Avalon Park Sun-Spring Print Edition

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Avalon Park Arts & Culture Center Now Open in Downtown Avalon Park




Downtown Avalon Park opened the new Arts and Culture Center with a grand opening celebration during the Absolutely Avalon Spring Festival on April 9th.


The center is located at 13000 Avalon Lake Drive, Ste. 100, Orlando, FL 32828, in the heart of Downtown Avalon Park. The 5,000 SF space has been identified to serve as the community’s art and culture center and has more than 15 rooms and open spaces transformed into galleries for schools, artists and organizations to showcase their diverse works in a variety mediums. Additionally, there is a gift shop, Instagram room with 5 photo backdrops, and spaces for educational opportunities such as paint nights and workshops.



“Art is a vital part of building a community,” said Stephanie Lerret, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Community Relations for Avalon Park Group. “It helps create a sense of place and belonging through strengthening social relationships and fostering empathy. It just makes sense to utilize available space to provide a platform for the arts and cultural base to grow in our community.” The center currently has 4 local schools showcasing their students’ work, as well as 24 local artists. Additional opportunities are available for artists to showcase their work. “I was very excited to learn about the new arts and cultural center coming to our great community in Avalon. We already have many restaurants, social events and businesses so this new venue will add another opportunity where families can come together to enjoy the arts,” said Kelly Smith, Avalon Elementary School Art Program. “Avalon Elementary students always participate in county and local art shows but to have their own dedicated space where their artwork

can be displayed and seen by family, friends and community members is truly unique and special.” “The new Arts Center is an opportunity to showcase artistic innovations that are happening in the Central Florida area. It’ll be a welcoming place for all ages to hopefully feel a greater connection to the place they live and get empowered to get involved!” said Aaron Vaaler, Central Florida Artist. The center is opened and ran by volunteers. Guests may visit the gallery at no cost, Fridays 5-9 pm, Saturdays 10 am – 9 pm, Sundays 10 am – 6 pm. For more information on submitting artwork, volunteering or donating, visit the center online at AvalonArtsCenter. com, on social media @avalonartscenter, or by emailing Info@ AvalonArtsCenter.com. Downtown Avalon Park, developed and managed by Avalon Park Group, is east Orlando’s premier community to live, learn, work and play. For an up-to-date listing of the 150+ shops, restaurants, and professional services, full calendar of events and latest news visit www. AvalonParkOrlando.com or on social media @AvalonParkOrlando.


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Coffee Hour with BEAT Church.

I would not recommend traveling as I do sometimes, however I do highly recommend you travel and visit other countries and continents. One of my daily activities is to read US and European media, and by doing so I can see how often both sides of the Atlantic see each other in a way which could not be further from the truth. In a globalized world I truly believe that travel and witnessing the world with I grew up in a small, 800 SF apart- your own eyes is the start to more ment in Zurich, Switzerland. We peace and understanding throughnever had a car, and we did not out the world. have a television until I was 12 years old. Travelling was not something Many years ago, I asked the legendmy family was able to afford to do. ary former principal Pam Sanders, However, once a year we went to what it would take to make Avalon the mountains, which were about Elementary School the best elemen30 miles away from home. For tary school in Central Florida. She months we would make plans for told me, “Teachers are often the this mountain trip. And the excite- least traveled people. I have some ment for this annual mountain trip teachers on my staff, who have was larger than today, when I “rou- not even ever traveled out of the state of Florida. Don’t you think it tinely” travel around the globe. would make a difference if a teachWhen people of various back- er, who is teaching about the Great grounds and ages list their hobbies, Wall in China would have been travel is very often one of them. there, instead of just from a book? Over the last 30+ years, I have trav- Don’t you think if we could have eled a lot. And while some of that teachers travel the world, interact travel has been for pleasure, the with other cultures, learn about primary purpose has been for busi- their history and their school sysness. As a global company, Avalon tems, it would make a difference?” Park Group has business activities I agreed and we immediately imall over the world. While I spend plemented a travel program where a lot of time travelling for busi- APG sponsored travel for Avalon ness, I like to spend the weekends Elementary school teachers during with my family in Central Florida. the summer breaks to SwitzerI love Central Florida and Avalon land, China, Australia, South AfPark, hence when I come home rica, and South America. Many of from travel for the weekends, and those teachers would have never for that reason, I would plan my traveled on their own to those conbusiness travel as quick trips. I re- tinents. Avalon Elementary school member one particular whirlwind became a Blue-Ribbon school (one trip from a few years ago. I left of the best 300 schools in America), Sydney, Australia on a Wednesday and when I visited a few months morning and spent the evening and ago, I observed a teacher talking next morning in New Delhi, India. about Nelson Mandela and pointOn Thursday evening I arrived in ing to the sites Mandela had been, Frankfurt, Germany, took the train where that teacher had also perto Zurich, Switzerland and spent sonally visited. Friday in the Zurich office. I then returned home to Orlando on Sat- Travelling is always an advenurday. Wow! Four continents in 4 ture, and at times very, thanks to days. That Sunday, I fell asleep at a competitive market, it can also be quite affordable. When Avalon

Park Orlando started construction in the 1990’s I was based in Fort Lauderdale, and Southwest Airlines offered a round trip to Orlando for $19. Those days one could travel to Europe at times for less than $500. Until September 11, 2001, flying places in the US was almost like getting on a bus. Security was “light,” and getting in and out most airports was fast. Things have changed, but we all understand, safety must be first. During Covid very few people traveled, and it was sad to see the deserted airports, with all the stores closed and very few people. On one of my flights from New York to Zurich, I was on a plane which could seat over 300, but there were only 9 passengers, and it turned out 5 were airline staff. On one of my recent trips, my flight was one of only 4 leaving New York on an international route, instead of 4 flights every 10 minutes. This meant no lines at check in, security or the gates. And of course, no delays in departure or landing because of too much air traffic. Even early departures were happening. So, while I have enjoyed the less crowded airports, I believe that we will start seeing the airports around the globe filling up again. People are beginning to travel again, and that is a good thing for our economy, particularly in Central Florida. Where will you be heading this year? Will you be flying or taking other transportation? Let me know at info@AvalonParkSun.com and you could be featured in a future publication.

GET IN TOUCH Looking to purchase an advertisement space in the Avalon Park Sun? Email: Info@AvalonParkSun.com Editorial Staff: Publisher: Beat Kahli Copy Editor: Stephanie Lerret Graphic & Layout Editor: Kenzie Farrish Contributing Writer: Brooke Aliberti

AvalonParkSun.com 3801 Avalon Park Blvd. East Ste. 400 Orlando, FL 32828 407-658-6565

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LIVE (Cont.)

Transitioning Parents to Assisted Living Moving a parent, or parents, into an assisted living community can be an emotional experience for everyone involved; however, it can also be an exciting new chapter in the life of your loved one. In order to properly navigate these feelings during such a transitional time, here are a few strategies to keep in mind when helping your senior parent move into a new living situation.

However, if your parent is simply waiting around for you to show up and not engaging and interacting in his or her community, then it might be best to take a break. Creating a dependency on you might not be healthy when your parents could be socializing with other residents. Set boundaries and expectations so your parent knows exactly when you’re visiting, and when you’re How to Transition Parents not. to Assisted Living Communities Embrace the Discomfort – Sometimes setbacks will hapTake Your Time – Experts pen, and your parent might agree it takes three-to-six want to come home. Hearing months for someone to adjust your parent express these to assisted living. Once your feelings could be extremeparent is moved in, decide ly discomforting. Howevhow frequently you want to er, home is more than just a visit. Some experts say vis- physical place. Be ready to iting as often as possible is anticipate these moments best as frequent visits help to so you can both come to an ease the stress of adjusting to understanding and quickly a new home and can lessen resolve any issues that arise. feelings of loneliness. If your parent says they’re

homesick, talk about what they miss. Acknowledging the difficulties of transitioning to assisted living helps your parent feel seen and heard, which, in turn, makes them feel appreciated.

Finally, encourage extended family to visit. Since you may be doing a lot of the work on your own, it can be overwhelming at times. Having other family members visit when you can’t will be a welcome surprise to your parent Build Your Care Team – The and a relief to you. staff at your parent’s assisted living community are there Introduce Your Parent to to serve both your parent Our Welcoming Assisted and you. Making the staff Living Community aware of your parent’s con- For an easy transition into cerns allows problems to be assisted living in the Central solved quicker. Let the care Florida area, consider Encore team know what your parent at Avalon Park. Our communeeds, because you can’t al- nity provides access to recreways assume they know ev- ational and social activities erything that’s going on. and comfortable accommodations to remind your seDon’t be afraid to also be nior loved one of home. an advocate on your parent’s behalf. Your parent Contact Encore at Avalon may want something done Park to see for yourself why for them, but may be afraid we’re your premier senior to speak up. Discreetly re- living solution. To schedule solving your parent’s wishes a tour, give us a call today at could help them feel more at 407-270-7500 or visit us onhome. line at EncoreAtAvalonPark. com.

LIVE (Cont.)

From the Desk of Commissioner

Maribel Gomez Cordero Springtime is here bringing a milder and more pleasant climate. This will be a great time to spend outdoors with friends and family. Enjoy the cold while it lasts. I hosted a Town Hall event on March 3rd at the Tanja King Park Pavilion in Avalon Park. I also brought along staff from the County Government who assisted and continue to assist with any questions and concerns you may have, including Safety, Traffic, and other issues. I believe that hosting public forums like this is one of the most important parts of being a public official. I am looking forward to seeing more new and familiar faces! I would like to remind everyone that the COVID testing/

vaccination site at Barnett Park (4801 W Colonial Dr) is still open. In addition, there are three more testing sites open in Orange County. The first is the Econ Soccer complex at 8035 Yates Road, Orlando FL 32807. The second is at South Orange Youth Sports at 11800 South Orange Avenue, Orlando FL 32824 and the last one is at Camping World Stadium at 1 Citrus Bowl Place, Orlando FL 32805. All of these sites are open seven days a week from 9am to 5pm. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like to receive my newsletter, you can email me at district4@ocfl.net or call my office at 407-836-5881.

LIVE (Cont.)

The Top 5 Plants for Indoor Spaces We all know why plants are important environmentally: they produce oxygen, filter pollution, offer homes for animals, and many more things. What we don’t all know, however, is how important and helpful it is to have and maintain indoor plants! Not only are they visually pleasing and can add flair and character to your space, but studies have proven that they can also increase productivity, reduce levels of stress, and elevate your mood. Here are the top 5 beginner-friendly plants that can thrive indoors. If you have pets, ensure that your plant of choice is pet-friendly!

vertically (not reptilian at all!). Aside from its good looks, snake plants are known to be able to survive long periods without both water and sunlight, making them a good choice for a firsttime plant parent. They also are known to filter out potentially harmful chemicals from the air. 2. Dracaena This plant is perfect for those who are always busy and live on-thego, as they are very low maintenance and are able to adapt to different light environments. These are best for low-light spaces, as they are not recommended to be in direct sunlight.

also survive in low light areas! They have the ability to store water, making them low maintenance in terms of watering frequency, as they can be watered as little as once a month. ZZ Plants are also known to some to symbolize prosperity and friendship, so they make for great houseplants as well as gifts!

4. Rubber Tree If you tend to forget often about your plants, a Rubber Tree may be the way to go! It is said that they can tolerate a certain degree of forgetfulness, and handle being under-watered better than being over-watered. All it needs is bright light and a bit of 1. Snake Plant room to grow. It is also The Snake Plant derives 3. ZZ Plant great at removing excess its name from its leaves, ZZ Plants are very carbon dioxide from your which are long and grow drought tolerant and can home.

5. Aloe Vera This may be the only plant on the list that you recognize, and for good reason! Not only are Aloe Vera plants extremely manageable to care for, but they also have many healing benefits. Aloe from the leaf is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, so it can remedy many issues like sunburns and stomachaches. All it needs is a sunny spot to thrive—its soil likes to get extremely dry before watering is necessary. For more information on The Flats Apartment Living in Downtown Avalon Park, call 407-273-4337 or email Info@TheFlatsAtAvalonPark.com. You can also visit us online at TheFlatsAtAvalonPark. com

LIVE (Cont.)


Community Spotlights: Alexander & Celeste Kuri

Alexander Kuri with Orlando Magic legend Nick Anderson

By: Brooke Aliberti Fencing is a combat sport where two fencers face each other and earn points by touching the tip of their sword on their opponent. The largest fencing academy in Florida is located right in the Avalon Park Corridor: Sword Masters Club. Their mission is to teach students all the skills of fencing at an affordable price. Olympic fencing instructors guide you through each class. Two standout fencers from the club happen to be brother and sister and are residents of Avalon Park. 14-year-old Alexander and 16-year-old Celeste Kuri have achieved many successes through their young fencing careers. Both have won Florida state titles and most recently, Alexander won the Regional Championship in Tampa, FL last year. In that tournament, 600 fencers across 12 states competed for the title. He currently has a 97%-win rate with 27 wins and three losses.

Celeste Kuri, rising and very marketable star in fencing

As well as being a talented fencer, Celeste has published several stories and owns a company called Super Soaps USA. The money she raises from certain soaps go to support different funds. Her ocean-themed soaps help raise money for the conservation of aquatic creatures. Some funds from soaps even go towards cancer awareness. This August is the 2022 Junior Olympics Tournament in North Carolina. Both Alexander and Celeste will be traveling there to compete. Sword Masters Club is located at 425 Avalon Park S Blvd, Suite A1-B. They offer their first class for free and no equipment is needed. The club also offers kids clubs, after school programs, epee fencing and light saber fighting. Visit www.swordmastersorlando.com for more information on how to sign up.

Local Schools Featured in the Avalon Park Arts & Culture Center

The Avalon Park Arts & Culture Center is committed to featuring local schools in the Avalon Park and East Orlando area. We believe that arts and culture programs are a necessary component to schools and this is just a small way of making sure the students can display their work. Below are images of the Avalon Park Elementary and Stone Lakes Elementary schools rooms inside of the Arts & Culture Center (also featured are Avalon Middle School and Timber Creek High School) located in Downtown Avalon Park at 13000 Avalon Lake Drive, Ste. 100. The center is open Fridays 5-9 PM, Saturdays 10 AM - 9 PM and Sundays 10 AM - 6 PM. See you soon!

LEARN (Cont.)

Evolution Medical Technologies partners with Donate Life Florida in Celebrating National Donate Life Month

In celebration of National Donate Life Month in April, Avalon Park Innovator award winner, Evolution Medical Technologies, has partnered with Donate Life Florida for the first annual Avalon Park Donate Life Pinwheel Garden displayed at the Absolutely Avalon event on Saturday, April 9th.

The pinwheel garden will honor the 230 Central Florida donor heroes who gave the ultimate Gift of Life in 2021. Thanks to the generosity of the donors and their families, 719 vital organs were donated for life-saving transplants.

gan donation and transplantation never ceased. We are grateful for donors and their families who choose to give hope to another family in their darkest hour,” said Ginny Mcbride, executive Director of OurLegacy.

ity to 75 more through the life-enhancing gift of tissue donation. What can you make possible?

You can register as a life-saving organ, eye and tissue donor when renewing your driver license or online at DoA pinwheel’s ability to nateLifeFlorida.org “Despite the challeng- capture and pass on enes of COVID-19, the ergy is a symbolic re- Donate Life Florida raislife-saving mission of or- minder to the commu- es awareness about ornity of the power that a gan, eye and tissue doperson has to pass on the nation and registers Gift of Life through or- individuals as organ gan, eye and tissue dona- donors throughout the tion. Each pinwheel rep- state. While Donate Life resents a life and endless Florida shares the mislegacy. Legacies like that sion, organ procurement of Pedro, a donor hero organizations (OPOs) do who saved five lives and the mission of organ and donated six organs. This tissue recovery. OurLegselfless act gives new life acy is an OPO based in to a recipient in dire need, Maitland and is federally such as Gracyn, a heart designated to provided recipient, who is alive recovery services to ten today because someone counties in east Central said, “yes” to donation. Florida, which includes For more information on Orange County. Pedro and Gracyn’s stories, please scan the QR codes to watch each of their videos. The impact of one person’s gift is endless. Like a stone dropped in water, an endless ripple of hope is sent into the world. One registered donor can save up to 8 lives through organ donation, give two individuals the gift of sight through cornea donation and provide healing and mobil-


WORK (Cont.)

WORK (Cont.)

Business Directory

BANKING Fairwinds Credit Union 12800 Tanja King Blvd. 407-515-3054 Fairwinds.org Trustco Bank 3662 Avalon Park East Blvd. Ste. 101 407-380-2264 TrustcoBank.com

Mejana Mediterranean Grille 12001 Avalon Lake Dr. Ste. A (407) 674-6052 mejanaus.com Nature’s Fuel-Smoothie & Juice Bar 13001 Founders Square Drive 407-203-0834 naturesfuelorlando.com


NOLA Avalon Park Marketplace, Ste. 165 3801 Avalon Park E Blvd. nola-avalonpark.com

1 Cantina Marketplace, Ste. 100 3801 Avalon Park East Blvd. the1cantina.com

Noodles & Rice 3891 Avalon Park S Blvd 321-270-8888 noodlesandricecafe.com

A-AKI Sushi & Steakhouse 3680 Avalon Park Blvd. East, Ste. 100 (407) 282-8488 aakiavalon.com

Nuno’s Cafe 12001 Avalon Lake Dr. Ste E 407-930-3080 nunoscafe.com

Avalon Pockets 3564 Avalon Park East Blvd. #2 Avalon-Pockets.com Avalon Neighborhood Tavern & Pizzeria 3831 Avalon Park East Blvd. 407-380-3300 AvalonTavern.com

Pesaro’s Pizzeria and Ristorante 3464 Avalon Park Blvd. East, Ste. 108 407-286-5968 pesarosavalonpark.com

Pico De Gallo Mexican Grill Marketplace, Ste. 155 3801 Avalon Park East Blvd.

Bamboo Wok 3464 Avalon Park East Blvd. Ste. 105 407-282-9399

Pizza Hut 3662 Avalon Park East Blvd Ste.102 407-282-4999 pizzahut.com

BBQ50 Marketplace, Ste. 125 3801 Avalon Park East Blvd. bbq50.com

Rosso Coffee Bar Marketplace, Ste. 140 3801 Avalon Park East Blvd. therossocoffee.com

Bowigens Beer Co. Marketplace, Ste. 120 3801 Avalon Park East Blvd. bowigens.com

Sip ‘N Roll Marketplace, Ste. 145 3801 Avalon Park E Blvd.

Brazas Chicken Marketplace, Ste. 170 3801 Avalon Park East Blvd. facebook.com/BrazasChicken

South Philly Steaks 12001 Avalon Lake Drive, Ste. B 407-988-3400 southphillysteaksorlando.com

Cheese To Share Marketplace, Ste. 150 3801 Avalon Park East Blvd. facebook.com/cheesetoshare/

Subway 3548 Avalon Park East Blvd. Ste. 2 407-382-6218 subway.com

Eastside Bistro 12001 Avalon Lake Drive, Ste. F 407-381-0096 eastsidebistroatavalon.com

The Avalon Kitchen & Bar Marketplace, Ste. 100 3801 Avalon Park East Blvd. TheAvalonKitchen.com

Game On Avalon 12001 Avalon Lake Dr Suite C 407-399-2241 GameOnAvalon.com


KBBQ Kitchen Marketplace, Ste. 160 3801 Avalon Park East Blvd. LemonShark Poke Marketplace, Ste. 175 3801 Avalon Park E Blvd. lemonsharkpoke.com Marketplace At Avalon Park 3801 Avalon Park E Blvd. (407) 730-3515 MarketplaceAtAvalonPark.com

AdventHealth Family & Internal Medicine at Avalon Park 3701 Avalon Park Blvd. East, Ste. 205 407-303-6285 AdventHealth.com A New Path Counseling Tanja Alvarado 3662 Avalon Park Blvd. East Ste. 2021 407-902-9250 anewpathcounsel.com Avalon Park Eye Care 12001 Avalon Lake Drive, Ste. J 407-567-9955 avalonparkeyecare.com

Avalon Park YMCA 12001 Avalon Lake Drive, Ste. M-P 407-381-2512 ymcacentralflorida.com Avalon Family Vet 3520 Avalon Park Blvd. East, Ste. 3 407-275-3430 avalonfamilyvet.com Avalon Woman’s Health Center 3718 Avalon Park E Blvd. 407-453-2072 womanshealthcenters.com/ avalon-park Back 2 Nature Chiropractic 13013 Founders Square Dr. Ste. 120 407-219-4920 b2nchiro.com BellaSmiles Orthodontics 12001 Avalon Lake Drive Ste K 407.680-3197 bellasmilesortho. com CVS Pharmacy 13000 Tanja King Blvd. 407-273-7618 cvs.com Dental Care at Avalon Park 3502 Avalon Park West Blvd 407-374-2480 dentalcareatavalonpark.com Delphini Solutions Psychology Elaine D. Kring, Ph.D., LMHC, NCC 3662 Avalon Park E Blvd. Ste. 2028 321-947-8170 delphini-solutions-psychology. square.site/ Elite Dentistry 13000 Avalon Lake Drive, Ste. 201 407-658-0103 elitedentistry.com NeuroRestorative Avalon Park 3701 Avalon Park West Blvd., Ste. 100 321-354-0023 neurorestorative.com Orlando Counseling Specialists Nancy Johnson, MA, LMHC 3662 Avalon Park Blvd. East Ste. 2021 321-430-8671 Orlando Health Physician Associates 3464 Avalon Park East Blvd. 407-635-3434 Soul Quest-Natural Healing Center 3855 Avalon Park East Blvd. 407-360-6501 sqnaturalhealing.com Spa Longevita Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine 3730 Avalon Park East Blvd., Ste. 8 407-440-3990 spalongevita.com Stay Fresh Skin Bar 13013 Founders Square Drive 407-729-7563 StayFreshSkinBar.com

Therapy Essentials Inc. 12930 Tanja King Blvd. 407-249-3344 tetherapy.com Timber Creek Pediatrics 3861 Avalon Park Blvd. East timbercreekped.com 407-380-1777 Total Life Counseling 13013 Founders Sq. Dr. Ste. 100 407-447-7600 totallifecounseling.com/east-orlando

LEARNING All-Star Dance Company 12001 Avalon Lake Dr. Ste. D 407-278-9329 allstardancecompany.com Avalon Elementary School 13500 Tanja King Blvd. 407-207-3825 avalones.ocps.net Avalon Middle School 13914 Mailer Blvd. 407-207-7839 avalonmiddle.ocps.net Avalon Park Kids R Kids 12881 Tanja King Blvd. 407-306-9035 kidsrkidsorlando.com Avalon School of Music 12946 Tanja King Blvd. 407-770-0323 avalonschoolofmusic.com Championship Martial Arts 3662 Avalon Park East Blvd. Ste. 104 407-275-1700 championshipma.com Creative World School 3625 Avalon Park Blvd. West 407-275-0000 creativeworldschool.com Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Orlando 3873 Avalon Park East Blvd. 407-990-2907 gjjorlando.com Orange Technical College 2201 South Crown Hill Blvd. 407-622-2900 orangetechcollege.net Pinecrest Academy 13993 Mailer Blvd. 407-432-5441 pinecrestavalonk5.com Primrose School 13461 Tanja King Blvd. 407-737-1500 primroseavalonpark.com Simply Speaking 3564 Avalon Park E Blvd. 407-737-2023 simplyspeakingcentralflorida. com Stone Lakes Elementary 15200 Stoneybrook Blvd. 407-207-7793 stonelakeses.ocps.net TechMe 3662 Avalon Park East Blvd., Ste. 2027 407-900-9171

WORK (Cont.) Timber Creek High School 1001 Avalon Park Blvd. 321-235-7800 tchs.ocps.net

Adaptive Consulting Engineers 12922 Tanja King Blvd. 407-506-5593 adaptivece.com


Avalon All Star Cuts 3564 Avalon Park East Blvd. Ste. 3 407-281-0545 avalonallstarcuts.com

Avalon Park Property Owners Association 13401 Tanja King Blvd. 407-249-9395 avalonmanager@lelandmanagement.com AvalonParkPOA.com The Carvajal Group 12001 Avalon Lake Dr. Ste. L 321-418-7101 carvajal-group.com Encore at Avalon Park Assisted Living and Memory Care 13798 Cygnus Drive 407-270-7500 EncoreAtAvalonPark.com My Florida Home Center Real Estate 3901 Peppervine Drive 321-231-5586 myfloridahomecenter.com Millenium Realty Group Inc 4031 Avalon Park East Blvd. 407-277-1400 milleniumrealtygroup.com Real Estate Pros 3801 Avalon Park East Blvd. Ste. 200 407-381-7861 RealEstateProsFL.com RC Realty Group 3662 Avalon Park Blvd East Ste. 2070 407-309-9155 RE/MAX Innovation 3742 Avalon Park E. Blvd. 407-281-1053 The Flats at Avalon Park 3680 Avalon Park East Blvd., Ste. 110 407-273-4337 theflatsatavalonpark.com

NON-PROFIT Avalon Park Foundation 3801 Avalon Park E Blvd, Ste. 400 407-658-6565 AvalonParkFoundation.org Encore At Avalon Park Foundation 13798 Cygnus Drive EncoreAtAvalonParkFoundation.com Goodwill Donation Xpress 3520 Avalon Park Blvd. East, Ste. 4-5 407-857-0659 goodwillcfl.org Non-Profit Enthusiast 13000 Avalon Lake Drive (833) 959-7446 nonprofitenthusiast.com

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 100 Units 12934 Tanja King Blvd. 321-388-4394 100units.com

Avalon Insurance Services 3680 Avalon Park East Blvd., Ste. 310 407-308-0962 avaloninsuranceservices.com Avalon Mail Center 3564 Avalon Park East Blvd. Ste. B204 407-482-0662 AvalonMailCenter.com Avalon Park Group 3801 Avalon Park East Blvd. Ste. 400 407-658-6565 avalonparkgroup.com Avalon Park Cleaners 3588 Avalon Park East Blvd. Ste. B201A 407-277-3335 AvalonParkCleaners.com Cage Fitness 3662 Avalon Park East Blvd. Ste. 201 877-650-2243 cagefitness.com Captivea USA 3680 Avalon Park E Blvd. 407-982-7007 captivea.com Central Nails Avalon Park 3548 Avalon Park East Blvd. Ste. 1 407-275-2300 Cognitive Performance Group 3662 Avalon Park East Blvd. Ste. 205 407-282-4433 cpg-online.com Coleman’s Barber Shop 3726 Avalon Park East Blvd. 407-930-6636 colemansbarbershopap.com Complete Pools 3588 Avalon Park East Blvd. 407-704-1285 complete-pools.com CPA Solutions 3801 Avalon Park Blvd. East, Ste. 350A 407-650-9088 mycpasolutions.com Data Transfer Solutions, LLC 3680 Avalon Park East Blvd. Ste. 200 407-382-5222 dtsgis.com DBSS, Inc. 3662 Avalon Park East Blvd. Ste. 2072 321-251-6006 dbssinc.com EXP Real Estate The Cuervo Team 12926 Tanja King Blvd. 321-512-0097 monicacuervo.exprealty.com Fairway Independent Mortgage Ashley Thalmueller 12938 Tanja King Blvd. 407-469-5052 ashleythalmuellermortgage. com

Florida Merchant Services 3662 Avalon Park Blvd East Ste. 206 888-490-7480 floridamerchant1.com

The 5th Floor 3801 Avalon Park E Blvd. Ste. 200 407-730-3493 the5thfloor.com

Groom Grub Belly Rub 3702 Avalon Park Blvd. East 407-277-7387 groomgrub.com

The Ruggieri Law Firm, P.A. 13000 Avalon Lake Dr, Ste. 305 407-395-4766 ruggierilawfirm.com

In Style Hair, Nails & Day Spa 3843 Avalon Park East Blvd. 407-736-1278 instylehairorlando.com Integrity International Brokers 3801 Avalon Park E Blvd. Ste. 212 407-408-0176 Int-Brokers.com Kossina Creative Photography 13000 Avalon Lake Drive, Ste. 304 407-310-3447 KossinaCreative.com Law Offices of Kristin Swanson-Mace, P.A. 13000 Avalon Lake Drive, Ste. 308 407-380-9995 Level Up Automation 3801 Avalon Park East Blvd. Ste. 310 LevelUpAutomationFlorida.com Nails Spa Avalon Park 3662 Avalon Park E Blvd. Ste.105 407-249-4060 NY Barber Shop II 3662 Avalon Park E Blvd, Ste. 103 407-412-6900 Orlando Divorce Planning 3801 Avalon Park E Blvd, Ste. 350 407-707-9020 OrlandoDivorcePlanning.com Patricia P. Barber, M.S. 3662 Avalon Park Blvd. East, Ste. 2026 407-767-8854 patriciapbarber.com Polo Floors & Polo Palm Paint 3742 Avalon Park Blvd. East 407-988-3361 polohomeimprovement.com Raymond James 3801 Avalon Park E Blvd Ste. 350B 407-278-5051 OrlandoAdvisors.com Rios Brothers Painting 12001 Avalon Lake Dr Ste. E 407-412-5068 riosbrotherspainting.com Rosenthal Meyer PLLC 3801 Avalon Park Blvd East, Ste. 300 407-504-9725 RosenthalMeyer.com

Vanguard Leadership Institute 3662 Avalon Park Blvd. East, Ste. 208 407-227-1384 Vision Development & Management 12954 Tanja King Blvd. visiondandm.com The White Agency, Inc. 12954 Tanja King Blvd. 407-401-7095 thewhiteagencyinc.com Yard 3 Technologies 3662 Avalon Park E Blvd. Ste. 2024 877-823-0342 yard3.com

SHOPPING & ENTERTAINMENT Avalon General Store 3801 Avalon Park E Blvd. Ste. 135 AvalonGeneral.com Avalon Liquor 3588 Avalon Park Blvd. Ste. 3 407-250-4847 Avalon Park Arts & Culture Center 13000 Avalon Lake Dr. Ste. 100 AvalonArtsCenter.com Avalon Park Jewelers 3710 Avalon Park Blvd. East 321-235-5553 avalonparkjewelers.com Publix 3400 Avalon Park East Blvd. (407) 277-1043 publix.com The Flowers Bouquet AP 3680 Avalon Park East Blvd., Ste. 115 407-371-0860 flowersbouquetandmorefl.com Theory Bridal House 3680 Avalon Park E Blvd. Ste. 120 407-490-5118 theorybridalhouse.com

SPIRITUAL CENTERS Avalon Church 13460 Tanja King Blvd. 407-275-5499 AvalonChurch.org

Solymar Travel 13013 Founder’s Square Drive, Ste. 120 407-203-5000 SolymarTravels.com Suhaag Garden 3706 Avalon Park Blvd. East 888-366-8250 suhaaggarden.com The Apartment King 12934 Tanja King Blvd. 321-275-5464 theaptking.com


WORK (Cont.)

The 5th Floor Directory ADM Agency 703.463.7162 david.donais@gmail.com admagencysolutions.com

Fit Me In Now 407.409.3298 JMcCarthy@FitMeInNow.com www.fitmeinnow.com

Mila Realty 407.494.6018 valentina.milarealty@gmail.com milarealty.com

Signature Invest Realty 321.655.9448 info@signatureinvestrealty.com signatureinvestrealty.com

American Technologika 407.758.9092 mariomarin@americantechnologika.com americantechnologika.com

Happ For Hotels, LLC. 646.625.9225 marilyn.brown16@gmail.com happforhotels.com

Navigating Aging Needs rlaird@nanforcaregivers.com

SoleilEnergy Inc. 407.787.9897

Niles Stewart niles.stewart1@gmail.com youtube.com/c/NileseyyNiles

Sq Foot Group LLC jimh1263@comcast.net

Appletree Connection 407.227.8718 tara@theappletreeconnection. com appletreeconnection.com Aria Counseling, LLC 407.795.2886 jorge@ariacounseling.com ariacounseling.com Avalon AOG Services 689.243.0411 claims@myavalonaog.com Avalon Driving School 386.516.4170 avalondrivingschool@gmail. com avalondriving.com Beautiful Life Counseling 407.497.8334 jacqswhitehill@gmail.com beautifullifecounseling.com Centurion Health Services P: 407.205.2415 | F: 407.547.1908 centurionhealthservices@gmail. com Compwise Services 904.599.8568 cmulholland@compwise.us CPA Outsource LLC 407.600.1912 info@cpaoutsource.com mcruz@cpaoutsource.com cpaoutsource.com Ever Ella 301.467.5850 hello@everellaevents.com everellaevents.com Evolution Medical Technologies 407.730.4166 info@evo-med.com evo-med.com Exclusive Property Investments, LLC 407.775.8792 sandy@epimanagements.com epipropertymgmt.com

HEMEX AG 416.927.2801 pascal.winnen@hemex.ch hemex.ch Homes of CFL Group 407.230.7921 chris@homesofcfl.com homesofcfl.com House of Title 407.927.0612 jessica@houseoftitle.com houseoftitle.com

Nuhexa Pest Control 407.406.1805 manny@nuhexa.com nuhexa.com PMM Investments 786.972.2135 menamellisa7@gmail.com Piccadilly USA 407.405.1326 jon@piccadilly.store

iDealCounseling Co. 407.373.3313 stephanie@idealcounseling.co idealcounseling.co

Polo Wierderhold Law, P.A. 407.745.0745 info@yourlawfirmpwl.com polowiederholdlaw.com

Innovation Property Management 407.395.4714 ext. 102 jenna@innovationrentals.com innovationrentals.com

Project Think Forward M:718.801.1070 | P: 561.614.4467 abel@projecthinkforward.org projecthinkforward.org

Integrity International Brokers 407.408.0176 sylvain@int-brokers.com int-brokers.com

Prudential Advisors 407.306.8238 james.mcqueeny@prudential. com advisors.prudential.com

JK Creative 301.467.5850 julie@jkcreative.design jkcreative.design Julie Noonan Consulting LLC julie@jnoonanconsulting.com Kaboone Life Support Training LLC 386.898.1768 kaboone30.2@gmail.com kaboone302.com Knight Fence LLC 321.234.5118 knightfence.com angela@knightfence.com Magvest Property Realty/First Decision Homes 954.394.7259 Mel’s Skate Shop 786.972.2135 menamelissa7@gmail.com

Puls Technology Inc. james.cowan@puls.com Real Estate Professionals Of Florida, LLC 407.381.7861 info@realestateprosfl.com realestateprosfl.com Sapphire Realty 850.832.4336 KPH.sapphire@gmail.com sapphirerealtyfl.com Selective Realty Group 407.627.1727 info@selectiverealtygroup.com selectiverealtygroup.com

Super Green Solutions/PraRam LLC 916.719.1392 keyman97@gmail.com System Failure Inc 754.217.8947 rodrigo@systemfailureusa.com systemfailureusa.com The 1 Cantina info@the1cantina.com the1cantina.com The Aguero Group/Exp Realty 407.946.4578 info@theaguerogroup.com The Dirt Master LLC 407.406.9640 iamthedirtmaster@gmail.com thedirtmasters.com Turnt Music Media matt@turntmusicmedia.com turntmusicmedia.com Umansky Law Firm 407.228.3838 bill@thelawman.net thelawman.net Unbound Disability Claims 800.464.1478 helpme@unboundclaims.com unboundclaims.com Vision Entertainment Studios, LLC 407.703.7498 visionentstudios@gmail.com visionentstudios.com Wellspring Finance Corporation 321.604.7688 wellspring finance.com luiscanceljr@gmail.com White and Blue Solutions 321.732.1664 lorenzo@nltsecure.com

SharkBait 407.319.4092 mscolangelo@gmail.com sharkbaitventures.com

Women’s Family Law Firm 407.574.8085 christina@womensfamilylaw. com

Signature H Property Group 305.409.7521

Young Innovators Technologies INC. 407.860.0999 marnie@younginnovatorsccn.com

WORK (Cont.)

WORK (Cont.)

Spring is in the Air Spring is here! The East Orlando Chamber of Commerce has lined up numerous events and opportunities for you to get connected and stay in the in the know. The Chamber ‘s Advocacy Advisory Council has kept their finger on the pulse of the Florida Legislature. Meeting every other week during session, members met to discuss bills that elected officials proposed to the legislature. Additionally, we brought in guest speakers to hear their positions on these topics and bills. A few of these speakers included Anna Eskamani, Florida House of Representatives 47th District, Florida House of Representative District 49 Carlos Guillermo Smith, and Rene Plasencia from District 50 House of Representatives. Many of our council members spent time in Tallahassee during session to lobby for their organizations and industries. If you want to learn more about the 2022 Legislative session, register for the Legislative Recap Breakfast on April 26th. The Chamber’s mission includes being an advocate for business so if you need a louder voice on an issue which affects business and commerce, consider joining the Chamber and participating with this Council.

The Chamber has also lined up informative topics for our Women in Successful Endeavors (W.I.S.E.) This year’s theme include Keeping your House in Order touching on topics of Men-

tal Health, Financial Sustainability, Physical Health and Legal. Learn from these impressive women leaders in their fields of expertise. Chamber Luncheons are set to hear from local leaders and on topics which are important to Central Florida. Coffee Clubs always provide the opportunity to “network” to increase your connections in a lighthearted informative program or activity, meetings are held every first and third Thursdays, in Waterford Lakes and Lake Nona respectively. If you are in technology, or want to hear the latest from tech leaders, join us for quarterly OPTIC Meetings (Orlando’s Professional Technology & Innovation Collaborative). Learn about the latest tech trends, cyber technology & threats and more. You won’t want to miss these jampacked meetings hosted by Full Sail University.

Additional opportunities include our Real Estate Council who keep real estate and property professionals informed with current trends and plan the quarterly breakfasts. Breakfast topics and speakers discuss residential & commercial real estate, building & construction growth, and affordable housing. The Healthcare Collaborative also hosts a quarterly breakfast allowing our healthcare professionals to gather and network learning about what is happening

in this field. The Non-Profit Roundtable brings our charitable organizations together to learn about best practices in the non-profit realm and plans the Local Charities Luncheon in November. The East Orlando Chamber Business Expo in in the fall, showcases our members, so make plans to attend or have a business booth.

If you are a new startup or first tier business, the East Orlando Chamber Foundation is providing microgrants and educational workshops to help

give your business a boost to thrive. Keep an eye on the EOCC calendar for the Day of Learning event and workshop sessions.

The East Orlando Chamber of Commerce is here assisting our members and providing opportunities to grow, stay informed, get connected and succeed in Central Florida. Contact the Chamber office today at 407-277-5951 or EOCC. org to have your business join the Chamber. Join the Movement which is the East Orlando Chamber of Commerce.


PLAY (Cont.)

Marketplace at Avalon Park Happy Hour Every weekday (Monday - Friday from 3-6 pm) are the happiest hours at the Marketplace! Enjoy food and drink specials from each of the Marketplace vendors! Avalon General: • $3 House Wines: Cabernet, Chardonnay and White Zinfandel • $2 Off Wine Slushies Avalon Kitchen: • $9.95 Cuban sandwich Bowigens Beer Company: • $1 Off All Bowigens 16oz Drafts (Does not include guest taps or cans.) BBQ50:

• $2 Off Bowigens Avalon Park Amber Beer Cheese & Nashville Hot Kettle Chips Appetizer Rosso Coffee Bar: • $1 Off Regular Brew Coffee • $1 Off Affogato Sip ‘N Roll Creamery: • $9.85 Ice Cream Mini Flights • $4.85 Smoothies Cheese to Share: • 3 for $5 Tequeño Flight

KBBQ Kitchen: • $9 - 2 Bulgogi Tacos • $8 - 2 Spicy Pork Tacos • $8 - 2 Chicken Tacos NOLA Avalon Park: • $6.99 Dirty Voodoo Fries Voodoo Curly Fries smothered with Chicken & Sausage Gumbo • $8.99 Cajun Craw Fries Voodoo Curly Fries smothered with Crawfish Étouffée • $5.00 Boudin Balls

Brazas Chicken: Pico de Gallo: • $9.99 Brazas Special • $5.99 Empanadas includes: • Tacos (Served with 1/4 Chicken or Fish, Chips and Agua Fresca) Salad, One Side ( fries, • $10.98 Chicken tostones, maduros, or • $11.98 Steak rice and beans), Soda • $10.98 Carnitas • $4.99 Salchipapa, French fries with hod

dogs and Salad LemonShark Poke: • $5.56 Spicy Tuna Crispy Rice • $2.76 Spam Musubi • $7.96 Wonton Tacos The 1 Cantina: • $4 Corona beers *Wednesday-Friday 5-6 pm. *Happy Hour prices are good for dine-in only. The Marketplace at Avalon Park is located at 3801 Avalon Park Blvd. East, Ste. 100, in Downtown Avalon Park. For more information visit the website at MarketplaceAtAvalonPark.com or on social media @marketplaceatavalonpark.

PLAY (Cont.)

Coming together to create a healthy community


Orlando will Walk to Cure Arthritis in May Arthritis Foundation’s Orlando Walk to Cure Arthritis Raises Funds for a Cure gether, Orlando can Walk to Cure Arthritis and help us reach our goal of raising $32,000 to help find a cure for this disease.” The Walk to Cure Arthritis is nationally presented by Horizon. To register for the Orlando Walk to Cure Arthritis or to learn more about the event, visit www.walktocurearthritis.org/Orlando or contact Mariel Armitage at 407-917-6978. To learn more about the Arthritis Foundation’s quest to cure arthritis, visit arthritis.org/walk.

Over 400 walkers will be on hand at the 2022 Walk to Cure Arthritis on May 14th at Avalon Park in Orlando to help support the Arthritis Foundation and its mission to cure arthritis and make it easier for people living with the disease to achieve everyday victories. Walk to Cure Arthritis is the Arthritis Foundation’s nationwide signature event that unites communities across the country to put an end to arthritis. We aren’t just helping millions of people with arthritis to live better; we are charting the course to a cure. In the United States alone, nearly 60 million adults and 300,000 children live with arthritis. It is a leading cause of work disability, with annual costs for medical care and lost earnings of $303.5 billion. Arthritis affects one in four Americans and causes more activity limitation than heart disease, cancer or diabetes. The Orlando Walk to Cure Arthritis will help those living with arthritis by supporting programs, research and advocacy initiatives as well as fund crucial research aimed at finding a cure for the disease. “Arthritis is more than just a few minor aches and pains. It’s a debilitating disease that robs people of their dreams,” says Avalon Park Group President and CEO Mr. Beat Kahli, who is proudly serving as the 2022 Corporate Chair. “When you support Walk to Cure Arthritis, you become a Champion of Yes, helping us build a lifetime of better while accelerating the search for a cure. Whether you are close to the disease or simply looking for an inspiring charity event that truly makes a difference, Walk to Cure Arthritis is a great way to experience the power of standing together and giving back to the community. To-

About the Arthritis Foundation The Arthritis Foundation is the Champion of Yes. Leading the fight for the arthritis community, the Foundation helps conquer everyday battles through life-changing information and resources, access to optimal care, advancements in science and community connections. The Arthritis Foundation’s goal is to chart a winning course, guiding families in developing personalized plans for living a full life – and making each day another stride towards a cure. The Foundation also publishes Arthritis Today, the award-winning magazine that reaches 4 million readers per issue.


The Ukraine Russia Crisis: Rotary’s Response

Everyone is following the news in Ukraine as the Russian invasion intensifies. Companies and organizations are taking action by sending aid to the people of Ukraine. The U.S. and other western powers have condemned Russia for the invasion, joining together to implement massive sanctions that are only starting to crush the Russian economy. Many of us are watching from afar and wondering when will this end? What can we do? Rotary International responded to the world Feb. 25 and we thought it was worth sharing. “It is a tragic and sad time for the people of Ukraine and the world. At Rotary, we are deeply concerned by the deteriorating situation in Ukraine and the escalating loss of life and humanitarian hardship there. Continued military action against Ukraine will not only devastate the region, but also risk spreading tragic consequences across Europe and the world. As one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations, we have made peace the cornerstone of our global mission. We join

the international community in calling for an immediate cease fire, withdrawal of Russian forces, and a restoration of diplomatic efforts to resolve this conflict through dialogue.

Togetherness. The world seems so large at times, yet very small when something like Russia invading Ukraine. Everyone around the world is watching and wanting to reach out and help.” There are many organizations taking donations for the people of Ukraine and we have listed the following vetted sources: • Donate to the Ukrainian Red Cross • Donate to World Central Kitchen • Donate directly to GlobalGiving’s Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund • Donate directly to Vostok SOS via bank transfer (Credit card payments are also accepted through Libereco, a Vostok SOS partner) • Donate to Voices of Children • Donate to the media support GoFundMe In times of humanitarian crises like this, acts of compassion and generosity can make a huge difference. Thank you for following our club’s news and for allowing us to publish this article in support of Ukraine. Jim McQeeney, President Rotary Club of Avalon Park


Kiwanis Club of Avalon Park Updates The Kiwanis of Avalon Park Charity and Scholarship Golf Tournament was a huge success! The club had over 100 golfers and 53 sponsors to support this great annual event. They also had a great social together while making candles and having dinner.

Teacher of the Month Awards

Camelot: Lisa West Castle Creek: Kayla Govan Timber Creek HS: Christopher Gaskins Stone Lakes: Allison Pellecier Timber Lakes: Nicole Morales East River HS: Caitlyn Shoaff North Lake: Elia Miski


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