S/S 2020 Fellowship News

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The newsletter for the Civil Service Retirement Fellowship

Fellowship News SPRING / SUMMER 2020

New National Chair We are delighted to welcome Madeleine Alessandri CMG to the CSRF as our new national Chair. Madeleine is currently Permanent Secretary at the Northern Ireland Office and is pictured below (far right) during a recent visit to Fellowship Office.

Government moves to Delay Phase With the Government’s recent announcement that we are now in the ‘Delay Phase’ of their Action plan we have added a ‘Coronavirus Update section’ to our website and we will ensure it is kept updated. We have already issued a Memo to all our Group leaders, Home Visitors and Beneficiaries receiving a visit repeating the recommended guidelines for health & hygiene (washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds) and what to do if you’re worried you may have symptoms (e.g. self-isolation). There has now been some specific advice issued for the delay phase which is summarised as follows: • Anyone over the age of 70 should avoid going on any cruises • Anyone experiencing any symptoms (dry cough, temperature) should self-isolate for 7 days. If you have

very minor symptoms the recommendation is that you don’t call 111. But if your condition gets worse then you should call 111. You can find more guidance and advice on what to do during self-isolation on the Gov.uk website using the following link https://www.gov.uk/government/ publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance/stay-athome-guidance-for-people-with-confirmed-or-possiblecoronavirus-covid-19-infection We want to reassure everyone that we will continue to provide updates on the Government’s Action plan via our website and e-newsletters. Whilst our services may be affected we will do the best we can to make sure things can run as normally as possible. But if you have any worries or concerns then please ring us on 020 8691 7411 or email: enquiries@csrf.org.uk

Preserve access to cash!

Published in 2019, the Access to Cash Review explored the implications of the UK’s shift towards digital payments, away from cash. It concluded that if nothing was done, the UK would sleepwalk into a cashless society, leaving millions behind. Despite the increased challenge to obtain it, cash continues to be a preferred method of transaction for many people across the UK. About 3.5 million older people have never used the internet and many aren’t confident in online banking. Left without a local branch, residents of rural areas – who tend to be older on average than in urban places – are forced to travel to different towns and cities if they wish to withdraw cash, and this means paying for transport as well as any cash withdrawal fees. It is therefore even more important that access to cash is preserved for this section of society. You can follow the Access to Cash Review online at www.accesstocash.org.uk

The 2020 APPEAL: Swim-Cycle-Run – find out what Nathan’s doing to help raise funds this year – more on page 13

Chief Executive’s Message


’m pleased to start my letter with two welcomes. Since our last edition we have had some new faces joining our Board of Directors. Madeleine Alessandri, the new Permanent Secretary at the Northern Ireland Office, is the new Chair of our Board of Directors and Michelle Wyer, a past President of the Association for Revenue & Customs staff, is our new Vice Chair. Both have already hit the ground running and been very supportive of our new Marketing and Communications campaign to boost awareness of our three core charitable services and

improve engagement of both new subscribers and volunteers. To strengthen and promote our three national services (local groups, befriending schemes and signposting & advice) we have given Fellowship News a bit of a ‘makeover’ to provide you with more useful information and highlight clearly what’s going on nationally. Now we have dedicated sections for group news and pictures, signposting and advice and befriending services alongside some more later life news, leisure and lifestyle pieces too. Fundraising remains important

The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Unit 11, Pepys House, Greenwich Quay, Clarence Road, LONDON SE8 3EY t: 020 8691 7411 e: enquiries@csrf.org.uk w: www.csrf.org.uk

©2020. Fellowship News is published by the Civil Service Retirement Fellowship (CSRF). All rights reserved. The CSRF and the publishers declare that any publication of any advertisement does not carry their endorsement or sponsorship of the advertiser or their products unless so indicated. Contributions are invited and, whether or not accepted, submissions will be returned only is accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope. No responsibility can be taken for drawings, photographs or literary contributions during transmission or while in the publisher’s hands. Proof of receipt is no guarantee of appearance. In the absence of an agreement, the copyright of all contributions, literary, photographic or artistic belongs to The CSRF. This publication (or any part thereof) may not be reproduced, transmitted or stored in print or electronic format (including, but not limited to, any online service, database or part of the internet), or in any other format in any media whatsoever, without the prior written permission of The CSRF. The CSRF accepts no liability for the accuracy of the contents or any other opinions expressed herein. The views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the official views of The CSRF.

David Tickner, Chief Executive

New to our Board of Directors

The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship

A charity registered in England and Wales No 255465 and in Scotland No SC039049 and a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No 6297479

too and I would draw your attention to details of our 2020 National Appeal on page 12. This year our Befriending Services Manager Nathan will be undertaking a triathlon in September to raise £10k to support our work. The appeal has been sponsored by our friends at the Civil Service Insurance Society and McClures Solicitors and you make a donation via the form on page 13. This year marks the CSRF’s 55th anniversary and to help celebrate I joined our Catford & Lewisham group for tea and cake last month and to present a Certificate of Merit to their Chair Jane Duffy (pictured left). I’ll also be up with the Crewe & Nantwich group just before our official ‘Fellowship Day’ on 9th April. At the time of writing there is a lot of focus on coronavirus and I wanted to reassure everyone that we will be regularly monitoring the situation to provide the best advice and guidance we can. Our services may be affected but we will do the best we can to make sure things run as normally as possible. Thanks as ever for your continued support and I hope you enjoy the issue.

#Talk to Us We’d like to hear from you about your memories of when you worked in the Civil Service. We are developing a ‘stories’ strand that will feature on our website and in future editions of the newsletter. If you’d like to share your experiences (and pictures if you have them) then please contact Lily Roubians at Fellowship Office by email: lily. roubians@csrf.org.uk or by phone on 020 8469 9194. Please note: Lily is in the office on Tues/Weds & Thurs.

New Vice Chair Michelle Wyer paid a visit to Fellowship Office in February. Michelle (pictured far right) had a chance to meet the staff and also found time to pose next to one of the new promotional banners that will be used as part of our 2020 Marketing & Communications campaign.


New Volunteer Drivers Pilot Thanks to a grant from our friends at the Civil Service Insurance Society Charity Fund we will be launching a new pilot scheme that will be an extension to our befriending services shortly. The Volunteer Drivers Scheme will provide transport to beneficiaries in South East London who want to be taken to and from local group meetings. We currently have three

groups that fall within our pilot area, Catford & Lewisham, Eltham and Greenwich Riverside. More information about the pilot will be published on our website and via the monthly e-newsletter in due course. But if you live in the pilot area and are interested in volunteering as a driver then you can email: enquiries@csrf.org.uk or call 020 8691 7411.

Volunteer Awards The end of last year saw recognition for a couple of our long-standing volunteer befrienders who picked up awards. Ian Smart, who is active on both the Phone Buddy & National Visitors Network, was awarded a Community Service Award from the Charity for Civil Servants in November 2019. Mike Rogers, active on the National Visitors Network, received a volunteer award from Volunteering Dorset. TOP: Mike Rogers (left) pictured receiving his award from the Lord Lieutenant of Dorset; BOTTOM: Ian Smart (right) pictured with his wife Freda and Befriending Services Manager Nathan McLellan.

Support for sleep problems Insomnia is the most common of all sleep disorders, affecting around 1 in 3 people at some point in their lives, and most people suffer in silence as they don’t know where to go for help. The Charity for Civil Servants have partnered with Sleepstation to provide free support and guidance for current, former and retired civil servants who think they might have a sleep problem. All too often, people resort to taking sleeping pills in an attempt to gain control over their sleep. Sleepstation helps people sleep better without medication.

The online sleep improvement programme is clinically proven to combat even the most severe insomnia and the personalised support is what makes them so effective. Without sleep, we struggle to function - physically and emotionally. Losing only one hour of sleep a night is associated with 60-80% increased likelihood of experiencing symptoms like depression, hopelessness, nervousness, and feeling restless or fidgety. As a retired civil servant, The Charity for Civil Servants will fund

your place on the Sleepstation programme and you can register online now to secure your free place at www.sleepstation.org.uk/ civil-servants/ (you will be subject to Sleepstation’s terms & conditions when you register on their website).

For other help and support from the Charity you may find it helpful to visit their website – www.foryoubyyou.org.uk or call 0800 056 2424 for further information. For information on all the CSRF’s services visit www.csrf.org.uk


Signposting & Advice

Meeting your needs Estimating Need in Older People, a recent study by AgeUK identified six areas of need: Ill health, Poverty, Care and support needs, Loneliness, Social isolation and Poor housing. We’ve picked three of them to look at in a bit more detail and offer up some suggested signposting to organisations that offer advice, guidance and help in these areas.

Contact Directory 4

For more information on the organisations included on these pages please refer to the alphabetical list below

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Beware of Scams

We run a scam alert section on the CSRF website which posts and shares any scam experiences you’ve had. The page is viewable at www.csrf.org.uk/scam-alert and if you’ve encountered a scam attempt then we’d encourage you to email or write in with the details so we can share it with everyone. Independent Age also produce a ‘Scamwise’ guide and the Financial Conduct Authority have a regularly updated warning list to allow you to check an investment or pension opportunity and avoid scams.

Active Across Ages

W: www.youthsporttrust.org/ active-across-ages T: 01509 226600


One of the top needs for older adults in the UK is financial advice. The Centre for Ageing Better reported that those who received financial advice between 2001 – 2007, accumulated more liquid financial assets and pension wealth than those who didn’t seek advice. It’s also important in our ever increasingly digital world to ensure that we all remain scam aware when it comes to sharing our details and correspondence with any financial transactions and requests for information.

Tax Help for Older People

Tax Help for Older People is a charity service providing free, independent and expert help and advice for older people on lower incomes who cannot afford to pay for professional tax advice. They operate across the UK from their offices based near Bridport in Dorset, assisted by a team of staff along with

a national network of 420 tax volunteers across the UK. Their volunteers give their time and expertise free of charge because they recognise how difficult the tax system can be for older people who can’t afford professional advice, and they want to use their skills to benefit the community; most of them are currently practising or retired tax professionals, including retired HM Revenue and Customs staff.

Money Advice Service

This resource was set up by government to offer free and impartial money advice on a whole range of financial subjects. There is a specific section tailored to those in later life (check the contact directory for the direct weblink) but there is also a freephone number and the prospect for ‘web chat’ (for those feeling digitally brave!!).

Carers UK

W: www.carersuk.org/ T: 020 7378 4999

Cinnamon Trust

W: https://cinnamon.org.uk/ T: 01736 757 900

Independent Age

Independent Age have a range of helpful guides and factsheets that cover a huge range of subjects relevant to later life. Subjects include: Paying for Care, Planning for the End of Life, Moneywise, Attendance Allowance and Pension Credit. You can look their publications up online or you can order them (for free) by calling their freephone number. Their publications are also available in large print or audio CD.

Financial Conduct Authority W: www.fca.org.uk/ scamsmart/warning-list

For information on all the CSRF’s services visit www.csrf.org.uk


Signposting & Advice


Increasing fitness in our later life doesn’t just improve our mobility and ability to take control of our own care when it comes to fighting acute medical conditions, but it has now been proven to decrease the risk of dementia, improve overall brain function and if done as part of a group either in a class or on a walk with a friend – can even boost our social activity and therefore our emotional and mental health too.

NHS Online

The NHS website is an excellent source of informative guides to help you kick-start your journey – and they even have online exercise videos that you can follow along to at home. Our top picks from the guides to help you get started on your fitness goals are: The NHS Guide to Walking for Health and The NHS Guide to exercise as you get older (both of which are available to download via the NHS website).

Improved social activity can help our emotional and mental health

Walking Football

Active Across Ages

The Walking Football association is aimed at those aged 50+ with tournaments for over 60’s and 70’s too. It has rules to ensure that the game is played safely and caters to the age group of the players with teams of 5 or 6 each side. It’s a great place to get back into football if you’ve played all your life or to make a start and join a new team of friends!

Independent Age

W: www.independentage.org T: 0800 319 6789 6

To ensure that Britain is a country that caters to the needs of all ages, children’s charity The Youth Sport Trust has created ‘Active Across Ages’, which organises intergenerational beach ball tennis, skittles and dancing so that both younger and older people can all work on increasing their activity levels together!

Listening Books

W: www.listening-books.org.uk/ T: 020 7407 9417

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Money Advice Service T: 0800 138 7777

W: www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk /en/articles/talking-with-olderpeople-about-money


Knowing where to go for advice on finding support for the little day to day things at home is also an important need. Various charities offer search options for ‘trusted traders’ but these can vary depending on where in the UK you are based but we’ve selected three organisations that provide very specific types of services for you at home

Help for pets

The Cinnamon Trust is a national charity that was founded in 1985 by Mrs Averil Jarvis MBE who named the Trust in memory of her pet corgi – Cinnamon. The charity is set up to provide practical help (such as dog walking) for older people with pets. They also step in to help the terminally ill – so if you are spending time in hospital, they provide a national fostering service for the pets so that they are

well taken care of until you come home and are ready to have them back. The Trust also provides long term care for pets whose owner has died (or perhaps is moving to a residential accommodation that does not allow pets) as they can help with that too (and this can all be arranged in advance so no one has to worry about their pet’s future). Whether the pet is in care short term or long term, you can keep in touch through visits and letters/photos from the Trust.

Listening Books

Listening Books (whose Patron is Stephen Fry) are a UK charity that help people all over the UK who have an illness, mental health condition, physical or learning difficulty that impacts on their ability to read or hold books by providing a large selection of high-quality audiobooks.

NHS Website W: www.nhs.uk

Tax Help for Older People W: www.taxvol.org.uk T: 01308 488066

Carers UK

Carers UK provide community and support to carers by giving advice, offering a carers group to join (very helpful if you are new to caring for someone) and campaign for change whilst finding new ways to support carers. Carers UK also provide factsheets and guides to help carers with a range of issues they may be experiencing that include Financial issues, Looking after yourself and Housing.

Don’t forget

We provide signposting and advice to many beneficiaries throughout the year – so if you have a question on any subject relating to later life, give us a call and we’ll do our best to point you in the right direction!

Walking Football Association W: https://thewfa.co.uk/ T: 07517 033248

For information on all the CSRF’s services visit www.csrf.org.uk


Befriending services

Fancy Some Friendship?

Our befriending services are a great way for you to enjoy some companionship by phone or home visit

We currently offer two schemes: The National Visitors Network (home visits) and the Phone Buddy Scheme (telephone calls).

THE NATIONAL VISITORS NETWORK Supported by the Civil Service Insurance Society Charity Fund, this scheme will match you up with a DBS or PVG (Scotland) checked volunteer who will provide a regular visit to your home. You can choose what day or time works best for you.


This scheme is similar to the National Visitors Network but instead the volunteer will make a regular phone call. Calls can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly depending on what you’d prefer. Phone Buddy volunteers will never be given your home address.

How does it work?

We want you to enjoy the benefits of our services as quickly as possible so if you’re interested in signing up we’ve explained the process in three easy steps:

Signing up If you’d like to register for either scheme just give us a quick call on 020 8691 7411 or email: befriending@csrf.org.uk to request a registration form. We’ll post or email it out to along with a FREEPOST envelope for you to return it at no cost.

The Matching Process Once we’ve received your registration form we’ll let you know and then we can start the matching process. If we have a volunteer in your area who is available this process should be fairly quick if not we’ll undertake to recruit a new volunteer in your area. We have a network of relations with volunteer bureaux around the country so hopefully it shouldn’t take too long. But we’ll keep in touch with you throughout this process.

The First Visit Welcoming a stranger into your home for the first time can be a bit of daunting experience. All of our volunteers are DBS or PVG (Scotland) checked before they are admitted and they undergo a training session to make sure they understand the boundaries of the scheme. You will also receive an introductory letter with details of your volunteer (biography and a picture) before the first visit takes place and we will give you a ring after the first visit to check how it went.

As with any new friendship it can take a bit of time to get to know the person but sometimes matches don’t work out and if you ever feel this is the case you can give us a ring and we will seek to find you a new volunteer. 8

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Real Experiences

Margaret (currently Mary (currently on on the National National Visitors Visitors Network Network & & Phone Buddy) Phone Buddy) She dedicated Mary joined We asked a co her career the Civil up le of people currently enjo to working in Service ying our befri en services to sh education and Retirement are their exper ding iences her husband Fellowship worked in after she retired the Civil from a career Service. She in finance. She registered with the was in the same services a couple position as many of years ago and of us are when finds they’ve been our family move a ‘marvellous!’ away and are no addition to her longer nearby to life. Living in a quiet place, visit, and she describes that feeling where there are very few perfectly in saying that she was people passing by, the world just looking to find someone that can leave anyone feeling lonely it would ‘be nice to keep in touch as the days become almost with’ Mary has visits from a ‘very overwhelmingly quiet. At 92, nice young lady’ and said that the Margaret is rather housebound, experience is similar to ‘speaking and this environment can leave with my granddaughter’. In between her hoping for even just the sight these home visits that are part of and sound of others – and that’s our National Visitors Network, Mary also enjoys talking to the other where we were able to help. friend that she has made through Thanks to both her Visitor and our Phone Buddy Scheme and said Phone Buddy she now finds her that she too is a “very nice lady” quiet days have suddenly got a who always calls every fortnight. bit more colour!

Ready and waiting!

We have some trained Visitors ready and waiting to be matched. They’re based in Bristol, Haywards Heath, High Wycombe, Horsham, Lichfield, South London, Nottingham, Slough and Walsall. So, if you live in any of these areas and would like to receive a home visit please give us a ring straightaway.

We’ve produced a handy leaflet outlining how you can register to enjoy home visits or calls via our befriending services. To request a copy you can ring 020 8691 7411 or email: enquiries@csrf.org.uk we can either post it off to you or email as a PDF.

Group news

Northern Ireland Branch AGM & Lunch

Group representatives from Belfast, Banbridge and Lisburn groups joined Chief Executive David Tickner at the Bannville Hotel in Banbridge for the last Annual General Meeting of the Northern Ireland branch which was followed by lunch. Presentations were made to Rita McNulty (Branch Secretary), Florence McBratney (Branch Treasurer) and Mary Wailes (who accepted on behalf of her husband Michael). Our Northern Ireland groups will continue to operate with any support or advice being provided directly by Fellowship Office.

End of an Era Our last surviving Branch announced its closure after 46 years at the end of October 2019. Leicestershire, Rutland and South Lincolnshire Branch began in 1973 and in its heyday, it presided over 13 groups across 3 counties, hosting 6 meetings a year with an active programme of social events including holidays. Twenty members from the 3 remaining groups (Coalville, Melton Mowbray and Wigston) held a farewell lunch in Melton’s Market Tavern. Both the Coalville & Ashby and Wigton groups continue to run a busy programme of activities. Pic: Branch Chairman Malcolm Johnson receiving a Certificate of Merit from Branch Treasurer Pat Jessop 10






In pictures 1: Bradford on Avon group enjoying some festive spirit at their December meeting 2: Greenwich Riverside group at their November meeting


3 & 4: Wigston group members smiling for David Tickner’s camera during a ‘Connecting our Communities’ visit in October



5: Margaret O’Leary receiving a presentation from Sleaford & Ancaster Group Chairman Mike Smith 6, 7 & 8: Norwich group enjoying their Christmas lunch 9,10,11 & 12: Weston-Super-Mare group rewarded some regular attendees and committee members with Certificates of Merit at their October meeting. Alan & Anne Jackson, Beryl Barrett and Pat Gould received their Certificates from Group Chair Margaret Cole. 13 & 14: Sutton group members enjoying lunch at the Olde Red Lion in Cheam Village


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Our 2020 Appeal Our Befriending Services Manager Nathan will be undertaking a new fitness challenge this year by participating in the Hever Castle Triathlon in September. Nathan has already run the London Marathon to help raise funds and this year he’ll be adding swimming and cycling to his fitness portfolio to raise funds to support our services. He’s being sponsored by our friends at McClures Solicitors and Civil Service Insurance Society – you can donate online at www.csrf.org.uk or complete the form on the page opposite.

CSRF Notelets still available for sale

The price per set is £5 (and the cost includes p&p) and each set includes one of each of the winning pictures as a notelet (blank inside for any message) with envelopes. You can use the form opposite to place your order (all cheques need to be made payable to ‘The CSRF’) OR you can order online via the Shop section of our website at www.csrf.org.uk 12

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MAKE A DONATION Use this form to donate to the CSRF or Order our Notelets

Shop online with Smile from Amazon & Giveasyoulive We’ve got two great online portals that help us raise funds every time you shop online. Smile from Amazon and GiveasyouLive both provide us with a donation each time you shop via their respective websites and it costs you absolutely nothing at all!! Both sites are free to register on but don’t forget you will need to nominate us as your chosen charity before you start shopping. Find out more online at https://smile.amazon.co.uk or at www.giveasyoulive.com/join/csrf

The 2020 National Appeal CSRF Notelets (£5 per set) Indicate the number of sets you want Return the completed form including your donation to: The CSRF, Unit 11, Pepys House, Greenwich Quay, Clarence Road, LONDON SE8 3EY Cheques should be made payable to ‘The CSRF’. Alternatively you can make a donation online at www.csrf.org.uk Please accept my gift of:

£5 £10 £20 £50 £100 £250 Other £

How would you like us to acknowledge your donation? By Post By Email I do not wish to receive an acknowledgement We are extremely grateful for all donations we receive; you can help us save money by ticking the box to opt not to receive an acknowledgment

Name: Address: Post Code:

Tel Number:


Alternatively you could sign up to make a regular donation to support our ongoing work via direct debit. Please pay the sum of £ Starting on (date)

each month/year (delete as appropriate) /


until further notice

Name of account holder Account No

Legacy Giving As we receive no government funding, we rely on the money we raise through regular subscriptions and donations to support and safeguard our work. By leaving us a legacy, however big or small, you would be helping to make an important contribution to that. Our legal helpline partners McClures Solicitors can advise you on all aspects of writing a will or undertaking a will review and this includes how to leave a legacy. You can contact them on 0800 852 1999.

Sort Code



Name and address of your bank/building society (BLOCK CAPITALS please) To the manager

Post Code: Signature Date



For office use only

(Bank, please quote reference)

Originator’s Identification Number

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Instruction to your Bank or Building Society Please pay The CSRF Direct Debits from the account detailed in this instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this Instruction may remain with The CSRF and if so, details will be passed electronically to my Bank/Building Society

Make your gift worth a quarter more at no extra cost to you! If you are a UK taxpayer The CSRF can reclaim the tax you’ve paid on your donation. Please tick the Gift Aid declaration box below I want to Gift Aid this donation and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code. Please notify us if you want to cancel this declaration, change your name or home address or no longer pay sufficient tax on your 13 income and/or capital gains.

Books, Culture & Leisure

More Information Charles Dickens Birthplace Museum, Portsmouth T: 023 9282 1879 www.charlesdickensbirthplace.co.uk Dove Cottage & Wordsworth Museum, Grasmere T: 015394 35544 www.wordsworth.org.uk

This year marks several significant literary anniversaries which give you the perfect excuse to reconnect with some the sites of literary interest that can be found around the UK. So, for example you could mark the 150th anniversary of Charles Dickens’ death with a visit to the Charles Dickens Birthplace Museum in Portsmouth or celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of Wordsworth with a trip to Dove Cottage & Wordsworth Museum in the Lake District. Other anniversaries include 200 years since the birth of Anne

Brontë Parsonage Museum, Haworth T: 01535 642323 www.bronte.org.uk William Morris Gallery, London T: 020 8496 4390 www.wmgallery.org.uk Roald Dahl Museum, Great Missenden T: 01494 892192 www.roalddahl.com/museum 14

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The Brontë Society

Wordsworth Grasmere

Explore our country’s literary delights

Brontë (go and see the Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth, West Yorkshire, 150 years since the publication of William Morris’s poem, The Earthly Paradise (why not pop to the William Morris Gallery in London) and 50 years since the publication of Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr Fox (a perfect excuse to visit the Roald Dahl Museum in Great Missenden in Buckinghamshire). CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Dove Cottage; Roald Dahl Museum; the Brontë Parsonage Museum; Charles Dickens’ desk; Dorothy Wordsworth’s Grasmere journal.

Witness for the Prosecution

Our online Book Club

Step inside the magnificent courtroom setting of London’s County Hall and experience the intensity and drama of Agatha Christie’s gripping story of justice, passion and betrayal. Our theatre club page offers some discounts on tickets for this landmark stage production on London’s Southbank. It’s booking until 13th September and offers can be accessed via www.westendtheatre.com/club/csrf/


The National Gallery, London This is the first major exhibition of Artemisia’s work in the UK and offers visitors a chance to see her best-known paintings including two versions of her iconic and viscerally violent ‘Judith beheading Holofernes’; as well as her self portraits, heroines from history and the Bible, and recently discovered personal letters, seen in the UK for the first time. The exhibition runs until 26 July – for more information call 020 7747 2885 or visit www.nationalgallery.org.uk/ X10473 Artemisia Gentileschi Judith beheading Holofernes, about 1612-13. Oil on canvas 158.8 × 125.5 cm Napoli, Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte (Q378) © ph. Luciano Romano / Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte 2016

British Surrealism Dulwich Picture Gallery

This major exhibition marks 100 years since the birth of surrealism, championing the British artists that contributed to an iconic movement. It includes works from artists including Leonora Carrington, Francis Bacon, Henry Moore and Paul Nash as well as lesser known figures such as Conroy Maddox, Reuben Mednikoff and Grace Pailthorpe. The exhibition runs until 17th May – for more information call 020 8693 5254 or visit www.dulwichpicturegallery.org.uk Above: Henry Fuseli, The Weird Sisters, Macbeth, by Henry Fuseli, c.1783, RSC Theatre Collection

We run an online book club open to any CSRF subscriber. There’s an annual reading list featuring recommendations from book club members and reviews can be posted online via our website. In addition, all book club members receive an alternate monthly e-newsletter featuring a round up of interesting cultural news (films, book releases, theatre and exhibitions). If you’d like to register, just send your details direct to: bookclub@csrf.org.uk “A riveting book and so descriptive of the descent into lawlessness and a country’s selfdestruction.” Ruth on When A Crocodile Eats the Sun by Peter Godwin

“Excellent, well worth reading.” Christopher on So Much Life to Live by Louis de Bernieres

“I enjoyed this book although it took a while to get going.” Jenny on The Speaker’s Wife by Quentin Letts

“A compelling story, but I was disappointed that at the end we never found out what the verdict would have been” Jean on The Collini Case by Ferdinand von Schirach

For information on all the CSRF’s services visit www.csrf.org.uk



Prize Crossword ANAGRAMS The following anagrams are of European capital cities. See how many you can solve.



7 Seaside sweet treat? (4,4) 9 Sound amplifying apparatus (6) 10 Brightness of colour (4) 11 To find bewildering (10) 12 Mean (6) 14 Action with pen or pencil (8) 15 Treeless plain in Europe and Asia (6) 16 Assassin or sniper (6) 19 Purple quartz (8) 21 Close female relative (6) 23 South American rodent (10) 24 Bucket of bolts (4) 25 Emotional pang (6) 26 Revolving belt (8)


1 Gravy ingredient (6) 2 Prepare to swallow (4) 3 A friend of HMRC (8) 4 Ancient writing tool (6) 5 Near death, Latin (2, 8) 6 American pelt (8) 8 Verbal rebuke (6) 13 Cardinal number (6,4) 15 Indian weapon (8) 17 Higher level of house (8) 18 Emphatic, in a way (6) 20 Name of God (6) 22 Desk item (6) 24 2:00 or 3:00 (4)

AUTUMN/WINTER Puzzle Solutions

We’ve got five £25 M&S Vouchers to giveaway. To enter the draw, send your completed crossword, along with your name, address and contact telephone number to: The CSRF, Unit 11, Pepys House, Greenwich Quay, Clarence Road, London SE8 3EY. Closing date: Friday 29th May 2020. Winners will be notified directly. Judges decision is final.

Anagrams Angela Merkel Theresa May Nancy Pelosi Penny Mordaunt Caroline Lucas Jacinda Ardern

Legal advice

Lasting Power of Attorney Our legal partners McClure Solicitors provide a wide range of advice on later life legal issues. This issue they look at why having a lasting power of attorney in place is important…

Every adult, especially everyone over have protected their assets against, 50, should have a Lasting Power of for instance, care costs had there Attorney (LPA). In England, you need been an LPA in place. However, it two LPAs, one for your assets (house was too late. They have seen many and money) and one for your welfare. examples of families having to pay In Scotland, one Power of Attorney thousands of pounds in legal fees (POA) covers both. It is like insurance and disbursements which an LPA for your house: you hope to never would have avoided. They have also need it, but you will be glad that you seen examples of elderly or disabled took it out if the worst happens. clients being taken advantage of or Without an LPA, if you lose harassed by relatives where there capacity to deal with your affairs, wasn’t an LPA in place to protect you will need someone to apply to them. the Court of Protection for a Recently, Richard Farnhill, Deputyship. It is expensive, one of McClure’s Estate takes lots of time, and Planning Consultants, involves the Deputy It is like insurance for had an appointment in in lots of paperwork your house: you hope to Leeds. The client (80) & responsibility. An never need it, but you was looking to set up LPA avoids all this. In a Power of Attorney will be glad that you Scotland, you need a for her son (54). The took it out if the Guardianship Order from year previous, the son worst happens the Court which, again, is had been diagnosed expensive & a slow process. with an aggressive form If you do not have any children, of Dementia. Sadly, this meant it is even more important to appoint he could no longer work, and his an attorney via an LPA as more financial and health circumstances distant relative will usually be were only getting more difficult reluctant to apply for Deputyship or to deal with. Without the LPA, the Guardianship. doctors and banks were unable to McClure Solicitors have seen speak with the client about her son. many examples of clients who could The son was also at the appointment

so that Richard could speak with him directly. Unfortunately, the client’s dementia was so far gone that an LPA could not be put in place. Luckily, Richard was able to ease the client’s worries somewhat by setting up a Deputyship, but this was much more expensive and time consuming. If the client had come to McClure even a month before, they would have been able to set up an LPA. It is always painful to find out that, in hindsight, a Lasting Power of Attorney would be easier, cheaper and less of a burden on the attorney and family. So why take the risk? The good news is that McClure will prepare your LPA for £199 and will donate £30 of their fee to The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship. They include the Welfare LPA free of charge. They also let you decide whether and when you want to register the LPAs which can save you further money in disbursements. Their LPAs let you keep control if you are able. You can also change your LPA or cancel it at any time. There are many good reasons for having a Lasting Power of Attorney and no good reason not to!

To take advantage of the special offer on Lasting Powers of Attorney you can call McClure on 0800 852 1999 or email; contactus@mcclure-solicitors.co.uk

Spring/Summer 2020 Group Listings We have a local community group network that operates across the country and you can find details of them in this section of our newsletter. We are always happy to work with volunteers who are interested in helping to establish a group in their area so if you are interested in finding our more about what’s involved then you can contact the Chief Executive at Fellowship Office on 020 8691 7411 or email: enquiries@csrf.org.uk

SCOTLAND Edinburgh

Liz Beedie Secretary T: 0131 229 7422 Festival Theatre Café, Nicholson Street, Edinburgh EH8 9FT Third Tuesday of each month at 2pm (except January (Winter Lunch) and September (Summer Lunch)). We run walks throughout the year and meet at Lakeland, corner of George Street/Hanover Street at 1.30pm on the first Friday of each month (except June, July & August). Organiser: Francis Valentine (Tel: 0131 228 3243). 22 May 2020 Day away to North Berwick 16 Jun 2020 Picnic in the Park (Princes St Gardens, adjacent to the Norwegian Stone), 2pm 03 Jul 2020 Day away to Haddington 07 Aug 2020 Day away to Dundee McManus Gallery 15 Sept 2020 Summer lunch at the Palace, 12.30pm at Holyrood Palace Café

Highland Mrs Pam Barnet T: 01463 790265 Macdougall Clansman Hotel 103 Church Street Inverness IV1 1ES First and third Wednesday of each month, Coffee morning at 11am


Margaret Hassan Secretary T:07884 073401 E: hassanmargaret@yahoo.co.uk Bannside Presbyterian Church Hall 21 Castlewellan Road Banbridge BT32 4AX First Wednesday of each month at 2pm (No meetings in July or Aug) 06 May 2020 AGM & Lunch at Belmont Hotel, 12.30pm 03 Jun 2020 Coach Trip 02 Sept 2020 TBA


Craigavon George McConnell Secretary T: 028 8676 4395 E: joannearcher1@hotmail.co.uk Portadown Town Hall, 15 Edward St, Portadown, Craigavon BT62 3LX First Tuesday of the month at 2.30pm

Lisburn Mrs R Hope Secretary T: 028 9268 3610 Bridge Community Centre 50 Railway Street Lisburn County Antrim BT28 1XP Second Monday of each month at 2.30pm (except Jul & Aug) 11 May 2020 Titanic Boat Trip with Lagan Boat Co, Lunch in ‘Ownies’, Carrickfergus Pick Up time: 10.30am (Leisure Centre or Station) 08 Jun 2020 Visit to Glenarm Castle with tea & tour. Lunch in Bayview Hotel, Portballintrae. Pick Up time: 10.30am (Leisure Centre or Station) 14 Sept 2020 Welcome meeting at Bridge Community Centre, 2.30pm

NORTH OF ENGLAND Crewe & Nantwich

Mr M Fox Chairman T: 01270 650265 Wells Green Methodist Church Hall Brookland Avenue Wistaston Crewe CW2 8EJ First Tuesday of each month at 2pm

05 May 2020 L ocal artist Gill Adlington on ‘the production of a landscape painting’

Gateshead Mrs M Turner Chairman T: 0191 431 1527 Gateshead Community Fire Station Dryden Road Low Fell Gateshead NE9 5BU First Thursday of the month from 10am to 12noon

Horsforth, Rawdon & District

Mrs M J Taylor T: 0113 267 8110 Miss Wynne O’Neill Secretary T: 028 9067 1157 E: margaret_taylor7@icloud.com Mcelhinney Room The Pavillion Stormont We meet in different local hostelries for Estate Upper Newtownards Road Belfast lunch. Please contact Mrs Taylor for more BT4 3TA details. We are a friendly group and new First Monday of each month at 2.00pm members are always welcome (except June, July and August) The last Tuesday in the month at 12.30pm 04 May 2020 Annual General Meeting (except December)


F E LLOW S H I P N E W S S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 0


Mrs Linda Leach, Tel: 01873 881022 E: brian_leach253@btinternet.com No.2 Meeting Room Caerphilly New Library The Twyn Caerphilly CF83 1JL Second Monday of every month at 10.15am (except Aug) 11 May 2020 Mrs Rhian Morgan – Wales Gene Park – Richard III 08 Jun 2020 Visit to Nantgarw China Works and Lunch 13 Jul 2020 Mr Peter Martin – Swan Rescue SE Wales 14 Sept 2020 Desert Island Discs – Members’ choice of recorded music

Cardiff Jane Lewis Secretary T: 029 20 757174 Ararat Baptist Church Plas Treoda Whitchurch Cardiff South Glamorgan CF14 1PT Second Wednesday of the month at 10am

Church Stretton John Brewer Secretary T: 01694 722965 E: johnbrewer1@talktalk.net Mayfair Community Centre Easthope Road Church Stretton SY6 6BL First Friday of the month at 2.30pm 01 May 2020 Ludlow Market Day & Pub Lunch 05 Jun 2020 Lunch at Origins, Shrewsbury College Gourmet Restaurant 03 Jul 2020 Visit the Judges Lodgings at Presteigne & Pub Lunch 07 Aug 2020 Pub lunch at the Buck’s Head, Church Stretton 05 Sept 2020 Heritage Open Days Visit 02 Oct 2020 Visit Powysland Canal Centre, Welshpool & Lunch

Llandudno Mrs Beryl Rennie Assistant Secretary T: 01492 876238 Queens Hotel, Llandudno, LL30 2LE First Tuesday of the month at 10.30am. On the Third Tuesday of most months the group enjoys a pub lunch followed by a walk – the details of which are decided at the previous meeting

Neath & Port Talbot Mr W Pugh Chairman T: 01792 864299 The Mayor’s Parlour The Old Town Hall Church Place Neath SA11 3LL Last Wednesday of each month at 2pm

Oswestry Mrs J Stokes Chairman T: 01691 654380 The Wynnstay Hotel Church Street Oswestry SY11 2SZ First Tuesday of each month at 10.30am 07 Apr 2020 Spice Trade 05 May 2020 Flowers 12 May 2020 Lunch 02 Jun 2020 Dame Agnes Hunt 07 Jul 2020 The History of the Piano 04 Aug 2020 Hope House 11 Aug 2020 Lunch 01 Sept 2020 Air Ambulance 06 Oct 2020 Zimbabwe & Victoria Falls

Swansea Mrs S Edgell Chairman/Secretary T: 01792 851125 E: sylviaedgell@btinternet.com The Dolphin Hotel, Oxford Street, Whitewalls, Swansea SA1 3AB Last Tuesday of each month at 11am for coffee (except August and December)


Mrs S Atherton Chairperson T: 01295 252304 Hanwell Fields Community Centre Rotary Way Banbury OX16 1ER Second Tuesday of each month from 2.15pm to 4.15pm 14 Apr 2020 AGM & Lunch at the Hanwell Arms 12 May 2020 Tea, Coffee & Chocolate - How we fell in love with caffeine by Melanie King Lunch Club June Afternoon tea in the Garden (Date tba) 09 Jun 2020 From Rags to Riches to giving it all away by Jeremy Holmes/ Lunch Club 14 Jul 2020 Order of the Garter by Angela Panrucker/Lunch Club 11 Aug 2020 Lunch on the Countess of Evesham (Lunch cruise at Stratford on Avon) 08 Sept 2020 The Washington Famly by Mr M Sirot-Smith/Lunch Club

Coalville & Ashby Terry Watson Chairman T: 01530 835373 Thringstone Community Centre The Green Thringstone Coalville LE67 8NR Third Wednesday each month 2pm to 4pm 15 Apr 2020 Masters of Mirth (Sequel) 20 May 2020 TBA 17 Jun 2020 Talk: Shelter Box by Rotary Club

15 Jul 2020 19 Aug 2020 16 Sept 2020

Garden Party TBA Talk: Cairo to Istanbul

Dunstable & Leighton Buzzard Christine Mardlin Chairman T: 01296 688331 E: christine.mardlin@btinternet.com Scout HQ Grovebury Road Leighton Buzzard LU7 4SW First Wednesday of the month at 2pm (No meeting in Jan) 06 May 2020 Being A Toastmaster: David Pearson 03 Jun 2020 Workhouses: Colin Oakes 01 Jul 2020 Bletchley Park August Outing (date tbc) 02 Sept 2020 Hollowe’en: David Pickering

Gloucester/Hucclecote Mrs J Neale, Chairman T: 01452 506949 Christchurch Abbeydale, Heron Way, Abbeydale, Gloucester GL4 5EQ First Thursday of the month at 2pm 14 May 2020 My Time As a Greek Travel Agent: talk by Kathy Butterworth 04 Jun 2020 Summer Party 02 Jul 2020 Comedy Tales & Monologues: talk by Paul Evans 06 Aug 2020 The Highs & Lows of a Quasi Civil Servant: talk by Jan Long 03 Sept 2020 TBA 01 Oct 2020 Brian Slade: vocalist

Nottingham Pam Bradley Chair T: 0115 938 4676 The Mechanics 3 North Sherwood Street Nottingham NG1 4EZ Second Wednesday of each month at 10.15am to 12.15pm 08 Apr 2020 Emerald Celebration 13 May 2020 Robert Cockayne: Travels in North America 10 Jun 2020 Sylvia Hale: The National Trust 08 Jul 2020 David Gray: My Short & Late Career as a Security Guard 12 Aug 2020 TBC

Nuneaton Rachel Homer Secretary T: 024 76 385845 E: homer351@btinternet.com Tea & Chat Café, 2 Chapel Sreet, Nuneaton CV11 5QH First Tuesday of each month at 11am for coffee mornings

Sleaford & Ancaster Mike Smith Chairman T: 01526 833273 E: mjs_consultation@hotmail.com Bristol Bowls Club Boston Road Sleaford NG34 7HH

Sleaford: First Thursday of the month at 10.15am Bristol Bowls Club Boston Road Sleaford NG34 7HH Ancaster: Second Wednesday of the month at 10.15am to 12 noon Angel Court Ancaster Grantham NG32 3PR. Following some of the Sleaford group

meetings, lunch will be arranged for members of the Sleaford & Ancaster group

Wigston Mrs J Collins Vice Chairman T: 0116 288 7802 The Elms Social and Service Club (formerly The Royal British Legion) Launceston Road Wigston LE18 2BA Second and fourth Monday of each month from 1.30pm to 4pm (Bank Holidays permitting). 06 Apr 2020 AGM with buns & cakes 27 Apr 2020 Ukulele Group 11 May 2020 Talk: Dr Sue Ablett on ‘The Falklands’ 08 Jun 2020 In House - Over to you 22 Jun 2020 Talk: Jane Dodson on ‘Nostalgic Nellie on Holidays Past’ 13 Jul 2020 Talk: Ian Retson on ‘An Edwardian Family - Work & War’ 27 Jul 2020 Meal Out 10 Aug 2020 Talk: Sandra Herbert on ‘Jam & Journalism’ 24 Aug 2020 Talk: David Foulds on ‘Adventures in the Swiss Alps’ 14 Sept 2020 Leicestershire Speakers 28 Sept 2020 Rosemary Wright - Musical Afternoon

Worcester Leigh Watkins Secretary T: 01905 774034 Perdiswell Young Peoples’ Leisure Club Droitwich Road (opposite Checketts Lane) Worcester WR3 7SN Second Wednesday of the month at 1pm 08 Apr 2020 Trip to Hop Pocket Craft Centre 13 May 2020 TBA 10 Jun 2020 TBA 08 Jul 2020 TBA 12 Aug 2020 Day Trip 09 Sept 2020 Bring & Buy Sale and Beetle Drive


Mrs D Parker Secretary T: 01953 456958 Christ Community Church Hall, 131 Hargham Road, Attleborough NR17 2BJ Third Thursday of the month from 10am to 12 noon 16 Apr 2020 Bring & Buy 21 May 2020 Assistance Dogs 18 Jun 2020 Scams (Nat West) 16 Jul 2020 Summer Lunch 20 Aug 2020 Wiltshire Farm Foods 17 Sept 2020 Co-Op Tax

For full details of a group’s programme visit www.csrf.org.uk


Colchester Joan Gomer Secretary T: 01206 794656 Hythe Community Centre, 1 Ventura Drive, Colchester CO1 2FE Third Monday of each month at 2pm (except December) 20 Apr 2020 High Stewards of Colchester by Sir Bob Russell 18 May 2020 Teddy Bears by Norma Peckston 15 Jun 2020 Off Beat Customs by Ron Farnworth 02 Jul 2020 Visit to Ipswich CSRF for quiz & strawberry tea 20 Jul 2020 Ethiopiahope Charity by Mike King 17 Aug 2020 Cream Tea - venue tbc 21 Sept 2020 Films & Celebrities Quiz


Mrs Edna McNaughton Secretary T: 01279 865102 E: edian.mcnaughton@virginmedia.com Toby Carvery Edinburgh Gate Harlow CM20 2LQ Occasional monthly meetings on the first Friday of the month at 12 noon (contact the Secretary for more information)

Mary Weatherhead Secretary T: 01603 410821 Martineau Hall, 21a Colgate, Norwich NR3 1BN Second Monday of each month at 10am for 10.30am 20 Apr 2020 Talk: Treasures & Curiosities in Norfolk Churches 11 May 2020 Talk: Medieval Headdress 08 Jun 2020 Talk: The Burston School Strike 13 Jul 2020 Talk: Wiltshire Farm Foods 10 Aug 2020 Quiz 14 Sept 2020 Talk: The Pastons - the Letter Writing Family


St. Albans

Eva Stevens Secretary T: 07765 588467 E: evajs@yahoo.co.uk Museum Street Methodist Church Hall Blackhorse Lane Ipswich IP1 2EF First Wednesday of the month at 2pm 06 May 2020 A Wartime Childhood: talk by Tom Tyler 13 May 2020 Lunch at Peak Lodge, 12.30pm 03 Jun 2020 Suffolk Healthy Living 02 Jul 2020 Annual Colchester v Ipswich Quiz + Cream Tea 22 Jul 2020 Lunch at Peak Lodge, 12.30pm 05 Aug 2020 Woburn Safari Park 02 Sept 2020 Friends against Scams: talk by Lucy Croft 30 Sept 2020 Lunch at Peak Lodge, 12.30pm

Mrs S Finlayson Chairperson T: 01727 868029 E: sheila@finlaysons.eclipse.co.uk Friends Meeting House Upper Lattimore Road St. Albans AL1 3UD First Thursday of the month at 10.15am


Ascot & Sunningdale


Elizabeth Vale Secretary T: 020 8508 2459 Jazz Archive Room Loughton Library Traps Hill Loughton IG10 1HD Third Monday of each month at 2pm 20 Apr 2020 Local Affairs 18 May 2020 General Discussion 15 Jun 2020 My First Day at Work 20 Jul 2020 Is the TV License worth the money? 17 Aug 2020 My Best Holiday 21 Sept 2020 Tea Afternoon

Lowestoft Mike Chester T: 01502 476629


E: mikewc10@gmail.com Ex-Servicemen’s Club Gordon Road Town Centre Lowestoft NR32 1DY and Victoria Hotel Kirkley Cliff Lowestoft NR33 0BZ 1st Wednesday of the month at 11am Victoria Hotel 3rd Wednesday of the month at 12 noon Ex-Servicemen’s Occasional social events throughout the year – contact the Contact for more information

Swaffham David Moore Chairman T: 01760 723740 Various local locations – contact the Chairman for more information Third Tuesday of the month at 10.15am

Wickford Peter Blake Chairman & Secretary T: 01268 583060 For more information on meetings call the Chairman We meet informally during the year

SOUTHERN ENGLAND Maureen Browne Secretary T: 01344 626494 E: chris_browne@lineone.net Lynwood Village, Rise Road, Sunninghill, Ascot SL5 0AJ Third Friday of each month at 12 noon to 4pm (No meeting in August) 17 Apr 2020 Literary & Artistic Footprints in Thames Valley: talk by Nicholas Brazil 15 May 2020 Beetle Mania 26 Jun 2020 The English Civil War in & around Reading: talk by Catherine Sampson

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17 Jul 2020

18 Sept 2020

reat Ormond Street G Hospital: talk by Marcia Watson A Story of Tea: talk by Dananjaya Silva

Basingstoke Tony Brazier Secretary T: 01256 418770 E: bjmapbr@ntlworld.com Brookvale Community Association Hall Lower Brook Street Basingstoke RG21 7SD First Wednesday of each month at 10am. 23 Apr 2020 Trip to Hatfield House 30 Apr 2020 Afternoon Tea at Basingstoke College of Technology 06 May 2020 Talk: Putting on a Face for the Future - 1940 to post war by Terri Reid 15 May 2020 Day at Newbury Races 03 Jun 2020 Talk: Sainsburys by Ollie (Open Meeting with refreshments) 18 Jun 2020 Thames Cruise from Runnymede with lunch 01 Jul 2020 Talk: Able Community Care - progress since the 1980s 16 Jul 2020 Trip to Hever Castle 05 Aug 2020 Talk: Cunard 20 Aug 2020 Trip to Countryfile Live at Windsor Great Park 02 Sept 2020 Talk: Wild Birds by Suzy Buttress (the Casual Birder Podcaster) 17 Sept 2020 Trip to Osborne House 07 Oct 2020 Talk: Send us Some Women by Dianne Mannering

Bexhill & Hastings Elizabeth Leahy Secretary T: 01424 214042 Bexhill Sailing Club Marina Bexhill-on-sea TN40 1LA Fourth Tuesday of each month at 10am 28 Apr 2020 Talk on Herstmonceux Trugs 26 May 2020 Quiz 23 Jun 2020 Talk: Ian Everest on Womens Land Army 28 Jul 2020 Talk on Therapies 25 Aug 2020 Quiz 22 Sept 2020 MP Rt Hon Huw Merriman

Chandlers Ford Ken Willcocks Chairman T: 023 8076 0102 Chandlers Ford Community Centre Hursley Road Chandlers Ford Eastleigh Hampshire SO53 2FT First Friday of the month at 10am 01 May 2020 The Humorous Poet: talk by Dennis Briant. 05 Jun 2020 Follow up talk by Co-op Estate planning on Financial regulations

Mid Sussex Keith Sullens Chairman T: 01444 233288 E: sullenskeith@gmail.com The Hassocks Room The King’s Centre Victoria Road Burgess Hill RH15 9LR Fourth Wednesday of each month from 2-4pm 22 Apr 2020 Scrabble for All 27 May 2020 Talk: Steve Gill,Ex-West Ham Footballer 24 Jun 2020 Talk: Whatever Happened to Christopher Robin? 22 Jul 2020 Summer lunch at Cock Inn, Wivelsfield 26 Aug 2020 Sheddingdean Strummers Concert 23 Sept 2020 Historical Recordings with Commentary

New Forest Sandy Whittaker Chairman T: 023 8028 2157 New Milton Community Centre Osborne Road New Milton BH25 6EA Second Tuesday of each month at 10.15am

Portsmouth & Southsea Michael Barrow, Chairman/Secretary T: 023 928 29552 E: m.barrow4@ntlworld.com St. Simon’s Church Hall Waverley Road Southsea PO5 2PW Second Wednesday of the month at 10.30am and fourth Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm (except Aug) 08 Apr 2020 Coffee Morning 22 Apr 2020 A Birthday Celebration 13 May 2020 Coffee Morning 27 May 2020 Skiffle Orchestra 10 Jun 2020 Coffee Morning 24 Jun 2020 Famous People associated with Portsmouth 08 Jul 2020 Coffee Morning 22 Jul 2020 Strawberry Tea

Stubbington Peter Stilwell Secretary T: 023 92 527346 E: amy_stilwell@hotmail.com Catholic Church Hall Bells Lane Stubbington Hampshire PO14 2PL Second Thursday of each month at 2pm

Tadley Mr D MacLean Chairman T: 0118 970 1290 Tadley Community Centre Newchurch Road Tadley RG26 4HN First Thursday of each month at 1.15pm for 1.45pm 07 May 2020 Thrive: talk on gardening for the disabled 04 Jun 2020 The Lemurs of Madagascar: talk by Ian McEvoy 02 Jul 2020 That’s Entertainment: talk by Tony King 06 Aug 2020 The Mystery of Stonehenge: talk by Loxton Best 03 Sept 2020 Windsor Castle: talk by Mr L Grout 01 Oct 2020 History of Punch & Judy: talk by Alix Booth


Mr M Wickham Secretary T: 01225 864541, 07368 222 088 E: lindamorgan1975@sky.com United Reformed Church Hall St. Margarets Street Bradford-on-avon BA15 1DD 11 May 2020 Beauty and the Beast: Talk by Bob Rogers 14 May 2020 Trip to St Fagans Open Air Museum 08 Jun 2020 Cream Tea with Quiz 13 Jul 2020 Battle of Britain over Somerset: talk by John Smith 23 Jul 2020 Trip to Wells and Cheddar 10 Aug 2020 Street Pastors: talk by Jenny Noakes 03-08 Aug 2020 Group Holiday to Derbyshire 14 Sept 2020 Bath as a World Heritage Site: talk by Professor Barry Gilbertson

Chippenham David Gardner Chairman T: 01249 658431 Chippenham Museum 10 Market Place Chippenham SN15 3HF First Wednesday of each month at 2pm (except Aug) 06 May 2020 Talk: Beauty & the Beast 03 Jun 2020 Tax Care & Toy Boys 01 Jul 2020 Talk: Artists with April Fool 02 Sept 2020 Talk: Windmills 07 Oct 2020 Talk: 40 Years of Clogs

Dawlish Mrs M Carter Chairman T: 01626 888275 Monthly friendship lunch held in cafes in Dawlish. Contact the Chairman for further information, other events are shown below. Third Wednesday of the month at 12 noon 13 May 2020 Trip to Teignmouth Theatre - Land of Hope & Glory

Liskeard & Pensilva Shirley Waye Chair/Secretary T: 01579 346089 E: shirleywaye@gmail.com Liskeard Public Hall (the Long Room) West Street Liskeard Cornwall PL14 6BW Last Wednesday of each month at 10am 29 Apr 2020 Di Lawer: Bath time blues May Visit to Lukesland Gardens, Ivybridge & Cream tea at Badger’s Halt, Dartmoor 27 May 2020 Yvonne Toms: Housemaid at Buckingham Palace June Outing to Royal Naval Colleage, Dartmouth & Supper 24 Jun 2020 Brian Oldham: Trades & Occupations in 19th Century Liskeard

July Visit to Paignton Zoo 29 Jul 2020 Heather Hunt: Getting Arty makes us happier 26 Aug 2020 Mr Shimmell: the Life of an Opera Singer 30 Sept 2020 Mr Rickard: Mine Buildings September Trip to Heligan & supper at the Port and Starboard

Princetown Mike Fitzpatrick Secretary T: 01822 890799 E: mikeandkate3@talktalk.net Prince Of Wales Tavistock Road Princetown PL20 6QF First Thursday of the month at 12.30pm 23 Apr 2020 St George’s Day lunch 21 May 2020 Coach Trip & lunch 18 Jun 2020 Coach Trip & lunch 16 Jul 2020 Coach Trip & lunch 20 Aug 2020 Coach Trip & lunch 17 Sept 2020 Coach Trip & lunch

Salisbury Plain Mr Roy German Secretary T: 01980 653446 E: royandvi@live.co.uk The Village Hall High Street Durrington Salisbury SP4 8AD Third Tuesday of each month at 2.30pm (except Aug) 21 Apr 2020 Talk by Verity Bartlet, Professional Toast Master & Bring & Buy stall 28 Apr 2020 Outing to Worcester 19 May 2020 Talk by Suzan Waldron on Crafts of Inland Waterways & Bring & Buy stall 26 May 2020 Outing to Alton Watercress Line Railway 18 Jun 2020 Strawberry Cream Tea & Draw 23 Jun 2020 Outing to Weymouth 21 Jul 2020 Talk by James Haddow on The Loves & Lives of the Taxi Driver Poet & Bring & Buy Stall 28 Jul 2020 Outing to Bognor 18 Aug 2020 Annual Fete at Durrington Pavilion 25 Aug 2020 Outing to Shaftesbury & Wimbourne 15 Sept 2020 The Woodford Ukulele Group + Bring & Buy stall 22 Sept 2020 Outing to Lyme Regis

Sidmouth Joyce Johnson Social Secretary T: 01395 578966 E: brumasj@icloud.com Sidholme Hotel Elysian Fields Sidmouth EX10 8UJ Second Wednesday of each month at 10.25am and lunches listed as follows (12 for 12.30pm) 29 Apr 2020 The Harbour Inn, Lyme Regis

For full details of a group’s programme visit www.csrf.org.uk


27 May 2020

24 Jun 2020 29 Jul 2020 26 Aug 2020 30 Sept 2020

arco’s Restaurant, M Budleigh Salterton (this is 7pm) Half Moon Inn, Clyst St Mary Golden Lion, Tipton St John White Horse, near Exeter Belmont Hotel, Sidmouth

Tamar/Tavy (Tavistock) Shirley Banks Treasurer T: 01752 769586, shirley.banks@talktalk.net Burrator Inn Princetown Road Dousland Yelverton PL20 6NP Second Thursday of the month at 12.30pm

Trowbridge Sue Arnold Secretary T: 01225 761627 E: suearnoldwfh@blueyonder.co.uk 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at The Wiltshire Yeoman, Chilmark Road, Trowbridge. BA14 9DD at 10.30am (It is advised to call to confirm the group is on) 01 Apr 2020 Coffee Morning 15 Apr 2020 Coffee Morning 06 May 2020 Coffee Morning 20 May 2020 Coffee Morning 03 Jun 2020 Coffee Morning 17 Jun 2020 Coffee Morning 01 Jul 2020 Coach Trip to Bennetts Water Gardens and Weymouth 15 Jul 2020 Coffee Morning 05 Aug 2020 Coffee Morning 19 Aug 2020 Coffee Morning 02 Sept 2020 Coffee Morning 16 Sept 2020 Coffee Morning

Westbury (Wiltshire) Mrs P Clark Secretary T: 01373 822892 Paragon Hall Haynes Road Westbury Wiltshire BA13 3HA Third Monday of each month at 1.45pm for 2pm 15 Apr 2020 Mystery Trip 20 Apr 2020 Entertainment by Lindon Sparkes 18 May 2020 Tea Party 20 May 2020 Outing to Poole with Boat trip 15 Jun 2020 Talk: Poems Plus (Polly Andrews) 17 Jun 2020 Outing to Sidmouth 20 Jul 2020 Talk: Lebanon (Wafaa Powell) 22 Jul 2020 Outing to Lynton & Lynmouth 19 Aug 2020 Outing to Torquay & Brixham 16 Sept 2020 Outing to Portland & Weymouth 21 Sept 2020 Talk: The Work House (Sally Hendry)


Westbury-On-Trym Mr P McKenna Secretary T: 0117 950 2059 Studland Court Henleaze Road Henleaze BS9 4JY First Thursday of each month at 2pm (no meeting in Aug)

Weston-super-Mare Margaret Cole Chairperson T: 01934 514309 E: margaretcole@btinternet.com Friends Meeting House High Street Westonsuper-Mare BS23 1JF First and third Thursday of the month at 10am as well as outings shown here 14 Apr 2020 Marlow with optional Boat Trip 12 May 2020 Moreton in Marsh & Bourton on the Water 09 Jun 2020 Mottisfont (N.T.) or Romsey 14 Jul 2020 Lynton & Lynmouth 11 Aug 2020 Abergavenny & Brecon with optional Boat Trip 08 Sept 2020 Teignmouth

Weymouth Geoff Greenstreet Secretary T: 01305 832432. E: geoff.marion@btinternet.com Weymouth Bay Methodist Church, 23 Melcombe Avenue, Weymouth, DT4 7TH Second Thursday of each month at 2.30pm (except Aug) and fourth Wednesday for Coffee mornings at the Coffee Shop in the Weymouth Bay Methodist Church Melcombe Avenue near Green Hill 22 Apr 2020 Anniversary Lunch (venue tba) 11 May 2020 Talk: A Cruise along the Jurassic Coast 27 May 2020 Coffee Morning 11 Jun 2020 Talk: Nothe Fort 24 Jun 2020 Coffee Morning

Yate & District Val Gannaway Treasurer T: 01454 317968 Yate Parish Hall Station Road Yate BS37 4PQ Fourth Tuesday of the month at 2pm 28 Apr 2020 Annual Lunch 19 May 2020 Talk on Romania 23 June 2020 Outing 28 Jul 2020 Talk - Celebration 25 Aug 2020 TBA 22 Sept 2020 Music Scene in 1960s


Mrs Susan Bentley Secretary T: 020 8360 4361 St. Andrew’s Church Hall Silver Street Enfield EN1 3EG First Monday of the month at 10.30am (unless a Bank Holiday when it will be the second Monday). Refreshments available at

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all meetings from 10am until 10.20am 06 Apr 2020 Picture Quiz plus General Knowledge Quiz with a difference 04 May 2020 Illustrated talk: A Walk down Memory Lane by Colin Barrett 01 Jun 2020 Coffee, Cake & Conversation 07 Sept 2020 Talk: Bygones by Jeff Nicholls

Harrow Mr John Pickard Chairman T: 020 8866 5708 E: ja.pickard@btinternet.com Elmfield Church 89 Imperial Drive North Harrow HA2 7DX. Last Tuesday of the month at 2pm 28 Apr 2020 Swiss Surprise – according to Michael Welling 26 May 2020 How Technology is Changing our Lives – by Martin Robinson 30 Jun 2020 Male in the Mail – a return post for Colin Oakes 28 Jul 2020 Behind the Cameras at the Movies – with Suzy Karbritz 25 Aug 2020 A talk on Macular Disease – by Barbara Hogg 29 Sept 2020 More travels with my Camera - a return visit by Les Sprit

Hounslow Roy Woods Chairman T: 020 8230 5533 United Reformed Church Hall 114 Hanworth Road Hounslow TW3 1UF Second Tuesday of the each month 1.30pm for 2pm

Kingston & District Miss Helen Stanley Secretary T: 020 8946 2768 Kingston Methodist Church Hall Avenue Road Kingston KT1 2UJ Third Tuesday of each month at 2pm

Leatherhead Anne Thomson Secretary T: 01372 373258 E: anner.thomson@talktalk.net John Rumble Hall Fetcham Village Hall The Street Fetcham KT22 9QS First Friday of each month at 10am 01 May 2020 Out of Africa: talk by Peter Bates 05 Jun 2020 Speaker from Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance 03 Jul 2020 History of Toasting and the English Toastmaster: talk by David Pearson 07 Aug 2020 Buffet Lunch 04 Sept 2020 Healthwatch Surrey: talk by Zoe Harris

London - Catford & Lewisham Doreen Hughes Secretary T: 020 8461 4800 St Laurence Church Hall 37 Bromley Road Catford London SE6 2TS

Second Tuesday of every month at 10am. We have a table top sale at each coffee morning - all donations will be gratefully received.

London – Croydon, Dulwich & Norwood Susan Smith Secretary T: 020 8299 4065 E: s.smith521@btinternet.com Railway Club Selhurst Station Approach Selhurst SE25 5PL Fourth Tuesday of each month at 10.30am (not December) 28 Apr 2020 AGM 26 May 2020 Hoy or Bingo 23 Jun 2020 Talk tba 28 Jul 2020 Quiz 24 Aug 2020 Bingo or Hoy 22 Sept 2020 Talk on Battle of Waterloo

31 Aug – 5 Sep 2020 Airedale Holiday to Hotel Victoria, Great Yarmouth. 10 Sep 2020 Coach Outing to Eastbourne. 24 Sep 2020 Coffee morning followed by a talk by Ryan Rayson on “Royal Greenwich Telecare”. 8 Oct 2020 Coach Outing to Sheffield Gardens NT.

London – Greenwich Riverside

David Hubbard Social Secretary T: 020 8550 1533 E: dhubbard777@gmail.com The Great Spoon of Ilford, 114-116 Cranbrook Road, Ilford IG2 4LZ Third Monday of the month at 2pm

Eileen Turner Chair T: 020 8691 7411 E:eileen.turner@csrf.org.uk Coffee mornings alternate monthly at Greenwich Tavern, King William Walk, London SE10 9JH and excursions/trips as shown below Third Tuesday of the month from 11am to 1pm 21 April 2020 Visit to Horniman Museum 19 May 2020 Coffee at the Greenwich Tavern 16 June 2020 Visit to Hall Place, Bexley 21 July 2020 Coffee at the Greenwich Tavern 18 Aug 2020 Summer Picnic (tbc) 15 Sept 2020 Coffee at the Greenwich Tavern

London - Eltham


London - East & South West Essex

Phyllis Duignan Chair/Treasurer T: 020 8265 0810 E: phyllis.duignan@gmail.com United Reformed Church Sherard Hall Court Road Eltham SE9 5AD Fourth Thursday of each month from 10am to 12 noon 09 Apr 2020 Coach Outing to Salutation Gardens, Sandwich, Kent. 23 Apr 2020 Coffee morning followed by a talk by Mark Bathurst on “Paddle Steamer Medway Queen”. 3 – 8 May 2020 Airedale Holiday to Trouville Hotel, Bournemouth, Dorset 28 May 2020 Coffee morning followed by a talk by Melanie GibsonBarton on “Life and times of Edith Cavell”. 11 Jun 2020 Coach Outing to Tip Tree Jam Factory, Essex. 25 Jun 2020 Coffee morning followed by a talk by Steve Hookins on “Bits that don’t fit”. 9 Jul 2020 Coach Outing to Romney Hythe and Dimchurch Railway including lunch. 23 Jul 2020 Coffee morning followed by a talk by John Mills on “How are Communities changed over the years”. 27 Aug 2020 Coffee morning followed by a talk by Keith Simmons on “Name Dropping”.

Yvonne Morgan Vice Chair & Secretary T: 01634 362644 E: y.morgan2@virginmedia.com Methodist Church Centre Brewer Street Maidstone ME14 1RU Second Monday of the month at 2pm 11 May 2020 Memories of World War II (by members) June Outdoor trip (tba) 13 Jul 2020 Cream tea & raffle 10 Aug 2020 The Isle of Grain: talk by Hazel Arnold 14 Sept 2020 Articles of interest

Sanderstead & Selsdon Ralph Perryman Local Contact T: 020 8657 3487 E: ralph.perryman172@btinternet.com Various venues for lunch, please contact Ralph Perryman for confirmation of lunch details

Richmond & Twickenham Philip Blow Secretary T: 020 8748 7477 E: p.blow1@btinternet.com Various venues in and around Twickenham. Please contact the Secretary for further details. 16 Apr 2020 Freedom Pass visit to the Royal Air Force Museum, Colindale – meet by platform 1, Waterloo Station at 10.45 am 13 May 2020 Royal Gunpowder Mills, Waltham Abbey – coach trip – estimated cost £27

12 Jun 2020 CSPA meeting – Arthur Burrell Room, Twickenham Library, 11.30 am 25 Jun 2020 Hever Castle and Gardens – coach trip – estimated cost £35

Staines Dorothy Dib Secretary T: 01932 788129 Lunch in restaurants in and around Staines Third Tuesday of each month

Sutton Hazel Hoare Secretary & Social Secretary Tel: 020 8642 8328 E: hazel-hoare@hotmail.co.uk Friends Meeting House, 10 Cedar Road, Sutton SM2 5DA Last Monday of the month at 1.45 - 3.30pm (except August and December.) 20 Apr 2020 Informal lunch (Venue tba) 27 Apr 2020 Speaker tba 11 May 2020 Informal lunch Venue tba) 18 May 2020 Speaker tba. 15 Jun 2020 Informal lunch (venue tba) 29 Jun 2020 Speaker tba 13 Jul 2020 Informal lunch (venue tba). 27 Jul 2020 Speaker tba. 28 Sept 2020 Speaker tba

Worcester Park John Wright Secretary T: 020 8337 8965 E: johnandglenisw@gmail.com Old Malden Scout Hall 411 Malden Road Worcester Park KT4 7NY First Monday each month from 2pm to 4pm (if the first Monday is a Bank Holiday then meeting will be held on the second Monday) 06 Apr 2020 When I Was at the Bar Speaker Peter Thompson 04 May 2020 The Aristocrat, The Able Seaman & the Tragic Sinking of RMS Titanic Speaker Angela Young 01 Jun 2020 On the Ration - Speaker Mike Brown 06 Jul 2020 I’ve Been Snapping on the Railroad, All the Live Long Day - Speaker Roger Bricknell 03 Aug 2020 Summer Lunch at the Hogsmill, Worcester Park 07 Sept 2020 Another talk from the ever popular Social Historian Speaker Carol Harris

GROUPS ONLINE For the most up to date listing of local group activities you can visit our website, www.csrf.org.uk

For full details of a group’s programme visit www.csrf.org.uk


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