Issue 9

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ISSUE 2014.40

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4th Quarter 2014 Week 40 What day do eggs hate most? FRY-day!

of Haywood County

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On November 18, 1820, an American On October 1, 1919, the Mormon churchseal of hunter named Palmer Salt Lake CityNathaniel unveiled aBrown monument to became a bird. the first American to lay eyes upon Mormon settlers were tending their mainland ripening Antarctica. He is when considered to be one of three crops in 1848 a plague of crickets descended, threatening ruin the the harvest. primary candidates to havetodiscovered frozen Fortunately,Palmer flocks proclaimed of seagulls arrived, eating all continent. the frozen terrain the crickets. The Seagull Monument, designed before him to be Palmer Land, and the Palmer by Brigham Young’s grandson, is thought to be Archipelago still carries his name. Come along the world’s only monument to a bird. The seagull with Tidbits as we visit Antarctica! is now the state bird of Utah. Come along with Tidbits as we go birdwatching! ANTARCTIC FACTS • The lowest reliably measured temperature of SEAGULL a continuously occupiedFACTS station on Earth was • −128.6°F The term “gull” refers a group of 23 North (−89.2°C) on to July 21, 1983 at Vostok American species belonging to the family Station. Laridae, which comes from the Greek word • In summer, the population meaning “ravenous sea bird.” of Antarctica averages about 5,000. In winter, it drops to • Seagulls usually mate for life, but researchers 1,000. About tourists visit eachTheir year. say they do get40,000 “divorced” sometimes. There noispermanent divorceare rate about 3 toresidents. 5% a year. • thestay only a time • Antarctica A seagull’s is feet at continent only 32°f.without while the rest zone. The scientists who reside there go by of the body’s temperature is 100°f. time theirthey home land or the • either When the gulls getof mad, yank grass up supply by the line that brings them supplies. roots to displace their aggression. • Antarctica largest desert. In • The herring isgullthe hasworld’s 63 different calls. it hasn’t rained • Antarctica’s Gulls can liveDry for upValleys, to 32 years. for more than 2 million years. The Turn the Page forground More! and climate so closely resemble the surface of Mars that NASA did testing there for the Viking mission. (cont’d next page)

Q: What do you call a Penguin in the desert? Q: What is a penguins favorite food? Answers page 6

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Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Week and We Will See You On December 1 for The Next Issue!

Page 2

Tidbits® of Haywood County NORTH & SOUTH: POLES APART • Early astronomers plotted the circle of the sun passing in orbit around the earth. (This was in the days when they thought the earth was the center of the universe.) The circle passed through the constellation of the Great Bear, whose name was Arktos. That is how the northernmost regions of the Earth near that circle became known as the Arctic. The prefix ‘ant-’ means opposite, so the Antarctic is the southernmost region of the planet. • The Antarctic has about eight times as much ice as the Arctic because the Antarctic is a continent and the Arctic is an ocean covered with ice. Land does not hold heat nearly as well as water does, so the ocean moderates the climate in the Arctic. The Arctic is not always cold: summer temperatures above 70°f (21°C) are fairly common. At Fort Yukon near the Arctic Circle in Alaska, it has even reached 100°f. (38°C) in the shade. However, the average year-round temperature in the Antarctic is -18°f. (-28°C) Summertime highs seldom go above freezing.

• Both the Arctic and Antarctic are classified as deserts because annual precipitation totals less than 4 inches (10 cm) a year— but the snow that falls stays. In the Arctic, the ice eventually drifts and melts, but in the Antarctic it accumulates year after year. The deepest layers of ice in the Antarctic are some 3 million years old. In the Antarctic, the ice averages more than a mile (1.6 km) thick and is over 14,000 feet (4.2 km) deep at its thickest. The ice in the Arctic Ocean averages only 8 feet (2.5 m) thick. Only 5% of the Antarctic continent is ice-free. The weight of the ice on the Antarctic continent is so great that it has pressed much of the land below sea level. If all the ice were 1. Is the book of Simon in the Old or New Testaremoved, much of the land would probably not ment or neither? 2. From 1 Samuel 3, whose voice did Samuel rise above the water. think it was when he first heard God calling him? POLES APART Jonathan, Saul, Ahiah, Eli • There are only three species of flowering plants 3. How many chosen men of Israel did Saul take living in the Antarctic, plus 75 kinds of moss with him to the wilderness of Ziph to search for and 400 kinds of lichen. In the Arctic, there David? 12, 100, 200, 3,000 are 900 types of flowering plants, 400 kinds of 4. The word of God is quick, and powerful, and moss, and 2,000 species of lichen. The largest sharper than any ...? Tongue, Knife, Two-edged known land animal living on the Antarctic sword, Wit continent year-round is a wingless relative 5. From Genesis 26, where did Isaac stay when of the common housefly that is only 1/10th there was a famine in the land? Gerar, Endor, of an inch (.2 cm) long. The Arctic teams Sychar, Lydda with wildlife such as polar bears, wolves, and 6. What insect was a plague on the Egyptians? musk ox. Furthermore, there are about 315 Wasp, Locust, Flea, Cockroach million people living within a radius of 2,700

miles (4,345 km) of the North Pole, but only 4,600 living within the same distance of the South Pole— and half of those only live there temporarily.

TRIVIA TEST By Fifi Rodriguez

1. LITERATURE: What 19th-century novel's opening line is, "Call me Ishmael"? 2. HISTORY: The Battle of Hastings was fought for control of which country? 3. U.S. STATES: How much did the United States pay Russia for the Alaskan territory in 1867? 4. MUSIC: Who sang the duet in the pop song "Ebony and Ivory"? 5. GEOGRAPHY: Where is Mount Vesuvius? 6. TELEVISION: Who played Morticia on "The Addams Family" TV series? 7. INVENTIONS: Who pioneered the concept of a blood bank? 8. ENTERTAINERS: Which entertainer also is known as "The Divine Miss M"? 9. AD SLOGANS: Which company featured the ad slogan: "A diamond is forever"? 10. FAMOUS QUOTES: What 20th-century civil-rights leader said, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"?

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Puzzle Answers Page 6!

SENIOR NEWS LINE by Matilda Charles

Extra Day in Hospital Could Save Your Life Would you willingly stay in the hospital one more day to reduce your chances of being readmitted? A study by Columbus Business School shows that even one day longer in the hospital can reduce readmissions and costs -- and save lives -- when compared to outpatient care. The study focused on pneumonia, heart failure and myocardial infarctions in 6 million patients over the age of 65. Here are the stats for one extra day in the hospital: • Mortality risk reduced by 7 percent for those who have had a heart attack; 22 percent for those who have been treated for pneumonia. • Readmissions rate decreased by 7 percent for those with severe heart failure. • Five to six times more lives saved compared to using outpatient care. • When it comes to cost, an additional day in the hospital usually costs less than outpatient care that is the result of being released from the hospital too early. At this point, nearly 20 percent of Medicare patients end up being readmitted within a month. It makes sense for hospitals to try to keep readmissions at a minimum, because penalties will begin for additional illnesses and conditions beginning in 2015. So far hospitals have looked for ways to keep the readmission rate down, mostly by using outpatient care. However, this study shows that for most patients, that one extra day in the hospital is the better method to reduce readmissions and deaths. NOTE: Remember that you have until Dec. 7 to join a Medicare health or drug plan in the open enrollment, or make changes to the one you have for 2015. Go online to medicare. gov and compare your options. Look for the Medicare & You booklet for a lot of answers. Or contact Medicare at 1-800-633-4227. Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@ (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

By Samantha Mazzotta

Is Drywall OK for Ceramic Backsplash? Q: I want to liven up the backsplash behind my kitchen sink by adding ceramic tile. But a friend told me the wrong kind of wallboard is up there and that the tile will just fall off. What is he talking about? Can I tile directly on the painted surface? -- Kari A., Valdosta, Ga. A: What your friend probably is saying is that the backsplash behind the sink is standard wallboard (also known as drywall or sheetrock), which doesn't play nice with water. Areas of the house that have tile and see a lot of water being splashed around, along with high humidity (like the bathroom), use cementboard rather than wallboard. However, most backsplashes are simply regular wallboard that's been painted over. Unless you're soaking the backsplash in water from the sprayer attachment, this area likely deals with only occasional sprinkles and splashes. You should be able to decorate this area with ceramic tile, and the wallboard should hold up just fine. Because the tile is going onto a vertical surface, you should attach the tiles with tile mastic, rather than thin-set mortar. The mastic will adhere faster to the surface, reducing the chance that the tiles will slip down out of place. Here are a few more tips to make the job easier and faster:

• Before starting, measure the dimensions of the backsplash area. Then, sketch out the design you'd like. • Dry-fit tiles beforehand by laying them on a sheet of paper cut to the same height and width as the backsplash area, to make sure the pattern will work and to set the tile spacing (use plastic spacers to create even gaps between each tile). • Mark the exact center point of your planned backsplash pattern on the wall. Then use a level to draw a straight vertical line through the center of that point (also known as a plumb line). • Place the laid-out tiles within reach along with your supplies. Working from the bottom up, load the trowel with mastic. Spread the mastic across a section of the backsplash in a sweeping motion. • When placing the tile, again work from the bottom of the backsplash upward. Place spacers between the tiles to maintain the gap needed to add grout. • Cut tiles to fit when needed, not beforehand, so that you can get a precise measurement.

HOME TIP: Run a bead of caulk along the base of a tiled backsplash to provide extra protection from water that may pool on the counter. Send your questions or home tips to (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

Page 4

Tidbits速 of Haywood County

Read Online • • Scientists in Antarctica rarely suffer from colds because they are isolated from infected humans. However, when the supply ships arrive bringing visiting scientists, colds run rampant. In an experiment, each scientist was issued packets of iodine-impregnated tissues and instructed to sneeze and blow their nose into them, then wipe their faces and hands with a clean iodine tissue. Furthermore, they were asked to wipe their hands and faces every hour with the tissues. As a result, the number of new colds reported daily dropped from an average of 4.3 to 1.7. Biologists report that Antarctica has only one bacterium per pint of snow making it difficult to pick up illnesses that aren’t imported.

HIGH, WIDE AND COLD • The average altitude of the land is 6,000 feet (1,828 m) which is more than twice as high as any other continent. The ice is about 8,000 feet (2,438 m) thick on top of the mountains, making the total average height of the continent 14,000 feet (4,267 m).

SEAL CAMS • Researchers supported by the National Science Foundation wanted to find out what goes on in Antarctic waters. So the 8-member team based out of McMurdo Station strapped video cameras, infrared LEDs, and data recorders to 15 Weddell seals, released them, and then tracked their movements over the course of three summers. The laboratory was located above the only blow hole for miles around, so the wild seals had to return to the same spot to breathe and were prevented from swimming away with the equipment, which was worth some $25,000 per seal. The information the seals brought back led to new insights on the behavior of two little-known fish species, the silverfish and the toothfish, and the way seals hunt their prey. Scientists intend to use the “seal-cams” again in the future to study other deepwater species.

mit all of own. your Go refund. redeem your onlineIftoyou search for homemade the bonds before five years, you for- that start laundry soap, and you'll find recipes feit the three most recent months of with washing soda, borax and bar soap. You interest. The benefit of having money canaway add ainnatural scent if you like. If you're tucked savings bonds is that short on time, opt for dry recipes as opposed to you can’t access it on a whim. liquid, are moreincomplicated • Ask forwhich reductions costs for and harder to store. cable, auto insurance and other payMake your own furniture polish with distilled ments. Chances are they’d rather work Homemade Nontoxic vinegar, few drops of olive oil and lemwithwhite you than losea you as a customer. Put on theoil extra money into juice. savings. 8 Ways to Save or fresh lemon Wipe off excess. If Cleaning Products • Buy second-hand where you can. you live in an area with humid summer weathon usa Low Winter finds with ourIncome windows and doorsCareful canoil, getas you nearly er, goshopping light on the it might turn rancid. tightly closed, in the air staysnewNot clothing andhas small appliancesoven, at and one Trying to and saveeverything on a limited income everyone a self-cleaning Army or Goodwill stores. can --beincluding tough, but not impossible. inside theit’s chemicals from clean-Salvation of the strongest, most noxious cleaning chemithe extra money into savings. required the non-toxic determination ingWhat’s products. Stores is carry products,Put cals in the home is oven cleaner. A half cup of • Consider taking a temporary partto succeed at saving. Here are some but many consumers find that they either don't baking soda and(especially a tablespoon or two of water time job. Retail during ideas for getting started. work as well or are cost prohibitive. For less made into a paste, applied and left overnight Make holiday gift you giving for themakethe holiday season) is a good place than •a quarter of the price, can easily will go a long way to help with the first step kids only this year. Let the adultstoxic in in-to start. many home-cleaning products without cleaning super-dirty The second step • of Don’t let ayourself getoven. hungry. your circle of family and friends know gredients. is to spray with a vinegar solution. that you’ll be limiting the gifts you Sounds odd, but the truth is that if There are Many recipes call for varyingyou’re some recipes that combine the more vinegar with the away from home, you’re buy.window-cleaner Chances are they will be relieved. amounts of the same three ingredients: caveCheck in and venture into a you'd like • Stick to your list at the grocery dishlikely firsttostep. online for recipes soap, vinegar water. Some bit ofa am-restaurant. store. No and extras, even if add you afind to try. The same goes for grocery monia, but then you've got the chemical smell you gofortothese keephomemade bargain. There will be new bargains shopping: None ofEat thebefore ingredients andnext toxicity in the house. Others swear by thefromcleaners succumbing to the temptations week. are toxic -- or expensive. Chances are aisle. addition of ayour littletax cornstarch for cleaning • Use refund next year toseri-on every you have the ingredients on hand already. Don't • If you have extra room in your savings bonds, up toshine. a limit of ousbuy grime and getting a super add bleach to any of your concoctions. Mixing house, consider using AirBnB as a $5,000 per year. The Series I bonds Take a look at the ingredients on the package bleach with certain other ingredients can cause way to rent out space to visitors for a can be purchased with some or all of of whatever laundry detergent you use now. toxic fumes. yourlikely refund. You’ll need file a alkylbenForm few days. Price your space lower than You're to see names liketolinear David that he cannot personhotelsUffington and saveregrets the money. 8888, Allocation of Refund (Includzene sulfonate, ethoxylate and diaminostilbenelocalally answer reader questions, but will incorpoing Bond Purchases). This needs to be Uffington regrets that he candisulfonate, plus others you can't pronounce. David rate them into his column whenever done in $50 increments. Years down not personally answer reader ques- possible. Instead of paying high prices for products with Send the road when you cash in your bonds, tions, butemail will to incorporate them into ingredients youtodon't understand, try making you’ll need pay taxes on the interest. 2014 Kingwhenever Features Synd., possible. Inc. his (c) column Send The term of ownership is a minimum email to of one year, so be sure your emergenA large number of loony laws involve animals. © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. cy fund is in place before you comIn Florida, you cannot put livestock on a school

November 3, 2014


bus. In Maryland, you cannot take a lion to the movies. In Ohio, you must have a license to keep a bear. That one actually makes sense. In Alaska, you can’t look at a moose from an airplane—apparently they are shy. As strange as it may seem, in Oklahoma, you can’t have a sleeping donkey in your bathtub after 7 p.m.— apparently before 7 p.m. is fine.

ADMIRAL BYRD’S SOLITUDE • On one trip to Antarctica, explorer Admiral Byrd decided to see how prolonged isolation would affect the human psyche. He took up residence at the beginning of the dark Antarctic winter in a 9-by-13 foot (2.7 x 3.9m) cabin on the Ross Ice Shelf, 125 miles (200 km) away from the rest of his crew at their base. He kept busy with weather observations, books, records, and housekeeping. Radio contact with his crew was made three times a week. His sojourn began March 28, 1934 and by July, depression combined with carbon monoxide poisoning from a faulty stove caused his physical and psychological condition to deteriorate. Rescuers arrived on August 10, and found him so weakened that it was two months before they judged him strong enough to make the return trip to the base station. Admiral Bryd made five trips to the Antarctic and he always took his little dog named Igloo.

Page 5

Loony Laws By Craig W. Armstrong

Not many know for sure where they come from or when they were enacted, but every state in America has a few loony laws. Here is a look at some laws that may seem unbelievable, but breaking them will get you arrested. Many strange laws revolve around vehicles. In Illinois, a car must have a steering wheel— not sure how you would steer one without. In California, a woman is in violation of the law if she is caught driving in a housecoat. Apparently time travel is also involved in this law because what woman still wears a housecoat? A Kentucky law says a female cannot appear on the highway in a bathing suit. In Tennessee, a car cannot be driven by someone who is asleep, and in New York, a car cannot be driven by a blind person.

Speaking of baths, in Kentucky, a person must take a bath at least once a year. In Missouri, a man must have a license to shave. In North Carolina, no more than two sessions of bingo can be held per week and the sessions can only last for five hours. That kind of makes sense, as some people take their bingo pretty seriously. Violation of this law could result in a fight where troll dolls and other good luck charms would be sent sailing at people’s heads. Speaking of which, New York law prohibits throwing a ball at someone’s head for fun. Throwing it at their head for profit is apparently a different story. Some states prohibit the sale of alcohol on Sunday. In Tennessee, it’s against the law to sell bologna on the Sabbath. In Massachusetts, it’s illegal to put tomatoes in clam chowder… there’s a joke in there somewhere. Looney laws exist in every state in the union. Their origins are usually shrouded in mystery. Maybe they made sense at one time or maybe somebody lost a bet. Whatever, they are interesting and entertaining. But, watch your step, they’re still the law!

Page 6

“Be Known Before You’re Needed” top of the ice. When the snow melts, the new stones will be laying exactly on top of the old ones. (cont’d)

• In Welsh, “pen” means head, and “gwyn” means white, giving us the word penguin.

• Penguins have never been seen at the North Pole. However, they do live near the Equator. Penguins live in many places such as on the ice off the Antarctic continent, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, and even as for north as the Galapagos Island which is near the Equator. All of these areas are touched by cold ocean currents, which the birds love. They refuse to cross warm currents. • Penguins raise their families a little differently than most animals— the male is the one who incubates the egg while the female is totally out of the picture. The female lays the egg on the ice, then immediately takes to the ocean and is not seen again for the next two months or so while she feeds in warmer waters. The male holds the egg on the top of his feet and under a special pouch of blubber. He neither eats nor moves much as he incubates the egg through the two months of the worst winter weather. When the chick hatches, he feeds it a milk-like substance produced in his crop, and the chick eats from his throat. Only then does the female return, and the male goes to sea to replenish his blubber while she takes over. When he returns, they share the business of feeding Junior. If both parents are out fishing, the chick will be left in the care of another adult babysitter. Rookeries can contain more than a million birds. Since each pair lay only one egg per year, populations have a hard time recovering from disaster. • Penguins return to the very same nest year after year, building it up with new stones in a ring. When they return to their nesting grounds each year, the old nest is buried under several feet of snow. Still, the penguins know exactly where it is located and will place additional stones on

• Although they spend their lives eating live fish, when presented with a dead fish on the ground, they do not recognize it as food. • Penguins are monogamous and mate for life. The only way to tell male and female apart is by autopsy, though during mating season females might have muddy footprints on her back left by males during mating. • When the penguins find a mate, they bond with each other by touching necks and slapping each other on the back with their flippers. They also “sing” to each other so they learn to recognize each other’s voices. • The emperor penguin is the largest species at 4 ft. tall (1.2 m) and nearly 100 lbs. (45 kg). They are thought to be the only species of bird that never sets foot on land. They can stay underwater for around 20 minutes at a time. • The smallest is the fairy penguin at 10 inches (25 cm) tall and weighing 2.5 lbs (1.1 kg). • Penguins can drink sea water, excreting the salt through grooves on their bill. They spend around half their time in water and the other half on land.They are warm blooded, with a body temperature of about 100°F. (37°C). • Their black and white plumage serves as camouflage while swimming. The black plumage on their back is hard to see from above, while the white plumage on their front looks like the sun reflecting off the surface of the water when seen from below. • 13 out of the 17 species of penguin are threatened or endangered.

Thanks for making it down here. Have a great day!

(Upside down to avoid spoilers!)

(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Answers 1. "Moby-Dick" Inc. 2. England 3. $7 million 4. Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder 5. Italy 6. Carolyn Jones 7. Dr. Charles Richard Drew 8. Bette Midler 9. De Beers 10. Martin Luther King Jr. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

Wilson Casey's 2015 Daily Box Calendars make excellent holiday gifts. Order Bible Trivia Challenge, Golf Trivia or True Crime at Bible Trivia Answers: 1) Neither; 2) Eli; 3) 3,000; 4) Two-edged sword; 5) Gerar; 6) Locust

Last weeks sticklers answer was incorrect. Here is the right answer. The puzzle is below to remind you.

• They are the only bird that can swim but can’t fly. They can swim up to 30 mph (48 km/hr). A penguin with a six-inch stride can run as fast as an average man.

Jokes: 1.Lost 2.”Brrrrrrritos”




MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel ▶On Nov. 26, 1922, in Egypt's Valley of the Kings, British archaeologists become the first souls to enter King Tutankhamen's tomb in more than 3,000 years. Inside was a collection of several thousand priceless objects, including a gold coffin containing the mummy of the teenage king. ▶On Nov. 24, 1932, the FBI crime lab opens in Washington, D.C. The lab was chosen because it had the necessary sink. It was operated out of a single room with one full-time employee who began with a borrowed microscope. ▶On Nov. 27, 1942, French Admiral Jean de Laborde sinks the French fleet anchored off the southern coast of France to keep it out of German hands. Laborde ordered the sinking of eight cruisers, an aircraft transport, 30 destroyers and 16 submarines. ▶On Nov. 30, 1950, President Harry Truman announces that he is prepared to authorize the use of atomic weapons in order to achieve peace in Korea. At the time, communist China had joined North Korean forces in their attacks on United Nations troops, including U.S. soldiers in South Korea. ▶On Nov. 29, 1963, one week after President John Kennedy was fatally shot while riding in a motorcade in Dallas, President Lyndon Johnson establishes a commission to investigate the assassination. The Warren Commission concluded that there was no conspiracy. In 1978, the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded that Kennedy was "probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy" that may have involved multiple shooters and organized crime. ▶On Nov. 28, 1979, a New Zealand sightseeing plane traveling over Antarctica crashes, killing all 257 people on board, after the pilot descended to 1,500 feet. The pilot didn't know that his descent came right as the plane reached Mount Erebus, a 12,444-foot volcano. ▶On Nov. 25, 1980, Sugar Ray Leonard regains boxing's welterweight title when his opponent, reigning champ Roberto Duran, waves his arms and walks away from the fight in the eighth round. "No mas, no mas," Duran told the referee. "No more box." (c) 2014 king Features Synd., Inc.

Show us you like Tidbits® by taking it home!

By Sam Mazzotta

Dog's Trail Runs Frustrate Owner DEAR PAW'S CORNER: I love taking my Golden Lab, "Chloe," out for walks in the nearby woods. Like other dog owners, I let her run off leash on the trails. Unlike other dog owners, I can't get Chloe to stay near me. She immediately takes off, plunges into the pond, then dashes away into the forest. I'm tired of spending my whole time chasing her. What can I do? -- Chuck in Quincy, Mass. DEAR CHUCK: It sounds like Chloe is an energetic and fun dog! That's always great, but I feel your pain when it comes to tracking her down in the woods. Work on her off-leash skills, first and foremost. Make this a part of her training every single day -- incorporate it into her walks if you can. You'll need to take her to an enclosed outdoor space, like your yard or a mostly empty dog park. The most basic command, of course, is getting her to come back when you call or whistle. Have Chloe sit and stay while you remove the leash. Let her dart away several feet, then call her back, in a calm but firm voice. When she comes back, have her sit again, then reward her. (Some owners use treats as a reward, others don't -- it's your decision as to what works best, especially at the beginning of training.) Over time you also should train her to stay, sit or lie down at a distance. All of these commands are achievable -- it just takes time for both of you to learn a new way to communicate off leash. During your woodland walks, pay close attention to things that really set Chloe off. She clearly loves the water -- are other things attracting her as well? Learn those patterns so you can anticipate and head off potential escapes. Send your questions or tips to ask@ (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

the anesthetic lidocaine administered allynose. provide somereaders relief. wrote Botulinum toxin and in the Several in to tell me that acupuncture cured them. nerve block occasionally are used for people Mold andmore foodsevere sensitivities alsowho weredon't respond. with symptoms frequently mentioned, with an anti*** histamine and avoidance of How offending DEAR DR. ROACH: often do you adagents being helpful. Botox, commonvise for bathing a 3-month-old The hosly used migraine, was the key baby? for pital one told reader. my granddaughter that you do not at least Finally, several have to bathe the baby every day. people said chiropractic manipulation It's become a concern for a worried grandparent, because cured their headaches. It she is easy to been say, “If it worked for -- Anon. hasn't bathed in a week. someone else, it will work for me.” However, the body is avastly ANSWER: Once weekcomplex, is fine. Three-monthand old it takes a great deal of judgmentwashings to babies don't need frequent of their Botox Can Lessen Eye Muscle Spasms know what is right for a given person. Laser Hair Removal whole bodies, and excessive bathing can dry out I don’t pretend to have all the answers, skin. to share my readers’ NotROACH: Always Effective but the I wanted DEAR DR. I have been contending A calm grandparent is a source of much comfort experiences. What is certain is that with blepharospasm for years. some DEAR DR. ROACH: WeI got spent a reparents. nonetoofnew these treatments will work for lief from Botox foramount about four considerable of years, moneybut on then *** everybody. our teen daughter’s hair-reit stopped working and mylaser doctor moved me Many headache questions me to answer inDr. Roach regrets that he reach is unable moval which procedures, but the poor to Dysport, was horrible. It did not reon a regular basis. For a general expladividual letters, but will thing takes after swarthy lax my symptoms, andher it made mefather, constantly nation of headaches andthetheir treat-whenever posincorporate them in column and the treatment seems to very uncomfortable (with a feelinghave that my ment, consider the booklet on that top- to ToYourno effect. Is there any real science sible. Readers may email questions eyes were swollen all the time). I stopped the ic. It presents a comprehensive view. behind this treatment? — S.O. To view and orTo order a copy, write: Dr. Roach — treatments and have been able to cope, until health pamphlets, visit, ANSWER: There certainly real to No. der 901W, Box 536475, Orlando, FL the past six months. I am almostisunable science, and laser hair removal is 32853-6475. or write toEnclose P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853a check or monread,effective, look at abut computer screen orisdrive. its effectiveness limit- ey order 6475.(no (c) 2014 North America Synd., Inc.•All Rights Reserved cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 Do you have suggestions? use Ativan ed, and it’sany important to haveIrealistic Canada with the recipient’s printed to try to relax theLaser stresstreatment of the blinking, expectations. usually but name and address. Please allow four evendoesn’t that has lost itshair effect. I have been disremove entirely, forever. days for delivery. Most people will have less hair,myectomy thincouraged from getting a limited *** ner hair andrisks. lighter because of the Myhair. ophthalmologist said Faced with two-thirds of be people will of have that a About neurologist would a waste time. IDEAR DR. ROACH: Old-Fashioned at least a for 50 percent the the higher-priced time-release medam desperate anotherreduction opinion. --inB.B. physiCreamedmyTurkey treated areas after a single laser course. ication for hypertension, “Just cut them in half.” I called turWith multiple courses, 90 percent cian said, This old-time favorite, sometimes ANSWER: Blepharospasm is an uncontrollable have been doing this for about two of people will get up to a 50 percent hash, a place in muscle spasm Lasers aroundtend the to eyes, causing years.key Is this a deserves viable solution orthe toocomfort food reduction. workoften best for Hall of—Fame. blinking and twitching. It ranges P.T. You can stir in leftover cooked light-skinned people with from darkoccasional hair. simplistic? Here’s great toturkey use-- leftove vegetables alongway with the carrots, and mild the much severecomplete and disablingANSWER: It might Eventopeople withmore apparently be a problem. andInpotatoes are all good. Spoonsoover fact, make extra yo results usually condition you report.get hair regrowth after potatoes. Some peas time-release medicines work noodles, mashed potatoes or rice. six to 12 months. Treatment with botulinum toxin is effective for by the enjoy pill dissolving oth- a secon can this slowly easy ordish Your daughter appears to be among er methods that rely on an intact pill. most people. Botulinum toxin, directly injected time. those who have a poor response to 2 tablespoons butter Breaking them can cause allor themargarine mediinto muscle, weakens or paralyzes it. There are laser. Besides shaving or plucking, cine to1release at once. Ask your pharsmall onion, finely chopped 1/2 cups mashed potatoes three types of botulinum toxin A currently avail- 1 other options include chemicals to macist3whether it is safe to break a pill tablespoons all-purpose flour able remove in the United States: Botox, Dysport 22 cups tablespoons plain dried brea the hair, medications to pre- and or capsule in half. milk Xeomin, as well as botulinum toxin B (Myobvent hair growth and electrolysis, crumbs ***salt 1/2 teaspoon loc). which I suspect changed is theyour onlyophthalmologist permanent hair-loss tablespoon grated 1/8 teaspoon black pepper regretsground that hefreshly is unable brands because theeven concern antibodies method —ofand thatofdepends on yourDr. 1Roach to answer individual letters, but Pinch ground nutmeg technique of the technician. A derbodythe may have developed to the Botox. Parmesan cheese will incorporate them inturkey the column 8 ounces cooked or chicken, cut matologist can help guide the right I would never say that a neurologist would be a 1 tablespoon butter whenever possible.pieces Readers mayor margatreatment for your daughter. into 1/2-inch (2 cups) waste of time. Blepharospasm is a limited form email 2 tablespoons questions ToYourGoodrine tochopped fresh parsley *** of dystonia, and neurologists are the experts in To view and dystonia. neurologist will have an opinion DR.The ROACH WRITES: In January 1. 1. With hands, shape potatoes int order health pamphlets, visit www. In 3-quart saucepan, melt butter over meI wrote about cluster on trying a different form ofheadaches, botulinum and toxin, as, orpatties. write to P.O. Box 2-inch Oncook, waxed dium heat. Add onion and stirring,pape unreaders took the time to write in eight well many as other treatments. 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. combine bread crumbs and Parmesan with what had been helpful for them. til tender, about 5 minutes. Stir in flour and *** Among the treatments stirring constantly, 1 minute. With wire 2014 North America Synd., Inc. Coat©cook, patties with bread-crumb mix DEAR DR. ROACH: I'm arecommended 61-year-old womAll Rights Reserved were the antidepressant Zoloft, and whisk, gradually whisk in milk, salt, pepper an who was diagnosed with notalgia paresture,and patting crumbs to cover. nutmeg. Heat to boiling over mediumthetica about five years ago. Several years 2. Heat nonstick skillet ove high heat, whisking.10-inch Reduce heat and simlater, my general practitioner told me to use medium heat; melt butter. Add pattie mer, whisking occasionally, 5 minutes. capsaicin, which helps with the tingling feelStir turkey into golden sauce and heat ing but sometimes my back feels like someand 2.cook until andthrough. heate Stir in parsley and serve. Makes 4 main-dish one is pinching my spine and the skin tingles, through, 2 to 3 minutes per side servings. bringing on a very uncomfortable feeling. Makes 4 accompaniment servings. Can you give me any more information about ¥ Eachserving: serving: about 277 calories, total About 129 13g calories this skin condition? I am beginning to believe • Each fat (7gfat saturated), 26g protein, 13g that it is getting worse. -- Anon. 7g total (3 g saturated), 3gcarbohyprotein drate, 87mg cholesterol, 462mg sodium. 16g carbohydrate, 11mg cholestero ANSWER: Notalgia paresthetica is common, 319mg sodium.of triple-tested recipes, visit For thousands but often not diagnosed, and usually causes an our website at itching under one shoulderblade. It sometimes is For thousands of triple-tested rec recipefinder/. associated with curvature of the spine (scoliosis). ipes,(c)visit ourCommunications, website atInc.www.good 2014 Hearst It isn't curable, and often gets better and worse. All rights reserved Capsaicin, lidocaine patch and other creams usu-

October 27, 2014


Page 7

‘Leftover’ MashedPotato Pancakes

King Features Weekly Service

November 3, 2014

Veteran’s Post

A: Before you buy the collection, invest about $25 in one of the better price guides: "The Collector's Guide to Pez: Identification & Price by Freddy Groves Guide" by Shawn Peterson and published by Krause Books. This excellent reference features U.S. Troops Exposed to Chemical Weapons more than 1,200 images for both common and rare variations. Since it is frequently updated, The pictures of blistered skin and the photocopies the prices seem to replace the current marketof the medical records make it clear: Service perplace. sonnel in Iraq were exposed to chemical weapons *** *** -- nerve agent Sarin or mustard blister gas. My grandfather was born It wasn't just one or two broken and leaking can- Q: I have a Case pocketknife, which a dealer Q: I recently purchased a dinner set from a I recently moved into a house in 1905 of his prize It isand in one isters that were uncovered. Photos show dozens, told me is a Tested XX, model 6225LP. neighbor. It is the Virginia Rose pattern made in Shreveport, Louisiana, Since I paid $50 as for a child was a Laughlin. teddy When was it made? My green bone and 3 inches.possessions even hundreds, of canisters in multiple caches. by Homer and the former owner left behind if I gotAlthough I am not certain I Depending on which version of the story you it, I am anxious to know bear. a bargain. -- neighbor knew nothing about it. -- Rhue, Sun an early television set. Although I read, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel either did Josh, Pottsville, Arkansaswant to sell it, can you Cityrecommend West, Arizona understand most TV sets aren’t all an expert so I can determine its valor didn't recently order medical examinations A: Your question is almost impossible to anvaluable, might bethe anchase. of those soldiers who'd been that exposed to those this A:one Let me cut to foundcollectability? your knife swer. ueI and —According Deborah,to "The Collector's Encycloexception. According to the stickchemical-warfare agents. He asked that the medireferenced in "AmericanPeterburg, Premium Guide to pedia of Homer Laughlin China: Reference & Pennsylvania er on the back ofKnives the set,&it Razors: is a GEIdentification and Price Value Guide" by Joanne Jasper and published by cal treatment they received be examined. Sara Bernstein Antique Dolls Model 800 tabletop. — Rob, ShreveA Department of Veterans Affairs press release Guide" by Jim Sargent. According to the sixth is Collector your pattern was introduced in Bears highly Books, recomdated 2000 says that a former acting secretary edition of his book, your knife isand port,VA Louisiana about help 1929you andestablish sold for home use well into the 1970s. mended worth and might had been "helping secure expanded benefits forwith $450. If the case handle had been yellow instead of Your set Bakelite was It was of the most popular shapes ever crea value for your bear. Theone telephone veterans who were prisoners of war, or who were green, it would about less. The popularity ated by the Homer Laughlin Company, and was made in 1949. According to the$100number and website are 732-536exposed to Agent Orange, radiation or mustard of knives, especially older pocketknives from named for the granddaughter of W.E. Wells, a “Antique Trader Radio & Television 4101; and www.sarabernsteindolls. gas." theby 1920s and '30s, has increased in recent years, man responsible for setting the course of develPrice Guide” edited Kyle Husfloen com. A 2005 press release says that the VA "announced and alas, so have prices in the marketplace. As opment of the company during its earliest depublished a national outreach campaign and to locate veteransby Krause Books, it is most collectibles, about $300.with It could be worth condition is important***cades. who were exposed to mustard worth gas," but goes on when determining values. a little more,insince early televisions to say that "most of these veterans participated I have a glass bowl that has A dealer who buys knives is Blue Ridge Knives, Write to Larry Cox in care of KFWS, P.O. Box have suddenly caught the attention of chemical testing programs during World War II." been identified as Flambo 166 Adwolfe Road, Marion, VA 24354; www. 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send egrowing number of collectors. Nothing about what was being afound in Iraq. Ware. What is Flambo Ware? — mail to Due to the Somewhere between 2000 and 2005, troops in Connie, Pueblo, Colo. *** *** large volume of mail he receives, Mr. Cox canIraq unearthed caches of chemicals -- and were Flamboa colWarenotispersonally an opaque I have an opportunity to purchase Mycontact motherQ: and grandmother answer all reader questions, nor injured. As late as 2008, soldiers reported glass, usually tomato red lection of Pez with the chemicals. Some were denied deconwere doll collectors forcandy mostdispensers. I'm not cer- do appraisals. Doinnot send any materials requircolor. glass wasmail. manutain inherited if I am getting a good deal,This and particular before I ing tamination. Some were accused malingering. return ofoftheir lives. I have their factured by the Pairpoint Glass Works complete the deal I wanted to get your advice. A few were given ineffective creams. A few were (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. collections of about 275 dolls, some prior to the mid-1920s. Most Flamhustled out for care; most weren't. -Jim, Carson City, Nevada rare, some not so rare. I would like Some veterans who handled those canisters to sell them,still but don’t want to do it bo Ware was made for the Christmas have symptoms that were not taken care ofWhat at the do you recommend? trade, and it was difficult to produce on eBay. time, especially breathing problems. If you were Heights, Texas and maintain a uniform color. — Sally, Alamo there, make an appointment to be checked out. Write to Larry Cox in care of KFWS, of the best solutions To read the whole story, go online to One NYTimes. P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853might be Theriault’s. For more com and search for "Troops to Be Checked for 6475, or send e-mail to questionsChemical Exposure in Iraq." than 40 years, this auction house has


1949 Television









helped find homes for new and col-

Freddy Groves regrets that helector cannotdolls. personalIts consignments service ly answer reader questions, butmight will incorporate be helpful. Contact is P.O. them into his column whenever possible. Send Box 151, Annapolis, MD 21404; and email to 410-224-3655. Check out Theriault’s (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

current auction catalog at Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr. Cox cannot personally answer all reader questions, nor do appraisals. Do not send any materials requiring return mail. © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

Thailand. You might be even more surprised to learn that shellac isn't just found on wood; the next time you eat jelly beans or take a bite of a bright-red apple you bought in a grocery store, you can thank the Kerria lacca insect for that lovely shine.

by Samantha Weaver

Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910),better known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American author and humorist.

 It was beloved American author Mark Twain who made the following sage observation: "Always do right -- this will gratify some and astonish the rest."  In September of 2007, a law was enacted in China that made it illegal for a living Buddha to reincarnate without permission from the government. So far there's no word on what the punishment for breaking the law might be.  Pretty much everyone has seen shellac on a piece of furniture or perhaps a guitar -- it's used to give wood that rich shine. You might be surprised to learn that shellac is derived from a substance that is excreted by a tiny red insect found almost exclusively in the forests of

 American novelist Edgar Rice Burroughs was the oldest war correspondent of World War II, flying with the 7th Air Force on bombing runs in the Pacific at the age of 66.  Otters float while they sleep, and in order to keep from floating away from each other while dozing, they hold hands.  It's been reported that on his deathbed, noted French Enlightenment figure Voltaire was enjoined by a priest to renounce Satan. The philosopher is said to have admonished the priest, saying, "Now, now, my good man. This is no time for making enemies." *** Thought for the Day: "Life is to be lived. If you have to support yourself, you had bloody well better find some way that is going to be interesting. And you don't do that by sitting around." -- Katharine Hepburn (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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