Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School Yearbook 2020

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contents ___________________________ PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE ____________________________ OUR ACHIEVEMENTS ________ EXTRAORDINARY AI IN AN EXTRAORDINARY YEAR _____________________________ SCHOOL LIFE AT AI _________________ BUILDING CHARACTER THROUGH CCA __________________ STAFF PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE _______________________________ OUR STUDENTS 04 10 16 23 31 49 64

principal’s message

2020 will go down in history as the “COVID year”

One would naturally compare 2020 with 2003, the year of the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) outbreak. Yet 2020 is so different from 2003. We came out of SARS within a few months, closed school for 11 days, there was no circuit breaker or lock-down, and the economy recovered shortly after. For COVID-19, things have not “normalised” even after 10 months. It has hit more countries worldwide, and the Singapore government has unprecedentedly pumped in 5.2 billion dollars to help Singaporeans cope with the uncertainties. Within AI, we had not had morning assembly since late January. We cancelled many school events such as OLE 2 and OLE 3. We did not have Achievement Day and Combined Performing Arts Concert this year. There were no National School Games. And as much as we missed travelling during our own holidays, we missed bringing students out for overseas learning journeys.

During this “special” year, it is especially meaningful to remember the times before COVID-19. Then, we would have reading period after morning assembly almost every school day. Reading widely gives one a strong foundation in languages. We took reading seriously then, and we still do now. We missed referring to the students as “young ladies and gentlemen” during assembly to cue them for their behaviour and ensuring their school uniform is worn smartly. The use of the phrase “young ladies and gentlemen,” as opposed to “boys and girls,” is AI’s own unique way of reminding everyone (both students and teachers) that we are growing students to become young adults. We started 1-hour recess this year to allow more time for unstructured play. Many students shared that they were happier as the

long recess gave them a choice of whether to eat first then play, or play first then eat. It was a delightful sight, seeing a greater number of students play more in the outdoors and forge better relationships with their friends.

The Circuit Breaker (CB) period during COVID-19 was a time when we reconnected with our inner selves. We stayed primarily at home and learnt (or worked) remotely. Attending school online is not the same as attending school in school We missed our friends. Form Teachers checked in with students every day via Google Meet or Zoom. They had to find creative ways so that students turned up for class meetings early in the morning. Teachers also quickly picked up new ICT skills so that students could continue to learn when they were away from school. On the other end, students learnt to follow instructions independently. Some took charge of their own learning and asked questions when in doubt. Students learnt more about their strengths and weaknesses through Home-Based Learning (HBL). No two persons learn the same way. By knowing their strengths and weaknesses, students knew when and how they learnt best, and gained the knowledge that they can become better. The things that students picked up during HBL will go a long way as they continue to learn in life.

Eventually, when different batches of students took turns to return to school post CB, Safe Management Measures (SMM) were in place to ensure safety. Students no longer could play as freely as they used to do. Students had to keep their masks on and keep to groups of five. Students needed reminders to wear their masks properly, and teachers had to teach wearing the masks and with microphones as support. We


were more restricted during recess and even though recess was still kept to one hour, things were not the same anymore.

With mask-wearing, handwashing, and social distancing, we looked inwards and discovered more about ourselves. We learnt that the “bare essentials” we thought we needed in order to “survive” - shopping, gathering in groups and drinking bubble tea - did not make the list. We learnt what it means to be lonely. We learnt to cope with boredom, as opposed to our regular mode of being “busy” which we have used as a badge of honour. We realised that the people closest to us are our family members and we should not take them for granted. We also learnt to care and watch out for one another, although it can be challenging trying to figure out the facial expressions behind the masks while maintaining a safe distance of one metre.

The future might be a very different one after COVID-19. We will not go back to the life we knew before COVID-19. We knew all along that the future is one that is VUCA (VUCA stands for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous). COVID-19 only makes it even more obvious. To tackle the VUCA world, we need to counter volatility with vision, meet uncertainty with understanding, react to complexity with clarity and fight ambiguity with agility. And to be agile, we need to stay adaptable, learn new skills, stimulate debate and embrace creativity. During COVID-19, businesses slowed down, with some businesses not surviving. Many lost their jobs, and some jobs lost might be lost forever. If people are not willing to unlearn and relearn, they will find themselves staying jobless over an extended period of time. For

schools, it is about the “why-not” mentality and having the courage to try out new things. It is about learning from doing as one is unlikely to succeed at first try. More often than not, failure is a better teacher than success. And in a school like AI, it is also about looking deeper into the school’s history to find narratives from within and dream about the opportunities for growth that the future will bring. It is as exciting as it can be, if only we dare to give it a try.

As a result of the special circumstances this year, we had our own AI students who have matured well beyond their age. For years, Tan Jia Xuan of 4E3 commuted daily to and fro between Malaysia and Singapore. With border closure from 18 March 2020, she remained in Singapore to continue her studies and has been away from her family since. I quote her, “I learnt how to manage my finances and keep to a budget. I learnt how to cook nothing fancy but simple meals. I learnt how to care for others while I took care of my younger siblings. And the most important thing, I learnt to appreciate the people around me –from the many compassionate teachers who care a lot about me and constantly check up on me and my caring friends, who were willing to spend their time taking photographs of more than 50 pages of the textbook and notes so that I could prepare for my examinations, to my parents and grandparents who sheltered me so well when I was at home. 2020 has been a tough year for a lot of people, but for me, it has not only been tough, but also a year of growth”. Like Jia Xuan, her classmate Seng Chong Xiang has been away from his family. He shared that he has begun to learn that all the little things in life matter. He shared, “from drying my own clothes to ironing them, I learnt to be more

independent. I now realise how troublesome it can be to iron clothes. I am sure that there will be a day when we have to leave our parents and our comfortable bed to venture outside; be it to pursue higher studies or for work, and so it is important for us to learn to be independent. This will allow us to grow and be more mature, benefitting us in the long run.”

This year has been a year of personal growth for every one of us; COVID-19 has taught us a lot about ourselves. Who are we as a person? What new skills can we learn? How can we become more adaptable? How can we emerge as kinder individuals post COVID-19? During difficult times like this, it is ever important to be reminded that “tough times don’t last, but tough people do,” and perhaps one thing that we can learn from Winnie the Pooh is that we are braver than we believe, stronger than we seem, and smarter than we think.

Let us look forward to a better year ahead!


School Management Committee

Top Row (left to right): Ms Tan Ke-Xin (Principal), Ms Lea Shu Hui (Vice Principal), Mr Yao Zhixuan Terence (Vice Principal), Ms Ng Sheh Feng (Head of Department Aesthetics & Craft), Mr M Siva Balan (Head of Department Character & Citizenship Education), Mdm Nah Ser Yen (Head of Department English), Mr Teo Chai Yaw (Head of Department Discipline) Second Row (left to right): Mr Syed Faisal Bin Syed Ismail (Head of Department Humanities), Mr Tee Hong Heng (Head of Department InfoComm Technology), Mdm Azlin Bte Abdul Majid (Head of Department Information & Knowledge Management), Ms Woo Huey Ming (Head of Department Mathematics), Mr Teo Soon Hock (Head of Department Science cum Curriculum & Assessment), Mr Yao Zijian (Head of Department Physical Sports & Outdoor Education), Mdm Au Yee Kuan (School Staff Developer), Mdm Ng Huey Chun (Mrs Peggy Ng) (Year Head Upper Secondary)

Top Row (left to right): Mr Teo Kian Wee (Subject Head Chinese Language), Mr R Azmann B A Rahman (Subject Head Malay Language), Mrs Jasvin Rai (Subject Head Geography), Mr Kang Yong Heng (Subject Head Design & Technology), Mdm Chew Jia Zhen Geraldine (Subject Head Science Innovations), Ms Woon Sher Lin Sheralyn (Subject Head Art), Ms Carol Ann Martin (Subject Head Special Projects)

Second Row (left to right): Mr Ong Boon Siong (Year Head Lower Secondary), Mr Toh Wei Xiong, Tommy (Subject Head CCA covering), Ms Rozilawati Bte Rahim (Assistant Year Head Secondary 4&5), Mdm Goh Yuh Ping (Assistant Year Head Secondary 3), Mdm Tay Mui Khim (Assistant Year Head Secondary 2), Mdm Ang Ping Ying (Assistant Year Head Secondary 1), Ms Shalini Ravind G N (Level Head English Language)

Teacher Leaders

From Left To Right: Mdm Latifah Bte Noorahman (Lead Teacher Physics), Mr Burton Sherlock Timothy Row (Senior Teacher English Literature), Mr Zhang Xinwen (Senior Teacher Chinese Language), Mdm Heng Chun Wei Esther (Senior Teacher English Language), Mdm Low Sok Gek (Senior Teacher Mathematics), Mr Teo Chee Siong (Senior Teacher Principles of Accounts), Mrs Leong-Kang Li Choo Catherine (Senior Teacher Chemistry), Ms Lee Pei Ting, Doris (Senior Teacher Geography)


School advisory Committee

Mr Ang Chin Koon BBM, SB, St. J Chairman Mr Ang Cheng Ho IP.BBM Vice Chairman Mr Alvin Lim Yee Hong Vice Chairman Ms Tan Ke-Xin Secretary Mr Aiw Chye Seng Treasurer Mr Lim Kien Huat Member

Parent Support Group

PSG’s Tribute to our Teachers

Both parents and children could be seen in the small boxes on the computer screen. This time, the children were the experts, helping their parents to set up the Zoom meeting. Once we were all on Zoom, we turned to discussing plans for Teachers’ Day. How were we going to show appreciation to the teachers who worked extra hard to ensure continuity of learning through HBL and Circuit Breaker? It was only when students were stuck at home during HBL that we parents appreciated how important school is and how hard teachers work to ensure learning takes place each and every day. This year, Teachers’ Day would be different. The celebrations would be held entirely online, with performance, games, and tributes to teachers all done via Zoom. Without being able to meet up to prepare (as in previous years), we collected funds to purchase care packs for the teachers to show our appreciation. We also came up with the brilliant idea of making a tribute video, where parents and their children paired up to share messages of gratitude. This gesture was appreciated greatly by the teachers!





AI is committed to recognising teachers and staff who excel in their respective roles and embody the school values. The following staff have been presented the top staff awards.



The following teachers have received the most votes by the staff and students of AI for their strong passion and genuine care demonstrated in all their duties. They truly exemplified the teachers’ vision to Lead, Care and Inspire. The AI Caring Teacher Awardees 2020 are:

• Mr Burton Sherlock Timothy Row

• Ms Chow Cai Wen

• Mr Chong Wensheng

• Mdm Farhanah Binte Abdullah Sani

• Mdm Goh Yuh Ping

colleagues and this is a testament to how sincere and dedicated he is to his profession. Always looking out for both students and colleagues, Mr Na’im has certainly gone beyond his commitments in teaching, his CCA and the Staff Engagement Committee.

Mdm Au Yee Kuan Karen

Mdm Karen Au believes that education is not just about passing on knowledge or ensuring that students do well in examinations and that it is something bigger. Education must be about equipping students with the skills to navigate the future and to nurture students with the courage to make responsible and ethically right decisions in situations that can challenge morality. Working with members of the School Management Committee, Mdm Au helped to align key MOE learning directions with the school direction, which she then translated into teacher development through Professional Learning Community. Together with the Teacher Leaders, she guided the staff in designing meaningful learning experiences which would enable students to learn more effectively. A wellrespected teacher by her students, she is indeed deserving of the AI Outstanding Teacher Award.

Mr Toh Wei Xiong Tommy

Mr Tommy Toh believes every child only passes through his hands once and it is important that they are given the best education experience. Therefore, he puts in effort to build the structure for Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) and partners the teachers and stakeholders closely. He wants CCA teachers to see the beauty of using CCA as an ideal platform for character development, building lives, forging friendships and serving as a safe place to make mistakes. A young and energetic teacher who is well-respected by his peers and students, he is indeed deserving of the AI Outstanding Teacher Award.


The Outstanding Contribution Awards are given to staff whose contributions individually or in teams have significant impact on the school.

Mdm Goh Yuh Ping always goes the extra mile in caring for the students. She works very closely with the teachers in her role as the Secondary 2 Assistant Year Head in 2019. She gives advice and supports the teachers in all matters concerning the students. She always goes beyond what is required of her and is often a quiet achiever. She is indeed an inspiration to the fellow teachers in AI.

Mr Muhammad Na’im Bin Sa’dollah truly embodies the very idea of innovation and care. He comes up with the greatest ideas be it in the classroom or outside. He is well-liked by both students and

Ms Francesca Tan Ting Ting is always doing her best for the students by engaging them to their fullest potential, giving consultations and advice and providing emotional support to her form class when they feel stressed from their examination preparations. She is well-loved by her students and is always actively contributing to Student Leadership Development matters and her department by leading discussions.

Mdm Gay Poh Choo is always ready to extend a helping hand with administrative matters regarding students. She is a caring lady and will assist any student who comes into the General Office seeking support. She works very closely with the teachers and ensures support is given to each student. She always puts on a smile and it is definitely welcoming to anyone who sees her.

Mr Laurence Kumar s/o Jayakumaran shows strong commitment and dedication to his duties as Operations Manager and in the area of discipline. He is always ready to handle discipline matters while having to juggle estate matters. Without him, there would be a very huge gap in the team.

Staff Achievements

Staff Achievements


Teaching Thinking For Learning (TTL) Committee

This award is given to the Teaching Thinking for Learning (TTL) Committee for taking great pride in their work and having the courage and imagination to dream big. For the last 3 years, TTL has positively shaped the direction of teaching in AI through the TTL Teaching Map, TTL Bites and Open Classroom sessions. The state of AfL has evolved and the sharing done during TTL Bites have deepened the professional conversations among teachers.

Led by Mr Teo Soon Hock, the team includes Ms Chia Yan Qi Audrey, Mdm Farhanah Binte Abdullah Sani, Ms Oon Xiu Wen, Mr Teo Chee Siong, Mdm Ngui Lilian, Mdm Latifah Binte Noorahman, Mdm Lilian Loh Yen Cheng, Ms Agnes Lim Siew Mei, Ms Chong Hui Hui Rachael and Mdm Esther Heng Chun Wei.


The Science Laboratory Team is a pillar for the daily science practical sessions and practical examinations. The team works closely with the teachers to ensure smooth running of the day to day activities in terms of practical preparations and troubleshooting during practical sessions. They also often offer excellent solutions to enhance practical sessions.

The team includes Mdm Sujini Gokuldass, Mr Mohammad Faiz Bin Mohd Tahir and Mdm Ruhaidah Bte Ibrahim.


This award is given to the Year Head team members who have invested a vast amount of time and dedication to care for students. Both teachers and students appreciate the timely support they have received from the Year Head team members the whole year round. Their tireless effort is indeed applauded by all staff and students of AI.

Led by Mr Ong Boon Siong and Mdm Ng Huey Chun Peggy, the team includes Mdm Tay Mui Khim, Mdm Goh Yuh Ping, Ms Rozilawati Bte Rahim and Mdm Ang Ping Ying.


• Mdm Nah Ser Yen


• Mr Burton Sherlock Timothy Row

• Mdm Shamsiah Bte Mohd Shariff

• Ms Tania Chia Mei Lin

• Mr Teo Chee Siong


The following staff have made significant contributions to the school, working closely with teachers to give their strong support to promote school development and student well-being.

For the MOE Service Excellence Award Platinum Category 2020, the award is presented to

• Mdm Gay Poh Choo

For the MOE Service Excellence Award Gold Category 2020, the awards are presented to

• Ms Angeline Ng Chiew Ping

• Mr Mohammad Faiz Bin Mohd Tahir

• Mdm Gay Poh Choo

• Mr Laurence Kumar s/o Jayakumaran

• Mdm Ruhaidah Bte Ibrahim

• Mdm Sujini Gokuldass

For the MOE Service Excellence Award Silver Category 2020, the awards are presented to

• Mr Arthur Daniel Santiago

• Mdm Hang Hong Eng

• Mr Lau Kim Han

• Mr Lim Soon Kiat Louis

• Mr Mohammed Hafiz Bin Hairuddin

• Mr Poon Quan Feng James



Secondary 4 Express (* Includes Sec 3 ‘O’ Level Mother Tongue Subject Grade) Students With 7 Distinctions

Secondary 5 Normal Academic

Students With 3 Distinctions Ajendra S/O Vengopal

Students With 2 Distinctions Zahiyah Bte Tojali

Student Achievements

Muhammad Hasif B Muhammad I* 4N1

Mui Shao Heng, Kyle 4N1

Ng Mei Xuan 4N1

Nurul Iffah Bte Norman 4N1

Nuuru Nafilah Bte Ramlan 4N1

Tay Wan Lin Jolin 4N1

Students With 2 Distinctions

Loh Swee Hong, Justin 4N1

Mohamed Shahmi B Mohamed S 4N2

Muhammad Aiman Akif B Ishak 4N2

Naqiuddin B Ari Yussof 4N1

Nur Farah Bte Nor Azhar 4N2


Secondary 4 Normal Academic

(* Includes ‘O’ Level Subjects Equivalent Grade)

Students With 6 Distinctions

Lutfil Hadi Rafli B Nizam*

Tham An Qi Angie*

Students With 5 Distinctions

Oh Jia Wei Javier 4N1

Tan Xin Ray Fidelis 4N1

Xue Liwen* 4N1

Secondary 4 Normal Technical

Students With 4 Distinctions

Kyau Kai Wei 4T1

Students With 3 Distinctions

Cinco Danilo Gabriel Maturan 4T1

Fiona Lim Xin Tong 4T1

Jesrin Ang Li Ching 4T1

Sarah Adlina Bte Mohammed R 4T1

Students With 2 Distinctions

Brayden Cheng Ming Yan 4T1

Nur Mitasari Bte Aron 4T1

Students With 4 Distinctions

Woon Hui Yang

Tan Song Kit

Kwa Jie Yun

Harith Syafiq B A R*

Lee Song, Tiffany

Irka Nur Adriana Binte Irwan

Marilene Ang Jia Xin

Puah Yik Hong

Sheereen Shafinaz Binte Abd Rahim

Teo Jia Xuan

Toh Xian Zong

Wong Wai Yi*

Students With 3 Distinctions

Amanndave Singh Bessi

Chloe Quek Li Shuen*

Damia Tarisyah Bte Abdul H

Damian Goh Shao Yang*

Jovan Ng Kai Yang

Perez Juan Miguel Montevirgen

Mohamad Shahzuie B Jaffar*

Hilario 4E4
Weng Yan* 4E4 Ivan Dzakirin B Ghazali 4E4 John Kenneth Layba Agpaoa 4E4 Tan Hong Zhang 4E4
Ang Tien Wen 4E4 Bek Song Ze Xavier 4E4 Caleb Steven 4E4 Celest Ng Song Wei 4E4 H Kahfath Nisha 4E4 John Chin Jin Wei 4E2 Kalyaniambigai Magendran* 4E4 Khor Lu Qin 4E2 Leroy Tan 4E4 Lin Shanshan 4E2 Lor Min Jun Mavis 4E3 Mave Ong Qing Xuan* 4E4 Ng Jin Wei Lucas 4E4 Thian Yi En 4E2 Vaikesh S/O Manimaran 4E4 Vignesh S/O Manoharan 4E3 Wren Eu 4E4 Wang Xinghua* 4E3 Yashwini D/O Nelavannan 4E2 Yee Jen Mok, Lionel 4E4
Choo Kai Ning Simone* 4E4 Erni Faizah Bte Iskandar 4E2
Kaiwen, Carmen 4E3
Zhi Yang, Marko 4E3
Rajan Kenisha Janet 4E2 Keith Go Jie Qi 4E4
Students With 6 Distinctions
Students With 5 Distinctions
Wang Xinghua
4N2 Lin
4N1 Loke
4N1 Hoe
4N1 Nyla
I 4N1 Pang
Suen 4N1 Reyes
4N1 Darren
4N1 Jerry
4N1 Ariel
4N2 Chang
4N2 Lee
4N1 Sng Sharmin 4N1
Xin Yue
Chempaka Dewi Bte
Inigo Miguel Andrade*
B Johari*
Hui Jun
Jun Heng
Nur’adawiyah Bte Mohamad Azali

Student Achievements


The Lee Kuan Yew Award for AllRound Excellence for Secondary Schools, given at the end of secondary education, recognises well-rounded students from diverse educational profiles. The award will be given to students in the different courses i.e. Integrated Programmes (IP), Express (Exp), Normal Academic (NA) and Normal Technical (NT) who have excelled in both academic and non-academic spheres.

This year, the 3 nominees from the 2019 graduating cohort were Erni Faizah Bte Iskandar (4E2), Lutfil Hadi Rafli Bin Nizam (4N2) and Jesrin Ang Li Ching (4T1). These students were exemplary both in their academic achievements and character development throughout their 4 years of secondary education in the school.

Erni performed well in the 2019 GCE O-Levels examinations, scoring 5 distinctions with an L1R5 aggregate of 9 points. She was a recipient of the EAGLES award in 2017 and 2018 for her outstanding contributions to her CCA, Oratorical Debate & Drama Society (ODDS). Erni was elected to be the Vice President of the Student Council in 2018 where she performed her duties well and readily volunteered her assistance in all tasks. She led the members of the Student Council well in planning, organising and monitoring the execution of events, celebrations and activities for the committee and the school. Erni is currently pursuing a Diploma in Applied Drama & Psychology in Singapore Polytechnic.

Lutfil is the top performer in the 2019 GCE N-Levels examinations, scoring Grade 1-2 for 6 subjects with an EMB3 of 7 points. He qualified for both Direct Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP) as well as Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP). He achieved the EAGLES award in 2017 and 2018 for his outstanding contributions to his CCA, Concert Band, where he served as the Vice Chairperson in 2019. Lutfil also displayed excellent leadership qualities and served as a Student Councillor in 2018, working closely with Erni and the other student councillors in carrying out the day-to-day duties. As a member of the Student Council initiatives committee, he was always looking out for areas of the school to improve on. Lutfil is currently pursuing a Diploma in Medicinal Chemistry in Nanyang Polytechnic.

Modest and unassuming in her ways, Jesrin possesses a high level of integrity and a great sense of gratitude. Her perseverance and determination, together with a positive learning attitude, enabled her to do well in her academic pursuits which is evident from her GCE N-Levels results where she attained an EMB1 of 3 points. Jesrin was also an active member of her CCA, Netball, and was a recipient of the EAGLES award in 2019. Jesrin was appointed the Class Chairperson in 2019 where she was an exemplary role-model to her peers. She will not hesitate to go the extra mile to render assistance to her classmates and was highly competent in administrative duties, proving herself to be a valuable asset to the class. For her good academic performance and exemplary contributions, she attained Early Admission Exercise (EAE) to ITE and is now pursuing a Nitec in Nursing.

Erni Faizah Bte Iskandar (4E2) Lutfil Hadi Rafli Bin Nizam (4N2) Jesrin Ang Li Ching (4T1)

Student Achievements


MOE ECHA recognises and celebrates Singaporean students who demonstrate exemplary character and outstanding personal qualities through their behaviour and actions.

With the introduction of ECHA since 2012, AI is constantly encouraging students to continue to excel academically and develop the right attitude and values. This is part of the school’s continuous efforts in nurturing students of good value and character, who are active contributors and concerned citizens.

On 3 August 2020, a broad-based nomination for ECHA was open to the student body, teachers and other school key stakeholders such as parents.

The selection process was managed in two stages - shortlisting and endorsement - which involved representatives from two distinct groups of key stakeholders at each stage to provide a diversity of perspectives and to enhance the robustness of the selection process. This year, we held an online student dialogue session with School Leaders, Key Personnel and a representative from the Parent Support Group.

Sec 2

Raif Rusydi Bin Yusoff

Jemimah D/O Thomas

Sec 3

Muhammad Irfan Bin Mohd Khairomi

Nurul Atiqah Binte Abdullah

Darren Sim Zhe Zheng 3N2

Toh Bo Sheng 3T1

Iffah Nur Azizah Binte Hamzah

Ong Jing Yun, Ellycia

Tan Wei Chan

Addi Amirul Bin Yusri

Nur’adawiyah Bte Mohamad Azali

Sec 4 & 5
Crystal Lim Hui Jing
Lynus Phua Yi Xuan
Shanice Tan Hui
Joey Chong Jing Yee
Mohamed Sahir Bin Anwardeen
Nur Elysya Binte Ismie Eideal Shastrie
Tang Yu Jing
Nurul Ain Bte Azman
Michelle Lim Mei Zhen
Syazwani Binte Kamarudin

Learning For Life Programme - Outdoor Learning Experience

Excitement and eagerness filled the air as our Secondary 1 students started off their AI journey with our signature OLE 1 programme as part of orientation.

Curiosity and passion for learning were reflected on the faces of the Secondary 1 students as they sought new experiences in the outdoors, forging great camaraderie with their new friends and teachers.

One of the stops saw the students venture into a village that sits hidden between the skyscrapers in the crowded city-state. Kampong Lorong Buangkok is currently the only surviving traditional village in Singapore. They got a chance to wander around in the kampong and learned the traditional way of life from villagers.

Photos were taken before COVID-19

Our Community Online

19 Our Community Online

Community Day

The Values-in-Action (VIA) Programme provides a platform for students to demonstrate the same spirit of community service that Encik Ahmad Ibrahim had. COVID-19 situation this year has changed almost everything but it has not changed our passion of wanting to serve and contribute back to the society.

Schools went into full Home-based Learning (HBL) in Term 2 and form teachers could only meet their form class through online platforms. Planning for Service Learning during COVID-19 was still possible as students applied their communication skills and knowledge to address community needs. Entirely student-initiated, students did a needs analysis to find out about the various community groups that need help. The class then decided which community service project to take up.

This pandemic allowed students the opportunity to expand their knowledge on social issues and responsibilities as they learned that they could also play a part to help. Many classes created posters, cards, videos and performances to show their gratitude and appreciation to the frontline warriors. Their learning is amplified and deeper civil engagement is fostered.


Applied Learning Programme


You might have been to Changi Airport, but have you had the chance to interview travellers and airport personnel who work behind the scenes at the airport? As part of their entry to a journalism competition organised by the Lianhe Zaobao, our Secondary 2 Higher Chinese Language students spoke to both travellers from different countries and the people running the airport, to gather different perspectives and gain insights on our bustling airport.

Since 2017, AI has carried out different ALP projects across the levels. These encourage students to develop a critical eye to their surroundings and eventually become concerned citizens with a heart for society. Equipped with research and problem-solving tools, our Secondary 1 students immediately put their skills to practice by embarking on different school improvement projects as part of Service Learning. The Secondary 2 students explored the theme of adolescence through short films, while the Secondary 3 students researched on the integration efforts between Immigrants and Singaporeans during their Social Studies lessons.

“ALP is unlike most of our academic subjects because it gives us more opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills we have learnt in the classroom to real-world contexts. I have learnt to think critically and analyse the articles and sources I have found online to verify if they contain accurate information.”

Seah Jun De, 2E2

Final work submitted by Secondary 2 students for the Chinese Journalism Competition Secondary 2 students enacting societal issues as part of their docu-drama
Photos were taken before COVID-19

Enhanced Music Programme (EMP) And Music Preparatory Course (MPC)

There was a palpable hush in the room as the film crew zoomed in and out to capture the performance. Our Music students flitted around the room in beautifully choreographed motions, as they alternated between playing on Launchpads and Launchkeys, laptops, and acoustic instruments. One student triggered an array of colourful buttons on the Launchpad, while several others picked up instruments and began playing riffs. Music technology’s electronically-produced soundscapes merged seamlessly with the acoustic sounds of the guitar, cello, bass, and piano. Starting with dissonant indistinct sounds, the music moved through several sections, and finally ended in a triumphant mood, reflecting our journey through uncertainty, unity, fatigue, hope and rejuvenation as we experienced COVID-19.

The performance was recorded to be broadcasted as a special item at the Public Sector Transformation Awards, a Whole-ofGovernment pinnacle platform to recognise and reward public officers and public agencies for excellence in their work and organisational practices. Through the performance, we hope that we have inspired Public Service officers to think out of the box, innovate and explore new ways of doing things, and embrace technology for our future!


ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE - A Rainbow of Experiences


It was 9a.m. on a balmy February Friday. The library was quiet and the blinds were still drawn. Every book was in place, and it seemed like nothing was amiss. You turned to your left and noticed the first sign of distress. Three red droplets of an unknown liquid. Curious, you followed the droplets, unprepared for what you were about to see. This was the scene that greeted AI students that fateful morning. What did they do? They joined the Reading Ambassadors to solve the murder mystery of course! They put their literary knowledge to the test and followed the trail of clues around the library to solve the crime! Who knew we had so many Sherlock Holmes at AI!


The Secondary 3 students hung on to every word, while thoughts of the future ran through their heads. “What would you want to spend your life doing?” “How can you make a difference, while pursuing your interests?” “Would your choices allow you to survive or live comfortably in future?” were some of the questions posed to the students as they learnt more about Aestheticsrelated courses and career pathways from their alumni, Fawwaz (class of 2015) and Si Ying (class of 2018) who were specially invited to speak to the students via Zoom.

This unusual year has had many students reconsidering their life and career choices. We learnt what Singaporeans considered essential and non-essential professions, and saw how certain industries thrived while others floundered during the pandemic. Still, equipped with the required skills and a passion for the Aesthetics and Craft subjects, our students can look forward to their futures with hope and positivity!

To enrich students’ minds with unique new learning experiences beyond the classroom.


Espousing the true meaning of an inclusive education, the Physical Education department continued the good work from last year and engaged our VI students in our self-run PE lessons. Positive teacher-student relationships were fostered as they get to engage in small group PE lessons. When opportunities arose, the VI students also joined their classmates in the regular PE lessons leading to more shared experiences and enhancing the bond between them and their classmates. We hope to continue to enhance these experiences for our VI students with more deliberate planning in the coming years!

Photos were taken before COVID-19

To create opportunities for students to develop expertise in different disciplines.


With their eyebrows knitted, eyes averted and lips pursed, student-writers sat deep in thought as they analysed sample texts and pondered on feedback given on their submitted work. Due to the Circuit Breaker in May, the discussions for this year’s workshop were held online. “Authenticity! Authenticity!” The students were hounded on the need to write from their hearts to capture the real essence of everyday life in their works.

Despite the physical distance inherent on virtual platforms, the students rose to the challenge and made each session vibrant with their insightful sharing. Their creative works will be consolidated in this year’s edition of Contemplations!, supported with student illustrations.


Make no mistake! This is not a choir practice but a session during this year’s Public Speaking Workshop run by the renowned Julia Gabriel Speech and Drama Centre. Participants were given tips on how to carry themselves and how to speak off the cuff, a feat that is daunting to most. Boosted by the training, students put the skills they acquired to good use. They participated in public speaking competitions and were handpicked to host events in school.

ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE - Transcending Pathways

“…higher…higher…HIGHER… LOWER… lower… lowest…”
Photos were taken before COVID-19

ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE - Transcending Pathways


The spread of COVID-19 may have halted all outdoor group activities but that did not stop our Secondary 2 Geography students from completing their Geographical Investigation (GI). Across the September holidays, our students went into the ‘field’ in their own time, and completed a walkability survey to find out whether Yishun is a pedestrian-friendly town.

Majority of the students found out that Yishun indeed possessed pedestrian-friendly features such as a continuous shelter to protect pedestrians from rain, and vast greenery to make the walk more vibrant and appealing.

This GI allowed students to step into the shoes of urban planners and see the familiar environment around them through a more critical lens. With the needs of pedestrians in mind, students also developed a new-found appreciation of the walking infrastructure in Singapore that makes their daily walking journey a more enjoyable one.

To create opportunities for students to develop expertise in different disciplines.


Have you ever wondered what more stories could lie behind the artefacts at the museum? These stories came to life in January and February this year for our Lower Secondary students when they attended the ‘Artefactually Programme’, which was co-organised with the National Museum of Singapore.

Museum educators brought our students on a tour to provide them with greater insight into artefacts that tell the story of Singapore in its early days.

Armed with an inquisitive mind, these students began their journey as junior historians as they attempted to piece Singapore’s history together throughout this experiential learning journey. We hope that they better appreciate the human endeavours that made Singapore into the vibrant society that it is today.

Gireesh Srinivasan (2E4), at the starting point of the path he selected to conduct the walkability survey. Razi Muzaffar Bin Masyudi (2E3), at the starting point of the path he selected to conduct the walkability survey. Some photos were taken before COVID-19

To empower students to realise their aspirations by building self-knowledge and serving others.




Student leadership has never been more exciting as COVID-19 hits the world in mere months. From face-to-face weekly meetings, the Student Council had to transform our modus operandi and bring everything online. Putting on their thinking caps, the Student Councillors came up with interesting activities to engage the school via AISC Instagram. e-Investiture, e-Teachers’ Day Concert and e-Dialogues with school leaders are some major projects our student councillors took on by applying their ICT skills on top of creativity and management skills. We hope that they will go from strength to strength and learn invaluable lessons from the year of pandemic. May they continue to have the courage to lead and serve with pride!

A wave of joy unfurled in the student as his teacher called his name. The Peer Support Leader (PSL) stood proudly as his teacher pinned the PSL badge onto his uniform, formalising his role in front of his classmates. But this joy was not from pride, but the happiness that comes from serving his peers. Here at AI, the PSLs aspire to be the warm, friendly smile that greets you on a dull, grey morning, the soothing, comforting voice in the cacophony of life, the firm, reassuring hand to support you through the days, and that uplifting and encouraging presence when the lights seem to dim. The newly inaugurated PSL smiles, because he knows that through all his training and efforts, he has supported a friend.

An upper secondary PSL proudly receiving his badge Proud Secondary 1 PSLs A lower secondary PSL proudly receiving her badge



Purpose: After School Engagement (ASE) continues to groom leaders and provide out-of-classroom learning experience this year

ASE leaders learned about the regulations and safety issues in flying a drone and tested their piloting skills by flying drones under the guidance of Mr Lee Tok Siang, who is our technical support staff.

Many caught the carnival atmosphere and complimented the ASE leaders for working well with their teachers and vendors. They honed their leadership and communication skills, and became more confident of themselves.

COVID-19 brought learning online and students continued to be engaged through courses and games conducted by ASE leaders and vendors weekly. Exciting activities await everyone next year!

To foster a sense of school spirit & bonding amongst the AI family.


At the start of each year, every AI teacher is greeted by new faces and sometimes, new attitudes. Whether this becomes an opportunity or a challenge lies in the hands of skilful teachers to engage the Head, Heart and Hands of these students.

In AI, engendering positive teacher-student relationship (TSR) is a journey with the student for building resilience, developing social emotional competencies in each student and promoting positive relationship. In doing so, there will be better holistic development of the student. Various significant adults, be it the form teachers, subject teachers or school leaders, play an important role in building up the student’s confidence and growing self-esteem.

Photos were taken before COVID-19

To foster a sense of school spirit & bonding amongst the AI family.


AI Tamil Unit organised the “Tamil Cultural Activity Day” to celebrate Pongal Festival with students from 5 invited schools (Yishun Secondary School, Town Secondary School, Christ Church Secondary School, Woodlands Secondary School, and Marsling Secondary School).


The audience shrilled in awe as the magician pulled out one huge umbrella from seemingly nowhere, followed by yet more mini umbrellas of different colours on stage. Just like how these different umbrellas brought us a colourful experience, Chinese New Year celebration in AI is always about the union of many people. Students of different races decorated their classrooms together. Various CCAs in our AI Performing Arts Groups put up an amazing display. Our alumni was also involved in the starred performance - Lion Dance! Even seniors from the Nam Hong Welfare Services joined us in our celebration. What a colourful reunion!


Various types of activities were conducted which include a morning assembly presentation, a demonstration of the making of Sweet Pongal, a Kolam competition, Pongal exhibition competition and an inter-schools group presentation to showcase appreciation of the Indian Culture.


Local writer and National Institute of Education (NIE) lecturer, Ms Lin Rongchan, was beaming with joy to see so many AI students on the Google Meet with her during Circuit Breaker. The students were feeling excited to speak “faceto-face” with a local writer. Though COVID-19 has made all of us homebound, it did not stop AI students from learning. When Ms Lin shared about the inspiration behind her short-story “Where are you going?”, we learnt that our own experiences can breathe so much life into our essays. No doubt, this inspiring Home-based Learning (HBL) experience will make AI students more observant to their own experiences, and translate that into more touching essays!

AI Tamil Unit organised the “Tamil Cultural Activity Day” to celebrate the Pongal Festival with students from 5 invited schools (Yishun Secondary School, Yishun Town Secondary School, Christ Church Secondary School, Woodlands Secondary School, and Marsiling Secondary School).

Various activities were conducted which included a morning assembly presentation, a demonstration of the making of Sweet Pongal, a Kolam competition, a Pongal exhibition competition and an inter-school group presentation to showcase the appreciation of the Indian Culture.

த"ழr தm &'நாll எ,-m “ெபா0கl ெப'நாll” நம4 பll56l இvவா:; ஜனவ>t &0கll 17 ஆm நாll AறpDறk ெகா:டாடpபGட4 வடkH வGடாரp பll5க5l ஐn4 பll5கll இkெகா:டாGடt&l கலn4ெகா:; அNேசrtதனr நம4 பாரmப>யtைதSm மரTைனSm அUn4 ெகாllளp ேப'தWயாக இkெகா:டாGடt&, Xலm நம4 பll5 மாணவrகZm W'n&னrகளாகk கலn4ெகா:ட Tற பll5 மாணவrகZm ெபா0கl Wழா ப[USm அதைனk ெகா:டா;m \ைறையSm அUn4 ெகா:டேதா; ெபா0கl Wழாk காGAk]ட0கைளSm உ'வாk_ ெபா0கl Wழா ப[Ut தாm அUnத தகவlகைள ம[றவrகேளா; ப_rn4ெகாllள`m ெசyதனr. ேமbm வ:ணkேகால0கைள வைரn4 எcl ேசrtதேதா; சrkகைரp ெபா0கைல ெசy4காGd அதைனc fைவkக`m ெசyதனr. இvவாg ெபா0கl த"ழr தm &'நாll எ,-m “ ெபா0கl ெப'நாll ” நம4 பll56l இvவா:; ஜனவ>t &0கll 17ஆm நாll AறpDறk ெகா:டாடpபGட4 வடkH வGடாரp பll5க5l ஐn4 பll5கll இkெகா:டாGடt&l கலn4ெகா:; அNேசrtதனr நம4 பாரmப>யtைதSm மரTைனSm அUn4 ெகாllளp ேப'தWயாக இ'nத இkெகா:டாGடt&, Xலm நம4 பll5 மாணவrகZm W'n&னrகளாகk கலn4ெகா:ட Tற பll5 மாணவrகZm ெபா0கl Wழா ப[USm அதைனk ெகா:டா;m \ைறையSm அUn4 ெகா:டேதா; ெபா0கl Wழாk காGAk]ட0கைளSm உ'வாk_ ெபா0கl Wழா ப[Ut தாm அUnத தகவlகைள ம[றவrகேளா; ப_rn4ெகாllள`m ெசyதனr ேமbm வ:ணkேகால0கைள வைரn4 எcl ேசrtதேதா; சrkகைரp ெபா0கைல ெசy4காGd அதைனc fைவkக`m ெசyதனr இvவாg ெபா0கl Wழாk ெகா:டாGடm ஐmDல,கZkHm பய, ேசrt4 \தலாமா:; மாணவrக5ைடேய கைள கGdய4
Some photos were taken before COVID-19



With our flag flying high and our hands to our chest, the pandemic did not deter our patriotism as we celebrated our Nation’s 55th Birthday Celebrations on 7 August with scaled-down activities this year. Celebratory activities were carried out in the classroom, with the highlight segment being the sharing of National Service experiences by teachers. We hope that these activities have fostered a greater appreciation of the efforts that have been contributed to protect our sovereignty as an independent nation.


To foster a sense of school spirit & bonding amongst the AI family.

Not spared from adopting and adapting to new ways of learning in their final year in AI, this year’s graduating cohort went through a different kind of Farewell Ceremony. The programme included speeches given by the cohort representatives, catchy videos from their form teachers and a flashback of their 4 to 5 years in AI. Our graduating cohort had smiles on their faces when they celebrated their Farewell Ceremony in two different cluster venues. With the need for social distancing, the 4E and 5N students were assembled in the Hall, seated a metre apart from their friends while the 4NA and 4NT students assembled in their own classrooms. The whole ceremony took a new direction this year with life streaming done via YouTube Live where parents of the graduating cohort were invited to login too! With the continuous live streaming from the four locations, we were able to have our Principal’s speech coming live from 4N2 classroom instead of the Hall. The graduating cohort’s ECHA presentation also took place in the four different locations and it was refreshing! With the on-going pandemic and the affordance of technology, the Farewell Ceremony will never be the same again!

Teachers decked out in their uniforms for the online sharing session with the school via zoom. Teacher by day. Soldier in crisis. Our duty to our country, Singapore.

Girl Guides

Mission: To equip our girls with the necessary skills and values to enable them to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world.

Always all smiles, AI Girl Guides truly live up to their mission to be independent, caring and responsible citizens. Strong bonds were forged during CCA sessions as the girls learned new skills and went through curated activities to encourage team building in a safe and supportive environment. With approachable teachers, caring seniors and friendly members, AI Girl Guides sessions are always a joy to be in as students learn camp craft, interact with members of the public during their annual cookies sale and engage in meaningful community service, such as caring for the elderly. Following the guides motto of “Be Prepared”, AI Girl Guides harness a persevering attitude which will prepare them to handle new situations with confidence

Student Leaders:

• Company Leader: Tan Jing Xuan (3E2)

• Assistant Company Leader: J Tanisha (3E4)


• Puan Noor Aishah Gold Award 2019


• National Day Observance Ceremony 2020

Being the company leader of Girl Guides was one of the greatest achievements in my secondary school life. COVID-19 had taken away the opportunity for me to lead the company physically. However, through e-CCA, it had taught me to be patient and have the courage to lead. It had also taught me how to communicate with my fellow leaders, strengthening our bond with one another. Even though it was tough to balance my studies and CCA responsibilities at the same time, I have never regretted being the Company Leader.

– Tan Jing Xuan (3E2)

This year has been quite different from the rest. Though I have taken on the role as the Assistant Company Leader, I have yet to get an opportunity to have a face to face session with my company. However, my leadership skills were still put to the test when presenting projects and discussing ideas with fellow members. On the whole, being the Assistant Company Leader this year is not what I had expected, but it has definitely been a fulfilling and enriching experience. – J


Photos were taken before COVID-19

National Cadet Corps (Land)

Mission: To nurture inspiring leaders and committed citizens through fun, adventurous and military-related activities. Different Faces, Different Spaces

“Schools will try to restart CCAs through digital means,” said MOE.

“Sir, we have seen the news. Let’s come up with a few creative NCC learning resources and put them online. We shall continue to engage the juniors on Zoom,” suggested one of the Cadet Leaders.

Rising to the challenge, Cadet Leaders had to learn to manage and train their juniors through online sessions. The juniors, while in different spaces, continued to learn essential skills through a variety of online platforms. For the first time, the Cadet Leaders’ course was conducted via Zoom. All in all, NCC had a paradigm shift and training moved beyond physical means. Leadership took on a new meaning for NCC.

Student Leaders:

• Unit Sergeant Major: Akula Jatin (3N1)

• Assistant Unit Sergeant Major: Lee Yun Zhuo, Asher (3E1)

• Company Sergeant Major (Junior Cadets): Muhammad Irfan Bin Mohd Khairomi (3E1)

• Company Sergeant Major (Senior Cadets): Wong Yong Quan Eugene (3E4)

• Company Sergeant Major (Cadet Leaders): Lim Jun Qi Cliff (3T1)

• Assistant Company Sergeant Major (Junior Cadets): Alvin Arthur Yong (3E2)

• Assistant Company Sergeant Major (Junior Cadets): Liau Jun Sian (3N1)

• Assistant Company Sergeant Major (Junior Cadets): Goh Kai Teck (3N2)

• Assistant Company Sergeant Major (Senior Cadets): Lau Junle (3E1)

• Assistant Company Sergeant Major (Senior Cadets): Bryan Kong Sing Yong (3E4)

• Assistant Company Sergeant Major (Senior Cadets): Stephen Chong Yi Hui (3T1)

• Assistant Company Sergeant Major (Cadet Leaders): Senthilkumar Subhash (3E1)

• Assistant Company Sergeant Major (Cadet Leaders): Lim Yi Jie Ryan (3E2)

• Assistant Company Sergeant Major (Cadet Leaders): Lee Jia Ann Brandon (3N2)

• Quartermaster: Sharvesh S/O Kaleselvan (3T1)

• Assistant Quartermaster: Ng Jun Wei Lester (3N2)

• Secretary: Sim Zi Cheng (3E4)


• Unit Recognition 2019: Distinction

• Outstanding Cadet Award: MSG Sathiah Elamaran (4E1)

NCC has taught me so much about perseverance and responsibility. Stepping up as the Unit Sergeant Major of NCC, it has really changed my perspective about leadership. Thinking that it would be easy, I realised how much thought process has to be put in to run the unit properly. The leadership skills we learn during CCA can also be put to use in the real world. NCC has also built strong camaraderie among my friends in the CCA. – Akula Jatin (3N1)

Some photos were taken before COVID-19


National Police Cadet Corps

Mission: To develop our members to be active citizens and community leaders, by working in partnership with Singapore Police Force to fight crime and keep Singapore safe.

“Cadets, please switch on your cameras and turn off your mics. We will begin with training shortly.”

Never one to shy away from obstacles, NPCC cadet leaders and Sec 2 ICs have been engaging their cadets with several innovative methods despite the new means of lesson prepping. Switching on cameras, checking their mics, positioning themselves in front of their screens; these are the new norms that they have been practising to ensure training carries on despite the new COVID-19 safety measures. The momentum of CCA training is still kept to a high with cadets interacting and learning virtually.

Moving beyond their comfort zone, AISS NPCC is always eager to take on new challenges!

Student Leaders:

• Chairperson: SGT (NPCC) Tan Cinn

Yui (3N1)

• Vice Chairperson: SGT (NPCC)

Muhammad Ibrahim Mohammed Azmie (3T1)

• Secretary: CPL (NPCC) D S Jayin (2E1)

• Head, Training: CPL (NPCC) Irka Nur

Adlina Binte Irwan (2E2)

• Head, Functions & Activity : SGT (NPCC) Geethashini Sasha D/O

Christopher Shah (3N2)

• Quarter Master: CPL (NPCC) Song Zi

Qi Gladys (2E1)


• Unit Overall Proficiency Award (UOPA) – Gold Award

• SPF–NPCC Badge RecipientHo Zheng Yang Xanthus (4N1)

Being in NPCC, I have gone through many experiences and learnt skills that would be beneficial for my life. In NPCC, I have gotten many opportunities to participate in parades and plan for larger events such as the CCA Carnival. Upon stepping up as the Chairperson in NPCC, having to be more responsible and outgoing shaped a better personality within my character. In addition, NPCC has led me to realise the importance of teamwork and develop better leadership qualities. Despite going through many hard times, I am very appreciative of my journey in NPCC. Moreover, it taught me to persevere through the tough training. Despite that, I was still able to have fun and socialise with cadets from other levels. As a whole, NPCC gave me a chance to be able to lead people as a leader and understand how it felt to be in the shoes of my seniors who led us to betterment for both NPCC and myself. – Tan Cinn Yui (3N1)

Photos were taken before COVID-19

Mission: To develop each scout into a gentleman clean in thought, word and deed, who strives to be a student leader.

Some men succeed because they are destined to. But most men succeed because they are determined to. Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dare to believe that something inside them is superior to circumstances. Believe in yourself, and you could be a warrior of your own. A cut above the rest.

Student Leaders:

• Senior Patrol Leader: Cheong Yee Hong Terrence (3N1)

• Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (Administration): Hannan Muhammad Bin Sirhan (3E4)

• Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (Training): Choo Jun Kai Brandon (3E3)

• Scribes: Alejandro Chen (3E3), Kua Jia En (3E1), Lee Wen Qian (3E1)

• Treasurers: Brandon Choo Zhun Heng (3E2), Elvin La Weng Hoe (3E3)

• Quartermasters: Aryan Qusyairi Bin Mahathir (3E2), Mohammad Shauqi Aqil Bin Mohammad Saffri (3T1)


• Frank Cooper Sands Award 2019 (Gold)

• Job Week 2019 Top 5 Fund Raiser Scout Unit (Third)


• North Area Online Cooking Photography Competition

• North Area Online Inter-cultural Campfire

• North Area Online Scout Leadership Training Course

• Scouting It Forward

After stepping up as a Committee member this year, I realised that being a Committee member was much more difficult than I thought. At the start, I felt that it was quite tiring and challenging as I had to plan and execute the training smoothly. I had to ensure that everyone in the Scout unit is safe and not sustaining any injury. I also had to take the initiative to teach and lead them into becoming better Scouts. Seeing the unit progressing forward made me realise that my efforts were not in vain and made me want to plan and execute better training for them to enjoy!

Photos were taken before COVID-19

ST. JOHN Brigade Singapore

Mission: To develop concerned students to be able to contribute back to society via first aid skills.

“Help, help, somebody has fainted in the foyer!” shouted the mall’s security guard. Without hesitation, Zheng Hong who is from the St. John Brigade Singapore sprang into action. He ran to the foyer and immediately performed Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) on the victim till the paramedics arrived to take over. The victim was sent to the hospital and thanks to the timely administration of CPR, the victim was saved. Such are the dedication, commitment and courage shown when it comes to putting what they have learnt in St. John Brigade to use during an emergency situation. In St. John Brigade Singapore, students do not just learn first aid skills. We also prepare them to be bold and brave enough to step up to administer first aid or CPR during emergency situations which is aspiring towards our motto “For the service of Mankind”!

Student Leaders:

• Corp Sergeant Major: Tew Xin Yi (3E4)

• Regimental Sergeant Major: Azyan Binte Zaini (3N1)

• Platoon Sergeant: Avari Heng Tian Ting (3N1), Tiffany Tan Xin Fei (3T1), Tok Zhi Qi (3N1)

• Head Logistics: Amelia Michelle Jonaidy (3N1)

• Head Admin: Presha Rani Sugumaran (3E2)


• Corps Achievement Award 2019: Gold


• Achievement Day Parade/First aid coverage

• Total Defence Day performance

• National Day Parade/First aid coverage

In my experience, St. John has helped me to learn more about first aid and home nursing, allowing me to be able to help others in need. St. John has also helped me to grow into a person with more discipline and to be more outspoken than what I used to be. Overall, St. John has really helped me a lot and I do not regret being a part of St. John.

Photos were taken before COVID-19

Mission: To develop confident student athletes with a passion for basketball

It was a quiet ride on the bus to the Singapore Basketball Centre. The girls were feeling very nervous about the match against Yishun Secondary School as it was a make or break match to qualify for the second round of the North Zone competition. Our captain, Evangeline, was still nursing a sprained ankle from the earlier match.

We were trailing at the start of the match but the coach did not give up and kept on encouraging the girls to persevere. “Come on, we can do this! Let’s do our best and have no regrets!” Those cries kept ringing in the ears of the girls throughout the match.

The final whistle was blown. With a final score of 31-36, we won this crucial match and off we marched to the second round!

Student Leaders:

• ‘B’ Division Girls Captain: Chong Zi Xin, Evangeline (4N2)

• ‘C’ Division Girls Captain: Fung Sze Lam (2E3)

• ‘B’ Division Boys Captain: Keith Toh Kai Jie (4N1)

• ‘C’ Division Boys Captain: Christopher Michael (2E4)


• The 2020 North Zone ‘B’ Division Basketball competition was suspended in the first round of the tournament after our ‘B’ Girls team qualified for the second round.

• The ‘B’ Boys team did not complete their first round matches.

I have gone through a lot, whether with my teammates or by myself, but AI basketball has helped me grow a lot as a player and as a person for the past four years. I have realised the importance of teamwork, resilience and hard work, which are values that I can keep for life. Being the captain in upper secondary has taught me how to juggle my time between academics and CCA. Going for matches helped me realise that it is not always about winning, but more about learning from the mistakes made. After all the matches I have been through with my teammates, we became closer and made many unforgettable memories together.

– Chong Zi Xin, Evangeline (4N2)

Photos were taken before COVID-19


Mission: To develop character, resilience and team spirit through excellence in Netball.

North Zone Netball Championships:

Beads of perspiration formed on Eliana’s brows as she tore her gaze from the ground, focusing her attention back to stand up. A rush of excitement created an even louder cheer by the rest of the girls along the sidelines as they encouraged the team on. The team stayed focused during the game, amidst the shouts from the boisterous crowd that was trying to outdo one another with their cheers. All the players united to execute an effective defence by passing the ball to the shooter at the right spot. The entire sequence of the shot for the goal was a rhythmic motion. Despite not being able to make it to the second round of the North Zone Competition, the girls learnt the importance of teamwork and physical fitness to endure a gruelling match. Well-done, girls!

Student Leaders:

• Sec 4 Captain: Eliana Khong Woon Yan (4E4)

• Sec 4 Vice Captain: Alyssa Belle Barroga Adduru (4E4)

• Sec 4 Vice Captain: Neo Zhi Xuan (4E2)

• Sec 4 Treasurer: Vivian Lim Xin Ni (4N1)

• Sec 4 Logistic IC: Sim Way Qin Desiree (4E1)

• Upper Secondary Committee: Ng Jia Min (4E2)


• North Zone Netball Championships

Through the trials and hardships, it is safe to say that AI Netball is a close-knit family with the most resilient, nurturing and sassy bunch of teammates I could ever ask for. I will never regret the day we chose to journey and stay with AINB till the very end, despite the absence of a coach. Be it those training sessions that were accompanied by Disney theme songs, or soaking up rain water with used papers to dry the courts, these experiences along with the strong friendships forged will surely remain etched in my memory for a long time to come. The AI Netball Family will forever have a special place in my heart. <3

– Eliana Khong Woon Yan (4E4)

Photos were taken before COVID-19

Shooting Club

Mission: To nurture athletes who are disciplined and focused through a sport which places emphasis on mental resilience.

Shooters in Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary go through up to 5 days of training each week as they prepare for national competitions. Being focused on goals, a reflective athlete and having the resilience to persevere through the toughest of times are what our shooters are made of.

We make shooting fun and safe for beginners and at the same time gruelling and stressful for the seasoned shooters. Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary Shooting Club takes pride in providing the opportunity and equipment for all students from diverse backgrounds to be excellent athletes.

Students can look forward to representing the school in the following competitions:

• National Shooting Championships (National School Games)

• National University of Singapore Invitational Shoot

• Nanyang Technological University Invitational Shoot

Student Leaders:

• Captains: Pang Xin Tong (3E2), Sayshaa Devi D/O Suresh (3E4)

• Vice Captains: Ang Jun Kai, Ryan (3N2), Chong Siew Fen (3E1)

• Training Leaders: Saw Kai Li Kelly (3E3), Chaw Min Min (3E3), Chong Xue Min (3E3)

Shooting may just be a CCA for others but I have learnt to strive for excellence in the process of preparing for competitions.

– Pang Xin Tong (3E2)



Mission: To develop our students into skilful and disciplined players with a passion for football.

Heading the Goal: Learn the value of respect, fair-play and teamwork

At the sound of the whistle, as the player in the middle jumped to head the ball, the rest of the team quickly got into the 4-3-3 formation to lend him support. Throughout the 90-minute game under the blistering sun, the players dashed, dribbled and dived, all in the hope of scoring a goal. The referee blew a double whistle, signalling an end to the game. The players all dirty with mud and drenched in perspiration, formed a straight line and thanked their opponents for a splendid match. The AI Football has learnt that respect, fair play, hard work and teamwork form the basis of their pursuit for excellence.

Student Leaders:

• Captain: Noor Hazman Bin Samuri (3E3)

• Vice Captain: Lim Zhong Yao Jonathan (3E2)


• C Division (Boys) and B Division (Boys) teams participated in the open rounds in the National Level Competition and subsequently qualified for the league matches.

2020 was a tough year. We fought hard and made it to the semi-finals. We were extremely disappointed when the games were eventually cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak. We have learnt from our matches that we should never be complacent. With teamwork, communication and strong belief, we can break barriers. – Johan Wahyudi Bin Jailani (4N2) - Team Captain

Photo was taken before COVID-19

Track and Field

Mission: Based on our motto “Chase your dreams, throw your worries, jump for your goals”, we nurture our athletes to always dream big and persevere through challenges so as to achieve their goals.

“How? Is everyone ready or not?”

“Ehhh can you lower your camera so that I can see how you are doing your exercise?”

“Ehhh who is leading in the Kahoot ahhh?

Wahhh you really paid attention! Great job!” This year, like many people would say, is really a time which is unprecedented. COVID-19 has forced the Track and Field team to go online.

Go online? How to go online? So many doubts in everyone’s heads – the students, coaches, teachers alike. But we did it. We gathered together on Google Meet, going back to the basics – learning the theory, and doing exercises together. We even had Kahoot games to engage one another. But this does not mean we want e-CCA to continue! Face to face CCA, we miss you!

Student Leader:

• Captain: Dinie Maisarah Binte Hardi (3E1)

Being in the Track and Field CCA is extremely fun. I have always enjoyed being in the track team so I am very lucky to be in the CCA in secondary school. The training sessions every week really help with teaching me new skills and new ways to improve. The coach and my friends help me a lot and make training much more beneficial. I’ve been given opportunities to take part in the national competition in 2019. Sadly due to the COVID-19 circumstances, the 2020 Nationals did not take place and training had to be ceased. However, we still managed to enjoy training in those months when it was allowed. Being in Track and Field, it definitely takes hard work and training but despite all that, we still have fun. –

Some photos were taken before COVID-19

Chinese Orchestra

Mission: To promote the learning and appreciation of Chinese orchestral music among the students through learning, performing and experiencing.

The space fills with laughter and conversations, in between diligent learning of music pieces. This is a scene from our Ahmad Ibrahim Chinese Orchestra (AICO)’s sectional practices. With caring instructors, approachable teachers and friendly members, many pleasant experiences were formed and strong friendships were grown in AICO. AICO is a vibrant, united and dynamic community of students with the passion for music. We play not only traditional Chinese music but also Western pop songs and other modern musical forms. The commitment, perseverance and the need to work together as a team to improve one’s skill also enhance the maturity of our members and thus build their confidence and self-esteem.

Student Leaders:

Executive Committee

• Chairperson: Ong Jing Yun, Ellycia (4E2)

• Vice Chairpersons: Lau Jia Xi, Tan Jia Hui (4E4), Christine (4E4)

• Student Conductor: Shanice Tan Hui (4E4)

• Treasurer: Lee Xing Juan Rennie (4E4)

• Logistics: Chew Siew Rong (4E3), Tan Shi Ting (4N2)

• Librarian: Tan Qing Wen (4E4)

Section Leaders

• Wind: Tay Yi Bing, Clarise (4E4), Chanel Leong (3E3)

• Bowed Strings: Koh Sheng Dong Dovan (4E4)

• Plucked Strings: Ayrton Lai (4E4), Oh Jing Ting Carina (4E4)

• Percussion: Ong Jing Yun, Ellycia (4E2)

• Cello And Bass: Crystal Lim Hui Jing (4E3)


• Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation 2019 – Certificate of Accomplishment


• 2020 AI Chinese New Year Concert

• 2020 Chong Pang Chinese New Year Performance

AICO helped me to develop and grow my musicality as well as leadership skills. The period of 4 years in the CCA helped me understand the importance of teamwork, such as how an orchestra must be able to work together in order to produce quality music. The members of AICO are definitely the most memorable part of my experience, with the invaluable advice they give, along with their friendly and approachable nature.

– Shanice Tan Hui (4E4)

The teachers and seniors are very friendly and helpful which eases my nervousness when I first joined AICO. I really enjoy playing my instrument as I find myself important in playing a part in the whole music piece because every instrument plays a key role in an orchestra. This also encourages me to work hard to perform well in any performance to make our orchestra proud. I am also proud of my section, Tanbo. When it comes to play time, we always play so hard and have so much fun with our seniors and juniors and the same goes to practising our song piece. We work very hard as a whole to achieve the best. I really love my section. Not only have I learned how to play a song but also how to work with others and present ourselves as a whole. I never regretted joining AICO as AICO changes my negative mindset to a positive one and motivates me to work hard in all aspects of my life. AICO is like my second home! – Kelly Soh Shi Ya (3E4)

Photos were taken before COVID-19



Mission: Sing from the heart, dream from the soul!

Choir members were actively involved during this year’s CCA Open House in January.

eChoir started in June.

3 of our Choir members, Ho Hui Yue, Ng Jing Rui Titus and Tay Za Hlwar represented our school and took part in the National Teachers’ Day Virtual Choir. Their videos were selected as part of the video put together by Arts Education Branch, MOE.

Student Leaders:

• Chairperson: Ho Hui Yue (3E3)

• Vice Chairperson: Ng Jing Rui Titus (3E3)

• Student Conductor: Tay Za Hlwar (3E2)

• Secretary: Lim Si Hui (3E3)

• Treasurer: Lim Jun Jie (3E3)

• Librarian: Yeo Sing Ngee (2E3)

• Welfare Officer: Jolyn Sim Yu En (3E4)

• Logistics Officer: Zara Qistina Binte Mohd

Asri (3T1)

• Soprano SL: Ho Ying Yi, Aaris (2E2)

• Alto SL: Azzahirah Banu Binte Noor

Azman (3N2) & Wong Hui Kang (2N1)

• Tenor SL: Fan Kai Wen Carven (3E1)

• Bass SL: Ilham Zikri Bin Faizal (3E1)


• National Teachers’ Day Virtual Choir

Choir has given me countless opportunities to perform at various places like the Esplanade and CHIJMES. They were always filled with new experiences, new friends and lots of fun! The people in choir definitely contribute to the fact that choir has become my second home.

I had a great experience in choir. Not only did it expand my knowledge about music, it also inspired me to learn more about it. I also got to make friends and share unforgettable memories with them through the ups and downs. – Ng Jing Rui Titus (3E3)

Photos were taken before COVID-19

Concert Band

Mission: To instil a lifelong passion for music and provide meaningful opportunities for students to perform, collaborate, and develop leadership skills.

The Pursuit of Musicianship

*Alarm rings*

It’s 4.10pm. The time to set up the instrument – putting together the barrel, upper and lower joints, bell and mouthpiece of a clarinet. Check if the reed is in good condition. For brass instrument players, pushing down the valve keys to ensure they are not too stiff for playing, and oiling the instruments to ensure that they function smoothly and do not rust.

*Second alarm rings*

It’s 4.20pm. Time to join the live session! The student’s hands are shaking as he starts playing in front of everyone. He welcomes constructive criticism from the conductor and peers to improve on his tone (timbre) and techniques. The silver lining for this unique year’s struggles is the acquisition of skills that are essential for students to pursue lifelong interest and cultivate their musicianship. It has been an exceptionally unique year. We hope that the new routines inculcated values like discipline and adaptability that are long-lasting and stay with them for a long time as they venture out into the world.

Student Leaders:


• Drum Major: Alisha Shirin Binte Abdul Kadir (3E3)

• Band Major (Music): Nurul Atiqah Binte Abdullah (3E3)

• Band Major (Admin): Yew Hui Xuan, Chalyn (3E4)


• Head: Nurin Nadia Binte Zulkarnain (3E2)

• Asst: Chandramohan Amudha Pranav (3E3)

• Asst: Jeslyn Heidi Liang (2E2)


• Head: C Dhanya Nair (3E1)

• Asst: Toh Jia En (3E2)

• Asst: Peh Yuet Lin (2E2)

Recruit Officer

• Head: Dakshaysh Balakumaren (2E1)

• Asst: Nur Syafirah Binte Rosly (2N2)

• Asst: Wong Ning Xin (2E2)

Treasurer/Welfare Officer

• Head: Thaqif Bin Mohd Alias (3E2)

• Asst: Te Wan Yi (3E4)

• Asst: Nur Hazimah Binte Mohd Rezal (3E3)

Section Leaders

• Flute: Alisha Shirin Binte Abdul Kadir (3E3)

• Clarinet: Demerin Maria Gadon (3N2)

• Saxophone: Yew Hui Xuan, Chalyn (3E4)

• Trumpet: Tan Wen Ting Tesse (3T1)

• Asst Trumpet: Chandramohan Amudha Pranav (3E3)

• French Horn: Poon Yue Mun (3N1)

• Trombone: Gireesh Srinivasan (2E4)

• Euphonium: Rachel Su Kailin (3E4)

• Tuba: Lim Jia Xin Amanda (3E2)

• Percussion: Rifqy Hady Bin Mohammad Had (2E4)


• Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation 2019 - Certificate of Distinction

Joining AICB was one of the most worthwhile opportunities I took. As I participated in band, I learnt the values of discipline, responsibility and commitment through the different types of practices we had. These allowed the students to not only grow as a musician, but also grow as a person. The members in AICB are very encouraging and helpful. Even when I struggled with learning my instrument, they did not give up on me and willingly taught me different ways to learn and improve. The band room is always a place with a bright atmosphere and is always open to us. I am proud to be part of AICB! –


Dance Ensemble

Mission: Through the exploration of dance as an art form, we aim to develop each individual into confident performers, capable of expressing themselves through elegant dance movements.

Plier (to bend), Étendre (to stretch), Relever (to rise), Glisser (to slide or glide), Sauter (to jump), Élancer (to dart), Tourner (to turn). Little does she know that all the while she is learning more than just dance moves. As she bends and stretches in preparation for performances, she too prepares herself to handle those nerves and use them as fuel, a major life skill that will take her far in life scenarios.

Moreover, as she slides and glides, she might forget some of her routine or drop her prop but she still rises towards perfection as she courageously maintains an air of grace and professionalism. She knows she has to remain calm and think quickly, finding herself in similar situations as she faces life challenges.

However, through the jumps, darts and turns, she still cannot perfect it. Yet, she continues to seek guidance from trainers and fellow dancers. In fact, she does not turn away from critiques as she realises they are there to help her and it is a part of life. As she embraces the joy and pride in each dance move, she finally learns that she can do anything she sets her mind to.

Student Leaders:

• President : Khng Jing Wen Roanne (3E4)

• Vice President : Liu Yiwan (3E1)


• Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation

• 2013 - Certificate of Distinction

• 2015 - Certificate of Distinction

• 2017 - Certificate of Achievement

• 2019 - Certificate of Distinction

• Recognition of Participation at The Royal Dance Off Youth League Festival 2018


• Achievement Day Performance

• National Day Performance

• Chinese New Year Performance

• Teachers’ Day Performance

• Racial Harmony Day Performance

the captain of AIDE, I have learnt to think for the club as a whole, and being in this club taught me how to work together with my fellow dancers to execute the best performance. – Tan Ning, Coreen (3E1) Photos were taken before COVID-19

Oratorical Debate and Drama Society

Mission: We aim to provide ODDS members with challenging performance opportunities and a wide range of theatrical and public speaking experiences, so as to inspire creativity, build confidence and develop character.

What were they doing, with those expressions on their faces?

The ODDS students were practising their lines for their showcase at the external workshop! With just a prompt, the ODDS students demonstrated their creativity and teamwork in crafting their own scene independently. They played the scene out with direct feedback from the theatre lecturer and improved tremendously – all while having fun and laughter!

The ODDS experience is all about self-exploration and getting out of your comfort zone; being creative and acting it out, and finally growing your confidence and being out there under the limelight! Be it on stage, backstage or scriptwriting – different forms of expressions await you at ODDS!

Student Leaders:

• President: Devasree D/O Jayakumar (3E3)

• Vice President: Nur Shahdrina Danilla Binte Shahrudin (3E2)

• Secretary: Axalya Raffa Aurelia Jazuli (3E4)

Discipline Team:

• Anushsri (3E4)

• Muhammad Nuh Hakim Bin Halim (3E4)

Training Team:

• Andrei Oon Jiacheng (3N2)

• Apple Terulin (3E2)

• Jayaraman Saravanan Shakaana (3E2)

• Roysius Chan Yanxi (3E2)

• Ryan William Nolloth (3E4)

Welfare Team:

• Xue Jiaxin (3E4)

• Yuthika Sivakumar (3E4)

Publicity Team:

• Lau Jing Tong (3E1)

• Umairah Nadya Binte Mohamad Faizal (3E2)

• Swaminathan Shravanthiga (3E2)

Logistics Team:

• Shanbhag Akshay Vedanarayan (3E1)

• Kevin Jerard Gladiston (3E2)

Achievements/ Participation:

• Certificate of Participation for Human Values Drama Festival 2020

• Participation at external Drama Workshop at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA)

ODDS has taught me nothing but exceptional values and skill sets and also helped me build a second family alongside all the acting. Drama constantly teaches me skill sets like communication skills, teamwork, dialogue, negotiation. It stimulates the imagination and creativity, helping me develop a better understanding of human behaviour and empathy with situations that might seem distant. Drama has not only taught me how to be a good actor but also values like loyalty, diligence and respect towards others that I would have never thought I could ever learn in theatre! Our coach, Mr Ang, and teachers-in-charge are extremely supportive and train us all not just for our plays but to go out into the real world and give it all our blood, sweat and tears which build us up as a person. Lucky to say that I’m proud and have always set foot on a stage knowing that we are going to blow the show away!! – Devasree D/O Jayakumar (3E3)

Photos were taken before COVID-19


Green Service Club


To take Action for a common cause;

To show Concern for the common good;

To create Experience for the common population.

Green Service Club [@ai_gsc] is committed to serving the environment and the community through our subcommittee teams. Every team is made up of junior and senior members, working together in achieving team goals and collaborating with other teams on projects. #Composting team produces fertilisers for #Gardening team, which in turn greens up the school and gives #Wildlife team more sightings of birds and insects. #Recycling team picks out reusable materials for #Makers team to produce craftwork useful for other teams. #Audit team identifies areas for improvement, #Publicity team amplifies our efforts, and #Service team ensures we give back to the community.

Student Leaders:

• President: Harridas Kumarasamy (3E1)

• Vice Presidents: Lim Jia Yi (3E3), Boopalan Prithika (3N1)

• Secretaries: Nur Athirah Binte Md Azhar (3E4), Charissa Liew Kin Lui (3N1)

• #Wildlife Team: OIC - Chong Kai Jiat (3E1), 2ICJenson Heng Bo Feng (2E4)

• #Gardening Team: OIC - Muhammad Ilhaam Putra Wirajaya (3N1), 2IC - Goh Kai Jun Austin (2N1)

• #Composting Team: OIC - Nurul Hanis Binte Rosli (3N2), 2IC - Nur Madinah Binte Omar (2N2)

• #Recycling Team: OIC - Carrie Lai Kar Yee (3N2), 2IC

- Irham Bin Abdul Haddy (2N2)

• #Makers Team: OIC - Sharfina Binte Muhammad Shahrizal (3N2), 2IC - Weng Siying (2E3)

• #Audit Team: OIC - Thilakeshwari D/O Bala

Subramanian (3N1), 2IC - Seah Jun De (2E2)

• #Publicity Team: OIC - V S Mohamed Sharifdeen (3T1), 2IC - Palpandian Mahalakshmi Kanishkaa (2N1)

• #Service Team: OIC - Muhammad Farhan Bin Maswari (3T1), 2IC - Yuki Low (2N1)

Achievements/ Participation:

• Hosting of elderly visitors for Lunar New Year celebrations

• CCA induction for new junior members

• eCCA sessions

• Farewell ceremony for graduating senior members

When the GSC leaders hosted e-CCA sessions, we were engaged in different home-based activities, such as electricity usage audit, scrap-planting, recycling at home and adopting other good habits and practices. We enjoyed learning from online quizzes, presentation platforms, live demonstrations and also from the sharing of experiences from fellow members. – Harridas Kumarasamy (3E1)

Some photos were taken before COVID-19


(AI)2 Robotics Club

Mission: (AI)² Robotics Club is envisioned to equip students with essential skills that will better prepare them for the 21st century. The club aims to ignite the students’ interests and passion in pursuing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) related disciplines, through the learning of robotics skills using Microbit and Lego® Mindstorm EV3 robotics kit. Students will learn to work collaboratively to solve increasingly complex problems, honing their problem solving skills and acquire good social skills, confidence and resilience in the process.

Solving real world issues amidst the pandemic through robotics.

The Secondary 1 students underwent the Roboticists Junior training programme which equipped them with problem solving skills and prepared them for the First LEGO League (FLL) competition next year. Two teams from the club’s Secondary 2 students went through rigorous training for their FLL this year. As the competition had a theme on city building, the teams identified real-world issues on city planning in Singapore and the proposed solutions were presented online for judging. One of the teams won the first prize for the Teamwork Award in the competition.

Student Leaders:

• President: Tan Tiong Han Aldred (2E1)

• Vice President: Tan Guang Zhe (2E3)

• Lower Secondary Head: Su Jingren Johnny (2E1)

• Upper Secondary Head: Daamini D/O Santranaidu (2E1)

Achievements/ Participation:

• Certificate of Participation for First LEGO League 2019/2020

• First placing, Teamwork Award for First LEGO League 2019/2020

In Robotics Club, we embrace Teamwork, Perseverance and Creativity. With every new challenge, we learn to think critically and develop a growth mind-set. We learn life skills such as decision-making, adapting and thinking out of the box. Having the opportunity to serve as the President and Vice President of this enthralling CCA, we have also learnt how to better communicate with others and cultivate selfdiscipline. – Aldred Tan (2E1) and Tan Guang Zhe (2E3)

Some photos were taken before COVID-19

Staff Professional Excellence


English Department

2020, a year of wonder. As the world wondered how the pandemic came to be and when it will ever go away, the AI EL Department as with all others, did our fair share of wondering. How to engage our students and still make home-based learning meaningful? How do we showcase the literary works of the youngest members of the AI Family? Pause we did but hold back, we did not. The AI EL Department continues to explore new ideas and opportunities, bringing our students new experiences in their learning.

From Left To Right, Downward:

Mdm Nah Ser Yen (HOD EL), Miss Shalini Ravind G N (LH EL), Mdm

Heng Chun Wei Esther (ST English Language), Mr Burton Sherlock

Timothy Row (ST English Literature),

Mdm Koh Pei Pei Jennifer, Mdm Ngui

Lilian, Miss S Hemalatha, Mdm Syafiah

Bte Md Ridhwan Chong, Mr Kesavan

Ramakrishnan, Mr Tan Hong Chan, Ms Toh Hui Teng Hazel, Ms Phua

Eng Sze, Mdm Amelia Y Dizon, Mdm

Kasturi d/o Manoselvam, Mr Tan Wei

Hong, Ms Nur Syakira Binte Zamri, Mr

Shawn Neo Pin Han, Mdm Faralina Bte

Mohamed Ali


Mother Tongue Department

To learn, to love and to live the language.

乐学善用:学得精彩,用得自 在。

Bahasa disanjung, budaya dijunjung

冠状病毒。COVID-19. கோவிட்

Even COVID-19 can be leveraged to provide our students a meaningful Mother Tongue Language opportunity. Through the provision of a rich curriculum and authentic learning experiences, the Mother Tongue Languages (MTL) Department is committed to develop our students into youths who are confident in communicating and expressing themselves in their MTLs. Cultural values and knowledge are two important components of language learning. Our Chinese, Malay and Tamil teachers teach the respective MTLs as practical and living languages, bringing in real-life content whenever possible, imparting values and developing students’ cultural identities at the same time. We strive to nurture bilingual students, and work towards inspiring in them a love for their Mother Tongue languages.

From Left To Right, Downward: Mr Teo Kian Wee (SH CL), Mr R Azmann B A Rahman (SH ML), Mdm Goh Yuh Ping (AYH Sec 3), Mdm Ang Ping Ying (AYH Sec 1), Mr Zhang Xinwen (ST CL), Mr B Vinayagam, Mdm Fitrah Binte Jamri, Mdm Hartini Bte Kassim, Ms Ho Peishan, Mr Kaliyaperumal s/o Govindasamy, Ms Oon Xiu Wen, Mdm Ren Jing, Mdm Shamsiah Bte Md Sheriff, Miss Siti Salmiah Bte Amin, Mdm Xie Xiaowen, Mdm Lim Zi Qi, Mr Seetharaman s/o Thangaraju Not In Photo: Miss Ng Hui Wen
கற்பபோம்! பேசிப்பபோம்! வோழும்மமோழி கற்பபோம்! பேசிப்பபோம்! வோழும்மமோழி ஆக்குபவோம்!

Humanities Department

Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary Humanities Department aims to inspire learners imbued with critical thinking and a global outlook, equipped with confidence to engage responsibly in a globalised world. The Department’s mission is twofold: firstly, to develop the students’ knowledge of the past and the changing environments, emphasising on the 21st century competencies that promote selfdirected learning, and secondly, to empower teachers to deliver a learner-focused curriculum which is both engaging and rigorous to incite passion towards Humanities learning.

The COVID-19 situation did not stop our students from engaging in meaningful activities that helped them visualise space. With the aid of technology and Geographical Information Systems (GIS), we brought the world into Geography classrooms. Equipped with iPads and interactive maps, students navigated through different landscapes and embarked on virtual fieldtrips around the world.

From Left To Right, Downward: Mr Syed Faisal Bin Syed Ismail (HOD Humanities), Mr Siva Balan (HOD CCE), Mrs Jasvin Rai (SH Geography), Ms Carol Ann Martin (SH Special Projects), Mr Teo Chee Siong (ST POA), Ms Lee Pei Ting Doris (ST Geography), Miss Chow Cai Wen, Mdm Tay Liling Lynn, Mdm Farhanah Binte Abdullah Sani, Miss Lee Jia Ling, Miss Theresa Ong Hwee Fang, Mr Tan Wei Hong, Ms Foo Hui Cheng Candee, Ms Nurul Aqilah Binte Khirashid, Mr Chong Wensheng, Miss Lui Ying Jie, Ms Nur Syakira Binte Zamri


Mathematics Department

We believe every student can do Mathematics and that a strong foundation in the discipline will benefit them in the future. We strive to develop students’ conceptual understanding, cognitive and metacognitive skills, as well as inspire in our students an appreciation of the beauty and relevance of Mathematics. We hope for students to acquire mathematicians’ dispositions of persistence, resilience, precision, so that they are able to think critically, reflectively and creatively in order to solve realworld problems logically and systematically.

Despite the limitations of the COVID-19 pandemic, a team of Secondary 4 students worked collaboratively online, competing against participants from 54 other teams in Singapore to win the Merit award, thus enabling them to pursue their passion in the Mathematics and strive for excellence in learning about what they love.

From Left To Right, Downward: Miss Woo Huey Ming (HOD Mathematics), Mr Tee Hong Heng (HOD ICT), Mr Ong Boon Siong (Year Head Lower Sec), Ms Rozilawati Bte Rahim (AYH Sec 4&5), Mdm Low Sok Gek (ST Mathematics), Mdm Puah Shi Hui Silia, Mr Poon Quan Feng James, Ms Ong Su San, Mr Tan Boon Cheong Marc, Mdm Lee Jia Min Samantha, Mdm Phua Meng Hong, Mr Yuen Sheung Man Sherman, Miss Chow Cai Wen, Mr Luo Zhengyang, Mdm Santhi d/o Mutrawipillai Sanmugam, Mr Lim Yeow Teck Roy, Ms Foo Hui Cheng Candee, Ms Li Huimin, Mr Muhammad Na’im Bin Sa’dollah, Ms Tsang Wing Han


Science Department

A Fusion of Ideas, A Quantum Leap in Thinking

Science and society are heavily interwined and this was clearly seen in 2020 where misinformation and pseudoscience were peddled online during the COVID-19 pandemic. In early February, AI Science teachers implemented a Student Learning Space package for the whole school so that students could obtain and understand scientifically accurate information about COVID-19 and adopt preventive measures to protect their families.

AI Science teachers also invested time and effort to retool ourselves at the beginning of the year. By building up on one another’s teaching ideas and sharing new ways to record lessons, assess learning and mark scripts, we discovered new and creative ways to deliver Science lessons through the virtual dimension. The AI Science team will continue this momentum to design more inquiry-based Science lessons in 2021!

From Left To Right, Downward:

Mr Teo Soon Hock (HOD Science cum Curriculum and Assessment),

Mdm Azlin Binte Abdul Majid (HOD Information & Knowledge Management), Mr Teo Chai Yaw (HOD Discipline), Mdm Au Yee Kuan Karen (SSD), Mdm Chew Jia Zhen Geraldine (SH Science Innovations), Mdm Tay Mui Khim (AYH Sec 2), Mdm Latifah Binte Noorahman (LT Physics), Mrs Leong-Kang Li Choo Catherine (ST Chemistry), Mdm Ilysa Binte Saari, Ms Chia Mei Lin Tania, Mdm Lee Jia Min

Samantha, Mdm Phua Meng Hong, Mdm Puah Shi Hui Silia, Ms Agnes

Lim Siew Mei, Ms Tow Swee Ai Emily, Mr Mohamed Imran Bin Ishak, Mr Muhammad Na’im Bin Sa’dollah, Mr Ng

Ping Siang, Mr Tan Hong Chan, Mr Yeu Chee Wee Thomas


Aesthetics & Craft Department

Making Learning Joyful; Preparing our Students for the Future

The excitement in the air was palpable as the two teams worked on their tasks. Some diced the vegetables, while others sautéed mushrooms, skewered chicken, or mixed the sauces. The Aesthetics & Craft Department were not just cooking; we were putting into practice the principles of multisensory learning, and experiencing firsthand the importance of designing authentic tasks and injecting fun into the classroom.

Following that, we headed to NUS’s School of Food Science and Technology. What better way to learn about food science, than to partake in a food science experiment ourselves? We experienced “blind” tasting of different brands of coffee in sensory deprivation chambers, and learnt that more expensive brands of coffee may not always be our most preferred! More importantly, we then learnt more about career pathways related to Nutrition and Food Science, so that we would be better equipped to make our subjects relevant to our students, and prepare them more effectively for their future careers. We believe that in order to make learning joyous and come alive for our students, we have to keep learning ourselves!

From Left To Right, Downward:

Ms Ng Sheh Feng (HOD Aesthetics & Craft), Mdm Ng

Huey Chun Peggy (Year Head Upper Sec), Mr Kang

Yong Heng (SH Design & Technology), Ms Woon

Sher Lin Sheralyn (SH Art), Mr Mohamad Fauzi Bin

Husin, Ms Siti Fatima Bte Azmi, Miss Lee Jia Ling, Mdm Amelia Y Dizon, Mdm Seah Yen Sin, Mr Ng Kin Kwee, Mdm Jaya Santhi d/o Vamadevan (Mrs Shara), Mdm Juny Iskawati Binte Mohamed Jaffar, Mdm Nirmala d/o K Peryiah (Mrs Ganesan), Mr Shawn Neo Pin Han


Infocomm Technology Department

“Future-Ready learners who are critical thinkers, confident communicators and effective and discerning users of digital tools and media.” – AI School’s ICT Vision

We believe in developing students who take ownership of their learning, collaborate effectively with others, and can extend their learning beyond the classroom, which is one of the most important lifelong skills. Pervasive use of ICT is already part of the AI culture, and our teachers tap on educational technology to design effective lessons. Technology is used not only to promote active, engaged, and self-directed learning, but also enables teachers to better track their students’ understanding of concepts taught and assess learning. In this current COVID-19 pandemic, this culture has helped our teachers to shift to online lessons overnight and allowed our students to continue learning during the home-based learning (HBL) period. It is indeed an extraordinary achievement for both teachers and students in 2020.

From Left To Right, Downward:

Mr Tee Hong Heng (HOD ICT), Mr Lim Yeow Teck Roy, Mr Luo Zhengyang, Mdm Santhi d/o Mutrawipillai Sanmugum, Mr Mohammed Hafiz Bin Hairuddin (ICT Associate), Mr Benedict Paul A/L Philip (Technology Assistant), Miss Nurul Kartina

Bte Yahya (ICT Trainer), Mr Chua Tian Ser (AV Technician), Mr Ahmad Afiq Zakwan Bin Arbain (Technology Assistant)


Physical Education Department

In a year filled with uncertainties, the Physical Education department took on the challenges with relish and sought to deliver the PE goals and objectives through new platforms such as the Student Learning Space and video conferencing tool during the full HBL period.

Back in school, lesson structures were adapted to align with the safe management measures while we continue to actively engage our students and hope that the students enjoy and understand the benefits of being physically active.

The department will continue to work hard in enhancing the learning experience for our students as we adapt to the new norm.

From Left To Right, Downward:

Mr Yao Zijian (HOD PSOE), Mr Toh Wei Xiong Tommy (SH CCA covering), Mr Tan Boon Seng, Mr Poon Quan Feng James, Mr Mikael Loke Wing Cheong, Mr Fong Tjenshan Ryan, Ms Tsang Wing Han, Mdm Loh Yen Cheng Lilian


Student Development Team

We believe in promoting student development excellence by raising students as young ladies and gentlemen with strength of character, inquiry and disciplined minds through selfdiscovery, values inculcation and service to the community.

From Left To Right, Downward:

Mr Ong Boon Siong (Year Head Lower Sec), Mdm Ng Huey Chun Peggy (Year Head Upper Sec), Mr Teo Chai

Yaw (HOD Discipline), Ms Rozilawati

Bte Rahim (AYH Sec 4 & 5), Mdm

Goh Yuh Ping (AYH Sec 3), Mdm Tay

Mui Khim (AYH Sec 2), Mdm Ang

Ping Ying (AYH Sec 1), Mr Toh Wei

Xiong Tommy (Discipline Teacher), Mr Burton Sherlock Timothy Row (Discipline Teacher), Mdm Santhi

d/o Mutrawipillai Sanmugum (Discipline Teacher), Ms Tsang

Wing Han (Discipline Teacher), Mr

Poon Quan Feng, James (Discipline Teacher), Mr Mohamed Imran Bin

Ishak (Discipline Teacher), Mr Fong

Sow Mun (Operations Manager 1),

Mr Laurence Kumar s/o Jayakumaran (Operations Manager 2), Ms Tania

Chia Mei Lin (Teacher Counsellor),

Mdm Koh Pei Pei Jennifer (Teacher Counsellor), Mdm Hartini Bte Kassim (Teacher Counsellor), Mr Weng Min

Hao (AED LBS), Mdm Lien Hui Ling, Vedelyn (AED Counselling)


EAS and Support Staff

To provide quality service and excellence of process in school administration with all stakeholders and partners. We do this with commitment and dedication, in support of the school’s goals.

Miss Angeline Ng Chiew Ping (Administration Manager), Mr Fong Sow Mun (Operations

1), Mr Laurence Kumar

Jayakumaran (Operations Manager 2), Mdm Wong Tee Jeong, Mdm Faizah Binte Suhaimi, Mdm Gay Poh Choo, Mdm Ruhaidah Bte Ibrahim, Mdm Siti Nurjannah Binte Jamil, Mr Abdul Aziz B Osman, Mr Lee Tok Siang, Mdm Hang Hong Eng, Mdm Lian Kiat, Mdm Parimalah d/o Krishnin, Mr Arthur Daniel Santiago, Mr Lau Kim Han, Mr Mohammad Faiz Bin Mohd Tahir, Mdm Sujini Gokuldass, Mr Lim Soon Kiat Louis

From Left To Right, Downward: Manager s/o Not In Photo: Mdm Hamidah Muhammad

Visually Impaired Unit

We believe that visual impairment is not a hindrance but a challenge. The Visually Impaired (VI) unit empowers VI and sighted students and staff with skills training, holistic education, support and guidance. We believe that VI students can achieve academic excellence and develop strength of character to meet life’s challenges.

Teaching Thinking For Learning

Evolving the way we teach

While AI students adapted to new ways of learning due to COVID-19, AI teachers were exploring new ways of teaching even before school closure. The work done by Teaching Thinking for Learning (TTL) Committee has laid the foundation for our teachers to adapt quickly and find new ways to teach thinking within the classroom. The committee was presented with the MOE Innergy (Schools) Award (Commendation) in August to recognise our school’s innovations in enhancing our teachers’ pedagogical skills. This year, the team also tried out different ways to develop AI teachers so that they can use similar methods to make learning more engaging for AI students. TTL Committee will continue to work closely with AI teachers to build up the AI Thinker in every student.

From Left To Right: Mdm Chong Chew Luan Penny (VI Coordinator), Mdm Kua Cheng Huang, Ms Ng Wai Cheng Deborah Use of Google Form to design a professional development session on ways to make teacher feedback more effective for students.

Open Classrooms

The fragrance of orange peel filled the air in 4T1 classroom as Mrs Foo’s Mathematics students gleefully and carefully peeled their oranges. The peeled spirals were used to cover the four circles drawn on the paper in order to verify a formula. It was an exciting start to the Open Classroom season in AI this year.

Open Classroom aims to encourage teachers to learn from one another through peer observations and feedback that deepen the teachers’ reflection on their practice. For the last three years, our Open Classroom lessons focused on pedagogies that are aligned to AI’s Teaching Thinking for Learning (TTL) Teaching Map.

As teachers visited their colleagues’ classrooms this year, they saw, amongst others, 2E3 students displaying empathy towards the homeless in a World Café organised by Ms Lui during a Geography lesson and Mr Row’s 2E1 students analysing a poem on Home using a selected pop song.


Staff Professional Development

This year, home-based learning due to the pandemic created the opportunity for new ground to be explored. The teacher leaders in their role as pedagogy experts quickly set out to put together a learning package for teachers to navigate this new area of online learning. Indeed, for many it was a challenge to accept that this would be the new facet in teaching and learning from now on. The teacher leaders therefore focused on how the affordances of e-pedagogy would transform lessons into a more captivating, truly multi-modal and student-centric mode of learning. Based on the Singapore Teaching Practice and SLS Pedagogical Scaffold lesson design framework, the teacher leaders conducted various subject-based online learning modules, during the September break, to model how e-pedagogy can be easily adopted, and how beneficial it can be for teaching and learning.


Teachers’ Day

Busy in the control room, the Student Council EXCO multi-tasked by toggling the screen from the drawing games video to the emcees, who went ahead to conduct a ‘live’ poll for the audience. This Teachers’ Day, everyone was entertained with an online concert in the comfort of their own classrooms. Performances, games, appreciation videos and the English Speech Competition delighted the audience. Not forgetting the terrific class parties that the students put up for their beloved teachers. We celebrate the hard work that all the teachers put in this special year and sincerely appreciate their tenacity and ability to refract a single ray of hope into a spectrum of possibilities. Teachers, you’re our gems truly!


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