Autumn 2011 avanti magazine

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Discovering antiques


The Real Downton Abbey

GENERATIONS What family means in the 21st Century

BEAT THE SCAMMERS How to avoid falling victim


Tells us about her favourite things

PLUS: AGM & CONFERENCE • CS LIVE 2011 • GROUP NEWS • MEMBER REWARDS • BOOKS • CULTURE Supported By The Civ il S er v ice Insurance S ociet y C h a r it y Fu n d

Editor’s Letter

The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Suite 2, 80A Blackheath Road, London SE10 8DA

David with the Fellowship Office team at CS Live

It hardly seems possible that we are already over halfway through the year. Time certainly flies when you’re having fun!

t: 020 8691 7411 f: 020 8692 2386 e: w:

The first half of 2011 has been very interesting – working alongside the team at Fellowship Office has given me privileged access to see all the hard work going on to evolve and develop the organisation. From fundraising initiatives to member incentives, conferences and exhibitions, the team has been out there promoting the core messages of the Fellowship across government.

A charity registered in England and Wales No 255465 and in Scotland No SC039049 and a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No 6297479

The magazine has been produced with financial support from

One particular highlight for me in the last few months was to attend the CS Live exhibition that took place at Olympia. Nearly 10,000 serving Civil Servants visited the event and helping out on the CSRF stand it was clear to see the very positive way that we were received by delegates. It was also lovely to catch up with so many familiar faces at the 2011 AGM & Conference earlier this month.


I’m very pleased with the continued flow of feedback that we are receiving on each issue of avanti please keep your letters coming in with any stories you’d like to share with us.

I hope you enjoy the issue, is published by Square7 Media Ltd, 3 More London Riverside, London SE1 2RE t: 020 3283 4055 e:

Contents 4-10 Front Desk

Publisher: Gaynor Garton e:


Advertising: e: Editor: David Tickner e: Contributors: Paul Allen, Martin Sayers, Janet Tester Designer: Charlotte Morgan Contact the Editor By mail: Write to the Fellowship Office address above Email: Tel: 020 8691 7411 ©2011. avanti Magazine is published by Square7 Media Ltd on behalf of the Civil Service Retirement Fellowship (CSRF). All rights reserved. CSRF and the publishers declare that any publication of any advertisement does not carry their endorsement or sponsorship of the advertiser or their products unless so indicated. Contributions are invited and, whether or not accepted, submissions will be returned only is accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope. No responsibility can be taken for drawings, photographs or literary contributions during transmission or while in the publisher’s hands. Proof of receipt is no guarantee of appearance. In the absence of an agreement, the copyright of all contributions, literary, photographic or artistic belongs to CSRF. This publication (or any part thereof) may not be reproduced, transmitted or stored in print or electronic format (including, but not limited to, any online service, database or part of the internet), or in any other format in any media whatsoever, without the prior written permission of Square7 Media Ltd. CSRF and Square7 Media accept no liability for the accuracy of the contents or any other opinions expressed herein. The views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the official views of CSRF.




T he latest news from the Fellowship Office and Chief Executive’s message.

AGM & Conference 2011

The news and pictures from this year’s AGM & Conference.



Leisure Life

The latest book and culture reviews.


Coffee Time F un titbits, trivia and the ever-popular prize crossword!

aul Allen looks at the changing face of P the family.


Your Feedback

Your letters and views.

The Real Downton Abbey

49 Member Rewards

T he history of Highclere Castle, the location for ITV’s Downton Abbey.

he Changing World of T Work ensus 2011 has provided a fascinating C insight into ‘new’ occupations.


Beat the Scammers

Some useful tips on how you can.


Health Check

How to reduce the risk of bowel cancer.


Treasures in the Attic

Martin Sayers offers up some useful tips for discovering antiques.


See Scandinavia

S ome travel recommendations in Northern Europe.


ffers, incentives and O giveaways especially for you.


Out & About

roup reports and news G from around the country.

54-61 The Planner

F ind out what your local group is up to.


My Favourite Things



Meets Singer and businesswoman, Lulu. AUTUMN 2011


front desk News from headquarters

from the chief executive Words by Jean Cooper

Dear Member

LIFE MEMBER APPEAL UPDATE Donations are still coming in from our Life Member appeal earlier this year, so a huge thank you to everybody who has and is donating. The current total raised (at the time of going to press) is a very generous £69,232 + gift aid. You can still make a donation by sending your cheque (made payable to ‘The CSRF’ to Member Appeal, The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship, FREEPOST SE4414, London SE10 8BP) or you can make a donation online at uk or by text to CSRF01 (along with the amount you wish to donate – e.g. £10) to 70070

This year has disappeared so quickly. I can’t quite believe I’m already sitting writing my Autumn letter. I hope your year has been as positive as mine. The team at Fellowship Office have been working hard throughout the year to improve existing services and promote our work to as wide an audience as possible.

It is very good to know that we most certainly still have a significant role to play in providing information, support and services to members. We have already received a number of enquiries from Departments and I will be visiting them over the next couple of months to discuss ways to promote and recruit civil servants.

There are two events in particular that have taken place in the last couple of months that I would single out as being particularly positive.

The second was our 2011 AGM & Conference, held once again up in Coventry. It was nice to reconnect with so many familiar faces and meet some first time attendees too. Forty-four company members had come together to discuss business and in particular to debate a proposed blueprint from the Board of Directors outlining recommendations for the future shape of our organisation. We are already hard at work collating all of the various views expressed and how they may impact on the planned blueprint.

The first was Civil Service Live; a big event that is organised for serving civil servants that takes place at Olympia in London. This was the first time that the Fellowship had a stand at the event and it was amazing to see the warmth towards us and our work expressed by the many delegates who paid a visit to our stand. It was a fantastic team effort with every single member of the Fellowship Office helping out in some way. We had some great additional support on the stand from our Chairman John Barker, Vice Chairman Russell Brown and Board Trustee Tony Hazeldine. Plus our Champion Alex Allan kindly volunteered his time and we also had a visit from our President Sir Gus O’Donnell. You can see some of the pictures and a report on Pages 8-9. A very big thank you to the team for making it an exciting and successful event. I believe our stand achieved the highest number of visits and our stand team were complimented on their enthusiasm and commitment to promoting the CSRF.



Having read through this issue yet again our publishing team at Square7 Media have provided us with lots to read which I hope you find both useful and entertaining. Do keep your letters coming in to the Editor on any topic you like and don’t forget we’re here to help you so don’t be afraid to pick up the phone with any enquiry! And finally huge thanks to the CSIS Charity Fund for their sponsorship of this issue and to everyone who supports the Fellowship and its work.

Yours in friendship and fellowship,

Celebrating HM The Queen!

HEARING WORDS Quite a number of members already take advantage of the audio edition of the magazine but we’re keen to remind any member who might be finding their eyesight is not as good as it used to be that they can easily request this free member benefit. Belinda Stalker from Fellowship Office and avanti Editor David Tickner paid a visit to the Kent Association for the Blind (KAB) in Maidstone in June to see how they record the audio edition and also find out a bit more about the work they do throughout Kent to help those who suffer from blindness or poor eyesight. CSRF Member Mrs Babette Graham (who is a recipient of the audio edition) joined David and Belinda for a busy day that included a visit to the charity’s Assisted Technology department. They

were treated to a demonstration of the extensive range of gadgets and gizmos available for people to buy to help them both in and out of the home and a session in the recording studio where they watched and participated in the recording of the summer issue. You can find out more about the work of KAB by visiting their website at or by calling 01622 691357

If you would like to receive the audio version of avanti magazine please contact Yvonne Scott at Fellowship Office on ail: 020 8691 7411 or by em k g.u yvonne.scott@csrf.or

Guangzhou Visit Vice Chairman Russell Brown, centre, presented a talk on civil service pensions and the work of the Fellowship to a delegation of Chinese civil servants from

Guangzhou province. The trip was arranged by Sino Bridge International to promote greater understanding and awareness of UK government. This follows on from the Chinese delegation who visited the CSRF from Liaoning Province in April.

Atlaspix /

(from left to right) CSRF member Babette Graham, Caroline (recording artiste), HQ’s Belinda Stalker and KAB’s Marten Rayner in the recording studio

The Spring 2012 edition of avanti will be a special one to celebrate HM The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. So we’d like to hear from you about any royal experiences you may have had; memories of previous Jubilees or just messages of support and gratitude you’d like to send to HM The Queen. If you’ve got pictures of the Coronation, Silver or Golden Jubilees please send them in as well, all images will be returned. Send your letters and images marked for the attention of the Editor at the Fellowship Office address printed at the front of the magazine

Promoting our work We’ve had a busy past few months promoting the work of the Fellowship around the country at a number of conferences and exhibitions. In May we had a stand at the PCS AGM & Conference down in Brighton to promote our membership benefits to the many delegates there; our popular ‘Jellyatric’ sweets were particularly well received by all those who paid a visit to the stand. In June, Deputy Chief Executive Richard Hornsby visited Bristol to man a stand at the Prospect AGM & Conference and distributed over 100 information packs to attending delegates. Our main event was in July where we had a stand at CS Live in London (for full report and pictures see pages 8-9). AUTUMN 2011



2012 EU Year of Active Ageing 2012 is the EU Year of Active Ageing. We will be embarking on a number of initiatives throughout the year to promote this but if you have any ideas for activities to celebrate this during the year then please let us know.

Cheques have been saved In case you are unaware, the Payments Council confirmed last month that their plan to phase out cheques by 2018 has been cancelled - which is certainly good news for many of you who were concerned at how the abolition of cheques would affect you.

CPSA 2011 winners - from l to r: Sarah Pye (Judge’s Award), Marjory Drummond (Watercolour), John Barker (CSRF Chairman/ Judge), Guy Warrington-Brown (Best in Show - friend pictured), Paul Baden (Sculpture) and Andrew Cooper (CPSA Chairman)

Winner of the Tom Money Medal(Judge’s Award) Sarah Pye (right with CSRF Chairman/Judge John Barker

The 2011 CPSA Art Exhibition National Chairman John Barker was the guest of honour and judge at this year’s Civil and Public Service Artists 2011 Exhibition at the Banqueting House in London. John had the unenviable task of picking four winners from a very impressive field of artistic talent. The 2011 Winners The Margaret Butler Cup for Best in Show - Guy Warrington-Brown for Sketches in Spain The CSIS Plate for Best Watercolour - Marjory Drummond for On the Shore of Loch Duich The Tom Money Medal (Judge’s Award) - Sarah Pye for Vista Verde VI The HSBC Plate for Best Sculpture - Paul Baden for Thames For more information on the CPSA visit their website at

E-Newsletter Be Careful! If you are planning to write a will then be very careful about how you go about it as it has come to our attention that there are some companies out there that charge much more than others. Always shop around to get the best quote before agreeing to anything. We will be running an article about best practice for will writing in a future issue.



Since launching this initiative earlier this year we’ve had many members sign up to receive our regular e-newsletter, which is full of the latest news from headquarters and our national group network. You can sign up to receive it very easily by visiting the home page of our website at and entering your email address in the box marked ‘Email sign up’. Once you’ve clicked to confirm you will see a confirmation message on screen that says ‘you have successfully signed up for the newsletter’. If you experience any problems trying to sign up then contact Belinda Stalker on 020 8691 7411 or email:

volunteering With a proactive push on promoting our volunteering opportunities for both retired and serving civil servants we were pleased to welcome new volunteer Jean Anderson to our offices last month. Jean responded to one of our articles in avanti requesting volunteers. She currently works for the Home Office and is partially retired although she will be taking full retirement in the next few months. She came along to the office to help the team with the preparations for the CS Live event and was a huge help with sorting out the promotional materials and goody bags. She thoroughly enjoyed the experience and is already planning coming back on a more regular basis. We’d like to involve more people like Jean as volunteers – so if you’d like to give some time then we want to hear from you as it doesn’t matter whether it’s an hour or a day, it all makes a big difference to the support and help we can provide to our members.

‘The Bag Ladies’ - Volunteer Jean Anderson (second from left) models the new CSRF promotional bag with the Fellowship Office team

If you have recently retired and are interested in working with us as a volunteer then please contact one of our friendly Fellowship Office team on 020 8691 7411 or email: to register your interest

fundraising We have recently signed up to a brand new service launched by mobile phone network Vodafone called JustTextGiving. It is designed to help charities to raise money through people making donations using a text message and the added bonus is that we receive 100% of every donation that is sent by text. So you can help us to make a difference by making a donation using your mobile phone. Donating is simple – all you need to do is type CSRF01 in the subject line of your text message and then add the amount you wish to donate (for example, £10). So message would read CSRF01 £10. Then send your text to 70070. You will then receive a reply to confirm your donation has been received along with an invitation to sign up for gift aid. You can find out more about Justgiving by visiting their website at www.

Crossword Competition Congratulations to Mrs B Knight for winning the summer prize crossword competition, as it was one of the toughest we’ve included yet. So to level the playing field we’ve included a less challenging one for you this time along with a tempting prize of £100 of Marks & Spencer vouchers! So turn to page 43 and give it a go! You never know, you could be a winner. AUTUMN 2011


cs live news

Team Bonding! (from l to r: Fellowship Office’s Yvonne Scott, avanti editor David Tickner, Fellowship Office’s Belinda Stalker and Jean Cooper)

Champion Alex Allan (2nd from right) joins the team! Pictured with (from l to r) CSRF Chief Executive Jean Cooper, Vice Chairman Russell Brown and Chairman John Barker Our first visitors!

CS Live 2011 Attended by serving civil servants from across government our presence at this year’s CS Live event at Olympia gave us a long-denied opportunity to talk directly to the potential next generation of our membership. It was great to hear first-hand how many people did know about us and the work that we do and very inspiring to discover just how many delegates were interested in getting involved as volunteers. Chairman John Barker with visiting delegates and Fellowship Office’s Belinda Stalker (2nd from right)

CSBF Chief Executive Merrick Willis with Chairman John Barker

During the course of the three day event we were visited by a number of Permanent Secretaries and Senior Civil Servants, giving us a valuable link to departments to discuss our involvement and support of civil servants coming up for retirement. CSRF President Sir Gus O’Donnell (Head of the Home Civil Service) also paid us a visit to show his support and autographed one of our popular stress pigs (which were being given out at the event) in the process. We met over 1200 delegates and have made some extremely useful contacts that we have already started to follow up on.

Una O’Brien (right), Permanent Secretary at the Department of Health with Board Trustee Tony Hazeldine (left) and Chairman John Barker (centre)

Take a quick break! Chairman John Barker with Fellowship Office’s Yvonne Scott



Hold that Pose! The delegates get the hang of ‘saying cheese’

Hitting 1000 - Kim Napenas (second from left) from the Ministry of Justice is our 1000th visitor and is rewarded with a box of chocolates

The President cometh...Head of the Home Civil Service and CSRF President Sir Gus O’Donnell with (from l to r) CSRF Chief Executive Jean Cooper, Board Trustee Tony Hazeldine and Chairman John Barker

Dame Lesley Strathie, Chief Executive & Permanent Secretary to HM Revenue & Customs with CSRF Chief Executive Jean Cooper and Board Trustee Tony Hazeldine

Fellowship Office’s Yvonne Scott chats with a delegate

More delegates modelling our bags

Attention Class! Fellowship Office’s Belinda Stalker with one of 15 groups of young students to visit CS Live as part of a scheme to promote interest in government and the Civil Service

It’s All Over....Over 1200 delegates visited our stand during CS Live 2011!

A big thank you goes to the entire team at Fellowship Office for their hard work in the run up to and during the event and to Chairman John Barker, Vice Chairman Russell Brown and Board Trustee Tony Hazeldine who all provided sterling support on the stand throughout the event. An honourable mention also goes to our Champion Alex Allan who kindly volunteered his time to help on the stand. AUTUMN 2011



WORKING TOGETHER Over the past few months we have been exploring ways in which we can work with the National Health Service Retirement Fellowship on developing new ideas for

social interest groups with a view to offering something a bit different to both new and existing members. A working group made up of representatives from both organisations identified three areas of collaboration for us to trial which are a Seniors’ Golf Tour, photographic competition/society and book club.

The 2012 Photography Competition What is it? What is it?

The competition will be open to both gentlemen and ladies of all golfing abilities. Competitions will be based on the Stableford format (full allowance) with a range of prizes for individuals and ¾ ball teams. Regional events will be held during April, May and June each year with a final tournament alternating between July and August. It is hoped that regional events will, in relative terms, reduce the travel burden and enable golf members located in different parts of the UK to participate. Confirmation of regional golf venues with associated arrangements will be sent out to those who sign up.


An annual subscription is necessary to cover event management and associated costs involved in running the various golf days. There will be an additional cost for the golf day package which will include: tea/coffee and bacon roll on arrival, 18 holes golf tournament, buffet supper and presentation of prizes. Every effort will be made to keep golf day costs to a minimum. Each new member will receive, on joining, a welcome pack consisting of literature about the CSRF and the NHSRF, information on the annual golf tour, programme of events and fixtures, a sleeve of golf balls and a Seniors Golf Tour bag tag which will be your exclusive proof of membership.

How can I get involved?

If you are interested in signing up for this then please send your contact details (name, full postal address, telephone number and email) along with your handicap to: CSRF/NHSRF Seniors Golf Tour, The CSRF, Suite 2, 80a Blackheath Road, London SE10 8DA or fill in the interest form in the members’ area of the CSRF website or email: You will then be contacted by Tournament Director John Toman.

As a precursor to developing a photography society we are pleased to announce the launch of a joint Photography competition open to members of both the Civil Service and National Health Service Retirement Fellowships. The theme of the 2012 competition is ‘Active Ageing’ which links to the 2012 EU Year of Active Ageing and how you choose to interpret that theme is up to you. For example, you might focus on the ‘active’ part of the ageing process as illustrated in nature or perhaps consider combining the two parts of the theme in real life portrait or reportage style shot. If you are interested in The competition theme signing up for this then is open to individual please send your contact interpretation and the Judges details (name, full postal will be looking for originality, address, telephone number technical excellence, and email): CSRF/NHSRF composition, overall impact Photography Competition, and artistic merit from entries. The CSRF, Suite 2, 80a All entries will be judged by Blackheath Road, London a panel of judges (including SE10 8DA or fill out representatives from both the interest form in the organisations) and a shortlist members’ area of the CSRF of photographs will be website or email: info@csrf. selected before the prizes are awarded. You will then be contacted Full details of the award directly by Competition categories will be sent out with Director Mik Webb. the rules of entry once you’ve registered for entry. Entry to the competition will close at midnight on Saturday 31 December 2011.

Details of the book club will be outlined in the next issue of avanti



How can I get involved?


The competition is free to enter, but only members of the CSRF and NHSRF are eligible to participate.

AGM & Conference



(from l to r) CSRF Chief Executive Jean Cooper, CSRF Chairman John Barker, Dr Gervase Phinn and Board Director Tony Hazeldine


A snapshot of news from this year’s Annual General Meeting and Conference.



Weds 3 August Members arrived during the course of the afternoon having time to settle in and catch up with each other, before everyone sat down to a superb dinner in the evening. Liz Beedie (Branch 39, Edinburgh) delivered a Scottish grace before the food was served. After the meal the Loyal Toast was offered by Chairman John Barker who was followed by Vice Chairman Russell Brown who offered the toast to the Fellowship.


1. Fellowship Office’s Belinda Stalker (centre right) and Yvonne Scott (centre left) with the St John’s Ambulance team; 2. Adrian Best and Helen Harris from the Civil Service Insurance Society; 3. Phyllis Duignan (Br 22, South East London); 4. Conference delegates were transported from Coventry Station to the hotel in a heritage bus; 5. CSRF Chief Executive Jean Cooper with Mike Smith (Br 75, Lincolnshire); 6. (from l to r) Ken and Maureen Holloway and Rosemary Henderson ( all from Br 72, South Wiltshire);




nly forty-four registered company members (from a total of 69) attended this year’s AGM and Conference held once again at the Royal Court Hotel, Coventry on 4 August 2011. The figure was down from the previous year’s attendance of 54. They were joined by ten branch observers, eleven Board of Directors, Vice President Ian Rathjen, four Fellowship Office staff and guests.


After dinner entertainment was provided by best-selling writer Dr Gervase Phinn who kept everyone entertained with his observations on teaching, family, language and literature. Dr Phinn had also kindly provided some signed copies of his books that were offered as a raffle prizes and drawn after he’d finished his speech. The raffle tickets which were sold by the redoubtable Evelyn George raised a total of £125.00. Thurs 4 August The Annual General Meeting started at 9am with the minutes of last year’s AGM being accepted. Chairman John Barker then delivered an account of activities that had taken place during the previous 12 months. He spoke about both past successes and future challenges. In particular, he paused to thank all those who had contributed to the Life Member appeal and Fellowship Office staff for their sponsored walk and ongoing hard work across all areas of the organisation. He also updated representatives on the success of the recent Civil Service Live event thanking all those who participated. He went on to outline the joint activities and partnerships that were already being explored with organisations including Benenden and the NHS Retirement Fellowship before concluding by thanking


7 9 (from l to r) The 2011/12 Board of Directors: Ray Flanigan, Russell Brown, Ann Rhodes, John Lloyd, John Barker, Liz Gill, Evelyn George, Pam Bradley, Sylvia Edgell, Francis Quail, David Paddon, Keith Sullens, Tony Hazeldine

the staff, hotel and St John’s Ambulance. His report was followed by Deputy Chief Executive/Finance Director Richard Hornsby who presented the 2010 audited accounts in the absence of a Treasurer. These were duly accepted. At 9.40am the Annual General Meeting was adjourned and the Conference began.

The Annual General Meeting resumed at 11.10am with representatives being asked to consider and, if thought fit, pass the following special and ordinary resolutions:

Special resolutions from The Board of Directors 1. In line with current best practice in comparable charitable organisations to appoint a Nominations Panel of Motions 3 people one of whom shall be an 1. This conference regrets the decision to independent person to consider and withdraw funding of Newsletters brought approve nominations for the election about the reduction of Grant from of subscribers to fill the vacancies of Cabinet Office the elected members of the Board of From Branch 44 – North Kent Directors within a set of guidelines by Result: Carried with a majority the Board of Directors. Result: LOST 2. To enable all Company Members Matters of Interest or concern whether they attend the AGM or not the 1. The role of Fellowship Office and its opportunity to vote on elections to the relationship with Company Members Board of Directors. Result: CARRIED From Branch 41 – Dorset 3. To enable eligible subscribers the After listening to a number of points opportunity to put themselves forward raised from the conference floor, the for consideration to fill the posts of the Chairman agreed that more work needed nine elected members of the Board to be done to ensure relations improved of Directors by removing the present between company members, the Board restrictions. Result: LOST of Directors and Fellowship Office staff. 4. To introduce a process for election Restructuring the CSRF Discussion 7. Deputy Chief Executive Richard Hornsby Following a national consultation exercise (right) with Keith Hunter (Br 44, North Kent); undertaken by the working group 8. CSRF Chief Executive Jean Cooper with Vice tasked with creating a blueprint for the Chairman Russell Brown; 9. Vice President Ian Rathjen and his wife, Elizabeth; 10. Fellowship future structure of the organisation, Office’s Belinda Stalker (left) and Hannah representatives listened to a presentation Evans (centre) with Board Director Liz Gill given by Board Director Tony Hazeldine (right); 11. (from l to r) June Oakley (Br 79, East that outlined the key elements of the Shropshire) with Margaret Carter (Br 14, Torbay paper which focused on the group and & South Devon); 12. (from l to r) Elizabeth Godden (Br17, West Glamorgan), Derek Heffer branch structure, membership categories (Br 7, Norfolk) and Sylvia Edgell (Br 17, West and processes involved with election to Glamorgan); 13. (from l to r) Helen Harris, the Board of Directors. There was a lot of Deputy Chief Executive Civil Service Insurance discussion on this paper and the working Society, Roger Turner, General Secretary group will be addressing all the questions N.F.O.P., Fellowship Office’s Belinda Stalker, Kathleen Hayes (Br 54, Wigan) and issues raised in due course.

10 11


13 AUTUMN 2011


AGM & Conference




to the Board of Directors of elected members and delete existing Article 22.2 and replace it with the following: “A person elected as an Elected Director may serve a period of 3 consecutive years with an opportunity to serve a further 3 consecutive years. Following this period, the person will not be eligible for further re-election for one year. For three years after the coming into effect of this Article, the Board shall determine the transitional arrangements required. Result: CARRIED 5. To introduce an Associate member category with effect from 1 January 2012 in line with proposals recommended by the Board of Directors. Result: LOST 6. Subject to any or all of the Special Resolutions being carried the Board shall amend the Rules accordingly. Result: CARRIED 14. Board Director Evelyn George (left) with Margaret Terry (Br 48, Yorkshire Dales); 15. (from l to r) Martin Claridge (Br 78, Cambs, Hunts & W Suffolk), Michael Shapcott and Peter Gregory (Br 112, Fareham); 16. (from l to r) Doreen Beck (Br 90, Dumfries & Kirkcudbright), Vida Pritchard and Lynn Willan (Br 51, North Lancashire & S Cumbria).



Ordinary resolutions 1. That Mr Alex Allan be appointed a Vice-President of the Fellowship in recognition of his appointment as Champion for the Fellowship. Proposed by the Board of Directors. Result: CARRIED 2. That a formal record of proceedings during the Annual Conference be introduced immediately. Proposed by Branch 41 (Dorset). Result: CARRIED The Annual General Meeting resumed at 11.40am and the eight nominees for election to the Board of Directors were deemed elected. The remaining elected Director position was filled when outgoing Director David Paddon agreed to join the Board. The 2011-12 elected Directors are: Mrs Pam Bradley, Mrs Sylvia Edgell, Mrs Evelyn George, Mr Tony Hazeldine, Mr John Lloyd, Mr David Paddon, Miss Frances Quail, Miss Ann Rhodes, Mr Keith Sullens. The AGM concluded at 12.00 noon. All pictures from the 2011 Conference are available to view online – go to the Groups page and select ‘Fellowship Office’.


Generati Paul Allen asks what “family” means in the 21st century


amilies never used to need much explanation. It wasn’t that they were any easier (or more rewarding) to be part of, but the typical 1950s family was a relatively straightforward proposition. The husband was the breadwinner, the wife looked after the home and children. The grandparents, where they were still around, were retired, supported by state pensions. If this is a crude portrait, it was nonetheless the norm. Today, it is almost impossible to create such a neat definition. Since the 1960s, the only consistency in British family life has been change. From single parents to same-sex couples, we have been widening the concept of family in every direction. At its heart, much remains unchanged – the same emotions, frustrations and rewards that come with any “blood” relationships still apply. But for many of us, the normal identities, role and responsibilities we associate with families have shifted beyond recognition. Many of the reasons can be traced to huge social changes. The increasing equality of women in society, for example, is one of the most potent factors. In recent decades, British women have enjoyed greater educational access than ever before – boosted by changes to legislation and shifting social attitudes towards gender roles. The result has been a mass entry into the labour



market. Between 1971 and 2008, women’s employment rate increased from 59 to 70 per cent. Few would argue that this isn’t excellent news for women, but as men haven’t willingly switched traditional gender roles – who takes up the slack when it comes to childcare and domestic life? And what if the working mother doesn’t have a partner to help?

Between 1971 and 2008, women’s employment rate increased from 59 to 70 per cent.

The answers can be complex – and draw in other family members – but those most typically left holding the baby (or

vacuum cleaner, for that matter) tend to be female. Indeed, the flipside of women’s emancipation into the workplace is that the large burden of care and domestic responsibility continues to rest with them. They may be driven to pursue careers, says the latest ‘Families in Britain’ report, by Ipsos MORI and think tank Policy Exchange, but “women face substantial penalties, in terms of pay and progression, for taking time out of the labour market or reducing their working hours to care for children or other relatives.” Single parents, typically mothers, often struggle to remain at work at all. The single parent employment rate is currently 56 per cent, compared to 72 per cent for women


exploring the modern family feature letters from grandparents, confused, upset or downright angry about their children’s expectation that they will take care of the grandchildren whenever required. This assumption is, in part, only possible due to another seismic social shift: our increased longevity. As the Ipsos MORI/ Policy Exchange paper reports, modern medical advances and a better standard of living mean that people are living longer than ever before. For the first time, there are now more people over the age of 60 years than under the age of 16.

in two parent households. (Compare this to 91 per cent employment for men in two parent households). The discrepancy is no surprise when you consider the cost of childcare, and the economic unfeasibility of employment for many single parents. Where neither partner is prepared to give up work to look after the children, someone has to do it. And if full-time nurseries or nannies are too expensive, an unexpected outcome of gender equality can be a heavier childcare burden on the grandparents. It isn’t always a welcome development. Many grandparents, expecting to spend a quiet and peaceful retirement, have instead been thrust back into a pressurised caring role. According to recent research,

With increasing numbers of the population approaching older age, however, the notion of “care” becomes additionally complex. At the point where grandparents are no longer able to look after the grandchildren, it is often the case that the responsibility for their care will switch to their children, who will then need to look after two generations simultaneously.

60 per cent of childcare provision is by grandparents, saving the economy “around £4 billion a year”

four out of five children are currently cared for by a grandparent on a regular basis. One in four grandparents in the UK look after their grandchildren while the parents go out to work and 60 per cent of childcare provision is by grandparents, saving the economy “around £4 billion a year”.

While most grandparents enjoy spending time with their grandchildren, this new role isn’t always what they want. And what happens if one of the grandparents becomes widowed? The agony aunt pages of popular retirement magazines regularly

For those approaching retirement, it can be very difficult to plan ahead and understand this balance between independence, responsibility and reliance. This summer, hundreds of thousands of teachers, lecturers, civil servants and other public sector workers went out on strike against government plans to cut pensions, raise the retirement age and increase contributions. AUTUMN 2011


social a family. At the same time, divorce, remarriage and cohabitation have become much more socially acceptable.

The purpose of this action was to be heard. But with the fluid, modern family, everything is interconnected. As yet, for example, no one has calculated the likely impact on the “informal” childcare provided by grandparents – and by extension the ability of the younger working population to care for their children – if the pension age is raised from 60 to 66. If all this paints a complex picture of shifting family dynamics, it still doesn’t address the changing definitions of “family”. After all, while the traditional set-up of husband and wife continues to account for 70 per cent of households, this number has been steadily declining for many years. And it still leaves a lot of “families” that don’t fit into the marital mould. Today, the spread of readily available contraception – and women’s choice to pursue careers ¬– has resulted in many couples deferring the decision to start

This means that single parents, unmarried parents and step-parents are an increasingly common feature of the modern family. We have also seen advancements in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) awareness and rights. Civil partnerships give same-sex relationships a legal basis akin to marriage, and same-sex couples are now able to adopt or, where necessary, use surrogate mothers to start their own families. What is the combined impact of this move away from “married with kids”? According to the Ipsos MORI/Policy Exchange report, families are now less stable than in previous generations. “Children often grow up with different parents – in stepfamilies, or with one parent figure missing,” say the authors. “These children are more likely to experience poverty, poor health and wellbeing and be involved in antisocial behaviour.” This conclusion, however, can be interpreted in two ways. Some argue that the healthiest situation for any child is to have a married mother and father – and that politicians and legislature need to encourage couples to marry and stay together.

Asking Members We spoke to CSRF members at the Crawley Group about their feelings towards modern social values.

There was unanimous agreement expressed from members that what mattered to them when they were younger is no longer as important now. In their view the ‘dog-eat-dog’ culture that was so ‘de-rigeur’ during the Thatcher years is the root of why there are so many social and economic problems. Principally this is due to a lack of education and understanding of how to live your life according to your means – buying only what you can afford and if you can’t afford it then save up for it!



Crawley Group members appreciated the importance of family and accepted that whilst it may not be ideal, looking after their grandchildren it does enable both parents to work.

Another interpretation, however, is that we shouldn’t turn try to turn back the clock. Increased freedoms to choose when to have children, whether or not to stay in relationships, and to pursue a career, for example, may make our lives more complex – and influence other family members in the process – but this is preferable to how life was before. With a continued blurring of traditional family roles, they argue that governments, law courts and society as a whole must be sufficiently flexible to recognise every kind of family, however it chooses to manifest itself. The challenge here then is to find ways to support an increasingly fluid definition of “family” – and ensure that every interpretation has the best possible chance of success.

talk tous What are your views? Write in and tell us about your role and responsibilities in the modern family and let us know how you feel about it. Send your letters marked for the attention of the Editor to the Fellowship Office address listed at the front of the magazine


the real

Downton Abbey

With the eagerly anticipated second series of ITV’s Downton Abbey scheduled to screen in Autumn, we take a look at the history of Highclere Castle (the location for the series) and chat to Lady Carnarvon about her life as a real ‘lady of the manor’


TV’s Downton Abbey was one of the surprise television hits of 2010 regularly drawing in audiences in excess of 12 million who followed the lives and loves of the aristocratic Crawley family and their under stairs staff. Highclere Castle, the home of the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon is used as the location for the series and has every bit as much history as its fictional counterpart.

The History The area surrounding Highclere has been inhabited since prehistoric times. Seven Barrows, three miles south of the Castle,



is the site of a Bronze age burial ground and the remains of an Iron Age fort are nearby at Beacon Hill. The first written evidence of the boundaries of the Estate were set out in 749AD by King Cuthred of Wessex who granted the land to the Bishops of Winchester who remained its owners for 800 years. It was during this time that a number of administrative buildings were built on the site of the current Castle including a large medieval hall, chapel and living quarters. William of Wykeham (1324-1404) who was one of England’s richest and most powerful men rebuilt much of the Manor of Highclere from 1368 in a grand style

and it remained a significant property for the Bishopric of Winchester until the mid 16th century when it passed into secular hands. Sir Robert Sawyer, Attorney General to Charles II and James II purchased it in 1679 and bequeathed the house and estate to his only daughter Margaret. It was her marriage to the 8th Earl of Pembroke in 1692 that brought Highclere into the Herbert family, the ancestors of the Earls of Carnarvon. Called Highclere Place House at this time, it was a double-fronted, Elizabethan brick mansion with a courtyard, stables, garden and orchards. Margaret’s second son Robert inherited the estate in 1706 and it was he who began to lay out a vast formal landscape including pleasure gardens and several follies. The real transformation to the house was carried out in the late 18th and early 19th centuries when major rebuilding converted the old brick and freestone house to a classical Georgian mansion and its name was changed to Highclere Castle. But it was the 3rd Earl of Carnarvon who added the ‘cherry on the cake’ as it was he who was responsible for the addition of the great central tower (thanks to a plan suggested by renowned designer Sir Charles Barry) in 1842. Highclere Castle was at the heart of British political life during the late Victorian era boasting visitors such as Benjamin Disraeli. It also played its part during both World Wars (as a hospital in WWI and home for evacuee children in WWII).

Life at Highclere Today the present Earl and Countess live partly next door to the Castle and partly in it and are still, as their ancestors, closely involved in its day to day running as Lady Carnarvon explained at the beginning of our interview, “My role is not so different from that of my predecessors 100 years ago with my average day involving a great variety of responsibilities that cover all areas of the Estate.” Listening to her run through the many areas she is responsible for it is clear that running Highclere is a bit like running a large company with each of the various parts of the estate (household, kitchen,

‘The real transformation to the house was carried out in the late 18th and early 19th centuries’

OPPOSITE PAGE: The staff of Highclere Castle, c.1896. CLOCKWISE FROM ABOVE: Henry Herbert, 3rd Earl of Carnarvon, painted posthumously, 1856; The Castle in 1857; Highclere was originally designed in the style of a classical Georgian Mansion.

gardens etc) operating almost like subcompanies. So if Highclere was structured in the same way as a company what would her role be? “I think the Earl would be the equivalent of a company chairman while my job title is an amalgam of a Managing Director, Marketing & Publicity Director and Farmer’s wife.” Three important roles in one would be a pretty tall order for most people to handle, but it is clear from her relaxed tone that it is something Lady Carnarvon just takes in her stride. Organisation and a calm hand preventing her from being, in her own words, “a busy fool.”

The pressures of running stately homes are well documented. Some homeowners have chosen to embark on grand (yet not perhaps so economically astute) schemes to raise money often resulting in some high profile failures. But as a qualified chartered accountant Lady Carnarvon’s approach could be described as a mixture of both being realistic and pragmatic, not to mention open to realising that you don’t always get it right the first time, “You have to build practical solutions, try different things and if you fall flat on your face just pick yourself up and try something else.” AUTUMN 2011



‘Highclere is a home that forms part of a mini self-contained community’

TOP: The Saloon gallery is lined with the heraldic shields of the Herbert family ABOVE LEFT: The 8th Earl and Countess of Carnarvon at Highclere Castle ABOVE RIGHT: The Library at Highclere

The energy and passion she has for the Estate are particularly evident when she talks of Highclere’s history and heritage. Already a published author who has written many of the official guidebooks for Highclere, she has just completed a book (in just six weeks!) that tells the story of the 5th Countess, Lady Almina. The illegitimate daughter of banking scion Alfred de Rothschild Almina married into the Carnarvon family when she was only 19 but went on to be one of its most loved and influential mistresses helping to fund and support her husband the 5th Earl on his expeditions to Egypt (leading to the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamen). She also turned the Castle into a hospital for wounded soldiers in the First World War. However considering Almina’s heritage it is strange that this marriage did not cause greater controversy. Lady Carnarvon’s not so surprised though, “English society was a lot more mobile then and a lot of the aristocracy even Edward VII (the then Prince of Wales) needed money. Almina’s background was overlooked in favour of her enormous fortune.” Downton Abbey has undoubtedly made Highclere one of the most recognisable stately homes in the country. But to Lady Carnarvon it remains a home filled with history that forms part of “a mini selfcontained community”. Something she is perfectly placed to nurture, protect and champion in equal measure.

MEMBER GIVEAWAY The Countess of Carnarvon has kindly donated three signed copies of her new book, Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey for us to give away. The book, published by Hodder & Stoughton, goes on sale from 29 September priced £19.99 in hardback. To enter the giveaway send your name, address and telephone number to: HIGHCLERE DRAW, The CSRF, Suite 2, 80A Blackheath Road, London SE10 8DA. Closing date: 30 September 2011. Winners will be notified. Judges’ decision is final.



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the changing

world of work Martin Sayers takes a look at how occupations have changed and evolved


employment landscape today than when he 2011 Census took place in the census was taken one hundred years March this year. This once a ago in 1911. This date is particularly decade event is run by the Office significant as it was the first time the for National Statistics (ONS) and produces census asked details about the trade or all sorts of information that is used to industry in which people worked. Prior to identify the need for school places, health this job specifics were not given, but by the care, transport links and much more, early years of the twentieth century but also offers a fascinating insight the government needed to into employment trends and know more about a country changes. that was experiencing “We ask confidential Jobs are rapid industrial questions about a reflection of the and technological employment – what society we live in and development to people do in their changes in technology, give a specific idea main job – so that increasing wealth and of which industries we can highlight different gender roles were in growth or trends for planners, have led to a vastly decline. for example, if more different employment Comparing the type space is needed for landscape today of jobs that are done retail or office facilities,” today with those revealed explains Peter Stokes, in the 1911 Census reveals 2011 Census Statistical Design some fascinating differences. Manager. “For this census many more occupations The census also reveals fascinating have been added to the list, reflecting parallels with how we lived and worked the phenomenal Internet boom and the in the past - jobs are a reflection of resulting occupations,” says Peter Stokes, the society we live in and changes in “Ebay trader, website designer, website technology, increasing wealth and different editor, and website content manager have gender roles have led to a vastly different



all made the list as a profession, as have Internet shopper and consultant. We have even included web-cam performer.” Mention web designers or Ebay traders to an Edwardian, or even call centre workers, air stewards or personal trainers and he or she would have looked at you blankly. These jobs have all been created over the last hundred years by sectors of the economy that simply did not exist in 1911. The world of work in 1911 was of course a very different one – for example, vast armies of people were employed as domestic servants. A century ago the richest one percent of the population held approximately 70 percent of the UK’s wealth and the great houses of the rich and powerful needed a large, live-in body of staff to help with essential tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and gardening. While service jobs such as butler and chambermaid still exist today, they are vastly decreased in number and are more likely to be attached to the hotel sector than private houses. The make-up of the working population was also different in 1911 – people started working earlier and died younger, meaning

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Second World War and since then women’s that the working population as a whole presence in the workforce has also been was far younger than it is today. One bolstered by advances in technology. The hundred years ago the life expectancy was households of 1911 did not have washing 54 years for women and 50 for men, whilst machines, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners one in twenty children aged between 10 and other labour saving devices, meaning and 14 were already employed. that women were often forced to stay at Just as many of today’s occupations home to look after the house. Yet wouldn’t mean anything in 1911, today it is viewed as perfectly so the reverse is true. There normal to have both men was a vast array of jobs and women in fullthat existed a hundred Like any time employment – a years ago that have other part of society, level of occupational now completely the Civil Service has equality that was disappeared. These also changed over the unthinkable in 1911. include a lamplighter last one hundred years Changes in the – someone who and the jobs available way we live have also would walk around with it changed the nature lighting the gas lamps of employment – in that lined the streets 1911 society was much of Edwardian Britain; a more parochial, with trades gongman - a porter who would such as butchers, fishmongers, sound a gong at stations to warn greengrocers and bakers represented in passengers of the approaching arrival and even the smallest villages. Today these departure of trains, and a knocker-upper roles have largely been taken over by the – someone paid to rap on the windows of supermarkets, with access to transport workers each morning to ensure they woke meaning that people no longer have to rely up and made their shift. on what is available within their immediate The staggering pace of change over locale. the last century has completely changed Like any other part of society, the Civil the working landscape. Nobody in 1911 Service has also changed over the last one could have predicted the appalling scale hundred years and the jobs available with of slaughter that two world wars would it. Take a government organisation such lead to, or to the effect it would have on as the DVLA – part of the current Civil the country. During the First World War Service but one that did not even exist in millions of women were drafted into 1911, when just a handful of motor cars munitions factories and other essential were being driven on the roads of Britain. industries to cover for male workers Similarly, the vast army of IT professionals recruited into the armed forces. Yet when that today exists across the Civil Service the men came back from the front, many is a relatively recent development – women were not prepared to change roles yet in 1911 equally large numbers of once more, leading to increasing numbers civil servants were involved in taking of women being employed in jobs that meticulous paper records and filing them were once the exclusive male preserve. correctly. This pattern was repeated during the

Government departments that existed in the past have also changed beyond recognition and the jobs involved with them. In 1911 the British laid claim to a quarter of the world’s territory and hundreds of thousands of civil servants were employed both here and abroad by the Colonial Office to make sure the machine of Empire ran smoothly. Some colonies even had their own government department, with India deemed so important that the India Office existed to service it. Times changed and the Empire began to break up after the First World War, a slow process that became a headlong rush after 1945. The role of the Colonial Office became unsustainable and by 1968 its responsibilities were part of the newly formed Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Today just a small number of employees are involved in overseeing Britain’s few remaining overseas territories. No-one knows what will happen in the next hundred years, but when it comes to the world of work it seems certain that the census of 2111 will reveal a very different picture to the one we see today!

For the latest information on the economy and society you can consult National Statistics online at AUTUMN 2011


consumer advice

SCAMBUSTING Your useful guide to beating the scammers


very year, three million people in the UK fall victim to a scam. This can often result in the individual losing a considerable amount of money (in some cases thousands of pounds). Scammers are becoming cleverer and it is people from all walks of life who end up being duped. There are hundreds of scams – fake lotteries, prize draws, get-rich-quick schemes, bogus health cures, investment scams and pyramid selling are just a few of them. There’s a scam for everyone - so no matter how clued up you think you are, always keep your eyes open. The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has recently stepped up its campaign to ‘beat the scammers’ by launching a campaign to raise people’s awareness and also give advice on how you can avoid being tricked out of your money.



AVOID THE CON COMMON SCAMS Follow these tips from the OFT to keep one step ahead of the scammers:

1. Be sceptical Beware of extravagant promises. Remember: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t be afraid to bin it, delete it or hang up.

2. Take your time Scammers don’t like to give you time to think. They will try to pressure you into making a decision by telling you that if you don’t act now, you’ll miss out. Resist any pressure to make a decision straight away. Consider asking a friend or family member for advice, or even an accountant or solicitor if large sums of money are involved.

3. Know who you’re dealing with Be suspicious if you’re contacted out of the blue by someone you’ve never heard of. This is often a clear warning sign that it’s a scam. And don’t be fooled by official looking websites and marketing materials. Scammers are very good at making their scams look authentic.

4. Protect your financial information Never give your bank account details and passwords to someone you don’t know. Trustworthy firms will never contact you to ask for this information.

5. Cut junk mail and calls Take some simple steps to cut the number of unsolicited offers you receive in the first place. You can reduce the number of unsolicited letters and other mailings you get by registering for free with the Mailing Preference Service at uk or by phoning 0845 703 4599. You can reduce unsolicited calls by registering your phone number for free with the Telephone Preference Service at or by phoning 0845 070 0707. Also, you could ask your telephone company to block callers who withhold their number.

6. Report suspected scams If you suspect something is a scam then by reporting it you are providing vital information to the Office of Fair Trading and local authority trading standards so they can take swift action to stop it.

Spotted a scam? If you are in any doubt, don’t reply. Instead, bin it, delete it or hang up. You can also report the scam to Consumer Direct by calling 08454 040506 or online at

There are many forms a scam can take, but here are a few that have caught people out:

Advance Fee A letter or email offers you a huge payment if you can help get money out of a foreign country. The writer claims to be a government official, an accountant or lawyer and may tell you that they need to transfer millions of dollars to the UK – maybe as a result of some major event in the country such as a coup or natural disaster. You are promised a percentage in return for helping with the transfer. You are usually asked for your bank details and the scammers then raid your bank account. Or sometimes you are asked to send an upfront payment. Either way, you do not receive a penny of the promised payment.

Avoid it

Say no and never give your bank details to people you don’t know!

Clairvoyants and Psychics A letter from a psychic or clairvoyant promises to make predictions that ‘will change your life forever’ – but first you have to pay a fee. Sometimes these can be quite aggressive – promising dire consequences if you don’t pay up. Or they will allude to potential future good fortune, which funnily enough will provide more detail once you’ve bought the full report!

Avoid it

Don’t let yourself be intimidated. Bin anything like this and then report it!

Scams can take many different forms and sometimes something that appears perfectly innocent (an investment opportunity through the post for example) is nothing more than a clever way to try and get hold of your money. Remember, if you are in any doubt – report it! AUTUMN 2011



healthcheck With someone being diagnosed with bowel cancer every 15 minutes there are precautions you can take to reduce the risk of developing the disease


any people are still ignorant of the symptoms or the simple steps they can take to help reduce their risk of developing the disease. Bowel cancer also referred to as colorectal or colon cancer is the second biggest cause of cancer death amongst men and women in the UK. But it shouldn’t be: the disease is, in fact, highly treatable if caught early. Nearly 40,000 men and women are diagnosed with bowel cancer every year. Sadly, over 16,000 die of the disease annually, which is why early diagnosis is so important.

Bowel Cancer Symptoms You may experience certain symptoms. So for instance if there is a change in your normal bowel habit lasting four weeks or more; if there is bleeding from the bottom and/or blood in your stools (poo); unexplained extreme tiredness and/or unexplained weight loss and/or a pain or lump in your abdomen (tummy) then it is important to visit your doctor. It is worth remembering however that most symptoms will not be bowel cancer. Bowel cancer affects both men and women. In the UK, around 95% of cases occur in people over the age of 50. If you are eligible for screening then it is important that you take part. It is also worth noting that people under 45 with a first degree relative (such as mother, father, brother, sister or child) with bowel cancer or with two or more relatives with bowel cancer may be considered for further testing.



An inactive lifestyle and a poor diet that is low in fresh fruit and vegetables may increase the risk of bowel cancer. A high intake of red and processed meat, smoking and excess alcohol may also increase the risk. People with diabetes, a history of Crohn’s disease in the large bowel, or ulcerative colitis, or who If you have have had previous polyps removed any worries or concerns may also have an having read this article increased chance of about any aspect of your contracting bowel health then make an cancer.

What else can you do?

appointment to discuss them with your GP straightaway

Evidence shows that eating vegetables, fruits, and foods containing fibre, such as whole grains and pulses, may protect against bowel cancer as well as against weight gain and obesity. Research also suggests that the more physical activity a person does, the more likely they are to decrease their risk of bowel cancer. Bowel Cancer UK are keen for people to understand that eating healthily and increasing the amount of exercise they do really can improve their digestive health. It could also help to reduce their bowel cancer risk. They produce a useful free guide ‘Good Bowel Health Booklet’ that includes straightforward advice and shows that making simple changes to diet and lifestyle doesn’t have to be challenging. You can also take part in the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme, which is available to men and women in England, Wales and parts of Northern Ireland aged

60-69 and 50-74 in Scotland. If you are over 70 and live in England you can request a screening kit.

A full uptake of the cancer screening would reduce the numbers dying from bowel cancer by 16 per cent. It aims to detect bowel cancer at an early stage (in people with no symptoms), when treatment is more likely to be effective.

Useful contacts: Bowel Cancer UK Advice & Information Line: 0800 8 40 35 40

NHS Cancer Screening Programme Information Line: 0800 707 60 60


treasures in the

Attic Martin Sayers explores the world of antiques


nybody who has ever watched the Antiques Roadshow, Bargain Hunt or any of the other antiques programmes on television will have dreamt of finding something valuable in their own home. This is one of the reasons that these shows are so popular – people have a huge interest in antiques and want to know if their own family heirlooms could be valuable. The dream is that a rummage in an attic or cellar could reveal items that are worth thousands of pounds, if not millions. AUTUMN 2011



Useful contacts: The British Antique Dealers’ Association This is a trade association for British antique dealers, which makes it an excellent source of expert advice. The association’s website offers some good tips for the beginner as well as information on upcoming antique fairs and events. 20 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1BD, 020 7589 4128,

The Antiques Roadshow The Antiques Roadshow is a great place to find free and impartial advice so it is well worth keeping an eye on the website to find out if there is an upcoming show near you.

It does happen – last year a brother and sister were clearing out a bungalow in Pinner, Middlesex that had been left to them by an uncle and came across an old vase. Intrigued, they had the piece valued and were astonished to learn that it was made during the reign of the fourth emperor in the Qing dynasty, who ruled China from 1735 to 1796, and was worth £1.2million. This surprise was multiplied when the vase went to auction and bidding soon exceeded the estimate, to the extent that a Chinese buyer finally bought the piece for a total of £43m! However, antiques are about far more than just money – the hobby of ‘antiquing’ is about finding and cherishing remarkable objects and preserving them for future generations. Hours of enjoyment can be derived from browsing through flea



markets, spotting bargains at car boot sales and buying pieces at auctions. Many times an antique is bought with the aim of selling on, but antiques also make a wonderful addition to a home’s décor and have the added advantage of holding and even increasing in value if looked after correctly. The actual word antique derives from the Latin ‘antiquus’, meaning old, but it is not necessarily an item’s age that bestows value but rather its rarity value and consequent collectability. Even seemingly mass-produced items can be valuable antiques – rare colours or unusual shapes and sizes can all confer rarity status to an item that may have been part of a large range, but has an unusual quality that was not often replicated. Antiques aren’t just about old vases and furniture – there are collectors specialising in everything from fishing rods to walking sticks, whilst categories such as toys are also burgeoning areas of interest and any budding antiques collector should have a root around in old toy cupboards for games and dolls that have withstood the test of time. Action Man figures from the toy’s original 1960s incarnation, for example, can be worth considerable sums and are much sought after, particularly if they come in original packaging. In fact an antique can be almost anything – there is no correct definition of what constitutes an antique and the contents of your attic could be worth far more than you think!

Visit showsandtours/shows/beonashow/ antiques

CINOA Brussels-based CINOA (Confédération Internationale des Négociants en Oeuvres d’Art, or International Confederation of Art and Antique Dealers Associations) represents 5,000 dealers across the globe. Membership is limited to those that adhere to extremely strict quality and expertise standards, so it is a fantastic place to find reputable dealers worldwide. The website also features some useful tips and advice. Rue Ernest Allard 32, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium, +32 (0) 2 502 2692,

talk tous Write in and let us know if this is one of your hobbies and if you have any top tips or experiences you would like to share. And do let us know about any treasures that you have found. Happy hunting! Send your letters to the Editor at the Fellowship Office address at the front of the magazine.

Follow your heart

Be auction aware

For the novice collector, buying antiques can be a daunting prospect and the worry is that you may be throwing your money away on something that proves to be worthless. The most important thing to remember is to always buy items first and foremost because you like them – not because you think you might turn a profit. For most people, collecting antiques is a hobby, not a profession, and is all about finding things you like – some you may sell on but some you may also keep.

Pick up on provenance

An item’s value and rarity can be multiplied many times by what it has been used for and by whom. For example, owning a cigar box that once belonged to Winston Churchill would make the piece in question much more valuable. However, you still need to prove it - in the antiques world, proof of an item’s identity is known as provenance and can mean photographs or documents such as bills of sale and receipts.

Auctions are a fantastic place to pick up antiques but it is all too easy to get sucked into a bidding battle and end up paying far more for a piece than it is actually worth. Before the auction begins mark any items in the catalogue that you like the look of, decide on a price that you will not exceed and then make sure you stick to it!


treasure hunting tips Original is best

Antiques experts will often talk in glowing terms of how a piece of furniture or other wooden product still has its original finish. The term is self-explanatory and means that an antique retains the same protective coating it had when first produced, such as varnish, wax or polish. This also applies to original features such as drawers and shelves. As soon as a piece has lost its original finish or has had parts replaced then it plummets in value, so originality is something you should always look for. Check for tell tale signs such as a build-up of residue around corners, which could point to a re-coating, or for old holes that could mean original handles and drawers have been replaced. Unexplained cuts or screws in the underside of the timber may also point to a major repair or a change to the original structure. AUTUMN 2011



See Scandinavia There is plenty to enjoy in Northern Europe whatever type of holiday you are looking for. We pick out a few of the highlights that caught our eye in Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden

Enjoy the literary vein of Odense, home of Hans Christian Andersen

Experience the stunning beauty of the National Parks Iceland’s National Parks with their impressive landscapes are a popular tourist draw. There are three National Parks located around Iceland and each has its own particular points of interest: Vatnajökull National Park is the largest in Europe and covers a total area of 12,000 km2 (11% of Iceland). There are very few other places in the world that exhibit the effects of such a wide range of natural

Iceland phenomena. Thingvellir (“Symbol of the Icelandic Consciousness”) is in a rift valley between the American and European geological plates and Lake Thingvellir contains species of fish found nowhere else. Snæfellsjökull National Park is at the foot of a volcano and glacier, and is the only Park that reaches from the seashore to the mountaintops. All of Iceland’s National Parks benefit from a network of visitor centres, camping and hiking trails. Visit Iceland (www. is the official website for any travel advice and information for Iceland.



Odense, on the island of Funen in the South of Denmark is the birthplace of the fairytale writer Hans Christian Andersen and also has an interesting range of museums and attractions. You can visit H.C.Andersen’s house and see some comprehensive exhibitions about his life and work and in the cultural centre Fyrtøjet (The Tinder Box) you can discover more about his fairytales.

Visit Denmark (www.visitdenmark. com) is the definitive source for travel advice and information for Denmark and Visit Odense (www. is the official visitor website for the city.


Other recommended attractions include the Brandts Klædefabrik, a cultural centre containing art galleries, a museum of photography, cafés and cinemas and the openair museum, Den Fynske Landsby, showcasing Danish life as it used to be. Whatever time of year you visit you can also enjoy a performance by the Odense Symphony Orchestra at the City’s Concert Hall.

Norway Experiencing the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)

Visit Norway ( offers travellers an unprecedented amount of information about planning a trip to the country – with hotel suggestions, advice and city guides it is a handy online resource.

The lights are at their most frequent in late autumn and winter/early spring. Between the autumn and spring equinox (21 September – 21 March) it is dark between 6pm and 1am giving you the best chance to spot the lights. In theory you should be able to see the lights anywhere in the country but the best places are above the Arctic Circle in the North of Norway. Tromsø, the gateway to the Northern Lights is very easily accessible with

Visit Malmö - Sweden’s gateway to Continental Europe Malmö has undergone some major development in the past ten years transforming itself into a modern cosmopolitan city. The newly ‘reclaimed’ seafront area has seen the creation of new city districts that are full of interesting modern architecture and vibrant street life. The city is also home to one side of the mighty Öresund Bridge (pictured below), which connects Malmö with

flights from a number of UK airports. If you do plan to visit then we’d recommend you do so as part of an organised tour. There are plenty of very quirky and alternative ways to enjoy the Lights such as from on board a ship, as part of a snowmobile safari or even from the back of a dogsled. If you’d prefer something a little more ‘civilised’ then the Polarlightcenter in Laukvik on Austvågøya in the Lofoten Islands offers presentations, information, courses and exhibitions.


Denmark´s capital Copenhagen, just twenty minutes away. Malmö is a small, friendly and pleasant city where almost everything is located within easy walking distance. So whether you enjoy ambling around an ancient city centre, strolling through a city park or enjoying some time on a beautiful beach there’s something to entertain everybody. With 164 nations and 100 languages represented and spoken in the city this rich mix of diversity is reflected in the myriad of restaurants and cafes you can experience during a visit.

Visit Sweden ( offers useful travel and hotel advice along with plenty of recommendations of places to see and enjoy throughout Sweden. Visit Malmö ( is the official visitor site for the city itself. AUTUMN 2011



leisure life

Our regular round up of books and entertainment

Millions Like Us: Women’s Lives in War and Peace 1939 – 1949 By Virginia Nicholson (Viking Hardback) This brilliantly researched large volume has been compiled from memoirs, diaries and interviews with women from all walks of life who plugged the gaps left by men during and immediately following the Second World War. The range of occupations, from ambulance drivers to factory workers, from intelligence officers to farmers was undertaken by a dauntless force of women often combined with their household and childcare responsibilities and made more difficult by the endless privations of the time. Their endless resourcefulness was coupled often with personal tragedy but it would seem that whatever hurdles had to be overcome, they coped. There’s a lot of book here for your money and it’s both absorbing and in many parts, deeply moving.

The Prime Ministers Who Never Were Edited by Francis Beckett (Biteback) This is a collection of political counterfactuals describing premierships that might easily have happened had the chips fallen slightly differently. For example, both Hugh Gaitskell and John Smith would have been Prime Minister had it not been for their untimely deaths. In the dark days of war, Lord Halifax had first refusal on the premiership ahead of Winston Churchill. Francis Beckett is the author of many books including biographies of four Prime Ministers and he has gathered this intriguing collection of speculations about what might have been but never was.

What You Don’t Know By Lizzie Enfield (Headline Review) Lizzie Enfield is a journalist and contributor to several national magazines and newspapers. This is her debut novel, witty and warm, probably best described as good quality ‘chick-lit’. Helen Collins has it all. Happily married for fifteen years, two adorable children and a great career – what more could she want? Then she meets Graham and they indulge in a mild flirtation and things begin to get a little out of hand. She fantasises about what it would be like to carry things further. Her imaginings then involve her husband’s possible infidelities. What happens next you’ll have to read the book to find out but Lizzie Enfield’s writing style is good and the book provides quite a bit of food for thought.

books New releases reviewed by Janet Tester

OxTravels Introduced by Michael Palin (Profile Books) This book is unusual for several reasons. It follows on from Ox-Tales a collection of stories from fiction writers published in 2009 and its purpose is again to raise money for the work of Oxfam. The best travel writers based in Britain and a few from further afield were asked to contribute a story loosely based around a meeting. The only rule was that the story should be true. The result is this book of thirty-six compelling stories with an introduction by Michael Palin with the royalties all going to Oxfam.

Farmer Buckley’s Exploding Trousers Edited by Stephanie Pain (Profile Books) The magazine New Scientist once again delights the reader with a collection of weird and wonderful happenings from the world of scientific progress. This collection of the trivial, the ridiculous and the baffling make wonderfully entertaining reading from a magazine that is more than fifty years old and is the best selling science magazine in the world. The trousers of the title did indeed combust in a dramatic way when drying in front of the fire! The culprit turned out to be a popular pesticide combined with clothing fibres unexpectedly forming a highly combustible compound. AUTUMN 2011



How To Be In Opposition Edited by Nigel Fletcher (Biteback) This is a serious study of why opposition matters and how a political party can use their time in opposition to form their policy programme and make their preparations to assume office. In a democracy such as ours, the opposition also plays a vital role in scrutinising and, where necessary, holding the government to account for their decisions. This book features essays from leading academics and practitioners and contains first-hand accounts of the challenges of life ‘in the shadows’ with a detailed analysis of the opportunities to be had whilst in opposition. Nigel Fletcher, the editor of this handbook, is the founder and Executive Director of the Centre for Opposition Studies.

Bye Bye Budapest Agnes Kabdebo-Gedeon (Matador) CSRF member Agnes was born in Budapest in 1936 and spent the first twenty years of her life there, in the early years under German/Nazi occupation and then later under Soviet terror. Fascinating details of her early life in a middleclass family are well illustrated with photographs of her with her family. In 1956 she escaped to fulfil her dream of becoming an architect and, having qualified in England, she settled there, worked and raised her family. Three marriages, friendships and travel are all documented with her own poetry interspersed with her story. Well-written, this book paints vivid pictures of a colourful life.

culture Exhibitions around the UK

Postmodernism: Style and Subversion 1970-1990 The Victoria & Albert Museum, London 24 September – 17 January 2012 Rooms 38 and 39, and North Court Supported by the Friends of the V&A What does Postmodernism mean, and where did it come from? The V&A will explore these questions in a new exhibition focusing on the 1970’s and 1980’s. This major autumn exhibition will be the first in-depth survey of art, design and architecture of the 1970’s and 1980’s, examining one of the most contentious phenomena in recent art and design history - Postmodernism. It will show how Postmodernism evolved from a provocative architectural movement in the early 1970’s and rapidly went on to influence all areas of popular culture including art, film, music, graphics and fashion. Tickets are priced at £11 (concs available), for more information call 020 7907 7073 or visit

Shaped by War: Photographs by Don McCullin The Imperial War Museum, London 7 October – 15 April 2012

My First Car Matt Stone (MBI Publishing Company) Author and automotive journalist Matt Stone has gathered sixty examples of first cars from a wide selection of enthusiasts – celebrities, athletes, racing drivers and industry moguls. Glossy photos accompany most of the accounts – predictable and amusing pictures of youngsters, mostly men, with their pride and joy. It’s an endearing book, well presented and sprinkled with many amusing anecdotes.



FROM TOP: WET magazine. © April Greiman and Jayme Odgers. Consumers Rest Chair, 1990, Frank Schreiner (for Stiletto Studios). © V&A images.

IWM and Don McCullin

This major new exhibition examines the life and work of one of Britain’s most critically acclaimed photographers. Over 200 photographs, including a number previously not seen on public display, films, objects, magazines and personal memorabilia provide a unique opportunity to understand how Don McCullin’s life and work has been shaped by war and how his work has shaped awareness of modern conflict. Entry to the museum is free, but tickets for this exhibition are £7 (£5 concs.). For more information call 020 7416 5000 or visit

Degas and the Ballet: Picturing Movement

ABOVE LEFT: A Young Woman Seated at a Virginal, ca. 1670-2, Johannes Vermeer, © The National Gallery, London. ABOVE RIGHT: The Lacemaker (c.1669-70), Johannes Vermeer, © Réunion des Musées Nationaux/ Gérard Blot

The Royal Academy of Arts, London 17 September – 11 December 2011 In the Main Galleries Sponsored by BNY Mellon This Autumn will see the Royal Academy of Arts staging an exhibition focused on Edgar Degas’s preoccupation with movement as an artist of the dance. It is the first to present his progressive engagement with the figure in movement in the context of parallel advances in photography and early film. Tickets are priced: Adults - £14, Concessions (seniors, disabled) £13. For more information call 0844 209 0051 or visit

Vermeer’s Women: Secrets and Silence The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge 5 October – 15 January 2012, Mellon Gallery FROM TOP: The Rehearsal, c. 1874, Edgar Degas, © Culture and Sport Glasgow (Museums) La Danse Grecque (Dancing Ballerinas), 1885-90, Edgar Degas, On loan from the Honorable Earle I. Mack Collection

The Government Art Collection: At Work Whitechapel Gallery, London Until 4 September 2012

FROM TOP: Queen Elizabeth I, Anonymous 16th Century British Artist. © Crown Copyright: UK Government Art Collection. Tea, 1970-1, David Tindle, © David Tindle / courtesy of the UK Government Art Collection

For over 100 years, the Government Art Collection has acquired paintings, sculptures and work in other media to promote British art and artists. Usually on display in more than 400 locations all over the globe, works from the Collection are now being shown here for the first time in a public art gallery. Owned by the British public, the Government Art Collection exhibits historical and contemporary art to visitors to government buildings in the UK and most capital cities of the world. At Work is a selection from these embassies and government departments that showcases the diverse nature of the Collection, its locations and function. Admission is free to all. For more information call 020 7522 7888 or visit

At the heart of this visually stunning exhibition is Vermeer’s extraordinary painting The Lacemaker (c.1669-70) - one of the Musée du Louvre’s most famous works, rarely seen outside Paris and now on loan to the UK for the first time. The painting will be joined by a choice selection of other key works by Vermeer representing the pinnacle of his mature career, and over thirty other masterpieces of genre painting from the Dutch ‘Golden Age’. Featuring works from museums and private collections in the UK, Europe and the USA - many of which have never been on public display in Britain this Cambridge showing will be the only chance to see these masterworks brought together in one location. Admission is free. For more information call 01223 332900 or visit

On the March: An exhibition of banners made by Ed Hall People’s History Museum, Manchester Until 30 October 2011 Contemporary banner maker Ed Hall creates striking, richly coloured banners for trade unions, campaign groups and other organisations. This is the first solo exhibition of his work and an exciting opportunity for the People’s History Museum to showcase the work of the UK’s foremost trade union and campaign banner artist. The exhibition illustrates the continuing relevance of the ancient visual art of banner making in Britain today. Admission is free to all. For more information call 0161 838 9190 or visit AUTUMN 2011


coffee break Trivia and titbits to keep your mind in gear!

IT’S ALL IN A NAME There are some strange places names around the United Kingdom…

Anton’s Gout - near Boston, Lincolnshire Booby Dingle - near Hay-on-Wye, Herefordshire Clenchwarton - near King’s Lynn, Norfolk Dungy Head - near West Lulworth, Dorset Fingringhoe - near Colchester, Essex Lickham Bottom - near Hemyock, Devon Scapegoat Hill - near Huddersfield, West Yorkshire Have you visited anywhere with a strange name? Send in your strange place names (extra bonus for those photographed with the town sign!) to the Editor at the Fellowship Office address at the front of the magazine

HAVE A CHUCKLE Top Tips for Church Notices church notice boards and not growing old Sometimes newsletters can be an unintentionally Some sage advice from the fairly famous

“If you rest, you rust.” - Helen Hayes, Actress “You’re never too old to become younger.” - Mae West, Actress

excellent source for a little bit of humour

The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind and they may be seen in the church basement every Friday.

“Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint!” - Mark Twain,

This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the altar.

“No one should grow old who isn’t ready to appear ridiculous.” - John Mortimer,

At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be “What is Hell?” Come early and listen to our choir practice.


Writer and Dramatist

“If you’re given the choice between money and sex appeal, take the money. As you get older, the money will become your sex appeal.” - Katharine Hepburn, Actress

Teacher: John, why are you doing your maths on the floor? John: You told me not to use any tables.

This afternoon there will be a meeting in the South and North ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends. Thursday night - Potluck supper. Prayer and medication to follow.

Teacher: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested? Harold: A teacher.

Confidence is the feeling you have before you fully understand the situation! Some people speak from experience; others from experience don’t speak. Sent in by Antrim Group CSRF Member J Gaynor

talk to us Do you have a joke or funny story to share? Send in your contributions to the Editor at the Fellowship Office address printed at the front of the magazine

The Intellectuals Two retired professors were on holiday with their wives and were sitting on the veranda one summer evening, watching the sunset. The history professor asked the psychology professor, “Have you read Marx?” To which the professor of psychology replied, “Yes and I think it’s these damned wicker chairs.”

Growing Old Disgracefully… At the bar the other night An elderly looking gentleman, (mid nineties) very well dressed, hair well groomed, great looking suit, flower in his lapel, smelling slightly of a good aftershave, presenting a well-looked-after image, walks into an upscale cocktail lounge. Seated at the bar is an elderly looking lady. The gentleman walks over, sits alongside of her, orders a drink, takes a sip, turns to her and says, “So tell me, do I come here often?” AUTUMN 2011


coffee time


Olympic Trivia With the countdown to London 2012 well and truly underway we decided to dig up some interesting Olympic trivia for you to enjoy…

Five rings united The Olympic rings are one of the most recognisable emblems in the world. According to historical accounts they were adopted by Baron Pierre de Coubertin (the founder of the modern Olympic Movement) in 1913 after he saw a similar designer on an artefact from ancient Greece. The five rings represent the five major regions of the world: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania. Every national flag in the world includes at least one of the five colours, which are (from left to right) blue, yellow, black, green and red. The first games to be held in the southern hemisphere were in Melbourne in 1956. The Soviet Union first entered the Olympic Games in 1952 (in Helsinki).

The first games to be televised were the 1936 Berlin Games.


More athletes than spectators attended the 1900 Paris Games.

Communist China entered its first games in 1984 (Los Angeles). When London hosts the Olympic Games next year, they will become the first country to host the Games three times: 1908, 1948 and 2012. The first woman to win an Olympic event was England’s Charlotte Cooper, who won the tennis singles in 1900.

CONGRATULATIONS To Mrs G Hendy, Mrs Muriel Bedford, Mrs A Shearer, Mrs J Wedderburn and Mr R Pankhurst who were winners in our Which? giveaway. To Ms M Hearn, Mrs S Fielz, Mrs D Ward, F Clough and Mrs D Ransome who were winners in our DVD giveaway. Mr R Algar, Mr G Stredwick and Mr and Mrs P Stephens who won our Ticket Giveaway competition to Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead. To Mrs B Knight who was winner of our Prize Crossword.




Can you find the listed things you may see when out walking hidden in the grid? Words run backwards or forwards, up or down or diagonally, but always in a straight line.




Prize Crossword

Test your crossword skills and give this one a go and you could be the lucky winner of ÂŁ100 of Marks & Spencers vouchers.

ACROSS 1. Nautical measures (7) 5. Corrosive liquid (4) 10. Item consisting of albumen and yolk (3) 11. Region, area of land (9) 12. Peach ______, ice cream dessert (5) 13. Shake, quake (6) 15. Girl with laddish habits (6) 17. Chest, strongbox (6) 18. Caught in a trap (6) 20. Admit liability (3,2) 23. Begin again (5,4) 24. Honey producing insect (3) 25. Pond rush (4) 26. Boat for clearing waterways (7)

DOWN 2. Divine messenger (5) 3. Fancied winner (3,9) 4. Deserve, earn (5) 6. Reduce heat gradually (4,3) 7. Time units (4) 8. Recluses (7) 9. Customary (4,8) 14. Packed in paper (7) 16. Artificial (3,4) 19. Underwater worker (5) 21. High born (5) 22. Russian ruler (4)

TO ENTER: Please send the completed crossword, along with your name, address and postcode to: PRIZE CROSSWORD, CSRF, Suite 2, 80a Blackheath Road, London SE10 8DA. The judges’ decision is final. Winners will be notified by post. Closing date: 30 September 2011

Solution to Summer Prize Crossword 1




T A I R E 8




































Terms & Conditions :The publisher reserves the right to substitute a prize of equivalent or equal value if necessary.

31 AUTUMN 2011




Your letters, comments and views

Ed’s Note – this article, an interview in the last issue with founder and UK Digital Champion, Martha Lane Fox, provoked a lot of comment. Due to restraints on space I’ve decided to publish a selection of the letters received that give a flavour of your views. Whilst we will continue to promote the benefits of the Internet and computers we acknowledge and appreciate that some of you are happy as you are.

Digital Inclusion Dear Postbag, The article extolled some very real benefits offered by the Internet and instanced the financial benefits that would accrue to businesses if they could ‘seize the opportunity of six million new online customers’. The author was silent however on how she and the government can reconcile that potential loss of custom, for a loss is what it would be, to our degenerating city and town retail centres; the problems of which are clear to see. Surely the government isn’t merely shedding crocodile tears by joining local councils in professing a desire for our High Streets to flourish. M Hunter, Tunbridge Wells, Kent Dear Postbag, Teaching people whatever age to use the Internet is the easy part! What is never addressed by these government initiatives is the ultimate cost to the user – such as the cost of obtaining a computer suitable for the person’s needs; the monthly cost of connecting to the Internet and the



support charges incurred when the system fails. When somebody is on a fixed income whatever their age these are important financial considerations. Mrs B Daniels, London Dear Postbag, I was involved in government computing for more than 20 years before I retired in 1986. I have had a personal computer for a great deal of my retirement and have used the Internet for some 15 years. I have to say that I am suspicious of the government’s wish to have everyone connected to the Internet by 2012. While I do not think that it is an attempt to bring about a ‘Big Brother’ society I do however question the idea of £20bn of economic benefit arising from the scheme. I should like to see more details of how this benefit is to be generated. I J Joyce, Olney, Bucks

Dear Postbag, Am I the only person who is irritated by the push for us all to use the Internet? As someone who was only in a ‘lowly’ position in the Civil Service I am loath to saddle myself with the cost of broadband, software etc. I am happy to use cash or cards, pay my bills myself and not be open to hackers. Once we were able to be independent, choose what we could afford and live a simple life. No longer. Mrs S A Shippey, Horsforth, Leeds

Ed’s Note – We’d like to hear from those of you who’ve had positive experiences with the Internet – has it helped you save money? Put you in closer touch with family or friends? Have you got a facebook page? Write in and tell us how you’ve used the Internet to good effect.

Genealogy Dear Postbag, I would like to tell you about my experiences. For the last 6 or 7 years I have, with my husband, been using the Internet to research family history. Our first time was for some Australian friends whose family emigrated from Cornwall in the mid 18th century. This was followed by two or three other families in Australia with the same sort of request. The Cornish archives are very good and have a wealth of information about the Cornish miners who emigrated to Australia in the 19th Century. I eventually decided to research my own and my husband’s family history around a year ago. I subscribed to a well-known ancestry site and found a wealth of information regarding births, marriages and deaths. It certainly helps to have an uncommon name or place of birth as there are thousands of Smiths etc and you have to search through for common clues such as husband or children’s names. The amazing thing was finding out about people, their lives and their part in my family tree. I certainly feel it has brought me much closer to people I didn’t know before such as my great great grandfather. You do come across ancestors who sadly have a revelation about something that shocks or surprises you such as a couple in my husband’s tree in about 1850 who were both aged 60 and who both died on the same day in the Strand Union workhouse. I have found generally young people have very little interest in researching their

ancestry but I would say it is a very good hobby for the retired person who has a computer (or the means of getting one). Ann Larkins (by email) Dear Postbag, I very much enjoyed the article on genealogy in the last issue of avanti as it is through my nephew’s interest in this that I was found by my birth family. I was born in a home for unmarried mothers in July 1922 and was adopted at the age of 11 weeks. Unusually for adoptions my maternal grandmother and my adopted mother corresponded for a number of years and even exchanged photographs. I had a wonderful adopted family who gave me love, care and the best education they could afford. I eventually left Yorkshire at the end of 1941 and joined the Women’s Land Army, met my future husband and settled in London. We had no children and as far as I was aware I didn’t have a blood relation in the world – how wrong I was! In 2000 I had a letter from my local Social Security department saying they wanted to speak to me urgently. It was about my half sister. She and her son had been searching for me for years. Our mother had never told her that she had a sister and she only found out from a chance remark made by our cousin. After she found me in September 2000 she came over from Canada (where she lived) to stay with me for a few weeks and then I went over to Canada the following year. I discovered I did not just have a half sister, but also a half brother, niece and nephew in the UK and eight nephews and nieces in Canada, all married with children. I was overwhelmed. So you see what genealogy can produce – from having no known blood relatives I now have family all over the world. I’ve met most of my Canadian family and one of my Australian nieces is visiting the UK later this year. Nan Reynolds, Orpington, Kent

Ed’s Note – keep your experiences coming in – if any of you have discovered some amazing family news like Nan has then write in to the Fellowship Office address and tell us all about it

Festival of Britain Dear Postbag, Thanks again for a very good read of the magazine. The article about the Festival of Britain brought back many happy memories. The photo shown above was taken at the festival of my dear parents and myself. My husband was a teacher and his post was in Stepney Green and we took a group of nine year old children for a whole day. They ate their sandwiches in the entrance of the Dome and especially enjoyed the display on how milk was produced from cow to bottle. When we were buying our tickets a gentleman from an East European country asked if he could join us too as his English was very poor. He told us he was a farmer but was not allowed to bring his wife in case they decided not to return. Some weeks later we received a beautiful thank you letter with no address. My husband and I often wondered what happened to him and if he was ever able to make a trip to the UK with his family. Thank you for bringing back very pleasant memories, Doreen Davis (by email) Dear Postbag, I remember visiting the 1951 Festival of Britain. I was working in the City of London as a comptometer operator. My AUTUMN 2011


postbag In Great Bardfield, 30 miles from London, craftsmen will be installed in specially arranged shops so that visitors can see them at work. Here is a wheelwright, Joseph Jennings

Keeping in touch

mother travelled from Ilford and met me Museum all his working life and during as I finished work. We walked that time was privileged to handle many to the Festival together to have a look priceless treasures. around. I remember noting how loud The items he worked on for the the music was, attempting to Festival were several flint axes, lift spirits. It was a brave arrowheads and bronze new world, with plenty spears. He reconstructed DID of bomb damage in a very delicate birch YOU KNOW? London. I still have the bark bag and made If you want an audio five-shilling ‘Festival of a Perspex mount to copy of avanti then Britain’ coin in the red display a fine Roman contact the Fellowship box, which I bought glass drinking horn. I Office for more that day. still have the official information on how Margaret Evans (by guide (2/6d) and the one can be sent to email) catalogue of exhibits you free of (10/6d). We were very charge. Dear Postbag, proud to see his work on display and particularly grateful My late husband, Peter Shorer to the Festival of Britain as the cheque was involved in making many of the reproductions of historical articles for Peter received for the work paid for our honeymoon a month later. the ‘People of Britain’ section of the Audrey Shorer (by email) exhibition. He also made mounts for some of the originals, which were on display. He was a conservation officer at the British Dear Postbag, I and my wife visited the 1951 Festival of Britain. My wife is no longer with us and I am 90 yrs now. My father had his photograph taken as a wheelwright from an Essex village making a cart wheel. I don’t know if his picture got into the exhibition but I’ve sent them in to share If you have a story to share, write to with other readers (see above pictures). the Editor using the Fellowship Office My biggest memory of the Festival is in the address shown at the front of the garden where I saw the large clock. magazine D N Jennings, Camberley, Surrey

talk tous 46


Dear Postbag, Do any readers of avanti remember The Ministry of Pensions, Norcross? If so I would love to get in touch with them. My name was Hilda Birch and I worked in the post room for ten years between 1944-1954, leaving to get married to John Holloway who was in the Navy. The musical society was called The Crown Revels and we put on a big annual show at the Queens Theatre, Cleveleys. The ladies hockey team were also a fearsome gang and not to be messed with! I am known by my nickname Tilly, so therefore I am now Tilly Holloway. Tilly Holloway, Fareham, Hants Dear Postbag, I would like to get in touch with a former colleague John Brownlee. John and I worked together at the Official Receivers Office, Cambridge from about 1974 to 1980 when I was promoted to Assistant Official Receiver, Sheffield where I stayed until my retirement in 1991. I believe John was promoted to Official Receiver at Norwich or Ipswich in the 80s but I did not stay in touch since I left Cambridge (too busy at work). John and I got on well together and it would be nice to exchange greetings and to know how each of us has got on in the last 30 years. Richard Wiles, Sheffield, S.Yorks

Ed’s Note – if anybody is able to help with either of these enquiries please contact Fellowship Office and we can put you in touch


MEMBER rewards Offers and giveaways exclusively for you!

Help your inheritance with Which? Which? have just published a new guide, Giving & Inheriting, to help you reduce the tax bill faced by your heirs and allow many to avoid a large IHT burden – thereby ensuring your gifts go to your loved ones and not to HMRC! It has been fully updated following the 2011 budget and is an essential tool for estate planning and tax liability. It also includes information on: tax-free gifts and reducing tax when you die; how to deal with taxes on lifetime gifts; making the best use of trusts and advice for those receiving an inheritance. To buy a copy of Inheriting & Giving for a special price of £8.99 (RRP £10.99) inc p&p please call 01903 828 557 and quote GIVAV11. Offer ends 30 October 2011

Disney on Ice: Special Offer

CSRF Members Jackie and Graheme Bell enjoyed a weekend at the Queen’s Hotel in June

Queen’s Hotel, Bournemouth The Queen’s Hotel has three new special offers for CSRF Members: 1. Enjoy a long weekend from 22-24 September and take advantage of a special rate of just £135 per person for 3 nights, dinner, bed and breakfast. 2. Enjoy a five day break from 24-28 October for just £180.00 per person (4 nights, dinner, bed and breakfast). k How to boo on 3. Enjoy a five-day Save up to 50% Holly & Mistletoe g n ki oo b room rates whenll 01202 Break from 5-8 December for just these offers. Ca d quote 554 415 an N 1 £189.00 per person (4 M nights, dinner, bed and CSRF AUTU breakfast).

Classical Spectacular Giveaway

We hav

pairs o e four Seen by over 2 million people around giveaw f tickets to the world, Classical Spectacular outstan ay for this features incredible lights, lasers, di fireworks, thundering canons and tour in ng arena special effects. Manch either Thrill to the sound of the world’s Bir minester or gham. favourite classical music such as Nessun Dorma and old favourites like To book tickets to see Classical Rule Britannia and Spectacular contact the arena Land of Hope and Glory performed by a huge box offices: cast of 250 performers that makes Classical Manchester Evening News Arena – Spectacular such a unique experience. Saturday 26th November To enter: Send your name, address and 0161 637 2694 telephone number to: Classical Giveaway, The nia Birmingham – Saturday 3rd CSRF, Suite 2, 80a Blackheath Road, London December SE10 8DA. Competition closes: 15 October 0844 338 8000 2011. Winners will be notified.

Terms & Conditions: Tickets valid for either Manchester or Birmingham performances. Prize must be taken by Friday 11 November for Manchester performance and Friday 18 November for Birmingham performance. Tickets will be held at the box office under the winner’s name. Subject to availability. Non-transferable. No cash alternative. Travel not included.

Rev up for non-stop fun with four of your favourite Disney stories... Thrill to highspeed stunts as Lightning McQueen, Mater and the crew of Disney/Pixar’s CARS race across the ice. Dive into The Little Mermaid’s enchanting undersea kingdom and enter the mystical world of Pixie Hollow with Tinker Bell and the Disney Fairies as they reveal the magic that lies within! The toys are How to book back in Readers can save up town with to 20% on selected heroic performances. Call action Db Promotions UK when on 0121 308 4511 Buzz for further Lightyear, details Woody, Jessie and the Toy Story gang escape from the unruly tots of Sunnyside Daycare, in their most daring adventure ever. 2011 Tour dates Metroradio Arena Newcastle: Tuesday 4th -Sunday 9th October 2011 The London O2 Arena:Thursday 20th – Sunday 23rd October 2011 London Wembley Arena: Tuesday 25th – Sunday 30th October 2011 Birmingham NIA: Wednesday 2nd – Sunday 6th November 2011 Sheffield Motorpoint Arena: Tuesday 8th – Sunday 13th November 2011 Capital FM Arena Nottingham: Thursday 17th – Sunday 20th November 2011 AUTUMN 2011


group news


Reports from around the group and branch network. Words by avanti editor David Tickner (DT) - you can read fuller versions of David’s reports online at

Lunch at Fishes Drayton group 10 May It was an auspicious day when I visited the Drayton group (near Norwich) as the city was preparing itself for street celebrations to mark their football team being promoted to the Premiership. I had been invited by group secretary Mike Hodge to join members for lunch at the Fishes Restaurant, which offered up some hearty fare whilst also providing me a perfect opportunity to chat to group members. Drayton is one of our smaller groups but nonetheless continues to meet regularly with a spirited core of the membership keeping things ticking along, so it was very nice to experience the fellowship and friendship first hand whilst also providing them with some coverage this issue. (DT)



East Devon branch AGM 12 May The picturesque seaside town of Exmouth was the venue for the East Devon branch AGM.

Attended by all the groups from within the branch area it was interesting to hear from each about their work during the previous year. The meeting also paid tribute to the outgoing branch chairman George Palin and his wife Jean (the branch treasurer) who have decided to stand down after ten years of service to the Fellowship. (DT)

Somerset branch AGM 23 May

One of the main challenges that groups in the Somerset area face is the somewhat spasmodic public transport system. After visiting Minehead, the venue

for the Somerset branch AGM and experiencing these first hand they had my sympathies. I was delighted to be present though to witness Mick Grigg receiving a gift from the branch for all his hard work whilst finding time to pick up another invitation for a group visit to Taunton in December. (DT)

Lunch at the Heath Court Branch 78 Annual lunch 8 June This popular annual event saw 70 members from the Attleborough, Huntingdon, Mildenhall, Newmarket and Ely groups enjoy a hearty lunch at the Heath Court Hotel in the centre of

Party Politics! Newmarket. Members enjoyed the occasion not least due to to the huge raffle (nearly everybody was a winner) that took place after the food. The whole event was very well organised so congratulations to the Newmarket group who were this year’s hosts. I look forward to visiting both the Attleborough and Huntingdon groups in the next few months to find out more about what they’re up to.

certificates of merit If you’d like to single out a particular member for recognition of their service to The CSRF then why not request a free Certificate of Merit or Appreciation. The request should normally come from a branch or group committee and be sent to Hannah Evans at Fellowship Office. For more information contact Hannah Evans on 020 8691 7411 or email:

Tea at the Manor Dawlish group 10 June

Crawley group 24 June Crawley group meets quite centrally in the Tree Annex, a community centre with good bus and parking facilities, although the group will be moving to the other side of town a little later in the year. It was a case of ‘party politics’ during my visit, as members enthusiastically got involved with a discussion about the state of the country, family and society. As an extension to the discussion the group formed its own ‘government’ with Group Chair Jim Piercey as the Prime Minister and each group member assuming the role of a member of the Cabinet – offering them the chance to outline their policies for Britain! Having heard some good sound sense being expressed from all members, I think there could certainly be a good case for the formation of the ‘Retired Persons’ Democratic Party for Crawley’! All they need now is an election agent - so watch this space! (DT)

Dawlish must boast one of the more impressive railway stations in the country sitting as it does just a stone’s throw from Lyme Bay. Walking through the town to The Manor House was an equally pleasant experience. The Dawlish group has a regular core of members and a busy programme of activities that run throughout the year (except in July and August). Their meeting location serves members well and is also blessed with an abundance of free parking spaces! Their summer party is an annual event and one that members look forward to – with everybody bringing along something to add to the feast. The meeting also included a special presentation of a Certificate of Merit to one of the long-serving group members, a quiz and prize draw. (DT) AUTUMN 2011


SW London Branch AGM 11 July Taking place at PCS Headquarters just next to Clapham Junction, the 2011 AGM for SW London Branch welcomed representatives from all of the groups within South West London - SW16 Streatham & Norbury, SW4/11 Clapham Junction, SW5/6/10 Fulham, Kensington, Chelsea and Earls Court and SW8/9 Stockwell. As my first ever group visit was made to SW16 Streatham & Norbury it was nice to meet and chat with all of the other group leaders in the branch area too,

although I was sorry to miss Jo Winter (Branch Secretary and SW16 group Chair) who was recuperating after a knee operation. (DT)

Summer Social Colchester & Ipswich groups 19 July Talking to members of the Ipswich and Colchester groups at their annual summer social & quiz it was clear just how popular this event is in their social calendar for the year. Over 50 members from both groups came together to enjoy friendship, a feast (no overestimation!!) and some fun. The fun came in the form of a general knowledge quiz that pitted teams from Colchester against teams from Ipswich in a bid to win the Quiz shield. Colchester had won the challenge in 2010 so it was all to play for. The questions were tough, but eventually a team from Ipswich won the day. The meeting also included the presentation of a Certificate of Merit to Bert Dawson. As a long standing member of the Colchester group who has served also at a branch and national level this token was a fitting tribute. Afternoons like this are a terrific advert for great enjoyment that our social group network brings to members! Congratulations to the Colchester group for hosting a thoroughly entertaining event. (DT)



Mrs Mop and the Evacuees Dorchester group 21 July The hugely entertaining Mrs Hansford was the guest speaker at the July meeting of the Dorchester group. Her subject, ‘Mrs Mop and the Evacuees’ saw her dressed for the part (resplendent in overalls and hairnet) as she talked about her work enlightening school groups about life during World War II. Her talk included a number of visual aids to illustrate the austerity of life in this period and she certainly struck a chord with group members.

The latter part of the meeting formed a presentation of five Certificates of Appreciation to Diane Bryant, Frank and Joan Newbold, Jean Cannon and Ron Haines. This was a formal acknowledgment of thanks for all of their hard work within the group. A photo call featuring all attending members brought proceedings to a close. It was a sunny day in Dorchester when I visited and the warmth outside the meeting room was most certainly extended indoors as well! (DT)

can we help you? We are available to help and support – so if you would like to put a request in for a visit from the Chief Executive, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Board Member or avanti Editor then please contact Hannah at the Fellowship Office or email: We will endeavour to do our best to fulfil as many of your requests as we can for visits so please submit them as soon as you can.


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1. Members of the Belfast group enjoyed a trip to the Killyhevlin Hotel in Enniskillen, funded by their Awards for All grant. 2. Members of the Edinburgh branch braved the weather to enjoy a picnic in Princes Street Gardens next to the Fellowship tree (planted to celebrate the Fellowship’s Silver anniversary in 1993). 3. Two long serving members of the Bedford group, Bert Purnell and Pat Endersby received Certificates of Merit from Group Chairman Jacqueline Haggerwood. 4. Arun group celebrated the 80th birthday of secretary Jim Underwood and catering manager Jean Homer in June. (pictured from left to right: chairman Martin Smith, social secretary Christine Smith, catering manager Jean Homer, secretary Jim Underwood and joint treasuer Marjie Underwood. 5. Joyce Guest from SW8/9 Stockwell Group was presented with a Certificate of Merit. 6. Harlow group with Harlow MP Robert Halfon on a visit to the Houses of Parliament in June. 7. Bolton group enjoying a day out in the summer.


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8. Edward Bryant and Bernard Baker from the Warminster Group were presented with Certificates of Merit at the group’s July meeting. 9. Sutton group enjoying their visit to Kensington Roof Gardens. 10. Birmingham branch had an entertaining trip to Trentham Gardens. 11. Members of Liskeard & Pensilva group enjoyed a garden party in July. 12. Stevenage and Baldock group walkers on the summit of Deacon Hill, Pegsdon nr Hitchin, Herts. 13. Stevenage and Baldock group members outside Warner’s Hotel at Holme Lacey House, Hereford in June. 14. Hertford group enjoying their holiday in the Isle of Wight.


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13 AUTUMN 2011



group info

AUTUMN PLANNER We have just under 300 groups operating throughout the United Kingdom so it is very likely that there is one near you! So why not pop along and find out more about what your local group gets up to – there are many rewarding ways that you can get involved and they are always pleased to welcome new members.


SCOTLAND Dumfries & Kirkcudbright John Walker CHAIRMAN 01387 261889 We do not hold regular meetings but if you would like further details about coach outings, please contact Pat Greig on 01387 770526. All trips start and finish at Brooms Road Car Park, Dumfries. 07/09/11 Windermere - visit Lakeland - flagship store of the kitchenware retailer

Dundee Charles Paterson SECRETARY 01382 858862 The Queen’s Hotel, 160 Nethergate, Dundee Second Tuesday of each month at 10.40am

Edinburgh (Corstorphine) Mr V Burchell SECRETARY 0131 334 5781 Martin Shields Hall, St. Ninian’s Church, Corstorphine, Edinburgh Third Thursday of each month October-April at 10.3011.45am 20/10/11 Coffee Morning

Edinburgh (Craiglockhart) Liz Beedie SECRETARY 0131 229 7422 Craiglockhart Parish Church Hall, Craiglockhart Drive North, Edinburgh Second Wednesday of each month October-April at 2pm 12/10/11 Peter Wright, Author - Ribbon of Wildness 09/11/11 The Work of the Northern Lighthouse Board - Talk

Edinburgh, Lothians & Borders Liz Beedie SECRETARY 0131 229 7422 Edinburgh Quaker Meeting House, First Floor, 7 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh. Buses to George IV Bridge, there is a lift. Third Tuesday of the month (Oct to Apr) at 2.00pm. We also run walks throughout the year - meet under the Portico at the National Gallery at the foot of The Mound at 1.30pm on the first Friday of each month. 18/10/11 Feet Fit for Walking - Talk 15/11/11 Tom Murray - Purse Bearer to the Lord High Commissioner - Talk

Rosneath Mrs Coleen Titcomb SECRETARY 01436 842456 The Howie Pavillion, Rosneath



First Monday of the month at 1.30pm 05/09/11 Speaker - Mr Steve Chadloin 03/10/11 Local History - Richard Reeve 07/11/11 Tea and Talk 10/11/11 Annual Dinner

NORTHERN IRELAND & NORTH WEST ENGLAND Antrim Brian Shields CHAIRPERSON 028 9443 2615 Crown Buildings, 20 Castle Street, Antrim Second Wednesday of each month at 2.30pm

Birkenhead/Wirral Miss Cynthia Morgan SECRETARY 0151 678 6266 Birkenhead Land Registry Office, Rosebrae Court, Woodside Ferry Approach, Birkenhead

First Tuesday of the month at 2.00pm 15/09/11

Coach Trip to RAF Cosford

Bolton Eileen Nelson SECRETARY 01204 595246 St. Andrews & St. Georges Church, St. Georges Road, Bolton First Tuesday of each month at 2pm 27/09/11 Lady Heyes Centre & Frodsham 25/10/11 Skipton

Bury Gerald Beadling CHAIRMAN 01706 633674 The Mosses Community Centre, Cecil Street Each Wednesday at 2.15pm 21/09/11 Talk - How to Protect your Finances 12/10/11 Lunch at Bury College

Chester Mrs C F Hanratty CHAIR 01244 520929 Christian Aid Centre, Queen Street, Chester Third Tuesday of each month at 2.15pm 20/09/11 TBA - general talk etc. 18/10/11 You will never believe it - but! - Mr Farr 15/11/11 Guide Dogs - Mr C Jones

Craigavon George McConnell SECRETARY 028 8676 4395 Portadown Library, 24-26 Church Street, Portadown, Craigavon First Tuesday of the month at 2.30pm

Lancaster & Morecambe Mrs V Pritchard CHAIRMAN 01524 32733 Torrisholme Methodist Church, Longton Drive, Torrisholme, Morecambe

Second Tuesday of the month at 2.15pm 13/09/11 Tour of Midland Hotel and Afternoon Tea. Meet at hotel 2.15pm 11/10/11 Hot Pot Lunch plus a talk by Susan Wilson on Eric Morecambe 08/11/11 Autumn Fayre plus refreshments and quiz

Lisburn Helen Fletcher SECRETARY 028 9261 1604 Bridge Community Centre, 50 Railway Street, Lisburn Second Monday of each month at 2.30pm 12/09/11 Arranging programme for season and discussing how we spent summer holiday 10/10/11 Outing to Aughnacloy visiting Sally’s Restaurant for lunch. Visiting Garden Centre on the way home. 14/11/11 Illustrated talk by Mrs Olive Campbell on a recent foreign visit.

Penrith Richard Roscoe CHAIRMAN 01697 472383 Different local hostelries each quarter First Tuesday of the quarter (March, June, September, December) at 12.30pm

Runcorn Mr A Stobbie CHAIRMAN 0151 424 0340 Department of Education & Skills, Castle View House First and Third Thursday of each month at 1pm

Southport Mrs E Milne CHAIRPERSON 01704 560850 Conservative Club, Bath Street, Southport Third Thursday of each month at 2pm onwards 15/09/11 Monthly Meeting 20/10/11 Monthly Meeting

Stockport/Grove Park Joan Broadbent SOCIAL SECRETARY 01625 873740 Brookdale Club, Bridge Lane, Bramhall First Thursday of each month at 2.15pm 01/09/11 Belle Vue - Mr P Heaton 28/09/11 Coach Trip to Lake District 06/10/11 Handbell Ringing - Bravura Bells 03/11/11 A Video Show - Alaister Macrae

Waterloo (Merseyside) Mrs Joyce Nicholls SECRETARY 0151 924 1433 Mersey Road Methodist Church, Mersey Road, Crosby, Liverpool Second Tuesday of each month at 10.30am 12/09/11 Coffee Morning, Bring & Buy Sale and Raffle 11/10/11 Coffee Morning and Speaker - The History of Cunard Line 08/11/11 Coffee Morning and Bingo

NORTH EAST ENGLAND Blaydon Elizabeth Pearson SECRETARY 0191 488 0840 Ridley Room, Blaydon Library, Wesley District Precinct, Blaydon Second Tuesday of each month at 10.30am

Boston Spa/Wetherby Mrs Janet Walker RECORDS SECRETARY 01937 842216 Deepdale Community Centre, Deepdale Lane, Boston Spa, Wetherby Second Tuesday of the month at 2.00pm 13/09/11 Clarice Cliff - a talk by Mrs P Osborne 11/10/11 Buffet Lunch - pre-booking essential 08/11/11 Australia in a Tent - talk by Mrs P Smith

Bridlington Mr J Hughes CHAIRMAN 01262 850916 North Bridlington Library, Martongate, Bridlington Third Friday of the month at 10.30am 16/09/11 Coffee Morning and Raffle 21/10/11 Coffee Morning and Raffle. My Poems and Stories - talk by Connie Hird October Social Lunch - date/venue TBA

Chester-Le-Street Brian Dawson SECRETARY 0191 388 8608 St Mary & St Cuthbert Parish Centre, Church Chare, Chester-Le-Street First Monday of each month at 2-4pm 05/09/11 St. Johns Eye Hospital - Mrs E Chandler 03/10/11 Capital Memories of Films - John Derry 07/11/11 National Health Service - Kathy King

Durham Derick Neale CHAIRMAN 0191 389 2543 Newton Hall Community Centre, Ryelands Way First Thursday of each month at 2pm

Harrogate & Ripon Margaret Terry SECRETARY 01423 885297 Wesley Chapel (Lower Hall), Oxford Street Third Thursday of each month at 2.15pm 15/09/11 Memoirs of Amateur Singing - Robert Mitchell 20/10/11 Studley Royal - Michael Bevington

Horsforth, Rawdon & District Mrs M J Taylor 0113 267 8110 Venue varies. We meet in local hostelries for lunch. Please contact Mrs Taylor for more details. Last Tuesday of each month at 12.30pm

Killingworth (North Tyneside) Catherine Hankin CHAIRMAN 0191 268 1992 Sedgefield Court, West Mount, Killingworth NE12 6GF First Monday of month (except Bank Holidays) at 10.30am. 05/09/11 Talk - Northumbria Water and Water Aid 03/10/11 Auction - Raising Money for Xmas Activities 07/11/11 Talk by Mrs Dyer - one of our members

Middlesbrough Lilian Lloyd SECRETARY 01642 315439 St. Marys Centre, 82-90 Corporation Road, Middlesbrough Last Tuesday of the month at 2pm 27/09/11 Nightstop, Teesside - Tim Myers 25/10/11 A Weaver went to War - Lynn Lamport


Neath/Port Talbot

Mrs P Mawson SECRETARY 01723 512778 Small Room, 1st Floor, Scarborough Library, Vernon Road, Scarborough First Tuesday of the month at 10.15am 06/09/11 Talk by Beekeeper, with honey for sale (10.30am)

Mrs E Northcott CHAIRMAN 01639 887851 Moose Hall, Castle Street, Neath Last Wednesday of each month at 2pm 07/09/11 Afternoon Tea at The Rest, Porthcawl 28/09/11 Harvest Tea and visit by David Tickner, Editor of avanti 29/09/11 Annual Visit to Taliesin Theatre Gilbert & Sullivan Production 26/10/11 Ghosts - talk by Robert King (for Halloween)

Sunderland & Washington Ivan Bell SECRETARY 0191 549 4130 Age Concern, Bradbury House, Stockton Road, Sunderland (1st Floor Room) First Monday of each month 2.00-3.30pm

Whitley Bay Peter Harris MBE CHAIRMAN 0191 447 4066 Age Concern Centre, Park Avenue, Whitley Bay Second Thursday of the month 10.30am - 12 noon

York & District David Ingham SECRETARY 01759 372211 The Folk Hall, Hawthorn Terrace, New Earswick, York First Tuesday of each month at 2pm 06/09/11 Journey of a Lifetime - Mr W Feetenby (talk and slide show) 04/10/11 Follow the Flow - The River Foss - Mr Ivan Martin (talk and slide show) 01/11/11 Rodgers and Hammerstein - Mr Ken Rogers (talk with music)

WALES AND WELSH BORDERS Caerphilly Mr Gwion Lewis TREASURER 029 2086 8643 Windsor Road Church Hall, Windsor Street, Caerphilly Second Tuesday of the month at 10.15am 13/09/11 My Role as your Assembly Member Jeff Cuthbert AM 11/10/11 Bring and Buy - Fund Raising 08/11/11 Desert Island Discs - Member’s Musical Memories on disc/tape

Church Stretton John Brewer SECRETARY 01694 722965 Mayfair Community Centre, Easthope Road First Friday of the month at 2.30pm for winter talks 07/09/11 Visit Stockton Bury Gardens, Leominster 07/10/11 Talk on Antiques Restoration - Ray Knight (2.30pm Mayfair) 04/11/11 The Thick Blue Line, life in the Police in the 60s and 70s - Ian Patterson (2.30pm Mayfair)

Llanishen (Cardiff) Bernard Pearce CHAIRPERSON 029 2075 1493 Park End Presbyterian Church Hall, Rhyd-y-Penau Road, Cardiff CF14 0NZ First Tuesday of each month at 10.00am 06/09/11 Memories from 1987 - Rhodri Morgan (ex First Minister) 04/10/11 Bring and Buy 01/11/11 Cycling through the Dolomites - Mr & Mrs P Bennion

Ludlow Peter Waite Liaison 01584 872639 Local Public Houses, various venues, in and around Ludlow Third Tuesday of each month at 12.30pm

Oswestry Anne Wilson CHAIRMAN 01691 650419 The Wynnstay Hotel, Church Street, Oswestry First Tuesday of each month at 10.30am 06/09/11 Four Wedding Hats - Eiry Roberts 04/10/11 My Ten Years in Scotland - Pauline Rees 01/11/11 Chairman’s Quiz

Penylan (Cardiff) Alfred Ford CHAIRMAN 029 2073 2942 St. Andrews United Reformed Church Hall (corner of Penylan and Marlborough Road) Last Tuesday of each month at 2.00pm 27/09/11 Talk - Cardiff Bus Services 25/10/11 Talk - Community Health Council (to be given by CHC Personnel)

Shrewsbury Irene Williams CHAIRMAN 01743 447279 Roy Fletcher Centre, 12-17 Cross Hill, Shrewsbury Second Wednesday of each month at 2pm 14/09/11 Food or Farming - Local NFU 12/10/11 Garden Birdwatch (British Trust for Ornithology) - Trevor Blackshaw 09/11/11 Making a Difference (The Brooke Charity) - Jenny Lack

Swansea Mrs Sylvia Edgell CHAIRMAN 01792 851125 The Vestry Hall, St Mary’s Church, Swansea Last Friday of each month at 2pm 30/09/11 What the Papers Said - talk by Alan Underhill 28/10/11 Swansea Sewers - talk by Dr Felicity Padley

Whitchurch (Cardiff) Mrs Mary Minty SECRETARY 029 2061 4445 Ararat Baptist Church, Plas Treoda, Whitchurch, Cardiff Second Wednesday of the month at 10am 01/09/11 Visit to Bath 14/09/11 Sea Shells - Mrs Gosney 12/10/11 Speaker (TBC) 09/11/11 Speaker (TBC)

Ynys Mon (Anglesey) Mr Eric Maynard CHAIRMAN 01407 720146 The Valley Hotel, Valley, Anglesey Second Tuesday of each month at 12.30pm for lunch

MIDDLE ENGLAND Amersham Jim Campbell CHAIRMAN 01494 722558 The Community Centre, Chiltern Avenue, Amersham First Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm 07/09/11 Parliamentary Stories - Colin Oakes 05/10/11 Cigars, Cigarettes & Castro Cuba Margaret Deakin 02/11/11 Marylebone (more than a Station) Colin Oakes

Banbury Anne Garton SECRETARY 01295 750151 AUTUMN 2011


Hanwell Fields Community Centre, Rotary Way, Banbury Second Tuesday of each month at 2.15 - 4.15pm 13/09/11 Country Customs - talk by Dusty Roades. Raffle. 11/10/11 Klondike, the last of the Great Gold Rush - talk by Amanda Wood. Raffle. 08/11/11 The Amazing Amazon - talk by John Paine

Bedford Patricia Waters SECRETARY 01234 347443 Bunyan Meeting, Mill Street, Bedford First Tuesday of each month at 10am 06/09/11 Coffee Morning. September Mixture Mrs Painter 04/10/11 Coffee Morning. Members Photos (or Snaps) - bring and share your slides 01/11/11 Coffee Morning. Digging up the Local Past - Drew Shotliff of Albion Archaeology

Birmingham June Oakley CHAIRMAN 01952 604922 Five Ways House, Islington Road, Five Ways, Edgbaston Third Wednesday of each month at 11.00am

Boston Mrs Jean Pyne SECRETARY 01205 364446 Centenary Methodist Church Hall, Red Lion Street, Boston Third Thursday of the month at 2.15pm 15/09/11 Exercising Sitting Down! 20/10/11 Talk on the use of Sniffer Dogs by Malcolm Howe

Cheadle (Staffs) Maurice Prime CHAIRMAN 01538 360621 Cheadle Conservative Club, 39a Tape Street, Cheadle First Thursday of each month at 2.30pm

Cheltenham John Kennett CHAIRMAN 01242 529757 St. Luke’s Church Hall, St. Lukes Place, Cheltenham Third Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm 21/09/11 Songs and Stories of the Forest Entertainment 19/10/11 The Long Thin Country, Chile - Digital Presentation

Coventry Muriel Ariss VICE CHAIRMAN/SECRETARY 024 76 599397 Room 2, Gilbert Richard Centre, Broadway, Earlsdon Third Tuesday of each month at 2pm (except Nov) 20/09/11 Harvest Table and Quiz 18/10/11 Desert Island Discs (TBA) 15/11/11 Group Meal (TBA)

Donnington June Oakley CHAIRMAN 01952 604922 Turreff Hall, Turreff Avenue, Donnington Every Monday at 1pm (except Bank Holidays)

Dunstable & Leighton Buzzard Mrs Janet Bliss SECRETARY 01582 661795 Scout HQ, Grovebury Road, Leighton Buzzard First Wednesday of the month at 2pm 07/09/11 All new A-Z of foolproof gardening hints and tips from a professional gardener. Raffle and book table. 05/10/11 The Dedication of the new First World War Ceremony at Fromelles - Gordon J Bell (talk with slides)



02/11/11 The Work of Tearfund and Fairtrade Charities - Odile Pollard. Goods Sale.

Evesham Eric Marsh BRANCH LIAISON 01386 421460 Foyer of the Methodist Chapel, Bridge Street, Evesham Second Tuesday of each month at 10.30am 13/09/11 Coffee and Tea (by way of a change) and biscuits 11/10/11 Biscuits washed down with coffee or tea, and put the world to rights 08/11/11 Tea or coffee with biscuits and good conversation with old friends

Grantham Maurice Whincup CHAIRMAN 01476 572425 Christchurch Hall, St. Peters Hill, Castlegate, Grantham First Wednesday every month at 10.00am - noon 07/09/11 Meeting followed by lunch 02/11/11 Meeting followed by lunch

HERTFORD Mrs Olive Smith CHAIRMAN 01992 550753 Methodist Church Hall, Ware Road, Hertford First Monday of each month at 2-4pm (except Bank Holidays) 05/09/11 A World Celebrity - Mrs Maggie Radcliffe 14/09/11 Visit to Blenheim Palace 03/10/11 Royal Connections - Mrs Ann Parsons 20/10/11 Theatre - Dreamboats & Petticoats 31/10/11 Guide Dog Training - Val & Terry Crane 07/11/11 Turkey & Tinsel, The Queens Eastbourne (7-11 November)

Hucclecote Mrs B Arnold SECRETARY 01452 618069 Evangelical Church, Colwell Avenue, Hucclecote, Gloucester First Thursday of the month at 2.00pm 01/09/11 A Visit to Petersburg 12/09/11 Group Holiday to Isle of Wight (12-16 Sep) 06/10/11 A Year in Nepal

Kidderminster Pam Hussey Liaison Officer 01562 755632 The Three Shires, Lower Mill Street Third Wednesday of each month at 11am (except when lunching out) 21/09/11 Lunch at De Beers Café, Worcester Road, Torton, Kidderminster 19/10/11 Coffee Morning

Louth Mrs Margaret Bradley SECRETARY 01472 388928 Elizabeth Court, Church Street, Louth First and third Thursday of the month at 10.30am

Luton John Barrett SECRETARY 01582 519886 The Chaul End Centre, 515 Dunstable Road, Luton First Monday of every month at 2.00pm (unless a Bank Holiday, when it is second Monday) 05/09/11 Facing the Camera - Zena Skinner 14/09/11 Outing to Warwick planned 03/10/11 Tales of a Radio Presenter - Toby Friedner 07/11/11 Home Security - CSO Sarah Hopkins

Milton Keynes Jim Ford SECRETARY 01908 368410 Centrecom, 602 North Row, Secklow Gate West

First Monday of each month at 1pm (second Monday if first is a Bank Holiday) 05/09/11 Quiz. Talk by Terrence Dawes on Hearing Dogs for the Blind 03/10/11 Quiz. Talk by Ray Rowlson on Canada 07/11/11 Quiz. Talk by Ray Rowlson on Nepal

Nottingham Pam Bradley SECRETARY 0115 938 4676 The Nottingham Mechanics, 3 North Sherwood Street Second Wednesday of each month at 10.15am - Noon 14/09/11 Coast, Countryside, Parks & Gardens Mrs Marian Wallwork (illustrated talk) 12/10/11 Society of Captives - Mr Pat Lynch 09/11/11 Mrs Hutchinson, one woman’s view of the Civil War - Mrs Val Henstock (illustrated talk)

Nuneaton Rachel Homer SECRETARY 02476 385845 The Sycamore Tree, 2 Chapel Street, Nuneaton (next to the Ropewalk) First Tuesday of each month at 11.00am 06/09/11 Coffee Morning 04/10/11 Coffee Morning 01/11/11 Coffee Morning

Rutland Mrs Peggy Brown CHAIRMAN 01780 480314 Various locations for pub lunches Third Wednesday of each month

Shefford Eileen Devereux CHAIRMAN 01462 814765 Community Hall, Ampthill Road, Shefford Third Tuesday of the month at 10am - 12 noon 20/09/11 Musical Boxes - talk by Tony King 18/10/11 Beetle Drive 15/11/11 Grand Draw

Skegness Ray Morris SECRETARY 01754 762060 Phillip Grove Community Rooms, Church Road South, Skegness First Thursday of each month from 10.00am - 12 noon 01/09/11 Refreshments, Story, Quiz, Free Raffle and Free Bingo games with prizes 06/10/11 Refreshments, Story, Quiz, Free Raffle and Free Bingo games with prizes 03/11/11 Refreshments, Story, Quiz, Free Raffle and Free Bingo games with prizes

Sleaford & Ancaster Mike Smith Group PR/Co-ordinator 01526 833273 Sleaford: Bristol Bowls Club, Boston Road, Sleaford. Ancaster: Angel Court, Ancaster Sleaford: First Thursday of the month 10.15am Noon. Ancaster: Second Wednesday of the month 10.15am - Noon 20/09/11 Visit to Rockingham Castle 21/10/11 Visit to Sudbury Hall

Solihull Margaret Smith SECRETARY 0121 744 6150 John Palmer Hall, Union Road, Solihull Second Monday of each month at 10am 12/09/11 Coffee Morning 10/10/11 Bring & Buy 14/11/11 Coffee Morning

Wellesbourne Mrs Iris Herwin SECRETARY 01789 840745

Warwick H.R.I., University Campus, Warwick Road, Wellesbourne Third Thursday of each month at 2.30pm 15/09/11 Maintaining Stratford’s Parks & Gardens by Matthew Austin 20/10/11 Talk on Health Nutrition by Meena

Wellington & Telford Emrys Jones CHAIRMAN 01952 254252 Belmont Community Hall, Wellington, Telford First Thursday of each month at 10am - 12 noon 01/09/11 Talk by Fire Service and Coffee Morning 06/10/11 Harvest Festival and Coffee Morning 03/11/11 Sherry and Mince Pies

Wigston Mrs J Collins VICE CHAIRMAN 0116 288 7802 The Royal British Legion, Launceston Road, Wigston Second and fourth Mondays of each month from 1.30 - 4.00pm (Bank Holidays permitting) 12/09/11 Contrasts of New England - Mr Philip Shreeve (Slide Show) 26/09/11 Wildlife/Travel - Serengeti Safari - Mrs Val Williams 10/10/11 Bring & Buy 24/10/11 Across America Part 2 - Mr Mike Leonard 14/11/11 Leicester Movie Makers - Discovering Britain - Mr Terry Greengrass

Worcester Leigh Watkins SECRETARY 01905 774034 Perdiswell Young Peoples Leisure Centre, (A38) Droitwich Road (opp. Checketts Lane) Second Wednesday of each month at 1pm 14/09/11 To Cornwall and Back - Rosemary Prosser 12/10/11 Bring & Buy - Cakes etc. 09/11/11 TBA

EASTERN ENGLAND & EAST ANGLIA Attleborough Mrs D Parker SECRETARY 01953 456958 Methodist Church Hall, London Road, Attleborough Third Thursday of the month from 10am - 12 noon 15/09/11 A Farm Boy in the 30s - Bill Noon 20/10/11 A Cheese but no Wine Party

Aylsham & District Thomas Berry SECRETARY 01263 731955 Friends Meeting House, Peggs Yard, Red Lion Street, Aylsham Second Monday of each month at 10am (unless it’s a Bank Holiday) 12/09/11 DIY 17/09/11 Cromer Pier Show 10/10/11 East Anglian Scenes - Ron Moffat 14/11/11 DIY

Bury St Edmunds Mrs Doreen Ginn CHAIRMAN 01284 755256 West End Home Guard Club, Abbot Road, Bury St. Edmunds Second Wednesday of each month at 10am 14/09/11 Mini-Antiques Roadshow with Edward Crichton 20/09/11 Lunch at Thatchers Restaurant, Cockfield 12/10/11 My Day at the Palace - Adrian Williams 09/11/11 Snap Out of It, Pictures without Camera - Mr & Mrs South

Chelmsford Mrs Christa Bringloe CHAIRPERSON 01245 420555 Room 3, Christ Church URC, New London Road Second Tuesday of each month 10.00am - 12.30pm 13/09/11 Age Concern 11/10/11 Coffee Morning and Talk 08/11/11 Bring & Buy Sale and Fish & Chips

Colchester Joan Gomer SECRETARY 01206 794656 St Margaret’s Anglican Church Hall, Stansted Road, Colchester Third Monday of each month at 2pm 19/09/11 Fred Pearce Entertains and Bring & Buy 17/10/11 Kentwell Hall - talk by Joan Williams

Croxley Green & Rickmansworth Frank Brown CHAIRMAN 01923 779070 Red Cross Centre, 1 Community Way (off Barton Way), Croxley Green Second Thursday of alternate months (eg January, March, May etc) at 10.15am and on first Monday of intervening months for pub lunch from 12 noon

Harlow Mrs Edna McNaughton SECRETARY 01279 865102 Toby Carvery, Harlow First Friday of the month at 12 noon Sep 2011 Boat Trip from Broxbourne

Huntingdon Mrs Gillian Greville SECRETARY 01480 458098 Little Stukeley Village Hall, Low Road (off Mill Road), Little Stukeley, Huntingdon Last Thursday of the month at 2.30pm 29/09/11 An Audience with Queen Victoria - Ms Jackie Tevlin 27/10/11 More Musical Nostalgia - Mr Bill Morris

Ilford Mrs Sylvia Green SOCIAL SECRETARY 020 8594 5284 St. Andrew’s Church Hall, The Drive, Ilford Third Monday of the month at 1.30pm 19/09/11 A Talk on Family History by Paul McCartney 17/10/11 A Talk on Guide Dogs for the Blind (will bring dog)

Ipswich Eva Stevens SECRETARY 01473 688040 Museum Street Methodist Church Hall, Blackhorse Lane, Ipswich First Wednesday of each month at 2pm 07/09/11 Life after the War - Peggy Cole 14/09/11 Luncheon Peak Lodge at 12.30pm 05/10/11 Victorian Social Life - Ron Goldbold 02/11/11 TWAM - Martin Humprhies

Loughton Eric Adams CHAIRMAN 020 8508 7207 Jazz Archive Room, Loughton Library, Traps Hill, Loughton Third Monday of each month at 2pm 19/09/11 Talk by a Home Care Provider 17/10/11 Memories of Loughton from the 50s

Mildenhall Mr Martin Claridge SECRETARY 01842 810096 Mildenhall Social Club, Recreation Way First Tuesday of each month at 2pm 06/09/11 Illustrated talk on the local history of the Fens, Mildenhall and Brandon - Mr Mike Petty MBE, MA

04/10/11 Christine from Wiltshire Farm Foods - free demonstration and tasting. Recruitment Drive. 01/11/11 Suffolk Historic Churches Sponsored Bicycle Ride - illustrated talk by Alan Benton about his experiences

Newmarket Les Beament CHAIRMAN 01638 744005 St. John Training Centre, Newmarket Hospital, Exning Road Second Wednesday of each month at 2pm 14/09/11 SSAFA - talk by Robin Newell 12/10/11 Dining In 09/11/11 Talk (TBA)

Norwich Mary Weatherhead SECRETARY 01603 410821 Reading Room, Doughty’s Hospital, Golden Dog Lane Second Monday of each month at 10am for 10.30am 12/09/11 The Origin of Nursery Rhymes (Cont.) Mrs C Williams 10/10/11 An Introduction to Norwich Textiles Ms Cathy Terry 14/11/11 Christmas on the Home Front - Ms Katrina Siliprandi, Castle Museum

Radlett Mrs Shirley Herbert SECRETARY 020 8953 2999 Local restaurants for coffee or lunch Monthly - details from Secretary

Stevenage & Baldock Helen Leisk SECRETARY 01438 355131 United Reformed Church, Cuttys Lane, Stevenage First Thursday of every month at 2pm 01/09/11 History of Stevenage Football Club by Lloyd Briscoe 06/10/11 Hats by Philip Wright 03/11/11 A Speaker from the Admin Team of the Hertfordshire Air Ambulance 15/11/11 Christmas Shopping Trip to Milton Keynes

Swaffham Mrs June Finch SECRETARY 01760 720728 Methodist Church Hall, London Street, Swaffham Third Tuesday of each month at 10.15am

Watford (Cassiobury) Mr Ian Whyte LOCAL CONTACT 01923 441952 St. Luke’s Church, Langley Way, Watford Second Tuesday of Jan, May, Jul, Sep & Nov at 10am 13/09/11 A talk with pictures of a member’s holiday 08/11/11 A demonstration of a collection of ‘pop up’ books for adults

Wickford Peter Blake CHAIRMAN & SECRETARY 01268 583060 Christchurch Hall, R/O 44 High Street, Wickford Second Thursday each month 1.30 - 3.30pm 08/09/11 Quizzes 13/10/11 Magical Morocco - slide show 10/11/11 Quizzes

SOUTHERN ENGLAND Arun - formerly Littlehampton Martin Smith CHAIRMAN 01903 725520 St Joseph’s Convent, Franciscan Way. Please use entrance in East Street if arriving by car. Second Wednesday of each month at 2pm AUTUMN 2011


Ascot & Sunningdale Sylvia Hennah SECRETARY 01344 620860 National School of Government at Sunningdale Park, Larch Avenue, Ascot Third Friday of each month at 12noon 06/09/11 Coach Trip to Grantchester and Cambridge 16/09/11 Quiz - John & Beryl Bailes 21/10/11 Lord Nelson - talk by Michael Naxton

Basingstoke Janette Davies CHAIRMAN 01256 321471 Brookvale Village Hall, Lower Brook Street, Basingstoke First Wednesday of each month at 10.00am 07/09/11 Kipling, his Life and Poetry - talk by Jonathon Jones 05/10/11 Why Ladies Can’t/Won’t Read Maps talk by Bob Parry 18/10/11 Visit to Denbies Winery 02/11/11 The Ark, Basingstoke - talk by Ian Roberts

Bexhill Hilary Markham SECRETARY 01424 210985 Bexhill Sailing Club, Marina, Bexhill-on-Sea Fourth Tuesday of each month at 10am 20/09/11 Annual Mystery Trip 27/09/11 Coffee Morning and Talk - Hearing Dogs for the Deaf 19/10/11 Visit to Charleston, Bloomsbury’s Country Retreat in Sussex 25/10/11 Coffee Morning 08/11/11 Lunch, Brickwall Hotel, Sedlescombe, followed by visit to Carr Taylor Vineyard in Westfield

Bitterne (Southampton) Joan Dunnings CHAIRMAN 023 8057 6784 St. Johns Hall, Dean Road, Bitterne First Friday of each month at 2.00pm (doors open at 1.15pm, tea and biscuits available before the meeting) 02/09/11 Mishaps of a Church Organist - talk 07/10/11 Curiouser and Curiouser - talk 04/11/11 Quiz

Boscombe & Southbourne Paul Tabor CHAIRMAN 01202 422493 St Katherine’s Church Hall, Church Road, Southbourne First Wednesday of each month at 10am 07/09/11 Our English Kings - Mr D Hilliam 05/10/11 Help & Care 02/11/11 Post-War Musicals - Mr J Symonds

Bournemouth Central Alan Carter 01202 292720

Brighton & Hove Mrs B Vickery 01273 321770 Ventnor Hall, Blatchington Road, Hove First Wednesday of the month at 2.15pm 07/09/11 Talk about Gilbert & Sullivan - Ian Gledhill 08/10/11 Alan’s Day - Social and Quiz 02/11/11 Talk about the Unknown Soldier by a local lady

Chandlers Ford Ken Willcocks CHAIRMAN 023 8076 0102 Chandlers Ford Community Centre, Hursley Road, Chandlers Ford First Friday of the month at 10am 02/09/11 Battle of Britain (from both sides) - Mr John Smith 20/09/11 Coach Outing to Chichester



07/10/11 Crop Circles - Mr B Harrison 13/10/11 Skittles and Lunch at Wellow Golf Club 04/11/11 Annual Cheese & Wine Party, plus Quiz, at the Meeting Hall

Hastings & St Leonards

Paul Tabor 01202 422493

John Hall CHAIRMAN 01424 813355 All Saints Church Hall, All Saints Street, Old Town Third Tuesday of each month at 10am - 12 noon 20/09/11 An Illustrated Travel Talk by Michael Hoad 18/10/11 On the West Hill - talk by Edward Preston



Jim Piercey CHAIRMAN 01293 409332 The Tree Annex, 103 The High Street, Crawley. From 28 October meetings will be held at Bill Buck Room, Crawley Library, Southgate Avenue, Crawley Fourth Friday of the month at 2pm 23/09/11 Life in the Land Army - Gladys Benton 28/10/11 Quiz and Games (please note change of venue)

Arnold Ullmann MBE TREASURER 01293 783590 Horley & District Constitutional Club, 1 Albert Road, Horley (unless otherwise stated) Fourth Wednesday of the month at 10.45am (unless otherwise stated) 28/09/11 Coffee Morning and talk on Aviation in the Civil Service by Arthur Reynolds 26/10/11 Coffee Morning and a talk on the History of Horley by Brian Buss of the Horley Local History Society

Christchurch & Highcliffe

Eastbourne Audrey Fewtrell CHAIRMAN/SECRETARY 01323 730570 St. Saviour’s Church Hall, South Street, Eastbourne Third Wednesday of the month at 10am 21/09/11 Members’ Morning 19/10/11 Japan, the Nakasendo Trail - Mr Graham Albon 27/10/11 Group Annual Lunch at The Eastbourne Centre, Grand Parade, Eastbourne

Emsworth & Havant Ralph Whitehouse CHAIRMAN 01243 374081 Emsworth Community Centre, Church Path, Emsworth First Friday of each month at 10am 02/09/11 Vanessa Eden of the RSPCA 07/10/11 Lynne Caine from Basics Hampshire

Fareham Bill Sculpher CHAIRMAN 01329 519613 Holy Trinity Church Hall, West Street, Fareham First Tuesday of the month at 2.00pm 06/09/11 Cycling in France - Jim Bettley 04/10/11 Weesyanna - Music Group 01/11/11 Is this the real India? - Gwen Appleton

Fleet Dorothy Brookman CHAIRMAN 01252 684368 Baptist Church Hall, 115 Clarence Road, Fleet Third Tuesday of each month at 2.15pm 20/09/11 Social Afternoon: Welcome Back after the Summer 18/10/11 The French Connection (Part One) Bob Rose 15/11/11 The History of Elvetham Hall - Tony Wright

Hailsham Jeanne Archer VICE CHAIRMAN and SECRETARY 01323 832055 St. Marys Church Lounge, St. Marys Church, Vicarage Road, Hailsham Second Tuesday of the month at 10.15am 13/09/11 Bring & Buy 11/10/11 Rushing to “Where”? - Mr G Cronin 08/11/11 Westminster Abbey and it’s Gardens Mrs M Couchman

Hassocks Dennis Miles CHAIRMAN 01273 845693 Adastra Hall, 31 Keymer Road, Hassocks First Thursday of each month at 10.30am 01/09/11 Souvenir and Commemorative Hankerchiefs - Brenda Matthews 06/10/11 Hassocks Ladies Singers 03/11/11 American Holiday - Shirley Symes

New Forest Sandy Whittaker CHAIRMAN 023 8028 2157 Meetings in odd months are at Milford on Sea Village Community Centre, Sea Road; meetings in even months are at Bashley Village Hall First Tuesday of each month at 10.15am 06/09/11 Keyhaven & Hurst, Then and Now Chris Hobby (Milford) 04/10/11 Winchester - David Hilliam (Bashley) 01/11/11 National Parks Authority Leisure & Recreation - Nigel Matthews (Milford)

Newbury Roger Walker CHAIRMAN 01635 44575 St. Johns Church Room, Newtown Road, Newbury Second Monday of the month at 2.15pm 12/09/11 Travel Talk - Rosemary & Alan Collins 15/09/11 Skittles at Thatcham FC - 7.00pm 10/10/11 Royal Berkshire Hospital Museum Lionel Williams 13/10/11 Pub Lunch 14/11/11 Country Life - Photo Competition

Poole & District Ray White 01425 476037

Portsmouth North Janie Quayle CHAIRMAN 023 92 641954 St. Nicholas Church Hall, Battenburg Avenue, Copnor Second and fourth Monday at 2pm (except Bank Holidays) 12/09/11 Bingo 26/09/11 Military History - Michael Forrest 10/10/11 Papua New Guinea - Penny Hardwick (slides and talk) 24/10/11 Musical Entertainment by Miranda Williamson 14/11/11 Annual Luncheon with entertainment by Tony Humphrys

Ringwood & District Ray White CHAIRMAN 01425 476037 Greyfriars Community Centre, Ringwood First Friday of each month at 10am 02/09/11 In Search of Isaac Gulliver - Malcolm Angel 28/09/11 Pub Lunch at Drusilla’s Inn, Horton 07/10/11 The Trumpet Shall Sound - Malcolm Torrent 25/10/11 Pub Lunch at The Swans, Verwood 04/11/11 Travels Down Under - New Zealand Ron Fisher

Southsea Mike Barrow CHAIRMAN 023 92 829552 St. Simon’s Church Hall, Waverley Road, Southsea Second Wednesday of the month at 10.30 and fourth Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm 14/09/11 Coffee Morning 28/09/11 The History of Hats 12/10/11 Coffee Morning and Seasonal Lunch 26/10/11 The Two Bills 09/11/11 Pre-Christmas Sale

Stubbington Mrs Tressie Heather SECRETARY 023 92 580681 Catholic Church Hall, Bells Lane, Stubbington Second Thursday of each month at 2pm (meeting) and last Tuesday of each month at 10.30am (coffee morning) 08/09/11 Changes in Fashion - talk by D Warnock 29/09/11 Skittles will resume to include supper. 13/10/11 John Pounds - talk by Bryan Waterloo 10/11/11 The Coronation - talk by Peter Keats

Swanage Mrs Irene Greenway 01929 423394

Tadley Mr D MacLean CHAIRMAN 0118 970 1290 Tadley Community Centre, Newchurch Road, Tadley First Thursday of each month at 1.30pm for 2.00pm (excepting in unusual circumstances ie elections, when advance notice is given to our members) 01/09/11 Speaker - David Tickner, Editor of avanti 06/10/11 Singalong - Ken Wiseman 03/11/11 NHS Update - Dr Peters

Totton & Waterside Mrs P Shakespeare CHAIRMAN 023 8087 2035 Totton & Eling Community Centre, Civic Centre Building, Library Road, Totton First Friday of each month at 10.00am 02/09/11 Speaker - Mel Rees 07/10/11 Bring & Buy 04/11/11 Speaker - Geoff Watts

Uckfield John Gutteridge SECRETARY 01825 764781 Five Ash Down Village Hall, Five Ash Down, Uckfield First Thursday of the month at 2.30pm unless otherwise announced. 01/09/11 Cream Tea with lighthearted music quiz 06/10/11 The Other Romania - Graham Albon 03/11/11 Down Memory Lane - Don Dray

Wimborne & Ferndown Eric Basire SECRETARY 01202 897158 Ferndown Village Hall, Church Road, Ferndown Third Wednesday of each month at 10.30am. Skittles meetings, New Forest walks and other events are held from time to time - ask Eric Basire for details. 14/09/11 Coach Outing to Street - details from Eric Basire

Winton & Northbourne Ray White 01425 476037

Wokingham Bernard Good SECRETARY 0118 978 2350 The Cornerstone, Norreys Avenue Third Wednesday of each month at 2.30pm 21/09/11 In Search of the Big Five in Kruger National Park - David Grainger 19/10/11 Mysteries of the Weather - Eric Belton


05/10/11 Living on an Ice Breaker in the Arctic Eddy & Pam Lane 02/11/11 Magic of the Scillies - R White



Mrs Dorothy Weston SOCIAL SECRETARY 01980 624589 Antrobus House, 39 Salisbury Road, Amesbury First Tuesday of each month at 2pm 06/09/11 Malta in WW2 - Lt Col Faizon 20/09/11 Coach Outing to Weymouth 04/10/11 Vulnerable Adults - Mr Steve Lever 18/10/11 Coach Outing to Milton Keynes via Bicester 01/11/11 Duties of the City Beadle - Mr Andy Bell

Maureen Boulton CHAIRMAN 01249 701181 Corsham Club, Newlands Road, Corsham Second Wednesday in the month at 10.15am 14/09/11 The Baltic - Roger White 12/10/11 Cambodia - Mrs K Johnstone 09/11/11 Shackleton - Eddie Lane

Barnstaple Peter Mumby CHAIRMAN 01271 815021 Committee Room, Roundswell Community Centre, Roundswell, Barnstaple Last Friday in the month at 11am Feb, May, Jun, Jul, Oct and Nov and at 10am Mar, Apr and Sep.

Bath Roy Burnett CHAIRMAN 01225 426583 St. John’s Parish Hall, South Parade, Bath First Thursday of each month at 10.30am 01/09/11 Bookings being taken until 01/11/11 for Creative Travel Holiday in Bognor Regis - 21 - 25 November 2011 10/11/11 Autumn Lunch at The Shrubbery

Crediton Miss M Steer CHAIRMAN 01363 866256 Club Crediton, Searle Street, Crediton First Friday of each month at 10.15am unless there is a trip or lunch planned when a notice will appear in the local paper 02/09/11 Coffee Morning - social gathering 07/10/11 Coffee Morning followed by lunch out locally 04/11/11 Coffee Morning followed by lunch out locally

Dawlish Mrs M Carter SECRETARY 01626 888275 The Manor House, Old Town Street Second Friday of each month at 2pm 09/09/11 Cream Tea Outing 14/10/11 Devon Care - Mr D Watson 11/11/11 Autumn Lunch at Local Inn



Sylvia Moody TREASURER 01237 471334 Griggs Close Community Centre, Northam, Bideford Second Friday in the month at 10.30am - 12 noon

Mike Rogers SECRETARY 01308 420755 Dorset Youth HQ, Lubbecke Way, Dorchester Third Thursday of the month at 10.15 for 10.30am 15/09/11 Fairgrounds during the War - Kay Townsend 20/10/11 Inner Sanctum - Rob Curtis 17/11/11 Training Dogs for the Disabled - Jien Clarke

Blandford Forum Mrs M Chambers SECRETARY 01258 456572 Contact Chairman or Secretary for venue details. Second Friday of each month at 11am

Bradford-on-Avon Mr P F Nuttall SECRETARY 01225 862919 United Reformed Church Hall, St. Margarets Street, Bradford on Avon Second Monday of each month at 2.15pm 12/09/11 Meeting - Woodland Trust 18/09/11 Holiday in Barmouth (18-24/09/2011) 10/10/11 Meeting - Secrets of Handwriting 19/10/11 Coach Outing - Montacute 14/11/11 Meeting - Bhutan, Land of the Thunder Dragon

Brixham Mrs Edna Wright CHAIRMAN 01803 855638 Various local restaurants, usually Waterside Paignton Usually second Thursday of the month at 12 noon contact Mrs Wright for details.

Calne June Marsden SECRETARY 01249 816675 Woodlands Social Club, Woodlands Park, Station Road, Calne Fourth Tuesday of each month at 10am 27/09/11 Mary Seacole, the other Nurse of the Crimea - talk 25/10/11 Save the Children Fund - talk

Chippenham Mr J A Sutton CHAIRMAN 01249 461892 Rotary Hall, Station Hill, Chippenham First Wednesday of each month at 2pm 07/09/11 Doorway (homeless charity) - Mrs P Baldry

Exmouth Carol Brett SECRETARY 01395 442671 Bastin Hall, Elmgrove, Exmouth First Wednesday of each month at 10am 07/09/11 Coffee Morning 05/10/11 Coffee Morning 02/11/11 Coffee Morning with Bring & Buy

Ham (Plymouth) Veronica Smerdon SECRETARY 01752 318672 The Halcyon Centre, Dingle Road, North Prospect, Plymouth Every Monday at 2.00pm

Liskeard & Pensilva Shirley Waye SECRETARY 01579 346089 Refreshment Rooms, Liskeard Public Hall, West Street, Liskeard Last Wednesday of each month at 10am 28/09/11 Green Cross Message in a Bottle - Rob Gibson 03/10/11 Holiday to Ilfracombe (3 - 10 October) 26/10/11 Christmas Bazaar

Princetown Mike Fitzpatrick SECRETARY 01822 890799 Prince of Wales, Tavistock Road, Princetown First Thursday of the month at 12.30pm 15/09/11 Day Trip including dinner in a select hostelry on the journey home. 20/10/11 The Annual Tour honouring the Spirits and Sprites of the Orchards, Hopfields and Vineyards AUTUMN 2011


Salisbury Plain

Wellington (Somerset)

Mr Roy German SECRETARY 01980 653446 The Village Hall, High Street, Durrington Third Tuesday of each month at 2.30pm 20/09/11 Here we go a-vicaring - talk by the Rev Mary Teed 27/09/11 Coach Outing to Worthing, Sussex 03/101/11 Holiday by Coach to Great Yarmouth (3-9 October) 18/10/11 Colourful Characters of the Nadder Valley - talk by Norman Rogers, also a Bring & Buy Sale 15/11/11 A Cookery Demonstration by S Honeychurch - Getting Ready for Christmas

Tony Martin TREASURER 01823 662879 Northfield Centre, Lodge Close, Wellington Third Tuesday every month at 10.15am

Somerton Colin Mclntyre SECRETARY 01458 223953 The Two Brewers, Leigh Road, Street Third Tuesday of the month at 11.30am

Westbury (Wiltshire) Ken Holloway CHAIRMAN 01373 864049 Paragon Hall, Haynes Road, Westbury Third Monday of each month at 1.45pm for 2.00pm 19/09/11 Meeting and Speaker -Sean Price Town Crier 21/09/11 Autumn Lunch at Portland Heights Hotel, Portland, Weymouth 17/10/11 Meeting and Speaker - David Tickner Editor of avanti 19/10/11 Outing to Hereford and Wye Valley


Robert Scott- Puttock SECRETARY 01258 471011 Meetings and venues are arranged on an ad hoc basis.

Beryl Webb SECRETARY 01454 614451 Studland Court, Henleaze Road, Henleaze First Thursday of each month at 2pm 01/09/11 My Life as an Evacuee - Daphne Snelling 06/10/11 The Grand Canyon - Chris Holloway 03/11/11 The Muller Foundation - Julian Marsh



Sturminster Newton

Mrs J Greenaway SECRETARY 01793 643654 MTC Swindon Centre, 177 Manchester Road, Swindon Third Thursday of the month at 2.00pm

Tamar/Tavy (Tavistock) Mike Fitzpatrick ACTING SECRETARY 01822 890799 Burrator Inn, Princetown Road, Dousland, Yelverton Second Thursday of the month at 12.30pm

Taunton Mick Grigg CHAIRMAN 01823 272046 Royal British Legion Club, St. Mary Street, Taunton Second Friday of the month at 10.30am (unless Public Holiday in which case third Friday) 09/09/11 Reminiscences of my time in the Army - David Punshon 14/10/11 Bring & Buy Cakes 11/11/11 Miles Tea John Halls

Trowbridge Peter Collins SECRETARY 01225 768370 Old Manor Hotel, Trowle, Trowbridge/ St. Thomas’ Church Hall, York Buildings, off Timbrell Street, Trowbridge First Wednesday of each month at 10.30am (Old Manor Hotel) & third Wednesday of each month at 2pm (St Thomas’ Church Hall) 07/09/11 Coffee Morning at the Old Manor Hotel 21/09/11 Coach Trip and Tour of Isle of Wight 05/10/11 Coffee Morning at the Old Manor Hotel 19/10/11 Monthly Meeting - Speaker - Francis Hewetson - Machu Picchu 02/11/11 Coffee Morning at the Old Manor Hotel

Warminster Ted Bryant SECRETARY 01985 218289 Warminster Town Football Club, 73 Weymouth Street, Warminster First Monday of each month at 2pm Second Monday if Bank Holiday 05/09/11 Nepal - Francis Hewetson 03/10/11 British Legion - Lindsey Green 07/11/11 Going to Blazes - John Craig



Alan Jackson CHAIRMAN 01275 858766 Friends Meeting House, corner of High Street/Oxford Street, Weston-Super-Mare First and third Thursday of the month at 10am (for coffee mornings, other events listed below) 13/09/11 Coach Outing to Barnstaple with WI Tea 11/10/11 Coach Outing to Moreton in the Marsh & Bourton on the Water 08/11/11 Coach Outing to Salisbury

Weymouth Geoff Greenstreet VICE CHAIRMAN 01305 832432 St. Nicholas Church, Buxton Road, Weymouth Second Thursday of each month at 2.30pm 08/09/11 The Wayfinders - talk by Sue Deans 27/09/11 Group Holiday to Portugal 28/09/11 Coffee Morning at the Weymouth Bay Methodist Church 13/10/11 TBA 26/10/11 Coffee Morning at the Weymouth Bay Methodist Church

Yate & District Donald Kirkham CHAIRMAN 01454 317242 Yate Parish Hall, Station Road Fourth Tuesday of each month at 2pm 27/09/11 The Bristol Fine Arts Exhibition of 1892 - Mr M Hooper 25/10/11 Humorous Stories and Poems of the Celebrities - Paul Avans

LONDON & SOUTH EAST ENGLAND Ashford (Kent) Mrs Sylvia Willis SECRETARY 01233 624754 Baptist Church, Station Road, Ashford Last Thursday of each month at 10am - 12 noon 29/09/11 The Joys of Christmas - Rob Masters 27/10/11 Pluckley - the most haunted village in England

Banstead & District Miss Marion Pevy SECRETARY/TREASURER 01737 812129 Banstead Methodist Church Hall, The Drive

Last Tuesday of each month at 10.30am - 12 noon 27/09/11 Coffee Morning 25/10/11 Coffee Morning

Bexleyheath Sylvia Lynds CHAIR/TREASURER 020 8310 6169 St. Andrews Church Hall, Brampton Road, Bexleyheath First three Wednesdays in every month at 1.45-3.45pm 07/09/11 Kent Air Ambulance Trust 12/09/11 Day Trip to Eastbourne and other Royal Residences 14/09/11 Social Afternoon and Bingo (and every 2nd Wednesday) 21/09/11 Jill Haggata - Soprano 05/10/11 The Police Force - Clive Smith 19/10/11 Gardens of Buckingham Palace - J Buttress 02/11/11 Autumn Fayre

Camberley Jenny Ingoe RECORDS SECRETARY 01483 558152 High Cross Church, Knoll Road, Camberley Fourth Tuesday of each month at 2pm 27/09/11 TBC 25/10/11 The Census - Did I Count? - Colin van Geffen

Edgware & Stanmore Ray Broom SECRETARY 020 8427 8659 St. Lawrence’s Church Hall, Whitchurch Lane, Edgware Second Monday of each month at 2pm 11/09/11 Holiday to Derbyshire Dales and Peak District staying at The Derbyshire Hotel for 7 days, fully inclusive price £370. 12/09/11 Central Royal Parks - Jim Buttress 10/10/11 Edgware Safer Transport - PC Robert Wiseman 14/11/11 Swiss Surprises - M Welling 14/11/11 Holly and Mistletoe Festive Break at Warners, Lowestoft for 5 days, fully inclusive price £303. If you are interested in either of the above holidays, please contact Mrs C Brooks on 020 8868 9524 or 07929 185698.

Enfield Colin Cutler CHAIRMAN 020 8363 8379 St. Andrew’s Church Hall, Silver Street, Enfield First Monday of the month at 10am (unless a Bank Holiday when it will be the second Monday) 05/09/11 Guest Speaker Russell Brown, Vice Chairman Board of Directors (CSRF) 03/10/11 Illustrated Talk on Bees and Honey by Peter Burling 07/11/11 Illustrated Talk on Hopping in Kent by Ian Torrance

Kenton (Middlesex) Daphne Radford SECRETARY 020 8908 4099 St. Anselm’s Church Hall, Uppingham Avenue, Stanmore Third Wednesday of the month at 2pm 11/09/11 Holiday to Derbyshire Dales and Peak District staying at The Derbyshire Hotel for 7 days, fully inclusive price £370. 21/09/11 Civil Service Benevolent Fund - talk by Annette Cooper 19/10/11 Austria or Cotswolds - illustrated talk by Mrs French 14/11/11 Holly and Mistletoe Festive Break at Warners, Lowestoft for 5 days, fully inclusive price £303. If you are interested in either of the above holidays, please contact Mrs C Brooks on 020 8868 9524 or 07929 185698.

Leatherhead Anne Thomson SECRETARY 01372 373258 anner. John Rumble Hall, Fetcham Village Hall, The Street, Fetcham First Friday of each month at 10am 02/09/11 Riding it Out - talk by Pam Goodall on her round-the-world cycle ride 07/10/11 Guildford Spike - talk by John Redpath 04/11/11 Over the Bridge - talk by Brian Hennegan

London - Abbey Wood SE1,SE2,SE7,SE10,SE18 Miss Ivy Burns SECRETARY 020 8310 1268 Abbey Wood Community Centre, Knee Hill, Abbey Wood First & third Thursday of each month at 1.15 - 3.15pm 01/09/11 Christ Church Players 15/09/11 Bingo 06/10/11 Erith Singers 20/10/11 TBA 03/11/11 Quiz

London - Catford & Lewisham Peter Maple SECRETARY 020 8699 2002 St. Laurence Church Hall, Bromley Road, Catford Second Tuesday of the month at 10am 13/09/11 Coffee Morning and Quiz 11/10/11 Coffee Morning and Bingo 08/11/11 Coffee Morning and Bring & Buy Sale

London - Clapham SW4 & SW11 Miss M Farley SECRETARY 020 8870 7361 Staff Restaurant 4th Floor, PCS Headquarters, 160 Falcon Road, Clapham Junction First Thursday of each month at 10.15am

London - Dulwich & Norwood Mrs Pat Belsey SECRETARY 020 7701 4992 Railway Club, Selhurst Station Approach Fourth Tuesday of each month at 10.30am 27/09/11 Bingo 25/10/11 The British Legion Welfare - J Spencer

London - Edmonton Mrs Sheila Lamonte CHAIRPERSON 020 8886 7873 Ambassador Room, Millfield House, Silver Street, London Third Monday of each month from 10am - 12 noon 19/09/11 Grandad’s Garden - Bill Bossom 17/10/11 Major Bram Williams talks about the origin/work of the Salvation Army

London - Eltham Phyllis Duignan CHAIR 020 8265 0810 United Reformed Church,Sherard Hall, Court Road, Eltham Fourth Thursday of each month at 10am - 12 noon 15/09/11 Coach Outing to Eastbourne 22/09/11 Coffee Morning followed by demonstration by Mrs Sandra Winter on the Handbells 20/10/11 Coach Outing to Poppy Factory (including lunch) 27/10/11 Coffee Morning followed by Bring & Buy Sale 11/11/11 Holiday: Thursford Christmas Spectacular, Burlington Hotel, Sheringham (with 1 excursion) 11-13 November

London - Fulham SW5, SW6 & SW10 Mrs Grace Phillipson CHAIRMAN Waterford House, Waterford Road, Fulham First Wednesday of the month at 10.15am. Please contact Fellowship Office (020 8691 7411) for further details.

London - Hendon Harry Hunt SECRETARY 020 8202 7647 Various venues each month for lunch - phone Secretary for details First Thursday of every month at 12.30pm 11/09/11 Holiday to Derbyshire Dales and Peak District staying at The Derbyshire Hotel for 7 days, fully inclusive price £370. 14/11/11 Holly and Mistletoe Festive Break at Warners, Lowestoft for 5 days, fully inclusive price £303. If you are interested in either of the above holidays, please contact Mrs C Brooks on 020 8868 9524 or 07929 185698.

London - Southbank SE17 Joy Creamer CHAIRPERSON 020 7407 2332 Penrose Tenants Hall, Penrose Estate, Walworth Second Wednesday of each month at 10am

London - Stockwell SW8 & SW9 Mr D Stannard SECRETARY 020 7720 0982 Job Centre Plus Offices, 246 Stockwell Road, Brixton Fourth Thursday of each month at 2pm

London - Streatham & Norbury - SW16 Mrs J E Winter SECRETARY 020 8764 6450 The Glebe Sheltered Housing Complex, Prentis Road, Streatham Second Tuesday of each month at 2pm 13/09/11 Quiz Afternoon - don’t worry, it’s just a bit of fun! 11/10/11 A Beetle Drive - you must remember this game! It’s all on your throw of the dice and you may win a prize. 08/11/11 AGM (2.15-3.15pm) followed by our annual Bring & Buy Sale (no clothing please)

Maidstone Keith Hunter CHAIRMAN 01622 746792 Methodist Church Centre, Brewer Street, Maidstone Second Monday of the month at 2pm 12/09/11 Memories of a Magistrate - Yvonne Morgan 10/10/11 A Lucky Life - George Edwards 14/11/11 Christmas Fayre, Quiz and Raffle

North/South Harrow Mrs Margaret Pickard SECRETARY 020 8866 5708 St. Albans Church Hall, Norwood Drive, North Harrow Last Tuesday of the month at 2pm (except Dec) 11/09/11 Holiday to Derbyshire Dales and Peak District staying at The Derbyshire Hotel for 7 days, fully inclusive price £370. 14/11/11 Holly and Mistletoe Festive Break at Warners, Lowestoft for 5 days, fully inclusive price £303. If you are interested in either of the above holidays, please contact Mrs C Brooks on 020 8868 9524 or 07929 185698.

Orpington Sid Towner CHAIRMAN 01689 838567

The Memorial Hall, Methodist Church, Sevenoaks Road, Orpington Second Friday in the month at 1.45pm 09/09/11 Quiz 14/10/11 Seatrials and Tribulations - Mr Lauder 11/11/11 Bring & Buy

Romney Marsh Mrs Win Owen CHAIRPERSON 01797 362598 The Assembly Rooms, Church Approach, New Romney Second Wednesday of each month at 10am 07/09/11 Outing to Montreuil, France via the tunnel 14/09/11 Living with the Ghosts of the Tower Brian D’Arcy, ex Yeoman Warder and Curator Crown Jewels 12/10/11 The Politeness of Princes - Imogen Corrigan 09/11/11 Hallsands, the village that fell into the sea - Dr Geoff Turner

Sanderstead & Selsdon Ralph Perryman SECRETARY 020 8657 3487 Selsdon Centre for the Retired, 132 Addington Road, Selsdon, South Croydon Second Thursday of the month at 2.30pm 08/09/11 The Beauty of Leather - Mr E Newman 13/10/11 London 1900-1914 - Mr M Gilbert 10/11/11 Godstone and the Bay Pond Reserve Mr P Fernee

South East Middlesex Mrs June Brown SECRETARY 020 8891 4680 Various venues Various dates and times 06/09/11 Canal Cruise through the Chilterns and visit to Great Missenden 05/10/11 Kenwood House and St. Albans 02/11/11 Autumn Social - Ploughman’s Lunch and Dessert (all for £5) at All Hallows Church Hall, Erncroft Way, Twickenham

Staines Dorothy Dib SECRETARY 01784 441990 Various restaurants for lunch Third Tuesday of each month

Sutton Peter Hodson CHAIRMAN 020 8643 5402 Friends Meeting House, 10 Cedar Road, Sutton Monday afternoons 2.00 - 3.45pm 12/09/11 An Outing to Chiswick House and its Gardens 26/09/11 Behind the Scenes at TV Quiz Shows talk by Mrs Powell 13/10/11 Afternoon Tea at the Rubens Hotel, Victoria with an optional visit to the Royal Mews (tbc) 31/10/11 Lester Bowden, the well known Epsom Outfitters - talk by Brian Chilman 10/11/11 Informal Lunch (venue and date tbc)

Worcester Park Peter Tharby CHAIRMAN 020 8337 7423 Old Malden Scout Hall, 411 Malden Road, Worcester Park First Monday each month at 2.00-4.00pm (If Bank Holiday, then second Monday) 05/09/11 Sandra Winter with her Hand Bells - a classical programme from a classic lady 03/10/11 Hosting Chernobyl Children: Experiences of a Host Family - slides and talk by Pauline & Keith Childs 07/11/11 Fund Raising Day - Raffles, Bring & Buy and a Fun Team Quiz AUTUMN 2011


the last word


favourite things…

Singer, actress and now business woman with her own popular skincare line (Time Bomb) Lulu has always been a positive role model



Wuthering Heights: This is such a classic of literature – it creates a fully functioning, complete world and while you are reading it you are fully engrossed in it and feel as if you are living in this world until the last page! I also love Jane Austen and think these authors take you on a very powerful journey. And what can I say; I am also a bit of a romantic!



I don’t have just one but “Dr. Zhivago” is way up there: I am a big fan of David Lean – I love his sense of space and majesty. As in Lawrence of Arabia, the landscape is so immense in Dr Zhivago it is like a main character in the film! I was so engrossed and overwhelmed when I saw it first – the scenery brings huge drama to the film and set against the more personal yet universal love story it is just a beautifully constructed film. And again, as a romantic, who would not love Dr Zhivago and the beautiful Julie Christie?


City/ Destination

Glasgow: I have so many great memories from there. Glasgow is of course my hometown and I am still very

being difficult to win over but if they like you, there is nothing like their warmth, generosity and response.



Monet’s “The Main Path Through the Garden at Giverny” I love to gaze at this painting and find that I have no trouble imagining myself there! I can almost smell the air and the flowers. It brings on a meditative state where you become very aware of the heart within. I would love to visit this spot and plan to do it at some point – I am very drawn to the idea of walking up that path and meditating there.

Scottish at heart. I love Glasgow’s vibrancy, architecture, sense of fun and spirit. I get back there when I can and when I play there, it is always a very special occasion. The Glasgow audience is well known for

SPECIAL MEMBER OFFER Lulu is very kindly offering all CSRF members a special discount on her skincare line, Time Bomb. From 20 August – 20 October, CSRF Members can take advantage of a 20% discount for any purchases from the skincare line.


for living life, whatever your age, so we were more than delighted when she found time to list some of her favourite things…






Purple: Although it can be a tricky colour to wear I feel that I am lucky that I am able to wear it. It is such a rich, dramatic colour and it has religious and spiritual undertones – which gives it a sense of occasion. I am very drawn to the colour purple.

Dogs: Especially my Westie Clyde. I have had Westies for a long time and sadly beautiful Bonnie recently passed on. They are very loving, lovely dogs and I love to walk with Clyde. It’s lovely coming home after a long day to have Clyde wag his little tail in over-excitement at seeing me!

Lulu’s Time Bomb is available at QVC, Fenwick and on

To take advantage of this offer members need to use the code avanti20 when placing their order online at or call 0844 800 1694

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