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Wellness with Jen: Sunscreen... Does Protection from the Sun Mean Risking our Health?
Have you seen the recent recalls on sunscreens?
Neutrogena and Aveeno have pulled many of their sunscreens off store shelves because they contain benzene, a known cancer-causing agent. Other sunscreens and after-sun products, though, that remain on shelves in stores have been found to contain benzene and other cancer-causing agents.
So, let me get this straight.... We’re supposed to apply products that can potentially cause cancer in order to avoid cancer?? We apply sunscreen to protect us from the damage of the sun, but at what cost?
Why can’t we have the best of both worlds? Why can’t we use a safe product that effectively protects us from the sun?!
Oh, wait, we can!
A couple of years ago, a company that I trust whole-heartedly developed a sunscreen that contains only healthy ingredients and is super effective. WIN WIN, right? Well, kind of... It’s super thick and kind of annoying to apply. And some folks would feel as though it’s a bit pricey.
Before going on vacation last week, my daughter and I tried out a hack for making our sunscreen easier to apply and more cost effective. After a week of hours in the sun each day, I’m here to say that it kept us all protected!
- Easy to apply
- Protects my pale Canadian born Momma skin
- Protects my 5-year-old during hours of pool play
- Protects my 16-month-old beach bum
- Leaves skin feeling soft, not sticky
- Smells amazing
Admittedly, I forgot to reapply throughout the day as I should have <-- #badmom I know! I DO NOT recommend following my poor example, but I wanted to share that despite being a bad Momma and not reapplying, the babes didn’t burn. One application protected them against burning, thank goodness!
You have options! You do not have to choose between harmful sun exposure and harmful exposure to toxins. Our recipe:
- 1 empty DIY sunscreen spray bottle (purchased on Amazon)
- 1 Full Tube of Young Living spf50 sunscreen
- 30 drops Young Living Lavender Essential Oil
- ½ bottle of Young Living LavaDerm Cooling Mist
- 1/8 cup carrot seed oil - Fractionated Coconut Oil until you spray bottle is about 2/3 of the way full
SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE Apply and have some fun in the sun!
*This is the recipe that works for us. I do not guarantee the same results for every individual. I empower you to do your own research or reach out and ask me questions about the research that I did before deciding what works best for you and your family.
If you have questions about ordering the ingredients mentioned above, I can guide you! Just reach out!
August Giveaway!
Follow me on social media After you follow me, send me and email, text, or PM to let me know to enter you into the drawing for your very own sunscreen spray!
*I have done extensive research on products and companies and choose to recommend Young Living products whole heatedly. Young Living has a Seed to Seal promise that guarantees from the time that the seed is selected and planted to the time that the product arrives on your doorstep, no harmful ingredients will come in contact with that product at any step along the way. Young Living goes as far as testing their soil and using their own essential oils to protect against pest in lieu of using harmful pesticides. Young Living performs their own testing in addition to third party testing to guarantee that you receive the most effective and most beneficial products. Every ingredient is clearly labeled on each product.
**I am not a doctor and do not claim to diagnose, treat, and/or cure any ailment. I am only sharing my experiences and results of what I have used for my own personal use and that of my family. I empower everyone to do their own research and decide what products work best for them and their family. In the event that medical attention is needed, seek medical attention.
Follow me on social media or shoot me a message if you have any questions or concerns. Happy Summer, everyone!
Jen Cosby