5 Mood Boosters for Dealing With the Pandemic Blues
With the pandemic keeping many at-risk seniors indoors, creating a space that helps them feel their best is key for keeping their spirits high. By incorporating some simple mood boosters into their everyday routine, your senior loved one can better navigate their time inside and overcome the pandemic blues. Ways To Boost the Mood of Seniors Stuck Inside The following small changes can make a big difference in positively boosting a senior’s day. 1. Brighten their space with fresh flowers and plants. Beautiful, bright, and blooming, fresh flowers are goto pick-me-ups. But if seniors are looking for something more long term, the act of taking care of plants and watching them grow can be uplifting in and of itself. Additionally, plants hung in open windows can welcome extra light and fresh air into a space, which can be a mood booster as well. However, if your senior has any existing plant or outdoor allergies, or if they simply lack a green thumb, artificial flowers and plants are great alternatives and can offer the same benefits. 2. Keep them calm with an oil diffuser or scented candle. Aromatherapy uses oils and scents to promote well-being. With just a few drops of essential oils in an oil diffuser or a scented candle, seniors can fill their space with their favorite scents to create a spa-like experience
senior’s face and make their living space feel more comforting is by showcasing their favorite photos and cherished memories of loved ones. Whether they’re hung on a wall, pinned to the refrigerator, propped up on a nightstand, or rotating on a digital picture frame, right at home. Some favorite colors can lift memorable moments diffusers also have their spirits tremencaptured in time will unique light settings, dously. Such colors always be uplifting to which make for an can be added in furni- see. added mood booster. ture pieces, artwork, curtains and drapes, Overcoming the pan3. Use a sound mabed sheets, and more. demic blues goes bechine to create an yond creating a happy escape to new and 5. Display their favor- living space. different locations. ite photos. Perhaps While sound machines one of the best ways vary, many offer to put a smile on your soothing sounds that can play in the background as seniors go about their day. For example, with sounds of waves crashing on the shore, seniors can envision visiting the beach. Or, with echoes of chirping birds and rustling trees, seniors can feel as if they’re out in nature. If paired with a diffuser or candle, the sounds and scents will certainly transport seniors to a new and exotic environment all from the comfort of home. 4. Fill the room with colors that will enhance their mood. While vibrant colors can brighten any room, surrounding your senior with their