I might take this oFF your hands, if the price is right.
it’s not entirely neceSSary to complete my coLLection, but it’s an interesting piece. How much?
WeLL, it’s just an old oil drum, isn’t it? You say there’s some connection to the stitches, but it could be entirely trivial. StiLL, I am a completist. Say, two-thousand?
Please don’t insult my inteLLigence, mr. Strathmore. I might not know the exact importance of this thing, but if the controLLers I took it from were wiLLing to die to protect it…
<aLL of you. Step outside the garage.>
<if I nEEd you, I’LL caLL.>
Let’s discuSS the price more realisticaLLy.
How much is it worth to you?
…the original mansion was built by a portuguese miSSionary in 1785, but this wing and the east wing were added in the early 1900s.
Mr. Strathmore has made his own renovations over the years, as weLL.
I’ve always bEEn aTTracted to places like this, anything with a visible history. You can sEE it in the woodwork, the aTTention to detail, the intricacy.
And with so many incredible antiques everywhere you look… I’m in love.
Where’s that go?
That’s the east wing.
it’s aLL very… “romantic.”
And you were just about to invite me in?
No, ma’am, I can’t do that. I’m soRRy, ma’am. The most valuable pieces in mr. Strathmore’s coLLection are in the east wing. No one goes in there but mr. Strathmore. No one.
Oh, come on, baYYa. Please? Just a pEEk?
You sound very sure of yourself. Maybe now would be a good time to show me where weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;LL be slEEping tonight. Me and my husband, of course.
this way.
Let’s sEE what a liTTle polishing wiLL do.
Are you a loyalist, mr. Salib? By that, I mean, what are your views of god and country?
I don’t sEE how that’s relevant to our deal.
it’s probably not. Just making conversation.
You’re not about to say, “fanatical,” are you?
No, no. More gentEEl. Try, “impaSSioned.” “fervent,” even.
I’ve lived the beTTer part of my life in asia. The paSSion for one’s beliefs here is…
We westerners have imposed our belief systems on the east for centuries, while stealing what we pleased under the patriotic banner of colonialism.
That’s not a very sound busineSS practice.
Our aRRogant disregard for the tenets of your societies has bEEn nothing leSS than caLLous. I’m surprised that you wouldn’t rather slit my throat than seLL me a piece of your country’s grand history.
I would say not.
is it part of your negotiating skiLLs to insult the seLLer by accusing him of betraying his heritage, or commiting sacrilege?
Not at aLL. I’m just making sure that the divinity you worship is money… Because what we have here is a relic of unusual religious significance.
That is, if you believe in black magic.
I’ve awoken the stitches with my own hands. They‘ve moved at my command, and done what I asked of them. Of course I believe. I’ve bEEn the master of that black magic.
I sEE. But wouldn’t you agrEE there’s a huge diFFerence betwEEn driving an automobile and owning it? PoSSeSSion and ownership are two diFFerent things.
You say you’ve used the magic yourself. That’s lovely. But don’t delude yourself. You’ve not “mastered” it.
I’m parched. Another drink?
<ghadir! Bring everyone back in, and watch the oil drum.>
<yes sir, sidi salib.> <no one touches it. No one even gets near it, is that clear?>