1 minute read
The Last Word
Never Give Up
Baking, like music or photography, is an amazing combination of science, creativity and perseverance. Anyone who has attempted learning how to bake knows the patience required to “get it right.”
We aren’t alone in the effort to succeed. In fact, we are in very good company. Henry Ford, Michael Jordan and Walt Disney all had multiple failures preceding fabulous success.
Collapsed dough and rock-hard biscuits are mere stepping stones to a beautiful baked good. And when we finally do get it right, wonderful aromas and beautiful visuals lead us to the first bite of a buttery biscuit, bun or croissant. The experience is nothing short of fantastic.
It is art.
One of my biggest lessons has become one of my greatest convictions. Study, determination and relentless perseverance — despite all the obstacles and shortfalls — are the inspiration for us to deliver something truly special.
Ford went broke five times. Thomas Edison made 1,000 tries before the lightbulb was discovered. Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. It takes many rejections and failures, but we persevere. It took me four years and 31 interviews to become a McDonald’s bun supplier, but every step was worth it. Relentless perseverance was the best decision of my life.
The obstacles won’t stop appearing before us. As businesses, there will always be something to get in our way. But steadfast commitment to the science and beauty of our industry will allow us to continue bringing the art of baking to our communities and customers.
Every time things get tough, whether a pandemic, supply chain issues or staffing, remembering the importance of what we bring to the table — literally — keeps us moving forward.
The bread we make is the bread people break when they come together for comfort and celebrations. We’re impacting lives every day … the lives of our current and future employees, our customers, our consumers, and our own families. Never forget and never give up on this beautiful, artful industry that is baking. CB
— Cordia Harrington is the founder and CEO of Crown Bakeries and board chair for the American Bakers Association