Summer 2012

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The Games returns to London Call of the wild

See wild animals in their natural habitat

alternative FITNESS

Get involved in the latest trends


Advice on beginning a second career

PAINFULLY SHY Explaining social phobia

PLUS: U3A • NICHOLAS PARSONS • CULTURE • OFFERS • GROUP NEWS • POSTBAG • BOOKS Supported By The Civ il S er v ice Insurance S ociet y C h a r it y Fu n d

The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Suite 2, 80A Blackheath Road, London SE10 8DA t: 020 8691 7411 f: 020 8692 2386 e: w: A charity registered in England and Wales No 255465 and in Scotland No SC039049 and a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No 6297479

The magazine has been produced with financial support from


Editor’s Letter There is a second part of the official title for this year’s European year that has not benefitted from as much PR (largely due to its length!) and that is ‘Solidarity across generations’. It was hotly debated at Age UK’s annual Later in Life Conference this year and is a message that is of paramount importance to The CSRF’s member recruitment drive.

So how can we strengthen greater understanding between generations and work towards changing some of the stereotypes held by old and young? The Fellowship has been at the heart of this debate for the past few years as the charity seeks to re-engage with the current generation of serving civil servants and prove that it has both a relevant and essential role as a civil service welfare body. The departmental meetings, events, exhibitions, e-newsletters, new member services and support initiatives are, in my view, all indicative of that. From the team at Fellowship Office to the volunteers who run the social groups, there is an army of people out there who deserve far greater recognition. I see the hard work and commitment to this first hand as avanti Editor and I hope that this is supported by anybody who is able to help protect the long term future of this wonderful charity. As usual I look forward to hearing your feedback and hope you enjoy the issue,

is published by Square7 Media Ltd, 3 More London Riverside, London SE1 2RE t: 020 3283 4055 e:

Contents 4-8, Front Desk 11, 12 The latest news from the Fellowship Office and Chief Executive’s message.

Publisher: Gaynor Garton e: Advertising: e: Editor: David Tickner Contact the Editor By mail: Write to the Fellowship Office address above Email: Tel: 020 8691 7411 Designer: Charlotte Morgan

©2012. avanti Magazine is published by Square7 Media Ltd on behalf of the Civil Service Retirement Fellowship (CSRF). All rights reserved. CSRF and the publishers declare that any publication of any advertisement does not carry their endorsement or sponsorship of the advertiser or their products unless so indicated. Contributions are invited and, whether or not accepted, submissions will be returned only is accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope. No responsibility can be taken for drawings, photographs or literary contributions during transmission or while in the publisher’s hands. Proof of receipt is no guarantee of appearance. In the absence of an agreement, the copyright of all contributions, literary, photographic or artistic belongs to CSRF. This publication (or any part thereof) may not be reproduced, transmitted or stored in print or electronic format (including, but not limited to, any online service, database or part of the internet), or in any other format in any media whatsoever, without the prior written permission of Square7 Media Ltd. CSRF and Square7 Media accept no liability for the accuracy of the contents or any other opinions expressed herein. The views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the official views of CSRF.

15 Fresh Start With growing numbers of civil servants facing retirement or redundancy, we consider how to start a second career.

20 Painfully Shy Martin Sayers investigates the little known condition of social phobia.

22 Olympic Hat-trick As London prepares to host the Summer Olympics for an historic third time we consider how 2012 compares to 1908 and 1948.

26 Sporting Alternative Try out some of these alternative ways to improve your fitness.

28 A World of Possibilities

37 Leisure Life The latest book, film and culture reviews.


42 Coffee Time Fun titbits, trivia and the everpopular prize crossword!


46 Postbag Your letters and views.

49 Group Focus Group reports and news from around the country.

54-61 The Planner Find out what your local group is up to.

62 My Favourite Things With the legendary Nicholas Parsons.

U3A National Chairman Ian Searle explores the world of U3A.

31 C all of the Wild Enjoy wildlife in their natural habitat with our special travel focus on wildlife holidays.


22 SUMMER 2012


front desk from the chief executive Words by Jean Cooper

It hardly seems possible that we’re already five months into the year! With all the activities going on at Fellowship Office it feels as though we should be at least in October by now.

I’m very grateful to all those members and groups who have responded positively to my request for help with member recruitment and been in touch to request recruitment leaflets. Please keep up the good work – any support you can give to our national push to drive membership up is welcome. If you need any help with this then please contact one of the team here who will be able to provide you with promotional materials and leaflets. The Phone Buddy scheme is now fully up and running with a lot of members already benefitting from their buddy’s calls. Our team attended a course run by the National Mentoring and Befriending Foundation about telephone friendship schemes and was very pleased to receive positive feedback about the scheme. A lot of hard work and planning has been put into to making this


Summer 2012

Life Member

Appeal Update

Dear Friend,

I’m writing my letter this issue after returning from the Civil Service Live event in Belfast, where I met our Honorary Vice President Dr Malcolm McKibbin (pictured with me). This was the first of a number of events we will be participating in during 2012 that are a central part of our ongoing campaign to boost member recruitment and publicity. As we regrettably no longer benefit from receiving details of those coming up for retirement anymore, events such as Civil Service Live provide us with an essential opportunity to keep the work of the Fellowship on the departmental radar and explore ways in which we can best serve the needs of the next generation of retirees.

The latest news from Fellowship Office

work for you. You can still get involved – so if you or any member you may know would be interested in either Wanting A Buddy or Being A Buddy then contact Belinda or one of the team at Fellowship for more information on how to register. It was thanks to the extremely generous donations we received from last year’s Life Member appeal that we were able to launch the Phone Buddy scheme. I know how important services are and with another year of success in fundraising I am hopeful we will be able to add more new initiatives that can benefit members. You can help us with your input by taking some time to fill out our survey on Page 8. There is a small prize for the first five drawn. If you have any fundraising ideas to help us raise money then do let us know – the more the better! The team at Fellowship Office is leading the way with another sponsored walk – so please consider sponsoring them or making a donation and spread the word to all of your family and friends. You can request a sponsorship form from the office or download a copy from the website too, and our funds will be increased by a further 25% from gift aid if you are a tax payer. This issue has an Olympic theme to and it was great to read some of your memories of

Your support of this fundraising appeal last year has made a huge difference to what we are able to do now. Thank you. If you have not made a contribution then you still can by sending your cheque (made payable to ‘The CSRF’) to Member Appeal, The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship, FREEPOST SE4414, London SE10 8BP. Or alternatively you can make a donation online at or by text to CSRF01 (along with the amount you wish to donate – e.g. £10) to 70070. All donations are extremely appreciated and every little bit really does help. You can also make a regular donation by signing up to a direct debit or deduction from your Civil Service Pension. You can download a direct debit form from our website, or call Fellowship Office to request a copy on 020 8691 7411

being involved with the 1948 Olympics. If any of you are volunteering for the 2012 Olympics then do share your experiences with us along with any pictures you take of the occasion. Also don’t forget to also share any pictures of any Diamond Jubilee celebrations you might be involved with too in your local community. Last month, I visited the wonderful exhibition at the Victoria & Albert museum of Cecil Beaton’s portraits of the HM The Queen which was very inspiring. I hope you enjoy this issue, we carry advertising and inserts to help fund the publishing costs so please do consider responding to the adverts if relevant, and please mention avanti where possible.

Yours in friendship and fellowship,

Chief Executive of CSSC retires Marian Holmes OBE became Chief Executive of the Civil Sports Council in 1997 and has been on secondment as an Inspector of Taxes from the Inland Revenue where her career has included managing tax offices. A keen sportswoman, playing tennis, netball and squash at county level, she has made an invaluable contribution to the strength of the CSSC throughout her time as Chief Executive. Marian has been a long-term supporter of our work and we wish her all the very best.

WANT A BUDDY, BE A BUDDY Since launching at the beginning of the year we’re pleased to report that the participation in the Telephone Befriending Scheme continues to grow. Since our last issue all of our initial matches have been completed and calls have already taken place between buddies. We have also made follow up calls to buddies and call receivers to get




their feedback after the initial call. The team at Fellowship Office attended a day course run by the Mentoring and Befriending Foundation last month that was designed to give advice and support to any organisation running a befriending service. Our scheme was given very positive feedback from all those attending the course. Whatever your age you can sign up to either make or receive a call – all details will be treated in the strictest confidence or perhaps you know a member who might benefit from a regular call. So let us help each other to beat social isolation and take the first step by signing up. Remember those making a call can be reimbursed for the telephone call costs. To register your interest contact Fellowship Office on 020 8691 7411 or email: with ‘Phone Buddy’ in the subject line or fill out the interest form on the CSRF website,

Community Networks pilot We have teamed up with Community Networks to run a pilot group telephone friendship scheme for CSRF members in the London area. The scheme is supported by the City of London Bridge project and will take the form of a telephone-based group allowing members to chat to each other via the telephone. Topics can range from sports to books, politics to life in general. Each group is ‘chaired’ by a telephone facilitator who is on hand to make sure

the conversation flows and everybody gets time to talk. If successful we will look at extending the project to other parts of the UK. If you are based in the Inner or Outer London area and would like to register your interest in participating in the group telephone friendship pilot then please contact Fellowship Office on 020 8691 7411 or email:



New identity for the Benevolent Fund Following research into the needs and requirements of their supporters and beneficiaries, The Civil Service Benevolent Fund have changed their name to The Charity for Civil Servants. They also have a new website,

Returning to the workplace! Eric Marsh from our Evesham group wrote in with an interesting idea that might help the ongoing push for new member recruitment. As most of you have worked somewhere in the Civil Service at some time you could return to your old place of work to speak to the offices about making information about the Fellowship available to staff. If anybody is interested in taking up this challenge, Fellowship Office can help by providing you with appropriate publicity materials.

The Devil’s in Your Detail Your personal information is valuable, so, protect it! This is the main theme of a new campaign launched by the National Fraud Authority, Telecommunications UK Fraud Forum (TUFF) and Financial Fraud Action UK. The Devil’s in Your Details aims to raise awareness of the importance of protecting personal information and remind the public to check who they share their details with is genuine, whether this be on the phone, in person or online. It encourages consumers to suspect anyone or anything they are uncertain about, to keep asking questions and to challenge or end an engagement if it feels uncomfortable. If you encounter any fraud or Internet crime, make sure you report it directly to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 Summer 2012



fundraising Where in the world is our pig? As you will have noticed over the past few issues the CSRF piggies have been popping up all over the place. You can help us raise funds and receive one of our pigs very easily and don’t forget once you’ve adopted your pig, share your pictures with other members via our very own Pig Tales page on the CSRF website. Why not see if you can see where pig is this month by

entering the prize competition on p34? All you need to do is make a minimum donation of £5 to the CSRF and we will send you a pig of your very own! Send your cheque made payable to ‘The CSRF’ to Pig Tales Donation, The CSRF, Suite 2, 80A Blackheath Road, London SE10 8DA or you can order online and receive your pig at

‘On your bike’ - at an Expo event run by DECC

Don’t forget Giveacar We have received a number of donations via the Giveacar scheme over the past few months. Don’t forget if you decide to clear out your garage and send an old car to the scrapyard please consider using the Giveacar scheme as we can benefit from receiving a percentage of the scrap value of the car. The scheme is simple: first you contact Giveacar to arrange a free collection of the car on 020 0011 1664 (don’t forget to nominate the CSRF as the benefitting charity) and they will do the rest. Anyone can also find out more online at


Summer 2012


Sponsored Walk Fellowship Office staff are once again showing their support of The CSRF by undertaking another sponsored walk around Whitehall and Westminster. We would love to double the amount we raised last year to £5,000. So the more support we receive from you the better – don’t forget to ask your friends and family to make a donation or sponsor the walkers! Any donation however large or small makes a big difference to the Fellowship’s work and we will benefit from Gift Aid too. Sponsored walk forms are available to download from the Members’ area of the CSRF website or alternatively call 020 8691 7411 to request a copy

Legacy giving

The next couple of years promise to be a challenge for us financially with the big cuts in our grant in aid. So please consider nominating the Fellowship for a charitable legacy in your will and help our work to continue for many years to come. Any contribution whether large or small will make a positive difference to the Fellowship’s ability to both maintain and expand its range of services. If you’d like to find out more about leaving a legacy or writing a Will then contact Fellowship Office to request our free information sheet on legacies or you can download it direct from the members’ area on the CSRF website

volunteering There are many ways which you can get involved with the Fellowship as a volunteer from helping out at an event to fundraising locally on our behalf. Another particularly important area is the work carried out by our volunteer visitors/welfare officers around the country. Their work on a local level provides a vital link between the Fellowship and those members who for whatever reason are not able to get along to a social group.

A recent survey carried out by Fellowship Office identified just how much work these volunteers do and three ladies in particular deserve special mention: Mrs Leonora Sanderson, Miss Elizabeth Graves and Mrs Gillian Barker who between them carried out over 400 ‘visits’ in 2011. So in recognition of their hard work we caught up with them to find out a bit more about why they got involved.

Mrs Leonora Sanderson Blackpool & Poulton group Carried out over 200 visits in 20ll “I’ve been a volunteer visitor for over 11 years and keep in touch with all members within our group area either by telephone or by popping round to deliver details of our activities. It’s extremely rewarding. I undertake a lot of volunteering work for a number of organisations in the Blackpool area and combined they keep my brain and body active.” Miss Elizabeth Graves Dumfries & Kirkcudbright group Carried out over 150 visits in 2011 “I used to work for the Tax Office in Kendal, Chester and Lancaster and when I moved to this area I got involved with my local church as a good way of meeting people. My visits to CSRF members are always interesting and they have a two-sided benefit as I get as much out of the experience as they do. We have a laugh and good time and the members are always pleased to see you.” Mrs Gillian Barker Basingstoke group Carried out 52 visits in 2011 “Although I stood down earlier this year, I thoroughly enjoyed my time as a visitor/welfare officer. I was able to keep up with all the members in our area and provide an important link between them and our group; updating attending members if someone was not well or in need of some company. I will still be working with our committee to make sure the visiting/welfare officer remains at the heart of our group activities.”

E-Newsletter If you have access to a computer then why not sign up to receive our regular e-newsletter, which is full of the latest news from headquarters and our national group network. It’s easy to do – just visit the home page of our website at www. and enter your email address in the box marked ‘Email sign up’. Once you’ve clicked to confirm you will see a confirmation message on screen that says ‘you have successfully signed up for the newsletter’ and then each time we send out an e-newsletter you will receive it in your email inbox. If you experience any problems trying to sign up then contact Belinda Stalker on 020 8469 9194 or email:

Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organisation. We are always on the lookout for people wanting to get involved. If you’d like to find out more call Fellowship Office on 020 8691 7411, email: or visit Summer 2012


member survey


We’re considering the possibility of launching a health line for members and your responses will help us to decide whether or not to go ahead with this initiative. So please complete the form and return it FREEPOST to the address below. We’re offering five £10 M&S gift vouchers for the first five lucky members drawn out of the hat after the closing date (29 June 2012). You can choose to send back this survey with or without your details.

1. Within which age range are you?

Up to 30 31-45 46-55 56-70 70 and above

2. Would you be interested in a dedicated health phone line? If yes, what information/support would you be interested in? Health information and advice Medicines advice Signposting to appropriate forms of healthcare Other. Please detail: .................................. .................................. ..................................

3. Would you be interested in a dedicated wellbeing phone line?

If yes, what information/support would you be interested in? Wellbeing Lifestyle Smoking Weight Alcohol Mental health Other. Please detail: .................................. .................................. ..................................

4. If a health and/or wellbeing phone line was established, what types of things would you call about? Please detail… .................................. .................................. ..................................

events CS LIVE BELFAST Chief Executive Jean Cooper and National Chairman John Barker joined Honorary Vice President & Head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service Dr Malcolm McKibbin at the Waterfront Hall in Belfast for CS Live Belfast, an event put on for all Northern Ireland Civil Service staff. The CSRF manned a stall throughout the day, which provided a great opportunity to promote the activities of all our Northern Ireland groups and raise awareness of the Fellowship as a whole.

5. What hours of availability would you be interested in?

9 – 5 weekdays 9 – 5 weekdays and weekends 24 hours weekdays 24x7x365

6. Would you be interested in other personalised methods of delivering health and wellbeing information?

If yes, in what format? Website Apps Magazine Other. Please detail: .................................. .................................. ..................................

7. Can you think of any other member services you would find beneficial? .................................. .................................. .................................. ..................................

To enter the prize draw, please fill in your details and return your completed form using the following FREEPOST address: CSRF Survey, FREEPOST SE4414, London SE10 8BP by 29 June 2012. All replies will be treated with total confidentiality.

NAME: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADDRESS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................................................................ ........................................................................

8 Summer. .2012 POSTCODE: . . . . . . . . . . . . EMAIL: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Volunteers Beverley Allen (left) and Banbridge group secretary Michael Wailes (with wife Mary) and Chief Executive Jean Cooper (right)


We will be having a stand at the 50+ Shows in London and Glasgow later this year so why not come along and meet the team. Check out the special offer for tickets on page 30. The London event is from 3-5 July at Olympia and the Glasgow show is on 9-10 November at the SECC.

get involved

We have a number of events taking place around the UK during the course of this year. If you are interested in helping out on a CSRF stall at a local event then please contact Fellowship Office to register your interest, travel and subsistence can be claimed.


European Year of Active Ageing well underway Since officially launching earlier this year the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations has seen a whole host of initiatives being pledged by organisations across the country. Our photography competition (in association with the NHS Retirement Fellowship) is just one of a whole variety of projects that has been accepted as an initiative. You can see a full list of all of them on the official website http://europa. eu/ey2012 but there were a couple of new initiatives that particularly caught our eye: -

Learn with Grandma’s new SOS Card Learn with Grandma is a not for profit company that was formed by Valerie Wood-Gaiger MBE after she heard the story of how a 4 year old boy saved his grandma’s life by ringing 999 when she had

a heart attack. The SOS card is something colourful and easy for a child to refer to in case of emergency. For more information visit - if anybody would like to request a copy of the card please contact Fellowship Office

Wise Owls This not for profit social enterprise employment agency was set up in 1999 to help older people get back into training or meaningful employment through the provision of IAG, employability training, work placement and job matching. It also helps employers and employees of all ages with NVQ training through Train to Gain both as an accredited OCR NVQ centre and as the lead body in a T2G consortium. Find out more by calling 020 7278 8553 or visit For more career advice see our feature starting on page 15

Entente Cordiale As part of a pilot scheme to encourage our groups and branches to work closer together, representatives from The CSRF and NHS Retirement Fellowship in South Wales met up at two events held in Newport and Swansea last month. Conversation flowed throughout the event providing everyone with a chance to swap numbers, programmes and advice with a view to exploring future ways the CSRF groups and NHSRF branches can work closer together in Wales. John Toman (the NHSRF Fellowship Officer for Wales) hosted the events with David Tickner. They were also attended by Board members John Lloyd and Sylvia Edgell. Similar joint events are being considered in other parts of the country.

ActFAST on Stroke Following the success of their award winning ActFAST campaign, the Department of Health are continuing it throughout this year. The core objectives of the campaign are: - To raise the awareness of the symptoms of stroke with people being able to identify at least one of the leading stroke symptoms within the FAST acronym. - Encourage the public to call 999 immediately if they identify any single one of the leading stroke symptoms. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in England each year and accounts for 10% of deaths. It is also the leading cause of adult disability in England after heart disease and cancer. ActFAST stands for:

FROM TOP: Members of the CSRF Whitchurch, Llanishen and Caerphillly groups and NHSRF Cardiff and Gwent branches at the Celtic Manor Hotel in Newport; Members of the CSRF Swansea and Neath Port Talbot groups and NHSRF West Glamorgan branch at the Marriott Swansea.

F for Face (has their face fallen on one side? Can they smile?) A for Arms (can they raise both arms and keep them there?) S for Speech (is their speech slurred?) T for Time to call 999 (if you see any single one of these signs) Summer 2012



member activities Solving your computer & I.T. problems Don’t forget to make full use of our new member helpline for computer and IT advice. BC Technologies provide the service and are on hand to assist with any enquiry you may have. The service is completely FREE (except for the cost of your phone call) and easily accessible via email or by telephone. To contact the CSRF Computer Advice line: Tel: 01369 706656 (please note: the telephone line operates from Mon-Fri 9am-5pm only) or email:

Our inaugural golf tour tees off next week with the first event in Northern Ireland. There is still time for members to get involved – the dates/venues of the Tour are as follows: have been running the avanti theatre club for some time now and offer regularly updated deals on West End shows in London as well as discounts on hotels and restaurants. We have also entered a partnership with the Ambassadors Theatre Group who is the country’s largest theatre owner. They offer a whole raft of ticket discounts on productions at their theatres across the country. Both theatre clubs are accessible via the Members’ area of the CSRF website – click the required icon and you will be able to see all the selected offers available. If you do not have access to the Internet and would like to find out more information then please contact Fellowship Office on 020 8691 7411

Summer 2012

Expand and share your love of literature with our new Book Club, which will offer you the chance to share your love of literature with other members. In addition to this there will be a special Book Club website that will include special member offers and discounts, news of literary events around the country along with other recommended books for you to consider. Access to the club is free for all full members of both the CSRF and the NHSRF and if you don’t have access to the Internet, advice and tips on how to set up your own local book club are available on request as well.

Final Call for Golf and Photography

Theatre, hotel and restaurant deals


Love of Literature

Tues 22 May 2012 Northern Ireland: Moyola Golf Club, Castledawson, County Londonderry Thurs 24 May 2012 Scotland: Uphall Golf Club, West Lothian Thurs 31 May 2012 North England: Matlock Golf Club, Matlock, Derbyshire Thurs 7 June 2012 South England: Studley Wood Golf Club, Studley (nr.Oxford) Weds 20 June 2012 Wales: Llandrindod Wells Golf Club, Powys Friday 29 June 2012 Final: Warwickshire Golf Club, Warwick The cost is only £25.00 for existing members.

2012 Photography Competition Entry to the 2012 Photography competition closes on 31 May; so if you are intending to enter please make sure your entries are submitted as soon as possible. Don’t forget, the theme of the competition is ‘active ageing’ and how you interpret it is up to you. If any member would like to sign up for the Tour, Photography Competition or Book Club please contact Fellowship Office or register your interest using the sign up form in the members’ area of the CSRF website.


fresh With growing numbers of civil servants facing retirement or redundancy, we consider how you might start a second career. Words by Paul Allen


or the majority of our lives, the question ‘What do you do?’ refers to one thing: work. That employment has become shorthand for our very existence says much about the security, comfort and status that jobs can provide. Conversely, it is unsurprising that unemployment or early retirement can have a seismic impact on our sense of identity. Beyond the many psychological challenges of retirement however, there is often a more pressing concern for those of pensionable age – finance. For an increasing number of us, the rosy retirement cliché of occasional charity work or hacking around the local golf course is simply not an option.

START  As the value of pensions and investments has plummeted, so interest rates have fallen. Far from being rewarded for their prudence, many savers now receive negligible benefit from their bank accounts. At the same time, we are all living longer – and therefore needing to plan even greater contingencies for our later years. So how do you get back on the career ladder once your employer has decided that your working life is officially over? It is an increasingly important question, especially for those in the civil service. With the current squeeze on government funding, the breaking up of public departments and increasing outsourcing to the private sector, civil servants have been among the first to feel the effects of the downturn. Thankfully, for those facing redundancy or already retired, the end of a career in the civil service doesn’t have to mean the end of a working life. In fact, it could be the start of a new and even more rewarding chapter. The key, says Corinne Mills, MD of Personal Career Management, is “reality checking”. Some people, she says, will immediately try to jump into a very similar role, while others will look for a more senior position. From the start, SUMMER 2012



it is important to understand your strengths and weaknesses and be “realistic about your aims.” As our second career examples show, your next job could be something completely different. However, even if you’re dreaming of opening a shop or even starring on the stage, it is worth drawing parallels between your old and your new employer – whether it’s experience of managing teams or working across different sites, it is important to draw out the transferable skills from years of experience. For many, the acquired knowledge from this experience is one reason why they prefer to start up their own enterprises. Recent statistics show that there was a 19 per cent rise in businesses started by retirement age entrepreneurs in 2011, and this boom in “silver start-ups” shows no sign of slowing. The beauty of becoming your own boss is that you are also free to decide on a completely new direction. However, Sarah Byrne, online editor at Careershifters, an organisation which specialises in helping individuals start new careers in often very different industries, says that even if you’re looking to try something different, it’s still worth mining your contacts for advice and guidance. “If you want to start your own business and/or go freelance, review your contacts and network people who are selfemployed, working in a way that you may consider,” she says. “They may be able to give you some advice on how to get started. Review your experience and skills from your work in the civil service – what services or knowledge could you provide people with as an independent consultant? “Think of external organisations you may have worked with whilst in the civil service: is there scope for you to work with them in a freelance capacity?” The underlining advice is that if you investigate and exploit every work opportunity, you never know what could be around the corner. You may not achieve the fame or fortune of former civil servant turned Dracula author Bram Stoker or comedian and actor Paul Merton, but the evidence shows that it is never too late to start a second career.



moving on

Second career specialists, Careershifters, share their Top 5 tips for civil servants looking to find new employment.

• Expect to feel emotional during

and after retirement. Whilst you may feel relief, you may also feel some grief and uncertainty. Consider the support you could put in place to help deal with these emotions - such as a mentor or coach, regular exercise regime, and a pro-active plan to move towards your next job or venture.

• Take stock of your career

direction. Now you have retired, is this an opportunity to change course to pursue something more fulfilling? Consider what you would like your next career to look like - are you drawn to selfemployment/starting a business, or finding employment in a new sector? Do you want to build on your previous career, shifting to another company, or do you want to try something very different?

• Assess both your immediate and

long-term priorities and needs. You may need to find work immediately for financial reasons which could mean finding contract work in your old career field, or building up freelance work based on your area of expertise. This can be an interim measure while you explore your career options and move into a new career direction.

You may also want to create a financial plan or budget for the year ahead, so you know exactly how much income you need, and what you can afford to spend on retraining or start-up costs.

• Use your time to explore your

options. You might not know what to do next. If you can afford to, allow yourself some time out. You might want to travel, or give yourself a few months to indulge in your passions/hobbies. Explore potential work ideas on a small scale, such as attending a drop-in class or lining up informational interviews with people whose jobs you find interesting. Trying things out can help you decide which direction to go in.

• Network and seek out others

who have successfully moved into the sector(s) you are considering changing career to. Not only will this motivate you, it can also help you tap into opportunities and advice. Networking can introduce you to people who have careers you may never have even considered, and will expand your ideas of what could be possible.

o find out more about Careershifters, T visit:


We profile four former civil servants who moved on to successful second careers.

Showbiz Paul Merton’s first and only career move outside of show business was the civil service. He first joined the civil service in the 1970s, working for the Tooting employment office and writing scripts in his spare time. He hasn’t forgotten the lessons learned working for the civil service. To be good at comedy improvisation, for example, he says that you have to know how to listen, something which he learned back at Tooting. “I was trained in the art of interviewing by the civil service, and it requires listening,” he recalls. After quitting the civil service, Merton pursued his boyhood dream of being a comedian. His big television breakthrough as a television performer came in 1988 as a result of the improvised comedy Whose Line is it Anyway? Today, he is a multi-award winning comedian and one of Britain’s most popular radio and TV personalities.

Perrin’s progress William Perrin was an ultra highachieving civil servant, so it’s no surprise that his second career has been equally impressive. In his own words, “My civil service career was fantastically varied – from the Department of Trade and Industry to Downing Street. I was Private Secretary and Policy advisor to Prime Minister Tony Blair, Chair of the OECD Expert Group on e-government, I commissioned and delivered the Power of Information work that kicked off government interest in open data and as one of the creators of OFCOM I remain interested in the media regulation scene.” As if to underline his political neutrality, his next step was to help launch PM David Cameron’s ‘Big Society’ agenda, and this is a clue to his burning passion – community action. Today, he has left the civil service behind to run Talk About Local, an organisation, which “helps people find a powerful online voice for their community that they own and run”. They do this by providing helpful toolkits, training local trainers embedded in local communities or holding bigger workshops with local people. Find out more at:

Caring change

After working for Cadw, the Welsh Government’s historic environment service, for more than 20 years, Paul Massey decided to take the plunge and set up his own business. After leaving the civil service, Massey decided to gain new qualifications to help him follow an entirely new career path. After researching support available in South Wales, he received funding for a number of courses. Today, the biochemistry graduate from Caerphilly is a fully qualified and accredited therapist. He received a Level 3 Diploma in reflexology and Indian head massage whilst studying at Coleg Morgannwg in Nantgarw. Massey Holistic is now trading having already worked on more than 50 clients including a number of ex-colleagues in Cadw. His company offers a range of therapies that treat the individual as a whole on all levels – mind, body and spirit.

Top shop

“I was a civil servant for almost 28 years, but I’d always wanted to do something a bit more creative,” says Barbara Oliver, founder and owner of Fern Avenue, a stylish interior furnishings, fashion and art shop in Newcastle. After leaving the civil service in 2005, she initially set up a small mobile boutique business. Her success came mostly through word of mouth, and a year later she found suitable premises for a permanent shop. Today, Fern Avenue sells everything from antique furniture and tapestries to contemporary furniture, handbags, jewellery, clothes, shoes, soft furnishings, artwork and other accessories for the home. “I didn’t want just an ordinary shop, but rather somewhere that other people could use to promote their businesses without high costs and overheads,” says Barbara. “We’re trying to offer an exclusive and eclectic mix of top-end products that you can’t ordinarily find on the High Street”.

talk to us Have you started a new career since retiring or leaving the civil service? Share your experiences with other members and help those approaching retirement with some inspiration. Send your letters to the Editor using the Fellowship Office address at the front of the magazine or email: SUMMER 2012



Ever wished you’d chosen a different career? And if so what would it be? We decided to find the answer by asking members from the Lancaster & Morecambe and Attleborough groups:

If I could do it all again, I would be a ... Anne Griffiths Nurse “It’s a career that allows you the chance to help others.”

Lynn Willan Trombone Player “I love bands and in particular the sound made by the trombone.”

Mary Oakley Estate Agent “I love houses and property.” Angela Furness Singer “I’d love to be able to stand up and give a performance.” John Rogers Art and Design “I love anything to do with art and architecture.” 18


Olive Harrison Pharmacist “This was the job I always wanted to do but I was forbidden from pursuing by my father.” Rodney Furness Train Driver “There’s something very relaxing and enjoyable about driving a train.”

Pat Hunter Explorer “The thought of discovering new lands and enjoying exciting adventures as a job is right up my street.”

Thomas McClenning Footballer “I’m a big fan of QPR, so playing for them would be a dream job!”

Muriel Hollinrake Lion Tamer “I’ve spent years going on safari (and taming my husband) so it seems a perfect career.”

Hilary Pollak Travel Consultant/Guide “I love the idea of being able to help people find a perfect holiday.”

Doreen Parker Holiday Rep “I love travel and the idea of working in that field would be great.”

Martin Claridge Airline Pilot “Flying around the world all the time would be an ideal occupation.”

Patricia Poulter Air Hostess “Nothing could be better than flying all over the world for British Airways.” Vida Pritchard Higher ranked Civil Servant “I’d love to have been a more Senior civil servant.” Joan Daniels Teacher or social worker “I like the idea of doing a job that is rewarding, but couldn’t decide on which to pick.”

Pat Sayer Nurse “I’ve been in and out of hospital quite a bit and seen the hard work that goes into nursing.”

Margaret George Run a handicraft shop “I like anything to do with arts and crafts so owning a shop selling lovely things would be great.”

Barbara Rogers Florist “The idea of being able to bring something nice into people’s lives is very rewarding.”

Barbara Clement Children’s nurse or nanny “Any job involving children would be tremendously rewarding and lots of fun I think.”

talk tous Would you have picked a different career if you could do it all again or perhaps you’ve started something new and exciting since retiring? Share your thoughts with other members and write in to the Editor using the Fellowship Office address at the front of the magazine or email: SUMMER 2012



painfully SHY Martin Sayers investigates the little known condition of social phobia


emember how you felt at your first job interview? Did you have butterflies in your stomach, heart beating like a drum and shaking like a leaf? We’ve all felt like this at some point in our lives and it isn’t pleasant. Now imagine feeling this way about answering the telephone, going into a shop or even simply walking down the street. That is the reality of life for a growing number of people suffering from a condition known as social phobia. Social phobia, or social anxiety disorder,



is a recognised psychological condition that is increasingly affecting the lives of more people across the UK than ever before. It is shyness in a much more extreme form, which causes sufferers to experience an acute fear of any situation that could lead to social embarrassment. Estimates as to how many people suffer from the condition vary - The Royal College of Psychiatrists estimates around 2% of men and 3% of women in the UK, whereas some studies report that 7% to 15% of people will be affected at some stage of their lifetime. It

is estimated that only 5% to 10% of people with social phobia in the UK currently receive treatment, despite studies showing that only a third of sufferers recover without intervention. This is alarming when compared to a 95% natural recovery rate for depression and 80% for panic disorders. Social phobia can be a devastating condition capable of wrecking careers and relationships. Sufferers are unable to progress properly at work due to fear of interviews and meetings and too often find themselves in jobs that involve little or no




contact with others. Similarly, the fear of social situations excludes sufferers from opportunities to meet prospective partners and it is estimated that over half of social phobics remain unmarried. Even when sufferers do manage to form relationships it is difficult for partners to cope if they have no experience of the condition and this often leads to break-ups. Sufferers feel as though they are trapped in a vicious circle as their fears lead them to perform badly in social situations, blushing and stammering when talking to people. These incidents are then played back in the mind again and again giving further reason to avoid social contact whenever possible. Many are deeply lonely and crave company, but their mind tells them that any social interaction will result in deep embarrassment and spoil any pleasure they may gain from the experience. The condition can also lead to a host of other problems - studies show that many sufferers are drawn into alcohol and drug abuse as a way of masking the fear that they experience. Scientists are unclear about the causes of social phobia. Whilst research has shown children as young as two or three exhibiting symptoms, many sufferers can trace their problems back to a certain point in early adulthood. The good news is that social anxiety is treatable and there are ways to deal with the problem without drugs. Mental health charities such as Anxiety UK and Mind offer advice and support to sufferers and encourage them to seek treatment or simply talk about their problems, whilst Adult Education Centres across the country offer self-confidence and assertiveness training courses, both of which can be hugely beneficial to social phobics. The collective term for this sort of treatment is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). It is designed to teach skills in the classroom that come naturally to most -

starting a conversation with a stranger for example. Sufferers are allowed to practice in a non-threatening environment and they gradually build up the confidence to expose themselves to more social situations and put what they have learnt into practice. They are also taught that everybody suffers from shyness to a certain extent, as it is common for a social phobic to believe that they are the only person who feels like that which only increases the sense of isolation. A ground-breaking CBT programme run at Maudsley Hospital in London for people with social phobia has even developed innovative treatments such as going out dressed as a clown – this is designed to prove to people they are not constantly being watched, no matter how ridiculous they may look, and this is in turn encourages them to feel less selfconscious. The help that can be offered to overcome the condition has enabled many of those suffering from social phobia to turn their lives around and help them take the first steps to social engagement with others without feeling the need to hide away, thereby transforming their quality of life. Don't suffer in silence, there is help out there for you!

Want a Buddy, Be a Buddy Since launching at the beginning of the year, our telephone befriending scheme has continued to offer an essential lifeline for anybody house bound or experiencing any form of social isolation. We have matched up ‘buddies’ who are already benefitting from the calls they exchange on a regular basis. If you would like to find out how you can get involved with the scheme either as a volunteer caller or call receiver (The CSRF meets the cost of calls made to a person) then contact the Fellowship Office to request a registration form or alternatively you can register your interest online at

Useful Information Don’t forget - if you have any health concerns (physical or mental) then your first port of call should always be your local GP

Anxiety UK Tel: 08444 775774 Mind Tel: 0300 123 3393 SUMMER 2012




ith London staging the Olympics this summer the eyes of the world is on Britain’s capital, but it is worth remembering that this is actually the third time that London has staged the Games – London also hosted the Olympics in 1908 and 1948 and both these occasions proved to be pivotal moments in modern Olympic history. But how will 2012 compare to the London Games that have gone before and what standards does it have to match up to?


It is difficult to believe, given the huge levels of hype and attention surrounding the present day Olympics, that the London Games of 1908 were part of a movement that barely registered on the world’s collective consciousness. There was even a danger that the noble ideals of Baron Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympics, would fizzle out after a lacklustre and sparsely attended 1904 Games in St. Louis, Missouri. In fact, London 1908 was not even scheduled to take place - Rome had originally been awarded the Games, however a volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 1906 meant that Italy had to



abandon its Olympic plans to divert funds to the decimated city of Naples. Great Britain stepped in to offer London as the new host city. This was at a time when the nation was at the peak of its power - the Empire laid claim to nearly a quarter of the globe and Britain was the world’s economic and military powerhouse. Just over twenty nations took part and surprisingly – given the ongoing sabre-rattling across Europe that would lead to war just six years later – the biggest sporting rivalry was between Britain and the US. The British were horrified by what they saw as the ‘ungentlemanly’ American attitude to sport, whilst the Americans felt the profusion of British officials gave the home athletes an unfair advantage. The tone was set at the opening ceremony when the American captain refused to lower his flag when passing the royal enclosure – declaring that ‘The US flag dips to no earthly king’. The battle between old world and new gripped the imagination of a fiercely patriotic British public and events were packed full of flag waving spectators. Eventually, the British came out on top in the medal table and the Games made headlines across the globe - taking the event from the status of a sporting curiosity to that of a major worldwide event.

Martin Sayers takes a look at how the 1908, 1948 and 2012 Games compare


The 1948 Games once again came at a difficult time for the Olympic movement – Hitler had turned the 1936 Games in Berlin into a Nazi propaganda exercise and then war had led to a twelve-year hiatus. Britain once more stepped in to offer London as host city for 1948, but the decision was at first unpopular with the British public - it was seen as wrong to be holding such an expensive event in the face of so much hardship, with the nation crippled by war debts and still subject to food rationing. Yet the organisers were careful to work to a tight budget and no new building work was authorised, with all events taking place in existing venues. Purpose-built accommodation for athletes was also deemed too expensive and was instead provided in RAF bases, schools and colleges dotted around London. Athletes received nothing more than three meagre meals a day, although Horlicks, one of the sponsors, provided an unlimited supply of its famous hot drink. This wasn’t enough for the US team, which airlifted in daily supplies of enriched flour and fruit to boost its athletes’ diets. Corporate money helped fill the coffers, with companies such as Coca-Cola, Nestle, Gillette and Brylcreem advertising in the official programmes whilst permission to use the Olympic logo was sold for £250 a time.

The British public’s imagination was eventually fired and the Olympics became affectionately known as the ‘Austerity Games’. They were a great success, with strong attendances recorded throughout the Games. London once again set a fantastic example of friendliness and fair play and started an unbroken sequence of quadannual Games that has continued right through to 2012.


In 2012, the Games returns to London in austere times, but this has not stopped organisers pumping money into the Games. The stage has been set for what it is hoped will be another success in the grand tradition of its predecessors. The Games have certainly caught the imagination of the British public once again, with tickets for even traditionally low-key events such as canoeing and volleyball selling out within days of going on sale. A huge programme of building works has seen venues erected across the capital, while competitors and team officials will stay at the purpose-built Olympic Village – a huge complex in east London that provides 17,500 beds and has a dining hall that can cater for 5,500 people at a time. A marked difference from 1908 and 1948 will be the heavy security presence

surrounding the Olympics. At the centre of this will be the biggest military mobilisation seen since the Second Word War – 13,500 troops will be deployed, jets will patrol the skies and an aircraft carrier will be docked in the Thames.

The Paralympics

The origins of the modern Paralympics can be traced to the 1948 London Olympics when Dr Ludwig Guttmann from Stoke Mandeville hospital hosted a sports competition for British World War II veterans with spinal cord injuries. The event was named the International Wheelchair Games and it was from this that the paralympic games was born. The first official Paralympic Games was held in 1960 in Rome with 400 athletes from 23 countries competing. The London 2012 Paralympics will take place from 29 August to 9 September and include competition across twenty different sports. For more information visit

L-R: Victoria Pendleton, Gold Medal winner Beijing 2008, Womens Sprint, Cycle Track; Louis Smith, Bronze Medal winner Beijing 2008, Men’s Pommel Horse; Rebecca Adlington, won Gold in 400m and 800m freestyle swimming; Natasha Danvers, Bronze Medal winner Beijing 2008, Womens 400m hurdles; Ben Ainslie, Gold Medal winner Beijing 2008, Sailing. SUMMER 2012






Main stadium

Olympic Stadium, White City

Wembley Stadium, Wembley

Olympic Stadium, Stratford

Stadium capacity








Competing nations











10500 (approx.)

Leading medal winner

Great Britain 145 medals

USA - 84 medals (Great Britain won 23)


Opened by

King Edward VII

King George VI

Queen Elizabeth II


£12 billion



(£850,000 in 2012 money)

(£20 million in 2012 money)


The Civil Service and the Olympics The Civil Service is playing a vital part in the 2012 Olympics. The government has set up the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA), headed by Sir Roy McNulty – former chairman of the Civil Aviation Authority – to help organise the Games. Classed as part of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, the ODA has an overall budget of £5.3billion with over 300 staff responsible for planning and construction of new venues and infrastructure. The London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) is the body charged with actually staging the Games, but this has been set up by Government as a limited company and is largely privately financed. Planning for 2012 has also seen Londonbased civil servants across all departments being urged to work from home, or walk or cycle to work if possible, for the duration of the Games to help ease transport overcrowding. This level of governmental involvement is in marked contrast to London’s first Games -



the 1908 Olympics were completely privately organised and funded, with no assistance from the state. In 1948 things had changed and the government granted financial assistance to the Olympic Organising and Executive Committees, which employed a body of around 200 temporary staff to help deliver the Games.

talk tous Are you one of the volunteers for this year’s Olympics? We’d love to hear about your Olympic experiences and share with members in our next issue. Send your letters and pictures to the Editor using the Fellowship Office address featured at the front of the magazine or email:

Olympic Memories

Some of our members share their stories

Torch Bearing My husband, Gerry Crocker, was one of the torchbearers on the journey to Torquay, where the sailing events were held. He’s still got the torch as you can see from the pictures of him in 1948 and today. It was a memorable occasion for him and one that he very much enjoyed. Mrs Crocker, Torquay


London 2012 Summer Olympics July 27 - August 12 London 2012 Paralympics August 29 - September 9

Olympic Reading Birthday celebrations I remember attending the Olympic Games in 1948.I had recently celebrated my 18th birthday, got engaged and passed my Higher School Certificate and the Civil Service entrance exam. To celebrate my parents took us to London to the Olympics athletics .Who can forget names like Fanny Blankers -Koen and Emil Zatopek, or the bright red hair of Chris Chataway and his group of British middle distance runners who though not successful shone brightly at that time. I was not successful in the ballot for tickets this year but my son was so I look forward to watching it all on TV with a later firsthand account, a far cry from the austerity games of 1948. Kathleen Davis, Bromsgrove, Worcs (by email)

talk tous Let us know how you think this year’s Olympics compares, and if this is your second (or even third) Games, we would be delighted to hear from you. Share your thoughts with other members and write in to the Editor using the Fellowship Office address featured at the front of the magazine or by emailing:

Olympic Giveaway

We have five copies of Janie Hampton’s book The Austerity Olympics to giveaway. To enter the competition please send your name, address and telephone number to: Olympic Giveaway, The CSRF, Suite 2, 80A Blackheath Road, London SE10 8DA. Competition closes: June 30 2012.

Book review by avanti Book Editor Janet Tester

The Austerity Olympics

By Janie Hampton (Aurum)

This small paperback is crammed with facts, figures and anecdotes from the 1948 Olympics and is a fascinating book about an extraordinary event. It tells the story of how teams were ferried to events in double-decker buses, were billeted in army camps and made their own kits. There was food rationing, clothes rationing, and terrible weather. Great athletes such as Emil Zatopek and Fanny Blankers-Koen cheerfully overcame obstacles and thrilled the Londoners and the whole Games cost just over £760,000. This book is meticulously researched and shows how good will and determination could result in an exciting and successful event brightening the lives of the war-weary Londoners.

At the time of going to press the full selection for Team GB had not been completed, but we wish all our athletes the very best of luck! SUMMER 2012



alternative FITNESS


nce upon a time getting fit meant hitting the road, hitting the gym or hitting the pool – with most of us deciding it was all too much like hard work and hitting the sofa instead. However, being active no longer has to revolve around endless lengths at the swimming pool, bone-jarring runs or repetitive gym workouts. There are some exciting and engaging ways to exercise, so if you want to get moving again we hope you enjoy our guide to some of the new fitness alternatives that are gaining popularity across the UK.

Anti-gravity Yoga Not quite as bizarre as it sounds, but not far off, this practice has nothing to do with yoga in outer space, but is actually part of the ‘suspension fitness’ movement and uses silk hammocks hung from the ceiling that allow participants to do yoga while suspended in mid-air. Anti-gravity yoga originated in the US but it is rapidly catching on in the UK, with classes springing up all over the country. The practice was started by former gymnast and Broadway dancer Christopher Harrison, who came up with the idea after spending time lying in a hammock at an



Fitness and sport is very much at the forefront of people’s minds in the run up to the Olympics, so we asked avanti writer Martin Sayers to take a look at some alternative ways to boost your fitness levels.

Indian retreat. Harrison was unable to take part in conventional yoga due to injuries he had sustained during his career and came up with the concept of mid-air yoga to take the pressure off his joints. You can find out more on the official website

Aquacise As its names suggests, Aquacise is all about exercising in the water and using the natural buoyancy of the body to allow you to exercise in an environment that relieves stress on muscles and joints while giving you a full body workout. The term itself is generic, rather than a reference to a specific exercise programme, and covers a multitude of activities, such as water aerobics, water yoga and aqua jogging, that all involve water-resistance exercises.

To find out about aquacise classes in your area contact your local swimming pool or leisure centre.

Nordic Walking Originally devised by Nordic skiers as a means of keeping fit during the summer, Nordic walking - also called poling, pole walking or urban poling - is one of the fastest growing fitness practices in the world. It combines brisk walking with the use of specially developed walking poles that are similar in design to ski poles to propel yourself along. The combination of walking and pushing means the activity actually feels relatively easy, even though your body is working much harder than it would during a normal walk. Nordic walking exercises both the upper and lower body and the practice reputedly burns up to 46% more calories than ordinary walking and uses many more muscle groups; it also reduces pressure on the knees due to some of the strain of movement being taken by the poles. To find out more visit; tel: 0845 260 9339

Zumba Zumba is the Latin music inspired fitness programme that has taken the world by storm over the last few years. Invented by Colombian choreographer Alberto ‘Beto’ Perez back in the 1990s, Zumba is a fusion of dance and aerobics and draws on Latin American dance styles as well as martial art movements and traditional exercise routines. The practice has won plaudits for putting the fun back into fitness and boosting activity levels amongst those who normally steer clear of the gym. It has certainly been a success - the Zumba craze is huge in the UK with classes held in leisure centres, gyms and church halls all across the country. There is even a special version for older people, Zumba Gold, which takes into account specific age-related problems such as arthritis, blood pressure, heart disease and lessening bone density and adjusts the moves and speed of the routine accordingly. Find out where your nearest class is via the Zumba website at – you can enter your town (make sure you include the country) and it will give you a list of the nearest venues that classes take place. You can also buy a very good Zumba programme for the Wii which allows you to practice the moves and take a class from the comfort of your home!


There can scarcely be a community centre in the whole country that is not running at least one Pilates class a week, such is the popularity of this yoga-like activity. Although it only came to prominence relatively recently, Pilates was actually developed in the early part of the 20th Century, by Joseph Pilates – a German immigrant who settled in the US and originally called his fitness system ‘body contrology’. He believed that mental and physical health were closely linked and that his exercises also helped to relieve stress and promote a feeling of well-being. The practice itself concentrates on building the body’s back, abdominal and pelvic muscles and improving posture through a series of low repetition, low impact stretching and conditioning exercises. To find out more visit or check your local newspaper or leisure centre for details of classes near you.

Wii-Fit Anybody with young children or grandchildren is likely to be familiar with the Nintendo Wii games console – rather than waggling a joystick or hitting buttons this machine uses special sensors that monitor your movement to allow you

to play tennis, golf and any number of other activities via your television. The Wii-Fit is the health package specifically designed for the console and is proving ludicrously popular, which is perhaps not surprising given that it offers the prospect of working out and having fun at the same time, all in the warmth and comfort of your own home. The WiiFit package includes a special ‘Balance Board’ that automatically registers your centre of balance when you step onto it and on which you can do activities such as yoga, step aerobics and ski slaloms through specially designed programmes that will log your achievements and challenge your stamina as you get fitter and more agile. Do remember that Wii-Fit is not a complete package - you need to either already own a Wii console and then buy Wii-Fit. Or purchase a new Wii that comes complete with Wii-Fit.

Why not get involved? National gym chains such as David Lloyd, LA Fitness and Greens all offer zumba, pilates and aquacise sessions, with some individual locations offering special classes for older people. The other option is to contact local leisure centres and swimming pools and enquire about classes - these will tend to charge on a per session basis or for a course of sessions so this option is much easier on the pocket. The Civil Service Sports Council also offers a whole range of ways to get active and organises hundreds of events and activities throughout the country. To find out more about membership visit their website, or call the membership department on 01494 888444.

talk tous Have you taken up any of the fitness trends featured here? Or perhaps you enjoy another way of keeping fit and active? Share your thoughts with other members and write in to the Editor using the Fellowship Office address featured at the front of the magazine or by emailing: SUMMER 2012



a world of

possibilities Ian Searle, national chairman of the University of the Third Age, explores the fascinating world of the U3A and looks at its history and some of the more unusual courses on offer.


his year is the thirtieth anniversary of the University of the Third Age. Founded in 1982, it has grown steadily ever since. In January 2011 we were welcoming our 250,000th member and there were 801 local U3As. We now have more than 275,000 members in 844 local U3As all over the country. Among them, of course, are people with degrees, even doctorates – but there are also many who disliked learning at school, feeling that dull facts were being crammed into them to enable them to pass exams and get jobs, and who then gave up learning as quickly as possible. They often return to it in their third age, when they no longer work full time or have responsibility for dependent children – and they find they love it.

They love it because there are no exams, no set curricula, no qualifications, and no one is looking to equip themselves for employment. What goes on in the U3A is nothing at all like the conventional learning experience which you remember from your schooldays, nor like any training you may have had to do for work. U3A members learn the things they want to learn, just for the pleasure of learning them. And the U3A abolishes the distinction between teacher and taught. A U3A learning group does not normally have a teacher. Instead, people who want to learn about a subject gather together and organise for themselves how they are going to find out about it. One of their members becomes the leader, or

the co-ordinator, and the group decides collectively what it wants to learn and how to go about learning it. So there is the widest possible range of subjects. Philosophy groups, walking groups, painting groups, quilling groups – you think of it, we’ve probably got it, somewhere. And we’ve almost certainly got groups studying subjects you have never heard of. All the same, maybe there is no group in your local U3A which is learning the subject you’d like to learn. That’s no problem. Get together with a few other people who would like to learn it, and get on with it. You can expect help, advice and resources from the U3A, but no one is going to tell you what to learn, or how to go about it.

3 U3A founder Dr Eric Midwinter speaks to the 2010 U3A national conference. (Pics: Peter Alvey.)

1 2 28



Each of the 844 local U3As is entirely independent, taking its own decisions and setting up learning groups in whatever subjects its members require. The national office and national executive provide services and advice for them, as well as a resource centre of non-book material from which they can borrow. It’s the enthusiasm of local U3As and their members that matters, much more than anything I and my colleagues do centrally. We don’t try to tell local U3As what to do – they wouldn’t listen if we did, and quite right too. We provide help and services, and promote understanding of informal adult learning. The result is a hive of activity in every U3A I have visited. My own local U3A – Carrick U3A, in Cornwall - held an open day recently, filling the village hall with tables, each one manned by members of the fifty or so interest groups. Outside, where I had to park on the grass because the car park was already full, a small group of beginners was learning to play croquet. The hall was like a market, with lots of noise and laughter as the crowds thronged round the tables. I was in the middle of an interesting chat with the musical director who began a choir last year (it now has 40 members and I’m longing to find time to join in) when we fell silent to watch a dozen members on stage performing a line dance. That was followed by one of our two handbell teams, before the noise levels in the hall rose again.

1. Ian Searle, national U3A chairman; 2. Sue Fifer of Barnet U3A on the U3A stand at the Who Do You Think You Are exhibition, Olympia 2009. (Photograph: Mark Thomas); 3.Haslemere U3As Cooking for Men group; 4. Baroness DíSouza, Speaker of the House of Lords; Ian Searle, national U3A chairman; and House of Commons Speaker John Bercow, at Haslemere U3A, March 2012. (Pictures: Peter Arkell)


The musical director is one of our younger recruits, and very enthusiastic. From the start she planned that the choir would sing a capella because she foresaw people might grow bored if all they did was to learn songs from the shows, accompanied by the piano; she therefore arranges every piece herself. All over the UK there are similar events, run by similar enthusiastic people. The U3A’s three founders in 1982 were Michael Young (who also helped found the Open University), Peter Laslett and Eric Midwinter, and it took off after an avalanche of letters followed an interview with Eric Midwinter on the radio programme You and Yours. It quickly became obvious that this was an idea whose time had come. As Midwinter, the sole surviving member of the founding trio, puts it, “older age has the distinct possibility of being a glorious closing paragraph to the letter of life and not a scrappy postscript.” The founders wanted U3As and their groups to be free to take their own decisions – but they also wanted the organisation run democratically, by older people themselves. So the national

The U3A stand at the Who Do You Think You Are exhibition at Olympia, 2009. (Photograph: Mark Thomas.)

executive and I are elected by the U3As. They have elected me chairman for the past three years, but my term of office will be up this year, and in September they will elect a new chairman. Third agers’ organisations are typically run by wellintentioned second agers, but in the U3A the members take all the decisions, locally and nationally. If you like the sound of the U3A then you can find out more on their website, or call 020 8466 6139 and they can put you in touch with your nearest U3A group.

There are many U3A courses on offer around the country, but these are the five most ‘quirky’:

6 5&6: Hertfordshire U3A members are walking the Hertfordshire Way in 6 stages this year. These pictures are taken on the Tring to Hemel Hempstead leg.

Bob Dylan and wine (Spilsby) Celtic knotting (South West Hertfordshire) Dowsing (Worthing) Dry Stane Dyking (West Galloway) Grumpy Old Men Group (Heart of England U3A) SUMMER 2012



call of the wild It is possible to travel the world and enjoy wildlife in their natural habitats.


or decades the coach trips and cruise liners used to dominate the travel industry, herding millions of tourists from one landmark destination to another, with not so much as a glimpse into the way of life of the people, flora or fauna living there. But times have changed and the world is now your oyster. If you want to explore exotic far away countries and see what the world is really like, this is now possible. The increase in passenger flights around the globe has meant that the world has never been so accessible. Any destination across the world is easily reached by a flight, or connecting flight, meaning that the possibilities for exploration and wildlife observation are now endless. As a result, how people spend their holidays is changing. Many people are no longer satisfied with spending two weeks under a beach umbrella, or spending their hard earned cash on package holidays which offer nothing more than a whistle stop tour of a destination. Holidays can be whatever you want them to be, and many people are choosing to see animals in their natural habitats, whether in rainforest, savannah or iceberg! While many zoos in the UK are now a far cry from the concrete and steel enclosures of zoos in the past, they are still enclosures and you just cannot beat the thrill of seeing an animal freely roaming in its natural environment. Specialist wildlife holidays are on the increase and over the next pages we’ve put together a selection of destinations across the globe where you can enjoy discovering some of our magnificent wildlife, in the wild, and a number of travel companies who will help you achieve this. SUMMER 2012


travel Destination/Country:

Norway Animals to see:

World Wildlife

Reindeer Travel highlight:

The Northern Lights Go sledding with dogs, ride in a sleigh with reindeer, and witness the natural wonder that is the aurora borealis.


Loch Garten, Abernethy, Scotland Animals to see:


Travel highlight:

The Osprey Centre, and perhaps Nessie in nearby Loch Ness! Ospreys first returned to nest in the UK here in the Caledonian forest. With a dedicated hide, and CCTV of the nest sites, visitors can get up close and personal with these magnificent raptors without disturbing them.


Brazil Animals to see: Destination/Country:


Travel highlight:

Animals to see:

Exotic rainforests, and ancient settlements

Travel highlight:

Brazil’s rainforests are home to thousands of different species of exotic birds, reptiles and small mammals and impressive waterfalls.

Humpback Whales The spectacular landscapes of Newfoundland If the sight of a school of whales is not enough to tempt you, Newfoundland is also home to moose, caribou and several species of sea birds, including puffins and gannets.





Botswana Animals to see:


Travel highlight:

The Khama Rhino Sanctuary Laid out as a more traditional safari, this holiday centres on the importance of sustaining the natural environment and not distressing the animals involved.

 Holidays Map


India Animals to see:

Bengal tigers Travel highlight:

Ranthambhore National Park, Taj Mahal One of the best places in the world to see tigers in their natural habitat.


Madagascar Animals to see:


Travel highlight:

Hundreds of indigenous species of plants, birds and animals The island of Madagascar has been isolated from mainland Africa for around 70 million years, which has resulted in a unique eco system, and numerous indigenous species, including the inquisitive lemur, of which there are over 50 different varieties.


New Zealand Destination/Country:

South Africa Landolozi Private Game Reserve Animals to see:

Leopards Travel highlight:

Game reserves, Zulu history and Cape Town This private game reserve is found within the Kruger National Park and home to some of the largest open expanses of untamed wildlands. The reserve is well known for its incredible leopard population.

Animals to see: Destination/Country:

Sri Lanka Animals to see:

Elephants Travel highlight:

Pinnewala Elephant Orphanage Sri Lanka is probably one of the best locations in Asia to see Elephants in their natural environment, as well as at a number of conservation parks and rehabilitation centres.


Travel highlight:

Maori settlement at the thermal springs of Rotorua Despite being the national bird of New Zealand, the Kiwi is in fact in decline. Explore the natural habitat of this unusual flightless bird, and some of New Zealand’s most spectacular scenery. SUMMER 2012



Travel Information


hile mass tourism is ever on the increase, so too in the background are the number of travel companies who now offer small, tailor made eco friendly holidays for people wanting to experience the world, its wildlife and everything it has to offer in a sustainable manner. Many of these companies centre on the idea of ‘responsible tourism’, opting for ecofriendly modes of transport and activities and encourage holidaymakers to engage with the local destination, rather than simply look at it. The ethos behind responsible tourism is exactly that – exploring the world in a responsible manner, with minimum impact upon the environment being visited and its inhabitants. This includes responsible modes of transport to and from the chosen destination. We’ve compiled a round-up of companies which could be a starting point for your wildlife adventures, but do shop around and look for deals. The internet is increasingly becoming the best place for last-minute holidays, and if you are flexible with timings, some out of season destinations will always offer the best value. Do ensure though that you are fully insured, and as with all travel, do exercise caution, especially when encountering wild animals! So no hand-feeding lions, or swimming with sharks!

The Born Free Foundation: In addition to offering holidays, the Born Free Foundation also provides help and tips for those considering embarking on a wildlife holiday. Telephone 01403 240170 or visit Discover the World: Discover the World offer adventure travel holidays to Iceland, Sweden, New Zealand and Norway. Telephone 01737 214250 or visit Responsible Travel: A company specialising in environmentally friendly holidays, this one-stop website is home to all of the latest excursions, and plenty of tips and suggestions of how to make the most out of your holiday. Telephone 01273 600030 or visit


£50 M&S Voucher and your very own travel pig! Did you see which country our pig was holidaying in? To enter send the name of the country the pig’s in along with your name, address and telephone number to: Spot the Pig Competition, The CSRF, Suite 2, 80A Blackheath Road, London SE10 8DA Closing date: 30 July 2012. Wild Madagascar: The company runs a great variety of tours on Madagascar. Online only – visit WWF: The WWF promotes eco friendly holidays, and has set up partnerships with a number of tour operators to help deliver sustainable holidays.

Rhino Africa: Rhino Africa specialise in wildlife safaris across the continent and can tailor make a holiday to fit the traveller’s needs. Telephone 0808 238 0044 or visit

Wildlife & Wilderness: Specialist wildlife holiday company offering worldwide tailor-made experiences. Telephone 0845 0044599 or visit

RSPB: The RSPB is the UK’s leading charity working to secure a healthy environment for birds and all wildlife. They offer a selection of UK based coach holidays to visit reserves and view our feathered friends. Telephone 01767 680551 or visit

Wildlife Worldwide: A specialist wildlife holiday company offering a good selection of tailor-made nature tours. If you have a particular interest in tree frogs and jaguars you can discover them in emerging hot-spot Costa Rica. Telephone 0845 1306982 or

talk tous Have you visited any of the destinations featured here? Or perhaps you’ve enjoyed a different wildlife holiday that you’d like to share with other members. If you are planning a holiday, don’t forget to take along a CSRF travel pig – we’d love to post your pictures of you and your pig enjoying a memorable holiday. Write in with your travel memories to the Editor using the Fellowship Office address featured at the front of the magazine or by emailing: If you’d like to order a CSRF pig see page 6 for details of how.




leisure life

books New releases reviewed by Janet Tester

Our regular round up of books and entertainment

Titanic Calling Edited by Michael Hughes and Katherine Bosworth (Bodleian Library Publishing)

Fault Line By Robert Goddard (Bantam Press) This story starts quite innocently when the hero, Jonathan Kellaway, is working for a china clay company in St Austell while he waits to take up a university place. He becomes friends with Oliver, a strange teenager whose father died in suspicious and troubling circumstances. Oliver is obsessed with the details of his father’s ‘suicide’ and enlists Jonathan’s help in his search for missing documents from the international mining company, which he is convinced hold the key to the tragedy. Fraud, kidnap, murder, extortion and other ‘nasties’ beset this family and their friends and Robert Goddard keeps the reader guessing right to the end. This is the sort of book that can’t be put down written by a master storyteller.

The Bodleian Library holds the Marconi Archives and this deeply moving book tells the story of the Titanic tragedy from a new angle. Maritime wireless telegraphy was in its infancy and the commentary on the full transcripts of the messages from Titanic to the other ships in the area brings to life the individuals caught up in the drama of the desperate last moments of the ‘unsinkable’ ship. Details of the rescues follow with the poignant messages from the survivors from RMS Carpathia as they travelled safely to New York. The narrative begins with warnings of ice including several reporting unusually large icebergs alarmingly close to Titanic’s course. This extremely well presented book is illustrated throughout.

A Sentimental Traitor By Michael Dobbs (Simon & Schuster) This is Dobbs fifth book featuring Harry Jones and begins with a massive tragedy when a plane flying to London carrying thirty-seven American children back from a trip to Brussels, is wiped out of the sky by a missile, killing everyone on board. The atrocity sweeps

Queen Elizabeth II: Her Life in Our Times By Sarah Bradford (Viking) Royal author Sarah Bradford has written this sympathetic and affectionate biography of a woman who has been a media star since the age of three and the most famous woman in the world for sixty years. The book offers glimpses of the key moments of British and world history during the Queen’s reign and contains many inspiring details of Royal life. From the outset the Queen’s extraordinary love and commitment to Great Britain and the Commonwealth has defined her life. She has lived through the Abdication, the Blitz, and the Second World War, has experienced joy and sorrow in her personal life and has maintained her integrity and devotion to duty throughout her long life. Published to coincide with her Diamond Jubilee, this lovely book is a fitting tribute to an amazing life.

away the British Prime Minister and his government and threatens to take over Britain unless Harry Jones can stop it. No longer an MP and targeted by sinister forces that see him arrested, ruined financially and shunned by all, Harry seems to be alone in being able to sort this appalling mess. The plausibility of the scenario is scary but Harry is possessed with an almost superhuman ability to cope with whatever is thrown at him. SUMMER 2012



Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia Acclaimed biographer Michael Korda attempts to reveal the true man – T. E. Lawrence – whose daring exploits and many achievements have set him apart as a genuine hero and a man of mystery. Lawrence was an Oxford scholar and archaeologist, one of five illegitimate sons of a British aristocrat, a far-sighted diplomat, a brilliant military strategist and one of the first media

celebrities. In spite of his successes, he remained shy, modest and retiring and seemingly impervious to hardship, personal suffering and danger. The author has presented the reader with a wealth of scholarly research and this book is absorbing, hugely informative and highly readable.

The Bleeding Land

The Soldier’s Wife

By Giles Kristian (Bantam Press)

By Joanna Trollope (Doubleday)

This is such a gripping and passionate book, bringing to life in savage detail the realities of living in an age when tragedy and treachery reached into every household. In England in 1642 the nation was divided. Soldiers gathered to support King Charles or Parliament, each side convinced of the righteousness of their cause leading to the brutalities of a civil war, which ravaged the land. The Rivers were landed gentry with a traditional allegiance to the King and their men marched to war leaving the women to defend their homes as best they could. In a dreadful twist, the second son turned his back on what he once believed in and so not only was England at war but the Rivers family were ripped asunder by conflicting loyalties. The writing is outstanding and the detail uncompromising – it is to be hoped that we shall be able to read a sequel or two to this family saga.

Joanna Trollope’s latest novel focuses on Dan, an army major, recently returned from a six month tour of duty to Afghanistan and his wife Alexa with their three much loved daughters. The homecoming of a soldier after months of hell should be wonderful, back in the bosom of a loving family, safe at last. Sadly this doesn’t always happen. Families have made sacrifices to their lives too and sometimes, particularly for the wives, it proves difficult to let go. The men have worked under tremendous pressures and danger for many months and when they come back it is sometimes surprisingly difficult to adjust to family life again. The story of this particular family coming to terms with their situation is most sensitively written and the detail of the rather different lives of service personnel and their families is both convincing and authentic.

By Michael Korda (Aurum)

The Sins of the Father By Jeffrey Archer (Pan MacMillan) The second volume of The Clifton Chronicles finds Harry Clifton being arrested for the murder of his ‘brother’ on arrival in New York. While his family in England think he’s dead, Harry is set up by a sneaky lawyer and finds himself sentenced to a long prison stretch, refusing to reveal his true identity for fear of harming the woman he loves. Unbeknown to Harry, the woman in question does not believe he’s dead and travels to New York to find him. The story races on with the main characters struggling to find the truth but the reader should be aware that this saga is on-going – the last pages of this gripping page-turner will lead to – a wait for the next part of this serial to be published!

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen Released by Lionsgate



Stars: Ewan McGregor, Kristin Scott Thomas, Emily Blunt Fred Jones (Ewan McGregor) is Britain’s leading expert in fisheries. When approached by a consultant (Emily Blunt) for advice on whether salmon fishing in the Yemen is feasible he laughs off the project as impossible as the salmon would die in the desert. However when the Prime Minister’s office gets wind of the idea, the PM’s press secretary Bridget Maxwell (Kristin Scott Thomas) pushes the project as a ‘good will’ story and Fred finds himself at Our ed the heart of a project to bring salmon fishing to the Yemen. Based on the recommend ’ve u o y if popular novel by Paul Torday, the film is tipped to be one of the feel-good film already, comedies of the summer. not seen it orth a w l Don’t forget – many of the cinema chains offer special off-peak discounts on tickets it’s wel look! for matinee screenings. Check your local newspaper or online for more information


A Family in Wartime

Exhibitions around the UK

Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road, London SE1 Admission: Free. Until 31 December

London 1612: Shakespeare’s theatre of the world

Through the eyes of the Allpress family, A Family in Wartime tells the story of how ordinary people braved the challenges of life on the home front during the Second World War. William and Alice Allpress lived in Stockwell, London with their ten children. The experiences of the Allpress family reflect what life was like during the war years. Featuring a model house of the Allpress family home as well as photos and interviews, the exhibition brings this time of courage, duty and determination vividly to life. For more information call 020 7416 5320 or visit

British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B Admission: £14 (Adults), British Museum members free. 19 July – 25 November The exhibition will provide a unique insight into the emerging role of London as a world city, seen through the innovative perspective of Shakespeare’s plays. It will also explore the pivotal role of the playhouse as a window to the world outside London, and the playwright’s importance in shaping a new sense of national identity. For more information call 020 7323 8299 or visit

TOP: (L to R) Nellie Allpress, Cyril McCann, Betty Allpress (McCann), Eva Allpress, Jessie Allpress (Spicer), Colin Spicer (Jessie’s son); MIDDLE: A truck of revellers passing through the Strand, London, on VE Day; BOTTOM: Soldiers and girls dancing on a London street on VE Day; © IWM.

Seacity Museum Havelock Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO14 Admission: £8.50 (£6 concs.)

Adapted from an engraving of Shakespeare by Martin Droeshout from the Third Folio; ABOVE: The Lyte Jewel; © The Trustees of the British Museum

150 Years of Alice in Wonderland Oxford Castle, Oxford July 7 & 8 Oxford turns into Wonderland for a weekend in July every year as the city celebrates the very first telling of Alice in

Opened on April 10 2012, exactly a century after the Titanic departed from the city, SeaCity Museum will feature a range of exhibitions about Southampton’s maritime past and present, telling the stories of people who have travelled in and out of the city through the ages. For more information call 023 8083 3007 or visit

Wonderland (on 4 July 1862) with colourful events and activities, promenade theatre, exhibitions, walks and talks - all in historic and beautiful locations around town and nearly all of them free. 2012 will see the biggest celebration yet, as it will be the 150th anniversary of the first telling of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. For more information call 01865 201657 or visit SUMMER 2012



Mind the Map: Inspiring art, design and cartography

British Design

London Transport Museum, Covent Garden Piazza, London WC2E Admission: £13.50 (£10 concs.) - all tickets allow unlimited admission for a 12-month period from date of purchase. Until Oct 28

Victoria & Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 Admission: £12 (£10 Senior Citizens) Until August 12

This newly opened exhibition focuses on the inspiration, history and creativity behind London transport maps and will explore the themes of journeys, identity and publicity. The exhibition is the largest of its kind and previously unseen historic material and exciting new artworks will be on display. The Underground, London Transport and its successor Transport for London has produced outstanding maps for over 100 years which have not only shaped London, but also inspired the world. For more information call 020 7565 7299 or visit

British Design 1948–2012: Innovation in the Modern Age, celebrates the best of British post-war art and design from the 1948 ‘Austerity Games’ to the summer of 2012. Over 300 British design objects highlight significant moments in the history of British design and how the country continues to nurture artistic talent and be a world leader in creativity and design. For more information call 020 7942 2000 or visit

Jaguar E-Type, 1961 Jaguar Heritage

Poster: Your guide to theatreland, by Reginald Percy Gossop, 1926

Mantegna to Matisse: Master Drawings from the Courtauld Gallery The Courtauld Gallery, Somerset House, Strand, London WC2 Admission: £6 (£4.50 concs.) 14 June to 9 September

Titanic Belfast Titanic Quarter, Queen’s Island, Belfast, Northern Ireland Admission: £13.50 (£9.75 Concs) Titanic Belfast® extends over nine galleries, with multiple dimensions to the exhibition, drawing together special effects, dark rides, full-scale reconstructions and innovative interactive features to explore the Titanic story in a fresh and insightful way; from her conception in Belfast in the early 1900s, through her construction and launch, to her infamous maiden voyage and catastrophic demise. The journey goes beyond the aftermath of the sinking, to the discovery of the wreck and continues into the present day with a live undersea exploration centre. For more information call 02890 766386 or visit



It’s been twenty years since the Courtauld last displayed a selection of masterpieces from artists including Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Goya and Cezanne. This exhibition considers the art of drawing in the hands of sixty of its greatest masters and will include works by Leonardo da Vinci, JMW Turner and Peter Rubens. For more information call 020 7848 2526 or visit Paul Cézanne (1839-1906)Apples, bottle and chairback, c.1904-06 © The Courtauld Gallery, London

The Search for Immortality: Tomb Treasures of Han China The Fitzwilliam Museum, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 Admission: Free. Until November 11

Stone Lion Weight, 2nd century BC, Western Han Dynasty. Unearthed at Shizishan site in 1994. Xuzhou Museum, Jiangsu Province

The first exhibition of its kind relates the story of the quest for immortality and struggle for legitimacy in ancient China’s Han Dynasty. It features over 300 treasures in jade, gold, silver, bronze and ceramics in the largest and most important exhibition of ancient royal treasures ever to travel outside China. For more information call 01223 332900 or visit

coffee break Trivia and titbits to keep your mind in gear!

in NUMBERS The RMS Titanic sank 100 years ago this year, on 14 April 1912. But did you know the following figures about the ship...

Dear Sir ,


The letters page of The Times has long been a vehicle for members of the public to, among other things, vent their spleen, point out humorous observations, or take umbrage with the world. Here are a few examples:

A barrister, a cardiac specialist, a civil engineer and an architect were halfway through a game of golf, and just leaving the green of the ninth hole, when the architect clutched at his chest, groaned and collapsed. The cardiac specialist was down like a shot and, despite his many years of experience, was unable to save him. So much for our ‘no mobiles’ ruling said the barrister. The cardiac specialist said, ‘He was dead before he hit the ground and even if paramedics had been on hand he could not have been saved’. After a brief discussion they decided the only course of action open to them was to carry him back to the club house. Some considerable time later they were staggering up the steps to the club house when they were met by the club secretary. ‘What ever happened,’ he asked and, upon hearing the sad details said, ‘You deserve a medal for carrying him all that distance’. ‘It was not so much the distance,’ said the architect, ‘it was more the setting him down and picking him up between shots’. JM (Dan) Beechey, Peterborough (by email)

‘Sir, I recently dined at a pretentious local hotel. When presented with an exorbitant bill for an indifferent meal, I drew the waiter’s attention to a prominent notice, which offered ‘Special reductions for old-age pensioners’. “That, sir,” he explained disdainfully, “relates not to our charges, but to the size of the portions.” We have been warned.’ ‘Sir, a British Gas salesman, replacing a defective heating boiler, told me: “The makers will tell you this boiler will give twenty-five years’ service.” He looked up at me, hesitated, and continued: “But of course to you that would not be a selling point.”



of the Titanic in metres (882 feet 9 inches)

74 - the number of

40,000 - the number

years it took to find the wreck of the Titanic

of fresh eggs in the ship’s provisions

64 - the number of

14,000 - the gallons

lifeboats the Titanic was equipped to carry

of drinking water used every 24 hours

28 - the number of

12,600 - the depth

people on board the first lifeboat out of a capacity of 65 people

at which the wreck of the Titanic lays, in feet

have a CHUCKLE

269.1 - the length

10,000 - the

20 - the number of lifeboats she actually carried

approximate number of lamp bulbs used on the ship

20 - horses needed

3,547 - the maximum

to transport the main anchor

number of people the Titanic could carry

18 - the distance that

2,223 - the number

the bow penetrated into the sea bed, in metres

of people aboard (passengers and crew)

1,000 - the number of bottles of wine taken aboard

825 - the amount of coal used per day, in tonnes

13 - the number of honeymooning couples on the voyage

2 - the number of workers killed during the original construction

SAY WHAT? Two elderly women are eating breakfast one morning when one of them notices something funny about her friend’s ear. ‘Mildred, do you know you’ve got a suppository in your left ear?’ ‘Do I really? A suppository?’ Mildred pulls it out and stares at it. ‘Ethel, I’m glad you saw this thing. Now I know where my hearing aid is!!!’

ANAGRAMATICAL Have you heard the one about the crossword fanatic who saw potential anagrams everywhere? One day he was in a train which stopped at Epsom. “Obviously poems” he thought. As the train pulled out he saw a sign for “Toilets”. “Aha,” he exclaimed, “T.S.Eliot!” From Sandy Morrison (by email)

The Question Mark!

did you KNOW?

Below you will find a list of artists’ names that fit into the word grid. Can you work out which word goes where? 1

With London hosting the 2012 Olympics the UK becomes the first city to host the games three times, in 1908, 1948 and 2012. But here are some other quirky facts about the UK and the Olympics At the 1948 games in London, the English national anthem was played only three times: at the opening and closing ceremonies and when Princess Elizabeth arrived at the stadium for the first time. This was 477 times fewer than the German anthem had been played in the 1936 games held in Berlin.

marathon to make the total length a rather strange figure of 26 miles and 385 yards was because of the rather whimsical demand of Queen Alexandra, who demanded, in 1908, that the marathon should end below the royal box at London’s White City Stadium, which added the extra 385 yards.

The first Paralympic Games was held at London in 1948. The name “Paralympics” comes from the words “Parallel” and “Olympics”.

The only Olympian ever to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize was Philip Noel-Baker of Great Britain, who won the silver in the 1500 metres in 1920.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Paralympics. The games, involving injured World War II soldiers, were staged on the opening day of the London 1948 Olympics

The reason the extra yards were added to the running distance of the

The only female competitor not to have to submit to a sex test at the 1976 Summer Olympics was Princess Anne, who was competing as a member of the UK equestrian team. As the daughter of Queen Elizabeth II, such a test was deemed to be inappropriate.



4 5

6 7


12 9




A starting clue: 1 across has angelic connotations Barye Bellini Blake Boyd

Brown Chagall Corot Ernst

Goya Klee Nolde Raphael

Rodin Rubens Sully Titian



Find the sporting events that will be taking place at this year’s Olympics in the grid below

Archery Athletics Badminton Basketball Beach Volleyball Boxing Canoe Slalom Canoe Sprint Cycling Diving Equestrian Fencing Football Gymnastics

Handball Hockey Judo Modern Pentathlon Rowing Sailing Shooting Swimming Taekwondo Tennis Triathlon Water Polo Weightlifting Wrestling SUMMER 2012


Prize Crossword

What would you do with £100 of Marks & Spencer vouchers? Enter our prize crossword and you might just find out if you are our lucky winner! Congratulations to Mrs Vera Wilkinson from Guildford in Surrey who was our Spring issue winner.


8. Mechanism used for providing food for birds in garden (6) 9. Anniversary of birth (8) 10. Dilated veins (8) 11. Dull (6) 12. One who eats limited food (6) 13. Having or showing good sense or sound judgment (8) 14. Latin word for a two-handled vase shaped container (7) 16. A person who establishes something (7) 20. French word for ‘riff-raff’ or rabble (8) 23. Posh (2-2-2) 25. Channel island (6) 26. Fund-raising event on television (8) 27. Parsonage (8) 28. Halo round heavenly body (6)


1. Name for plants whose fruits resemble a crane’s bill (8) 2. A person dependent on a substance (6) 3. One in charge of weapons (8) 4. Side by side; beside each other in a line (7) 5. Medieval word for a prayer (6) 6. The wonder horse? (8) 7. A small European evergreen tree (6) 15. A public executioner who beheads condemned people (8) 17. Contamination from tanker? (3.5) 18. In a long row (3-2-3) 19. Belonging or suited to polite society (7) 21. Vinegar (6) 22. Not a clergyman (6) 24. A word describing a person exhibiting a decline in mental faculties (6)

Solution to Spring Prize Crossword
















19 20









TO ENTER: Please send the completed crossword, along with your name, address and postcode to: PRIZE CROSSWORD, CSRF, Suite 2, 80A Blackheath Road, London SE10 8DA. The judges’ decision is final. Winners will be notified by post. Closing date: 30 July 2012 NAME:

POSTCODE: EMAIL: Please tick if you do not wish to receive our e-newsletter









be installed in warships to counteract the predations of the U-Boat wolf packs. Many of them returned to ‘Civvy Street’ but many stayed on in the Scientific Civil Service after the war. Nobody has suggested giving them medals such as those mooted for the people who worked at Bletchley even though their devices are still being used, in advanced forms, in our warships today. Muriel Alexander, Poole, Dorset

which is compressed into one sentence, needs to be corrected and amplified. First, the function of this multi-valve computer was not to speed up the decoding of Enigma messages but to help with something even more difficult, the deciphering of the high-speed radio teleprinter traffic (which we code-named ‘Fish’) between Berlin and the German commanders-in-chief. Secondly, I don’t think it is fair to say that Turing designed Colossus. As told by Jack Good in Hinsley and Stripp’s ‘Codebreakers’, this was done by Tommy Flowers of the Post Office Research Station, an electronics wizard who was called in at Turing’s suggestion, was told what was wanted, and designed and built it together with colleagues. I was in Hut 3 at the time, where we handled the deciphered ‘Fish’ messages, hence my interest. Morris Hoffman, New Barnet (by email)

Dear Postbag, In Stephen Davy-Osborne’s tribute to Alan Turing, ‘True Genius’, the story of Colossus,

Ed’s Note - I’ve been interested to read all of the comments we received regarding this feature both positive and negative.

Dear Postbag, Thank you for reminding us of the major contributions made to humanity by the genius Alan Turing. It would have been worth mentioning, however, how the ungrateful UK establishment drove him to suicide. The world has gained much from the contributions of Great Britons, much less from the contributions of Great Britain. David King, Kidderminster (by email) Dear Postbag, I agree that Alan Turing was a genius whose work on computers has had very far-reaching effects, but may I point out that if it had not been for the men and women who worked on anti-submarine devices his solving of the codes in the Enigma machines would not have been at all effectual. These people (of whom my husband was one) were high-powered physicists, mathematicians and engineers drawn from top universities and other establishments. They worked long hours on research and perfecting devices to

Your letters and opinions


If you want an audio copy of avanti then contact the Fellowship Office for more information on how one can be sent to you free of charge.



Dear Postbag, In 1941 I was working in the Hydrographic Office in Taunton as a cartographic draughtsman when I received my call up papers. I was told to report to the 52nd Heavy Tank Regt in Dorset and after training I was sent to Egypt. After serving

for some months with the tank regiment I was then posted to military intelligence which was followed by a stint with the G2 American Intelligence in Algiers. I was relocated from Algiers to the Palace of Caserta in Naples, Italy where I worked

until the end of the war. After the war I returned to the Hydrographic Office where I received a medal from the Queen. Unfortunately I returned home disabled by skin cancer for which I still receive treatment. R.J.Walsh, Taunton, Somerset


ROYAL THOUGHTS Dear Postbag, I thought you may be interested in the attached photo (above) of HM The Queen during her visit to Pembrokeshire on the 8th of August 1955. I was serving in the RAF at that time and was pictured during her inspection of the guard of Honour. That is me circled in the background of the picture. John Fortnum Weller MBE (by email) Dear Postbag, I would like to share my royal memories of when I was about ten and living in Eton. During the Battle of Britain a German Messerschmitt fighter aircraft came down when flying over Windsor Castle. The plane landed in Windsor Great Park near Queen Anne’s Gate at the edge of Windsor. Among many other locals, in the evening I set out to see the aircraft,

THE IRON LADY Dear Postbag, In the 1960s I was a young C.O./ Secretary in the Private Office of the then Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance at John Adam Street, behind the Strand in London. One of my duties was to take shorthand dictation from the various Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries. On several occasions I took dictation from a Mrs Margaret Thatcher who was at that time

which was surrounded by a rope cordon and was guarded. Whilst there, a car drew up on the grass and Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret got out and were shown round the aircraft. They also climbed a small ladder which was provided so that they could look into the plane’s cockpit. It must have been in the autumn or winter as they were wearing identical camel hair overcoats. This was the first time that I had seen the present Queen, even though the princesses spent most of the war years in Windsor Castle and sometimes were seen (escorted) in the town. Peter Nottley, Liskeard, Cornwall Dear Postbag, I was so interested to read the story of the lady who was evacuated during the war and was overtaken by the King and Queen in the Long Walk. My grammar school in Clapham was also evacuated to Windsor, but as a girl’s school was already established, we shared with the Windsor Boys School. We also took over one of the Eton College boarding houses, so there I was, aged ten, sleeping in Eton College and attending a boys Grammar school. In 1955 my husband and I bought our first house, a semi-detached in Windsor. Imagine the Headmaster’s astonishment when our son joined Windsor Boys School in 1971 and informed him that his mother was an old girl of the school! Pamela Maunder, West Malling, Kent

the Parliamentary Secretary on the National Insurance side. Little did I realise that she would become our first woman Prime Minister and one of the most famous women in the world. Memories have been brought back by the issue of the film where she is portrayed by Meryl Streep. They were happy and exciting days. Eileen Bates, Normoss, Blackpool

Dear Postbag, I was recruited into the army in 1945 and I wonder if any of your readers have any memories of the train journeys and places I went to. I was in the REME spending my first year in England getting my first class tradesman qualification before being sent to Dover in February 1947 as thousands of lads were coming back from Germany. We were all billeted in a converted warehouse. The next morning we sailed to Calais and were taken to a railway shunting yard and told to get on the red train. We travelled through France going through Nancy, Strasbourg and Karlsruhe and finished in a transit camp in Villach. We were then taken by train to Padua and the journey through the mountains was fabulous. I stayed in Italy for 3 months before going to Egypt and then on to Rafah in Palestine. When I eventually returned home I sailed from Port Said on the Empress of Scotland which called at Malta and Gibraltar before arriving in Liverpool on 31 March 1948. Joe Yates (by email)

Ed’s Note – sounds like an epic journey Joe! I look forward to hearing from any members who have had similar experiences.

talk tous If you have a story or picture to share, write or send it to the Editor using the contact information at the front of the magazine.


regrets it is not possible to enter into correspondence with individual readers. All letters, emails and other submissions are assumed to be considered for publication unless indicated otherwise. Longer letters will be edited to fit the space allocated to Postbag. SUMMER 2012


group news

GROUPFOCUS News and information from around the group network – main reporting by David Tickner (DT)

Business and Pleasure

Basingstoke group 7 march

Stubbington group members play up for the camera!

Annual General Meeting

Stubbington group 9 Feb

They say variety is the spice of life. Well it was certainly in evidence within a few minutes of arriving at the Stubbington group’s AGM. There were tables set up to sell books, for lunch bookings, outings, skittles and their very impressive regular raffle. Its little wonder that they average between 50-70 members each meeting and not only that, they meet twice a month too! Listening to the reports from the various committee members during the course of the afternoon’s proceedings it was nice that so many people actively engaged in the running

of the group and were looking out for those members not able to get along to meetings (they have two welfare/ visiting officers). The enthusiasm and support the group gives to national initiatives was also very nice to see first hand – phone buddy information, the CSRF group promotion poster and new member recruitment forms were all on display. I was made to feel welcome from the moment I stepped into the hall and I wish new Chair Tilly Holloway and her team another successful year. (DT)

Nice and centrally located, Basingstoke group meets monthly at the Brookvale Hall which is just a short walk from the main railway station, town centre and local bus routes. With over 60 regular members each month the group runs a busy programme that includes visiting speakers, lunches and days out. In addition to the social element there is also an active visiting & welfare organiser who keeps in touch with all CSRF members in the area. I’d been invited as a guest at their AGM by acting group secretary Tony Brazier last year so it was nice to see the group in action and meet the large group of volunteers who help everything run smoothly. Lunch followed the AGM at the Basingstoke College of Technology just around the corner. The restaurant is run by students who are studying at the college and is open to members of the public on Wednesdays and Thursdays. The food was first class and the service fantastic making the whole occasion thoroughly enjoyable! If you are ever passing Basingstoke on a day they’re open, it’s well worth popping in! (DT)

The newly elected committee for Basingstoke group SUMMER 2012


group news

Historic Gloucester

Gloucestershire branch 20 March With its historic cathedral immediately visible to all visitors, the city of Gloucester has some charming areas. Thankfully, unlike many of my group visits where I’m dashing for a train, I had enough time to look around the city centre and cathedral after attending the 35th AGM for the Gloucestershire branch. With three operational groups sitting under their umbrella (Hucclecote, Royal Forest and Cheltenham), the AGM was well attended by representatives from each of these three as well as a number from the now-closed Stroud and Tewkesbury groups. One of the biggest challenges for groups in the Gloucestershire area is the lack of a decent public transport network, which inevitably has a knock on effect when trying to attract new members to visit and support group activities. This is a common problem for many of the rural groups around the country and there is no easy solution. But with work already underway by Fellowship Office to identify key areas for group support in the future, perhaps there might be a solution on the horizon? I very much enjoyed my visit to Gloucester and look forward to hearing how the branch and groups fare throughout 2012. (DT)

Members of the Gloucestershire branch before sitting down to enjoy lunch


Report by Branch Secretary Peter Bryant

The Dorset branch of the Fellowship was once again able to enjoy the peace and comfort of the Heights Hotel on Portland well before the Olympic salt-water events annex the area in a month or



Tom Hart Dyke with some of the Eltham group committee

‘My Year in Captivity’ by Tom Hart Dyke Eltham group 22 March

It’s always great fun visiting the Eltham group as there’s always something going on! With over 70 regular attendees they meet monthly in the United Reformed Church hall just off Eltham High Street. In addition to their regular programme of visiting speakers they also organise days out, theatre and concert excursions and a popular annual group holiday. Word had obviously spread about their guest speaker, Tom Hart Dyke, as the hall was filling up rapidly on my arrival and I soon found myself an honorary member of the ‘emergency tea team’ who had the unenviable task of refreshing a hall full of members with only one small hob kettle and a less than effective heated water urn. Still nothing like a challenge to start the day! Tea and coffee dispensed, we settled down to listen to Tom Hart Dyke talk about his hair-raising experiences when he was kidnapped whilst backpacking in

two. The hotel looked after approximately 30 members handsomely. There were representatives from our active groups at Dorchester and Weymouth and members from Blandford, Sherborne and Sturminster Newton. The meal was excellent, company brilliant and everybody enjoyed the fellowship provided by the occasion.

the ‘Tea Team’ take a breather

the Darien Gap (between Panama and Columbia). An enthusiastic and very engaging speaker Tom kept his audience on the edge of their seats with his tales of guerrillas and guns, orchids and less than cordon bleu catering. It was his love of botany that helped him through the ordeal (and put him there in the first place!). When he was unexpectedly released by his captors and returned to the family home at Lullingstone Castle he set about creating a world garden in the grounds. Some will know Tom from his participation in the BBC series Save Lullingstone Castle but if like me you’d not seen the TV show, you could not fail to be inspired by his great passion for plants (and life in general). Engaging him as a speaker was a great coup for the Eltham group and I’ve no doubt the members will have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. (DT)

Dorset branch members enjoying their annual lunch

Talking Heads

Attleborough group 19 April

Members of the Ringwood & District group

Annual General Meeting

Ringwood & District group 30 March

The cathedral city of Salisbury was the closest rail stop for my visit to Ringwood & District group’s AGM. I was kindly collected from the station by group Vice Chairman Ian Lawston and his wife and able to enjoy the wonderful Wiltshire and Hampshire countryside during our 20-mile drive to the meeting venue. Ringwood & District is a very friendly group with a good core attendance of between 25-30 members per meeting. They meet in the Greyfriars Community centre in the heart of the town once a month and have a busy programme of entertaining speakers, pub lunches and days out. They also have an active visiting and welfare programme that is spearheaded by the lovely Anji Bright. Aside from the usual business at an AGM it also marked the ‘retirement’ of Group chairman Ray White and his wife Jill from committee activities. Newly elected Chairman for 2012/13 Ron Fisher marked the occasion with the presentation of a Certificate of Merit to both Ray and Jill and a gift of some garden centre vouchers. With a busy year ahead (one particular highlight that caught my attention was their talk on 1 Feb 2013 entitled ‘Woofability Assistance Dogs’), Ringwood & District group have plenty to attract the interest of any new members within the area and having spoken to new group member Valerie during my visit it’s clear they make any new faces very welcome. (DT)

Outgoing Chairman Ray White is presented with a Certificate of Merit by incoming Chairman Ron Fisher

Following an invitation from group secretary Doreen Parker I was very pleased to pay a visit to the Attleborough group recently who meet in the centre of the town and have a mixed programme of visiting speakers, lunches and trips out. Instead of my usual talk about the magazine, this time I involved group members in one of our features called Talking Heads, which is our version of a ‘vox-pop’. Our set question for the day was about careers and all

those there entered into the spirit of it with some very entertaining answers (you can see them on Pages 14-15). I thoroughly enjoyed my visit and I think once they got over the shock of being snapped for a picture, the group did too! (DT)

Out & About

At Nostell Priory

At Grimsthorpe Castle

In the Boston area

Sleaford & Ancaster group Various dates Our members at Sleaford & Ancaster have been busy over the past few months clocking up a whole variety of different days out in and around their local area. Group (and branch) Chairman Mike Smith has kept our inbox busy with pictures of the trips as you can see here.

Awards for All Grants Congratulations to the Dumfries & Kirkcudbright group who received an award from Awards for All Scotland last month. With assistance from Fellowship Office they successfully applied for funds to subsidise a programme of events and outings for existing and potentially new members within their area. We would recommend that all groups consider an application for an award from the scheme as it can help

your group to offer a wider range of activities that may attract some new members. The application process is quite detailed but we are able to provide you with guidance on how best to fill out the forms. If your group would like to discuss applying to the Awards for All Schemes then please contact Fellowship Office who would be happy to offer advice and assistance SUMMER 2012



in pictures 2

1. LANCASTER & MORECAMBE: During the April meeting Chair Vida Pritchard presented Cliff and Hilda Gaskell and Joan Thomas with Certificates of Merit marking long-standing service to the group. 2. PRINCETOWN: Andy Welsh and Bert Greatrex (r) Chairman of Princetown group are pictured. Following a stroke, Andy decided to retire from his position of Social Secretary of the group, which he had held for many years. Bert presented him with a Certificate of Merit and an engraved crystal whisky decanter.


3. BIRKENHEAD & WIRRAL: One of the group members celebrated their 90th birthday recently, she’s a little camera shy as she’s looking down, but everyone enjoyed the event. 4. LISKEARD & PENSILVA: Members got into the Easter spirit at their April meeting by staging an Easter bonnet competition which was won by Joy Mainsbridge (pictured far left). 5. BELFAST: The Belfast group held a tea party to celebrate the 90th birthday of Northern Ireland branch chair Lillian Nesbit. Lillian is pictured with her birthday cake and George Sey, Belfast group Chairman.

4 6 7


6. BOURNEMOUTH: Members of the Bournemouth branch enjoyed a very sunny annual lunch in Bournemouth last month.


7. TOP OF THE LEAGUE: After several months of competition, the CSRF Ringwood team won the Greyfriars Annual Quiz beating 32 teams with an impressive score of 31 (their opponents scored 4). The team (pictured) comprised of team captain Terry Bright, Ian and Jane Lawston. 8. GRANTHAM: Branch Chairman Mike Smith presents a Certificate of Thanks to Pam Holden from the Grantham group. 9. SLEAFORD & ANCASTER: Lincolnshire branch Chairman Mike Smith makes a presentation to Bob & Olive Rogers and Sue McIntyre (the Lincolnshire branch treasurer and S & A group book-keeper).

9 52



10. CORNWALL & WEST DEVON: The various groups in Cornwall and West Devon met for their Annual Lunch and Inter-group Quiz at Trethorne Leisure Centre, Launceston in April. The winners were Liskeard A and the picture shows Jill Slade of Liskeard & Pensilva Group, who was responsible for organising the Annual Lunch and Quiz, presenting the Inter-group Quiz Challenge Shield to the winning team. The raffle made £64.00 which is being donated to the CSRF Office Sponsored Walk.

group info SCOTLAND Dumfries & Kirkcudbright John Walker CHAIRMAN 01387 261889 We do not hold regular meetings but if you would like further details about coach outings and to book, please contact Pat Greig on 01387 770526.

Dundee Charles Paterson SECRETARY 01382 858862 The Queen’s Hotel, 160 Nethergate, Dundee Second Tuesday of each month at 10.40am (except June)

East Neuk Nigel Thomas CHAIRMAN

Edinburgh (Central) Liz Beedie SECRETARY 0131 229 7422 Edinburgh Quaker Meeting House, First Floor, 7 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh. Buses to George IV Bridge, there is a lift. Third Tuesday of the month (Oct to Apr) at 2.00pm. We run walks throughout the year, meet at Lakeland, George Street at 1.30pm on the first Friday of each month. We meet at St. Johns Church, Lothian Road for coffee/tea at 2pm from May-Sep (incl). 13/06/12 Full Day Outing using public transport to Melrose. 9.30am at Stance C Bus Station. 19/06/12 Picnic in Princes St Gardens at 2pm near the Norwegian Stone and the late Queen Mother’s Memorial Tree (Ring Liz) 11/07/12 Full Day Outing using public transport to Dunbar. 9.30am at Stance C Bus Station 08/08/12 Full Day Outing using public transport to Peebles. 9.30am at Stance C Bus Station

Edinburgh (Craiglockhart) Liz Beedie SECRETARY 0131 229 7422 Craiglockhart Parish Church Hall, Craiglockhart Drive North, Edinburgh. Please note that during the summer months - May-September inclusive - we meet at St. Johns Church, Lothian Road for coffee/tea at 2pm on the last Tuesday of the month. Second Wednesday of each month October-April at 2pm. Also there are walks throughout the year, meet at Lakeland, George Street at 1.30pm on the first Friday of each month. 13/06/12 Full Day Outing using public transport to Melrose. 9.30am at Stance C Bus Station. 19/06/12 Picnic in Princes St Gardens at 2pm near the Norwegian Stone and the late Queen Mother’s Memorial Tree (Ring Liz) 11/07/12 Full Day Outing using public transport to Dunbar. 9.30am at Stance C Bus Station 08/08/12 Full Day Outing using public transport to Peebles. 9.30am at Stance C Bus Station

Highland (Scotland) Mrs Pam Barnet LOCAL CONTACT 01463 790265 MacDougall Clansman Hotel, 103 Church Street, Inverness. First Wednesday of each month at 2pm & coffee morning on third Wednesday of each month at 11am. Walk and Lunch on the Friday 9 days after monthly meeting. 13/06/12 Trip to Highland Wildlife Park, Kingussie 04/07/12 Trip to Fort Augustus for Lunch 01/08/12 Dolphin Trip

Rosneath William Lauchlan SECRETARY 01436 842456 The Howie Pavillion, Rosneath First Monday of the month at 1.30pm (except July)



SUMMER PLANNER With groups operating throughout the United Kingdom it is very likely there is one near you. There are many rewarding ways that you can get involved and groups are always pleased to welcome new members. So why not pop along to your local group and find out more about what they get up to?

NORTHERN IRELAND & NORTH WEST ENGLAND Antrim Brian Shields CHAIRPERSON 028 9443 2615 Crown Buildings, 20 Castle Street, Antrim. Second Wednesday of each month at 2.30pm (except Jul & Aug)

Banbridge Margaret Stevenson CHAIRPERSON 028 4062 2950 1st Floor, Old Tech Building, Downshire Road First Wednesday of each month at 2pm (except Jun, Jul and Aug)

Bangor Isabel McKnight SECRETARY 028 9186 3410 Hamilton House, Hamilton Road, Bangor. Second Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm (except Jul & Aug)

Belfast George Glenholmes SECRETARY 028 9048 0339 McElhinney Room, The Pavillion, Stormont Estate, Upper Newtownards Road First Monday of each month at 2.30pm

Birkenhead/Wirral Cynthia Morgan SECRETARY 0151 678 6266 Birkenhead Land Registry Office, Rosebrae Court, Woodside Ferry Approach, Birkenhead CH41 6DU First Tuesday of the month at 2.00pm as well as trips listed below 21/06/12 Coach Trip to Croxteth Park 19/07/12 Coach Trip to Llandudno 16/08/12 Coach Trip to the Lowry Centre

Third Tuesday of each month at 2.15pm (no meeting in August) 19/06/12 Tea and Biscuits, talk to be confirmed 17/07/12 Strawberry Tea/Queens Celebrations

Craigavon George McConnell SECRETARY 028 8676 4395 Portadown Library, 24-26 Church Street, Portadown, Craigavon First Tuesday of the month at 2.30pm

Crewe Miss Grace Harding CHAIRMAN 01270 250677 Wells Green Methodist Church Hall, Brooklands Avenue, Wistaston, Crewe First Tuesday of each month at 2pm

Lancaster & Morecambe Mrs V Pritchard CHAIRMAN 01524 32733 Torrisholme Methodist Church, Longton Drive, Torrisholme, Morecambe Second Tuesday of the month at 2.15pm (except Jul & Aug) 12/06/12 Fair and Summer Lunch

Lisburn Helen Fletcher SECRETARY 028 9261 1604 Bridge Community Centre, 50 Railway Street, Lisburn Second Monday of each month at 2.30pm 11/06/12 Visit to Titanic Belfast and Lagan Boat Trip Aug/Sep No meetings (holidays)

Penrith Richard Roscoe CHAIRMAN 01697 472383 Different local hostelries each quarter First Tuesday of the quarter (March, June, September, December) at 12.30pm for lunch

Blackpool & Poulton


Leonora Sanderson CHAIRMAN/SECRETARY 01253 358435 Council Chamber, Blackpool Town Hall, Talbot Square, Blackpool. Second Monday of the month at 1.303.30pm

Mr A Stobbie CHAIRMAN 0151 424 0340 Department of Education & Skills, Castle View House First and Third Thursday of each month at 1pm


Eileen Nelson SECRETARY 01204 595246 St. Andrews & St. Georges Church, St. Georges Road, Bolton. First Tuesday of the month at 2pm

Mrs E Milne CHAIRPERSON 01704 560850 Conservative Club, Bath Street, Southport Third Thursday of each month at 2pm onwards 21/06/12 Monthly Get Together 19/07/12 Monthly Get Together 16/08/12 Monthly Get Together


Stockport/Grove Park

Gerald Beadling CHAIRMAN 01706 633674 The Mosses Community Centre, Cecil Street Each Wednesday at 2.15pm (except events listed below) 01/08/12 AGM 08/08/12 Mystery Outing

Joan Broadbent SOCIAL SECRETARY 01625 873740 Brookdale Club, Bridge Lane, Bramhall First Thursday of each month at 2.15pm


Chester Mrs C F Hanratty CHAIR 01244 520929 Christian Aid Centre, Queen Street, Chester

Waterloo (Merseyside) Mrs Joyce Nicholls SECRETARY 0151 924 1433 Mersey Road Methodist Church, Mersey Road, Crosby, Liverpool Second Tuesday of each month at 10.30am

NORTH EAST ENGLAND Blaydon Elizabeth Pearson SECRETARY 0191 488 0840 Ridley Room, Blaydon Library, Wesley District Precinct, Blaydon Second Tuesday of each month at 10.30am

Boston Spa/Wetherby Mrs Janet Walker RECORDS SECRETARY 01937 842216 Deepdale Community Centre, Deepdale Lane, Boston Spa, Wetherby Second Tuesday of the month at 2.00pm (except Jul and Aug) 12/06/12 A Working Life - talk about Rudding Park

Bradford Mr N Griffiths SECRETARY 01274 586410 Conference Room, Centenary Court, St Blaise Way Third Tuesday of each month at 2pm 19/06/12 Interesting People I have met - talk by Mr R Boyce 17/07/12 Music of Rodgers & Hammerstein - talk by Mr Malcolm Bentley 21/08/12 Swings and Roundabouts - talk by Mrs M Kenny

Chester-Le-Street Brian Dawson SECRETARY 0191 388 8608 St Mary & St Cuthbert Parish Centre, Church Chare, Chester-Le-Street First Monday of each month at 2-4pm 05/06/12 Open Meeting plus Cakes and Book Sale 02/07/12 Tea with the Queen - talk by Mrs B Galoway 06/08/12 Town Crier - talk by Mrs M Dodds

Durham Richard Wood SECRETARY 0191 384 2628 Newton Hall Community Centre, Ryelands Way, Durham First Thursday of each month at 2pm (except Aug) 02/08/12 Group Outing (TBA)

Gateshead Mrs J Scott SOCIAL SECRETARY 0191 268 7935 Whitehall Road Methodist Church, Gateshead First Thursday of the month from 10am - 12 noon 07/06/12 Diamond Jubilee Lunch 05/07/12 Tigers - talk by Bob Wilkins 02/08/12 Strawberries and Cream

Harrogate & Ripon Margaret Terry SECRETARY 01423 885297 Wesley Chapel (Lower Hall), Oxford Street Third Thursday of each month at 2.15pm 21/06/12 Strawberry Tea 19/07/12 Outing to Ripley 16/08/12 Share our Hobbies

Horsforth, Rawdon & District Mrs M J Taylor 0113 267 8110 Venue varies. We meet in local hostelries for lunch. Please contact Mrs Taylor for more details. Last Tuesday of each month at 12.30pm

Hull Colin Bielby SECRETARY 01482 782930 Age UK Healthy Living Centre, Porter Street, Hull Third Tuesday of the month at 2.15pm (except Aug) 19/06/12 Tips and Technique on Bow Making - talk by Linda Mills 17/07/12 Holiday Humour - talk by Mrs V Billham

Killingworth (North Tyneside) Catherine Hankin CHAIRMAN 0191 268 1992 Sedgefield Court, West Mount, Killingworth NE12 6GF

First Monday of month (except Bank Holidays) at 10.30am 11/06/12 Jubilee Quiz and Buffet 02/07/12 Thailand - illustrated talk 06/08/12 Trip and Meal Out

Middlesbrough Lilian Lloyd SECRETARY 01642 315439 St. Marys Centre, 82-90 Corporation Road, Middlesbrough. Last Tuesday of the month at 2pm 26/06/12 Middlesbrough Theatre Wardrobe - Pam and Sharon 31/07/12 ‘Tax, Care and Toy Boys’ - talk by Chris Dingley of Collective Legal Solutions 28/08/12 Strawberry Tea and Fun Quizzes

Newcastle West Mrs E Jackson CHAIRMAN 0191 267 4728 Bentinck Social Club, Bentinck Road, Newcastle upon Tyne Second Wednesday of each month at 10am - 12 Noon 13/06/12 Gertrude Bell, North East heroine - talk 11/07/12 Strawberries and Cream 08/08/12 Beetle Drive

Redcar & Cleveland Myrtle Fishlock CHAIRMAN 01287 641153 Main Ground Floor Lounge, Redcar Youth Centre, Coatham Road, Redcar Third Monday of each month at 2pm (except Aug)

Llandudno Mrs H Davis CHAIRMAN 01492 545436 Queen’s Hotel, The Promenade, Llandudno First Tuesday of each month at 10.30am 05/06/12 Jubilee Celebration Coffee Morning, Queens Hotel 19/06/12 Lunch at a local Tavern - walk to follow 17/07/12 Lunch at a local Tavern - walk to follow

Llanishen (Cardiff) Bernard Pearce CHAIRPERSON 029 2075 1493 Park End Presbyterian Church Hall, Rhyd-y-Penau Road, Cardiff CF14 0NZ First Tuesday of each month at 10.00am

Ludlow Peter Waite LIAISON 01584 872639 Local Public Houses, various venues, in and around Ludlow Third Tuesday of each month at 12.30pm

Neath/Port Talbot Mrs E Northcott CHAIRMAN 01639 887851 Moose Hall, Castle Street, Neath Last Wednesday of each month at 2pm


Mrs P Mawson SECRETARY 01723 512778 Small Room, 1st Floor, Scarborough Library, Vernon Road, Scarborough First Tuesday of the month at 10.15am 12/06/12 Please note change of date and venue for June only: Concert Room, alongside lift on 1st Floor

Anne Wilson CHAIRMAN 01691 650419 The Wynnstay Hotel, Church Street, Oswestry First Tuesday of each month at 10.30am 12/06/12 Thirty Years in the RAF - talk by Tom Kane 03/07/12 The Work of Marie Curie Cancer Care talk by Fran Robinson 07/08/12 Norway in a Nutshell - Heather Game (audience participation) 14/08/12 Meal (venue to be arranged)

Sunderland & Washington

Penylan (Cardiff)


Ivan Bell SECRETARY 0191 549 4130 Age Concern, Bradbury House, Stockton Road, Sunderland (1st Floor Room) First Monday of each month 2.00-3.30pm

Whitley Bay Peter Harris MBE CHAIRMAN 0191 447 4066 Age UK Centre, Park Avenue, Whitley Bay Second Thursday of the month 10.30am - 12 noon 08/06/12 Summer Social - Diamond Jubilee Tea Party (1-4pm)

WALES & WELSH BORDERS Caerphilly Mr Gwion Lewis TREASURER 029 2086 8643 Windsor Road Church Hall, Windsor Street, Caerphilly Second Tuesday of the month at 10.15am 12/06/12 Coal Mining in the Rhondda, a Miner’s Point of View - talk by Ivor England 10/07/12 Reminiscences of a Bench Chairman talk by John Hunt 08/08/12 Boat/Train Trip near Bristol - please come and join us!

Alfred Ford CHAIRMAN 029 2073 2942 St. Andrews United Reformed Church Hall (corner of Penylan and Marlborough Road) Last Tuesday of each month at 2.00pm 26/06/12 Entertainment Afternoon

Swansea Mrs Sylvia Edgell CHAIRMAN/SECRETARY 01792 851125 The Vestry Hall, St Mary’s Church, Swansea Last Friday of each month at 2pm (except Aug) 29/06/12 Health and Well Being - talk by Helen Neal 03/07/12 Outing with Lunch at Miskin Manor 27/07/12 The Tanner Family and Weaving - talk by M & R Ridge

Whitchurch (Cardiff) Mrs Mary Minty SECRETARY 029 2061 4445 Ararat Baptist Church, Plas Treoda, Whitchurch, Cardiff Second Wednesday of the month at 10am 13/06/12 TBA 26/06/12 Visit to Dyrham Park, Bath 11/07/12 Scott of the Antarctic - talk by Julian Salisbury 08/08/12 Rev. Gareth Evans

Church Stretton

Ynys Mon (Anglesey)

John Brewer SECRETARY 01694 722965 Mayfair Community Centre, Easthope Road, Church Stretton. For meeting dates and times - see below or contact the Secretary 08/06/12 Trip to Bridgemere Garden Centre 28/06/12 Lunch at Descartes Restaurant, Radbrook Catering College, Shrewsbury 03/08/12 Pub Lunch, The Bucks Head, Church Stretton

Mr Eric Maynard CHAIRMAN 01407 720146 The Valley Hotel, Valley, Anglesey Second Tuesday of each month at 12.30pm for lunch (except Aug) 12/06/12 Lunch at 12.30 at the Valley Hotel, Valley, Anglesey 10/07/12 Strawberry Tea sUMMER 2012


MIDDLE ENGLAND Amersham Jim Campbell CHAIRMAN 01494 722558 The Community Centre, Chiltern Avenue, Amersham First Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm (except Aug) 06/06/12 The Exhumation was Successful - talk by Ron White 04/07/12 Return of the Traveller - talk by Michael Welling

Banbury Anne Garton SECRETARY 01295 750151 Hanwell Fields Community Centre, Rotary Way, Banbury Second Tuesday of each month at 2.15 - 4.15pm (except Aug) 12/06/12 40 Years Catching Smugglers - talk by Malcolm Nelson. Raffle. 10/07/12 Billy Biscuit - World of an 18th Century Millionaire - talk by Nick Brazil 14/08/12 Day Trip to Avebury Manor House and Gardens (no meeting in the Community Centre)

Bedford Patricia Waters SECRETARY 01234 347443 Bunyan Meeting, Mill Street, Bedford First Tuesday of each month at 10am 05/06/12 Coffee Morning cancelled (Bank Holiday Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations) 03/07/12 Coffee Morning - Jubilee Celebration Party! Please wear red, white and blue party attire. 07/08/12 Coffee Morning with Speaker, Sales Table, etc.

Birmingham June Oakley CHAIRMAN 01952 604922 Five Ways House, Islington Road, Five Ways, Edgbaston Third Wednesday of each month at 11.00am

Bromsgrove Mrs Catherine Kealy LOCAL CONTACT 01527 876166 Bromsgrove Golf Club, Stratford Road, Bromsgrove First Wednesday of each month at 11.30am for coffee. Bar snacks and lunches also available.

Cheltenham John Kennett CHAIRMAN 01242 603443 St. Luke’s Church Hall, St. Lukes Place, Cheltenham Third Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm 20/06/12 Swindon Village - talk with slides 18/07/12 Wildlife and Plans of the Royal Forest of Dean - talk with slides Outing (TBA) Aug 12

Scout HQ, Grovebury Road, Leighton Buzzard First Wednesday of the month at 2pm 06/06/12 Tea with the Queen - talk by Dot Wiggs plus a Tiara Tea Party. Raffle and Book Table 04/07/12 My Uncle was a Cowboy - talk by Juliet Rinkel. Raffle and Book Table. 01/08/12 Music from the Stage with Jo and John Brewster. Raffle and Book Table.

Milton Keynes


Mr Geoff Morris CHAIRMAN 01604 719677 Holy Sepulchre Church Rooms, Church Lane, Northampton. Alternate Thursday mornings at 10.00am

Eric Marsh GROUP LIAISON 01386 421460 Foyer of the Methodist Chapel, Bridge Street, Evesham Second Tuesday of each month at 10.30am. We hold tea/coffee mornings on these dates.

Grantham Mr Maurice Whincup CHAIRMAN 01476 572425 Church of the Ascension Hall, Edinburgh Road, Grantham First Wednesday every month at 10.00am - noon 06/06/12 Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Garden Party at 28 Northcliffe Road, Grantham (please note change of venue) 01/08/12 Lunch after meeting (venue to be notified)

Hucclecote Mrs B Arnold SECRETARY 01452 618069 Evangelical Church, Colwell Avenue, Hucclecote, Gloucester First Thursday of the month at 2.00pm 07/06/12 Jubilee Celebration Tea Party 05/07/12 Passage through Time: Syria and Petra illustrated talk 02/08/12 The Wonder of Tropical Shells - talk

Kidderminster Pam Hussey LIAISON OFFICER 01562 755632 The Three Shires, Lower Mill Street Third Wednesday of each month at 11am (except when lunching out) 20/06/12 Lunch at Wolverley Arboretum 18/07/12 Coffee Morning 15/08/12 Afternoon Tea at Arley Arboretum at 2.15pm

Lincoln City Jeanette Hook SECRETARY 01522 803412 St. Benedicts Church Room, St. Benedicts Square, Lincoln First Wednesday of the month at 10.30am

Louth Mrs Margaret Bradley SECRETARY 01472 388928 Elizabeth Court, Church Street, Louth First and third Thursday of the month at 10.30am

Coalville & Ashby


Terry Watson CHAIRMAN 01530 835373 Thringstone Community Centre, The Green, Thringstone Third Wednesday each month 2.00-4.00pm 20/06/12 Talk 18/07/12 Garden Party at 16 Coverdale

John Barrett SECRETARY 01582 519886 barrettjb@ The Chaul End Centre, 515 Dunstable Road, Luton First Monday of every month at 2.00pm (except Bank Holidays) 04/06/12 No meeting (Bank Holiday) 02/07/12 40 Years in a Fisherman’s Mission - talk by Paul Jarrett 06/08/12 Our ‘Tea Party’

Coventry Mrs J Turner CHAIRMAN 024 76 465382 Room 2, Gilbert Richard Centre, Broadway, Earlsdon Third Tuesday of each month at 2pm (except Jul & Aug)

Donnington June Oakley CHAIRMAN 01952 604922 Turreff Hall, Turreff Avenue, Donnington Every Monday at 1pm (except Bank Holidays)

Dunstable & Leighton Buzzard Mrs Janet Bliss SECRETARY 01582 661795



Lutterworth Mrs J Law CHAIRWOMAN 01455 552141 Cricket Pavillion, Coventry Road, Lutterworth Third Monday of each month at 10.00am

Melton Mowbray Mr M Johnson CHAIRMAN 01664 566821 School Room, United Reform Church, Chapel Street, Melton Mowbray First Tuesday of each month at 1.45pm Aug Lunch at Bowls Club

Jim Ford SECRETARY 01908 368410 Centrecom, 602 North Row, Secklow Gate West First Monday of each month at 1.30pm (second Monday if first is a Bank Holiday) except Aug


Nottingham Pam Bradley SECRETARY 0115 938 4676 The Mechanics, 3 North Sherwood Street, Nottingham. Second Wednesday of each month at 10.15am - 12 noon

Nuneaton Rachel Homer SECRETARY 02476 385845 The Sycamore Tree, 2 Chapel Street, Nuneaton (next to the Ropewalk) First Tuesday of each month at 11.00am

Royal Forest Val Collett CHAIRMAN 01594 562442 Baptist School Rooms, Parkend, Lydney. Second Wednesday of the month at 2.00pm (except Aug)

Rutland Mrs Peggy Brown CHAIRMAN 01780 480314 Various locations for pub lunches Third Wednesday of each month

Shefford Eileen Devereux CHAIRMAN 01462 814765 Community Hall, Ampthill Road, Shefford Third Tuesday of the month at 10am - 12 noon 19/06/12 Have a good laugh with Ro Haggerwood 17/07/12 Scandinavia - talk by Ken Burton 21/08/12 Royal National Lifeboat Institution

Skegness Ray Morris SECRETARY 01754 762060 Phillip Grove Community Rooms, Church Road South, Skegness. First Thursday of each month from 10.00am - 12 noon

Sleaford & Ancaster Mike Smith GROUP PR/CO-ORDINATOR 01526 833273 Sleaford: Bristol Bowls Club, Boston Road, Sleaford. Ancaster: Angel Court, Ancaster Sleaford: First Thursday of the month 10.15am Noon. Ancaster: Second Wednesday of the month 10.15am - Noon

Solihull Margaret Smith SECRETARY 0121 744 6150 John Palmer Hall, Union Road, Solihull Second Monday of each month at 10am

Stamford Mrs B Smith CHAIRMAN/SECRETARY 01780 755437 Tenter Court, Wharf Road, Stamford Last Thursday of the month at 2.15pm 28/06/12 Afternoon Tea in Member’s Garden 26/07/12 Brewery Visit 30/08/12 Fruit Picking

Wellington & Telford Emrys Jones CHAIRMAN 01952 254252 e30jones@ Belmont Community Hall, Wellington, Telford First Thursday of each month at 10am - 12 noon

Wigston Mrs J Collins VICE CHAIRMAN 0116 288 7802 The Royal British Legion, Launceston Road, Wigston Second and fourth Mondays of each month from 1.30 - 4.00pm (Bank Holidays permitting) 11/06/12 Queen’s Jubilee Party - Entertainment by Mr Ian Rogerson & Friends

Worcester Leigh Watkins SECRETARY 01905 774034 Perdiswell Young Peoples Leisure Centre, (A38) Droitwich Road (opp. Checketts Lane) Second Wednesday of each month at 1pm (except Aug) 13/06/12 TBA 11/07/12 TBA 08/08/12 Summer Outing


Croxley Green & Rickmansworth Frank Brown 01923 779070 Red Cross Centre, 1 Community Way (off Barton Way), Croxley Green Second Thursday of alternate months (ie Jan, Mar, May etc) at 10.15am and on first Monday of intervening months for pub lunch from 12 noon. For more information on pub lunches please contact Mrs Eileen Murray on 10923 776092

Dereham Robert Jackson CHAIRMAN 01362 693977 Toftwood Village Hall, 47 Shipdham Road, Toftwood, Dereham Second Friday of each month at 10.00am - 12 noon

Drayton - Norfolk Derek Heffer CHAIRMAN 01603 861554 Various venues for lunch quarterly

Mrs D Parker SECRETARY 01953 456958 Methodist Church Hall, London Road, Attleborough Third Thursday of the month from 10am - 12 noon 21/06/12 Starthrowers - Cancer Charity 19/07/12 Trains - talk by Arthur Barrett 16/08/12 TBA


Aylsham & District

Mr Tony Thomson GROUP REPRESENTATIVE 01582 713250

Janet Bezant SECRETARY 01263 731640 Friends Meeting House, Peggs Yard, Red Lion Street, Aylsham Second Monday of each month at 10am (unless it’s a Bank Holiday) 11/06/12 Coronation Special 09/07/12 Curiosities - talk by Sylvia Barrett 13/08/12 DIY

Billericay Mr J R Smith LOCAL CONTACT 01277 622156 Various venues for lunches at 12.30pm 19/07/12 Informal Lunch at the Blue Boar, High Street, Billericay at 12.30pm

Bury St Edmunds Mrs Doreen Ginn CHAIRMAN 01284 755256 West End Home Guard Club, Abbot Road, Bury St. Edmunds. Second Wednesday of each month at 10am 13/06/12 The Role of the Customs Officer - talk by Nicholas Anthony 11/07/12 Growth and Culture of the English Vineyard - talk by Jillian Macready 08/08/12 Bhutan, Land of the Thunder Dragon talk by Chris Parfitt

Chelmsford Pat Frankland SECRETARY 01245 259194 Room 3, Christ Church URC, New London Road Second Tuesday of each month 9.30am - 12.30pm 12/06/12 Summer Lunch 10/07/12 Bring & Buy Sale 14/08/12 Reminisence Boxes

Colchester Joan Gomer SECRETARY 01206 794656 St Margaret’s Anglican Church Hall, Stansted Road, Colchester Third Tuesday of each month at 2pm 19/06/12 Growing Up in the Dutch Quarter - talk by Ray Walters 04/07/12 Visit to Ipswich Group for a Quiz and Strawberry Tea 17/07/12 Outdoors in France - talk by Anne McLaren 21/08/12 Bombay Street Children - talk by Valerie Mulcare-Tivey

Mrs Edna McNaughton SECRETARY 01279 865102 Toby Carvery, Harlow First Friday of the month at 12 noon


Hemel Hempstead Miss Joan Ibbett SECRETARY 01442 259674 Methodist Church Hall, The Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead Second Wednesday of each month at 10.30am

Hertford Mrs Olive Smith CHAIRMAN 01992 550753 Methodist Church Hall, Ware Road, Hertford First Monday of each month at 2-4pm (except Bank Holidays) 11/06/12 Veola Water - Jodie & Lorraine 22/06/12 Summer Holiday - Royal Faulkner, Sidmouth (22-29 June) 02/07/12 Legendary Films Part 1 - Mrs Maggie Radcliffe 11/07/12 Visit to Kew Gardens 06/08/12 A Nice Cup of Tea - Mrs Margaret Rogers 15/08/12 Visit to Braintree Chocolate Factory

Huntingdon Mrs Gillian Greville SECRETARY 01480 458098 Little Stukeley Village Hall, Low Road (off Mill Road), Little Stukeley, Huntingdon Last Thursday of the month at 2.30pm 12/06/12 Branch Lunch at The Dolphin Hotel, St. Ives, Cambridgeshire - 12.30 for 1pm 28/06/12 An Audience with Queen Victoria - Jacqui Tevlin 26/07/12 Jubilee Barbecue - 12.30 for 1pm 30/08/12 Children in Wartime - talk by Rita Smith


First Wednesday of each month at 2pm (except Aug) 08/06/12 East Anglian Air Ambulance 04/07/12 Colchester Group: Quiz and Cream Tea 18/07/12 Luncheon at Peak Lodge 15/08/12 Annual Coach Outing

Loughton Eric Adams CHAIRMAN 020 8508 7207 Jazz Archive Room, Loughton Library, Traps Hill, Loughton Third Monday of each month at 2pm

Lowestoft Kate McNamara TREASURER/SECRETARY 01502 714380 Beaconsfield Club, 7 Surrey Street, Lowestoft First and Third Wednesday of each month at 10.30am (except Aug)

Mildenhall Mr Martin Claridge SECRETARY 01842 810096 Mildenhall Social Club, Recreation Way First Tuesday of each month at 2pm 12/06/12 Eastern Area Branch Lunch at the Dolphin Hotel, St. Ives. 03/07/12 Caister Lifeboat - talk by Don Hill 25/07/12 Guided Tour of the Stamford Battle Training Area 07/08/12 Shoestring Theatre - talk by Jill Blanchard

Newmarket Les Beament CHAIRMAN 01638 744005 St. John Training Centre, Newmarket Hospital, Exning Road Second Wednesday of each month at 2.15pm 13/06/12 Indoor Entertainment - Beetle Drive 11/07/12 Queen’s Jubilee, Strawberry Cream Tea 08/08/12 An afternoon’s entertainment from our Chairman

Norwich Mary Weatherhead SECRETARY 01603 410821 Reading Room, Doughty’s Hospital, Golden Dog Lane Second Monday of each month at 10am for 10.30am 11/06/12 Wild Garden Flowers - talk by Mr R Maidstone 09/07/12 The Earthworks of Norfolk - talk by Mr D Robertson 13/08/12 Quiz and Bring & Buy

Radlett Mrs Shirley Herbert SECRETARY 020 8953 2999 Local restaurants for coffee or lunch Monthly - details from Secretary

Rayleigh Mrs F Cohen SOCIAL SECRETARY 01702 342426 Cloister West, Parish Rooms, Rayleigh Church, Rectory Garth (off Hockley Road), Rayleigh First Thursday of each month from 2.00-4.00pm

Rochford Mrs F Cohen SOCIAL SECRETARY 01702 342426 Parish Council Rooms, 82 West Street, Rochford Third Thursday of each month from 145-3.45pm

Mrs Sylvia Green SOCIAL SECRETARY 020 8594 5284 St. Andrew’s Church Hall, The Drive, Ilford Third Monday of the month at 1.30pm 18/06/12 Dick Turpin - talk by Mrs Georgina Green 23/07/12 The History of Wanstead Park and Wanstead House - talk by Steve Denford 20/08/12 St. Francis Hospice - talk by Rochelle Hodds

Saffron Walden



Eva Stevens SECRETARY 01473 688040 Museum Street Methodist Church Hall, Blackhorse Lane, Ipswich

Mrs F Cohen SOCIAL SECRETARY 01702 342426 Thorpdene Community Centre, Delaware Road, Shoeburyness First Tuesday of each month from 2.00-4.00pm

Mrs E Mansfield CHAIRPERSON 01279 755458 The Chequers Public House, Cambridge Road, Ugley, Bishops Stortford Second Monday in the month (approx 4 times per year) at 12-12.30pm for lunch. Please contact Chairman for details. sUMMER 2012


St. Albans


Mrs B G Hill SECRETARY 01727 858198 Friends Meeting House, Upper Lattimore Road, St. Albans First Thursday of the month at 10am

Janette Davies CHAIRMAN 01256 321471 Brookvale Village Hall, Lower Brook Street, Basingstoke First Wednesday of each month at 10.00am 06/06/12 Abbeyfields Retirement Home - talk by Manuela White 19/06/12 Henley and Marlow - Thames Boat Trip 04/07/12 Fun Ways to Improve your Memory - talk by Simon Williams 11/07/12 Trip to Ryde, Isle of Wight 01/08/12 How to Grow Old Disgracefully - talk by Gwen Appleton 16/08/12 Outing to Stourhead

Stevenage & Baldock Helen Leisk SECRETARY 01438 355131 United Reformed Church, Cuttys Lane, Stevenage First Thursday of every month at 2pm 07/06/12 Amelia Earhart - talk by Keith Baldwin 18/06/12 5 day Coach Holiday to Isle of Wight Warners Holiday Village 05/07/12 Strawberry Tea 02/08/12 Stevenage 1939-1945 - talk by John Amess 07/08/12 Boat Trip - Maidenhead to Windsor

Swaffham Mrs June Finch SECRETARY 01760 720728 Methodist Church Hall, London Street, Swaffham Third Tuesday of each month at 10.15am

Watford (Cassiobury) Mr Ian Whyte LOCAL CONTACT 01923 441952 duncan. St. Luke’s Church, Langley Way, Watford WD17 3EG Second Tuesday of Jan, May, Jul, Sep & Nov at 10am

Bexhill Hilary Markham SECRETARY 01424 210985 Bexhill Sailing Club, Marina, Bexhill-on-Sea Fourth Tuesday of each month at 10am

Bournemouth - Boscombe & Southbourne Paul Tabor CHAIRMAN 01202 422493 St Katherine’s Church Hall, Church Road, Southbourne First Wednesday of each month at 10am 06/06/12 Dorset Fire and Rescue 04/07/12 RNLI 01/08/12 Produce Auction

Bournemouth - Central


Alan Carter 01202 292720

Mrs F Cohen SOCIAL SECRETARY 01702 342426 Balmoral Community Centre, Salisbury Avenue, Westcliff on Sea Fourth Wednesday of each month from 2.00-4.00pm

Bournemouth Christchurch & Highcliffe


Bournemouth - New Forest

Peter Blake CHAIRMAN & SECRETARY 01268 583060 Christchurch Hall, R/O 44 High Street, Wickford Second Thursday each month 1.30 - 3.30pm

Sandy Whittaker CHAIRMAN 023 8028 2157 Meetings in odd months are at Milford on Sea Village Community Centre, Sea Road; meetings in even months are at Bashley Village Hall First Tuesday of each month at 10.15am 05/06/12 They Saw the Elephant - Trevor Fulton (Bashley) 03/07/12 Who Do You Think You Are? - Gordon Lewis (Milford) 07/08/12 All Around the Gallopers - Bob Smith

Witham David Longhurst COMMITTEE MEMBER 01376 513629 Methodist Church Hall, Guithavon Street Last Tuesday of each month at 10.30am

SOUTHERN ENGLAND Aldershot Gloria Wetherill SECRETARY/SOCIAL SECRETARY 01252 345318 Holy Trinity Church, Galpin Hall, Windsor Way, Aldershot Second Thursday of every month at 1.30-3.30pm 14/06/12 Cream Tea Jubilee Party with Royal Quiz by David Mayhead 12/07/12 7 Ages of Aldershot Camp - talk by Paul Vickers 24/07/12 Runnymede Boat Trip to Windsor

Arun - formerly Littlehampton Jim Underwood TREASURER 01903 709033 St Joseph’s Convent, Franciscan Way. Please use entrance in East Street if arriving by car. Second Wednesday of each month at 2pm 13/06/12 The Earl of Arundel, the Collector Earl

Ascot & Sunningdale John Cook CHAIRMAN 01344 429391 National School of Government at Sunningdale Park, Larch Avenue, Ascot Third Friday of each month at 12 noon (except Aug) 15/06/12 The Olympic Games - Past and Present illustrated talk by Sally Botwright 17/07/12 Coach Trip to Hidcote Manor and Kiftsgate Gardens 20/07/12 Beetle Mania



Paul Tabor 01202 422493

Bournemouth - Poole & District Ray White 01425 476037

Bournemouth - Ringwood & District Ron Fisher CHAIRMAN 01202 896315 ronf. Greyfriars Community Centre, Ringwood First Friday of each month at 10am 01/06/12 Life Aboard the Royal Yacht Britannia Mike Cranshaw 26/06/12 Pub Lunch at The Carpenter’s Arms, Bransgore 06/07/12 The Work of the Somerset & Dorset Air Ambulance - Ms Annette PlaistowTrapaud 26/07/12 Pub Lunch at Drusillas, Horton 28/07/12 Garden Party 03/08/12 The A-Z of the New Forest - John Coombes 28/08/12 Pub Lunch at The Three Legged Cross, Woolsbridge

Bournemouth - Swanage Mrs Irene Greenway 01929 423394

Bournemouth - Wimborne & Ferndown Eric Basire SECRETARY 01202 897158

Ferndown Village Hall, Church Road, Ferndown Third Wednesday of each month at 10.30am. Skittles meetings, New Forest walks and other events are held from time to time - ask Eric Basire for details.

Brighton & Hove Mrs Anne Cobby Ventnor Hall, Blatchington Road, Hove First Wednesday of the month at 2.15pm 06/06/12 Celebration Tea for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 04/07/12 To celebrate American Independence Day, Ian Gledhill will present his show about John Phillip de Sousa 01/08/12 Experiences of Nazi Occupation in Holland

Burgess Hill Mike Mason CHAIRMAN 01444 245289 Millfield Suite, Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill Fourth Wednesday of each month at 10am (Dec may vary) 27/06/12 Coffee Morning. Helen Fisher presents ‘Burgess Hill in Pictures’ Quiz 25/07/12 Coffee Morning 22/08/12 Coffee Morning

Chandlers Ford Ken Willcocks CHAIRMAN 023 8076 0102 Chandlers Ford Community Centre, Hursley Road, Chandlers Ford First Friday of the month at 10am 01/06/12 Safe and Sound (scams, uninvited callers and other issues) - talk by Jane Gulliver 06/07/12 A Mother’s Adventures in Indonesia with Baggage - talk by Mrs G Graham 03/08/12 Changes in Women’s Fashions as their Roles change in Life - talk by Dinah Warnock

Chichester Norman Gubbey CHAIRMAN 01243 787135

Crawley Jim Piercey CHAIRMAN 01293 409332 Bill Buck Room, Crawley Library, Southgate Avenue, Crawley. Fourth Friday of the month at 2pm

Eastbourne Audrey Fewtrell CHAIRMAN/SECRETARY 01323 730570 St. Saviour’s Church Hall, South Street, Eastbourne Third Wednesday of the month at 10am

Emsworth & Havant Ralph Whitehouse CHAIRMAN 01243 374081 Emsworth Community Centre, Church Path, Emsworth First Friday of each month at 10am 01/06/12 Annual Pub Lunch at The Barley Mow, Walderton 06/07/12 Talk by one of our group members 03/08/12 Afternoon Tea in the beautiful City of Chichester

Fleet Dorothy Brookman CHAIRMAN 01252 684368 Baptist Church Hall, 115 Clarence Road, Fleet Third Tuesday of each month at 2.15pm (except Jul & Aug)

Hailsham Jeanne Archer CHAIRMAN & SECRETARY 01323 832055 St. Marys Church Lounge, St. Marys Church, Vicarage Road, Hailsham Second Tuesday of the month at 10.15am (except Aug) 12/06/12 A Year at a Sussex Reservoir - talk by Robin Harris 10/07/12 Canadian Trio (Stampede, Rockies and Alaska) - talk by Mrs Barbara Cornwell



Blandford Forum

Dennis Miles CHAIRMAN 01273 845693 Adastra Hall, 31 Keymer Road, Hassocks First Thursday of each month at 10.30am

Mr D MacLean CHAIRMAN 0118 970 1290 Tadley Community Centre, Newchurch Road, Tadley First Thursday of each month at 1.30pm for 2.00pm (excepting in unusual circumstances when advance notice is given to our members) 07/06/12 A Geriatric Trip around the World - talk by Richard Tanner 05/07/12 Birdlife in Lakes Beringe - talk by Nigel Glover-Wright 02/08/12 Beijing and Beyond - talk by Jean Shephard

Mrs M Chambers SECRETARY 01258 456572 Contact Secretary for venue details. Second Friday of each month at 11am

Hastings & St Leonards John Hall CHAIRMAN 01424 813355 All Saints Church Hall, All Saints Street, Old Town Third Tuesday of each month at 10am - 12 noon (except Aug) 19/06/12 Quiz 17/07/12 Games Morning

Horley Arnold Ullmann MBE TREASURER 01293 783590 Horley & District Constitutional Club, 1 Albert Road, Horley (unless otherwise stated). Fourth Wednesday of the month at 10.45am (unless otherwise stated) 27/06/12 Coffee Morning - Talk (TBA) 25/07/12 Summer Garden Lunch 12.30 for 1pm and Raffle at 3 Landen Park, Horley - charge £7.50. Please notify 01293 785229 for catering purposes. 22/08/12 Coffee Morning

Newbury Roger Walker CHAIRMAN 01635 44575 St. Johns Church Room, Newtown Road, Newbury Second Monday of the month at 2.15pm 11/06/12 40 Years of Smuggling - talk by Malcolm Nelson 09/07/12 Curios of the Cotswolds - talk by Alan Copeland 12/07/12 Annual Strawberry Tea Party 13/08/12 Swing Riots of 1830 - talk by Richard Godfrey

Portsmouth North Janie Quayle CHAIRMAN 023 92 641954 St. Nicholas Church Hall, Battenburg Avenue, Copnor Second and fourth Mondays at 2pm (except Bank Holidays and Aug) 11/06/12 ‘Play Your Cards Right’ with Bernadette Hilton 25/06/12 Strawberry Tea, Chat, Raffle and Quiz 27/06/12 Visit to St. Marys House and Gardens 09/07/12 Hand-made Gifts - Stephanie Burge 23/07/12 Origins of Portsmouth Street Names talk by Madelaine Salvetti

Reading West & Tilehurst David Cox SECRETARY 0118 958 6311 United Reformed Church Hall, Polsted Road, off Armour Road Last Wednesday of the month at 2pm (except Aug) 27/06/12 Sherlock Holmes - illustrated talk by Nick Channer 25/07/12 Odd Odes - talk by Alan Stockwell

Southsea Mike Barrow CHAIRMAN 023 92 829552 St. Simon’s Church Hall, Waverley Road, Southsea Second Wednesday of the month at 10.30 and fourth Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm (except Aug) 13/06/12 Jubilee Party 27/06/12 Scottish Dancing and Strawberry Tea 11/07/12 Coffee Morning 25/07/12 Trading Standards

Stubbington Mrs Tressie Heather SECRETARY 023 92 580681 Catholic Church Hall, Bells Lane, Stubbington. Second Thursday of each month at 2pm (meeting) and last Tuesday of each month at 10.30am (coffee morning) 17/07/12 Visit to Petworth House, Sussex


John Keast SECRETARY 0118 940 2975 Hannen Room, St. Marys Church, Station Road, Wargrave Third Tuesday of Feb, Apr, June, Oct and Dec

Mr P F Nuttall SECRETARY 01225 862919 United Reformed Church Hall, St. Margarets Street, Bradford on Avon Second Monday of each month at 2.15pm (except Aug) 11/06/12 Jubilee Meeting with Cream Tea 27/06/12 Coach Outing. River Cruise with Fish & Chips 09/07/12 Talk by the Governor of Erlestoke Prison 25/07/12 Coach Outing - Highclere Castle 13/08/12 Coffee Morning at Fitzmaurice Place (10.30am)



John Gutteridge SECRETARY 01825 764781 Five Ash Down Village Hall, Five Ash Down, Uckfield First Thursday of the month at 2.30pm unless otherwise announced. 07/06/12 Pullman Carriages in Preservation - talk by David Jones 05/07/12 Pub Lunch (venue tbc) 02/08/12 A Policeman’s Lot - talk by Neil Sadler

Mrs Edna Wright CHAIRMAN 01803 855638 Various local restaurants, usually Waterside Paignton Usually second Thursday of the month at 12 noon contact Mrs Wright for details.

Twyford & Wargrave

Wokingham Bernard Good SECRETARY 0118 978 2350 Cantley Lodge, Wellington Road, Wokingham. Third Wednesday of each month at 2.30pm (except Aug)

Worthing David Keeling CHAIRMAN 01903 248663 United Reformed Church Hall, Shaftesbury Avenue (just south of Durrington Railway Bridge: entrance in Barrington Road). Third Tuesday of each month at 10.00am (coffee at 9.45am) 19/06/12 When Cars Could Fly - Keith Dagwell 17/07/12 Caring for Animals - Freda Almond 21/08/12 Fun Quiz - Bill Marshall

SOUTH WEST ENGLAND Amesbury Mrs Dorothy Weston SOCIAL SECRETARY 01980 624589 Antrobus House, 39 Salisbury Road, Amesbury First Tuesday of each month at 2pm 12/06/12 Short Meeting and Summer Bazaar (revised date due to Bank Holiday) 19/06/12 Outing to Blenheim Palace and Gardens 03/07/12 Meeting - Memories of the BBC 22/07/12 Mystery Tour 07/08/12 AGM 21/08/12 Outing to Wakehurst Place

Barnstaple Peter Mumby CHAIRMAN 01271 815021 Committee Room, Roundswell Community Centre, Roundswell, Barnstaple Last Friday in the month (except Aug) at 11am Feb, May, Jun, Jul, Oct and Nov and at 10am Mar, Apr and Sep.

Bath Roy Burnett CHAIRMAN 01225 426583 St. John’s Parish Hall, South Parade, Bath Second Thursday of each month at 10.30am 14/06/12 Coffee Morning 12/07/12 Coffee Morning 09/08/12 Coffee Morning

Bideford Please contact Fellowship Office on 020 8691 7411 Griggs Close Community Centre, Northam, Bideford Second Friday in the month at 10.30am - 12 noon

Burnham-on-Sea Joyce Beard SECRETARY/TREASURER 07706 868648 Burnham Area Youth Centre, Cassis Close, Burnham on Sea. Fourth Tuesday in each month from 10am to 12 noon (except Aug)

Chard Gordon Baker SECRETARY 01460 73333 The Donyatt Bowling Club, Ilminster Third Thursday of the month at 10.30am

Chippenham David Gardner CHAIRMAN 01249 658431 Rotary Hall, Station Hill, Chippenham First Wednesday of each month at 2pm (except Aug) 06/06/12 Radiography - talk by Sarah Buttershaw 04/07/12 Chippenham Civic Society - talk by Roger Backwery

Crediton Miss M Steer CHAIRMAN 01363 866256 Club Crediton, Searle Street, Crediton. First Friday of each month at 10.35am for coffee unless there is a trip or lunch when a notice will appear in the local paper

Dawlish Mrs M Carter SECRETARY 01626 888275 The Manor House, Old Town Street Second Friday of each month at 2pm (except Jul & Aug). 08/06/12 Trip out to Kents Cavern and Cream Tea

Dorchester Mike Rogers SECRETARY 01308 420755 Dorset Youth HQ, Lubbecke Way, Dorchester. Third Thursday of the month at 10.15 for 10.30am - 3.00pm 21/06/12 Dorset Wild Life Trust 19/07/12 Sale of a Village - talk by Mrs Gale 16/08/12 Pam Ayres - talk by Jo Evans

Exmouth Carol Brett SECRETARY 01395 442671 RAFA Club, Imperial Road, Exmouth First Wednesday of each month at 10am 06/06/12 Coffee Morning 04/07/12 Coffee Morning 01/08/12 Coffee Morning

Ham (Plymouth) Veronica Smerdon SECRETARY 01752 318672 The Halcyon Centre, Dingle Road, North Prospect, Plymouth. Every Monday at 2.00pm sUMMER 2012


Liskeard & Pensilva Shirley Waye SECRETARY 01579 346089 Refreshment Rooms, Liskeard Public Hall, West Street, Liskeard Last Wednesday of each month at 10am 13/06/12 South Pacific at the Theatre Royal 27/06/12 Garden Party to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubille, Refreshment Rooms, Liskeard 25/07/12 Group Meeting - Speaker (TBA) 15/08/12 Firework Display 29/08/12 Group Meeting - Speaker (TBA)

Minehead Isabel Dobson 01643 703199 Foxes Hotel, The Esplanade, Minehead Coffee mornings on the last Tuesday of the month at 10.15am (except Jul & Aug)

Princetown Mike Fitzpatrick SECRETARY 01822 890799 Prince of Wales, Tavistock Road, Princetown First Thursday of the month at 12.30pm 21/06/12 Day Out at Trethorne Leisure Centre, Cornwall 19/07/12 Coach Trip to ‘Betty Cottles’ for Lunch 16/08/12 Coach Trip to Exeter Quay

Salisbury Plain Mr Roy German SECRETARY 01980 653446 The Village Hall, High Street, Durrington Third Tuesday of each month at 2.30pm (except Aug) 19/06/12 Strawberry Cream Tea and Summer Draw 26/06/12 Coach Outing to Weston-Super-Mare 17/07/12 Following in Grandma’s Footsteps - talk by Karen Johnstone 24/07/12 Coach Outing to Seaton and Donkey Sanctuary 21/08/12 Annual Summer Fete 28/08/12 Coach Tour of the Cotswolds

Sidmouth Margaret Adams CHAIRMAN 01395 577622 Sidholme Hotel, Elysian Fields, Temple Street Second Wednesday of each month at 10.25am

Somerton Colin Mclntyre SECRETARY 01458 223953 The Two Brewers, Leigh Road, Street Third Tuesday of the month at 11.30am

Tamar/Tavy (Tavistock) Mike Fitzpatrick ACTING SECRETARY 01822 890799 Burrator Inn, Princetown Road, Dousland, Yelverton Second Thursday of the month at 12.30pm 14/06/12 Reminisences of a Solicitor - talk by Tom Savery 21/06/12 Coach Trip to the Trethorne Leisure Centre, Cornwall 19/07/12 Coach Trip to ‘Betty Cottles’ for Lunch 09/08/12 Morwellham Quay, Historic Port - talk by Helen and Anthony Wilson 16/08/12 Coach Trip to Exeter Quay

Taunton Mick Grigg CHAIRMAN 01823 272046 Lawns Social Club (formerly Royal British Legion Club), St. Mary Street, Taunton Second Friday of the month at 10.30am (unless Public Holiday in which case third Friday)

Trowbridge Peter Collins SECRETARY 01225 768370



Old Manor Hotel, Trowle, Trowbridge/ St. Thomas’ Church Hall, York Buildings, off Timbrell Street, Trowbridge First Wednesday of each month at 10.30am (Old Manor Hotel) & third Wednesday of each month at 2pm (St Thomas’ Church Hall) 06/06/12 Queen’s Jubilee Tea at the Old Manor Hotel at 3.00pm in lieu of coffee morning 20/06/12 Handwriting - talk by Mr Jameson Davis 04/07/12 Coffee Morning at the Od Manor Hotel 18/07/12 Coach Trip to Seaton with a tram ride to Colyton 01/08/12 Coffee Morning at the Od Manor Hotel 15/08/12 Lasting Impressions - talk by Mrs Marshfield

Wellington (Somerset) Tony Martin TREASURER 01823 662879 Northfield Centre, Lodge Close, Wellington Third Tuesday every month at 10.15am

Westbury (Wiltshire) Ken Holloway CHAIRMAN 01373 864049 Paragon Hall, Haynes Road, Westbury Third Monday of each month at 1.45pm for 2.00pm (except Aug). 18/06/12 Meeting and Hearing Services - talk by J Phillip 20/06/12 Outing to Sidmouth 16/07/12 Meeting and Wild Life - talk by D & T Townend 25/07/12 Outing to Lynton & Lynmouth 15/08/12 Outing to Althorp House, Northampton 20/08/12 Coffee Morning

Westbury-on-Trym Beryl Webb SECRETARY 01454 614451 Studland Court, Henleaze Road, Henleaze First Thursday of each month at 2pm (except Aug) 14/06/12 Summer Outing (booking required) 05/07/12 Ration Books to Rock and Roll - talk by Terry Merrit-Smith 02/08/12 Summer Break

Weston-Super-Mare Alan Jackson CHAIRMAN 01275 858766 Friends Meeting House, corner of High Street/Oxford Street, Weston-Super-Mare First and third Thursday of the month at 10am (for coffee mornings, other events listed below) 07/06/12 Coffee Morning 12/06/12 Coach Outing to Morwellham Quay and Tea 21/06/12 Coffee Morning 05/07/12 Coffee Morning followed by Committee Meeting 10/07/12 Outing to Dartmouth (including train*, river trip (optional) and tea - * subject to suitable timetable) 19/07/12 Coffee Morning 02/08/12 Coffee Morning 14/08/12 Coach Outing to Abergavenny and Brecon, WI Tea and tour of Brecon Beacons

Fourth Tuesday of each month at 2pm 26/06/12 Outing to Oakham Treasures, Portbury 24/07/12 Animals at War - talk by Mrs P Ollevenslow 28/08/12 Outing (details tbc)

LONDON & SOUTH EAST ENGLAND Banstead & District Miss Marion Pevy SECRETARY/TREASURER 01737 812129 Banstead Methodist Church Hall, The Drive Last Tuesday of each month at 10.30am - 12 noon (except Jun [Garden Party] and Jul [Summer Lunch] ) 26/06/12 Garden Party 31/07/12 Summer Lunch 28/08/12 Coffee Morning and Quiz

Beckenham Eileen Morgan CHAIRMAN 020 8650 8784 Beckenham Public Hall, 4 Bromley Road, Beckenham First Tuesday of each month at 2pm

Bexleyheath Miss Norma Smith SECRETARY 020 8304 2466 St. Andrews Church Hall, Brampton Road, Bexleyheath First three Wednesdays in every month at 1.453.45pm (except Aug). Every 2nd Wednesday is a Social Afternoon and Bingo. 06/06/12 Jubilee Lunch followed by Maureen’s Music 13/06/12 RNLI on the River Thames - talk 20/06/12 “I am a tulip, what are you?” - talk by Jacqueline Aviolet, Nurserywoman 27/06/12 Waltham Abbey and trip on the Broxbourne Canal with Cream Tea 04/07/12 Life Inside - talk by John Mills, a retired Prison Officer 11/07/12 Social Afternoon and Bingo 18/07/12 Meals and Manners in Shakespeare’s Time - talk by Shirley Newton 25/07/12 Biddenden Vineyard and afternoon in Tenterden 01/08/12 No meeting (Hall closed) 08/08/12 No meeting (Hall closed) 15/08/12 No meeting (Hall closed) 22/08/12 The Sistine Chapel Ceiling Reproduction, Goring and afternoon in Worthing

Camberley Jenny Ingoe RECORDS SECRETARY 01483 558152 High Cross Church, Knoll Road, Camberley. Fourth Tuesday of each month at 2pm (except Jul & Aug)

Edgware & Stanmore Ray Broom SECRETARY 020 8427 8659 St. Lawrence’s Church Hall, Whitchurch Lane, Edgware Second Monday of each month at 2pm 11/06/12 My Part in Bletchley Park Story - talk by Gwen Adsley 09/07/12 Story of Bicycles - talk by G Paine 13/08/12 Social Event



Geoff Greenstreet SECRETARY 01305 832432 St. Nicholas Church, Buxton Road, Weymouth Second Thursday of each month at 2.30pm (except Aug) 14/06/12 Dorset Oil - talk by Rod Harris 27/06/12 Coffee Morning 12/07/12 Death and the Doctor - talk by Richard Samways 25/07/12 Coffee Morning

Susan Bentley SECRETARY & PROGRAMME 020 8360 4361 St. Andrew’s Church Hall, Silver Street, Enfield First Monday of the month at 10am (unless a Bank Holiday when it will be the second Monday) 11/06/12 Benenden - talk by Andrew Wilkinson 02/07/12 Wills, Inheritance Tax and Powers of Attorney - talk by Rebekah Hillman 06/08/12 Europe News - illustrated talk by Dennis Dyke

Yate & District Donald Kirkham CHAIRMAN 01454 317242 Yate Parish Hall, Station Road

Hounslow Roy Woods CHAIRMAN 020 8230 5533 United Reformed Church Hall, 114 Hanworth Road,

Hounslow Second Tuesday of each month 1.30-4.00pm 12/06/12 Art Demonstration using Wax and an Iron 10/07/12 The Immigration Service - talk 14/08/12 Japan - talk

Kenton (Middlesex) Daphne Radford SECRETARY 020 8908 4099 St. Anselm’s Church Hall, Uppingham Avenue, Stanmore Third Wednesday of the month at 2pm 20/06/12 Pennine Way - talk by Mr Welling 18/07/12 Harrow Age UK 15/08/12 Americal State Parks - talk by Alex and John

Kingston & District Mrs Jean Hall SECRETARY 020 8942 2309 Kingston Methodist Church Hall, Avenue Road, Fairfield South, Kingston Third Tuesday of each month at 2pm. For outings programme contact the Secretary. 19/06/12 As Bright as a Button - talk by May Knight 17/07/12 Natural Healing through Reflexology - talk and demonstration by Lynne Wilkinson 21/08/12 Are you legally prepared? Wills, Power of Attorney, Inheritance Tax - talk by Mrs Hallis Arnold

Leatherhead Anne Thomson SECRETARY 01372 373258 John Rumble Hall, Fetcham Village Hall, The Street, Fetcham First Friday of each month at 10am 01/06/12 Diamond Jubilee Lunch 06/07/12 Speaker - TBC 03/08/12 The Work of the Grange Centre, Bookham - talk by Judith Walker, Chief Executive

London - Catford & Lewisham Jane Duffy SECRETARY 020 8697 2840 St. Laurence Church Hall, Bromley Road, Catford Second Tuesday of the month at 10am

London - Chiswick W4, W6 & W12 Helen Barron CHAIRMAN 020 8748 2486 Scouthaven, Wilson Walk (passage between Stamford Brook Underground Station and Prebend Gardens) Fourth Friday of each month at 2pm (except Aug)

London - Clapham SW4 & SW11 Miss M Farley SECRETARY 020 8870 7361 Staff Restaurant 4th Floor, PCS Headquarters, 160 Falcon Road, Clapham Junction First Thursday of each month at 10.15am. We also have a monthly pub lunch - for details please contact the Secretary 02/07/12 Branch AGM at PCS, Clapham Junction at 2.00pm

London - Dulwich & Norwood Mrs Pat Belsey SECRETARY 020 7701 4992 Railway Club, Selhurst Station Approach Fourth Tuesday of each month at 10.30am 26/06/12 TBA 24/07/12 Bring & Buy 28/08/12 Northumbria Flora - talk by Michael Jennings

London - Edmonton Mrs Sheila Lamonte CHAIRPERSON 020 8886 7873 Ambassador Room, Millfield House, Silver Street, London Third Monday of each month from 10am - 12 noon 18/06/12 Lost for Words - talk by Rita Christie

16/07/12 A Nostalgic Walk around Enfield - talk with slides by Frank Bayford 20/08/12 Talk with slides by John Neal

London - Eltham Phyllis Duignan CHAIR 020 8265 0810 United Reformed Church,Sherard Hall, Court Road, Eltham Fourth Thursday of each month at 10am - 12 noon 14/06/12 Coach Outing to Eastbourne 28/06/12 Coffee Morning followed ‘Being a Gardener at the Royal Parks’ - talk by Jim Buttress 12/07/12 Coach Outing to Brighton 26/07/12 Coffee Morning followed by ‘Greenwich Telecare’ - talk by Julian Allan 09/08/12 Coach Outing to Hastings 23/08/12 Coffee Morning followed by ‘Safer Neighbourhood’ - talk by local police

London - Fulham SW5, SW6 & SW10 Mrs Grace Phillipson CHAIRMAN Waterford House, Waterford Road, Fulham First Wednesday of the month at 10.15am. Please contact Fellowship Office (020 8691 7411) for further details.

London - Hendon Harry Hunt SECRETARY 020 8202 7647 Various venues each month for lunch - phone Secretary for details First Thursday of every month at 12.30pm

London - Southbank SE17 Joy Creamer CHAIRPERSON 020 7407 2332 Penrose Tenants Hall, Penrose Estate, Walworth Second Wednesday of each month at 10am

London - Stockwell SW8 & SW9 Mr D Stannard SECRETARY 020 7720 0982 Job Centre Plus Offices, 246 Stockwell Road, Brixton Fourth Thursday of each month at 2pm 02/07/12 Branch AGM at PCS, Clapham Junction at 2.00pm

London - Streatham & Norbury - SW16 Mrs J E Winter SECRETARY 020 8764 6450 The Glebe Sheltered Housing Complex, Prentis Road, Streatham SW16 1QR Second Tuesday of each month at 2pm 12/06/12 Quiz (don’t worry it’s just a bit of fun and you may win a top prize!) 02/07/12 Branch AGM at PCS, Clapham Junction at 2.00pm 10/07/12 Strawberries and Cream Tea with sandwiches and home-made cakes, cost £3.00 per head 14/08/12 A Policeman’s Lot can be a Happy Lot talk by Alan J Coxon

Maidstone Keith Hunter CHAIRMAN 01622 746792 Methodist Church Centre, Brewer Street, Maidstone Second Monday of the month at 2pm (except Aug) 11/06/12 Farewell to Kent - talk by Helen Allinson 09/07/12 Cream Tea, Quiz and Raffle

North/South Harrow Mrs Doris Bending SECRETARY 020 8863 3240 St. Albans Church Hall, Norwood Drive, North Harrow Last Tuesday of the month at 2pm

Orpington Peter Standen VICE CHAIRMAN 01689 833358 The Memorial Hall, Methodist Church, Sevenoaks

Road, Orpington First Friday in the month at 1.45pm 01/06/12 Tragic Happenings at the Crystal Palace talk 06/07/12 Paintings in the Guildhall Art Gallery talk

Romney Marsh Mrs Win Owen CHAIR 01797 362598 The Assembly Rooms, Church Approach, New Romney Second Wednesday of each month at 10am 13/06/12 The Story of Lesness Abbey - talk by Roger McKenna 11/07/12 Kent Air Ambulance (they would like a large audience) 08/08/12 The Red Monkeys!! - talk by Chris Bonsall

Sanderstead & Selsdon Ralph Perryman SECRETARY 020 8657 3487 Selsdon Centre for the Retired, 132 Addington Road, Selsdon, South Croydon Second Thursday of the month at 2.30pm 14/06/12 Musical Programme with Mr & Mrs Rapley 12/07/12 The Humorous Side of being an Actor talk by Jonathon Fryer 09/08/12 William Munro, London Taxi Driver

South East Middlesex Mrs June Brown SECRETARY 020 8891 4680 Various venues, dates and times 26/06/12 Outing to the Isle of Wight

Staines Dorothy Dib SECRETARY 01784 441990 Various restaurants for lunch Third Tuesday of each month

Sutton Pam Davis SOCIAL SECRETARY 020 8641 2114 Friends Meeting House, 10 Cedar Road, Sutton Last Monday of the month at 2-3.45pm. The July 2012 meeting will be at 3-4.45pm. 11/06/12 Informal Lunch at the Nonsuch Inn, North Cheam 25/06/12 The Concorde Experience - talk by Roger Bricknel who was a Flight Engineer on Concorde 11/07/12 Outing to the Geffrye Museum, Shoreditch 30/07/12 Cream Tea and Social Afternoon 13/08/12 Informal Lunch - Venue TBC 20/08/12 Outing to Leighton House, Kensington

Worcester Park Peter Tharby CHAIRMAN 020 8337 7423 Old Malden Scout Hall, 411 Malden Road, Worcester Park First Monday each month at 2.00-4.00pm (If Bank Holiday, then second Monday) 11/06/12 A real ‘Sing Along’ treat with the very lively Banstead Accordion Group 02/07/12 The Mafia and I conquered Mount Etna an intriguing talk by Ann Chance 06/08/12 Summer Lunch at The H G Wells



the last word


favourite things…

Nicholas Parsons career on television, film and radio has spanned six decades and he’s still going strong. He first caught the attention of television audiences in the 1950s playing ‘the straight man’ to comedian Arthur Haynes. He was a regular on The Benny Hill Show from 1969-1974 and was host of Anglian television’s Sale of the Century from 1971 to 1983. On the radio, he is best known as the anchor on BBC Radio 4’s Just a Minute which was first broadcast on 22 December 1967 and which he continues to host. So we were more than delighted when he found time to share his favourite things with us.



The Creation of Adam by

Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel This is a most emotive picture which conveys all kinds of messages. I find every time you look at the painting it arouses different emotions.



Cider with Rosie by Laurie Lee A beautifully told story set in rural Gloucestershire of the 1930s which evokes a way of life that has now disappeared.


Piece of Music



Robert Burns - “O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us to see oursels as others see us”. {the quote comes from Robert Burns poem, ‘To a Louse, On seeing one on a lady’s bonnet in Church’ and in standard English could be translated as, “And would some Power the small gift give us, to see ourselves as others see us!” These two lines say it all. How much distress and misunderstanding could be avoided if people could absorb this simple thought.



Venice A unique city: beautiful, exotic, colourful and made special by the fact that it is surrounded by water.

Just the Two of Us - Grover Washington Jr I find it a delightfully jazzy tune with very romantic words which are beautifully sung.


Casablanca This film has everything: drama, romance, humour and excellent performances from a truly stellar cast. 62




Blue I have never analysed why but it has always been my favourite colour.



Horse Undoubtedly man’s best friend in the animal kingdom. Once a horse has adopted you he or she will give you undying loyalty.


Historical Figure

Winston Churchill A truly great man. Not just a politician but a real statesman with the ability to see the dangers in a situation and plan accordingly. He was also a great orator who could rouse a nation to achieve something when all seemed lost, as in 1940 when this country stood alone against the might of Nazi Germany.



The Rose Beautiful, delicate, colourful with petals that form beguiling patterns, the rose is truly the emperor of all flowers in the garden.

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