then we started a conversation about sodium in the hot Cheetos. I don’t know we just bonded over being weird and having nowhere to sit.

Ava: Do you remember the chip dialogue

Adriana: yes, it was a very long dialogue about sodium for like a while, for like the entire lunch I was like Oh yeah I think my sodium takes a little high but or something like that, you know.

Ava: OK next question do you all ever get tired of my constant photo shoots?

Shannon: OK I say no because that’s like most of my Instagram feed I feel like it’s just like good photos.

Ava: yeah, I hooked y’all up

Adriana: yeah, for real

Shannon: I think I don’t get tired of them I just am not as good at photography as y’all and also it’s hard for me to know what to do.

Ava: my directing is lacking sometimes

Shannon: yeah, I don’t know I get stressed out but I don’t get tired of it I just get stressed out a little bit every now and then.

Ava: Yes, you miss model?

Adriana: yes I get excited we take photos because then we have like I don’t know good photos to remember and not just random ones of us and like the kitchen making ramen or something.

Ava: OK what was y’alls favorite photo shoot or favorite photos

Shannon: oh, I liked the one where I was wearing a purple skirt you were in a red skirt and you were wearing a purple dress I like that one a lot and we like took pictures on the golf course yes I also liked those. yeah, I think those ones are 2020 right yeah

Adriana: one of my favorite photos that you took of me is the one where I think you were wearing all blue or something I was wearing all pink and it was like through the leaves. I still had like the green hair strips yeah so both of us are laying down that was the same day as the cake, yeah that was the same day as the cake.

Shannon: I really liked those! Another one that we did where I have I was like in my hair clip phase and we were in your bathroom Oh yeah and I had like the duck on my head in the bathtub and also this picture of me and Adriana I posted it on her birthday cause I like it so much let me find it.

Adriana: I’m also going to look.

Shannon: Oh yeah this picture is adorable. This one!

That was the Taco Bell night, I got grounded the next day or something no I crashed my car the next oh I got in a Fender Bender the very next day and that was really fun.

Adriana: Aw! this is the first one we took together

Ava: Oh yeah I’m old just got the camera oh look

Adriana: we’re so we’re such babies I don’t even

I will actually get upset. I don’t know if this was a photo shoot but it was when we went to that like ******* crack house

Ava: OK what’s your like favorite

know what year this.

Ava: Oh my God a YouTube video with a slide it looks so awkward and all of them there’s not a single picture

Shannon: I’m trying to see if I missed any

Ava: I like how it says 2006 too oh

Shannon: wait wait wait wait wait we didn’t have a photo shoot at ACL right?

Ava: no we didn’t we should next time next C are you going to ACL. I bought my $300 ******* ticket

Ryan: wait $300 this year

Shannon: I always liked this photo

Adriana: Oh yeah the line has been crossed

Ava: Kendrick Lamar

Shannon: oh don’t say that to me don’t say that

were talking about this earlier today that last semester of junior year.

Adriana: I agree actually.

Shannon: I think we agreed to go do in person together like we were like yeah **** it right yeah and then we just like in our class and stuff yeah and we were just like all the time and like that was that the same time where you were getting a root canal and when we would like skip school together like that was yeah that was the best yeah they were black hair yeah that was a good era of OK that and honestly senior year was like really good too because

we had like English together and that was so fun

I love English

Ava: OK if y’all could ask me any questions about my life what would they be?

Adriana: oh that’s difficult I hate this advertisement, Ryan: not skipping it apparently.

Shannon: I don’t know is there anything you want to be asked

Ava:I don’t know just like if you were with the curious about something think about it you could text me later or something too as well we’ll come up with something.

Shannon: Im trying to

era of our friendship

Shannon: oh that’s difficult, favorite era of our friendship…

Ryan: got to predefine the eras

Shannon: it has to be when we

formulate questions

Adriana: I don’t know either cause I feel like it’s funny because I feel like I either go from like knowing like so much about your life or like all of a sudden you’ll be like Oh yeah Bill and Jen got married you know yeah and I was like Oh my God I didn’t even hear about the wedding like it’s crazy.

Shannon: oh I feel like I’ve missed out on a lot sometimes like it’s not that I’m like an inactive friend or anything like sometimes you are talking about stuff and I have no ******* clue like what like I have no idea.

Ava: Do you have any questions about my life right now or what went on recently?

Adriana: Oh that’s good I feel like I have so many but like not specific ones like a little bit of like I feel like we had no information about like what actually happened but like also it’s really up to you if you like wanna tell this or not or like if you know

Ava: I told Shannon a lot today or quite a bit today and also I wrote like a article about it or whatever it might be interesting you’re a lot of like weird and crazy and funny stuff happened that I just like make fun of now like the thoughts I had were genuinely crazy yeah and yall also have seen some of it yeah a little bit

Shannon: do you think this experience has like permanently changed your life?

Adriana: yeah OK that’s a good question actually that’s probably what I wanna know yeah like could you like you definitely feel like I mean like the Ava again yeah yeah that’s true don’t know if we saw two weeks ago

Ava: yeah like I definitely feel um like I feel like like none of my experiences were like truly terrible so that’s really good that is good and like it’s like definitely interesting and also like I feel like I know myself in a weird way more and I have like now I like know more adults and I’m like less scared about talking to adults if that makes sense yeah because like I’ve had like doctors and like psychiatrists and stuff that I talked to now and what else was I gonna say about myself oh also cause of the medicine I like feel less nervous sometimes like I feel more relaxed I also I feel like sometimes by like range of like emotion is like stumped in a bit like I’m I I feel like I have like felt a lot you know what I mean yeah like if I like you know any like try to make yourself feel something like really hard yeah like I feel like I can’t go there but I feel like relaxed and fine so like I don’t really care I think you felt more during the like following the cat and like stopping taking a red stud you feel more during that or was it just like a blur like when I when I was following my cat I actually like had a moment of like really like weird happiness because I felt like free or something it was weird Oh yeah like literally following a cat yeah it’s really oh like I’m gonna let him guide me on an adventure yeah interesting yeah that’s what happened oh wow that’s that seems fun but also like yeah but also what the **** was I doing in the middle of the night.

Shannon: is it eternal sunshine of the spotless mind your favorite movie still?

Ava: I think it’s my favorite movies still I think maybe Little Miss sunshine but also I haven’t watched that in a while either I’m kind of tired of the same stuff I used to like all the time you know when you get like that yeah like we’re just the songs you used to love you’re just like I can’t handle anymore yeah I still like a lot of the same songs though but I’m getting kind of bored of music. Now I wanna ask you guys about your art and careers OK uh so Shannon like what have you done any projects this summer like what are you working on any architecture stuff or art stuff and what’s your favorite type of like art to make my favorite type of art to make is like sketches?

Shannon: I really really love going through not my like old old sketchbooks when the art was objectively and subjectively bad but like I’m just like looking at the little doodles I’ve made and like I like the portraits that I used to draw like a Pinterest people

Ava: I really like what you submitted to zine club, do you still do dream journal?

Shannon: I do it sometimes if it’s like really vivid

it depends on if I’m taking my medicine or not if I’m not taking my medicine. I haven’t really been super inclined to make art recently the only art I really made in the past few months has been like my architecture stuff.

Ava: I really like your boxes and stuff it’s cool

Shannon: yeah I guess that counts as art too it’s like I don’t know it’s fun and interesting but as I’m making the boxes and stuff I’m not really like Oh my God I’m making artwork up art right now. Like explaining it to others is interesting add and it’s just it’s a difficult it’s kind of a difficult subject cause ike I said I haven’t this doesn’t really feel like art to me . When I’m sketching I’ll be like oh this is very fun I enjoy this like I’m excited for how this is gonna turn out but when I was making these I was kind of just like please God like can this be over it’s 5:30 in the morning I just wanna go

to my dorm and sleep. This isn’t the full potential of what I could do as an architecture student these were literally just like please god let it be over. If I’m really into a piece it’ll be monochromatic If I’m not and it’s literally just whatever like that the Blade Runner one like I love that a lot it’s literally just like chalk pastels and it took me like maybe 10 minutes. There’s two places in my room that I will just like stand and like look it’s right here look at this (pictured above) or I’ll stand and look outside the window but yeah that’s art wise and career wise I don’t ******* know.

Ava: I remember at one point you said you were gonna drop out of architecture do you still feel like that?

Shannon: it really changes like literally every day it’s really hard.

Ava: Do you have favorite exacto knife

Shannon: Yes

Adriana: I haven’t been doing too much art-related stuff recently. When I was in Alaska, I did some drawing. I kind of wish I brought my sketchbook with me, but I drew a lot more when I was in college, which is funny to me. Now that I’m actually at home, I have the time, but I just haven’t sat down and done it. Maybe I should.

Ava: I wanna see the sketchbook.

Adriana: Yeah, I kind of wish I brought it honestly. But yeah, I drew a lot more when I was actually in college. I don’t know why I haven’t now that I’m at home. I really have the time now, but I just haven’t sat down and actually done it. Maybe I probably should.

Ava: What’s your favorite thing you’ve made or painted?

Adriana: Okay, that’s a difficult question. For some reason, it’s the cow that I painted for rodeo art. Do you have a picture of it? I don’t know, let me see. I don’t know why I love that one so much. If not, I can always just send it to you. But I think the reason why I like that one so much is that my mom was so excited and loved it. She wanted to hang it up, and I loved that. It’s really simple, but the board I used and the way I did the fur just always made me really happy. Oh, there it is. Yeah, the cow.

Ava: I loved your fish stuff too, like your whole AP Studio Art last year was really cool. Your nature with technology thing.

Adriana: Yeah, I wish I cared more about that because I feel like it could have been so cool. But I definitely want to do more projects.

Ava: oh I would go to like clay and pottery stuff with you guys like what if we went to like a clay and pottery class yeah

Shannon: no clay no clay

Ava: OK you can paint some pottery.

Adriana: Oh, for real. One of the things I’ve been wanting to do, especially with friends since we’re getting an apartment and stuff, is to just paint a special mug for ourselves. Like, you’re so cute, or plates. Oh my gosh, like paint your own plates. I don’t know why that makes me so happy, but yeah, that’s one thing that’s been on my list. And then I thought about painting some for my roommates, but then I was like, that sounds like a lot of work. But we’ll see. So yeah, that was that. I really liked a lot of my art pieces looking back, but some of them I just know I rushed for AP Art, and that sucks. But yeah, career-wise, I don’t know.

I’m kind of in the same boat of going from loving advertising to wanting to minor in something or wanting to change it. I go back and forth between thinking advertising is so creative, fun, humorous, and being able to work on and design ads myself. I think advertising is very cool. And then I go the other way, where I feel like I’m just helping billionaires profit and perpetuating the capitalist system. Sometimes I don’t think it’s effective, you know?

Yeah, there’s that. Also, they can look so ugly sometimes, and I’m like, “This is awful. Someone had to design this, and then they got paid.” I don’t know. But then I see a funny Old Spice ad, and I’m like, “I need to be a part of this project right now.” You know?

Ava: Yeah, what inspires you the most?

Adriana: Honestly, that’s a good question. I think it’s just the creativity in ads, the ones that shock me, the ones where I’m like, “Damn, someone really thought of this.” Even the vintage ads are fun too. Anything I see, really. One thing I’ve been liking recently, and I think I told Ryan this, is the Tinder advertisements. I don’t know. I love them because they’re creative. One of them was like, “Turning a one-night stand into a two-night stand,” and then it shows a couple buying nightstands for each other. I just love that.

Ava: OK OK now random question time have you ever--yes Ryan you can chime in too yeah oh let’s see OK I’m reading our texts from last night OK what’s the weirdest thing in your wallet

Ryan: Oh yeah the fact that I don’t have my drivers license in it right now

Adriana: the weirdest thing I have is a Bananarchy frequent bananarchist card and it’s just me buying banana frozen bananas.

Ava: where do you buy frozen bananas to where you get a punch card

Adriana: I’m on my 4th punch card right now, 3rd hole.

Ava: I have a sunglasses lens that’s interesting.

Adriana: I guess the other thing is just my birth control. oh and I have a $10 $10 gift card to bananas as well.

Shannon: I used to have a little oh do you know where it is my name is Shannon this is my phone number in case I lost my wallet because I’ve lost this wallet

Ava: that’s a good idea actually

Shannon: but it’s not in there anymore

Ava: I have a Dunkin’ Donuts gift card right now very excited

Adriana: I love this photo I don’t wanna get a new one

Adriana: I don’t know why I like it so much

Ava: Oh yeah that’s a good one Adriana: it’s like actually an OK photo for that’s pretty solid Ava: Ryan whats the weirdest thing in your wallet.

Ryan: I I don’t think there’s anything one thing that shows your personality I think just maybe the amount of like old the quantity of old receipts and stuff from like forever ago that I just haven’t taken out pink one yeah picker or saying OK oh we have the Dover castle espresso what’s the overcast oh that is a good one but that it was at a castle in England oh that’s God’s cool do you have a sketchbook or notebook or anything or journal no I haven’t journaled in a long time and all of my heart is like models so there’s no sketchbook what kind of models do you make like warhammer models I paint so that’s little sci-fi dudes right now I’m building the part of the city from Dune.

Ava: oh oh wow, what’s the receipt for?

Shannon: this is my most recent tropical smoothie cafe order oh I love tropical yeah it’s normally I don’t have like a favorite I’ll just see like what’s new or I’ll do a random number generator but this actually shows my personality

pretty well they spelled my name wrong for you and then no tomato and no side on my wrap which is very much what I am like, no tomato tomato.

Ava: how do you misspell Shannon?

Shannon: I don’t know but they for some reason they misspell it quite frequently which makes me feel bad

Ava: let’s see what other questions do we have

Shannon: oh this is my favorite coin yeah

Ava: is it lucky

Shannon: I have no idea

Ava: it’s lucky now

summer collage:

The unemployed life

After my whole hospital thing I had an entirely unemployed summer. What was I to do to fill the days? What was I to do to fill the void? I finally went to a pottery painting place today, Ive been wanting to do that for a long time. Would you believe a small mug and figurine was $70? Oh well. Im also now exloring the city of Houston to

fill the void. I recently joined Temp Tats Photography Club and met some cool people who photograph wrestling rings. I also went on a trip to Austin to visit my friends and played 3 consecutive hours of Settlers of Catan and 6 consecutive hours of Dungeons and Dragons with my

highschool. Next on my list of things to do is definately swiming, turning in my film to get developed, exploring more of Houston and going to a show, going antiquing again, painting, and printing my zines and joining a market.

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