Avalon Park Sun Orlando May 2022

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MAY 2022










Together for Mental Health: You Belong in Avalon Park

The National Alliance on Mental Illness, NAMI, recognizes the month of May as a time for bringing awareness to mental health. The focus of the 2022 national movement is on the message of “Together for Mental Health.” By coming together, the Avalon Park community can help all of its members feel a sense of place and belonging and support a culture of strong mental health through the resources available.

logical well-being.

A strong social network is one of those things that may not seem important but can make a big difference when life gets hectic. Having friends and family nearby who can provide emotional support can be a huge boon to your mental health. Furthermore, keeping up with your favorite people face-to-face instead of online keeps you present and connected to your community. It’s Abel Genoa, founder of Ava- also good for them—keeping lon Park based non-profit Pro- in touch with friends and famijecthinkforward, says, “In our ly helps prevent depression. everyday lives, we assume that good mental health only has to Groups like the Rotary Club of do with internal feelings, but Avalon Park, the Avalon Park that is only the beginning. Our Kiwanis and Post 409 Amerimental health is a mixture of can Legion, are a great way to multiple things, with living in start building the strong social a positive community being a network. For a full listing of main factor. Living in a place the clubs and organizations in such as Avalon Park where you Avalon Park visit the online dihave the tools & outlets to ex- rectory here and select the orpress yourself in a positive way ganizations category. through many outlets. Making friends with likeminded inter- Additionally, spending time ests, as well as exercising and with friends, family and neighusing the many running paths bors is a great way to stay poswe have all attribute to a posi- itive and healthy. Avalon Park tive lifestyle and mental health offers many opportunities to stability.” do just that, from meeting up at a favorite local restaurant to Feeling accepted and welcomed getting together at one of the by being a part of a community many community events, there is where a sense of belonging are multiple ways to have begins. Whether through civic healthy social interactions in groups, church groups, volun- the community. teering with a local organization, or just neighbors who say Access to mental health rehi when they see you, having sources is also key. Propeople around you who make jecthinkforward is a non-profit you feel safe and comfortable organization based in Avalon is essential for optimal psycho- Park, offering sponsored ther-

apy to those that cannot afford it. They also curate a regular podcast where different mental health specialists discuss various mental health conditions. As well as other forward thinkers in our community to discuss life skills, growth, and much more. Access the latest episodes online. Another key resource is the accessibility to mental health counselors and therapists in Downtown Avalon Park. For contact information and listing of the providers, visit the directory here and select the medical category. The benefits of physical exercise far exceed just the physical benefits. According to TheHelpGuide.org it can also boost your mood, improve your sleep, and help you deal with depression, anxiety, stress and more. From joining the local YMCA, to shooting hoops at the amenity center or talking a swim in the pool, there is a wide range of ways to get physically active in Avalon Park. With such a variety of organizations and opportunities, Avalon Park is a community where all can feel like they belong. Whether you are living, learning, working or playing, or maybe even all four, in Avalon Park, you belong here! So, Avalon Park, let’s come “Together for Mental Health” this month and every month to ensure everyone feels like they belong!


Coffee Hour with BEAT and is my closest advisor, we believe in MENS SANO IN CORPORE SANO, (a healthy mind in a healthy body) and understand the importance of mental health.

May is Mental Health Month and as I reflected on writing this Coffee with Beat, I was reminded of the findings AdventHealth made several years ago through a community health survey. AdventHealth and Avalon Park Group were trying to determine what medical specialists Avalon Park needs in its goal to become the healthiest community in central Florida and the conclusion was that we need more psychologists, psychiatrists, and counselors. The resounding cry was that above all other needs mental health was one of the most critical and where any community, including ours could improve. While we are not counselors at Avalon Park Group, although my wife Jill holds a Ph.D. in Psychology

yoga in the park and youth sports. For the mind there are counselors, music and dance performances, art classes, and more. For the spirit there are several churches of all faith bases located near Avalon Park. In Avalon Park, everything for your daily life will be at your fingertips, you do not have to leave the community, and that the sense of belonging and safety becomes real. We continue to look for ways to improve the mental health opportunities for our community from bringing mental health doctors to the community to adding programming that will create positive outlets for all needs.

he reminded the congregation that first and foremost the community needs God. And while there are many needs, such as clean water, enough food, and shelter, the foundation should remain routed in faith.

We believe that the composition of a healthy community I also truly believe has a direct impact giving back through on both the physical community service and mental health helps with positive of its stakeholders. mental health. B u i l d i n g There are countless communities that are opportunities to holistically strong give back and help includes a focus on in the community. establishing a place I encourage you to where the residents look around to the have a strong sense of local schools, nonbelonging and safety. profits and service When you know organizations to see your neighbors, they where you can help often become friends the most. that you can relax with and check in With the focus on on you in good and challenging times. Around this time mental health in the last year, I attended May, I encourage That sense of the inaugural church you to explore the belonging and safety service started by different ways we is also complemented our long-time friend can continue to build with outlets for mind, Pastor Dale Brooks in a healthy community body and spirit. And Bithlo. In his sermon, together. understanding not all people respond to the GET IN TOUCH same outlets, having a diverse offering - Have an inclusion for the Avalon Park Sun? Email: info@AvalonParkSun.com is important for the health of the entire - Editorial Staff: community. We are Publisher: Beat Kahli building Avalon Park Copy Editor: Stephanie Lerret to be programmed to Graphic & Layout Editor: Kenzie Farrish provide outlets for all. For the body there 407.658.6565 will be activities like 3801 Avalon Park East Blvd. #400 Orlando, FL 32828


From the Desk of Commissioner

Maribel Gomez Cordero Happy May! May is the month of Mother’s Day. On May 8, we will take the day to celebrate all of the loving hard-working mothers in our lives. As a mother of three myself, I know firsthand the challenges that mothers face every day. I urge everyone to give thanks, love, and dedicate some time to the mothers and grandmothers in your life. Take this chance to remind them how important they are and how much you love them.

various elementary schools in the area. As always, if you have any questions or concerns or would like assistance with applying for rental/energy assistance , you can email me at district4@ocfl.net or call my office at 407-836-5881. Please follow me on social media to keep track of events I host across District 4, such as the food drives I hold every month. Blessings,

Last month, Avalon held Commissioner Maribel Gothe annual Absolutely Ava- mez Cordero lon celebration. I was proud to have my staff attend this event as well as the ribbon cutting for the new Avalon Arts and Culture Center. The new center is a wonderful addition to not only the Avalon community but also the entire East Orange community. I encourage everyone to visit the center to see the various exhibits, especially those of local students from Timber Creek High School and the


A Veteran’s Real-Life Experience Buying A Home Can we agree our Veterans have earned the benefits given to them; the VA loan being an important one? The VA loan offers our veterans the opportunity to finance 100% of the appraised value of their new home. Many sellers don’t understand this loan, and some reject offers from our Veterans. I ask “why?” Those using VA loans can make excellent, solid buyers.

It appraised for the contracted price. The appraiser worked hard for them. We’re under contract, grateful to the sellers and to the listing agent. Happy Dance!!

OUR REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE. Allow me to introduce my friends and clients, Jonathan and Alessia. Jonathon, an Army Vet served in Afghanistan, was injured, and because of his injuries was honorably discharged. Both he and Alessia have excellent jobs, excellent credit, and are financially strong, all of which is documented. We made 13 very strong offers on homes before having our offer accepted. Many of our offers where not even considered…because of their VA loan, even though we documented their financial strength. We even documented they had the cash to pay over the appraised amount. Their persistence and patience was finally rewarded. We placed our 13th offer with an experienced listing agent who understood VA loans. There were 25 offers on the home and yes, we offered well above the asking price. She encouraged the owners to consider Jonathan and Alessia’s offer and yes, the sellers accepted.

Truth: The Veterans with whom I’ve worked have excellent income, are financially strong, have cash in the bank all of which make them highly qualified. They are choosing to use a benefit they’ve earned.

LET’S CLARIFY A COUPLE OF VA LOAN MISCONCEPTIONS. 1. Misconception: Many believe if the Veteran is financing 100%, they don’t have the income of available cash to afford my home.

been thoroughly committed to their purchase, and some of the best people with whom I have had the pleasure to work with. When you’re selling home; when a Veteran offers to purchase your home, please give them every consideration. It’s a WIN / WIN. You’ll be rewarded financially, and you’ll have given the Veteran’s family the respect they’ve earned.

2. Misconceptions: It’s assumed the VA appraisals are more stringent than conventional appraisals. Truth: Regardless of the loan type, conventional, FHA, or VA, an appraiser is required to determine the market value of a home. In my experience, if a home doesn’t appraise, it’s easier to request a review an appraisal for a VA loan than other loan types.

Call/Text me at 407-312-4928 or email AvalonRealty@Gmail. com me for all of your real estate needs.

John Alexandrou - Broker / 3. Misconception: VA building Owner since 2003 inspections are more stringent. Avalon Realty Group: Truth: All buyers will have a 3925 Peppervine Dr., Orlando building inspection and a WDO FL 32828 (wood destroying organism,) inspection. The VA requires wood 407-312-3928 (cell) rot to be repaired. Seriously, if you found wood rot you would AvalonRealty@Gmail.com require it repaired. Now that’s sensible, right? During my 19 years as the Owner and Broker of Avalon Realty, working with Veterans and their families have been the most memorable. In my experience, Veterans have had the strongest financial qualifications, have


How Music Influences the Mental Health of Seniors at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute and published in The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, found that among people with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, those who listened to music for just half an hour a day were much less likely to develop depression. The soothing effects of music may help lessen emotional distress in seniors as well.

Music can be an excellent tool to help seniors stay active and alert, enhancing their mental health and well-being. Music can also help prevent or lessen the impact of several issues that commonly affect seniors, including Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, depression, and anxiety disorders. The following are some ways music can improve seniors’ mental health—and how you can make sure your loved one stays healthy through music throughout his or her golden years. What is Music Therapy? Music therapy is a holistic approach to mental health that combines music, sound, and movement. This modality can help reduce anxiety, stress, and depression in both children and adults. It is also used to improve memory. Research has shown that making music can also be helpful in treating Parkinson’s disease, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Improves Memory One study, conducted by researchers

Reducing Anxiety and Stress When seniors are alone, they are prone to feelings of isolation and loneliness. If a senior’s children or grandchildren live far away, he or she may feel as if he or she has no one around. Fortunately, there are many ways to help reduce these feelings. One way is by playing soothing music that helps calm anxiety and stress. Stimulating Recall Dr. Carol H. Green-Risse and Dr. Suzanne C. Segerstrom, researchers from Tufts University, found that stimulating music can help seniors recall positive memories and improve their moods. When we feel happy or upbeat, we’re better able to identify positive memories, said Segerstrom, who holds a Ph.D in psychology with an emphasis on health psychology and behavioral medicine from Florida State University; she’s also a core faculty member at Florida State’s Center for Cognitive Aging and Memory. Encouraging Physical Movement Often, seniors think that because they are elderly, they should not move around as much. However, studies have shown that

seniors who engage in physical activities like walking and gardening report lower stress levels than their sedentary counterparts. In addition to relieving everyday stressors, regular exercise also helps mitigate depression among older adults—and it doesn’t matter if you start at age 65 or 80; it’s never too late to start moving your body and improving your mental health. Promoting Awareness in Daily Activities Add some music to your day, both as a way to lift your mood and to help you avoid distractions. Studies have shown that listening to music while you work can make you more productive, so blast away while performing menial tasks like cleaning or laundry. If nothing else, you’ll have something good playing in the background while doing chores—and if it’s good enough, you may just not notice how long it’s taking to finish! Is Your Loved One Ready for a New Song? Music doesn’t cure Alzheimer’s, but it does make symptoms more manageable and improves your senior’s quality of life. With certified dementia practitioners, Encore at Avalon offers special memory care-focused living communities for residents suffering from Alzheimer’s. Through community partnerships, we have access to services and activities, including music, that enrich our residents’ experiences. To schedule a tour, call today at 407-270-7500 or visit us online at EncoreAtAvalonPark.com.


Mother’s Day Appreciation: Tips to Celebrate With Mother’s Day coming up, you might be looking for some advice on how to celebrate your mother or special woman in your life. No matter what kind of day you want to create, these tips on celebrating Mother’s Day will be sure to help you have the best time possible and show her just how much she means to you! Give Mom a special phone call No matter how many kids your mom has, she’ll always feel like you are her special little kid. So, give her a call or send her a message not because you must, but because you want to. It will mean so much more than any bouquet of flowers or fancy breakfast in bed could ever convey. Invite her on an activity she likes Take her on a date or a small trip that involves one of her favorite activities, whether it be seeing a movie she’s been waiting for or going to an art gallery like the Avalon Park Arts & Culture Center right in our back yard. She will appreciate your thoughtfulness and effort in making her feel special. Even if you can’t be with your mom in person, you can send her a gift certificate to her favorite restaurant or tickets to see her favorite band perform live. The more personal you make it, the more heartfelt it will be for her to receive.

Cook her favorite meal It doesn’t matter if you’re cooking a full-course meal or just making a quick snack, she’ll love whatever you serve. Just remember, when it comes to Mom, simple is best. You don’t have to make an overly complicated recipe, but if you love to cook then why not give it a go! We all know who you got your cooking skills from in the first place - Mom. Have a family outing where everyone spends time with Mom Whether you decide to enjoy a walk in a local park or the trails, take her out for her favorite lunch or set up a nice brunch at home, try taking it easy. So much of our lives are spent running around and doing things that we often forget to stop and appreciate our moms. Mother’s Day is a day when we can all take a moment to slow down, appreciate our people and make on our moms feel special all while having fun! Tell mom how much you love her It is always important to tell your mom how much you appreciate her, even when it isn’t Mother’s Day. Don’t take her for granted— she was your very first teacher, cheerleader, and best friend after all. It is never too late (or too early) to remind her how special she is and thank her for everything she has

done for you. Write a handwritten letter and send it in snail mail. The personal touch of writing a note will show Mom just how much you care about her, and it will make your day that much more special.

The Flats at Avalon appreciates our moms!


The Flats is hosting a Mother’s Day Celebration on May 3rd from 4-6PM for our moms and their families. There will be light hors d’oeuvre, refreshments, and a raffle that will be announced at 6PM. Come celebrate with us! For more information on leasing at The Flats please click here or call 407-273-4337.


Sunshine Ankle & Foot Experts May Health Fact Have you checked your feet lately? Checking your feet regularly can help you spot issues before they get worse. If you notice any changes in your feet or ankles, pain or skin abnormalities, contact the team at Sunshine Ankle and Foot Experts!

Sunshine Ankle & Foot Experts can help you! Dr. Kiana Karbasi and Dr. Timothy Miller are currently seeing patients in downtown Avalon Park. Please call 407863-3655 or visit us at www. sunshineankleandfoot.com to schedule an appointment! We love being a part of the Avalon Park Community and look forward to keeping it’s members SAFE and keeping them going!

Brielle’s Brigade

Please consider being a part of Brielle’s Brigade! Alexander disease is an extremely rare (1 in 1 million births) progressive and fatal neurological disorder for which there is no known cure. Now imagine welcoming a perfectly healthy and normal baby girl into the world… and at age 2, you are told that your precious daughter, Brielle, has Alexander disease. In 2012, two of our OCPS teachers’ lives were turned upside down. Jarrin Warren is a teacher at Avalon Middle School; she is one of the original faculty members to open the school. Her husband Derrick is also an OCPS teacher. They have two older daughters: Emry attends Avalon Middle and Channing is a Timber Creek High student. If Brielle had not been diagnosed with this awful disease, she would be playing middle school basketball at Avalon. The life expectancy for this diagnosis is only 6 years. Now 12 years old, Brielle has doubled her life expectancy, but her last two years have been spent mostly in the hospital, receiving life-saving surgeries or medications. The disease has progressed so that she is no longer able to walk or speak, is fed through a tube, and has lost most body movement. In spite of the challenges, Brielle still recognizes her friends and family and enjoys spending time with them. She is a fighter! The family has exhausted their financial resources and insurance only covers so much. They would like to allow Brielle to be able to stay home and receive necessary home-health-nurse care. Will you please help the Warren family to care for her by joining Brielle’s Brigade? Please click here to donate.





Meet the Member: JK Creative

JK Creative on The 5th Floor JK Creative is located in The 5th Floor, just above the Marketplace in Downtown Avalon Park. Visit their website to learn more about the services.

The 5th Floor Orlando offers modern and high-quality workspaces, concierge-level services that are completely customized to our tenants’ specific needs, and a convenient Starting out a company and selling your location above Marketplace at Avalon Park. brand can be hard at first. You have to figure Our virtual offices, hot desks, and private out logos, fonts, color schemes and other offices are perfect for ambitious individuals qualities that’ll make your brand stand out to looking for a workspace perfect for facilitating people. Instead of doing it yourself, companies collaboration and fostering productivity. can help you create the vision you have for And our high-tech conference rooms are your company. JK Creative is one of these an excellent space to host your workshops, companies. meetings, and events. What is brand identity? These are the visible elements of your branding, such as color, design and logo that make your company stand out and what people will identify you with. Positive brand imaging will bring in loyal clients and consistent sales. To determine how you want to sell your brand, you must analyze the market you’ll be selling to. What is JK Creative? Founded by Julie Kostic, an award-winning designer, back in 2016, JK Creative has been developing and elevating collateral for clients in a range of industries. From websites to infographics to social media pages, JK Creative will be able to create something that will boost your brand. What are their capabilities? JK Creative’s team is composed of passionate creatives looking to make a difference for the clients they serve. This team can work on packaging, print collateral, branding/logos, email, promo items and much more. What industries do they work with? JK Creative strives to create solutions for all their clients. Working with a wide range of clients, JK Creative works with food/beverage, retail, wellness, real estate, government, tech, nonprofit and weddings.

For more information about JK Creative and to reserve one of our accommodating coworking spaces, contact The 5th Floor Orlando online or call us at 407-730-3493.



Small Business Week in Avalon Park

Photography, our photography studio is run and managed by the founder, Mejana Mediterranean Grill is operated by the owners. The list goes on and on. These small businesses thrive off the support of residents and visitors of Avalon Park.

May 2nd kicks off the beginning of National Small Business Week 2022. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, “SBA” this is a week to celebrate the resiliency and tenacity of America’s entrepreneurs. Businesses can access tools and information to further economic growth, strengthen supply chains and deliver products and services during the NSBW Virtual Summit. In Avalon Park, we celebrate small businesses every day! Located in the heart of the community, Downtown Avalon Park is home to shops and restaurants that help unify the town. There is something for everyone to enjoy, whether you are in the mood for a delicious plate of homemade French Toast from Nuno’s Café or a one-ofa-kind glass of wine from Brix & Mortar, Avalon Park is the place to be. Our small businesses separate us from other towns, in Avalon Park you can walk down the street and have a conversation with the owners of all our restaurants and shops. In honor of Small Business Week, here is a little glimpse of the behind the scenes and how we can support them as a community. If you can believe it, there are over 150 small businesses in Avalon Park. Nestled above the store fronts, you will find so much more. From medical offices to photography studios to coworking space. Things you didn’t even know were in Avalon Park are in your own backyard! Sunshine Ankle & Foot, our local podiatrist, is family owned and operated, Kossina Creative

Every type of small business is welcome here in Avalon Park! Some of which have been in the area since Avalon Park was developed like the Avalon Park Cleaners, the first business to open its doors here is still here today and is operated by the owners. The Avalon Mail Center is another small business that has grown here and has dipped into other avenues to support the residents. The owner of the Avalon Mail Center has created clubs for students and has even written an article to help small businesses like his survive during this economy. If you walk into the Marketplace at Avalon Park, you will find the owner of each of the vendors working at their restaurant or store, and at many of the locations, you will find their families’ working there as well. All of this makes Avalon Park special; it makes feel like you belong. Each week, one business is highlighted as the “Business of the Week,” where they are put out front and center in all of our advertising mediums. The business gets 7 posts on all of our social media channels @AvalonParkOrlando, a blog about their business and how to contact them posted on our website AvalonParkOrlando.com, we do a Facebook Live tour of their space and a Q/A with them, and they also get to have a message on the front marquee sign by Avalon Lake. Avalon Park Orlando offers complimentary advertising and marketing services for our neighborhood businesses to support them and make our town successful. When you see the business of the week being highlighted, it is a great opportunity to support a local business that you may have not visited before or support a favorite again! Supporting them with a positive review is also always welcome. After all, we are all part of the same community! In Avalon Park, we love small businesses and we’re always welcoming new businesses to grow our town. If you are looking to start your own business or relocate a current business, we would love to welcome you to our community. Visit our website for more information on leasing and how to get started growing your small business in Downtown Avalon Park. #ILoveAvalonPark

Embrace Families’ “Dance, Dream, Inspire” Returns to Raise Funds, Awareness for Youth in Foster Care

Five Local Celebrities Compete in 9th Annual Event One of Central Florida’s most entertaining dance competitions will return to the main stage at Hard Rock Live on Saturday, May 7 with a goal of raising $100,000 to support programs that help youth in foster care.

• Anna Vasquez, Account Manager, IPRG • Chassity Vega, CEO, Greater Orlando Builders Association “Everyone is excited to be back in person this year,” said Glen Casel, President and CEO at Embrace Families. “These community and business leaders – including our presenting sponsors Junonia and Sunshine Health – are united in bringing positive change to our community. The funds and awareness raised by this event can inspire a young person to dream of a brighter future.”

Dance, Dream & Inspire matches five local celebrities with professional ballroom dancers to perform live, choreographed routines ranging from the Viennese waltz to the Argentine tango. The annual gala benefits Embrace Families, the tri-county area’s leading nonprofit organization overseeing foster care, adoption and other Tickets start at $50 for individuals; sponsorship services for childhood victims of abuse and neglect. opportunities are still available. More information can be found at www.DanceDreamInspire.com. This year’s celebrity dancers include: • David Arce, Business Development Manager, Karma Roofing • Sarah Hohman, Executive Director of Market Strategy, AdventHealth • Joe Kepner, Sports Anchor, WFTV



Level Up Automation Now Open in Downtown Avalon Park

expectations from start to project completion. We are on the ground floor of a model that leads the way with never-before-seen Avalon Park Group an- technology all while delinounced that Level Up vering service levels that Automation has leased “WOW,” said Scott Hritz. 988 SF of space for a hightech showroom at 3801 Quickly establishing itAvalon Park Blvd. East, self as a leader and diffeSte., Suite 310, Orlando, rence-maker in an industry poised for explosive FL 32828. growth, Level Up AutoLevel Up Automation mation of Florida strives was founded in 2016 with to deliver on the compathe vision of being the ny’s mission: to be trusted world’s best and most advisors to clients in an knowledgeable techno- ever-evolving technology logy automation compa- integration space. ny. The company services the growing category of The Level Up retail designing, installing and showroom in Orlando servicing Smart Homes exists to deliver home & Intelligent Buildings automation excellence in which is set to grow ex- design, education, and ponentially over the next hands on demonstration experiences for clients ten years. and business partners Level Up Automation of looking to have the latest Florida is excited to an- in technology for their nounce the launch of its home or business. The new business operations grand opening event is in Orlando and Tampa open invitation and will Bay areas this spring. The take place May 19th, from company founders, Toni 5:00pm to 8:00pm at the Lynn Scalero and Scott showroom location; 3801 Hritz have over two de- Avalon Park E. Blvd, Orcades of expertise leading lando, FL 32828. branding, sales, and marketing strategy at audio Knowing what it takes to giant, Bose Corporation. deliver an unparalleled experience to clients, Toni “My vision is to bring an and Scott have sought to elevated level of customer create a team of profesexperience to an industry sionals that bring the tathat has been singularly lent, dedication, and leafocused on the techno- dership to the work. That logy. It’s still about the team is comprised of CE customer, their needs and industry veterans with wants, and they’re the re- skills to deliver memoraason we give our best ef- ble, high touch experienfort to simplifying homes ces. and businesses to enhance our clients’ lives,” said Toni Lynn Scalero, CEO/ Founding Partner Level Toni Scalero. Up Automation, Flori“There has never been a da, is an accomplished, better time to enter the au- results-driven executive tomation industry with a with a background in refocus on revealing custo- tail operations, human mer needs and exceeding resources, and sales maShowroom to Demonstrate Smart Home and Intelligent Building Technology

nagement. Her visionary leadership and ability to assemble high-performing teams has been a hallmark of a career spanning three decades with a number of retail industry leaders, culminating with developing and driving the largest retail market for Bose.

Scott Hritz, COO / Founding Partner Level Up Automation, Florida, began his career in 1996 with the world’s top audio powerhouse, Bose Corporation. His love for technology and commercial acumen evolved over the course of nearly two decades as he was elevated to multi­ unit leadership for the division. Scott shifted into district leadership for Safelite Auto Glass in search of a new challenge where he developed a respected firm centered on partner development and business growth resulting in the company’s greatest sales and profit in the United States in 2021.

mation operates in Arizona, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. The public is invited to attend the grand opening event on Thursday, May 19th, from 5 - 8 p.m. The formal program and refreshments will be held at The 5th Floor, located directly below the Level Up Automation showroom. Tours and VIP experiences will also be held at the showroom. For more information on their company, you can visit https://www. levelupautomationflorida.com/ or email them at Florida@levelupyourhome.com.

Downtown Avalon Park, developed and managed by Avalon Park Group, is east Orlando’s premier community to live, learn, work and play. For an up-to-date listing of the 150+ shops, restaurants and professional services visit the full online direcIn addition to Florida tory at www.AvalonParmarkets Orlando and kOrlando.com. Tampa, Level Up Auto-



Visa Inc. & Mastercard Inc. Are Preparing to Increase Fees for Businesses

Visa Inc. and Mastercard Inc. are preparing to increase the fees for businesses accepting consumers’ credit cards.

service that masks card numbers. Typically a card using a chip will price lower than a key-in entry, and accepting pin debit will get the lowest The fee increases, delayed rate in this program during the past two years because of the pandemic, At Avalon Mail Center, we are scheduled to kick-in this offer a Pro Bono service to year. MasterCard has inves- local businesses in financial ted $250 million to help small services. Our analyst believe businesses (merchants) sur- we can save small businesvive and thrive, and that they ses between $200 - $300 each are reducing costs for certain month on operating cost, smaller merchant categories so that will be ~$2400 in sathat were hit hard by the pan- vings in a year. To qualify for demic. the Pro Bono Program, local business owners can apply So to avoid the higher fees, online MERCHANT SERVIsmall businesses have to be CES at avalonmailcenter.com correctly categorized and or stop by to pick up an apalso provide certain transac- plication. Our analyst have tion data and use its token been setting up credit card

systems the last 19 years and continue the work to teach business students on how to analyze financial statements. You will need to bring along two recent merchant statements or General Ledger for our analyst to review your business and calculate your savings. One way to increase your revenue, is to reduce your cost of doing business, we hope we can help. Avalon Mail Center is owned and operated for reasons that go beyond pure monetary returns; it is an Angel Investment, managed with an community-centric philosophy. Come visit us at 3564 Avalon Park E Blvd, Ste 1, opposite Publix.


The Great Resignation, Chamber assists Start-Up Businesses As reported in the March 23rd issue of the Harvard Business Review, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states over 47 million employees voluntarily left their jobs in 2021. We have all felt the impact of this unprecedented mass exodus; staff shortages, long lines, increased wait times, reduced hours of operations, decrease in customer service, delays, product shortages, and more. According to this report, it was not all COVID related but has been an upward trend over the last 10 years. COVID accelerated the movement where employees got burned out, no longer tolerated their pay or job functions, moved to new jobs out of their field,

or left the market to create er businesses aiding with their own businesses. information to be successful. On Friday, May 13th The Chamber recognized from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM at there was a need to assist the Valencia College Lake people who left the work- Nona Campus, we are hostforce to start their own ing “The Day of Learning” businesses. We listened to a full complement of workentrepreneurs, new busi- shops and resources to help nesses, and curiosity seek- these businesses grow and ers who haven’t made the thrive. Come learn from entrepreneurial leap which industry leaders about Hirled to the establishment of ing, Legal, Insurance, Sales, the East Orlando Chamber Revenue, and more during Foundation (EOC Foun- this jam-packed day. It’s dation). Researching the only $25 to attend which needs in our community, includes continental breakwe found numerous new fast and lunch. Please regbusiness owners didn’t ister to attend at https:// know what they didn’t eocc.chambermaster.com/ know about business. The eventregistration/regisEOC Foundation provides ter/13859. In addition to the educational opportunities workshops, seminars, and for start-ups and first-ti- assistance programs, the

EOC Foundation is accepting applications from Startups and First-Tier Businesses for an opportunity to be awarded Micro-Grants. For over 75 years, the East Orlando Chamber of Commerce has assisted our members by providing opportunities to grow, stay informed, get connected and succeed in Central Florida. Contact the Chamber office today at 407-277-5951 or visit EOCC.org for more information. Join the Movement which is the East Orlando Chamber of Commerce.










FSU Singers to Perform with Timber Creek, Boone and East River HS Choirs May 3, 2022 | 7:00pm Timber Creek High School PAC 1001 Avalon Park S Blvd. Orlando, FL 32828 FREE – General Admission Florida State University Singers, FSU’s premier undergraduate touring choir, will be traveling to Timber Creek High School to perform with students from Timber Creek, Boone, and East River High Schools! Admission is FREE.

Robert Shaw. During the past fifteen years, University Singers has been invited to perform at national and regional conventions of the Music Educators National Conference and the American Choral Directors Association, including their performance at the national conventions of ACDA in 2007 and 2013. Recent tours have included performances throughout the Southeastern United States and Central Europe. Several distinguished conductors have led the University Singers in its 73-year history, including Walter James, Joseph Flummerfelt, Clayton Krehbiel, and André Thomas. Traditions established by these outstanding conductors have been carried on since 2000 by Kevin Fenton.

University Singers Description University Singers, founded in 1948 by Dr. Wiley Housewright, is the premier undergraduate touring choir at Florida State University. The auditioned choir consists mostly of students majoring in music. During its rich history, University Singers has performed with remarkable musicians Simon Halsey, Krzysztof Penderec- Timber Creek High School also has their Spring ki, Bobby McFerrin, Sir David Willcocks, Aaron Concert on May 18th and their banquet on May Copland, Norman Dello Joio, Billy Taylor and 20th! the esteemed Atlanta Symphony conductor,




If you are looking to make Mother’s Day special for your mom, mother-in-law, grandmother or any other special lady in your life, look no further than Avalon Park! There are plenty of restaurants offering discounts and businesses offering specials throughout the day. You can spend the day enjoying the sunshine over the lake and strolling around downtown talking to mom and enjoying some delicious food!

May 8, dine-in only, while supplies last. Codeword: ThanksMoms). - Avalon General is running a $5 off candles in jars or pressed glasses (any scent, no limit - Valid nowMay 9th). - The 1 Cantina is having a Mother’s Day Dinner, reservations are suggested. View the full menu here. - Cheese to Share is offering 10% off cheeseboards for pick-up orders only. May 8th, order online using Special Deals code CTSMOM. Here’s a full list of businesses that will be offering - BBQ50 is taking $1 off The Bob and The Skinny specials on Sunday, May 8th: Bob for moms only on May 8th. - The Flats at Avalon Park is having a Mother’s Day - Bowigens Beer Company is giving $1 off Drafts for resident celebration May 3rd from 4-6 PM. Moms on May 8th! - The Carvajal Group is having a Mother’s Day Brunch on May 7th from 10 AM - 2 PM that is com- Make Memories with Mom plimentary and open to anyone. RSVP to 407-963- Whether you take advantage of the deals listed above, 9894. you can still take mom out for a delicious meal, then - Solymar Travels is offering special deals on trips to head to the Avalon Park Arts & Culture Center to peruse the art! The Art Center will be open on May 8th Ireland and Italy. - Elite Dentistry is running a Buy 2 Single Zoom from 10 AM - 6 PM and is located at 13000 Avalon Lake Drive, Ste. 100. We hope you can spend quality Whitening Pens, Get 1 FREE deal. - NOLA Avalon Park is offering FREE beignets time together and make memories that you will both with the purchase of any Louisiana Classic Entree treasure forever! or Canal Street Combo. (Offer valid all day Sunday,




Pico de Gallo Mexican Grill Expanding in Downtown Avalon Park

Avalon Park Group announced today that Pico de Gallo has leased 2,500 SF of restaurant space at 13001 Founder’s Square Drive, Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32828, in the Clock Tower of Downtown Avalon Park and is slated to open July 2022.

The move to the Clock Tower will expand their cafeteria-style menu to include mix and match options from bowls to burritos and tacos, with various meats and traditional sides, like rice and beans, and chips and salsa. Additionally, there are plans to add a CoPico de Gallo has been the 13-year vilombian Bakery Café in honor of Jorge’s sion of long-time Avalon Park residents, heritage, which brings a rich mixture Jorge and Heidi Cardona-Lopez, along of flavors, color, and taste to the menu. with family support by sister Heisell Some menu items will include Pan de Alarcon and niece Nazareth OrozBono, Bunuelo, Picada Columbiana, emco. The vision came to life when they panadas, and arepas. opened as one of the original vendors in the Marketplace at Avalon Park food “I am always pleased to hear of the conhall in September 2021. Their expansion tinued success of long-time residents into a larger space in Avalon Park will and quadruple stakeholders that live, allow for outdoor seating and an exlearn, work and play in Avalon Park,” panded menu. says Beat Kahli, President and CEO of Avalon Park Group. “The community has welcomed us with open arms,” said Lopez. “I cannot wait “The entire family is a prime example of to share our new expanded menu with working hard and realizing the Ameriour new neighbors.” can Dream.”

For more information visit https:// www.picodegalloavalon.com/. They are also on Facebook and Instagram social media with the handle @picodegalloavalonpark.

The 1 Cantina Mexican Restaurant and Bar, Now Open in the Marketplace at Avalon Park can enjoy Mexican street corn, queso fundido, queso costra and a variety of other flavors that would make a Mexico City local envy. This is definitely not your typical Tex-Mex-style restaurant! “The addition of The 1 Cantina creates another dining experience in Downtown Avalon Park,” says Trey Fragala, Senior Vice President for Avalon Park Group. “The 1 Cantina will bring a unique opportunity to be transported to a genuine, Mexico City cantina, where folks gather to share good times, small plates and cocktails.”

Avalon Park Group announced today that The 1 Cantina has leased 2,580 SF of restaurant space at 3801 Avalon Park Blvd. East, Ste., Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32828, in the Marketplace at Avalon Park’s food hall. Located in the former “The Gathering Kitchen” space inside the Marketplace, The 1 Cantina Mexican restaurant owned by Giovanni Rodriguez and Marigel Haaz, differs from the other Marketplace vendors, in that it is a sit-down style restaurant with 50 inside seats, 65 outdoor seats and a full-service bar. “When I was young, growing up in Mexico, my father would tour my family around Mexico City’s cantinas. As a young kid, I was always amazed by the different flavors, aromas and unique atmospheres that the different neighborhoods bring. Our goal is to bring some of those memories and a taste of the cosmopolitan city and our world-renowned food, to the Avalon Park area”, said Rodriguez. The menu includes both regionally authentic and contemporary Mexican dishes, as well as a variety of drinks like tequila, mezcal and crafted cocktails. While guests will only be able to order from the food menu to dine in at the Cantina or to-go, the entire Marketplace will have access to the bar via the online ordering system. Food is served just like it is on the streets of Mexico City; everything is shareable. Guests

The 1 Cantina is now open with soft opening hours: Closed Monday – Tuesday, Open Wednesday – Thursday, 5 – 9 pm, Friday, 5-11:30 pm, Saturday Noon-11:30 pm, and Sunday Noon – 9 pm. The grand opening event has been set for Saturday, May 7th, Noon- 10 pm, with a Ribbon Cutting at Noon, specials and entertainment all day. The Cantina will also offer a late-night menu and DJ entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights, along with a contemporary weekend brunch menu on Saturdays and Sundays. To learn more about The 1 Cantina, visit their website for more information. You can also find them on Instagram @ the1cantina.


May is National Hamburger Month!

May is National Hamburger Month! According to National Today, the name “hamburger” comes from the city of Hamburg, Germany. When residents of Hamburg were headed to the eastern shores of the United States during the 18th century, many of them brought a snack called the “Hamburgh sausage.” This snack, like its cousin the “Rundstück warm,” combined a meatball similar to the Swedish meatball with a slice of bread for utensil-free handling.

You can celebrate this month and every month in Avalon Park with many great places to get a delicious burger. It can be difficult to know where you should go if you’re in the mood to eat burgers and fries on a night out with your friends. Don’t worry – we’ve got the list of places that serve the best burgers in Avalon Park just for you! Here are eight places to get a great burger! Avalon Kitchen One of the newest places to get burgers in Avalon Park is the Avalon Kitchen, a ghost kitchen with online ordering only. They have some pretty delicious choices, like the Mexican Burger, served with guacamole, and the bacon cheeseburger slider, served with homemade dressing. The Colombian Burger is probably my personal favorite. They also have a Gluten-Free bun! Their sides are great too – onion rings and waffle fries are a must-try! Definitely check them out if you’re ever in need of some gourmet burgers! Avalon Neighborhood Tavern & Pizzeria With high-quality fresh and house-

made ingredients, there is no limit to how creative you can get with your half-pound burger from Avalon Neighborhood Tavern. From Applewood bacon to grilled jalapenos, you can pick and choose your favorite toppings or create your own specialty burger. Whether you go with The Classic or customize one of your own creations, the Tavern serves up some great burgers. Opens at 4 pm.

Eastside Bistro With over 10 mouthwatering burgers on Eastside Bistro’s menu, the hardest part will be choosing just one. Looking for something different? Try their Jam-N-Brew burger that is created with Bacon jam, vine ripe tomato, provolone cheese, Applewood smoked bacon, Bistro chips, Fat Tire beer cheese and herb mayo all on a pretzel bun! They also have a turkey burger and a vegan black bean, this friendly neighborhood joint has something for everyone!

patty lettuce, tomato, onions, cheddar and mozzarella cheese with cocktail sauce. They make some amazing middle eastern food, burgers being one of their new specialties. Definitely try them if you are craving Mediterranean flavors. Nuno’s Cafe Choose from an 8 oz Gorgonzola BLT Burger, Classic Hamburger or Nuno’s Cheeseburger at Nuno’s Cafe. Today, it’s all about their Gorgonzola BLT Burger. The cheese is perfectly melted and you can even add bacon if you want more meat. The bun is soft and fresh and when paired with one of their burgers, you know you are getting some good eats.

NOLA at Avalon Park When it comes to traditional Louisiana flavors look no further than NOLA at Avalon Park to satisfy them with their burger! The Bayou Smashburger is a Scratch-made 1/3 lb. ground beef and andouille sausage patty with choice Game On Avalon of toppings and house-made sauces. Enjoy a crispy meal without the Made fresh to order! grease at Game On Avalon, located at 12001 Avalon Lake Drive Suite C, South Philly Steaks Orlando, FL 32828. This place offers South Philly is known for their cheesgreat food, even better drinks, and esteaks, but not too many people wonderful service. Watch your favor- know about their burgers. ite game and grab an order of Game On Hamburger Sliders, served on a They have a Cheeseburger and Bacon warm bun with fresh lettuce, toma- Cheeseburger that you can even get toes, and pickles. on a Pretzel Bun! Every Wednesday starting at 4 pm all their burgers with Mejana Mediterranean Grill fries are only $5 (+tax). Add Bacon at Mejana Mediterranean Grill offers no charge! fresh cuisine and an inviting atmosphere. If you’re looking for a little Do yourself a favor and try one soon extra flavor in your burger, try get- and let us know which one is your fating one of their unique creations: vorite! Lebanese Cheese Burger 8oz beef

Coming together to create a healthy community



Let’s Get Moving! Arthritis Awareness This month is Arthritis Awareness Month…for humans and animals alike!

any health issues to be identified sooner.

Fourth: Consider joint supplements. There is really no Joints are as vital, and as vulnerable to injury and dis- age too young to start supplements. Different breeds/ ease, in our pets’ bodies as they are in ours. Arthritis, life stages and lifestyles have different requirements; the painful inflammation and stiffness of joints, can be your vet can help determine the best course for your debilitating to our pets, but they do not usually tell us pet. Are you intending to include your dog in your when they are hurting. There are several things we can daily run or weekend hikes? Are you thinking of spedo to protect our cats and dogs from joint distress. cific dog sports? The more physically active your dog will be, the more supplements may help to keep him fit. What causes joint pain? A number of things can lead to joint pain: genetics, injuries, inflammatory diseases, aging and over/imFifth: Keep your pet at a healthy weight. This is in no proper use. A few of these things cannot be prevented; way the “fifth’’ in importance! Maintaining your pet’s some can be helped. healthy weight is incredibly important in the overall health of an animal’s joints – and overall well being. More weight puts more wear on joints and causes a Does my pet have joint pain? cascade of issues, almost all of which can be preventThis answer is largely dependent on the daily obsered. It definitely ties into the first item on this list. Consult your veterinarian about the best diet and feeding schedule for your pet starting with the first visit. Sixth: Prior to your baby becoming a senior, be sure to provide comfortable bedding, this does not have to wait until they have joints that hurt. This is a prevention that is easy to provide at any time. Also getting ramps and/or steps for the bed or back or a car never hurts, it’s great to have them learn early that jumping is not always necessary.

vations of the family. Does your pet have difficulty with steps, a hard time getting up or lying down? Is he moving slower on walks, or does he look stiff when moving? Does he avoid jumping, or limp after exercise? How can joint pain be prevented? ”An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This could not be more true! Joint health should be considered from the earliest stages of a pet’s life to give them the best chance of combatting pain as they age. First: Be mindful of what you feed! The right diet is key. From the time they are babies, it is important to provide your pet with proper nutrition. Your vet can advise on the best food for your particular breed. Second: Provide proper exercise. This is fairly easy to provide. If we walk or jog daily with our dogs, or play ‘Fetch’ with them regularly, their muscles and joints have a better chance of staying “in shape.” Our feline companions benefit from exercise too! Using toys to get your cat moving not only entertains them, but will help them keep in shape and out of pain. Third: Visit your veterinarian. He or she is a valuable partner in caring for your pet, and can provide an objective view of your pet and evaluate their overall health. Regular visits to your veterinarian will allow

How do we treat joint pain/arthritis? We addressed ‘prevention’; the ‘cure’ part of the saying is a bit more complicated. Sometimes, no matter how much we work to prevent something, bad things happen, right? Treating the pain of arthritis is going to depend on your pet, his lifestyle, and the level of discomfort. There are some amazing treatment options now available, including injections that build up the joint fluid, oral medications that reduce inflammation and relieve pain, as well as a cold laser which reduces inflammation and encourages healthy tissue. There is also massage therapy, acupuncture and rehabilitation therapies that can be incredibly effective if being treated by professionals and licensed therapists. Just remember that joint health is so important for our pets but is often overlooked because our friends do not generally show pain or discomfort (most pets anyway - we have all met those who get a little dramatic - I have my own drama queen…silly Kimber). It is our responsibility to keep our pets happy and comfortable for as long as we possibly can. Next time you come in, talk to us about how we can help prevent joint pain and increase joint health. Join us at the Arthritis Awareness Walk 5k May 14th in Avalon Park. Sabrina Beck, CVT, CVBL Avalon Family Vet AvalonFamilyVet.com 407-275-3430


How to Know if You Have A Cavity According to the National Institutes of Health, the most prevalent health condition The best time to catch a cavity is in the early after the common cold is tooth decay. stages, when there are few, if any, symptoms. Keeping your twice yearly (or more) visits It’s more than likely that if you haven’t al- with us will ensure we catch them in time. ready had a cavity, you will develop at least one in your lifetime. We will let you know the best course of treatment for your particular situation. So, how do you know if you have a cavity? Well, depending on the severity of your The recommendation could be as easy as tooth decay, you may experience a variety watching and waiting to see if we find any of symptoms. Here are some of the accom- tooth decay in the very early stages. Or, if panying symptoms that go along with tooth you are symptomatic, we may have to fordecay. mulate a more in-depth treatment plan. • Nothing (in the early stages) • A toothache or spontaneous tooth pain • Tooth sensitivity • Pain (slight or severe) when eating something sweet, hot, or cold • Staining (brown, black, or white) on the surface of your tooth • Visible holes in your tooth. Those holes are cavities • Pain when biting down

As always, brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, floss at least once a day, and try to minimize the amount of sugar in your diet. These steps will help you be proactive in preventing cavities. Even better, your teeth will thank you for it! Call Elite Dentistry today to schedule your appointment at 407-658-0103!


Lighthouse Central Florida Honored with Hope Award

Award presented by the UCF Nonprofit Man- The inaugural awards were presented virtualagement Advisory Board ly by UCF School of Public Administration Director Doug Goodman during the 20th AnnuLighthouse Central Florida, a nonprofit that al UCF Nonprofit Partners Conference. Other provides vision rehabilitation services to Cen- recipients include IDignity and The Sunshine tral Floridians living with vision impairment Foundation. or blindness, recently was named one of the recipients of the inaugural Hope Award. Pre- About Lighthouse Central Florida sented by the UCF Nonprofit Management Ad- Since 1976, Lighthouse Central Florida has empowvisory Board, the Hope Award was presented ered the lives of thousands of children and adults livto three Orlando-area nonprofit organizations ing with vision loss and blindness, to lead producfor exceptional demonstration of resiliency and tive, independent lives, while pursuing their dreams creativity in the face of adversity during the and goals without limitations. The organization is COVID-19 pandemic. the only nationally accredited nonprofit offering a comprehensive range of vision-specific rehabilitation “At the beginning of the pandemic, we knew services in Central Florida. With a blend of rehabiliit was critical that our clients (of all ages), who tation training, real-world application, and certified are vision impaired or blind, continue receiv- instructors, Lighthouse Central Florida ensures peoing vision rehabilitation services to ensure they ple of all ages can access life-changing vision rehastayed on pace,” said Kyle Johnson, president bilitation services and live successful, independent and CEO of Lighthouse Central Florida. “Our lives beyond vision loss. For more information, visit team immediately pivoted by redesigning how www.LighthouseCFL.org. we deliver services to accommodate a variety of digital platforms, resulting in continued success for everyone we serve. We are honored to be among the first recipients of the inaugural Hope Award.”


How to Stay Safe in the Florida Sunshine Broad Spectrum and UVA and UVB Rays Broad spectrum sunscreen will protect you from ultraviolet A (UVA) rays which have aging effects like wrinkles, and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays which result in sunburns. Ultimately, both are harmful and can result in Florida’s nickname as the skin cancer. Broad spectrum Sunshine State is well-deprovides protection against served. While our state has an average of 237 sunny days UVA and UVB by creating a barrier that absorbs or per year—beating out the national average of 205—de- reflects the rays before they have a chance to damage pending on where exactly you live, that number can be your skin. Even if you’re outside on a cloudy day, keep closer to 270 days, totaling up to an extra month of sun- in mind UV rays can still affect you. UVA rays can go shine. While it can feel great through clouds and beneath to soak up all this sun, it’s critical that everyone protects the surface of the water, and UVB rays can also damage themselves properly from your skin even in the fall and harmful rays by using sunwinter months. screen. Sunscreen can help prevent a variety of minor Understanding SPF and major ailments from SPF is the FDA’s way of age spots and premature wrinkles to painful sunburns putting numeric value to a sunscreen’s “sunburn proand skin cancer. However, tection factor.” While you there are seemingly endless may already know a higher options to choose from, and trying to figure out what you SPF number leads to more sun protection, you may not need can be overwhelming! know that SPF only indicates Check out the information a sunscreen’s protection level below to learn more about against UVB rays as a dechoosing the right type of fault. However, sunscreens sunscreen for your needs.

that pass the broad spectrum test can also provide UVA protection. Simply look for a note that says “Broad Spectrum SPF [value]”on the label. Unfortunately, no sunscreen can filter out 100% of UVB rays. While fair-skinned people naturally need a higher SPF, everyone should consider additional protection methods like sunglasses, wide-brimmed hats, breathable long sleeve shirts, and sitting in shady areas. Chemical vs. Physical and When to Reapply As mentioned before, sunscreen protects your skin by either absorbing (chemical) or deflecting (physical) UV rays.

Additional Factors to Consider • The American Academy of Dermatology recommends avoiding using sunscreen babies who are younger than 6 months. If they’re 6 months or older, look for a sunscreen that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which is better for sensitive baby skin. • According to the FDA, sunscreen should never be left out in direct sunlight. Avoid damaging your sunscreen by keeping it in a cool area, or wrapped up in a towel for some shade at minimum.

• Similar to water-resistant sunscreen, sunscreen labeled “Sport” should be reapplied Chemical sunscreens are usu- every 40–80 minutes. ally thinner consistency so it • The American Academy spreads more easily on the of Dermatology also sugskin, therefore less product gests avoiding sunscreen is needed overall. However, you must wait 20 minutes for with insect repellent. That’s because while sunscreen it to become effective, it can should be applied frequently, also be troublesome for people with sensitive skin (espe- ingredients in insect repellent should only be used sparingcially the higher the SPF is). ly. Physical sunscreens are • The FDA requires all sunnaturally broad spectrum screens to come with an and will offer immediate protection with a longer shelf expiration date, so be sure to check the date on your bottle life. Frequent and thorough or tube to ensure you’re getapplication is needed more ting maximum protection. often, though, as they can wipe off easier in water or after sweating. For people with American Academy of Dermatology Association. (n.d.). darker complexions, some How to Decode Sunscreen types can also leave a white Labels. AAD.org. https://www. film or cast. aad.org/public/everyday-care/ Both types have different ac- sun-protection/sunscreen/untive ingredients which can be derstand-sunscreen-labels absorbed into your body, so Holman, T. (2016, August it’s important to review the 10). Can You Get a Sunburn ingredients before applying. on a Cloudy Day? And OthFor instance, if a label says er Less-Obvious Sun Safety “for sensitive skin,” it often Scenarios. DignityHealth.org. means that the sunscreen https://www.dignityhealth.org/ won’t have some active inarticles/can-you-get-a-sunburngredients found in chemical on-a-cloudy-day-and-other-lesssunscreens that are more obvious-sun-safety-scenarios likely to irritate skin. Once you put on sunscreen, it’ll only last so long against UV rays, sweat, and water. Be sure you’re reapplying sunscreen every two hours at least, especially after you towel off or have been in the water. Remember, there’s no such thing as “waterproof” sunscreen, and UVA rays can still affect you while you’re splashing around. If you’re using water-resistant sunscreen, reapply every 40–80 minutes.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2010, August 29). Sunscreen: How to Help Protect Your Skin from the Sun. FDA. gov. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/ understanding-over-counter-medicines/sunscreen-howhelp-protect-your-skin-sun Winkler, V. (2015, October 12). These 10 Cities In Florida Have The Best Weather In The Entire State. OnlyInYourState.com. https://www.onlyinyourstate. com/florida/best-weather-fl/


April Pickleball Tournament Recap

Our April monthly family pickleball tournament was won by the Hamley Family: Steven Hamley - a student at Timber Creek High School; Ryan Hamley - a student at Rollins College and Ryan teaches the Summer Chess Camp for Kids at the South Village Clubhouse in June; and father Mark Hamley who is director of athletics at University High School. Incredible players. The Mark and Monica Hamley have lived in Avalon Park for 18 years and have only been playing pickleball for less than

a year.

Two barred owls appeared again at the tournament as soon as the sun set and the court lights came on. One owl sat on the fence and periodically looked out across the grass lit by the lights for food and also watched 9 year old Brayden and father Tony Geronimos play pickleball as you can see in the attached picture. Fun night.

Local Student Highlight: Jamar Ingram

teams, it was clear that he dis- Jarrett Invitational 2021 All covered his true talents. Tournament Recipient, Nathan Hayes Shootout 2022 Character By the time, he entered High Award Recipient, 2nd Annual School many student athletes Madlegz Senior Showcase 2022 begin transferring to other nominee and named to the All schools to get more notoriety Metro Team for the East. and have better athletic programs with connections to It’s been a challenge with more colleges. On the Eastside, COVID-19 impacting seasons we have to put in more work, and so many student athletes maintain good GPAs and mar- in the transfer portal. Howket ourselves more than the ever, I am glad that Webber other schools. The conversa- International University saw tion I had with my parents was something special in me and Jamar Ingram, University that I wanted to stay at Univer- are giving me the opportuniHigh School Senior begin play- sity High School and represent ty to play at the next level and ing Junior Magic Recreation East Orlando. pursue my academic degree. Basketball at Econ Rec. Center when he was in Elementa- My 2021-2022 season basketball I am forever grateful to everyry School. He admits when he accomplishments are as fol- one that gave me encouraging started playing, he did not re- lows: leading basketball scorer words and cheered for me in a ally know the game that well at University High School, Vero win or loss. but after much training and Beach Holiday Hoopla 2021 playing with some area travel All Tournament Recipient, Bill


Seniors Encouraged to Apply for Energy Bill Assistance Before May 31st Deadline Central Florida seniors have until May 31 to apply for energy bill assistance through the Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP). Qualifying seniors are eligible to receive up to $5,000 in assistance on multiple energy bills, to purchase necessary materials, conduct repairs and more.

Senior Resource Alliance (SRA), Central Florida’s Area Agency on Aging that is overseeing EHEAP. “With prices rising on most goods and services, we are doing everything we can to ensure seniors have access to the assistance they need.”

EHEAP, which is 100% federally funded through a grant by the U.S. Department of Health and HuUtility categories eligible for heating/cooling bill man Services, helps qualifying seniors pay enerassistance include electricity, natural gas, propane, gy bills in an emergency. In 2021, SRA processed wood/coal and refillable fuels. Benefits may also more than 1,300 applications, assisting in the disbe used for: tribution of over $514,000 in EHEAP crisis funds to help local seniors. The remaining 2021 funds expire at the end of May. • Pre-paying future energy bills • Purchasing summer necessities, such as portable Qualifications for EHEAP eligibility in Central fans and window air conditioners – or items for Florida include: winter, such as blankets and space heaters • Applicants must be age 60 or older and reside in a home located in one of the following counites: • Repairing existing heating/cooling unit Orange, Seminole, Osceola or Brevard. • Deposits to connect or restore energy • Energy bill does not need to be in the elder’s name, but the elder will need to provide proof of • Late fees and disconnect/reconnect fees residence, such as a driver’s license or other iden• Charges from a now-closed account previously tification. held by the elder resident • Applicant must be experiencing a home energy • Payment to landlord when utility costs are in- crisis, such as disconnection, delinquency or past due bills. cluded in rent • Temporary emergency shelter due to an ener- • Applicants who meet the new eligibility requirements must provide proof of TANF, SSI or SNAP gy-related crisis benefits, such as an award letter, in addition to “Seniors need to know that these funds can be documentation of total household income. used for so much more than just paying energy bills,” said Karla Radka, President and CEO of EHEAP applications are being processed directly by three SRA partner agencies: Osceola Council on Aging in Osceola and Orange counties; Meals on Wheels, Etc., in Seminole County; and Brevard Alzheimer’s Foundation in Brevard County. Those interested in applying should contact the Osceola Council on Aging at (407) 846-8532; Meals on Wheels, Etc., at (407) 333-8877; or Brevard Alzheimer’s Foundation at (321) 253-4430. For more information about SRA and its services, please visit SeniorResourceAlliance.org.


Pinwheels Adorned Avalon to Celebrate the Gift of Life through Organ Donation

Pinwheels, bubbles and colorful art- istering and talking to your family If you are interested in registering work brought life to Absolutely Ava- about your personal decision. as a lifesaving organ, eye and tissue lon in April, celebrating life made donor you can do so when renewing possible through organ, eye and tisyour driver license or online at Dosue donation. Avalon Park Innovator nateLifeFlorida.org. Award winner, Evolution Medical Technologies, partnered with Donate Life Florida to salute the community for registering as donors and recognize those in our community who have passed and saved lives through organ donation. Today, more than 100,000 Americans are awaiting a lifesaving organ transplant. Each day, 17 people die awaiting a lifesaving donation. Kidney and pancreas recipient, Stan Barriga, knows what it was like to wait.

The community partnership recognized heroes who made life possible through donation with a special memorial pinwheel garden. A pinwheel’s ability to capture and pass on energy reminds the community of the power everyone has to pass on life through organ, eye and tissue donation. The Avalon Park Donate Life Pinwheel Garden honored the 230 Central Floridians who passed and saved lives through organ donation in 2021. Thanks to the generosity of those donors and their families, 719 vital organs were donated for lifesaving transplants—saving lives in Florida and across the United States.

During the event, the community was offered education and invited to make the lifesaving decision to register as an organ, eye and tissue donor. Inspired by the pinwheel garden, four Avalon community members registered. Countless more community members shared how donation impacted their life. The pinwheel garden helped foster conversation about donation, and the importance of reg-

“Around 30-years-old I was getting sicker and sicker because I had problems managing my diabetes. I was undergoing four treatments of dialysis a day and my doctor said I would need a transplant soon. As I received my dialysis treatments, I would make friends and then the next week I would not see them. I would later find that they had passed away, and I thought that what was going to happen to me,” said Stan.

On behalf of Donate Life Florida and Evolution Medical Technologies, we would like to thank the Avalon Park Community for welcoming us and look forward to future events within After receiving his lifesaving organ the community. transplant, Stan honors his donor hero by educating the community on the importance of registering and the potential one person has to save lives. Post transplant, Stan went on to get married and have twin children, one he named, Patrick, after his organ donor. “It was 13 years ago I was preparing for death. Now, I am so grateful for 13 years of life. Thirteen years of being a dad, a husband and what’s happening tomorrow,” said Stan.


Community Advocate, People Enthusiast and Pitmaster

ceiver, and safety. When Carson entered High School, he was a pitcher and outfielder on the Babe Ruth travel baseball team. “I wasn’t the best player on the team, but I was the happiest,” he stated. “We won the World Series my freshman year and I will Carson is a high school senior who is never forget it!” about to turn 18 and head to Valencia College to study accounting and finance while working full-time at BBQ50. His goal is to invest in property, expand BBQ50 state-wide with a unique client-centric focus. He is constantly researching food trends, customer experiences and strategic business transactions. Carson Ashby is a natural born leader with big dreams. He is the second youngest to five siblings and was raised in Avalon Park. You probably know his father, Dan, who owns and operates BBQ50 at Marketplace.

The Pandemic Affected Us All in Different Ways In 2020, during COVID-19, Carson tried LaunchEd but like most students discovered he couldn’t thrive in that type of learning environment. He decided to try Orange County Tech School across the street. And he is thriving there with tenacious drive. “During the pandemic I helped my family give back to essential workers by delivering donated catering to bring a smile to those who were on the frontlines,” Carson said. “During this “Carson is the one at BBQ50 who time, I learned the finesse of presentamakes dining memorable, said Jen tion and how good it felt to give.” Ashby, his mother. “He prepares and delivers food with a smile and always Spirit Nights goes the extra mile asking people An important event to Carson and about their day and checking back spearheaded by a three pronged efhalf-way through their meal. He is fort: Avalon Park Group, Marketlaser focused on the guest experience place and BBQ50, a spirit night every and repeated business. He truly cares month takes place for the surroundabout people – not just the patrons ing schools which rotates. A percenthere, everyone in the community in age of sales for each event is donated directly to the school or their respecwhich he was raised.” tive charity/department where they need funding. The first Spirit Night How it All Started His parents recognized Carson’s was for Avalon Elementary School, strong leadership at a young age. In and it attracted 600 families. “These elementary school he was Patrol Of- spirit nights attract a lot of families, ficer and was the first one there, last and we make it fun by having face one to leave. In middle school he painters, balloon stations and decojoined the Recycle Club and was very rating in school colors, said Jen. “We dedicated to their weekly projects. He hope to see it grow and stay here for played in Magic Curtain and was in years to come.” chorus the year they sang the National Anthem at a Braves spring training There is No Smoke Without Fire Carson is a young man who is ahead game. of this time. He is a lefty with a creAs a sports enthusiast, Carson played ative brain. He has what he calls “exyouth tackle football for the East Or- treme ideas.” Carson’s future expanange Thunder and was a repeated sions encompass food trucks and pop MVP player as quarterback, wide re- ups along the coast with a touristy

flair. He sees BBQ50’s brand in big cities like Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Tampa, and Daytona Beach. He also recognizes the importance of helping each community BBQ50 has a presence in. “His brilliant two-pronged approach is certain to capture the attention of unwavering support of local investors,” said Dan Ashby, father. “He always carries his shoulders high and treats everyone equal. With Carson’s leadership we are sure to expand into a franchise as we build a great foundation fan-base and a diverse menu.”

What Carson Ashby Means to Rotary Carson’s father, Dan, is an active member of Rotary who serves on the Board and is our 2020 Rotarian of the Year. We have supported Dan as he launched BBQ50 and have seen his family give back to the community in more ways than anyone will ever know. Our goal for this article is to support Dan and his future Rotarian son, to bring recognition to the Marketplace Spirit Nights and to highlight a local student. This aligns with our mission: For people to unite and take action to create lasting change, in our communities, and in ourselves.

Rotary, Opens Opportunities. Come join us each Wednesday morning @ 7:30 at the Pavilion located at 13401 Tanya King Blvd. Meet your neighbors, find out what Rotary is about and how you can Serve to change lives. For more information click on this link: Take Me There!

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Articles inside

Sunshine Ankle & Foot Experts May Health Fact

page 7

Community Advocate, People Enthusiast and Pitmaster

page 43

Pinwheels Adorned Avalon to Celebrate the Gift of Life through Organ Donation

page 42

Seniors Encouraged to Apply for Energy Bill Assistance Before May 31st Deadline

page 41

Community Corner

page 40

How to Stay Safe in the Florida Sunshine

page 39

Lighthouse Central Florida Honored with Hope Award

page 38

How to Know if You Have A Cavity

page 37

Let’s Get Moving! Arthritis Awareness

page 36

May is National Hamburger Month!

page 33

The 1 Cantina Mexican Restaurant and Bar, Now Open in the Marketplace at Avalon Park

page 32

Pico de Gallo Mexican Grill Expanding in Downtown Avalon Park

page 32

Avalon Park Mother's Day Specials

page 29

FSU Singers to Perform with Timber Creek, Boone and East River HS Choirs

pages 19, 26

The Great Resignation, Chamber assists Start-Up Businesses

page 17

Visa Inc. & Mastercard Inc. Are Preparing to Increase Fees for Businesses

page 16

Level Up Automation Now Open in Downtown Avalon Park

page 14

Embrace Families’ “Dance, Dream, Inspire” Returns to Raise Funds, Awareness for Youth in Foster Care

page 12

Small Business Week in Avalon Park

page 12

Meet the Member: JK Creative

page 10

Brielle’s Brigade

page 7

Mother’s Day Appreciation: Tips to Celebrate

page 6

How Music Influences the Mental Health of Seniors

page 5

A Veteran’s Real-Life Experience Buying A Home

page 4

From the Desk of Commissioner Maribel Gomez Cordero

page 3

Coffee Hour with BEAT

page 2

Together for Mental Health: You Belong in Avalon Park

page 1
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