JUNE 2013
ANF Campaign
Coalition IR policy
Grad places
page 3
page 5
page 8
ϮϬϭϯ WƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂů /ƐƐƵĞƐ ŝŶ WƌĂĐƟĐĞ ŽŶĨĞƌĞŶĐĞ Thursday 19 September – Friday 20 September 2013
See detailed program included in this month’s ANJ register by 15 July for early bird discount
Nurses’ and midwives’ collaborative approach
Special Interest Groups
Your ANF
Visit www.anfvic.asn.au/interestgroups for all upcoming ANF (Victorian Branch) Special Interest Group news, events and meetings. Go to the ‘calendar view’ to see what’s on each month. Community Health Nurses
Palliative Care SIG
Date: Time: Venue:
Giancarlo Di Stefano 0448 754 945 or gianki@bigpond.net.au
Complementary Therapies
Lisa Fitzpatrick, State Secretary
Date: Time: Topic: Inq:
12 June 6.30pm AGM Kathy Carmuciano 9497 4151 or kathykin@optusnet.com.au
Day Surgery SIG Inq:
Paul Gilbert, Assistant Secretary
22 June 6am - 12md Workshop and AGM Catherine Wallace-Wilkinson positivehealth@bigpond.com 0411 557 631
Enrolled Nurses SIG Inq:
Carole de Greenlaw 9275 9333
Immunisation Nurses SIG Inq:
Preadmission Nurses Group Date: Time: Venue:
Priscilla Guy 0404 875 934
Diabetes Nurse Educators SIG Date: Time: Topic: Inq:
Topic: Inq:
Kerryn Lajoie 0433763338 or 0401644888
Topic: Inq:
FRONT COVER: Left to right: Presenters from Bendigo Health at the ANF International Nurses and Midwives Day Seminar: Kerryn McGlone, Complex Pregnancy Care Program midwife; Jackie Johnstone, Midwifery Home Care Co-ordinator; Fiona Faulks, Manager Women’s and Children’s Services; Monique Rosenbaeur, Complex Pregnancy Care Program social worker; Helen Lees, maternal and child health nurse (City of Greater Bendigo), and Heather Alexander, Special Care Baby Unit clinical midwife specialist. Absent is Wendy Lauder, a mental health nurse with the Perinatal Emotional Health Program who presented by video. Story page 6. ANF (Vic Branch) 540 Elizabeth St, Melbourne Vic 3000 Phone 9275 9333 Fax 9275 9344 Info Line 9275 9300 (metro) 1800 133 353 (regional) Membership 9275 9313 Library 9275 9391 ANF Education Centre 9275 9363 Website: www.anfvic.asn.au Email: records@anfvic.asn.au
18 June 11am Carson Conference Centre, ANF House, 540 Elizabeth St, Melbourne Annie Rutter 1300 760 602
Vic Assoc of Maternal & Child Health Nurses Date: Time: Topic: Inquiries:
26 June 6pm Member Meeting Helen Watson 0419 103 795 vamchn.group@gmail.com
Medical Imaging Nurses Assoc Inq:
Deborah Shears deborah.shears@i-med.com.au
Mental Health Nurses SIG Inq:
Carole de Greenlaw on 9275 9333
Meinir Griffiths 9342 8417 Rita Moreno 9345 5303
Victorian School Nurses Date: Time: Topic: Inq:
30 July 6pm Member meeting Gina Harrex 0401 717 352
Vic Assoc of Research Nurses
Injured Nurses’ Support Group Date: Time: Venue:
20 July 8am Carson Conference Centre, ANF House, 540 Elizabeth St, Melbourne Member workshop and AGM Leonie Reidy 5485 5389 lreidy@erh.org.au
Orthopaedic Nurses’ Assoc
Pip Carew, Assistant Secretary
19 August 6.30pm Carson Conference Centre, ANF House, 540 Elizabeth St, Melbourne Member meeting Carole Arbuckle 0433 066 281
Ann-Marie Power, Ph. 8345 6734, email: apower@unimelb.edu.au
Vic Midwifery Homecare SIG Inq:
Ingrid Ridler 0425 860 624
Vic Perioperative Nurses’ Group Date: Venue: Topic: Inq:
8 & 9 August Pullman in Albert Park Golden 50th State Conference and celebratory dinner The registration brochure can be downloaded at www.vpng.org.au or contact enquiries@vpng.org.au
Vic Urological Nurses Society Date: Time: Topic: Venue: Inq:
30 July 6.15pm Executive Meeting Carson Conference Centre, ANF House, 540 Elizabeth St, Melbourne Ros Lawrence rostommy1@optusnet.com.au
Nurses for Continence Date: Time: Venue: Topic: Inq:
6 June 6pm Carson Conference Centre, ANF House, 540 Elizabeth St, Melbourne Committee meeting Christine Sumper nfcv.sec@gmail.com
ON THE RECORD is the official publication of the Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch). OTR is published monthly.
On The Record June 2013
Secretary’s report NURSES & MIDWIVES SAY NO TO VIOLENCE - www.tiny.cc/39ways
Napthine Government must take violence seriously Lisa Fitzpatrick, State Secretary
At the time of print ANF was preparing to launch a campaign to call on the Napthine Government to turn rhetoric about making hospitals safe places to work into action. Too many nurses have been seriously hurt at work in the past few weeks and it is unacceptable. The Baillieu, and now Napthine Government made pre-election promises to spend $21 million on protective services officers to make hospitals and emergency departments safe. They have delivered $5.8 million over four years for duress alarms and training. The Victorian Government’s 2011 Parliamentary Inquiry into Violence and Security Arrangements in Hospitals report and 39 recommendations were based on the principle that “all hospital staff are entitled to a safe and secure working environment that is free of all forms of violence”. The government has had these recommendations, which provide a blueprint to make hospitals safe for all staff, patients and vistors, since December 2011.
manage aggressive incidents, primarily through a clinically-led aggression management team establish, and where necessary fund, in all high-risk departments, adequate security measures that include a response by staff who are trained in the prevention and management of violence and aggression during hours of operation provide education and training for nurses to prevent and manage occupational violence and bullying at least on an annual basis and provide additional specific training to staff working in identified high risk areas and that compliance be monitored through a database support and fund the immediate engagement of dedicated security personnel 24-hours a day, seven days a week in all major emergency departments. This must be in addition to security personnel dedicated to the remainder of the hospital and required for mental health units. What is the Napthine Government waiting for? All security personnel must be Nurses and midwives justifiably believe specifically trained to manage those with the power to make our and de-escalate situations in the hospitals safe are not taking the issue health environment seriously enough. To make our hospitals appoint independent safe we are asking Victorians to support occupational health and safety our call on the Napthine Government to: experts to its Improving Hospital direct all hospitals to implement Safety and Security Ministerial basic staff protections recommended Advisory Committee by the Victorian Taskforce on ensure that there are no adverse Violence in Nursing in 2005, and consequences for nurses and reiterated by the Drugs and Crime midwives who speak out about Prevention Committee Inquiry into workplace violence or aggression, Violence and Security Arrangements including media interviews. in Victorian Hospitals in December Please sign and encourage family and 2011, specifically: friends to sign the online petition asking a standardised Code Grey and Premier Napthine and Health Minister Code Black response David Davis to lead and fund reforms that establish an aggression will change the Victorian health system’s management reference group practices, culture and attitude towards to co-ordinate and implement violence in our health facilities. policies and procedures to
ANF Annual Health and Safety Reps Conference Wednesday 26 June 2013 Carson Conference Centre, ANF House, Melbourne The annual ANF HSR Conference is scheduled for the day prior to the Annual Delegates Conference to minimise disruption for members who are an elected Job Rep and HSR in their workplace. Details, registration and HSR of the Year nominations at www.tiny.cc/hsr2013
Do you know an outstanding Job Rep or HSR Rep? Nominations for the Hannah Sellers Job Rep of the Year Award close Monday 3 June 2013. Nominate online at www.tiny.cc/JRaward Nominations for the Health and Safety Rep of the Year Award close Friday 14 June 2013. Nominate online at www.tiny.cc/hsraward13
Inside this edition News ..........................................................................4-6 8QGHUVWDQGLQJ SXUFKDVLQJ OHDYH $1) GLDU\ GHOD\ /DWH UHJLVWUDWLRQ UHQHZDO 7D[ WLPH &RDOLWLRQ LQGXVWULDO UHODWLRQV SROLF\ LPSOLFDWLRQV ,3+2$ DJUHHPHQWV VWLOO GHOD\HG ANF seminar to mark International Nurses DQG 0LGZLYHV 'D\V $1) VXSSRUWV UDOO\ IRU PDUULDJH HTXDOLW\
Victorian Budget and Federal Budget..........................8-9 Extra graduate nursing and midwifery SODFHV ([WUD IHGHUDO IXQGLQJ IRU KHDOWK )XQGLQJ LQFUHDVH IRU WKH 0HQWDO +HDOWK 1XUVH ,QFHQWLYH 6FKHPH ,PSURYHG DFFHVV to Federal Government’s paid parental OHDYH $1) FDOOV IRU H[HPSWLRQV WR FDSSHG education tax deductions
Branch news............................................................10-11 $1) 0HPEHUVKLS IHH FKDQJHV (GXFDWLRQ JUDQWV 275 GLDU\ 6,* LQ IRFXV 3D1$
ANF Education Centre course program ....................12-14 2013 ANF Job Rep, OHS and HSR training program ......15
Sign and share the petition at www.tiny.cc/39ways
On The Record June 2013
Understanding purchasing annual leave Mary Price, Information Officer
I have heard that it is now possible to have an extra four weeks annual leave. Is this true and how does it work? The public sector general and mental health services enterprise agreements provide for an employee to request what is known as a 48/52 or “purchased leave” arrangement. This means that you can access an extra four weeks annual leave (20 days) in addition to your EBA entitlement, by mutual agreement with your employer, with a reduction in the amount of salary paid per week. The entitlement is available to full-time and part-time employees. Part-time employees will be entitled to pro rata of 20 days (calculated on average of ordinary hours of work). *Private acute and aged care employees should check relevant enterprise agreements for access to the provision.
How is the pay rate calculated if I have such an agreement with my employer? The formula is as follows: multiply your weekly salary by 48, divide by 52, then divide by 38. This will provide your new hourly rate. For example: Grade 2 Year 10 full-time registered nurse weekly pay = $1127.00 current hourly rate (÷38) = $28.65 If agreement to have total of 9 weeks annual leave: Weekly pay = $1127.00 X 48 = $54096 ÷ 52 = $1040 per week ÷ 38 = $27.37 per hour
Can I use purchased leave to extend leave? Purchased leave may be taken in conjunction with other types of leave.
On The Record June 2013
Diary delay
Do my allowances change?
The new ANF (Vic Branch) diary for the 2013-2015 financial years was ready to be sent out to members with the May edition of On the Record (OTR) inserted into this month’s Australian Nursing Journal. Unfortunately, due to a problem with the mailing process, the diary had to be left out at the last minute. We are currently working to sort out the problems so we can make sure members receive their new diary with the July edition of On the Record. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you members for their patience.
No, all allowances, loadings or like payments will be calculated at the ‘normal’ rate.
Purchased leave cannot be used to break a period of long service leave.
How long do I have to use the total of agreed leave? All annual leave (including ‘purchased leave’) must be taken in the 12 month period in which the arrangement is made.
Will I be paid leave loading on purchased additional annual leave? Purchased leave does not attract leave loading.
How is purchase leave approved? The employer may grant purchased leave, subject to operational requirements. Once approval is granted, the arrangement may only be varied or cancelled under extraordinary circumstances. Where the arrangement has been varied and therefore requires a refund of salary deductions, the monies will be refunded no later than two pay periods following notification of variation or cancellation.
What happens when my employment ceases? Deductions made for purchased leave not yet taken will be repaid. If there are outstanding deductions for purchased leave, the employee may elect to have the amount treated as overpayment of salary or offset against annual leave credit.
Call the members only information line on 9275 9300 or 1800 133 353 regional toll free 4
In brief
Late registration renewal Members are reminded if you do not renew your registration by 31 May 2013 your registration will lapse in accordance with the National Law and you will be removed from the register. You would then not be able to practise until your fast track registration application is processed and your registration details are updated on the national register. For more information visit the NMBA website www.tiny.cc/2013renewal
Claim all your deductions Professional development, registration fees and professional books and journals – there are lots of deductions you can claim as part of your employment as a nurse, midwife or personal care worker. Check the Australian Taxation Office website www.ato.gov.au/ and speak to your financial adviser about any deductions you can claim. Remember your ANF (Vic Branch) membership is tax deductible for more information see page 10. ANF has written to the Federal Government seeking exemptions for nurses and midwives to its new $2000 cap on self-education deductions.
Coalition industrial relations policy released – what are the implications These changes, particularly if expanded after The Federal Coalition’s industrial relations policy released last month raises some the 2013 federal election, have the potential to drive down pay and conditions. concerning issues that could impact members both directly and indirectly. In addition, since the Federal Coalition’s policy release, retail and restaurant owners Industrial relations is important to all have sought to cut weekend pay for staff workers and every person in the community. At election time it is critical that Australians and Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott understand the implications of the industrial has indicated a Coalition Government would relations policies they will be voting for. intervene in applications before the Fair Work Commission. This was clearly Many entitlements demonstrated Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott through the members take for granted has suggested that these should be Coalition today, such as penalty reviewed by the Productivity Commission rates, were achieved Government’s through hard-fought introduction of where there is a strong risk of losing union campaigns. Federal WorkChoices in weekend and shift penalties in the future. Opposition Leader Tony 2005. Prior to the Abbott has suggested 2004 election that these should be reviewed by the there was no mention of WorkChoices and Productivity Commission where there is its attack on pay and conditions but as a strong risk of losing weekend and shift soon as the Coalition had control of the penalties in the future. Senate, the WorkChoices laws were passed. The ACTU believes the policy is an In the latest policy the same concerns attempt to return individual contracts to the are evident, the current policy does not heart of the industrial relations system while outline the Coalition’s long-term plan, but trying to reassure workers that nothing will it does seek to expand the use of Individual change. Flexibility Agreements and allow them to In a recent visit to ANF (Vic Branch) to override collectively-negotiated agreements.
speak with members, Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten said the lives of nurses and midwives were already too busy and filled with professional responsibilities without the added pressure of having to understand industrial relations laws and negotiate their own wages and conditions. Mr Shorten pointed out the implications for the next generation who might be forced to work over the weekend without penalty rates and other benefits. Business groups have been pushing for major changes to industrial relations and cuts to pay and conditions, including the abolition of penalty rates. It appears there is nothing in this policy that will help workers balance work and family, and nothing to improve conditions for low-paid workers or support shift workers as they juggle child care and unsociable working hours. It is difficult to tell from this policy what the long term agenda of an Abbott Government would be for industrial relations. However, ANF (Vic Branch) is concerned that there is enough evidence in this policy to indicate it will certainly not improve conditions for our members under an Abbott-led government.
Full Bench rejects private hospital employer appeal to cancel agreements Barry Megennis, Industrial Officer ANF members employed at Essendon Private, Malvern Private, Melbourne Eastern Private Hospitals continue to miss out on wage increases and improved conditions while their employer uses the legal process in an attempt to cancel three new enterprise agreements. Members, employed by Independent Private Hospitals of Australia (IPHOA), also known as Kaizen, voted to accept the agreements last July. IPHOA’s (Kaizen’s) ongoing legal dispute against its own management for negotiating new enterprise agreements
with ANF for the three hospitals has failed to convince the FWC Full Bench that it should cancel the three agreements. The Full Bench unanimously rejected IPHOA’s appeal application on 26 March 2013. Instead the Full Bench reaffirmed Senior Deputy President Hamilton’s earlier decision to re-approve the agreements. The central issue in the appeal was whether or not the agreements were made by the employer and the context in which these agreements were negotiated and approved by employees. The FWC Full Bench said it was satisfied with Deputy President Hamilton's finding that IPHOA state manager for the three hospitals acted with apparent or ostensible authority on behalf of the operating companies and the employers.
An extract of the Full Bench Decision stated: "The evidence supports a conclusion that the State Manager acted with the assistance of its representative to negotiate and sign the three Kaizen agreements and acted with the appearance that he had authority to do so, consistent with the representation of authority arising from his title, status and facilities and his interaction with the ANF, assisted by Kaizen’s representative, in negotiating, the making of and the signing the agreements," the Bench said. The Full Bench concluded the issues raised by the three hospitals concerned the group’s internal control processes and were not matters of public interest. At the time of going to print, IPHOA’s solicitors advised an intention to apply to the Federal Court of Australia for a judicial review of the Full Bench’s Decision. On The Record June 2013
Seminar focuses on professional collaboration Julianne Barclay, ANF Maternity Services Officer In celebration of International Midwives Day and International Nurses Day, ANF (Vic Branch) held a members-only seminar last month titled ‘The mental health care of the woman in the perinatal period’ showcasing successful professional collaboration in regional Victoria. The Bendigo Health integrated service model, the Complex Pregnancy Care Program, supports the mental health and wellbeing of women through pregnancy, birth and the early days of the new family. The model demonstrates the benefits of collaborative practice, early assessment and careful planning. The seminar followed the progression of services through the client’s pregnancy, the birth and the return home utilising the skills of midwives, social workers, mental health nurses and maternal and child health nurses. Presenters provided practical case studies identifying how the model assisted mothers and families. Bendigo Health’s Women’s and Children’s Services Manager Fiona Faulkes introduced the Bendigo team and reiterated the importance of the skills of nurses and midwives working together. Kerryn McGlone, a midwife with the Complex Pregnancy Care Program, discussed the process that led to the recognition that vulnerable clients and families needed early recognition and better planning for services before the baby was born. Monique Rosenbaeur, a social worker with the program, explained the benefits of collaboration between health
professionals, early assessment and care planning for vulnerable women and families. Bendigo Health Special Care Nursery clinical midwife specialist Heather Alexander discussed the stress of special care nursery for families, and the benefits of the planning and collaborative care approach particularly as it offered the opportunity to establish relationships and trust with the mother and family prior to their admission. Emphasising the importance of continuity of care in an environment where women are discharged home so quickly, Jackie Johnston, Midwifery Home Care Co-ordinator pointed out that good planning identifies potential problems vulnerable families might experience and enables the visiting midwife and maternal child health nurses, as outlined by Helen Lees, a maternal and child health nurse, to improve communication relating to the supports required at home. Mothers with significant mental health issues, including a past history of antenatal and/or postnatal depression or other mental health diagnosis, are referred to the Perinatal Emotional Health Program, which mental health nurse Wendy Lauder said worked collaboratively with the Maternity Services Program and the Complex Pregnancy Care Program. Ms Lauder said the greatest strength of the programs at Bendigo Health was their ability to utilise the skills of all the health professionals for the benefit of the mothers, babies and families.
Photos (top to bottom): Fiona Faulkes, Women’s and Children’s Services Manager, Bendigo Health; more than 150 nurses and midwives attended the seminar, from left to right: Donna Hansen, ANF (Vic Branch) Mental Health Nursing Officer, Paul Gilbert, ANF (Vic Branch) Assistant Secretary, Julianne Barclay, ANF (Vic Branch) Maternity Services Officer, Lisa Fitzpatrick, ANF (Vic Branch) Secretary and Alison McMillan, Victoria’s Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer marking the occasion.
ANF supports rally for marriage equality Last month ANF (Vic Branch) members joined thousands of Victorians who attended the Equal Love rally in Melbourne. ANF Assistant Secretary Pip Carew addressed the rally explaining that ANF (Vic Branch) Job Reps had passed a resolution in support of marriage equality at the 2012 Delegates Conference. She pointed out that nurses and midwives understood the importance of equality under the law to assist in preventing the social isolation individuals suffer when they experience discrimination. Social isolation
On The Record June 2013
can significantly impact an individual’s physical and mental health. Pip said it was unacceptable that the research reveals that gay and lesbian young people are six times more likely to self-harm than their heterosexual peers. Removing discriminatory references from the Marriage Act could have a significant impact on improving health outcomes. The large numbers attending the rally again highlighted the growing public support for marriage equality, in line with international views, and the need for Australia to act.
News W ͗ ϭϰ ŚŽƵƌƐ
Save $ 15 online by registe ring before 15 Jul y
Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) in conjunction with the National Enrolled Nurse Association
ϮϬϭϯ WƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂů /ƐƐƵĞƐ ŝŶ WƌĂĐƟĐĞ ŽŶĨĞƌĞŶĐĞ Thursday 19 September – Friday 20 September 2013 DĞůďŽƵƌŶĞ ŽŶǀĞŶƟŽŶ ĂŶĚ džŚŝďŝƟŽŶ ĞŶƚƌĞ͕ ϭ ŽŶǀĞŶƟŽŶ ĞŶƚƌĞ WůĂĐĞ͕ ^ŽƵƚŚ tŚĂƌĨ͕ DĞůďŽƵƌŶĞ
ZĞŐŝƐƚĞƌ ŽŶůŝŶĞ ǁǁǁ͘ƟŶLJ͘ĐĐͬϭϯƉƌŽĨĐŽŶĨ Ͳ ƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌ ďLJ ϭϱ :ƵůLJ ĨŽƌ ĞĂƌůLJ ďŝƌĚ ĚŝƐĐŽƵŶƚ ZĞŐŝƐƚƌĂƟŽŶ ĐůŽƐĞƐ &ƌŝĚĂLJ ϭϯ ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ůŽŶŐ ǁŝƚŚ ϯϴ ƉƌĞƐĞŶƚĞƌƐ ŽǀĞƌ ƚŚĞ ƚǁŽ ĚĂLJƐ͕ ŬĞLJŶŽƚĞ ƐƉĞĂŬĞƌƐ ŝŶĐůƵĚĞ͗ ^ĞƫŶŐ ƚŚĞ ^ĐĞŶĞ Ͳ dŚĞ DŝĚ ^ƚĂīŽƌĚƐŚŝƌĞ dƌƵƐƚ͘ tŚĂƚ ĐŽŶƚƌŝďƵƚĞĚ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ĐĂƌĞ ĨĂŝůƵƌĞƐ ĂŶĚ ǁŚĂƚ ĚŽĞƐ ƚŚŝƐ ŵĞĂŶ ĨŽƌ ƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂŶ ŶƵƌƐĞƐ ĂŶĚ ŵŝĚǁŝǀĞƐ͍͗ Professor Philip Darbyshire dŚĞ WŽǁĞƌ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ tŽƌĚ͗ Robyn Moore, Communicator ŽƐƚ ĐƵƫŶŐ͕ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƟǀŝƚLJ ƚĂƌŐĞƚƐ͕ ŝŶĂĚĞƋƵĂƚĞ ƐƚĂĸŶŐ Ͳ ůŽƐŝŶŐ ƐŝŐŚƚ ŽĨ ŽƵƌ ĨƵŶĚĂŵĞŶƚĂů ƌĞƐƉŽŶƐŝďŝůŝƚLJ ƚŽ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞ ƐĂĨĞ ĐĂƌĞ͘ ŽƵůĚ ƚŚĞ DŝĚ ^ƚĂīŽƌĚƐŚŝƌĞ ;E,^Ϳ dƌƵƐƚ ĐĂƌĞ ĨĂŝůƵƌĞƐ ŚĂƉƉĞŶ ŝŶ ƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂ͍ WĂŶĞů &ĂĐŝůŝƚĂƚŽƌ͗ Professor Philip Darbyshire, with: ͻ Professor Linda Shields MD, PhD, FACN, Professor of Nursing - Tropical Health, James Cook University, Townsville and author: The demise of nursing in the United Kingdom: Lessons for Australian registered nurses and midwives February 2010 ͻ ĞƚŚ tŝůƐŽŶ͕ ZĞƟƌĞĚ ,ĞĂůƚŚ ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ ŽŵŵŝƐƐŝŽŶĞƌ͕ sŝĐƚŽƌŝĂ ͻ ĞŶŝƐĞ ,ĞŝŶũƵƐ͕ džĞĐƵƟǀĞ ŝƌĞĐƚŽƌ͕ EƵƌƐŝŶŐ ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ ĂŶĚ ůůŝĞĚ ,ĞĂůƚŚ͕ DĞůďŽƵƌŶĞ ,ĞĂůƚŚ ƐƚŽƌLJ ŽĨ ŚŽƉĞ ĂŶĚ ŝŶƐƉŝƌĂƟŽŶ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ ĨĂƌ͕ ĨƌŝĐĂ͗ sĂůĞƌŝĞ ƌŽǁŶŝŶŐ͕ ZĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĞĚ EƵƌƐĞ ĂŶĚ DŝĚǁŝĨĞ ƵůƚƵƌĞ ĂŶĚ ŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƟŽŶ͗ Barbara West, PhD, Culture Works ĚǀĂŶĐĞĚ WƌĂĐƟĐĞ EƵƌƐŝŶŐ͗ Professor Glenn Gardner RN PhD FRCNA, Faculty of Health, School – Nursing, QUT &ĂƟŐƵĞ͗ dŚĞ ĞīĞĐƚƐ ŽŶ ƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĞĚ ŶƵƌƐĞƐ ĂŶĚ ŵŝĚǁŝǀĞƐ͗ Dr Jessica Paterson, Senior Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, ƉƉůĞƚŽŶ /ŶƐƟƚƵƚĞ͕ YhŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJ
See brochure included with June ANJ for a full program
ZĞŐŝƐƚĞƌ ŽŶůŝŶĞ ǁǁǁ͘ƟŶLJ͘ĐĐͬϭϯƉƌŽĨĐŽŶĨ Victorian Branch
On The Record June 2013
State Budget 2013-14 NAPTHINE GOVERNMENT’S BUDGET 2013-14
Victorian budget delivers extra graduate nursing and midwifery places ANF (Victorian Branch) has welcomed the Napthine Government’s decision in last month’s budget to reinstate the previous government’s funding for graduate nursing and midwifery positions and then provide for a further 80 positions each financial year. Graduate year places This year 800 nursing and midwifery graduates missed out on a graduate year place, which severely impacts their career in the health system into the future. Under this government the number of Victorian nurse and midwife graduate places dropped to 1318 in 2011-12 and 1335 in 2012-13 despite Health Workforce Australia forecasts of a national nursing shortage. The additional places will come as a relief to many, but not all. Students in their final undergraduate year are rightly worried about whether they will be able to start their nursing or midwifery career next year.
increase of 0.1 per cent to 4.8 per cent in 2013-14. The budget papers also reveal the Federal Government funding growth with an additional $172.5 million in 2013-14, resulting in the Victorian government contributing only $3.8 million to the ”Securing Victoria’s health system - treating more patients” initiative.
Elective surgery Disappointingly it seems funding has only been made available to increase WIES (episodes of care) from the 2011-12 level of 1,068,000 to 1,070,000 in 2013-14. This will be little comfort to category 2 and 3 patients on our growing waiting lists.
Maternal and child health nurses Our maternal and child health nurses also continue to see more vulnerable Victorian families each year through the Enhanced Program, without growth in their funding to provide this essential service.
Clinical training
Health budget cuts
The Budget includes $193.8 million towards clinical training for nursing, medical and allied health students in hospitals and other health settings.
Budget papers reveal the Napthine Government will cut $209.6 million from the health system over the next four financial years. This is in addition to the $616 million savings announced in previous budgets meaning a total of $825.6 million since the 2010 election.
Health and safety ANF had hoped to see the government keep its 2010 election promise to provide $21 million dedicated to providing security officers in Victorian hospitals. Emergency departments will be under increased pressure with a further 49,000 patients expected to present and only $2.5 million to meet the demand. With only 65 per cent of patients being treated within the four-hour timeframe, ANF is concerned this will result in more violent outbursts from patients and relatives further threatening nurses’ safety at work.
Funding growth Health services funding growth was at 5.9 per cent in 2011-12, then dropped to 4.7 per cent in 2012-13. This budget sees a 8
On The Record June 2013
Mental health Vulnerable new families have been left waiting for specialised mental health services with funding re-announcements in this budget for regional mother and baby units without timeframes for when these services will be available. Every budget since 2011 the government has announced with great fanfare funding to deliver urgently-needed five-bed mother baby units in Ballarat and Bendigo to care for new mothers with postnatal depression and other mental health disorders. In last year’s budget the government stated three five-bed units “will be delivered”.
None of the units promised for Ballarat, Bendigo and Gippsland are operational. Last month Ballarat Health Services could not confirm whether it had received its funding for its mother baby unit, when the unit would open or where the unit would be located. The Federal Government has provided $7.8 million to build 12 psychiatric assessment planning unit beds in three health services. ANF has welcomed the Napthine Government’s announcement that it will provide funding to staff the beds. We urge the government to listen to health providers and ensure that the funding for staff is adequate, as it has not been in the past. In addition the government announced funding to operate four new adult inpatient beds at Traralgon. ANF also notes that the Budget also makes reference to 20 clinical beds that have been added in the past budget cycle, however, only four of these are operational at the time of writing.
Bricks and mortar ANF welcomed the Napthine Government’s capital works announcements worth $629.3 million. Projects include 54 new mental health beds at Werribee Mercy Hospital where they have allocated $35 million for the project. ANF understands the detail shows this equates to an additional 25 adults beds added to the existing 29 beds. Announcements also included $50.2 million to build a 32-bed community private hospital in Geelong’s Waurn Ponds and $29 million for a new three-storey 32-bed facility for the Nothern Hospital in Melbourne’s growing northern suburbs. Funding of $18.3 million was also announced to reinstate services at the Numurkah Hospital devastated by the March 2012 floods.
Federal Budget 2013-14 GILLARD GOVERNMENT’S BUDGET 2013-14
Extra support for Victorian hospitals
More Federal funding for community mental health program
The ANF (Vic Branch) has welcomed the Gillard Government’s additional funding for Victorian hospital services in last month’s Budget. The government has dedicated $1.2 billion in additional funding for Victorian hospitals. This will result in hospital funding increasing from $3.48 billion in 2013-14 to $4.67 billion in 2016-17. The extra funding is important because it clearly demonstrates that Victoria’s overall federal health funding has again significantly increased. As demonstrated in RMIT Professor David Hayward’s report, Unnecessary Pain? Victoria’s health cuts: who is responsible and how we can make sure they don’t happen again, commissioned by ANF (Vic Branch) last year, the growth in health funding in Victoria is the result of federal government contributions. ANF is concerned that the potential benefits of this additional funding will be reduced because the Napthine Government’s Budget reveals cuts of a $209 million over the next four years bringing the State Government’s total cuts to $825.6 million. ANF is also concerned the Napthine Government will continue to use last year’s funding stoush to excuse the huge increase in elective surgery waiting lists that have occurred since 2010. The March 2013 quarter data has shown a 3000 increase in the previous three months with 50,565 people on the elective surgery waiting list.
Donna Hansen, Mental Health Nursing Officer
FIND OUT MORE Read Prof Hayward’s report www.tiny.cc/fundingreport
ANF (Vic Branch) has welcomed the additional Gillard Government’s Budget funding for the Mental Health Nurse Incentive Scheme (MHNIP). Over the past 12 months ANF and members employed in the MHNIP had been lobbying Federal Mental Health Minister Mark Butler about the impact of the program’s funding freeze on people living with a mental illness missing out on nursing care. An additional $23.8 million for 201314 will assist the service meet the high demand for community mental health nursing and is in addition to the federal program's base funding of $19.5 million
per annum. The Mental Health Nurse Incentive Program (MHNIP) is an important community program accessed by 60,000 Australians. Victorian MHNIP services account for 49 per cent of the federal initiative and this extra funding shows the government is committed to continuing the program. As part of the Federal Government’s commitment to the program, the ANF has been included in the Expert Reference Group (ERG), which will implement recommendations to improve the program.
Improved paid leave for working mothers with children born close together
ANF calls for exemptions to capped education tax deductions
Following the introduction of the Federal Government’s Paid Parental Leave scheme, the ANF wrote to Federal Minister for Families Jenny Macklin advocating for a change to the scheme to ensure that working mothers who became pregnant while already on maternity leave were not excluded from the benefit of a further period of paid parental leave. ANF is pleased to confirm that, as part of the Gillard Government’s budget package, it will be easier for working mothers to qualify for government’s Paid Parental Leave for a subsequent child born before returning to work from the original maternity leave period.
ANF has written to Prime Minister Julia Gillard seeking exemptions for nurses and midwives regarding the new cap on selfeducation expense tax deductions. ANF has argued that the $2000 annual cap on education expenses that can be claimed as tax deductions will make it more difficult for nurses and midwives to undertake postgraduate studies. This will particularly impact on the number of nurses wanting to become maternal and child health nurses in Victoria. The health system needs to have nurses and midwives with these higher qualifications and there is little funding to assist.
Diary dates for ANF Job Reps and Health and Safety Reps Annual Delegates Conference - Thursday 27 & Friday 28 June 2013, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre All ANF Job Reps are invited to this two-day conference which provides an opportunity to participate in the process that helps determine claims for wages and conditions and provides input into ANF policies. Register at www.tiny.cc/dels2013
ANF Annual Health and Safety Reps Conference - Wednesday 26 June 2013, Carson Conference Centre, ANF House, Melbourne The annual ANF HSR Conference is scheduled for the day prior to the Annual Delegates Conference to minimise disruption for members who are an elected Job Rep and HSR in their workplace. Details, registration and HSR of the Year nominations at www.tiny.cc/hsr2013
On The Record June 2013
Branch news ANF Education Grant applications closing Time is running out for ANF members lto apply for the ANF Metropolitan Education Grant and the ANF Regional Education Grant. Both grants are provided by ANF (Vic Branch) to assist ANF (Vic Branch) members to obtain education in or relevant to their areas of practice. The total value of each grant is $7,500 and a judging panel will determine the number of successful applicants. The total amount of the grant will be divided accordingly. Members who live within 70km of Melbourne CBD should apply for the ANF Metropolitan Education Grant and those members living more than 70kms from the Melbourne CBD should apply for the ANF Regional Education Grant. Applications for both grants close Friday 26 July 2013. For more information go to the ANF website www.anfvic.asn.au
2013/2014 ANF membership fee changes ANF (Vic Branch) membership fees will increase slightly from 1 July 2013 for the 2013/14 financial year. Fees will increase by 2.5 per cent. The increase will enable ANF to continue to provide members with professional indemnity insurance and access to legal, professional and industrial support, advice and representation as well as negotiate wages and conditions across all sectors. ANF continues to expand its professional development programs to assist members to meet their obligations under the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia’s continuing professional development requirements for registration renewal. All members were sent an ANF Professional Development Portfolio last year. In the second half of this year ANF will launch its exciting online CPD portal. All ANF members will receive access to the portal with credits to achieve up to 20 hours professional development each financial year. Membership fees are tax deductible as a work-related expense. Most ANF members should receive back at least 30 per cent of their fees paid in any financial year in their tax return. A full schedule of the 2013-2014 membership fees is available by calling the membership department on 9275 9333 or regional toll free on 1800 133 353 or vising www.anfvic.asn.au
On The Record June 2013
Membership type
Monthly increase
Registered Nurse/ Registered Midwife full time
Registered Nurse /Registered Midwife part time
Enrolled Nurse (incl Mothercraft), AIN/PCW, DSNA, full time
Enrolled Nurse (incl Mothercraft), AIN/PCW, DSNA, part time or trainee
Student Working / Direct Entry Midwife Student working as an EN, AIN/PCW, full time
Student Working / Direct Entry Midwife Student working as EN, AIN/PCW, part time
Associate Members (i.e. non-practising, maternity leave, retired)
Nurse/Midwife Academics cash/cheque/other
Nurse/Midwife Academics direct debit
Student (not working as a nurse)
RDNS Health Aide
Branch news YOUR UNION
OTR diary
Branch staff changes Jocelyn Saunders – Acting Bullying and Harassment Officer ANF has welcomed back Jocelyn Saunders as Acting Bullying and Harassment Officer for 12 months while Alison Ross is on maternity leave. Jocelyn has worked in the ANF Occupational Health and Safety Unit in 2010 and again in 2012. She has previously worked as a registered nurse and is familiar with the health and safety issues healthcare workers face. Jocelyn has 21 years experience working in health and safety across a range of industries, including 11 years with WorkSafe Victoria, initially as an OHS inspector and then as a project officer developing strategic enforcement project work for inspectors to undertake at hospital and aged care workplaces.
Professional development opportunities for pre-admission nurses
Working visa seminar Thursday 6 June 2013, 10am - 12.30pm ANF House, 540 Elizabeth Street, Melb This information seminar, for ANF (Vic Branch) members on working visas, will help you understand your rights as a visa holder and your employer’s obligations. Register online at www.tiny.cc/workingvisas
ANF Health and Safety Reps Conference 26 June 2013, 9am - 4.30pm ANF House, 540 Elizabeth Street, Melb This conference will provide an overview of issues relevant to Health and Safety Representatives employed in the health care industry. Elected HSRs, Deputy HSRs and Job Reps are encouraged to attend this important conference which is provided at no cost to members. This conference has been scheduled the day prior to the Annual Delegates Conference. Register online at www.tiny. cc/hsr2013
By Brittany Myers Founded in 2001, the Pre-admission Nurses Association (PaNA) was created to provide a forum for discussion on key issues in pre-admission nursing. The pre-admission nurses prepare the surgical patient for all aspects of the perioperative journey. Pre-admission nurses organise each patient’s pre-operative investigations and any associated interventions, including medication management. They assist with the patients intraoperative and post-operative care planning as well as discharge planning and patient follow-up care, i.e. organising allied health referrals and community or respite assistance. Managing patient well-being throughout the pre- and post-operative processes requires a holistic approach to professional communication and development. PaNA provides the opportunity for pre-admission nurses to collaborate and promotes continuing education and professional development
relevant to practice including three four-hour workshops per year that are relevant and engaging, geared specifically for nurses working in this area. The workshops are also excellent networking opportunities. The PaNA SIG meets three times a year, twice at ANF House, Melbourne and once in rural Victoria. PaNA members also have complimentary access to workshops run by the Victorian Perioperative Nurses SIG and the Day Surgery Nurses SIG. Through this focus on professional development PaNA is also promoting recognition of pre-admission nursing as a professional nursing specialty. Members pay $40 per annum for PaNA services, while non-members can access workshops for $45. All members wishing to join must be current ANF members. Online banking is an option for subscription payment. Membership forms are available from the ANF website, under Interest Groups, or go to www.tiny.cc/sigpana
Find out more about ANF Special Interest Groups see page 2 or www.anfvic.asn.au/sigs www.anfvic.asn.au
ANF Annual Delegates Conference Thursday 27 & Friday 28 June 2013 Delegates dinner Thursday 27 June 2013 Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre This conference will provide a forum for ANF Job Reps to debate and influence the union’s policies and direction over the 12 next months. Newly elected Job Reps are particularly encouraged to attend. Register online at www.tiny. cc/2013dels
ANF Professional Issues in Practice Conference Thursday 19 & Friday 20 September 2013 Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre More than 50 speakers over two days will inform and inspire as they explore contemporary professional and clinical issues in nursing, midwifery, mental health and aged care. The program includes enrolled nurse, occupational violence and no lifting streams. See the full program inside the June ANJ or at www.anfvic.asn.au This conference, for nurses, midwives and personal care workers, is presented by ANF (Vic Branch) in conjunction with the National Enrolled Nurse Association (NENA). Take advantage of reduced costs for online registration at www.tiny.cc/13profconf
On The Record June 2013
Professional news
CPD: 6 hours 13 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Margaret Lang 7KLV VHPLQDU KLJKOLJKWV WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI XQGHUVWDQGLQJ WKH VLJQLÂżFDQFH RI accurate documentation in aged care. Identifying the when, why and what of documentation with regard to client care, funding and legal issues. The seminar will include a discussion on the Aged Care Funding Instrument and the Aged Care Accreditation Standards. The principles of an effective handover will be discussed. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
Elder abuse CPD: 6 hours 24 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Margaret Lang 7KLV VHPLQDU GHÂżQHV HOGHU DEXVH DQG WKH W\SHV RI DEXVH WKDW PD\ RFFXU highlighting the types of abuse that may occur in aged care facilities. The LQGLFDWLRQV RI DEXVH ZLOO EH LGHQWLÂżHG WKH UHDVRQV HOGHU DEXVH RFFXULQJ DQG the role of the employer and legal responsibilities of the employer. Future challenges will be discussed. ANF member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
*HLTCPR211A Perform CPR CPD: 4 hours 28 June, 9:00am-1pm, presenter Sandy Willis This course is a refresher in Basic CPR, and includes Australian Resuscitation Council updates. Participants receive training in management RI DQ XQFRQVFLRXV SDWLHQW DQG &35 6XLWDEOH IRU PDLQWDLQLQJ ÂżUVW DLG &35 which should be updated annually. Member $70, non-member $95, Job Rep/SIG member $65
&HUWL¿FDWH ,9 LQ 7UDLQLQJ $VVHVVPHQW (TAE40110) Course 1 July 11, 18, 25, August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 & September 5 Course 2 August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, & September 6, 13, 20, 27 7KH 7$( &HUWL¿FDWH ,9 LQ 7UDLQLQJ $VVHVVPHQW FRPSULVHV XQLWV of competence and focuses on the skills required to deliver training and assess competence in participants’ own industry areas. It is the benchmark TXDOL¿FDWLRQ WRJHWKHU ZLWK VXEMHFW PDWWHU H[SHUWLVH IRU HGXFDWRUV DQG assessors in the vocational education and training sector. The course is delivered over nine study days on the following dates. Member $1570, non-member $1770, Job Rep/SIG member $1470
*HLTFA311A Apply First Aid CPD: 14 hours 12 & 19 July, 9.00am-5pm, presenter Sandy Willis This accredited and valuable course is offered over two days with a FHUWLÂżFDWH RI DWWDLQPHQW RQ VXFFHVVIXO FRPSOHWLRQ Member $165, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $155
ANF Education Centre phone: 9275 9363 email: education@anfvic.asn.au
On The Record June 2013
The importance of documenting nursing care within the aged care environment
inquiries_brochures_ applications
anf education centre
Upgrades 7$$ WR 7$( Âą &HUWLÂżFDWH ,9 LQ 7UDLQLQJ Assessment 17 June, 9.30am -1pm 2IIHUHG WR SHRSOH ZLWK D FXUUHQW 7$$ &HUWLÂżFDWH ,9 LQ 7UDLQLQJ $VVHVVPHQW ZKR ZLVK WR XSJUDGH WR WKH ODWHVW TXDOLÂżFDWLRQ 7$( Member $250, non-member $330, Job Rep/SIG member $220
%6= WR 7$( Âą &HUWLÂżFDWH ,9 LQ 7UDLQLQJ Assessment 6 & 27 August 9.30am-4.30pm (both days) 2IIHUHG WR SHRSOH ZKR QHHG WR XSJUDGH WKHLU %6= &HUWLÂżFDWH ,9 LQ Training & Assessment. Member $550, non-member $650, Job Rep/SIG member $520
ĹŻĹŻ ZÄžĹ?Ĺ?Ć?ĆšÄžĆŒÄžÄš Θ ĹśĆŒĹ˝ĹŻĹŻÄžÄš EĆľĆŒĆ?ÄžĆ? Advanced skills for dementia care CPD: 6 hours 4 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Dr Rosalie Hudson This seminar focuses on advanced skill development for nurses caring for people with dementia in any setting. Information will include appropriate assessment and interventions for those unable to articulate their symptoms, especially when pain is present. Emphasis will be given to end-of-life care for those with advanced dementia, covering ethical issues of resuscitation, nutrition and hydration, advance care planning, and family involvement. The aim is to encourage and empower nurses to provide the highest quality dementia care, based on the latest research, thereby providing hope and reassurance for people with dementia and their families. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
9HQHSXQFWXUH FRQGXFWLQJ D OHDG (&* contemporary pathology collection CPD: 6 hours 5 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Kate Potter This new workshop delivers a comprehensive one-day program relating to venepuncture techniques and conducting a 12-lead electrocardiogram. A wide range of practical training aids for blood collection is provided, and the program allows participants to undertake practice of the relevant techniques under guided supervision in a simulated clinical environment. It is a must for nurses who are required to perform phlebotomy and undertake 12-lead ECG recording as part of their role. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
'HDOLQJ ZLWK GLIÂżFXOW SHRSOH CPD: 6 hours 11 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Brendan Scully This new seminar addresses a variety of techniques that nurses and other KHDOWKFDUH SURIHVVLRQDOV PD\ XWLOLVH WR PDQDJH GLIÂżFXOW SHRSOH DQG WHQVH situations. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
The ANF (Vic Branch) Education Centre, ANF (Vic Branch) Registered Training Organisation (RTO 3601), nursing laboratory and library are located near the Melbourne CBD at ANF House, 540 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. www.anfvic.asn.au
upcoming course program
*NB: listings with an asterisk (*) may interest midwives
Visit www for inform more upc
Professional news
CPD: 12 hours 14 & 21 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Jenny Poulter This course is designed to reacquaint nurses with the fundamentals of law and the legislation that impacts on nursing practice. It will outline the legal precepts, documents, scope of practice of registered and enrolled nurses in light of the recent regulatory changes. It will also focus on the legal and ethical principles of nursing SUDFWLFH 7KHUH ZLOO EH D WDNH KRPH H[DPLQDWLRQ WR FRPSOHWH DW WKH HQG RI WKH course.) Member $300, non-member $370, Job Rep/SIG member $280
CPD: 6 hours 27 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Helen Reeves This workshop will cover core knowledge and skills for staff employed within health VHUYLFHV 7KH IRFXV RI WKLV ZRUNVKRS ZLOO LQFOXGH WKH H[SORUDWLRQ RI GHSUHVVLRQ DQG DQ[LHW\ UHJDUGLQJ WKH DHWLRORJ\ DQG ELRSV\FKRVRFLDO SULQFLSOHV RI LQWHUYHQWLRQ Participants will gain practical skill and knowledge acquisition that is transferable to the workplace. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
CPD: 6 hours 17 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Lynn Murray A must for registered and enrolled nurses who wish to refresh or update their knowledge and skills in patient assessment. This new seminar focuses on the accurate, effective and timely assessment of patients in the acute setting and provides an overview of strategies to recognise and manage the deteriorating patient. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
$&), IRU UHJLVWHUHG DQG HQUROOHG QXUVHV CPD: 6 hours 19 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Margaret Lang 7KLV VHPLQDU H[SORUHV DOO $&), EXVLQHVV UXOHV D FRPSUHKHQVLYH EUHDNGRZQ RI WKH Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI) questions and a practical review of compiling and completing the ACFI answer appraisal pack. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
Diabetes mellitus update for registered and enrolled nurses CPD: 12 hours 20 & 27 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Kathy Mills This new two-day workshop centres on an update in Diabetes Mellitus focusing in particular on Type 2 Diabetes. All the principles of the management of the patient/ client with Diabetes Mellitus are revisited, together with current trends. Member $300, non-member $370, Job Rep/SIG member $280
,QQRYDWLRQ LQ ZRXQG PDQDJHPHQW CPD: 12 hours 21 & 28 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenters Rhea Martin, Julie Baulch & Sandra Dean This wound management course focuses on wound prevention and assessment, use of the latest products and appropriate and cost effective wound management techniques. Member $300, non-member $370, Job Rep/SIG member $280
A palliative approach for aged care
sit www.anfvic.asn.au/education r information about these and ore upcoming courses.
continuing professional development (cpd)
CPD: 6 hours 24 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Dr. Rosalie Hudson This seminar focuses on skill development for palliative and aged care nurses wishing to provide best practice end-of-life care for older people in any setting. The HPSKDVLV RI D SDOOLDWLYH DSSURDFK ZLOO EH RQ WKH VORZ GHFOLQH H[SHULHQFHG E\ PDQ\ ROGHU SHRSOH ZLWK FKURQLF LOOQHVVHV ZKLFK DUH QRW DPHQDEOH WR FXUH 7KH ÂżQDO SKDVH of life will also be addressed, with information on pain and symptom management drawn from the latest research. Ethical issues will be covered as they affect end-oflife care, and a holistic approach will include psycho-social, emotional and spiritual components of care, as well as physical. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
Management of chronic/persistent pain in older people CPD: 6 hours 12 July, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Dr Rosalie Hudson This seminar focuses on advanced skills development for nurses caring for older people in any setting who suffer from chronic/ persistent pain. Many older people needing nursing care suffer from one or more serious, chronic illnesses that are characterised by pain. How is this pain assessed and how are appropriate LQWHUYHQWLRQV LGHQWLÂżHG SDUWLFXODUO\ IRU WKRVH ZLWK FRJQLWLYH LPSDLUPHQW" :KDW DUH the myths and counter facts of opioid use in older people and what is the place of QRQ SKDUPDFRORJLFDO WKHUDSLHV" Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
ĹŻĹŻ ZÄžĹ?Ĺ?Ć?ĆšÄžĆŒÄžÄš EĆľĆŒĆ?ÄžĆ? ĂŜĚ ĹśĆŒĹ˝ĹŻĹŻÄžÄš Nurses ÍžÇ ĹšĹ˝ ĆŒÄžĹ?Ĺ?Ć?ĆšÄžĆŒÄžÄš Ä‚ĹŒÄžĆŒ ĎŽĎŹĎŹĎ´Íż Catheterisation update CPD: 6 hours 27 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Kate Potter This one-day program focuses on both urethral and supra-pubic strategies for bladder management involving male and female patients. An analysis of the gender VSHFLÂżF SURFHGXUHV LV LQFOXGHG WRJHWKHU ZLWK D FRPSUHKHQVLYH UHYLHZ RI WKH SRWHQWLDO risks, complications and management strategies associated with catheterisation. Also incorporated in the program is an evaluation of the wide range of products and equipment associated with the catheterisation procedure. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
Registered Nurses Respiratory management – part 1 introductory concepts CPD: 6 hours 7 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Kate Potter Part one of this two-part program focuses on conducting a comprehensive respiratory assessment, including chest auscultation, X-ray interpretation and appropriate VHOHFWLRQ DQG XVH RI R[\JHQ WKHUDS\ $Q XSGDWH RQ WKH PDQDJHPHQW RI SDWLHQWV ZLWK COPD and asthma is included, together with a review of the medications and inhaler devices used in the treatment of these conditions. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
Clinical skills update for registered nurses part 1 CPD: 6 hours 11 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Kate Potter Part one of this two-part series focuses on the care and management of a range of invasive devices, including peripheral IV lines, intercostal catheters and enteral feeding systems. A detailed review of comprehensive patient assessment is also incorporated. It is a must for all nurses wanting to update their knowledge or re-enter the acute care setting. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
All nurses and midwives are required to undertake 20 hours of continuing professional development each year as part of the requirements to re-register with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. For information visit www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au
Assessment skills in the acute setting for registered HQUROOHG QXUVHV
6LJQLĂ€FDQW GLVFRXQWV RQ PDQ\ courses (excluding governmentfunded courses) are available to ANF members, Job Reps and ANF Special Interest Group members. Courses may be tax deductible. Ask your tax consultant for advice. On The Record June 2013
,9 &DQQXODWLRQ IRU UHJLVWHUHG QXUVHV PLGZLYHV CPD: 6 hours 11 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Lynne Murray This seminar focuses on the process and procedure for inserting peripheral cannulae in the adult patient. Includes anatomy, insertion sites and cannula selection and techniques, infection control and common problems and corrective action. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
Respiratory management – part 2 advanced concepts CPD: 6 hours 14 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Kate Potter Part two in a two-part series incorporates the care and management of patients with a tracheostomy, intercostal catheters and under-water seal drainage and non-invasive ventilation therapies. A review of the systematic process for arterial blood gas interpretation is also included, together with an update on acute pulmonary oedema and pneumonia. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
,QWUDYHQRXV WKHUDS\ PDQDJHPHQW Âą FXUUHQW trends part 1 CPD: 6 hours 18 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Kate Potter Part one in a two-part series focuses on the review and management of SHULSKHUDO DQG FHQWUDO OLQH WKHUDSLHV ZLWK VSHFLÂżF HPSKDVLV RQ 3,&& OLQHV DQG LQMHFWDEOH SRUWV ,VVXHV RI WKH DFFHVV VHOHFWLRQ GRFXPHQWDWLRQ DQG LQWHJUDWLRQ of best practice standards are also addressed. It is a must for all nurses wanting to update their knowledge or re-enter the acute care setting. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
0HGLFDWLRQ DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ ¹ SULQFLSOHV practice revisited CPD: 12 hours 17 & 24 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Sue Pleunik This two-day workshop is designed to refresh and update registered nurses’ PHGLFDWLRQ DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ NQRZOHGJH DQG VNLOOV $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ YLD DOO ¿YH routes are revisited, which includes principles of drug calculations and managing IV pumps, syringe drivers and PCA systems. Member $300, non-member $370, Job Rep/SIG member $280
Clinical skills update for registered nurses part 2 CPD: 6 hours 21 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Kate Potter Day two of this two-part series focuses on the key requirements of nurses managing patients with impaired cardiac function and its associated symptoms. The program incorporates comprehensive cardiovascular assessment, differentiation of cardiac versus non-cardiac chest pain and PDQDJHPHQW RI D SDWLHQW H[SHULHQFLQJ P\RFDUGLDO LQIDUFWLRQ 'HWDLOHG UHYLHZ of the principles of ECG monitoring and recognition of common arrhythmias is also included. Integrated within this program is a systematic approach to blood test investigation, such as arterial blood gas analysis together with routine haematology and biochemistry screening. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
,QWUDYHQRXV WKHUDS\ PDQDJHPHQW ¹ FXUUHQW trends part 2 CPD: 6 hours 25 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Kate Potter Part two in a two-part series focuses on the appropriate selection and PDQDJHPHQW RI ,9 ÀXLGV LQ WKH FOLQLFDO VHWWLQJ $ FRPSUHKHQVLYH UHYLHZ RI WKH nursing role in the use of blood transfusion reactions is also addressed. It is a must for all nurses wanting to update their knowledge or re-enter the acute care setting. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
Managing the deteriorating patient CPD: 6 hours 26 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Lynn Murray With the national focus on the deteriorating patient as one of 10 hospital
standards, there is a need for registered nurses in the acute setting to be skilled and FRQÂżGHQW LQ WKH PDQDJHPHQW RI VXFK SDWLHQWV 7KLV QHZ RQH GD\ ZRUNVKRS ZLOO UHYLHZ DQG H[SORUH WKH FKDOOHQJHV RI WKHVH SDWLHQW VLWXDWLRQV DQG IRFXV RQ WKH NQRZOHGJH DQG skills required for safe day-to-day practice. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
Midwives *HVWDWLRQDO GLDEHWHV Âą WKH ÂľQHZÂś FRPPRQ SUREOHP CPD: 6 hours 11 June, 9.30am - 4.30pm, presenter Tracey Grainger This seminar is designed to give midwives a greater understanding and knowledge base of gestational diabetes. The seminar will have a practical and contemporary focus to assist midwives in managing the realities of this condition. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
Antenatal education – prioritising and delivering education to women CPD: 6 hours 18 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Jen Hocking Primarily designed for midwives working within the antenatal education setting, this VHPLQDU DLPV WR ORRN VSHFL¿FDOO\ DW WKH HGXFDWLRQ SURYLGHG WR ZRPHQ DQG WKHLU IDPLOLHV within the antenatal period of care. Particular attention will be given to the assessment of risk factors and the delivery of targeted education intended to mitigate these during pregnancy. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
3HULQHDO VXWXULQJ Âą WKH ZKHQ WKH KRZ DQG WKH VLOLTXDH CPD: 6 hours 25 June, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Tracey Grainger This seminar is designed to educate all midwives working within the birth suite area. The seminar aims to deepen the knowledge base of perineal suturing for practising midwives. Particular attention will be given to the anatomy of the structures, the skilled assessment of the perineal incision repair and the importance of long-term follow-up care. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
Ante partum and post-partum haemorrhage CPD: 6 hours 15 July, 9.30am-4.30pm, presenter Tracey Grainger Midwives who work in every area of midwifery whether it is the antenatal clinic, the ELUWK VXLWH RU WKH SRVWQDWDO DUHD ZLOO EHQHÂżW IURP HGXFDWLRQ RQ WKLV WRSLF 7KLV VHPLQDU KDV EHHQ VSHFLÂżFDOO\ GHVLJQHG E\ D SUDFWLVLQJ PLGZLIH WR KDYH YDOXH DQG UHOHYDQFH IRU all midwives from the novice right through to the most seasoned professional. Member $150, non-member $185, Job Rep/SIG member $140
EÄžÇ ĹśĆšĆŒÄ‚ĹśĆšĆ? HLT51612 Diploma of Nursing (full time) Course starts Tuesday 16 July 2013 Funded by Skills Victoria 7KLV TXDOLÂżFDWLRQ ZLOO SURYLGH WKH QXUVLQJ VNLOOV DQG NQRZOHGJH WR EH HOLJLEOH WR DSSO\ to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) for registration as an enrolled nurse. Application forms are available on request by calling 9275 9363 or emailing education@anfvic.asn.au or online at www.anfvic.asn.au Find out more at an upcoming Diploma information session at the Carson Conference Centre, ANF House, Level 7, 540 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. 7 or 14 June, 2-4pm Register for an information session at www.anfvic.asn.au or call 9275 9363 Entry level criteria applies: this course has been approved by the former Nurses Board of Victoria and is therefore recognised and approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). However, interested applicants must note that the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia has implemented a new English Language Standard. For NMBA information about the English Language Standard for Registration visit the AHPRA website www.ahpra.gov.au
2013 Job Representatives Training Program: www.anfvic.asn.au/jobreps/ Job Rep training programs, provided free to Job Reps, are designed to build your knowledge and confidence in your important role in the union. Full details regarding leave entitlements and provision
of accommodation and meals are included in the registration brochure and at www.anfvic. asn.au. All Melbourne-based programs are held at ANF House, 540 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. Regional program venues are
notified with your registration confirmation. TUTA leave applies where eligible. Course and registration information is available at www.anfvic.asn.au/jobreps/ or call Bree Taplin on 9275 9333 for a registration brochure.
Introduction to Industrial Relations and Job Rep role
Melbourne courses:
Metropolitan Advanced Job Rep Training
Time: 9.15am-4pm Venue: ANF House, Melbourne This program is held over three consecutive The new advanced level training program, Effective days and will focus on: Dispute Resolution in the Workplace, includes the role of ANF and unions information on your rights Job Rep training programs, provided freeattowork. Job Job Reps who your role, rights and responsibilities as training Reps, areundertake designed tothe buildadvanced your knowledge andwill develop an ANF Job Rep dispute resolution knowledge and skills about: FRQ¿GHQFH LQ \RXU LPSRUWDQW UROH LQ WKH XQLRQ the Fair Work Act Program – learn about your to industrial relations and parents’ to request flexible working 1: Introduction Full details regarding leaverights entitlements and provision Regional courses: rights at work arrangements of accommodation and meals are included in the of the Jobwhat Representative (3 days) 9.15am-4.30pm daily. what to do when the yourole don’t know brochure. the difference between poor performance registration All Job Reps who have not attended R03/13 training Latrobe 30, 31 July & 1 Aug to do and professional misconduct All Melbourne-based programs are held at ANF in the context or attended training more than three years R04/13 Geelong 13, 14 & 15 August finding out who, what, where and how of the disciplinary procedure House, 540 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. Regional ago are strongly to attendBendigo this 3, 4 & 5 September to access ANF resources to assist encouragedR05/13 workers’ rights when dealing with poor SURJUDP YHQXHV DUH QRWL¿HG ZLWK \RXU UHJLVWUDWLRQ three-day introductory program. You’ll gain R06/13 Wangaratta 29, 30 & 31 October you in your role - identifying the roles FRQ¿UPDWLRQ performance or professional misconduct confidence in your when toWarrnambool ask for R07/13 19, 20 & 21 Nov and responsibilities of ANF staff androle, learn allegations to ensure procedural fairness TUTA leave applies where eligible. help and find out what resources are available officials the role of the Fair Work Commission, EBA to you from the ANF to assist you in the role. a problem solving process to address disputeinformation settling procedures and legislation Course and registration is available at workplace issues Melbourne programs (9.15am - 4.30pm daily) when dealing with the above. ZZZ DQIYLF DVQ DX MREUHSV WRSLFV KWPO RU the principles of natural M08/11justice, December 6, 7 & 8 call Elaine Toma on 9275 9333 for a registration RTS08/13 July 17 RTS09/13 October 16 procedural fairness and the disciplinary brochure. procedure This program is provided with assistance from the 2011 EBA:members RESPECTand OUR WORK your role in representing Trade Union Education Foundation. helping members to help themselves building and unifying workplace Contact Bree Taplin for further information: membership.
What will I learn in the Introductory Job Rep program?
9.15am-4.30pm daily. M05/13 9, 10 & 11 July M06/13 27, 28 & 29 August M07/13 1, 2, & 3 October M08/13 22, 23 & 24 October M09/13 12, 13 & 14 November M10/13 3, 4 & 5 December
Do you have Job Reps at your workplace?
9275 9333 or jrt@janfvic.asn.au
2013 Occupational Health & Safety Training - www.anfvic.asn.au/ohs/ ANF OHS courses cater for the health sector, with a strong focus on issues and hazards relevant to nursing. ANF Health and Safety Reps are urged to attend the approved training course, which relates to nursing and provides up-to-date
information about your industry. Subject to consultation with the employer, HSRs have the right to choose the five-day initial HSR OHS course they will attend provided it is a WorkSafe approved course. Under the Occupational Health and Safety
Act 2004, employers must not obstruct or prevent an HSR from attending an approved course of their choice; to do so may constitute an offence under the Act. Requests to attend training must be made at least 14 days before the course commences.
Five-day Initial HSR OHS Course (WorkSafe approved)
Regional One-day HSR OHS Refresher Course (WorkSafe approved)
Victorian No-Lifting Co-ordinators Network (VNLCN) Forum
Time: CPD: Cost:
9am – 5pm each day 35 hours $750 per participant (payable by employer)
Course 2 (Part 1) 7, 8, 9 August (Part 2) 29, 30 August Course 3 (Part 1) 13, 14, 15 November (Part 2) 5, 6 December
Time: Cost: Course 3: Course 4: Course 5: Course 6:
9am – 5pm each day $250 per participant (payable by employer) Warrnambool 6 June Bendigo 21 August Wangaratta 25 September Geelong 20 November
** Regional courses are subject to a minimum number of 10 participants per course
Metro One-day HSR OHS Refresher Course (WorkSafe approved) Course 2: 10 July Course 3: 23 October
Forum 2: Time: CPD: Cost:
15 November 10.00am – 3.00pm 5 hours Free of Charge for No Lifting Co-ordinators
OHS Seminars and Conferences HSR Conference 26 June ANF (Vic Branch) Professional Issues Conference 19 & 20 September Day 1 - Occupational Violence Stream Day 2 - No Lifting Stream Prevention of Workplace Bullying Seminar 17 October
Contact the OHS Unit for further information: 9275 9333 or ohs@anfvic.asn.au
www.anfvic.asn.au www.anfvic.asn.au
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