Ave Maria College Newsletter - Vol 111 No 4 - Friday 26 May 2023

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Maria College Newsletter Volume 111 No 4 – Friday, 26 May 2023

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am pleased to share with families some important information related to new programs that the College is offering during 2023. These new programs are in addition to the recently expanded senior pathways offerings to students, to ensure that we offer a suitable pathway for each learner.

Interdisciplinary and STEM Focus Days

Throughout this year the College is trialling the introduction of focus days at Years 7, 8 and 9 that provide interdisciplinary learning opportunities for our students and expand our STEM offerings. These new initiatives are an important feature of preparing our students for their future career. Today we live in a rapidly changing world due to technological advancements. The jobs and careers of today will look very different in the years to come. In fact, in your daughter’s lifetime they will potentially have 17 different jobs and 5 different careers, during a time when in fact full-time ongoing employment is no longer guaranteed.

We also live in a world where we talk about enterprise, technical and career management skills over a singular definitive career. Where in today’s world the emphasis on and demand for enterprise skills is on the rise.

The enterprise skills that employers value and look for include:

• Problem solving

• Communication skills

• Digital literacy

• Teamwork

• Presentation skills

• Critical thinking

• Creativity

• Financial literacy

While career management skills include:

• Self-awareness

• Self-belief in that skills learnt in one space can be applied to another

• Decision making to build opportunities and career

• Job seeking

• Use of career services / information

• Lifelong learning

The emphasis of our new programs is on the development of enterprise skills and raising awareness around STEM careers and approaches to learning. As a College, we want to continue to provide an education to our students that is faith based, wholistic, contemporary, future focused, adapts to the changing needs of the time and enables our students to reach their potential.

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Year 9 Play

The Performing Arts encourage our young people to explore their emotions, expand their imagination and helps them to discover their own unique voice. Each discipline of music, drama and dance engages a young person’s brain, body and emotions in different ways to encourage their confidence and to find joy in self-expression.

Therefore, I am pleased to announce that this year Ave Maria College will host the first Year 9 Play, in partnership with St Bernard’s College called, ‘The Curse of Macbeth’. The play is about a group of secondary school students who plan for and perform the Shakespearian play ‘Macbeth’. Thank-you to Mrs Katie Houghton and Ms Cassandra Hutchison for the leadership and commitment in bringing this new initiative to fruition.

I know you will join me in wishing both students and staff well in this new initiative.

International Learning Tours

To complement the learning that occurs within the classroom, the College has revived the International Learning Tour Program. This aims to provide an authentic context for students to develop knowledge, skill and understanding whilst furthering their discovery of self. The trips on offer for 2024 include:

2024 Language and Cultural Programs

Italy Tour:

• March/April 2024

• Students currently in Years 9, 10 and 11 are eligible to apply

Indonesia Tour:

• June/July 2024

• Students currently in Years 10 and 11 are eligible to apply


• March/April 2024

• Students currently in Years 9 and 10 are eligible to apply

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Pentecost Sunday

Finally, on Sunday 28 May we celebrate Pentecost Sunday and the gift of the Holy Spirit. I would like to share the following prayer with all families as we pause to celebrate this very important day together as a faith community.

Come, Holy Spirit, send forth from heaven the rays of your light.

Come, Father of the poor; Come, giver of gifts, Come, light of our hearts.

O best Comforter, Sweet guest of the soul, Sweet refreshment.

In labour rest in the heat, moderation; in tears, solace.

O most blessed Light fill the inmost heart of your faithful.

Without your spirit, nothing is in us, nothing that is harmless.

Wash that which is sordid water that which is dry, heal that which is wounded. Make flexible that which is rigid, warm that which is cold, rule that which is deviant. Give to your faithful, who trust in you the sevenfold gifts. Grant to us the merit of virtue, Grant salvation at our going forth, Grant eternal joy.

Amen. Alleluia.

God bless and may we trust in the truth of God’s word as we strive for truth through love.

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Executive Deputy Principal

Preparing for Examinations – The 6 Ps of Examination Success

The College wishes all students involved in the upcoming examinations the very best of luck. Included below are ‘The 6 Ps of Examination Success’ that may be of assistance to families as we work in partnership to support students with their examination preparation.

Personal Organisation

• Check your examination timetable.

• Do you know which materials you will need for each examination?

• Set up a place to study at home. Make sure that it is quiet, well lit, comfortable, spacious and different from the place you use for relaxation.


Posing Questions

Personal Wellbeing

• Make yourself a Study Timetable. Ensure you study for appropriate periods of time, include regular times for breaks and balance study with other hobbies.

• Complete all revision activities and study your own notes.

• Create practice examinations/questions for yourself.

• Ask someone to verbally test you.

• Pin up facts or notes where you can see them.

• Make sure you see your Subject Teachers and/or your Mentor Teacher if you have any queries, questions or concerns.

• Look after yourself. Your mind and body are like machines. If you do not look after them they will not work properly.

• Make sure you:

o Eat regular, healthy meals.

o Get an adequate amount of sleep.

o Continue to do leisure activities and socialize (all work and no play can lead to burn out.).

o Exercise regularly.

Positive Thinking


• Maintain a positive attitude.

• Remember positive thinking leads to positive results.

• Do you know when your examinations are and their location?

• Aim to arrive at each examination so that you provide yourself with enough time to settle prior to the commencement of Reading Time.

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Learning Program Spotlight – International and Interstate Learning Tour Program

As part of our celebration of student learning, each Newsletter will feature a different learning program. This aims to educate the community in relation to our wide range of offerings, as well as celebrate the different pathways the students have the opportunity to engage in. This edition of the Newsletter will focus on the Ave Maria College International and Interstate Learning Tour Program

Ave Maria College offers International and Interstate Learning Tours. Each of these tours aims to provide a global landscape for learning, extending opportunities for the acquisition of knowledge, skill and understanding beyond the boundaries of the classroom. The tours in operation are purpose built and strategically designed to enhance student growth and development.

Participation in tour programs provides students with opportunities to:

• Enrich their learning.

• Develop cultural sensitivity in interactions with people

• Develop an appreciation of diverse values and beliefs

• Enrich their own faith journey.

• Enrich their understanding and experience of the Franciscan charism.

• Give back to communities that are less fortunate than their own.

• Explore future career pathways.

Please see Principal Ms Hutton’s article above that outlines the current menu of offerings for the 2024 International and Interstate Learning Tours. The itinerary for each tour is established in conjunction with the curriculum of correlating units, courses, and programs.

Emergency Management Exercise – Wednesday, 31 May 2023

As part of the College Emergency Management Plan and our compliance cycle, the College Is required to host Emergency Management Exercises/Drills at different times throughout the academic year. These aim to maximise community health and safety, ensuring students and staff have the required knowledge, skills and understanding to respond appropriately in an emergency situation. Students and staff will participate in their next drill/exercise on Wednesday 31 May 2023. To maximise success and ensure all parties involved in the exercise are well supported, staff and students will be briefed and debriefed as part of the drill.

Schedule of Classes:

Families are reminded that there will be no scheduled classes for students on the following days:

• Monday 12 June 2023 – King’s Birthday Public Holiday – College Closed.

• Friday 16 June 2023 – Staff Professional Practice Day – No Scheduled Classes.

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COVID Safety

To assist families as we move towards Winter, included below is another copy of the CECV Advice previously circulated regarding COVID Safety.

Rapid Antigen Testing: It is recommended that Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) are used by students in the following circumstances:

• If symptoms of COVID-19 infection are present, no matter how mild.

• If a student is a household or close contact of someone who has COVID-19.

• If a student is a social contact of someone who has COVID-19.

Tests are available via Council sites for the community. Individuals can attain 2 free packs (10 tests) for themselves and 2 free packs (10 tests) for each of their household members.

Testing Positive to COVID-19 – Notifying the College: It is recommended that students report a positive COVID-19 test result to their school on the day they receive a positive test result. The following process is to be activated when a student tests positive to COVID-19:

• Register absence via the standard process for students and report positive test result via email to community@avemaria.vic.edu.au

Note: The Department of Health also recommends that all Victorians report their positive RAT result to the Department of Health online, or by calling 1800 675 398.

Testing Positive to COVID-19 – Isolation Recommendations: Students who report a positive result are recommended to isolate for a minimum of 5 days and not attend school until their symptoms have resolved.

Face Masks: Face masks will continue to be available for students who choose to wear them.

• The Department of Health recommends that face masks be used in the following circumstances:

o Worn by a person who has COVID-19 for at least 7 days after a positive test when they need to leave home.

o Worn by a person who is a close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 when leaving home.

Infection Prevention and Control: Individuals are encouraged to practice good hand hygiene, particularly on arrival to school, before and after eating, after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing or using the toilet. Sanitiser Stations continue to remain in operation around the College.

College COVID Safe Plan: The College COVID Safe Plan will continue to remain in operation until further notice

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Assistant Principal (Students and Engagement)

Year 7 Leadership

Earlier this year Sam Kerr, Australian superstar soccer player and Captain for the Matilda’s, was marked out of a game she was playing against the Czech Republic. As a leader, she passed the captain’s armband to another player and then gave the team a huge motivational talk including: “Don’t stress out. Believe in the plan, believe in the process.” This leadership from Sam Kerr lead the team to a 4-0 win over their opposition. It was her speech that focussed on the planning (that the team had done prior to the game) that was most impressive. The coach of the Matilda’s said the speech galvanised the players to follow a plan to achieve their goal. Likewise, we are so proud of all the Year 7 members of the Ave community who applied for a leadership position, and, in their application put forward ideas to improve the outcomes of students. The theme running through all applicants was their energy to want to serve. Following applications and an interview process we are pleased to announce the following:

Year 7 Level Leaders: Milana Manariti and Isla Sharpe

Year 7 Franciscan Leader: Sienna Ciavarella and Marisa Panagiotidis

Year 7 Academic Leader: Alana Gunawardena

Year 7 Arts Leader: Isabelle Downing

Year 7 Clare House Leader: Charlize Hanna

Year 7 Helene House Leader: Tinadi Athukorala

Year 7 Francis House Leader: Madison Ferella

Year 7 Mary House Leader: Stephanie Pentreath

Year 7A Mentor Leader: Ally Hutchinson

Year 7B Mentor Leader: Matilda Angel

Year 7C Mentor Leader: Joanna Gergi

Year 7D Mentor Leader: Alexia Inguanti

Year 7E Mentor Leader: Amelia Romano

For a full list of student leaders at the College, please see this poster.

YLead Student Leadership Seminar

The aim of the YLead Leadership Seminar afternoon was to review the goals set in Term 1 and reflect on how they could as leaders create stronger buy in from the rest of the student population. Students reviewed their communication strategies and looked at what it meant to work as a team. Students were delighted to welcome back one of the College CoCaptains of 2022, Alex Evans who helped facilitate the afternoon. It is very important that we continue to foster leadership amongst all students at the College so that the voice of all is strong.

Our Year 7 Level Leaders Milana Manariti and Isla Sharpe provide the following report on their Leadership Seminar and their new leadership role:

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“Hi all, as the Year 7 Year Level Leaders, we are excited to start our Ave journey and cannot wait for what is ahead. We are also both overly excited about our leadership role and would like to share what we do! As part of our role, we have already participated in a Leadership Seminar and a Year Level Leader meeting. In our Leadership Seminar, we both adapted and developed our leadership skills through fun games and stories!

During the seminar we also got to build a relationship with fellow leaders from different Year levels, and with our co-leaders in Year 7. In our first Leadership meeting, we tried to find and resolve school issues, a main one being the cleanliness of our school bathrooms. To act and solve this issue, we have already made posters about keeping our bathrooms clean and have mentioned the bathrooms in whole school assemblies.

Additionally, with the help of the Year 7 Sub School leader, Mrs Joanne Thompson, Year 7 leaders and students have been going to different feeder primary schools, sharing our experience at Ave as Year 7s. This has been fun, and a fantastic way to improve our leadership skills, especially public speaking. We are having an amazing time here at Ave!”

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Director of Catholic Identity and Mission

Faith Formation Days

Our students participate with their year level in one Faith Formation Day each year. On Thursday, 4 May 2023, Year 11 students attended the Australian Catholic University for their Faith Formation Day. They heard from the inspirational Michelle Newland, whose story of recovery from a serious medical incident at age 19, is one of bravery and faithfulness to her values and belief. Our students heard from Sr. Therese Power from the organisation, ACRATH. She spoke of their work of raising awareness of the issue of human trafficking. She also works with individuals who have been rescued and are creating a new life for themselves. Many students were surprised to learn of the widespread nature of this problem The day concluded with a student led liturgy

Our Year 7 students attended their Faith Formation Day on Tuesday, 23 May 2023. They heard about the Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project, an organisation that works with individuals and families who have come to Australia, often escaping persecution, and are creating a new life for themselves in Australia. Students also learned about their house patrons and created their own prayer beads. The day concluded with a liturgy in celebration of the day.

Mission Action Day

Our annual Mission Action Day walk will be held on Tuesday, 30 May 2023. This is an opportunity to raise awareness of and funds for our sister school, St. Maria Mazzarello in Venilale, Timor Leste. This school educates young women in the areas of food technology and hospitality.

This is an important whole school event and we are encouraging involvement of everyone in our community to get behind this opportunity to support those in need. All students are encouraged to raise sponsorship or make a donation. Donations can be made on the below Trybooking site. Trybooking: https://www.trybooking.com/CIDAH

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Director of Learning and Pathways

Careers Incursion

All Year 9 students participated in the Virtual Reality Careers Incursion. This experience transported individuals into a world of possibilities, allowing them to step into the shoes of various professionals through the power of Virtual Reality (VR) technology. The Virtual Reality Careers Incursion took advantage of this immersive technology to provide an unparalleled opportunity for individuals to explore and gain insights into diverse careers.

So, what exactly did the Virtual Reality Careers Incursion entail? Participants had access to a curated selection of career simulations, ranging from fields like engineering, medicine, architecture, journalism, and much more. With the help of high-quality VR headsets, users were transported into virtual environments that mimic real-world scenarios and challenges faced by professionals in each respective field.

Through interactive and hands-on experiences, users had the chance to engage in tasks and decision-making processes relevant to the chosen careers. Want to build a virtual skyscraper? Perform surgery in a virtual operating room? Or report on breaking news from the scene? The Virtual Reality Careers Incursion allowed individuals to do all this and more, gaining firsthand exposure to the realities of various professions.

This innovative approach to career exploration provided a safe and controlled environment for individuals to experiment and learn without real-world consequences. Mistakes made in VR can be valuable learning experiences, enhancing knowledge and skills while reducing potential risks. It encouraged individuals to step outside their comfort zones and explore careers they may have never considered before. It promotes curiosity, sparks creativity, and encourages a broader perspective on the world of work.

While the Virtual Reality Careers Incursion offers a remarkable experience, it is important to remember that this is one part of the career exploration process. It complements our programs, research, networking, and real-world experiences.

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General Achievement Test (GAT)

Please be advised of the following valuable information for the General Achievement Test taking place at Ave Maria College on Thursday, 15 June 2023. Students are expected to arrive at the College between 8:30am and 8:45am and proceed to Francis Hall.

The VCAA have also provided an information sheet regarding the GAT in 2023, which can be accessed here: 2023 GAT Student Brochure

There will be no scheduled VCE classes on this day. Therefore Year 11 and 12 students who are not undertaking a scored VCE Unit 3/4 study are not required to attend school on this day. Students must wear their school uniform and may bring into the GAT:

• a transparent drink bottle – unlabeled

• basic stationary including pens, pencils and eraser in a clear ziplocked bag

• an English and/or bilingual dictionary (no thesaurus included)

• A scientific calculator is permitted in both sections of the GAT

GAT Schedule: Thursday, 15 June 2023

Section A: 9.00am - 11.15am

Literacy and Numeracy

BREAK: 11.15am - 1.00pm (Students are not permitted to go offsite during the break).

The Helene Library and Helene Level 3 will be available to VCE students for rest and private study during this time. Students must line up outside Francis Hall at 1:00pm.

Section B: 1.15pm - 3.00pm

General knowledge and Skills

Semester One Examinations – Year 10 and 11

The College is conducting examinations for Year 10 and Year 11 students. Year 11 exams will commence on Wednesday, 7 June 2023 and conclude Wednesday, 14 June 2023. Year 10 exams will commence on Thursday, 8 June 2023 and conclude Thursday, 15 June 2023.

Examinations are compulsory for all Year 10 and 11 students. In relation to the examinations and how they will be conducted. Students should only be attending the College when they have examinations scheduled. They are permitted to study from home and are not required to remain onsite between examinations. Subject teachers will provide students with a revision guide for their use in preparing for the examinations.

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I would like to highlight that all students at Ave Maria College have access to the school’s Studiosity service for online study support. For those new to the system, our Studiosity service provides trusted, after-hours online study support for students in two ways:

• Writing Feedback: Students can upload any written draft and receive feedback that helps them think about and review their own work.

• Connect Live: Students can ask a question or draw a diagram and get immediate help via live chat with a qualified Subject Specialist, across all core subject areas.

All students have access to over 750 practice tests and downloadable worksheets with their accounts. These quizzes are available across English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and biology. If students require assistance setting this up, please see IT.

Director of Student Wellbeing

Visible Wellbeing: Positive Reinforcement

In taking a strength-based approach to the growth of young people, positive psychology encourages positive reinforcement to drive changes to behaviour. At Ave Maria College we affirm our students as the grow the Learner Attributes, we offer commendations, and we provide them with opportunities for responsibility as they demonstrate their maturity and commitment. Our focus is on positive relationships that look for the strengths in our young people. Parents can support this by also focusing on strengths and explicitly articulating those strengths. Often young people don’t know what their strengths are, and it is helpful for them to hear it from a range of sources. Examples of the strengths that we focus on are resilience, curiosity, confidence, respectfulness, critical thinking, independence, compassion for others, engagement, and a commitment to the College.

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Wellbeing Programs

We are running a range of programs this term to support our students in a range of areas:

• Years 9 to 12 will participate in workshops from Elevate Education. These workshops will focus on developing study skills and learning how to prepare for exams. This will help us tackle anxiety around workload, study and managing exams.

• Year 8 students will participate in a workshop by Toolbox Education focusing on mindset and the way we think about situations. This will help students question the way they approach conflict or challenging situations with friends.

• Year 9 and 10 students will participate in workshops presented by Elephant Education. Elephant Education supports the Respectful Relationships curriculum, and they will be tackling the issues around consent. A letter will be sent to parents to provide more details.

Our wellbeing program is designed to support the holistic growth of our students and develop their ability to engage fully in the learning experiences offered. We work in partnership with our families to create safe, nurturing environments that allow our students to grow their strengths and tackle their challenges with confidence and a strong sense of self.

60TH Anniversary Celebrations - 1980s and 1990s Dress up Day

A reminder that the College’s 1980s and 1990s dress up day is on Monday, 5 June 2023. Bring a gold coin donation and dress up in classic 80s or 90s style to continue the 60th anniversary celebrations.

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Careers Leader

National Careers Week

Last week we celebrated National Careers Week at Ave. Our theme was ‘Careers – Discover and Explore’. Our Year 11s attended the Victorian Careers Show at Melbourne Showgrounds, where they researched future careers and courses from over 70 exhibitors.

The aim of this week was for students to participate in positive career development activities and have career conversations at school and at home. The highlight of the week was the Ave Alumnae Careers Panel, where our Year 10, 11 and 12 students were inspired by the journeys of alumnae. from various graduating years, working in different industries and careers:

Monique Fatmous (Class of 2015) – Science Research, Murdoch Institute

Maggie Attalla – (Class of 2016) – Lawyer, ATB

Corrina Merolli (Class of 2018) – Management Consultant, Supply Chain and Operations, Ernst Young

Chantal Trimboli – (Class of 2004) – Event Manager/ TV industry, MCEC

Stephanie Morello (Class of 2008) - Merchandise Buyer, Witchery

Our whole school activities included:

• Daily quiz questions and prizes –Year 7, 8 and 9 students visited the Careers Centre to collect prizes

• Mentor Period Activities – interactive classes and using our Ave Careers website

• Subject Specific Careers – discussed in each subject


For the latest careers information, events and dates click here Topics this week:

• Early entry programs (open)

• ‘Focus On’ Melbourne University Seminars

• ADF Gap Year and Sponsorship – cyber security and computer science

• Australian Federal Police careers

• Astronomy and Astrophysics work experience

• UCAT – for 2024 entry medicine, closes soon

• Scholarship programs for high achievers and digital apprenticeship program

• National Youth Science Forum – applications now open

• The Santos Science Experience

• Victorian Indigenous Engineering Winter School

• Careers in Maths, IT and Sport

• Apprenticeships / traineeships

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Parent Access Module (PAM)

Click here to access the College Parent Access Module (PAM)


The SkoolBag App is the easiest way to keep up to date with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications.


CDF pay is an online payment platform families can use to pay for school services from your mobile, tablet or computer at any time.

Families can:

• place student online lunch orders.

• add funds to student accounts to be used for over the counter canteen purchases.

• add funds to student accounts to be used for Printing Credit.

College Calendar

Please refer to the College Calendar for all Upcoming Events and Dates of Importance. Click on the heading to take you to the Calendar.

Medical Management Plan

Families are reminded that any changes or updates to the medical management plan of students should be communicated to the College via email to the AMC Health Centre AMC.HealthServices@avemaria.vic.edu.au and updated by the parent/carer on PAM.

Community Announcement – School Drop off / Pick up

Drop off / pick up times are always busy. Please remember that road laws need to be always obeyed. Moonee Valley Council Officers regularly patrol the area around the College and will issue fines if they observe any breaches of the laws. Do not park on or near a school crossing. Do not double park and let your child out on the road. You cannot stay in the drop off / pick up zone for longer than two minutes. Your child needs to be waiting in the zone before you arrive. Fines for offences are;

• Stopping in a “No Stopping” area - $165.00

• Stopped in a Bus Zone - $99.00

• Parked for a period longer than indicated - $83.00

• Stopping on or near a children’s crossing - $165.00

• Stopped on a footpath - $99.00

• Stopped on or across a driveway or other way of access - $99.00

• Parked / stopped on a nature strip - $99.00

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