APA Style Journal and Magazine articles A scholarly journal article that is the same as the print version (.pdf file) and has been assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and is available in full text online through a library subscription resource or directly from the journal website. Author last name, initials. (year). Article title. Journal title, volume, pagination. doi: XX.XXXX/XXXXXX Seal, G. (2009). The robin hood principle: Folklore, history, and the social bandit. Journal of Folklore Research, 46, 67-89. doi: 10.1353/jfr.0.0022
An online version of a print article that does not have a DOI and is available in full text online through one of the Library’s subscription resources. Note: the DOI is NOT the same as an accession number. You may see something like this at the end of an abstract or article: (AN 32009415). Do not use this number for the DOI. The DOI is always preceded by the letters DOI or doi.
Wann, D. L., & Weaver, S. (2009). Understanding the relationship between sport team identification and dimensions of social well-being. North American Journal of Psychology, 11, 219-230.
An online version of a print article that does not have a DOI and is available in full text online directly from the publisher or organization. This example did not have a volume number so the publication month is added to the date. Wang, Y., Sun, S., & Haridakis, P. M. (2009, May). Internet use and cross-cultural adaptation: Testing a model of internet use in the cross-cultural adaptation context. Journal of Intercultural Communication. Retrieved from
A scholarly journal article that has more than six authors: Give the first six authors followed by the Latin phrase et al. meaning “and others.” (There is no period after et as this is the entire word.) Wetherill, Y., Akingbemi, B., Kanno, J., McLachlan, J., Nadal, A., Sonnenschein, C., et al. (2007). In vitro molecular mechanisms of bisphenol A action. Reproductive Toxicology, 24(2), 178-198. doi:10.1016/j.reprotox.2007.05.010 Issue numbers are given in parentheses following the volume number when each issue begins with the page number 1 instead of continuing where the previous issue left off. If you are not sure if the article is from a journal that has continuous pagination, there is nothing wrong in adding the issue number as shown in the previous citation. If the DOI or URL will not fit on one line you can insert a space only after a forward slash mark, (/). Do not put a period at the end of the DOI or URL even though APA calls for a period at the end of the citation.
A magazine article: Magazine articles follow the same basic rules as the scholarly journal articles above. Popular magazines may not have DOI numbers assigned so give what information is available. Kaplan, Jeffrey. (2008, May/June). The gospel of consumption: And the better future we left behind. Orion Magazine. Retrieved from If there is no author, begin with Article title and put the date information in parentheses following it. 7 things you can do right now to further the sunshine economy. (2009, May 19) Christian Century, 126(10). 29.
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Non – Periodical Web Pages and Information Sources A complete scholarly project or information database where the content may be expected to change over time. Author last name, initials. (Date of last update or copyright date). Homepage Title. Retrieved from Online access system/URL or other identifying retrieval information Lewis, D.K. (2009, June 24). Blue ridge cousins: Searching the past, living for today. Retrieved from
A document within a scholarly project or information database where content can be expected to remain stable over time. Author last name, initials. (Date). Document Title. Retrieved from project or database website: URL or other identifying retrieval information Mundel,D.S. (2008, December 8) Do increases in Pell and other grant awards increase college-going among lower income high school graduates?: Evidence from a “natural experiment.” Retrieved from Brookings Institution, Center for the Family and the Child website: media/Files/rc/papers/2008/12_pell_grants_mundel.pdf The Hamilton Project. (2008). Improving the measurement of poverty (Policy Brief no. 2008-17). Retrieved from Brookings Institution website: 12_poverty_measurement_blank/12_poverty_measurement_brief_blank.pdf A chapter in an electronic book where a print copy also exists. ( Here the print was not available, so the electronic version is cited.)
Blanton, L. (2005). A special educator's reflections on teacher education reform. In E. Bondy and D. D. Ross (Eds.), Preparing for inclusive teaching: Meeting the challenges of teacher education reform. (pp.249-256). Albany, NY : State University of New York Press. Available from NetLibrary Electronic books database. A Part of a Work, such as an article from an online encyclopedia. If there is no author, begin with Part title. If the item is from a database that requires a subscription log-in before full text can be accessed, use the phrase “Available from” rather than “Retrieved from.“
Mitachondrial DNA abnormalities. (2007). In The Merck Manual Online (2009). Available from Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy database. An ERIC document Effects of preschool curriculum programs on school readiness: Report from the Preschool Curriculum Evaluation Research initiative (ED502153). (2008, July). Retrieved from ericdocs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/3e/4c/15.pdf
Educational standards of learning Virginia Department of Education. (2009). Mathematics standards of learning for Virginia public schools – Grade three. Retrieved from
Remove automatic links to URLs so they are NOT underlined. The citation formats in this handout are based on the following publication: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. (REF BF76.7 .P83 2009) . Please refer to it for additional information and types of citation. Check with your professor for his or her preference in all matters of citation style.
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