Celebrating uniqueness not trends!
At Home with United Colors
An interview with one of SL’s most genius designers Page 28
Publisher's Note
From The Publisher/Editor October 2017 I can't believe we are already in October 2017. Everything is so busy that the anniversary of L'Amour Diversity Magazine went right past me. We started this wonderful magazine in August 2015. We have come along way in the two years we have been around. I think for me it's always progression and I do feel that L'Amour Diversity Magazine just gets better and better. I have been truly blessed with people that have worked with me over the last two years. And I also am one to give kudos as it takes team work and a village to put together L'Amour Diversity Magazine.
for us in October. We also have a special Halloween segment for the scary month of the year, Also an amazing story on Sansar, as well as the newest event to hit the grid the Chop Zuey 68 Main Event. I will be sitting down with Ludmilla regarding this new event. I am also looking forward to Mr. & Miss Model International MMI that will be coming before we know it. So all you fashion moguls keep an eye out for upcoming press releases for this amazing and one of a kind styling event in Second Life. So have a sit in a comfy chair and enjoy the October edition of L'Amour Diversity Magazine. Write On!!!!!!
We have another great issue for October including the Spotlight Story on United Color whom also graciously is doing the Editorial
Issue 14 October, 2017 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine
n i m a h Ava J
Celebrating uniqueness not trends!
STAFF PUBLISHER/EDITOR Ava Jhamin EDITOR IN CHIEF Rienna (Rieko) Iron FASHION EDITOR Trinity Aironaut WRITERS Ava Jhamin, Rhiannon Colclough, Karin Deuttmann PHOTOGRAPHERS AcelynnFae, Ava Jhamin, Trinity Aironaut, Matt Iron DIVERSITY MODELS VanessaDelRio Underwood, Resmay Bloodstorm-Coba, Trinity Aironaut, Vichonette Constantine, Olyvia DeCuir, Ava Jhamin, Rienna Rieko
The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publisher. ®2017 L'Amour Productions. All rights reserved. Second Life™ is a registered trademark of Linden Research, Inc.
Issue 14 October, 2017 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine
Editor's Note
It's October and for those of us in North America and Europe and various other locations above the equator, that means it's fall. While our friends "down under" are enjoying the spring weather and gearing up for summer, we are marveling at the beauty of autumn and getting ready for the season of harvest.
This fall issue is chock full of great stories and even includes a few fun recipes to try at your next Halloween bash! So grab a hot cup of cider and some popcorn and snuggle up next to the fire as you dive into all the greatness that makes up the October issue of L'Amour Diversity magazine.
In America, and a few other locations around the world, October means Halloween and All Saints' Day. In this issue of L'Amour Diversity, we highlight some of the best the world has to offer for this holiday that has become a favorite for many people, big and small. We have a great Spotlight story for you this time around, with an exclusive interview with UC of United Colors. Join us as we take a look inside the mind of this amazing designer and then see some of his latest creations as the models of L'Amour Diversity wear them with style in our fall Editorial. Sita Writer brings us the inside scoop on T1 Radio's Trader Whiplash and Ava Jhamin and Rhiannon Colclough take us to the Catwalk in their articles highlighting the agency and their Trunk Show.
L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 14, October 2017
Table of Contents 12 Caring, Sharing and Educating
Meet Morgan Whitfield, the amazing woman behidn Second Life's Care and Hope Center, as Karin Deuttmann shares her friend with us.
20 IT's Cool to be Kind Ava Jhamin shares some of her thoughts on how we should treat the people around us and some good ideas to approaching life.
28 At Home with United Colors Get an inside glimpse into the history behind United Colors and the future of these amazing designs.
34 United Colors Fashion Editorial Continue our journey through United Colors as the models of L'Amour Diversity show us how it's done UC style!
54 Catwalk Agency Meet the owners of one of SL's best modeling schools and agencies, Vichonette Constantine and VanessaDelRio Underwood, as they speak candidly with Ava Jhamin.
Catwalk Trunk Show Rhiannon Colclough takes us to this amazing event and tells us what she saw in SL's premier event.
Issue 14 October, 2017 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine
66 Teen Crisis! Is There a Solution? A tough situation for many teen's lives, kids in crisis, Ava Jhamin shares some insight.
Sansar - Is it worth all the hype? Rhiannon Colclough shares her experience with us.
Halloween Recipes Mummies and goblins and ghosts...oh, my! Ava Jhamin brings us some delicious treats for your spooky friends.
All Hallows' Day Around the World
The Legend
68 Main
Everyone knows Halloween is a huge holiday in America. But do other places around the globe take such a strong interest in this creepy day?
Trader Whiplash & T1 Radio, who is this man and why do they say he's a legend? Sita Writer tells us.
Get the inside scoop on Chop Zuey's new event 68 Main from Ludmilla Umarov
L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 14, October 2017
I remember very clearly when I first met Morgan Whitfield. We were backstage at a Relay For Life fundraiser show being presented by Superior Modeling Agency. I was a bit nervous because it was my first big show upon returning to SL after an extended break for RL issues. Morgan was the first to welcome me and she offered friendship right away. We chatted about the show for a moment but the conversation wandered to other subjects as well. Before I knew it, my nervousness had disappeared and I felt ready to strut the catwalk. lol! Morgan Whitfield is a rare gem, period. She is intelligent, funny and a fierce friend. Her warmth, compassion and positive attitude are evident to anyone who knows her. If I had to choose one word to describe Morgan, it would be "genuine". She says what she
means with no hidden agenda. There is no false flattery or asskissing. You want the truth, you will get it from Morgan. I am honored to call Morgan a friend. It is my hope that after you read this interview, you will feel you know a little bit about her and her work. Karin: How did you come to be in Second Life? Morgan: I took a summer course at my university entitled "History and Origins of Virtual Worlds". Classes were held in-world on the mainland. I was hooked to SL from that moment on. Karin: What about Second Life inspires you? Morgan: I love meeting people from
Issue 14 October, 2017 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine
all around the world. Where else can you meet someone who you would NEVER have the opportunity of encountering from the far corners of Europe or India but in Second Life. I love how we use avatars to represent our virtual selves. Karin: Tell me about the Care and Hope center. Morgan: The Care and Hope Center is a non-profit information hub where I hope to instill awareness on the horrors of domestic violence in a safe and friendly environment. The Center is with the approval of LoveIsRespect. org, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence,, Joyful Heart Foundation and the National Domestic Violence Hotline. They provide me all the necessary resources for the Center and I appreciate their support so much. They understand my mission to spread DV awareness even in the virtual world since thousands of visitors come in world on a daily basis. Karin: What inspired you to bring a RL passion to Second Life? Morgan: I took notice that SL brings awareness on various issues and topics from breast cancer research and support to disaster relief. However, I noticed that there was not a dedicated group or place to go for DV information. I found that quite odd since DV is an issue that plagues not only the United States but around the world, all races, creeds and religions. In real life, one of my classmates in anatomy class (I was initially a nursing major) confided in me that
she was a victim of DV. She told me her horrific story. I was so moved that I decided to somehow dedicate my life to be an advocate of DV. Currently, I am in graduate school so that I can one day not only be a college professor of women's studies but also an advocate of DV. I want to bring my passion of spreading awareness of DV in SL. What a wonderful platform to do this. When you think about it, SL is truly an anonymous form of social media. Divulging one's real self is totally up to the user. Karin: I visited the Care and Hope center at its old location and found it to be an enlightening experience. What is your hope for guests who visit the center? What message would you like to pass on to them? Morgan: Thank you for visiting the Center. If I can instill just one fact about DV to a guest, I have served my mission. If this place can be a place of safety and comfort for a victim or a family member or friend of a victim, I have served my mission. I just want this place to make a difference to someone's real life without being intrusive. Karin: Do you take donations at the Care and Hope center? Morgan: No. Since its inception, I NEVER take any donations for the Center. The Center is funded solely on my own and I like to keep it that way. I tell those who want to donate to support their reallife local domestic violence shelter, YWCA, The National Domestic Violence Hotline! Karin: What is in the future for the
L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 14, October 2017
Care and Hope center specifically, cruel manner here when the odds and for Morgan Whitfield in general? of displaying that same behavior in real life are nil. We are all humans Morgan: Oh, so much I plan! I am behind our avatars with faults. I in the process of creating a video hope people remember that. of the Care and Hope Center to present in real life to the folks at Karin: Is there anything more you either in their would like to add, Morgan? corporate offices in Austin, Texas or in Washington DC. I will present Morgan: Yes. The Care and Hope what I do at the Center with the Center would not exist without the assistance of said video. I hope to assistance and support of Ayla Zhoy have a small fashion show with the and Maggie Larimore at the Chilbo support of one of these agencies Educational Sim. and maybe team up with a real-life designer and modeling agency and have all proceeds to benefit The National Domestic Violence Hotline. That is my goal. I am determined and when I get in that mode, I usually get what I want done. Karin: Along with creating and managing the Care and Hope center, you are very busy in RL, the General Manager of PREY, an active model and a terrific photographer! How do you manage to get it all done? Morgan: At one point, I felt like I was drowning. But now, I just take on assignments I can handle and want to do. I have a planner in real life for my SL activities and also a calendar in SL that keeps me on track and in control of my work. Without those items, I am simply a basket case. Karin: This question is just for fun, but I get some interesting answers. If you could change anything about SL what would it be and why? Morgan: I wish people would show a bit more compassion and care here. Why would you treat someone in a
Issue 14 October, 2017 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine
It's Cool To Be Kind By: Ava Jhamin
There is a song called Cruel to be kind......
Means that I love you Baby, you gotta be cruel to be kind
Oh I can't take another heartache Though you say you're my friend I'm at my wits end You say your love is bonafide But that don't coincide With the things that you do
Really people, is this the way we're supposed to be? Well, I decided I can't or won't live my Second Life, or real life, in this manner. So, I have come up with some ideas that I hope may change that way of thinking. Here is my strategic way to live life as it was intended:
And when I ask you to be nice You say you gotta be cruel to be kind, in the right measure Cruel to be kind, It's a very good sign Cruel to be kind,
Don't let the bullies win It isn't just a child's game anymore, whether on the net, in the workplace, and even in our
own families, it can take a toll on a person. Learn how to go to your happy place, if that is meditating, writing or whatever it is for you but, - do not give up on yourself ever - I think most people would be surprised by the inner strength they find when put to the test. I know for me, the more I succeed the more people want to pull me down, I have learned to just ignore it and not pay it any attention.
Just Be Nice This takes zero effort to execute. Kindness for me, is just part of my DNA, again the Golden Rule of do unto others, is something that resonates with me on a daily basis. I remember I put this into motion with my husband during an argument, and just stayed sweet and kind. There can be no argument if only one person is participating, for me, to not live this way causes chaos. In my mind, the biggest threat to civility is ignorance. When you don't understand something it becomes a battle. Fear makes people defensive, aggressive and judgmental. We're all different and unique but our basic needs are the same; we all want love, safety and understanding.
Stay True to You There will be times in your Second Life or real life when people will tell you that you have to change to be successful: change your shape, dress a certain way, act a certain way, don't do it. Stay true to who you are, and never let people change you. I know for me, that I always believe people, because I
never understand what good it does to lie, who wants to keep up with that crap? I think it is better to be you and either people will love you or not, for the ones that don't, it's their loss.
Find A Way To Forgive Ok, this should be an easy one for me, as I am a Christian and for the most part, I just give it to God to deal with. I have learned holding on to grudges is bad for me and my overall happiness, forgiveness is for my sake not the other person's. Anger and aggression weaken you, because they suck energy from you, but kindness and strength make you more serene.
Set A Good Example You can't hold those around you to a higher standard than you have for yourself. I think even in Second Life friends and co-workers respect you if you set the path to follow. I have models that have been with me from the beginning of my agency and a large staff of loyal people. If I stop to think why that is, it's because I treat people with love and kindness and above all else, especially on Second Life, understanding and respect. We all have different situations in RL and that is what is always my #1 priority, so I will respect other people's RL priorities. I feel from acting with kindness, comes people who are willing to do anything for you. An example that pops into my head is from the Home & Garden event: One person started a string of donations and in an hour we had
raised over 54,000 for Relay for Life. What stood out about that for me was the genuine love that people had for me, L'Amour and each other. L'Amour has always been and will always be a TEAM and each person knows how I never take that love and friendship for granted.
Make Time For Those You Love As in real life, when you are juggling multiple careers in Second Life, and you have many people counting on you to make decisions and lead the way, it can be easy to let work take over your life. I have always made a point when someone messages me, to talk to them, be there for them, listen to them and truly care from my heart. Friends are important in our lives in general and with that comes the responsibility of making time for them.
Live Your Passions I always feel that if you can make your passion your job, you're well on your way to a fulfilling life. I live by those words no matter if it's on Second Life or in real life. I don't do anything without having a real passion for it. I remember someone once said to me, "Ava you need to calm down and not get so mad," it isn't anger coming through it's my passions.
Love Who You Are This may be the hardest rule to live by, but it's also probably the most important. Remember that you are supposed to be exactly who you
are. I believe it's not up to me to question why, who or how I am. I just accept who I am, and I don't judge myself. If that sounds like wisdom that comes with age, LOL well, SO BE IT!
e m o H At By
s r o l o C d e t i n U h t i n i W m e a h J a v A y:
As you all know by now, there is always a story behind how I meet designers, I met UC at a Charity event, where he gave me tips on how to make the magazine better. I so appreciated his ideas and applied the changes and never forgot how grateful I was for his input.
accepted and I am very excited about this interview, as I am a great fan of the United Colors brand.
We have remained friends and one day when we were talking I asked if he would like to sponsor an editorial for L'Amour Diversity, he told me to send him some information and he would look it over and let me know. I am happy to say, he so kindly
Ava: How did you become part of the wonderful world of Second Life?
I sat down with UC and dived right into the questions I know the Diversity readers will enjoy and appreciate.
UC: I used to RP in other games and in one of the games, friends talked a lot about SL. They told me it was a place where you could create
Issue 14 October, 2017 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine
whatever you wanted and to my surprise when I got into SL, it was the dream I used to dream when I was 16. Ava: What did you do when you first came to Second Life? UC: In beginning, I was exploring SL and tried to understand how to dress, how to use the interface and communicate. I remember the third day I got into the Ivory Tower where I learned basic building principals and I never stopped building from that day.
Ava: What made you want to design clothes in Second Life? UC: In beginning, I started building various builds and after a while I thought, "why not try to do clothes?" as it was a passion in my real life that I never got to explore. Ava: Tell me what was the inspiration for the United Colors brand? UC: I was hearing from other designers, that you need to find
L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 14, October 2017
your niche and work hard at it. But in my mind, I always felt I wanted to do things that worked with my mood. I saw most designers worked alone, but I liked the idea of people working together to create something amazing. Ava: Since you pretty much do it all in fashion, what is your favorite thing to design? UC: It depends on my mood, which changes a lot, so designs change too. I think if I had to choose, it would be shoes. It's probably my most comfortable sphere, where I can get into the zone and enjoy the creation process. Ava: What is your inspiration for your designs, and use of textures? UC: Mainly real fashion, I gain a lot from it. I examine other real professional's work, plus as I said, United Colors is a team of people, so I have a great texture maker who has her heart in fashion too. We all work together are like a well-oiled machine of ideas and designs. Ava: Describe to the Diversity readers what style you feel United Colors is, if anything specific? UC: United Colors does not have a specific style or root of style. We try everything from street to high fashion couture and even folk styles. We love to create any style and it's we are very successful at doing it. Ava: Do you make your own mesh templates, UC? UC: In general, I hate templates as I feel they lead to mass production in SL. I would say I do original mesh,
yes. I also have other artists who join me to help create their own ideas under the UC flag. All United Colors work is original, we don't use and are against any templates that are sold on the Market Place. Ava: Tell me what is the good as well as bad of owning a business in SL? UC: The good is probably that I am earning money and am doing it full time in SL. hmmm, the bad, I would say is there is never enough time, it runs out so quickly every day and the next day is just as busy and the previous one. Ava: Tell the readers what are some of your plans are for United Colors in the future? UC: We are planning to eventually start selling skins as well as heads and bodies. We are in the process of creating them and soon they will see the light of day. I hope that people will support these ventures as much as they have all the past ones. I am so honored to sit down with you, UC. Thank you very much!
Trinity Aironaut Sukura Angel Pants Sindy Pearl Fur Top Perl White High Heel
Olyvia De Cuir Ivayna Gown Burgundy
VanessaDelRio Underwood Black Dress Mimi Boot Red
Rienna Iron QueenBrat Bracken UC Roxy Cocktail Dress Zibska Ina Bootie Royal Blue Thorir
Ava Jhamin UC Perl Dress Dark Red Leather High Boots White
Vichonette Constantine Katja Shorts Pants Tan Belted Top Brown Platform Boots Brown
Resmay Bloodstorm-Coba Fall Coat Blue Ina Bootie Black
The Trunk Show By Catwalk has now been through two seasonal events. I am thrilled to be doing this story on The Trunk Show by Catwalk. I got to sit down with two of my favorite chicas, Vichonette Constantine (Vich) and VanessaDelRio Underwood (Vann), co-owners of all that is Catwalk. Thank you both for taking time out of your crazy schedule to sit down and chat with me. I think the readers of Diversity are going to get some good insight into you ladies and your amazing Trunk Show. Ava: How did you become part of the this magical world we call Second Life?
Vich: Well, I don't know if you'll want to print this because admittedly, it's a little weird, but I discovered SL purely by accident ten years ago. I had been reading an article about a woman who had conspired with her boyfriend to murder her husband, and the article mentioned that the pair had met in this virtual world called Second Life. This piqued my curiosity, and I looked it up on the Internet. That same night, I made an avatar, but my PC at the time couldn't handle SL and I couldn't get beyond the welcome center, so I gave up on it. A year later, I had a new PC, and something made me think of this virtual world I had tried to look at some time back. I racked my brain, finally remembered what it was, logged in, and I've been here ever
Issue 14 October, 2017 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine
created, who worked at a vampire dive bar in an enormous roleplay Vann: My RL best friend was jealous universe. that when I would come over her hubby and I would play another Vann: I hopped on pose balls and MMO. She found SL and we all made just wandered around .. breaking AV's and that was that. into peoples houses HAHAHAH, you know the things you do. Hung out Ava: What did you do when you with my RL friends, since at the first came to Second Life? time we all played, things like that. We learned SL together and had fun Vich: I did the typical club scene, shopping and doing different things mostly. I managed to find a together. cemetary and a small club where you could get lindens for camping, Ava: What are some of the other and I did that some just so I could things you might have dabbled in buy hair. Then came the dancing for with your Second Life? lindens. I think nearly every person who has ever entered this realm has Vich: Well, the club scene became tried that at some point. My original very boring, very quickly. I did avatar did that for several years, love roleplay, though, and spent although I took it out of the clubs many happy hours fighting demons and into the roleplay character I had and lycans and witches (oh my!)
L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 14, October 2017
and creating complex storylines that advanced my character's development. I made a couple alts - one male, one female (this avi) found I enjoyed building quite a bit, even though I wasn't very good at it, and I decided I really wanted to try my hand at modeling. Vann: I have to have a creative outlet and that's what I love about SL. I think of something, then I try to see if i can make it. So I like to challenge myself to see if I can pull it off most of the time. Ava: How did you both meet? Vich: Oh, that was years ago, back in a time barely free of autowalkers, when we were very new, very green models in 2009. We were in a couple of the same
agencies and were doing a show together. I thought she was the fiercest stylist I had ever seen. I think back then I might have had a bit of a girl crush on her. Vann: Oh The Paris Nights show by Ferosh. We were both models in the show and we were friends ever since. When I came back to SL, after a long hiatus she was like the one model friend that was still on and active, so she def helped me get my model legs again. Shes my SL model BFF!!! i lubs her! Ava: Tell the readers of Diversity what the Trunk Show by Catwalk is all about? Vann: I just wanted something where new or established designers could actually afford to do shows
Issue 14 October, 2017 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine
and an event. In my opinion the packages at other events are so expensive, plus some are so big its hard to even see everything. So, I wanted something with a boutique feel to it that had runway shows for everyone and where everyone got equal time.
Academy and will soon launch The She-Devils Company. Our first show will be in early November.
Vich: We run Catwalk Agency &
Vann: I just want to do good shows,
Ava: Where do you see the future for all that is Catwalk?
Vich: I think for me, personally, my goal for Catwalk is to continue Ava: How can designers particiate in to present quality shows. I'm not the next Trunk show? really concerned with being the biggest or best known agency on Vann: Usually a few months prior, the grid, because that's simply I start to post the information in not that important to me. What IS various groups, create the logo important, is that any designer we and get everything ready. I also produce a show for is served to the send out personal invitations to best of our ability. If we can have designers I love, big or small. every show go above and beyond the designer's expectations, then I Ava: Do you both have other can sleep well, knowing we've done businesses together? our job and made them happy.
L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 14, October 2017
have fun and provide a nurturing environment for models to learn and grow, both as stylists and models. Since we both are active models, we get it. We understand what models need to keep up to date in this changing industry and what ever Vich said LOL. Ava: Can you tell the readers the good and bad of running an event of this calibur, Vich & Vann? Vich: Ah... putting us on the spot, I see. Well, the good is it gives our models more opportunities to be seen and challenges them to style to the theme of each event. Trunk Show will always have a theme. The bad is when designers don't get set up in time, don't send outfits to the models when asked to do so, etc. In a perfect world, everyone would adhere to the stated schedule, but we all know that doesn't happen. So last-minute changes have to be made, sometimes that can get a bit for money or any of that I do this because I love it. And as long as I rough. have a love for it, I do not see us stopping anytime soon! Vann: Pulling everything together since last minute changes and unforeseen issues always will arise. Ava: Have you seen changes in the fashion industry and for you both Keeping calm. This round I was up where do you see the future of the one day over 24 hours straight trying to make everything perfect. modeling industry in Second Life? . Ava: Tell the readers what are some Vich: The fashion industry will always be fluid. Trends change, of your plans for Catwalk in the tastes change, styles change, next few years? technology changes, and the list Vich: No one knows what the future goes on. As these things ebb and flow, we in the SL modeling world holds, but we will continue to do can sometimes be hard pressed to what we do until we can do it no keep up, but if we are to survive longer. and grow, then keep up we must. What I'd most like to see would Vann: Years.. oh I can never think be for shows to become more that far out LOL! I just want us to grow and thrive. I am not doing this complex, more theatrical in nature,
Issue 14 October, 2017 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine
shape. Lots of people feel sl models were outdated. But this was mostly the reason why. I am a tech geek so I always welcome new and different things. Fashion shows are still done and I know some people say oh events took their place but thats not true. IMO I think it is still vital to market yourself anyway you can. If a show is done right and is creative and marketed you have got your name out there a little bit more. I think as things progress it will just become more and more realistic. and designs will become more and more amazing. With each new thing a new crop of designers pops up ready to go.
and we tend to work in that general direction for our own shows. One thing that is absolutely essential, though, is the maintenance of an outstanding level of professionalism, which is something that is sadly lacking in many areas of SL, and modeling is certainly no exception.
As for the models, change is something you need to welcome. You cannot fight change no matter how and you try Change is good. If you want to remain in fashion you need to stay ahead of the curve, do your research in and out of SL. Make sure you're on point with what is happening around you.
Thank you so much Vichonette and Vanessa for sitting down and Vann: Mesh and Bento were the talking with me. I value both of you, biggest changes I think. Models the amazing work ethic and just the have been dying to use mesh heads way Catwalk does things. Thanks for the longest time but would risk for the insight into Catwalk for the being cookie cutter. Mesh makes readers of Diversity. clothes more realistic looking and this is a good thing. All of this will affect the industry and it has. We also can be more curvy with fitted mesh for mesh bodies. We no longer have to adhere to archaic fashion rules about our size and L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 14, October 2017
y b w o h S k n u r T
: K AL
! l e d o m a I’m by: Rhiannon Colclough
Inspiring Your Fall/Winter Fashion Dreams! The Trunk Show by CATWALK, chic, for men, women and yes, even held on the 30th of September and children! the 1st of October, is a seasonal fashion shopping and fashion show Zibska's contributions included event. It is planned to support up Denn, with plumes of feathers and and coming designers as well as a Micro Mini dress with coordinating established designers by giving Avant Garde headers and collar. It them an affordable way to have includes a color hud, as does the their talent showcased. DJ Brice other offering from Zibska, Piritte, a Meda and MC Vann Underwood dramatic interpretation of a playful oversaw a talented group of breeze with loops & swirls of colors. models: Resmay Bloodstorm-Coba, This outfit is very dramatic and will Kitty Dark Rage, Kayla, Juliet make you stand out in a crowd! Angeles, Kimber Acelynn Lighthouse and Ahn Avion, as they Julz had two adult offerings, the all strutted the designers' clothing Whistler dress, a winter sweater beautifully. dress, and Aspen, a long-sleeved gown with stole. Julz Jr. provided The designers were Zibska by Zib, the two children's outfits, Julz/Julz Jr. by Jewell Ember, the Rene outfit, a winter dress that Epique by Toy Vaccora, and VU comes with boots, and the Laurel Pret-a-Porter by VanessaDelRio pants outfit, a layered t-shirt over Underwood. The designs ranged thermal knit long sleeve shirt with from very avant-garde to casual matching pants. Extremely cute!
Issue 14 October, 2017 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine
Epique had two clever couples outfit combos that can be worn together or seperately, Pound Cake, a Jersey style men's shirt & Cake by the Pound, an off the shoulder Micro Mini t-shirt dress with knee garters in black. Clyde, a Jersey style men's shirt & Bonnie, an off the shoulder short mini t-shirt dress. Epique also had two women's outfits, No F**cks Given Micro Mini top and Rush a crop sweater in black with designer jeans in grey. VU gave the biggest range of designs, from the colorful Melted Crayons. a multi colored mini sweater dress with a detachable coordinating fur collar for 2 looks in one and comes with bright yellow tights, to the casual men's outfit Subway, a thermal sweater with buckles down the front and a graffiti inspired pattern; it comes with a pair of jeans with
black pockets. VU also included the avant garde, Assassin, a full ensemble in a black on black abstract pattern, stiletto boots, a hooded top, leggings and sleeves. Fired Up, a cute and fun red velvet, high-necked mini dress in bright red and a fur hat with hair. The colorful Hazmat, a yellow and black abstract design catsuit with matching yellow and black goggles and spiked short boots. And last but certainly not least, the Rock is Dead suit, it comes with comfy relaxed slacks in a black on black burnout pattern, an ethnic inspired print vest in black and red & a scarf in the same ethnically inspired pattern in neutral grey. Such amazing inspiration, you will be dreaming of these fashions for days to come!
People & Community
Teen Crisis... Is There A Solution? By: Ava Jhamin
Teen Suicide Statistics
abuse, others may be struggling with issues related to sexual EVERY 1.1 seconds a teenager tries identity. Usually they have had problems for some time. to commit suicide. Many of these attempts are half-hearted, cries for attention, help and love. But every Most teens do not spend a longtime planning to kill themselves. 80 minutes, one succeeds. They may have thought about Thousands of teens commit suicide it or tried it in the past but only decide to do it after an event that each year in the United States. In produces feelings of failure or loss, fact, suicide is the third leading such as getting into trouble, having cause of death for 15 to 24 year an argument, breaking up with a olds. partner, or receiving a bad grade on a test. Suicide does not just happen. Studies show that at least 90% of teens who kill themselves have some type of mental health problem such as depression, anxiety, drug or alcohol abuse, or a behavior problem. They may also have problems at school or with friends or family, or a combination of all these things. Some teens may have been victims of sexual or physical
By66 Rienna Iron Issue 14 October, 2017 |
Most teens who kill themselves have a mood disorder such as Bipolar Disorder or depression. A mood disorder is an illness of the brain. A mood disorder can come on suddenly or can be present on and off for most of a teen's life. A teen with a mood disorder may be in one mood for weeks or months or
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may flip rapidly from one feeling to another.
Teens with depression may:
Feel sad, down, or irritable, or not Teens with Bipolar Disorder, feel like doing things which the DSM used to call Manic Have a change in sleeping or eating Depression, may change between habits mania, being very angry or very Feel guilty, worthless, or hopeless happy, depression, sadness or Have less energy, or have more crabbiness, or normal mood. Some difficulty paying attention teens have more mania, some have Feel lonely, get easily upset, or talk more depression, and some seem about wanting to be dead normal much of the time. Mania and Lose interest in things they used to depression can happen at the same enjoy time. This is called a Mixed State. Mood disorders can be treated. Ask Teens in a Manic or a Mixed State your teens doctor about treatment may: resources. Recent declines in teen suicide may be due to an increase - Strongly overreact when things do in early detection, evaluation, not go their way and effective treatment of mood - Become hyper, agitated, or disorders. aggressive - Be overwhelmed with thoughts or But for many teen-agers a feelings traditional family structure no - Sleep less longer exists, and the divorce, - Talk a lot more separation or remarriage of parents - Act in impulsive or dangerous has created new pressures. ways - Feel they can do things they really Parents, absorbed in their own can't lives and careers, often provoke - Spend money they do not have or feelings of alienation and rejection give things away in their teen-agers, emotions that - Insist on unrealistic plans for can lead to suicide, psychologists themselves or others say. Sometimes, young people - Engage in risk taking behaviors may see that their harddriving parents
are unhappy despite their achievements, and decide that life is not worth living. Kids see their parents as hypocrites, as being unworthy of their trust because they're preaching about love, drugs and alcohol while they show no love themselves and use drugs or alcohol. Even if family life is relatively secure, young people may consider suicide as an escape from the competitive pressures for good grades, good jobs and girlfriends or boyfriends. However, there is no evidence that suicide is limited to teen-agers who are feeling these pressures, yet some teen-agers believe that nothing less than personal perfection will do, and interpret their failure to succeed on all fronts as evidence of worthlessness. Mental-health experts say it is important for the youngsters to realize that it is all right to fail sometimes. IS THERE A SOLUTION TO TEEN SUICIDE? Visit the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline website or call 1-800-273TALK (8255) Keep the lines of communication open from a very early age
Issue 14 October, 2017 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine
L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 14, October 2017
By now many of us have heard of Sansar and how it is the next generation of virtual worlds, however, is it truly? Is Sansar the next best thing since Second Life, or just another hype to revive interest in virtual worlds? I've wondered it myself, and so when Linden Labs opened Sansar to the public, I decided to go in and see if it is all that, or all flat.
who would want to spend upwards of $300-800 US for what looks like, bulky, uncomfortable equipment, just to have a more immersive experience. So, I am arrogant enough to think I would be an average player and therefore able to speak to the majority of readers. Although, I would be interested in hearing from anyone that has tried Sansar with such a headset.
Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I do not own a headset such as Oculus Rift; So my experience is almost certainly not as complete as the designers hoped it would be, however, I do not believe I know too many people
If you are playing it on a web viewer like I did, it takes a download of Sansar-specific viewer software. I downloaded the viewer and after agreeing to the the discloures and creating a login name that was my email, not my actual character
Issue 14 October, 2017 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine
By: Rhiannon Colclough
name and a password, I entered Sansar with high hopes. I clicked "Remember me" but the viewer stubbornly refused to save my information, so be sure to write yours down, just in case! Every time you log in, you must accept one of the starter avis as the viewer does not store your avi info, either. That is a minor problem, though, as the far greater problem is this: the avis are UGLY. Seriously ugly. It looks like someone tried to make avi shapes with really ugly-colored modeling clay and didn't do all that great a job on their looks. For someone who is extremely vain about her avi's
appearance, this was a serious blow. Customization is also not very extensive, it took a while for me to collect my courage and pick an avi; even after I customized her, though, i knew I would not be feeling warm fuzzies about this creature. Next the user is presented with a screen called the Atlas. This page gives the user teaser pics and links to get into worlds created by other residents or Sansar Studios. I opted for the Zen Garden experience and clicked on its link. For what seemed like fve minutes, but was probably closer to a minute, I watched the broken-lined red circle (the Sansar
L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 14, October 2017
symbol) going around and around.
by attempint to figure out how to do things. Users can interact with Finally, it let me in, and after a brief things - I found that out when I but disconcerting moment where could move a ball around by walking I was looking down on the whole into it - but no one tells you how. experience, I landed on what looked Point-and-click does not work, like a rooftop. Now, this part may at least, as far as I could tell, in be vastly improved by wearing a Sansar. Ugh! Users also have only headset for immersive viewing, six icons on the dashboard - My but moving around in this brave Looks, Atlas, My Experiences, new world is not quite like it is in Open Chat window, and toggles Second Life. Oh, the arrow keys on for VR and microphone. At the your keyboard still move you, but bottom of the menu is "More your perspective is, in my opinion, Options" with choices for Help & a bit wonky. Most of the time, your Reporting, Capture Screenshot, perspective will not be what you Leave Experience and Exit Sansar. think it should be, so movement is The skies are uniformly depressing; tougher. I couldn't find any way to no matter where I went in Sansar, change the perspective and doubt the same yellow looking, drab sky I would have had the patience to lit up the place. I did try the Egypt figure it out. I also found that the experience as well, and yep - dark, perspective can change drastically yellow, depressing air. and quite suddenly. I would be what seemed miles away from my avi and I will say, the experiences are quite then in the blink of an eye be right stunning at times. Visually, even up on top of my avi - all I could see without the headset, I could see was her hair on the top of her head! quite a bit of detail in the scenes around me. However, without the Users also do not get helpful ability to cam about, as the arrow tutorials on how things work in keys only control movement, it Sansar, so expect to be aggravated, made for a rather limited view. frustrated, and annoyed greatly Double-click doesn't work, page up/
Issue 14 October, 2017 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine
down likewise, and I saw no menu for accessing those options.
Oh, one last bit of fun - I crashed quite frequently. I suppose my poor computer was having a horrible time dealing with the load on it. So, for me to have the most complete experience in Sansar, I would have to buy a new gaming computer and a VR headset. That would get me close to, if not over, $1000 US. Nah... I'll stick with Second Life, thank you very much. The whole experience, for me, left me quite flat and irritated. However, if you would like to bang your head against your desk for a while, here is where you can download the software:
One last thing I decided to try was the Create button on the Atlas. Users can use templates to create their own experiences, again, though, without a tutorial, it's very hard to do anything. It can be edited, but it's a Blenderlike interface, and I would rather stick a fork in my eye than learn Blender. Users can also shop the store and get items, but since I already spend WAY too much in Second Life, I decided to forego the temptation. And since you can destroy experiences, I must say I took unholy glee in wrecking mine. May the Force be with you!!! Trust me, if your frustration level isn't as high as mine was by that point, you just wouldn't understand.
Pumpkin Hall Queso Dip Ingredients 1 10 oz can Ro-TelÂŽ Original Diced Tomatoes & Green Chilies, undrained 1 16 oz pkg VelveetaÂŽ, cut into 1/2-inch cubes Nutrition Information 68 calories, 3g Carbs View complete nutrition information Directions Step one Combine undrained tomatoes and Velveeta in medium saucepan. Step two Cook over medium heat 5 minutes or until Velveeta is melted completely and mixture is blended, stirring frequently. Step three Serve warm as a dip with tortilla chips, crackers or cut-up fresh vegetables.
loween Surprise Southern California Guacamole Ingredients Serving Size: 6 7 ripe, medium Fresh California Avocados 1/4 cup cilantro, chopped 1/4 cup tomato, chopped 1/4 cup red onion, chopped 2 Tbsp. lime juice 1 tsp. cumin 1 tsp. chile powder 1 roasted poblano chile, chopped 1 Tbsp. garlic, minced As needed salt & pepper to taste In a large mixing bowl, coarsely mash avocados, leaving some chunks. Add the remaining ingredients and mix. Season with salt & pepper and reserve.
Halloween can be so fun when turning something scary into something yummy and cute! Our Halloween JalapeĂąo Mummies are sure to be a crowd pleaser as well. Ingredients: 10 Jalapeno Peppers 8 oz Softened Cream Cheese 8 oz Pepper Jack Cheese 1/2 teaspoon minched garlic Pinch Salt Pinch Pepper 1 Scallion Candy Eyeballs Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
Directions: Preheat your over to 400° in line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Wash then Slice your jalapeno peppers in half lengthwise and scoop out the inside. In a large mixing bowl, use a cheese grater to shred your block of pepper jack cheese. Chop a scallion in tiny pieces. Mix in your cream cheese, scallion pieces, garlic, pepper and salt to your shredded cheese. Fill your jalapeno peppers with your cheese mixture. Now unroll your crescent rolls into rectangles (leave two triangles together and pinch the middle together). Use a pizza cutter to cut each crescent rectangle lengthwise into four even pieces. Wrap one or two pieces around each pepper, leaving a small opening for the eyes. Bake for 10-12 minutes. Right when you take your mummies out of the oven, add two candy eyes in each top opening
All Hallows’ Day Traditions Around the World By: Ava Jhamin It's that time of the year again. As the month of October ends and November commences, the world unites as they commemorate the dead in interestingly different manners, from the both ends of the spectrum. Here in the states we call it Halloween. What is the difference between Halloween or All Hallows' Eve, All Saints' Day or All Hallows' Day, and All Souls' Day? Maybe one of the most anticipated holidays in America is Halloween. It is the night when kids dress up to be a hero, villain, or anything else that suits their fancy. It's a night where kids get to be whoever and whatever they want. For the kids, it's a night of overflowing candies and endless adventure. For the adults, it's the night to indulge in horror films, parties, and mystery thrillers. But, how did Halloween really come about? Many people believe Halloween was originally started by the early Christian church in an effort to entice pagans into adopting the Christian faith. It is believed to have been taken from the Celtic
harvest festivals, in particular the Gaelic festival Samhain. Some believe however, that Halloween was begun solely as a Christian holiday, completely separate from the ancient pagan festivals. The root word of Halloween ''hallow'' - means ''holy," while the suffix "-een" is an abbreviation for the old English word for "evening." Combining the two root words, it is literally defined as the Eve of All Hallows, the night before the Christian holy day that honors saintly people of the past. Because of this, we find that Halloween still has ties to the Catholic tradition of mourning for the dead, manifested in two different occasions: All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day. How can you differentiate the two? According to Catholic Belief, All Saints' Day or All Hallows' Day, is a celebration of the communion of saints. Those people that are believed to be in heaven. On the other hand, All Souls' Day, is a day to pray for all of the souls still trying to reach heaven.
Traditions around the world:
In Austria, people celebrate the Pumpkin Festival called Kurbisfest im Retzer Land. They leave bread, water, and a lamp as a gesture of welcoming the souls back to the land of the living. Annually on November 11, they gather in a procession of lanterns wearing different costumes.
The Halloween festival in China is more commonly known as Teng Chieh. During this festival, relatives offer food and water in front of the pictures of their dead family members. Lanterns are also lit to serve as a guide for the spirits as they travel back to earth on Halloween night.
Like the Catholics, Belgians spend Hallows Eve by lighting a candle for their deceased loved ones. Superstitions are also being observed more carefully during this season.
People sit on a decorated boat as they attend a canal parade marking the Asalha Bucha Day in Bang Kruai of Nonthaburi Province in central Thailand, Asalha Bucha Day is an important Buddhist festival observed on the full moon day of the eighth month in the Thai calendar to mark the first sermon given by Shakyamuni Buddha, the sage after whom Buddhusm was founded after his enlightenment.
almost obsolte, since many Christians were now challenging the belief in saints. However, as the American culture of trick or treating and the tradition of costumewearing became more popular than ever, English children have adapted the practice without really knowing or believing in its rationale.
France If pumpkins are popular in America during Halloween, large beetroots are the ones in trend for the children in England. With their root crop, they would travel through the streets while singing the "Punkie Night Song" as they knocked on doors and asked for money - their version of trick or treat. In the rural areas, turnips are carved and displayed in front yards as Halloween decorations. They also believe this would protect their homes from roaming spirits during the Hallows Eve. They are also accustomed to tossing stones and pebbles, nuts and vegetables into bonfires, with the belief that it would frighten away spirits. The tradition also has fortune-telling abilities: If a pebble thrown into the flames at night was no longer visible in the morning, then it was believed that the person who tossed the pebble would not survive another year. If nuts tossed into the blaze by young lovers then exploded, it signified a quarrelsome marriage. But, as Martin Luther's Protestant Reformation spread over England, celebrating Halloween became
Unlike most nations of the world, Halloween is not celebrated by the French in order to honor the dead and departed ancestors, but as a mere "American" holiday. It was non-existent in the country until the 1990's. The date occurs in the middle of their version of All Saint's Day called La Toussaint.
No knives are visible in Germany the night of the Hallows. The Germans
keep and put away their knives, axes, and other sharp objects because they do not want to harm befalling the return of the spirits during Halloween.
Hong Kong
the Koreans spend the time to thank their ancestors for their fruits of labor and the comfort that they are experiencing now because of their hard work. They leave fruit and rice offerings at their tombs every August.
Mexico, Latin America, and Spain
The Halloween celebration in Hong Kong is known as "Yue Lan" or "Festival of the Hungry Ghosts". During their festival, it is believed that hungry spirits roam around the land of the living for a whole day. Many people follow the tradition of burning pictures of fruit and money, believing that these images would reach the spirit world and bring comfort to the ghosts who are tired and hungry from traveling from the world of the dead.
In Korea, the festival in which they remember the dead is called "Chusok." During this celebration,
Spanish-colonized countries have a common celebration of the Halloween, known as the "Dia de Muertos." Unlike some solemn and spiritual observances, Dia de Muertos is a joyous, festive and loud holiday. Basically, it's a large party thrown for the departed. Every November 2nd, people gather in the streets in their costumes commonly of skulls and skeletons and have a parade of colors and music. A live person is placed inside a coffin and paraded through the streets. Vendors toss fruit, flowers, and candies into the casket. It is a three-day celebration that begins on the evening of October 31st. Many families also create a made up altar with photos of their departed relatives and decorate it with their offerings such as fruits, candies, flowers and their favorite goodies back when they were still alive.
Candles are also lit to help the spirits find their way home back to their families. Some also clean the gravesite sites and tombstones, and adorn them with flowers, light candles and offer some prayers.
As in France, Halloween is an American imported event that did not exist until the 1990s. Trick or treating by children in most areas of Sweden is fairly non-existent. However, Swedes do love any excuse to party, so the American holiday gives adults a great reason to dress up and get drunk. All Saint's Day in Sweden was orginally observed on November 1 and All Souls' Day was observed on November 2. It was widely observed by the population with requiems and bell-ringing, but was basically abolished at the onset of the Reformation. In 1772, All Saints' Day was designated as the first Sunday in November and then changed again in 1953 to the Saturday between October 31 and November 6. Although people from every part of the globe differ in expressing how dearly they miss their deceased loved ones - through a solemn prayer or a happy parade, spirits of the departed are remembered
as their lives and legacies are celebrated on Halloween or All Souls' Day.
“The Legend” & T1 Radio
By: Sita Writer Trader Whiplash is an extraordinary DJ and Relay For Life supporter that was introduced to Second Life in the fall of 2004 by a friend he met in one of the original 3D-based chat programs, Roomancer or Rose. Rose was avatar based, but simple in concept. SL was a vast new frontier, that seemed to be limitless. Many of us wonder what SL was like in the beginning and Trader has a wonderful perspective as he has watched the grid evolve over many years. Trader tells us, "In those early days new residents were sent to a sort of walled garden, for basic training. Through a series of instructional areas we learned how to walk, fly and interact."
about to give up when my friend found me and sent me a teleport! It was like escaping from Devils Island!" Upon Trader's escape from "Noobie Island," as he calls it, he was brought to a club where avatars were dancing to streamed music. "At that point, I explored several clubs only to find the majority of music was techno and that there was very little variety. After learning how to buy clothes and some things, I decided that I needed a job and was hired as a host at Belle Feu, a popular club in 2004."
At the beginning of 2005, LL created private islands. Alliez Mysterio and Tony Beckett owned one of the original islands, Rue d'Alliez, and the club La Vie En Rose was opened. A fellow host Trader explains, "Once you were able to at Belle Fey asked Trader to join their complete these tasks, you could leave staff. Trader remembers, "Speaking to the island. I spent several days there, Tony, we discovered a mutual interest stymied by a beach ball! You had to in Classic Rock. He had purchased a use your mouse and move the ball to stream and asked if I would like to try the top of a table! I was ready to quit. my hand at DJing. I began doing a I could roll the damn thing all around couple of rock n roll shows on Radio but picking it up was beyond me. I was d'Alliez and they were a hit."
Issue 14 October, 2017 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine
In June 2005 Alliez and Tony decided to focus on building the first estate, d'Alliez Estates, and were going to close La Vie En Rose. Trader asked them if he could continue the club for them and take over Radio d'Alliez which he renamed T1Radio. Nuala Maracas who was also a host, joined Trader and they began to create a 24-7 station.
between songs and entertain with more than just great music."
T1Radio continued to operate from La Vie En Rose from 2005 until 2011 when Trader decided he needed a less formal venue. In 2006, the Warehouse became the rock venue and La Vie was used for more formal events. He tells us, "After a year or so we redesigned the In a nutshell, T1Radio is a 24-7 Classic Warehouse and renamed it LEGENDS Rock station, based on the 1970s - 80s Classic Rock. As a classic rock station album oriented rock format. "I grew our mainstays are the legendary bands up listening to the great WNEW FM in of the 60s 70s and 80s, and the name New York City, and I tried to emulate seemed appropriate. In 2011, Nuala that style. We feature on air hosts or and I took advantage of a 'Sim Sale' presenters as opposed to club style DJs. and purchased Arinultra Cay and moved We expanded our playlists to include from Rue d'Alliez." Country, Disco, and Blues. We operate around the clock on an automated LEGENDS, the home of T1Radio is a playlist, with live shows each evening. modern club set on a "Jersey Shore" type beach with a boardwalk. "We Our on air staff are the best voices in feature events in the club, on the pier SL. They construct playlists that segue outside, on the beach and in winter from song to song and they know their on the pond adjacent to the club with music. They are also able to speak skating and holiday themed events."
Simply put, Trader is a rocker and feels fortunate to have grown up in the 1960s. "I saw the Beatles on Ed Sullivan and live at Shea Stadium in 1966. But with that said, I have to admit I like almost all forms of music. My father loved big band and the classic popular artists of the 40s and 50s. I remember hearing Frank and Dean and Tony as well as Glenn Miller and all the great big band classics. I have an "ear" for music. There was always a radio playing in our home as a child. I know all the words! I play guitar, and had an opportunity as a Jr. High School student to attend a series of classes at Lincoln Center led by Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic where we were taught all about classical music and the orchestra. But, classic rock is the soundtrack of my life. I found top 40 am radio, Cousin Brucie, Scott Muni and all those great New York deejays in the mid 1960s, about the time of the British Invasion. With the emergence of AOR FM Radio and WNEW FM I found so much more rock n roll, and it became the music I favor to this day." An accomplished "rocker" in love with and very knowledgeable of the rock genre of music, one wonders what the challenges are of running a successful virtual radio station. "T1Radio is less of a challenge than one might think, but it does take some work. I had to expand my music library to assure a fresh sound. I try to keep up with new music, new releases and music news."
T1 is licensed by ASCAP and through a licensing co-op with the other royalty organizations. Our staff knows the rules as to playlist and artist limitations under DMCA. We do not take requests, for example, because of restrictions set in the DMCA. I also have the best staff in SL. Our presenters are top notch and care about our listeners. Our production staff helps to share the burden of posting and notices and all the minutiae of day-to-day operations of the station and club. And of course, having Nuala
as my business partner is invaluable. I know I can rely on her, even if she is busy with her responsibilities as Chair of Relay For Life, to be there to jump in when I need her to."
Being involved in streaming music since However, owning a radio station isn't all 2004 on many different levels, has about the music, as regulatory issues got to be fulfilling for Trader and we, tend to keep you on your toes. "DMCA at Diversity wondered what has kept requirements, licensing and royalty Trader so active for more than 13 years. payments all have to be attended to. "The first and foremost reward is T1
Issue 14 October, 2017 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine
brought both my partner, Arizona and my best friend Nuala into my life, as well and so many special people who came to T1s venues and stayed. T1 also afforded me an opportunity to share my love of music with so many people, and to give back to our community."
Trader, he has learned the importance of friendship. "Actually, this experience has shown me how important it is to have friends you can rely on;. It has also helped me to trust my staff to do the right thing. As the son of a NYC cop, it was difficult to learn there is more than black and white and more than one It is one thing to be personally rewarded way to do something. While I still hold with the satisfaction of sharing your my staff and myself to a high standard, music with others, grid-wide recognition they do have carte blanche when it is quite another thing. One great comes to their presentations. Well, moment for T1, was when Nuala and maybe carte gris, lol. I still don't want rap, hip-hop or Shatner on the air. Mady, did you hear that? Ok well maybe an occasional Shatner!"
I were inducted into the Relay For Life Hall of Honor, it was such a humbling experience and honor. Another gratifying experience is that our station and staff have been nominated for scores of AviChoice Awards, and in 2016, I actually was named Favorite Radio DJ! The greatest honor for me is being told by people in both SL and RL "I Love T1!" There are many lessons in life and for
Although Trader and Nuala run a very successful club and radio station, they know how to give back to SL. It all started back in 2006, when Trader and Nuala were at RFL function and a DJ didn't show up and they were asked if T1 would be able to provide a stream and music. "Since Nuala and I were already there as part of the Relay Rockers team we gladly agreed. We went on air at 6 am SLT and continued nonstop until late that evening. In 2007, we were asked if we would like to return and became the Official Broadcaster of RFL of SL. We learned how to bring participants onto the broadcast using Skype and brought voice to all the ceremonies. We produce PSAs, support all official events from Kickoff to Relay Weekend and continue to do so today. We bring in other presenters to support the 24-hour event each July. We also produce a weekly talk show "Relay Rap" during Relay Season and maintain an archive of Public Service Announcements for all stations and DJs to use."
L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 14, October 2017
In addition to RFL, T1 radio supports the Dreams Community, in addition to streaming and providing production assistance to the Spoonful Of Sugar Festival in support of MSF/Doctors Without Borders. And, from 2011 to its finale in 2016 T1 was the broadcaster of the AviChoice Awards, which Nuala and Trader hosted. "We have supported other events during our 12 years as Second Life's oldest Classic Rock Station, including SL Birthdays, Fashion For Life, the SL Christmas Expo and many more!"
Trader being Trader, of course he has plans for 2018 and beyond and perhaps you can be part of them too! "In the coming year we are hoping to expand our live staff to include shows starting at 3pm and at 7pm to serve more of our global community here in SL. If you are a DJ and wish to become part of our T1 Family please contact me by notecard or by applying online. I love what I do here in SL. I love being part of Relay and I am grateful for the opportunity we were given to be part of such a great community!"
As for advice, Trader has three important words "DO IT RIGHT! "It takes more than a few mp3s and an encoder. Get good equipment. And be responsible. Get Licensed! The wonderful musicians and composers who provide us with the music we love deserve to be compensated. Read the DMCA rules for online radio stations! Play by the rules and do not think you can fly under the radar. The last thing I ever want is a letter from the RIAA or one of the Professional Rights Organizations telling me I have done something wrong. Being a DJ or owning a Station is hard work but it's also fun and don't forget that! Enjoy your music, enjoy your listeners and HAVE FUN!" Among his many accomplishments, in addition to entertaining us with rock music, trader has a special place in his heart for RFL. "For me, without a doubt our contribution to helping make Relay For Life of Second Life one of the largest Relay events in the world, and raising more than $3.2 million, is our biggest contribution. While we are just a part of a great community of thousands of SL Relayers it remains our proudest accomplishment as a station, as broadcasters and hosts, and as Relayers!"
Issue 14 October, 2017 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine
How can people listen to T1 or Visit LEGENDS? Anyone can visit us at Arinultra Cay in SL You can find us on the web at or using the TuneIn Radio app on any connected device. We welcome you to add us to your land as well: http:// but as a web-based Shoutcast v2 stream we do recommend using Media > Audio instead of Sounds / Music Player at least until LL fixes the buffer issue on all SL servers.
L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 14, October 2017
t n e v E n i a M 8 6 y e e h u t Z w p o o n h k C o t t a t e G
An interview with Chop Zuey’s own Ludmilla Umarov
By Ava Jhamin
I have known Belle, owner of Chop Zuey, and now the Chop Zuey's 68 Main event, for a very long time. I have also known her manager and right hand, Ludmilla Umarov for several years. When I heard about this endeavor they were undertaking, I was thrilled, and a little scared as I knew how much work goes into events. But this is Ludmilla and Belle! I sat down with Ludmilla, the powerhouse, and got the scoop on her role at Chop Zuey and this new fab event. Hi Ludmilla, thank you for taking time out of your exhausting schedule to sit down with me for the readers of L'Amour Diversity. I wanted the readers to get to know you as well as hear all about this new event, Chop Zuey's 68 Main event. Ava: How did you become part of the this magical world we call Second Life? Ludmilla: OMG is all I can say. I saw something on a TV show that featured a character from SL and it made me want to download the program and check it out. Of course, this was back in the dialup days, which was sooooooooooooooo slow! I don't do slow very well, but I hung in there. Ava: What did you do when you first came to Second Life?
power that works alongside Belle Roussel of Chop Zuey. How did you meet and come to work for her?
Ludmilla: I was a customer in Belle's store. I kept drooling over her jewelry...wanted to Ludmilla: I was a dancer. I mean who wasn't a dancer or DJ back in those days? eat it basically. I would IM her often and tell her how great she was, etc. One day, I said Ava: What are some of the others things "Hey Belle, why don't you bust out a pose stand so I can show your designs?" It was you might have dabbled in with your then that she made me the models' manager Second Life? at Chop Zuey and allowed me to manage the in store modeling program, which has had Ludmilla: I owned a club called The over a hundred models at one time. I also Chronic, which was a music venue became a manager of the store, and helped featuring R&B, Hip-Hop, Soul, Funk, Old to build up the group member base to over Skool, etc. We had over 500 members within two weeks of opening and it was a 10,000!!! I enjoyed doing the sales end and working with customers. one of a kind place. Ava: You're an oddity Ludmilla, the silent
Ava: Tell me what was the inspiration or
Ava: Also, why an event, when the grid is saturated with them ? Ludmilla: This event is different. We don't want to be like any other event. Belle has a clear vision of where we are going with all of this, but we are rolling with new ideas every day. Ava: What sets Chop Zuey 68 Main event from others out there? Ludmilla: What sets us apart is our customer service. We are always around to answer questions and talk to people. We are warm and friendly, and we are here!!! Most events do not have anyone on site to ask questions or get that personal connection. That is why Chop Zuey is so successful. There is usually always someone around you can get information from, whether it is help finding the right thing, or advice on what to wear, etc. Ava: It's a beautiful sim Ludmilla. Can you tell us a bit about the designer behind the venue? Ludmilla: Joe Blake is an amazing reason for the Chop Zuey 68 Main event? builder. His RL experience has been brought into SL and he is very successful Ludmilla: All I know is that Belle had a dream in both worlds. Amazing eye for detail, and she envisioned the name and the idea and easy to work with...really great guy! grew from that. It was a good move!!! Ava: Can you tell the readers the good Ava: Can you tell the readers of L'Amour and bad of running an event on this Diversity a bit about the team for the 68 Main scale Ludmilla? event? Ludmilla: The good.....watching and Ludmilla: The team is me, Belle, Euridice hearing success stories. The bad... and Joe. You all know me and Belle. Euridice putting together the first round in less is handling social media, Joe Blake is the than ten days was a mind blender!!! This fabulous builder for this event...Go Joe!!! There was my first SL event to manage, and are countless others who helped support this working closely with Belle and Joe and event, the amazing bloggers and the amazing all the others who make up our circle of Chop Zuey super models who all came out amazing professionals with awesome opening day to participate! We really have a skills, we pulled it off!!! great bunch of loyal models!!! Ava: Tell the readers what are some of
68 your plans for Chop Zuey in the future? Ludmilla: I know Chop Zuey will only continue to grow and get better. It is on the curve right now and moving in a steady direction. I am so proud to be part of Chop Zuey. Belle has been here a long time, and she is doing amazing things! Ava: Have you seen changes in the fashion industry Ludmilla, and if so what are they? Ludmilla: Fashion industry changes... hmmm...that's an interesting question. I see new designers popping up and I think that is great. Fashion is always evolving, so nothing surprises me. Thank you honey for sitting down with me, and giving the readers and models of Chop Zuey a chance to get to know the ever cutieful Ludmilla.
CREATIVE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS GRAPHICS Magazine Layout by Rienna Iron PHOTOGRAPHY Photos by Ava Jhamin (4, 28-33, 54-63, 88 - 93) Photos by Rhiannon Colclough (72-75) Photos by Trinity Aironaut (34-47) Trader Whiplash photo courtesy of Trader Whiplash (88) Trunk Show banner courtesy of VanessaDelRio Underwood (54) OTHER IMAGES assets/580df50174c483127a74dbc8/Sansar_logo_horizontal.jpg MV5BMTYwNTA2NDY0Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjE5MjU5NjE@._V1_UY1200_CR113,0,630,1200_AL_. jpg
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