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Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings Announces Launch of Bizlink Orange
One-stop Website That Supports Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners
In partnership with Central Florida’s National Entrepreneur Center, Orange County Mayor Jerry L. Demings today announced the launch of BizLink Orange®, an innovative online platform to seamlessly connect Central Florida entrepreneurs and small business owners to business assistance organizations in over 50 different languages.
“Orange County is home to some of the most innovative and hard-working business owners in the world,” said Demings. “Orange County Government was a founding sponsor of the National Entrepreneur Center and this new tool provides the next step for connecting business owners throughout Central Florida to the resources that will support their growth. This initiative benefits our entire region.”
The service is free and includes access to business coaches, research materials, a regional business event calendar, and a variety of business-building services across the six-county region of Central Florida. BizLink Orange® utilizes the proprietary SourceLink® software, which is already in use in many communities throughout the United States.
The National Entrepreneur Center will launch and manage BizLink Orange® which has already attracted more than 50 participating organizations.
“Entrepreneurs have different needs at different times,” said Jerry Ross, President of the National Entrepreneur Center. “Our community has been at the forefront of building dynamic resources to support our business community at every stage of growth. BizLink Orange® expands our existing collaborative model exponentially, while providing quick and easy access to business services.”
BizLink Orange® is funded by Orange County Government and managed by the National Entrepreneur Center. The online platform is free to the public to access and free for non-profit resource partners to join. For more information, visit www.BizLinkOrange.com or call 3-1-1.