Ave Belong Edition 13, Winter 2024

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Message from the Principal

Dear Ave Community,

Welcome to the 13th edition of Ave Belong, our bi-annual community magazine which aims to highlight the talents and achievements of our College Community, both past and present.

Our College Community has had another busy but successful start to the 2024 College year. I commend our staff and students on their hard work and dedication to learning and teaching over the past semester and look forward to witnessing their continued growth as we enter the second half of the year.

In this edition, we will be reflecting on the highlights of Semester 1, 2024, including our House Carnivals, Mission Action Day and our camps program. We also take a closer look at some of the current learning opportunities that students have engaged in this semester including the College Production, the VCE Vocational Major program and the Italy International Learning Tour.

It is always a privilege to have our alumnae return to the College and we have been honoured to have welcomed Eloise Southby (Class of 1994) to speak at our Mother’s Day Breakfast and Emily Bock (2022 Dux Proximus) join us for our Careers Week panel. I would like to thank them both for their continued involvement in our College Community and willingness to share their journeys with our students.

Finally, in our profiles section we meet our Acting Assistant Principal (Community and Partnerships), Mrs Natalie Meddis and our 2024 College Co-Captains, Sienna Athaide and Charlotte Rowbottom.

May we continue to strive for truth through love.

Yours Faithfully, Tanya

House Swimming Carnival

On Thursday, 8 February the College enjoyed a wonderful day of swimming, house spirit and fun for our annual House Swimming Carnival at Oak Park Sports and Aquatic Centre.

The day was filled with house spirit as students participated in a variety of swimming races and novelty events to win points for their house. The always highly-anticipated Ave Sprint was won once again by Chiara Hutchinson (Year 12), taking out her fifth and final title for the event.

The overall 2024 House Champions were Clare House, claiming their third back-to-back Swimming Carnival victory. Congratulations to all students who participated on the day and to the Clare House Captains, Isabella Ewing and Beth Gollant for leading their house to victory!

House Athletics Carnival

Despite the cold weather, the 2024 House Athletics Carnival was another huge success on Monday, 29 April with some fantastic participation from our students at the Moonee Valley Athletics Track.

Students competed in track, field and novelty events to earn all-important points for their house. The Ave Sprint was won by our reigning champion, Georgia Benton (Year 10), who secured her third title this year.

Congratulations to Mary House for winning the Junior, Senior and overall house titles and Helene for winning the Intermediate division. Well done to all students who participated and to the Mary House Captains, Chiara Hutchinson and Sarah Gillard for helping their house secure the win!

Mission Action Day

On Friday, 19 April staff and students were involved in our annual Mission Action Day to raise awareness and funds for our sister school, St Maria Mazzarello in Venilale, Timor Leste – a school that educates young women, providing practical training in the areas of tourism and hospitality.

It was a wonderful afternoon which saw participants walking a lap around the Maribyrnong River with the support of the friends and families who donated to the cause.

Mission Action Day is a longstanding College tradition which allows students to reflect on their privileges and give generously to support girls’ education. Supporting the less fortunate is an important part of the Franciscan charism and so it is fantastic to see our students continuing this tradition of giving.

Mother’s Day Breakfast

On Thursday, 9 May the College was delighted to host our annual Mother’s Day Breakfast in Francis Hall to recognise and appreciate the special women in the lives of our students.

Students and their mothers and maternal figures enjoyed a delicious breakfast before being treated to a Q&A with Australian Netball Commentator, former Australian Diamonds Netballer and Ave Alumnae, Eloise Southby (Class of 1994). It was fantastic to hear Eloise speak about her illustrious career and the impact her Ave journey has had on her life.

We also enjoyed some fantastic performances from Alisa Villani, Isabella Matic (Year 11), and Amelie Schembri (Year 12). Thank you to all who helped make the day special for our mums and students.


After the success of our 2022 production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Ave Maria College is proud to be presenting Disney’s High School Musical: On Stage as the 2024 College Production.

Every two years, students are provided with the opportunity to showcase their talents and gifts in the performing arts, taking on not only acting roles but also learning the ropes of stage management, technical crew, choreography and costume production.

Ahead of their August production, Dance Ensemble member, Mia Reddie (Year 9), provided some insights into the process of rehearsing for such a large-scale production.

Tell me about bit about your role. What was the process for getting into this position and what part do you play?

In the 2024 College Production I have the honour of being a dancer/cheerleader! As a part of this role, I get to live out the dream I had as a little girl, to dance and be as cool as the cheerleaders I had seen on TV! To get this role I went through a tough audition process. First, we had to showcase our technique and then learn one of the numbers in the show. I absolutely love getting into character and I am so grateful to be a part of such a great team!

What does the rehearsal process look like for you?

During rehearsals, I am learning lots of songs and choreography. We also have lots of background acting and have to think about how we can show the emotion of the character in our dancing. We then put this all together to whip up a magical show! We have weekly rehearsals and put hard work into perfecting each number. Each rehearsal is so much fun and watching the musical come to life has been a joy.

What do you find most challenging about being involved in a show as big as this?

The most challenging part of being involved in a show of this magnitude is certainly the commitment – but I wouldn’t give it up for anything! The commitment is also part of the fun. I’ve been dancing most of my life, so I live for the chaos that performing brings! For me, dance is like drinking coffee; I can’t live without it, and it makes me so happy!

How does this show compare to other shows you have been involved in?

To be honest, this show is nothing like others I have been in. From being a dancer in the 2022 production, Beauty and the Beast, I can certainly say Ave likes to put on a big show! Seeing the collaboration, talent and hard work turn into a pure spectacle is remarkable. Our shows are on another level, we put so much time and effort into putting on an entertaining show. It truly is special to be a part of!

What is your favourite part of the production process?

My favourite part of the production process is the performance week! I love when all the adrenaline and excitement of performing kicks in. The late nights and long rehearsals are tough but so much fun as we finally see all of our hard work and effort turn into something spectacular. I am so excited to present the show and share it with everyone. The experience has been truly extraordinary and will stay with me!

Is there a particular moment in the show that you are looking forward to sharing with the audience?

I am so excited to showcase ‘Wildcat Cheer’, the opening number! As cheerleaders, this is a really big and special number for us and I am so excited for the audience to see it. I am also really excited for the other big group numbers. The stage really comes to life when everyone is on and looks amazing!

Tickets will go on sale early Term 3 so keep an eye on our socials to secure your seat to support our talented young performers.

Vocational Major

At Ave Maria College, we are dedicated to diversifying our learning opportunities and pathways to ensure that every student has a pathway to success. Working closely with families and students to address specific interests, needs, and capabilities, we have developed a series of bespoke senior learning pathways that enable students to pursue their post-secondary goals.

In 2024, the College’s first cohort of VCE Vocational Major students will be graduating having undertaken a two-year program tailored to their post-secondary goals. Through consultation with the College’s Careers team, students elect to complete work placements, TAFE and/or VET courses to provide them with training and experience for the career of their choice.

Georgie is one of our upcoming graduates from the Vocational Major program. With an interest in business and hairdressing, Georgie is currently completing a work placement at a local salon a couple of days a week and VET Business when she is at school. “I do a lot of cleaning and I help the hairdressers by washing their clients’ hair… I also answer the phones and make customer bookings when needed. The other employees always appreciate my hard work and give me positive feedback,” she said.

For Georgie, the ability to gain industry experience before graduation has been invaluable to her post-graduation goals. “I want to get a head start in the work force and learn the things they don’t usually teach you in school,” she said. Upon graduation at the end of the year she hopes to be able to enter the workforce and work towards owning her own business one day.

While the College offers a range of VET courses including Business, Allied Health, and Sport and Recreation for students to complete on campus, our Vocational Major team also works closely with students to curate a learning and training pathway to suit interests beyond these fields at TAFE.

Olivia is one such student and is currently completing a Certificate 3 & 4 at TAFE in musical instrument making and

maintenance. Enjoying a more hands-on approach to learning, she has transitioned well into the smaller workshop environment of TAFE. She is particularly enjoying operating the machinery involved in the maintenance process.

Olivia hopes to one day become an instrument technician and is already putting her learning into practice through her work placement at a music store. “I find it very rewarding when I get to see a finished product that I have worked on and to hear it play just as well as a brand-new instrument,” she said.

As a non-ATAR based pathway, Vocational Major allows students to engage and demonstrate their skills and capabilities in different ways that suits their learning style. This was a significant factor in Emilia’s decision to choose theVocational Major pathway. “It was the right decision for me,” Emilia said.

Emilia is completing a VET course in Allied Health. “My favourite part is how hands on it is, and how they really set you up for the real world. In Term 1, I had work placement at an aged care home which I enjoyed very much as this is the career pathway I want to take,” she said.

Although VET, TAFE and Work Experience make up a large component of the course, Vocational Major students are still required to complete four core subjects to satisfy the requirements of VCE. These subjects also have an applied learning focus, often providing students with the opportunity to learn beyond the classroom and gain valuable experience for their chosen post-secondary pathway.

Last year, students built intergenerational relationships with our neighbours at Ryman Healthcare’s Raelene Boyle Retirement Village as part of their Personal Development Skills class. Every Thursday morning in Term 3 and 4, students visited the retirement village to participate in activities such as gardening and arts which allowed them to build meaningful connections with the residents. This year, they will be continuing these relationships as well as forging new ones with our littlest neighbours at Our Lady of the Nativity Primary School.

As the College continues to build the Vocational Major program and other alternative pathway programs, we look forward to empowering more students to choose the pathway which will lead them to success and career fulfilment.

Italy InternationalLearning Tour

After a 5 year hiatus due to COVID, Ave Maria College is proud to have relaunched its International Learning Tours program with its Italy Language and Culture program during the Easter Holidays. In the early hours of the 23 March, twenty-one students and four staff members left Melbourne, bound for Rome, Italy for a 21-day cultural emersion experience.

As a College, we are incredibly excited to be able to once again offer our International Learning Tour programs to our students as they provide invaluable experiences to grow and acquire knowledge, skills and understanding beyond the boundaries of the classroom.

During their time in Italy, students visited 7 major cities and had the opportunity to further their Italian language skills, engage in culinary and art classes and deepen their connection with the Franciscan charism.

On their return, our students reflected on some of the highlights of their journey.


In Rome, we travelled through history at the Colosseum, unleashed our inner gladiators, and marvelled at St. Peter’s Basilica. Amidst ancient wonders, we devoured Rome’s delightful flavours and wandered through the enchanting streets. Our finale, crafting our own pizzas, sealing our Italian escapade with cheesy goodness!


Lemon was the flavour of Sorrento. We made gelato, sipped on granitas and shopped up a storm in lemon lane.

Our 10km hike along the Path of the Gods was soured by the fog and 1000 steps, but as we approached Positano the sweet views made every step worthwhile.

A boat trip around the Isle of Capri was breathtaking. Exploring the archaeological sites of Herculaneum and Pompeii gave us many insights into the Neapolitan coastline.


Over the Easter Holiday weekend, we spent four days in the beautiful city of Orvieto at San Ludovico Monastery.

Here we studied language or art history and learnt valuable skills to use during our travels.

A common theme of our tour has been, what goes down must go up, and once again we descended many steps to explore the underground caves and St Patrick’s Well.

We also journeyed into the surrounding area with a visit to Lago Di Bolsena and a quick stop at the exclusive town Civita, home to only 11 people and where Harry Styles holidays.

On the third night we enjoyed a cooking lesson where we made pasta from scratch and got the choice of hand cutting our fettuccine or using a vintage machine. After our hard work we were able to enjoy freshly made pasta with a ragù sauce. Yum!

On our last day in Orvieto, our teachers took us to see the Duomo and we learnt about the magnificent artworks and details and had the rare opportunity to see a relic on display.

Orvieto was beautiful and we all enjoyed our stay.


During our time in Assisi, we explored many sacred locations connected to our patron saints, Francis and Claire.

Saint Mary of the Angels is built over a tiny church where St Francis founded his order.

We admired the beautiful frescoes in the Basilicas of Santa Chiara and San Francesco.

We also visited San Damiano Sanctuary and Eremo Delle Carceri on the slopes of Mount Subasio. Both places provided Francis and Claire space for prayer and contemplation.

Finally, on our way to Florence we made a stop in La Verna, where St Francis received a gift from God.

We all enjoyed exploring Assisi and connecting with our Franciscan roots.

A similar language and culture program will be run in July for students to visit Indonesia.

Year 7 Camp

Year 7 Camp was very fun! It provided us with an amazing opportunity to make new friends and participate in many different fun activities including canoeing, rock climbing and archery. I really loved getting to know my Peer Support Group and Mentors Teachers better and working together to perform a dance in front of the other Year 7 students. The wildlife show was also another highlight as some of us got to hold a snake! We all made some great memories which we will remember!

Year 9 Camp

Year 9 Camp was a memorable, special, and exhilarating experience. Something that will stay with each of us for years to come. We were presented with unique experiences that challenged us, encouraged us to face our fears, work together and have so much fun! A highlight for many of us was the giant swing – the biggest in Victoria! The experience brought about lots of screams, squeals but also lots of joy as we were hauled up to the height of our choosing with a partner before experiencing the sudden, petrifying yet so thrilling drop!

We also put our teamwork skills to the test when we competed in our activity groups to complete a gruelling but awesome ‘monster course’. Overall, the experience was unforgettable (despite the cold!), allowing us to create so many beautiful memories that we will all look back on.

Year 12 Retreat

At the beginning of the year, the Year 12 cohort attended Retreat. We spent two nights and three days surrounded by beautiful fields and horses in Blampied. My favourite and most memorable activity was receiving back the letters we had written in Year 9 to our Year 12 selves. It was so special to read all about our former worries, friendships, and dreams for the future. This session was filled with lot of laugher, tears, and nostalgia.

Sienna Athaide College Co-Captain

Meet our Leaders

Tell us a little about yourself! What are your hobbies and interests?

Sienna: I am the youngest of 6 children and grew up in a half Italian and half Indian household. I have been training in Shotokan Karate for the past 12 years and was recently graded to my black belt by the current head of the Shotokan KarateDo International Federation. I am a massive movie buff. I love to watch, analyse, and research anything to do with films, especially when it comes to the psychological thriller genre. I love nothing more than cosying up on the couch on a Saturday night to rewatch my favourite movies.

Charlotte: I love to be active, whether that be training in the gym or taking my dog, Harvey, for walks. I also enjoy tennis which I have loved playing for over 12 years. I love swimming at the beach and have recently started paddle boarding, which is more challenging than it looks! A passionate Essendon supporter, I love going to the footy and barracking for the mighty Bombers.

What inspired you to apply for this leadership role?

Sienna: The feminine role models in my life, particularly my four older sisters, have been instrumental in inspiring me to seek leadership opportunities. Three of my sisters attended Ave Maria College. Two were also College Captains and the other one was a House Leader back when Clare was known as Bonnie house. This means the Athaide family has been a part of the Ave community for the past 22 years. Each of my sisters unwavering commitment to making a difference has ultimately inspired me to follow in their footsteps and strive to create positive change.

Charlotte: I have always been incredibly proud to be an Ave girl and admired the feeling of community fostered by the Year 12 leadership teams before me. I applied for the role of College

Co-captain because I wanted to create meaningful change and give back to the community which has provided me with so many opportunities.

What initiatives are you excited to implement in your role?

Sienna: I applied for this position in the hope of implementing initiatives regarding adolescent mental health. Charlotte and I are currently in the process of planning projects involving exercise, creativity, skills of logic and mindfulness to engage all types of students, regardless of their abilities and interest. We aim to create a more compassionate environment which encourages support seeking behaviour.

Charlotte: I am excited to implement various initiatives at the College, hopefully seeking approval for a permanent work experience program for Year 9-11 students at the College. I will be working closely with my Co-Captain, Sienna, to integrate a mental health focus into semester two, to provide additional support and strategies to help students manage anxiety, stress, and navigate the pressurised environment of VCE.

What do you hope to do post-graduation?

Sienna: I still haven’t quite determined what pathway I’d like to pursue after high school. However, from as early as I can remember, I’ve always loved helping others and hoped to make a meaningful difference in the lives around me. This has been ingrained since childhood as both my parents work in the healthcare field. After the recent birth of my baby nephew, Matteo, I have been interested in midwifery. However, my love for helping people is matched equally with my love for creativity, which is why I would also love to explore a career in film production and media.

Charlotte: In harnessing my love of Literature and English at the College, post-graduation I am hoping to pursue tertiary studies in the field of Communications and Journalism.

Thank you for your time Sienna and Charlotte.


Meet the Teacher

After five years as Director of Student Wellbeing, Natalie Meddis has stepped into the role of Acting Assistant Principal (Community and Partnerships) for 2024. Natalie joined the College in 2019 after holding a number of positions at Caroline Chisholm Catholic College. She has a Master of Education from University of Melbourne and shares her passion for History and Politics through her teaching of VCE History Revolutions and VCE Australian and Global Politics.

What do you do as Assistant Principal (Community and Partnerships)?

In my role I am privileged to create programs, opportunities and partnerships that allow our students to grow and thrive beyond the classroom. From our first interactions with prospective students in Grade 4 and 5 all the way to welcoming them back as alumnae for special events, I help to provide opportunities for our students engage in our community, supporting their holistic development. I particularly enjoy work closely with our families and broader community to develop meaningful and mutually beneficial partnerships that strengthen our community and support the unique talents of our students.

What inspired you to become a teacher?

After working in public relations early in my career, I was searching for something with meaning that would allow me to make a positive contribution. Teaching allowed me to bring together my love of history and culture with a sense of purpose and mission. From the start of my career, I have had a passion for understanding how individual students learn and progress. Teaching is ultimately a joyful experience, seeing the best in others and helping them be the best versions of themselves, as learners and as people of faith.

What is your favourite aspect of being a teacher?

My favourite aspect of teaching is helping students find joy in their learning. I love hearing their insights into our work and seeing them challenge themselves and grow in confidence. I see teaching as a collaborative, dynamic process and I take joy in working in partnership with students.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time I like to cook and to read. I love to bake bread and cook with my children. I also love reading nonfiction and listening to podcasts while I walk. I am involved in my local netball club and I love seeing our club growing in strength and offering opportunities to girls to empower themselves.

Thank you for your time Natalie.


Class of 2023 Post-secondary Studies

At Ave Maria College, we are proud to boast a diversity of subject offerings and pathways which are individually tailored to their skills, interests, and aspirations of our students. As a result, our graduates have access to a wide variety of tertiary study, apprenticeship and employment opportunities that allow them to pursue their true passions.

As a College, we are incredibly proud of the results the Class of 2023 achieved last year in their Senior Studies and are pleased to see them settling nicely into their post-secondary pathway of choice. 96% of this cohort have gone on to tertiary studies across 80 different courses and 8 leading Victorian universities.

We wish the Class of 2023 all the best and look forward to seeing them at our One Year On reunion in October.

Post-Secondary Studies (Disciplines)

To read more on the results and pathways of the Class of 2023

Careers Week 2024

As part of National Careers Week (13 – 19 May), Year 10 – 12 students participated in a range of activities to get them thinking about their future careers.

Our guest speakers provided insights into a variety of postsecondary career pathways for our students to consider including:

• A STEM Careers presentation

• Health, Business and Law workshops run by Victoria University

• Presentations from VET Champions, Hannah Valenti (Youth Worker) and Ashley Belteky (Diesel Motor Mechanic)

We were also privileged to welcome back, Emily Bock (2022 Dux Proximus) who spoke on her university experience studying Biomedicine.

We thank all of our presenters for their time coming to speak to our senior students and for inspiring them to continue to pursue their career goals.

“Living true to our purpose and interests within our careers fosters the grit and courage needed for us to thrive! Exploration is the best way to find these careers, and you’ve got nothing to lose by signing up for work experience and having a go!”

– Ashley Belteky

Alumnae Profile: Healthcare

How would you describe your path after graduating from the College?

After graduating from Ave in 2022, I went straight into study but still had some uncertainties about if this was the right course for me. The first year out of high school came with a lot of learning about myself, my values, and the person I want to be. I worked through it and am now in my second year and am passionate about my studies. I try to take all the opportunities that life gives to me as they come, whether they are academic, travel or work-related!

What inspired you to pursue a career in Biomedicine?

I am inspired to pursue a career in the healthcare industry as my Mum is a nurse and I admire the responsibility that comes with looking after people who are in vulnerable positions trying to restore their health. A passion for taking care of

Thank you for your time Emily.

people aligned well with my interests in Science and Maths so Biomedicine seemed like a good choice.

How do you look back on your time at the College?

Looking back at my time at the College I have lots of fond memories. I made lifelong friends at Ave and was taught by great teachers who I’ll never forget. My time at Ave showed me how much I can achieve if I believed I could.

What advice do you have for current Ave students as they plan for their future?

I strongly encourage current Ave students to seek out information about pathways which relate to what they enjoy and what they are good at. But more importantly, be sure to back yourself, you are only capable of how much you think you can achieve.

Art and Design


‘Fireworks’ is Mooney Valley City Council’s annual art and design competition for students living and studying in the Mooney Valley area. Exhibited at Incinerator Gallery in December 2023, two Ave students were selected and awarded for their work in VCE Art Making and Exhibiting and Product Design and Technology last year.

Alex Rivette’s mixed media artwork entitled ‘2023’ was awarded the Mayoral Award for Excellence in Art and the Fireworks People’s Choice Award.

Mia Chindamo’s full length jumpsuit, ‘70’s Disco Reborn’ was awarded the Mayoral Award for Excellence in Design.

The College congratulates Alex and Mia for their achievement.

Top Design

Top Design is part of the VCE Season of Excellence showcasing outstanding student works from their VCE and VET studies. This year, only 92 works were selected for the exhibition from over 1,000 applications. We congratulate Katelyn Hon for being selected to exhibit her production work and garment ‘Less is More’ as part of the 2024 exhibition at the Melbourne Museum.

Mia Chindamo Winner Mayoral Award for Excellence in Design
Alex Rivette Winner Mayoral Award for Excellence in Art


Term Three Dates 2024

Monday, 15 July 2024 – Friday, 19 September 2024

Term Four Dates 2024

Monday, 7 October 2024 – Thursday, 28 November 2024 (Year 10 and 11 students)

Monday, 7 October 2024 – Thursday, 5 December 2024 (Year 7, 8, and 9 students)

One Year On

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Arts and Technology Festival

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

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For all alumnae enquiries please email alumnae@avemaria.vic.edu.au

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