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Lighthouse CF’s Children’s Program
Participants from the Children’s and Transition Programs at Lighthouse Central Florida, which provides vision rehabilitation services to those living with vision impairment or blindness, recently visited the Central Florida Zoo, where they participated in the Seminole Aerial Adventures Rope Course. The rope course gave the kids the chance to practice their orientation and mobility skills, while those in the Transition Program also learned about the jobs available at the zoo. The zookeeper also provided a zoo animal sensory experience to participants from the Children’s Program.
The Children’s Program at Lighthouse Central Florida supports kids ages 5-13 and their families with services that enhance each child’s learning and ability to function independently, as well as engage with parents, guardians and family members. The Transition Program benefits students age 14-22 who are currently in the school system under an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), providing them with skills and experience to facilitate successful transition from high school to post-secondary activities, such as college, vocational school and employment.