SpringSummer 2019 Fellowship News

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Fellowship News The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship

The newsletter for our subscribers & supporters


Celebrating Communities Connecting Our Communities, the national group awareness and fundraising appeal for 2019 has got off to a good start with the Chief Executive clocking up 14 group visits so far. The appeal, which has been sponsored by the Civil Service Insurance Society, McClures Solicitors

Championing our Services We’re delighted to welcome Elizabeth Gardiner CB to the Fellowship family as our new Civil Service Champion. Elizabeth is the First Parliamentary Counsel and Permanent Secretary of the Government in Parliament Group in the Cabinet Office and she’s keen to help the CSRF make a difference. Since taking on the role in January this year she’s already paid a visit to one of our local groups and has supported a publicity mailing circulated to all Permanent Secretaries across the Civil Service.


and Golden Charter, aims to raise £10,000 to support our existing and future groups. The group visits have attracted coverage in a number of regional newspapers which has helped to raise the profile of the work undertaken by the groups within their local communities.

To make a donation and see pictures from the visits turn to pages 8 and 9 Pic: Our Honorary National Treasurer Jenny Rowe CB (pictured centre right) joined members of our Liskeard & Pensilva group to launch the 2019 Fundraising Appeal in November 2018

Support for Age UK’s ‘Free Licence’ campaign Through its Switched off campaign, Age UK continues to shine a light on the poorest pensioners who will be most affected by the proposed cut. Three in ten (29%) over-75s live in poverty or just above the poverty line and recent analysis by the Charity revealed 50,000 pensioners could be pushed below the poverty line if the BBC decides to scrap free TV licences

for over-75s. Their online petition to persuade the BBC to retain the free licence received over 60,000 signatures. Any older person who is worried about money and/ or losing their free TV licence can call Age UK Advice free of charge on 0800 169 6565, visit www.ageuk.org.uk or contact their local Age UK for further information and advice

HELP US Anyone who supports our ethos and objectives can register as a subscriber. You can recommend a friend - find out how on Page 5

Chief Executive’s Message Welcome to the Spring/Summer 2019 issue of Fellowship News. We’re already a quarter of the way into the year and it’s already been a busy one for our small team at Fellowship Office. I’ve clocked up 14 group visits as part of our Connecting Our Communities initiative and have been impressed with the hard work shown by our group volunteers around the country. Although there is a wide mix of group sizes the over-riding commitment to the founding principles of the Fellowship (to provide a forum for friendship and support) remains very much intact and is source of motivation to both myself, the Board of Directors and Fellowship Office to remain focused on doing whatever we

The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship

The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Unit 11, Pepys House, Greenwich Quay, Clarence Road, LONDON SE8 3EY t: 020 8691 7411 e: enquiries@csrf.org.uk w: www.csrf.org.uk A charity registered in England and Wales No 255465 and in Scotland No SC039049 and a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No 6297479 ©2019. Fellowship News is published by the Civil Service Retirement Fellowship (CSRF). All rights reserved. The CSRF and the publishers declare that any publication of any advertisement does not carry their endorsement or sponsorship of the advertiser or their products unless so indicated. Contributions are invited and, whether or not accepted, submissions will be returned only is accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope. No responsibility can be taken for drawings, photographs or literary contributions during transmission or while in the publisher’s hands. Proof of receipt is no guarantee of appearance. In the absence of an agreement, the copyright of all contributions, literary, photographic or artistic belongs to The CSRF. This publication (or any part thereof) may not be reproduced, transmitted or stored in print or electronic format (including, but not limited to, any online service, database or part of the internet), or in any other format in any media whatsoever, without the prior written permission of The CSRF. The CSRF accepts no liability for the accuracy of the contents or any other opinions expressed herein. The views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the official views of The CSRF.

can to attract new interest in the work of our charity. With that in mind I am very pleased to welcome Elizabeth Gardiner CB to the Fellowship family as our new Civil Service Champion. Elizabeth took on the role at the beginning of the year and has already been helping to promote us within the Civil Service. I am very much looking forward to working with her in the coming months to see how we can seek far greater engagement with both serving civil servants and those approaching retirement. I would also like to appeal to each of you as current supporters and subscribers to help us spread the word. Since we amended the criteria for those eligible to sign up as subscribers last year anyone who shares our ethos and objectives is welcome. So if you have friends who you think may enjoy or benefit from our charitable services then show them your copy of Fellowship News, point them to our website or get them to give us a call and we would be delighted to provide them with more information. To that end we’ve included a full list of all the current benefits available to those who subscribe (check out page 5). Another appeal I have is on behalf

of our befriending services team. They have been busy collating the responses to our annual monitoring & evaluation exercise and the record of visits and calls made by our volunteer befrienders in 2018. You can see the highlights from the survey on pages 6 and 7 and also a list of our top Visitors and Phone Buddies. I’m very grateful to the time given by all our befrienders but we still need new volunteers to provide visits. So if you have some time free and were interested in becoming a befriender do give Bethany and Nathan a ring to find out more about what’s involved. Thank you for your response to our ‘Scam Alert’ news item last issue. We’ve had quite a few scam experiences sent in which we’ve printed to keep you alert to the conartists out there. If you’ve encountered a scam recently then let us know and we’ll share it in our next issue. Last but by no means least we also have our regular later life planning advice provided by McClure Solicitors and Golden Charter who are writing about powers of attorney and pre-paid funeral plans respectively. I hope you enjoy the issue and look forward to hearing from you, David Tickner, Chief Executive

Useful Guides from Independent Age We regularly share updates on some of the useful guides produced by Independent Age within our news pages. Two more to draw your attention to are ‘Getting Help at Home’ , which offers advice on ways to stay independent in your home and ‘Behind the Wheel’ which offers tips on safe and confident driving in later life. You can download the guides at www. independentage.org or order a copy by ringing 0800 319 6789


2019 Grant from CSIS Charity Fund It’s thanks to the support from the Trustees of the Civil Service Insurance Society Charity Fund that we were able to launch the National Visitors Network over five years ago and they have continued to support the service since. We’re pleased to confirm that they have approved our grant application for 2019 and the funds received will enable us to develop and extend our befriending services and work towards a further reduction of the current waiting list. The Civil Service Insurance Society Charity Fund is supported by the annual profits from the Civil Service Insurance Society. The Civil Service Insurance Society offers quotes on home and car insurance – call them on 01622 766960 or visit www.csis.co.uk/csrf For more information on the CSIS Charity Fund visit www.csischarityfund.org

Community Awards Winner Board Director Margaret Carter (pictured left) was the recipient of one of The Charity for Civil Servants Community Awards just before Christmas for her community work in Dawlish. Margaret received her award from The Charity’s Chairman Dame Sue Owen at an event held in The Grocers Hall.

New Office Administrator We said goodbye to Yvonne Scott just before Christmas when she stood down from her role as Office Administrator to concentrate on recovering from a spell of ill health. But we’re pleased to welcome Eileen Turner to the Fellowship as her replacement. Eileen joined us temporarily during 2018 to help with the processing of our GDPR mailshot. She now takes over permanently and works three days a week at Fellowship Office.

Help from the RNIB The Royal National Institute for Blind People recognises everyone’s unique experience of sight loss and offer help and support for blind and partially sighted people - this can be anything from practical and emotional support, campaigning for change, reading services and the products we offer in their online shop. Their focus is on giving help, support and tools to those in need to help them realise their aspirations. For more information call 0303 123 9999 or visit www.rnib.org.uk

Fo r i n fo r m a t i o n o n a l l t h e C S R F ’s s e r v i ce s v i s i t w w w. c s r f. o rg . u k


news Thank you for sharing any scam experiences you’ve had recently. We have included your reports here for the benefit of others.

Bank Fraud?

A few months ago I got a phone call from a man said he was a policeman in London, and gave a name. He told me that someone had committed a fraud on my bank account. I asked which bank, (as I use two) and he carried on talking. I told him I would ring my bank and he told me that I could ring a detective (Whose name I cannot remember now) as he was on the case. I kept him talking and insisted that I would ring my bank and he kept pushing me to ring this detective and gave me a number to ring. Eventually I said “I am not happy about this”. He replied “Neither am I”; I thought “No you won’t be, because I am not playing.” I then put the phone down and rang both of my banks and they agreed that I had done right as it would have been a scam. I don’t know if anyone else has received these calls or maybe we all realised it was a scam, and that they would ask for more details if we had rung up, and perhaps inadvertently given

Bogus Calls

SCAM ALERT! them information that we should not have done. Sent in by Mrs. S.A. Shippey

HMRC Calls

I have just read the article on Scam Calls in the recent Autumn Fellowship News, and by coincidence had the day before received a recorded phone message purporting to be from HMRC, warning me that a case was about to be raised against me for non-payment of tax. It invited me to speak to them urgently on 020332894474, which of course I didn’t do. This is the second time I have received this, apparently bogus, message. You may be interested, as I imagine, should HMRC. Sent in by Norman MacLeod

A few weeks ago I had a call from a woman and she said she would cut my internet off if I didn’t ring a number. This was three times. Later I had a similar call saying she would cut my home phone off. Sent in by Terence Hammond

BT Share Calls

I had a call from someone claiming to be able to advise me on reinvesting my BT Shares. He said he was from TCG Corporation and gave a number (which has since turned out to be bogus). He has persistently rung me up trying to get me to give more details and I have now blocked the number on my phone. Sent in by Margaret Carter You can report any suspected scam or fraud directly to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or visit their website www.actionfraud.police.uk If you’ve had something you suspect is a scam then let us know so we can share it with other CSRF members. You can email us direct on enquiries@csrf.org.uk or write in using the address printed on page 2.

Caring for you The Charity for Civil Servants has been developing a new digital resource for carers, working with Carers UK, which launches during Carers Week 2019. If you’re a carer, do keep an eye out for this additional information from 10 June. This new resource will contain tools and information to support carers with their caring responsibilities. The Charity can also provide carers with a Carers’ Statement, outlining an individual’s caring responsibilities, helping them to inform carers and care-needs assessment conversations with carers’ organisations, GPs and Health and Social Care Professionals. Carers will be sent an information sheet specific to their needs. In addition, the Charity offers an Emergency Plan; a safe way to hold essential information about the person you care for, should you be unable to care, due to emergency or illness. The Charity continues to offer a series of regular webinars/dial-ins, covering caring as well as mental wellbeing support and money and debt advice.


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For further information and advice from the Charity about any concerns you might have, take a look at their website www.foryoubyyou.org.uk or call to speak to an Advisor in confidence on Freephone 0800 056 2424.

Sign up a subscriber

Recommend A Friend If you’ve been a regular subscriber to the CSRF then you can help us increase our supporters by spreading the word to friends. All the income we receive from subscriptions helps support the charitable services we provide. With the change to the subscription rules last year anyone who wishes to support our work and become a subscriber is eligible to sign up and as an extra incentive we’re running a special introductory offer for first-time subscribers (50% of our annual rate for 2019 – so just £16.50 for a single subscription or £27.50 for a joint for the first 12 months). We’re grateful to the support we receive from all our subscribers. But did you know that we offer a range of benefits by way of a thank you for your subscription? To refresh your memory we’ve included a run-down of all of them here for you.

to their support team. You can call BC technologies quoting ‘CSRF support’ on 01369 706656 and one of the support team will help answer your questions. The telephone support desk is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Alternatively, you can email your question to csrf@bc-group.co.uk

I.T. & Computer Support Helpline

Our online theatre club offers you the chance to take advantage of some special discounts and offers on theatre productions around the country, hotels and restaurants. Operated on our behalf

If you have any problems or want some home computer advice then you can call or email BC Technologies and speak

Travel Offers Operated on our behalf by membership travel experts The UK Holiday Group you now have access to a whole host of exclusive offers featuring holidays by air, land and sea. You can register to receive regular updates by calling the Travel Club HOTLINE on 0844 264 2422 or email: csrftravelclub@ theukholidaygroup.com or by registering on the travel club website, www.csrftravelclub.com

Theatre Offers

Help us to expand our subscriptions by recommending us to a friend. They ca n sign up as a subscriber onlin e at www.csrf.org.uk or ca ll Fellowship Office on 020 8691 7411 to requ est an application form

by West End Theatre Club, you can view and book direct via the CSRF website, www.csrf.org.uk and sign up for their regular newsletter.

Legal Advice Helpline Our legal helpline is operated by McClures Solicitors and handles enquiries on legacies, wills, care costs, funeral plans, probate and lasting powers of attorney. You can call the CSRF Legal Helpline FREE on 0800 852 1999 or email: contactus@mcclure-solicitors.com

Pre-paid Funeral Plans Working with Golden Charter Funeral Plans we are able to offer you the opportunity to save money for the future through a pre-paid funeral plan. If you are interested in finding out more you can call them FREE on 0800 090 2342, quoting reference CSRFWB07.

Fo r i n fo r m a t i o n o n a l l t h e C S R F ’s s e r v i ce s v i s i t w w w. c s r f. o rg . u k


befriending services

Talking Heads Our volunteers come from all over the UK, from many different walks of life, are aged from 18 to 80 and have a huge range of interests. They are united in their commitment to give some time to help improve the health and wellbeing of any beneficiary wanting some companionship. We’re delighted to introduce a few of newest befrienders.

If it weren’t for the time and commitment given by all our befrienders to the National Visitors Network and Phone Buddy scheme neither would operate. Our befriending services team of Bethany and Nathan work hard each week to recruit new befrienders and ensure both our schemes run smoothly. We’re always pleased to hear from anyone interested in either becoming a volunteer OR who’d like to receive a visit or phone call. ABOVE: NVN Befriender Robert McIntyre pictured with Betty who he visits monthly



Is a 22 year old art student about to begin her degree at the University of West England in Bristol. She loves travelling, art history, fashion and cooking and in her spare time she enjoys nature, plants, crafts, reading and her cat.

Works for an online lifestyle store and found out about our befriending services from a friend. She studied Politics and International relations at university and loves gardening and the great outdoors.

Do you have some time to give to volunteering on our befriending schemes?



Was formerly in the RAF and also worked in the MoD Guard service. He’s interested in astronomy and the universe and has been active Phone Buddy for about three years. He has recently joined the National Visitors Network and now makes calls and visits each month.

Is currently a civil servant working in the Scottish Government. He enjoys keeping fit, cinema, travel and music gigs. Mark was initially a fast streamer and now heads up the International Relations Team that manages Scotland’s relations with non-EU countries

If so we’d love to hear from you. We’re particularly keen to recruit volunteers in Lincolnshire, Buckinghamshire, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, North London, Belfast and Fife


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2018 Feedback We have recently completed our annual Monitoring & Evaluation exercise for our befriending services. To complete this we contact all our befrienders and beneficiaries who received or provided a call or visit during the year. We’ve included some highlights for your interest:

The overall score from beneficiaries:


Most Phone Buddies call weekly with the average call lasting



Our Befrienders mainly provide monthly visits with the average visit lasting 1-2 hours.

Beneficiaries are mostly women


Top Volunteers A huge thank you to all our befrienders on the National Visitors Network and Phone Buddy Scheme for delivering an increase in the number of visits and calls we provided in 2018. A total of 2,687 (2017: 2,525) calls and visits were carried out. Our top volunteers for each scheme for 2018 are as follows:

Phone Buddy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

National Visitors Network 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Barbra Adams 77 visits Mike Rogers 49 Ian Smart 48 Michael Zeffman 47 May Street 46

Main benefits identified are (in order):

enjoying having someone else to talk to (43%), feeling more engaged with the wider world (22%) and feeling less isolated (20%).

and over 80 (44% in their 80s and 39% are over 90)

Michael Parrott 141 calls Jacquelyn Denton 61 Ian Smart 60 Mary Archer 52 Liz Morrison 52

FROM TOP: Barbra Adams; Mike Rogers; May Street

How to contact our befriending services NA


















Call 020 8691 7411 (all calls are treated confidentially)

Email: befriending@csrf.org.uk

Visit www.csrf.org.uk/ befriending-schemes

Fo r i n fo r m a t i o n o n a l l t h e C S R F ’s s e r v i ce s v i s i t w w w. c s r f. o rg . u k



s ie it n u m m o C r u O g n Connecti e already well As reported on our front page we’r e awareness rais to n paig underway with our cam p network. grou ity mun com l and support our loca Executive f Chie our s pres to g At the time of goin groups around the David Tickner has so far visited 14 from his visits here. country and you can see pictures appeal will go into Every donation we receive for this ices. serv p our fund that supports our grou .csrf.org.uk/ www at ne You can make a donation onli 9 or you 201 iesunit mm appeal/connecting-our-co osite opp e pag the on form the can send it in using






9 0 MONTHS 30 200 MILES





You can help support us with Smile from Amazon If you use Amazon for any shopping then you can help us raise funds by switching to their Smile portal and nominating the CSRF. Then every time you shop we will receive a % of your shopping total as a donation. Registering for Smile is easy and you only have to do it once although you do need to remember to shop via the portal each time you shop with Amazon. Find out more online at https://smile.amazon.co.uk

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MAKE A DONATION Please use this form to make a donation to the 2019 CSRF Appeal CHIPPENHAM

Return the completed form including your donation to: The CSRF, Unit 11, Pepys House, Greenwich Quay, Clarence Road, LONDON SE8 3EY Cheques should be made payable to ‘The CSRF’. Alternatively you can make a donation online at www.csrf.org.uk Please accept my gift of:

£5 £10 £20 £50 £100 £250 Other £

How would you like us to acknowledge your donation? By Post By Email I do not wish to receive an acknowledgement


We are extremely grateful for all donations we receive; you can help us save money by ticking the box to opt not to receive an acknowledgment

Name: Address: Post Code:

Tel Number:


Alternatively you could sign up to make a regular donation to support our ongoing work via direct debit.


Please pay the sum of £ Starting on (date)

each month/year (delete as appropriate) /


until further notice

Name of account holder Account No

Sort Code



Name and address of your bank/building society (BLOCK CAPITALS please) To the manager


Post Code: Signature Date



For office use only

(Bank, please quote reference)

Leaving a Legacy

As we receive no government funding we rely on the money we raise through regular subscriptions and donations to support and safeguard our work. By leaving us a legacy, however big or small, you would be helping to make an important contribution to that. Our legal helpline partners McClures Solicitors are able to advise you on all aspects of writing a will or undertaking a will review and this includes how to leave a legacy. You can contact them on 0800 852 1999.

Originator’s Identification Number

6 3 0 6 7 0

Instruction to your Bank or Building Society Please pay The CSRF Direct Debits from the account detailed in this instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this Instruction may remain with The CSRF and if so, details will be passed electronically to my Bank/Building Society

Make your gift worth a quarter more at no extra cost to you! If you are a UK taxpayer The CSRF can reclaim the tax you’ve paid on your donation. Please tick the Gift Aid declaration box below I want to Gift Aid this donation and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code. Please notify us if you want to cancel this declaration, change your name or home address or no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.

legal advice

Ensuring your peace of mind Every adult should have a Power of Attorney – you hope you’ll never need it but you’ll be glad you have it if the worst happens. Our legal advisors McClure Solicitors are on hand to offer you some advice on how to go about it Every adult, especially everyone over 50, should have a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA). In England, you need two LPAs, one for your assets (house and money) and one for your welfare. In Scotland, one Power of Attorney covers both. It’s like insurance for your house: you hope you’ll never need it but you’ll be glad that you took it out if the worst happens. Without an LPA, if you lose capacity, someone will need to apply to the Court of Protection for a Deputyship. This is expensive; it takes time, and involves the Deputy in a lot of paperwork and responsibility. An LPA avoids that. In Scotland, you need a Guardianship Order from the Court which, again, is expensive and slow. If you don’t have children, it’s even more important to appoint an attorney via an LPA as more distant relatives will usually be reluctant to embark on a Court Procedure for a Deputyship or Guardianship. Recently Adrian Howlett, one of McClure’s Estate Planning Consultants, had an appointment in Neath, South Wales. The client asked if she could set up a Power of Attorney for her Mum. When Adrian asked why her Mum wasn’t at the appointment the lady said she had been admitted to a Care Home a few months earlier. The daughter wanted the LPA so she could pay her Mum’s outstanding bills, as she didn’t have access to her

money in the bank. Adrian enquired on the health of her Mum – the daughter responded “she has dementia and didn’t know what day of the week it was”. Unfortunately it was too late for a Power of Attorney. The daughter was devastated and Adrian spent the next 10 minutes comforting her as she couldn’t stop crying. He was able to help eventually with setting up Deputyship, but this is much more expensive, time consuming and obligates the deputy to more work. It’s always painful to find out in hindsight a Power of Attorney would be easier, much cheaper and not as onerous on the attorneys. McClure Solicitors have seen many examples of clients who could have protected their assets against, for instance, care costs had there been an LPA in place but were too late because there wasn’t. They have seen many examples of families having to pay thousands of pounds in legal fees and disbursements which an LPA would have avoided. They have seen examples of elderly or disabled clients being taken advantage of or harassed by relatives when there wasn’t an LPA in place to protect them.

How to contact McClure To take advantage of the special offer on Lasting Powers of Attorney you can call Freephone 0800 852 1999 or email: contactus@mcclure-solicitors.co.uk


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So why take the risk? The good news is that McClure will prepare your LPA for £199 and will donate £30 to The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship. They include the Welfare LPA free of charge. They also let you decide whether and when to register the LPAs which can save you further money in disbursements. And their LPAs let you keep control as long as you are able. You can also change your LPA or cancel it at any time.

There are many good reasons for having a Lasting Power of Attorney and no good reason not to!

Later Life Planning Over the last 15 years, funeral costs have been rising every year2. In 2004, the cost of an average funeral was £1,920 and today it is £4,271 – an increase of a staggering 122%2. While no one can predict the future, if this trend continues, in 10 years the average cost of a funeral could be around £7,5003. With the rising cost of funerals2, it can pay to plan ahead. By arranging a prepaid funeral plan with Golden Charter, it allows you to choose your funeral director and fix your funeral director services included in your plan at today’s prices. That means, no matter how much the cost of these services rise in the future, you can have peace of mind that these costs have been covered in advance.

Keeping it Local Dealing with an independent funeral director remains a popular choice with families when planning a funeral After the loss of a loved one, often one of our first points of contact is a funeral director. Funeral directors play a vital role in helping to support the bereaved at what can be a very difficult time and helping to honour the wishes of the deceased, whether detailed in a pre-existing funeral plan or expressed by family members. Many people choose an independent funeral director, possibly one that is known to the family and with a good reputation in the local area. At one time, nearly all funeral directors were family-owned businesses that worked within their own community. More recently,

larger corporate chains have been buying up independent businesses, often only retaining the name. This can lead to customers believing they are placing their trust in a familyowned business and supporting an independent organisation, but that might not be the case. Independent funeral directors can help to offer a personal touch – after all, they’ve made the long-term commitment to their community. Additionally, using a larger corporation can come at a price. In 2018, it was reported that independent funeral directors charge on average 10% less than larger corporations.1

1. The Royal London National Funeral Costs Index Report, 2018. 2. SunLife Cost of Dying Report, 2018. 3. Projections by Golden Charter based on SunLife Cost of Dying Report, 2018. 4. Based on recent market share of funeral plans sold. For details please see Funeral Planning Authority statistics 2018 and Golden Charter Annual Review 2017/18. 5. For further details, please see goldencharter.co.uk/legal-disclaimer. 6. To be eligible for the M&S gift card you must call us quoting the reference CSRF0319. This offer excludes Basic Plans. The £150 gift card will be issued 90 days from the start date of your plan, providing that your plan remains in place and the necessary payments have been received. No cash alternative will be offered. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. 7. Golden Charter will give CSRF a donation of £220 for every plan purchased through CSRF. This offer excludes Basic Plans. You must quote reference CSRF0319. This donation will be made 90 days from the date your plan is made live.

The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship works in association with Golden Charter, one of the UK’s largest funeral plan providers4 to bring you a solution to the rising cost of funerals, whilst helping to support local businesses. Golden Charter works with the largest network of independent funeral directors in the UK5, many of which are long standing, family-run businesses, providing a compassionate and professional service with a trusted place in the local community. By taking out a Golden Charter pre-paid funeral plan, you will also make a contribution to our fundraising activities as when you take out a Golden Charter funeral plan, Golden Charter will donate £220 to the CSRF on your behalf. This offer is exclusive to CSRF Subscribers.

How to contact Golden Charter If the sound of planning ahead with a pre-paid funeral plan appeals to you, why not call one of Golden Charter’s friendly UKbased advisors today for FREE on 0800 090 2342, quoting reference CSRF0319. You’ll get a free pen just for enquiring.

Fo r f u l l d e t a i l s o f a g ro u p ’s p ro g r a m m e v i s i t w w w. c s r f. o rg . u k


Get Involved

Making the most of your retirement It’s often said that you are busier in retirement than you ever were when working! With that in mind we’re introducing a new featurette that offers some leisure and volunteering ideas on how you might the most of your retirement. Help in a Foodbank

Book Club For a number of years we’ve been running a book club for CSRF supporters. Each year we produce a new reading list and book club members can read the titles and post reviews on each title online. To register as a book club member is easy – email bookclub@csrf.org.uk and we’ll add you to our e-newsletter distribution (we produce a monthly culture newsletter that is sent to all registered members). Book groups are also a great social opportunity too and are not too onerous to run. You could meet in your own home or at a local café. If you were interested in setting something up using our reading list then we’d be pleased to support you. If you’d like to request a copy of the 2019 Reading List or are interested in discussing starting a book group then you can email: bookclub@csrf.org.uk or call Fellowship Office on 020 8691 7411

Food bank centres provide emergency food and support to people in crisis. From keeping the office running smoothly to making tea and meals for those visiting to signposting to local services there are a range of regular volunteering opportunities available within your local community area. The Trussell Trust is one of the most recognisable charities in this field and they support a nationwide network food banks. You find out details of how to contact your nearest food bank online at www.trusselltrust.org/get-help/ find-a-foodbank/

Dementia Cafes

The Alzheimer’s Society run Dementia Cafes across the UK where you can go along to one of their local cafes and have a cup of tea with someone who understands. Their highly skilled staff are on hand to give you information and help sign post you to other available support services which is something that can help make a huge difference when you or someone you know has dementia.

For more information you can call the National Dementia helpline on 0300 222 1122 or find your nearest café online at www.alzheimers.org.uk/ get-support/your-support-services/ dementia-cafe

Making music

Music is a great way to improve your quality of life and make some new friends. Music therapy has also been used to treat people of all ages to overcome symptoms of depression, anxiety and loneliness. Many areas throughout the country have local choirs and music groups (often advertised in free papers or community guides). But a particular good resource for singing and choirs is the BBC’s website www.bbc.co.uk/sing/findachoir.shtml

Talk to Us Do you enjoy a leisure pastime or volunteering activity that you’d like to share with others? We’d like to hear about your personal experiences so we can include your recommendations in future editions of Fellowship News. You can email our CEO David directly on david.tickner@csrf.org.uk or write to: Fellowship News, The CSRF, Unit 11, Pepys House, Greenwich Quay, Clarence Road, London SE8 3EY.


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Leisure/Photo Competition

My Favourite Place We’re launching a photography competition to find five pictures to put on a set of notelets/cards to sell to raise funds for the Fellowship. You could see your picture on a card and win a £25 M&S voucher if you are picked as one of the winners

How to Enter/Rules Entry to this competition is straightforward but please follow these rules: i. Select the picture you wish to submit (Images need to be high resolution and 300 dpi to be a suitable quality for printing). ii. Send in the picture along with your name, address, contact details, picture title and a sentence explaining why you have picked it (e.g. what makes it your favourite place). iii. You can submit your picture digitally to enquiries@csrf.org.uk (marked ‘2019 Photo Competition Entry) OR by post to: 2019 Photo Competition, The CSRF, Unit 11, Pepys House, Greenwich Quay, Clarence Road, London SE8 3EY.

PHOTO: Jon Flobrant

You may remember in 2015 we produced some very popular flower cards (designed by CSRF subscriber Jenny Grundy) that were sold to help raise funds for our Golden Jubilee Appeal. The cards sold out and we’ve not produced any items for sale since then. However with fundraising being an important part of our future strategy and cards/notelets always in demand we felt the time was right to consider a new product. This time though we’d like put your photography skills to the test to help us select the pictures we use on the cards.

Competition Theme

iv. By entering the competition you agree that if your picture is selected as a winning image you grant the CSRF the rights to use it for the purpose of raising funds and give consent for its use for that reason. This would include the use of the image for publicity purposes as part of the promotion of the cards. No payment will be made to individuals for use of a picture submitted. v. All winning photographers will be credited on the cards and in association with any publicity to promote the cards.

PHOTO: Diana Parkhouse

The theme for the photo competition is ‘My Favourite Place’. We want to see an image that showcases a place that means something special to you. It could be a building, a location or something else.

vi. If you require us to return your picture (if submitted in print form), please indicate this when you submit it. vii. The closing date/time for entries for this competition is 12 noon on Friday 26th July 2019.


There will be five winners picked. Each will receive a £25 M&S Voucher and have their picture printed on one of the cards along with their name, image title and explanation as to why the picture is their favourite place on the back of the card. Our new Civil Service Champion Elizabeth Gardiner CB has kindly agreed to pick the five winners. Judging will take place after the closing date and the winners will be contacted directly. The judge’s decision is final. The winning pictures and cards will be showcased in the Autumn/Winter issue of Fellowship News which comes out in October. The judges’ decision is final. Fo r f u l l d e t a i l s o f s u b s c r i b e r b e n e f i t s v i s i t w w w. c s r f. o rg . u k




Au Revoir Evelyn

We love to hear from you so if you are moved to write or email in response to any of the letters printed this issue or on a completely different subject then please do. We will endeavour to print as many as we can but may have to edit them to fit the available space.

In Praise of Befriending Dear Postbag, I wrote to you some time ago about being on my own as my wife passed away 5 years ago and my son and daughter lived many miles away so were unable to visit me very often. Now you arranged for a lady (Karen) to come and visit me which she does once a month and she is a lovely lady and really gives me a lift up in my life be it only once a month. I would like to thank you for this arrangement and to say a big Thank You to Karen for coming to visit me. It’s a pity that there are not more people like you around for the world would a far better place if there were. Thank you all once again. Derek, Rayleigh, Essex Ed’s note: Thank you for the lovely feedback Derek – we’re delighted that we were able to help provide you with a visitor. Dear Postbag, Whoever thought up the National Visitors Network needs to be congratulated. For persons living on their own, the scheme is a gift. I am 90, a widower and slightly lonely person. My wife, a German lady from

Silesia, died 8 years ago. After 59 years of a good marriage to be single again takes some adjustment. I miss my wife and I grieve inwardly. Five years ago I was contacted by the CSRF about whether I would be interested in having a person visiting me and I signed up for the service. My befriender is a widowed lady, a retired civil servant like me. We are quite different. Her knowledge is greater than mine and we agree on some things and differ on others. So her visits which last about 2 hours are full of good conversation. She usually visits every 2 to 3 weeks and I look forward to her visits. Although I’m 90 I am reasonably mobile and take an interest in politics and current affairs. I have friends and two sons in their 60s (neither lives nearby) I am on my own most of the time. Loneliness is a bane for many people in their old age and the National Visitors Network is therefore a much valued help to combat old age and loneliness. So CSRF please continue to provide this service and I extend my thanks and gratitude to all befrienders and mine in particular. Philip, Brentwood, Essex

Reaching 100 Thank you for your last newsletter. Unfortunately I fell and broke my hip and ended up in Poole hospital for three weeks. As I am now alone with no relatives I’ve had to sell my bungalow and now in care. Until I fell I was so lucky health wise as I was still able to do my own cooking and washing. I had a lady cleaner and a gardener and was blessed with a good neighbour and church friend. I was lucky enough to reach my 100th birthday in July. Portia, New Milton, Hampshire Ed’s note: Congratulations on reaching 100 – does anyone else have any Centenarian experiences they’d like to share with us – write in using the contact information on this page


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Dear Postbag, I was saddened to read about the death of Evelyn George who was a major contributor to the local branches activities as well as at a national level. I used to see and hear a lot of her during the years when I was Secretary for the Brighton & Hove branch and toward the end of that time I accompanied her and her husband to the AGM in Birmingham. Unfortunately I was due to Worthing shortly afterwards and deteriorating physical health left me unable to continue as an officer of the CSRF but I missed the activities and Evelyn’s help and presence at most of the events. I still remember her piano playing at every Christmas party and various other gatherings. Jane, Worthing, Sussex Ed’s note: Thanks for sharing your memories – Evelyn was a much loved person within our Fellowship community and I certainly miss her energy and enthusiasm

Contacting Postbag By Post: please write to The CSRF, Unit 11, Pepys House, Greenwich Quay, Clarence Road, London SE8 3EY By email: send any letters to david.tickner@csrf.org.uk

Can you solve these Easter themed anagrams



word search Find the words hidden in the grid – they are all Rivers.

Sudoku Easy



Amazon Brahmaputr Colorado Congo Danube Elbe Euphrates Ganges Huang Hudson

Indus Jordan Lena Mekong Murray Niagra Niger Nile Ob Oder

Orange Orinoco Parana Po Rhine Rhone Seine Somme Syr Darya Thames

Tigris Ubangi Volga Yangtze Yellow Yenisey Yukon

Good luck!

Autumn/Winter Puzzle Solutions SODOKU: Easy



Anagrams ACTRESS HERMIT Christmas Tree DIME UNWELL Mulled Wine ALARMIST SCORCH Christmas Carol CODES RATION Decorations FALSE KNOWS Snowflakes ELSIE MOTT Mistletoe

Fo r f u l l d e t a i l s o f a g ro u p ’s p ro g r a m m e v i s i t w w w. c s r f. o rg . u k


group focus : a round up of pictures from across our group network



3 4

In Pictures 5

1, 2 & 3: Salisbury Plain group member Rene Boyce showed that hitting 100 did not mean any slowing down as she celebrated her centenary at the group meeting in October 2018.


4: Festive fun with members of the Portsmouth & Southsea group at their annual Christmas lunch in December 2018. 5: Members of the Eltham Group pictured on Goathland station during their holiday to Scarborough last year.


6, 7 & 8: Greenwich Riverside group enjoyed an interactive talk about the Tudors & Stuarts at the Queen’s House in Greenwich at their February 2019 meeting. 9: Top volunteers! Carol and Thanga (from the Sutton group) were the organisers of the group’s annual Summer Tea party and American supper. 10: Eltham group members enjoyed their annual Christmas lunch at Sophie’s Choice Restaurant in Sidcup in December 2018. 11, 12 & 13: Sutton group members celebrating Christmas at their lunch at the Spaghetti Tree in December 2018.


14: Belfast group members enjoying their holiday to Donegal 15. Greenwich Riverside group enjoyed a guided tour of Southwark Cathedral followed by refreshments in the Refectory Café in November 2018. 16 & 17 – Members of the Neath Port Talbot group at their Christmas Lunch at the Castle Hotel in December 2018.


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13 14

15 16


Group Listings SCOTLAND Edinburgh (Central)

Liz Beedie Secretary T: 0131 229 7422 St John’s Church Cafe, Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 4BJ Third Tuesday of each month at 2pm (except January (Winter Lunch), May (Picnic in the Park) and September (Summer Lunch)). We run walks throughout the year (jointly with Corstorphine Group) and meet at Lakeland, corner of George Street/ Hanover Street at 1.30pm on the first Friday of each month (except June, July & August). Organiser: Francis Valentine (Tel: 0131 228 3243). For ‘Away Days’ please contact Jean Robertson on 0131 661 8760 and for the Picnic and Summer Lunch contact Liz Beedie on the number above 21 May 2019 Picnic in the Park, Princes Street Gardens at 2pm 07 Jun 2019 Away Day to North Berwick 05 Jul 2019 Away Day to St Andrews 02 Aug 2019 Away Day to Aberdour 17 Sept 2019 Summer Lunch

Edinburgh (Corstorphine)

Trudy Thomas Organiser T: 0131 346 0208 The White Lady Cafe Glasgow Road Corstorphine Edinburgh Third Thursday of each month at 10.30am -12 noon (except December) until April 2019 then for summer meeting with Edinburgh Central group until July 2019.


Mrs Pam Barnet T: 01463 790265 Macdougall Clansman Hotel 103 Church Street Inverness IV1 1ES First and third Wednesday of each month, Coffee morning at 11am


Coral Chiddick Secretary T: 028 4062 3190 Bannside Presbyterian Church Hall 21 Castlewellan Road Banbridge BT32 4AX First Wednesday of each month at 2pm


Miss Wynne O’Neill Secretary T: 028 9067 1157 Mcelhinney Room The Pavillion Stormont Estate Upper Newtownards Road Belfast BT4 3TA


We have a local community group network that operates across the country and you can find details of them in this section of our newsletter. We are always happy to work with volunteers who are interested in helping to establish a group in their area so if you are interested in finding our more about what’s involved then you can contact the Chief Executive at Fellowship Office on 020 8691 7411 or email: enquiries@csrf.org.uk First Monday of each month at 2pm (except July & August) 01 Apr 2019 Talk on Medieval Medicine 06 May 2019 Annual General Meeting 03 Jun 2019 Afternoon Tea 02 Sept 2019 Open House


George McConnell Secretary T: 028 8676 4395 E: joannearcher1@hotmail.co.uk Portadown Town Hall, 15 Edward St, Portadown, Craigavon BT62 3LX First Tuesday of the month at 2.30pm


Mrs R Hope Secretary T: 028 9268 3610 Bridge Community Centre 50 Railway Street Lisburn County Antrim BT28 1XP Second Monday of each month at 2.30pm (except Jul & Aug) 08 Apr 2019 Tour of Hillsborough Castle. Cost £7.50 Lunch in Lisburn Golf Club, Pick up time 10.30am (Leisure Centre or Station) 13 May 2019 Visit to Castle Espie Wildlife and Wetland Centre.Cost TBA. Lunch at Daft Eddies, Sketterick Island. Pick up time 10.30am 10 Jun 2019 Visit to Ballycastle and Rathlin Island (Weather permitting).Lunch tba, Pick up time: 10.30am 09 Sept 2019 Welcome meeting in Bridge Community Centre at 2.30pm


Mrs M Turner Chairman T: 0191 431 1527 Gateshead Community Fire Station Dryden Road Low Fell Gateshead NE9 5BU First Thursday of the month at 10am to 12 noon

Horsforth, Rawdon & District

Mrs M J Taylor T: 0113 267 8110 We meet in different local hostelries for lunch. Please contact Mrs Taylor for more details. We are a friendly group and new members are always welcome The last Tuesday in the month at 12.30pm


Brian Mitchell Treasurer T: 01482 653973 Age Uk Healthy Living Centre Porter Street Hull HU1 2RH Third Tuesday of the month at 2.15pm (except Aug) 16 Apr 2019 Outing to Hornsea with Fish & Chip Lunch 21 May 2019 Social Meeting 18 Jun 2019 Social Meeting 16 Jul 2019 Social Meeting 17 Sept 2019 Social Meeting


Mr M Fox Chairman T: 01270 650265 Wells Green Methodist Church Hall Brookland Avenue Wistaston Crewe CW2 8EJ First Tuesday of each month at 2pm 07 May 2019 Afternoon Tea (details TBA) 04 Jun 2019 Women in History illustrated talk by Michael Murphy 01 Oct 2019 Barking up the Wrong Tree - illustrated talk by Margaret Roberts

Mrs Linda Leach, Tel: 01873 881022 E: brian_leach253@btinternet.com No.2 Meeting Room Caerphilly New Library The Twyn Caerphilly CF83 1JL Second Monday of every month at 10.15am (except Aug) 08 Apr 2019 Otter Wonderful World: talk by Jeff Chard 13 May 2019 Newport Medieval Ship: talk by Robert Kenny 10 Jun 2019 The Wales Gene Park: talk by Rhian Morgan 08 Jul 2019 Church Yards as a Celtic Tradition: talk by Dr Peter Hatherley 09 Sept 2019 Desert Island Discs




Richard Roscoe Chairman T: 01697 472383 A local hostelry each quarter First Tuesday of the quarter at 12 noon for lunch (March, June, Sept & Dec)

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Jane Lewis Secretary T: 029 20 757174 Ararat Baptist Church Plas Treoda Whitchurch Cardiff South Glamorgan CF14 1PT Second Wednesday of the month at 10am


Church Stretton

John Brewer Secretary T: 01694 722965 E: johnbrewer1@talktalk.net Mayfair Community Centre Easthope Road Church Stretton SY6 6BL First Friday of the month at 2.30pm 03 May 2019 Visit to Derwen Garden Centre, Guilsfield and the Dingle Nursery and Show Garden 07 Jun 2019 Bus to Shrewsbury at 1055, lunch at the Armoury and boat trip on the River Severn on ‘Sabrina’ 02 Aug 2019 1200 Pub Lunch at the Bucks Head, Church Stretton 13 Sept 2019 Visit to a Landmark Trust property in Corrodale on a Heritage Open Day


Mrs Beryl Rennie Assistant Secretary T: 01492 876238 Queen’s Hotel The Promenade Llandudno LL30 2LE First Tuesday of each month at 10.30am for coffee mornings. Details of lunches/ walks are announced at the previous coffee morning

Neath & Port Talbot

Mr W Pugh Chairman T: 01792 864299 The Mayor’s Parlour The Old Town Hall Church Place Neath SA11 3LL Last Wednesday of each month at 2pm 24 Apr 2019 Easter Tea & Chat 29 May 2019 The Public & Me: Michael Potter 26 Jun 2019 Handel & his Music: Rev Clive Williams 31 Jul 2019 From Welsh Learner to Welsh Teacher: Lynne Curtis Early August Afternoon Tea at Vintage 7 Restaurant 28 Aug 2019 TBA 25 Sept 2019 Age Connect Neath Port Talbot: Speaker TBA Late Sept Gilbert & Sullivan Opera: Taliesin Theatre Swansea


Mrs J Stokes Chairman T: 01691 654380 The Wynnstay Hotel Church Street Oswestry SY11 2SZ First Tuesday of each month at 10.30am 07 May 2019 The Nurse who changed Guinea-Bissau 14 May 2019 Meal Out 04 Jun 2019 Closeup: Magician M Dent 02 Jul 2019 Oswestry’s provision for the handicapped 06 Aug 2019 Guide Dogs for the Blind 13 Aug 2019 Meal Out 03 Sept 2019 Sue’s Super Quiz 01 Oct 2019 Talk by Gp Captain John Fynes


Mrs Sylvia Edgell Chairman/Secretary T: 01792 851125 E: sylviaedgell@btinternet.com We meet in cafes in Swansea - for more details contact the Chairman Last Friday of each month at 11.00am for coffee (except August and December)


Anne Garton Secretary T: 01295 750151 E: agarton@btinternet.com Hanwell Fields Community Centre Rotary Way Banbury OX16 1ER Second Tuesday of each month at 2.15 to 4.15pm 09 Apr 2019 AGM with lunch at Hanwell Arms 14 May 2019 Talk by Banbury Historian, Brian Little 11 Jun 2019 Restoring Springfield House & Garden: talk by Lynn Taylor 09 Jul 2019 Saba - Home of the Orangutan: talk by John Paige 13 Aug 2019 Afternoon tea in the garden of Springfield House 10 Sept 2019 The Lake District: talk by Chris Caddy 08 Oct 2019 Tudor Harvest: talk by Martin Sirot-Smith


Suzanne Thompson Secretary T: 01234 341674 The Bunyan Meeting Mill Street Bedford MK40 3EU First Tuesday of every month at 10am 07 May 2019 Coffee followed by talk at the The Higgins Museum, Bedford 04 Jun 2019 Poetry/Comedy 02 Jul 2019 Women in Bedford: talk 06 Aug 2019 Quiz 03 Sept 2019 Blood Runners: talk

Coalville & Ashby

Terry Watson Chairman T: 01530 835373 Thringstone Community Centre The Green Thringstone Coalville LE67 8NR Third Wednesday each month 2pm to 4pm 17 Apr 2019 Do You Remember: talk 15 May 2019 Kids Aid Tanzania: talk 19 Jun 2019 History of the Pen: talk 17 Jul 2019 Garden Party 21 Aug 2019 Quiz/Bingo 18 Sept 2019 R.N.L.I : talk

Dunstable & Leighton Buzzard

Mrs Janet Bliss Secretary T: 01582 661795 E: j.bliss35@outlook.com Scout HQ Grovebury Road Leighton Buzzard LU7 4SW First Wednesday of the month at 2pm 01 May 2019 Stanley Holloway: talk by Terry Penny 05 Jun 2019 The Accidental Actor: talk by Michael Kerry White 03 Jul 2019 A Members Afternoon: bring items of interest to share with other members 01 Aug 2019 Outing (TBA) 04 Sept 2019 Florence Nightingale Hospice: talk

Mr Maurice Whincup Chairman T: 01476 572425 E: mewhincup@gmail.com The Eden Hotel 130 North Parade Grantham NG31 8AU First Wednesday every month at 10.30am to 12 noon


Mrs J Neale, Chairman T: 01452 506949 Christchurch Abbeydale, Heron Way, Abbeydale, Gloucester GL4 5EQ First Thursday of the month at 2pm 09 May 2019 The Ifakara Bakery Project 06 Jun 2019 Strawberry Cream & Scones Tea Party

Melton Mowbray

Mr M Johnson Chairman T: 01664 566821 School Room United Reform Church Chapel Street Melton Mowbray LE13 1LZ First Tuesday of each month at 1.45pm 24 Apr 2019 Branch AGM at the Market Tavern, Melton Mowbray 07 May 2019 Lunch at the Bowls Club, Melton Mowbray 02 Sept 2019 Talk with Speaker


Pam Bradley Chair T: 0115 938 4676 The Mechanics 3 North Sherwood Street Nottingham NG1 4EZ Second Wednesday of each month at 10.15am to 12.15pm


Rachel Homer Secretary T: 024 76 385845 E: rachel.homer@tesco.net Tea & Chat Café, 2 Chapel Sreet, Nuneaton CV11 5QH First Tuesday of each month at 11am for coffee mornings

Sleaford & Ancaster

Mike Smith Chairman T: 01526 833273 E: mjs_consultation@hotmail.com Bristol Bowls Club Boston Road Sleaford NG34 7HH Sleaford: First Thursday of the month at 10.15am Bristol Bowls Club Boston Road Sleaford NG34 7HH Ancaster: Second Wednesday of the month at 10.15am to 12 noon Angel Court Ancaster Grantham NG32 3PR


Mrs J Collins Vice Chairman T: 0116 288 7802 The Elms Social and Service Club (formerly The Royal British Legion) Launceston Road Wigston LE18 2BA Second and fourth Monday of each month from 1.30pm to 4pm (Bank Holidays permitting). 08 Apr 2019 AGM with cakes & buns 29 Apr 2019 Meal Out 13 May 2019 Waterways of Russia: talk by Dr S Ablett 10 Jun 2019 Send a Cow: talk by Mrs S Herbert 24 Jun 2019 Climbing Kilimanjaro: talk by Mr I Retson

Fo r f u l l d e t a i l s o f a g ro u p ’s p ro g r a m m e v i s i t w w w. c s r f. o rg . u k


08 Jul 2019 Nostalgic Nellie: talk by Mrs J Dodson 22 Jul 2019 Outing 12 Aug 2019 Little Theatre - talk by Mr M Bull 09 Sept 2019 TBA 23 Sept 2019 Australian Wildlife - talk by Mrs V Williams


Leigh Watkins Secretary T: 01905 774034 Perdiswell Young Peoples’ Leisure Club Droitwich Road (opposite Checketts Lane) Worcester WR3 7SN Second Wednesday of the month at 1pm


Mrs D Parker Secretary T: 01953 456958 Christ Community Church Hall, 131 Hargham Rd, Attleborough NR17 2JP Third Thursday of the month from 10am to 12 noon 18 Apr 2019 Bring & Buy Sale 16 May 2019 Golden Charter Funeral Plans: talk 20 Jun 2019 TBA 18 Jul 2019 TBA 15 Aug 2019 First Catch Your Hare 19 Sept 2019 TBA


Joan Gomer Secretary T: 01206 794656 Hythe Community Centre, 1 Ventura Drive, Colchester CO1 2FE Third Monday of each month at 2pm (except December) 15 Apr 2019 Colchester Civic Society: talk by Jo Edwards 20 May 2019 Murder and Mayhem in Colchester: talk by Sharon Mooney with Bring & Buy 17 Jun 2019 No meeting - Cream Tea (tba) 15 Jul 2019 Visit by CSRF Ipswich Group for Quiz & Strawberry Tea 19 Aug 2019 Colchester Recalled: talk by Andrew Phillips 16 Sept 2019 Medieval Colchester: talk by Sue Howlett


Mrs Edna McNaughton Secretary T: 01279 865102 E: edian.mcnaughton@tesco.net Toby Carvery Edinburgh Gate Harlow CM20 2LQ First Friday of the month at 12 noon (except Jan)

03 Jul 2019 Blood Runners 15 Jul 2019 Visit Colchester for Group Quiz & Cream Tea 31 Jul 2019 Lunch at Peak Lodge, 12.30pm 07 Aug 2019 Coach Outing 04 Sept 2019 Feely Bags & Quiz


Elizabeth Vale Secretary T: 020 8508 2459 Jazz Archive Room Loughton Library Traps Hill Loughton IG10 1HD Third Monday of each month at 2pm


Mike Chester T: 01502 476629 E: mikewc10@gmail.com Ex-Servicemen’s Club Gordon Road Town Centre Lowestoft NR32 1DY and Victoria Hotel Kirkley Cliff Lowestoft NR33 0BZ First (at the Victoria Hotel) and third Wednesday (at the Ex-Servicemen’s Club) of each month at 11am. We hold social lunches at least three times in the year


Mary Weatherhead Secretary T: 01603 410821 Martineau Hall, 21a Colgate, Norwich NR3 1BN Second Monday of each month at 10am for 10.30am 08 Apr 2019 The Way we were: talk by Mr B Hedge 13 May 2019 Sir Thomas Erpingham: talk by Ms A May 10 Jun 2019 Managing Arthritis: talk 08 Jul 2019 Welsh Harpist: talk by Mrs C Thomas 12 Aug 2019 Quiz & Bring and Buy 09 Sept 2019 Tax, Care and Toy Boys - talk

St. Albans

Mrs S Finlayson Chairperson T: 01727 868029 E: sheila@finlaysons.eclipse.co.uk Friends Meeting House Upper Lattimore Road St. Albans AL1 3UD First Thursday of the month at 10.15am


David Moore Chairman T: 01760 723740 Meeting in local cafes around Swaffham (contact the Chairman for more information) Third Tuesday of the month at 10.15am


Peter Blake Chairman & Secretary T: 01268 583060 For more information on meetings call the Chairman We meet informally during the year


Eva Stevens Secretary T: 07765 588467 E: evajs@yahoo.co.uk Museum Street Methodist Church Hall Blackhorse Lane Ipswich IP1 2EF First Wednesday of the month at 2pm 01 May 2019 The History of Magic: Colin Hopper 22 May 2019 Lunch at Peak Lodge, 12.30pm 05 Jun 2019 Running a B & B: Jenny Gibbs


SOUTHERN ENGLAND Ascot & Sunningdale

Pam Drummer Secretary T: 01344 774849 E: roypamdr@talktalk.net Lynwood Village, Rise Road, Sunninghill, Ascot SL5 0AJ Third Friday of each month at 12 noon to 4pm

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26 Apr 2019 Beetle Mania + AGM. 17 May 2019 Volunteering in Nepal: a grown-up gap year. Talk by Marcia Watson 28 Jun 2019 Georgian Cooking & Dining. Talk by Catherine Sampson 19 Jul 2019 The story of coffee: talk by Duncan Rayner August 2019 No meeting 20 Sep 2019 TBA


Tony Brazier Secretary T: 01256 418770 E: bjmapbr@ntlworld.com Brookvale Community Association Hall Lower Brook Street Basingstoke RG21 7SD First Wednesday of each month at 10am. 18 Apr 2019 Trip to Bombay Sapphire Distillery and Hinton Ampner 01 May 2019 Mid Hants Railway: talk by Dr Becky Peacock 08 May 2019 Trip to Kew Palace & Gardens 22 May 2019 Afternoon Tea at Basingstoke College 05 Jun 2019 My Life as a Journalist: talk by Deborah A Brady (Open Meeting and will include refreshments) 12 Jun 2019 Trip on the Watercress Line (including Lunch) 03 Jul 2019 The View from my Sitting Room Window - Queen Victoria: talk by Iain Kennedy 10 Jul 2019 Trip to Bosham Arts & Craft Centre 07 Aug 2019 Florence Nightingale: talk by Paul Whittle 15 Aug 2019 Trip to Cowes on the Isle of Wight 04 Sept 2019 Eccentric London - Part 2: talk by Alan Copeland 12 Sept 2019 Thames Cruise at Oxford (including Lunch)

Bexhill & Hastings

Elizabeth Leahy Secretary T: 01424 214042 Bexhill Sailing Club Marina Bexhill-on-sea TN40 1LA Fourth Tuesday of each month at 10am 23 Apr 2019 Quiz & Visit from CSRF Chief Executive David Tickner 28 May 2019 Guide Dogs for the Blind: talk by Sue Terry 25 Jun 2019 St Johns Homeless Services: talk by Roger Nuttall 23 Jul 2019 Quiz 27 Aug 2019 Custar’s Last Stand: talk by Norman Franks 24 Sept 2019 Coombe Haven: talk by Dave Denis

Bournemouth - New Forest

Sandy Whittaker Chairman T: 023 8028 2157 New Milton Community Centre Osborne Road New Milton BH25 6EA Second Tuesday of each month at 10.15am

Chandlers Ford

Ken Willcocks Chairman T: 023 8076 0102 Chandlers Ford Community Centre Hursley Road Chandlers Ford Eastleigh Hampshire SO53 2FT

First Friday of the month at 10am 05 Apr 2019 “The History of tea, how do you take yours”. Talk by Jane Hennie. 03 May 2019 “Bringing stone age to life”. Talk by Katy England. 07 Jun 2019 “From Cabaret to Conservation”. Talk by Shelley Lozand. 05 Jul 2019 David Tickner, Chief Executive CSRF, visit to C/ Ford Group. Time permitting Bob Goff will talk about his life.

06 Jun 2019 Petticoat Pilot: talk by Mrs A Chance 04 Jul 2019 Catching Smugglers: talk by Mr N Nelson 01 Aug 2019 Wonders of War (Madame Tussauds): talk by Mr A Weston 05 Sept 2019 100 Years of Reading Weather: talk by Mr S Burt

Mid Sussex

Mr M Wickham Secretary T: 01225 864541 E: lindamorgan1975@btinternet.com United Reformed Church Hall St. Margarets Street Bradford-on-avon BA15 1DD Second Monday of each month at 2.15pm (except Aug) 08 Apr 2019 Careers with Animals: talk by Jerry Watkins 13 May 2019 Cliff Railways: talk by Michael Turner 16 May 2019 Trip: Canal from Bradfordon-Avon Lock towards Bath and return 10 Jun 2019 Annual Cream Tea and Visit from CSRF Chief Executive David Tickner June Trip to Seaside (Date TBA) 08 Jul 2019 Bath World Heritage; talk by Professor Barry Gilbertson 25 Jul 2019 Trip to Abbotsbury Sub Tropical Gardens 12 Aug 2019 50 Years in Auctioneering: talk by David Millard 09 Sept 2019 Scams and Senior Citizens Security: talk by Ashley Jones 15 Sept 2019 Group Holiday to Lake District

Keith Sullens Chairman T: 01444 233288 E: sullenskeith@gmail.com The Hassocks Room The King’s Centre Victoria Road Burgess Hill RH15 9LR Fourth Wednesday of each month from 2-4pm 24th Apr 2019 Talk by Keith Cook on “ABCD” charity 22nd May 2019 Concert by Sheddingdean Strummers 26th Jun 2019 Talk by Mission Aviation Fellowship


Mrs J Childs Local Contact T: 01635 45586 E: childs79@btinternet.com St. John’s Church Room Newtown Road Newbury Newtown Road Newbury RG14 7BN Second Monday of the month at 2.15pm 08 Apr 2019 Foray to the Falklands: talk by Tony Hadland 13 May 2019 Sax, Clarinet & Flute: music by Jonathan Woodhouse 10 Jun 2019 Bring & Buy Sale 08 Jul 2019 Cyclones in Calico: talk by David Skillen 12 Aug 2019 Researching & Writing: talk by Julie Roberts 09 Sept 2019 W Berkshire Volunteer Bureau: talk by Garry Poulson

Portsmouth & Southsea

Edda Rea Chairman T: 023 92 753581 St. Simon’s Church Hall Waverley Road Southsea PO5 2PW Second Wednesday of the month at 10.30am and fourth Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm (except Aug)


Peter Stilwell Secretary T: 023 92 527346 E: amy_stilwell@hotmail.com Catholic Church Hall Bells Lane Stubbington Hampshire PO14 2PL Second Thursday of each month at 2pm


Mr D MacLean Chairman T: 0118 970 1290 Tadley Community Centre Newchurch Road Tadley RG26 4HN First Thursday of each month at 1.15pm for 1.45pm 04 Apr 2019 My Life in Showbiz & as a Model: talk by Mrs L Travis 02 May 2019 Roman Life: talk by Mr J Smith



David Gardner Chairman T: 01249 658431 Chippenham Museum 10 Market Place Chippenham SN15 3HF First Wednesday of each month at 2pm (except Aug) 01 May 2019 Dentons: talk by Roy Stovell 05 Jun 2019 Baydons Meadow: talk by Julia Brotherton 03 Jul 2019 Christening Gowns: talk by Val Proctor 04 Sept 2019 Wildlife - Favourite Picture: talk by Clive Rathbone 02 Oct 2019 Wildlife: Orkneyology: talk by Bob Rogers


Mrs M Carter Chairman T: 01626 888275 Various local restaurants, usually The Methodist Church Hall, Dawlish. Contact the Chairman for further information Third Wednesday of the month at 12 noon. 17 Apr 2019 Friendship Lunch 15 May 2019 Friendship Lunch 19 Jun 2019 Friendship Lunch 17 Jul 2019 Friendship Lunch 21 Aug 2019 Friendship Lunch 18 Sept 2019 Friendship Lunch

Liskeard & Pensilva

Shirley Waye Chair/Secretary T: 01579 346089 E: shirleywaye@gmail.com Liskeard Public Hall (the Long Room) West Street Liskeard Cornwall PL14 6BW Last Wednesday of each month at 10am 24 Apr 2019 Pharmacy of Yesterday: talk by Kingsley Rickard 13 May 2019 Coach Trip to Brixham 29 May 2019 Birds, Britain and Bogged June Coach Trip to Wadebridge and visit to Pemcarrow House 26 Jun 2019 Cousin Jack’s Travels: talk by Lamorna Spry 31 Jul 2019 30th anniversary of Group: afternoon tea, cake & fizz 28 Aug 2019 Life of a Barrister: talk by Margaret Mills Sept Visit to Saltram House, Supper in Plymouth 25 Sept 2019 Curious Corners of Cornwall: talk by Val Jacobs


Mike Fitzpatrick Secretary T: 01822 890799 E: mikeandkate3@talktalk.net Prince Of Wales Tavistock Road Princetown PL20 6QF First Thursday of the month at 12.30pm 23 Apr 2019 St Georges Day Lunch 16 May 2019 Coach Trip (tba) 20 Jun 2019 Coach Trip (tba) 18 Jul 2019 Coach Trip (tba) 15 Aug 2019 Coach Trip (tba) 19 Sept 2019 Coach Trip (tba)

Salisbury Plain

Mr Roy German Secretary T: 01980 653446 E: royandvi@live.co.uk The Village Hall High Street Durrington Salisbury SP4 8AD Third Tuesday of each month at 2.30pm (except Aug) 16 Apr 2019 Easter Bonnet Competition, Hot Cross Buns & Quiz 23 Apr 2019 Outing to Christchurch 21 May 2019 The Pearly Queen of Norbury: talk by Lola Gibbard 28 May 2019 Outing to DorchesterBroadwindsor 18 Jun 2019 Strawberry Cream Tea & Raffle 25 Jun 2019 Outing to Lyndhurst-Hythe 16 Jul 2019 Queen’s Birthday Honours: talk by Alan Nix 23 Jul 2019 Outing to Sidmouth 20 Aug 2019 Summer Fete 27 Aug 2019 Outing to S.S.Great Britain 17 Sept 2019 Fred the Wiltshire Beekeeper: talk 24 Sept 2019 Outing to Weston Super Mare


Joyce Johnson Social Secretary T: 01395 578966 E: brumasj@icloud.com Sidholme Hotel Elysian Fields Sidmouth EX10 8UJ Second Wednesday of each month at 10.25am and lunches listed as follows (12 for 12.30pm)

Fo r f u l l d e t a i l s o f a g ro u p ’s p ro g r a m m e v i s i t w w w. c s r f. o rg . u k


24 Apr 2019 Lunch at Steamers Restaurant, Beer, Seaton 22 May 2019 Lunch at Harbour Inn, Lyme Regis 26 Jun 2019 Lunch at Coast Cafe Bar, Seaton

02 May 2019 The Lighter Side of Life: talk by Susan Marshfield June 2019 Coach outing (date/ destination TBA) 04 Jul 2019 TBA 05 Sept 2019 TBA



Clive White T: 01935 829019 The Two Brewers Leigh Road Street Somerset BA16 0HB Third Tuesday of the month at 11.30am

Tamar/Tavy (Tavistock)

David Askew Secretary T: 01822 612274 E: daveandjennyaskew@gmail.com Burrator Inn Princetown Road Dousland Yelverton PL20 6NP Second Thursday of the month at 12.30pm


Sue Arnold Secretary T: 01225 761627 E: suearnoldwfh@blueyonder.co.uk First Wednesday of each month (coffee mornings) at The Wiltshire Yeoman Chilmark Road Trowbridge BA14 9DD at 10.30am and 3rd Thursday afternoon of the month for April 2019 - Shaw Trust Palmer Gardens, Islington, Trowbridge. BA14 8QJ 18 Apr 2019 Coffee afternoon at Shaw Trust Palmer Garden 01 May 2019 Coffee morning at Wiltshire Yeoman 05 Jun 2019 Coffee morning at Wiltshire Yeoman 19 Jun 2019 Coach Trip Venue to be advised. Note this is a Wednesday all day trip. 03 Jul 2019 Coffee morning at Wiltshire Yeoman 07 Aug 2019 Coffee morning at Wiltshire Yeoman 04 Sept 2019 Coffee morning at Wiltshire Yeoman 02 Oct 2019 Coffee morning at Wiltshire Yeoman

Westbury (Wiltshire)

Mrs P Clark Secretary T: 01373 822892 Paragon Hall Haynes Road Westbury Wiltshire BA13 3HA Third Monday of each month at 1.45pm for 2pm 15 Apr 2019 Wildlife in the Garden: talk 17 Apr 2019 Outing, Bridport & West Bay 15 May 2019 Outing, Bournemouth 20 May 2019 After Ceaucescu: talk 17 Jun 2019 How well do you know Wiltshire: talk 19 Jun 2019 Outing, Sidmouth 15 Jul 2019 Roman Baths & Bathing: talk 17 Jul 2019 Outing, Exmouth and Cruise 21 Aug 2019 Outing, Brecon Mountain Railway 16 Sept 2019 Talk 18 Sept 2019 Outing, New Forest and Cream Tea


Mr P McKenna Secretary T: 0117 950 2059 Studland Court Henleaze Road Henleaze BS9 4JY First Thursday of each month at 2pm (no meeting in Aug)


Margaret Cole Chairperson T: 01934 514309 E: margaretcole@btinternet.com Friends Meeting House High Street Weston-super-Mare BS23 1JF First and third Thursday of the month at 10am as well as outings shown here 09 Apr 2019 Evesham & Blossom Trail 14 May 2019 Banbury 11 Jun 2019 Looe 9 Jul 2019 Windsor 13 Aug 2019 Ledbury & Malvern 10 Sept 2019 Upton on Severn & Boat Trip (TBC) 08 Oct 2019 Ludlow


Geoff Greenstreet Secretary T: 01305 832432. E: geoff.marion@btinternet.com Weymouth Bay Methodist Church, 23 Melcombe Avenue, Weymouth, DT4 7TH Second Thursday of each month at 2.30pm (except Aug) and fourth Wednesday for Coffee mornings at the Coffee Shop in the Weymouth Bay Methodist Church Melcombe Avenue near Green Hill 11 Apr 2019 Annual General Meeting 24 Apr 2019 Anniversary Lunch 09 May 2019 Meeting TBA 24 May 2019 Coffee Morning 10 Jun 2019 Meeting TBA 26 Jun 2019 Coffee Morning 11 Jul 2019 Meeting TBA 24 Jul 2019 Coffee Morning 28 Aug 2019 Coffee Morning

Yate & District

Val Gannaway Treasurer T: 01454 317968 Yate Parish Hall Station Road Yate BS37 4PQ Fourth Tuesday of the month at 2pm 23 Apr 2019 Lunch at Golf Club 28 May 2019 Royal Forest of Dean Flowers - Fruits Inspects: talk by Pete Ralph 25 June 2019 Trip (TBA) 23 Jul 2019 An Actors Voice for Me: talk by Gina ‘M’ Smith 27 Aug 2019 Trip (TBA) 24 Sept 2019 Swimming in the Channel: talk by Steve Price


Mrs Susan Bentley Secretary T: 020 8360 4361 St. Andrew’s Church Hall Silver Street Enfield EN1 3EG First Monday of the month at 10.30am (unless a Bank Holiday when it will be the second Monday). Refreshments available at all meetings from 10am until 10.20am

F E L LOW S H I P N E W S S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 1 9

13 May 2019 What A Carry On: talk by Geoff Bowden on the actors in the Carry On Films 03 Jun 2019 A Visit to Cornwall: an illustrated talk by Brenda Brown 01 Jul 2019 Picture Quiz: presented by Bernard Ecker 05 Aug 2019 The History of Shredded Wheat: an illustrated talk by Colin Barnett (Our Christmas Lunch will be on 29.11.2019 and bookings will be taken from July) 02 Sept 2019 Bygones: another presentation by Jeff Nicholls


Mr John Pickard Chairman T: 020 8866 5708 E: ja.pickard@btinternet.com Elmfield Church 89 Imperial Drive North Harrow HA2 7DX. Last Tuesday of the month at 2pm 30 Apr 2019 Cruising with Jason according to Nick Cook 28 May 2019 With the Guides - walking with Colin Oakes 25 Jun 2019 Travels of a National Serviceman Langley - told by John Dicks 30 Jul 2019 Travels with my Camera illustrated by Lee Spritz 27 Aug 2019 Lord Kitchener and the War Office - talk by Anne Sampson 24 Sept 2019 The Harefield Dog’s Turst Irene Anidjah


Roy Woods Chairman T: 020 8230 5533 United Reformed Church Hall 114 Hanworth Road Hounslow TW3 1UF Second Tuesday of the each month 1.30pm for 2pm 09 Apr 2019 Talk by Christine Diwell “Isleworth - Now and Then” 08 May 2019 Talk by Tony Leppard “Realm of the Polar Bear “ 11 Jun 2019 Talk by Lionel Beer “UFOs, Their History, Culture & Officialdom” 09 Jul 2019 Cream Tea 13 Aug 2019 Talk by Michael Peacock “The Lost Villages of Heathrow” 10 Sept 2019 Talk by David Pearson “Surprise Package”

Kingston & District

Helen Stanley Secretary T: 020 8946 2768 Kingston Methodist Church Hall Avenue Road Kingston KT1 2UJ Third Tuesday of each month at 2pm


Anne Thomson Secretary T: 01372 373258 E: anner.thomson@talktalk.net John Rumble Hall Fetcham Village Hall The Street Fetcham KT22 9QS First Friday of each month at 10am 03 May 2019 Thats the Way to do it: talk on Puppetry by Ken Dalston 07 Jun 2019 My Early Life in Africa: talk by Martina Bennelick

05 Jul 2019 Kew Palace: talk by Nigel Arch 02 Aug 2019 Garden Party at 31 Nutcroft Drive 06 Sept 2019 Visit and Talk by CSRF CEO David Tickner 04 Oct 2019 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: talk by Anne Thomson

London - Catford & Lewisham

Doreen Hughes Secretary T: 020 8461 4800 St Laurence Church Hall 37 Bromley Road Catford London SE6 2TS Second Tuesday of every month at 10am. We have a table top sale at each coffee morning - all donations will be gratefully received.

London – Croydon, Dulwich & Norwood

Susan Smith Secretary T: 020 8299 4065 E: s.smith521@btinternet.com Railway Club Selhurst Station Approach Selhurst SE25 5PL Fourth Tuesday of each month at 10.30am 23 Apr 2019 Annual General Meeting 28 May 2019 Hoy 20 Jun 2019 Skittles 25 Jun 2019 Talk by Bob Elliot 23 Jul 2019 Speaker TBA 27 Aug 2019 Quiz 24 Sept 2019 Bingo

London - East & South West Essex

David Hubbard Social Secretary T: 020 8550 1533 E: dhubbard777@gmail.com St. Andrew’s Church Hall The Drive Ilford IG1 3JQ Third Monday of the month at 1.30pm

London - Eltham

Phyllis Duignan Chair/Treasurer T: 020 8265 0810 E: phyllis.duignan@gmail.com United Reformed Church Sherard Hall Court Road Eltham SE9 5AD Fourth Thursday of each month from 10am to 12 noon 11 Apr 2019 Coach outing to Audley End House & Gardens, Essex, English Heritage 25 Apr 2019 Coffee Morning followed by a talk by Peter Jones on ‘Scotney Castle’ 23 May 2019 Coffee Morning followed by a talk by the Co-Op on ‘Tax, Care & Toy Boys’ 27 May - 1 Jun 2019 Airedales Holiday to St Kilda Hotel, Llandudno, Wales 13 Jun 2019 Coach outing to Scotney Castle & Gardens, National Trust 27 Jun 2019 Coffee Morning followed by a talk by John Halligan on ‘Spitalfields Through the Ages’ 11 Jul 2019 Coach outing to Clacton, Essex 25 Jul 2019 Coffee Morning followed by a talk by Steve Hookins on ‘Woolwich women at War’

08 Aug 2019 Coach outing to Bexhill, East Sussex 22 Aug 2019 Coffee Morning followed by a talk by Ralf Todd on ‘Garden Birds’ 08-13 Sept 2019 Airedales Holiday to Torquay 26 Sept 2019 Coffee Morning followed by a talk by Joe Woodcock on ‘Winter and Autumn planting’

London – Greenwich Riverside

For more information contact Fellowship Office on 020 8691 7411 Third Tuesday of the month from 11am to 1pm 16 Apr 2019 Coffee Morning/Meeting at the Forum, Trafalgar Road, London SE10 9EQ 21 May 2019 Guided Tour of Fashion & Textile Museum, 83 Bermondsey St, London SE1 3XF (Cost £10 per person) 18 Jun 2019 Coffee Morning at the Parkside Cafe, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich 23 Jul 2019 Guided Tour of Dulwich Picture Gallery, Gallery Rd, London SE21 7AD (Cost £10 per person) 20 Aug 2019 Coffee Morning at the Forum, Trafalgar Road, London SE10 9EQ 17 Sept 2019 Guided Tour of the Museum of Brands, 111-117 Lancaster Rd, London W11 1QT (Cost £10 per person)

London - South West

Mrs Joan Cairns Secretary T: 020 8874 5228 4th Floor PCS HQ 160 Falcon Road Clapham Junction London SW11 2LN First Thursday of each month at 10.15am


Keith Hunter Chairman T: 01622 746792 Methodist Church Centre Brewer Street Maidstone ME14 1RU Second Monday of the month at 2pm 08 Apr 2019 Games Afternoon, Quiz & Raffle 13 May 2019 Memories of Schooldays by members June 2019 Outdoor Trip/Visit (TBA) 08 Jul 2019 Cream Tea & Raffle 12 Aug 2019 ‘I Spy’ in a painting: talk by Rosemary Williams 09 Sept 2019 Articles of Interest by members

Sanderstead & Selsdon

Ralph Perryman Local Contact T: 020 8657 3487 E: ralph.perryman172@btinternet.com Various venues for lunch, please contact Ralph Perryman for confirmation of lunch details

South East Middlesex

Mrs June Brown Secretary T: 020 8891 4680 E: junebrownuk@hotmail.com Various venues in and around Twickenham.

Please contact the Secretary for further details. Booking information for all our trips is included in the newsletter which is available on request


Dorothy Dib Secretary T: 01932 788129 Lunch in restaurants in and around Staines Third Tuesday of each month


Pam Davis Social Secretary T: 020 8641 2114 Friends Meeting House 10 Cedar Road Sutton SM2 5DA Last Monday of the month at 1.45pm to 3.30pm (except Aug) 15 Apr 2019 Outing to 2 Temple Place to see John Ruskin: The Power of Seeing 29 Apr 2019 Guildford Cathedral: talk by Mrs Mathews 13 May 2019 Informal Lunch (venue tbc) 20 May 2019 Trials & Tribulations of a Public Speaker: talk by Barbara Stevens 10 Jun 2019 Informal Lunch (venue tbc) 24 Jun 2019 Cheese Please: talk (with samples) by Rosemary Horton 15 Jul 2019 Informal Lunch (venue tbc) 22 Jul 2019 Details tba 05 Aug 2019 Outing to The Garden Museum - details tba 09 Sept 2019 Informal lunch - venue tba 30 Sept 2019 Monthly meeting

Worcester Park

John Wright Secretary T: 020 8337 8965 E: johnandglenisw@gmail.com Old Malden Scout Hall 411 Malden Road Worcester Park KT4 7NY First Monday each month from 2pm to 4pm (if the first Monday is a Bank Holiday then meeting will be held on the second Monday) 13 May 2019 Fire & Restoration at Windsor Castle: talk by Richard Day 03 Jun 2019 The First Battle of Britain Zeppelins in the First World War: talk by Mike Brown 01 Jul 2019 A Trip around the D-Day Normandy Landing Sites: talk by Roger Bricknell 05 Aug 2019 Summer Lunch at the Hogsmill, Worcester Park 02 Sept 2019 Our annual visit from Sandra Winter with a new handbell ringing programme 07 Oct 2019 Woman and the Vote: talk by Carol Harris

No Group in your area? If you are interested in helping to establish a new group then we’d love to hear from you. Call the Chief Executive on 020 8691 7411 or email: enquiries@csrf.org.uk

Fo r f u l l d e t a i l s o f a g ro u p ’s p ro g r a m m e v i s i t w w w. c s r f. o rg . u k


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