Autumn/Winter 2019 Fellowship News

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Fellowship News The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship

The newsletter for our subscribers & supporters


Help us hit our target Throughout the year David Tickner our Chief Executive has been visiting groups across the country to help raise the profile of their work within their local communities and to raise £10,000 to support their work. So far, he’s visited 22 groups and has at least another 10 to go before the year is out. The appeal has been sponsored by the Civil Service Insurance Society,

McClures Solicitors and Golden Charter and our current total is £8,500 so we’re just £1,500 from achieving our target. You can donate using the form on page 13 or donate securely via the CSRF website, Pictured above: Tadley group pose for David’s camera at their August meeting

VE Day 75 in 2020 On 8th May 2020 it will be 75 years since the guns fell silent at the end of the war in Europe. The anniversary will provide an opportunity to reflect on the enormous sacrifice, courage and determination of people from all walks of life who saw the country through this period. The Early May Day Bank Holiday next year has been moved from the Monday to Friday for VE Day 75, a three-day event taking place from 8th-10th May 2020, which will include a whole range of activities such as the Last Post, a National Toast, Street parties and celebrations. You can find out more about the plans for this unique weekend and how you can get involved online at

For Sale

New Group for Blackburn & Darwen area We are currently exploring the potential of opening a new local group to serve the Blackburn & Darwen area of north east Lancashire and will be writing to those people we know in the area about a launch event shortly. But if you live in this area and would be interested in volunteering to help run the group then we’d like to hear from you. You can email: or give our Group Development Officer Karin a ring on 020 8469 9194.

LIMITED EDITION NOTELETS: To help raise funds we have a limited edition set of blank notelets featuring pictures sent in by CSRF subscribers - £5 per pack. To order see page 13

Chief Executive’s Message Since our last newsletter I have been continuing my travels around our group network to shine a spotlight on the important work they undertake on our behalf within communities across the country. The visits are part of our Connecting our Communities appeal this year which is intended to raise both funds to support and awareness of the service our groups provide. We have raised £8,500 of our £10,000 target

The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship

The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Unit 11, Pepys House, Greenwich Quay, Clarence Road, LONDON SE8 3EY t: 020 8691 7411 e: w: A charity registered in England and Wales No 255465 and in Scotland No SC039049 and a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No 6297479 ©2019. Fellowship News is published by the Civil Service Retirement Fellowship (CSRF). All rights reserved. The CSRF and the publishers declare that any publication of any advertisement does not carry their endorsement or sponsorship of the advertiser or their products unless so indicated. Contributions are invited and, whether or not accepted, submissions will be returned only is accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope. No responsibility can be taken for drawings, photographs or literary contributions during transmission or while in the publisher’s hands. Proof of receipt is no guarantee of appearance. In the absence of an agreement, the copyright of all contributions, literary, photographic or artistic belongs to The CSRF. This publication (or any part thereof) may not be reproduced, transmitted or stored in print or electronic format (including, but not limited to, any online service, database or part of the internet), or in any other format in any media whatsoever, without the prior written permission of The CSRF. The CSRF accepts no liability for the accuracy of the contents or any other opinions expressed herein. The views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the official views of The CSRF.

for this appeal so if you’d like to help us hit the target by donating you can do so using the form on Page 13. When I first got involved with the Fellowship over 10 years ago I used to do regular group visiting and although sadly a number of the groups I visited then have had to close due to lack of available volunteers the passion, enthusiasm and enjoyment visible by both volunteers and group members continues to motivate me to do the best we can to preserve this organisation and the services it provides. At our Annual General Meeting in July we were pleased to welcome Elizabeth Gardiner CB, our Civil Service Champion as a guest. During the questions during the meeting she highlighted one of our greatest future challenges - which is how we can raise awareness of the Fellowship’s services to the many former civil servants (and current ones) who have not heard of us. How to overcome this challenge is at the heart of our new Business & Strategic Plan for 2020-2022 which has been discussed by the Board of

Directors during this year. The four key objectives which will continue to focus on are the development of recruitment initiatives (to attract new subscribers/supporters), our befriending services (Phone Buddy Scheme & National Visitors Network), our local group network and the collaborative working partnerships we have other organisations. In the coming months we will see some changes to our Board of Directors as both our Vice Chair Sue Jarvis and Chairman Mike Baker CBE will be moving on. I am grateful to both for their support of the organisation during their respective terms of office and I look forward to sharing news about their replacements in our next issue. But as we approach the end of another year it just remains for me to offer my thanks for your continued support and although slightly earlier than usual, wish you all the very best for the forthcoming Christmas and New Year. I hope you enjoy the issue. David Tickner, Chief Executive

Focused on Facebook? If you are on Facebook or considering it and are interested in helping us promote a re-launched CSRF Facebook page, then we’d like to hear from you with any ideas or opinions. We’ve only had a small presence here before but would like to relaunch our page to particularly focus on promoting group events around the country with the intention of

helping to publicise our work with local communities and encouraging those who are unaware of the CSRF to hopefully go along and enjoy the experience. If you’d like to help us promote a new Facebook page or have some ideas for what we might do with it then email: or call 020 8469 9194

Action on Elder Abuse Sadly, there are an everincreasing number of instances where older people are taken advantage of. Action on Elder Abuse is a charity that handles issues of abuse. One way they do that is through their unique confidential freephone helpline,

which provides information, advice and support to victims and others who are concerned about or have witnessed abuse, neglect or financial exploitation. If you are worried about an instance of abuse you can call the Action on Elder Abuse on their helpline number which is 080 8808 8141 or visit their website


New face at Fellowship Office

Introducing CS Together The recent Community Life Survey, published in July, reported that formal volunteering rates of adults in this country were now lower than reported five years ago. However, The Charity for Civil Servants is seeing the opposite; they are seeing an increase in civil servants applying to volunteer. So, they’re offering a wider range of activities and opportunities for them to get involved with, to continue to build stronger and deeper relationships within the Civil Service community. With now 400+ volunteers based across the country who are both a mix of current and retired civil servants, they have a fantastic network of

support that enables them to reach out and help more of those who may have no other place to turn in their hour of need. Their new enterprise; CS Together is a new opportunity to bring current, former and retired civil servants “together”, to support each other in unique ways. You can join up and offer a service that may be a talent, hobby or skill of your own. Or, if you need help that you can’t find anywhere else, CS Together may be able to offer this to you. Call 0800 056 2424, visit or email for more information

Enjoy the Oldie: subscription special for newsletter readers The Oldie has developed an extraordinary talent to amuse and educate, with some of Britain’s greatest writers gracing its pages: Craig Brown, Gyles Brandreth and Virginia Ironside. You won’t get retirement advice or tips on fighting old age. Oldies aren’t grumpies, but we are liberated by age to say the unsayable. The Oldie has no political agenda. You will get buckets of laughs. You can have 12 issues for £12* and a free copy of The Very Best of The Oldie: The First Twenty-Five years, worth £7.95. This is a saving of £42 on the cover price. To order this subscription, visit the website OR call 0330 333 0195 and quote ‘CSRF’

We’re pleased to welcome Karin Schnabel as a new member of the Fellowship Office team. Karin joined us after working as a Community Fundraiser for a disability charity in Croydon and running Lewisham Toy Library for many years. She will be supporting our current groups whilst also trying to establish new groups in areas where we are not well represented.

New National Treasurer Our Annual General Meeting in July welcomed the arrival of our new National Honorary Treasurer, Michael Hammond CBE. Mike has recently retired from the Department for International Development and is looking forward to getting to know the organisation. His late mother had a Fellowship connection as she was the Social Secretary for our Bexhill & Hastings group for many years.

Recognition of service Former Board Director Michael Wailes who stood down in 2018 received recognition of his service at the Banbridge group meeting in April. Chief Executive David Tickner was visiting the group as part of the Connecting our Communities initiative and presented a token of thanks to Michael (who is pictured with his wife Mary) on behalf of the Board of Directors.

Fo r i n f o r m a t i o n o n a l l t h e C S R F ’ s s e r v i c e s v i s i t w w w. c s r f. o r g . u k


news Thank you for sharing any scam experiences you’ve had recently. We have included your reports here for the benefit of others.

Contact and Companionship WaveLength is a charity that fights loneliness across the UK by giving media technology to those who are lonely and living in poverty. The people who WaveLength supports are lonely because of age, illness or impairment, or by circumstances which make it hard for them to leave the home or meet new people. Alongside supporting individual applications, WaveLength works with hundreds of organisations around the country and in 2018 alone, 12,700 people benefited from the charity’s work. To apply for a piece of technology, visit apply-for-help to read the guidance notes and download an application form. To qualify for WaveLength’s help, people must be referred by a third party, known as a referrer. This can be a friend or neighbour, social worker, care worker, medical worker, housing officer, charity worker, volunteer, a member of a religious or community organisation. For more information about Wavelength call 01708 621 101 or visit their website at

Dealing with scammers


I am writing to let you know how I deal with the problem. My number is ex-directory, and I have caller display and don’t answer any calls marked ‘unavailable’ or ‘international’. I also tend to ignore any calls that show ‘withheld’. Rogue numbers that do manage to get through are recorded and reported to BT. So, if you are in any doubt – Don’t Answer! It is a sad reflection on society today that such steps must be taken but it is necessary, and I heartily recommend it! Sent in by G J Palin

Cash Extortion

voice asked how long this would take and I told them around an hour. So, I did as I was told. When I got home the phone rang and the person told me to put the money in a white bag, go the end of the road and I would see a white van. I was to tap on the driver’s window and put the bag by the front wheel. It was at that point I realised it was a scam and I contacted the police. But before the police arrived a young man came to my home and asked about the white bag with the money in it (although he beat a hasty retreat when I told him the police were on the way). Sent in by D Morrison

Some time ago first thing in the morning I had a phone call which purported to be from the fraud squad. It told me that someone had been taking money out of my account at the bank and that I should go to bank and draw out a couple of thousand in cash. The

Scams are becoming increasingly clever so always be on your guard! If you are ever in any doubt about the veracity of a phone call or someone who knocks on your door then just politely end the call or visit and let the police know! You can help us spread news of scams to other CSRF members by sending us details - you can email us direct on or write in using the address printed on page 2.

Latest Advice from Independent Age Those clever people from Independent Age have just released three new advice guides on Pension Credit, Attendance Allowance and Council Tax. The guides are full of useful information on your entitlements, how to claim and how you might reduce your Council Tax bill. All Independent Age guides are available to order by telephoning 0800 319 6789 or you can order via their website,

Caring for a Person with Dementia Alzheimer’s Society produce a huge selection of factsheets and guides that provide useful information for anyone worried about dementia or looking after someone who has it. One guide we felt might be of interest is their Practical Guide for Caring for a Person with Dementia which is available on their website. You can order a copy of the guide or view it online at or you can call the National Dementia Helpline on 0300 222 1122 for any advice and guidance from Alzheimer’s Society


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befriending services

Celebrating Volunteers Bon Voyage to Bethany We are sad to announce the departure of Befriending Services Support Manager Bethany Holttum after nearly two years of service to the CSRF. Bethany joined us in 2017 and has made a terrific contribution to the development of our befriending services introducing regular engagement with volunteers, improvements to volunteer training and a reduction of our waiting list.

New Befriending Services Manager We’re delighted to confirm the appointment of Nathan McLellan as our new full time Befriending Services Manager. Nathan has been with the CSRF for over two years working in the role of Support Officer for our befriending services. He carries out all the volunteer training and is responsible for the matching process with volunteers and beneficiaries.

Staff and Volunteers from both the National Visitors Network and Phone Buddy Scheme participated in a networking event to celebrate Volunteers Week in June. The day of activities included some workshops, refresher training tips and advice and was held at the Youth Hostel

Association site near St Pancras. All our befrienders on both schemes received Volunteer Week Certificates to acknowledge their tremendous contribution to our befriending services. Pic: Staff and volunteers at the Volunteer Week event in June

We need You! Thame, Saltash, Blackpool, Lincolnshire (Grimsby, Sleaford, Skegness and Spalding) and Wales (Abergavenny, Llandrindod Wells and Swansea):

these are areas of the country where we have currently been unable to recruit any volunteer befrienders. So if you live in any of the towns listed and have some time you could donate to helping our befriending services then we’d love to hear from you – you can use the contact information at the bottom of the page to get in touch.

Fancy some friendship? We launched our befriending services to provide those who want it with the opportunity to enjoy the companionship that comes from home visit or phone call. If you’re interested in registering for this service, please use the contact information shown at the bottom of the page to get in touch.

How to contact our befriending services NA


















Call 020 8691 7411 (all calls are treated confidentially)


Visit befriending-schemes

Fo r i n f o r m a t i o n o n a l l t h e C S R F ’ s s e r v i c e s v i s i t w w w. c s r f. o r g . u k


Legal Advice

A Will is not Enough Our legal partners McClure Solicitors provide subscribers with a wide range of advice on later life legal issues. This issue they offer an overview of Family Protection Trusts McClure Solicitors’ expertise is Estate Planning. They also offer a Free Will for Charity service all year round. Theirs is a 3 step Will: (1) decide on your executor and beneficiaries; (2) what impact will inheriting have on your beneficiaries? (3) where will your estate end up? When they meet clients and discuss individual circumstances, they consider what could be done to better protect their assets for future generations. The Will which is instructed will give the client peace of mind that their estate will go where they want after their death. But often a will is not enough. Here are just a few case studies of clients who opted for a family protection trust:

Case 1: Gentleman, aged 79 and retired, approached us having seen a Google ad for Power of Attorney. He was single, no children, and leaving his estate to his nephew. As he was aware of the costs, hassle and time associated with winding up an 6

Estate, which he did when his parents died, he wished to avoid this for his executor and make things as simple as possible. He opted to set up a Family Protection Trust (‘FPT’) to hold his house and savings which meant no Probate procedure would be required on death. The cost of the FPT was less than the potential cost of Probate so a win, win outcome.

Case 2: 90-year-old client living

in his wife’s family home which they had lived in together after her parents had died. His wife had died previously and left a Will allowing him to occupy the property until he died as he did not have ownership of the house and, eventually, the house would pass to their children. Unfortunately,

Having a Trust would avoid the need for the Probate procedure

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How to contact McClure McClure offer legal advice on a whole range of later life issues including wills, will reviews and power of attorney. You can call them on their Freephone on 0800 852 1999 or email: contactus@

the children were not aware of her wishes until after her death. After many family debates, they fell out with each other as the children wanted to sell the house and take their money. As the client had a right to continue to live in the house until his death, the children were stuck with that. However, the atmosphere was so toxic our client was adamant they should not inherit any cash from him. He had about £40,000 in life savings. The only way he could ensure they could not make any claim on his savings after his death was to protect the money with a Family Protection Trust. A solution to another client’s particular problem.


The Joys of Dancing

Postbag We love to hear from you so if you are moved to write or email in response to any of the letters printed this issue or on a completely different subject then please do. We will endeavour to print as many as we can but may have to edit them to fit the available space.

Reaching 100 Happy 100th Birthday to Nellie Pearson whose daughter wrote in with this lovely birthday picture. Nellie worked for MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food) in Crewe in the late 60’s and early 70’s and still remembers working with vets during the Foot and Mouth outbreak. She is now in a Care Home but enjoys receiving Fellowship News as it provides a link to her working life. Ed’s note: if you have celebrating reaching 100 then please share the news with us – send in a picture along with a bit about what you did when you were working in the Civil Service

Prizes from the Society of Civil & Public Service Writers The Society of Civil & Public Service Writers, set up in 1935, runs competitions throughout the year for short stories, poems, travel articles, humorous verse and short stories for children. The competitions are open only to SCPSW members. Enquiries about membership should be sent to the Membership Secretary, Helen Lowry, at

I am writing with regards to your article in the last issue about ‘Making the most of your retirement’. My personal choice on reaching 60 was to go back to dancing after a gap of 40 years. I was by then a widow but soon made many friends who helped me to learn sequence dancing. It has helped me keep fit in mind and body during the last 26 years. Also, we sing to the songs we knew in our youth. I recommend it to everyone! Mrs D Small, Torquay Ed’s note: thanks for sharing that with us Mrs Small – if you have taken up a hobby or activity since retiring then why not share your experiences with others? Write in using the contact information and we’ll include your letter or email in the next newsletter

Contacting Postbag By Post: please write to The CSRF, Unit 11, Pepys House, Greenwich Quay, Clarence Road, London SE8 3EY By email: send any letters to

Fo r i n f o r m a t i o n o n a l l t h e C S R F ’ s s e r v i c e s v i s i t w w w. c s r f. o r g . u k


2019 AGM & Conference



This year’s event took place at Admiralty House on 16th July and included Conference talks given by Eltham group Chair Phyllis Duignan and the staff from Fellowship Office. Our keynote speaker was Ange Jones, the Age-Friendly Communities Manager from the Centre for Ageing Better who gave an enlightening talk about the Age Friendly Communities initiative. At the Annual General Meeting which took place in the afternoon, Company Members


unanimously passed two Emergency Special Resolutions which tidied up the nomination and selection process for Directors. The event also marked the departure of Jenny Rowe CB as our National Honorary Treasurer as her six-year term of office had come to end. She received a gift to recognise her contribution before the new Treasurer Michael Hammond CBE was formally welcomed. Although stepping down as Treasurer Jenny will continue her involvement with the Fellowship as a Vice President. All photography by Alex Beer,


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1: Company Member for Greater London Surrey Peter Hodson (left) with Sutton group observer Tina Caton; 2: (l to r) Outgoing Treasurer (and now Vice President) Jenny Rowe CB, Civil Service Champion Elizabeth Gardiner CB, Acting Chair Sue Jarvis and incoming Treasurer Michael Hammond CBE; 3: Eltham group Chair Phyllis Duignan (left) and Company Member for South East London Pat Pearce; 4: Fellowship Office staff & volunteers; 5: Ascot & Sunningdale group Chair Christopher Browne (right) with Pamela Drummer; 6: Company Member for North Hampshire Christine Broadbent; 7: (l to r) Guests Lynn Willan, Doreen Beck and Vida Pritchard with Company Member for Northern Ireland Michael Wailes; 8: Salisbury Plain group Chair Jonathan Davis (left) and Secretary Roy German; 9: Croydon, Dulwich & Norwood group observer Clarene Russell (left) with Company Member for South London Marilyn Bacon; 10: Guest Yvonne Scott (left) with Company Member for Enfield Sue Sims;11: Board Director Margaret Carter (left) with Company Member for West Glamorgan Sylvia Edgell; 12: Board Director Liz Beedie; 13: Outgoing Treasurer Jenny Rowe CB (left) receiving a print of pictures from her time as Treasurer from Acting Chair Sue Jarvis and Befriending Services Support Manager Bethany Holttum; 14: Guest & Former Board Director Tony Hazeldine CBE JP; 15: Company Member for North Wiltshire Gladys Webster; 16: Company Member for Portsmouth & Southsea Mike Barrow; 17: Company Member for Central & West Middlesex Jane Cocking; 18: Board Director Anne Guess; 19: Ange Jones, AgeFriendly Communities Manager from the Centre for Ageing Better; 20: Bexhill & Hastings group Chair Michael Price; 21: Company Member for South East Middlesex Michael Peacock; 22: Chief Executive David Tickner with former Fellowship Office administrator Yvonne Scott. w w w. c s r f. o r g . u k



Shop online with Smile from Amazon

Connecting Our Communities Appeal cutive David Tickner has travelled Since the last issue our Chief Exe following groups: Mid Sussex, across the country and visited the head, hill & Hastings, Newcastle/Gates Swansea, Enfield, Banbridge, Bex d. hea burgh and Leather Chandlers Ford, Tadley, Eltham, Edin


If you use Amazon, then help us raise funds by switching to their Smile portal and nominating the CSRF. Then every time you shop, we will receive a % of your shopping total as a donation. Registering for Smile is easy, and you only must do it once although you do need to remember to shop via the portal each time you shop with Amazon. Find out more online at https://


Leaving a Legacy As we receive no government funding, we rely on the money we raise through regular subscriptions and donations to support and safeguard our work. By leaving us a legacy, however big or small, you would be helping to make an important contribution to that. Our legal helpline partners McClures Solicitors can advise you on all aspects of writing a will or undertaking a will review and this includes how to leave a legacy. You can contact them on 0800 852 1999.






This year’s appeal is all about raising funds to support our group network. You can donate online at or by using the form on page 13







9 0 MONTHS 30 200 MILES




NEWCASTLE/GATESHEAD Fo r i n f o r m a t i o n o n a l l t h e C S R F ’ s s e r v i c e s v i s i t w w w. c s r f. o r g . u k


Photography Competition

Denia, Spain Picture by Jean Anderson

My Favourite Place The Pagoda, Kew Gardens, London Picture by Mrs A M Harris


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Thanks for all the entries we received for our photography competition last issue on the theme of ‘My Favourite Place’. Our Civil Service Champion Elizabeth Gardiner CB picked our five winners (who each received a £25 M&S Voucher) and we have shown all the winning pictures here. The images have been used to produce a set of five limited edition notelets (with envelopes) for us to sell to raise funds.

Stepwell, Abenhari, Rajasthan Picture by Michael Storey

MAKE A DONATION Use this form to donate to the CSRF or Order our Notelets

The 2019 Connecting our Communities Appeal CSRF Notelets (£5 per set) Indicate the number of sets you want Return the completed form including your donation to: The CSRF, Unit 11, Pepys House, Greenwich Quay, Clarence Road, LONDON SE8 3EY Cheques should be made payable to ‘The CSRF’. Alternatively you can make a donation online at Please accept my gift of:

£5 £10 £20 £50 £100 £250 Other £

How would you like us to acknowledge your donation?

River Medina, Isle of Wight Picture by George Mortimore

By Post By Email I do not wish to receive an acknowledgement We are extremely grateful for all donations we receive; you can help us save money by ticking the box to opt not to receive an acknowledgment

Name: Address: Post Code:

Tel Number:


Alternatively you could sign up to make a regular donation to support our ongoing work via direct debit. Please pay the sum of £ Starting on (date)

each month/year (delete as appropriate) /


until further notice

Name of account holder Account No

Sort Code



Name and address of your bank/building society (BLOCK CAPITALS please) To the manager

Post Code: Signature Date

How to order our notelets

Sheffield Park, East Sussex Picture by Mrs M Traynor

The price per set is £5 (and the cost includes p&p) and each set includes one of each of the winning pictures as a notelet (blank inside for any message) with envelopes. You can use the form on page 15 to place your order (all cheques need to be made payable to ‘The CSRF’) OR you can order online via the website at



For office use only

(Bank, please quote reference)

Originator’s Identification Number

6 3 0 6 7 0

Instruction to your Bank or Building Society Please pay The CSRF Direct Debits from the account detailed in this instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this Instruction may remain with The CSRF and if so, details will be passed electronically to my Bank/Building Society

Make your gift worth a quarter more at no extra cost to you! If you are a UK taxpayer The CSRF can reclaim the tax you’ve paid on your donation. Please tick the Gift Aid declaration box below I want to Gift Aid this donation and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code. Please notify us if you want to cancel this declaration, change your name or home address or no longer pay sufficient tax on your 13 income and/or capital gains.




word search

All the words in this grid have a festive feel to them – good luck!



Advent alleluia angelic angels baby brandy bread camel candles candy Cards carol cedar chestnut child

Christ comet crib Cupid Dasher Divine eggnog elves Epiphany fir gift gold gravy green ham

Happy holiday holly holy icicle inn ivy joy lights Lord Magi Manger Mary mass merry

mince meat myrrh New Year Noel party Pie pine port Prancer prophecy punch red ribbon roast sales

Spring/Summer Puzzle Solutions SODOKU: Easy


Anagrams Good Friday / Easter Egg / Simnel Cake / Hot Cross Bun / Maundy Money / Easter Garden


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Sauce sherry sing sled sleigh spirit stable star toast toys Xmas yule

Good luck!

ANAGRAMS The 15th November 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of the election of the first female MP, Lady Nancy Astor, to sit in the House of Commons. All our anagrams this issue are linked to names of famous female politicians

Allergen Make Heater Yams Canine Ploys Adornment Puny Cranial Coleus Card Read Ninja

group focus : a round up of pictures from across our group network


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In Pictures 4

1: Greenwich Riverside group enjoyed a legal clinic in April run by our legal partners, McClures Solicitors


2: Eltham group members enjoying a trip on the Llangonen Canal during their summer holiday to Llandudno 3: Hounslow group posing for the camera at a recent meeting 4: David Evans was presented with a Certificate of Merit in recognition of his long-standing service to the Fellowship by group Chair Margaret Cole 5, 6 & 7: Greenwich Riverside Group members enjoyed a visit to Dulwich Picture Gallery in July


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group focus

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8: Eltham group members at their July meeting 9: Yate & District group members at their annual group lunch at Chipping Sodbury golf club 10: Festive throwback to Christmas 2018 with Yate & District group 11: Princetown group enjoying a midwinter lunch in February at the Royal Inn at Horsebridge on the banks of the River Tamar, Cornwall


12: Princetown group enjoy lunch at The Cleave in Lustleigh in the heart of Dartmoor


13: Theresa Edmunds was presented with a gift voucher & planted basket on her retirement from the Neath Port Talbot CSRF committee 14: Catford & Lewisham group welcomed our new Group Support Officer Karin and enjoyed a word scramble at their September meeting


15: Sutton group members at the Garden Museum, Lambeth standing by the tomb of Captain Bligh of ‘Mutiny on the Bounty’ fame


16: Sutton group members outside 2 Temple Place to see the John Ruskin exhibition 17&18: Leatherhead group had lovely weather for their annual garden party

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19,20,21 & 22: Liskeard & Pensilva group celebrated their 30th anniversary in July and enjoyed an afternoon tea with scones, cream & jam, sandwiches and a large iced celebration cake. 23: Hounslow group members enjoying their September meeting

Group Listings SCOTLAND Edinburgh

Liz Beedie Secretary T: 0131 229 7422 St John’s Church Cafe, Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 4BJ Third Tuesday of each month at 2pm (except January (Winter Lunch) and September (Summer Lunch)). We run walks throughout the year and meet at Lakeland, corner of George Street/Hanover Street at 1.30pm on the first Friday of each month (except June, July & August). Organiser: Francis Valentine (Tel: 0131 228 3243). 15 Oct 2019 Meeting at St John’s Church cafe 19 Nov 2019 Meeting at St John’s Church cafe 17 Dec 2019 Meeting at St John’s Church cafe 21 Jan 2020 Winter Lunch (venue tbc)


Mrs Pam Barnet T: 01463 790265 Macdougall Clansman Hotel 103 Church Street Inverness IV1 1ES First and third Wednesday of each month, Coffee morning at 11am


Coral Chiddick Secretary T: 028 4062 3190 Bannside Presbyterian Church Hall 21 Castlewellan Road Banbridge BT32 4AX First Wednesday of each month at 2pm


Miss Wynne O’Neill Secretary T: 028 9067 1157 Mcelhinney Room The Pavillion Stormont Estate Upper Newtownards Road Belfast BT4 3TA 04 Nov 2019 Home Safety 02 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch 06 Jan 2010 Talk: MENCAP 03 Feb 2020 Activity: Floral Arrangement 02 Mar 2020 Dad’s Army


Our group network provides a whole host of activities in cities, towns and villages across the country. We welcome all beneficiaries and local retired people at group meetings. If your area doesn’t have a group and you’re interested in volunteering to help set one up then contact our Group Support & Development Officer on 020 8691 7411 or email: Craigavon


George McConnell Secretary T: 028 8676 4395 E: Portadown Town Hall, 15 Edward St, Portadown, Craigavon BT62 3LX First Tuesday of the month at 2.30pm

Richard Roscoe Chairman T: 01697 472383 A local hostelry each quarter First Tuesday of the quarter at 12 noon for lunch (March, June, Sept & Dec)



Mrs R Hope Secretary T: 028 9268 3610 Bridge Community Centre 50 Railway Street Lisburn County Antrim BT28 1XP Second Monday of each month at 2.30pm (except Jul & Aug) 14 Oct 2019 Visit to Brownlow House, Lurgan with lunch in Edenmore Golf Club. Pick up at 10.30am (Leisure Centre or Station) 11 Nov 2019 Meeting in Bridge Community Centre, Speaker from RSPB 09 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch at Mulberry Tree, Seaforde, £20 cost. Pick up time 12noon 13 Jan 2020 Annual General Meeting, Bridge Community Centre 10 Feb 2020 Meeting in Bridge Community Centre, Talk on Mercy Ships 09 Mar 2020 Visit to Donaghadee Garden Centre with lunch in The Stables, Groomsport. Pick up at 10.30am (Leisure Centre or Station)

NORTH WEST ENGLAND Crewe & Nantwich Mr M Fox Chairman T: 01270 650265 Wells Green Methodist Church Hall Brookland Avenue Wistaston Crewe CW2 8EJ First Tuesday of each month at 2pm 05 Nov 2019 Wiltshire Farm Foods: a talk & tasting by Hazel Betteridge 03 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch at Poppies Restaurant, Broad St, Crewe

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Mrs M Turner Chairman T: 0191 431 1527 Gateshead Community Fire Station Dryden Road Low Fell Gateshead NE9 5BU First Thursday of the month at 10am to 12 noon 07 Nov 2019 Meeting 05 Dec 2019 Coffee & Chat 09 Jan 2020 Bring & Buy / Quiz 06 Feb 2020 AGM

Horsforth, Rawdon & District Mrs M J Taylor T: 0113 267 8110 We meet in different local hostelries for lunch. Please contact Mrs Taylor for more details. We are a friendly group and new members are always welcome The last Tuesday in the month at 12.30pm (except December)


Brian Mitchell Treasurer T: 01482 653973 Age Uk Healthy Living Centre Porter Street Hull HU1 2RH Third Tuesday of the month at 2.15pm (except Aug) 15 Oct 2019 Social meeting 19 Nov 2019 Social meeting 10 Dec 2019 Social meeting with mince pies 21 Jan 2020 Annual General Meeting 18 Feb 2020 Social meeting 17 Mar 2020 Social meeting


Mrs Linda Leach, Tel: 01873 881022 E: No.2 Meeting Room Caerphilly New Library The Twyn Caerphilly CF83 1JL Second Monday of every month at 10.15am (except Aug)


Jane Lewis Secretary T: 029 20 757174 Ararat Baptist Church Plas Treoda Whitchurch Cardiff South Glamorgan CF14 1PT Second Wednesday of the month at 10am

Church Stretton

John Brewer Secretary T: 01694 722965 E: Mayfair Community Centre Easthope Road Church Stretton SY6 6BL First Friday of the month at 2.30pm 11 Oct 2019 Visit Wroxeter Vineyard with lunch at Origins, Shrewsbury College Restaurant 01 Nov 2019 Annual Quiz at Mayfair Community Centre 11 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch at Bucks Head, Church Stretton 06 Jan 2020 Twelfth Night Lunch at Bucks Head, Church Stretton 17 Jan 2020 Coffee Morning at Housmans, Church Stretton 07 Feb 2020 TBA 06 Mar 2020 TBA


Mrs Beryl Rennie Assistant Secretary T: 01492 876238 Third Tuesday of each month for lunch/ walk – contact the secretary for times 15 Oct 2019 Lunch at the Royal Oak, Betws-y-Coed 19 Nov 2019 Lunch at the Black Cat Restaurant, Glan Conwy Corner followed by a walk 10 Dec 2019 Christmas lunch at the Queen’s Hotel, Llandudno 21 Jan 2020 Lunch at the Black Cat Restaurant, Glan Conwy Corner followed by a walk 18 Feb 2020 Lunch at the Black Cat Restaurant, Glan Conwy Corner followed by a walk 17 Mar 2020 Lunch at the Black Cat Restaurant, Glan Conwy Corner followed by a walk

Neath & Port Talbot

Mr W Pugh Chairman T: 01792 864299 The Mayor’s Parlour The Old Town Hall Church Place Neath SA11 3LL Last Wednesday of each month at 2pm 30 Oct 2019 Neath Port Talbot Community Health Council: speaker Sue Evans 27 Nov 2019 Defending in the Criminal Court - Speaker Peter Douglas-Jones 10 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch -venue tba 29 Jan 2020 Annual General Meeting, tea & chat 26 Feb 2020 TBA 25 Mar 2020 TBA


Mrs J Stokes Chairman T: 01691 654380 The Wynnstay Hotel Church Street Oswestry SY11 2SZ First Tuesday of each month at 10.30am 05 Nov 2019 A Chinese Merry Christmas 05 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch 07 Jan 2020 Annual General Meeting 04 Feb 2020 Love Food Hate Waste 03 Mar 2020 Tax Care and Toy Boys


Mrs Sylvia Edgell Chairman/Secretary T: 01792 851125 E: The Dolphin Hotel, Oxford Street, Whitewalls, Swansea SA1 3AB Last Tuesday of each month at 11am for coffee (except August and December) 29 Oct 2019 Coffee & Chat Nov 2019 Shopping Trip to Carmarthen (tba) 26 Nov 2019 Coffee & Chat Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch (tba) 29 Jan 2020 AGM 25 Feb 2020 Coffee & Chat 31 Mar 2020 Coffee & Chat


Mrs S Atherton Chairperson T: 01295 252304 Hanwell Fields Community Centre Rotary Way Banbury OX16 1ER Second Tuesday of each month at 2.15 to 4.15pm


Suzanne Thompson Secretary T: 01234 341674 The Bunyan Meeting Mill Street Bedford MK40 3EU First Tuesday of every month at 10am 5 Nov 2019 Guy Fawkes 3 Dec 2019 Christmas Raffle & Carol Singing 07 Jan 2020 TBC 04 Feb 2020 TBC 03 Mar 2020 TBC

Coalville & Ashby

Terry Watson Chairman T: 01530 835373 Thringstone Community Centre The Green Thringstone Coalville LE67 8NR Third Wednesday each month 2pm to 4pm

Dunstable & Leighton Buzzard

Mrs Janet Bliss Secretary T: 01582 661795 E: Scout HQ Grovebury Road Leighton Buzzard LU7 4SW

First Wednesday of the month at 2pm (No meeting in Jan) 06 Nov 2019 Talk about Pantomimes 04 Dec 2019 Christmas Party with bell ringers from Ivinghoe 05 Feb 2019 TBA 04 Mar 2019 TBA

Hucclecote Mrs J Neale, Chairman T: 01452 506949 Christchurch Abbeydale, Heron Way, Abbeydale, Gloucester GL4 5EQ First Thursday of the month at 2pm 07 Nov 2019 The Silver Singers 05 Dec 2019 Christmas Party 09 Jan 2020 Music Hall Superstars 06 Feb 2020 The Importance of Aloe Vera 05 Mar 2020 AGM 02 Apr 2020 A St. Lucia Saga

Melton Mowbray

Mr M Johnson Chairman T: 01664 566821 School Room United Reform Church Chapel Street Melton Mowbray LE13 1LZ First Tuesday of each month at 1.45pm (no meeting in January) 30 Oct 2019 Branch Dinner at Market Tavern 05 Nov 2019 Games 03 Dec 2019 Carols 04 Feb 2020 TBA 03 Mar 2020 Talk with Pictures


Pam Bradley Chair T: 0115 938 4676 The Mechanics 3 North Sherwood Street Nottingham NG1 4EZ Second Wednesday of each month at 10.15am to 12.15pm


Rachel Homer Secretary T: 024 76 385845 E: Tea & Chat Café, 2 Chapel Sreet, Nuneaton CV11 5QH First Tuesday of each month at 11am for coffee mornings

Sleaford & Ancaster Mike Smith Chairman T: 01526 833273 E: Bristol Bowls Club Boston Road Sleaford NG34 7HH Sleaford: First Thursday of the month at 10.15am Bristol Bowls Club Boston Road Sleaford NG34 7HH Ancaster: Second Wednesday of the month at 10.15am to 12 noon Angel Court Ancaster Grantham NG32 3PR

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Mrs J Collins Vice Chairman T: 0116 288 7802 The Elms Social and Service Club (formerly The Royal British Legion) Launceston Road Wigston LE18 2BA Second and fourth Monday of each month from 1.30pm to 4pm (Bank Holidays permitting). 14 Oct 2019 Isambard Kingdom Brunel - talk by Dennis Partridge 28 Oct 2019 Bring & Buy 11 Nov 2019 Send A Cow - talk by Sandra Herbert 25 Nov 2019 Stories for Christmas talk by Sandy Leong 09 Dec 2019 Christmas Party 13 Jan 2020 Their Name Liveth Forever - talk by Brian Johnson 27 Jan 2020 Lunch at the Ullesthorpe Hotel 10 Feb 2020 Crich Tramway Museum - talk by John Lessells (tbc) 24 Feb 2020 Bring & Buy 09 Mar 2020 Poetry Readings - talk by Joan Hands 23 Mar 2020 Churchill - talk by John Whitehead


Leigh Watkins Secretary T: 01905 774034 Perdiswell Young Peoples’ Leisure Club Droitwich Road (opposite Checketts Lane) Worcester WR3 7SN Second Wednesday of the month at 1pm 13 Nov 2019 Talk by Elfed Jones about being a “Contented Exile” from Wales. 11 Dec 2019 Christmas Buffet in Worcester. 08 Jan 2020 TBC 12 Feb 2020 TBC 11 Mar 2020 AGM followed by a talk by John Butterworth about “A Hotel with a famous Guest List”


Mrs D Parker Secretary T: 01953 456958 Methodist Church Hall London Road Attleborough NR17 2BY Third Thursday of the month from 10am to 12 noon


Joan Gomer Secretary T: 01206 794656 Hythe Community Centre, 1 Ventura Drive, Colchester CO1 2FE Third Monday of each month at 2pm (except December) 21 Oct 2019 Film and Celebrities Quiz by Joan Gomer


18 Nov 2019 Fire Safety with Lisa Mitson Dec 2019 Christmas Meal - Venue TBC 20 Jan 2020 Quiz by David Wood 17 Feb 2020 AGM 16 Mar 2020 A Missionary in the Family - Joan Gomer


Mrs Edna McNaughton Secretary T: 01279 865102 E: Toby Carvery Edinburgh Gate Harlow CM20 2LQ First Friday of the month at 12 noon (except Jan)


Eva Stevens Secretary T: 07765 588467 E: Museum Street Methodist Church Hall Blackhorse Lane Ipswich IP1 2EF First Wednesday of the month at 2pm


Elizabeth Vale Secretary T: 020 8508 2459 Jazz Archive Room Loughton Library Traps Hill Loughton IG10 1HD Third Monday of each month at 2pm 21 Oct 2019 Discussion of local affairs 18 Nov 2019 An afternoon of quizzes and puzzles 16 Dec 2019 My Strangest Christmas 20 Jan 2020 New Year Resolutions 17 Feb 2020 Discussion 16 Mar 2020 Hints on economising


Mike Chester T: 01502 476629 E: Ex-Servicemen’s Club Gordon Road Town Centre Lowestoft NR32 1DY and Victoria Hotel Kirkley Cliff Lowestoft NR33 0BZ 1st Wednesday of the month at 11am Victoria Hotel 3rd Wednesday of the month at 12 noon - Ex-Servicemen’s


Mary Weatherhead Secretary T: 01603 410821 Octagon Chapel, 21a Colgate, Norwich NR3 1BN Second Monday of each month at 10am for 10.30am 14 Oct 2019 Lakeland: illustrated talk by Mr D Boulton 11 Nov 2019 Sutton Hoo: talk by Mrs V Hutson 02 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch (date TBC) 13 Jan 2020 Bring & Buy Sale 10 Feb 2020 AGM plus Quiz 09 Mar 2020 Staying Nourished: talk by Mr M Johnson

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St. Albans

Mrs S Finlayson Chairperson T: 01727 868029 E: Friends Meeting House Upper Lattimore Road St. Albans AL1 3UD First Thursday of the month at 10.15am


David Moore Chairman T: 01760 723740 Methodist Church Hall, London Street, Swaffham PE37 7DD Third Tuesday of the month at 10.15am


Peter Blake Chairman & Secretary T: 01268 583060 For more information on meetings call the Chairman We meet informally during the year

SOUTHERN ENGLAND Ascot & Sunningdale

Pam Drummer Secretary T: 01344 774849 E: Lynwood Village, Rise Road, Sunninghill, Ascot SL5 0AJ Third Friday of each month at 12 noon to 4pm


Tony Brazier Secretary T: 01256 418770 E: Brookvale Community Association Hall Lower Brook Street Basingstoke RG21 7SD First Wednesday of each month at 10am. 11 Oct 2019 Mystery Trip - includes elevenses, lunch and ice cream 6 Nov 2019 Group Meeting - talk by Hampshire Police ‘Home Safety’ 21 Nov 2019 Trip to Millets Farm Country Market at Frilford 4 Dec 2019 Group Meeting - Magic by Simon Williams 12 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch at Basingstoke College of Technology 8 Jan 2020 Group Meeting - talk by Barbara Cummings ‘Cycling in India’ 5 Feb 2020 Group Meeting - talk by Allen Purkiss ‘Thrills & Spills - Motorway Cops’ 19 Feb 2020 Theatre Trip 4 Mar 2020 Group AGM followed by talk by Brenda Pullen ‘Care and Wellbeing’ followed by lunch at Basingstoke Conservative Club

Bexhill & Hastings

Elizabeth Leahy Secretary T: 01424 214042 Bexhill Sailing Club Marina Bexhill-onsea TN40 1LA Fourth Tuesday of each month at 10am 22 Oct 2019 Quiz 26 Nov 2019 The Bexhill Museum: talk by Julian Porter 11 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch at Cooden Beach Hotel 28 Jan 2020 Quiz 25 Feb 2020 AGM & Celebration of 50th Anniversary 24 Mar 2020 Talk from St Michaels Hospice

Bournemouth - New Forest

Sandy Whittaker Chairman T: 023 8028 2157 New Milton Community Centre Osborne Road New Milton BH25 6EA Second Tuesday of each month at 10.15am

Chandlers Ford

Ken Willcocks Chairman T: 023 8076 0102 Chandlers Ford Community Centre Hursley Road Chandlers Ford Eastleigh Hampshire SO53 2FT First Friday of the month at 10am 01 Nov 2019 Group annual Cheese & Wine lunch. Later start of 10.30hrs. 06 Dec 2019 Eastleigh Clearing Hospital, 1915 -1919. Talk by John Lankester 18 Dec 2019 Group Xmas Lunch - Keats restaurant, Ampfield. 12.30hrs for 13.00hrs 03 Jan 2020 Fire and Rescue: talk by Dave Boulter. 07 Feb 2020 The body through the porthole: talk by Steve Herra. 06 Mar 2020 Group AGM

Mid Sussex

Keith Sullens Chairman T: 01444 233288 E: The Hassocks Room The King’s Centre Victoria Road Burgess Hill RH15 9LR Fourth Wednesday of each month from 2-4pm 23 Oct 2019 Exercise Class: ‘Extend Movement to Music’ 27 Nov 2019 Talk: Moving Goods around the World 04 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch at Thatched Inn, Hassocks 18 Dec 2019 Social Christmas Meeting 22 Jan 2020 AGM & InHouse Entertainment 26 Feb 2020 Talk on Scams: NatWest Bank 25 Mar 2020 ‘Replay’ Band playing 60s Music (tbc)

Portsmouth & Southsea

Michael Barrow, Chairman/Secretary T: 023 928 29552 E: St. Simon’s Church Hall Waverley Road Southsea PO5 2PW Second Wednesday of the month at 10.30am and fourth Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm (except Aug) 16 Oct 2019 Lunch at Fareham College 23 Oct 2019 Talk: the Fireman’s Daughter 13 Nov 2019 Christmas Fayre 20 Nov 2019 Visit to Garden Centre and Fish & Chips 27 Nov 2019 TBC 11 Dec 2019 Christmas Party 18 Dec 2019 Christmas lunch at the Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth 09 Jan 2020 Coffee Morning 22 Jan 2020 Tea Party


Peter Stilwell Secretary T: 023 92 527346 E: Catholic Church Hall Bells Lane Stubbington Hampshire PO14 2PL Second Thursday of each month at 2pm


Mr D MacLean Chairman T: 0118 970 1290 Tadley Community Centre Newchurch Road Tadley RG26 4HN First Thursday of each month at 1.15pm for 1.45pm 07 Nov 2019 A Stroll along the Kennet & Avon Canal - talk by Mrs Jean Sheppard 05 Dec 2019 Off the Beaten Track in New Zealand - talk by Mr P Church 09 Jan 2020 Scams - talk by Christine McElhill 06 Feb 2020 Battle of Britain - talk by Mr John Smith 05 Mar 2020 Annual General Meeting


Mr M Wickham Secretary T: 01225 864541, 07368 222 088 E: United Reformed Church Hall St. Margarets Bradford-on-Avon BA15 1DD Second Monday of each month at 2.15pm 11 Nov 2019 Land Beyond Post War Holidays - Talk by Stuart Burroughs 28 Nov 2019 Christmas Shopping: Trip to Reading 02 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch at Leigh Park Hotel 13 Jan 2020 New Year Social with self catering 10 Feb 2020 Annual General Meeting with Quiz


David Gardner Chairman T: 01249 658431 Chippenham Museum 10 Market Place Chippenham SN15 3HF First Wednesday of each month at 2pm (except Aug)


Mrs M Carter Chairman T: 01626 888275 Monthly friendship lunch held in cafes in Dawlish. Contact the Chairman for further information Third Wednesday of the month at 12 noon 04 Dec 2019 ‘Christmas Memories’, Teignmouth Theatre 18 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch, Mount Pleasant Inn, Dawlish

Liskeard & Pensilva

Shirley Waye Chair/Secretary T: 01579 346089 E: Liskeard Public Hall (the Long Room) West Street Liskeard Cornwall PL14 6BW Last Wednesday of each month at 10am 30 Oct 2019 Christmas Bazaar & Lunch 27 Nov 2019 The First Atlantic Liner: talk by Dr Helen Doe 04-08 Dec 2019 Festive Break, Sidmouth 11 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch, Trethorne Leisure Jan Visit to Pantomime & Supper 29 Jan 2020 Annual General Meeting 26 Feb 2020 More Slides of Open Houses: talk by David Whiting 25 Mar 2020 Guernsey under Occupation: talk by Pat Paxton


Mike Fitzpatrick Secretary T: 01822 890799 E: Prince Of Wales Tavistock Road Princetown PL20 6QF First Thursday of the month at 12.30pm 17 Oct 2019 Coach Trip to place of interest (TBA) Includes brunch and early evening dinner 07 Nov 2019 Secret Agents in the South West: talk by Laura Quigley 05 Dec 2019 Old Dartmoor & Yelverton: illustrated talk by Paul Rendell 19 Dec 2019 Christmas lunch with grand prize draw from 11am 09 Jan 2020 The African Elephant: illustrated talk by David Lemon 06 Feb 2020 Tavistock Abbey: illustrated talk by Simon Dell 20 Feb 2020 Midwinter Warmer Lunch (venue TBC) 05 Mar 2020 HM Customs & Excise: talk by Barry Riley

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Salisbury Plain

Mr Roy German Secretary T: 01980 653446 E: The Village Hall High Street Durrington Salisbury SP4 8AD Third Tuesday of each month at 2.30pm (except Aug)


Joyce Johnson Social Secretary T: 01395 578966 E: Sidholme Hotel Elysian Fields Sidmouth EX10 8UJ Second Wednesday of each month at 10.25am and lunches listed as follows (12 for 12.30pm) 24 Oct 2019 The Kings Arms, Otterton 27 Nov 2019 Victoria Hotel, Sidmouth 11 Dec 2019 Sidmouth Golf Club 22 Jan 2020 The Hotel Elizabeth, Sidmouth 26 Feb 2020 Bedford Hotel, Sidmouth

Tamar/Tavy (Tavistock)

Shirley Banks Treasurer T: 01752 769586 E: Burrator Inn Princetown Road Dousland Yelverton PL20 6NP Second Thursday of the month at 12.30pm


Sue Arnold Secretary T: 01225 761627 E: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at The Wiltshire Yeoman, Chilmark Road, Trowbridge. BA14 9DD at 10.30am It is advised to call to confirm the group is on.

Westbury (Wiltshire)

Mrs P Clark Secretary T: 01373 822892 Paragon Hall Haynes Road Westbury Wiltshire BA13 3HA Third Monday of each month at 1.45pm for 2pm 16 Oct 2019 Outing: Lunch at Portland Heights & Weymouth 21 Oct 2019 There’s Nothing Wrong with my Memory: talk by Wendy Clayton 18 Nov 2019 Life After Retirement: talk by Ron Pybus 20 Nov 2019 Outing: Leamington Spa 16 Dec 2019 Christmas Party


Mr P McKenna Secretary T: 0117 950 2059 Studland Court Henleaze Road Henleaze BS9 4JY First Thursday of each month at 2pm (no meeting in Aug) 07 Nov 2019 Remember the Eighties: talk by D Cheesley 05 Dec 2019 Pub Lunch, tba 02 Jan 2020 Quiz 07 Feb 2020 Annual General Meeting 05 Mar 2020 Speaker and subject TBA



Margaret Cole Chairperson T: 01934 514309 E: Friends Meeting House High Street Weston-super-Mare BS23 1JF First and third Thursday of the month at 10am as well as outings shown here


Geoff Greenstreet Secretary T: 01305 832432. E: Weymouth Bay Methodist Church, 23 Melcombe Avenue, Weymouth, DT4 7TH Second Thursday of each month at 2.30pm (except Aug) and fourth Wednesday for Coffee mornings at the Coffee Shop in the Weymouth Bay Methodist Church Melcombe Avenue near Green Hill 17 Oct 2019 Born Free: talk by Dawn Lawrence 23 Oct 2019 Coffee Morning 14 Nov 2019 Roman Origins: talk by John Smith 27 Nov 2019 Coffee morning 12 Dec 2019 Christmas lunch - venue tba 09 Jan 2020 Nepal: talk by Richard Blackwell 22 Jan 2020 Coffee morning 13 Feb 2020 Piers & Pavilions: talk 26 Feb 2020 Coffee morning 12 Mar 2020 TBA

Yate & District

Val Gannaway Treasurer T: 01454 317968 Yate Parish Hall Station Road Yate BS37 4PQ Fourth Tuesday of the month at 2pm 22 Oct 2019 My Time in Africa with Elephants: talk by Roy Gee 26 Nov 2019 Curiouser & Curiouser: talk by Cyril Routley 10 Dec 2019 Christmas Party with entertainment


Mrs Susan Bentley Secretary T: 020 8360 4361 St. Andrew’s Church Hall Silver Street Enfield EN1 3EG First Monday of the month at 10.30am (unless a Bank Holiday when it will be the second Monday). Refreshments available at all meetings from 10am until 10.20am 04 Nov 2019 An Illustrated Talk from AgeUK by Mrs A Kourdoullou 28 Nov 2019 Christmas Lunch 02 Dec 2019 Christmas Party & Buffet 06 Jan 2020 Intimate Memories: Illustrated talk by G Bowden on the History of Theatre in Palmers Green

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03 Feb 2020 Annual General Meeting & Mini Quiz 02 Mar 2020 Patagonia: an Illustrated talk by John & Anne Wallington


Mr John Pickard Chairman T: 020 8866 5708 E: Elmfield Church 89 Imperial Drive North Harrow HA2 7DX. Last Tuesday of the month at 2pm 29 Oct 2019 34th Anniversary Tea Party with entertainment 26 Nov 2019 Travels of a National Serviceman Langley John Dicks 28 Jan 2020 My Kind of Music on CD/ Tape - John’s choice 25 Feb 2020 TBC 24 Mar 2020 TBC


Roy Woods Chairman T: 020 8230 5533 United Reformed Church Hall 114 Hanworth Road Hounslow TW3 1UF Second Tuesday of the each month 1.30pm for 2pm 12 Nov 2019 Tom Edbrook - ‘Surprise Package’ 10 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch 14 Jan 2020 Roy Woods - Travelogue 11 Feb 2020 AGM 10 Mar 2020 Birthday Tea

Kingston & District

Miss Helen Stanley Secretary T: 020 8946 2768 Kingston Methodist Church Hall Avenue Road Kingston KT1 2UJ Third Tuesday of each month at 2pm


Anne Thomson Secretary T: 01372 373258 E: John Rumble Hall Fetcham Village Hall The Street Fetcham KT22 9QS First Friday of each month at 10am 1 Nov 2019 Coffee and Cakes at The Grange Centre, Bookham - 10.15-12 6 Dec 2019 Christmas Meeting 3 Jan 2020 No meeting 7 Feb 2020 ‘Rock Steady - The Gibraltar Story’ - Talk by Paul Whittle 6 Mar 2020 Out to lunch (venue to be decided)

London - Catford & Lewisham

Doreen Hughes Secretary T: 020 8461 4800 St Laurence Church Hall 37 Bromley Road Catford London SE6 2TS Second Tuesday of every month at 10am. We have a table top sale at each coffee morning - all donations will be gratefully received.

London – Croydon, Dulwich & Norwood

Susan Smith Secretary T: 020 8299 4065 E: Railway Club Selhurst Station Approach Selhurst SE25 5PL Fourth Tuesday of each month at 10.30am 22 Oct 2019 Bring & Buy Sale 26 Nov 2019 Pre Christmas event 28 Jan 2020 Bob’s New Year Quiz 25 Feb 2020 Bring & Buy Sale 24 Mar 2020 Decorated Hat Competition

London - East & South West Essex

David Hubbard Social Secretary T: 020 8550 1533 E: The Great Spoon of Ilford, 114-116 Cranbrook Road, Ilford IG2 4LZ Third Wednesday of the month at 2pm

London - Eltham

Phyllis Duignan Chair/Treasurer T: 020 8265 0810 E: United Reformed Church Sherard Hall Court Road Eltham SE9 5AD Fourth Thursday of each month from 10am to 12 noon 10 Oct 2019 Coach Outing to Leeds Castle 16 Oct 2019 Theatre Trip to the Lyceum Theatre to see ‘The Lion King’ at 2.30pm 24 Oct 2019 Coffee morning followed by a talk by Brian D’Arcy on ‘Living with Ghosts in the Tower of London’ 14 Nov 2019 Coach Outing to the Bentley Museum, Stanmore 28 Nov 2019 Coffee morning followed by a talk by Richard Griffin ‘My Life as a Royal Bodygard’ 5 Dec 2019 Coffee morning followed by raffle, mince pies & entertainment from Annie Gee, singer 12 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch at Sophies’ Choice Restaurant, Sidcup 14 Dec 2019 ‘Singalong Carols’ at the Royal Festival Hall 9 Jan 2020 Coach outing to Polehill and Fighting Cocks for lunch 23 Jan 2020 Coffee morning followed by a talk by Ingrid Jansen on ‘Organise your House’ 13 Feb 2020 Coach outing to Ruxley Manor Garden Centre and Tickled Trout for lunch 27 Feb 2020 AGM followed by Bingo 12 Mar 2020 Coach outing to Penshurst Place 26 Mar 2020 Coffee morning followed by a talk by Joe Mendell on ‘Houdini’

London – Greenwich Riverside

For more information contact Fellowship Office on 020 8691 7411 Third Tuesday of the month from 11am to 1pm 15 Oct 2019 Coffee Morning at the Forum, Trafalgar Rd, Greenwich SE10 9EQ (With chocolate making & tasting presentation by Magdalena Marsden, owner of Cocoa & Heart) 19 Nov 2019 Coffee Morning at the Forum, Trafalgar Rd, Greenwich SE10 9EQ 17 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch, CityView Restaurant, Shooters Hill College

London - South West

Mrs Joan Cairns Secretary T: 020 8874 5228 Contact the Secretary for details of meeting venue First Thursday of each month at 10.15am


Keith Hunter Chairman T: 01622 746792 Yvonne Morgan T: 01634 362644, Methodist Church Centre Brewer Street Maidstone ME14 1RU Second Monday of the month at 2pm 14 Oct 2019 Talk: Life in Victorian Times 11 Nov 2019 Games afternoon Dec 2019 No meeting: Christmas Lunch will be arranged at a local restaurant

Sanderstead & Selsdon

Ralph Perryman Local Contact T: 020 8657 3487 E: Various venues for lunch, please contact Ralph Perryman for confirmation of lunch details

South East Middlesex

Philip Blow Secretary T: 020 8748 7477 E: Various venues in and around Twickenham. Please contact the Secretary for further details. 10 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch at Cole Court, Twickenham


Dorothy Dib Secretary T: 01932 788129 Lunch in restaurants in and around Staines Third Tuesday of each month


Pam Davis Social Secretary T: 020 8641 2114 Friends Meeting House 10 Cedar Road Sutton SM2 5DA

Last Monday of the month at 1.45pm to 3.30pm (except Aug) 14 Oct 2019 Informal Lunch at The Old Bank (next to Sutton Train station) 28 Oct 2019 Charles Lighttoller: talk by Colin Uttley 11 Nov 2019 Informal Lunch at The Old Bank (next to Sutton Train station) 25 Nov 2019 American Supper with an unusual quiz 11 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch at the Spaghetti Tree Restaurant, Sutton 13 Jan 2020 Informal Lunch (venue tba) 27 Jan 2020 AGM & Social Afternoon 10 Feb 2020 Informal Lunch (venue tba) 24 Feb 2020 Basic First Aid: talk & demonstration by the British Red Cross 16 Mar 2020 Outing to 2 Temple Place to see the exhibition ‘Hidden Fabric - Women, Textiles, Collectors’ 30 Mar 2020 Tax, Care & Toy Boys - a talk by Daniel Pinder of the Co-Op Estate Planning

Worcester Park

John Wright Secretary T: 020 8337 8965 E: Old Malden Scout Hall 411 Malden Road Worcester Park KT4 7NY First Monday each month from 2pm to 4pm (if the first Monday is a Bank Holiday then meeting will be held on the second Monday) 04 Nov 2019 Fundraising day including raffle, cake stall and fun quiz 02 Dec 2019 Christmas Lunch at the Hogsmill, Worcester Park 06 Jan 2020 Cheese Please (with samples): talk by Rosemary Horton 03 Feb 2020 Growing Up In The Second World War: talk by Pat Lelliott 02 Mar 2020 Ophelia and The Light Of The World: talk by George Crawford

GROUPS ONLINE For the most up to date listing of local group activities you can visit our website,

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