Contact Information
Save the Date
YOF Grants
Service in the Summer
Service in the Summer
Miracle Treat Day
Miracle Treat Day
Remind 101
Avalon Wolfe Lieutenant Governor
Donna Newsham Regional Advisor reg7adv@gmail.com
Hey Division 1N Key Clubbers! I hope you have had a great start to your summer! It’s hard to believe that summer is almost halfway over and we’ll soon start seeing back-to-school ads everywhere.
Officers, remember to spend your summer learning about your duties and planning ahead so when school comes, you’ll be prepared to handle it. I encourage you to have many board meetings, so you can develop a closer relationship with your fellow officers, as they will become your lifelines throughout the year. Be sure to hold meetings with your club, fundraise, and above all, continue serving your community. If you have any events
or officer meetings, please invite me, as I’d love to meet you and help as much as I can. If you have any questions or need any help, I’m here any time. Keep up the great work! Yours in Service,
Save the Date
COCI What is C.O.C.I.? The COCI, or Club Officer Contact Information, allows TO clubs to submit their officer, faculty, and sponsoring Kiwanis information. All clubs need to update the COCI after elections of new officers are held. This helps both myself and District Board communicate with you throughout the year.
Troubles? If you do not know your password, email District Administrator Walt Roetter at : administrator@tokeyclub.com If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me!
Updating the COCI 1
Go to tokeyclub.com
Log in with your club’s username and password on the top right corner
Go to “member’s only” and click “update club officers”
Fill out the corresponding contact information and click “submit”
YOF Grants What is Y.O.F.?
Applying for the YOF
The Youth Opportunity Fund (YOF) is a fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. This fund uses earned interest to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities
1 Go to keyclub.org 2 Hit the “serve” bar 3 Go to “fundraising” then hit “YOF” 4 Hit apply for “YOF”
Things to Remember
YOF must be turned in by October 15th
Grants range from $100-$2000
KCI decision mailed no later than January 15th
Mail to: Kiwanis International 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268
Fax: 1-317-879-0204
Summer Fu
Car Wash
Water Balloon Fight
Walk-a-thon/Bike-athon Summer Film Series (outside movie screening with concessions) Beach Volleyball Competition Field Day
Day Camp summer cam kids while pa work)
Scavenger H
Concert (wi talent)
Yard Sale
Pool Party (s drinks and h tivities)
(host a mp for arents at
Ice Cream Party
Bake Sale
Lemonade/Drink Stand
Kickball Tournament
ith local
sell food/ have ac-
Restaurant/Fast Food Fundraiser (research places that do this and give them a call) Food eating contests Dog Wash / Dog Walking
Service in th
Start a community/school garden Participate/Volunteer at a charity race
Clean up a local park Volunteer at a food pantry, animal shelter, nursing home, library, or charity walk/run Host a car wash Have a lemonade stand for Alex’s Lemonade Stand
he Summer 
Remember to keep your club active throughout the summer. Officers should meet at least once a month and there should be at least one meeting with the whole club. Since its summer, it doesn’t have to be too serious! Consider holding a pool party social or something else summer-related and fun for the members