2023 Media Kit

The Association for Vascular Access (AVA) is the dominant thought leader and multidisciplinary membership organization working to support and promote the specialty of vascular access around the globe.
AVA and its charitable sister organization, the AVA Foundation, advance research and patient safety, provide professional and public education to shape safe and evidenced-based practice, and support the global VA community with educational tools and effective resources. AVA partners with the device manufacturing and supplier communities to bring evidence-based innovations to the specialty.
• Reach a highly engaged and growing community of vascular access specialists
• Contact with qualified decision makers and clinicians who use your products daily
• Engagement exceeding industry standards
• Supportive staff willing to create custom education opportunities to suit your needs
AVA offers direct access to pre-qualified, highly engaged vascular access clinicians, healthcare administrators, faculty and pre-licensure students. With more than 10,000 active stakeholders and 3,200 members, AVA’s stakeholders work to enhance the care and management of patients across the care continuum.
Clinical specialties and other areas of interest include: acute care, critical care, emergency department, interventional radiology, cardiac, pediatric and neonatal, post-acute and home care, infusion, clinical education specialists and hospital administration. AVA is committed to helping you reach your vascular access markets across the globe.
Supporting our vision of a world with safe vascular access for all
AVA's mission is to advance the global practice of vascular access, through awareness, advocacy, and education to improve healthcare outcomes.
The Association for Vascular Access (AVA) is an association of healthcare professionals founded in 1985 to promote the emerging vascular access specialty.
Today, its multidisciplinary membership advances research, provides professional and public education to shape practice and enhance patient outcomes, and partners with the device manufacturing community to bring about evidence-based innovations in vascular access.
AVA is committed to educating vascular access professionals at all levels of their careers, providing support to vascular patients, and advocating for the need for vascular access specialists with decisionmakers.
As an organization, AVA affirms and supports diversity and inclusion by refusing to engage in or condone discrimination. We are committed to amplifying the voices, experiences, and perspectives of our diverse staff, volunteers, and members in all that we
Supporting local vascular access networks to impact clinicians everywhere in the world is key to AVA's success. AVA Vascular Access Networks hold CE events, engage the local community, and help promote vascular access to healthcare leaders.
Phone: (801) 673-3731 Email: thutchison@avainfo.org
AVA averages 950 registrants over its thirteen iSaveThatWebinars in 2022, continuing to increase each year. Of these, nearly 72% of attendees participate in the live webinar. Nearly 83% of attendees complete the post-event survey and 24% request follow-up from sponsors (where applicable). High engagement!
AVA's iSaveThatPodcast has 7,100 downloads across all available episodes in 2022 and over 34,400 over its lifespan. Episodes are posted on the AVA website, sent to our email list, and posted on social media. On average, social media posts regarding the iSaveThatPodcast constitute the highest engagement on AVA socials. Great on-demand learning.
Intravascular Quarterly. There were six issues of IQ in 2022, with 4 regular issues and 2 special issues in Spring and Fall, comprising 72,700 impressions and over posted to social media, and sent via email. High engagement, little competition.
The Journal of the Association for Vascular Access (JAVA) boasts 3,800 multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed scholarly journal. The journal promotes excellence in vascular access practice in all health care settings. Topics of interest to the journal include: evidence-based practice, new initiatives, outcomes research, patient/family satisfaction, patient and family instruction, and clinical practice. Prestigious with a long shelf life.
AVA sends blast emails to our 12,000-person email list via the Constant Contact platform and has an open rate of 40% - up 11% from the same time last year. AVA’s e-blasts are opened 3% more often than industry average - as compared to other average. Results driven.
AVA's Facebook business page has more than 5,900 followers and an organic reach of nearly 3,500. AVA does not currently promote our Facebook page via ads outside of AVASM; our post impressions averaged 1,100 in 2022, depending on the post type, i.e. picture vs. video. Strongest social media product.
With nearly 1,100 followers, AVA's Instagram typically has just under 2,300 Say it with pictures.
Partnering with AVA adds value to your existing marketing. No need to buy lists or design content! Reach our Vascular Access Specialists today.
AVA's membership comprises vascular access specialists, other healthcare professionals and a variety of stakeholders who take care of adult and pediatric/neonatal patients in hospitals, acute-care facilities, outpatient and post-acute and home-care settings. The majority of AVA’s members are either management level or have significant decision-making impact for the purchase of vascular access devices.
84% Hospital-acute care 6% Infusion clinic, retired, long-term care, research, other 6% Industry sales/admin 2% Hospital-outpatient care 2% College/university faculty
We reach more than 12,000 contacts across all platforms. AVA email blasts have averaged 26% open rate and 11% clickthrough rate over the past 12 months (concurrent). The AVAinfo.org website sees 7,500 unique users per month and 67,000 monthly users.*
5,900 page likes / 3.500 reach
Over 34,000 all-time streams / Each episode averages 600 streams
3,800 page followers
65,000 monthly visitors / 9,400 unique clicks
1.7M sends / 37% opened +12% increase from last calendar year
The Journal of the Association for Vascular Access (JAVA), the official journal of the Association for Vascular Access, is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed scholarly journal. The journal promotes excellence in vascular access practice in all healthcare settings and related administration.
JAVA strives to advance the field of vascular access by disseminating new and relevant research and information to its readers. The journal accepts original articles from authors in all relevant disciplines and settings. Topics of interest include: evidence-based practice, new initiatives, outcomes research, patient/family satisfaction, patient and family instruction, and clinical practice.
Our reach and engagement exceeds the industry standard across all non-profit associations
Ad composition and other production work is available at an extra charge. Please call for specific production requests.
28/1 March 01/10/23 01/31/23 02/12/23 28/2 June 04/26/23 05/19/23 07/02/23 28/3 September 07/24/23 08/16/23 09/06/23 28/4 December 10/09/23 10/31/23 11/15/23
E-blasts are limited, check for availability
Non-Partner Pricing: $2,800 $2,000 (12K names)
AVA will distribute your exclusive, targeted message via email to our highly engaged and qualified vascular access specialists. AVA will work with you on design and layout—or leave it to us. AVA will send you a copy for approval prior to distribution.
Email is sent through Constant Contact. Please provide us with a Word, PDF, or HTML, document with subject line, text, hyperlinks and images. Content must be sent 2 weeks prior to your scheduled e-blast. AVA recommends word count not to exceed 400 words and 2-3 photos limit. Subject line should be limited to 50 characters.
Package of 3 posts across all AVA social media platforms that can be spaced throughout the year or coordinated with your product release dates. Subject to availability. Partner Price: $900 Non-partner Price: $1,800
"Creating brand awareness during a new product launch is critical to a successful rollout. Through advertising on AVA's website, vascular access leaders from around the nation are getting exposure to our product and our message."
Spencer Jones Chief Technology Officer, Lineus Medical"We’ve been pleased to partner with AVA on the innovative “On the Road” webinar program. This format allows for recorded CEaccredited educational presentations to be shared with local network events. It is efficient, economical, and the AVA team are a joy to work with."
Crysta Seneski Vice President of Marketing EloquestI SAVE That Podcast is produced monthly or scheduled on-demand when topics of interest are brought to us by our members or partners.
With more than 8500 downloads in 2022, ISaveThat Podcast is in the top 25% of all podcasts on Buzzsprout. ISaveThat Podcast is listened to in more than 40 countries with the top 5 streaming countries being the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Germany.
Companies can advertise, design content segments or sponsor entire episodes of AVA’s acclaimed vascular access show, available everywhere podcasts are streamed.
The broadcasts are permanently free, archived and available on those channels as well as on the AVA website. Each new show is promoted twice through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram and then again through AVA email, reaching tens of thousands of potential listeners.
• Interview/guest of your choice
• A 30- and 60-second ad
• Sponsors logo will appear with the ISAVE That Podcast logo, in all episode communication
• Logo & "thank you" text included in all social media promotion of that episode
• Non-partner price: up to $1,600
• A 30- and 60-second ad
• Sponsors logo will appear with the ISAVE That Podcast logo, in all episode communication
• Logo & "thank you" text included in all social media promotion of that episode
• Non-partner price: up to $1,000
Non-partner price:
You want to partner with an organization that has integrity and is committed to the VA specialty. AVA leadership and staff believe in building relationships that are positive for everyone, including our industry partners, members, broad range of stakeholders and our organization.
An AVA Industry Partnership provides you with powerful branding and consistent reach throughout the year, long past our highly rated, annual AVA Scientific Meeting (AVASM).
Our Elite, Premier and Signature partnerships are designed to deliver brand awareness and ROI throughout the year. Our partners include vascular access device and other manufacturers, pharmaceuticals, infusion, home health, distribution, consulting services, government and design innovation.
Partnership priority. Priority refusal rights on multiple, unique programs & events annually.
Free & discounted membership. Elite, Premier, and Signature partners enjoy limited free and discounted AVA memberships. See website for full details.
Advertise your partnership all year. Use the AVA Industry Partner logo on your website & marketing
Quick market research. Discounts & priority sending for surveys to Vascular Access experts
Recognition & Resource Directory. Partners will be acknowledged on all AVA marketing and included in the Industry Resource Directory Integrated education & marketing. Deliver education with your company’s branding. See Media Kit for full details.
Dashboard reporting. Access to a real-time, webbased analytics reporting dashboard.
Annual Scientific Meeting. Enjoy discounts on AVASM ads, booths & sponsorships. See prospectus for full details.
VIP Event. Two VIPs or your choice will be invited to a special event at the Annual Scientific Meeting.
Social Media Engagement. AVA will share your social media post across all our platforms to increase reach.
Discounts on job listings. Post your open positions to AVA’s Career Center to hire leading experts in the field.
Free Newsfeed posts. Share case studies or news releases with additional exposure on AVA’s website.
Consult with AVA. Semi-annual consulting with the AVA Executive Team for collaboration & creation.
When you win, AVA and its members win.
Interested in becoming an
This category is for partners with a broad portfolio of products and services.
This category is for partners with a single product or single service focus.
This level is for start-up companies approaching product approval. Max. of 2 years before joining at Premier or Elite level
This category is for start-up companies and those approaching commercialization.*
AVA’s Annual Scientific Meeting is the premier meeting for vascular access healthcare professionals. Attendees will have the opportunity to improve practice and patient outcomes by focusing on education, product awareness and hands on practice through clinical educational sessions, motivational keynote speakers, networking opportunities and exclusive hours in the exhibit hall.
The AVA Annual Meeting offers many opportunities to increase booth traffic and generate high quality leads with sponsorship and advertising activities designed to enhance your presence and visibility at the meeting. Exhibitors are full attendees and receive additional opportunities to interact with conference attendees through access to ALL educational sessions and meal functions.
Join us October 14-17, 2023.
97% I liked the evening reception in the hall
93% Exhibit Hours met their needs
98% the Exhibit Hall was well organized
SAID: 98% exhibits provided useful info for their practice and were of interest to them
98% companies were representative of industry
Exhibits and Sponsorship Contact: 301-658-2042 or avaexhibits@discoversb.com More information about the AVA Annual Meeting: www.avainfo.org/annual
Advertisers and their agencies agree to abide by the specifications and dimensions requirements, deadlines, rates, payment and billing policy, and all other requirements outlined in the media kit for the publication in which the Advertiser is placing advertisement(s).
All advertising is subject to approval by AVA. AVA reserves the right to refuse any advertising at any time. All recruitment advertising must be nondiscriminatory and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Products, programs, and services must be relevant to vascular access or related to the health care industry. Advertising for a new product will not be considered by AVA until FDA approved. Advertisements must comply with FDA regulations regarding advertising and promotion and conform to labeling that has been cleared by the FDA.
The product and advertiser must be identified within the advertisement. For drugs, the full generic or chemical name of the principal active ingredients must be shown in 6 pt. or larger type. Advertisements shall not be misleading or deceptive. Advertising containing declarations or inferences that the advertiser cannot substantiate can be rejected by AVA. AVA reserves the right to add the word “Advertisement” or “Sponsored Content” at the top of any advertisements that, in AVA’s opinion, might be confused with editorial pages.
Requested positions are not guaranteed unless stated as a paid position on the insertion order and accepted by AVA.
AVA shall not be liable for any failure to print, publish, or circulate all or any portion of any issue in which an advertisement accepted by AVA is contained if such failure is due to natural disasters, strikes, war, accidents, acts of terrorism, interruption of power or communication, or other circumstances beyond AVA’s control. In consideration of publication of an advertisement, the advertiser, and the agency, jointly and separately, will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the publication, its officers, agents, and employees against expenses, including legal expenses, and losses resulting from the publication of the contents of the advertisement, including without limitation, claims or suits for libel, violation, or right of privacy, copyright infringements, or plagiarism. Advertisers and it’s agencies assume liability for all content of advertisements printed and assume the responsibility for any resulting claims made against the AVA.
Cancellations will not be accepted after the published closing date(s).
Invoices will be issued after publication. Payment will be due in 30 days from date on invoice. Advertisers and their agencies are equally responsible for payment of invoices. Billing to the advertising agency is based on acceptance by the advertiser of “dual responsibility” for payment if the agency does not remit within 90 days. AVA will not be bound by any conditions –printed or otherwise –appearing on any insertion order or contract when they conflict with the terms and agreements stated in these terms.
Keep your sales, marketing and compliance teams up-to-date with the issues important to their target market by purchasing individual memberships for your field and HQ people. All Industry Partners and advertisers qualify for a 10 percent group discount. Contact partner@avainfo.org for more information.
The AVA Survey Panel is comprised of AVA members who have agreed to share their expertise with industry to help advanced the VA specialty. You will customize who and how many people are on your panel. Panels are ideal for market research, concept testing, branding studies, assessment of competition and more. This method is a quick and easy way to find out exactly what your customers are thinking. Please contact partner@avainfo.org for more information and pricing.
Melissa Murphy
Advertising and Integrated Programs
Phone: (816) 935-6010
Email: advertising@avainfo.org
Phone: 301-658-2042
Email: avaexhibits@discoversb.com
Email: partner@avainfo.org