L'Amour Diversity Magazine Issue 27 December 2019

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Celebrating uniqueness not trends!

Senior Staff of L’Amour Diversity


Publisher’s Note

Hello & Merry Christmas From L’Amour amazing man he is. I loved the candor and honesty in this man, my kind of Diversity Magazine and Ava Jhamin. person. I also did a story on Dressing I always have mixed feelings during the For The Ages Show, set in 1800s Boston to the present time, what a holidays. I love them in one respect, but since my husband passed 6 years beautiful show it was. ago and my girls out on their own, well My most favorite part of this issue was let me tell you, the empty nest is for getting the Editor of L’Amour Diversity real. to break down and say yes to L’Amour Chronicles. What an amazing overall We have been through a lot, my girls human Rienna is. You will all enjoy this and I, over the last 5 years and I one. Our fashion editorial features thank the good Lord above for all the blessings and healing he has bestowed Ugly Sweaters. I found it funny and interesting what each person’s idea on us. is of an ugly sweater. How much You know in life, that you can’t please fun I have doing this kind of fashion editorial. As usual, Nani did an amazing all the people all the time. Some job on it. people may or may not like you, but remember this, you are the one that L’Amour also had a great success with is in charge of not only your destiny Spooktacular 2019: “The Family.” It but who you are as a human being was a ton of fun for Classy N Sassy on this planet. I choose to love all & L’Amour. We are gearing up and and tolerate a few, but no matter getting ready for L’Amour Mr. & Miss what people try to do in your life, Model International 2020, so keep an relationships or anything, know who eye out models and sponsors. you are. And know that you put your head on the pillow at night with a clear conscience, and then ask yourself, “Can We are also going to be doing Destination Wedding with my mom, they say the same?” Queen MaiaCer Lysette, who is doing this graduation show for Producing/ I am very excited about this issue Directing with L’Amour University of of Diversity. I had a great interview Fashion. with Yeben, the winner of the Luxe Dot-B Look of the Year. What an

n i m a h Ava J

Celebrating uniqueness not trends!

ISSUE 27, DECEMBER 2019 STAFF PUBLISHER Ava Jhamin EDITOR IN CHIEF Rienna no Ouji FASHION EDITOR Nani Xue WRITERS Ava Jhamin Jude Tatham Nani Xue PHOTOGRAPHERS Ava Jhamin Rienna no Ouji Nani Xue DIVERSITY MODELS Trinity Aironaut, Hadley (HadleyCarington), Vichonette Constantine, Richard De Grataine Suoh (RichardGrataineSuoh), Viana De Grataine (curiosse), Brice Meda (Yokan), Rienna no Ouji (Rieko), laycie Pearl, Anael Starr, Jude Tatham, Nani Xue


Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

Nuala Maracas who is responsible for making sure the SL Christmas Expo is organized and put together for the American Cancer Society. I was honored to be on their blogging team this year and what a beautiful group of sims that was!

But that didn’t stop us from bringing you yet another jam packed issue of L’Amour Diversity Magazine. I’m telling you, we have so much stuff in this thing, it will take you two bowls of popcorn and maybe a few glasses of wine to get through!

We will see you back in here 2020!

We have sort of a double editorial this time and one of them features couples. Some of them are staff and some are models but all of them are paired with their significant other for these beautiful pictures taken by Nani Xue. I was even able to talk my guy into modeling for this one! Ava interviews a singer she found and really enjoys, PutriSoloSinger. She also brings us an interview with

Jude Tatham gets out on the grid and talks to people about their Christmas Traditions and so much more! Hope you enjoy this issue, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Editor’s Note

Are we having fun yet? Nine days before Christmas and I’m meeting myself coming and going. My SL is insanely busy, my RL is insanely busy, it’s a story I’m sure you all hear from everyone in your lives right now, whether SL or RL and it’s probably your reality as well. This is notoriously one of the busiest times of the year for everyone no matter what part of the world you live in. It’s almost the end of the year and everyone is scrambling to finish off 2019 as jammed full as they possibly can. I feel it. I live it.

Fashion Editor’s Note

Hello readers, and Seasons Greetings. giving back to the community. There are so many events, hunts, gift giveaways, advent calendars, that if This time of year, it becomes harder you can’t find a little something for to stay in the moment and focus on everyone you are doing it wrong. one thing, doesn’t it? Ooo a SALE! So, find what you love and grab the Admittedly, I tend to be that way darn radioactive nosed reindeer and take flight. near all the time. We have so many distractions pulling us this way and that, it becomes almost impossible to Stop for a moment, take in the lights and sounds. Enjoy the last little things shut it all down. To just enjoy what 2019 brings you. Whatever they may the season brings, those little things be, and from your L’Amour Diversity like having someone to share your burdens and she-Nani-gans with, or a Fashion Editor - Do it with style and great group of office cohorts to get a flair! little wild and crazy with, or unlimited ways to be charitable in the season of Bright and warm winter solstice giving. These are the things we forget wishes to all my Heathens and to the rest, Merry Christmas! and take for granted so many times. Luckily for you, we don’t forget at Diversity, so we bring them to you in our pages. We even highlight amazing fashion shows you may have missed. Always thoughtful, aren’t we? Me, personally? I am pretty grinchy when it comes to all things festive and holly jolly. Especially when the boss makes me wear itchy ugly sweaters and candy on my head. It is like pulling my pixel fangs right out of my head. But much like the silly hallmark movies tell us I wasn’t always this way. So, I can put aside my sour apple candy cane, just long enough to get the job done and bring you some classic Christmasy goodness in fashion. I do appreciate many of the virtual things Second Life has to offer this time of year. Even in a digital world people tend to get more giving and involved and run themselves ragged

Table of Contents

20 MMI Press Release

Are you ready for MMI 2020? It’s headed your way! Read what it’s about and how to enter.

26 Editorial - Christmas Couples The L’Amour Diversity Models & their partners show us how they do the holidays.

46 Editorial - Office Christmas Party It’s the L’Amour office Christmas party and everyone’s wearing an ugly sweater!

54 PutriSoloSinger Ava interviews the Indonesian Sensation, PutriSoloSinger.

64 Franks: A Sad Goodbye Franks Jazz Club has officially closed its doors. What’s next for the legendary club and its staff?

70 Ho-Ho-Holy Cow its Christmas Jude Tatham talks to people on the grid to learn what they do for the holidays.


Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

74 9th Annual SL Christmas Expo

Ava talks with Nuala Maracas who gives us the scoop on this year’s Christmas Expo to benefit the American Cancer Society.

96 The Reveal - Version 4 Linden Homes Linden Lab chose this year’s Christmas Expo as the place to reveal their version 4 homes!

110 Luxe Dot-B Winner: Yeben Meet the 2019 Luxe Dot-B Winner Yeben and learn more about him and his experience in the competition.

116 Dressing the Decades Show

Get the inside scoop on this year’s Look of the Year Style Competition!

131 Spooktacular Coverage October was the 3rd Annual Spooktacular Show and it was not to be missed! Read all about it.

134 L’Amour Chronicles - Rienna no Ouji Meet L’Amour Diversity’s Editor in Chief and find out about her life past and present.

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


You will


participate in runway, photo, and group challenges that will highlight you as a model, stylist and individual.

L'Amour Productions, Ava Jhamin, CEO and Cyberdawg Foxclaw, COO are pleased to announce the Mr. & Miss Model International 2020©0 competition. This competition is unlike any in SL, as you will represent “YOURSELF.”

The submissions

of your work, photos etc. would then reflect who “YOU” are as an SL Avatar.



Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine


a on

MMI prides itself

on being the first ompetition on the grid to not care who you are behind the screen, nly who you are in the Second Life realm.

Our goal

is to celebrate the uniqueness of each of you. To celebrate who you are, where you come from, and share with others our mission for SL.

We invite you

to participate as this competition is open to anyone in SL, regardless of schooling or lack thereof. If you reside in SL you are welcome to be a part of our competition. No voice verification!!! (We were the first) YOU BE YOU.

MMI's Challenges

MMI’s challenges are not only fun and unique, they also challenge each contestant to think outside of the box and grow as individuals and stylists. MMI winners receive amazing prizes that include Lindens, products from sponsors, modeling opportunities, and scholarships to various modeling academies.


in more ways than one as you develop friendships with fellow contestants during the competition and learn valuable modeling and styling tips from experienced MMI staff.

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


invite after your photos have been submitted. The top 40 male and top 40 female contestants will be selected from the photos submitted. Those contestants will then compete in the audition walk, wearing their photo outfits, so keep that in mind when you style for your picture submissions. If there are fewer than 40 of either gender, then all contestants of that gender will participate in the live audition round. From those auditions, the top 20 women and top 20 men will be selected to compete. Please note that the initial audition is closed to the public. You MAY NOT hire a professional photographer. All photos, throughout the competition, must be your own work. Photos must be done utilizing only those tools available to you in-world. No external photo editing, as with Photoshop, Picmonkey, gimp or any other software, is HOW TO ENTER: allowed. No outside Second Life tools can be used. If we discover any violation of You will submit a 1024 X 1024 Headshot the photo rules. you will lose the points for & Body shot in theme of CASUAL “YOU” that photo. Because scoring is often close (Be true to you). These photos should be and photo scores can be huge, this can submitted to the official MMI Flickr group: mean the difference between making the finals and possibly winning, and being cut Photo submission opens January 1, 2020 in the first round, so just don’t do it. at 12 a.m Midnight and closes at 12:00 Live Audition Dates: a.m. Midnight January 10, 2020. January 17, 2020 10 a.m. or 5 p.m. January 18, 2020 10 a.m. or 5 p.m. Photos will be judged on a variety of January 19, 2020 10 a.m. or 5 p.m. factors, including theme, photo quality, prims and composition. Photos must be submitted no later than midnight on January 10, . There are no exceptions to this deadline and any photo not submitted on time will not be accepted. You MUST join the Mr. & Miss Model International Group©♛ in world. Contact Cyberdawg Foxclaw, COO for a group


You will walk in live auditions with what you wear in your picture submissions. (PLEASE KEEP THAT IN MIND)

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION You MUST join the Mr. & Miss Model International Group© in-world, contact Cyberdawg Foxclaw or Ava Jhamin after your audition photos are submitted for an invite to the group.

Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

YOU'VE BEEN CHOSEN AS A CANDIDATE .....Now what ? Information Meetings on Saturday January 25, 2020 10 a.m. slt & 4 p.m. slt. or Sunday January 26, 2020 10 a.m. & 5 p.m. slt. You MUST attend one of these meetings or you will be dropped from the competition. This is where you will get all the information about upcoming weekly competition dates...etc., so, missing this is NOT AN OPTION. Failure CHALLENGES: to attend will forfeit your place in the competition. There are NO exceptions to this rule, to keep the competition fair First walking challenge is: to all involved. February 1, 11:00 a.m. slt RELEASES: By entering this competition and submitting your photo you agree to grant full permission to L’Amour Productions, its staff, members, and affiliates. To use pictures, statements, videos etc. in all forms of social media for promotion of the Mr. & Miss Model International© competition. ALL submitted photos for competitions must be taken by YOURSELF, no professional photographers or friends can do this for you. Any pictures we find that are taken by anyone but you, will result in automatic disqualification from the entire competition.

This will be a photo and runway challenge. Theme to be released at Candidate meeting along with dates of future challenges. All challenges will take place on Saturday at 11:00 a.m. slt. Unless otherwise specified, all walking challenges will have a photo element, with photos due by noon on Wednesday before the walk date. Each week’s challenge instructions notecard will be provided via notice to the MMI group on Saturday afternoon. Throughout the competition there will be multiple cuts until we have standing the top 5 male and top 5 female that will go to the MMI Final.

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


You MUST put Mr. & Miss Model International in your picks on your profile. We would like you to blog, share in social media (Facebook, Flickr etc.) your involvement and stylings each week. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to either Cyberdawg Foxclaw or Ava Jhamin. We hope that you will be joining us on this journey to crown Mr. & Miss Model International 2020© Ava Jhamin CEO Mr. & Miss Model International (MMI)© Cyberdawg Foxclaw, COO Mr. & Miss Model International (MMI)© L’Amour Productions, MMI Corp. (TM)

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: January 29, 2020 - Noon photo deadline for First Challenge February 1, 2020 - 11:00am First Challenge walk February 8, 2020 - 11:00am Pose-Off Challenge February 13, 2020 - Noon photo deadline for Couple’s Challenge February 15, 2020 - 11:00am Couple’s Challenge walk February 19, 2020- Noon photo submission for fourth challenge February 22, 2020- 11am fourth challenge walk February 26, 2020 - Photo Submission for Semifinal 1 Challenge February 29, 2020 - Challenge Semifinal 1 (Top 10 men, top 10 women) March 4, 2020 - Photo Submission Semifinal 2 March 7, 2020 - Semifinal 2 Challenge (top 5 men, 5 women) March 12, 2020 - Photo Submission Final 3 Photos March 14, 2020 - Grand Finale & WINNERS announced.


Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

Spotlight Story

As we start our December fashion editorial there are a few things I would like to share that might seem to have nothing to do with fashion, but I do promise they have to do with the Fashion shoot we are about to share. For most of us the one thing this time of year that tends to always take the spotlight is our youth. The children, grandchildren, siblings, cousins, classmates, teammates those less fortunate wee-one’s world over. But we tend to be programmed to focus on the young and what they want, what they need, and what makes this time of year magical for them. In truth most of us past a certain age wouldn't deck any halls if it wasn't for the joy it brings to someone smallish. So, this year, we chose to celebrate and showcase the grown folks side of the coin instead. There are so many ways to enjoy each other and the festive time even when you are an adult. Our pairs shared mischievous gift exchanges, winter weather strolling, cozy cocoa kisses, putting an end to all the gift wrapping madness, decorating each other, albeit one-sided, chopping down that perfect tree, even giving Santa a helping hand. Our Dynamic Duos did it all this season and more. Our fabulous models chose their own clothing to fit them and what they wanted to share as a pair.

By: Nani Xue

Richard De Grataine Suoh (RichardGrataineSuoh) Viana De Grataine (Curiosse)

Trin (Trinity Aironaut) Shocker Munro

Khurt Vhargon Nani Xue

Rienna no Ouji (Rieko) Vegeta (Reikokuvegeta)

Ava Jhamin CatCracker McDonnel

Resmay Bloodstorm (meishagirl) Mojorisin (alwaysrisen)

Vichonette Constantine Sam Sherridan


Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

Last, but certainly not least, Diversity brings you our Ugly Sweater Office Party to finish out the year with a bang. Now, as an artist, I rarely stop and share the "why" behind my art. But as your Fashion Editor, I do feel I owe a little more explanation. This shoot was a case of our staff and models got to wear what they wanted, be who they felt the need to be, and let their festive flags fly. However you will notice we took an old school approach with the finished photos. I wanted to showcase a few things by doing this. Before we had smart phones everywhere and the world was in 4k resolution things looked different. The ability didn't exist to shoot your scene 200 times until you got what you wanted with the press of a finger. If people looked different directions, made funny faces, that was the memory you got of the event. The colors were less vibrant, the photos bled over time, and these for me are as beautiful if not more so than the highest definition there is. Everything fades over time, and changes with the years but the fading, the flaws, the scars and imperfections make the story that much more real. So sit back, and enjoy this final 2019 blast from the past as we move into the New Year, Happy Holidays from Diversity!

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


L-R: Rienna no Ouji (Rieko), Nani Xue, Brice Meda (BriceYokan), Jude Tatham, Hadley (HadleyCarington), Vichonette Constantine, Laycie Pearl, Anael Starr, Richard De Grataine Suoh (RichardGrataineSuoh), Viana De Grataine (Curiosse)

Row 1 L-R: Anael Starr, Nani Xue, Vegeta (reikokuvegeta), Rienna no Ouji (Rieko), Vichonette Constantine, Laycie Pearl

Row 2 L-R: Richard De Grataine Suoh (RichardGrataineSuoh), Viana De Grataine (Curiosse), Jude Tatham, Brice Meda (BriceYokan), Hadley (HadleyCarrington)

Pic 3 Front to Back: Nani Xue Laycie Pearl Rienna no Ouji (Rieko) Vichonette Constantine Jude Tatham Hadley (HadleyCarrington) Brice Meda (BriceYokan)

People & Community

PutriSoloSinger The Indonesian Sensation

BY: AVA JHAMIN When I was over at the Models Giving Back show, I met a lovely gentleman named Xtern01. We got to talking and he was telling me about the clubs he owns in Second Life.

blown away is an understatement. She was one of the best live singers I have ever heard in Second Life. I was instantly mesmerized by her rapport with the audience. Everyone was talking and having a blast. She Later that day, he sent me an invite to was teasing the audience and the audience was also teasing her. It was go and see a live singer by the name of PurtriSoloSinger. To say that I was refreshing to see a show like this.


Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

I was instantly a fan and have seen Putri a few times and we have become friends. Of course, all the readers of L'Amour Diversity knew I would have to get an interview with this wonderful singer. I had the honor of sitting down with Putri as well as some of her staff. Ava: The question I always ask first, how did you come to Second Life? PutriSoloSinger: My ex-husband.. he was asked to sing here and he set it up for me as well. Ava: Can you tell the readers a bit about where you are from? PutriSoloSinger: I am from Jakarta City, Indonesia. Ava: Are you a singer in real life?

PutriSoloSinger: My father, he is an amazing singer. He sang rock and blues songs. We have a music studio in our house, so since I was little, I was surrounded by rock music and musicians from all over our city. Ava: Can you explain to the readers the process of picking the songs you choose? PutriSoloSinger: I love songs with good lyrics, and harmony because I am a singer that sings from the heart, so I really enjoy singing songs with touching lyrics, so I can sing from my soul. Ava: Have you ever been asked to do a song that you just did not like? PutriSoloSinger: yes lots .. hehe but, I always try to be professional and sing anything that someone requests.

PutriSoloSinger: Yes, I am. But, I sadly had to step away, so I can have more time with my babies, and singing in SL Ava: What is your satisfaction in is perfect for me. regards to signing in Second Life? Ava: What inspires you in your PutriSoloSinger: I love the audience. signing, PutriSoloSinger? They really appreciate my voice and L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


they are great people. Ava: What do you want the people to take away from listening to you in Second Life?

Jeorjiarae: I have no downfalls, I enjoy being her manager. My place to make sure everything is running smoothly and Putri takes her rest and looks after her voice.

Ava: What do you think that it is with PutriSoloSinger: I hope happiness, feeling love and peace in their hearts. Putri that makes her magic on stage with fans? Ava: Do you have a favorite musician Jeorjiarae: She can sing so many that you like to sing? different songs and if someone asks for one she doesn't know, she will PutriSoloSinger: Yes, many, I love Celine Dion songs, Barbara Streisand, learn it for them and sing it next show. She always includes everyone and Whitney Houston, The Cranberries, even if someone hasn't requested a Alanis Morisette, Muse, Mr. Big. song she will dedicate it to them. I also spoke to Jeorjiarae, who is Ava: What is a typical week for you as PutriSoloSinger's Manager and assistant because I wanted to ask her a Manager/Assistant? some questions as well. Jeorjiarae: Anywhere between one to four shows per day, and always Ava: How did you become the different in that the shows are geared Manager/Assistant to Putri? towards the fans. we always try to make it fun. We like to mess around Jeorjiarae: Her other manager had in open chat too, for the fans. hospital appointments to deal with and would be away for about three I also had a little chat with Jayteasee days to a week. Putri came looking for me to help out as she knew I had who is in Putri's band. managed live artists before, and I Ava: How did you become the lead have been there ever since. guitarist for PutriSoloSinger? Ava: What has been your most I'm quite new on Second Life. A favorite part of being her Manager/ friend of mine introduced me to the Assistant? live music scene in here and the first one was Putri, it just so happened. I Jeorjiarae: The best part is watching came to her shows and it just went Putri grow and get more confident from there. More than that, it's about in herself and listening to her giggle. having become friends with her and The team loves to make her giggle. having her back while she's onstage. Ava: Are there any downfalls to being Ava: What is your most favorite part a Manager?


Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

of being in this band and with this singing sensation?

Between the songs, you'll meet the real Putri who's sometimes an adorable klutz you'll just want to cuddle. She's kind and generous... For me, it's probably watching her and then she'll sing Abba just to push evolution up close. I've seen her go through some changes while I've been your buttons. She can be punky like on her team. The moment you think that. Ava: What is a typical week for you have her figured out, she you as part of this incredible pulls the rug from under band for PutriSoloSinger? you, figuratively speaking. It's always fun to watch. For me, there isn't At this point, I've anything typical about it probably heard most of her catalog but except that her shows tend to happen in the there are still times night time for me. that I just gape Fortunately, I've got at her thinking that kind of time for about how I wasn't now. expecting her to pull THAT song, you know? Well, readers of L'Amour Diversity, check Putri out for Ava: What do you yourselves! think that it is with Putri that makes her magic on stage Comments from with fans? her fans and club promoters: This is a fun question. She's just I was over at entertaining. The the Fride Club & thing is... Putri is a Lounge and spoke to power ballad girl a la Midnattsdotter Fride, Celine Dion through and co-owner of the club. through and that's what she loves doing most - until This is what she had to say, she whips out Iron Maiden or "I booked her to sing her at the something silly like Baby Shark. event I arranged at my club, Fride Her repertoire is ridiculously broad Club & Lounge. I booked her, as I had and she has the ability to adapt to the heard her some weeks ago and loved demands of the genre at hand. She's her voice. It was the first time I heard always happy to sing your song for her talented voice and it grabbed me you. and my partner who was with me listening. L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


He was not able to come and I asked her if she could do this event.”

of songs and how well she sang them. She could sing me to sleep anytime she wants. Her voice has a very I also spoke to DolphinDifference one mesmerizing tone.” of her many patrons who adores her. I asked him if he could tell me why he This is what Margot says of Putrisolo, comes to listen to Putri. This is what "It's the fun factor and she is not he had to say, "it is obvious why, she bound by time limits. I remember she is perfect, one of the best voices in SL was performing for a charity and sang in my opinion. for two and a half hours because we kept tipping her. She then took that L$20,000 and gave it to the charity. Catcraker McDonnel said of Putri, “well, she floored me with her variety


Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


A Sad Goodbye to An Institution


Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

It is with a very heavy heart that I write this next one, Frank’s Place Jazz Club, that I have been going to since day one of my Second Life, has closed their doors. Nanceee Dante (nanceee.sinatra) wanted to focus more on real life with the love of her life, EricDante. I know, I always want people to do what is best for them and make decisions based upon that and their situation. We wish Nanceee and Eric nothing but the best. Frank’s Elite is still alive and running. The original owner of the land bought it and he will kleep the doors open. All the staff from Frank’s Jazz Club, has decided to go over to The Moulin Rouge Ballroom. Frank’s was always known as the “meat market” on Second Life. I want to put that rumor to rest right now. Frank’s was a place where you could make lasting friendships and where you could go any day of the week and have a friend to talk to or to dance with. I never thought of Frank’s as a meat market club, even though I met my one and only husband in Second Life there. It was always more to me than that. It was my familiar, my original crew in Second Life. We laughed and teased and had love affairs. We have gotten married, been forever bachelors and bachelorettes, seen each other succeed in SL and I know for me that even though Franks Elite will go on, it won’t be the same. Again, I wish them all the best of luck in their new endeavors. For me, it's just sad and heart-wrenching, but as the saying goes, "life goes on" even in Second Life.

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019



Christmas has been thrust upon us and although it’s early in the month of December, the stores are full of Christmas songs and there are decorations up everywhere. The pressure has properly begun now too, with parents and families going out and spending hundreds and thousands of pounds, dollars, and euros on gifts and food. It is truly the season for excessive behavior and total indulgence.

done this for around 7 years and our decorations really are amazing; no cheap fillers or broken baubles, our tree looks awesome! So, I put on my Santa hat and took off around SL to ask: “What special traditions do you have this time of year?”

Well, for many people the tradition is the same; eat and drink, exchange gifts, spend time with family and loved As I made a note of the important ones -- pretty standard stuff, but still dates in December in my world; great! I have the fondest memories school carol concert, make Christmas of sipping on some mulled wine, cake, buy gifts, trim the tree, I playing a board game as Nat King Cole wondered if there were any quirky and Michael Bublé sing to us in the traditions that people had with their background. I can’t wait to do it all families, just something special that again this year. But, some of you do they share. For mine, it is going like your funky traditions and here are every year in December and choosing a few. one new tree decoration. We have


Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

One close friend that I spoke to shared that they rarely do the whole big turkey dinner and their family members are too far away to visit, so they order Chinese take-out and watch movies together. I asked her why and how this tradition started, and she told me that it was inspired by her favorite Christmas movie, “A Christmas Story” where the dog eats their turkey and they end up in a Chinese restaurant. As a BIG fan of Asian cooking, I have to say that sounds great! Another lovely chap that I bumped into on my travels told me how his family has a very special and extremely thoughtful tradition. The entire family puts their names into a hat and whoever they draw out is the person they buy a gift for; like Secret Santa. I was intrigued and thought this was an awesome money-saving idea, but it was more about giving to people who really need it. “I prefer to spoil my friends, so I generally get a lot of my friends’ gifts or I will take care of gifts for a family that needs help.” What an inspiring family and doing it this way means you aren’t buying for people excessively. What a great idea! Later, I was hanging out at a club and got chatting to a few of the other patrons and the subject of Christmas

came up, so I asked them about their special traditions. One of their responses was, “I usually head home to spend Christmas with my parents and my Mom does always get me the same thing in my stocking -- I'm 43 and every year I get sunflower seeds, beef jerky, a Three Musketeers bar, new toothbrush, dental floss and whatever other little things she can cram in.” So even though he was all grown up, his mother kept the tradition of a Christmas stocking alive and gave him the same contents every year. I thought this was so adorable and exactly the type of tradition I was hoping to hear; something special and personal too. I felt all warm and fuzzy inside after that. One of the last people I spoke to shared their usual Christmas tradition with me and I knew this was something many of you reading this article would relate to. Although they visit family, they aren’t incredibly close, so only a small part is about real life, but the rest of the time they love to be in SL with their virtual friends and family. For most, real life comes first, but whether you are pixels on a screen or not, if you spend all day chatting and hanging out with someone, bonds are sure to be formed and relationships made. For a big percentage of us, the

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


people in SL are real friends and we share a ourselves with them. It makes total sense that would want to spend the holidays with those special people, just as much if not more than family we only see occasionally. I really don’t think you can ignore the very real people on the other side of their avatar. In their words “It doesn't have to be family or real-life friends. It can be anyone you cherish or wish to spend Christmas with.”

lot of we

Whatever your traditions and whatever you get up to, I hope you have a wonderful time. Also, to those that do not celebrate Christmas, be it for religious reasons or not, I do feel a tad sorry that living in a western country involves having Christmas rammed down your neck at every turn. So, whether you are celebrating Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or it is just another day, I hope you enjoy the holidays and can get together with friends and family, real or virtual.


Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

Out on the Grid

By: Ava Jhamin

9th Annual SL

L Christmas Expo

The Christmas Expo Mission:

It’s that time of year for snow, ice Skating, decorating Houses, shopping, and most important the time for giving. “Believe in the Magic of Christmas,” the 9th Annual SL Christmas Expo, December 5th through the 15th, 2019. Supporting


the American Cancer Society, the Christmas Expo is the premier holiday shopping and entertainment destination in Second Life.

Christmas is especially fun and the best time for kids. Important to kids!

Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

To Fight Childhood Cancer For kids, Christmas is a Magical Season! And so, this year the Expo has a new mission. Together with the American Cancer Society and our partners at Linden Lab, the Expo will be supporting Childhood Cancer initiatives of the Society. All proceeds

of the Expo will be directed to support research and palliative efforts to help children with cancer. Information provided by: Nuala Maracas & the incredible staff of SL Christmas Expo.

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


What’s planned for the 2019 Christmas Expo? Back again are: • more than 100 merchants, • Breedables and One-Of-A-Kind auctions, • Nearly non-stop musical performances, • Gachas and Hunts. • Christmas Trees, Ice Skating, Snowman Building Contest • Santa and Mrs. Claus and the Elves • The Holidays of Hope Ball.

Also, back again is the popular Lights of Hope House Decorating Contest featuring homes built and decorated by some of Second Life’s best home builders! The event was introduced in 2018 and was one of the highlights of the 8th Annual Expo. Linden Lab Partners With The Expo to Help the American Cancer Society Fight Childhood Cancer!

This year, Linden Lab, the Society’s partner in the fight against cancer, is joining the 9th Annual SL Christmas Expo. Not only will Linden Lab be decorating Linden homes as part of the Lights Of Hope contest but the Expo will be the venue of the BIG REVEAL! The long-anticipated, ALLNEW Version 4 LINDEN HOMES will be UNVEILED at the Lights Of Hope!

The Christmas Expo is something that everyone should put on their list to support, and to always Believe in The Magic of Christmas, and giving of yourself and to…..Give The Gift of Hope and Fight Childhood Cancer!

There was so much to see and do at the 2019 SL Christmas Expo. Some of the magic of this event included: Gift Of Hope Mega Raffles for both Christmas Expo and Non-Expo Merchants. These are high end, highvalue raffles.



Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

Gold Sponsors

The merchants on these two pages comprise the Platiunum and Gold level sponsors. There were also silver and bronze level as well as merchants who contributed to the Lights of Hope area and the Christmas Bazaar area. There were also two Breedable Auction Markets and Special Event Sponsors. There were so many people that contributed to make this event a success that we cannot list them all in this publication. But you can see the complete list if you visit the SL Christmas Expo Merchants and Sponsors page.

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


I got the chance to get to know Naula a bit and all of the staff for the 9th Annual SL Christmas Expo. What an amazing crew they all truly are. Not only friendly to all they come into contact with but also you can tell they are not only friends during the expo, but their friendships extend beyond at a personal level. I sat down with Nuala to get some more of the scoop on this amazing event in Second Life. Hi Nuala and thank you for sitting down with me and speaking to the readers of L’Amour Diversity Magazine. I want to get right into the questions. Ava: The one I always ask, how was


it that Nuala came to this fun crazy world we call Second Life? Nuala: A friend that I knew from another online world, had found SL back in 2004 and told me I had to come check it out. Second Life was very very different 15 years ago. Ava: What did you first start doing in Second Life? Nuala: I opened a little store called Second Hand Rose in 2005. Back then, there were no direct tps and only one Linden Lab created landing spot in a region. If you wanted to go somewhere....you walked. That meant the "malls" along the landing areas were high commodity real estate. My little shop was about 1/2 a region

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away from the landing area, so it was a long walk. I kept it open for a couple of years. I also met Trader1 Whiplash in 2005 and joined as a DJ on T1Radio and eventually became co-owner of the station with him. T1Radio is the only original radio station still on the air after all these years. After 15 years, he is my best friend in and out of SL. Ava: How did you get involved in the SL Christmas Expo?

Nuala: I have always been active with Relay For Life of Second Life since 2005, as a team captain, lead for various committee areas, co-chair as well as chair of the RFL of SL in 2016 & 2017. I have always been part of the Christmas Expo in one way or the other be it helping with some activities or organizing entertainment via T1Radio. My friend and past RFL of SL Event chair, Nikki Mathieson, started the Expo as a relay team event in 2011 and grew it to a 4 region mega event.

In 2015, she asked if I would like to take over the SL Christmas Expo and passed the torch on to me. I have grown the Expo to a 10 region event raising over $20,000 US last year alone and more than $75,000 US total in 5 years. I hope I have done her proud. Ava: You make all of us proud, Nuala. Can you tell the readers of L'Amour Diversity Magazine a bit about the American Cancer Society and their involvement with the SL Christmas

Expo? Nuala: The SL Christmas Expo is a mega event that supports the American Cancer Society mission to "Save lives, celebrate lives, and lead the fight for a world without cancer." The American Cancer Society (ACS) has had a presence in Second Life since 2005 when the first Relay For Life event was held. There is an ACS region in Second Life that offers resources and support to cancer survivors and their caregivers, as

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well as cancer information and Linden Lab, one of the American fundraising activity information for all Cancer Society's corporate partners, SL residents. has jumped on board this year as well. They are doing the fourth Linden Home Reveal, a special One Of A Last year the funds raised from the Kind Home Auction, selling a special SL Christmas Expo went to support the Patient Navigator Program at the Ebbe Linden collector bear, as well Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi. as participating in the Lights Of Hope We raised more than $21,000 US and Home Decoration contest. were able to help the Society fund two, new navigators. Ava: What was the hardest aspect of such a huge responsibility of directing and overseeing the SL Christmas In 2019 and going forward, the SL Expo? Christmas Expo will be focused on Childhood Cancer. This year specifically, all proceeds will be Nuala: I don't think there is any hard directed to the American Cancer aspect if things are being done for the Society VR Headset Program for right reasons. Finding the right people Pediatric Cancer Patients. For who share the passion to support more information, please visit the ACS mission and love the holiday slchristmasexpo.com. season is key and I found those people again this year. Ava: How many vendors are participating in the SL Christmas Expo If I had to say one thing, it would be 2019 event? that I see too many squirrels! I love to get sidetracked with merchant chatter in the group or looking at something Nuala: We have more than 160 merchants this year. Our biggest yet. they made or visiting their awesomely


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decorated stores.

their products in the ACS Christmas Expo fundraising vendors! It is fantastic to walk the streets and peek Ava: What has been the most in shops and see a wall of fundraising rewarding part of the SL Christmas vendors. It helps raise awareness for Expo for you, Nuala? the shoppers of not only the ACS but that the merchant supports a fantastic Nuala: Obviously helping to raise funds to support the American Cancer charity, it is a win, win all around. Society and its mission, but also knowing that the merchants who attend the Expo are all here for the same reason. It is the one time of the year that merchants put aside the desire to make money for themselves and instead, put most, if not all, of

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Ava: Can you please tell the readers of Diversity all the people that make up the team for SL Christmas Expo, and what they do? Nuala: Okay. ..are you ready for this list ... it is an amazing group of people this year. I couldn't do it without them!

The 2019 SL Christmas Expo is brought to you by the following amazing volunteers SL Christmas Expo Coordinator – Nuala Maracas AREAS: • • • • • • • • •

Merchant Sponsorship Registration Merchant Registration Administrator Support – Emi Tennant (emirsyn) Merchant Registration Assistant H&G – Journey Texan Merchant Registration Assistant Fashion – Kitty Gumbo (prettykitty gumbo) Merchant Registration Ambassador – Edborough Firelf Kellie (edisyoda) Merchant Registration Ambassador – TAZZ (tazzie tuque) Merchant Registration Ambassador – Moon (vanyi) Merchant Registration Ambassador – Female winslet December Final Requirements & Shop Checks – Emi Tennant (emirsyn), Journey Texan, Nash Tennant (nashtin), Moon (vanyi), TAZZ (tazzie tuque), Edborough Firelf Kellie (edisyoda), Kitty Gumbo (prettykitty gumbo), Kitty Gumbo (prettykitty gumbo), Ever Courois


Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

Breedable Registration Assistant – Kari (Hikari Shade) • O.O.A.K Breedable Auction Coordinators – Nuala Maracas • Breedables Auction Houses & Markets -Nuala Maracas Special Events & Activities: •

Lead – Nuala Maracas Christmas Tree Lot – Dianna Wycliffe Snowman Building Contest – S.I.D. (Sidonie Carlberg) The Gift Of Hope Mega Raffles – Nuala Maracas Santa & The Elves – PrettyKitty Gumbo Photos With Santa - PrettyKitty Gumbo Gatcha Co-ordinator – Nuala Maracas Holiday Shopping Spree Raffle – Nuala Maracas Lights Of Hope Home Decoration Contest Lights Of Hope Coordinator: Arizona Ballinger Lights Of Hope Ambassador: SkyeRyder Varriale Lights Of Hope Lindens & Linden Reveal Region: Constantine Linden, Derrick Linden, Patch Linden Entertainment: Entertainment Coordinator -Trader1 Whiplash Live Music – Trader1 Whiplash Stage & Host Managers – Aryon Dagger & Xyza Armistice Blogging & PR Blogger Manager – Sinful Rhapsody PR Coordinator – Xyza Armistice Signage – Arizona Ballinger Media Partnerships – Nuala Maracas Region Design & Decoration Lead Region Designer: Eclair Martinek Breedables Region: Kari (Hikari Shade) Special Decorations & Photo Booths: Darkstone Aeon

You can get this on the website also

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


Ava: How have you dealt with issues that come up for SL Christmas Expo? Nuala: Honestly, not a lot of issues have come up. As I said, our merchants are here for the RIGHT reason. Not everyone is accepted and that is ok because the Expo, being a large fundraising event for a charity, may not be the right fit for every merchant. For the odd issue that might come up, then I use patience,


kindness, respect, understanding and I think the biggest one... explaining. If people understand WHY something is done the way it is, then things are fine. Ava: What advice would you give others that would take on the task you did with the Christmas Expo? Nuala: I can only give advice for a large charity fundraising event, but I

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think a lot crosses over to the large "for-profit" events. Make sure you are doing it for the right reason and not personal gain or notoriety. Buy lots of coffee. It's okay to say “no.” Be organized and detail-oriented. Love google spreadsheets. Find a righthand and a left-hand person. laugh a lot, have fun, appreciate the small things. Listen to the stories of why people support your charity event.

Thank you, Nuala, for taking time out of your hectic schedule to talk with me. I hope this is the best year ever for the SL Christmas Expo. The final total for the 9th Annual SL Christmas Expo is L$6.M in inworld donations plus additional credit card donations - for a total of $24,178.50 US. Way to go team!!

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The long anticipate All New Version 4 builders have done up to this point. Linden Homes are on display at the SL As a consumer, I was blown away and couldn’t stop looking at them. Since Christmas Expo 2019. I rent the land for L’Amour, I haven’t seen a need to pay for a premium The homes have been kept under lock and key by the builders and were account for myself, but when I viewed these beauties, I was very tempted to revealed on December 5, 2019. get a premium account just to have one of these homes. I was at the third reveal and those homes were great, but the fourth As a total house whore of SL and one version, ladies and gentlemen, are that is picky as heck about my home, just the absolute best work the


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these are right up to par. The details, the size of the rooms, all of it they will just take your breath away. L'Amour Diversity Magazine is going to give you a sneak peek and just keep an eye out for these new homes to make their presence known in Second Life. Patch Linden announced that these new homes will be out on or before the 15th of December.

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Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019



Dot-B Look of the Year Winner Yeben By: Ava Jhamin

I was fortunate enough to be able to judge the Luxe Paris Dot-B Look of the Year competition this year. The winner for the DOT-B 2019, Yeben, was very deserving and worked very hard for this title. I was able to sit down with Yeben and talk to him about his experience with the competition.


Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

Ava: Can you tell the readers of Ava: mmm, I know of the beer and L'Amour Diversity how you came to be the chocolate, but I didn't know about part of the world of Second Life? the Belgian Fries. Yummo. What was the hardest part for you Yeben, in the Dot-B competition? Yeben: I came into Second Life in 2013 and my main activity was being a DJ. I was a DJ manager, but my RL Yeben: I am very social and I noticed takes a lot of my time. I dedicated that this was not a social group. I was myself to be around for Dot-BE an outsider for them and felt like I got fashion, but other than that I don't do looks like I didn't deserve to be there. anything else anymore. Ava: Did you meet a lot of new friends Ava: What are some of the things that throughout the competition? you love to do in Second Life? Yeben: For whatever reason, I noticed Yeben: Being a DJ and who knows that there was no support at all. The what else may come along. secret to making new friends is as simple as being open to it. If you don't put yourself out there for it, Ava: Where is Yeben located in the then it will not happen. More than real world: likely, you will not communicate Ava: Can you tell the readers of L’Amour Diversity how you came to be with anyone in a competition where everyone is thinking about what is part of the world of Second Life? that person there thinking, what is this person doing. I had a feeling they Yeben: I came into Second Life in 2013 and my main activity was being were there to become famous with fortune. a DJ. I was a DJ manager, but my RL takes a lot of my time. I dedicated Ava: What is your overall impression myself to be around for Dot-BE fashion, but other than that I don’t do of the Dot-B Look of The Year Competition? anything else anymore. Ava: What are some of the things that Yeben: The support of the staff was just great, and all was well organized. you love to do in Second Life? But I did not see a lot of friendship or support in any way by the other Yeben: Being a DJ and who knows contestants. I did feel that it was a what else may come along. world that was full of people that only care about themselves. Ava: Where is Yeben located in the real world: Ava: What advice would you give to someone that was going to do a Yeben: I am from Belgium. The competition like this Yeben? country of beer, chocolate, and Belgian Fries. L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019



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Yeben: I had no idea what I was doing, had no background in modeling but as I continued to do the competition, I got better and learned new things about myself. But the skills that you’ll learn and self-awareness that you’ll develop will enrich your life long after you stop competing. Take it from me, I don’t compete anymore, but make sure to read all the rules and follow them. Make sure you have all your "paperwork" ready. Inform yourself about everything that is required and read about the pageant before you start. Ava: Did you have fun coming up with stylings and working with the themes for each challenge? Yeben: Yes, I did. Yves Saint Laurent once said, “Fashion fades, but style is eternal”. I am curious and passionate about fashion. So, I am constantly on the lookout in order to remain up to date with the latest trends. And it was fun to see that BonieFacio creates fashion that is easy to like. Ava: How did you like doing a competition with both men and women? Yeben: Men occupy only a small fraction of the top fashion competitions in SL. Often the professional path as a model is marked by only a few competitions. In many competitions, we see that there are a lot of women competing against each other while competition is increasingly seen to improve performance. But we all know that all competitions evolve around who got the most lindens to spend on the different challenges and who got the most support. L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


I think that men and women react differently to competition — I think women tend to be afraid, envy, insecurity and mistrust. I think they are also serious, nervous, jealous particularly when competing against other women and I think if there is a man around, they want to be the best of the best. I think that a large number of females are highly critical of other women, particularly attractive ones, and are highly concerned about their own appearance in relation to other women. I think men are by nature indifferent to one another, but women are by nature enemies. The gender mix of the group influences


the outcome. You can be at your best or your worst. But in this case, the winners got both a price. Thank you Yeben for taking the time out of your busy schedule to sit down with me. And thank you for your honesty and just your realness you humble me, sir. I have to say that this interview was for sure one of my very top ones. I was impressed with the candor and the honesty that Yeben put into this story. This is someone that not only humbled me but makes me want to reach out and be his friend, which I did.

Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


Dressing the Decades: Historical Fashion Show in Boston

By: Ava Jhamin Imagine your SL avatar goes through a time warp and enters out the other side in Victorian Boston. Imagine then you get to see a fashion show from the 1700s to 1920 how much fun could that be?

What is Atlantia?

Atlantia is a privately-owned region of estates that share an idea of interactive roleplay based on the history of colonial America and its European connections. Atlantia is what connects both America and Well, you’re going to get the Europe. The time period for the opportunity to do just that. First, we must have some history on where this estates is roughly 1650-1775 (17th18th century). Each sim must set a lovely Dressing the Decades Show is going to take place. Let’s start with a roleplay idea within this time period. bit of history on the sim told to us by the owners Loto Paolino and Laci Luik. Who are Atlantia founders? Loto Paolino and Laci Luik. Any From their card Copyright © 2019, Atlantia New World Roleplay, All Rights questions regarding the covenant, please refer to them. Reserved Welcome to Atlantia Roleplay!


What kind of historical events can be part of Atlantia?

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Anything from the time period. It was a period rich in interesting history: from the first European colonial settlements and the various hardships in the New World to the political turmoil of the American Revolution. As long as one keeps up with the overall theme of the period, any event, historical or fictional, can take place in Atlantia. Historical accuracy in Atlantia We are committed to the historical accuracy of the period in all aspects of life (sim and avatar appearance, clothes, manners, etc.). However, we do understand that, due to some reasons, certain aspects of history cannot be role-played out according to the history of the time. Therefore,

in Atlantia, we refrain from slavery and other racial discrimination RP. Does Atlantia use a meter? Yes, Atlantia uses AT Roleplay System, available to acquire for free in all main Atlantia Info hubs. If I want to be a part of Atlantia, what are my options? Join the RP with us! Can I acquire (rent) a sim for my RP in Atlantia? Yes, you can, please contact Loto Paolino or Laci Luik for more details. We wish you a pleasant stay in Atlantia RP Sims!

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Next, I sat down with the key players involved in this production to answer some questions for the readers of L'Amour Diversity Magazine, beginning with the sim owners, Loto Paolino & Laci Luik. Ava: The one I always ask, how was it that you came to this fun crazy world we call Second Life? Loto: It was pure curiosity! Some of


my friends noted that they know this world where you can roam with avatars and build things, it sounded interesting to me, so I gave it a try. Laci: My relative started to play Second Life and told me about it and I was interested in it, so I made an account. Ava: What did you first start doing in Second Life?

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Loto: I was exploring, meeting friends, and developed a passion for roleplay, particularly historical roleplay. Laci: I just spent my time exploring in the beginning. Ava: Can you tell the readers of L'Amour Diversity why you both decided to open Atlantia RP sim? Loto: Laci and I had been into historical roleplay since we met.

Boston is not a new concept in SL. Before we opened Atlantia Roleplay, we managed Boston for years in the 19th Century. However, we decided to move Boston out of that period and out of the alliance of sims where we were located at that time and establish ourselves independently in the 18th Century. Why 18th Century Boston and why Atlantia? It is an exciting historical period, not only for the USA, but also for the world's

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history. The American Revolution was historical sim. Then we decided to born in Boston! The town was vibrant open Atlantia New World. for culture, education, and politics and attracted many settlers from Europe. Ava: How did you decide to mix the RP sim with a fashion show? The Atlantic Ocean was the path Loto: Living in a historical sim we love Americans and Europeans took to to wear period clothes and gowns. travel to see each other. Also do not

forget the Navy, the pirates, and the Native Americans! Boston has an amazing history and we offer a chance for anyone willing to explore that history come to our Atlantia sims and engage into it through roleplay or just explorations. Laci: As Loto says, we were playing in historical rp sim for years and were interested in building our own


The period fashion is interesting and then this idea was born to make a historical fashion show for the purpose of pleasure and informative reasons. Laci: When Viktor told us about his idea of a fashion show, I agreed with it, because I thought people would be interested in it, as most of them like

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estates is roughly 1650-1775, so the 17th & 18th centuries. For the fashion show, we decided to expand the time frame to give participants more Ava: How did Viktor Savior get brought into this amazing show that is freedom to show their creativity and imagination. This idea was proposed going to be put on? by Lotta, she is the main organizer of events in Boston and always comes up Loto: It was Viktor’s idea to make a fashion show here and he is involved with new interesting actions. in the biggest part of organizing it here. Viktor is a wonderful friend and Ava: Who else is part of your team an amazing artist, always supportive Viktor and what are their jobs? of us and full of excellent ideas. If only I had time to keep up with them Viktor: Of course, first, it is Lotta all! and Luik. As owners of the sim, they provide space and organize control I then sat down with Viktor Savior, over the building. Lotta will also who oversaw putting on the fashion show for Dressing the Decades Show. provide a fashion show as a hostess. She has big experience in organizing events and a great presentation style. Ava: How many designers will be participating in your event? The main place where the stage for the presentation will be located is Viktor: As of today, Nov 17th, I am built by Vikanorda. She has already still preparing lists, so I can’t say for sure how many designers will present established herself as a wonderful builder and I did not even have doubts their work. At the moment, I have about who to give this object for confirmation from six participants. We are expanding the territory of the decoration. I would like to especially Welcome Center of Boston and adding thank RicharddeGrataineSuoh for joining the event team as a a market with 12 houses, which will coordinator, for working with models be offered free of charge to each participating designer for three weeks, and preparing stage performance. from November 25 to December His great experience in fashion and 15 for the sale of their products. unlimited creativity will become the Application forms are accepted until main guarantee of a successful show November 22. because he will have to work not only with professionals but also with those Ava: How did you decide to bring early period clothes and want to do a who will appear on stage for the first time. My role as an event organizer, fashion show in Boston? Lotta's assistant. I’m looking for Viktor: The Boston time period for the participants, designers and models, historical background, culture, and fashion.


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I invite media, I make posters and advertise, I will show locations and help with all issues. Ava: How did you get the models for this show?

Ava: What is most rewarding for you to take on such a project?

Viktor: This is an experience. I love challenges and working in a team. SL is a great place for everyone to reveal Viktor: Placed ads in groups and asked your talents and change yourself. through friends. Ava: What has been the hardest part of putting on a production like this? Viktor: Hardest? This is a pleasure to arrange such an event and work with such great people as a team. When you fall in love with your work - anything hard does not exist. Only waiting and excitement as guests and participants will perceive all work.

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5th Annual Spooktacular “The Family” Event Model Director, RIenna no Ouji


5th Annual Spooktacular “The Family” Event L’Amour Productions 5th Annual Spooktacular was a huge success again this year. The show was based on the premise of “The Family,” like the Adams family on steroids.

THE DESIGNER Cassandra1961, Cassie to her friends, who owns CNS (Classy N Sassy), not only was the designer for the show but also stepped up to fill in for a missing model. Some may not know this but Cassie went through the L’Amour model courses 101-106 and is an official L’Amour model. She did a great job on her walks and a superb job on the outfits for this show.

THE MODELS The following models did an amazing job on their outfits as well as their walk. Jan Bacon started off the show in the Devil in The Blue Dress, followed by Jude Tatham and Balhem Soulstar in his and hers Vampire and Vampiress. Trinity Aironaut came out and wowed the crowd in the Jeeper Creeper outfit, followed by Laycie Pearl and Richard De Grataine Suoh wearing the Si De La Muerta and the Dama outfits. Cyberdawg Foxclaw, demanded the runway, wearing the Fear of the Reaper outfit, and was very scary as he hovered over the runway.

Next, Trin had a quick outfit change for her walk with Thunderstormin wearing the Pirate Queen and him in the Dead Dread Pirate. They wanted to kill a few rogue audience members, but I was able to stop the attack. Maxtor Frisk was next in his Cyborg outfit, which was done so well. He completely worked the outfit with accessories of his own.

The second walk for the models was Jan and Jude in the Mid Evil Demoness outfits, Jan in Red and Jude in black. They were then followed by Cassie in the Webbed outfit. Next, Richard and Laycie took the runway in the Tarzan and Jane couple’s outfit. Richard even got the cutest Monkey that is now the mascot for L’Amour Productions.

Emcee, Nani Xue

Then, is there a doctor in the house? As a matter of fact, Thunderstormin was the Mad Doctor, he even had a photo ID and a stethoscope. For the second time, he was followed by the pair of Trin and Balhem. Trin came out as Little Red Riding Hood and Balhem was the Big Bad Wolf. This was Balhem’s second year walking for Spooktacular as the Big Bad Wolf, Maxtor then strutted his hot stuff as the Dark Angel and Cy was the Roman Warrior.

It really was a Spooktacular show and I would like to thank all the models who participated. I would also like to thank Nani Xue for her tireless work on the script and being the hostess with the mostest. Thanks to Rienna no Ouji for her amazing model directing and last but not least, Balhem Soulstar for not only modeling but also for DJ’ing the event and after-party.

L’Amour Chronicles: Rienna no Ouji By: Ava Jhamin


Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

The premise of the L’Amour Chronicles is to highlight someone from the staff of L’Amour, so that the readers of Second Life can get to know them and see where they fit in the companies of L’Amour. This one is near and dear to my heart. Rienna no Ouji (Rienna Rieko) is one of my dearest friends on top of being my right hand, my teacher, my mentor. I know that sounds odd because I was her teacher. But I have always said that if a teacher in modeling can’t learn from her students then he/she is not really a teacher. Rienna came to me as a student from Audace and DebbieDoo Tigerfish with all kinds of praises. DebbieDoo loves her students, I think even more than I do. Rienna was the best student. She picked up things so fast and I knew from the start that I wanted her to be part of L’Amour.

both were great, but Rienna always comes up with ideas to take us to the next level and to keep us current and great. Ava: How did you find the beautiful, amazing world of SL?

Rienna: My RL ex-husband and I used to play RTS games together and enjoyed playing the Sims. He heard about SL and told me he thought I don’t determine where students fit in I might enjoy it because it was like the Sims but online and interactive. I when they graduate. That is entirely started SL on Oct 1, 2007. up to them. Rienna took to Model Directing like a duck to water. I have Ava: What are some of the things that seen a ton of model directors in my you liked to do on Second Life when day, and Rie is for me the best out there. She was also 1st Runner Up for you first came? MMI 2016. Rienna: Camping was a big thing back then. Sim owners would pay you a Rienna also is the best personal nominal amount of Lindens to create assistant to me ever. And her traffic on their sims by parking your greatest, or should I say my greatest joy, of what she does is Editor in Chief AV there. I had a few places I would park my AV overnight while I slept. of L’Amour Diversity Magazine. Her attention to detail and her work ethic I met one of my oldest and dearest friends camping. We are still very make her the best I have ever had. Now granted I have only had two and close friends to this day. L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


working as an office manager for Virtual Horizons Employment Agency. I also hosted in a few clubs and hated it. I sort of built a life on SL at that point, but not to the degree that I have today. A few months into my SL experience, a guy I was involved with wanted to try World of Warcraft and some friends of ours were playing it too, so we ended up going over there and I was in and out of SL over the next 4 years. I had a friend in SL from my days on IRC so I would come back every so often and check in, but I was mostly out for that time period. Then in 2012, I left SL completely and didn't I liked to go to clubs and meet people, come back until 2016. I mean after all, isn’t that what SL is When I came back, I decided I was for? I even owned a club for a little while. I still have the building kicking going to finally try my hand at modeling, A DJ friend of mine was around somewhere in my inventory. hosting a graduation show at Audace The main thing I did back then though, and I went with him to watch it. It was through that situation that I decided was I ran an employment agency. to start classes at Audace. Our When I tell people that, they always class had some bumps and bruises go, “an employment agency on SL?” Back then, it did well. When everyone through the course of our semester because our instructor left the school left SL in droves though a few years before we graduated, but DebbieDoo later, the owner ended up closing it. Tigerfish rescued us and helped us Come to think of it, I’m still friends get through our graduation. Everyone with him as well, although he rarely that graduated from Audace at that comes into SL anymore. We have been on each other’s RL Facebook lists time was given a scholarship to go on for 12 yrs. The funny thing is that he to L’Amour. I didnt directly go on to do classes at L’Amour, but I did cast lives about 30 miles from me in RL, for a show L’Amour was doing with but we have never met in person. Owl Braveheart and that was how I ended up at L’Amour as a model. Ava: Can you tell the readers of SL a little bit about who Rienna is? Rienna.: As I mentioned, I started SL doing what I have always done best, administration and customer service,


I did MMI in 2016 and it was an experience I will never forget. I enjoyed the creative process and the challenges were unique. I haven't done any other major competitions

Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

but from what I have seen other models doing over the last four years, I can see that MMI is very different. I came in 1st runner up behind Saori Kido Rey (Saori440). She was an incredibly tough competitor and I know that there were times when I didn't put my best foot forward in some of the challenges. The key to MMI is to remain consistent throughout and she did that every week. Since then, I haven't been modeling nearly as much. I mainly direct shows as needed. I pretty much only do shows for Catwalk and L’Amour agencies. Catwalk has a subdivision modeling troupe called She-Devils, of which I am a founding member. I was incredibly proud of that accomplishment, as Vichonette Constantine and VanessaDelRio Underwood both have very specific ideas of what poses should look like

on the runway and how things should be styled and I received a perfect score on my feedback for that casting. These days, I have moved into blogging and after two years of frustration over not getting anywhere with it, suddenly it has taken off for me and in the last month, I have gone from 250 followers to almost 3k followers on my Flickr and I now have six designers and five events for which I blog. It’s gone from being something I dreaded trying to do, to something I can't get enough of and these days I can constantly be found taking pictures. I have had 3 serious relationships on SL since I came back in 2016. Until that point, I had never had an SL partner. Most recently, I was partnered to my bestie, Denis Lenoir, for nearly two years because neither of us wanted a relationship on SL, so

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


belong together. Just recently, I changed my last name to no Ouji as a symbol of my love and lotalty to him. I don't know what the future holds for me on SL, but right now, I am enjoying the life I have built here. It’s been awhile since I could honestly say I have enjoyed SL, but thanks to the challenge blogging provides me and my renewed relationship with someone I love dearly, I am enjoying it once again. we partnered with each other. In 2016, however, probably the most significant relationship of my SL, started by pure chance. I was playing a game called Tiny Empires that I have played off and on since 2009. When someone starts the game, it will assign them to a temporary kingdom and when it assigned people to my kingdom, I would reach out to those individuals to see if they needed help learning the game. In June 2016, it assigned someone named Vegeta to my kingdom, I messaged him, and he took me up on the offer of help learning the game and it was through that chance encounter, that our relationship developed.

Ava: You were amazing as a student at L'Amour Rienna. Can you tell the Readers of Second what you remember about your experience with L'Amour? Rienna: Thank you, Ava, for the compliment. I enjoyed taking classes at L’Amour. I remember the photography classes the most because it was the part, I didn't have at Audace. I also remember the runway playground and trying to master the Walk of Death. Ava: What made you want to be a Model Director for L'Amour?

Rienna: After 6 months of constant modeling and then 8 weeks of nonstop styling and challenges with MMI, Over the years, various things in our lives seem to pull us apart, but every I was pretty burned out on runway work. I took a break from it for most year we are inexplicably drawn back of the next year, with the exception of together again. If I have learned anything over the last three years, it is a few things for L’Amour and Catwalk that I this relationship is here to stay and the addition of She-Devils. I am and I think we have both decided we a natural organizer and wrangler of people, so directing has always


Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

appealed to me more than walking the runway. When the model director for MMI in 2017 was unable to be there for every challenge, I jumped at the chance to try it and you and Cy let me. You seem to have liked what I did, because I’ve been doing it ever since!

creative outlet and I constantly need a challenge in life, so it benefited me as well to give it a go. I’ve been Editor in Chief for almost three years now, so maybe this article is meant to happen now. The next issue in February will be my third anniversary as Editor in Chief.

Ava: What made you decide to take on the position of Editor for L'Amour Diversity Magazine?

Ava: What are two things about Second Life that you love, and two things about Second Life that you don't like so much?

Rienna: Taking on Editor in Chief for Diversity was sort of two-fold. As you know, Jena Adder had been doing it for two years before me and she was unable to do it any longer. My first degree in RL was in graphic design, so I knew Photoshop and had learned Quark and Publisher years before. I hadn't ever used InDesign before, but I knew it had to be very similar to Quark so I said I would give it a try. I had been missing that kind of

Rienna: I love the fact that SL provides people with a way to connect with people from all over the world in one location, I’m an old chatter, so that aspect of SL is right up my alley. I love that SL provides a creative outlet to many people and I love to see what people on SL can do. I also love that you can be anyone or do anything you want in SL and it’s entirely up to you to create that reality for yourself.

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


I don't like that so many people have left SL. I wish that it were as popular as it was back in 2007, but I guess that’s just how things go sometimes. The core people I care about are here, so I guess for me, that’s what matters. Ava: Since you were a contestant for Mr. & Miss Model International, for anyone thinking about doing what would you tell them Rienna?

forward in your modeling career. The key to that is to listen to the feedback from the judges and use it to improve yourself each week. The people that take the feedback and learn from it and make the suggested changes are the people that will do

Rienna: The year I did MMI, was my first year of modeling on SL. I had spent the previous 6 months doing competition after competition and show after show. I decided to join MMI because I had been modeling for L'Amour and Ava told me about it, and it sounded like a fun experience. It went beyond my concept of what I had expected before joining. I made a lot of friends, reconciled a bad start with another friend, and learned a LOT. It was probably the hardest thing I have ever done in SL, but it was very good. You will spend 8 weeks, working your tail off, but you will learn things you never thought you could. I learned how to do basic building for one of my sets, I learned how to texture clothing, and it set me on the path to move on to be a model director, which I love. If you do MMI for no other reason than the fact that it absolutely will stretch your abilities and grow you as a model, you will have earned yourself a rich reward that will move you


the best in MMI. I cannot stress enough how important it is to listen to the feedback and use it to improve yourself as a model and stylist. The other thing I can’t impress upon you enough is that even half a point can cost you the win. So, make sure you

Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

check and recheck everything because and Cy and Ava work hard for every point counts! contestants to learn something. It's not just walking out on the runway and throwing out some poses, it's It's an amazing experience and it’s much more than that. It stretches a lot of fun and a huge learning experience and you will make a bunch you creatively. You must style outfits completely, sometimes you must build of friends a set for yourself, it’s learning how to take better pictures, there’s just so much that goes into the competition. I often say it’s like boot camp for SL models. Even contestants that we have had over the years that end up hating the process, have learned things from it and have walked away better models for having gone through it. Consistency is key in MMI. Remain consistent throughout and you will do well. Ava: Thank you Rie Rie for sitting down with me for the readers of Diversity to get to know you a bit, and see how truly remarkable you are, and why you're one of my fave humans on the planet and such an asset to L'Amour. Rienna: Well, thank you, Ava. That means a lot to me.

I love MMI. I think what sets that competition apart for me, is that who you are in SL is who you are. And it really is fair, unlike some other competitions where they can be rigged. The MMI board really tries to come up with creative challenges L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019


Happy New Y L’Amour Dive

Year from versity!

CREATIVE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS GRAPHICS Magazine Layout by Rienna no Ouji PHOTOGRAPHY Photos by Ava Jhamin (54-59, 64-65, 96-109, 116-127, 130-131) Photos by Nani Xue (Cover, 4-5, 8-9, 10-11, 22-23, 28-41, 48-53) Photos by Rienna no Ouji (74-93, 134-141) Courtesy of Soulcrack3r (24) Courtesy of Kody Meyer (20-21) Courtesy of Jack Rock (110-115)

OTHER IMAGES 26-27 Image by https://pixabay.com/users/StockSnap-894430/ 46-47 Image by https://pixabay.com/users/AnnaliseArt-7089643/


Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

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L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 27, December 2019



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Issue 27 December, 2019 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

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