2 minute read
Avalon Middle School’s NJHS Students Making a Difference
Avalon Middle School’s National Junior Honor Society students had a very busy and rewarding holiday season. In November, they wrote thank you cards for the nurses at Advent Health East Orlando. The nurse staff was so appreciative that they made displays of cards on multiple floors of the hospital for all to view. They also collected and donated over 250 new children’s books to the Winnie Palmer NICU for parents to read to their premature infants. Along with the books, they delivered 250 handmade bookmarks as gifts to the parents that will include their babies’ footprints. The nurses, parents, and hospital staff were so grateful. Additionally, they made
and served dinner to over 100 homeless families at Straight Street in downtown Orlando. The students found it incredibly rewarding and Straight Street was extremely appreciative of their efforts and service. They also collected over 400 pounds of nonperishable food items for the Second Harvest Food Bank that was delivered for the Thanksgiving holiday. Finally, they granted 100 children’s gift wishes to the Orange/Seminole Foster Children’s Association Grant-A-Wish Project. We are so proud of all of the altruistic activities that our NJHS students are participating in. They truly are making a difference in our community.

13914 Mailer Blvd, Orlando, FL 32828
(407) 207-7839