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Commercial Baking Channel
Our multimedia collection is full of videos, podcast episodes and more, where you can get a deep look — and listen — into the exciting shifts happening in the baking industry.

TechTalk with John McIsaac, Reiser
Joanie Spencer, editor-in-chief for Commercial Baking, talks with John McIsaac, VP of strategic business development for Reiser, about the latest advancements in the company’s high-speed cutting systems. www.reiser.com
TechTalk with Nico Roesler, RBS
Nico Roesler, pretzel and snack equipment sales manager for Reading Bakery Systems, discusses the newest generation of the Thomas L. Green WCX Wirecut Machine and how its versatility lends itself to a wide variety of cookie and bar products. www.readingbakery.com
TechTalk with Ton van der Pas, Kaak
Ton van der Pas, product sales manager for mixing at Kaak, dives into the the benefits of mechanical dough development (MDD). Listen into the conversation to hear how Kaak has refined the pressure and vacuum mixing processes in the MDD field. www.kaak.com

TechTalk with Christy Pettey and Stephanie Jackson, Kwik Lok
Kwik Lok’s chief people officer Christy Pettey and co-owner Stephanie Jackson explain how they’re transforming their company with diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives like their explosively popular DuoLingo language learning program. www.kwiklok.com

TechTalk with Pieter Van Hoecke, Spiromatic
Listen to a conversation between Joanie Spencer, Commercial Baking editor-in-chief, and Pieter Van Hoecke, Spiromatic’s business development manager for North America. They discuss process automation as a whole concept, from ingredient intake to dough on the line. www.spiromatic.com
Linxis Group’s Tim Cook on key industry trends
Commercial Baking catches up with Tim Cook, president and CEO of Linxis Group and 2021-22 BEMA board chair, during BEMA Convention 2022 in San Diego, CA. Cook explores trends he’s seen in the baking industry this year, including cultural shifts in the workforce and an evolution in collaboration methods.

Fresh Faces at BEMA Convention 2022
The world is changing, and so is the baking industry, especially as the pandemic’s workforce disruptions have helped usher in a new wave of diverse talent. In this video, you’ll get to meet some of the fresh faces making their first appearance at BEMA 2022.

Kerwin Brown on the pandemic’s impacts to baking
Kerwin Brown, president and CEO of BEMA, shares his insight on how the pandemic shifted the industry into adopting more remote methods of communication and virtual customer support.
Chris Prociv on elevating brunch through bread
Commercial Baking catches up with Chris Prociv, senior VP of marketing, R&D and innovation for Aspire Bakeries. See her take on what was displayed at this year’s IDDBA convention, especially around brunch and at-home entertaining. Prociv shares how Aspire Bakeries is strategizing to meet the moment and elevate the brunch experience for its consumers.

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Robb MacKie on the state of the industry
Robb MacKie, president and CEO of the American Bakers Association, discusses the key shifts that he is seeing in the commercial baking industry and the important role that leadership positions have in managing them.

The benefits of moisture control
This video from MoistTech highlights the need for companies to thoroughly evaluate their methods of reducing waste. By collecting data on moisture content throughout the manufacturing process, baked goods producers can improve efficiency, quality and overall plant production. www.moisttech.com

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IDDBA convention recap
The International Dairy Deli Bakery Association (IDDBA) held its 2022 convention June 5-7 in Atlanta. Watch this Commercial Baking exclusive video of the showfloor to see some of the industry’s top companies, innovations and new products on display.
Jennifer Caro on the meaning of “grit”
The team at Steven Charles — A Dessert Company is known for what president Rebecca O’Hara calls the “rumble.” It means fighting for what works and a willingness to let go of what doesn’t. And it requires grit. Hear Jennifer Caro, chief commercial officer for Steven Charles, on what “grit” really means.

Troubleshooting Innovation
Welcome to season 4 of Commercial Baking’s podcast. Join Stephen Hallam, brand ambassador for Dickinson & Morris and chair of judges for the Tiptree World Bread Awards, as he explores the elements of artisan baking that can — and should — be incorporated into commercial bread production.
Listen to episode 1 by scanning the QR code below.

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