Zero waste lifestyle e book

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A Journey by Avalon McWha.

Change the way you think, the rest will follow


ZERO WASTE LIFESTYLE Change the way you think, the rest will follow. Avalon McWha



WELCOME Welcome to the Zero Waste Lifestyle, get ready for the life transforming journey that is living green. Tackling all the key areas of daily life, you’ll learn how to be kind to the environment, your heath and wallet. Although I’m no expert I assure you all the tips and tricks in this book have been tried and tested in my own life. Going green is no easy feet, it will shift your values, test your patience and challenge everything you thought you knew about consumerism. I do promise that no matter your lifestyle you are capable of the zero waste lifestyle and in time you will learn to love it. More than a necessity for the environment, this lifestyle can become a daily practice of self care and mindfulness as you live a life in harmony with your goals. So join me on this adventure, discover how to change the world and change your life.





1. Phycological Shift


2. Benefits


3. Home Cooking


4. Home DIY


5. Home Garden


6. Home Improvement


7. Processing Waste


8. Thirty Day Challenge




The ‘Zero Waste Movement’ is a blanket term used for people aiming to cut their contribution to landfill. The movement encourages people to say no to single use plastics, unnecessary packaging and wastage. The driver of this movement is that lasting change will be in-acted as people band together as a growing community. The aim of the movement is that as more individuals refuse waste, stores & manufacturers will change their practice. The social trend incorporates, DIY, shopping, lifestyle, waste management, behavior, cooking, homegrown and local goods. This book, ‘The Zero Waste Lifestyle’aims to incorporate all aspects of the social movement in one digestible book. Guiding readers to transition every aspect of life towards zero waste. The book creates social good, reducing environmental impact as well as positively implicating a healthy & mindful lifestyle.




CHAPTER 1 Change the way you think, the rest will follow.




More than hugging trees.

Living sustainably, with time becomes an all encompassing lifestyle. Creating real environmental impact boosts self confidence and personal worth, and why shouldn’t it? Living your best life is a huge achievement. Reflect on your personal goals and define exactly how you want to transform your life. As you come into a life that aligns with your ethos a psychological shift takes place and mental health is boosted. Living a sustainable lifestyle is an intuitive instinct. All species naturally contribute to the purification and ecology of their environment. Although we are often stifled by a busy and modern lifestyle naturally our souls want to have a harmonious relationship with our environment. In a world of technology we cry out for a village lifestyle of human connection, genuine consumption and simplicity. A life lead closer to these key needs improves mind-set on a subconscious level. Think of you environmental impact as yoga for your lifestyle, it must be practiced daily with genuine dedication and effort. Practice your dream lifestyle daily, celebrate every little win and exercise mindfulness and gratitude always. This journey is about more than saving the planet it’s about saving ourselves.



MANIFESTO The heart behind why we do what we do.

No Greater Cause

There is no greater cause than the environment, beg to differ ? How can we have any other cause without an environment to host it ?

Own your impact

A healthy relationship with consumerism reflects positively on the environment but also on the human psyche.

Save trees, Save yourself Zero waste is about more than hugging trees, it’s about being comfortable with our lifestyle and the legacy we leave.

Be Savvy

Being environmentally conscious is not a boutique & expensive insta-worthy trend. It’s lasting change that integrates and improves your life, health and wallet.

Brain Retrain

Lasting change will not come from beautiful fads, we need to retrain our brains to create a natural default about living eco.



How does gratitude help you live a fulfilled life free from ‘stuff’? Gratitude always reminds me how good life is. No matter how desperate the situation, I can always find the silver lining. The more gratitude you extend, the more good things you receive. How has selling your belongings liberated you from consumerism? I sold all of my stuff when I moved to LA. It’s just stuff, there is always more to be had. I am not attached to things as my true happiness is eternal and internal. How does a minimal lifestyle reflect on your mental and spiritual health? How you keep your head space is represented in your home. I clear my mind daily with meditation and my home is neat and organized with no clutter. It feels good in my home because the energy flows freely. What are the benefits of mindfulness, gratitude and minimalism? These are all practices that help to connect more deeply to the source of life. When you are connected you know your needs are met and need less physical ‘stuff’ to fill the void of happiness.

MARY HABERSKI Surfer/Speaker/Mentor @yogasurflove International Yoga Teacher Based In California, talks about practicing gratitude,mindfulness and minimalism.


Why do you live a minimum waste, maximum mindfulness lifestyle? I believe we are here to live in symbiosis with the Earth. Our over consumption is damaging the very home we live on and we will be wiped off the planet if we don’t become more mindful. Awareness is the first step, the more mindful you become, the more awareness is cultivated and change can occur. What is your advice to a beginner? Meditate, everyday!!!! Find practices and teachers that resonate with you. There are millions of options to cultivate mindfulness, keep searching until you find what works and I promise your whole life will change in remarkable ways.



CHAPTER 2 Healthy environment, healthy self.



THE FACTS • In the last 10 years globally more plastic has been manufactured than the previous century combined. • In 2017 every single human being contributed an average 136kg of recyclable plastics to landfill. • World plastic production/pa is currently 300,000 tones, forecast to triple by 2050. • 8 million tones of plastic is purposefully dumped in the ocean each year. • The current ratio of plankton to micro plastic pieces in the ocean is only 2:1 • Plastic does not break down, it breaks up. • Over 90% of sea birds world wide have ingested plastic. • Humans use 2 million plastic bags/ minute. • Only 7% of recyclable plastic is recycled. • Humans are the only species not working towards the purification and ecology of our environment. 20


BENEFITS Environmental, Social & Health The environmental benefits are a major driver that prompt people towards a zero waste lifestyle. Landfill is a ticking time bomb consuming valuable land and leaching harmful toxins into land, atmosphere and water supplies. A zero waste lifestyle promotes zero contribution to landfill, aiding this environmental crisis. Landfill contribution is creating a crisis that spans far beyond harmful dump environments, a large portion of landfill waste ends up in water ways and ultimately the ocean. This phenomenon is effecting sea birds, micro ocean organisms, natural currents and sea life. Your daily initiative to avoid wastage will save lives and ecosystems. The benefits are in no way limited to just landfill diversion. Leading a more authentic lifestyle through local sourcing of resources reduces transport emissions and wastage of damaged goods. Openly promoting zero waste creates social change in retailer practice and consumer behavior, ultimately creating large scale change benefiting our environment, economy and lifestyle.



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CHAPTER 3 Pantry & Plate

PANTRY FOOD SOURCING For beautiful food that suits your taste, budget and lifestyle often home cooking is the best option. Preparing your own food empowers you to take control of the quality and source of ingredients. When shopping consciously consider how far your produce has traveled, chemicals & preservatives, environmental and ethical production and of course packaging. Shop local and get to know the people behind your food. A great way to connect with producers is farmers markets and small local businesses. For producers their produce is their passion and they love to get to know their customers. Source food with a connection to its story and eating green will soon become a love and passion. Make your kitchen your sanctuary, a place you can relax and prepare beautiful ingredients into meals you love. Take time to cook mindfully, focus on how you can use the whole product and compost waste. When you fully understand the process of production to plate gratitude is inevitable. 26


YUMMY! A short collection of a few of my all time favorite zero waste recipes. These recipes are staples in my daily life because they’re quick & delicious.



BANANA BOOSTER Vegan, chemical free, totally yum.


1 Frozen Banana 2/3 cup Soy Milk 1 tsp Cinnamon 2 tbs Quick Oats


1 Frozen Banana 2/3 cup Milk 2 tbs Greek Yogurt 1 tsp Cinnamon 2 tbs Quick Oats

Combine all ingredients & blend until smooth. Top with coconut flakes & cinnamon.

*Add LSA or coconut cream for an extra boost. Local grocers often sell over ripe bananas for next to nothing. Although not much too look at an over ripe banana is at its peak for flavor and nutrient content. Best of all you’ll be saving great produce from landfill.



EASY EGG The ultimate poached egg hack.

Boil kettle and fill a coffee mug with hot water. Gently crack 1 free range egg Microwave for 40 seconds, Rest for 20 seconds The perfect poached egg in 2 minutes!


Serve with organic avocado,fresh toasted rye bread & top with Chili flakes


Serve with Ocean caught smoked salmon, cream cheese and dill on a toasted bagel.

When it comes to beautiful, fresh eggs always shop local. The best way to source eggs is from a local farm, cafe or grocer with chickens on site. This way you can see the chickens are well cared for and know your eggs are fresh while minimizing transport Emissions. Where possible bring your own egg carton!



ICE CREAM Delicious, home made ice cream, guilt free.


5 Frozen Banana 2 Tbs Cocoa Powder 3 tsp Cinnamon


5 Frozen Banana 3 tsp Cinnamon 3 tsp Honey


4 Frozen Banana 1/3 cup Coconut Cream 1 pack Frozen Strawberries Combine all ingredients & blend until smooth. Top with fresh fruit, coconut flakes or nuts.



DATE BALLS High Protein, decadent & tasty 12 Pitted dates 0.5 Cup sultanas 0.5 Cup crushed nuts 1 Tbs Peanut Butter Drizzle Honey Coconut to serve Blend all ingredients in food processor until they form a firm dough. Roll teaspoons of batter into truffle balls. Roll in shredded coconut or crushed nuts. Serve chilled. Keep up to 10 days, refrigerated.



ZUCCHINI FRITTERS For Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner 1 Lg Grated Zucchini 2 Free Range Eggs 1 cup Bread Crumbs 2 Tbs Crushed Garlic Fresh Chopped Basil, Parsley & Chives. Salt & Peeper to Taste. Combine all ingredients until they form a wet dough like consistency. Fry 2 tbs pancakes of mixture until crisp. Rest fritters on a dry cloth for 2-3 mins. Serve with garden salad, guacamole, grilled halloumi and a drizzle of cold pressed olive oil. Top with fresh garden herbs and black peeper. Also great on a burger or wrap, with poached eggs or just as a snack. Prepare a bulk batch and freeze for a quick mid-week meal. 38


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CHAPTER 4 DIY Home Products

LIP BALM Natural & Soothing

1Tbs Beeswax 1Tbs Coconut Oil 1Tbs Shea Butter/ Cocoa Butter Melt equal parts beeswax, shea butter and coconut oil on the stove or in the microwave. Pour into mold and set in freezer for 5-10 minutes. Add lipstick for tint & highlighter for shine. Store in a cool dry place, keep for up to 2 months. I found shea butter was hard to find and very expensive, cocoa butter is a cheap all natural substitute that works just as well.

Eye Shadow Primer

The product also works wonderfully as an eye shadow primer to keep your skin beautiful and eye shadow pigment full.



POWDER Pure Loose or Pressed Powder.

2 Tbs Arrowroot Powder Cinnamon to tint Cocoa Powder to tint 5 drop Coconut Oil to set Combine Arrowroot powder & tints until you achieve the desired tint for your skin type. Store in a air tight container for loose powder. Combine powder with coconut oil and press into powder pallet for an all organic pressed powder. This product is all natural and great for your skin. However due to the natural tints this product does not offer full coverage. It works well as a setting or matte powder. Use with a concealer or foundation for a full coverage look.



PRIMER The ultimate skin essential.

Pure Moisturizer Unrefined Alovera Gel Combine equal parts of both key ingredients. Whip to a smooth, creamy solution. Add tea tree oil for acne prone skin. Keep for up to 2 months.

Overnight Mask

Apply generously for a revitalizing overnight mask. Add vitamin E or cinnamon for an extra skin boost.



ACNE CURE Natural overnight mask for pesky acne

Tooth Paste Unrefined Alovera Gel Baking Soda Combine all ingredients to form a thick paste. Apply generously to problem areas. Allow product to dry to a chalky consistency. Leave on overnight, moisturize after use.



BODY WASH Milk & Honey Body Wash

250ml Pure Liquid Soap 1/4 Cup Pure Honey 2Tbs Moisturizer 10-15 Drops Macadamia Oil 1 Tbs Vanilla Extract Melt honey and moisturizer until combined. Add warm mixture to liquid soap Add oil and vanilla to scent. Shake well before use. Keep in an air tight container. Keep for up to 3 months.



BODY BAR Natural deodorizer or shower soap

1/2 Bar Pure Soap 1/4 Cup Coconut Oil 1 Tbs Moisturizer Essential Oil to scent Melt soap and coconut oil on low heat over the stove. Once the mixture is clear and fluid add moisturizer. Add essential oil to desired scent. Pour hot mixture into a heat proof baking mold Set overnight in the fridge. Store in a cool dry place wrapped in thin cloth. Apply as a natural deodorant or use in the shower as a moisturizing lather soap Store for 1-2 months



WASH LIQUID 3 Natural Ingredients, 1 Awesome washing liquid

1/2 bar Pure Soap 1 L Tap Water Essential oil to scent Boil soap and water on a low heat over the stove until well combined. Add essential oil to scent. Cool mixture in the freezer for 10- 15 minutes. Pour into large bottle (half fill). Leave to set, this creates a ‘mother’ soap. Fill the bottle with tap water and shake well. Continue topping up the bottle with water until the whole mother soap is dissolved. This simple mixture creates approximately a 6 month supply of natural dish soap. Store for 6-12 months in a warm place.



WASH POWDER Natural, softening laundry washing powder

5 Bars of Pure Linen Soap 1 Tbs Baking Soda Essential oil to scent Great soap bars into a chunky powder. Add baking soda and stir until well combined. Add essential oils to scent. Add lemon juice for a pure whites solution. Store for 6-12 months in an air tight container.




CHAPTER 5 Home Garden



POTTED GREENS Lettuce, Basil, Sage, Parsley, Oregano, Mint, Chives Potted plants are great for restricted spaces and kitchen convenience. Light and leafy produce grows well in post with explore to dappled sun light and water once /day. Boost growth by topping up soil with compost run off once /week. Air-rate soil by placing rocks or wood chips in the base of the pot. Herbs can be dried at 140 degrees for 20-30 minutes in a fan forced oven. This way you’ll have home grown herbs all year round.



STRAWBERRIES Pot, hanging basket or garden patch. Strawberries are a quick growing wonder for home growers. A healthy crop will produce berries almost all year round. Grown in full sun in air-rated soil. Water daily, add compost run off nightly during fruit growth. Pick the berries when they are red, alow them to ripen until they become soft and juicy. Home grown berries are delicious and precious they are best enjoyed simply. Dipped in chocolate, mascarpone or coconut cream.



PASSION FRUIT Long-lasting & Nutritious Although the lifespan of a vine is only 3-5 seasons during fruit the vine will produce abundantly and produce will last up to 2 months in a cool dry place. The vine needs sun, thriving soil and a frame. With the right nutrients the vine will grow quickly. When the fruit is black skinned and tough it’s ready to harvest. Store in a dark place away from direct sunlight. Continue to cut the vine to size and don’t over fertilize for ideal growth.



TOMATO Versatile, juicy and delicious Grow well potted or in ground in full sun with rich well draining soil. Larger plants may need a streak for growth support. For fast growth and large produce fertilize with plant food fortnightly and water daily. Pick fruit before it ripens. Allow fruit to ripen indoors away from direct sun light. Consume within 7 day of ripening. Plant each new plant in a differnet location with fresh soil for best season.



CHILLI and plants of the capsicum family Need to be grown in a warm climate with full sun and well air-rated soil. To boost a seedling to fruit feed with compost run off 2-3 times/week until buds are visible. Water twice weekly & mist during dry seasons. Fruit will remain ripe on the plant, simply pick red fruit when desired. Refrigerated produce can last up to 7 days off the plant or up to 3 months dehydrated.




CHAPTER 6 Handy tips and ticks for your home.



COMPOST SYSTEM 1 60L Bin 1m PVC Piping 1 PVC Tap TOOLS Handsaw Silicone Use handsaw to cut a small hole at the base of the bin. Fit the PVC tap into the hole using silicone to seal the setting. Saw small holes into the PVC pipe and place in the center of the bin. Surround the PVC pipe with all purpose potting mix & food scraps. The pipe creates air flow and accelerates the decomposition process. Use the tap to collect liquid run off and use as booster to grow fruit and veggies.



COFFEE POD REUSE If you use a coffee pod machine you know that those plastic pods are wasteful. What you might not know is how easily the pods can be re-used. Simply remove the plastic seal of a used pod & empty out the used coffee grinds. Refill the pod with fresh coffee grind of your choice. Re-seal the pod with recyclable tin foil.



BEES WAX WRAP A natural alternative to cling wrap

Cling wrap is a single use chemical nightmare. The Beeswax Wrap is a reusable solution that’s great for you and great for the environment. Simply take an old tea towel or other fabric. Melt pure beeswax over the stove until is forms a translucent liquid. Paint the fabric until it is saturated in wax. Allow to dry for 2-4 hours. The product becomes a stiff waxy fabric that keeps products fresh time and time again.



CONFETTI A beautiful alternative to paper waste

Collect an assortment of beautiful autumn leaves. Using a novelty or standard hole punch create as many holes in each leaf as possible. Empty the hole punch to uncover beautiful , natural confetti that can be left in the environment after your event without leaching harmful dyes.





CHAPTER 7 The rule of five.






REDUCE & REUSE Close the loop of household waste

The best way to dispose of waste is to not create it in the first place. Reducing personal waste and working towards zero waste is why we’re all here. Less is best, less waste creates environmental, social and psychological good. Where ever possible shop conservatively and when packaging is unavoidable be mindful of the materials your purchase and how they could be re-purposed. So much of what we throw away is can be reused or re-purposed to enrich our lives at little or no cost. Glass jars, plastic bottles, tins and cans can all be used around the home for storage, gardening, decor and DIY projects. Living sustainability is connected to living minimally. Your waste is a possession you have purchased in one way or another so always ask yourself could this be re-purposed to spark joy in a second life? 82


RECYCLE Reduce, Reuse than at last Recycle


Although recycling is not an ideal waste solution as emissions are generated in the transportation and manufacturing process it is still far more sustainable than landfill. Glass is the ideal recyclable as it is closed loop, meaning a product can be reduced back to raw material infinitely without effecting volume or quality. Hard/ soft plastics can also be recyclable. The current process of recyclable plastics in Australia is rated by a nationally recognized system. Every recyclable plastic product displays the triple arrow recycle symbol. The symbol contains a number for 1 -9 indicating the strain of plastic it is made from. Which strains can be processed in your recycle bin is determined by your local council. Information is availbe on most council websites. Complex plastics (6-9) are often processed at complex plants, creating higher emission for less raw material. It’s key when recycling to ensure all items are clean and able to be processed correctly. Remember it only takes 1 wrong item to corrupt your weekly recycling contribution, sending it all to landfill. 85

GREEN WASTE Contributing to the national compost

When you dispose of green waste such as plant material, food waste, animal droppings, soiled paper/ cardboard you are essentially adding to a region wide compost heap. This waste is composted into soil, mulch and fertilizer available for re-sale/ government use. The danger of this large scale processing is the emission of gas created in the decomposition process and the related fire hazards. When ever possible compost your green waste at home and save the nutritious soil for your own garden. Larger green waste such as timber and large garden waste can be chipped for mulch or sold through community trading posts. It’s amazing how innovative people in your local area can be.



LAND FILL A ticking time bomb.

Processing of landfill is short sighted, highly toxic and down right expensive for local government. Many countries around the world are confronted with the growing challenge of where to put end life waste, our planet is only so big. A great exercise to better understand this global situation is to keep your household waste indefinitely, you’ll soon wonder where you’re going to keep it all. Throughout every day life treat landfill as your very last resort. To best manage your waste contribution consider the 5 golden questions. How can I reduce my comsuption? How can I reuse this product? Could this be put in the compost? Could I give to anyone else? Can this be recycled? If waste is truly end life make sure all recyclable parts have been separated and the waste is clean before disposing of it.




30 DAYS One month of dedication, A lifetime of impact

Now that you’re armed with the facts, tools and resources it’s time to go into the world and be a force for good. Everyone is capable of meaningful change and this is one of the best changes we can all make. This journey is enlightening, inspiring and encapsulating so what are you waiting for? Make a meaningful commitment to revolutionize your lifestyle. Zero waste is about so much more than being great for the environment, it will change your life.



THANK YOU Thank you or joining me on this eco adventure

I hope this book inspires you to go out and do great things. I’m so grateful for all my readers and subscribers, sustainable living is truly a beautiful community. I’m excited for what the future of the Zero Waste Lifestyle holds and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting these humble beginnings.



This Book is Environmenatly Friendly using carbon nutral print processes, ink saving typography and recycled paper, as well as being totally recyclable or compostable.





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