L’Amour Diversity Magazine Issue 19 August 2018

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Celebrating uniqueness not trends!

The Models of L’Amour Diversity Present PREY BY ADRIEL HUNTRESS L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018



Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


Publisher’s Note

Hello readers of Second Life. In the August issue we have some great stories for you including, Hadley Carrington's A Pill or a Puff? the new era of Mary Jane. We have a great editorial and spotlight story on Prey this month, and I am also very excited that we did a show for Prey on August 19, 2018 with L'Amour Productions. We also have the total for RFL for Home & Garden but you will have to read and find out. And finally, a chat with with the new winner of Luxe Paris Look of the Year competition. I also had a chat with her court Becky Keenan Vianna Oaks. I want to also thank Mika and Parisian for including me in this wonderful competition as a judge. I had a blast and support this competition 110%. So ladies and gentleman grab some snacks and get all comfortable for a great read with L'Amour Diversity Magazine August 2018.

n i m a h Ava J


Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


Celebrating uniqueness not trends!


STAFF PUBLISHER/EDITOR Ava Jhamin EDITOR IN CHIEF Rienna Rieko Lenoir FASHION EDITOR Trinity Aironaut WRITERS Hadley Carrington Ava Jhamin Rienna Lenoir PHOTOGRAPHERS Trinity Aironaut Ava Jhamin Kakarotnosantou DIVERSITY MODELS Jan Bacon, Noreen Barineaux, QueenBrat Bracken, Hadley Carrington, Ava Jhamin, Rienna Lenoir

The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publisher. ®2018 L'Amour Productions. All rights reserved. Second Life™ is a registered trademark of Linden Research, Inc.


Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

Editor’s Note

It's that time of year. The summer is drawing to a close in the US, and it's time to take the kids shopping for school supplies and send them off to another year of learning! As a child, back to school time was my favorite part of the school year. It was a time of new clothes and picking out my new backpack and filling it with all the supplies I would need to carry me at least through the first semester. This continued on to when my kids were going to school and I got to take them shopping and see their excitement as they prepared for the year ahead.

Jackson a performer who was near and dear to her heart. I hope you really enjoy this issue as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you! We will see you in October when we will be sure to bring you lots of spooky surprises!

In the opposite hemisphere, winter is ending and spring is just around the corner. Soon, temperatures will increase as they move on into warmer seasons. In this issue of L'Amour Diversity Magazine, we have some great things in store for our readers! We feature the story of Trinity Clothing Park and Galadriel's Mirror sims, we have the story of RFL Bonanza, and Ava is finally able to say goodbye to Michael

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


Table of Contents

14 A Pill or a Puff? Hadley Carrington shares some perspectives on Medical Marijuana with us.

22 Prey Story Read the story behind this month's Prey Editorial!

24 Prey Editorial Check out the L'Amour Diversity models in some of the latest designs from Prey by Adriel Huntress

36 Luxe Paris Look of the Year Meet the winner and Runners Up of the LUXE Paris Look of the Year contest!

46 Update on Home & Garden Ava shares the results of the Home & Garden Expo!

48 RFL Bonanza See how this amazing two day event came to be!


Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

54 Trinity Clothing Park Rienna takes us to a visit at Trinity Clothing Park & Galadriel’s Mirror. See these two amazing sims and meet their creators.

68 Funky Monkey Art Gallery Meet one of L’Amour’s new photographers and see some of his gallery works!

82 I Can Now Say Goodbye Ava says goodbye to the King of Pop.

92 Soul Evolutions Meet DJ BigRed and see her new Soul Club!

100 Prey Show Update See the L’Amour Models on the runway for the Prey Show!

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018



Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018



Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

Look for 68 Main back in September 2018 L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


A Pill or a Puff? By: Hadley Carrington

As the number of Opioid addictions in the country rises, the use of medical Cannabis is being considered a much more widely used, effective and nonaddictive treatment for ailments and disorders including: Cancer, HIV, chronic pain, MS, MD, PTSD, Alzheimer’s, Epilepsy, and the list continues. As of 2016, 29 states and Washington D.C. have crafted and passed bills making it legal for those 21 and older with a certified patient card to purchase Marijuana at specified dispensaries in their states, upon physician referral. For many, this is the move patients have been waiting for, and many of their symptoms are now being treated using Cannabis.

First, let’s take some of the common myths off the table; Cannabis kils: False. There has never been, in all the medical records throughout its history, a recorded case of death by overdose of Cannabis, the worst I’ve heard is somebody passing out. That’s not to say that the effects of Cannabis cannot lead to death.

If you participate in a medical Cannabis protocol, as with any other medication, do not operate heavy machinery while impaired. Cannabis contains a psychotropic substance called THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). and just as with any mind altering substance, should be used in a safe manner. When I was on the political campaign to legalize Of course, Marijuana has its haters, but I Marijuana for medicinal use in my state, hope by the end of this article, I will have I met a Shriner. He was a very nice at least given those of you who disagree older gentlemen who refused to sign with the topic something to think about my petition, because he saw too many and a little insight into a patient’s view buddies “get hooked on that in ‘Nam of the world. Having worked on the and get killed because of it.” Please don’t medical marijuana campaign for 10 use marijuana on the battle field. That years and meeting so many of the could get you killed. possible patients, some of the stories are heart-wrenching; however, I am not Cannabis is a gateway drug: The here to guilt you into agreeing. I just “Gateway” theory is rooted in the want to bounce some ideas around and concept that individuals who use see if anything sticks. substances move through a linear L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


progression from legal substances into using what are called “illegal soft drugs (Cannabis is lumped into this category), and on to harder drugs like heroin. However, research shows that a large portion of people who become addicted to drugs like heroin, do not follow this progression at all. In reality, that prescription people get from their doctor for pain pills every month, is much more likely the potential “risk factor” in a person developing a heroin addiction. One very important factor which is ignored in the “Gateway” theory,

substances, which makes it more likely a person will go on to try other substances. Neither of these factors would exist if the drug were legal and regulated everywhere. This is true of alcohol, most people who try alcohol do not go on to try illegal drugs, because it is both legal and socially acceptable. Alcohol can have worse physical effects than many illegal drugs, but most people choose to stay on the right side of the law and stay away from the illegal substances. As Cannabis becomes legal and regulated both at a medicinal and

is that until recently, buying Marijuana was illegal across all of America, and still is in many other countries. The illegal status of Marijuana meant that a person wishing to purchase it, had to go to a drug dealer. It has been proven that individuals who are willing to commit one illegal act are more likely to commit more illegal acts. In this way, it could be said that it was Marijuana’s illegal status that was the “Gateway” to additional drug use, not the chemical interactions in the brain. Additionally, once a person has purchased a drug from a drug dealer, they are now interacting with people who have access to harder

recreational level, it is entirely possible that the whole “Gateway” theory will simply become irrelevant, and the next illegal substance in line will become the new “Gateway” drug, because it will be the door into the illegal drug market.


Cannabis is worse for you than cigarettes: False. Although, it is not suggested that any type of smoke in your lungs is healthy, the smoke you’re inhaling from pot and the smoke you’re inhaling from cigarettes is not the same. There are additives to make them more addictive and other carcinogens in cigarettes to make them burn more

Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

easily; however, there are several different ways to smoke marijuana that involve no papers at all, like pipes and naturally filtered bongs. Finally, you do not even have to smoke Cannabis. There are a multitude of ways it can be used today. There are drinks, oils, lotions, all types of edibles (including the good old marijuana brownie). So, you don’t even have to smoke it anymore! A pill or a puff? Ok. If I some of you are still not quite convinced with that breakdown, let me present some pros:

have already witnessed firsthand and is a very good investment! As the number of US states that legalize the use of Cannabis continues to grow, there will be an insurgence of tax monies pushed out into the economy. Come on, guys, are we still living in the days of “REEFER MADNESS?” Once you’ve seen a video of a child go from having hundreds of brain damaging seizures per day, reduce the number to only three to six through a Cannabis regimen, it’s normally the deal clincher.

I could tell you more, but I think I’ve hit As aforementioned, Cannabis can treat all the big points. Now that you’ve read many ailments. including: Schizophrenia, the above information, have those of Depression, anxiety disorders, Autism you who were against it opened your and Asperger’s Syndrome, heart mind and listened, as the patients ask disorders, physical ailments as a result for your empathy and compassion and of exposure to harmful chemicals can they ask for your vote in 2020? If such as asbestos, balance disorders, I haven’t been able to convince you, repetitive motion disorder, forty types please research it on your own…just of seizure disorders, Sleep Apnea, educate yourself. That’s all we’re asking. Insomnia, sleep paralysis, Atopic Eczema, blood and bleeding disorders, chronic pain, migraines, Cancer, Glaucoma, muscle spasms, nausea, Anorexia, nerve pain, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s Disease, etc. Shouldn’t that be enough ? Let’s not forget the financial boon that is created in states that operate dispensaries. There are billions of dollars to be made in the Marijuana industry as many US states L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018



Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


l u f r e d n o W d r i We

Y E R P f O d l r o W

I have known Adriel Huntress owner and CEO outfits and designers. of the PREY brand for a long time. I remember her as a model way back when. Ava: Tell me how did you come to start Prey? I remember when she said she was going to open a store. Adriel: All the reasons mentioned above really. It gave me a creative outlet to express At the time I remember thinking, “Oh this is myself and maybe if lucky provide a new going to be interesting. Well I wasn’t wrong venue where fashions lovers could find at all. Adriel was always to me the stand out pieces that they liked. model, meaning she went out of the box, a lot, it was her expression. And she was Ava: Where did the name Prey Come from? constrained by designers and what they wanted but through it all everything she did Adriel: Hmmm I wish I had some amazing was Adriel. story to tell you, but I think what was in my mind was fashion with an edge. I wanted my I sat down with Adriel and talked about her, store to be different, odd, strange even and the brand, her team. I needed a name to go along with that. It’s not a fancy name and that is exactly what I Ava: What brought you to Second Life Adriel wanted - rough, strong, dirty. Adriel: My RL friend moved across the country to Canada after University. She introduced me to SL as a way of spending time together. Ava: What drew you to be a designer on Second Life? Adriel: I was a model in SL for years and although I loved all the fashion and designs I was able to see and wear I felt that I wanted to push the limits a little more. When doing a show or an ad you must follow the vision of the designer with very little room to express yourself fully. Becoming a designer allowed me to create clothes that were a little odd or out there and push those limits all I wanted. I wanted models and fashion lovers everywhere an opportunity to buy an outfit from me and be able to rip it apart to wear only parts of it and mix and match with other


Ava: Can you please tell the readers of Diversity what kind of businesses is Prey? Adriel: PREY is a fashion store for both men and women. Ava: Can you tell the readers who your staff is, and what they do for Prey? Adriel: I am lucky to be surrounded by the most amazing staff a person could ask for, and they are so much more to me than that, they are my family. Selene Snowpaw, current Miss Metaverse, is my marketing genius. She is who is getting PREY out there, getting us noticed and growing the group which now has over 1250 members. Jewell Ember, who happens to be Selene's wife is my general manager. She handles all event inquires, store related inquiries, kicks my ass when needed lol, basically just makes

Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

sure everything is running smoothly. Finally, we have LukaBenton, our amazing Blogger Manager. He ensures all bloggers are active and that they have links to all events that we are participating in, chooses a blogger of the month each month and so much more.

hoped that if we had a chance to do it all again we would make it better, sadly that is not always the case. Ava: Do you have any weird stories about being in this industry that you can share with our readers Adriel?

Adriel: hahaha what would SL be without These three people keep PREY afloat, without some weirdness. I happen to thrive on them I would be nowhere close to where I weirdness, so nothing really seems to stand am right now. out too much to me. SL is our chance to express ourselves freely, perhaps in ways Ava: Tell me what are the ups of owning a that we cannot in our RL's, so I say keep it business in SL? weird, odd, strange, unique and free. Live your SL to the fullest! Adriel: The ups of owning a business in SL is that I can express my creativity without Ava: I could not agree more Adriel...I think needing the permissions of anyone. I design why I love you so, your weird odd and all of as I please, I hope I make some people happy it, but one of the most amazing chill people I with what I do but, in the end, I am happy know. with what I do, confident in my designs and proud of them. Thank you so much Adriel for sitting down with me and sharing a bit of your Second Life Another amazing aspect is that I have gotten with the readers of L'Amour Diversity. to meet so many amazing people, without PREY that never would have happened. Ava: What changes if any in the industry have you seen good or bad? Adriel: Change is change, it is going to happen whether we like it or not. I find it best to accept the changes and roll onwards. So, in saying that, I see no change as negative but rather a new chance to tackle something new and shake off some things form the past. Ava: If you could change anything about SL what would it be and why? Adriel: The biggest thing that I would change would be how people treat each other. I find that people find it very easy to be mean and cruel and I wonder if they would behave the same if that person stood before them in RL. We all discovered SL for one reason or another and RL is filled with such negativity at times throughout our world, I guess I always L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


Spotlight Editorial 24

Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

25 Hadley Carrington Psycho Warrior

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018

Issue 19Cyprus August, 2018Warrior | L’Amourand Diversity Magazine Face Paint Gown Cape Jan26 Bacon Belted

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


28 Paint Issue 19 August, 2018Skinny | L’Amour Jeans Diversity Magazine Face Floral and Color Change V back

k Top

29 Ava Jhamin Cannon

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018

30 IssueBarineaux 19 August, 2018 Deconstructed | L’Amour Diversity Magazine Noreen

L’Amour Diversity MagazineOne | IssuePiece 19, AugustSwim 2018 31 Face Paint Fringe Suit


Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue and 19, August 2018 Warrior 33 Face Paint Golor Change QueenBrat Ruffle Dress Bracken Snake Lace Shrug

Face Knotted Tank Dress 34 Paint Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine Rienna Lenoir Hands & Faces

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


By: Ava Jhamin 36Paint Issue 19Rainbow August, 2018 | Smoke L’Amour Diversity Magazine Face Gown

Meet The Look Of The Year Winner and Her Court

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


I was asked to help judge the Luxe Look of the Year Competition 2018. It was an awesome experience; well organized, amazing judges, and the two ladies that brought it all together, Mika Palmyra and Parisian Skytower were amazing as well.

the magazines Maniera, ModeLS, Confidencial and L’Amour Diversity (valued at L$40K), a scholarship at InNova Modeling Academy (valued at L$4k), a L$3500 gift card to Pro Pose, a L$3000 gift card to Alma Makeup and a crown from Zuri Jewelry (valued at L$799), Scholarship to In Nova-Modeling Academy.

All the ladies worked so hard to bring looks of Luxe Paris to life. In the end, the lovely Nany Jurado took the crown. The Runners Up will receive a Zuri tiara Viana Oaks was First Runner Up and Ms. (L$449), gift cards from Pro Pose (L$2500 Becky Keenan 2nd Runner Up. for 1st and L$1500 for 2nd) and gift cards from Alma Makeup (L$1000 for Sponsors for the event included, AIM, 1st and L$ 500 for 2nd). SWANK EVENTS, MANIERA & LUXE Paris, L'Amour Diversity, Maniera, ModeLS and For Naar Rexen, the 2017 Face of LUXE Confidencial. Paris, the most intense moment of the contest was the grand finale! The new Face of LUXE Paris, Nany Jurado, won: L$50K, one year of “I was so nervous, I had blood pressure free shopping at LUXE Paris (valued in the clouds,” remembers Naar. But one at L$30K), a fashion feature in year later, she cherishes the experience.


Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

“This contest had an important impact on my virtual life” says Naar. “Professionally, I felt valued and I grew more as a model and stylist. Mika Palmyra and Parisian Skytower, the owners and designers of LUXE Paris, recognize and value the work of a model! They respect it and applaud it! They make you continue to believe in this world and encourage you to continue growing.”

ModeLS magazine, Naar Rexen - ''Look of the Year 2017'' and owner of In-Nova Modeling Academy, Adonis Lubomir - owner of Swank Events, Ava Jhamin - owner of L’Amour Diversity Magazine, Chemak Kamala - owner of Confidencial magazine, Zuri Rayna - owner of Zuri Jewelry, Ponchituti Boucher - owner of Pro Pose, Onix Noir - owner of Alma Makeup and Parisian Skytower and Mika Palmyra, co-owners of LUXE Paris.

What would be her advice to the new contestants? “First of all, be yourself” answers Naar. :Give free rein to your creativity when you are styling and do not be afraid!”

I sat down with Nany, Viana, and Becky to talk about their experiences with Luxe Paris Look of the Year.

The contestans will be judged on their style, elegance and originality by judges: Deepthinker Oh - Managing Editor at Maniera SL magazine, Boniefacio Boucher - owner of AIM and

Ava: Can you tell the readers of L'Amour Diversity how you came to Second Life? Nany: My arrival to second life was out of curiosity. I was on Skype with a friend, who was laughing and brought me over to Second Life. I followed the steps for a

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


person to enter, and from that moment you know there isn't any prerequisite on have been here. for learning, so I packed up my bags, took my kindergarten diploma off my Viana: I came to Second Life back in wall and headed over to Second Life as January 2013, through a dearest friend an undocumented immigrant. If you from IMVU, a similar graphical chat who remember that early bar scene in the was already in SL invited me to join her Star Wars classic, that was what it was and since then we're almost inseparable, like coming here pretty much. Yep... I am happy to join this amazing virtual Lots of strange but wonderful creatures world. seeing me join their carnival. Not much has changed really, except for the Becky: You wouldn't believe me if I told glamor I guess...LOL. you, I hitched a ride on an elephant or came via stork would you believe that? Ava: What did you do when you first The truth of the matter is I followed a came to the wonderful world of Second friend over here from another graphical Life? virtual world called "IMVU." In fact, we are to this day the very best of friends Nany: This brings to my mind a moment here in SL after eight years. that was wonderful and makes me laugh as I write it. I landed, and some I was told that the transition from IMVU said dress her. They take me shopping to Second Life was like making the leap and say click on the box and I did, and from Kindergarten to College. Well, as it went on me. I could not remove it


Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

and I was laughing so hard. I ended up going to several places with the box on my head, oh the divine and innocent moments of my beautiful SL. Viana: I was kind of lost on SL. I didn't know much of what users could do other than socialize, and as I start going to places and chatting a little I started learning that there was a lot more than that. I was on a social sim when I saw this handsome avatar way better than the others. He was tall, with such grace and poise. I had to IM him, and asked him about his avi. In that moment I learned about SL modeling I was very excited and to know more so he told me what to do and where to enroll and so I did. Becky: Can I plead the 5th on this question? Seriously, what if I told you that I waited on tables at a Gorean bar?

Yeah.. the tips were measly and the customers quite rude most of the time. I didn't last there very long because they found out that I had a brain. Next question please... Ava: What made you join LUXE Paris LOOK of the YEAR? Nany: Last year I was just a spectator and lived through the emotion when the precious Naarnisse won. I said to her, "the next year I will take part, and wait with much anxiety. I like to be elegant and glamorous. I love the warmth of both Mika and Parisian and why I am here today as the Luxe Paris Look of the Year winner. Viana: I've been modeling since 2016 and I would describe myself as restless and I like to challenge myself. After all this year I wanted to practice and polish

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


my styling skills and what better way to do it than competing in a great contest? I know Luxe Paris brand but also about Luxe Paris Look of the year contest, so I tried it in 2017 but didn't make it to semifinals which made me want to work harder to make it possible this year.

I believe in their brand and feel a part of the LUXE Paris family very much. As background, I have been modeling for Luxe Paris now for over 5 years. It was the Monkeys and the Elephant at their original sim that lured me into this competition. I love these animals! Did you know that their first store was Yes, last year, I saw through Facebook's smack dab right in the middle of a jungle news feeds about the Luxe Paris Look of full of these wonderful four-legged the Year contest. The contest's rules and friends? How could I resist? objectives were clear, they look for any female avatar who has elegance, sharp I joined the competition because I love sense of styling, fun, fresh, versatility to compete. Win or lose, you learn so and be chic to represent the brand all much about yourself along the way by over the grid by being their face and you competing. Not only do you grow as a don't need to be a certified model, have person and improve your modeling skill any kind of expertise or have any titles at sets but you also pay forward to others all but they are ALL welcome to have fun to follow in your footsteps along the competing. way. Becky: I am already in love with both Paris and Mika. I adore these women!


Ava: Had you heard anything about LUXE Paris Look of the Year before you

Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

entered, and if so, what?

Nany: It was much more than I Nany: I saw several times in social media imagined. The process of the judging of pages, and I also knew 2017 the winner, the photos, and waiting for the official Naar Rexen. moment of the finalists, my nerves, as you can imagine and the whole Viana: Yes, last year, I learned about it in adrenaline thing was beyond wonderful. Facebook's news feeds. Viana: Not really. It was beyond my Becky: This was my third time expectations, Mika, Paris, Julia and competing for the title. Each time all the rest of the team were kind, afterwards I told myself that I would professionals, nice to all of us and not do this to myself again. Do you they certainly accomplish their goal in remember that Olympic Skier who took every way possible. It was an amazing that ugly tumble years ago? You know... experience which I will treasure in my "The thrill of victory... and the agony heart forever. of defeat?" That is sort of how you feel about it, to be frank. Well, break a leg Becky: This Look of the Year event was and all that! Who knows? You just might a blast! I have no regrets about entering see me here again next year! the competition. Undeniably, with the challenge themes, this year’s event Ava: Was LUXE Paris Look of the Year, as superseded my expectations on all you expected it to be and why? levels. I was humbled and honored to

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


make it to the finalist round and even more pleased to have been awarded 2nd Runner Up this year. I would kill for the crown, however...LOL. Ava: What would you tell others about being part of LUXE Paris Look of the Year? Nany: I invite them to live through this wonderful experience where you will feel thousands of beautiful emotions, you will learn new things and meet many wonderful people. Viana: Luxe Paris is a brand I love and has been my family since I started blogging for them some time ago, and even though participating in the contest might seem the logical thing to do, it was amazing, a whole new experience for me and I'm so enjoying it to the max. I would say that for any fashion lover, the Luxe Paris Look of the Year is a must do. Becky: Stay focused on what you need to achieve; Learn from the mistakes of your past; challenge yourself on every aspect to be your very best; and don't give up your day job in RL to do this!

in the time between my active blogging, my RL career and my home life to seek the perfect LUXE Paris look. To give it your all and to be your very best, it takes both time and energy to do so. These factors are perhaps the most challenging. Ava: Do you feel the process has helped you to grow as a model? Nany: The truth is, that the process always gives me education, and I feel that every day I learn new things. Viana: Absolutely! I feel more confident and complete as a model, but there's always space for learning, growing and improving in both professional and personal aspects. Becky: Yes! No pain, no gain. In hindsight, I remember seeing what each of the models competing created. There was so much beauty and creativity foretold through this wonderful event! Ava: What were you hoping to gain from the process, knowing there was a possibility you might not win?

Ava: What did you find most challenging Nany: I sincerely entered with no about being in LUXE Paris Look of the illusions of winning, but to gain the Year? wonderful experience in this beautiful virtual world. Nany: I think for me the most challenging was the nerves and the Viana: Experience. I never thought choreography. at first, I could get this far but I never let that distract me or upset me from Viana: Everything? The styling challenges, my main objective, which was to gain the other lovely ladies’ outfits, them experience, to improve and polish all having more experience than me in the areas that I could as a professional. contests, the Moulin Rouge challenge, But above all, try new things out of the the judge’s panel, but I didn't let any of it routine and challenge myself to be to back me down. better. Becky: Without a doubt, it was squeezing Becky: I basically entered for the fun,


Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

experience and pure passionate joy that the process delivers. I understand that there are no guarantees of winning. That said, I compete within myself and take away what I have learned from the process to improve upon my modeling skill sets and me as a person. Ava: What will you take away from your experience with LUXE Paris Look of the Year moving forward in your career? Nany: With this precious title, that I take proudly, i will extract much experience, knowledge and confidence to face new projects. Viana: A wonderful memory to always keep with me, a great achievement for myself both professionally and personally.

laugh with each other, make the bond stronger and make new friendships. ~Girls you are ALL amazing! Becky: Life is all about relationships. It is part of the "School of Life" and who we are as human beings. Life is all about building good and lasting friendships. Yes, I have made new friendships because of this event. Undeniably, sharing my passion for modeling with other like-minded people here provides the foundation for these genuine bonds. Thank you, ladies, for sitting down with me. As a judge this year for the Luxe Paris Look of the Year, I think you all do justice to Luxe Paris, and are forever, beautiful, gracious and amazing...Thank you for taking time for me, ladies.

Becky: I learned that there is never just one solution or answer to any given challenge. This must have been a daunting dilemma for many of the jurors to make their final decisions without subjectivity. I will be back next year hopefully and, God willing, to do this crazy but wonderful experience all over again. Ava: Do you feel like you made new friends and that friendships you already had grew from the experience? Nany: This wonderful experience offered new friendships and enriched already existing friendships. Viana: Definitely! I knew some of the contestants already since we had worked before on the runway, but this contest has made us to stop and meet each other, to unite as colleagues, as women and empower ourselves helping each other selflessly and cry or L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


Out on the Grid

The Home &Garden Expo 2018

The 10th Annual Home and Garden Expo (HGE) in support of Relay for Life of Second Life and the American Cancer Society. The event took place across seven regions, The annual event offered the finest in home, garden, and furnishing designs available across the grid, as well as a range of breedables and breedable accessories. Over 100 exhibitors took part this year and $10,039.24 was raised for the American Cancer Society by the amazing team Home & Garden Second Life. Over 406 Million was raised world wide for the Relay for Life 2018.



Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018



Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


During a family gathering, Bella1 Abbot- TEAM Co-Captain, Chipmunk Zhong-Co-Captain, Subrina Bearsfoot2ND Captain, Armando Lopez, Carryon Resident, Deo Kihansi. we were sitting around camp fire relaxing on a Friday night as we do from time to time after a long week.

Everyone really loved the idea.

The next day, Bella began working on the build. During this time, there were a lot of challenges but with Chippy’s help, even down to drawing out on RL paper we were getting an idea of how to bring this vision to life. Many times, along the way it was deleted, and we As we roasted a pig and laughed started over. Chippy guided how her Bella asked, what ideas everyone had vision of the build should be and Deo for our team build. Some suggested lined things up in a circle many times, a western theme, but with it being since Bella has the habit for blowing the theme of United We Relay that up builds and starting over. With much wouldnt work, so we kept brain persistence, the build began to come storming. Then Chipmunk said, “I have together, after many long hours of just an idea but it's dumb.” After a lot of building the sphere, it finally started to pushing Chips finally spit it out her look like something. idea. Chippy said, how about a world rotating with spheres of dolls going There was a sphere of dolls, that would around that represent every TEAM rotate counter clock-wise around a with their team name on it?” globe and the globe rotated clockwise


Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

inside them. Then Chip insisted that each team name be actually on the dolls. So many hours were put into making the name textures and putting them on each doll in the sphere surrounding the world, 125 TEAMS in all. Chip and Bella came together on Top of the world looking at the special dolls holding the signs along with the “ONE TEAM” UNITED WE RELAY “ banner.

In another installation, there were two dolls holding the world in their hands representing when we raise awareness and rally together. A third piece at the campsite was a group of dolls gathered around one who has been going through treatment to suupport and lift him up and cheering him on.

The Angel of Tears was also set up in the campsite and she cries for those we have lost and those who are in We wanted to Honor some very the fight, “Until there is a cure.” the special people that we lost after last reflection and celebration of life and a year’s Relay: Henrietta and Hillshire, world without cancer, a world where from team strange journey and Dasani no one must fear to hear the words, Storm from Bonanza Country RFL “you have Cancer " and instead be able TEAM, so we incorporated them into to hear, there is a cure! Such was the the build. vision of chipmunk and it was brought to life with the help of Bella1 Abbot, Once the build was complete, it was and Assistant Deo Kihansi from the time to set up the campsite. After start of the build to the decorating and blowing it up a few times, it finally putting it into the campsite for Relay came together with more of Coweekend. Captain Chip’s help and ideas. Some of the individual installations in the What an awesome idea and a team campsite were: a scale which had effort to show the true meaning large doll, representing “The Cure,” of “UNITED WE RELAY.” At the end holding up that sde of the scale with of the 24-hour relay for life event, two smaller dolls sitting on the scale this particular build was awarded plate and on the other scale plate, was 2nd place for campsite and we also the black ball of Cancer, which was on won 3rd place for veteran team. fire. Holding up that scale plate was a Congratulations to our team for a burning black box which represented successful 24 hour event! the evilness of Cancer.

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


Trinity Clothing &

& Galadriel’s Mirror By Rienna Lenoir

Kylie and Caidence Rose came to Second Life, Kylie 6 years ago when she heard it was a place where she could create and contribute to a limitless world and Caid 5 yrs ago when she saw a news story about it and she says “as a computer game buff it appealed to my 3D self!” They design clothing, run a business and have an amazing family in SL and of course, they found each other, which they are both very happy about. Kylie says their SL is like “Christmas morning” every day. Caid enjoys DJ’ing from time, dancing with

Kylie and people watching. Caid says she works out new designs “based on badly dressed avatars,” but she enjoys every moment she gets the chance to build, landscape or decorate in SL. They both say that their partnership has been a very easy one since they communicate well and love each other completely. Kylie explains that they are completely honest with each other and Caid says they compliment each other’s strengths and abilities and love each other like crazy.

I found their Lord of the Rings based sim a couple of months ago, when exploring with my friend, KakarotNoSantou one night. I had been to a nearby sim last year, taking photographs with my then partner, but he never took me beyond the landing point of that sim. I wanted to show her where he took my photos, because she is an SL photographer who is always looking for new locations; she actually ended up being the photographer for this article! When we got there and looked around the area, Kakarot

started walking around and exploring places I had never seen the first time I was there. We went into this whole other area with a huge stone tower overlooking a cliff. When we stood on top of the tower and looked out, I noticed there was more across the region and flew over to what turned out to be Kylie and Caid’s sims. We landed and started exploring and were amazed at everything we found. The sims are stunningly beautiful and there are so many things to explore! When we were down in the caverns below the land,

we came across a door leading to a room, and we couldnt get it open. It was identical to the door in the movie. As we were in the room with the door, I got an IM from Kylie asking me if I knew how to open the door. When I said no, she told me to recall the door in the movie and I would know how to get in. By the time we were done exploring all the nooks and crannies of this beautiful sim, I told Kylie, “I need to highlight this place in L’Amour Diversity Magazine!” I am grateful that she agreed to let us feature a story on the stunning sims

she and her partner Caidence have built and much to my delight, they also have a clothing design business called Trinity Clothing, which we also get to share with you in this August issue of L’Amour Diversity! When I asked them what made them want to build such a beautiful sim, Kylie said, “Our sim has undergone many wonderful renovations from mountains to beaches, from Asian to the foothills of Italy. Our family moved their sim over to us and it had a Lord of the

Rings theme and we decided to create something to match.” Caid continued the explanation, “We had friends who are elves and always looking for new clothing and style so we started with a simple outfit and then decided it was too much fun and wanted to join in with an elven theme. We picked a theme which involved building a massive castle that took up more than half the sim but it didn’t have the life and colour we craved so we ripped it all down and started from new and resdesigned our sim in the elven theme

it appears in now. What you see now, has evolved over time. I Iove secret places and things and exploring and discovering those hidden places. I know Kylie loves it too so creating the sim was like creating magic for us.” When I asked them about Trinity Clothing Caid said, “We decided we wanted to try something new so we started with a few simple outfits. They were quite plain and horrible compared to our current lines. Its another case of creating beautiful

fun things together and working as a team. Kylie continues, “Trinity Clothing was and still is a labor of love. We are a true team and what better way to express our creativity and commitment to one another. They both state that they inspire one another in Second Life, so it’s no surprise this amazing team has begun to create such beautiful things here and Caid says Kylie is the best teacher she could ever want. When I asked them what the down side was to owning a sim that is open to the public and running a business like Trinity Clothing in Second Life, Kylie jokingly responded “Paying Linden Labs every month!” Caid said that sometimes owning a public sim is less privacy than you might hope for, but that’s fairly rare for them. She adds though that running a Second Life business has a distinct downside because “Some customers, no matter how many times you tell them TRY THE DEMO insist on not trying the demo and then complaining something did not fit and they do it publicly.” She does feel when this happens, it only shows how stupid people can be sometimes, but she would prefer if people could behave like adults and resolve any issues privately and professionally rather than trying to trash their entire business in a public way. I also asked them to tell me what they love about having a sim that is open to the public and about owning Trinity Clothing and they said that their satisfaction comes from making magic together. Whether clothing or our home, it’s done together and there is nothing like starting with a blank page, putting our heads together and creating something beautiful. Caid adds to that, “Its really really good for business to let the public come to our sim because this is where our business is and it means sales but it also means we get to share what we’ve created on the sim and in our store and sometimes we get to see what we design on people! Its fantastic!”

Kylie and Caid both agree that they get most of their enjoyment on Second Life from the relationship they have together, but if asked to pick something other than her life with Caid from which she derives pleasure on SL, she says, “it would be the unlimited creativity that is only limited by our imaginations.” When I asked them each to share an unusual story of things that have happened on their sim, Kylie said, “I have way too many, but my favorite was standing in my first club one day, a long time ago and having a wonderful girl message me on her rez day. That was Caidence and the rest is history.” Caid said, “we had this recurring person who used to tp to the sim then almost immediately tp away. I messaged about 10 times and finally got aggravated they never stayed or answered.... i then discovered they were a survey bot! Embarrassing!” I asked them both what a day is like for them at their sim and Caid told us it’s, “Crazy... we have a store here, a club and two sims to explore, a lot of characters we’ve invited to share that space and a lot of characters visiting at all times of the day and night.” Kylie continued, “Family comes and goes, the club Boishood is always running and Caid and I are always working on something. Of course we take time for one another, dancing and all sorts of wonderful things. We love to see people out and exploring our sim and to see our friends and family here around us.” Kylie says she wouldnt change anything about Second Life right now but Caid shares, “I would change a few things from the early days in my secondlife. However, I wouldn’t change anything generally because that’s what makes this amazing world amazing.”

The two sims, Trinity and Galadriels Mirror will be running events continuously. For more information on those, please check at the Trinity Clothing Park landing point or look for their group joiner in the main store to stay informed! After the re-grand opening of the two sims, Naked Metal Church will start running every Sunday morning from 8-10am SLT. It’s awesome symphonic metal hosted by High Priestess Kendra Rose Xenga and her acolyte Evie. Go check it out! August 18, FAME Franny events hosted a three day event as a tribute to Woodstock ‘69, which was very successful and that moves right on into The Woodstock Music & Country Fair Summerfest 2018 which runs from August 21 - August 25th by F.A.M.E. Franny which is also being hosted at the Galadriels Mirror sim. This is how Woodstock might be today in 2018 with all the modern trappings and music as well as amusement park style rides. This is also a full sim event. Don’t miss this mind blowing concert experience! There is also a fully operational rock club with live DJ’s on the sim called Boi’shood. Please join the group from the Trinity store landing point to stay informed on what’s going on at Boi’shood! There is a lot to see and do at the Trinity Clothing Park at the landing point is a teleport hub that will take you to all of the beautiful areas of the two sims. Be sure to go check it all out!

Just For Fun

Funky Monkey Art By Ava Jhamin


Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

t Gallery

I met Matt when he popped into the L'Amour sim, traveling and exploring Second Life. We got to talking and I found out he was an artist in real life and Second Life. I asked to see his work and was truly blown away with his talent. I am a person who loves color and crazy, so it was a match made in Second Life heaven. I told Matt that I would help him in any way I could. I love when talent comes in and I can help in my little way to get them seen. Then, I showed Matt L’Amour Diversity Magazine and told him, "I have a better idea, lets do a story on your for my Magazine,” and he loved the idea, so here we are. I sat down with Matt to get the scoop on him, his art, and his gallery. Ava: What brought you to Second Life? Matt: Oh, how to answer that question? What brought me to SL was an idea to create original work within a virtual setting and transfer it back to RL. This then became a way of putting my art out there for a diverse group of people to see. Since then, I have discovered Second Life to be a land of the endless opportunities and along the way met some lovely human souls. Ava: I know you’re an artist in Second Life, but what other things in Second Life do you enjoy doing? Matt: Second Life is a creative person’s dream, wandering endless sims seeing how the minds of the creators of Second Life work. It put a

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sense of wonder, and a continuous joy in my heart. Of course I do art here, but I also love photography within Second Life. I must confess a love for riding my motorcycle beyond what can be deemed safe. But I would have to say the true joy of Second life is meeting the human souls that populate this joyous land, and learning from the endless creativity that exists here. Ava: Can you tell the Diversity Readers a bit about the Funky Monkey Art Gallery in Second Life? Matt: It is a simple philosophy to make your eyes have fun. I am an abstract artist, my style is Techno-Fusion that is a marriage of Traditional art methods, watercolor, oils, acrylics, inks, and even things like gravy browning and allowing mother nature to assist. Funky Monkey sits on three floors and holds over 300 pieces of art work. I think it’s idea is unique in Second Life a place that doesn't take life or itself too seriously for me just fun bright and colorful. Ava: Are you an Artist in Real Life? Matt: In Real life I work as a digital artist and designer in the commercial art field, we design works of art for the commercial arts sector internationally. Ava: What is your inspiration for your artwork?


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Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

Matt: Oh god the hardest question to answer. Well, most times, when I start a piece I have no clue what will come from it. Abstract art is freedom of the mind, and as such I paint freely. I can start a piece and have no idea what will come of it, but I know when it’s right when in my head I hear a tune. For me life love everything in the universe has a rhythm a beat I hear that beat in my work and I stop. That can be 1 day, or 1 week, or even never. I never know till I start. Ava: Can you share with our readers a little something about your gallery in Second Life? Matt: All I can say about my gallery is bright fun and funky and does not take itself too seriously, as the artist doesn't. Ava: Do you have showings for another artist, besides yourself at the gallery? Matt: My gallery currently has a wonderful artist Etamae she is new and stunningly talented. I would love to invite new artists to show there. I think sharing space and time for artists that might not get a chance is a privilege and something I cherish and relish. Ava: What is your RL satisfaction regarding creating in SL? Matt: I think my most satisfying experiences in SL and especially as a creator, are meeting and experiencing the diversity of creation within SL. Shakti Summerfield of L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


Angel Manor allowed me to show my work there in the summer show and that was a great privilege. Etamae a wonderful soul and stunning artist shared her work with me, which I consider an honor a privilege. But also, the wonderful people in Second Life also fill me with warmth and that is most satisfying. Ava: Do you have a favorite piece that you created? Matt: Wow, ask any artist that he will struggle to answer all are my children I love them all. I think hanging in my gallery I would say one I call Wizz Bang Pop it’s a cartoon style version of an old Batman fight where when the bad guy was hit, you would see on the screen POW BANG SPLAT, reminds me of a happy childhood watching Batman on TV, repeats of course! I’m not that old! Thank you so much Matt for letting me and the readers of L’Amour Diversity Magazine into the magical world that is you. I enjoyed this story very much and a lot of the reason is just your sweet nature. Thank you for that. Please go visit the Funky Monkey Art Gallery and see what they are all about!


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Michael, “I Can Now Say Go By: Ava Jhamin


L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


It was the end of 1983, and I had the honor of working as PR for the Victory Tour for the Jackson 5. I know that a lot of speculation has surrounded this gentle, amazing man all his life, but we will get back to this later, I want to start from the beginning.

Joe finally began booking them in more respectable venues and over time, they eventually landed a spot at the renowned Apollo Theater in Harlem, New York City.

On November 21, 1967, The Jackson 5 were signed to their first professional contract with Gordon Keith, owner and Take in the scene, a small house in Gary first president of Steeltown Records in Indiana, where Joe Jackson was a steel mill Gary, Indiana. worker. He began working with his three older sons, Jackie, Jermaine and Tito. Joe The group's first single "Big Boy," with was very adamant about long and intense Michael as the lead singer, was released rehearsals for his sons. by Keith on January 31, 1968, on the Steeltown label. "Big Boy" became a When Michael, the youngest, and Marlon local hit and the brothers became local were added to the group they became celebrities. the Jackson 5. After years of performing in bars, and clubs where Michael was Within the year, Joe Jackson helped to land subjected to seeing many things a 5 year his sons an audition for Motown Records old should never be exposed to, in Detroit. The Jackson 5 were signed to Motown in March 1969.


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Joe later relocated his family to California and supervised every recording session the group made for Motown. They began to receive nationwide fame after their first single for Motown, "I Want You Back,” followed by their first album, Diana Ross Presents the Jackson 5, in December 1969. After the Jackson 5's first four singles, "I Want You Back" (1969), and 1970’s “ABC,” "The Love You Save" and "I'll Be There,” they sold 10 million copies in 10 months, setting a world record for sales.


In 1973, wanting to reassert his control, Joe Sr. had his family, including youngest son Randy, and daughters Rebbie, La Toya and Janet perform at casinos and resorts in Las Vegas, inspired by the success of fellow family act, The Osmonds. Joe Jackson was very old school even in his discipline, which caused all of his children pain, but was two-fold because it was also what inspired them all to have a strong work ethic and soar to great heights. Joe was hardest on Michael, who was a very

Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

things that Michael Jackson changed in the music industry. According to The Guardian, Billie Jean’s greatest importance in the music industry is that “it launched “the Michael Jackson” era, a period in which the entire population of the planet made a group decision to follow the career of one star and one star only.” His album Thriller, released in Nov 1982 and within four months earned him seven Grammy awards. Thriller broke so many records it was #1 in the US and UK at the same time. It remained in the top 10 for over a year. Seven of the 9 songs were on the top 10 charts. The title track, Thriller was considered the best song of all time, 110 million copies were sold worldwide. President George Bush once claimed Michael Jackson the greatest artist of the decade. John Landis, was Director and co-writer of the video screenplay with Michael Jackson. The 14-minute horror-themed music video was released on December 2, 1983. The song was also released at the same time as the video. Vincent Price was the voice artist in Thriller and no one could have gotten the evil of Thriller across better than Vincent Price. In 1982, Michael’s 25th Anniversary of Motown was greatly anticipated and he did not disappoint as he performed emotionally sensitive person and he carried Billy Jean and did the Moonwalk for the this hurt throughout his life. Michael was first time. It was tough to find a kid or eventually able to forgive his father and adult alive at that time, that didn't don they developed a good relationship through the glove or jacket and try to do the the end of MIchael’s life. Joe was never truly moonwalk. happy that Michael was clearly THE talent stand-out in the family. In 1984, during a Pepsi commercial shoot, there was a mishap with the Forward to January 2, 1983, "Billie Jean" fireworks effects and Michael’s his hair was released as the album's second single. caught fire and he suffered severe burns Billie Jean was the ground-breaking video to his scalp, face and body. As a result of that caused MTV to begin playing videos by this accident, Michael began taking pain black artists, which was just one of many pills and medicine that would plague the L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


star until his death.

him. I feel that for Michael sex was sacred and because of everything I think he had to see as a child, he just chose not to make it a factor in his life.

The album Bad set a new era for Michael, with the jheri curls and rock persona. The title track was intended as a duet between Michael and the then artist Prince, but he I believe in my heart of hearts, that bringing was not sure of this new look for Michael, but kids to his Neverland Ranch, was his way to when he saw the video was blown away. give back and to relive the childhood that he was never allowed to have. I see Michael as In 1988, in Santa Maria, California, Michael an angel put on earth to do what he needed purchased a ranch and called it Neverland to and then return to the Lord. I believe Ranch. A mythical park with over 3,000 acres, Michael would die before he would ever 54 full time staff, rides, a cinema and much hurt a kid, I dont believe it was a part of his more. Michael could have done anything, behavioral make up to be able to do so. He but he turned it into a paradise for under was a gentle soul. He had a lot of insecurities privileged children. This leads me back to the all his life and I think that missing out on his beginning of the story and all the stigma that childhood really had lifelong effects for him. always surrounded Michael and the children with whom he surrounded himself. I have never been able to believe any of the charges that were brought against Michael I truly believe that Michael was an A-Sexual Jackson and I think they were all people trying person and from early childhood saw his to take advantage of his kind heart and get father and brothers having sex under the bed whatever they could from him. of hotel rooms. Michael loved his mom more than anyone, and I think it never sat well with Michael Jackson was the 2nd highest

philanthorpist in the world, next to Bill Gates. I think all that knew this gentle sweet man knew the truth, but when one person gets their version of ugly out there and media get a hold of it, just turns into a circus. I think Michael’s insecurities led to his plastic surgeries, and I think he never felt like he could please his dad because of the things his dad always said to him, and that was huge for Michael. But people believe what they want to and people tried to say he wanted to look like Diana Ross, I dont believe any of that was true.

The Lion King. I truly feel Michael thought like a kid, I dont believe he would ever have dropped Blanket, he loved his kids fiercely. Later in Michael's life, with his music, he tried to tell people through his song lycrics, how it really was for him, but few listened or cared. I feel the entertainment industry on the whole spoil and pamper celebrities, and I hate it. They get what they want when they want it. In most cases if people thought about that human being then Michael would still be with us today. Dr. Murray killed him when he should have tried harder to ween Michael off all the drugs. I think to myself where the Ethics of the doctors are who do this shit to celebs.

I think if Michael could have lived his life and not been so scrutinized and not had everyone after him all the time, he would have raised his kids and and they would have gotten to live the lives that we all take for It’s been 9 years and I can now look at all my granted. notes, shed massive amounts of tears to a wonderful most amazing human being ever To his kids, Michael was just dad, he did to walk this planet. normal “dad” things with them. I think when when he put B.G. (Blanket) out the window, Sometimes God puts angels on earth.... he was showing his son to the world like in Thank you God for Michael.


Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


People & Community

Soul Evolutions The Next By Ava Jhamin 92

Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

Generation Of Clubs

I have said it before and I will say it again, my best stories come from the people on the grid that I know, love, admire, and respect. I have known DJ MissBigRed252 Sweetwater for most of my Second Life. Red to her friends has been a DJ for L'Amour also for about 5-6 years. I had her DJ my first Mr. & Miss Model International competition.


I wanted to sit down with Red in her element and get the scoop on her new venture: opening up a soul club in Second Life. She is right there at the top of her game with this club, with more than 30,000 people that come to her sim. It is a club, it has a plaza for shopping and just the coolest non-drama people you would want to hang with.

Red: I hung out at a club and met lots of new people, which I enjoyed. I also enjoyed shopping, hunts, and visiting the Hawaii sim.

Ava: What brought you to Secondlife, DJ


Red: My RL sister was attending a class that was being held in Second Life. One day she showed me what Second Life was, and I've been here since that day. Ava; Tell me what you did when you first came to SL?

Ava: Can you tell the Diversity readers why you started Soul Evolutions? Red: I saw a need for a place where people could hang out and enjoy good music in a relaxed atmosphere. A place that was truly

Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

designed for the pleasure and comfort of the guests. Ava: What kind of music do you play at Soul Evolutions? Red: I play funk, pop, R&B, hip hop, blues, old school, reggae, a variety my guests seem to enjoy.

change? Red: As you alluded to earlier, it's the competitiveness. There's room for everyone, and if you are honest, fair, treat everyone with respect, and are in in for enjoyment, there is no reason you can't thrive. Ava: What makes your club different from others out there?

Ava: I know with many clubs, it's very competitive. Can you tell us your thoughts on this Red? Red: I don't know that it's so different. We just like to have a good time and try to Red: My goal wasn't to compete with treat everyone with kindness and respect. anyone, but as I mentioned earlier, my goal was to create a place people could enjoy, and that I could enjoy. Ava: If you could change anything about the club industry on SL what would you

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PREY Find I think for me as a Director/Producer doing this show for Prey and Cyberstar Body Art are the most fun. This show was great fun as the models can take the very the urban but versatile pieces and put their spin on them which is something Adriel Huntress CEO of Prey loves. It was a great show and a great turn out. Both Adriel Huntress and Selene Snowpaw of Prey were them along with a few of the crew.


Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

Your Edge The models of L'Amour Productions put the WOW factor into this show. The model director Rienna Lenoir put them through the paces and with of course a few lag issues it went off without a hitch. Thank you to Adriel and to Starshine for doing this show with L'Amour Productions. Thank you to Matt for always amazing pictures. Thank you again to all the models and Rienna and Rue for always being there for me. Director/Producer - Ava Jhamin L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


Model Director - Rienna Lenoir Models: Men: Brice Meda Herb Carnell ThunderStormin Resident Balhem Soulstar Zakros Women: Rienna Lenoir Hadley Carrington Jan Bacon QueenBrat Bracken Hostess: Ava Jhamin Photographer - Matt (mth63)


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PREY Find You


Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

ur Edge

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L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018


lamourproductions.org CREATIVE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS GRAPHICS Magazine Layout by Rienna Lenoir PHOTOGRAPHY Photos by Ava Jhamin (36 - 45, 48 - 53, 68 - 79, 92 - 99, 100 - 105) Photos by Trinity Aironaut (Cover, 24 - 35) Photos by Kakarotnosantou (54 - 65) MTH63 (100 -

OTHER IMAGES Pg. 14 https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0eaf49653cec47593980137057a71eb4 Pg. 14 https://hightimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/medical-marijuana-stock-cannabis-prescription-pill-case.jpg Pg. 15 http://www.ottawadispensary.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/marijuana-culture-dispensary.jpg Pg. 16 https://zenpype.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Medical-Insurance-Can-Be-Up-To-Five-Times-Higher-For-Weed-Smokers.jpg Pg. 17 https://ifocushealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/medical-marijuana-health-benefits.jpg Pg. 46 https://slhomeandgardenexpo.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/rfl.jpg?w=150 Pg. 46 https://slhomeandgardenexpo.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/expo-website-banner8.jpg 82-83 https://oanews.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Michael_Jackson.jpg 84 http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.176432.1314069853!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_1200/alg-michael-jackson-jpg.jpg 85 http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/22400000/-michael-with-lisa-s-kids-michael-jackson-22461525-500-335.jpg 85 https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/be3x-6AUFRUr4OmXA2NuaFSR_cyCAq9gtSvhSmOcn4BQ7Lu7hd8JUl-XuOFr9QflNmqBZA=s131 85 https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/U0QWWvuLUlVbpOlasAoC1JE2anlHA6_pUe0PRhX3xwm3p_B8evvqpO-G2BTcH-ThiGYmnxQ=s125 85 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DEEvdpUUwAEvpZo.jpg:large 86-87 http://fanaru.com/michael-jackson/image/152536-michael-jackson-michael-jackson-on-stage-in-a-golden-jacket.jpg 88 https://i.pinimg.com/236x/23/dd/3e/23dd3e2d3c1be106506e946c251cb651--michael-jackson.jpg 89 http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1210084/thumbs/o-MICHAEL-JACKSON-facebook.jpg References: Pill or Puff: https://hightimes.com/health/company-to-produce-super-strong-marijuana-pill/ Say Goodbye: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/music/artists/pepsi-nearly-killed-michael-jackson-story-behind-controversial/ https://www.theguardian.com/music/2007/jul/12/popandrock


Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

L’Amour Diversity Magazine

Advertising Special!!! Choose L'Amour Diversity for your advertising needs. The following are the advertising packages for ads within the magazine utilizing your own artwork (see specifications for each package). If you would like us to create your ad, please request that from Ava Jhamin, who will schedule that for you at an additional cost. ::NOTE:: These are special pricing packages for L'Amour Diversity Magazine, which means if you purchase NOW you are locked in at this price for consecutive future issues. If you cease to run your ad for even one month, the pricing specials will no longer be in effect.

PLATINUM LEVEL $L5,000 / Issue

$L4,000 / Issue

Full-Page Ad (full spread)

Full-Page Ad (full spread)

Bi-monthly 6 issues/year.

Size: 2048W x 1536H (72 dpi)


• Bi-monthly 6 issues/year. • Size: 2048W x 1536H (72 dpi)

Includes your logo on

L'Amour Productions


Package does not include website advertising.

lamourproductions.org. Get 1 Ad FREE if paid up front 1 year $L25,000.

SILVER LEVEL $L3,000 / Issue

BRONZE LEVEL $L1,500 / Issue

1/2-Page Ad (single page)

1/4-Page Ad

• Bi-monthly 6 issues/year.

• Bi-monthly 6 issues/year.

• Size: 1024W x 1536H

• Size: 512W x 768H

(72 dpi)

(72 dpi)

Package does not include

Package does not include

website advertising.

website advertising.

IMPORTANT All ads must be PAID IN FULL at the time of ordering to reserve your spot immediately! ALL FUNDS MUST BE PAID TO AVA JHAMIN. Please include a message in the payment details text box indicating what the payment is for (LEVEL/MONTH/BUSINESS NAME). Your ad must have your store or brand name included in the title. Unless told otherwise we will use the same ad issue. Contact Ava Jhamin with questions.

L’Amour Diversity Magazine | Issue 19, August 2018




Issue 19 August, 2018 | L’Amour Diversity Magazine

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