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New River Elementary’s Reptile Review
Principal Update:
It is hard to believe that we are half way through the school year! This year at NRES has been a great one, with lots of accomplishments and successes to celebrate! At the end of November, the state sent out an executive order to extend mySchool online. This caused some of our students to transition back to campus in January. This may cause some teachers and classes to change. We appreciate all your support as we move forward to make the best decisions for all students. During Winter Break please take time to enjoy your family, remember to read, and we will see you ready to learn on January 6th, 2021.
Thank you, Colleen Wilkinson Principal cgwilkin@pasco.k12.fl.us
Clerkin’s Corner:
Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful & restful break. This month in classroom lessons we will starting the Safer, Smarter Kids curriculum. A welcome letter will be coming home to better explain this curriculum. The students really love it, so I am excited to start again.
January’s character trait is.... Empathy. This is such an important trait to practice starting when a child is very young, at home or at school. Always remember that all information on classroom lessons & the character trait of the month is on my website: bit.ly/clerkinscorner
Food and Nutrition Update Free Lunch and Breakfast:
All students (regardless of their eligibility status) will be eligible for free breakfast and lunch for the reminder of the 2020- 2021 school year. Below is information you can share with your families.
Even though meals are currently free, we strongly encourage you to complete a new meal application if your household circumstances have recently changed and you feel you may qualify for free or reduced lunch benefits. Students eligible for free or reduced-price meals can receive free or discounted testing fees, camp registrations, highspeed internet, and other benefits. Schools also receive a portion of their funding based off the percentage of students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals based off their household meal application, regardless of whether that student is attending mySchoolOnline or in person. To review the eligibility guidelines and complete an application, please visit www. pascoschoolmeals.com.
Staff and Student Self Screener. As we come back to school in January please make sure that you are administering the self screener for your student.
If your child attends New River and tests positive for Covid-19, please email Mrs. Wilkinson at cgwilkin@pasco.k12.fl.us or Mrs. Basinger at swilson@ pasco.k12.fl.us