My name is Raymond Morales. I am 17 years the younger boys how to better themselves. I old and have been a member of the Harris wanted to help give kids the most important thing in life: a chance. Today I am a constant Saxon Club in Deltona for 8 years. staple in the club. I am currently a Senior at My mother moved to New York City with Pine Ridge High School. I have also received her new husband and left me with my Grand- a full scholarship to college from OurChildren mother, Aunt and Uncle when I was two years First. old. Since then, my Grandmother has raised me. Six months ago, my mother, step-father My story could have ended differently if it and two half-brothers moved back to Florida. wasn’t for the Boys & Girls Club. With the grief of losing my two male role models, I I have been the man of my house since my Un- needed a place to grieve and just hide out for cle Jose passed away 5 years ago. I help my a while. While many young men in my situaAunt, by taking care of my 10 year old cousin tion would have chosen drugs, alcohol and/ who has autism and I help my Grandmother or to run away, I chose to grieve in a positive with chores around the house. Soon after I way. The Boys & Girls Club was there for me. started elementary school, I met Mr. Marcel, They are making a difference for me and hunthe Unit Director at Harris Saxon Boys & Girls dreds of other young people every day. club. He became the most positive ma le model i n my life. Then when I was in 8th grade, My club has made me a better person. I am able to give back to others who may have a Mr. Marcel passed. I felt completely lost. harder life than me or are in a rough patch. I Both men who I had looked up to and wanted come every day to teach the lessons the staff to be like when I grew up were gone. My world have taught me. I know the club has given me was upside down. I continued to come to the hope for a better future. I hope to show other club. It helped me to get away from the pain; I youth and our community that kids do matcould disappear in the crowd. I learned to use ter. Because of the love and support I have rethe lessons Mr. Marcel taught me to become a ceived from my club members and all of the better man and a leader instead of a follower. staff at Boys & Girls Club, I am able to be a Within a few months I was the most active I responsible and caring person and give back had ever been in the club. I started teaching to my community.
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