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AVA Leadership – Update, FYI and Call-out
Jocelyn Grecia Hill, MN, RN, CVAA (c), VA-BC™ President, Association for Vascular Access
The start of 2021 brings us hope we could by “zooming in.” We were able to discuss, and excitement no matter where explore and expand on the AVA mission, vision and you live or work in the world. current strategic plan which are key to AVA’s success As much as we want to move in 2021 and beyond. on quickly from the challenges we faced in 2020, we are still feeling and seeing the pressure, demands and effects of the novel SARS- CoV-2 pandemic. I wish everyone health and safety as we navigate through more testing The following pages include the AVA organizational chart and complete list of board members. I encourage you to learn more about your leaders’ passions on our website. Please see the organizational chart on page 8. (those nasopharyngeal swabs One question commonly asked is are NOT fun) and vaccinations. I how board members are selected, know AVA members, as vascular access specialists, continue to AVA MISSION: voted on and elected. Since 2017, the Board Development be important team members Committee (BDC) is tasked and clinicians in the everyday “To lead health care and is generally responsible provision of patient care. I by protecting patients for identifying, mentoring and appreciate our industry partners who have staff in the field that are doing what they can to help and providers to improve lives.” developing volunteer leaders for AVA. The BDC develops and recommends a slate of officers support best practice as well as and directors-at-large and works continue to work on innovation in our space. I know I am not alone in missing the in-person and faceAVA VISION: diligently to determine what specific experience or expertise is needed on the board. We to-face contact and networking “A world with safe seek to have a diverse board in at events and meetings. And it is with a sense of optimism that I am vascular access.” all aspects, geography, practice settings, business acumen, and life pleased to announce that we ARE experiences. The BDC chooses a planning a face-to-face meeting slate of candidates from a robust format for our 35th Annual Scientific Meeting, Sept. recruiting and self-nominating process, proceeds 16-19 at the Gaylord Palms in Orlando, Fla. We are with the vetting process and then presents the slate continuously monitoring the many facets to ensure to the AVA board for approval. And finally, the general attendee and exhibitor safety, satisfaction and membership votes on the entire slate of candidates participation – we will keep everyone updated. in a Yes or No vote. We have had great success in As the 2021 president of the AVA Board, I had the honour of welcoming our new and returning bringing on quality and committed volunteers to our board. members of the board of directors at the AVA virtual So, what does a board member actually do? First and board retreat a few weeks ago. We welcomed the foremost, the board works to achieve the mission new board members: Staci Harrison, DNP, RN; and vision of AVA. The AVA mission is “To lead health Swapna Kakani, MPH; Nael Mhaissen, MD. The care by protecting patients and providers to improve virtual meeting format is something we have all had lives.” The AVA vision is “A world with safe vascular to quickly adapt to and I am grateful for the board access.” Obvious and unquestionable, but lofty goals participating as we got to know each other as best CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE