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Vascular access specialists face and solve numerous care challenges every day. As you read this, likely a recent challenge with a patient and your solution may come to mind. You may have wondered if any of your colleagues have encountered this type of situation and what worked for their patient. Wouldn’t this be important to share? This is exactly the collaborative magic that vascular access specialists thrive on.
The Pediatric/Neonatal Grand Rounds will now be in its 8th year this fall. This session was conceived to provide a national and now international forum incorporating real cases representing
• A unique presentation of a vascular accessrelated complication
• An unusual vascular access challenge or outcome
• An unusual vascular access complication
• An ethical challenge or controversy related to vascular access
• A patient-safety related concern or case
Since its inception, participation in the Pediatric/Neonatal Grand Rounds has provided a welcoming venue for those new or experienced in presenting to grow in national engagement. This event has consistently shown its value in building the community of pediatric/ neonatal vascular access clinicians. At the Annual Scientific Meeting, this session has grown in breadth and popularity each year and has consistently reached “standing room only” each time.
This year, the AVA Foundation presents its Premier National Vascular Access Grand Rounds. Similar to the Pediatric/Neonatal Grand Rounds criteria, clinicians are encouraged to consider submitting their cases of vascular access challenges in patients over 18 years of age through the lifespan. These include a unique presentation of a vascular accessrelated complication, an unusual complication, challenge or outcome, an ethical challenge or controversy or a patient-safety related case. The submissions will be peer-reviewed and accepted presenters will be recognized for participation in the first Association for Vascular Access (AVAF) National Grand Rounds. Your work is immeasurably important to your patients every day. Please consider sharing unique situations meeting the above criteria to help your professional colleagues grow to ensure more patients benefit from optimal vascular access practices. The Call for Submissions for the Pediatric/Neonatal Grand Rounds and the AVAF Ground Rounds will be forthcoming shortly. One of our greatest benefits of AVA is learning from each other to advance vascular access care. We look forward to learning from you!