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Intravascular QUARTERLY
Global Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the Intervascular Quarterly Newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policies or positions of the Association for Vascular Access (AVA) or any of its leaders, volunteers, employees, committees, networks or other groups associated with AVA. For information on this publication, please email info@avainfo.org.
As you know, our CEO position has been vacant for a few months. The Board has spent considerable time determining our best road forward as we know that CEO turnover has been a chronic issue. It came up several times in our survey results which confirmed that it is an issue that concerns our membership as well. After research and consideration by a task force of the Board, a recommendation was made to engage an Association Management Company. Request For Proposals were sent out and the responses were analyzed for the best fit for AVA.
After careful consideration of the proposals and interviews, the board selected Talley Management Group (TMG). They manage 35 associations, primarily in the healthcare space. They have over 35 years of experience in association management and have clients who have been with their company from their beginning. The partnership with Talley will begin officially on March 1st and will provide us with staff and services that we currently must outsource. We look forward to working with them to implement our strategic plan and help us move AVA forward.
Tonya Hutchison, Judy Thompson, and Blake Hotchkiss will be employed by Talley and continue to serve AVA as they have in the past. We anticipate that TMG will provide them valuable support in their roles and will help us move AVA forward as an even stronger organization. We appreciate the work that Kayce Maisel and Jennifer Finlayson have done for AVA and wish them well as they move to their new endeavors.
Thank you, AVA Board
of Directors