the new yorkers ava scott
dedicated to my new home
the cabbie
the tourist
the wall streeter
the model
the hipster
the new money
the old money
the drag queen
the dreamer
we are new yorkers. we come in all shapes, sizes, ages, ethnicities, genders, sexes, political affiliations. there are quite a lot of us. some of us live here all the time, and some of us have just come to vist. we commute, we create, we work, we learn, we eat, we drink we sing. we dance we shop, we see, we act, we speak, we read, we watch we drive, we ride, we buy, we sell, we walk, we wait, we plan, we party, and, contrary to popular belief, sometimes, we even sleep. we are different than people anywhere else in the world. we are new yorkers, and if you can’t handle us, in all our forms...
...get the fuck out of our city.
rediscovering new york project research, anaylsis, and process fall 2017